157 Lake Shore Road | Grosse Pointe Farms, Michigan 48236 | 313.885.8855 | September 13, 2020 Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time THINGS ABOVE FROM FR. BILOT “St. Paul on the Lake Catholic Church is dedicated to forming joyful missionary disciples of Jesus Christ.” (New Parish Mission Statement  August 2020)   When we are caught in the routine of life we don’t always reflect on the what or why of our doings. A married couple falls into a routine and live the life they grew accustomed to until something shatters the routine and makes them stop and assess why and how they are living the Sacrament of Marriage. As a priest, I can get caught in the daily routine of the priestly lifeawaking to pray a Holy Hour, celebrating mass, heading to the parish office and engaging in the ministry entrusted to my care. This can become routine for me as well, despite the fact that each day unfolds differently. In general, the routine can subtly move us away from the healthy and holy aspects of our lives, our vocation. For myself, a call from the asking me to change assignments or a tragedy in the parish community can awaken me from the routine and help restore our focus, our mission as disciples of Jesus Christ.    Routine is not a bad thing. The rituals in the Catholic Church, like the celebration of the Holy Mass, is there to create a stability, a comfort and a venue for the Holy Spirit to enter deeply into our hearts. The ritual helps to settle our body, mind and spirit so we can become attentive to Jesus’s Spirit in our being. We must be aware always because our routine or ritual can make us comfortable to the point that we know what happens next (like the parts of the Mass) and we start daydreaming. We must be careful not to become distracted. When we become distracted, disconnected, we lose sight of the why M the mission.   On August 31/September 1, we were blessed to have Robert Fisher (Monday) and Bishop (Tuesday) celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation within Mass. The Confirmati, the sponsors and the parents and siblings knew the ritual of the Mass; the unknown was the conferral of the Sacrament of Confirmation. This unknown created an excitement, a nervousness, and drew attention to the Confirmati, which caused an unsettled feeling in their being. Something was going to happen and they didn’t know what to expect, how to respond, or on a spiritual level what to do.    Yet within the ritual of the Sacrament of Confirmation stability is present amidst the excitement. The Confirmati were familiar with the church building, what to say and what to do (because of the practice). The unknown is what Jesus was going to do to their soul. For these young women and men, their soul, their essence, their being was ontologically changed. Their soul was configured in a deep and profound way to the Spirit of Jesus Christ. Our newly Confirmed are now empowered in a very deep and unknown way to be joyful missionary disciples of Jesus Christ.    To tap into the graces received in the Sacrament of Confirmation (the benefits, the power, the mercy and unconditional love of Jesus Christ), they need to be in constant watch for the promptings of the Holy Spirit. Like the watchmen in the days of the Old Testament, who announced to the King if an enemy was approaching or a friendly messenger was bringing good news. Like the Watchman of old, the Confirmati need to be on the lookout for what is on the horizon. As a joyful missionary disciple, our Confirmati, and all of us within the Catholic Church, we need to be able to bring good news to Jesus. How do we do this?   Joy is a fruit of the Holy Spirit (given to us in the Sacrament of Confirmation). Joy is an effect of love (love is willing the good of the other M St. Thomas Aquinas.) Since we are unable to contain our love, we desire to share it through our compassion, mercy and forgiveness. We model joy because we have lived love. Thus the love shown and lived reflects our configuration to Jesus Christ.    True love that takes us out of ourselves, will be filled with sacrifice, suffering and excitement (like the life of Jesus.) In order for us to love like Jesus, because we are his disciples, we need power. It cannot be human power. It needs to be the power of the Holy Spirit. The power comes through the Sacrament of Confirmation. Confirmation configures our soul to tap into the gifts of the Holy Spirit: Wisdom, Understanding, Right Judgement, Knowledge, Courage, Reverence, and Wonder and Awe. Through prayer we ask the Holy Spirit to “fire up” these gifts so that we indeed will to love. In turn, in love, we become joyful missionary disciples of Jesus Christ. St. Paul Parish will be a fire in the community if we all pray and use the Holy Spirit to bring good news to Jesus Christ. Watch and respond, using the Holy Spirit as your guide.  Peace, Fr. Jim Bilot

 WEEKEND MASS CHANGES Saturday R 4:30pm (outdoor)  Sunday R 7:00am, 8:30am, 10:00am (outdoor), and 12:00noon ADORATION HAS RESUMED ON TUESDAYS Please see page 7 for details and  Page 3 for a special message from Fr. Colin


(Fr.) Colin’s Column  An introduction to  inspirational information Special Edition!  In this column I intend to offer some suggestions for what to do in Eucharistic Adoration.   1. Being with the Lord is the primary goal here. The Apostles were with the Lord constantly and learned from Him by being with Him. Our culture tells us to keep on ‘doing’ but we first need to recognize that our ‘being’ is good. This can include resting with the Lord!  2. Honestly sharing with Jesus and attentively listening to Him… the A RRR method. This stands for Acknowledge, Relate, Receive, Respond. It is taught to seminarians and you can find information about it online.   a. Acknowledge = being honest and aware about what is happening in your heart; Tired? Frustrated? Joyful?  b. Relate = express your acknowledgement to God. Lord, I am too tired to pray! c. Receive = Listen to God’s response about what you related. This takes quite within yourself and a calming of distraction … good to do at the beginning. d. Respond = Thanksgiving to God? Action? Surrender? Journaling?  3. Spiritual reading. Perhaps the Bible, work of a saint, or a book on doctrine.  4. Rosary. Then you are with Jesus and Mary! St Padre Pio called the Rosary the weapon for these times.  5. Examen Prayer. St. Ignatius has a lot to say about this, but it is taking time to see how God worked in your day/ heart. Many times we see only frustrating things, but he encourages us to see the good.   6. Similar to the Examen = “Thoughtful Men and Women of God a Guide to Contemplative Prayer.” This is a method to review your life with God. Search the whole title online and you will get a free PDF 

3  Dispensaon from Mass extended unl Monday, November 23; Catholics obligated to connue keeping holy the Lord's Day

The Communicaons Department shares the following message from Father Stephen Pullis, Director of the Department of Evangelizaon and Missionary Discipleship and member of the liturgical team advising Archbishop Vigneron during the coronavirus pandemic:  In light of the connued spread of the coronavirus in southeast Michigan and the impossibility for parishes to safely accommodate all Catholics for Mass on Sundays, Archbishop Vigneron has extendedthe dispensaon from the obligaon to aend Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligaon for all the faithful in the Archdiocese of , as well as for all travelers during their me within the territory of the Archdiocese of Detroit, unl Monday, November 23, 2020.   While the dispensaon from the grave obligaon to aend Sunday Mass is in effect, all bapzed Catholics are reminded of the grave necessity they have to keep holy the Lord’s Day. Archbishop Vigneron wrote a pastoral note entled “The Day of the Lord” lile more than one year ago calling to mind this important spiritual obligaon. As the day of the Resurrecon of our Lord, Chrisans from the earliest days set Sunday apart as a day unlike others. When it is not possible to parcipate in person in the Sacrifice of the Mass, it is vitally important for every member of the Catholic Church to nourish his or her soul during these days. This means culvang a prayer life in their homes, reading Sacred Scripture T especially the prescribed readings for the Sunday Mass T and making Christ the center of one’s home and being his disciple the central identy of one’s life. It also means connuing to understand Sunday as a day set apart for the Lord. This means acvies on Sunday should be different from the pursuits of the rest of the week. Prayer and me for God, me for family, and works of charity should be central to a Catholic’s Sunday.

 The obligaon to aend Mass (when not dispensed) on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligaon is a grave call for us who have been incorporated into Christ by our bapsm to share in the sacrifice of Christ to the Father. It is an obligaon that we worship God in a way far superior to our most creave and ingenious efforts because it is not our work but Christ’s. Therefore, we enter into the work of Christ (as members of his body) and we share in the graces of this sacrificial worship. While the dispensaon remains in effect, it is imperave that we remember what awesomeness it is to parcipate at Mass, parcularly in receiving Christ in the Holy Eucharist. To lose the centrality of the Mass in our lives would be a spiritual tragedy.   A general dispensaon to all the faithful has been given so as not to unduly bind the consciences of those who are greatly troubled by the destrucve potency of the coronavirus as well as to care for the most vulnerable among us.Catholics who engage in other acvies that would present a similar or greater risk of contaminaon (eang out at restaurants, traveling, nonRessenal shopping, widening one’s circle of contacts, etc.)should begin to return to Sunday Mass as they are able.While one does not commit a mortal sin by absenng one’s self during these days due to the dispensaon, one would be deprived of the immeasurable spiritual graces Christ desires for his faithful when they acvely parcipate in the Mass.   Archbishop Vigneron and his advisors will connue to monitor and adjust this dispensaon as needed for the spiritual and physical health of Catholics in southeast Michigan. Let us connue to invoke our patroness St. Anne for her protecon of the faithful in the Archdiocese of Detroit and for a swi end to the coronavirus pandemic.


 St. Paul on the Lake Mass Schedule (Beginning September 1, 2020)  Monday R Friday 6:30am and 8:15am Saturday 8:15am  Saturday 4:30pm (outdoor)  Sunday 7:00am, 8:30am,  10:00am (outdoor), and 12:00noon  Follow the CovidR19 direcves posted upon entry to Church.  Bring your lawn chairs or blankets for outdoor Masses.   Outdoor Masses will be moved inside for inclement weather.


        “By our baptism, we are members of Christ’s  body and sharers in his mission. Imitating Christ, we must care for all members of our We are live streaming Mass. communities, honoring each person as unique, sacred, and created in the image of God.” Schedule and live links  USCCB, “Open Wide Our Hearts”   are available at For solidarity and peace in our global human or  family: that we may work together to protect the lives of those who are most vulnerable; our Facebook page. We pray to the Lord.




Eucharistic Adoration

Tuesdays - 8:45am - 7:00pm

Confessions - 6:30pm - 7:00pm

“A thousand years of enjoying human glory is not worth even an hour spent in sweetly communing with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament.” M St. Padre Pio  If you were to be asked what is the greatest of all the moral virtues, would you have guessed “worship”? Perhaps you were thinking faith, hope, or love? Actually the Church teaches that these three virtues are “theological virtues”. This is because they are gifts from God instilled within us at our baptism, to which we respond throughout our Christian lives. But in terms of moral virtues, the Church teaches that the greatest is worship.  Huh? Worship is a virtue? Indeed! The Church teaches us that the greatest moral virtue is the virtue of religion, or worship, whereby we give God what he is due. And what is God due? Well, everything of course, since we owe God our very existence and our every breath. But in particular, God deserves our worship, our praise, our thanks, and our adoration. It is true that we honor and venerate Mary, all the saints and angels, and all the heroes of our faith. But we truly worship, or adore, God and God alone.   We may worship God interiorly, in our hearts and prayers. But the highest form of worship is public worship in the form of the Sacred Liturgy…the Holy Mass…the Eucharist. Why? Because at Mass, together with the priest who stands in the person of Jesus, we join our prayers of thanks and praise to our Heavenly Father. With these prayers, it is Jesus himself whose sacrifice on the cross is made present on the altar. At Mass we join our hearts with each other as members of the Body of Christ, offering our very lives and persons in unison, in thanksgiving for the redemption won for us by Jesus. And at Mass we are given the unthinkable honor of literally becoming one with Jesus, in consuming his Body and Blood in Holy Communion. This is why the Second Vatican Council says that “the liturgy is the summit toward which the activity of the Church is directed…and the font from which all her power flows” (SC 11). Why is the Sacred Liturgy so powerful? Because in the Eucharist, “the whole Christ…body, blood, soul, and divinity…is truly, really and substantially present” (CCC 1374).   It is important to remember that the Liturgy is not primarily about us. The Liturgy is first and foremost about what God has done for us. And the most fitting response that we can give to God for what he has done is to give him our highest praise and thanks.   Just before the Eucharistic Prayer at Mass, the celebrant prays, “It is truly right and just, our duty and our salvation, always and everywhere to give you thanks, Lord, holy Father, almighty and eternal God.” Eucharistic Adoration and Eucharistic Exposition are then beautiful opportunities to offer this same adoration “always and everywhere”, even outside the context of Mass. Eucharistic adoration is prayer before the Eucharist housed within the tabernacle. Eucharistic exposition, on the other hand, is the ritual by which the Blessed Sacrament is displayed outside of the tabernacle in a monstrance for the purpose of public veneration by the faithful.  God is complete in Himself. He lacks nothing. And so we worship and adore God not for His sake, but for ours. The worship of the Holy Eucharist outside of Mass is a priceless treasure, and an inexhaustible source of holiness. Saint Pope John Paul II says that "our communal worship at Mass must go together with our personal worship of Jesus in Eucharistic adoration in order that our love may be complete." By not only celebrating the Eucharist at Mass, but also in praying before it outside of Mass, we are able to connect on a deeply personal level with the Lord, who is the wellspring of all grace and holiness.  As Christ suffers his agony in the garden the night before his crucifixion, he turns to his disciples who have fallen asleep and asks, “Could you not keep watch one hour with me?” (Mt. 24:10). What will your response be? Will you keep watch with the Lord? For in the appearance of bread and wine, He is truly hidden there in the Eucharist…waiting for you…thirsting for you…and longing for your love. “When you look at the crucifix, you understand how much Jesus loved you then. When you look at the Sacred Host, you understand how much Jesus loves you now”. M St. Teresa of Calcutta 7 

  KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS  BOTTLE AND  CAN DRIVE   FOR SEMINARIANS    Next collection on     September 1213   Monthly collection of  IF you have changed your  refundable bottles and cans  EMAIL address….. Sponsored by: IF you have not been receiving St. Paul Knights of Columbus Altar Society news…..   For seminarians  Please SEND AN EMAIL to the Second full weekend of each month Membership Chair, Amy  Truck with banner in parking lot  Murphy, at [email protected] near rectory or call at 3138851761.

 Hello Saint Paul Parish,  My name is Quinn Johnson and I am a Boy Scout with Troop 6100 of St. Paul on the Lake. I am working to achieve my Eagle rank, the highest rank in Boy Scouts. A lot of people believe the Boy Scouts is all about camping and doing things outdoors. What I have learned is Boy Scouts is really about learning how to be a servant leader. That is why one of the most important requirements to earn Eagle is to lead a project where a Scout can demonstrate the leadership skills they have learned.  The Eagle Project should also give back to the community because they helped get the scout to where they are. I decided that I should do something for Saint Paul Church. The parish members have really supported Troop 6100 by donating lots of time and money to make the Troop what it is today, and helped get me to where I am. So I wanted to show my appreciation and give back to you.  Father Jim and I worked together to find a need St. Paul had. It was agreed a new Crèche was a great project as the current one is getting old and needing repairs. So I created a design and built a model to show what it would look like. I am happy to say Fr. Jim approved it, along with our Scout Council. I am now getting ready to move forward with the Crèche project.It will be ready for Christmas 2020.  Some people have already said they would like to donate to this project. If you would like to, please contact the Church as they will be collecting the funds.  Yours in Scouting Quinn Johnson, Troop 6100

8  Do you know a family that serves as a model of Catholic Family


 Each month, the council Family of the Month committee selects one parish family that models Christian family values and visibly lives them every day. Once a year, each participating council also selects one of the previous twelve Family of the Month winners to represent the council/parish as the potential international Family of the Year. The Knights of Columbus Family of the Year is chosen by the Supreme Council and recognized each year at the annual Supreme Convention.  A Higher Purpose Promote and support the development of strong and vibrant families. Each council establishes a committee to recognize a deserving Family of the Month and Family of the Year with potential for recognition on the international level.  Factors Is the family tightknit? Does the family spend quality time together? Does the family attend weekly Mass together? Does the family pray together outside of Mass? Has the family made significant contributions to the parish and church community? Does the family serve as a model of Catholic family values?  If you would like to nominate a family please contact our Knights at [email protected]

 CYBER FOR SENIORS  Back in 2016, my sister and I started a volunteer program called Cyber for Seniors. We know how much the world has changed due to technology, and how confusing navigating these new programs are. My sister and I wanted to teach the elderly community how to properly use their phones, computers and tablets in order to become more connected with the world. I wanted to reach out to my fellow parishioners at St. Paul, especially during these times where we may not be able to meet face to face with our loved ones, it is important to stay in touch with them. I am more than happy to safely (wearing a mask) meet with anyone who needs my assistance.  Please contact me at (313)4344223, or via email: [email protected] if you have any questions or are interested in my services.  Hope Whitney


10  KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS ANNOUNCE  2020 SOCCER CHALLENGE!  All boys and girls ages 9 through 14 are invited to participate in the local level of competition for the 2020 Knights of Columbus Soccer Challenge. The local competition will be held on September 12th, 2020 at 9:00 a.m. on the St Paul's soccer field behind the school. In the event of inclement weather a rain date is set for September 19th (same time and location.)  The Knights of Columbus soccer challenge is sponsored annually, with winners progressing through local, district, and state competitions. international champions are announced by the Knights of Columbus international headquarters in New Haven, Connecticut, based on scores from the state level competitions. All boys and girls 9 to 14 years old are eligible to participate and will compete in their respective age divisions. All contestants on the local level are recognized for their participation in the event. Participants are required to furnish proof of age and written parental consent. Entry forms may be picked up in the school and parish offices or requested by email ([email protected]) for additional information contact the parish office.  the Knights of Columbus is an international Catholic family fraternal service organization with 1.8 million members in over 15,000 local councils. Last year, Knights donated 70 million volunteer hours and $170 million to charitable and benevolent causes sponsoring projects to benefit their church, communities, councils, Culture of Life, families and youth.


Please take this opportunity to discover the  vast library of videos, books, and audio recordings gifted to you at FORMED!

12  Improve your day with clips from the most dynamic and trusted figures in the Church today, sent right to your inbox!

13  Operation Outreach  St. Paul Parking Lot Pantry Thank you...Thank you!  Our efforts to serve and care for the homeless guests at the Center continue to surpass our expectations. Many members of our St. Paul Family have truly made a difference...even while volunteering from a distance!   Sharing a smile one meal at a time!  THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 24

    We have a dedicated team of drivers who will provide contact free porch pickup from your home on MONDAY mornings between 9:0010:15 am. Here is the current list of items needed:   Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches (individually packed in sealed Zip Lock bags, any type of bread or jelly, no cutting necessary)  Fresh bananas, oranges or Cuties (soft fruit is best)  Cases of bottled water (any individual sized bottles are welcome)  Individualsize cartons of organic white/chocolate milk (sold in 6, 12 or 24 count cases)  Individualsize bottles of orange juice   Individually wrapped SOFT granola bars or treats (i.e. Rice Krispie Treats, Hostess products, RAISINS ARE A FAVORITE, NO CHIPS PLEASE)  Homemade baked treats (i.e. cookies, brownies, Rice Krispie treats)  CLOTH protective masks  If you would like to participate in  Operation Outreach, please call or text  Tricia Kesteloot, parishioner at  (313) 5749619 or [email protected]  We are truly making a difference in  serving others from a distance! #hopeinharrowingtimes



Day Date Mass Time Intention Also to be Remembered

7:00 am Clergy Intentions 8:30 am Clergy Intentions Sunday September 13 10:00 am All St. Paul Parishioners Mary P. Veda Frank McHugh 12:00 noon By: Family Amada Ribay Taylor Haska 6:30 am September By: Haska Family Monday 14 8:15 am Robert Sonck

Donald Caulfield 6:30 am By: Wife Tuesday September 15 Rankin & Elaine Peck 8:15 am Patsye & Peter Kilbourn By: Peck Family Louis and Rosemarie 6:30 am Gabauer By: Family Wednesday September 16 Lara Michelle Rutan 8:15 am (15th Anniversary) By: Mom & Dad Joseph Bauer 6:30 am September By: Family Thursday 17 8:15 am Maurice Vanneste

Bill Kuypers 6:30 am By: Friends Friday September 18 Jim Weiss 8:15 am By; Ruth Mayhall Phyllis & Ken Bilot Theresa Dorricott 8:15 am (1 Year Anniversary) By: Mike and Kitty Knaus Joseph Leonard Saturday September 19 Joseph Warchol Nancy Pittel 4:30 pm By: Family William Lonam

7:00 am Clergy Intentions 8:30 am Clergy Intentions Sunday September 20 10:00 am All St. Paul Parishioners Jean Worzniak 12:00 noon Beverly Tanniar By: St. Paul Altar Society


Megan Baker, James O’Connell and Vincent Sceglio


THERE ARE MANY WAYS TO FOLLOW SUPPORT SERVICES ST. PAUL ON SOCIAL MEDIA Addiction Destroys lives and families! Community is a  Catholic faith-based approach to treatment. Call for help at 313.550.8107, 313-550-8106 or visit Stpaulonthelakecc  E.T.C. Eastside Take Control An Ecumenical Career Network Group. st.paul_onthe_lake Contact Susan Bristol (Lead Volunteer at  St. Paul) at [email protected]. StPaulontheLak1 Think you might be pregnant? Pregnancy Aid will help, call 313.882.1000. Hurting from an abortion experience? Contact Project Rachel Post Abortion Ministry, 888.722.4355. Are you caring for a loved one suffering from Alzheimer’s, dementia, or memory loss? CarePointe - Support Group for Caregivers can help. Join other caregivers to share experiences and gain support. CarePointe meets on the third Saturday of every month from 1:00pm- 2:30pm at Our Lady Star of the Sea. Information BANNS OF MARRIAGE Need somewhere to turn? Megan Bergeron and Steven Demers (III) National Domestic Violence Hotline: Madison Frame and Christopher McMillan (III) 800.799.7233. Michelle Reddy and Richard DeFauw (II) Mental Health Catherine Murray and Nathan Steinwascher (II) NAMI, The National Alliance on Mental Illness is the nation’s largest grassroots mental health organization dedicated to building better lives PRAY FOR OUR SICK for the millions of Americans affected by mental Payton Shock Marjorie Miller illness. Call Barb, 313-886-8004, for information on meetings in Grosse Pointe. Ted Kirles Peter Hanna FIND HELP IN A CRISIS: CALL THE NAMI HELP LINE AT 800-950-NAMI, EMAIL AT [email protected] OR PRAY FOR OUR MILITARY TEXT "NAMI" TO 74174. Matthew Allison Michael Mott Marriage Resources: Brian Boylea David Murray An initiative of the US Conference of Catholic with information and support relating to John Couzens Briana Carter-Murray dating and engaged couples, parenting and Matthew Forbes Amy Padesky the family, marriage (including troubled David Harris Andrew Paige marriages), and Marriage Resource Center. Drew Harris Brett Piche Ryan Hudson Alexander Raggio Reporting Sexual Abuse Alex Johansen Daniel J. Rader Inform the Archdiocese of Detroit regarding the sexual abuse of minors by priests, deacons, and Ryan Kirles Evan A. Scott other church personnel and/or to speak to the Mark Lepczyk Sean B. Scott Victim Assistance Coordinator, contact Maxwell Martinez Robert Skowronski 866.343.8055. This line is for reporting suspected Nicholas G. Mayer John P. Steinhauer sexual misconduct or child abuse within Timothy Moehring Daniel VanNatter archdiocesan institutions and ministries only. Megan Moehring Josh Weldon Persons with complaints not involving clergy or church personnel should refer to the Family members please call the Parish Office  archdiocesan web site at for at 313.885.8855 to update/confirm your service contact information for civil authorities. person’s military active status. 16  PARISH INFORMATION

PASTOR & CLERGY 313.885.8855 RELIGIOUS ED 313.885.7022 / Fax: 313.885.9316 Rev. James Bilot, Pastor Tricia Kesteloot, Coordinator, x122 Rev. Colin Fricke, Associate Pastor [email protected] [email protected] Katie Cook, Coordinator, x125 Rev. Thomas Slowinski, Associate Pastor [email protected] [email protected] Donna Peters, Secretary, x121 Rev. Mr. William Jamieson, Pastoral Associate [email protected] [email protected] MUSIC PARISH OFFICE 313.885.8855 Lawrence Przybysz, Director Office Hours [email protected] Monday - Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm (closed for lunch 12:30pm - 1:30pm) PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL Patrick Fabian, Business Manager, x146 Christian Service Bob Barrette [email protected] Faith Formation Josef Zehetmair Colleen Tolliver, Administrative Assistant, x151 Stewardship Robert Rizzo [email protected] Vicariate Brian Fromm Barb Stahl, Accounting Assistant, x148 Evangelization Anne Graves [email protected] Parish Member at Large Dr. Tom Knuth Fran Bauer, RCIA Coordinator, x157 [email protected] FINANCE COUNCIL Anne Graves, Evangelization Coordinator, x144 Chair Bob Hayes [email protected] Vice Chair Patrick Haddad Theresa Sommer, Funeral & Liturgical Coordinator, x149 [email protected] GROUPS AT ST. PAUL Cesare Donofrio, Facilities Manager, x118 Altar Society Patty Gmeiner [email protected] [email protected] NEW PARISHIONER REGISTRATION Catholic Men’s Fellowship Group Tom Graves [email protected] Please call/stop by the Parish Office or download the Eucharistic Minister Scheduler Susan Bristol form from Gardening Group David Calcaterra

SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY [email protected] Head Sacristan Elli Giordimaina Only registered parishioners may make arrangements Homeless Week Tom McCarren for weddings at least 6 months in advance to ensure [email protected] adequate preparation for the Sacrament of Marriage. Knights of Columbus 12121 Richard Sandifer Please call the Parish Office at 313-885-8855. [email protected] Life Issues Committee Marcia McBrien SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM [email protected] Baptism Preparation Classes are held the 3rd Sat of Parish Moms for questions or information email every month, from 9:00 am - 11:00 am in the Religious [email protected] Ed Library, in the school building, on the 2nd floor. Call Sacred Linens Coordinator Bev Ballew the Parish Office to register. Baptisms take place the St. Paul Athletic Club A.J. Hakim, Director 2nd & 4th Sundays of most months following the 12:00 [email protected] noon Mass. Call the Parish Office in advance. Jeff Cook, President [email protected] SCHOOL 313.885.3430 / Fax: 313.885.9357 St. Paul Educational Trust Kathleen Conway Tina Forsythe, Principal, x113 [email protected] [email protected] St. Paul Hospitality Josephine Pompeo Emily Coldicott, Assistant Principal, x112 [email protected] [email protected] St. Paul Lector Scheduler Mike Johnson Colleen Wilson, Administrative Assistant, x100 St. Paul Prayer Ministry [email protected] St. Paul Ushers Robert Rizzo [email protected] [email protected] Lynn O’Brien, Secretary, x111 St. Vincent de Paul Conference Mike Kozicki [email protected] [email protected] St. Paul Worship Liaison Theresa Sommer [email protected]

Remember to check out our website for more information!

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