Baking Problems Solved Related Titles

Steamed : Ingredients, Processing and Quality (ISBN: 978-0-08-100715-0) Cereal Grains, 2e (ISBN: 978-0-08-100719-8) Cereal Grains for the Food and Beverage Industries (ISBN: 978-0-85709-413-1) Baking Problems Solved

Second Edition

Stanley P. Cauvain Woodhead Publishing is an imprint of Elsevier The Officers’ Mess Business Centre, Royston Road, Duxford, CB22 4QH, United Kingdom 50 Hampshire Street, 5th Floor, Cambridge, MA 02139, United States The Boulevard, Langford Lane, Kidlington, OX5 1GB, United Kingdom

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Preface to the First Edition xxxi Preface to the Second Edition xxxiii Woodhead Publishing Series in Food Science, Technology and Nutrition xxxv

1. Introduction to problem solving techniques 1.1 How to problem solve 2 1.1.1 Low- volume 3 1.1.2 Keyholing 4 1.2 The record 6 1.3 The analysis 9 1.4 Modelling techniques 12 1.5 Matching patterns and visualising changes 14 1.6 The information sources 16 1.6.1 Personal 17 1.6.2 Written 17 1.6.3 Constructing knowledge trees and knowledge fragments 23 1.6.4 Knowledge (computer)-based systems 26 1.6.5 The ‘Web’ 27 1.7 New product development 27 1.7.1 Concept 28 1.7.2 Product development investigation prototype product 29 1.7.3 Scale-up to commercialisation assessment 30 1.7.4 Prototype trials on the plant 30 1.7.5 Pre-launch trials 30 1.7.6 Launch 30 1.7.7 On-going product maintenance/handover 31 1.8 Conclusions 31 References 31

2. Raw materials 2.1 Wheat and grains 33 2.1.1 Can you explain the functions of the different compo- nents in the wheat grain and, after milling, their contributions to the manufacture of baked products? 33 2.1.2 We understand that millers often use a mixture of different wheats to manufacture the flours that they supply to us. Can you explain why they do this? 36

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2.1.3 Why are there so many varieties of wheat and how are they classified? 37 2.1.4 We have heard several experienced bakers talking about the ‘new harvest effect’ and the problems that it can cause. Can you explain what is behind this phenomena and how we can mitigate its effects? 39 2.1.5 We are a bakery working with a local farmer and miller to produce a range of local breads and want to use some different varieties and forms of malted grains that we are producing. Can you advise us on any special issues that we should be aware of? 40 2.1.6 Can we mix oats or oat products with our wheat flours to make bakery products? If so, are there any special issues that we should be aware of? 41 2.1.7 What is micronized wheat? 42 2.2 Flours 43 2.2.1 Can you explain what the ash content means and should we ask for it to be determined on our flours? 43 2.2.2 What does the term grade colour figure mean in flour specifications? How is it measured? What are the implications for bread quality? 45 2.2.3 We have the water absorption capacity of our flour assessed regularly but find that this is different to the actual water level that we use in the bakery. What are the reasons for this difference and is it important for breadmaking? 47 2.2.4 What effects will variations in flour protein content have on baked product quality? How is the property measured? 50 2.2.5 There are many references to protein and gluten quality in the technical literature, how important are these properties for bread and other baked products? 52 2.2.6 I have seen that there are several different methods which can be used to assess flour protein quality, which one gives the most meaningful results? 53 2.2.7 We have been using a flour ‘fortified’ with dry gluten for breadmaking. The bread is satisfactory when made on a high-speed mixer but so less when we use a low-speed mixer. What is ‘dry gluten’ and can you explain why we get different results when we change mixers? 55 2.2.8 Why is the protein content of wholemeal bread flour typically higher than that of white flours but the bread volume is commonly smaller with the former? 56 2.2.9 We get a significant variation in the quality of our wholemeal bread and rolls depending on which flour Contents vii

we purchase. What characteristics should we look for in a wholemeal flour specification to get more consistent results? 57 2.2.10 What is the Falling Number of a flour, how is it measured and what values should we specify for our flour miller? 58 2.2.11 What is damaged starch in flour? How is it damaged and how is it measured? What is its importance in baking? 59 2.2.12 What characteristics should we specify for white bread flour and why? 61 2.2.13 As enzymes such as alpha-amylase are inactivated by heat during baking, is it possible to use heat treatment of flour to inactivate the enzymes in low Hagberg Falling Number flours before baking? 63 2.2.14 We are considering making traditional German-type rye breads and have researched the recipes and production methods. Do you have any suggestions as to what characteristics we should have in the rye flour? 64 2.2.15 We wish to add non-wheat fibres to some of our baked products to increase their healthiness. What fibres can we used, in what products and what potential technical problems should we be aware of? 65 2.2.16 Why is flour particle size important in cakemaking? 67 2.2.17 What is heat-treated flour and how can it be used? 68 2.2.18 What is chlorinated flour and how is it used? 69 2.2.19 What characteristics should we specify for cake flour? 71 2.2.20 We have had some wholemeal flour in stock for a while and noticed that it has passed its use by date. Can we still use it? And what are there any related issues with white flours? 72 2.2.21 What are the active components in self-raising flour? 73 2.2.22 We have changed suppliers of our self-raising flour and find that we are not achieving the same product volume as before. If we adjust the recipe by adding more baking powder we, find that the products tend towards collapse. Can you explain why and how do we overcome the problems? 74 2.2.23 What are ‘organic’ flours, how do they differ from other flours and what will be the differences to the baked product? 75 2.2.24 What characteristics should we specify for our biscuit and cookie flours? 76 viii Contents

2.3 Fats 77 2.3.1 What are the critical properties of fats for making bread, cakes and pastries? 77 2.3.2 Can you explain the different terms used to describe bakery fats? What are the functionalities of the different forms in baking? 79 2.3.3 Our bread doughs prove satisfactorily but they do not rise in the oven. On some occasions, they may even collapse and blisters form on the dough surface in the corners of the pans. What is the cause of these problems? 81 2.3.4 What is the role of fat in the manufacture of puff pastry? 83 2.3.5 Our puff pastry fails to rise sufficiently even though we believe that we are using the correct level of fat. Are we using the correct type of fat? 84 2.3.6 What is the role of fat in cakemaking? 85 2.3.7 We are making ‘all-butter’ cakes but find that after baking they lack volume and have a firm eating character. Why is this and is there any way to improve the cake quality? 86 2.3.8 We have been using oil in the production of our sponge cakes but we wish to change to using butter. Can you advise on how to do this? 87 2.3.9 We wish to produce a softer eating sponge cake and have been trying to add fat or oil but cannot get the quality we are seeking. Is the addition of fat to sponge batters possible and what do we need to do to achieve the quality we are seeking? 88 2.3.10 We want to make a range of bakery products using butter as the main or only fat in the recipe. Can you advise us of any special technical issues that we need to take into when using butter? 89 2.3.11 We are using butter in several of our bakery products which comes in chilled at about 4C (as cartons on pallets) and are encountering problems with variability in its processing. We recognise that is likely to be associated with the temperature of the butter when we are using it. What is the best way to treat the butter to get a more consistent performance? 90 2.3.12 We are seeking to reduce the level of fat that we use in some of our cake recipes but find that simply taking fat out adversely changes our product quality. What are the possibilities of using ‘fat replacers’ to help us with our strategy? 91 Contents ix

2.4 Sugars and sweeteners 93 2.4.1 What type of sugar (sucrose) should we use for the different products that we make in our bakery? 93 2.4.2 Can you explain some of the main features of alternative sugars to sucrose, and how they might be used in baking? 95 2.4.3 Why are sugars added to some bread recipes but not others? 97 2.5 Other ingredients 99 2.5.1 The chocolate fondant on our cream eclairs has been falling off the top of the casing and gathers on the tray underneath as a sticky syrup. What causes this and how can we prevent it? 99 2.5.2 When we changed our supply of bun spice we were using in our Hot Cross buns, we experienced problems with slow gassing in the prover and flowing of the buns during baking. What can we do to avoid these problems? 100 2.5.3 We wish to use milk powder in our fermented goods and have heard that it is advisable to use a heat-treated form. Can you explain why this is so? 101 2.5.4 What are the functions of salt in baking, and how do set about reducing the levels that we use? 102 2.5.5 We are using walnuts in our gateau buttercream filling and find that it turns black. It does not appear to be mould. What is the cause of this discolouration? 104 2.5.6 What is the role of emulsifier in the production of sponge cake products? 105 2.5.7 What ingredients are commonly used as preservatives? Are there any particular benefits associated with different ones? 107 2.5.8 What effect does vinegar have on bread and why is it added? 109 2.5.9 We have heard that alcohol can be used as a preservative. How is this achieved? 110 2.5.10 What are the possible alternatives to chemically based preservatives? 111 2.5.11 What are the differences between diastatic and non-diastatic malt powders, and how can they be used in baking? 112 2.5.12 We read a lot about the different enzymes which are now available and how they might be used in baking. Can you tell us what they are and what functions they have? 113 2.5.13 How do anti-staling enzymes work? Can they be used in cake as well as in bread and fermented products? 116 x Contents

2.5.14 What is lecithin and how is it used in baking? 117 2.5.15 We have been having some problems with the quality of our bread, pastries and biscuits and one solution that has been recommended to us is that we should add a reducing agent to our recipes. Can you tell us more about reducing agents, and how they function in baked products? 118 2.6 Aeration 121 2.6.1 I have heard that yeast requires oxygen before it can work correctly, is this true? 121 2.6.2 How does baker’s yeast produce carbon dioxide in breadmaking? 122 2.6.3 Are there any particular precautions that we should take in handling, storing and using bakers’ yeast in the compressed form? 123 2.6.4 What are the causes of the dark brown patches we sometimes see on compressed baker’s yeast, and do they have any effect on baked product quality? 125 2.6.5 We have been advised to store our compressed yeast in the refrigerator but our dough temperature is much higher, is this the correct thing to do? 126 2.6.6 We have seen references to a ‘lag phase’ for bakers’ yeast; what does this means and what are the implications for baking? 127 2.6.7 What different types of bakers’ yeast are available? Would there be any particular advantages for us to use an alternative to Saccromyces cerivisii in the manufacture of our fermented products? 128 2.6.8 What are the correct proportions of acids and alkali to use in baking powders? 130 2.6.9 What is meant by the term ‘double-acting’ baking powder, and what is the value of using such products? 131 2.6.10 Why is sodium bicarbonate frequently used alone or in excess to the normal in baking powder for the production of ginger products? 132 2.7 Improvers 133 2.7.1 What are bread improvers and why are they used? 133 2.7.2 What are the differences between dough conditioners and bread improvers? What consideration should we take into account when choosing which one to use? 135 2.7.3 What are the functions of ascorbic acid in breadmaking? 136 2.7.4 We have heard that soya flour is added in breadmaking to make the bread whiter. Is this true, and if so how does it work? 138 2.7.5 I understand that an enzyme called alpha-amylase can be added to flour or dough to improve bread quality but that there are several different forms. I have tried several and get different effects on bread softness. Which one(s) should I use? 139 Contents xi

2.7.6 Why are emulsifiers used in bread improvers? And how do I decide which one I should be using? 141 2.7.7 What is L-cysteine hydrochloride, and what is it used for in bread improvers? 142 2.7.8 Can we add a reducing agent during doughmaking so that we can reduce the energy input required during the mixing? 143 2.7.9 What is deactivated yeast and how is it used? 144

3. Key relationships between ingredients, recipes and baked product qualities 3.1 Introduction 145 3.2 Structure of bread and fermented product recipes 146 3.3 Some key relationships in the manufacture of bread and fermented products 146 3.4 Structure of laminated product recipes 147 3.5 Some key relationships in the manufacture of laminated products 148 3.6 Structure of shortcrust product recipes 148 3.7 Some key relationships in the manufacture of shortcrust pastries 149 3.8 Cakes high- and low-ratio recipes 149 3.9 Cakes and sponges the role of recipe balance 150 3.10 Some key relationships in the manufacture cakes and sponges 151 References 152

4. Bread and other fermented products 4.1 Bread 153 4.1.1 We are producing a range of pan breads, some baked in a rack oven and others in a deck oven, and find that there are large indents or cavities in the base of many of the loaves. What is the cause of this effect and how can it be overcome? 153 4.1.2 We are experiencing a problem with the sides of sandwich loaves caving in. Sometimes, the lid also shows the same problem, though to a lesser degree. Is the problem associated with overbaking? 155 4.1.3 We are producing hearth-style (oven-bottom) breads, baguettes and French sticks and are experiencing problems with ragged cracks appearing along the sides of the loaves. What are the likely causes of this problem? 156 4.1.4 We have noticed the development of a ‘fruity’ odour in our breads after they have been stored. The problem xii Contents

is particularly noticeable with our wholemeal products. What is the cause of this problem and are there any remedies we can apply to prevent its occurrence? 158 4.1.5 When viewing the crumb appearance of our sliced bread, we notice the appearance of dark streaks and patches which have a coarser cell structure and firmer texture than the rest of the crumb. Is this a problem with uneven mixing? 159 4.1.6 Periodically, we observe the formation of large holes in the crumb of our pan breads and suspect that the adjustment to the pressure board on our final moulder is faulty; can you confirm our suspicions? 161 4.1.7 We have been having problems with holes appearing in different places in our pan breads. Can you explain where they come from and how to eliminate them? Is there any relationship between the holes that we see inside dough pieces coming from the divider and the problems that we are experiencing? 163 4.1.8 We are making open-top pan breads and find that the top crust of some of our loaves is being lifted off during the slicing process. Sometimes, there is a hole underneath the crust, whereas on other occasions there is not. Do you have an explanation for this problem? We have tried making the dough stronger by adding more improver but without any reduction in the problem; in fact, it may have been slightly worse 168 4.1.9 We are using the Chorleywood bread process to develop our doughs and apply a partial vacuum during mixing to produce a fine and uniform cell structure in the baked loaf. Sometimes, we observe that the cell structure becomes more open even though the vacuum pump is still working. Can you explain the cause of this problem? 170 4.1.10 We are seeking to improve the quality of our bread products and are getting conflicting advice on what the optimum dough temperature ex-mixer should be. Can you advise us as to how to decide what is the optimum temperature to use? 172 4.1.11 How can I calculate the amount of ice I need to replace some of the added water when my final dough temperature is too warm? 173 4.1.12 We are using spiral mixers for our bread doughs. What is the best mixing time to use? 176 4.1.13 Why is it necessary to control the temperature of bread doughs? 178 Contents xiii

4.1.14 We have been experiencing some variation in crust colour on our bread products. What causes bread crust colour and why should it vary? 179 4.1.15 Why is the surface of some bread doughs cut before baking? 180 4.1.16 What are the best conditions to use for proving bread dough? 182 4.1.17 Can we freeze our unproved dough pieces and store them for later use? 184 4.1.18 What happens when dough bakes? 185 4.1.19 We make crusty breads in a retail store, and recently, we have been having complaints about our products going soft quickly. We have not changed our recipe or process. Can you help us understand what has happened? 187 4.1.20 We have been comparing our bread with that of our competitors and find that the crumb of our bread is firmer. Can you explain why? 189 4.1.21 We are having problems keeping a uniform shape with our bloomers. They tend to assume a bent or ‘banana’ shape. This happens even though we take great care to straighten them when they are placed on the trays. Can you explain why we get this problem? 191 4.1.22 We have been taught to always place the seam of our moulded bloomer dough pieces downwards on the tray before proof but we do not take the same precautions with our pan breads. Can you explain the relevance of placing the bloomer dough piece ‘seam down? Should we also do this with our pan breads? 193 4.1.23 Can we make bread without using additives? What will be the key features of the ingredients and process that we should use? 194 4.1.24 We make bread and rolls using a bulk fermentation process; can we use ascorbic acid (AA) to improve our bread quality? 195 4.1.25 We have had bread returned to us by the retail store through which it is sold. They are not satisfied with the quality. We have some pictures of the products concerned. This seems to be a ‘one-off’ and we are at a loss to understand what has lead to the problem. Can you help us understand where the problem came from? 196 4.1.26 We have noticed that loaves sometimes break only on one side of the pan but that the break is not formed consistently on one side. Can you explain why this is? 198 4.1.27 We are making a range of crusty breads using a small bread plant. We appreciate the value of having an open xiv Contents

cell structure to encourage the formation and retention of the crust. However, from time to time we have difficulty in achieving the desired degree of openness in the structure. Can you help us identify why this happens? 199 4.1.28 During the manufacture of bread and other fermented products, we sometimes have small quantities of ‘leftover’ dough from a mixing, can we add these back to other mixings or reuse it in other ways? 200 4.1.29 Our total time for bread production from flour to baked loaf is set for about 6 hours. Currently, we use a bulk fermentation time of 4 hours and a final proof time of 90 minutes. We find that with increased bread sales that we do not have enough proving capacity. If we were to shorten the final proof time what other changes would we have to make to maintain our current bread quality? 201 4.1.30 In breadmaking what is the difference between a sponge and a ferment and when would they be used? We have also seen references to barms, can you tell us anything about these as well? 202 4.1.31 How would we prepare and use a sponge with the Chorleywood Bread Process (CBP)? 203 4.1.32 Our bread and buns prove to a satisfactory height in about 50 minutes, but we get no additional lift from the products in the oven. We have tried increasing its strength and using more improver, but whatever we do we see no oven spring. Do you have any ideas as to why we are getting no oven lift? 204 4.1.33 We are experiencing a problem with loaves baked in rack ovens since we bought new pans. As the enclosed photograph shows, they are joining together above the pans. The portions of the loaves that touch have no crust formation which makes them weak when they are depanned and handled. How can we prevent this from happening? 205 4.1.34 We wish to create a bolder shape and more open cell structure with our crusty sticks and have recently increased our dough development by mixing longer. Now, we experience problems with the products joining together in the oven. If we under-prove the dough pieces, we have problems with ragged bread and poor shapes. Should we reduce our mixing time back to its original level? 207 4.1.35 We are finding that the crumb of our bread is too soft for slicing. We also notice a tendency for the sides of the loaves to slightly collapse inwards. We do not think that conditions in our cooler have changed can you please advise us of what to investigate? 209 Contents xv

4.2 Other fermented products 210 4.2.1 Can you suggest what steps could be taken to prevent our round doughnuts shrinking or collapsing within a few minutes of leaving the fryer? 210 4.2.2 The fermented doughnuts we are making tend to be quite greasy to eat. Can you advise on how we can reduce this problem? 212 4.2.3 We have recently been experiencing difficulties with the production of our bread rolls. The finished rolls have poor volume with large holes in the crumb. Can you suggest measures we might take to eliminate these faults? 213 4.2.4 We have been receiving complaints that our small fermented products, such as rolls, teacakes and baps, are staling too quickly. Can you advise on how we can improve the product softness? 214 4.2.5 Our fruit breads rise very slowly in the prover and fail to rise any further in the oven. We make some unfruited products with the same formulation and they are satisfactory in all respects. Can you explain why? 216 4.2.6 Our fruited buns frequently collapse when they leave the oven. We have tried baking them for longer but this does not cure the problem. Our fruited loaves made with the same dough do not have the problem. Can you advise? 217 4.2.7 We are making a fruited bun product and from time to time experience problems with the product flowing out during proof and baking. Can you identify the cause and suggest a remedy? 218 4.2.8 When we cut open bread rolls and hamburger buns which have been stored in the deep freeze for a period of time we observe a white ring just inside the crust which has a hard eating character. Where does this problem come from? 219 4.2.9 We are not a large bakery but are planning to part-bake and freeze bread products for bake-off at some later time; what points should we be aware of? 221 4.2.10 When we reheat par-baked products we find that they remain soft for only a short period of time, typically an hour or so, but they quickly go hard and become inedible. If we do not reheat them we find that par-baked products can stay fresh for several days. What causes the change in the rate of firming? Is it the additional moisture lost on the second bake? 223 4.2.11 While reading about the manufacture of hamburger buns, we see references to the pH and TTA of the brew. xvi Contents

What do these terms mean? When are they used and what is the purpose of controlling them? 224 4.2.12 We have problems with our retarded teacakes which have large holes underneath the top crust. We do not experience the same problem with scratch-made products. Why is this? 225 4.2.13 When we retard our rolls before proving and baking we sometimes see a dark mark on the base immediately after baking and cooling. We see similar problems with our retarded doughnuts. Is this mould because we have left the products to cool on the trays before wrapping? We use silicon paper to bake on, does this aggravate the problem? 226 4.2.14 When we retarding our roll and stick doughs overnight but find that the products made baked from them are covered with many small, white, almost translucent spots on the surface. We do not get the same problem with our scratch production using the same recipe. Can you give an explanation for their appearance and advise on how to get rid of them? 227 4.2.15 We have been experimenting with retarding fruited rolls and buns. We find that the smaller products are quite satisfactory but loaves made using the same formulation and baked in pans have ‘stains’ around the fruit pieces and a darker crust colour than we would like. Can you please advise us on how to cure these problems? 229 4.2.16 We are retarding rolls in our retarder-prover and find that they lean to one side and lose weight during storage. Can you advise us as to how to cure these problems? 230 4.2.17 We are producing a variety of finger rolls using white flour. The rolls must be soft eating and retain their softness for several days; to achieve this we are using a roll concentrate. To help us cope with fluctuations in demand we freeze a proportion of our production, but find that the defrosted product is very fragile and may even fall apart. Can you help us overcome this problem? 231 4.2.18 Can you tell us something about Chinese steamed breads and their production? We make our standard breads using the Chorleywood bread process, would we be able to make these products using this process? 232 4.2.19 What is cinnamon twist bread and how could we make it? 234 Contents xvii

5. Cakes, sponges and muffins 5.1 What is the flour-batter method of cakemaking? 235 5.2 What is the sugar-batter method of cakemaking? 237 5.3 Why do our cake batters made by the sugar-batter method sometimes have a curdled appearance? And does this affect final cake quality? 238 5.4 We are experiencing some variation in cake quality, especially volume. How important is it to control the temperature of our cake batters? 239 5.5 How do we calculate the likely temperature of our cake batter at the end of mixing and what temperature should we aim for? 240 5.6 We use an all-in cakemaking method for the manufacture of our plain cakes. Occasionally, we experience loss of volume and the top of the baked product becomes peaked rather than flat. It has been suggested that we are over-mixing the batter and developing the gluten in the flour; is this correct? 242 5.7 When making fruit cakes, we find that the fruit settles to the bottom of the cake after baking. Why is this? And what can we do about it? 244 5.8 Can we freeze cake batters and what happens to them during storage? 246 5.9 Why do cakes go mouldy? 247 5.10 In the light of the previous question, why do heavily fruited cakes go mouldy more slowly? And are there any special conditions we should observe when making Christmas puddings. 249 5.11 Unexpectedly, we are getting mould between our decorated cakes and the board on which they sit. Why should this happen? 250 5.12 We are experiencing mould growth on the surface of our iced Christmas cakes. This is the first time we have had this problem and cannot explain why. Can you? 251 5.13 We are experiencing a ‘musty’, off-odour developing in our cakes, even though we store them in a deep freeze. Can you advise? 252 5.14 We regularly measure the water activity of the individual components in our composite cake products and try to adjust them to reduce the differential between them to reduce moisture migration. Even though we do this we are still having problems keeping the cake moist during shelf-life. Can you give us some advice as to what we may be doing wrong? 253 5.15 When we take our cup cakes from the oven, we find that the paper cases they were baked in fall off. How do we avoid this problem? 254 xviii Contents

5.16 Our small cakes often shrink excessively during cooling. How can we avoid this? 255 5.17 Our cake sheets tend to lack volume, are uneven in shape and have cores in the crumb. Can you advise? 256 5.18 Sometimes, our unit cake has a poor (coarse) texture. How can we improve it? 257 5.19 What are the causes of the small, white speckles we sometimes see on the crust of our cakes? 258 5.20 We are getting an orange discoloration of the crumb of our fruit cakes. Can you offer an explanation? 259 5.21 When we add fresh fruits such as blackcurrants to our cake batters, we sometimes find that they fail to keep their colour during baking and often discolour the batter adjacent to the fruit. Can you offer an explanation and a solution to the problem? 260 5.22 We are baking fruit cakes using sultanas and find that while the centre of the crumb is a nice golden yellow around three sides of the cut face of the cake (the bottom and the two sides) the colour is much browner and darker in colour. Can you help us identify the cause of this problem? 261 5.23 We are using natural colours in our slab cake baking and find that we get variable results, not just from batch to batch but sometimes within a batch. Can you suggest any reasons for this problem? 262 5.24 We are getting large holes in the crumb of our fruited slab cake but are not sure why this is happening. Can you offer some advice? 263 5.25 Our sultana cakes are collapsing. What can we do to remedy this problem? 264 5.26 Why do cakes sometimes sink in the middle? 265 5.27 We are encountering an intermittent fault with our round high ratio cakes in that a shiny ring with pitting is seen on the cake surface. What factors are likely to give rise to this fault? 266 5.28 Our fruited cakes are fine to eat soon after production but tend to become drier eating after a few days; why is this? 267 5.29 We have seen that our cake quality varies when we change from one type of oven to another, even when they register the same temperature. Why is this? 269 5.30 How important is the temperature of cakes at the point of wrapping? 271 5.31 What precautions should we take when freezing cake and sponge products? 273 5.32 What happens to the batter when cakes enter the oven, and how can you tell when a cake is baked? 274 5.33 What are the advantages of having the oven filled when baking slab or other cakes? 276 5.34 Why do we add extra acid to make white cake batters? 277 Contents xix

5.35 We have been making a range of different cake sizes using the same plain batter and get varying quality results in terms of their shape and appearance despite having adjusted the baking conditions. Do you have any advice? 278 5.36 We would like to change the physical dimensions of some our cake products to make different sizes and shapes do you have any advice that you can give us as to how to adjust the batter deposit weights for the different pan sizes? 279 5.37 We have recently changed the acid that we use for our baking powder mix and have adjusted the neutralising value accordingly. Subsequently, we have been having some problems achieving the volume and shape that we want with our small cakes. Can you explain why we are having these problems? 281 5.38 What are the factors which control the shape and appearance of the top of a cake? 282 5.39 Currently, we add alcohol, in the form of spirits or liqueurs, to our celebration cakes after they have been baked and cooled. We leave them for a few days after treating them, but this is taking up a lot of space. What advantages/ disadvantages would there be if we added the alcohol to the batter before baking? 284 5.40 Why do some traditional sponge cakemaking methods specify a delay in the addition of the sodium bicarbonate and the use of hot water? Would this approach have any practical applications today? 285 5.41 We have been experiencing problems with collapse of our sponge sandwiches which leaves the product with a depression forming on the top of the cake and an area of coarse cell structure in the crumb. What causes this problem? 286 5.42 Recently, we have been experiencing problems with our sponge sandwich cakes assume a peaked shape during baking. We have not changed ingredients or recipe. Can you suggest why we are having this problem? 288 5.43 We are having problems with the bottom crust of our sponge cake products becoming detached after baking. We also notice that the corners of the product become rounded and the texture close. Can you offer any explanation for these problems? 289 5.44 When making sponge drops, we find that the last ones to be deposited are not as good as the first ones. Why is this? 291 5.45 From time to time, we experience problems with Swiss rolls cracking on rolling. Can you help identify the causes of the problem? 292 5.46 What are the key elements to consider when making chocolate cakes with cocoa powder? 293 xx Contents

5.47 We have been making cake muffins and find that when we cut them open, they have large vertical holes in the crumb. Why is this and how do we eliminate them? 294 5.48 Why do some of our cake muffins lean to one side during baking? 295 5.49 What is Baumkuchen and how is it made? 297

6. Biscuits, cookies, crackers and wafers 6.1 How important are the dough and batter temperatures in biscuit, cookie, cracker and wafer making? 299 6.2 What is ‘Vol’ and what is its function in biscuits doughs? 303 6.3 A batch of our biscuits containing oatmeal has developed a ‘soapy’ after-taste which makes them unpalatable. Why is this? 304 6.4 From time to time, we have noticed a white discolouration on the surface of our all-butter . Can you explain why this occurs? 305 6.5 We produce biscuits-containing powdered fructose which we cream with the fat and sucrose before adding the other ingredients. Recently, we have seen the appearance of brown spots on the product. Do you know what causes this effect? 306 6.6 How do biscuits and crackers get broken during storage, even if they are not disturbed? Can we stop this from happening? 307 6.7 We are making a ginger crunch cookie, but find that we experience variations size. Can you advise? 308 6.8 When making ginger nuts, we find that we do not always get the degree of cracking that we would like. Why is this? 309 6.9 We are trying to make soft-eating cookies and are having a degree of success with the recipe that we are using. The products are not expected to have a long shelf-life, but we find that they are going hard too quickly. Can you suggest any ways of extending the period of time that the cookies will stay soft eating? 310 6.10 We assemble a selection pack of biscuits and cookies, one of which is a rectangular product coated on the top with icing. When the pack is opened after some time this coated biscuit has a ‘bowed’ shape, the base is soft eating but the icing remains hard. Can you suggest reasons for these changes? 312 6.11 We are experiencing dark brown specks on the surface of our plain sheeted biscuits. We have been using the same recipe for a number of years without a problem. Can you identify the cause of the specks and suggest a remedy? 313 6.12 We are having some problems with packing our rotary moulded biscuit lines. When we measure the thickness of the biscuits, we have noticed that some are thicker Contents xxi

than others. Can you suggest any reasons why we should be getting such variations? 314 6.13 We are having intermittent problems with shrinkage of our semi-sweet biscuits after they have been cut out from the dough sheet. How can we stop this from happening? 315 6.14 We are experiencing blistering on the surface of our semi-sweet biscuits and sometimes see cavities under the top crust and little hollows on the bottom. Can you identify the possible cause of the problem and suggest a solution? 317 6.15 We are manufacturing short-dough biscuits using a rotary moulder and have been offered an alternative supply of sugar. We notice that the new sugar is more granular than the material we have been using previously; would this have any effect on biscuit quality? 319 6.16 Is it possible to reduce the level of sugar in our biscuit and cookie recipes without affecting their quality? What would be the alternatives we could use to sucrose? 320 6.17 We would like to reduce the level of fat in our biscuit recipes. How can we do this? 322 6.18 What are main issues that we should be aware of in the manufacture of savoury puff biscuits? 323 6.19 Is it important to use a fermentation period in the manufacture of crackers? What effects are we likely to see from variations in the fermentation time? 324 6.20 We have installed a new cutting and creaming machine for the preparation of our sandwich wafers and refurbished the production area. We have found that we are now getting intermittent problems with the wafer sheets breaking up on cutting. Can you offer an explanation as to why this might be happening? 325 6.21 Our chocolate-coated wafer biscuits are prone to cracking. Can you suggest why this happens and how we can avoid the problem? 326 6.22 We are experiencing intermittent problems with gluten formation in our wafer batter. What causes this problem? 327 6.23 What are Shrewsbury biscuits and how are they made? 328 6.24 We find that our Viennese fingers go soft very quickly after baking. How can we prevent this from happening? 329

7. Pastries 7.1 Laminated pastries 331 7.1.1 What causes puff pastry to rise during baking? 331 7.1.2 We are experiencing a problem with our puff pastry which fails to lift and shows no sign of layering on baking. Why is this? 333 xxii Contents

7.1.3 Why do we get a less regular lift in our puff pastry when we use the Scotch method compared with the English or French? 334 7.1.4 What are the purposes of the resting periods in the manufacture of laminated products? 335 7.1.5 We have been experiencing some problems with excessive shrinking of our puff pastry products. Can you advise as to what the likely causes might be? 337 7.1.6 Why are acids sometimes added to puff pastry? 338 7.1.7 What is the best way to reuse puff pastry trimmings? At present, we are feeding them back into the sheeting stages 339 7.1.8 We are experiencing problem with the discolouration of unbaked puff paste stored under refrigerated conditions. Sometimes black spots appear on the surface. Can you explain why this happens and advise on how to avoid it? 341 7.1.9 We have been experiencing considerable variability in processing our short and puff paste products; sometimes, we have problems with paste shrinkage and on other occasions we get stickiness. We have checked our weighing systems and can find no problems with ingredients additions. We have no climatic temperature control in the factory or ingredient storage facilities, are these likely to significant contributors to the problems? 342 7.1.10 Why should croissant and Danish pastry doughs be given less lamination than puff pastry? 344 7.1.11 What is the optimum level of fat to use in the production of puff pastry? 345 7.1.12 We would like to reduce the level of fat that we use to make our puff pastry but would like to retain pastry lift. Can you provide us with some guidance as to how we might achieve our objectives? 346 7.1.13 We are experiencing distortion of our pastry shapes. We have measured the shrinkage but find that it is not even. We have also noticed that the laminated products are experiencing some variation in product lift. What might be the causes of these problems? 348 7.1.14 We are looking to start production of croissant. In my travels, I have seen many variations on products which are called croissant. Why are there so many different forms and how are they made? 350 7.1.15 We wish to make croissant with the moulded ends joining to form a circle but find that they open up during baking. Can you suggest how we can overcome this problem? 353 Contents xxiii

7.1.16 We have been trying to freeze fully proved croissant for later bake-off. Can you identify the important criteria for their successful production? 355 7.1.17 We are making puff pastry, Danish pastries and croissant using all butter and often have problems with the processing of the pastes and feel that we do not get the best of quality from the final products. What are the best processing temperatures and conditions when using butter with such products? 356 7.2 Short pastry 357 7.2.1 What characteristics should we specify for the flour that we should use for making savoury and sweet short pastes for unbaked chilled and frozen shells and scratch-baked products? 357 7.2.2 Why is the hot water method preferred for the production of savoury pastry but not for sweetened pastry? 358 7.2.3 What method should we use to calculate the water temperature to deliver a consistent final savoury short paste temperature at the end of mixing? 359 7.2.4 We are manufacturing savoury short pastry products which are blocked out to shape and lids by sheeting a paste with the same formulation. We wish to increase our production rate and are considering reducing or eliminating the rest periods in the production sequence. Can you advise us on their function and any consequences that we may face if we change them? 360 7.2.5 From time to time, we experience problems with the sheeting of our short paste, in particular it cracks or fails to remain cohesive. Can you suggest why this happens? 361 7.2.6 We are producing unbaked meat pies but find that the short pastry lid cracks on freezing. The cracks become larger when the product thaws out and during baking the filling may boil out leaving an unsightly blemish on the surface. Why is this and what can we do about it? 362 7.2.7 Some of the short pastry cases that we make for restaurants to fill and serve have been returned to us as being ‘mouldy’ on the base. We were surprised as we thought that the water activity of the shells was too low to support mould growth, and when we examined the bottom of the pastries, we can see that there is a discolouration but we do not think that it is mould. Can you identify what has caused the discolouration and how to eliminate it? 363 xxiv Contents

7.2.8 We are having problems with the custard tarts that we make. The pastry shell is very pale coloured, but if we increase the baking time, we find that the custard filling is not very stable and shrinks away from the case during storage. If we raise the baking temperature, the custard filling boils and breaks down during storage. Can you give us any advice on how to get a better pastry colour without causing problems with the filling? Sometimes the baked custard has a watery appearance. 364 7.2.9 We have been receiving complaints from customers that that our short pastry which we use for meat pie products has an unpleasant eating character which they describe as ‘waxy’. The comments are most often related to the base pastry in the pies. Why is this? 366 7.2.10 Why does our pork pie pastry go soft during storage and what can we do to make our pastry crisper? 367 7.2.11 We are having difficulty in blocking out savoury pie paste in foils, there is a tendency for the dough to stick to the die block causing the base of the foil case to become misshapen. We do not have the same problems with our sweetened paste, can you explain why? 369 7.2.12 Why do our baked pastries and quiches have small indents in the base which project upwards and are pale in colour? They are baked in individual foils. 370 7.2.13 How can we make the sweet pastry that we use with our apple pies crisper eating? 371 7.2.14 How do we avoid ‘boil-out’ of our pie fillings? 373 7.2.15 We wish to reuse pastry trimmings but find that sometimes we experience a ‘soapy’ taste in the final product. Can you suggest a cause for the flavour and how best to reuse the trimmings to avoid this and any other potential problems? 374

8. Other bakery products 8.1 What are the most important factors which control the volume of choux paste products? 375 8.2 Why are cream buns baked under covers and eclairs are not? 377 8.3 Our choux buns collapse during baking. Can you suggest why this happens? 378 8.4 We are getting a greygreen colouration to our choux buns. Can you explain why this should happen? 379 8.5 Why is powdered ammonium carbonate or ‘vol’ added to choux paste? 380 8.6 We wish to make a large batch of e´ clair cases and store them for a few days before filling and icing them. Can you advise on the best way to keep them to preserve their quality? 381 Contents xxv

8.7 We stand our finished choux buns on U-shaped cardboard and wrap them in a cellulose-based film. Recently, we have observed the growth of mould colonies on the products. Why is this? 382 8.8 Our are made from frozen dough but frequently lack volume. We also find that the crumb colour is rather brown. Can you offer suggestions to improve our product quality? 383 8.9 Some of our scones have a coarse break at the side and an open crumb cell structure but the results are not consistent. Can you please suggest steps we might take to obtain a better and more consistent product quality? 384 8.10 We wish to extend the shelf-life of our scones. How can we do this? 385 8.11 The surface of our scones is covered with speckles of a yellowish-brown colour. We are using GDL as the acid component in the baking powder. Can you suggest why we have this problem? 386 8.12 Why should particular care be taken when washing scones with egg wash to ensure that none runs down the sides of the pieces of dough? 387 8.13 We are freezing a range of unbaked, chemically aerated products including scones and cake batters and now want to include some variations using fresh fruits. We have carried out a number of trials and have a range of issues which are mostly related to the fragility of the fruit. Can you provide some advice? 388 8.14 We have been asked to improve the sensory qualities of our scones and have been able to do this by a number of recipe changes. Although these changes have been largely satisfactory for our plain scones the fruited varieties, we make still tend to be too dry eating. Do you have any suggestions as to how we can make them more moist eating? 390 8.15 We make and bake scones on a daily basis. Recently, we placed them unbaked in a refrigerator but the baked quality was poor. We used a retarder instead but we still find that the products were small in volume. Is it possible to retard unbaked scones and still produce an acceptable product? 391 8.16 I am having difficulty with royal icing which will not harden adequately. Can you advise? 392 8.17 I have heard that off-odours can be caused by the icing used for cake decorations. Is this true? 393 8.18 After 2 days our royal icing tends to turn yellow. Can this discolouration be prevented? 394 8.19 We are receiving complaints of opaque spots on our fudge icing. Can you suggest a remedy? 395 xxvi Contents

8.20 After storing our coated products overnight, we find that cracks form in fondant coating. Can you suggest ways to overcome this problem? 396 8.21 We make sugar paste shapes and store them in plastic containers for later use. In a few days, the shapes soften and are inclined to droop. Can you suggest how we might overcome this problem? 397 8.22 We would like to store our heavily fruited wedding cakes after coating with marzipan for some time before we ice them but find that the marzipan hardens. Why is this and how can we achieve our aims? 398 8.23 We are not getting the quality of finish that we would like from the fondant we are using, often the finished products lack gloss. Can you give us some tips on how to improve our use of the fondant? 399 8.24 We bake our meringues on aluminium sheets and are having problems with the meringues becoming discoloured. Can you offer any advice on how to eliminate this problem? 400 8.25 When making Italian meringues why is the boiling sugar water added slowly? 401 8.26 We are experiencing cracking of our meringue shells during baking. Why is this? 402 8.27 We are having problems with softening of coffee meringues in which we use coffee powder as the flavouring. Is this the cause of the problem? 403 8.28 On some occasions, our almond exhibit very coarse cracks on the surface instead of the fine cracks we are seeking. We have not been able to trace the cause, can you help? 404 8.29 What are stotty cakes and how are they produced? 405 8.30 Why does our whipped cream collapse on standing? 406 8.31 Recently, we experienced a problem with a fishy taint in a batch of buttercream. Can you suggest why? 408 8.32 We are experiencing seepage of our jam in our frozen fresh cream gateau when they are thawed; can we avoid this? 409 8.33 We have recently been experiencing ‘weeping’ from our non-dairy cream formulation. This shows itself as a ‘soggy’ layer where the cream is in contact with the cake. Can you please advise on how to cure the problem? 410 8.34 How can we prevent our apple pie filling going mouldy within a few days without changing the filling recipe? 412 8.35 In some of our apple pies, we find that the filling has turned blue. Why should this happen? 413 8.36 Can you suggest a solution to the problem of shrinkage in our apple pie filling? 414 8.37 Why have our lost their characteristic surface holes? 415 Contents xxvii

8.38 Why is a small amount of bicarbonate of soda added to pikelet batters just before baking? 416 8.39 The chocolate coating on our marshmallow teacakes cracks during storage. Can you offer an explanation and solution to the problem? 417 8.40 What causes the white bloom which sometimes occurs on chocolate coatings? 418 8.41 The bakers’ chocolate coating we use has recently tended to flake off our eclairs. Can you identify a likely cause of the problem? 419 8.42 What is ganache? 420 8.43 What are staffordshire and how are they made? 421 8.44 What are and how are they made? 422 8.45 The edges of our soda farls become gummy a couple of days after baking. What is the cause of this quality defect? 423 8.46 We want to add freshly baked deep-pan pizza to the product range that we sell through our bakery shop. We do not want to make small quantities of dough throughout the day for their manufacture, but when we try to work with a larger bulk of dough, we find that the variation in quality is too great, even when we refrigerate the dough in our retarder. What would be a suitable way for us to make the bases? 424 8.47 We freeze our unbaked pizza bases in a nitrogen tunnel. On defrosting and baking, we get bubbles forming on the top of the base accompanied with an open crumb cell structure. Can you suggest ways of overcoming these problems? 425 8.48 What are the key characteristics of cake doughnuts and how do they differ from other types of doughnut? 426 8.49 We have been producing a range of cake doughnuts which are iced with various flavoured coatings. To cope with peak demands, we have taken to freezing a quantity of the products. We have observed that progressively during storage a crystalline growth appears on the products When they are defrosted the growth disappears. Can you identify why this happens? 427 8.50 After a short period of chilled storage, we observe crater-like crystalline formations on our cheesecake topping. Do you know why this occurs? 429 8.51 We want to extend the mould-free shelf-life of our flour tortilla (Fig. 8.4) but when we try the dough more acid we have processing problems. What options could we consider for achieving our aim? 431 8.52 What are the origins of pappadams? 432 8.53 What is kebab bread? 434 8.54 What is balady bread? 435 8.55 How are chapattis made? 436 xxviii Contents

8.56 What are corn (Maize) tortillas? And how are they made? 437 8.57 What is trencher bread and how was it used? 438 8.58 What is the product known as a Grant loaf? 440

9. Processes and equipment 9.1 I see many references to ‘no-time’ doughmaking methods. What does this term mean and what is its relevance? 443 9.2 We are considering the purchase of a new mixer for the manufacture of our bread using a no-time dough process. There are two types of mixer which seem to be appropriate for our plant production needs, the spiral-type and the CBP-compatible type, but before making our decision, we need to understand any issues with respect to dough processing and final bread quality. Can you please advise us? 445 9.3 Can you explain the role energy in the Chorleywood Bread Process? 448 9.4 We are looking to buy a new final moulder for our bread bakery. Can you advise us on the key features which should look for and how they might impact on final bread quality? 450 9.5 Why is a bread dough piece coiled after sheeting? Does the number coils achieved have any impact on bread quality? 451 9.6 What is the function of four-piecing or cross-panning in breadmaking? 453 9.7 What is purpose of the ‘knocking-back’ the dough when using a bulk fermentation process to make bread? 455 9.8 We have two bread lines running side-by-side with the same equipment bought at different times. We are using the CBP and do not quite get the same volume and cell structure when making the same pan bread product. We compensate by adjusting yeast and improver level but do not get the same crumb cell structure. Can you help us understand what is happening? 457 9.9 We have both spiral and twin-arm type mixers and would like to produce a finer cell structure with our sandwich breads; can you suggest ways in which we might achieve this aim? 459 9.10 We have been freezing some of our bakery products in order to have products available in times of peak demand. We notice that there is ‘snow’ or ‘ice’ in the bags when we remove them from the freezer. Can you tell us why this happens and how it can be avoided? 461 9.11 We have been deep freezing bread products and experience a number of problems with different products. With crusty products, we observe that the crust falls off while with some other products we find that longer periods of storage lead to the formation of white, translucent patches in the crumb Contents xxix

which are very hard eating. Are the problems related to the performance of our freezer? 463 9.12 We have seen references to the Milton Keynes Process but can find very little technical information on the process Can you tell me what it is (was) it and how it is (was) used? 465 9.13 Can you explain the principles of vacuum cooling of baked products and its potential applications? 467

10. Testing methods 10.1 What is meant by hydrogen ion concentration and how is the pH scale determined? 469 10.2 In some technical literature, there is reference to batter specific gravity or relative density. What is this? How is it measured? And what is its relevance to cake and sponge making? Why is the volume of the baked product referred to in terms of specific volume? 472 10.3 What value is there in measuring colour of bakery products and how can we carry out the measurements? 473 10.4 How can we measure the texture of our bread and cakes? Currently, we use a hand squeeze test for bread and apply a ‘score’ to the results 475 10.5 How can we measure baked product shape and volume? 477 10.6 What is the phosphotase test? 479 10.7 What is the Bohn’s spot test and what is it used for? 480

11. What? 11.1 What is the meaning of the term synerisis when applied to bread? 481 11.2 What is a super-saturated solution? 483 11.3 I have heard the terms ‘glycaemic index’ and ‘glycaemic load’ used when describing bakery products. What are they and what is the difference? 484 11.4 What are pro- and prebiotics and how can they be used in our bread products? 486 11.5 Can you please explain the difference between hydration and hydrolysis? What is their relevance to the manufacture of baked goods? 487 11.6 What is meant by the term ‘glass transition temperature’ and what is its relevance to baking? 488 11.7 What does the term MVTR mean when applied to packaging, and what is the relevance to baked products? 489 11.8 What is meant by the term ‘modified atmosphere packaging’ and how can we use this approach in the production of baked products? 491 xxx Contents

11.9 We have heard people referring to synergy in the use of ingredients in baking processes, what is this process and can you identify any examples? 493 11.10 What are polyols and how are they used in baking? 494 11.11 What is acrylamide? Where does it come from and how do we limit it? 496 11.12 What is osmotic pressure and what is its relevance to baking? 497 11.13 What is resistant starch? 498 11.14 What are the origins of the ? 499

Index 501 Preface to the First Edition

From time to time we all encounter problems in the manufacture of baked products. Sometimes they are seen as defects in the baked product which arise for no obvious reasons. On other occasions we simply need to under- stand what are the most important criteria to consider if we have to or want to change ingredients or processing conditions. Solving baking problems has always been the province of the bakery ‘experts’, those mysterious persons who always seems to know how to restore the loss of quality, or what recipe and process changes to introduce to achieve a given quality. To those of us who do not have the necessary expert knowledge, such persons are often held in awe. Yet problem solving is not as much of a ‘black art’ as we might think. With a methodical approach and keen observa- tion then the answers to many of our bakery problems are indeed ‘elementary’. Our expert problem solvers usually have one distinctive advantage experience. They have seen it all before! Or if they have not, then they know agood reference book or another expert to consult. This book owes much to the work of bakers, technologists and cereal scientists formerly working for the British Baking Industries Research Association and later the Flour Milling and Baking Research Association, both based at Chorleywood, Hertfordshire, in the United Kingdom. Over 50 years these experts in cereal science, milling and baking studied and identi- fied many causes of bakery problems and recorded them for others to access. In this book we have taken the opportunity to synthesise their work, and to update and enlarge it from our own experiences. We hope that you will find some value in our efforts and that the contents of this book will help you become that mysterious bakery expert.

S.P. Cauvain and L.S. Young

xxxi This page intentionally left blank Preface to the Second Edition

In combining Baking Problems Solved and More Baking Problems Solved into a single edition it was important to bear several things in mind. One was that while baking technology continues to evolve many baking problems can still be related to the underlying fundamental principles of baking and so in one sense remain essentially unchanged. A good number of the problems and solutions described in this edition will be familiar to readers of the ear- lier works. Some updating of the information given with each question and answer will be inevitable because of changes in raw materials, processes and in response to legislative pressures, market forces and consumer preferences. Because baking is a continually evolving technology new problems requiring new solutions emerge and there are a good number of examples in this edition. Technical knowledge moves on and so in a number of cases it is possible to provide more relevant or comprehensive answers to known pro- blems. New problems often emerge when any one of the components of the complex ingredient-recipe-process balance is changed. “We never used to have the problem” is a common statement that one hears which only under- lies the need to have a good grasp of underlying principles. New product development also throws out its own challenges, especially when traditional boundaries are over-stepped. In many ways this is good news for baking because it generates the need for more research to understand what contri- butes to product quality and loss. None of the above comments negate the need for a systematic approach to problem solving though new ideas are always valued, hopefully some of the additions to Chapter 1, Introduction to Problem Solving Techniques, fall into this category. So in developing this edition the balance between ‘old’ and ‘new’ information was uppermost in my mind. I hope that I have succeeded. Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to thank two people for their contributions to this second edition. First, the late Linda Young, my co-author on both previous works, whose support is greatly missed but whose inspiration lives on. Secondly, my special thanks go to my colleague and friend Rosie Clark for her sterling efforts in bringing together and recon- ciling the contents of the two previous titles; her input to this second edition has been invaluable. S.P. Cauvain

xxxiii This page intentionally left blank Woodhead Publishing Series in Food Science, Technology and Nutrition

1. Chilled foods: A comprehensive guide Edited by C. Dennis and M. Stringer

2. Yoghurt: Science and technology A. Y. Tamime and R. K. Robinson

3. Food processing technology: Principles and practice P. J. Fellows

4. Bender’s dictionary of nutrition and food technology Sixth edition D. A. Bender

5. Determination of veterinary residues in food Edited by N. T. Crosby

6. Food contaminants: Sources and surveillance Edited by C. Creaser and R. Purchase

7. Nitrates and nitrites in food and water Edited by M. J. Hill

8. Pesticide chemistry and bioscience: The food-environment challenge Edited by G. T. Brooks and T. Roberts

9. Pesticides: Developments, impacts and controls Edited by G. A. Best and A. D. Ruthven

10. Dietary fibre: Chemical and biological aspects Edited by D. A. T. Southgate, K. W. Waldron, I. T. Johnson and G. R. Fenwick

xxxv xxxvi Woodhead Publishing Series in Food Science, Technology and Nutrition

11. Vitamins and minerals in health and nutrition M. Tolonen

12. Technology of biscuits, crackers and cookies Second edition D. Manley

13. Instrumentation and sensors for the food industry Edited by E. Kress-Rogers

14. Food and cancer prevention: Chemical and biological aspects Edited by K. W. Waldron, I. T. Johnson and G. R. Fenwick

15. Food colloids: Proteins, lipids and polysaccharides Edited by E. Dickinson and B. Bergenstahl

16. Food emulsions and foams Edited by E. Dickinson

17. Maillard reactions in chemistry, food and health Edited by T. P. Labuza, V. Monnier, J. Baynes and J. O’Brien

18. The Maillard reaction in foods and medicine Edited by J. O’Brien, H. E. Nursten, M. J. Crabbe and J. M. Ames

19. Encapsulation and controlled release Edited by D. R. Karsa and R. A. Stephenson

20. Flavours and fragrances Edited by A. D. Swift

21. Feta and related cheeses Edited by A. Y. Tamime and R. K. Robinson

22. Biochemistry of milk products Edited by A. T. Andrews and J. R. Varley

23. Physical properties of foods and food processing systems M. J. Lewis

24. Food irradiation: A reference guide V. M. Wilkinson and G. Gould

25. Kent’s technology of cereals: An introduction for students of food science and agriculture Fourth edition N. L. Kent and A. D. Evers Woodhead Publishing Series in Food Science, Technology and Nutrition xxxvii

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27. Separation processes in the food and biotechnology industries: Principles and applications Edited by A. S. Grandison and M. J. Lewis

28. Handbook of indices of food quality and authenticity R. S. Singhal, P. K. Kulkarni and D. V. Rege

29. Principles and practices for the safe processing of foods D. A. Shapton and N. F. Shapton

30. Biscuit, cookie and cracker manufacturing manuals Volume 1: Ingredients D. Manley

31. Biscuit, cookie and cracker manufacturing manuals Volume 2: Biscuit doughs D. Manley

32. Biscuit, cookie and cracker manufacturing manuals Volume 3: Biscuit dough piece forming D. Manley

33. Biscuit, cookie and cracker manufacturing manuals Volume 4: Baking and cooling of biscuits D. Manley

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Introduction to Problem- Solving Techniques

You can’t solve a problem with the same type of thinking that caused it. Einstein

The quote from Einstein may seem like a statement of the obvious, but after many years of experience in the baking industry, I have seen that the obvious is constantly overlooked when it comes to trying to solve problems or develop new products and processes. Indeed, there is relatively little differ- ence between solving a problem and creating a new product, in both cases, you are required to use different thinking to that you would normally use for established products and processes. In essence, both scenarios are vindica- tions of Einstein’s view. Problems that show as unexpected variations in bakery product quality do occur from time to time. Often considerable time, effort and money are required to identify the causes and solutions concerned. Unexpected quality variations are not the exclusive province of any particular size of manufacturing unit: they can occur in both large and small bakeries. Nor are they exclusive to the production bakery: Even the best-controlled test bakery or laboratory can experience unexpected fluctuations in intermediates or final product quality. Because the outcome of a baking operation depends on com- plex interactions between the raw materials, recipe and process used, it is often the case that it is only when the final product leaves the oven that quality defects are detected. There are relatively fewer occasions when intermediate products (e.g., dough, batter, paste) exhibit quality defects which require an immediate change to be made. Many bakery operations still have artisan or craft (small-scale) roots. Even with the arrival of industrial-scale baking many years ago, the manufacturing principles still rely on understanding heuristic rules and relatively limited data analysis. The level of automation and the ability to collect and analyse data from an industrial bakery still lags a long way behind that of other

Baking Problems Solved. DOI: © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. 1 2 Baking Problems Solved manufacturing environments. There is some routine data collection and analysis for production and business management purposes (e.g., yield from a given set of raw materials), or for legislative reasons (e.g., baking losses to determine point-of-sale weight or product moisture content), but the collection and integration of data on-line for the optimisation of bakery of bakery processes and products remains meagre (Cauvain, 2015). The challenge lies as much with knowing what to measure and what data to collect, as it does with the analysis. In such contexts, the emphasis on delivering the appropriate product quality will inevitably on combining a methodical approach with relevant knowledge. There is no magic to problem solving. It is normally achieved through critical observation, structured thought processes and access to suitable sources of information. In this chapter, I offer a guide to some of the meth- ods that might be employed when trying to solve bakery-related problems. In doing so, as noted above, we must recognise that baking is a complex mixture of ingredient and process interactions, so that the solutions to our problems may not always be instant in nature and because ingredients and processes change, new solutions are always being discovered. The complex interactions which underpin baking dictate that there are seldom unique solutions to individual problems. In the majority of cases, individual quality defects are overcome by changing a number of ingredient and process factors some of which will be apparently unrelated though careful study will often reveal that relationships do exist even where they are masked by more prominent effects. It would also be appropriate at this stage to deal with the somewhat amorphous term ‘quality’. Ultimately, the decision of what is the ‘right’ product quality lies with the consumer, what is acceptable or ‘good’ for one consumer may be unacceptable or ‘bad’ for another. For the baker perhaps the best basis for deciding what the right product quality is depends on getting repeat product sales. In many of the questions and answers related to bakery production which follow, there is an implicit understanding that a particular quality defect is delivering unacceptable (bad) final product quality. In providing potential solutions to particular problem, it is recog- nised that the choice of a particular solution will depend on many factors, including cost and practicality of application. The answers given should be seen as a guide as to possible solutions and so are often given with a degree of flexibility as to application.

1.1 HOW TO PROBLEM SOLVE Successful problem solving usually requires a methodical approach. It is perfectly possible to stumble quickly on the required solution by chance but more often than not a haphazard approach to problem solving is wasteful of time, resources and money. In addition, stumbling on the solution by chance Introduction to Problem-Solving Techniques Chapter | 1 3 often means that the root cause of the problem remains unidentified and the opportunity is lost for the systematic assembly of information which may be valuable for avoiding or solving similar problems in the future. Not all problems are solved using exactly the same approach but the critical elements of the problem-solving process are largely common. In practical problem solving, we normally move from the problem to the cause and finally to the corrective action. However, we must recognise that on many occasions, the manifestation of a particular problem does not necessarily have a unique and identifiable cause and so there may be other intermediate steps to take into account in determining the real cause of the problem. This situation can be described schematically as follows: Problem-primary cause-contributing factors-corrective action Or in more simple terms as: What is seen-why-because of-corrective action

The basic process becomes apparent if we consider two examples of problems in breadmaking; the first low-bread volume and the second collapse of the sides of an open top , often referred to as ‘keyholing’ (see page 4).

1.1.1 Low-bread volume Externally, we observe that the bread is smaller than we expect, and this may also have led to a paler crust colour due to the poorer heat transfer to the dough surface during baking. Internally, the cell structure may be more open than usual. As bread volume is a consequence of the expansion of the dough by car- bon dioxide gas from yeast fermentation and the retention of that gas within the dough matrix (Cauvain, 2015), there are two potential primary causes of this problem Lack of gas production and lack of gas retention. To separate the two, we will need more observations, and an important one will be whether the rate of expansion of the dough in the prover and oven was nor- mal or lower than usual. If the former was the case, then the primary cause of the problem is likely to be lack of gas production and potential contribut- ing factors may include the following:

G yeast activity or level too low; G lack of yeast substrate (food); G dough temperature too low; G proving temperature too low; G proving time too short; G salt level too high; G proving temperature/time/yeast combination incorrect. 4 Baking Problems Solved

On the other hand, if the dough proving had been at a normal rate and there was a lack of oven spring, then this would lead us to recognise that the problem could be lack of gas retention. In this case, the list of potential rea- sons for the problem includes:

G improver level too low; G incorrect improver formulation; G combination of improver and flour too weak for the breadmaking process being used; G enzymic activity too low; G energy input during mixing too low; G mixing time too short; G dough temperature too low. Note that the ‘dough temperature’ too low appears in both lists due to its effect on yeast activity and the effectiveness of the functional ingredients in the improver at a given temperature, especially if ascorbic acid and enzyme additions are used.

1.1.2 Keyholing Externally, we observe that there is a loss of bread shape but only at the sides of the product. Internally, we may see the formation of dark- coloured, dense seams, often referred to as cores (see Fig. 1.1 and Section 4.1.2).Thecentrecrumbmaybemoreopenthanwenormallyexpectfor the product concerned. Why has this happened? Clearly, we have no problem with gas produc- tion since there is no evidence for slow proving and the bread had good vol- ume. We have clearly retained the carbon dioxide gas produced, otherwise the bread would have low volume as described above. In this case, the over- expansion of the crumb in the centre of the loaf leads us to the view that in fact the gas retention is excessive. Thus, the primary cause of the problem is excess gas retention arising from a number of potential individual causes or combinations. The contribut- ing factors may include:

G improver level too high; G incorrect improver formulation; G combination of improver and flour too strong for process; G enzymic activity too high; G energy input during mixing too high; G mixing time too long. From the foregoing examples, we can see that observation and reasoning are key elements in problem solving. The former can be readily systematised, Introduction to Problem-Solving Techniques Chapter | 1 5

FIGURE 1.1 Keyholing in bread. whereas the latter will rely heavily on the availability of suitable information to use as the basis for comparisons. The potential sources of such information are discussed below. It is interesting to consider the process by which one might set about identifying the particular cause of a problem, such as the keyholing (excessive gas retention) of bread discussed above. The most likely mental process is one associated with probability achievedbymatchingthepatternof observations with ones previously experienced and remembered. When we recognise a general similarity between observation and stored image, we are likely to explore in more detail the factors most likely to contribute to the pattern we see. One potential analogy for how we solve problem is that of a tree. The main line of observation is via the central trunk with the potential to explore branches at many points. In the case of our bread problem, if we fail to identify the likely cause of the problem from our first consideration, then we will close down that line of reasoning, go back to the main theme (the trunk) and then set off an another branch of investigation. Our route through the branches of our reasoning or knowledge tree is complex and 6 Baking Problems Solved occasionally we may jump from branch to branch rather than going back to the trunk before continuing our investigation. The length of time that we take to identify the cause and the corrective actions needed varies considerably from occasion to occasion and from individual to individual, and is more likely to be related to our accumulated knowledge and experiences rather than logical reasoning. Our abilities to recognise and match subtle patterns are probably so intuitive that we are seldom aware of them.

1.2 THE RECORD It is common for the manufacture of bakery products to be based on some starting formulation and formal method of processing the ingredients into the finished product. This will require some form of recorded details of the ingredients to use, their qualities and quantities, and the equipment, process settings and timings involved. Consult any standard recipe book for bakery food preparation, and you will find such details recorded for use by others. In almost all modern bakeries, a formal production record will be set up for each of the product types and used by the manufacturing operatives to prepare the various ingredients and set the equipment. Invaluable in problem solving is the formal record of what was actually carried out on a particular occasion. Although many operatives will keep to the prescribed formulation and processing recipe, small variations about a given value can occur and lack of information of what the actual values were for a given mix makes problem solving more difficult. It is normal for standard production specifications to allow a degree of tolerance for weights and operating conditions. For example, a temperature specification for a cake batter may be stated as 20 6 2C. However, such a specification allows for replicate batters to be 18Cor22C and 4C variation coupled with other small changes may have a larger effect of final product quality than normally considered. A formal record of production can encompass many aspects including the following:

G Any variations in the source of the raw materials. For example, changes in flour or whole egg batches, or a new supplier of a particular ingredient. G Changes in analytical data even where these are still within acceptable limits because the cumulative effect of small changes in a number of individual parameters can have a large effect on final product quality. G The actual quantities of ingredients used compared with the standard values. For example, in breadmaking, it is common to adjust the water level added to maintain a standard dough rheology for subsequent proces- sing. In other cases, deliberate changes from the standard formulation Introduction to Problem-Solving Techniques Chapter | 1 7

may have been introduced to compensate for some process change. For example, in bread dough the yeast level may be adjusted to compen- sate for a change in prover temperature so that final proving times do not vary. G The processing conditions, such as mixing times, energies, ingredients and batter or dough temperatures. Once again the values may fall within acceptable ranges but can still have a cumulative effect with other small changes in recipe and process parameters. G Process equipment settings which may vary according to ‘operator prefer- ence’ or due to variations in other factors. For example, an unavoidably higher laminated paste temperature may result in greater damage to the laminated structure which may require a compensatory adjustment to roll gap settings during sheeting. G Process timings, such as baking or cooling times. G Changes in packaging materials. The record may be simplified by using the standard recipe as a pro forma against which to record variations. Such techniques have been commonly used to record the weights of individual dough pieces coming from the divider (see Fig. 1.2) and can be readily adapted for any aspect of bakery pro- duction. The record may be on paper, by input to suitable computer-based programs or may be gathered and stored automatically. In addition to the recipe and process records, it is very important to have a formal record of finished product quality. Once again, it will be common to have some form of product specification with appropriate tolerances against which to make an assessment. Such techniques are commonly the province of the Quality Control Department. The degree of detail recorded will vary. Many examples of approaches to quality control techniques for the baking industry are known and the reader is referred elsewhere (e.g., Street, 1991; Manley, 2000). The role of quality control should be more than that of the final gatekeeper for product quality, it should provide an important link between the specifications of raw materials, process data and final product

Product Dough Time to divider Dough Divider unit weight temperature consistency* setting (g) (ºC) S/SS/N/SF/F*

* Dough consistency codes: S = softer than normal SS = slightly softer than normal N = normal consistency SF = slightly firmer than normal F = firmer than normal FIGURE 1.2 Example of a divider record sheet. 8 Baking Problems Solved quality. All too often, the quality control function is divorced from this integrated chain of information and commonly relegated to a ‘checking’ role. The manufacture of bakery products is somewhat different from that of mak- ing many non-food items in that is often impossible to ‘reuse’ product which is outside specification so the principle of ‘getting it right’ first time is criti- cal for efficient and cost-effective production. Data gathering is an essential part of the information chain, integration of the information is critical and analysis of the data (see below) is vital. For use in problem solving, the formal product specification or quality control record may require some adaptation and enlargement as small, but commonly accepted, variations may hold the vital clue to the particular cause of a problem. In both, the quality control and problem-solving contexts relevant data on the finished product may include the following:

G Product size based on height or volume. Devices for measuring product dimensions may be used off- or on-line. They may be as simple as using a rule to measure loaf height or measuring product volume by seed displacement in a suitable apparatus (Cauvain, 2015) or with laser sensors (Cauvain, 2017). G Shape may be assessed subjectively and compared with an accepted standard. The introduction of image analysis offers opportunities for recording product shape, even on-line (Dipix Technologies Inc, www. G The external appearance of the product and the recording of any special features that may be present or indeed the absence of expected features, e.g., lack of oven spring in bread. G Surface blemishes, their size and location on the product. G The colouration of all external surfaces. Descriptive techniques, compari- son with standard colour charts, e.g., Munsell (Munsell, no date) or tristimulus instruments (Anderson, 1995) may be used. Deviations from the norm should be clearly noted. G The appearance of the internal structure, if there is one. Most baked products have some form of internal structure that is an intrinsic compo- nent of product quality. Assessment of that internal structure may be subjective and describe the size, numbers and distributions of the cells (open spaces) which go to make the internal structure. Cell structures may be unevenly distributed in the product cross-section or form a ‘pattern’ that is characteristic in different products. Deviations from the norm may be noted. Image analysis is now being used for objectively assessing internal cell structures (Cauvain, 2003; Whitworth et al., 2005; Cauvain, 2013; Cauvain, 2017). G The internal colour may be assessed using techniques described above for surface colour. It is worth noting that the presence of a cellular structure has an impact on the perception of colour so it is often common practice Introduction to Problem-Solving Techniques Chapter | 1 9

to include some form of visual assessment, e.g., brightness, which is different from the true colour of a product. Some objective image analysis systems offer a measurement of crumb brightness, e.g., C-Cell (www. G The physical characteristics that contribute to eating quality may be assessed subjectively with ad hoc or trained panels. Alternatively, some form of objective test designed to mimic aspects of sensory analysis may be employed, e.g., texture profile analysis (Cauvain, 1991), squeeze and puncture tests (Cauvain and Young, 2006a; Cauvain, 2017). G Product odour and flavour may be assessed subjectively on an ad hoc basis or with trained panels. The development of the so-called ‘electronic nose’ may offer a more objective measure but has yet to approach human sensitivity. Whatever details are considered to be appropriate for the record, it is important to have a standardised format for recording the details. This usu- ally takes the form of a standardised record sheet, paper or electronic, with blank spaces in which to enter the appropriate data or comments. Where a product attribute cannot be measured, an attribute ‘scoring’ system might be used to provide a more objective basis for analysis of the problem. Any number of scoring systems may be employed. One example is given in Fig. 1.3, and others are given in the literature (e.g., Kulp, 1991; Bent, 1997a; Cauvain and Young, 2006a).

1.3 THE ANALYSIS If a standard record sheet is available, then the initial analysis can be as simple as considering whether the recorded data deviate from the process specification and in what direction. The effects of any changes can then be compared with existing knowledge bases (in whatever form) to provide the basis of a diagnosis. Sadly, few bakery problems are solved with such a simplistic approach. Almost all bakery processes include an element of elapsed time, e.g., proving, baking and lamination, which must be taken into account when analysing the causes of problems. Many larger bakery operations involve continuous production, even though they are batch fed, and this adds a further complication to take into account in the analysis. An example from my own experience is that of a plant manufacturing baked puff pastry shells where deviations in the product dimensions were identified at the end of the baking process. In this instance, the plant had to run continuously to be efficient and not compromise product quality (i.e., no gaps in the pastry sheet or the oven). The operation was batch fed from the mixer so that the relationship between a given mix batch, and the product leaving the oven had to be established first. When this was done, it then 10 Baking Problems Solved

Product ......

Recipe code ......

Date manufactured ......

Date evaluated ......

Evaluated by ......

Product weight (g) ...... Notes on key attributes

Product height (mm or max. 10) ...... High Low

Volume (cm3 or max. 10) ...... High Low External appearance Uniformity of shape (10 max.) ...... Collapsed Peaked Crust break (5 max.) ...... Even Uneven Crust colour (5 max.) ...... Dark Light Internal appearance Crumb cell structure (max. 10) ...... Open Close Crumb uniformity (max. 10) ...... Even Uneven Crumb colour (max. 5) ...... Sensory qualities Aroma (max. 5) ...... Off-odour Flavour (max. 10) ...... Off-flavour Crumb firmness/softness/crispiness (max. 10) ...... Eating qualities (max. 10) ...... Total score (max. 100) ......

Additional comments ...... FIGURE 1.3 Example of product scoring sheet. became possible to identify the contribution that any variation in the mix batch contributed to the problem. After establishing this relationship, it became clear that batch-to-batch variation was not the prime cause of the problem observed as simple plots of dough properties ex-mixer (e.g., temperature or rheology) did not correlate with variations in product quality even when the elapsed time element had been taken into account. The solution to this particular problem lay in a plot of changes in product character with time (see Fig. 1.4), which upon analysis showed that the variation was more regular than first thought. At first glance, it appeared to be the well-known ‘shift change effect’ and to some extent that was true: Not entirely in this case due to the operator effect on process settings but because each new shift started with a new batch of rework to add to the virgin paste. As the rework aged, the effects on baked product character diminished. In this case, a simple trend analysis provides the basis for the solution of the problem. Introduction to Problem-Solving Techniques Chapter | 1 11


55 Stored re-work




Pastry height (mm) 35 Fresh re-work 30

25 024681012 Dough batch number FIGURE 1.4 Effect of rework on lift in laminated products.

One analysis technique that has been applied to cereal science and technology is ‘root cause analysis’ (Stauffer, 2000). Not all bakery problems are likely to be potential subjects for this type of analysis as a key element in this technique is the brainstorming session. Brainstorming usually implies that more than one person is involved and all too often many of us confront bakery problems alone or against a timescale that is insufficient to gather together the necessary team of experts. In manufacturing processes based on batch production, stopping the line until the problem is solved is an option; however, for many bakery processes, anything other than a short- term stoppage is seldom an option. If the problem is a persistent one or of a catastrophic nature, then root-cause analysis can be a suitable technique to apply. The role of a team in employing root-cause analysis is invaluable in solving intractable problems or making changes to product quality. In the latter case, the technique would be to treat the required change as though it were a problem; e.g., if I want greater volume in a cake, then by diagnosing the cause of excess volume, I may well obtain clues as to how to increase cake volume, or by treating low volume as problem then I may get pointers as to possible routes to improvement. The methodology known as Six Sigma has been used to quantify how bakery processes are performing. At the heart of the operation is the imple- mentation of a measurement strategy based on no more than 3.4 defects per million opportunities, with a Six Sigma opportunity being based on the number of chances of getting a defect. For reasons already discussed, the opportunities for obtaining objective measurements in many bakeries are limited which means in turn, so are the chances of using statistical approaches like Six Sigma as a routine problem-solving tool. Nevertheless, the discipline needed to implement the Six Sigma methodology has potential relevance for baking. The Six Sigma DMAIC approach is based on define, measure, analyse, improve and control, all essential elements in any manufacturing process. 12 Baking Problems Solved

1.4 MODELLING TECHNIQUES The application of statistical methods of analysis is common in many areas of food and nonfood manufacturing scenarios, one example is that of Six Sigma discussed above. The different techniques can be used in problem solving and quality optimisation, though in the manufacturing environment modelling methods often tend to be confined to the plotting of trends using simple graphs as discussed in the example above for a laminated product. More sophisticated statistical and modelling techniques can play their part in helping to buildup the information base on what the critical ingredient and process factors are which determine changes in product quality. Once identi- fied, these critical factors can be logged and matched with problems when they occur. Examples of modelling processes associated with baking are often associated with production or financial planning, and energy management rather than product quality. To develop predictive models which deal with product quality, it is commonly necessary to carry out experiments in a test bakery or trials on the plant. Although trials on the plant are preferred, they can be wasteful of raw materials, energy and time so that the most common practice is to carry out evaluations in the test bakery and ‘translate’ the results to the plant. It is very important to establish any clear changes that are relevant when translat- ing test bakery results to a plant environment. A simple example encountered by the author was the development of a sponge cake recipe in a test bakery using a planetary-style mixer, whereas the plant used a continuous mixer to prepare the same recipe batter. In this case, it is necessary to remember that less carbon dioxide gas will be lost during continuous mixing (due to the closed nature of the mixer head) than with an open-bowl planetary mixer so that baking powder levels should be adjusted downwards to compensate for this difference. A typical adjustment would be to reduce the baking powder level for a continuous mixer to be about 75% of that used on a planetary mixer to achieve the same sponge cake volume in both the test bakery and on the plant (Cauvain and Cyster, 1996). There are a number of examples of modelling techniques which might be applied to bakery products. Street (1991) provides a review of suitable tech- niques that may be applied to the modelling of baked products, and there are a number of examples in the scientific and technical literature. The concept behind the development of such mathematical models is that a relatively limited number of experiments may be used to build models that can be used to predict changes in bakery product quality as a consequence of changes in combinations of ingredients and processes. Once a predictive model has been established, then the information could also be used for problem solving. For example, suppose that we show by experimentation how loaf volume varies as a result of an interaction between the level of ascorbic acid in the dough and mixing time. At some later stage, Introduction to Problem-Solving Techniques Chapter | 1 13 we may encounter a problem with low-bread volume, and then we would be able to use the output from our model to help decide whether the problem was associated with the level of added ascorbic acid or mixing time, or both. Furthermore, we might use our model to show which changes were most likely to restore our bread volume to its original level. Baking is a complex food process with many ingredient and process interactions. These interactions lead to complicated models that are often dif- ficult to apply. For example, for a given set of mixing conditions, we would observe that bread volume increases with increasing levels of ascorbic acid reaching a maximum, and thereafter, there will be little change in volume for increasing additions of ascorbic acid. This occurs because the oxidation effect of ascorbic acid is limited by the availability of oxygen from the air incorporated during dough mixing (Cauvain, 2008). The availability of oxy- gen is affected by yeast activity, so that yeast level becomes an influencing factor. Both yeast and ascorbic acid activity are temperature sensitive and proceed at a greater rate when the temperature increases. Dough temperature is a function in part of ingredient temperatures and in part the energy imparted to the dough during mixing. Energy transfer in turn is related to the mixing time. So, too, is gas occlusion to a lesser degree because during mixing an equilibrium point is reached when the entrainment process is balanced by the disentrainment process. This equilibrium may occur before the end of the mixing time. So for the given example above, although we set out to study the effects of the level of ascorbic acid and mixing time, we must also ensure that we measure:

G ingredient temperatures; G final dough temperature; G gas occlusion in the dough; G actual mixing time; G energy transferred to the dough. These records are necessary because we cannot independently control some of the properties concerned, e.g., mixing time, energy and dough temperature are all interrelated. Whenever we do work during mixing, we must expect there to be a temperature rise. This relationship also holds true if a water or other coolant jacket has been fitted to the mixer, and in this case, we must remember that the coolant temperature in the jacket will also rise by the time that it leaves the jacket as the result of absorbing some of the heat generated during mixing. There tends to be greater variability in product quality for products manufactured on a plant than one sees in many test bakery environments. This process ‘noise’ in the data can mask some of the critical issues that con- trol product quality and therefore weaken the value of any models which may have been developed. There are a number of statistical techniques that 14 Baking Problems Solved can be used to help separate such noise from underlying effects, trends and relationships. In many manufacturing processes, the specified product char- acteristics can be achieved by many different combinations of formulation and process conditions. Taguchi methods use experiments to search system- atically and efficiently for combinations of ‘control’ factors that minimise product variability in the face of variations in ‘noise factors’ such as ambient temperature. Taguchi methodology has been applied to the manufacture of bakery products, in particular in a study of the factors that affect the quality of puff pastry (DTI, 1993). In some cases, effective problem solving can be initiated by studying the effects of small perturbations on the plant. A major issue with carrying out trials on the plant is the potential loss of production arising from the manufacture of out-of-specification products. However, there is a distinct advantage to plant trials in that large numbers of samples are being made which increases the potential for statistical and practical analysis. Most product specifications have a degree of tolerance associated with the final product so that small variations can be accommodated without loss of production. The value of statistics in identifying potential differences between the effects of ingredient or process changes is not doubted. However, as discussed in the example above where the relationship between ascorbic acid level and mixing time was considered, there are relatively few simple relationship in baking. One often hears the comment with regard to experi- ments in baking that ‘we will change one thing at a time’. Sadly, this is sel- dom if ever, true for baking. Suppose that want to consider the effect of reducing the base dough temperature in the manufacture of croissant and we therefore make two doughs, one at 20C and the other at 15C, that ‘simple’ change in temperature will affect gas production by the yeast, the activity of ascorbic acid and enzyme if added, and most importantly the rheological properties of the dough during processing. Differences between trials may indeed show statistical differences in product quality but due to the range of interactions, the relevance of the differences with respect to production requirements is not clear and so care must be taken when implementing actions or models based exclusively on statistical significance alone.

1.5 MATCHING PATTERNS AND VISUALISING CHANGES Sometimes when dealing with complex problems, it is an advantage to sketch out the salient features with a diagram or create some collage of salient information on a board (like a story board for the creation of a film). A simple example is illustrated in Fig. 1.4 in which the potential routes for the migration of moisture in composite bakery products are identified annotated with relevant data on moisture contents and product masses. Introduction to Problem-Solving Techniques Chapter | 1 15

Topping Aw = 0.6, Moisture = 3% Mass = 4% of product

Top cake Aw = 0.85, Moisture = 25% Mass = 43% of product

Filling Aw = 0.93, Moisture = 40% Mass = 10% of product

Bottom cake Aw = 0.85, Moisture = 25% Mass = 43% of product

FIGURE 1.5 Schematic identifying the characteristics of the different components of a com- posite cake product and the potential routes of moisture migration.

The drawing of diagrams such as that shown in Fig. 1.5 helps to ensure that all of the relevant processes are considered before carrying out detailed calculations and investigations. Human beings have a significant capability for being able to match patterns in data, and in many ways, when we are problems solving we spend a lot of time comparing what we see with the patterns which we all hold in our minds. Subconsciously, we look for a pattern of information in a current problem and compare that with previous patterns of events and information to see if they provide clues for solving the current quality problem. There are many different ways of creating patterns. The creation of knowledge trees and knowledge fragments is one example and is discussed in more detail in the following section. The knowledge tree is like a flow diagram similar to that created by engineers to show the movement of raw materials through its various stages en route to becoming a finished product. The same basic principle is used by systems analysts when they are constructing dia- grams to show the flow of information with different symbols representing different types of activity or decisions which need to be made. Cauvain and Young (2006a) illustrated possible examples of pattern matching for the baking industry using a series of ‘spider diagrams’ to relate certain characteristics of wheat with that of the subsequent flour, dough and bread. As well as providing a relatively simple means of developing patterns relating raw materials and finished products the process of deciding which characteristics to include in the various diagrams is an important first step in understanding the cause of quality problems. When it comes to identifying the key roles of different ingredients and processes in determining a particular aspect of final product quality, it is 16 Baking Problems Solved


Flour protein Gluten development



Crumblier FIGURE 1.6 The impact of some process and ingredient factors on the hardness and crumbli- ness of cookies. useful to be able to identify the relative importance of the individual changes. It may be possible through mathematical modelling to identify the relative importance of the effect different ingredients, recipes and process or process changes, but it can sometimes be sufficient in problem solving to use a simple diagram to understand the different contributions (Cauvain and Young, 2006a). An example of this type of approach is given in Fig. 1.6 which examines the impact of some process and ingredient factors on the hardness and crumbliness of cookies. The development of a gluten network in cookie dough is not usually considered to be desirable, and if this should happen, e.g., through over-mixing, the resultant product will be harder eating. As the sugar level in a cookie formulation increases, the resultant product gradually loses its initial crumbliness and become harder (e.g., as seen with ginger nuts) while increasing additions of fat give increasingly crumbliness as the fat interferes with the development of the gluten structure. The angle at which the individual vectors proceed from the origin in Fig. 1.6 gives an indication of the relative impact of any changes so that this relatively simple diagram can provide a first indication of the potential interactions that taking place in a particular baking environment. For example, from Fig. 1.6, if we wished to reduce the fat level in a cookie formulation but do not wish to end up with a harder biscuit then we would consider a reduction in gluten development by adjusting mixing conditions or methods or changing ingredients, such as flour type, which contribute to gluten formation.

1.6 THE INFORMATION SOURCES Not many of the problems that we may encounter in the manufacture of bakery products are likely to be so unusual that they have not been encoun- tered and recorded before. Even where an apparently new problem arises, access to suitable information sources often reveals a problem and solution so similar that it can be readily adapted to our particular needs. For example, Introduction to Problem-Solving Techniques Chapter | 1 17 most of the problems that we are likely to encounter in the production of cakes with heat-treated cake flours (see Section 2.2.17) will have similar solutions to those that would apply if we were using chlorinated cake flours (see Section 2.2.17). Even though it may be the first time that we have used a heat-treated flour, we therefore have a suitable base for identifying the solution to our problem. The availability of suitable information is a fundamental tool for our ability to problem solve successfully. Traditionally, such information sources could be classified as personal and written. More recently, computer-based sources have become increasingly available sometimes as databases but in other cases in forms that would not be classified as an electronic equivalent of the written word.

1.6.1 Personal Even in today’s fast-moving electronic age, there is no substitute for personal experience which builds one’s own portable information source. However, few of us will spend long enough in positions that allow the systematic buildup of the appropriate knowledge through ‘trial and error’ studies. Aspects of problem solving may be taught in our years of academic study, but these are seldom detailed enough to provide us with the comprehensive information base required. Personal contacts with experts and consultants can be used to supplement our individual information base. Contacts with other professional bakers and professional baking organisations are invaluable because it allows access to a wider range of experiences. Thus, membership of professional bodies such as the British Society of Baking, the American Society of Baking and the Australian Society of Baking, which are linked with one another, has benefits in developing one’s own knowledge base. Attendance at suitable conferences, technical meetings, workshops and short courses can also provide relevant information.

1.6.2 Written The scientific and technical literature provides the most obvious source for written material which aids in problem solving. Starting a collection of ‘useful’ articles and some form of index is very helpful in establishing your own information base. Included in the written form are pictorial libraries of faults and associated text related to their identified causes. Such libraries may be built for oneself or may be purchased from a suitable source. Over the years, many of the ‘rules’ related to problem solving in baking have been summarised and published (e.g., Street, 1991; Bent, 1997b; Cauvain and Young, 2006b). These generally take the form of lists of faults 18 Baking Problems Solved and associated causes. In many ways, such rules are of limited value because they seldom consider or assign a likelihood value and so a personal degree of judgement as to which of the causes to investigate first is required. Such lists tend to deal only with the more common problems and seldom consider interactions between ingredients or ingredients and processing. Also the causes of faults are given equal weighting; thus, there is no expression as to whether a particular cause is more likely than another. The values of a personal record can be significantly increased by system- ising the knowledge record. A series of checklists can be constructed to identify contributions of ingredients and processes to final products and their appropriate intermediates (e.g., dough, batter, paste). An example of such an approach is illustrated for pastry in Tables 1.11.6. Checklists may be popu- lated with the type of information identified in Chapter 3, Key Relationships Between Ingredients, Recipes and Baked Product Qualities. A ‘first level’ checklist (Table 1.1) identifies the ingredients that may be used in the manufacture of pastry and considers the potential impact of their on the various final product characteristics. Filling in this first checklist

TABLE 1.1 Example of Level 1 Checklist for Recording the Potential Effects of Ingredients and Their Qualities on Paste and Pastry Characteristics (Level 1 Checklist Pastry/Ingredient Qualities) Paste Consistency Paste Extensibility Paste Elasticity Height/Lift Shape Colour Surface Appearance Mouthfeel Aroma Moisture Firmness/Tenderness

Flour protein XXXXX X content

Flour water XXX absorption Fat type X X X X X

Fat melting XXXXX point

Sugar particle XX size Rework X X X X X

Milk Egg Introduction to Problem-Solving Techniques Chapter | 1 19

TABLE 1.2 Example of Level 1 Checklist for Recording the Potential Effects of Ingredient Levels of Paste and Pastry Characteristics (Level 1 Checklist Pastry/Formulation (Ingredient Level)) Paste Consistency Paste Extensibility Paste Elasticity Height/Lift Shape Colour Surface Appearance Mouthfeel Aroma Moisture Firmness/Tenderness

Fat X X X X X Sugar X X X X X

Added water XXXXX X level


Rework X X X X X

TABLE 1.3 Example of a Level 1 Checklist for Recording the Potential Effects of Processing Conditions on Paste and Pastry Characteristics (Level 1 Checklist Pastry/Processing) Paste Consistency Paste Extensibility Paste Elasticity Height Shape Crust Colour Surface Appearance Mouthfeel Aroma Moisture Firmness/Tenderness

Mixing X X X X X X Resting X X X X

Sheeting X X X X

Cutting/ XX X blocking Baking time X X X X X X

Baking XX temperature TABLE 1.4 Example of a Level 2 Checklist for Recording the Potential Effects of Ingredient Qualities on Paste and Pastry Characteristics (Level 2 Checklist Past/Ingredient Qualities) Paste Consistency Paste Extensibility Paste Elasticity Height/Lift Shape Colour Surface Appearance Mouthfeel Aroma Moisture Firmness/ Tenderness Stiff Slack More Less More Less More Less Better Poorer Darker Lighter More Moist Less Moist Firmer More Tender

Flour protein Higher X X X content Lower X X X

Flour water Higher X X absorption Lower X X

Fat type

Fat melting Higher X X X point Lower X X X

Sugar type

Sugar Larger particle size Smaller

Rework Old X X X

New X X X


Egg TABLE 1.5 Example of Level 2 Checklist for Recording the Potential Effects of Ingredient Levels of Paste and Pastry Characteristics [Level 2 Checklist Pastry/Formulation (Ingredient Level)] Paste Consistency Paste Extensibility Paste Elasticity Height/Lift Shape Colour Surface Appearance Mouthfeel Aroma Moisture Firmness/ Tenderness Stiff Slack More Less More Less More Less Better Poorer Darker Lighter More Moist Less Moist Firmer More Tender

Fat Higher X X X

Lower X X X

Sugar Higher X X X

Lower X XX

Added Higher X X water level Lower X X

Milk Higher X X

Lower X X

Egg Higher X X

Lower X X

Rework More X X X

Less X X X TABLE 1.6 Example of a Level 2 Checklist for Recording the Potential Effects of Processing Conditions on Paste and Pastry Characteristics (Level 2 Checklist Pastry/Processing) Paste Consistency Paste Extensibility Paste Elasticity Height/Lift Shape Colour Surface Appearance Mouthfeel Aroma Moisture Firmness/ Tenderness Stiff Slack More Less More Less More Less Better Poorer Darker Lighter More Moist Less Moist Firmer More Tender

Mixing Longer X X X X

Shorter X X X X

Resting Longer X X X X

Shorter X X X X

Sheeting Thicker X X

Thinner X X

Cutting/ blocking

Baking Longer XX time Shorter XX

Baking Higher X X X temp Lower X X X Introduction to Problem-Solving Techniques Chapter | 1 23 is merely a question of identifying whether a particular ingredient has an effect or not; those that do have an effect could be marked with an ‘X’. In Table 1.1, the different quality of the flour, fat and sugar are known to have an effect and so are marked for consideration. Rework has been included as an ‘ingredient’ due to the profound effect that it has on both the paste and the final product; the rework quality would be controlled by its age, temperature and length of storage time (as noted above). Consideration is then given to whether varying the ingredient level will impact on paste characteristics and final product quality. The example illustrated in Table 1.2 does not include flour as it is common practice to assess the impact of ingredients with respect to flour at a standard level in the bakery (Cauvain and Young, 2006a). At this stage, there is no need to consider the direction of impact. The final level 1 checklist considers the impact of the processing steps applied in the manufacture of the bakery product concerned. In Fig. 1.3, some examples related to the mixing, processing and baking of pastes are included. Again, it is only necessary to identify whether there is an impact or not from a particular process step. The level 1 checklists help focus the subsequent line of reasoning which might be applied in problem solving or product development. The ‘second level’ checklist considers the impact of the level of the different recipe ingredients and process settings. In this case it will be necessary to consider the direction of change for given product characteristics (e.g., larger, smaller) and link these with changes in ingredient level (e.g., higher, lower) or process conditions (e.g., mixing time longer or shorter). Examples of level 2 checklists are illustrated in Tables 1.41.6, and they show the type and range of infor- mation which might be included. If an ingredient or process parameter was identified at level 1 then it is carried through to level 2. Entries at level 2 can be directional (as illustrated) or if hard data exist (e.g., from mathematical modelling) these can be entered instead to give the level 2 checklists a more ‘predictive’ capability. Missing from the checklist approach is the ability to directly record complex interactions, but they can be a useful first step in assembling the complex knowledge required for solving bakery problems. They can also be useful for gathering and systemising the information required for the development of computer-based knowledge systems (see Section 1.6.3).

1.6.3 Constructing knowledge trees and knowledge fragments Another approach to recording technical information in visual form can be the construction of knowledge trees and fragments. Usually the construc- tion of the tree starts at the top and works downwards to the ‘roots’. In practice, the information that it holds can be used from the ‘bottom-up’ for product development and from the ‘top-down’ for product and process quality optimisation. 24 Baking Problems Solved

Pastry lift

Production Re-work Process method conditions e.g. English

Number of fat Level Age Temperature Rest periods layers

Integrity of Sheeting Temperature the layers profile

Base dough Mixing time Fat temperature (energy)

Ratio Quality Flour quality to (SFI) dough

FIGURE 1.7 Part of a knowledge tree identifying the factors that contribute to pastry lift.

The construction of the knowledge tree starts with the identification of a final product or intermediate property of interest and proceeds by identifying all those factors which contribute to the identified property or characteristic, both individually and collectively. An example of this approach is given in Fig. 1.7 for lift in laminated puff pastry. Moving from the top of the tree downward, we can see that the approach is to progres- sively break down complex interactions until single contributing factors are identified; these may be considered as the roots of the tree, even if not all of them are ‘planted in the ground’. Cauvain and Young (2006a) provide another example of a knowledge tree for the eating quality of bread and cake products. As complex as these diagrams appear, they only partially address the issues of the complex ingredientrecipe-process interactions whichunderpinbaking. Sometimes, it is not possible to develop a full knowledge tree, and it is easier to break the structure down into a series of knowledge fragments. This is a technique which we have pioneered and used in many situations. An example of a knowledge fragment is illustrated in Fig. 1.8 and is one relevant to ascorbic acid oxidation in breads made using the Chorleywood Bread Process. The fragment identifies a number of the key interactions which take place in mixing and how they relate to the qualities of the final product. Knowledge fragments are visual aids which help you to quickly see relationships between pieces of knowledge. They can express or define information and knowledge about an ingredient, a term used in baking or a processing step or about any information you may wish to structure so that it is easy to use again, either as an aide-memoire or to help in your Introduction to Problem-Solving Techniques Chapter | 1 25

Oxidation in CBP

Ingredients– Mixing Processing Baking Ascorbic acid– E300

Oxidation of flour proteins

AA + Oxygen + flour Optimum energy Change in dough Affects proteins + ascorbic rheology–greater ovenspring oxidase restistance to deformation Mixing requirement in Dehydroascorbic CBP - 2–5 min acid Risk of moulding damage

Mixer headspace pressure/vacuum Improves dough gas ratio during Uneven shape/ retention mixing holes/uneven structure

Under- Optimum Over- Under- Over- oxidation oxidation oxidation oxidation oxidation

Lack of gas Excess of Lack of gas Excess of gas retention gas retention retention retention

High volume/ Over expansion of good Lack of Excess of centre crumb ovenspring / ovenspring ovenspring fine (less likely) structure/soft Results in crumb collapse in lidded bread

Coarse Poor shape/ structure/low uneven volume structure

Example of a knowledge fragment ©BakeTran 2008

FIGURE 1.8 Example of a knowledge fragment related to ascorbic acid oxidation in the Chorleywood Bread Process. understanding of a topic. They are constructed in a similar way to a ‘flow diagram’. The items of knowledge can be linked together using lines and arrows. They need to be structured and classified in a simple way and saved so that they can be retrieved easily when needed. They might be considered as a ‘diagrammatic knowledge data-base’. The key terms used in them can be indexed so that retrieval is easy. If faults or quality defects are shown in the fragments, they can be used to identify the questions that need to be asked to determine a solution to a baking problem or quality defect. 26 Baking Problems Solved

They can help you to link all the technical information that you acquire about baking. In the example provided, oxidation in the Chorleywood Bread Process (CBP), much of the relevant knowledge about oxidation is illus- trated. The mechanism by which ascorbic acid takes part in oxidation, the links to mixing and energy requirements, and possible processing issues are shown. The contribution of oxidation to dough gas retention is flagged. The result of under- or over-oxidation for the product being considered, in this case generic plant bread, can be inserted. By referencing some of the key terms used in the fragments e.g., gas retention, gas production, fault-low vol- ume, fault-coarse structure, etc., the relevant fragments can be identified and examined when a product exhibits a particular fault e.g., coarse structure. Any fragments showing this fault can be used in the trail to find the cause of the fault and its correction. Such knowledge fragments can have considerable value in their own right as they provide detailed information focussed on one or two aspects of a larger and more complex structure.

1.6.4 Knowledge (computer)-based systems Computing technology offers a special opportunity to help with problem solving, quality optimisation and product development. In particular, reason- based programmes, commonly known as ‘expert systems’, these have been previously used in fault diagnosis and linked with corrective action. The Flour Milling and Baking Research Association at Chorleywood was the pio- neer in applying such technology to the baking industry with work being continued in the Campden and Chorleywood Food Research Association (Cauvain and Young, 2006b; Cauvain, 2015). Expert or knowledge-based systems as they are now commonly referred to can combine facts and rules to solve problems. The ‘rules’ can take several forms including mathematical models, ‘rules of thumb’ and ‘intuitive’ rules. The latter may well take the form of ‘if I increase the level of ingredient X then property Y in the product will change in a positive direction’ (cf. the checklist approach discussed above). Such rules may not quantify the degree of change, only the direction. Knowledge-based systems can contain many rules which should be capable of validation. They should not contain opinion but rather concentrate on facts. Such systems can perform a fault diagnosis within a few minutes and are capable of considering large information bases very quickly. They can consider many interactions and are often written to provide degrees of likelihood in the answers so that the process of identifying corrective actions and assigning priorities is more readily possible. Images and text can be inte- grated and displayed to provide pictorial display of product characteristics. In some cases, it may be possible to diagnose faults with a knowledge-based system based solely on images run using touch-screen computing technology (Young, 1998a). Introduction to Problem-Solving Techniques Chapter | 1 27

Unlike humans, knowledge-based systems never forget and always consider all the necessary information. However, they are not perfect because they rely on human programming and so are only as good as the information they contain. Nevertheless, they can play an important role in aiding problem solving, quality optimisation and product development (through ‘what if?’ questioning) and offer a significant advantage over the classical written fault diagnosis text lists. Knowledge-based systems have been applied for problem solving in the production of bread (Young, 1998a), cake (Petryszak et al., 1995; Young et al., 1998) and biscuits. In addition to their application for problem solving, they may be used in product development (Young, 1997), process optimisation, e.g., retarding (Young and Cauvain, 1994; Young, 1998b) and for training (Young, 1998a).

1.6.5 The ‘Web’ The development of the World Wide Web and social media has increased the range of options available for information and contacts to help with problem solving. There are many sites that can be accessed for providing information on problems in baking but it is important to try to ensure that the information received has some validity and credibility. It is therefore best to deal with reputable and well-known sources. Developments in web-based technologies will considerably increase the availability of computer-based tools such as knowledge-based systems. Work has been undertaken to provide access to such programs on an on-line basis, linked with the transfer of appropriate baking technology (Young, 1999), but such approaches still have yet to achieve their full potential in the baking and allied industries. A number of professional bodies associated with baking offer their problem-solving services via web-based systems, and there are also commer- cial organisations who offer assistance with problem solving, commonly on a fee-paying basis. Details of their services can be obtained from their relevant websites.

1.7 NEW PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT Much of the information and advice that has been given so far in this chapter is related to problem solving. However, there are significant similar- ities between the processes involved in problem solving and in developing new bakery products. For example, it is a common practice before undertak- ing a new development to consider the properties that are sought in the new product and compare them with existing product qualities. If the quality differences between the new and existing product are treated as though they are quality defects, then the information and techniques which are 28 Baking Problems Solved commonly used in problem solving are now equally applicable to new product development. In this process, the question is not ‘How do I solve this problem?’ rather it is ‘How do I move the product quality in a given direction?’ Knowledge fragments and knowledge trees can have significant roles to play in new product development because they will contain the information which allows the product developer to make informed decisions as to which ingredient, recipe or process changes to make to manipulate product quality and should also contain some identification of the key product interactions. When new products are developed, the techniques described above should assist in moving the quality of the concept product under develop- ment smoothly to the finished product ready for launch in the marketplace. However, occasionally, it can be forgotten that there needs to be a structure to the product development process itself. In the worst cases, the point can be reached where a great deal of money is expended without achieving a robust sustainable product. The list below can be used as a guide to success- ful product development. It is not exhaustive and can be augmented for local circumstances. At each major stage, it is advisable to consider a ‘Go/No go’ decision for the product so that it is developed on a sound commercial and technological basis.

1.7.1 Concept Discussion about product feasibility with:

G Marketing G R&D G Engineering G Quality control G Production G Procurement Consumer research

G Market studies G Trend analysis G Product positioning G Focus group testing Defining the product

G Characteristics G Specifications G Eating quality G Appearance/dimensions etc. G Shelf-life requirements Both organoleptic and mould-free Introduction to Problem-Solving Techniques Chapter | 1 29

G Formulation G Engineering requirements/equipment G Any legislation issues G Nutritional issues G In-house capability G Preliminary product costings/ commercial viability of product G Consumer acceptance G Budget investigation G Project manager and team Propose G Criteria for success Define G Can the product be made easily and efficiently? G Can it be sold for the right price and make a profit? Go/no go decision point

1.7.2 Product development investigation prototype product

G Budget G Define timeline for the prototype product development G Define areas of responsibility G Formulation development for constituents of product e.g., biscuit, cream, filling, coating G Flavour profile development G Ingredient assessments G Lab pilot-scale development of the product (including tasting) G Records of development of prototype, including photographs G Investigation of needs for processing equipment e.g., have we got suitable equipment, can we buy it off the shelf, is it a one-off G In-house expertise for product development and production G Is the input of consultants or other specialists required? G Will operator training be required? G Are consumer acceptance trials needed? G Assessment of lab pilot-scale products G Quality analysis G shelf-life G stability G rheological properties G organoleptic properties G flavour profiling G are other analytical tests required? G Potential market Route G Costings for the product G Criteria for success Revisit Go/no go decision point 30 Baking Problems Solved

1.7.3 Scale-up to commercialisation assessment

G Budget G Timeline G Process development for large-scale production G Engineering work required Equipment development/modification G Do we need to increase production or baking capacity? G Manufacturing and baking specifications G Risk assessments G Packaging development/integrity testing/shelf-life issues

1.7.4 Prototype trials on the plant

G Budget G Timeline G Ingredient procurement and assessment G Equipment Purchase/recommendations, set-up, liaison with production schedule, skills required, personnel training, expertise to be brought in G Keeping/shelf-life trials G Consumer trials G Marketing input Go/no go decision point

1.7.5 Pre-launch trials

G Specification and procurement of ingredients G Purchase of equipment if required G Marketing input G Packaging design G Tasting trials with consumers G Labelling G Quality control requirements G Plant/housekeeping/production team G Assessment of production product G Shelf-life trials continued Go/no go decision point

1.7.6 Launch

G Marketing G Advertising G Packaging G Pricing G Procurement Introduction to Problem-Solving Techniques Chapter | 1 31

G Handover to production team as a portfolio product G Setup quality assessment

1.7.7 On-going product maintenance/handover

G Confirmation of product specification definition e.g., archive of recipe and ingredient specifications, processing details etc. G Quality control specifications and reports G Scheduling considerations G Consumer acceptance G Crisis management plan for potential disaster/mishaps e.g., change of ingredient, change in legislation, plant breakdowns G Marketing plans G Keeping trials

1.8 CONCLUSIONS Many of us will be faced with the need to solve problems associated with baked products, whether we work in a bakery or the industries which supply it. Some will be minor and some extensive in nature, but they will all be important. To a large extent identification of the cause of the problem will be based on sound observation and the application of appropriate knowledge in a systematic manner. As bakers, we have to deal with a mixture of complex ingredients and their many interactions with one another and the production processes we use. For practical bakers many of the causes of problems are ‘hidden,’ for example, a change in flour properties is seldom obvious until a defective product leaves the oven. There is always a need to find the ‘quick’ solution, and traditionally, this was based on training and experience. Today’s bakers seem to get little of the former and are seldom given the time to obtain the latter. Modern information technologies can go some considerable way in providing suitable problem- solving tools for the modern baker. However, there is no single unique source that can provide all of the necessary solutions to baking problems but keen observation, a methodical approach and good information sources will almost always help identify cause and solution.

References Anderson, J., 1995. Crust colour assessment of bakery products. AIB Technical Bulletin, XVIII, (3), March. Bent, A.J., 1997a. Confectionery test baking. In: Bent, A.J. (Ed.), The Technology of Cakemaking, sixth ed. Blackie Academic & Professional, London, UK, pp. 358385. Bent, A.J., 1997b. Cakemaking processes. In: Bent, A.J. (Ed.), The Technology of Cakemaking, sixth ed. Blackie Academic Professional, London, UK, pp. 251274. Cauvain, S.P., 1991. Evaluating the texture of baked products. South Afr. J. Food Sci. Nutri. 3(November),8186. 32 Baking Problems Solved

Cauvain, S.P., 2003. Inside the cell structures of bakery products. World Food Ingredients Feb, 24, 26, 28. Cauvain, S.P., 2013. Measuring cell structure to understand bread quality. Redaktion Getreidetechnologie/Cereal Technology March, 2933. Cauvain, S.P., 2015. Technology of Breadmaking, third ed. Springer International Publishing AG, Switzerland. Cauvain, S.P., 2017. The ICC Handbook of Cereals, Flour, Dough & Product Testing: Methods and Application, second ed. Destech, Lancaster, PA. Cauvain, S.P., Cyster, J.A., 1996. Sponge cake technology. CCFRA Review No. 2. CCFRA, Chipping Campden, UK. Cauvain, S.P., Young, L.S., 2006a. Baked Products: Science, Technology and Practice. Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, UK. Cauvain, S.P., Young, L.S., 2006b. ) The Chorleywood Bread Process. Woodhead Publishing Ltd, Cambridge, UK. DTI, 1993. Quality Optimisation in the Food Industry Applying Taguchi Methods in the Baking Industry, DTI Project CSA 1923. DTI, London, UK. Kulp, K., 1991. Breads and yeast-leavened bakery food. In: Lorenz, K.J., Kulp, K. (Eds.), Handbook of Cereal Science and Technology. Marcel Dekker, New York, pp. 639682. Manley, D., 2000. Technology of Biscuits, Crackers and Cookies,, third ed. Woodhead Publishing Ltd, Cambridge, UK. Munsell, A.H. (no date) Munsell System of Colour Notation, Macbeth, Baltimore, USA. Petryszak, R., Young, L.S., and Cauvain, S.P., 1995. Improving cake product quality. In: Proceedings of Expert Systems 95, the 15th Annual Conference of the British Computer Society Specialist Group on Expert Systems. December, pp. 161168. Stauffer, J.E., 2000. Root cause analysis. Cereal Foods World 45, 320321. Street, C.A., 1991. Flour Confectionery Manufacture. Blackie Academic & Professional, London, UK. Whitworth, M., Cauvain, S.P., Cliffe, D., 2005. Measurement of bread cell structure by image analysis. In: Cauvain, S.P., Salmon, S.E., Young, L.S. (Eds.), Using Cereal Science and Technology for the Benefit of Consumers. Woodhead Publishing Ltd, Cambridge, UK. Young, L.S., 1997. Water activity in flour confectionery product development. In: Bent, A.J. (Ed.), The Technology of Cakemaking, sixth ed. Blackie Academic & Professional, London, UK, pp. 386397. Young, L.S., 1998a. Baking by computer passing on the knowledge. In: Proceedings of the 45th Technology Conference of the Biscuit, Cake, Chocolate and Confectionery Alliance. London, pp. 6367. Young, L.S., 1998b. Application of knowledge-based systems. In: Cauvain, S.P., Young, L.S. (Eds.), Technology of Breadmaking. Blackie Academic & Professional, London, UK, pp. 180196. Young, L.S., 1999. Education and training for the future. In: Proceedings of the 86th Conference of the British Society of Baking, British Society of Baking, London, pp. 1316. Young, L.S., Cauvain, S.P., 1994. Advising the baker. In: Proceedings of Expert Systems 94, the 14th Annual Conference of the British Computer Society Specialist Group on Expert Systems. December, pp. 2133. Young, L.S., Davies, P.R., Cauvain, S.P., 1998. Cakes getting the right balance, applications and innovations in expert systems VI. In: Mackintosh, A. (Ed.), Proceedings of the 18th Annual Conference of the British Computer Society Specialist Group on Expert Systems. Cambridge, December, SGES Publications, Cambridge, UK, pp. 4255. Chapter 2

Raw Materials

2.1 WHEAT AND GRAINS 2.1.1 Can you explain the functions of the different components in the wheat grain and, after milling, their contributions to the manufacture of baked products? Shapes vary among the various cereal grains though their main components are surprisingly similar in major constituents though not their ratios. In the preparation of wheat flour, we are dealing with the seed of the plant formed during its growing cycle. The individual seed grains are the next generation of plants and contain all the nutrients and specialist components to start the growing cycle under appropriate conditions. The individual seed grains are composed of a series of different tissues, each with its own special function in the life cycle of the plant. In broad terms, we describe wheat as being composed of a series of outer layers variously referred to as the seed coat or bran skins, an inner endosperm and the embryo. Unfortunately, there is confusion in the use of the latter term, and in common usage, it is often referred to as the germ of the grain. The term germ is most commonly used within a milling context and refers to an embryo-rich fraction of the grain obtained during milling processes. For the seed, the functions of the different components is relatively clear; the bran layers enclose and protect the food reserves (the endosperm) for the growth of the future plant, whereas it is from the embryo that the proto roots and shoots will spring when conditions are appropriate. The physical structures and chemical composition of the seeds are far too complex to describe in a book on baking, so the reader is referred elsewhere for such detail. The overall proportions of the three main wheat seed components vary slightly according to the wheat variety and the conditions under which it is grown, but the variations are relatively small. To add to the confusion that commonly surrounds the different components of wheat grains, the definitions

Baking Problems Solved. DOI: © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. 33 34 Baking Problems Solved of bran, endosperm and embryo are fuzzy, but in broad terms, the grains (on a dry matter basis) are composed of 15% bran, 83% endosperm and 2% embryo. The moisture content of grains will vary depending on environmental factors; figures of 1220% in the field are not uncommon, whereas in the mill 1215% are more likely. In whole grain, an approximate analysis (% dry matter) would be:

Sugars 2.5 Starch 71.5 Pentosans (soluble proteins) 3.5 Protein 15.0 Lipids (fats) 2.5 Cellulose 3.0 Minerals 2.0

The distribution of the different components throughout the grain is not uniform with the cellulose and minerals, more likely to be found associated with the bran and germ and most of the starch in the endosperm. Thus, in the different milling processes employed to manufacture white flours, there is a concentration of some of the grain components into the different milling fractions. In the manufacture of bread and fermented products, it is the proteins which are of greatest concern as they have the ability to form a gluten network capable of trapping the carbon dioxide gas generated by bakers’ yeast fermentation; both the quantity and the quality impact on the dough gas retention and processing properties. The most functional proteins for breadmaking are those largely found in the endosperm of the grain. The pentosans, or soluble proteins, make a significant contribution to the water absorption capacity of the flour due to their ability to absorb about seven times their own weight of water which is three to four times more than any other flour component. However, because they are present at low levels in flour, their overall contribution to water absorption capacity is small. Starch plays a number of roles in baked products. During the manufacture of many baked products, starch in the presence of water and upon heating undergoes a transformation known as gelatinisation, and in this form, it is a significant contributor to structure formation, especially in cakes. In bread, the gelatinisation of starch and its subsequent retrogradation in the loaf during storage is a key element of the staling (firming process). During the wheat milling process, some of the starch is physically damaged which contributes to it functionality in baking. Raw Materials Chapter | 2 35

Cellulose is most often linked with the bran content of the flour which tends to have a negative effect on flour properties, especially dough gas retention (see Sections 2.2.1 and 2.2.2) but makes a positive contribution to dietary fibre. The naturally occurring sugars in wheat grains is not usually considered to be important, but it is worth noting that in the manufacture of bread and fermented products, they do contribute to supporting yeast fermentation. The minerals and vitamins present in wheat grains contribute to the nutritional value of flours. The lipids present in wheat flour are mostly associated with the germ and to a lesser extent the bran. Their role in baking has not yet been clearly defined, in part because to study them, it is first necessary to extract them from wheat flour, and this may lead to a modification of their functionality which is not representative of how they would work in the original flour.

Further reading Cauvain, S.P., 2015. Technology of Breadmaking, third ed. Springer Publishing International, Switzerland. Cornell, H., 2012. The chemistry and biochemistry of wheat. In: Cauvain, S.P. (Ed.), Bread Making: Improving Quality, second ed. Woodhead Publishing Ltd, Cambridge, UK, pp. 3576. Lorenz, K.J., Kulp, K., 1991. Handbook of Cereal Science and Technology. Marcel Dekker Inc, New York, NY. 36 Baking Problems Solved

2.1.2 We understand that millers often use a mixture of different wheats to manufacture the flours that they supply to us. Can you explain why they do this? In every country where wheat is grown there are many varieties, in some cases the numbers may run close to or exceed 100. Modern wheat varieties are the result of selective breeding over many years as humankind matched wheat variety with climate and soils in the different parts of the world. The type of wheat grown is largely determined by environmental conditions such as the nature and length of the growing season. In the United Kingdom and elsewhere, it is possible to sow and grow wheat over-winter and harvest in the autumn, but in some parts of the world, the severity of the winters may restrict wheat growing to spring planting alone. Often the focus of selective wheat breeding in the past was related to agronomic and economic factors such as increasing yield and building disease resistance. It is perhaps only in the last 4050 years that greater attention has been paid to developing wheat varieties for their baking and end-use performance. Many bakery products and processes are closely linked with and traditionally based on the qualities of the locally grown and available wheat. In practice, this means that taking wheat grown in one part of the world and using it to make a different product in another part of the world is not always successful without recipe or process adjustment. Try making a baguette with 100% strong Canadian wheat and the product is quite different from using French-grown wheats, and the reverse would be largely true in that French- grown wheats that would not make good quality North-American pan bread without adjusting the recipe and process used. The milling characteristics of individual wheats also vary. There are few examples of wheats which yield the ‘perfect’ flour for a given bakery prod- uct and process. Even if there were it is important to recognise that the quality characteristics of wheat drift with time. This is a well-known botanical problem seen with all plants. In practice, new wheat varieties need to be developed on a regular basis to ensure an adequate supply of wheat of the appropriate quality for bakers. Even bakery processes change with time, and this presents new challenges for millers to match their flours to those changes. The choice of wheats used by millers in their grist is influenced by factors such as the availability of different wheat types, both local and imported, and the manner in which their milling process is structured. Not all millers blend wheats before milling, some may mill wheat varieties separately, and then blend the individual flours before sending the final product to the baker. There are advantages and disadvantages to the two ways of milling, but discussion of these is outside the scope of this book. In summary, millers will have an intimate knowledge of the wheats available for their use and the likely performance characteristics of the flours that they will produce. By accessing and blending different wheat varieties, they are seeking to deliver flours with the required performance characteristics and consistency for bakers. Raw Materials Chapter | 2 37

2.1.3 Why are there so many varieties of wheat and how are they classified? The classification of wheat varieties is most commonly associated with the ‘strength’ of the gluten network which can be developed during mixing of a dough. Gluten strength is a relative nebulous term which refers to both the protein content of the flour as well as the rheological properties of the mixed dough. References are therefore commonly made to strong, medium and weak flours, with the main differentiation being made on protein content. For example, a strong flour may have 12% or more protein (on the basis of a 14% moisture content), medium 1012% and weak less than 10%. However, within such categories variations of protein (gluten) quality may be expected (see Section 2.2.5). The strength of the flour from a given wheat variety may also be based on the bakery product area in which it may be used; thus, wheats may be classified as suitable for breadmaking, cake cookies and general purposes. This is not really a useful classification because the particular flour proper- ties required for any bakery purpose are not universal and will be tailored to individual requirements. The multiplicity of wheat varieties arises for a number of reasons. Wheat agronomics are complex and farmers will be seeking wheats capable of growing under a variety of environmental conditions. Farmers have two very special requirements from wheat; disease resistance and yield, and these two requirements are uppermost in the minds of companies who breed and commercialise wheat and are competing for the same agronomic markets. Each company will be trying to provide a unique variety for the different end-uses. With the new advances in breeding science and technology, new wheat varieties will be developed for the agronomic market. Each wheat variety takes many years of development before it reaches the farmer. Typically, the period is 812 years, and during that time, the potential quality attributes are being continually assessed. In the early stages of development, the range of evaluation tests is limited, but with successive trial years, the quantity of available wheat increases and the range of evaluation methods become more extensive. A further reason for developing new wheat varieties is related to the nature of the wheat plant. To grow a new crop on an annual basis, it is necessary to retain a small portion of years crop; this retained portion is being used for subsequent planting. With successive cycles of planting and saving, the efficiency of the retained seed begins to decline; in particular, its resistance to diseases diminishes. There may also be changes in yield and a loss of functionality which adds to the desirability of introducing new genetic stock on a regular basis. 38 Baking Problems Solved

To cope with the introduction of new varieties and the marketing of wheat in general, different geographical regions have evolved standardised protocols or classifying wheats grown in those regions. There are many differing facets to the classification processes, and readers are referred to some of the examples given in the Further reading section. Sources of further information on wheat varieties

G UK G Australia G Canada G USA www.uswheat/org . buyerinformation . buyersguide Raw Materials Chapter | 2 39

2.1.4 We have heard several experienced bakers talking about the ‘new harvest effect’ and the problems that it can cause. Can you explain what is behind this phenomena and how we can mitigate its effects? The ‘new harvest effect’ is one of the great mysteries of the cereals world. It has been much discussed in the cereals industry but a lot of the evidence for its existence is apocryphal. There have been a number of scientific investiga- tions related to the topic, generally with inconclusive results. It is said to be responsible for a number of different, usually unexpected, and occasionally catastrophic bread quality losses which occur around the period when wheat is newly harvested; these have included loss of bread volume and cell struc- ture, but most commonly, dough processing problems are the main issues that are identified by bakers. The basis for any effect is not clear but has variously been attributed to the ripeness of the wheat at harvesting, the short-term age of the wheat before it is incorporated into the milling grist and even the short-term age of the flour before it reaches the bakery. It is relatively uncommon for millers to make a complete transition from 100% ‘old’ crop to 100% ‘new’ crop; usually, they will gradually increase the proportion of the new harvest wheat in the grist. In many parts of the world, the global trading of wheat further complicates the transition as millers may be incorporating different new crop wheats at different moments in time. It is true that wheat quality does vary with different crop years, but millers usually take this into account through suitable quality testing and adjust the mixed grist of wheats that they use accordingly (see Section 2.1.2). Milling and baking processes have changed considerably in the last 40 years, and it may be that some of the past experiences that are retold by bakers are no longer relevant. Those breadmaking processes which rely exclusively on the quality of the gluten network in the dough are likely to be the most sensitive to the any changes in flour properties with harvesting year. In breadmaking processes where improvers and dough conditioners are added, then the effects of small variations in flour quality are less likely to be noticeable. It is interest- ing to note that improver suppliers are known to make small changes to the formulation of the bread improvers around the new harvest period. The ‘new’ harvest effect is not usually associated with minor changes rather with more significant and unexpected quality losses. A common feature of these catastrophic failures is that they often disappear without apparent reason after a short period of time using the new flour has elapsed. One possible explanation is that in larger bakeries, the process conditions have been settled and optimised for many months and are sensitive to the small changes in wheat quality which inevitably occur from crop year to crop year. After a period of trial and error, the problem usually dissipates as the plant is reoptimised to the new primary raw material quality. We are sorry that we cannot give you a more explicit explanation. 40 Baking Problems Solved

2.1.5 We are a bakery working with a local farmer and miller to produce a range of local breads and want to use some different varieties and forms of malted grains that we are producing. Can you advise us on any special issues that we should be aware of? Adding grains in different forms to breads is a good way of introducing a variety of flavours and textures into your products. There are a few matters that you need to take into account to get the best results in your product. Wheat, barley and rye can be used to make malted grains and turned into a variety of granular products for adding to bread dough. One thing that you do need to be careful of is that the grain products are not hard and dry when you make them as they can potentially cause unpleasant eating qualities if they are large particles. Two forms of grains are commonly used; crushed or flaked and kibbled. The former will be prepared with a higher moisture content to aid preparation and so will be susceptible to mould growth. Steaming is com- monly used to prepare grains for flaking. Kibbling yields much smaller pieces of broken grain which is very useful as a surface decoration. A key factor for you to consider is that the malting process initiates a significant level of enzyme activity in the grains, and these enzymes will remain active in the dough. The amylase activity may cause problems with dough softening and contribute to side-wall collapse in the baked product (see Section 4.1.2) or even keyholing in severe cases (Fig. 1.1). If you do have this problem, then you may want to reduce the additions of other enzyme active materials, such as malt flour, or use a less enzyme-rich improver if you are using a no-time dough process. There will be other enzymic activity to watch out for, most notably proteolytic activity which contributes to dough softening and a weakening of the gas retention properties of the dough. The malting process generates complex sugars, and these will also be carried into the dough with the malted grains. These should not be a problem, but if you notice that the product crust colour becomes darker, you may want to reformulate to reduce it. You may need to increase the protein content of the flour that you are using, as the dough system will need to carry the non-functional malted grains.

Further reading Pyler, R.E., Thomas, D.A., 1991. Malted cereals: production and use. In: Lorenz, K.J., Kulp, K. (Eds.), Handbook of Cereal Science and Technology. Marcel Dekker, Inc, New York, NY, pp. 815832. Raw Materials Chapter | 2 41

2.1.6 Can we mix oats or oat products with our wheat flours to make bakery products? If so, are there any special issues that we should be aware of? Oats, in common, with many other grains are composed of outer bran layers, an embryo (germ) and starchy endosperm; the latter, in contrast with many other grains contains significant amounts of protein and is rich in oil. The first stage in oat milling is to remove the husk or outer hull to yield clean ‘groats’. Oat milling follows a similar pattern to wheat milling but is less complex. The groats may be cut, flaked, milled or ground to yield oat flour, sometimes with the bran being taken off separately. The high level of oil in oats (typically 59%) is distributed relatively uniformly through the oat components which are also rich in lipase. Unless the lipase is inactivated by heat, oat products are very quickly prone to rancidity. The process of inactivating the lipase enzyme is known as ‘stabilisation’ and comprises heating the oats with steam and heat for up to 2 h at over 100C. The stabilisation process also contributes to the development of a ‘nutty’ aroma and flavour in oat products. Cut oats are usually milled to oatmeal of different size grades, and it is these products which are most commonly used in baking. Perhaps, the best known bakery products which use oatmeal are biscuits and cookies, oats may be included on their own or along with fruits and nuts. Oatmeal biscuits have a strong regional bias associated with , and they are a dense and fria- ble biscuit with a distinctive flavour. There are other regional products which use oatmeal such as Staffordshire Oatcakes (see Section 8.43). The consumption of oat bran has been linked with the potential for lowering blood cholesterol in the human digestive system, and this has led to its inclusion in a number of food and drink products. The ‘active’ ingredient in this context is the soluble fibre gum, beta-glucan. Oat flakes may find use along with other flaked grains in the manufacture of bread and rolls, either as part of the dough or as a surface dressing to provide texture. Oat bran and oatmeal are included in some breads where the distinctive aroma and flavour are seen as beneficial. The oat products are usually added to a strong white flour base as oats do not have the potential to contribute to the formation of a gluten network in the dough. There is a tendency for the bread products to have a slightly dry mouthfeel, but when combined with a suitable filling, e.g., prawn mayonnaise, they make a popular sandwich type in the United Kingdom. Oat bran is also a key component of some speciality cake muffins.

Further reading Welch, R.W., McConnell, J.M., 2001. Oats. In: Dendy, D.A.V., Dobraszczyk, B.J. (Eds.), Cereals and Cereal Products. Aspen Publisher, Inc., Gaithersburg, MA, pp. 367391. 42 Baking Problems Solved

2.1.7 What is micronised wheat? The micronising process involves the treatment of grain by infrared irradia- tion and is not to be confused with ultra-fine grinding by the ‘Micronizer’ fluid energy mill. When infrared rays penetrate, they cause the molecules of the material to vibrate at a frequency of 60,000 to 150,000 megacycles per second. This results in rapid internal heating and a rise in water-vapour pressure. The grains become soft and turgid causing them to swell and fracture. Immediate rolling or flaking gelatinises the starch, considerably enhancing digestibility and feed value of the grain. Micronising drastically reduces the counts of bacteria and moulds. The counts from two sample wheats are given below:

Sample Count per gram

Bacteria Mould

Untreated wheat 540,000 1200 Micronised wheat ,100 ,10

The effect on the milling is less efficacious. For example, in a measured experiment, a control wheat conditioned to 15% moisture con- tent, yielded 67.3% flour, and a micronised wheat similarly conditioned yielded only 36.4% of flour. The micronised wheat flour produced was of poor colour, and clean-up of bran was unsatisfactory. It was concluded that micronised wheat was unsuitable for the normal roller mill process to produce white flour. The flour from micronised wheats would not be suitable for normal bakery products as the gluten quality would be spoilt by the heat generated in the micronising procedure but often finds use where the thickening properties of the gelatinised starch have value, e.g., soups. Raw Materials Chapter | 2 43

2.2 FLOURS 2.2.1 Can you explain what the ash content means and should we ask for it to be determined on our flours? The ash test is based on the incineration of a known weight of a flour sample at 900C in a suitable furnace; the material which remains after incineration comprises the inorganic minerals and is referred to as the ash (ICC, 2005). There are alternative testing methods which use a lower temperature for heating the sample, e.g., the AACC method for ash determination uses a temperature of only 600C(AACC, 2008). Whichever the testing method is applied, the aim remains the same. The minerals in cereal grains are concentrated in the bran layers which surround the inner endosperm. Thus, as a general principle the higher the ash content of a ‘white’ flour, the greater the proportion of bran which can be present in the sample. The complex geometry of the wheat grain and the physical properties of the materials concerned means that the bran skins cannot be ‘pealed’ from the endosperm-like layers on an onion, and even in the most efficient of flour mills, it is inevitable that some fragments of the bran layers will find their way into the white flour which essentially comes from the endosperm. The ash test may therefore be seen as an indicator of the ‘purity’ of white flour; in that, the more of the bran which is incorpo- rated with the wheat endosperm, the higher the ash level will be. It follows that as wholemeal flours are 100% of the grain, the ash content will be considerably higher than that of white flours. In the United Kingdom (and elsewhere), there is a statutory requirement for white flours to be fortified with calcium carbonate at levels between 235 mg and 390 mg/100 g (Bread and Flour Regulations, 1999) before the flour leaves the mill. This requirement is related to the nutritional status of flour. Calcium carbonate is an inorganic substance which remains a part of the ash residue on testing. However, unlike bran, it has no technological impact in baking. As calcium carbonate would measure as ash using the test, United Kingdom flours will yield a higher value and distort the application of the information for bakery purposes. In the light of the above scenario, UK millers do not routinely use the ash test to monitor final flour quality, instead they use a test commonly referred to as the ‘grade colour figure’ (see Section 2.2.2). This test, carried out with a ‘Colour grader’ with a specified light source (Cauvain, 2009), is based on the assumption that higher levels of bran will yield a darker flour colour. There is a broad agreement between ash and grade colour figure (GCF) (see example in Fig. 2.1), but one value cannot be used to pre- dict the other with any degree of certainty. This is because the distribution of minerals is not uniform throughout the wheat bran layers, and the particle size of the bran also distorts the relationship. 44 Baking Problems Solved

1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 Ash (%) 0.4 0.2 0 –2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Grade colour figure

FIGURE 2.1 Relationship between flour ash and grade colour figure.

Although neither test can be used to predict the results of the other, both have relevance to the breadmaking potential of a given white flour. In its simplest form, the higher the ash value or GCF, the poorer the gas retention capacity of the flour in breadmaking. This, in turn, means that loaf volume will fall if the ash or GCF increases. Cauvain (2016) provides relevant ash data for a range of mill fractions included in an example of a straight run white flour. In broad terms, the ash level has been equated with the ‘extraction rate of flours’ (i.e., the proportion of the original grain turned into flour). Kent and Evers (1994) published data relating milling extraction rate to ash values and showed that an increase in extraction rate from 70% to 85% increased the measured ash level in the flour from 0.44% to 0.92%. However, ash levels should not be taken as an absolute indicator of extraction rate because as noted above, the minerals in the wheat grain are not uniformly distributed in the grain components and milling techniques can skew the data.

References AACC, 2008. Approved Methods, 10th ed. AACC International, St. Paul, MN. Cauvain, S.P., 2016. The ICC Handbook of Cereals, Flour, Dough & Product Testing: Methods and Applications, second ed. DEStech Publishing, Lancaster, PA. ICC Interntational Association for Cereal Science & Technology, (2005). Determination of ash in cereals and cereal products, ICC Standard Method 104/1, Vienna, Austria. Kent, N.L., Evers, A.D., 1994. Technology of Cereals, fourth ed. Elsevier Science Ltd., Oxford, UK. The Bread and Flour Regulations, (1999). SI 1999, No. 1136 SI 1998, No. 141, HMSO, London, UK. Raw Materials Chapter | 2 45

2.2.2 What does the term grade colour figure mean in flour specifications? How is it measured? What are the implications for bread quality? GCF (sometimes written as Colour Grade Figure or Flour Colour Grade) is a measure of flour colour. The technique uses light reflectance at a specific wavelength from a flourwater paste held in a glass cell. It was developed by Kent-Jones and Martin (1950) and refined by Kent-Jones et al. (1950). The ‘Colour Grader’ has undergone a number changes to improve its reli- ability and sensitivity. In many countries, GCF is an accepted method for the evaluation of mill performance and flour quality. Although generally accepted as a measure of the level of bran present in white flours, it is appreciated that GCF is affected by a number of other factors, including the intrinsic colour of the wheat endosperm (Barnes, 1986)and the impact of any bleaching processes which may be carried out (the practice of bleaching white flours is becoming less common in modern mills). In the United Kingdom, the mandatory addition of chalk to white flour means that the measurement of ash as a predictor of the breadmaking potential of the flour was misleading because the measured ash value was raised by the addition of the chalk (see Section 2.2.1). Thus, GCF came to be used more readily as an indicator of the level of bran ‘contamination’ in white flour. The form of wheat grains, especially the crease, means that it is difficult to completely separate the bran layers from the starchy endosperm, and it is inevitable that small particles of bran ‘powder’ find their way into white flour. The bran particles have the same size as the endosperm frag- ments and so cannot readily be separated by sieving. The level of bran parti- cles may be reduced through aspiration (in purifiers) as they are less dense than the endosperm fragments but complete separation is seldom achieved. In general, the higher the GCF value, the higher the level of bran present in a given white flour, the poorer the gas retention properties in bread dough and the darker the bread crumb colour. This statement does not convey the complete picture for white flours which are a composite of many different ‘white’ machine flours obtaining during wheat milling. The level of bran var- ies in each of these flours according to the layout and operation of the mill. Cauvain (2017) provided examples of the variation in GCF amongst machine flours with relevant bread volume data. There is a general relationship between the two measured flours properties (see example in Fig. 2.1), but GCF cannot be accurately used to predict flour ash and vice versa. It should be noted that when the GCF test was developed, it was intended to be used with white flours and so measurements on brown or wholemeal have limited relevance. 46 Baking Problems Solved

Machine flours which are high in bran content (i.e., high ash or high GCF) may often be referred to as ‘low grade’ flours to indicate their rela- tively poor breadmaking potential. The quantity of such flours produced and present in straight run flour is usually relatively small, so the overall impact on flour GCF and loaf volume arising from their addition is limited. Flours which are especially low in bran (i.e., low GCF and low ash) may often be referred to as ‘patent’ or ‘top patent’ flour. Such flours have good breadmaking potential even though their protein content may be lower than a straight run flour. The GCF measurement method is not normally used to assess the quality of wholemeal flours; not least because the reliability of the measurements can be affected by the size on the bran particles which are present in the flour. In white flours, the bran particles will be no bigger than the largest of the wheat endosperm fragments which are present.

References Barnes, P.J., 1986. The influence of wheat endosperm on flour colour grade. J. Cereal Sci. 4, 143155. Cauvain, S.P., 2016. The ICC Handbook of Cereals, Flour, Dough & Product Testing: Methods and Applications, second ed. DEStech Publishing, Lancaster, PA. Kent-Jones, D.W., Martin, W., 1950. A photo-electric method of determining the colour of flour as affected by grade, by measurements of reflective power. Analyst 75, 127133. Kent-Jones, D.W., Amos, A.J., Martin, W., 1950. Experiments in the photo-electric recording of flour grade by measurements of reflective power. Analyst 75, 133142. Raw Materials Chapter | 2 47

2.2.3 We have the water absorption capacity of our flour assessed regularly but find that this is different to the actual water level that we use in the bakery. What are the reasons for this difference and is it important for breadmaking? The level of water that you add to flour for breadmaking depends on many factors, some determined by the properties of your flour, some by the requirements of the product you are making and some by the mixing and processing methods you use. The water absorption capacity of the flour tends to have less relevance in the manufacture of cakes, biscuits and pastries due to the different technologies employed. There are a number of different methods by which the water absorption capacity of wheat flour is measured. They are all commonly based on the principle of making a flourwater dough and measuring the rheological properties of that dough during mixing. As the dough mixes, it exerts torque on one of the mixing arms, and that torque is transmitted to a recording device, commonly a chart or digital display. The chart has a number of hori- zontal and parallel lines on it and is moving at a constant speed. As the flour begins to hydrate, the rheological properties of the flourwater mixture change, and these are recorded on the chart. For flour-water absorption estimation, one of the horizontal lines is chosen as representing the desired consistency and the amount of water added to allow the mixture to reach the chosen line is taken as the water absorption capacity of the flour. To some extent, the chosen line is arbitrary and linked with a sensory (albeit expert) evaluation of the ‘ideal’ dough consistency. The choice of dough consistency for the standard method cannot take into account all of the potential recipe and process variations that are used in breadmaking and so the flour-water absorption capacity value you are given should only be seen as a guide as to what may be used in the bakery and more importantly perhaps, as a prediction of any changes that you may need to make to accommodate variations in flour properties. Contributions to the measured water absorption capacity of flour come from a number of individual flour properties. These include the following:

G The moisture content of the flour; the higher the moisture, the lower the water absorption capacity. G The protein content of the flour; the higher the protein content, the higher the water absorption capacity. G The level of damaged starch in the flour; the higher the damaged starch level, the higher the water absorption capacity. G The fibre content; wholemeal, bran-supplemented and fibre-enriched flours will always have a higher water absorption capacity than white flours. 48 Baking Problems Solved

Other contributions come from variations enzymic activity and the level of pentosans (soluble carbohydrates), but these are usually relatively small by comparison with the effects of the main flour components. The optimum consistency for a bread dough is hard to define because much depends on how the dough will be processed. Hand processing allows for sensitive handling of the dough with ready adjustment of the pressures which will be applied during moulding and shaping. When dough is mechan- ically processed, the processing equipment cannot adjust its pressures, so there is a much greater need for the consistency of the dough to be optimised and to remain as unvarying. In general, doughs which will be baked in a pan tend to have higher added water levels than those which will be baked on trays or the oven sole (i.e., free-standing). In the former case, a soft dough will more readily flow into the corners of the pans, whereas in the latter case, a stiffer dough will more readily retain its shape. For example, it is common to use lower water levels in the manufacture of UK-style bloomers which traditionally have a round or oval cross-section. Too much water and the dough will flow during proof and yield an uncharacteristic and unacceptable flat shape (Cauvain and Young, 2008). Some bread types depend on the production of a soft dough to achieve the required characteristics. In the manufacture of traditional French baguette, the added water levels may be several percentage points above the measured flour-water absorption capacity and above that used for pan bread production. The soft dough contributes to the ease of dough mould- ing and avoidance of the squeezing out of the large gas bubbles which sig- nificantly contribute to the creation of the characteristic open cell structure of baguette. The individual dough pieces are proved in cradles of some form which stops them from flowing, and the soft dough also contributes to the rapid expansion of the dough piece in the oven which yields a high specific volume product. Cauvain and Young (2008) discuss the role of dough consistency and its impact on bread-cell structure. They show how the gas bubble structure in stiff dough can be broken down and contribute to the formation of areas of damaged structure in the bread comprising coarse cell structure and dull- coloured crumb (see Sections 2.2.11). Although dough consistency may vary with product and process, there is one dough property that is commonly avoided in all cases, namely dough stickiness. In the bakery problems, dough stickiness are usually associated with the water level added during dough mixing, and a common reaction to excessively sticky dough in the bakery is to reduce added water levels. A reduction in added water level may well improve the processability of the Raw Materials Chapter | 2 49 dough, but high water levels per se are often not the main cause of dough stickiness (Cauvain, 2015). In many cases, dough stickiness arises because of lack of dough development in the mixer; the greater the dough development, the higher the added water level may be. The other major contributor to apparent dough stickiness comes from subjecting the dough to shear forces during processing, such as during moulding, if these can be minimised then water levels can be optimised without compromising dough rheology and bread quality.

References Cauvain, S.P., 2015. Technology of Breadmaking, third ed. Springer Publishing International, Switzerland. Cauvain, S.P., Young, L.S., 2008. Bakery Food Manufacture and Quality: Water Control & Effects, second ed. Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, UK. 50 Baking Problems Solved

2.2.4 What effects will variations in flour protein content have on baked product quality? How is the property measured? The protein content of flour is probably the single most important property of wheat flour. Perhaps more correctly, we should refer to wheat proteins as there is more than one type of protein present. The scheme established by Osborne (1907) is most commonly used for the groups of proteins in wheat which comprise:

G Albumins, soluble in distilled water. G Globulins, soluble dilute salt solutions. G Prolamines, soluble in 70% aqueous ethanol. G Glutelins, soluble in dilute acid. The two most important groups for bread and fermented goods are the prolamines and the glutelins. They contain the gluten-forming proteins which give wheat flour its almost unique ability to form a dough capable of retain- ing gas and increasing in volume under the influence of heat and carbon dioxide gas released by yeast fermentation. The properties of wheat gluten were recognised as long ago as 1729 (Bailey, 1941). Gliadin and glutentin are the two wheat protein components which gives wheat gluten its special properties. These can best be appreciated by making a dough of flour and water and hand kneading it under running water. As time proceeds, a milky-white liquid is washed out, this is the starch and other insoluble components. Eventually, all that is left is greyish, light brown mass with an extensible but also an elastic character. This is the gluten, and its gas retention properties can be shown by placing the mass of gluten in the oven and watching it swell. The quantity of gluten that can be extracted varies with the protein content of the flour. Bread and other fermented product volumes are directly related to the quantity of protein present; the higher the protein content of the flour, the greater the product volume. This positive relationship has been reported by a large number of observers for many different breadmaking processes and products (e.g., Cauvain, 2015). Thus, in answer to your question, variation in protein content will result in potential variations in bread and fermented product volume. They will also affect the lift obtained with laminated pro- ducts but will have no significant effect on the volume of other baked pro- ducts, though variations in protein content may affect other product attributes, e.g., eating quality in cakes. Protein absorbs water, 1.3 g of water for each 1 g protein (Cauvain, 2015), so variations in protein also affect flou-water absorption. Wheat proteins contain nitrogen and protein measurement methods are based on that basic measurement. For many years, the standard ‘wet chemis- try’ method was the Kjeldahl (Cauvain, 2017). The method involves the digestion of the flour using sulphuric acid in the presence of a catalyst. The Raw Materials Chapter | 2 51

Kjeldahl nitrogen value so determined is converted to protein using a factor, for wheat this involves multiplying by 5.7. More recently, Kjeldahl protein determination has been replaced by the Dumas method based on combustion in the presence of oxygen (Cauvain, 2017). Flour protein is also commonly measured using near infrared reflectance (NIR) technology (Cauvain, 2017). This provides a fast and simple to use method which can also be applied to on-line processes in the flour mill. However, it should be noted that NIR protein is calibrated against an accepted ‘chemical’ method as it does not represent a fundamental measure- ment of protein.

References Bailey, C.H., 1941. A translation of Beccari’s lecture concerning grain. Cereal Chem. 18, 555561. Cauvain, S.P., 2015. Technology of Breadmaking, third ed. Springer Publishing International AG, Switzerland. Cauvain, S.P., 2017. ICC Handbook of Wheat, Flour, Dough and Product Testing: Methods and Applications, second ed. DEStech, Lancaster, PA. Osborne, T.B., 1907. The Proteins of the Wheat Kernel. Carnegie Institute of Washington, Washington, DC. 52 Baking Problems Solved

2.2.5 There are many references to protein and gluten quality in the technical literature, how important are these properties for bread and other baked products? As discussed in the previous question, flour protein content is probably the most important of all flour analyses due to its relationship with gluten quan- tity. In gluten washing experiments with different flours, we cannot only observe different quantities of gluten, but for the same gluten mass from two different flours, we may observe that the rheological character (i.e., the way it stretches and deforms) of the gluten varies. The variations in gluten ‘quality’ which come from different flours are important in many aspects of baking. In particular, they directly affect the way in which flours will behave when subjected to the stresses and strains of processing. The key qualities that we need to consider are as follows:

G Resistance to deformation. G Elasticity. G Extensibility. G Stickiness. Gluten has all of these properties and is described as a visco-elastic material, that is, its behaviour can be described by considering both viscous and elastic properties. In the production of bread and fermented goods, we are seeking to preserve the gas-bubble structure which has been created during mixing and to obtain a considerable degree of expansion during proof and baking. We therefore seek to have a gluten which has low resistance to deformation, minimal elasticity and maximum extensibility. Bread and other fermented doughs generally only experience problems with stickiness when they are subjected to shear, e.g., as in moulding or with excessive recipe water levels. The sheeting of dough as for the production of laminated products, pastries, crackers and biscuits, also requires that they have an extensible but not elastic gluten. However, as recipe water levels in such products are lower than used in breadmaking, the gluten tends to have a more elastic nature. To overcome this, it is common to use resting periods during processing to allow the gluten to become softer and less elastic. It is not so easy to use resting periods with fermented products due to the gas production by the yeast. In batter-type products, such as cakes, gluten quality is considerably less important, mainly because it cannot form in the initial mixing stages due to low viscosity of the system that makes the transfer of sufficient energy and therefore gluten development difficult. Raw Materials Chapter | 2 53

2.2.6 I have seen that there are several different methods which can be used to assess flour protein quality, which one gives the most meaningful results? There are indeed many ways to assess the quality of protein present in flour. As they are all related to some aspect baking performance, they will all give meaningful results but because they all have a different basis for assessment, it can be very difficult to compare data from one test to another. The other common problem that one encounters is that almost without exception the methods are not based on the same formulation, mixing or processing condi- tions that are now in common use in baking. Indeed, the basis of many of the flour quality tests originates from the days when breadmaking using bulk fermentation was the norm. Today, no-time doughmaking processes dominate, so this means that the output from flour quality tests needs a degree of ‘expert’ interpretation to obtain the most meaningful results. Over a period of time, experts can readily learn to extrapolate from protein quality data to end prod- uct quality and so comparison between flours can be readily achieved. Some of the more protein quality tests that are commonly used are given below:

G Farinograph This test is based on mixing a flour and water dough under prescribed conditions. This is commonly used in the determination of flour-water absorption. Evaluation of the mixing curve can supply data on protein quality using the parameters dough development time, dough stability and degree of softening. G Extensograph In this test, a flourwatersalt dough is mixed using the Farinograph. The resultant dough is moulded and rested under prescribed conditions. After resting the dough, pieces are stretched over two set pins by a moving hook. The test mimics the stretching of the dough in a bakers hands. The resistance to extension and extensibility to the point of the dough snapping are measured. The piece may be remoulded, rested again and retested. G Alveograph/Consistograph In the Alveograph test, the water level added to the flour is fixed, and after mixing, the dough is extruded and shaped. After a resting period, the dough is clamped over a metal ring and inflated by air pressure. The resistance of the dough due to expansion and the point of rupture are recorded. Typically, a curve is produced, the area of which is related to flour strength. The weakness of the Alveograph was the fixed dough water content which has now been replaced with an optimised water level in the Consistograph test, otherwise the procedure is similar. 54 Baking Problems Solved

G Roberts/Dobraszczyk dough inflation This device can be fitted to standard texture analysis machine. The dough is prepared under standard conditions and air pressure used inflates a bubble to the point of rupture. G Fundamental dough rheology measurements A number of devices and methods are based on small-scale deformation of dough between two oscillating plates. The data can be related to fundamental rheological measurements, but as dough is visco-elastic (i.e., has both viscous and elastic properties) and deformation forces are so low, the relationship between such measurements and dough behaviour remains as tenuous as with other tests. G Large-scale deformation testing A number of tests have been developed by workers seeking to more closely mimic the behaviour of dough under normal bakery conditions. The tests tend to be product or project specific and not in common use as standard methods.

Further reading Cauvain, S.P., 2015. Technology of Breadmaking, third ed. Springer Science 1 Business Media, Switzerland. Cauvain, S.P., 2017. ICC Handbook of Wheat, Flour, Dough and Product Testing: Methods and Applications, second ed. DEStech, Lancaster, PA. Dobraszczyk, B.J., 1999. Measurement of biaxial extensional rheological properties using bubble inflation and stability of bubble expansion in bread doughs. In: Campbell, G.M., Webb, C., Pandiella, S.S., Niranjan, K. (Eds.), Bubbles in Food. American Association of Cereal Chemists, St. Paul, Minnesota, USA. Faridi, H., Faubion, J.M., 1990. Dough Rheology and Baked Product Texture. Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, USA. Raw Materials Chapter | 2 55

2.2.7 We have been using a flour ‘fortified’ with dry gluten for breadmaking. The bread is satisfactory when made on a high-speed mixer but so less when we use a low-speed mixer. What is ‘dry gluten’ and can you explain why we get different results when we change mixers? Dry gluten is obtained by washing out the starch from a wheat-flour dough. The process of milling used to extract the wheat proteins differs from stan- dard wheat-flour milling and is best described as ‘wet milling’. The wheat flour from which the dried gluten is to be prepared is mixed with water to form a dough or batter is formed. A rubbery mass is formed as the gluten hydrates and the dough is kneaded (much as happens in breadmaking). The starch is washed out, and the gluten mass which is left is carefully dried using controlled procedures designed to retain the maximum ‘vitality’ of the gluten, i.e., its ability to form gluten after hydration and dough mixing. Typically, the protein content of the dry gluten will be in the region of 7075% dry matter. In some variations, the wheat flour may be suspended in alkaline or acidic solutions to aid the separation of the proteins. Dry gluten absorbs about 1.5 times its own weight of water when it is used in breadmaking. The addition of dry gluten may be used to boost the level of the natural flour protein to improve the gas retention properties of the dough. It may be added to the flour in the mill, or it may be added as a dry ingredient in the bakery. Dry gluten does not usually require prehydra- tion before dough mixing. The wheat source of the vital wheat gluten is not usually considered to be important and provided that there has been no heat denaturation of the proteins, then the overall functionality of the dried gluten is largely dictated by the protein content of the material used. The input of energy during dough mixing is an essential part of the development of a gluten structure capable of retaining gas during baking. Different mixers impart different levels of energy to the dough for a given mixing time and so are more or less effective at developing a gluten struc- ture. High-speed mixers impart higher energy levels to the dough during mixing than low-speed mixers. This difference remains true even when the dough mixing time with low-speed mixers is lengthened. This is because the low speed of mixing results in a low rate of energy transfer. Gluten development, as manifested by improved gas retention, is known to be linked with the rate of energy input to the dough with faster rates of energy input improving dough gas retention for many flours (Cauvain, 2015). This effect is especially true for gluten-fortified flours, and it appears that mixers at low speeds are less able to make full use of dry gluten additions. However, the full reasons for the difference are not completely understood.

Reference Cauvain, S.P., 2015. Technology of Breadmaking, third ed. Springer International Publishing AG, Switzerland. 56 Baking Problems Solved

2.2.8 Why is the protein content of wholemeal bread flour typically higher than that of white flours but the bread volume is commonly smaller with the former? Proteins are distributed throughout the different components of the wheat berry but that distribution is not-uniform. There tends to be less the protein in the central endosperm portions of the grain (Kent and Evers, 1994). This non-uniform distribution of wheat protein is mirrored by an increase in the starch content. The protein/starch ‘gradient’ in the grain cross-section reflects the manner in which the endosperm develops in the growing plant as the different components are synthesised. The starch granules are packed into cells with the protein fragments. The cell walls of wheat endosperm are mainly composed of arabinoxylans. Surrounding the starchy endosperm is the aleurone layer with dense, thick cell walls. Further out in the grain cross-section are the different layers which characterise the bran. As the distribution of protein is not uniform throughout the grain, the protein content of the flour is often a reflection of the milling processes used to manufacture the flour. By definition, wholemeal flour represents all of the grain crushed into flour so the protein content of the final flour should be the same of the original starting grain. White flour is based on the separation of the starchy endosperm from the surrounding bran layers, and they tend to have around 1% less protein than the original grain (viz. wholemeal flour). The pre- cise difference in the protein content of the grain and the white flour produced from it varies slightly according to the milling technique employed. The presence of bran reduces the gas retention properties of the dough which commonly yields lower volume in the finished product unless modifications are made to the breadmaking recipe and process. Although there are proteins in the bran particles, they do not readily form a gluten network as is the case with the proteins in the endosperm cells; in practice, this protein may be considered as ‘non-functional’. The mechanism by which bran particles reduces dough gas retention are not fully understood. Some views suggest that the particles of bran ‘puncture’ the gas cell walls in the dough. However, it is more likely that the bran particles represent areas of discontinuity and weakness in the gluten network which more readily allow the coalescence of smaller gas bubbles as they expand during proof and the early stages of baking and so permit the escape of some of the carbon dioxide gas being produced by the yeast. For the reasons given above, it is common practice to produce wholemeal flours with much higher protein contents than that of white flours. This is done either by choosing a higher protein wheat within the milling grist or through the supplementation of the milled flour with dried, vital wheat gluten (see Section 2.2.7).

Reference Kent, N.L., Evers, A.D., 1994. Kent’s Technology of Cereals, fourth ed. Elsevier Science Ltd., Oxford, UK. Raw Materials Chapter | 2 57

2.2.9 We get a significant variation in the quality of our wholemeal bread and rolls depending on which flour we purchase. What characteristics should we look for in a wholemeal flour specification to get more consistent results? Wholemeal flours fall into two main categories; stoneground and roller- milled. A key difference between the two is the particle size distribution; in general, stoneground flours have a greater proportion of fine bran particles than the roller-milled type. The presence of high levels of bran in whole- meal flours is responsible for the lower bread volume that is achieved by comparison with white flour from the same wheat, despite the fact that the white flour has a lower protein content. It is also known that finer bran par- ticles tend to have a proportionally greater volume depressing effect than coarse particles. In addition to the bran particle size difference, there may be differences in the endosperm particle size of the two types of wholemeal flour. It is likely that the endosperm particle size of the stoneground flour is coarser than that of the roller-milled type because the endosperm particles are subjectedtoconsiderablyfewergrinding passages. One possible conse- quence of this difference is that the endosperm particles take longer to hydrate, and if your mixing times are short, you may not see the same extent of gluten formation. You can check this with a few simple trials with extended mixing times. The protein content of your wholemeal flour should certainly be speci- fied. This will reflect the protein content of the wheats chosen by the miller. It is possible to add vital wheat gluten to boost the protein content of your mix, but gluten fortification is less effective with slower speed mixers (see Section 2.2.7). The specification of the Hagberg Falling Number (or a similar measure) is as important with wholemealfloursasitiswithwhiteflours, and you should also consider whether you should specify the water absorp- tion capacity of the flours. You will need to remember that the water absorption capacity is only a guide as to what water level you will need to actually use for dough mixing (see Section 2.2.3). In the case of whole- meal flour, this is an especially important point to bear in mind as the bran and larger endosperm particles will be slow to hydrate. This often means that wholemeal flour doughs become stiffer during post-mixer pro- cessing, and this can have a negative impact on dough handling properties and contribute to moulder damage and other product quality losses. You should try to maximise the water additions made to wholemeal flours, the initial tackiness that you observe when the dough has finished mixing should begin to disappear within a few minutes during processing. Optimising the added water level will also help you optimise dough development and the gas retention properties of the dough. 58 Baking Problems Solved

2.2.10 What is the Falling Number of a flour, how is it measured and what values should we specify for our flour miller? The Falling Number of a flour is related to the level of cereal alpha- amylase which is present in the wheat after harvesting. The production of cereal alpha-amylase is encouraged within the wheat grains if their moisture content is sufficiently high towards in the last few weeks before harvesting. Such condi- tions are most likely to happen if the period concerned is particularly wet. The full name for the test is the Hagberg Falling Number test and it was originally developed in Sweden. It takes its name from the basis of the test. A flourwater suspension is heated within a tube held in a boiling water bath. The mixture is stirred for 60s to ensure uniformity of the mixture. At the end of the stirring period, the stirrer is brought to a predetermined point at the top of the tube, released and the time taken for the stirrer to fall through the mixture to a lower fixed point in the test tube is measured. The time taken for the stirrer to fall down the tube is known as the Falling Number. The test is based on the action of the cereal alpha-amylase on the gelatinising starch present in the flour which is progressively broken down by the amylase action. The temperature in the test is designed to give maximum enzymic activity in the flourwater mixture and the Falling Number changes according to the level of cereal alpha-amylase present; the higher the cereal alpha-amylase level, the quicker the flourwater paste thins, the faster the stirrer falls and therefore the lower the Falling Number. The Falling Number includes the 60s stirring time so that the lowest theoretical number is 60. In practice, Falling Numbers over 250 are suitable for most breadmaking processes. As well as having too much cereal alpha-amylase activity, it is pos- sible to have too little and Falling Numbers above 350 indicate that the flour should be supplemented with a form of amylase (Cauvain, 2015) to maintain gas production through the provision of maltose for yeast activity. We suggest you specify that your Falling Number lies between 250 and 280, though the actual level you require will be specific to your products and processes. The higher the cereal alpha-amylase level, the greater formation of dextrins during breadmaking and the more likely that there could be problems with bread slicing in all breadmaking processes. In bulk fermentation, high cereal alpha- amylase levels will lead to dough softening during the bulk standing time.

Reference Cauvain, S.P., 2015. Technology of Breadmaking, third ed. Springer International Publishing AG, Switzerland.

Further reading Cauvain, S.P., 2017. ICC Handbook of Wheat, Flour, Dough and Product Testing: Methods and Applications, second ed. DEStech, Lancaster, PA. Raw Materials Chapter | 2 59

2.2.11 What is damaged starch in flour? How is it damaged and how is it measured? What is its importance in baking? Starch granules in flour have a flattened roughly spherical shape which is sometimes described as lenticular. They range in size from about 10 to 50 μm. Each starch granule has a surface or skin. Within the developing wheat grains, the starch granules are embedded in a protein matrix in the endosperm. During the flour milling process, the endosperm is fragmented by the action of the millings rolls or stones. Some of the starch granules are exposed to high pressures during the milling process, and their surfaces may be become mechanically ruptured or damaged. The damage to starch gran- ules typically occurs during the reduction (smooth rolls) stage of roller mill- ing. Here, the roll gaps and speed differentials between the rolls may be adjusted to give more or less starch damage according to the requirements for the final flour. Damaged starch is susceptible to attack by alpha-amylase, and this action provides the basis for the different methods which have been and continue to be used for the measurement of the damaged starch level in flours. A long- standing method on the basis of the enzymic hydrolysis of starch was that devised by Farrand (1964), and for many years, the level of damaged starch in flours was referred to in Farrand Units. More recently, the most important methods of measuring damaged starch are as follows:

G The Megazyme method based on a two-stage enzymic assay (Gibson et al., 1992). G The AACC method (Donelson and Yamazaki, 1968; AACC, 1995) based on digestion of the damaged starch by fungal alpha-amylase with the value expressed as a percentage. G With the Chopin SDmatic test which provides an automatic measurement of damaged starch (Cauvain, 2017). G Using NIR spectroscopy with calibrations that are related to other stan- dard methods of analysis. The importance of damaged starch is mainly for breadmaking. Damaged starch absorbs twice its own weight of water in contrast with undamaged starch which only absorbs around 40% of its own weight. This high water absorbing capacity means that the damaged starch may account for about 16% of the total flour-water absorption, a value which is similar to that for the protein itself (Cauvain, 2015). The contribution that damaged starch makes to flour-water absorption has made it an essential element of bread flour specifications. The upper limits for starch damage are not well defined nor understood. The link between damaged starch and alpha-amylase activity is an important one as excessive amylase activity leads to dextrin formation 60 Baking Problems Solved and the release of water into the dough which, in turn, can cause dough softening during with breadmaking processes which employ periods of bulk fermentation. Very high levels of starch damage may lead to loss of bread quality, including a more open (larger average size) cell structure and greying of the crumb colour. Farrand (1964) observed such quality losses and related these to the starch damage and flour protein levels. His premise that the damaged starch level should not exceed, the (protein)2 divided by 6 is no longer absolutely relevant, but the principle, that the higher the flour protein, the higher the starch damage that can be accommodated remains a relevant ‘rule of thumb’.

References AACC, 1995. ninth ed. Approved Methods of the American Association of Cereal Chemists, March. St. Paul, Minnesota, USA, Method 76-30A, Digestion by alpha-amylase under specified conditions. Cauvain, S.P., 2015. Technology of Breadmaking, third ed. Springer International Publishing AG, Switzerland. Cauvain, S.P., 2017. ICC Handbook of Wheat, Flour, Dough and Product Testing: Methods and Applications, second ed. DEStech, Lancaster, PA. Donelson, J.R., Yamazaki, W.T., 1968. Enzymatic determination of starch in wheat fractions. Cereal Chem. 45, 177182. Farrand, E.A., 1964. Flour properties in relation to the modern bread processes in the United Kingdom, with special reference to alpha-amylase and starch damage. Cereal Chem. 41 (March), 98111. Gibson, T.S., Al Qalla, H., McCleary, B.V., 1992. An improved enzymic method for the measurement of starch damage in wheat flour. J. Cereal Sci. 15, 1527. Raw Materials Chapter | 2 61

2.2.12 What characteristics should we specify for white bread flour and why? The breadmaking potential of flour is strongly influenced by the protein present in the wheat. These proteins hydrate and with the input of energy during mixing form the gluten network which provides much of the gas retaining properties of bread dough. However, there are other flour properties which should be taken into account when deciding on a particular flour speci- fication, and there are process factors to consider, such as which breadmaking process you are using and what type of product you are making. As a guide, you should consider the following as a minimum for white flour:

G Protein content Around 13% on a dry matter basis. This figure should increase by about 1% if you are using a process which uses bulk fermentation to mature the dough before processing or if you are making ‘free-standing’, hearth- or oven-bottom type breads. As a general rule, the higher the protein level in the flour the greater its gas retention potential and therefore the greater the resultant bread volume and crumb softness. G A measure of the ‘purity’ of the white flour; that is the level of bran particles which are present. This is often measured as ash or GCF (see Sections 2.2.1 and 2.2.2). The presence of bran has a negative impact; the higher the level of bran present, the poorer the gas retention of the dough. G The water absorption capacity of the flour as this is an indicator of how much water will need to be added at the doughmaking. A number of different factors affect the water absorption capacity (see Section 2.2.3). The measured water absorption capacity is only a guide as to the level that will be used in the bakery. It is usual for the actual level of water added to dough to be reduced when making free-standing breads as this helps the dough to retain the required product shape during processing (Cauvain and Young, 2008). G Hagberg Falling Number Typically, this should be above 250 seconds (see Section 2.2.10). G Protein quality This is usually assessed by measuring the rheological properties of a flourwater dough. In general, the flour should possess reasonable resistance to mixing or stretching, sufficient extensibility and good stability. There are a number of different tests which can give you this information. For a summary of the methods, see Section 2.2.5, and for more detailed information, see Cauvain (2016). G Flour treatments and additives Ideally, the flour should be untreated, but if this is not possible, any additions should be kept to a minimum. Common additions are ascorbic acid (AA) as a bread ‘improver’ and 62 Baking Problems Solved

alpha-amylase. If you are using a breadmaking process in which the flour would benefit from the addition of bread improvers it would be better to add them in the bakery as part of the recipe. Any additions to the flour should be discussed with your miller supplier.

References Cauvain, S.P., 2017. Applications of Cereals, Flour and Dough Testing: Methods and Applications, second ed. DEStech Publications, Lancaster, PA. Cauvain, S.P., Young, L.S., 2008. Bakery Food Manufacture and Quality: Water Control & Effects, second ed. Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, UK. Raw Materials Chapter | 2 63

2.2.13 As enzymes such as alpha-amylase are inactivated by heat during baking, is it possible to use heat treatment of flour to inactivate the enzymes in low Hagberg Falling Number flours before baking? The temperature at which alpha-amylase is inactivated depends on its source. There are three common sources; fungal, cereal and bacterial which are inactivated at increasingly higher temperatures (Cauvain, 2015). As you are asking about flour, the source of the alpha-amylase is referred to as cereal (commonly from wheat, rye or barley). The exposure of flour to heat brings about a number of different changes. In addition to inactivation of the alpha-amylase there will be:

G A loss of moisture. G The potential for denaturation of the protein. G Changes in the swelling and gelatinising characteristics of the starch. When heat is applied to flour, it quickly loses moisture, but as the moisture content falls to around 8%, the rate of moisture loss with continued heating slows down. It appears to be that from this point on that some of the more profound changes take place in flour properties. At low levels of heat input, a reduction in the extensibility of the flour is usually observed. Prolonged heating leads to complete denaturation of wheat proteins and they lose their ability to form a cohesive gluten network in dough. Dry heat treatment of flour brings about changes in starch properties which are analogous to chlorination, and this type of treatment is used to replace chlorination for flours intended for the manufacture of high-ratio cakes and some other baked products (see Section 2.2.17). Heat treatment of flours should not be used where the product is intended for breadmaking due to the potential for partial or total denaturation of the gluten-forming proteins. Thus, inactivation of alpha-amylase by heat should not be seen as a means of reducing the adverse effects of cereal amylase in breadmaking. In some speciality flours, i.e., those destined for use in the manufacture of soups and sauces, inactivation of alpha-amylase is beneficial. In these cases, the changes to the proteins and starch are acceptable as they contribute to a discernable increase in batter viscosity. The changes which heat brings about increase the susceptibility of starch to amylase attack which would reduce the batter viscosity. With the amylase inactivated, batter viscosity can be maintained at an acceptable level.

Reference Cauvain, S.P., 2015. Technology of Breadmaking, third ed. Springer International Publishing AG, Switzerland. 64 Baking Problems Solved

2.2.14 We are considering making traditional German-type rye breads and have researched the recipes and production methods. Do you have any suggestions as to what characteristics we should have in the rye flour? Rye grain is more susceptible to pre-harvest sprouting than wheat. The starch in rye flour gelatinises at a lower temperature than wheat starch, and therefore, rye flour is much more susceptible to enzymic degradation by alpha-amylase. Another fundamental difference is that the proteins present in rye do not form a gluten network to any significant degree, and the pentosans in rye are essential for water binding to form a dough. Thus, although some of the grain and testing methods are common to wheat and rye flours, different emphases are placed on the results when incorporated into flour specifications. The key quality requirements for rye flours are as follows:

G Minimum Hagberg Falling Number of 90 s. G Pentosan content of 710%. G Water absorption capacity 6875%. The water absorption capacity of rye flour is typically higher than that of wheat flour due to the much higher level of pentosans in rye flour. It is common practise to measure the gelatinisation characteristics of rye flour. The technique comprises heating a rye flourwater mixture at a constant rate from 30 to 90C and following the changes in viscosity which occur over this temperature range while the mixture is stirred. A typical instrument used for this purpose would be the Brabender Amylograph which records changes in viscosity in Amylograph Units (AU). The AU value will be related to the enzymic activity in the flour, the lower the AU value the higher the enzymic activity and consequently the poorer the shape of the loaves and the lower their volume. At very low AU values, splits and other defects may be seen in the bread crumb (see Fig. 2.2). A range of rye flours are often available varying from 100% whole grain through to a refined flour with low bran content which allow the production of a wide range of rye bread types. It is worth noting that the acidification of rye dough and on occasions the pretreatment of the flour with heat (scalding) are two common ways of restricting the enzymic activity in the final dough.

Flour with >1000 430 110 (AU) FIGURE 2.2 Rye bread made with flours with different Amylograph viscosities (reproduced with permission of Brabender GmbH & Co. KG). Raw Materials Chapter | 2 65

2.2.15 We wish to add non-wheat fibres to some of our baked products to increase their healthiness. What fibres can we used, in what products and what potential technical problems should we be aware of? There are a large number of fibres from many different sources that might be and have been proposed as additions to baked products. The range is so wide that it is not possible in a short answer to do more than offer some general pointers and a few examples. If you are going to make health claims, then it is important that you first make sure that the fibres that you are proposing to use are permitted as additions to bakery foods and to identify any restrictions that might apply. You should also carefully check the potential validity and permissibility of any health-related claims which might be used on the product packaging or in any advertising and marketing promotions that you might wish to under- take. Health-related claims are becoming increasingly restricted to avoid misleading consumers. One of the more difficult issues will involve the definition and measure- ment of dietary fibre. As yet there is no universally accepted definition. A statement by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) to the European Commission in 2007 concluded that a definition of dietary fibre ‘...should include all carbohydrate components in foods that are non-digestible in the human small intestine.’ and went off to list such components as including ‘...non-starch polysaccharides, resistant starch, resistant oligosaccharides with three or more monomeric units, and other non-digestible, but quanta- tively minor components when naturally associated with dietary fibre poly- saccharides, especially lignin’. In the same statement, EFSA commented on analytical methods available for the measurement of dietary fibre and consid- ered that for practical purposes a single assay would be advisable but did not recommend what that might be. The definition of dietary fibre has also been considered by the Codex Alimentarius Commission of the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations. A common technical issue when you add fibres to bakery product recipes is the ability to absorb water which necessitates an increase in recipe moisture levels. This is not usually a problem with bread dough or cake batters but can be a problem in the manufacture of biscuits and pastries where the requirement is to ensure that the extra water is baked out so the final products retain their crisp and hard eating characters. It is almost certain that any fibres that you add will contribute little or nothing to the formation or stabilisation of bakery products structure. This poses a number of issues, mainly for bread and cakemaking. In the case of bread, you may need to add extra protein or adjust the dough conditioner/ improver formulation to ensure that there is no loss of product volume. In cake recipe balance, the extra water that is added along with fibres to 66 Baking Problems Solved maintain a suitable batter viscosity may also require adjustment of the sugar levels in the recipe to be made. You will need to be careful that the sugar and liquid levels do not exceed acceptable levels for the flour that you are using (e.g., treated or untreated). In practice, the level of fibre addition is rel- atively low and can usually be included as ‘flour’ when balancing recipes. Fibres come in many different forms from fine powder through flakes to whole grains and seeds. Choosing the form you want to use will depend on the product effect that you want to create; for example, whether you want the fibre to be visible, whether you want it as a surface finish or whether you want it incorporated directly into the dough or batter. Some of the fibrous grains and seeds have other interesting attributes related to their nutritional properties. In many cases, the attraction of using a particular fibre is that they have a colour which is lighter than that of wheat bran and similar to that of wheat flour. The addition of such materials allows you to increase the fibre content of the product without detracting from the appearance of its crumb. This is often seen as an advantage in delivering the nutritional benefits of fibre to children.

Further reading Hartikainen, K., Katina, K., 2012. Improving the quality of high-fibre baking. In: Cauvain, S.P. (Ed.), Bread Making: Improving Quality, second ed. Woodhead Publishing Ltd, Cambridge, UK, pp. 711745. Lorenz, K.J., Kulp, K., 1991. Handbook of Cereal Science and Technology. Marcel Dekker, New York, NY. McCleary, B.V., Prosky, 2001. Advanced Dietary Fibre Technology. Blackwell Science, Oxford, UK. Raw Materials Chapter | 2 67

2.2.16 Why is flour particle size important in cakemaking? White flour which is used in cakemaking is composed mainly of endosperm fragments which have been separated from the surrounding bran during the milling process. The maximum particle size is fixed by the screen sizes in the plansifters in the mill but typically falls around 150 μm. If we were to examine a straight run white flour, we would find some fragments of the original protein matrix (,15 μm), some starch granules freed from the protein matrix (up to 45 μm) with the remainder being endosperm fragments of varying sizes up to the maximum screen size. In cakemaking, the wheat starch plays a significant role in forming the cake structure as it controls the batter viscosity during heating and helps retain the expanding gases, carbon dioxide (from the baking powder), air (trapped during mixing) and steam (from the added water). This is particularly true for the so-called high-ratio flours which may undergo further treatment with heat or chlorine gas to enhance their cakemaking properties. The key processes in cakemaking depend on the surface activity of many materials and so increasing the surface area of the available starch becomes important in aiding stability of the batter. The separation of the starch gran- ules from the protein matrix can be readily achieved by re-grinding (e.g., pin milling) and/or air classification. The aim of regrinding is to free the starch granules from the surrounding protein and lower the maximum particle size of the flour, typically to less than 90 μm, or lower. Air classification enables fractionation of the flour into components with narrow particle size ranges using air currents. Two or three fractions may be separated using this milling technique. Typically, the cut-off points in the air classifiers are set to deliver fractions as follows:

G Less than 15 μm, comprising fragments of free wedge protein and small starch granules. The protein content will be very high, typically .20%. G Between 15 μmand45μm, comprising mainly starch granules and smaller fragments of endosperm. The protein content will be low, typically around 8%. G Greater than 45 μm, comprising the large fragments of endosperm. The pro- tein content is usually close to that of the base flour, typically around 10%. Treated flours without particle size reduction yield cakes which collapse during baking and have a dense cell structure. Progressive reduction of the maximum particle size decreases the degree of collapse in the cake. It is com- monly considered that the maximum particle size for cake flours should be 90 μm. The application of heat treatment or chlorination to the flour can be carried out before or after particle size reduction which emphasises the impor- tance of flour particle size in cakemaking. Significant proportions of larger particles in cake flours can also be responsible for collapse in sponge cakes. 68 Baking Problems Solved

2.2.17 What is heat-treated flour and how can it be used? The modification of wheat to produce heat-treated flour or the direct heat treatment of flour may be used to achieve a number of different changes in the final flour properties. We can broadly classify the type of heat treatment as wet (steam) or dry. Steam treatment of wheat is commonly used to inactivate the enzymes which are present so that the subsequent flour may be used as a thickening agent, for example, in the production of soups. Without inactivation, any cereal alpha-amylase which is present would act on the damaged starch and the subsequent release of water would cause thinning of the soup or sauce. Steam treatment of both wheat and flour may be used to induce a degree of gelatinisation in wheat flour which helps with its potential function as a thickening agent. Steam treatment may also have a small reducing effect on the numbers of viable microorganisms present in the flour, but the treatment is usually insufficient to sterilise the material. Dry heat treatment of wheat and flour has a long history. In the earlier years of the 20th century, it was used to modify the extensibility of gluten from some wheat varieties (Kent-Jones, 1926), but such uses are no longer in common practice. The main application of dry heat treatment to wheat and flour is in the preparation of high-ratio cake flours as an alternative to chlorination (see Section 2.2.18). A number of patents were developed which established the nec- essary heating conditions required to achieve the necessary modification of flour properties (Doe and Russo, 1968, Cauvain et al., 1976). Treatment tem- peratures normally exceed 100Crisingtoaround140C, and as the treatment temperature increases, the residence time required to achieve the modification decreases from several hours to a few minutes. The mechanism of the improving effect from dry heat treatment is not clear but is likely to be associated with some modification of the surface properties of the starch present in the final flour. At the end of the treatment process, the flour is very dry and it is clear that the loss of moisture is asso- ciated with achievement of the necessary changes in the flour, but the low moisture content of the flour is not part of the mechanism of improvement. When the dry flour is rehydrated considerable heat can be given off known as heat of hydration and unless compensatory steps are taken, this may lead to undesirable increases in cake-batter temperatures and premature release of carbon dioxide gas.

References Cauvain, S.P., Dodds, N.J.H., Hodge, D.G., Muir, D.D., 1976. BP 1,444,173. HMSO, London, UK. Doe, C.A.F., Russo, J.V.B., 1968. BP 1,110,711. HMSO, London, UK. Kent-Jones, D.W. (1926) A Study of the Effects of Heat upon Wheat and Flour, Especially in Relation to Strength. Thesis presented to London University, UK. Raw Materials Chapter | 2 69

2.2.18 What is chlorinated flour and how is it used? The treatment of flour with chlorine gas was first identified in the 1920s and was used for the modification of the cakemaking properties of flours for many years in the United Kingdom, the USA, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and many other countries. The use of chlorination for cake flour treatment was withdrawn from the United Kingdom in 2000 (The Miscellaneous Food Additive (Amendment) Regulations, 1999). In many countries, it had never been permitted, and in many other countries where it had been permitted, it has also been withdrawn. The USA remains the main country where it is still permitted to modify the cakemaking proper- ties of flour. Chlorine treatment of flour permits the raising of recipe sugar and liquid levels to make the so-called high-ratio cake (i.e., a recipe in which the added sugar and water levels both exceed the flour weight). The principle benefit of the high-ratio cake recipe is that product moisture levels can be increased without adversely affecting the mould-free shelf-life of the product. The higher moisture level confers a more tender eating quality to the final product. If the flour has not been chlorinated and is used with a high-ratio recipe than the cake structure will collapse, with loss of crumb structure, the formation of dense, dark-coloured streaks and the product eating quality becomes pasty. Chlorine treatment of flour is achieved by blending the gas through the flour. Typical levels of treatment lie between 1200 and 2500 ppm chlo- rine on the basis of flour weight. The higher levels are commonly used to treat flour intended for the manufacture of fruited cakes. The gaseous treat- ment has a number of effects on flour quality, but only a small proportion of the gas used actually confers the beneficial effects to the flour. In summary, the chlorine gas is used as follows:

G Around 50% of the level used is absorbed by the flour lipids (typically around 2% of the flour mass) but appears to play no significant part in the improving action. G Around 25% denatures the flour proteins (i.e., prevent the formation of gluten) but plays no major role in the cake improving effect. G The remaining 25% or so react with the starch granules, and this is the main cake improving effect. It appears that the chlorine reacts with the proteins associated with the starchgranulesandmakesthemmore hydrophobic. There is also evidence that chlorine treatment increases the exudation of amylose from within the starch granules, but that there is no change in the gelatinisation temperature of the starch (Cauvain et al., 1977). 70 Baking Problems Solved

G The action of chlorine is to bleach the flour pigments so that a whiter flour and brighter product crumb colour are achieved. G The flour pH is lowered, and commonly this effect is used as a crude measure of the level of chlorination achieved. More accurate assessment of the level of chlorine treatment requires the use of a chloride meter. In the United Kingdom and elsewhere the heat treatment of flours for cakemaking has replaced chlorination (see Section 2.2.18).

References Cauvain, S.P., Gough, B.M., Whitehouse, M.E., 1977. The role of starch in baked goods. Part 2. The influence of the purification procedure on the surface properties of the granules. Starke 29 (March), 9195. The Miscellaneous Food Additive (Amendment) Regulations, 1999. S.I. 1999 No. 1136. HMSO, London, UK. Raw Materials Chapter | 2 71

2.2.19 What characteristics should we specify for cake flour? In cakemaking, the main structure building block is the wheat starch rather than the protein, and this means that when it comes to specifying the flour, many of the protein-based measurements have limited relevance. Enzymic activity is limited in cake batters, in part by the low water activity due to the sugar content, and this also has an impact on the list of properties which need specifying. In general, cake flours are derived from soft-milling wheats and tend to have low protein content. Traditionally, this would have been set up in an attempt to limit gluten formation in the batter. Although such thinking has little relevance today, it remains the case that cake flours are specified with low protein contents. The exception is flour intended for the manufacture of fruit cakes where the presence of extra protein contributes to the suspension of the fruit and other particulate materials in the batter and baked product. Cake flours which are intended for use in high-ratio cakemaking are usually treated in some way. High-ratio cakes recipes are characterised by having sugar and liquid levels which are individually and collectively higher than the weight of flour. Two forms of treatment are used, both of which modify the gelatinisa- tion properties of the starch in the flour though by quite different means. One form of treatment is with chlorine gas (see Section 2.2.18), but the use of chlori- nation has become increasingly restricted around the world. Dry heat treatment (see Section 2.2.17) has replaced chlorination in many countries. The level of chlorination or heat treatment applied in the manufacture of cake flour may vary according to the potential use of the flour. For example, high-protein flours intended for the production of fruited cakes may receive greater treatment than those intended for sponge or bar cake production. Another key property for high-ratio cake flours is the reduction of the particle size of the flour (see Section 2.2.16) either by regrinding or air classification or a combination of both milling techniques. Unlike many bread flours, it is not usual to add technologically functional ingredients to cake flours. Statutory or voluntary nutritional additions may be made. You will only need to specify a limited number of characteristics for cake flours. Typically, they would be:

Flour characteristic Low-ratio cake flour High-ratio cake flour

Moisture (%) 14 14 Protein content (% as is) 810 (up 12 for fruit cake) 710 (up to 12 for fruit cake) Particle size (μm) Up to 150 ,90 Treatment None Chlorination or dry heat

Traditionally, some cake flour supplies contained raising agents to provide carbon dioxide during baking. They are referred to as ‘self-raising’ flours and most often encountered for the home-baking market. The base flour tends to meet the specification for low-ratio cake flour. 72 Baking Problems Solved

2.2.20 We have had some wholemeal flour in stock for a while and noticed that it has passed its use by date. Can we still use it? And what are there any related issues with white flours? The quality of all wheat flours changes with storage time; in some cases, the changes may be advantageous and in others detrimental. Wholemeal flour has a higher lipid content than white flours and is more prone to pro- blems associated with rancidity. The low moisture content and water activ- ity of wholemeal flour will ensure that microbial spoilage is unlikely to occur. However, there is a potential for rancidity from enzyme catalysed changes in the flour oil, and this is a key factor in limiting its shelf-life. The other point to consider is the potential for insect infestation which might occur. We recommend that youdonotusethewholemealflourin question and try to implement stricter control on your flour stocks to avoid a similar problem in future. Most of the studies in the long-term storage changes in flour have been carried out using white flours. As storage time increases, the breadmaking potential of white flours changes, and a progressive loss of volume in the final product is likely. Such changes take place slowly and appear to be associated with changes in the flour lipid composition and in particular with the release of free fatty acids. The loss of volume may be overcome with the addition of extra fat or some other form of lipid, e.g., emulsifiers. The restoration of the breadmaking potential of white flours through the addition of a suitable lipid, e.g., higher levels of breadmaking fat or a suitable emulsifier, could be achieved with white flours even after they had been stored for 48 months. Historically, long-term storage of flours has been used to enhance the baking performance of flours. This appears to be in contradiction to the findings described above, but it should be noted that there has been a funda- mental change in most breadmaking processes in the last 100 years with a move from extended periods of bulk fermentation to no-time dough systems in one form or another. With the latter breadmaking systems, the role of fat in assisting gas retention is more critical, and this may account for the apparent reversal of the storage effects. The cakemaking qualities of flours are also considered to improve with long-term storage and some natural bleaching appears to occur. Raw Materials Chapter | 2 73

2.2.21 What are the active components in self-raising flour? Self-raising flours contain sodium bicarbonate and a suitable food grade acid. When used in baking, the bicarbonate and acid react to generate carbon dioxide gas. Self-raising flours are most commonly sold through the retail trade and find greatest use in the domestic market. They may be used in smaller bakeries as an alternative to separate additions of plain flour and baking powder. The level of added baking powder is usually governed by a form of regulation which specifies the volume of carbon dioxide gas that is evolved at the point of final use. As there may be a small degree of reaction between the active components and loss of carbon dioxide gas during the relatively long storage periods for such flours, the rates of addition to the fresh flour will be somewhat higher than required by legislation. For example, the UK Bread and Flour Regulations (1996) specifies that self-raising flour should yield not less than 0.4% of available carbon dioxide, but commonly rates of addition will deliver around 0.8% when freshly prepared. The latter level equates to 1.56% of the flour weight being sodium bicarbonate with the level of acid addition being dependent on the choice of acid. A number of different food acids may be used in the production of self-raising flour. They include the following:

G Acid calcium phosphate (ACP), monocalcium phosphate (MCP). G Sodium acid pyrophosphate (SAPP). G Sodium aluminium phosphate (SALP). G Cream of tartar, potassium hydrogen tartrate. G Glucono-delta lactone. Each acid component will be added according to its neutralising power with sodium bicarbonate (Thacker, 1997)(seeSection 2.6.8). The rate at which car- bon dioxide gas is released depends on the type of acid being used. Sometimes, a mixture of two acids may be used to provide a so-called ‘doubleacting’ baking powder which provides for both early and late carbon dioxide release during the manufacturing process (see Section 2.6.9).

References Thacker, D., 1997. Chemical aeration. In: Bent, A.J. (Ed.), The Technology of Cake Making, sixth ed. Blackie Academic & Professional, London, UK, pp. 100106. The Bread and Flour Regulations, 1996. S.I. 1996/1501. HMSO, London, UK. 74 Baking Problems Solved

2.2.22 We have changed suppliers of our self-raising flour and find that we are not achieving the same product volume as before. If we adjust the recipe by adding more baking powder we, find that the products tend towards collapse. Can you explain why and how do we overcome the problems? Self-raising flours contain the mixture of food grade acids and sodium or potassium bicarbonate that is required for the generation of carbon dioxide gas (see Section 2.2.21). It is possible for the loss of gassing power to occur with storage time, but this is not usually a significant problem as long as the flour is kept dry. In many parts of the world, there are standards governing the volume of carbon dioxide gas which should be released from self-raising flour, but these are usually set as minimum rather than absolute levels. It may be that your previous flour supply was providing more than the required minimum, and this is why you are suffering from a lack of volume. However, the fact that your products collapse when you add extra baking powder suggests that this is not the most likely cause of your problem. The different food grade acids which are permitted for use in self-raising flour have different rates of reaction with sodium or potassium bicarbonate (see Section 2.6.8). This is important in controlling the release of carbon dioxide during processing; too early and the products tend to lack volume, too late and the products may tend to collapse. The data in Fig. 2.3 compare the rates or reaction for two commonly used food grade acids with sodium bicarbonate. From the description of the problem that you have given, it would appear that your new source of self-raising flour is giving an early release of carbon dioxide, and the level of extra baking powder that you have added to compensate is simply too high; try gradually reducing the level that you add and you should find a point at which you retain the product volume while avoiding collapse.

200 180 160 140 120 SAPP 10 100 80 MCP 60 40 Gas volume (ml) 20 0 0246810 Time (minutes)

FIGURE 2.3 Rates of reaction of food grade acids. Raw Materials Chapter | 2 75

2.2.23 What are ‘organic’ flours, how do they differ from other flours and what will be the differences to the baked product? The term ‘organic’ refers to the manner in which the wheat has been farmed and turned into flour and subsequently baked products. Organic farming uses more traditional methods of treating the land during the farming cycle and in particular does not use ‘artificial’ fertilisers or apply pesticides, insecticides or herbicides. Organic wheats will be segregated and milled separately from other sources of wheat. The agricultural processes involved will be the subject of inspection and certification by specialist bodies. In principle, any breadmaking wheat types may be used in the production of organic wheat flour. However, as the farming process relies totally on the application of natural fertilisers, there is a tendency for the protein of many wheat varieties to be lower than that which could be obtained with non-organic farming methods. The lower protein of some organic flours may present a potential problem for the production of bread of similar volume to that typically seen with non- organic flours. The other ingredients which may be added to manufacture organic bread are also closely specified, and the majority must also come from organic sources, e.g., dried gluten which could be used to boost bread volume. You should consult the UK Soil Association or similar body for comprehensive advice. In the event that you wish to make organic bread, you will need to obtain the necessary accreditation from a specified body. In summary, you should not expect organic baked products to be sub- stantially different from non-organic ones. However, you may need to make some adjustments to your formulations to maintain product quality. 76 Baking Problems Solved

2.2.24 What characteristics should we specify for our biscuit and cookie flours? The range of biscuit and cookie products is quite wide, so it is difficult to provide a flour specification that will cover all types. The flour properties required can be roughly split into two groups based on whether gluten devel- opment in the dough is desirable or not. The level of gluten development in biscuits is much less than that required for breadmaking (Cauvain and Young, 2007a), and we would reasonably expect that in general, biscuit and cookie flours will be lower in protein with modest gluten-forming potential. Even for laminated biscuit types like crackers, the required protein content will be modest though slightly higher than that for semi-sweet sheeted biscuits which in turn, may be slightly higher than that for rotary moulded, short-dough biscuits. The grist for biscuit flours will be based on the softer milling wheats with a limited, but often necessary, proportion of harder milling wheats. Typical biscuit flour protein contents will vary from 9% to 11% based on a 14% moisture basis. Protein quality may be measured using standard tests such as the Brabenderr Extensographr or the Chopin Alveograph (Cauvain, 2017). Such tests are more applicable to biscuit types which undergo some form of sheeting during processing. The sheeting contributes to gluten formation and high levels of gluten formation will exacerbate shrinkage of the products during proces- sing and baking. In general, flour with low Extensographr resistance with significant extensibility is preferred (Cauvain and Young, 2007b). The flour ash or colour may be specified though there is limited evidence to suggest that these properties are directly related to flour performance in the manufacture of biscuits. The specification of flour-water absorption capacity is not necessary, even for cracker flours, because most biscuit and cookie doughs are made with as little water as possible to reduce the potential for gluten development and to limit the amount of water that must be removed during subsequent baking. Most flours destined for biscuit production are now untreated and any modification to the flour performance is usually carried out in the bakery through recipe additions, e.g., the addition of proteolytic enzymes or sodium metabisulphite to reduce its gluten-forming potential.

References Cauvain, S.P., 2017. The ICC Handbook of Cereals, Flour, Dough & Product Testing: Methods and Applications, second ed. DEStech Publishing, Lancaster, PA. Cauvain, S.P., Young, L.S., 2007a. Baked Products: Science, Technology and Practice. Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, UK. Cauvain, S.P., Young, L.S., 2007b. Flours for sweet goods. f2m Baking 1 Biscuit International: Reference Guide of Industrial Processes and Market Analysis. f2m Multimedia GMBH, Hamburg, Germany, pp. 5457. Raw Materials Chapter | 2 77

2.3 FATS 2.3.1 What are the critical properties of fats for making bread, cakes and pastries? To answer your question, it is first necessary to be clear about our defini- tion of a fat. In the bakery, this is usually the term given to a material whichisablendofliquidoilsandsolid fats from different sources, usually vegetable in origin. Podmore (1997) provides a comprehensive review of the nature and structure of fats. The basic building blocks of fats are the fatty acids of which there are three. The fatty acids of the triglycer- ide may be the same as one another or different. All natural oils and fats are mixtures of glycerides, and the properties of the individual fats and oils depend on the quantity and distribution of the different glycerides which may be present. As fat properties are related to the glycerides which are present a detailed knowledge of the composition of a compound fat can be useful. This is com- monly obtained using gas chromatography or high performance liquid chro- matography. However, such analytical techniques require expensive and specialised equipment which is not within the scope of many laboratories. The fatty acid composition is related to other more readily measurable prop- erties of fats and oils. A readily known measurement is the iodine value which measures the proportion of double carbon bonds in the fat and indicates the degree of satu- ration present. In some fatty acids, adjacent carbon atoms in the chain may be joined by a double bond so that fewer hydrogen atoms are attached than theoretically possible and they are called ‘unsaturated’. In ‘saturated’ fats, two bonds form between two carbon atoms in the chain, whereas the two remaining bonds are formed with two individual hydrogen atoms. Traditionally, the ‘slip’ or ‘melting point’ of a fat was used to character- ise its performance in baking. However, as many commercial fats are com- pound mixtures of triglycerides the melting point is often spread over a wide range of temperatures so it has limited value. It is now more common to refer to the solid fat index (SFI) of a fat which considers the proportion of a compound fat which is solid at a given temperature. Fat SFI’s are commonly measured using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR), and sometimes, NMR values for fat are quoted rather than SFI. Whichever nomenclature is used the temperature at which the measurement is made should be quoted, e.g., NMR20 indicates the percentage of solid fat present at 20C (see Fig. 2.4). In the past, measures of fat firmness using cone penetrometry have been used to indicate the characteristics of given fats, e.g., ‘C’ values (Haighton, 1959). The firmness of a fat at a given temperature is strongly 78 Baking Problems Solved

FIGURE 2.4 Examples of solid fat index profiles. influenced by the proportion of oil to solid; however, this is not the only relevant property of fat to be considered. Solid fats may exist in different crystalline forms depending on its temperature history in production and use. The size of the fat crystals also affects their functionality. Small crystals have a larger surface area relative to large ones and are more able to retain large quantities of liquid oil within the crystal matrix. The crystal- line form of a fat is not usually assessed or measured even though it may affect the fat performance.

References Haighton, A.J., 1959. The measurement of the hardness of margarines and fats with cone penet- rometers. J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 36, 345348. Podmore, J., 1997. Baking fats.. In: Bent, A.J. (Ed.), The Technology of Cake Making. Blackie Academic and Professional, London, UK, pp. 2547. Raw Materials Chapter | 2 79

2.3.2 Can you explain the different terms used to describe bakery fats? What are the functionalities of the different forms in baking? Chemically, all fats and oils consist of atoms of carbon (C) hydrogen (H) and oxygen (O). They have the same basic structure which consists of a molecule of glycerol combined with up to three fatty acids. The basic nomenclature is mono-, di- and tri-glyceride according to whether 1, 2 or 3 fatty acids are attached to the glycerol molecule. The term oil is used to describe a fat in its liquid form. All fats become oils if the temperature is raised high enough and all oils become solid fat if the temperature is sufficiently reduced. The term oil is most commonly used for fats which exist as liquids at temperatures around 1525C. Fats used in bakery practice are commonly a mixture of liquid and solid fat components, and this may be expressed as the melting profile or SFI of the fat concerned (see Section 2.3.1). Fatty acids are one of the key building blocks of animal and plant tissues. There are different fatty acids, and their physical and chemical form varies according to their chain length and absence/presence of carbon double bonds (C~C) in the chain. The significant impact of the different fatty acids is on the melting point of the fat, and this determines whether the fat is solid or liquid at a given temperature. The degree of saturation in fats describes the number of carbon double bonds which are present. As the number of carbon double bonds increases, the degree of saturation decreases and so does the melting point of the fat; the downwards progression is from saturated to monounsaturated to polyunsaturated so that highly saturated fatty acids tend to be solid. Saturated fats tend to be very stable and have a long shelf-life. They also tend to have highly functional roles in the manufacture of baked products; such as improving the gas retention properties of bread dough (Cauvain, 2015), aid air incorporation in cakemaking (see Section 5.2) and provide lift in laminated products (see Section 7.1.1). However, they also tend to have a negative health image. The proportion of the different forms of saturation varies according to the source of the oil/fat. Today, there has been a significant move away from animal fats in bakery products (with the possible exception of butter) to vegetable-based fats because many of them are low in saturated fats. However, this means that they are also mainly in the liquid form and so do not have the baking functionality of the solid fats. The main exception is palm oil which is about 50% saturated and 40% monounsaturated fat. It is possible to modify the physical and chemical characteristics of natural oils. One method is hydrogenation in which the oil is reacted with hydrogen gas at high temperatures and pressure. The process converts polyunsaturates to monounsaturates and then to saturates and increases the functionality of 80 Baking Problems Solved the fat for different baking processes. The process of hydrogenation produces saturated fats but no significant levels of trans fats. However, partial hydrogenation which had become more popular due to concerns over the consumption of saturated fats generates significant levels of trans fats. Although these fats retain functionality for baking, their ‘healthiness’ in the diet has been questioned. The process of partial hydrogenation produces different levels of trans fats from different types of fat. The trans form of fat exists because there are two physical ways for a fat to form with the same combination of CHO atoms; the trans is one form and the other is known as the cis form. Trans fats do occur in nature and are present in products such as butter, milk and eggs. There are alternative ways to hydrogenation for providing baking fats with the functionality necessary for baking. Oils from natural sources, for example, palm oil as discussed above, are a mixture of solid and liquid fractions and so the physical separation of the different fractions can be used to prepare a range of different fats with specific functional properties. Using this technique, it is possible to prepare stearine oil fractions with melting points of up to 60C. The process is referred to as fractionation and has also been applied to butter to provide specific fractions which are better suited to processing at higher temperatures. Interesterification involves enzyme (lipase)-assisted modification of the oil or fat composition. Any oil or fat combination can be interesterified. Solid fats may exist in a number of crystalline forms depending on how they have been prepared in commercial practice. It is largely the cooling of liquid fats which determines the crystalline form though the form may change during subsequent storage. It is said that fats exhibit polymorphism, and the three crystalline forms are denoted as α, β0 and β. The α crystals have the lowest melting point and are small, unstable crystals. The transition is from α to β0 and then to β; the latter form tends to be the largest crystals and have the highest melting points. The crystalline forms of the fats have been linked with their functionality in baking (e.g., Cauvain, 2001).

References Cauvain, S.P., 2001. The production of laminated products. CCFRA Review No. 25. Campden BRI, Chipping Campden, UK. Cauvain, S.P., 2015. Technology of Breadmaking, third ed. Springer Publishing International AG, Switzerland.

Further reading Stauffer, F.E., 1993. Fats and fat replacers. In: Kamel, B.S., Stauffer, C.E. (Eds.), Advances in Baking Technology. Blackie Academic and Professional, Glasgow, UK, pp. 336370. Street, C.A., 1991. Flour Confectionery Manufacture. Blackie and Son Ltd, Glasgow, UK. Raw Materials Chapter | 2 81

2.3.3 Our bread doughs prove satisfactorily but they do not rise in the oven. On some occasions, they may even collapse and blisters form on the dough surface in the corners of the pans. What is the cause of these problems? A lack of oven spring or collapse of the dough piece in the oven usually signifies a lack of gas retention in the dough. This may arise for a number of different reasons but your comment on the formation of blisters on the dough surface in the corner of the pans strongly suggests that your problem comes from a lack fat or other suitable lipid (e.g., emulsifier) in your improver or bread formulation. The problem can be too low a level or an inappropriate character of the fat. In modern, no-time breadmaking systems, e.g., the Chorleywood bread process (CBP), the addition of a fat or emulsifier is important in ensuring adequate gas retention in the dough (Cauvain and Young, 2006). It has been known for quite some time that it is only the solid portion of the fat which can affect dough gas retention, and in no-time doughmaking processes, it is important that a proportion of any added fat should remain as solid in the dough at the end of final proof. As typically final proof is carried out at around 4045C, this requires that the final melting point of the fat to be above 45C. The necessary level of solid fat to achieve the required effect at 45C can be quite small, and values as low as 0.02% flour weight have been quoted. However, it is known that the minimum level of fat required varies with flours. In general, higher levels of fat appear to be required with stronger white flours and a general recommendation of 0.7% of a compound bakery shortening was the original blanket recommendation in the CBP because this ensured that a suf- ficiently high level of solid fat remained in the dough at the end of proof. Improved gas retention with wholemeal and brown flours requires consid- erably higher levels of added fat than white flours. Cauvain (2015) provides an example for wholemeal bread made by the CBP where maximum bread volume was obtained when added fat levels reached 4% of the flour weight. It is also known that the loss of gas retention which comes from prolonged storage of flour can be compensated with the addition of high levels of a suitable fat. It is most likely that the fat confers improved gas retention in bread dough by helping to control gas bubble size and stability. Composite bakery shortenings are a mixture of oil and solid fat at dough temperatures, but it is only the solid fat portion that can play the necessary gas bubble stabilis- ing role. The molecules of the solid fat portion align themselves at the inter- face of the gas bubble and the liquid dough phase and play a part in determining the size of the gas bubbles as well as their stability. As the tem- perature rises in the dough some of the fat molecules melt and lose their ability to stabilise the gas bubbles. Eventually, all of the fat melts and other 82 Baking Problems Solved materials, principally the gluten, are left to maintain gas bubble stability. A key role for fat may be the prevention of coalescence of gas bubbles in the dough in the early stages of baking. Emulsifiers are commonly used to replace fat in bread doughs on the basis that they can be used at lower levels. In simplistic terms, they may be considered as specialised fats with a high melting point. They play a similar role to fats in stabilising gas bubbles in the dough. However, their melting profile is quite different from that of fats in that they remain solid to much higher temperatures in the dough, typically around 60C. More recently, the addition of lipase enzymes (Cauvain, 2015) has been considered to play a role in conferring gas bubble stability. The blisters that you observe on the dough are gas bubbles which have become excessively expanded and are unstable. When the dough reaches the oven, the gluten network is unable to cope with the rapid gas bubble expansion, and individual bubbles become over-expanded, perforate and collapse. Collectively, they lead to total dough collapse. The addition of a suitable level of a high melting point fat or emulsifier should overcome this problem.

References Cauvain, S.P., 2015. Technology of Breadmaking, third ed. Springer Publishing International AG, Switzerland. Cauvain, S.P., Young, L.S., 2006. The Chorleywood Bread Process. Woodhead Publishing Ltd, Cambridge, UK. Raw Materials Chapter | 2 83

2.3.4 What is the role of fat in the manufacture of puff pastry? In the manufacture of puff pastry, fat may be added to the paste in two ways, as part of the base dough formulation and as fat layers formed between two adjacent doughs layers. The latter is by far the more important of the two uses and contributes most to the formation of the characteristic layered structure and flaky eating character. It is not common to add aerating agents to puff pastry, yet considerable expansion of the structure occurs as the dough layers are forced apart during baking. The pressure for the expansion comes from the water present in the dough layers as it turns to steam. As the steam tries to escape to the atmosphere, the melting fat acts as a barrier to its progress and the dough layers move apart (Cauvain and Young, 2008). To obtain maximum pastry lift, it is important that the fat layers remain separate and discrete from the dough layers for as long as possible so that careful attention should be paid to the processing temperature for the paste. For example, butter has a low SFI at 20C and pastes made with all butter benefit from processing at temperatures around 1214C which gives work- able fat layers but ones which will not be so brittle as to break during sheeting. As the aeration mechanism involves the fat, it is reasonable to assume that the characteristics of the fat play a part in the degree of lift during baking with lift depending on the following characteristics:

G The level of added fat, with higher fat levels giving greater lift. G The SFI, with higher SFI giving greater lift. G The firmness of the fat at point of use, with greater firmness giving greater lift. G The crystalline form, with smaller crystal size giving greater lift. Although pastry lift benefits from a higher SFI, there may be some loss of eating qualities as fats with very high melting points tend to give a greasy mouthfeel and ‘palette cling.’ The addition of fat to the base dough has a small adverse effect on pastry lift and gives a more tender eating quality to the final product. The impedance of steam by the fat layers also plays a part in the aeration of Danish pastries and croissant, though in these cases, lift is affected by the activity of the yeast which contributes to the expansion of the dough layers.

Reference Cauvain, S.P., Young, L.S., 2008. Bakery Food Manufacture and Quality: Water Control and Effects, second ed. Blackwell Science, Oxford, UK. 84 Baking Problems Solved

2.3.5 Our puff pastry fails to rise sufficiently even though we believe that we are using the correct level of fat. Are we using the correct type of fat? The lift in laminated products can be affected by two properties of the laminating fat; the SFI and the size of the crystals in the solid fat portion. The laminating fat plays a significant role in the aeration mechanism in puff pastry by impeding the movement of steam from the dough layers to the surrounding atmosphere (see Section 7.1). Solid fat layers form a greater barrier than liquid ones and so the proportion of laminating fat which remains solid as the pastry begins to bake is an important characteristic. As discussed above, we can measure the solid fat to liquid oil ratio in a given fat using a number of techniques, for example NMR. For a given temperature, the ratio is described as the SFI with the value given being the solid fat portion in the mixture. Such measurements are typically made at three of four different temperatures to establish the solid fat profile. The higher the SFI, the greater the puff pastry lift will be (see Fig. 2.5), but the increase in solid fat may lead to an unacceptable change in eating charac- teristics. It is particularly important that the proportion of solid fat at 40Cis restricted because it does not melt in the mouth and confers an unpleasant waxy eating quality commonly described as ‘palate cling’. We suggest that any laminating fat you use should not have more than 5% solid fat at 40C. The storage and processing temperatures used also affect the performance of the laminating fat, so it is important to avoid unnecessary warming and cooling of the stocks of fat. The temperature at which the pastry manufacturing process is carried out can also affect lift and it is best process the pastry at a temperature which is lower than the melting point of the fat. If you are work softening the fat by means of pumping or extrusion then you may notice some changes in performance, so it is important to keep and any work softening activities as constant as possible.

Further reading Cauvain, S.P., 2001. The production of laminated products. CCFRA Review No. 25. Campden-BRI, Chipping Campden, UK.

FIGURE 2.5 Effect of large (left) and small (right) fat crystals on puff pastry height. Raw Materials Chapter | 2 85

2.3.6 What is the role of fat in cakemaking? The main function of fat in cakemaking is assist with the incorporation of air into the batter during mixing. It also affects the air bubble size in the batter and bubble stability before and during the early stages of baking. Cake batters are essentially a ‘foam’, that is a system in which air bubbles are trapped and held in an aqueous phase. Foam systems are characterised by the fact that all the air bubbles are separated from one another by a thin film of stabilising material. During baking, the foam changes to a sponge (in the generic sense), that is a system in which all of the air cells are interconnected and vapours and liquids can move through the matrix. The moment at which the foam in a cake batter makes the conversion to a sponge has much to do with the recipe formulation and the stability of the air bubbles while the tem- perature is rising makes a major contribution to final cake volume. The protective film which forms around the gas bubbles may come from a number of sources. Solid fat crystals can contribute to the protective films in the batter foam, and they are typically located at the interfacial film between the air bubbles and the sucrose solution. The crystalline form of the solid portion of the fat is important in determining the functionality of the fat in cakemaking. Of the three fat polymorphs commonly encoun- tered, the volume of air which can be incorporated into the batter is greatest with the β0, less with the α and least with the β form. As the batter temperature rises in the oven, the solid fat turns to liquid oil and the natural buoyancy of the air bubbles causes them to try and move upwards to escape. The longer the bubbles are retained in the batter the greater the cake volume will be. This requires that the fat has a high melting point. However, dispersion of the solid fat crystals is important if they are to be effec- tive and a liquid oil component is necessary to achieve that ready dispersion. Fats and oils contribute to the soft and tender eating properties which are required for cakes. In part, this benefit comes from the effect on batter aeration and in part from the lubricating effect that fat has in the mouth.

Further reading Cauvain, S.P., Young, L.S., 2006. Baked Products: Science, Technology and Practice. Wiley- Blackwell, Oxford, UK. 86 Baking Problems Solved

2.3.7 We are making ‘all-butter’ cakes but find that after baking they lack volume and have a firm eating character. Why is this and is there any way to improve the cake quality? Butter is often chosen in cakemaking due to its quality attributes related to flavour and mouthfeel, and its potential marketing value through the associa- tion with ‘naturalness’ and ‘quality’. However, being a ‘natural’ product, it can be the subject of natural quality variations and has characteristics which are not always best suited to cakemaking. Butter is a mixture of butter oils, water and often salt. Commonly, the level of water must not exceed a fixed value (16% in the United Kingdom) and salt levels may also be fixed. Thus, if butter is used to replace an oil or bakery shortening, then the level of addition should be increased to about 1.2 times the recipe shortening level. A weight for weight replacement of shortening with butter will therefore result in a lower fat level in the recipe which will reduce batter aeration and cake volume. Butter oils and butterfats are available which can be used on a one for one replacement basis because they do not contain water (Rajah, 1997). Generally, the ability of butter to contribute to batter aeration, and thus, cake volume is inferior to bakery shortenings or cake margarine. This is because the SFI at 20C for butter is lower than that generally recommended for use in cakemaking, typically, around 24% of a fat should be solid at 20C. Butter SFIs at 20C vary according to their source, in part due to differences and changes in the feeding habits of the cows. The tempering of butter can improve its functionality in cakemaking. We suggest that you hold the butter at 2830C for 1820 h before use. This tempering period permits a beneficial increase in the crystal size of the solid fractions in the butter. You should ensure that full equilibration of tem- perature has taken place because often the slabs of butter may be stored on a pallet or in a large block which slows down the rate of heat penetration to the centre of the stack. Considerable improvements in cake volume, softness and eating quality can be obtained by adding a low level of glycerol monostearate (GMS) to the batter. The GMS is more effective than the butter at stabilising the foam structure of a cake batter. We suggest the addition of a level of 1% (GMS solids) of the total batter weight. The GMS should be in the alpha form and may be added as a stabilised gel.

Reference Rajah, K.K., 1997. Cream, butter and milk fat products. In: Bent, A.J. (Ed.), The Technology of Cake Making. Blackie Academic and Professional, London, UK, pp. 4880. Raw Materials Chapter | 2 87

2.3.8 We have been using oil in the production of our sponge cakes, but we wish to change to using butter. Can you advise on how to do this? There are two courses of action open to you; either melt the butter and add it as a warm oil or add it in the solid form. The practice of melting fats to incorporate them into sponge batters has been known for quite some time. The traditional ‘butter sponge’ utilises a basic sponge recipe to which the melted butter is added after all of the other ingredients at the very end of the mixing process. The butter should only be heated until it is just liquid; otherwise, the hot oil may increase the batter temperature high enough to cause a premature reaction of the baking powder. You may find some benefit in using a little more baking powder in the formulation to compensate for any losses which may occur. If you are not already doing so you may find some advantage in the addition of a suitable emulsifier to the formulation. If you are going to use the butter in the solid form, we certainly recom- mend the addition of an emulsifier to the formulation; otherwise, you will not achieve the product volume that you are seeking. You may experience some difficulty in dispersing the butter, so it may be better to use an all-in mixing method. You may also wish to adjust the baking powder level in the formulation. If you wish to make any claim regarding the use the term ‘butter’ as part of the baked product descriptor, you will need to ensure that the level of added butter conforms to the relevant regulations or codes of manufacturing practice. For example, the following Code of Practice applies in the United Kingdom:

G At least 5% butterfat for the claim ‘contains’ butter. G 100% for the claim ‘made with butter’ or the descriptor ‘butter sponge’. 88 Baking Problems Solved

2.3.9 We wish to produce a softer eating sponge cake and have been trying to add fat or oil but cannot get the quality we are seeking. Is the addition of fat to sponge batters possible and what do we need to do to achieve the quality we are seeking? In a traditional sponge recipe composed of flour, sugar and egg, the mixing action of the whisk draws small air bubbles into the batter during mixing. The egg proteins, principally the lipoproteins, align themselves at the inter- face of the air bubbles with the aqueous phase. At the interface, they provide stability to the air bubbles and prevent them from rising to the batter surface and escaping to the atmosphere. This bubble stabilisation of the batter ‘foam’ is particularly important in the early stages of baking when the increase in temperature increases the ten- dency of the air bubbles to rise. Later during baking, the solid part of the foam begins to set, the gas bubbles begin to burst and the gases diffuse out leaving behind a sponge structure (here, the term ‘sponge’ is used in the generic sense referring to a structure in which the individual cells are inter- connected and gases and liquids may diffuse through the matrix). When oils or solid fats are added to a traditional sponge batter, they inhibit the inclusion of air into the batter and displace the egg proteins at the gas bub- ble/aqueous phase interface. This change allows many is gas bubbles to escape from the batter, especially during baking when any solid fat is turning to liquid oil. The result is that the mechanical aeration is much reduced and the resul- tant cake volume is small. For these reasons, many traditional methods of pro- ducing sponge cakes encourage the scalding of the mixing bowl to remove any traces of fat before the start of mixing. Oils or fats may be added to sponge cakes to improve the eating quality by carefully blending them into the batter towards the end of baking. In the case of fats which are solid at bakery temperature, it is advisable to heat the fat until it is liquid. Alternatively, you can add an emulsifier, such as GMS to the sponge formulation to take over the main air bubble stabilising role from the egg proteins. The level of addition needs to be sufficiently high to ensure that bubble stability is maintained during baking up to the point of conversion from foam to sponge. Oils are more suitable for the production of enriched sponges though the addition of solid fat is possible, sponge cake volume and texture are less satisfactory.

Further reading Cauvain, S.P., Cyster, J.A., 1996. Sponge cake technology. CCFRA Review No. 2. Campden BRI, Chipping Campden, UK. Raw Materials Chapter | 2 89

2.3.10 We want to make a range of bakery products using butter as the main or only fat in the recipe. Can you advise us of any special technical issues that we need to take into when using butter? The composition of butter is usually fixed by local regulations. It is an emulsion of water-in-oil and typically contains more than 80% fat, less than 2% milk solids and less than 16% water. Despite having a fixed composition its performance in baking can vary. The best known variation comes with the twice yearly change in the feeding patterns for cows in many parts of the world (Rajah, 1997). With the change of feed come small but important changes in the underlying fatty acid composition and solid fat content which can affect its ability to incorporate air during creaming processes in the manufacture of baked products (e.g., cakes and biscuits). Butter contains significant amounts of butyric acid (a low molecular weight fatty acid) which is volatile and makes a significant contribution to the flavour of the fat. The release of traces of this acid through the process of hydrolysis makes butter particularly susceptible to rancidity. To avoid any potential problems, the butter will be delivered chilled and should be stored at the same temperature, typically around 46C. You should always use the butter within its designated shelf-life and will find it helpful to set up a strict stock rotation system. The solid fat content of butter at different temperatures is given in Table 2.1. The data highlight some of the technical problems with using butter. As the solids fat content is very high at low temperatures, it cannot be used straight from the refrigerator but must have its temperature raised, before it can be used. This ‘tempering’ process takes time and requires careful control to ensure uniformity of processing performance (see also Section 2.3.11). Achieving the optimum processing temperatures with butter is very important for its effective use. For examples of relevant processing tempera- tures for laminated pastry products (see Section 7.1.17). The solids content of butter is lower than normally considered suitable for cakemaking and there is a tendency for ‘all-butter’ cakes to lack volume. Adding a suitable emulsifier to the recipe (e.g., GMS) commonly solves the problem (see Section 2.3.7).

Reference Rajah, K.K., 1997. Cream, butter and milk products. In: Bent, A.J. (Ed.), The Technology of Cake Making. Blackie Academic & Professional, London, UK, pp. 4880.

TABLE 2.1 The Solid Fat Content of Butter at Different Temperatures

Temperature (C)5 101520253035 Solid Fat (%) 53 48 35 24 17 10 7 90 Baking Problems Solved

2.3.11 We are using butter in several of our bakery products which comes in chilled at about 4C (as cartons on pallets) and are encountering problems with variability in its processing. We recognise that is likely to be associated with the temperature of the butter when we are using it. What is the bestwaytotreatthebuttertogetamoreconsistent performance? To get a consistent processing and baking performance from butter, you need to use it at temperatures between 14C and 20C, depending on the product. In the manufacture of cake batters and creams, the butter plays a major role in the necessary air incorporation and so must be sufficiently plas- tic at the time of mixing; temperatures at the higher end of the above range are most suitable in such cases. For pastry making, temperatures towards the lower end of the range may be used but a significant degree of plasticity is still required (see Section 7.1.17). As your butter is arriving in the chilled form you will need to raise its temperature by quite a few degrees before it is in its optimum temperature range. The best way to raise the butter temperature is to store it in warm environment, for example, at temperatures between 20Cand25C(no more than 30C), but to obtain consistent performance, it is crucial that the temperature of the whole carton reaches these temperatures. To achieve this, you will need to make sure that there is sufficient air circulation around each carton and that you allow sufficient time for equilibration of the carton temperature to occur. The whole process can take several days, and we suggest that you allow at least 48 day’s equilibration before trying to use the butter. Do not be tempted to use high air temperatures to ‘speed-up’ the process as this can lead to significant ‘oiling’ on the surfaces of the butter in the cartons and loss of functionality. Butter which has oiled and then cooled ends up with a different (larger) crystal structure which makes it unsuitable for the manufacture of most bakery products. Radio-frequency heating and microwave have been suggested and used for tempering butter. This can reduce, but not replace, the storage time. Once again oiling of the butter should be avoided. In the manufacturing process, the butter may well be pumped or extruded before use. The mechanical action that these processes involve help in achieving a more uniform temperature distribution throughout the fat but should not be used to try and replace sound tempering procedures. Raw Materials Chapter | 2 91

2.3.12 We are seeking to reduce the level of fat that we use in some of our cake recipes but find that simply taking fat out adversely changes our product quality. What are the possibilities of using ‘fat replacers’ to help us with our strategy? There are two key roles for fats in cakemaking; one is to help with the soft and tender eating qualities that we associate with cakes and the other to help with foam promotion and bubble stability in the batter (see Section 2.3.6). If you are going to reduce fat levels in your recipe, you will need to take both into account and this can lead to conflicting results. You may also experi- ence some loss of flavour from your product. A typical effect of simply reducing fat level in your recipe without making any recipe changes is illustrated in Fig. 2.6. The product has a lower volume, denser crumb and firmer eating qualities which are often quickly detected by consumers. You can overcome the loss of foam creation and bubble stability when you reduce fat level through the addition of a suitable emulsifier such as GMS. However, you will find that the cake eating qualities may become a little firmer. You may find some advantage in reducing the egg level in your recipe (and adjusting water accordingly), but you need to be cautious as low levels of egg solids can result in increasing fragility of cake crumb and even the formation of unwanted cracks due to the lowering of protein levels. If this does happen then you could raise the protein content of the flour. There are claims for a wide range of fat replacers, but it is worth bearing in mind that none of them delivers exactly the same qualities as fat and that their use in a reduced-fat cake recipe will always need other recipe changes to produce a satisfactory cake product. In a broader aspect, fat replacers can be placed in one of three categories; carbohydrate-based, protein-based and fat/lipid analogues. A significant number of the fat replacers are aimed at reducing the calorific value of the final product and so weight for weight they deliver significantly fewer calories than fat. In many cases, the carbohydrate-based fat replacers are composed of fibrous materials and so require the addition of extra water to the recipe to

FIGURE 2.6 Effect of lowering fat level in cakes; left, standard recipe and right, reduced fat recipe. 92 Baking Problems Solved maintain a sufficiently fluid batter for processing. It is mainly the presence of the extra water that delivers the fat-mimicking properties of the material, but the extra recipe water can lead to unbalancing of other recipe compo- nents and will result in a higher moisture content in the final product. Unfortunately, although the fat replacer may hold the water in the batter in most cases, it does not sufficiently bind water in the baked product with the result that the product is more susceptible to mould growth. Similar issues apply to the protein-based fat replacers. The position with fat/lipid analogues is slightly different as such ingre- dients do tend to more closely mimic the ‘lubricant’ effect of fat with respect to cake eating quality. However, these materials still lack the foam promotion and bubble stabilisationpropertiesoffatandsocommonly recipes incorporating them require the use of an emulsifier. If you are thinking of using any of the available fat replacers, it would be advisable to check on whether they are permitted in cakes and what, if any special ingredients declarations need to be made. Raw Materials Chapter | 2 93

2.4 SUGARS AND SWEETENERS 2.4.1 What type of sugar (sucrose) should we use for the different products that we make in our bakery? Sugar (sucrose) has a number of different functions in baked products; in addition to the obvious contribution to product sweetness, it also has an impact on the formation of product structures which, in turn influences texture, eating qualities and shelf-life, both sensory and microbial (Cauvain and Young, 2008). Sucrose is available in a number of crystalline and liquid forms (various types of syrups). In summary, the main forms of sucrose that are used in the manufacture of baked goods are:

G Granulated Usually, the coarsest crystalline, refined white form. G Caster Smaller crystals separated from the preparation of the granulated form. G Pulverised May be manufactured by regrinding a crystalline form. G Icing sugar A fine, powdered sugar obtained by grinding crystals. G Demerara A light brown, crystalline sugar with pigments derived from the natural sugarcane. G Soft brown A mixture of small crystalline sugar and molasses. G Molasses A dark-coloured syrup, the residue of the sugarcane-refining process. Many of the functions of sugar in baked products require that it should be in solution in the mix. This does not necessarily mean that you have to prepare a sugar solution in the bakery. Sugar has a high solubility (typically sucrose dissolves in half its weight of water at 20C), but the quantity that can actually get into solution depends on the level of available water and the temperature of the mix. The size of the crystals is important in determining the rate at which they dissolve and in low water systems (e.g., biscuit dough), this can be a critical factor in deciding which form to use. Some of the key requirements for sugar properties are summarised for the different baked product groups below.

G Bread Levels of sugar addition may range from zero to as much as 20% of flour weight in the recipe in the manufacture of breads around the world. The water levels are relatively high and dough processing times from mix to oven are relatively long by comparison with other baked products, and usually, there is sufficient time is available for any added sugar to readily dissolve. This means that most of the crystalline forms can be used with- out creating any specific problems. G Fermented products (e.g., rolls and buns) Sugar is commonly added to rolls, buns and other similar fermented pro- ducts to improve product sweetness and crust colour. The levels of 94 Baking Problems Solved

addition still tend to be low enough to allow for the use of all the crystal- line forms. You should note that high level of added sugar can have an inhibitory effect on yeast activity. G Sponges and cakes Caster sugar is the form most commonly used in the manufacture of sponges and cakes. While granulated sugar will readily dissolve in the water present in sponge and cake batters, there can be problems with recystallisation on the surface of the baked product. A common phenome- non when sugar recystallisation occurs is the formation of small white spots on the crust (see Section 5.19), and in less extreme cases, the brown crust colour may be tinged with a grey haze arising from many sugar crys- tals too small to be seen with the naked eye. A crystalline form of sugar is preferred for many cake mixing procedures as it helps with the dispersion of the recipe fat and the incorporation of air into the mix (see Section 5.2). G Fruited cakes In cakes, where a high proportion of dried fruit is added to the mix (e.g., celebration cakes), it has become traditional to use a proportion of brown sugars and syrups to add to the colour and flavour profile of the baked product. G Biscuits and cookies Commonly, the finer grades of sugar, e.g., pulverised, are used in the manufacture of biscuits and cookies. This is because the added water levels are relatively low, so there is a significant potential for sugar recrystallisation of the surface of the products. In some biscuits, brown sugars or syrups may be added to confer colour and flavour. G Pastries Caster or pulverised sugar is usually preferred for the manufacture of pas- tries to avoid sugar spotting on the surface of the baked pastries. G Other bakery products Icings, toppings and fillings often use a proportion of the finest sugar grades, e.g., icing sugar. If you are not able to access or store a range of sugar types, you may have to consider modifying your mixing procedures. For example, with the coarser grades, you may have to dissolve the sugar in the recipe water before adding it to the other ingredients. If the sugar levels in your product are high with respect to the water levels, you may still have problems with recrystallisation.

Further reading Cauvain, S.P., Young, L.S., 2006. Baked Products: Science, Technology and Practice. Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, UK. Cauvain, S.P., Young, L.S., 2008. Bakery Food Manufacture and Quality: Water Control and Effects, second ed. Wiley Blackwell, Oxford, UK. Raw Materials Chapter | 2 95

2.4.2 Can you explain some of the main features of alternative sugars to sucrose, and how they might be used in baking? The sugars which are used in baking fall into two main groups classed as mono and disaccharides. Monosaccharides are sometimes called ‘simple’ sugars because they consist of one glucose molecule while the disaccharides comprise two glucose molecules in different configurations. There are a number of key differences between sucrose and the other sugars which may be used in baking; important ones are related to the impact on the gelatinisation characteristics of wheat starch and therefore product structure, their impacts on product water activity and in turn product shelf-life, and their relative sweetnesses (see Table 2.2). All sugars contribute to the Maillard browning reaction which forms the crust colour of baked products. The main monosaccharides are fructose and glucose both of which occur naturally in fruits. Fructose is an isomer of glucose (that is a glucose mole- cule with a different arrangement of the same atoms in the molecule) which can be obtained in the crystalline and liquid forms. It is a sugar which is often used in diabetic products because its initial metabolism in the human digestive system does not require insulin. Fructose may be used in a syrup form (high fructose corn syrup, mainly a mixture of fructose and dextrose) which is readily fermentable by yeast. Glucose may be used as a powder (dextrose monohydrate) or as a syrup (containing about 20%) water with different amounts of dextrose. The per- centage of reducing sugars in the syrup is given by its dextrose equivalent. Glucose syrups are found mainly in jams and fondants though they may find use in cake and biscuit making. Dextrose solids are often used to extend the mould-free shelf-life of cakes, but their level of addition may be limited by the browning reaction which occurs.

TABLE 2.2 Relative Sweetness of Sugars

Sugar Relative sweetness Sucrose 1.0 Fructose 1.7 Maltose 0.35 Lactose 0.27 Glucose syrup 0.30 96 Baking Problems Solved

The main disaccaharides (in addition to sucrose) are maltose and lactose. Maltose finds its way into baked goods usually as part of malted wheat or barley products and finds use in bread and other fermented goods. It is commonly available in the form of a syrup with a low degree of browning. In its purer, crystalline form, maltose has been used to slow down starch retrogradation. Lactose is present in milk products. Its use is limited because of its low solubility. It is a reducing sugar which explains why the addition of milk powders increases the richness of crust colour in baked products. Lactose may also come as a component of hydrolysed whey products. Raw Materials Chapter | 2 97

2.4.3 Why are sugars added to some bread recipes but not others? The addition of sugars to bread recipes is made for a variety of reasons. Perhaps, the most obvious reason is to confer flavour, principally sweetness. As the flavour of fermented products is very personal thing, there are wide variations in the types of sugars added and the levels of addition used. When recipes are compared around the world, it is commonly observed that pan and hearth breads in northern and western Europe have no added sugar, in Mediterranean Europe, the Middle East and the Americas low or modest levels will be present, whereas in Asia levels, it tends to be the highest. Sugar levels in all parts of the world tend to be higher in buns and rolls where sweet flavours are more commonly expected. The most common types of sugars used are sucrose, dextrose and high fructose corn syrup. Each of these sugars confers a different level of sweetness if added on a common solids basis (see Section 2.4.2). A common perception is that sugars are added to support fermentation. It is certainly true that yeast will break down sugars during the fermentation process to yield carbon dioxide and alcohol. However, the fermentation of sugars by bakers’ yeast is a complex process which depends mainly on the availability of a substrate (yeast food), fermentation time and temperature. Bakers’ yeast may be described as a ‘fussy feeder’, in that, it does not use all sugar sources at the same time, though its suite of enzymes is perfectly able to deal with both mono and disaccharides. Most wheat flours contain low levels of fermentable sugars, typically around 1% comprising fructose, glucose and sucrose. The action of alpha and beta amylases on damaged starch results in the generation of maltose during fermentation, and this can also be used by the yeast. The key element of yeast activity is that it utilises readily the monosac- charides for the production of carbon dioxide but a group of enzymes commonly held in the double cell wall of yeast and commonly referred to as ‘invertase’ is required to break down disaccharides like sucrose to monosaccharides before they can be used. In short of or no-time dough systems, there may be insufficient time for the yeast to convert sufficient sucrose, and so in terms of gas production, the presence of such sugars is largely irrelevant. Yeast activity in dough is profoundly affected by a process referred to as osmotic pressure (see Section 11.12). This concept is related to the con- centration of soluble materials in the solution in which the yeast cells are held, in contrast with the concentration of soluble substances with the yeast cell. If both concentrations are equal, then the yeast cell is not stressed and can function normally. On the other hand, if the two concentrations are not equal, then there will be a movement of soluble materials through the yeast cell wall which stresses the cells. 98 Baking Problems Solved

Being readily soluble, recipe sugars increase the concentration of soluble solids in the dough liquor surrounding the yeast cells, and the high concen- tration can actually inhibit yeast activity and gas production. The effect of increasing levels of sucrose on gas production during proof is illustrated in Fig. 2.7. In this example, the inhibitory effect of sucrose on gas production in a no-time dough is linked with the increase in proof time required to deliver a standard pan dough height prior to baking. In practice, proof times would not be lengthened to accommodate the lower rate of gas production, rather yeast levels would be raised. However, this action may not be entirely successful because the osmotic pressure effect of high sucrose levels will continue to have an inhibitory effect on the yeast.






10 Increase in proof time (min) 0 0246810121416 Level of sugar (% flour weight) FIGURE 2.7 Effect of sucrose on gas production during proof. Raw Materials Chapter | 2 99

2.5 OTHER INGREDIENTS 2.5.1 The chocolate fondant on our cream eclairs has been falling off the top of the casing and gathers on the tray underneath as a sticky syrup. What causes this and how can we prevent it? The chocolate fondant contains undissolved sugar particles which tend to make it hygroscopic, that is, likely to absorb water. As more water is taken up by the fondant, then the fondant becomes more liquid and likely to flow. If you are putting the fondant on to the curved top of the e´clair shell, then it can readily flow down the sides. The water which causes this problem will come from the other components of the eclair. Usually, the source will be the cream which has a very high water activity (equilibrium relative humidity, ERH) and the moisture readily diffuses thought the porous and dry choux shell. The moisture which gathers at the shell-fondant interface acts like a lubricant and helps the fondant flow. This is not an easy problem to eliminate because of the diverse nature of the three components in the composite product. Some points to consider are:

G The fondant will always contain undissolved sugar and therefore be hygroscopic properties. However, these may be reduced to some extent by replacing some of the sucrose with a glucose syrup, adjusting the water as necessary. G Adding a small quantity of fat to the fondant, say 56%. G Lowering the ERH of the cream to reduce the driving force for moisture migration. The options may be limited though sucrose or even glycerol additions may help. G A change to a slightly more permeable packing may help by allowing some loss of moisture to the external atmosphere, but beware that this may lead to the whole product drying out too quickly. G Tryicingthebaseofthee´clair shell because this is usually flatter in shape. G Look carefully at the tray in which you stand the eclairs. If the e´clair does not stand level in the tray, then there is always a potential for the fondant to flow under the influence of gravity.

Further reading Cauvain, S.P., Young, L.S., 2008. Bakery Food Manufacture & Quality: Water Control and Effects, second ed. Blackwell Science, Oxford, UK. 100 Baking Problems Solved

2.5.2 When we changed our supply of bun spice we were using in our Hot Cross buns, we experienced problems with slow gassing in the prover and flowing of the buns during baking. What can we do to avoid these problems? Many spices have an adverse effect on yeast and will inhibit gas production. The higher the concentration of the spice the greater will be the effect. It appears that the change from one spice supply to another has resulted in you inadvertently adding a more concentrated form to the dough, that is, the equivalent of a higher spice level even though the weight of added spice has remained constant. Alternatively, the new spice formulation you are using may have a greater concentration of one or more spices which have a significant effect on gas production. The problem you describe can occur whether you are using a liquid or dry spice. You should try to make sure that the yeast and the spice are kept separate for as long as possible in the mixing process. In the case of a liquid spice and some mixing operations, you may be able to hold the liquid spice until after the yeast has been fully dispersed. The flowing that you see almost certainly comes about due to the same prob- lem. Direct contact between the spice and the yeast may have caused disruption of the yeast cells with subsequent leakage of the proteolytic enzymes and gluta- thione which both weaken the gluten network in the dough. If sulphur dioxide or sodium metabisulphite have been used as preservatives in the spice, residues of these chemicals can act as reducing agents and weaken dough structures. If the problem persists after you have taken suitable precautions during mixing or after adjusting the levels of addition, you might try using less spice in the dough and more in the glaze for the products to maintain product flavour profile. Raw Materials Chapter | 2 101

2.5.3 We wish to use milk powder in our fermented goods and have heard that it is advisable to use a heat-treated form. Can you explain why this is so? The use of fully heat-treated milk or milk powder products is essential if you are to avoid losses in product volume. In the case of liquid milk typical, heat treatment conditions would require raising the temperature to around 80C and holding it at that temperature for some 30 minutes before cooling and use. If dried milk powders are to be used, it is important that they have been subjected to a similar temperature profile to that given above. Similar problems with loss of volume can occur if inadequately treated milk powder is used in the production of sponge cake goods. On some occasions, a collapse of the cake structure and the formation of a ‘core’ (an area of coarse dark-coloured cell structure) may occur. The adverse effects of inadequately treated milk arise because the globulin proteins normally present have not been denatured. The normal pasteurisation process applied to milk does not denature the globulins which can interfere with the stability of the gas bubbles in the proving dough or baking cake. The suitability of a milk powder for baking can be assessed with a small- scale baking test or by employing the Swortfiguer cloud test (Swortifguer, 1958). A clear or slightly cloudy solution at the end of the test indicates that the milk powder has been adequately treated.

Reference Swortifguer, M.J., 1958. Is there a simple method by which we may determine whether a sample of non fat dry milk has received proper treatment? Baker’s Digest October, 78 102 Baking Problems Solved

2.5.4 What are the functions of salt in baking, and how do set about reducing the levels that we use? Salt (sodium chloride) has a number of different functions in the manufacture of bakery products, some of which are product specific. The most immedi- ately recognised one is to contribute to the flavour profile of the product. Salt has its own characteristics and is considered as one of the five basic tastes (the others are sweet, acid, bitter and the recently added, umami). In addition to its own distinctive flavour, salt plays a significant role in enhancing other, often more subtle, flavours. Reductions in added salt levels in baked products are usually detected very readily by consumers, so we recommend that you make small but progressive reductions over a period of time so that the palate of your customers becomes ‘educated’ for lower salt levels. Sodium chloride is one of very few chemicals which confer a salty flavour, and it is not easy to ‘replace’ the flavour contribution with other ingredients. Potassium chloride may be used to replace the sodium salt, but as the level of potassium chloride increases, there is a development of an unacceptable level of bitterness in the product. Each of the salt ‘replacers’ which are offered has a distinctive flavour profile but all are different from sodium chloride. Other flavours enhancers are offered for use in lower salt foods, but their suitability for use depends on the food in which they are to be used. In breadmaking, a possible route to increase the flavour of bread is by using fermentation of all or part of the dough in the manufacturing process. However, it should be noted that the overall flavour profile of the final product will be different and may be less acceptable to all consumers. Again it may be a matter of educating the consumer palate. The other universal function of salt in baked products is that of a preser- vative. Additions of salt have been used to extend the mould-free shelf-life of cakes and many other bakery products (Cauvain and Young, 2008). Weight of weight, salt is 11 times more effective than sucrose in reducing the water activity of a baked product, so it has been a common addition to many recipes. If you are going to use lower salt levels, then you may have to compensate for the increase in water activity with other anti-microbial strategies. In high water activity products (e.g., bread, hot-plate goods), the impact of salt on product mould-free shelf-life is very small. However, the water activity levels in such products are marginal for rope spoilage (see Section 4.1.4), so reductions in added salt levels should be approached with some caution. Rope spoilage is more likely to be a problem in whole- meal, and mixed grain breads as the spore-forming bacteria are associated with the other layers of grains so spore counts are likely to be higher. Salt plays some technological roles in the manufacture of bread and other fermented products. One of these is to limit the activity of bakers’ yeast in the dough. Reductions in added salt levels will lead to increased Raw Materials Chapter | 2 103 gas production by the added yeast such that the dough may become ‘over- proved’ in a standard proof time in the bakery. In such cases, it may be necessary to either reduce proof times or lower added yeast levels in the dough; the latter is most commonly preferred as the length of time used for dough proving has other technological benefits related to the rheological properties of the gluten in the dough; most notably to contribute to the uniformity of oven spring when the product is baked. Salt also makes a contribution to dough development and bread volume. Danno and Hoseney (1982) showed that Mixograph times to peak were shorter when salt levels were reduced, whereas other studies (Miller and Hoseney, 2008) have shown that loaf volumes were optimised at around 2% flour weight and that volume decreased when salt levels were both increased and decreased. Any losses in bread volume can be compensated for by other ingredient and recipe adjustments. Lowering salt levels in bread dough does lead to some adverse changes in dough rheological properties after mixing. In particular, there is an increase in dough stickiness which may be of concern in highly automated plants or where ambient dough processing temperatures are high.

References Cauvain, S.P., Young, L.S., 2008. Bakery Food Manufacture and Quality: Water Control and Effects, second ed. Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, UK. Danno, G., Hoseney, R.C., 1982. Effect of sodium chloride and sodium dodecyl sulphate on mixograph properties. Cereal Chem. 59, 202204. Miller, R.A., Hoseney, R.C., 2008. Role of salt in baking. Cereal Foods World, JanFeb, 46.

Further reading Kilcast, D., Angus, F., 2007. Reducing Salt in Foods: Practical Strategies. Woodhead Publishing Ltd, Cambridge, UK. 104 Baking Problems Solved

2.5.5 We are using walnuts in our gateau buttercream filling and find that it turns black. It does not appear to be mould. What is the cause of this discolouration? You are quite right the problem is not one of the mould growth. The most likely cause is a reaction of the tannin in the walnut pieces with any traces of iron which may be present in the cream, perhaps picked up from the mixing utensils that you have used. The colour may take several days to appear. Sometimes, the colour may be purple rather than black, depending on the product pH. We suggest that you try to use stainless steel utensils and avoid using any iron utensils which are scratched or damaged. You should also try to ensure that any cut cake surfaces do not come into contact with iron surfaces. Raw Materials Chapter | 2 105

2.5.6 What is the role of emulsifier in the production of sponge cake products? The key role for the emulsifier added to sponge cake batters is assist in the incorporation and stabilising of the air bubbles mixed into the cake batter. The most common emulsifier used in sponge cakemaking is GMS though polyglycerol esters are also used. In both cases, the emulsifier can be considered as a molecule which has a hydrophobic (water-hating) head and a hydrophilic (water-loving) tail. Thus, when the emulsifier is used in a cake batter, the hydrophobic head aligns itself at the interface of the liquid and air phases, whereas the hydrophilic tail is located in the liquid phase. These actions confer stability to the air bubbles incorporated during mixing. Sponge cakes may be made without any emulsifier, and in this case, the egg proteins play the bubble stabilising role. However, if any fat or oil is present in the formulation, then the egg proteins cannot maintain gas-bubble stability during baking and the cake may exhibit collapse and core formation (see Section 5.41). To overcome this problem when using fat or oil, it is necessary to add an emulsifier. In this case, the emulsifier takes over the gas bubble stabilising role of the egg proteins. It is important to ensure that suffi- cient emulsifier is added to maintain gas bubble stability in both the cold batter and during baking. Cauvain and Cyster (1996) showed how core for- mation was made worse when a low level of GMS was added to the batter but was eliminated as the level progressively increased. Gas bubble size and therefore sponge cake cell structure is directly affected by the level of emulsifier. Cauvain and Cyster (1996) studied the effects of GMS and found that the minimum gas bubble size, and therefore finest cell structure, was obtained at about 0.6% batter weight with their for- mulation (see Fig. 2.8). Increasing the level of added GMS had no effect on gas bubble size, but at 1.5% batter weight, the cake was unacceptable, hav- ing a loose crust, many surface blisters and a very close cell structure. This can be interpreted as over-stabilisation of the batter with a layer of GMS so thick around the gas bubbles that they were unable to rupture (i.e., convert from foam to sponge) at the correct moment during baking. The volume of gas that can be incorporated into the batter is also related to the level of emulsifier used. The higher the level of emulsifier, the greater the volume of air that can be incorporated and the lower the batter relative density that can be achieved. This in turn can lead to greater prod- uct volume provided that sufficient emulsifier is present to ensure bubble stability during baking. To ensure that the emulsifier is effective as a bubble stabiliser, it is important to use it in its most appropriate form. In the case of GMS, there 106 Baking Problems Solved

FIGURE 2.8 Effect of level of emulsifier on bubble size in sponge cake batter.

are a number of different forms in which it can exist, depending on its con- centration in water and the temperature of the preparation. Krog and Larsen (1968) studied the phase diagram for GMS and water and showed that the most effective form for cakemaking occurred over a limited range of concen- trations and temperatures. The most appropriate form is often called the ‘alpha gel’ form. Commonly, cake emulsifiers are used in a ready-prepared gel form and may contain a ‘co-emulsifier’ to prevent GMS reversion when the mixture is cooled.

References Cauvain, S.P., Cyster, J.A., 1996. Sponge cake technology. CCFRA Review No. 2. CCFRA, Chipping Campden, UK. Krog, N., Larsen, K., 1968. Phase behaviour and rheological properties of aqueous systems of industrial monoglycerides. Chem. Phys. Lipids 2, 129135.

Further reading Whitehurst, R.J., 2004. Emulsifiers in Food Technology. Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, UK. Raw Materials Chapter | 2 107

2.5.7 What ingredients are commonly used as preservatives? Are there any particular benefits associated with different ones? The choice of preservative depends on the product type and the potential microogranisms which are prevalent in causing spoilage. Microbial spores are airborne in the bakery environment and also present in the dry ingredi- ents (flour), their packaging and through contact with contaminated equip- ment and surfaces. Preservatives only inhibit spoilage they do not destroy the microorganisms and so good hygiene is a necessary adjunct to using preservatives. A comprehensive list of preservatives for use in bread and fine bakers’ wares is given by Cauvain (2015). Breads and other fermented products are high in moisture and are susceptible to microbial attack. Table 2.3 shows some of the commonly used preservatives along with their recommended levels of use within the European Union; there are other local limits for their addition and these should be checked before use. Using the materials at their recommended levels should ensure an extension of mould-free shelf-life by 23 days at temperatures of 20C. Vinegar is used to combat ‘rope’ bacterial spoilage and has a small inhibiting effect against moulds (see Section 2.5.8). For flour confectionery products, such as cakes and muffins with intermediate moisture levels, the commonly used preservatives are sorbic acid and its salts. They are not efficacious in bread and fermented products as the levels required render the dough sticky and difficult to process, inhibit the action of baker’s yeast and yield products with poor volume and coarse, open structure (unless added in their encapsulated form). Sorbic acid and its easier handled salt Potassium sorbate can be added up to 2000 ppm (in the finished product). The levels used depend on the product water activ- ity and pH. Adding preservatives to give more than a 50% extension to shelf-life is not usually recommended (Cauvain and Young, 2008) as the pre- servative flavour can often be detected by the consumer. The lower the pH of the product, the greater the preservative effect as shown in Fig. 2.9. Acetic acid and its salts may be used in many bakery products although they are less effective than others mentioned here. In some cases, the use of

TABLE 2.3 Common Preservatives for Bread and Fermented Products

Preservative Recommended usage (% of flour weight ) Calcium propionate 0.2 Propionic acid 0.1 Sodium propionate 0.2 Sodium dipropionate 0.2 108 Baking Problems Solved

Additional days shelf-life for cake at different pHs treated with 1000ppm sorbic acid 350 300 250 ERH 92% 200 ERH 86% 150 21°C ERH 80% 100 50 0 Extra days shelf-life at 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 pH

FIGURE 2.9 Additional days’ shelf-life obtained in cakes of different pHs when treated with sorbic acid at 1000 ppm product weight. acetates rather than propionates and sorbates may reflect local legislation or commercial preferences. As with all preservatives, high levels of addition produce distinctive odours and taste in the products, and once consumers have become accustomed to these, it may be difficult to interchange them. For products such as Danish pastries with relatively short shelf-life, preservatives are less commonly used. If the pastries are fermented, then the preservatives used in breads would be suitable and for cake-like ones sorbic acid and its salts would be appropriate. For low moisture biscuits and cook- ies mould growth is not usually a problem and so the addition of preserva- tives is not common. In some cases, it may be appropriate to use a combination of preservatives to achieve the desired effect on shelf-life. This is because there are many different types of moulds and each of them can tolerate a slightly different set of conditions and type of preservative. In most manufacturing environments it is unlikely that the full range of moulds types contaminating a product will be known. There are some very common ones (e.g., Penicillium sp., Aspergillus sp.) and usually the addition one preservative is all that is required. However, in some cases, a ‘broad spectrum’ approach with a mixture of preservatives (and other inhibitory processes) may be used to ensure maximum impact. With mixtures of preservatives, the extension of the mould-free shelf-life of the product may be increased beyond that achieved with a single preservative though the overall impact may be difficult to quantify.

References Cauvain, S.P., 2015. Technology of Breadmaking, third ed. Springer Publishing International AG, Switzerland. Cauvain, S.P., Young, L.S., 2008. Bakery Food Manufacture & Quality: Water Control and Effects, second ed. Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, UK. Raw Materials Chapter | 2 109

2.5.8 What effect does vinegar have on bread and why is it added? Vinegar has the advantage of being considered by many as a natural preservative. The chemical name for vinegar is acetic acid (E260) and it is sometimes known as ethanoic acid. It has been used for many years as an inhibitor for the growth of rope bacteria (Bacillus subtilis)inbread.Asa preservative, it has little intrinsic antimicrobial activity and so is added to increase the acidity (reduce the pH) and retard the initial growth of the bacteria. Rope spores are present naturally in the soil and can be found on the outer parts of the wheat grain. They are also present in the air and can be passed on in flour or by equipment which has been in contact with contaminated dough (see Section 4.1.4). The white spirit form of vinegar is diluted to a give a 12.5% solution and added at the rate of about 1 L per 100 kg flour; equivalent to a rate of acetic acid addition of 0.125% based on flour weight. Such levels reduce the bread crumb to a pH of about 5.4; the general level suitable for protection from rope. The level of addition required for wholemeal breads is slightly higher. To achieve a pH of 5.4, the amount of vinegar added will vary from one type of bread to another depending on the pH of the ingredients, the natural buffering effect of the flour and whether the flour has been fortified with calcium carbonate. All flours have a buffering effect on the efficacy of the acetic acid with the buffering being greater in flours with higher levels of bran. Fig. 2.10 shows the effect of acetic acid addition on the pH of breads. Vinegar has a small effect on the gassing rate of yeast, so yeast levels may be slightly increased to counter this and reduce the impact on proof time.

6 5.8 5.6

5.4 White 5.2 Wholemeal

Bread pH 5 4.8 4.6 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 Acetic acid addition (% on flour weight)

FIGURE 2.10 The effect of acetic acid addition on the pH of breads. 110 Baking Problems Solved

2.5.9 We have heard that alcohol can be used as a preservative. How is this achieved? The use of alcohol as a preserving agent has been known for many years. Heavily fruited celebration cakes are often treated with alcohol after baking to add flavour and benefit from the preservative and anti-staling properties. Ethyl alcohol can be an effective preservative for breads. Added at levels between 0.5% and 3.5% of loaf weight, it gives good extension of shelf-life (Legan, 1993). Fig. 2.11 shows the percentage increase in mould-free shelf- life obtained when ethyl alcohol is added. The effect is typically obtained when the alcohol is sprayed onto all surfaces of the loaf before packing and sealing. If the alcohol is coated on the inside of the bag before inserting the loaf and sealing, the increase in shelf-life is similar. The alcohol acts as a vapour pressure inhibitor and discourages moulds from growing. In the case of bread, addition of alcohol at levels higher than 1% of product weight can usually be detected by the consumer. If adding, alcohol to fermented products or cakes checks should be made on possible local excise duties payable and on any labelling issues. Although it may be costly to use alcohol as a preservative, it has significant potential for its antimicrobial properties and for antistaling in bread and cakes (Cauvain, 2015).

References Cauvain, S.P., 2015. Technology of Breadmaking, third ed. Springer Publishing International AG, Switzerland. Legan, J.D., 1993. Mould spoilage of bread: The problem and some solutions. Int. Biodeterior. Biodegrad. 32, 3353.

300 250 200 150

life 100 50 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 –50 % Increase in mould-free shelf- % by weight of 95% alcohol

FIGURE 2.11 Relationship between alcohol concentration applied and percentage increase in mould-free shelf-life. Raw Materials Chapter | 2 111

2.5.10 What are the possible alternatives to chemically based preservatives? With the desire for ‘clean’ labels, bakers have sought the help of ingredients with natural preservative properties. Bakers have known for centuries the preservative effect of using dried fruit, e.g., raisins, in their cakes and other products. Sorbic acid salts develop on the skins of the fruit as they dry and together with the higher concentration of sugar within the fruit contribute to the longer shelf-life of the product. Such preservatives will inhibit microbial growth but will not prevent bacterial activity. It should be noted however that for a truly ‘natural’ dried fruit, the fruit should not have been treated with sulphur dioxide during the drying process. Many red-berried fruits have sorbic acid present as part of their composition and if added as a fruit concentrate might add a small preservative effect. In many cases, the preservatives found in fruits act best at low pHs, e.g., circa 2.0 and so are effective when used in acidic products such as fruit juices but will have a limited effect in the higher pH bakery products (as a general rule bakery products lie in the pH range 5.0 to 6.5). Benzoates which are found naturally in cranberries also work best at low pH. Using acid dough components, such as fermented wheat flour, in bread can provide a preservative effect. This is based on the natural lowering of the pH of the dough from the actions of lactic and acetic acid bacteria. To speed up acidification, a special culture of lactobacilli is added. For white breads, sufficient acid dough should be added to bring the pH to below 5.0. To prevent rope, an addition of 10% of acid dough in the final dough mix should be sufficient. It is also claimed that the lower bread pH has the benefit of improving the flavour of the bread; however, there are many groups of consumers who do not like the ‘sour’ taste of bread when the pH is very low. Salt (sodium chloride) is a natural preservative. It occurs in sea water and also is mined. It works by locking up the water in the bakery product so that the moulds cannot use the moisture for growth. However, its addition is limited by taste and more recently by concerns over the level of sodium chloride in the diet. Similarly, sugar can be used to extend shelf-life and again its addition has to be carefully considered as it may have an effect on the processing and the final product quality. Many of the chemically based preservatives are ‘nature identical’ and have been given E numbers to denote their acceptance for use in food products. Often, they have been derived from organisms that occur in nature. Their dosages and effectiveness are well known. The variability in the poten- tial effectiveness of ‘natural’ (non-chemically based) preservatives needs to be considered when relying solely on them in products. 112 Baking Problems Solved

2.5.11 What are the differences between diastatic and non- diastatic malt powders, and how can they be used in baking? Malt flours are most commonly made from wheat, barley and to a lesser extent oats. After the malting process, the products of the different cereals have slightly different characteristics, but essentially, they fall into two categories; diastatic in which a range of enzymes remaining active and non- diastatic in which the enzymes are inactivated. The malting process is based on the partial germination of the grains. Initially, the cleaned grains are ‘steeped’; that is, mixed with a predetermined quantity of water and stored under conditions which encourage the grains to germinate. After the requisite time, germination is arrested by removing water with the application of gentle heat. The ‘malt’ is mixed with water and a liquor extracted. It is the malt liquor extract which is dried under varying conditions to deliver a range of malt powders with different characteristics. As all enzymes are heat sensitive, the greater the heat input during drying, the lower the enzymic activity which remains in the product. Also the greater the heat input the darker the malt powder will be. All malt powder products have a slightly sweet, roasted flavour; the degree of flavour intensity varying with the degree of heat treatment used in the preparation. This distinctive malt flavour is carried through to the baked product with the intensity varying according to the grade of malt flour used and its level of addition. Clearly, the more malt flour that is added to the product, the more pronounced the flavour will be. If your main interest in using malt is to confer flavour to products, then you can use either the diastatic or nondiastatic forms. The term diastatic activity refers to a suite of different enzymes which are present in the malt flour. The germination process in the grain is based on the conversion of starch to sugars to provide food for the early stages of plant growth. This means that the amylase enzymes, especially alpha- amylase, are a significant component of diastatic malt flours. As is well known increases in the alpha-amylase levels in dough increases its gas reten- tion properties. However, high levels of cereal alpha-amylase can lead to quality problems such as ‘keyholing’, caving in on the side crust (see Fig. 1.1 and Section 4.1.2) as well as potential stickiness in the bread crumb and slicing problems (see Section 4.1.35). Other enzymes may be active in the malt powder, and these include proteolytic enzymes which can have adverse effects on gluten structures. Raw Materials Chapter | 2 113

2.5.12 We read a lot about the different enzymes which are now available and how they might be used in baking. Can you tell us what they are and what functions they have? There are many different types of enzymes in the natural world, and they are an essential part of the natural reactions in life. They may be described as organic or biological catalysts which accelerate the rates of critical reactions in plant and animal systems. They have a similar structure to proteins. They are described as biological catalysts and are very specific in action; that is, they can only catalyse one specific reaction. All enzymes originate within the cells of which plants and animals are composed. For example, in the bakers’ yeast cell are all of the enzymes that it requires to break down sugars and other nutrients for reproduction and growth. Various microorganisms are the main source of industrial enzymes. Specific microorganisms (commonly moulds) are developed under appropri- ate fermentation systems in a similar manner to that of bakers’ yeast. At the end of reproduction and growth period, the cells are disrupted and the cell contents refined to separate out the different specific enzymes which are present. Commercial enzymes are usually of a high purity, but most of them will have some residual, or ‘side-effects’, associated with other enzymes which are present in the sample. The commercial product is usually too concentrated to be used in baking without being diluted, and it is in this diluted form that enzyme preparations are used in the flour mill and bakery. Many ingredients used in baking (e.g., wheat flour, yeast, soya flour, malt flour) are enzymically active. The main groups of enzymes used as ‘extra’ additions in the manufacture of baked goods are discussed below. However, it is important to recognise that enzymes require suitable condi- tions for them to work effectively. A suitable moisture level is one of the key requirements and enzyme activity in dry ingredients is low. If the moisture level is low the enzymes remain inactive but when the moisture level increases, they can quickly become active. As might be expected for a biochemical reaction, enzyme activity is temperature sensitive with activity gradually increasing as the temperature is increased. All enzymes are eventu- ally inactivated by heat though thermal inactivation temperatures vary according to the particular enzyme, its source and the environment in which it is being used. In baking, most (but not all) enzymes are inactivated by the temperatures achieved in the product during oven heating. Other factors which will affect enzyme activity include the pH (acidity) of the environ- ment in which it used, the availability and condition of the substrate on which it acts and the water activity of the dough or batter. Before discussing the types of enzymes and their application in baking, the question of specificity of action must be considered. As stated above, enzymes are highly specific in their action, and this specificity can extend beyond the action of an enzyme on a particular substrate to include very specific sites of 114 Baking Problems Solved action within the substrate molecular structure. It is this increasing knowledge of the specificity of enzymes that has partly accounted for the increase in the range of products which are now available for use in baking. The addition of enzyme active materials to baked products is highly regulated, and in most cases, the source of that enzyme is specified. In many parts of the world, legislation does not currently require enzymes additions to baked goods to be labelled, and they fall into the general category of ‘processing aids’. Even as processing aids, they will have required formal approval for use in the production of food.

G Amylases These are the best known groups of enzymes used in baking. There are two main types of amylase; known as alpha and beta. Together, they are responsible for progressively breaking down starch (a complex carbohy- drate composed of glucose chains) into dextrins, high molecular weight sugars and finally to simple sugars such as maltose (which can be used by bakers’ yeast). Both alpha-andbeta-amylase are present in wheat flour. The level of alpha-amylase activity varies depending on a number of factors, not least of which is level of moisture in the maturing wheat ears. Beta-amylase is usually abundant in wheat flours, but alpha-amylase levels may be low, so it is a common practice to augment its level through the addition of a suitable enzyme active material in the flour mill (Cauvain, 2017). The measure of cereal alpha-amylase activity in wheat flour is measured using the Hagberg Falling Number test (see Section 2.2.10). This description of the action of amylases is simplistic. Starch gran- ules in flour are made up of two components; amylose a straight chained molecule and amylopectin a branched molecule. The action of alpha- amylase is commonly described as random with respect to the amylose and amylopectin molecules while that of the beta form is more specific and it cleaves relatively small molecules from the starch components (Cauvain, 2012). Thus, the combined action of the two forms of amylase is critical in the use of amylase enzymes as bread improver. A key function of alpha-amylase in bread production is to improve dough gas retention and in consequence bread volume and softness (Cauvain and Chamberlain, 1988). The source of the alpha-amylase has a significant impact on the overall effect (Kulp, 1993; Cauvain, 2015). Some forms of amylase are known to have anti-staling effects in bread. This arises from the generation of high molecular weight sugars which penetrate the starch granules helix structure and inhibit the recrystallisa- tion process after baking (see Section 2.5.13). G Hemicellulases The action of hemicellulases is on plant cell wall materials hemicellulose. The endosperm of wheat is composed of small cells which hold the starch, protein and lipids. The cell walls are composed of the large poly- mers mainly based on the sugar xylose. Hemicellulases (sometimes Raw Materials Chapter | 2 115

referred to as xylanases) act on the cell walls to break the material down into mainly xylose and arbinose. The net result of the addition of hemicellulase is to increase dough gas retention and to affect dough water absorption capacity. The effect of this group of enzymes is complex and the impact on dough water absorption capacity may be negative in some doughmaking situations, with the addition of the enzyme causing an increase in dough stickiness. G Lipases The addition of lipases has been shown to improve dough gas retention and bread volume. Their action is on triglycerides (fats, lipids) and the breakdown products of that action are in order diglycerides, monoglycer- ides and finally fatty acids. The monoglycerides formed from the action of lipase in dough are known to contribute anti-staling properties in bread, and it is seen as a potential replacement for emulsifiers in bread recipes (Rittig, 2005). G Proteolytic enzymes This group of enzymes include proteases and proteinases and their action is on the gluten network formed in the dough. They are usually added to ‘weaken’ the dough system and are sometimes used in biscuit production. They reduce dough gas retention and modify dough rheology making it softer and more readily processable (Kulp, 1993). They should be used with great care, if at all in breadmaking. G Oxidases Glucose oxidase enzymes are sometimes used in breadmaking. In the presence of oxygen, they catalyse the oxidation of the beta form of glucose and in doing so produce hydrogen peroxide. The ability of the hydrogen peroxide generated in the dough to aid the formation of the disulphide bonds is said to be the basis of the improvement in dough gas retention (Vemulapalli et al., 1998).

References Cauvain, S.P., 2012. Breadmaking: Improving Quality, second ed. Woodhead Publishing Ltd, Cambridge, UK. Cauvain, S.P., 2016. The ICC Handbook of Cereals, Flour, Dough and Product Testing: Methods and Applications, second ed. DEStech Publishing, Lancaster, PA. Cauvain, S.P., Chamberlain, N., 1988. The bread improving effect of fungal alpha-amylase. J. Cereal Sci. 8 (Nov), 239248. Kulp, K., 1993. Enzymes as dough improvers. In: Kamel, B.S., Stauffer, C.E. (Eds.), Advances in Baking Technology. Blackie Academic & Professional, Glasgow, UK, pp. 152178. Rittig, F.T., 2005. Lipopan F BG unlocking the natural strengthening potential in dough. In: Cauvain, S.P., Salmon, S.E., Young, L.S. (Eds.), Using Cereal Science and Technology for the Benefit of Consumers. Woodhead Publishing Ltd, Cambridge, UK, pp. 147151. Vemulapalli, V., Miller, R.A., Hoseney, R.D., 1998. Glucose oxidase in breadmaking systems. Cereal Chem. 75, 439442. 116 Baking Problems Solved

2.5.13 How do anti-staling enzymes work? Can they be used in cake as well as in bread and fermented products? There has been significant interest in using enzymes as anti-staling agents to augment the effect of emulsifiers or to replace them. When we refer to staling, it is in the context of slowing down the firming of bread and cake crumb which comes from the retrogradation of starch during storage. This is in contrast to the increased softness which can be obtained by higher moisture levels in the baked product or through the increase of product volume (the latter is commonly a result of adding enzymes to bread formulations). There are two main groups of enzymes with anti-staling effects in baked goods, and these are specific types of alpha-amylase and lipase; as is well known the former acts on damaged wheat starch breaking it down progressively to maltose, whereas the latter acts on triglycerides to eventually yield fatty acids. The starch polymer consists of a series of sugar molecules linked together as linear chains of amylose and branched amylopectin structures. Alpha- amylase is able to cut through these linkages at different points but very specific points depending on the types of amylase to yield different sugars of varying molecular weights. Sugars are known to function as anti-staling ingre- dients in starch-based foods, probably by raising the glass transition tempera- ture (see Section 11.6) and suppressing the recrystallisation of the amylopectin (the main component responsible for staling in bread). In the case of lipase the specific action is to generate monoglycerides in situ in the dough and monoglycerides are proven anti-staling agents in bread. Again, the specific type of lipase will dictate which specific monoglyceride is generated and at what rate and level in the bread dough. The anti-staling effect of some enzymes is now well established in bread. In cakes, it is less well established. As the action of the specific anti-staling alpha-amylases is based on the production of a variety of sugars, it is difficult to see why this should be of significant benefit in cakes which already by virtue of their formulation contain high levels of sugars. There is some evidence which supports increased softness values for cake crumb containing specific lipases. This is perhaps more understandable due to the generation of the monoglyceride which is known to have crumb softening effects in cakemaking. It is likely that any observable anti-staling effects of enzymes will depend heavily on the type of cake being produced and is more likely to be observed in low-fat cakes, such as sponge, or low-ratio cakes where the levels of sugar are lower.

Further reading Cauvain, S.P., 2012. Breadmaking: Improving Quality, second ed. Woodhead Publishing Ltd, Cambridge, UK. Raw Materials Chapter | 2 117

2.5.14 What is lecithin and how is it used in baking? Lecithin is a naturally occurring emulsifier found in animal and vegetable products such as milk, eggs (in the yolks) and soya beans, now the major source of the material. It is a liquid at temperatures around 20C and is soluble in oil. Purified and modified forms are available as a plastic liquid and in powder form (often blended with another food grade powder for ease of handling). The main constituent of lecithin in terms of its functionality is a mixture of phospholipids with the combination of the different types being specific to its animal or plant source. As a component of egg yolk, lecithin plays a role in helping to stabilise the air bubbles that are mixed in during the preparation of cake batters. This role is especially important in the preparation of sponge products which tend to have low levels of added fat or oil. The lecithin phospholipids are part of the egg lipoproteins which are found at the interface of the air with the aqueous phase in cake batters and aid bubble stability at the time in the oven when the cake batter system changes from a water-in-oil to oil-in-water emulsion. Lecithin is often used along with other emulsifiers, such as GMS, in sponge cakemaking. The addition of lecithin at low levels in the manufacture of cake dough- nuts is said to reduce fat absorption during frying and to confer tenderness to the final product eating qualities. Lecithin may be used in the manufacture of some bread types. It enhances gas retention in the dough to a degree but less so than other more commonly used emulsifiers. In crusty breads, it tends to give a thicker, denser crust which retains its crispness for longer periods of time (Cauvain, 2015). In biscuits, lecithin may be used as a means of reducing fat levels by up to 10% without adversely affecting biscuit quality. Dissolving the lecithin in fat makes it easier to handle (Manley, 2000), and it may help with the dispersion of the fat throughout the dough giving it a smoother feel. In higher sugar cook- ies, the addition of lecithin helps with the restriction of flow during baking. In the bakery, low levels of lecithin (around 5%) are often found as a component of oil-based pan greasing agents.

References Cauvain, S.P., 2015. Technology of Breadmaking, third ed. Springer Publishing International AG, Switzerland. Manley, D., 2000. Technology of Biscuits, Crackers and Cookies, third ed. Woodhead Publishing Ltd, Cambridge, UK.

Further reading Silva, R., 1993. Lecithin and phospholipids in baked goods. In: Kamel, B.S., Stauffer, C.E. (Eds.), Advances in Baking Technology. Blackie Academic & Professional, Glasgow, UK, pp. 223253. Whitehurst, R.J., 2004. Emulsifiers in Food Technology. Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, UK. 118 Baking Problems Solved

2.5.15 We have been having some problems with the quality of our bread, pastries and biscuits and one solution that has been recommended to us is that we should add a reducing agent to our recipes. Can you tell us more about reducing agents, and how they function in baked products? We should first start by defining what we mean by reduction. In chemical terms, it is used to describe reactions in which hydrogen is added to an element or compound, or in which oxygen is removed from a compound. It is the opposite of oxidation. Although both terms are used empirically to cover a number of similar reactions, in baking, the reduction and oxidation reactions which take place are very close to the formal definition. A key reaction during mixing is the formation of disulphide bonds between the protein chains in the dough (Cauvain, 2015). Their formation is promoted by oxidation, and they contribute to the elasticity of dough. The origins of this property are associated with the ratio of glutenin to gliadin proteins in the wheat flour though oxidation processes which occur during dough mixing also make a contribution. If the dough is too elastic after mixing then it may be difficult to process, and it is common to consider adding a reducing agent to reduce the number of disulphide bonds which have been formed. A commonly used reducing agent in the preparation of fermented dough is L-cysteine, a naturally occurring amino acid used in the hydrochloride form to improve its solubility. The addition of L-cysteine hydrochloride is often recommended to reduce the level of work input required for the manufacture of bread by the CBP or sponge-and-dough processes when using very strong flours or encountering difficulties with dough moulding. This approach should only be used when there is no alternative, more suitable flour available as the result of using L-cysteine hydrochloride are often unequivocal. The addition of L-cysteine hydrochloride has been shown to be beneficial in the manufacture of other fermented products and has become a common ingredient in dough conditioner and improvers added in the production of rolls, pizza bases (Cauvain, 2015) and hamburger buns. With all of these bakery products, the main effect of the L-cysteine hydrochloride is to reduce the elasticity of the dough and to assist in achieving the desired shape without causing undue damage to the dough pieces during moulding. Lcysteine hydrochloride also finds potential use in the manufacture of short and laminated pastes to improve the blocking and sheeting processes involved. The gluten structure is less well developed in short pastry making than with laminated pastes, but both can benefit from the addition of a reduc- ing agent. In pastry making, an alternative to the addition of L-cysteine hydrochloride is sodium metabisulphite. Both of these reducing agents need Raw Materials Chapter | 2 119 to be used with care in the manufacture of pastry products because the recycling of trimmings can lead to their progressively increasing concentra- tion in the recipes being used with subsequent excessive softening of the paste. Long delays in paste processing can also lead to excessive softening of the paste when reducing agents are present in the recipe. Sodium metabisulphite has found use as a reducing agent in the manufac- ture of biscuits, especially the low-fat, low-sugar types embraced by the generic term ‘semi-sweet’. The level of gluten development occurring during the mixing of semi-sweet biscuit dough is considerably less than that achieved in bread dough mixing, but with stronger flours, it is still sufficient to contribute to biscuit shrinkage. This shrinkage may be seen during the sheeting processes but is commonly seen when the biscuit units have been cut from the sheet. In severe cases, the shrinkage is immediately after cut- ting, whereas in less severe cases, it may only be observed as shrinkage after the biscuit has been baked. In this case, the biscuit dimensions will differ from those used in cutting and round biscuit shapes commonly develop eccentricity. The use of sodium metabisulphite is not universally accepted (Manley, 2000), and common ‘additive-free’ approaches are to more closely specify the qualities of the flour to be used or to add more water during dough mixing to yield a less elastic gluten network. The concern over the addition of chemical reducing agents has led to consideration of more ‘natural’ forms. Bakers’ yeast cells are a rich source of the natural reducing agent glutathione (Bonjean and Guillaume, 2003). In scratch breadmaking the yeast cells are intact and the glutathione has no direct contact with the dough proteins. However, if the yeast cell membrane is damaged, then there is potential for the glutathione to react with the protein network. Freezing yeast and yeasted doughs leads to irrep- arable damage to the cell membrane, and the effect of the glutathione is undoubtedly one of the contributing factors to the loss of gas retention in frozen bread dough. Commercial extracts of yeast cell contents are avail- able for use as a reducing agent. Glutathione (and L-cysteine hydrochloride) may be used in the manufacture of pasta to denature the gluten in the dough (Kent and Evers, 1994). Glutathione occurs naturally in flour. It is among the low molecular weight thiol compounds though the amounts are present in flour are small. Low molecular weight thiols diffuse rapidly through the dough, so despite their low concentrations, they are likely to be active in affecting the rheolog- ical properties of the dough. In some instances, changes in glutathione level have been linked with the ‘freshness’ of flour and its performance in baking (Chen and Schofield, 1996). Glutathione levels do vary with wheat type and the ash content of the flour (Sarwin et al., 1992). The content of low molecular weight thiols (including glutathione) is known to be affected by oxygen, probably during the milling of wheat to flour and almost certainly 120 Baking Problems Solved during dough mixing. Keiffer et al. (1990) found that dough resistance fell and flour extensibility increased as the level of glutathione increased. No discussion of the use of reducing agents in baking is complete without including some discussion of the role of ascorbic acid (AA). Chemically, AA is a reducing agent, but its conversion to dehydro-ascorbic acid (DHA) is responsible for its oxidising effects in breadmaking (Cauvain, 2015). The availability of oxygen for the conversion is crucial in this context, but as been shown, oxygen depletion can occur quite quickly in bread dough (Cauvain and Young, 2006). This suggests that in the anaerobic environment in the dough which is attained after mixing, the AA present has the potential to act as a reducing agent and practical experiments show that if AA is present in fermenting dough, then there can be loss of bread volume (see Section 4.1.24). However, if the dough is re-mixed (e.g., as during knock-back, see Section 9.7), then the reintroduction of oxygen allows for some further oxidation effect from the AA.

References Bonjean, B., Guillaume, L.-D., 2003. Yeast in bread and baking products. In: Boekhout, T., Robert, V. (Eds.), Yeasts in Food. Woodhead Publishing Ltd, Cambridge, UK, pp. 289308. Cauvain, S.P., 2015. Technology of Breadmaking, third ed. Springer Publishing International AG, Switzerland. Cauvain, S.P., Young, L.S., 2006. The Chorleywood Bread Process. Woodhead Publishing Ltd, Cambridge, UK. Chen, X., Schofield, J.D., 1996. Changes in glutathione content and breadmaking performance of white flour during short-term storage. Cereal Chem. 73, 14. Keiffer, R., Kim, J.-J., Walther, C., Laskawy, G., Grosch, W., 1990. Influence of glutathione and cysteine on the improving effect of ascorbic acid stereoisomers. J. Cereal Sci. 11, 143152. Kent, N.L., Evers, A.D., 1994. Technology of Cereals, fourth ed. Elsevier Science Ltd., Oxford, UK. Manley, D., 2000. Technology of Biscuits, Crackers and Cookies, third ed. Woodhead Publishing Ltd., Cambridge, UK. Sarwin, R., Walther, C., Laskawy, G., Butz, B., Grosch, W., 1992. Determination of free reduced and total glutathione in wheat flour by an isotope dilution assay. Z Lebensm Unters Forsch 195, 2732.

Further reading Kulp, K., Lorenz, K., Brummer, J., 1995. Frozen & Refrigerated Doughs and Batters. AACC, St. Paul, MN. Weiser, H., 2015. The use of redox agents. In: Cauvain, S.P. (Ed.), Bread Making: Improving Quality, second ed. Woodhead Publishing Ltd., Cambridge, UK, pp. 447469. Raw Materials Chapter | 2 121

2.6 AERATION 2.6.1 I have heard that yeast requires oxygen before it can work correctly, is this true? As long ago as 1875, Louis Pasteur showed that fermentation could take place in the complete absence of oxygen. He also showed that the presence of oxygen inhibited fermentation but increased yeast growth and respiration. Pasteur’s observation that ‘fermentation is life without air’ is a well-known quotation in food science. If oxygen is introduced in increasing quantities into a fermenting sugar solution, fermentation slows down and respiration takes over. The process can be described chemically as follows:

C6H12O6 1 6O2 5 6H2O 1 6CO2 Glucose 1 oxygen 5 water 1 carbon dioxide In practice, the theoretical respiration equation is never realised because much of the carbon dioxide which is liberated combines with other materials to form yeast cell substance. The yeast manufacturer makes use of the effect of oxygen by blowing large volumes of air through the fermenter to discourage fermentation and so maximise the yield of yeast. Some confusion about the relationship between yeast and oxygen may arise because of the well-known effect of yeast scavenging oxygen molecules from a bread dough during mixing. The importance of this observation is that it explains why the effect of ascorbic acid as an oxidising agent is lim- ited to the mixer in breadmaking (see Section 2.7.3). 122 Baking Problems Solved

2.6.2 How does baker’s yeast produce carbon dioxide in breadmaking? Yeast produces carbon dioxide gas in breadmaking by fermenting the sugars which are present in the ingredients or the formulation. The basic reaction is represented in the following manner:

C6H12O6 5 2C2H5OH 1 2CO2 Glucose 5 ethyl alcohol 1 carbon dioxide You will notice a significant difference in the reaction compared with that given in the previous question. In particular, fermentation yields ethyl alcohol whereas respiration does not. Anaerobic fermentation does not require the presence of oxygen. The yeast cell contains large numbers of enzymes which are required for the fermentation and respiration. These enzymes are held within the cell membrane provided the cell wall remains intact. About 14 different enzymes are involved in the fermentation process. When a dough is made, the yeast first feeds on the naturally occurring sugars in the flour (glucose and sucrose). As these are used up, the enzyme complex begins to provide more sugars by breaking down other flour compo- nents. The damaged starch is important in this context due to its conversion ultimately to maltose through the combined actions of alpha and beta amy- lases. This is why we are concerned with the enzymic activity and damaged starch levels in the flour that we use (see Section 2.2.11). If we cannot pro- vide a substrate (food) for the yeast, it will stop working and carbon dioxide production will cease. In modern no-time breadmaking processes, we are only concerned with the production of carbon dioxide by the yeast. Respiration and growth are not required. Indeed, the conditions within a bread dough formulation and the production timescales concerned are unlikely to be suitable for either respiration or growth to take place to any significant degree. Raw Materials Chapter | 2 123

2.6.3 Are there any particular precautions that we should take in handling, storing and using bakers’ yeast in the compressed form? To optimise the performance of bakers’ yeast (Saccromyces cerivisii) in the manufacture of bread and fermented products, it is important to ensure that it is kept in its optimum condition. Individual yeast cells are characterised by having a membrane which encloses the cell contents (Cauvain, 2015). It is the enzymes in the latter that provide the yeast with its ability to produce carbon dioxide and ethanol. In addition to providing a container for the cell contents, the membrane plays a critical role in regulating the flow of nutri- ents into and by-products (e.g., carbon dioxide) out of the cells. The flow of nutrients is controlled by osmotic pressure (Cauvain and Young, 2008) (see Section 11.12). Compressed yeast is prepared under carefully controlled conditions in the factory (Cauvain, 2015). A key requirement is that the cells (approxi- mately 15 thousand million per g) are intact (undamaged) and viable (alive). To ensure this and to minimise activity in the block compressed, yeast is commonly delivered at refrigerated temperatures, typically 48C and should be held at these temperatures until required for use (see Section 2.6.3). The particular precautions that you should take include:

G Transfer the yeast into refrigerated storage as soon as possible after delivery. Prolonged exposure to warm temperatures can lead to loss of activity though autolysis. This process is characterised by a darkening of the corners of the compressed blocks which may also spreading along the edges of the blocks (see Section 2.6.4). G Avoid having large quantities of yeast standing in the warm bakery waiting to be used. Try to establish a working pattern which draws out sufficient yeast for 12 hours of production throughout the day. G Break down large blocks into a coarse crumble before adding them to the mixer as this will aid dispersion throughout the dough. You may want to disperse the crumbled yeast into some of the recipe water before you use it, but this is not essential with modern yeast strains and breadmaking practices. G Do not keep using the yeast after its shelf-life date has expired. There is a slow but progressive loss of gas production power in the yeast during stor- age, even under ideal refrigeration conditions (see Fig. 2.12). This will result in an increase in proof time or require the addition of extra yeast to maintain product proof volume. It may also lead to loss of bread volume through the action of glutathione from any yeast cells which have died. G Do not leave compressed yeast blocks unwrapped for long period on time as they can dry out and lose activity. 124 Baking Problems Solved

330 310 290 270 250 230 210 190 170 150 Volume per produced in 5h (ml) Volume 02856 Storage time (days) FIGURE 2.12 Effect of yeast storage time on gas production.

G Ensure that the conditions under which the yeast is stored remain optimum. It is important that the cell membranes remain intact. Amongst the cell contents are a powerful reducing agent known as glutathione. This material is able to reduce the gas retention properties of gluten and also causes excessive flow of dough in the prover. G Fluctuations in storage temperatures can lead to the formation of unwanted mould colonies on the surfaces of the blocks if they have been exposed unwrapped to the atmosphere and so should be avoided. G Avoid freezing the blocks as the formation of ice crystals inside the cells, their growth during storage and subsequent defrosting results in rupturing of the cell membranes and the release of the cell contents.

References Cauvain, S.P., 2015. Technology of Breadmaking, third ed. Springer Publishing International AG, Switzerland. Cauvain, S.P., Young, L.S., 2008. Bakery Food Manufacture & Quality: Water Control and Effects, second ed. Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, UK. Raw Materials Chapter | 2 125

2.6.4 What are the causes of the dark brown patches we sometimes see on compressed baker’s yeast, and do they have any effect on baked product quality? The brown patches that you have observed are autolysis and comprise dead yeast cells. They usually come from having kept the yeast too long or at too high a storage temperature. There is no food available for the yeast cells in the compressed block. Storage at around 4C limits the activity of the cells, but if the temperature rises sufficiently, then oxidation processes begin and the cells break down. This means that there will be a loss of gassing activity when the yeast comes to be used in the dough. In addition to the loss of gassing potential, the contents of the affected cells may leak out of the ruptured membranes. The yeast cells contain a suite enzymes and other chemicals. The release of proteolytic enzymes and gluta- thione (a reducing agent) are bad news for breadmaking because both materi- als will attack the gluten structure of the dough and weaken it. Subsequently, the affected doughs will exhibit a lack gas retention, i.e., a loss of volume and a more open cell structure. In more severe cases, the doughs may become sticky and difficult to process. We suggest that wherever possible you do not use the affected yeast and that you check the settings and efficiency of your refrigerator. 126 Baking Problems Solved

2.6.5 We have been advised to store our compressed yeast in the refrigerator but our dough temperature is much higher, is this the correct thing to do? The advice that you have been given is absolutely correct. Once compressed, yeast has been prepared; it should be kept under refrigerated conditions (4C) until it is required for doughmaking. Storing yeast at higher than refrigerated temperatures results in the progressive loss of its gas production potential. Cauvain (2015) provides data to show how dough proof times were increased when compressed yeast was stored at 10C and 15C. By the time that the yeast had been held for 14 days at 15C, the proof time required for the dough had doubled. Storing compressed yeast at dough tem- peratures would be a disaster! It is therefore very important that the yeast is stored under the best possi- ble conditions. Storing at 4C reduces the potential for unwanted activity within the block (see Section 2.6.3). The compressed yeast is usually trans- ported under refrigerated conditions and on delivery should be moved as quickly as possible to storage at a similar storage temperature. The blocks should be left in the refrigerator as late as possible before use. Once dis- persed into the dough, the cells soon warm and produce carbon dioxide. Variations in gassing activity will show as variations in proof volume for a given time. If you are not able to adjust the proof time to compensate for this variation (few bakeries can), then you will get variations in bread volume and problems with product shape, e.g., ragged breaks from under-proof (see Section 4.1.3).

Reference Cauvain, S.P., 2015. Technology of Breadmaking, third ed. Springer Publishing International AG, Switzerland. Raw Materials Chapter | 2 127

2.6.6 We have seen references to a ‘lag phase’ for bakers’ yeast; what does this means and what are the implications for baking? Bakers’ yeast (S. cerivisii) is one of many different types of yeast which may be used or found in foods (Boehhout and Robert, 2003). Like all microorganisms when placed in a suitable environment they begin to feed, and multiply. This process starts very slowly but as time progresses the rate of activity increases if the temperature remains constant and there is a ready supply of food. The key function of bakers’ yeast in baking is the production of carbon dioxide gas. Modern strains of bakers’ yeast are far more reliable than those which have been used traditionally. In the flour there is an initial supply of naturally occurring sugars, typically 11.5% by weight and these are fermentable by the yeast. Later, as the combination of alpha- and beta- amylases in the dough get to work on the damaged starch granules more sugar in the form of maltose becomes available to support fermentation. Sugars may be added to the dough formulation though in no-time dough processes the addition of extra sugar to support fermentation is not usually necessary but it may be added for its contribution to flavour and colour. Once the yeast has been added to the dough it takes a short while before its activity is sufficient for the generation of carbon dioxide gas and there is little change in the dough density, this is often referred to as the ‘lag phase’. If we were to measure the density change with time after mixing we would see little change for some minutes. Later dough density begins to fall as the carbon diox- ide gas comes out of solution in the liquid phase of the dough and begins to dif- fuse into the gas bubbles trapped in the dough and causing their expansion. Typically, the lag phase lasts around 10 minutes. This has limited impact when bulk fermentation processes lasting some hours are used for breadmaking but in no-time dough production the impact can be significant. The main effect of the yeast activity post lag-phase with no-time dough production will be seen in the divider and in particular on divider weight control. If a large bulk of dough is being divided volumetrically, it is not unusual to see a drift in the weight of individual pieces with dough standing time in the hopper. One of the advantages gained from the yeast lag phase is that it will limit dough density changes and thereby improve divider weight control. Thus, in larger automated bakeries it can be of particular advantage to keep dough batch size at a level which requires the production and proces- sing of an individual batch of dough in less than 10 minutes or so (Cauvain and Young, 2008).

References Boehhout, T., Robert, V., 2003. Yeasts in Foods. Woodhead Publishing Ltd, Cambridge, UK. Cauvain, S.P., Young, L.S., 2008. Bakery Food Manufacture and Quality: Water Control & Effects, second ed. Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, UK. 128 Baking Problems Solved

2.6.7 What different types of bakers’ yeast are available? Would there be any particular advantages for us to use an alternative to Saccromyces cerivisii in the manufacture of our fermented products? Yeast suppliers have many forms of S. cerivisii for use in the manufacture of bakery products. The compressed or block form used in many countries is both economical and practical. The yeast blocks are paper wrapped to limit exposure to air and to maintain humidity and limit moisture migration which ensures better keeping qualities and active shelf-life. The blocks come in varying sizes from small cubes of 40 g up to blocks of 2.5 kg. It can also be purchased as crumbled yeast. It should be stored in a refrigerator running at between 2 and 10C, ideally around 4C (see Section 2.6.3). The shelf-life of compressed yeast kept under the conditions recommended by the suppliers is between 4 and 8 weeks. Cauvain (2015) showed how storing high activity compressed yeast at 15C for 14 days has a reduced activity to such an extent that that proving time of the dough in which it was used roughly doubled. Poorly kept compressed yeast quickly displays visible signs of deterioration, such as dark brown patches (see Section 2.6.4). Dried and granulated (Fischer and Volker, 2008) yeasts are popular where a longer shelf-life product is required or where refrigeration is not practical, e.g., in warm climates. It comes in standard or instant dried forms. The instant form of dried yeast is available in vacuum packs and can be incorpo- rated directly into the dough, whereas the standard dried yeast needs to be hydrated before it is used. In their various forms, dried yeasts have shelf-lives of up to 2 years. Some forms of dried yeast may also be incorporated into premixes for bakery products. Liquid or cream yeast is increasingly popular in modern plant bakeries as it is easily accurately and automatically dispensed into the mixing bowl. It is held in storage tanks which are gently agitated to prevent separation. In baking terms, 1.5 kg liquid yeast is equivalent to 1 kg of compressed yeast for gas production. The shelf-life of the product is much shorter than the other bakers’ yeast forms in between 10 and 14 days. Care needs to be taken to keep its storage temperature between 2 and 4C, and the storage tanks should be cleaned out on a regular basis to reduce the risks of contamination with unwanted yeasts, moulds or bacteria which may result in the develop- ment of sour aromas and flavours in the dough. Frozen forms of bakers’ yeast are also available from some suppliers. These products should be stored at 218C and have shelf-lives of up to 2 years. They are usually added to the dough in the frozen form. The dry matter varies in the different forms of yeast from approximately 20% for liquid yeast to 95% for the dried yeast. If you are going to change from one form to another then the water level added to the dough will need to be adjusted according to the dry matter content of the different forms. Raw Materials Chapter | 2 129

There are different strains of S. cerivisii available, and the yeast supplier will cultivate these to offer specific yeasts for different baking products and processing methods. For example, the strain used for doughmaking in the CBP is able to generate carbon dioxide at a faster rate than other strains and avoids a ‘dip’ in gas production at the critical moment when the dough pieces reaches the oven (Cauvain, 2015). Although such yeast strains have a high fermenting power, they tend to be less stable and have a shorter shelf-life than other strains. For the production of sweet dough which are high in sugar (usually sucrose or dextrose), there are osmo-tolerant yeasts. These are able to cope with the increased osmotic pressure in the dough rather than being inhibited by the presence of the sugars (Cauvain, 2015). There are strains which are better adapted for use in acid, low pH dough and other which are able to better perform when calcium propionate is present in the recipe. In principle, any microorganism which is able to ferment sugars to produce carbon dioxide gas could be used in breadmaking. There are a large number of yeasts that would fit into that category which may come from the distilling and wine-making industries. Indeed yeasts from the brewing and distilling industries were the traditional source of gas production for bakers. Improved growth, osmo-tolerance, freeze-tolerance or aroma applications, have suggested the use of strains from Candida or Torulaspora. A few non- typical baker’s yeast strains have been patented for cold dough and nutrition applications and especially for stress tolerance; these include Saccromyces rosei, Saccromyces rouxii and Torulaspora delbrueckii. The availability of strains of S. cerivisii specifically for use in the manufacture of fermented products in bakeries is now highly developed, and discussions with your supplier should help to identify the type of yeast that is the most appropriate for the manufacture of your own products.

References Cauvain, S.P., 2015. Technology of Breadmaking, third ed. Springer Publishing International AG, Switzerland. Fischer, G., Volker, L., 2008. Granulated yeast. f2m Baking 1 Biscuit International 6, 4043.

Further reading Boekhout, T., Robert, V., 2003. Yeast in Food. Woodhead Publishing Ltd, Cambridge, UK. 130 Baking Problems Solved

2.6.8 What are the correct proportions of acids and alkali to use in baking powders? The principal alkali used in baking powders is sodium bicarbonate, and it is this ingredient that supplies the carbon dioxide gas which inflates powder raised goods such as cakes and sponges. For the gas to be evolved at the most suitable time during baking, a food acid is added to the formulation. Sodium bicarbonate will release carbon dioxide by thermal decomposition at 90C, but this is far too late to be of use in baking because by that temperature, the structure of the product is effectively set and unable to expand any further. A number of suitable organic acids are available, each having a different rate of reaction (ROR) with sodium bicarbonate and each leaving a different residual salt in the baked product. Both properties are important, the first because it affects the overall expansion of the product, and the latter because it affects the flavour. The correct proportion of acid to sodium bicarbonate varies according to the chemistry of the acid. The correct proportion of acid to sodium bicar- bonate is normally considered to be that which takes the reaction to comple- tion and is referred to as the neutralising value. For the most commonly used acids, the required proportions for one part of sodium bicarbonate are as follows:

G Mono (acid) calcium phosphate (MCP, ACP) 1.25 G Tartaric acid 0.9 G SAPP 1.33 G Cream powder (SAPP on a neutral powder base) 2.0 G SALP 1.0 G Cream of tartar (potassium hydrogen tartrate) 2.2 G Glucono-delta lactone (GDL) 2.12 Some baking acids are available in different grades (that is degrees of fineness) which affects their ROR with sodium bicarbonate. Different grades of sodium bicarbonate are available and this will also affect the ROR. If potassium or calcium chlorides are used as a part replacement for sodium bicarbonate, then the level of acid required to neutralise the mixture will need adjusting, you should consult with your suppliers for the required adjustment when mixtures of bicarbonate sources are used. Raw Materials Chapter | 2 131

2.6.9 What is meant by the term ‘double-acting’ baking powder, and what is the value of using such products? Double-acting baking powders usually comprise a mixture of at least two bak- ing acids and sodium (or some other) bicarbonate. The overall composition of the baking powder will be balanced taking into account the neutralising value of both the acids used with respect to the sodium bicarbonate. Each of the acids will have a different ROR and the intention is to spread and control the release of carbon dioxide gas over an extended period of time in the baking process. Double-acting baking powders are most commonly used in the manufac- ture of cakes and are especially useful in the delivery of carbon dioxide production in the oven which helps give cakes extra volume almost the cake equivalent of oven spring in bread. The process is shown schematically in Fig. 2.13. The level of sugars used in the manufacture of cake batters delays the gelatinisation of the wheat starch the main structure forming agent in cakes. This means that cake batters are fluid until relatively late on in the baking process. Although the batter is fluid, it is capable of expansion. With many of the faster-acting baking acids, the release of carbon dioxide is mostly completed during mixing and the first few moments of baking which may lead to a restriction of cake volume and a tendency for the products to have a peaked shape. This is commonly overcome by increasing the level of addition. Another advantage of using a double acting baking powder is that the fla- vour of the residual salt in the baked cake can be modified by using different baking acids. It is also possible to aid sodium reduction in baked products without unduly compromising product quality by using two different types of acids in the baking powder.

Release of carbon dioxide

Starch Gelatinisation swelling

Mixing Depositing Baking

FIGURE 2.13 The release of carbon dioxide from double-acting baking powder in cake baking. 132 Baking Problems Solved

2.6.10 Why is sodium bicarbonate frequently used alone or in excess to the normal in baking powder for the production of ginger products? The idea of using an excess of sodium bicarbonate in ginger products is no doubt based on traditional practices related to the availability of suitable chemical aerating agents. Despite its traditional basis, the practice does have a practical advantage. Under the influence of moisture and heat carbon dioxide is liberated from any sodium bicarbonate left after the normal acidbase reaction and sodium carbonate remains as a residue. The carbonate is alkaline and will react with sugars, particularly invert sugar to form complex carbon compounds which are brown in colour. In this way, the excess of sodium bicarbonate aids the formation of the dark brown colour which characterises ginger products. If you look closely at the cut surface of baked ginger cakes, you may see that the colour is more intense toward the base and sides of the cross- section. These are the areas which are baked first and so have been held for a longer time at the oven temperature, and the browning reaction has proceeded further than the moister centre areas of the cake. The residual sodium carbonate has a characteristic ‘washing soda’ taste which is why we normally seek to neutralise the sodium bicarbonate in most baked products. However, the strong flavour of ginger will commonly mask some of the carbonate after-taste. Raw Materials Chapter | 2 133

2.7 IMPROVERS 2.7.1 What are bread improvers and why are they used? The term ‘bread improver’ is used to embrace a wide range of materials which can be added to wheat flour and dough to improve some aspect of dough behaviour and final bread quality. The use of the term is common and most often applied to the addition of several ingredients at low levels blended with a ‘carrier’, a material which may or may not have functional properties but which aids dispersion and provides a more conveniently handled composite material. The formulation of bread improvers will be influenced by legislative control over the list of permitted ingredients which may be used in breadmaking. Alternative names for bread improvers which may be encountered in the baking industry include:

G Dough conditioners, a specific reference to the fact that the material addition changes dough rheology. G Processing aids, which implies a similar function to dough conditioners. G Oxidising agents, which implies a more specific role concerned with the formation of the gluten network in the dough. G Additives, more commonly applied to specific ingredients. G Concentrates, similar to an improver but with a greater range of ingredients present (e.g., fat, sugar and salt) and are commonly used at higher rates of addition. Almost any material added to a flour and water dough will have some improving effect. For example, the addition of yeast improves the lightness and palatability of bread, whereas salt changes the handling properties of wheat flour doughs and the flavour of the baked bread. However, the term bread improver is now commonly restricted to materials which are typically added at much lower levels of addition than yeast or salt with the intention of improving gas production or gas retention in the dough, retaining bread crumb softness and obtaining a whiter crumb colour. Some of the more common ingredients used in bread improvers are noted below. The classification used is arbitrary since the complex actions of most materials in breadmaking means that they might be classified in more than one group. For example, the addition of enzyme preparations brings about changes in dough rheology which makes it easier to process doughs but also results in improved oven spring, a manifestation of improved gas retention.

G Aids to dough processing. G Enzyme active preparations, e.g., malt flour, proteolytic enzymes. G Reducing agents. 134 Baking Problems Solved

G Aids to gas production. G Yeast foods, such as ammonium chloride. G Aids to gas retention. G Oxidising agents, such as AA and potassium bromate. G Enzyme active materials. G Emulsifiers. G Aids to bread softness. G GMS and other emulsifiers. G Enzyme active materials. G Aids to improving crumb colour. G Soya (soy) flour.

Further reading Cauvain, S.P., 2015. Technology of Breadmaking, third ed. Springer International Publishing AG, Switzerland. Raw Materials Chapter | 2 135

2.7.2 What are the differences between dough conditioners and bread improvers? What consideration should we take into account when choosing which one to use? There is no precise definition of these terms. It could be argued that the term dough conditioner could include the use of materials to modify any dough- based product which would include bread, biscuit and pastry doughs, whereas the term ‘bread improver’ suggests that any effects are confined exclusively to bread and fermented products. However, in practice, both terms are commonly used interchangeably and this can create some confusion. Both terms are used to describe a functional ingredient or a mixture of functional ingredients which are added at low levels to beneficially modify one or more characteristics of the final qualities of bread and fermented pro- ducts or their processing intermediaries, i.e., the dough. All of the ingredients which would fall into this category will modify final product qualities, and the vast majority will also modify the rheological properties of the dough. In a number of cases, it is the modification of the dough rheology which deli- vers the improvement to the final product. The compositions of dough conditioners and bread improvers are compli- cated and varied according to the particular bread product being made and processes used to make them. They may also vary with time as the formula- tions are adapted to changing raw material inputs, such as any changes in wheat and flour quality from one harvest year to the next, and to legislative and consumer pressures. When you are considering which dough conditioner or bread improver to use, you should consider first what quality changes you wish to effect and then identify which functional ingredient will deliver those quality changes that you are seeking. Examples of improvement categories and the functional ingredients which contribute to those improvements include the following:

G Improved dough processing Enzymes and reducing agents (e.g., L-cysteine hydrochloride, see Section 2.7.8). G Improved product volume Oxidants (e.g., AA), emulsifiers, enzymes. G Improved cell structure Oxidants. G Improved crumb softness Emulsifiers, enzymes. G Extended product shelf-life Emulsifiers, enzymes. G Increased mould-free shelf-life Preservatives. The individual ingredients that you will be able to choose from will be governed by local legislation and you should check carefully as to what is permitted for your country. 136 Baking Problems Solved

2.7.3 What are the functions of ascorbic acid in breadmaking? AA is commonly known as vitamin C and is present in large quantities in many green vegetables and fruits. As such it is an essential component in the diet. Its use in breadmaking was recognised many years ago with a UK patent (BP 455,221) existing from 1936. It is a commonly used oxidant (improver, additive), and in many cases (e.g., within the European Union), it is the only one permitted for use in breadmaking. In breadmaking, it is used to improve dough gas retention through its effect on the gluten structure. In terms of its chemistry, AA is a reducing agent (and sometimes referred to as an anti-oxidant), but during dough mixing, it is readily converted to DHA (see Fig. 2.14) in the presence of oxygen and ascorbic oxidase enzyme. The oxygen for the conversion comes from the gas bubbles incorporated during dough mixing and the conversion is enabled by the ascorbic oxidase enzyme occurs naturally in wheat flour. The chemistry of the AA oxidation process in dough mixing is complex (Cauvain, 2015) but probably involves the oxidation of the sSsH(sulphydryl) groups of gluten-forming proteins and the formation of sSsSs (disulphide) bonds. The net result of the AA effect is to improve the ability of the dough to retain gas (as seen by increased oven spring) and to yield bread with a finer (smaller average cell size) crumb cell structure. These changes also result in bread crumb which is softer to the touch yet has the resiliency to recover much of its original shape after compression. This helps to convey the impression of improved freshness to the consumer. The dependency on oxygen for the AA to DHA conversion means that the quantities of air incorporated during dough mixing play a significant role in promoting oxidation. This means that AA-assisted oxidation varies with mixer type due to the ability of different mixers to occlude different quanti- ties of air (Cauvain, 2015). Some mixing regimes have been developed which increase the total quantity of air occluded during mixing so that greater AA-assisted oxidation can be achieved; two examples are mixing in an oxygen enriched atmosphere and the use of the so-called ‘pressure- vacuum’ mixer (Cauvain, 2015). There has been a tendency to consider that it is not possible to ‘over-treat’ with AA due to the limiting effect associated

FIGURE 2.14 Ascorbic acid changes in dough. Raw Materials Chapter | 2 137 with oxygen availability. With the advent of the pressurevacuum mixer, such statements should be viewed with caution. The oxidising effect of AA is mainly limited to the dough mixing period because bakers’ yeast will remove any oxygen remaining in the air bubbles by the end of mixing or soon after its completion. Thus, in the dough which leaves the mixer, the gaseous mixture of nitrogen (from the air) and carbon dioxide (from yeast fermentation) which remains provides an environment in which AA can act as a reducing agent. If AA is used in doughmaking pro- cesses with extended periods of fermentation, then the opportunity exists for the reducing effect of AA to weaken the gluten structure with subsequent loss of gas retention in the dough. AA is thus best suited to no-time dough- making systems. The action of AA during mixing also brings about changes in the rheol- ogy of the doughmaking it more resistant to deformation by comparison with doughs treated with an addition of potassium bromate which does not exert its full effect until the dough reaches the late stages of proof and the early stages of baking.

Reference Cauvain, S.P., 2015. Technology of Breadmaking, third ed. Springer International Publishing AG, Switzerland. 138 Baking Problems Solved

2.7.4 We have heard that soya flour is added in breadmaking to make the bread whiter. Is this true, and if so how does it work? Full-fat, enzyme active soya flour has commonly been used as a functional ingredient (improver) in breadmaking since the 1930s. It is often used as a ‘carrier’ for other functional ingredients, e.g., oxidants, to facilitate the addition of the small quantities that are commonly used. The soya bean contains a high percentage of natural oil and has a distinctive ‘beany’ flavour which can be unpleasant if used at high levels of addition but not at the 1 or 2% level normally used with bread improvers. Soya flour three basic functions; it gives a white bread crumb, it contri- butes to gas retention through oxidation, and it increases the level of water which needs to be added to the dough. The first two functions are caused by the actions of the natural enzyme systems which are present, and so it is important that the enzyme active form of soya flour is used. Soya flour is rich in the enzyme lipoxygenase which plays a major role in its bleaching action. With the help of the enzyme, the intermediate oxidation compounds formed during dough mixing transfer oxygen from the atmosphere to bleach the yellow-coloured carotinoid pigments present in the flour. By this mechanism, the flour is bleached and the bread crumb becomes whiter. The greater the availability of oxygen the greater the bleaching effect. The oxidation effect appears to come from freeing of bound lipids from specific sections of the gluten proteins thereby allowing the proteins to become hydrophillic and helping to form the visco-elastic surface of the air bubbles in the dough (Frazier et al., 1973). Soya flour and its derivatives have found other uses in baking, including as an egg replacer and in ‘gluten-free’ breads (Cauvain, 2015). There are some concerns with respect to soya allergies.

References Cauvain, S.P., 2015. Technology of Breadmaking, third ed. Springer Publishing International AG, Switzerland. Frazier, P.J., Leigh-Dugmore, F.A., Daniels, N.W.R., et al., 1973. The effect of lipoxygenase action on the mechanical development of wheat flour doughs. J. Sci. Food Agric. 24 (4), 421436. Raw Materials Chapter | 2 139

2.7.5 I understand that an enzyme called alpha-amylase can be added to flour or dough to improve bread quality but that there are several different forms. I have tried several and get different effects on bread softness. Which one(s) should I use? The alpha-amylases are a group of enzymes which facilitate the breaking down of the hydrated starch granules, both amylose and amylopectin, in flour doughs into shorter chained, unbranched molecules known as dextrins. This action creates sites for the beta-amylase which is present in wheat flour to convert the starch to individual maltose molecules. Wheat flours usually contain sufficient beta-amylase but levels of alpha-amylase vary and in many cases may be so low that the starch to maltose conversion is limited. As part of the amylase actions water molecules which were previously held with the damaged starch granules may be released into the dough matrix. Maltose is fermented by bakers’ yeast to provide carbon dioxide gas in the dough, and thus, a key role for alpha-amylase is to support gas pro- duction. Although this was the original reason behind the addition of sources of alpha-amylase to wheat flour doughs; in many cases, its addition also leads to improvements in gas retention, bread volume and softness (Cauvain and Chamberlain, 1988), and this has now become the main reason for its addition. The traditional source of alpha-amylase for breadmaking was from malted barley or wheat flour, but today, it is more common to use amylases derived from the fermentation of microscopic fungi (e.g., Aspergillus oryzae) or a bacterial source. The main difference between the amylases lies with their heat stabilities (Cauvain, 2015). The more heat stable the amylase the greater the breakdown of the starch during baking. In general terms, fungal alpha-amylase is inactivated before cereal (malt) which, in turn, is inacti- vated before bacterial. The so-called maltogenic amylases are derived from modified bacterial sources and have a profile more similar to that of the fungal source. The heat stability of the amylase source (see Fig. 2.15) is important in providing a balance between good and bad effects in baking. In the dough, the amylase attacks the damaged starch granules and breaks down the starch molecules. As heating proceeds, especially during baking, the swelling and later gelatinising starch provides a larger quantity of available substrate for the amylase enzymes which are now working at a faster rate due to the high- er temperature. The positive benefits are the improvements in gas retention through a more extensible gluten network, whereas the disadvantages are related to the formation of sticky dextrins (see also Section 4.1.35). To maximise the benefits, you should use the fungal source. The malto- genic form can be used due to its greater anti-staling effect which gives 140 Baking Problems Solved

FIGURE 2.15 Effect of temperature on alpha-amylase activity. softer bread. However, if used at too high a level, you may find difficulties in slicing the bread due to its enhanced initial softness. Avoid using the tra- ditional bacterial form as this may survive the baking process and lead to unwanted liquification of the product crumb during storage.

References Cauvain, S.P., 2015. Technology of Breadmaking, third ed. Springer Publishing International AG, Switzerland. Cauvain, S.P., Chamberlain, N., 1988. The bread improving effect of fungal alpha-amylase. J. Cereal Sci. 8 (Nov), 239248. Raw Materials Chapter | 2 141

2.7.6 Why are emulsifiers used in bread improvers? And how do I decide which one I should be using? Emulsifiers are used in bread improvers for a number of different reasons including:

G to help control gas bubble size, G to improve gas retention, G to improve dough stability and G to improve crumb softness. Each of the emulsifiers permitted for use in breadmaking contributes something to all of the above dough and bread properties to greater or lesser degrees depending on the particular emulsifier. The most commonly used emulsifiers and their likely contribution to dough character and bread quality are as follows:

G Diacetylated tartaric acid esters of mono and diglycerides of fatty acids (DATA esters, DATEM). They are thought to reduce the average gas bub- ble size in bread doughs which leads to a finer cell structure. They are known to improve dough gas retention which contributes to improved bread volume and crumb softness. Levels of addition are usually up to 0.3% flour weight in a variety of bread and fermented products. G Sodium steoryl-2-lactylate (SSL). Improves dough gas retention, bread volume and crumb softness but weight for weight is less effective than DATA esters. Commonly preferred in the production of sweeter fermen- ted products, e.g., buns and doughnuts. G Glycerol monostearate (GMS). Best used in the hydrated form but can be added as a powder. Does not greatly contribute to dough gas retention of bread volume but does act a crumb softener through its proven anti-staling effect. G Lecithins. A group of naturally occurring, complex phospholipids commonly derived from soya. Used in baguette and other crusty breads they do improve dough gas retention to a degree and contribute to crust formation. As no single emulsifier will equally perform all of the tasks required in breadmaking, it becomes a case of choosing a given emulsifier to fit with the main product and process requirements. Or a blend of emulsifiers may be used. Price may also influence your final choice.

Further reading Cauvain, S.P., 2015. Technology of Breadmaking, third ed. Springer Publishing International AG, Switzerland. Whitehurst, R.J., 2004. Emulsifiers in Food Technology. Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, UK. 142 Baking Problems Solved

2.7.7 What is L-cysteine hydrochloride, and what is it used for in bread improvers? Cysteine is a naturally occurring amino acid due to its sulphydryl group (sSsH) is able to act as a reducing agent on the disulphide (sSsSs) bonds present in the gluten structure of wheat flour doughs. It is most commonly used in the hydrochloride form to improve its solubility. It came into common use in breadmaking in the 1960s when it was a key component of the breadmaking process which became known as activated dough development (ADD) (Cauvain, 2015). In ADD, L-cysteine hydrochlo- ride was combined with potassium bromate and AA to give an improver capable of delivering both chemical reduction and oxidation processes during doughmaking. ADD was designed to allow bakers to obtain the benefits of making no-time doughs without the need for the high-speed mixers associ- ated with the CBP. ADD remained very popular with smaller bakers until superseded by the use of spiral mixers (Brown, 1993; Cauvain, 2015). In some ways, the chemical reduction of gluten disulphide bonds by L-cysteine hydrochloride can be equated to the mechanical disruption of such bonds in the CBP. This view has led to the consideration that one of the benefits derived from the use of L-cysteine hydrochloride is that work levels can be reduced in the CBP. More certain is that the reducing effects of L-cysteine hydrochloride bene- ficially modify dough rheology and improve its processing performance. For example, its addition to so-called ‘bucky’ doughs in the USA (i.e., doughs having high resistance and lacking extensibility) improves dough moulding, and in the CBP, ‘steaks and swirls’ in the crumb may be reduced, but not eliminated (Cauvain, 2015). Additions of L-cysteine hydrochloride may be made to fermented pro- ducts which are sheeted, e.g., pizza base, and to laminated and short pastries to reduce dough and product shrinkage.

References Brown, J., 1993. Advances in breadmaking technology. In: Kamel, B.S., Stauffer, C.E. (Eds.), Advances in Baking Technology. Blackie Academic & Professional, London, UK. Cauvain, S.P., 2015. Technology of Breadmaking, third ed. Springer Publishing International AG, Switzerland. Raw Materials Chapter | 2 143

2.7.8 Can we add a reducing agent during doughmaking so that we can reduce the energy input required during the mixing? The input of energy during mixing is an essential part of the development of the gluten structure; however, this energy input is accompanied by an increase in the temperature of the combined ingredients. This temperature rise increases as the level of energy input increases, the relationship is essentially linear. Optimum development is commonly associated with energy input, in some process (e.g., the CBP). This may be to a defined total energy level, though in most cases it equates to the length of mixing time. For there to be a transfer of energy, the dough ingredients, as they combine to form a dough, must resist the movement of the impeller blade. To overcome the resistance of the dough the work (energy) required by the mixer motor increases, and of course so does the dough temperature. Reducing agents, when added to dough (and pastes), interact with the disulphide bonds which are a component of gluten development. In essence, they reduce or break the bonds which weaken the dough and lower its resistance to deformation during mixing. In this way, the energy input is lowered and with it the temperature rises. In this context, the addition of a reducing agent may be seen as having a negative impact on dough development and therefore dough gas retention. However, the development of a gluten network depends on a number of complex molecular interactions. These are often described as redox reactions which encompass both reduction and oxidation processes. In modern bread- making, AA, through its conversion to DHA, is the most common oxidising agent. When AA is used in conjunction with a reducing agent, such as L-cys- teine hydrochloride, the result of the combined action can be improved dough development (gas retention). The use of redox improvers was, in the past, associated with breadmaking processes like ADD which was designed for use with lower speed mixers and to deliver improvements to dough gas retention similar to those with mechanical dough development processes like the CBP. It is for this histori- cal reason that the addition of reducing agents has become associated with the potential for energy reduction during mixing. The results of using a reducing agent to lower energy input for the manufacture of pan breads are equivalent in terms of improvements in volume though there may be greater potential for improvements in product cell structure. The latter effect may be associated with a continued effect of the reducing agent postmixing and during dough processing. This leads to a reduction in the resistance of the dough which in turn, may reduce the likelihood for rupture of the gluten network during the moulding. The addition of a reducing agent is most often seen in the manufacture of hamburger buns where the changes in the rheological properties of the dough included lower viscosity which in turn, helps the dough pieces more readily flow to fit the pan indents during proof and so deliver a more uniform product shape. 144 Baking Problems Solved

2.7.9 What is deactivated yeast and how is it used? In essence deactivated yeast comprises the contents of the yeast cell without the integrity of the cell itself. In normal yeast cells the various enzymes and natural chemicals which are required for cell activity are contained within the ‘cell wall’. This cell wall or membrane is responsible for control- ling the flow of nutrients into the cell which are required for reproduction of the cells. The flow of the by-products of fermentation typically carbon dioxide and alcohol out of the cell is also controlled by the cell wall membrane. A wide range of enzymes and natural chemicals are contained within the yeast and their activity is not dependent on the integrity of the cells. In the context of deactivated yeast the bias is towards those materials which have an impact on the rheological properties of the glutenforming properties of the wheat proteins. Specifically, deactivated yeast is commonly used for its reducing effect on gluten and so in this context is seen as a ‘natural’ alterna- tive to other chemical reducing agents in the manufacture of bread and other baked products. Two key groups of activate materials which are implicated in the reducing effects are proteolytic enzymes and gluthothione. To some extent, the term ‘deactivated’ is misleading as the naturally occurring reducing agents remain active in the chemical sense. The term refers to the lack of gas-producing capabilities in the yeast, in part because the cell wall membranes have been disrupted and in part, because the methods used in the preparation of the deactivated products bias activity against the gas- producing enzymes. As a ‘natural’ reducing agent, deactivated yeast may be seen as an alternative in the manufacture of bread and fermented products to L-cysteine hydrochloride. As such, it may be considered complementary to the use of oxidants, such as AA, to collectively improve dough rheology and gas retention. In some processes (e.g., the CBP), it may be considered to lower the work input required for doughmaking or reduce the ‘bulkiness’ associated with strong flours, e.g., in sponge and dough. Reducing agents, in one form or another, are seen as beneficial in the manufacture of sheet-cut fermented products and rolls and buns. Other bakery products where the addition of reducing agents are considered to be benefi- cial include the manufacture of laminated products (e.g., croissant, Danish, puff pastry), crackers and some sheeted biscuits and cookies, in such pro- ducts, the addition of deactivated yeast may be used to modify the sheeting characteristics of the dough. Chapter 3

Key Relationships Between Ingredients, Recipes and Baked Product Qualities

3.1 INTRODUCTION Examples of the important contributions that the primary raw materials make to bakery product qualities have already been shown in Chapter 2,Raw Materials; however, the successful manufacture of bakery products and opti- misation of their qualities are only achieved by an understanding of the key ingredientrecipe-process interaction which are an integral part of what sets bakery products apart from the manufacture of many bakery foods (Cauvain and Young, 2006). In this context, the ‘quality models’ which are applicable to the various bakery product groups vary in detail but remain firm on the basis of the use of wheat flour and the management of the development of a gluten network to a greater or lesser degree in the product matrix. In this context, Cauvain and Young (2006) have highlighted the key role played by the presence and levels of sugar and fat in bakery product recipes, but there are many other ingredient, recipe and process factors which will influence the end product result, and no comprehensive bakery treatise can identify and enumerate all of the potential influences involved. This chapter aims to illustrate how an understanding of the complex ingredientrecipe-process interactions provides the basis of the solutions which are offered to the vari- ous problems and answers to the question which are discussed in the subse- quent chapters. While addressing this aim, the concept of ‘recipe’ balance will be identified, discussed and illustrate the principles with the help of a few examples. In the following discussion, recipe balance is considered to be more than the ratio of ingredients to one another. These are very important but they must be placed in the process context to fully understand how to manipulate end product quality. As already discussed, suitable mathematical models for the manufacture of bakery products are limited, and in practice, many bakers use intuitive rules which have been passed on or learnt through trial and error.

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As discussed in Chapter 1, Introduction to Problem Solving Techniques, one possible route to optimise bakery product quality lies in the ability to break problems down in a manner which allows the critical factors to be iden- tified and to provide a basis for quality optimisation. In the following sections, some guidelines are offered for the major bakery product groups with the aim of providing summaries of some key ingredients and process factors which affect final product qualities on the basis of specific product characteristics. In the examples which are given some key interactions between ingredients, rec- ipe and process are identified to illustrate how readers can develop their own personalised databases, checklists, knowledge fragments and knowledge trees.

3.2 STRUCTURE OF BREAD AND FERMENTED PRODUCT RECIPES It remains a common practice for bread and fermented products recipes to be structured using flour as the ingredient against which other ingredient ratios are determined; this approach and the rationale behind it has been discussed in Chapter 1, Introduction to Problem Solving Techniques. In essence, it is the bakers attempt to balance the ratios of ingredients on the basis of functional- ity. There are no specific ‘rules’ for balancing bread and fermented product recipes though key relationships will involve the adjustment of recipe water level to take into account variations in flour characteristics (see Section 2.2.3) and the relationship between salt and yeast in the context of controlling fer- mentation processes. Bread and fermented product recipes vary considerably around the world and are to a large extent determined by local consumer pre- ferences (Cauvain, 2015) so that variations in what constitutes a ‘bread recipe’ are to be expected. However, there is significant commonality in the ingre- dientrecipe-process interactions, and their ultimate influence on product quality to warrant identification of some of the key relationships.

3.3 SOME KEY RELATIONSHIPS IN THE MANUFACTURE OF BREAD AND FERMENTED PRODUCTS The primary factors which underpin the manufacture of bread and other fermented products can be identified under the following headings:

G Cell creation G Gas production G Gas retention G Dough development G Dough rheology All the five primary factors make significant contributions to final product qualities, as discussed below, and are profoundly influenced by the identified examples of recipe balance and process factors. Readers should note combina- tions of factors may contribute to more than one product characteristic. Key Relationships Between Ingredients, Recipes and Baked Product Chapter | 3 147

Product volume will be influenced by the balance between:

G Positive input of flour proteins and the negative input of ash (bran). G Recipe water levels based on flour properties and inputs from other ingredients. G Level of flour protein and the input of mechanical energy during mixing. G Level of recipe yeast, dough temperature and fermentation time. G Improver level, composition and dough temperature. G Inputs from final prover temperature, humidity and time. Products shape will be influenced by the balance between:

G Recipe water levels based on flour properties and inputs from other ingredients. G Level of flour protein and the input of mechanical energy during mixing. G Level of recipe yeast, dough temperature and fermentation time. G Improver level, composition and dough temperature. G Final prover temperature, humidity and time. G Dough piece dimensions and oven temperature. Product crust colour will be influenced by the balance between:

G Recipe sugar levels and oven temperature. G Dough enzymic activity and fermentation time and temperature. Product crumb cell structure will be influenced by the balance between:

G Level of recipe yeast, dough temperature and fermentation time. G Recipe water levels based on flour properties and inputs from other ingredients. G Ascorbic acid assisted oxidation and the availability of oxygen from the action of the chosen mixer. G Dough temperature, yeast level and processing time.

3.4 STRUCTURE OF LAMINATED PRODUCT RECIPES The key relationships in laminated product recipes revolve around the rela- tionship between the base dough and the level of laminating fat. Base dough recipes for laminated product are relatively straightforward, and as with bread dough, the main ingredient ratios are those of water to flour, with other ingredient additions covering a wide range of largely individual preferences. It is largely the ratio of laminating fat to base dough which characterises laminated products (see Section 7.1.11) though there is also an important interaction with the level of lamination to be taken into account (Cauvain, 2001). With few other ingredients to consider, the structure of laminated pro- ducts is relatively simple and there are no major ‘rules’ of recipe balance to consider. 148 Baking Problems Solved

3.5 SOME KEY RELATIONSHIPS IN THE MANUFACTURE OF LAMINATED PRODUCTS The primary factors which underpin the manufacture of laminated products are very similar to those for breadmaking, in part because of the need for a degree of gluten development to for its impact on product lift and structure. The primary factors may be summarised as follows:

G Dough development G Paste rheology G Gas retention G Gas production In the case of laminated product, paste rheology is especially important in maintaining the integrity of dough and fat layers. Gas retention in this product group is also associated with layer integrity so that steam pressure is generated between the dough layers (see Section 7.1.1). Gas production mostly refers to the manufacture of yeast-raised laminated products like croissant and Danish pastries. Product lift (volume) will be influenced by the balance between:

G Flour characteristics and processing conditions. G Energy input during mixing, numbers of laminations and length of resting periods. G Laminating fat characteristics and processing temperature. Products shape will be influenced by the balance between:

G Flour characteristics and processing conditions G Energy input during mixing, numbers of laminations and length of resting periods. Product cell structure will be influenced by the balance between:

G Flour characteristics and processing conditions. G Energy input during mixing, numbers of laminations and length of resting periods. G Laminating fat level and numbers of laminations. Product eating qualities will be influenced by the balance between:

G Laminating fat level and quality characteristics. G Laminating fat level and numbers of laminations.

3.6 STRUCTURE OF SHORTCRUST PRODUCT RECIPES Shortcrust pastry recipes are characterised by whether they are for the manu- facture of savoury or sweet products; the essential feature of the latter being the addition of sugars to the recipe. There are no significant rules of recipe Key Relationships Between Ingredients, Recipes and Baked Product Chapter | 3 149 balance for shortcrust pastry products other than the consideration that the higher the level of recipe fat the ‘shorter’ the eating quality of the product is likely to be. This effect is based on the inhibition of gluten formation by the recipe fat, either through the effect of level of addition or the method employed for mixing the paste (Cauvain and Young, 2006).

3.7 SOME KEY RELATIONSHIPS IN THE MANUFACTURE OF SHORTCRUST PASTRIES The main, if not the only primary factor associated with shortcrust pastry production, is paste rheology, and while recipe water level does play a role in its determination, the level and type of recipe fat probably play the most significant roles. Even in the manufacture of sweet shortcrust pastry, the role of sugar is limited. Products shape will be influenced by the balance between:

G Flour characteristics and processing conditions. G Level and type of recipe fat and processing conditions. Product eating qualities will be influenced by the balance between:

G Recipe water, fat and sugar levels, mixing and processing conditions.

3.8 CAKES HIGH- AND LOW-RATIO RECIPES In the construction of cake recipes, it is traditional to use the flour as a base on which to determine the levels of the other ingredients being used. The classical construction of cake recipes is based on the functionality of the indi- vidual ingredients and their contribution to the development of a cake struc- ture. In this respect, a key role is played by the level of sugar in the recipe as this ingredient has a significant effect on the gelatinisation characteristics of the starch in the wheat flour. As starch is the main building block of the cake structure, any changes to its gelatinisation characteristics will have a significant effect on cake quality. The addition of sugar in a cake recipe raises the gelatinisation temperature of the starch and so delays the ‘setting’ point of the cake structure (the foam to sponge conversion). The other key ingredient in controlling the gelatinisation characteristics of starch is water. The level of water in the recipe is important for dissolving the sugar and providing moisture for the starch granules to hydrate, swell and ultimately gelatinise. Empirical work has shown that a sucrose concen- tration of around 0.5 delivers acceptable cake quality (Cauvain and Young, 2008), so this means that there is a direct relationship between the sugar and water levels used in a cake recipe. The terms low- and high-ratio are used to define the recipe types used in cakemaking. Low-ratio implies that the level of sugar and water (sometimes, this is referred to as ‘liquid’ which is the sum of ingredients such as egg or 150 Baking Problems Solved

FIGURE 3.1 Comparison of (left) high- and (right) low-ratio cakes. milk, but only the water component of these ingredients should be consid- ered) in the recipe are individually lower than the level of flour, whereas high-ratio implies that they are individually greater than the flour weight. For the flour to be able to support a higher level of sugar and liquid, it is necessary for it to have been treated in some way; such treatment may be with chlorine gas (see Section 2.2.18) or with dry heat treatment (see Section 2.2.17). In addition, there is a tendency for high-ratio recipes to use fat in which an emulsifier has been added to aid batter aeration and stability. The external characteristics of high- and low-ratio cakes appear very sim- ilar, and internally, the high-ratio product tends to have a finer and more uni- form texture (see Fig. 3.1). However, when it comes to assessing the crumb characteristics of the two products, the high-ratio cake products exhibit softer and more tender eating properties. In part, this comes from the higher mois- ture level which usually remains in the baked high-ratio products; typically, this will be in the order of 36% higher (Cauvain and Young, 2006). The key characteristics of low- and high-ratio recipes may be summarised as follows:

Ingredient Low ratio High ratio

Flour treatment None Dry heat (or chlorine gas) Sugar Equal to or less than the Greater than the flour weight flour weight Water (from Equal to or less than the Greater than the all sources) flour weight flour weight Fat type No special form Fat with emulsifier

3.9 CAKES AND SPONGES THE ROLE OF RECIPE BALANCE In the case of cake manufacture, there are some empirical rules which have evolved to consider the balance of ingredients in a recipe with respect to final cake qualities. These are sometimes found in older baking books (e.g., Bennion and Stewart, 1958), and the rules commonly date to a period Key Relationships Between Ingredients, Recipes and Baked Product Chapter | 3 151 on time when cake production was being influenced by the introduction of so-called high-ratio recipes based on the use of chlorinated flour. The ‘rules’ of cakemaking may be summarised as follows:

G The ratio of sugar to flour is the first rule that is considered, and this is commonly defined on the basis of whether the recipe is ‘low’ or ‘high’ ratio (see above). G The egg and fats levels are usually balanced against one another. This rule is related to the impact of these two ingredients on the eating quali- ties of the final products; egg protein imparts a firming/toughening effect on the eating quality while fat delivers tenderness. G Once the level of egg has been decided, it is necessary to choose the final liquid level in the recipe. This should be balanced with the sugar level to deliver a suitable sucrose concentration in the batter (see above). The liquids should include the egg, milk (if used as liquid milk) and water. You will need to be sure that you have identified all sources of water. Although you can work with the liquids in their added form, you may find it more useful to separate out the water from egg and milk when doing your calculations. G Some traditional rules set the baking powder level according to the egg: flour relationship on the basis that egg protein deliver part of the aeration required in cake batters. You should view any rule set with caution as they tend to apply to a restricted set of cake types. Many of the rule sets were developed for loaf- style cakes and do not necessarily apply to the more highly aerated sponges. In addition, the nature of baking ingredients has changed as the rules were first developed, and this has resulted in the adaptation of the traditional rule sets and changed the boundaries of the acceptable ingredient levels. The value of such ‘rules of thumb’ is that they are founded on a signifi- cant knowledge base and at the very least, identify the role of the different cakemaking ingredients in forming the basic structure of modern cakes.

3.10 SOME KEY RELATIONSHIPS IN THE MANUFACTURE CAKES AND SPONGES The primary factors which underpin the manufacture of bread and other fermented products can be identified under the following headings:

G Cell creation G Gas production G Batter viscosity The list of primary factors underpinning the manufacture of cakes and sponges is shorter than that for bread, mainly because of the relatively insig- nificant role that gluten development plays in the determining end product 152 Baking Problems Solved quality. Cell creation and gas production remain as key factors and batter viscosity may be considered as comparable with dough rheology. Product volume will be influenced by the balance between:

G Recipe ingredients. G Level and type of baking powder. G Mechanical and chemical aeration. Products shape will be influenced by the balance between:

G Recipe ingredients. G Mechanical and chemical aeration and heat input during baking. Product crust colour will be influenced by the balance between:

G Recipe sugar levels and oven temperature. Product crumb cell structure will be influenced by the balance between:

G Mechanical and chemical aeration and heat input during baking.

References Bennion, E.B., Stewart, J., 1958. Cake Making, third ed. Leonard Hill [Books] Limited, London, UK. Cauvain, S.P., 2001. The production of laminated bakery products. CCRA Review No. 25. Campden BRI, Chipping Campden, UK. Cauvain, S.P., 2015. Technology of Breadmaking, third ed. Springer Publishing International AG, Switzerland. Cauvain, S.P., Young, L.S., 2006. Baked Products: Science, Technology and Practice. Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, UK. Cauvain, S.P., Young, L.S., 2008. Bakery Food Manufacture and Quality: Water Control & Effects, second ed. Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, UK. Chapter 4

Bread and Other Fermented Products

4.1 BREAD 4.1.1 We are producing a range of pan breads, some baked in a rack oven and others in a deck oven, and find that there are large indents or cavities in the base of many of the loaves. What is the cause of this effect and how can it be overcome? When the pans enter the oven dough expands to touch all of the sides of the pan. As the temperature continues to rise, the dough piece can no longer expand outwards due to the pan sides and so starts to grow upwards. Even though there is some friction between the side of the pan and the expanding dough, the dough will continue to move upwards until the temper- ature conditions against the pan sides are suitable for the formation of the side and bottom crust of the loaf. This normally happens fairly quickly due to the heat conductivity of the metal pans. As the crust begins to set steam which has been lost from the hot dough begins to diffuse up the side of the pans and is normally lost to the atmosphere. The centre of the dough continues to expand after the bottom crust has formed so that dough becomes compressed against the sides of the forming loaf. In some cases, this extra compression causes a strong seal to form between the baking dough, and the sides of the pan and pockets of steam become trapped between the forming crusts and the pan. The steam pressure can become so great that areas of the baking dough may be forced away from the pan sides and base and the cavities or large dents that you see are formed (see Fig. 4.1). The simplest solution to the problem is to use pans with small holes drilled at the angle where the base of the pan joins the sidewalls. It is usually only necessary for there to be three holes, each 1 to 2 mm in diameter, down each of the two longer sides or up to six holes around the circumference of a round pan.

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FIGURE 4.1 Example of ‘pan-lock’ in bread.

A number of other aspects may contribute to the problem. For example:

G Using pans which are too small for the mass of dough being used (i.e., over-scaling, or simply having the wrong size of pan). G Having too much bottom heat in the oven, such as might be the case in the deck oven. G Packing the pans too closely together which slows down the rate of heat transfer and sets the bottom crust before the side crusts, this may be the case in your deck oven. Tight fitting lids may also contribute to this problem and in some extreme cases lidded loaves have been known to literally blow apart within the pan during baking. It is somewhat ironic that one only sees this particular problem when the dough has good gas retention. Although weakening the dough gas retention (e.g., by using less mixing energy or a lower dough temperature) is seen as a means to solve the problem, it should be avoided because of the loss of other desirable bread properties, e.g., volume and crumb softness. Bread and Other Fermented Products Chapter | 4 155

4.1.2 We are experiencing a problem with the sides of sandwich loaves caving in. Sometimes, the lid also shows the same problem, though to a lesser degree. Is the problem associated with overbaking? It is true that when the baking time for bread is extended the sides may tend to cave-in; however, this is not the primary cause of your particular problem which lies more with the gas retention properties of the dough than the bak- ing conditions in the oven. This problem is often seen as a sign of ‘weak- ness’ in the dough but in fact it is the reverse. The early stages of baking are associated with expansion of the dough before the yeast is inactivated. As indicated in the previous question when the dough reaches the sides of the pan, the crust begins to form and expan- sion stops. However, as dough is a poor conductor of heat, expansion of the dough centre continues for sometime after the side crusts have formed. This results in compression of dough layers against the side crusts. In some cases, the expansion of the dough centre can be considerable so that if we were to measure the crumb density at various points in a slice cross-section, we would find that the centre crumb was considerably less dense than at the sides. This lower crumb density results in a centre less able to cope with the changes of internal and external pressures during cooling and the sides pull inwards as the loaf cools. The most common cause of the problem is changes associated with an increase in dough gas retention. These may come from a number of sources, including:

G The flour being too strong for the breadmaking process being used. G Too high and improver level or too ‘strong’ and improver. G Excessive enzymic activity, most commonly excessive alpha-amylase activity. Other contributing factors may come from faster proof when using raised yeast levels or normal proof times with lower dough and prover temperatures and higher yeast levels. Long baking times using low oven temperatures may also contribute to this problem. 156 Baking Problems Solved

4.1.3 We are producing hearth-style (oven-bottom) breads, baguettes and French sticks and are experiencing problems with ragged cracks appearing along the sides of the loaves. What are the likely causes of this problem? The problem that you describe suggests that your doughs are under-proved before they enter the oven. The main function of proof is to expand the dough bubble structure using carbon dioxide gas generated from yeast fer- mentation. It is common to try to achieve around 8590% of your required final product volume in the prover leaving the remaining 10% or so to come from oven spring during baking. The crust forms quickly on oven-bottom breads because they are not shielded from the heat of the oven by the sides of any pans. Quickly, the dough surfaces become dehydrated and inflexible, but as with all breads, there will be continued expansion of the centre of the dough. If the dough is under-proved then the potential for crumb expansion is considerable and the forces which are generated begin to crack the already rigid crust along any lines of weakness (see Fig. 4.2). During proof the changes in dough rheology make it more extensible, less elastic and less resistant to deformation. Such changes depend more on time than on temperature. By making the dough more extensible, it is better able to withstand the considerable stresses and strains it will experi- ence during the early stages of baking and so expansion is more even. An even expansion of the dough is most often seen as uniform oven spring.

FIGURE 4.2 Example of ragged crust break with bread. Bread and Other Fermented Products Chapter | 4 157

We suggest that you look closely at final proof time and the yeast level that you are using. Times less than 40 minutes, especially with higher yeast levels, are likely to lead to problems with under-proved doughs. We also suggest that you look at some factors, such as:

G The level of recipe water. Commonly hearth bread are made with slightly lower water levels to help retain their bold shape, but if the dough is par- ticularly stiff, it will be more prone to the ragged breaks that you describe. G The weight of the dough pieces you are using, high dough piece weights are more likely to lead to this problem. G Your dough temperature. Low dough temperatures, especially with high yeast levels are more likely to lead to this problem. You may want to check the core temperatures of the dough pieces as they exit the prover. Typically, the core temperature will be a few degrees lower than the prover temperature. However, if you put cold doughs into a warm prover and do not give enough proof time, then the temperature gradient between surface and centre will be greater and contribute to this problem. G Under-fermentation. If you are using a breadmaking process which relies on bulk fermentation to develop the dough. 158 Baking Problems Solved

4.1.4 We have noticed the development of a ‘fruity’ odour in our breads after they have been stored. The problem is particularly noticeable with our wholemeal products. What is the cause of this problem and are there any remedies we can apply to prevent its occurrence? The odour that you are describing comes from a problem that bakers refer to as ‘rope.’ The problem gets its name from the fact that in the later stages of development, the crumb will become soft and sticky and when cut surfaces of the loaf are slowly pulled apart thin strands or ‘ropes’ can be seen stretch- ing from one surface to the other. The problem comes from contamination of your product by a bacterium, Bacillus subtilis, which occurs naturally in the soil. Rope bacteria are com- monly present on the outer parts of vegetables and grains. Wheat may become contaminated with rope-forming spores in the field, and these may pass through the flour milling system into the flour. Wholemeal flours may have higher numbers of rope spores present than white flours because the spores are mostly associated with the outer bran layers. The crease in wheat makes it a difficult task for the miller to remove all of the rope spores. The rope-forming spores can readily survive the bread-baking process. The water activity of the crust surfaces is normally low enough to limit bac- terial growth after baking, but the conditions in the loaf centre, with a water activity of 0.9 to 0.95 and temperatures below 95C, are well suited to the development of rope when the product cools down and is stored for any length of time. The time taken for the problem to be manifest depends on the level of contamination, and the conditions of storage, particularly the temperature, the heavier the contamination and the warmer the conditions the faster, will be rope development. As the source of the problem is natural, the strategy should be to try and contain the problem rather than eliminate it. This may be achieved using one or more of the following tactics:

G Do not allow any stale bread or bakery returns into the same area as fresh production. Stale bread can be an extra source of contamination because some rope development may have already occurred. G Minimise areas where dust and bread crumbs may collect. G Try to reduce the risk of air-borne contamination from outside of the bakery. G Add to the dough either propionic acid at 0.1% flour weight, calcium pro- pionate at 0.2% flour weight or 1 L 12.5% acetic acid solution (vinegar) per 100 kg flour (n.b. Check local regulations concerning permitted addi- tions and levels) as rope inhibitors. These act by lowering dough pH and making the conditions less suitable for rope development. You may have to slightly increase yeast levels because they will also slow down gas production by the yeast. Bread and Other Fermented Products Chapter | 4 159

4.1.5 When viewing the crumb appearance of our sliced bread, we notice the appearance of dark streaks and patches which have a coarser cell structure and firmer texture than the rest of the crumb. Is this a problem with uneven mixing? As the mixing process is solely responsible for the incorporation of the gas bubbles which eventually become the bread crumb cell structure with no- time doughs, it is perfectly reasonable to assume that mixing can be respon- sible for variations in crumb cell structure you observe. However, unless you have a grossly inefficient mixer or your doughs are grossly under mixed, whether because of too little energy or too short a time, we do not feel that this is the main cause of your problem. In general, the larger the size of the cell in the crumb, the deeper it is and the darker will be the shadow that it casts when viewed in oblique lighting (see Fig. 4.3). When doughs leave the mixer, the gas bubbles which become cell structure are the smallest size that they can be. During the journey to the oven, carbon dioxide gas from yeast fermentation inflates the bubbles and makes them larger. The size to which the gas bubbles can grow is limited by the ability of the gluten film surrounding them to stretch without rupturing. In the event that the gluten film ruptures small gas bubbles may coalesce (join together) to form larger ones. The displaced gluten film may well con- tribute to improving the strength of the remaining larger bubble. Thicker cell walls also contribute to darker crumb colour. Bursting and coalescence gas bubbles in the dough may occur if the sur- rounding material is unable to maintain bubble stability during processing, especially in those operations which place the dough under stresses and

FIGURE 4.3 Dark patches in bread crumb. 160 Baking Problems Solved strains, e.g., dividing and moulding. We would suggest that your problem arises because your dough lacks the necessary bubble stability, and the glu- ten network is being broken down (damaged) by the moulding actions. This lack of bubble stability may come from a number of sources, including:

G Using a flour which is too weak for the breadmaking process being employed. G Under-developing the dough, e.g., too little energy or mixing time too short. G Not using a suitable improver with a no-time dough, e.g., one which lacks hard fat or an emulsifier. G Too little water in the dough, tight doughs are more susceptible to moulder damage than soft ones (Cauvain and Young, 2008). G Using cold doughs which yield stiff and under-developed doughs. G Insufficient first proof which gives a dough which is not sufficiently relaxed for final moulding. G Incorrect moulder settings, essentially excessive pressure at any moulding stage. The dark patches may form characteristics patterns in the final loaf which can indicate their point of origin in moulding. Other possible causes for variations in crumb cell structure of the type that you describe may come from the inclusion of old, fermented dough dur- ing the later stages of mixing or accidentally during moulding and processing, or from skinning of the dough pieces before or between moulding stages.

Reference Cauvain, S.P., Young, L.S., 2008. Bakery Food Manufacture and Quality: water Control and Effects, second ed. Blackwell Science Ltd., Oxford, UK.

Further reading BakeTran, 2012. Unwanted holes in bread: why they form and how to limit them. Chorleywood Bookshelf Monograph No. 1. BakeTran, Witney, UK ( Bread and Other Fermented Products Chapter | 4 161

4.1.6 Periodically, we observe the formation of large holes in the crumb of our pan breads and suspect that the adjustment to the pressure set on the moulding board on our final moulder is faulty; can you confirm our suspicions? You are correct in assuming that your moulding board pressure settings (height) play a part in the formation of the large holes that you see in your breads, but it may not simply be a case of finding the correct settings on the moulder to eliminate the problem. There is a strong interaction between the dough and the moulder performance, and you must bear in mind that any moulder is inanimate and can therefore only react to the material that it receives. In the previous question, we considered how the stability of gas bubbles was affected by dough development and the stresses and strains introduced by moulding. Even in doughs with optimised development damage to the gas bubble, structure may occur during moulding. Large gas bubbles formed from the coalescence of smaller ones have a lower internal pressure than the smaller ones around them. This lower internal pressure means that the carbon dioxide gas generated from yeast fermentation is more likely to diffuse into the large gas bubbles rather than the smaller ones. In consequence, the large gas bubbles may continue to grow to such an extent that they may form holes in the final crumb. A key to avoiding this type of problem is to ensure that the dough rheol- ogy is optimised by the time of moulding (Cauvain, 2015). To minimise stresses and strains during processing, you need a dough which lacks resis- tance to moulding and is not elastic. Such ‘relaxed’ doughs come from ensuring full development with optimised water levels. Cold doughs should be avoided, and sufficient first proof should be given to lower dough resis- tance to deformation for the second-moulding stage. You need a dough which is extensible, and this comes from optimising gluten formation. A common response to the problem that you describe is to ‘tighten’ the mould by increasing the pressure exerted during moulding. In many cases, increasing moulding pressure leads to greater damage to the structure and is more likely to exacerbate the problem than cure it. The moulding board set- ting should just be enough to deliver the shape of dough piece you require and nothing more. In some types of moulders, the moulding board length is too short to achieve the required dough size without subjecting the dough to considerable pressure during the final stages of moulding. The aim of mould- ing should be to shape the dough piece but preserve the gas bubbles intact. This approach is best seen in the production of baguette where a very soft dough and gentle moulding allows the retention of large gas bubbles in the dough to deliver the characteristic open cell structure. 162 Baking Problems Solved

Other factors which may influence the formation of holes in the crumb include any skinning of the dough which may occur before moulding, the use of hot pans and excessive bottom heat in the oven. In the latter case, the holes which form may well occur towards the bottom of the loaf and may have a ‘triangular’ shape.

Reference Cauvain, S.P., 2015. Technology of Breadmaking, third ed. Springer Publishing International AG, Switzerland.

Further reading BakeTran, 2012. Unwanted holes in bread: why they form and how to limit them. Chorleywood Bookshelf Monograph No. 1. BakeTran, Witney, UK ( Bread and Other Fermented Products Chapter | 4 163

4.1.7 We have been having problems with holes appearing in different places in our pan breads. Can you explain where they come from and how to eliminate them? Is there any relationship between the holes that we see inside dough pieces coming from the divider and the problems that we are experiencing? First, we should point out that it is almost impossible to make bread without having problems with holes from time to time. There are a number of differ- ent origins for the holes, and there are a wide range of factors which contrib- ute to their formation. When we refer to holes in bread crumb, we usually mean features which are substantially larger than the holes which we call the cell structure. In pan bread, the latter ranges from 1 to 2 mm for sandwich- type bread up to 56 mm for farmhouse-type products. Large holes in bread crumb are a particular problem, but equally, a large number of smaller holes in the crumb can be a cause for concern. To help us understand the origins of holes and consider how might eliminate them, it is useful to know some- thing about their key features and their location within the loaf. A useful diagnostic feature of holes is the appearance of the crumb which comprises their internal walls. The first clue of their origins is given by whether they have smooth walls or whether strands of crumb extend across the hole (see Fig. 4.4). In some cases, the strands may be broken and leave the hole with the appearance of a limestone cavern with stalactites and sta- lagmites. In the case of the smooth-surfaced hole (see Fig. 4.5), it is an indi- cation that the sides had never touched while a rough-surface to a hole suggests that some force ripped apart the crumb in the region of the hole. The other key feature for diagnostic purposes is the position of the hole within the loaf, bearing in mind the type of bread which is being made. At the end of mixing, all bread doughs have small pockets of air trapped within their bulk. Some of these air pockets will carry through the divider to reach the dough moulding and processing stages. The survival of trapped air pockets during these stages depends in part on the moulding actions which are employed. If a first moulding step is employed, there is some potential

FIGURE 4.4 Stranded holes. 164 Baking Problems Solved

FIGURE 4.5 Smooth-sided hole. for air pockets to be ‘moulded out’ though, as discussed below, the degree to which this happens is very dependent on the dough processing methods being employed. In broad terms, many of the trapped gas pockets greater than the sheeting gap employed during final moulding cannot survive because they will be burst by the action of the rolls. However, the rheologi- cal properties of bread dough is usually such that some trapped gas pockets become elongated in the direction of sheeting and remain trapped in the final dough piece, albeit in a modified form. The degassing of dough and moulding out trapped air pockets has been and still remains a popular theme in treatises on bread dough processing. Such actions can certainly be accomplished with some breadmaking pro- cesses but less so with others. For example, as much as 70% of the volume of a bulk dough after fermentation and before it reaches, dividing (Cauvain, 2015) can comprise large pockets of gas and the expanded and relaxed nature of the gluten structure offers limited resistance to degassing actions. In contrast, the gas levels in dough prepared by a no-time dough mixing pro- cess will typically comprise less than 20% of the dough volume and have a rheology more resistant to deformation. In such doughs, eliminating trapped gas pockets would require the application of significant forces during mould- ing, and such forces have significant potential for damaging the dough struc- ture leading to the formation of areas of coarse cell structure in the crumb cross-section (see Section 4.1.5). A common approach when holes are observed in the bread crumb is to increase the pressure put on the dough as it passes under the moulding board of the final moulder but this often only increases the risk of moulder damage (see Section 4.1.6). Bread and Other Fermented Products Chapter | 4 165

FIGURE 4.6 Air occlusion in the dough at the curling stage.

The gas cells trapped in a dough piece have a wide range of sizes from a few microns to 12 mm, or more depending on the dough type. The larger gas cells have lower internal pressures relative to the smaller cells. This dif- ference is an important factor in the growth of the gas cells when carbon dioxide is produced by bakers’ yeast. As carbon dioxide cannot form a gas bubble in dough (Baker and Mize, 1941), it will migrate preferentially to the areas of lower pressure, that is, the larger gas cells. The process is known as disproportionation, and its consequences are that larger gas cells will grow proportionally larger than small gas cell in the dough. This process has a sig- nificant impact in the context of the formation of holes in bread. The position of the holes in the baked loaf provides a number of important clues as to their origins. Many unwanted holes come from the inclusion of gas pockets during the curling action after dough sheeting (see Section 9.5)andas the dough passes under the moulding board on the final moulder. In a loaf moulded from a single dough piece, the relationship is fairly straightforward but with four-piece bread it is not so clear. The tightness of the initial curl of the dough pancake as it exits the sheet- ing rolls contributes to gas pocket occlusion (see Fig. 4.6). Usually, the holes in the loaf are centrally placed, have smooth sides and run horizontally through the product. Although the gas pocket may start in the centre of the dough piece, it does not necessarily end up in the centre of the final slice cross-section. In pan breads much of the expansion of the dough in the prover occurs in the lower half of the piece (for an illustration of this effect see Whitworth and Alava, 1999), and the original ‘centre’ may well end up about two-thirds of the way up the loaf. In the four-piecing of dough, the reorientation will mean that this type of gas pocket is still in the centre of the dough but largely confined to each of the two central portions and run- ning at right angles to the pan length (see Fig. 4.7). A further clue that the holes come from trapped gas pockets in curling is that they may follow the curling lines and so have a curved or crescent shape (see Fig. 4.8). 166 Baking Problems Solved

FIGURE 4.7 Potential site of trapped air pocket (shaded section) from the curling stage (see Fig. 2.15) in single (upper) and four-piece bead (lower).

FIGURE 4.8 Trapped air pockets following dough moulding lines.

The curling action in final moulding forms a rough cylinder, the ends of which are ‘open’ (Cauvain, 2015) with the potential for trapping gas in the final stages of processing under the moulding board. A traditional role for the moulding board is the elimination of trapped gas which has already been discussed, this depends on the dough condition at the time of moulding. Under the moulding board, the dough is often constrained by two ‘guide bars’ running the length of the moulder. The dough is ‘screwed’ against these guide bars by the rolling action to ‘seal’ the ends of the piece. It is at this time that gas pockets may be trapped. If the gas pockets are not elimi- nated they are commonly seen as holes towards the ends of the loaf in both single and four-piece products. Bread and Other Fermented Products Chapter | 4 167

There is no single unique solution to eliminating holes in bread dough. To minimise the appearance of holes in bread, you will need to pay particu- lar attention to the rheological properties of the dough and the different set- tings that you are using during dough processing. In general, you are looking to create a dough which has limited resistance to the deformation processes at work in the moulding stages. This implies optimising the level of water addition during mixing but also includes ensuring that dough development has been optimised; both under- and over-developed doughs contribute to the potential for trapping gas pockets and the risk of moulder damage.

References Baker, J.C., Mize, M.D., 1941. The origin of the gas cell in bread dough. Cereal Chem. 18, 1934. Cauvain, S.P., 2015. Technology of Breadmaking, third ed. Springer Publishing International AG, Switzerland. Whitworth, M.B., Alava, J.M., 1999. The imaging and measurement of bubbles in bread dough. In: Campbell, G.M., Webb, C., Pandiella, S.S., Niranjan, K. (Eds.), Bubbles in Food. AACC, St. Paul, MN, pp. 221232.

Further reading BakeTran, 2012. Unwanted holes in bread: why they form and how to limit them. Chorleywood Bookshelf Monograph No. 1. BakeTran, Witney, UK ( 168 Baking Problems Solved

4.1.8 We are making open-top pan breads and find that the top crust of some of our loaves is being lifted off during the slicing process. Sometimes, there is a hole underneath the crust, whereas on other occasions there is not. Do you have an explanation for this problem? We have tried making the dough stronger by adding more improver but without any reduction in the problem; in fact, it may have been slightly worse The weakness that you are experiencing just underneath the top crust proba- bly has more to do with the dough moulding process rather than the ‘strength’ of the doughmaking system. Your own observations that adding more improver did not solve the problem tend to support this conclusion. Looking closely at the pictures of bread slices that you sent through, you can see quite a few small holes throughout the crumb of the loaf. On their own, these are not something that you would worry about but quite a few clearly follow the moulding lines formed in the dough when it is being curled-up after sheeting. They are smooth-sided and therefore originate as small pockets of trapped gas (see Section 4.1.7). The example of the holes that you are getting (see Fig. 4.9) follows the curve of the loaf crust and appears to be associated with the tail of the dough sheet formed in the final moulder. With hand panning, the practice would be to place this ‘seam’ on the bottom of the pan (see Section 4.1.22) where the gas pressure created in the dough against the bottom of the pan is likely to prevent the small gas pockets becoming larger. With mechanical panning, it is not possible to ensure where the seam ends up with respect to the pan. If it ends up against the side of the pan, the chances of the trapped gas pockets becoming a hole is also reduced. However, if as has happened in the illustrated example, the seam ends up towards the top of the loaf, then there is the opportunity for the gas pockets to expand. There is some restriction to crumb expansion once the crust has formed but this often means that the trapped gas pockets coalesce along the

FIGURE 4.9 Hole formed by the ‘unzipping’ of air pockets. Bread and Other Fermented Products Chapter | 4 169 moulding lines to form larger holes. This appears to be the case with the illustrated example as the small gas pockets have ‘unzipped’ along the inter- face of the dough curl. If the unzipping effect does not form a large hole, then it leaves behind a weakness just under the crust which creates your problems at slicing. The problem will be more evident at the top of the loaf due to the extra expan- sion that the dough must accommodate. You are less likely to see this prob- lem with lidded breads, though it does occur, and you may also experience some weakness just under any of the crusts. The weakness to which we refer is not related to the gas retention properties of the dough and the factors which contribute to that dough property but to a physical weakness in the manner in which the bread crumb is attached to the crust. In addition to the contribution made by trapped gas pockets, the differen- tial in moisture content in the first few mm of the bread slice plays a role. We note that the crust colour on your loaves is quite dark because your customers prefer a heavier bake. This does make a contribution to your problem because it reduces the flexibility of the critical area where crust and crumb meet. As you are automatically panning your dough pieces, there is no way you can guarantee the final location of the dough piece seam in the pan so you will need to try and reduce the risk of trapping gas pockets in the dough dur- ing curling. We suggest that you examine the potential for increasing the level of water that you are using in doughmaking so that it is easier to sheet the dough and help with the elimination of trapped gas pockets in the final moulder. The degree to which you can do this depends on the operational conditions in your plant. Certainly, you should look to reduce the risk of dough pieces skinning during processing. You should also examine your bread cooling process and see if there is an opportunity to reduce overall moisture loss and certainly try to minimise the moisture differential between crust and crumb. In this respect, you might want to check the relative humidity in your bread cooler.

Further reading BakeTran, 2012. Unwanted holes in bread: why they form and how to limit them. Chorleywood Bookshelf Monograph No. 1. BakeTran, Witney, UK ( 170 Baking Problems Solved

4.1.9 We are using the Chorleywood bread process to develop our doughs and apply a partial vacuum during mixing to produce a fine and uniform cell structure in the baked loaf. Sometimes, we observe that the cell structure becomes more open even though the vacuum pump is still working. Can you explain the cause of this problem? The application of partial vacuum (typically 0.5 bar) during dough mixing with the Chorleywood bread process (CBP) is used to produce a finer (smal- ler average cell size) and more uniform cell structure in the final baked loaf (Cauvain, 2015). It does this because the size of the gas bubbles changes with changes in mixing chamber pressure; in particular, the transition from partial vacuum to atmospheric pressure at the end of mixing causes the gas bubbles which are present in the dough to shrink. At the same time, it reduces the total quantity of gas in the dough which gives improved divider weight control and yields a dough which feels ‘drier’ to the touch. The latter effect has allowed users of the CBP to increase the added water content at dough mixing to deliver a dough consistency similar to that obtained with bulk-fermented doughs with lower water contents (Cauvain, 2015). The process of dough expansion depends of the presence of nitrogen gas bubbles in the dough, the nitrogen comes from the air bubbles originally incor- porated during mixing with the oxygen being lost because of yeast action (Cauvain and Young, 2006). The nitrogen gas bubbles provide the sites into which the carbon dioxide gas generated by yeast fermentation can diffuse. This nucleating role is critical as carbon dioxide itself cannot form a gas bubble in bread dough (Baker and Mize, 1941). Without sufficient nitrogen gas bubbles being present in the dough, you cannot form a ‘normal’ bread cell structure. The numbers of gas bubble nuclei in the dough are considerably reduced as the mixer headspace pressure falls closer to 0 bar absolute (1 bar vacuum). In practice most vacuum pumps fitted to CBP-type mixers are designed to run around 0.30.5 bar (absolute) because lower pressures tend to give coarser and more open cell structures. The sample of bread you supplied did not suggest a breakdown of the gas bubble structure rather that it had not formed correctly in the first place. We suggest that you discuss the operation of your vacuum pump with your engineers and equipment suppliers. Though rare, it does appear that the source of your problem is that the pump at times is operating at pressures much lower than 0.5 bar (absolute). Bread and Other Fermented Products Chapter | 4 171

In addition to the coarse, open cell structure a characteristic of this prob- lem is that there is extensive blistering of the crust which also has a waxy, greasy or oily appearance, somewhat similar to that seen on retarded pan breads (Cauvain, 2015).

References Baker, J.C., Mize, M.D., 1941. The origin of the gas cell in bread dough. Cereal Chem. January. 18, 1934. Cauvain, S.P., 2015. Technology of Breadmaking, third ed. Springer Publishing International AG, Switzerland. Cauvain, S.P., Young, L.S., 2006. The Chorleywood Bread Process. Woodhead Publishing Ltd., Cambridge, UK. 172 Baking Problems Solved

4.1.10 We are seeking to improve the quality of our bread products and are getting conflicting advice on what the optimum dough temperature ex-mixer should be. Can you advise us as how to decide what is the optimum temperature to use? The control of the temperature of the dough delivered at the end of mixing is a critical factor in ensuring consistent final product quality due to its contribution to gas retention in the dough, gas production by bakers’ yeast and dough rheol- ogy for processing. Whatever your choice of final dough temperature, it is very important to ensure that you are consistent from dough to dough. Choosing the appropriate dough temperature to aim for after mixing is independent of producing a dough with a consistent final temperature. In general, higher final dough temperatures will encourage the yeast to work faster, and this will speed up fermentation. One of the disadvantages of this will be that the bulk dough density will change more rapidly with time; as the bulk dough density decreases, this can lead to greater problems with divider weight control while processing the batch. As the yeast will be more active, you may find that you can slightly reduce the level that you are using provided you do not compromise final proof time and oven spring. If you are using an improver then by using higher dough temperatures you will gain increased activity from the ascorbic acid (AA) present which should improve dough gas retention. There will also be an increase in the contribution of the enzymic activity in the dough, and you will need to make sure this does not adversely affect dough processing. In general, raising the dough temperature will make the dough easier to mould into shape, but in some circumstances, you may find that the dough becomes stickier and you may need to reduce added water levels. Warmer doughs not only tend to ferment faster, they also tend to prove more uniformly and this can lead to a more uniform and sometimes shorter bake. The key advantage in reducing the dough temperature is that you can better control gas production in the early stages of dough processing and limit the potential impact of dough stickiness. However, lower dough tem- peratures have an adverse impact on gas retention and so there can be a loss of product volume and crumb softness. If you have a fixed proof time then you will need to add more yeast with colder doughs to maintain proof vol- ume for the same time. This can lead to problems of product uniformity in the oven arising from the increased temperature differential between the sur- face of the dough piece and its centre. A common problem arising from using cool doughs and high yeast levels can be the development of ragged crust breaks (see Section 4.1.3). The ex-mixer dough temperatures commonly used in baking range from 24 to 32C with bulk fermentation processes using the lower end of the range and no-time doughmaking processes the higher end. Bread and Other Fermented Products Chapter | 4 173

4.1.11 How can I calculate the amount of ice I need to replace some of the added water when my final dough temperature is too warm? Using an ice slush (a mixture of water and crushed ice) or crushed ice to keep control of the dough, temperature at the end of mixing is a practical solution to unacceptably high dough temperatures in the summer months, in countries with hot climates and with stronger flours which may require long mixing times or high mixing energies. The cooling capacity of ice is at least four times that of cold water as heat energy is used up in converting the ice to water at 0C. The ice must be in a form which is easily dispersed and can quickly use up the heat in the dough. To calculate the quantity of ice needed to replace added water, a ‘heat balance’ approach must be used. The heat to be removed from the added water (to cool it to the required temperature), must be balanced against the heat required to convert the ice to water and then heat that melted ice to the required water temperature. The following formulae can be used to deter- mine the quantity of ice which must replace a portion of the recipe added water to obtain the required water temperature to control the final dough temperature. A ‘heat balance’ is achieved as shown in Fig. 4.10. The formu- lae using metric standards are given.

FIGURE 4.10 Heat balance calculation. 174 Baking Problems Solved

Wi 5 weight of ice Ww 5 required weight of recipe added water Tt 5 temperature of tap water in C Tr 5 required water temperature in C Heat, Q1, to be removed from added water 5 (Ww Wi) 3 (Tt Tr) 3 4.186 Specific heat capacity of water 5 4.186 J/kg/C Heat, Q2 needed to melt ice and heat resulting water to the required water temperature 5 Wi 3 334.6 1 Wi 3 Tr 3 4.186 Latent heat of ice 5 334.6 For heat balance

Q 5 Q 1 2 ð4:1Þ ðÞWw 2 Wi 3 ðÞTt Tr 3 4:186 5 Wi 3 334:6 1 Wi 3 Tr 3 4:186 For example, 40 kg of water is required for a dough mix. Temperature of tap water is 20C. Required temperature of water for the dough is 10C. Calculate how much of the added water would need to be ice. To cool (40 kg 2 wt of ice) of water from 20 to 10 requires Q1 heat to be removed. 5 ðÞ2 3 ðÞ2 3 : Q1 40 Wi 20 10 4 186

5 ðÞ40 2 Wi 3 41:86

This is the heat ‘available’ to melt Wi kg ice, and to heat that ice water to 10C 5 3 : 1 3 ð 2 Þ 3 : Q2 Wi 334 6 Wi 10 0 4 186 5 Wi ð334:6 1 41:86Þ Using heat balance (Eq. 4.1),

ðÞ40 2 Wi 3 41:86 5 WiðÞ334:6 1 41:86 41:86 3 40 41:86Wi 5 376:46Wi 418:32Wi 5 1674:4 Wi 5 4 Of the 40 kg of water required for the recipe, 4 kg should be added as ice and 36 kg added as tap water at 20C. It is worth remembering that the water which is ‘locked-up’ as ice at the start of the mixing is not available to dissolve ingredients or start the hydration processes of the damaged starch and proteins in the flour. The likely impact on dough development will be small but may be more significant if a very Bread and Other Fermented Products Chapter | 4 175 large mass of ice is used. In practical terms, it is better to use crushed ice as this aids the rapid dispersion of the small ice particles through the dough. In theory, cube ice may be used but this should be avoided as much as possible. If you are going to routinely add ice to your doughs make sure that you have a large enough icemaking capacity. You will not only need to calculate the mass of ice that you are likely to need for your mixings but also need to take into account the ability of your icemaking machine to deliver ice at the required rate. You may need to have some form of buffer container to hold the ice ready for use in the bakery. 176 Baking Problems Solved

4.1.12 We are using spiral mixers for our bread doughs. What is the best mixing time to use? There is no simple answer to your question because it depends in part on the type of spiral mixer you are using, your product range and the product qual- ity you are seeking. Most spiral mixers have two operating speeds; a slow one mainly used to disperse the ingredients and a faster one used to develop the dough. Spiral mixers typically operate at lower speeds than CBP-compatible mixers and thus in a given mixing time cannot impart as much energy to the dough. The actual transfer of energy to the dough with spiral mixers depends to a large extent on the configuration of the mixing blade and those designs which have more than one mixing blade will transfer a greater quantity of energy to the dough in a given time. The presence of a fixed central bar will also have a significant impact on the rate of energy transfer. Thus, for a given mixing time, we will expect to see differences in those aspects of bread quality which are related to dough gas retention, such as volume and softness, and to a lesser extent fineness of cell structure. We can expect that the greater the energy transfer the larger the bread volume and the softer the crumb. For any given spiral mixer, increasing the mixing time will increase the total energy transferred to the dough. The longer the mixing time, especially on second speed, the greater the total energy and the larger the bread vol- ume. However, as spiral mixers operate at lower speeds than CBP- compatible mixers, we cannot expect to achieve the same total energy levels as are possible with the CBP. To determine your optimum mixing time, we suggest that you carry out a series of trials in which you start with your existing mixing times, if you have them, and raise the second speed mixing time by 2 minutes for succes- sive doughs. If you do not have an established second speed mixing time start at say 6 minutes, use eight for the next dough, and so on. You will probably find that you need not go beyond 14 minutes. It is important to have the same final dough temperature at the end of mixing so that you can make true comparison. The longer the mixing time, the greater transfer of energy and so the greater the temperature rise in the dough. This can be compensated for by lowering the water temperature that you use in doughmaking. Each 1C that the dough temperature requires adjustment by it will require at least 2C change in water temperature. It is also important that any trials are carried out with the same dough mass in the bowl because energy transfer with spiral mixers depends on the degree of interaction between dough and spiral beater. For a given mixing time this interaction increases as the mass of dough goes down, within limits and vice versa. Bread and Other Fermented Products Chapter | 4 177

FIGURE 4.11 Example of the effect of mixing time with a spiral mixer (L-R, 3, 5, 7, 9 min second speed).

When you have completed your trials you will probably see that bread vol- ume increases as mixing time increases (see Fig. 4.11), reaches a maximum and then begins to fall slightly. This will indicate the optimum mixing time for your particular spiral mixer. The same time can be used for a range of dif- ferent bread types, assuming that maximum bread volume and crumb softness are your aim. 178 Baking Problems Solved

4.1.13 Why is it necessary to control the temperature of bread doughs? The control of final dough temperature to a constant value is essential to ensuring consistency of product quality whatever the breadmaking process that is being used because almost all of the chemical and biochemical pro- cesses involved in breadmaking are temperature sensitive. In addition, many of the physical properties of dough which influence its processing are also directly affected by changes in temperature. A complex series of enzymic actions take place in fermenting dough, and all of these are temperature sensitive. As with yeast, enzymic activity increases as the temperature rises though the temperature at which maximum activity varies according to the particular enzyme. In breadmaking processes which employ significant periods of bulk fermentation as part of the devel- opment stage, then variations in dough temperature will have a profound effect on final bread quality. Even chemical reactions in dough, such as AA-assisted oxidation are affected by temperature. Lower temperatures give less oxidation and hence yield doughs with a reduced ability to retain gas in the oven and deliver lower bread volume. If the temperature of the dough at the end of mixing varies then so does the rheology of the dough; higher temperatures make it less viscous and eas- ier to deform and vice versa with lower temperatures. In turn, this results in variation in the effect of mechanical moulding with higher temperatures tending to result in less moulder damage. However, if the dough temperature is raised too high then it becomes too soft to process. If the dough tempera- ture falls, then the dough becomes stiffer and moulder damage will increase. An obvious part of breadmaking that is temperature sensitive is gas pro- duction by the yeast and variations in dough temperature will influence dough volume the end of proof. Even a well-controlled prover environment cannot compensate for variations in dough temperature. In the vast majority of bakeries variations in proof volume cannot be compensated for by chang- ing proof time and so variations in bread volume and quality will follow if the temperature of the dough entering the prover is not constant. The ultimate choice of dough temperature to use is closely linked with the breadmaking process being used, with higher dough temperatures being used with no-time doughs than those which will experience bulk fermenta- tion or significant processing times. The control of the temperature of bread and fermented dough is probably the single most critical control point in the bakery. Bread and Other Fermented Products Chapter | 4 179

4.1.14 We have been experiencing some variation in crust colour on our bread products. What causes bread crust colour and why should it vary? The crust colour on bread is principally formed by Maillard-type reactions involving reducing sugars and amino compounds (free amino acids and ter- minal amino-groups in soluble proteins). For colour formation, you need both factors to be present in appropriate amounts. These reactions typically occur from around 115C. A small amount of the main reducing sugar, maltose, may be present in the flour but in fermentation, proving and the early stages of baking, the alpha- and beta-catalysed hydrolysis of the starch in the flour increases the amount of maltose present. Amylases are slow to attack intact starch, so the main source of starch for hydrolysis is the damaged starch. Thus, the bal- ance of enzymic activity and flour starch damage becomes important for cor- rect crust formation. Other sugars which may contribute to colour formation are glucose and fructose, sucrose or lactose if non-fat milk solids in present in the recipe. Caramelisation may also occur, even in the absence of Maillard-type reac- tions but it occurs at much higher temperatures, usually above 155C. The variations in colour that you are experiencing may therefore come from a number of sources. Assuming that the baking conditions are not to blame then the most likely causes are variations in damaged starch levels in the flour or enzymic activity, whether in the flour or from the improver. You may want to have these checked. Remember that enzymic activity is temperature sensitive so that varia- tions in dough temperature may contribute to variations in crust colour. Processing delays may cause darker than usual crust colours due to the lon- ger time available for enzyme action. Even retarded doughs can show pro- blems of dark crust colours due to enzyme activity in the dough. If you are using a fermentation process to develop your dough, you should check that the bulk time and fermentation conditions are being carefully controlled. There are generally adequate amounts of naturally occurring amino com- pounds in bread flour, but if you continue to get pale crusts, then an addition of non-fat milk solids or an ammonium salt can help. Reducing a dark crust is harder to achieve because it requires the removal of material which may be already in the flour or improver.

Further reading Perez-Lucas, C., Yaylayan, V.A., 2010. The Maillard reaction and food quality deterioration. In: Sibsted, L.H., Ribo, J., Andersen, M.L. (Eds.), Chemical Deterioration and Physical Instability of Food and Beverages. Woodhead Publishing Ltd, Cambridge, UK. 180 Baking Problems Solved

4.1.15 Why is the surface of some bread doughs cut before baking? Many types of breads, especially crusty forms, have a distinctive pattern of cuts showing on the baked surface. These cuts are usually made when the dough leaves the prover and before it enters the oven. The most obvious reason for the cuts is to provide a distinctive surface pattern which distinguishes one loaf from another. Each characteristic pattern will have originated many years ago and has now become so enshrined in the product character that they have become part of the authenticity of a par- ticular product and part of consumer perception of product quality. If it has been cut like a bloomer and baked like a bloomer, then at first glance in a display of other breads it meets customer expectations of a bloomer and they will be attracted to it. Probably, surface cuts were first used by bakers for quite different rea- sons. While dough is proving its rheology begins to change and in particu- lar it becomes less elastic, but this change is slow and time is an important element of achieving the required effect. If doughs enter the oven after only a short while, they are essentially under-proved and the still elastic nature of the dough prevents uniform expansion in the oven. Cutting the surface of dough pieces creates points of weakness which can be exploited by the expanding dough so that cutting can be used to pro- duce controlled oven spring. A rule of thumb is that if doughs are not fully proved you cut deeply, whereas if doughs are over-proved you make the cuts shallow. There is a common tendency to worry about cutting doughs deeply because they may collapse and fail to rise in the oven. The main cause of such collapse is not usually the cutting (unless the doughs are grossly over-proved) but rather that the doughs lack gas retention. Doughs which have been fully developed can be cut quite deeply, and even if they col- lapse after cutting, they can regain their correct size and shape in the oven. Bread doughs bake by receiving heat through their surfaces and because dough is a poor conductor of heat one way in which to speed up heat transfer is to increase the surface area available for heating by cutting the dough. This increase in surface area also helps with flavour development in the product because cutting often increases the proportion of crust relative to that of the crumb. As much of the bread flavour comes from the crust, the greater the proportion of crust the more flavourful the product. Bread and Other Fermented Products Chapter | 4 181

Cutting should always be carried out with a clean, sharp knife and should follow the traditional pattern closely. Each bread type will have its own dis- tinctive pattern and method of making the incisions and without the right procedure then you will not get the authentic product. Cutting of the dough at the end of proof contributes to the contrast of the darkening crust yet paler interior which has burst out of the dough in the oven. Such features are commonly an intrinsic part of final product quality, perhaps exemplified by the French baguette. Cutting of dough pieces before into the proves is sometime practiced, but the lack of contrast in crust appearance will be lost and may not have the same appeal to consumers. 182 Baking Problems Solved

4.1.16 What are the best conditions to use for proving bread dough? The main purpose of the proof stage in baking is to expand the dough piece and modify its rheology to obtain further expansion and structure develop- ment in the oven. To achieve this, we need to generate carbon dioxide gas from yeast fermentation. So our first consideration is to provide the best pos- sible conditions for yeast activity. Yeast will produce carbon dioxide gas over a range of temperatures running from around 0C. As the temperature rises, gas production increases reaching a maximum at around 43C. By the time that the temperature has reached 55C, all yeast activity has ceased and the cells are dead. Usually, we seek to achieve around 90% of our required product volume in the proved dough leaving the last 10% or so to come from oven spring. The time that it takes for this point to be reached in the prover depends mainly of the proof temperature and the level of yeast that is present in the dough, and to some extent, the dough temperature when it enters the prover. The greater the quantity of yeast the shorter will be the proof time to a given volume. Thus, if our sole criteria for deciding on proof conditions is to leave the dough in the prover for as short a time as possible, then we would choose a high yeast level and a temperature around 4043C, and to a large extent this is the norm in most bakeries. The other issue we have to consider is the relatively poor conductivity of heat by dough. The dough commonly enters the prover at a lower tempera- ture than the air in the prover. As proof proceeds, the outer layers quickly warm while the dough centre remains cooler. If the yeast level is very high, the outer layers will quickly become over-proved and lose gas retention properties. Large temperature differentials in a dough piece by the end of proof tend to give poorer product quality shows as lack of volume and uneven cell structure. The other condition that we must pay attention to is the relative humidity of the air surrounding the dough. The dough relative humidity lies around 9095% and so there is considerable potential for surface evaporation unless we take steps to raise the prover humidity. Typically, we raise this to around 85% to minimise surface evaporation or skinning. In summary, the best proving conditions to use are the ones which are most ‘dough-friendly.’ This would suggest temperatures similar to those that we achieve in doughmaking, but this would give extended proof times unless we raise yeast levels to such an extent that we may incur unacceptable flavour changes or unnecessary high ingredient costs. The prac- tical compromise suggests temperatures from 35Cto40C with appropriate humidity control. Bread and Other Fermented Products Chapter | 4 183

If cooler proof conditions are chosen, then yeast levels and proving times will need to be adjusted, as will the prover relative humidity. Cooler proof temperatures will reduce the differential between surface and core tempera- tures which delivers a more uniform proof and oven spring.

Further reading Cauvain, S.P., 2015. Technology of Breadmaking, third ed. Springer Publishing International AG, Switzerland. Cauvain, S.P., Young, L.S., 2008. Bakery Food Manufacture and Quality: Water Control and Effects, second ed. Blackwell Science Ltd., Oxford, UK. 184 Baking Problems Solved

4.1.17 Can we freeze our unproved dough pieces and store them for later use? The freezing and storing of unproved bread and other fermented doughs is perfectly possible but does require some attention to all aspects of dough production, processing and subsequent use on defrosting. The following guidelines highlight some of the most important areas for attention:

G Use a no-time doughmaking process as periods of fermentation before freezing have an adverse effect on bread quality. G Use ingredients and a dough formulation which gives good products by scratch production. Freezing and thawing cannot improve product quality. G Raise your recipe yeast level to compensate for the loss of gas production from yeast cells which are killed during the freezing and storage. Or use a yeast strain which has a greater tolerance to freezing. G Freeze the dough as quickly as possible after moulding to minimise gas production. G You may need to adjust product dimensions before freezing as doughs may sometimes spread during freezing and fail to fit pans when you take them out for thawing. G Use a blast freezer but avoid air temperature less than 230 C due to adverse effects on product quality. G Ensure that products are fully frozen, aim for a core temperature of at least 210C before passing to storage to minimise quality losses. G Expect progressive loss of final product volume as frozen storage time increases so compensate with increased proof times. G Thaw the products using low temperatures and long times to minimise temperature differentials between the dough centre and its surface when it reaches the end of proof. G Select carefully the products that you wish to make with frozen dough. Products with small diameters like rolls and baguette will be more suc- cessful than thicker products like pan breads

Further reading Cauvain, S.P., 2014. Frozen dough and par-baked products. In: Zhou, W. (Ed.), Bakery Products Science and Technology. Wiley Blackwell, Oxford, UK, pp. 523538. Cauvain, S.P., 2015. Technology of Breadmaking, third ed. Springer Publishing International, Switzerland. Kulp, K., Lorenz, K., Brummer, J., 1995. Frozen and Refrigerated Doughs and Batters. American Association of Cereal Chemists Inc., St. Paul, USA. Stauffer, C.E., 1993. Frozen dough production. In: Kamel, B.S., Stauffer, C.E. (Eds.), Advances in Baking Technology. Blackie Academic & Professional, London, UK, pp. 88106. Bread and Other Fermented Products Chapter | 4 185

4.1.18 What happens when dough bakes? In simple terms, when dough enters the oven it expands, loses moisture, the crust darkens and it sets to form bread. Behind this simple explanation are many different physical and chemical changes which are summarised as follows:

G Gas production by the yeast continues as the dough temperature rises in the early stages of baking. When all of the dough exceeds 43C, the rate of gas production falls and eventually ceases by 55C. Although the dough surface is rapidly heated and yeast activity ceases, the poor heat conductivity of dough means that the centre continues to produce carbon dioxide gas for some time after the crust has formed. The force which is created by the expanding centre means that tin dough springs upwards creating oven spring. G The dough is also being expanded by steam pressure and the expansion of trapped gases which are present. G For the dough to continue to expand during baking, it must be able to retain the gas which is being released. The stresses placed on the dough during the early stages of baking are much greater than those placed on it during proof, and it is only in the oven that doughs which truly lack the correct gas retention properties are exposed. Commonly, lack of gas reten- tion is seen as lack of oven spring or in more extreme cases as collapse. G The dough loses moisture with increasing baking time. The moisture losses are greatest from the crust, and this encourages the formation of a crisp eating, crusty layer. G The Maillard reactions begin to develop the crust colour (see Section 4.1.14). G The starch begins to swell and gelatinise. At this time, more of it becomes susceptible to the action of any alpha-amylase enzymes which are present, and the breakdown to sticky dextrins and maltose is acceler- ated by the higher temperatures. G In the dough, the gas bubbles which are present, are separated from one another by a thin protective film. As they are not connected with one another, they are commonly described as a ‘foam.’ As baking proceeds, the loss of water makes the gluten protective film become more rigid, and the pressures within the gas bubbles rupture the protective films. At this moment, the foam in the dough is converted to a sponge, that is, a system in which all of the cells are open and interconnected. At this time, the volume of the baking loaf falls slightly as the internal and external gas pressures are equalised. 186 Baking Problems Solved

G Moisture continues to be lost while the product remains in the oven. G All of the necessary changes from to baked product are usually achieved by the time that the product centre reaches a temperature between 92 and 96C.

Further reading Cauvain, S.P., 2015. Technology of Breadmaking, third ed. Springer Publishing International AG, Switzerland. Cauvain, S.P., Young, L.S., 2008. Bakery Food Manufacture and Quality: Water Control and Effects, second ed. Blackwell Science Ltd., Oxford, UK. Bread and Other Fermented Products Chapter | 4 187

4.1.19 We make crusty breads in a retail store, and recently, we have been having complaints about our products going soft quickly. We have not changed our recipe or process. Can you help us understand what has happened? When crusty products leave the oven, the moisture content of the crust is much lower than that of the centre crumb. Typical values can be as widely apart as 12 and 42%, respectively. From the moment of leaving, the oven this moisture differential provides a driving force for moisture migration from the crumb centre to the crust. This moisture migration continues as the product begins to cool and carries on during subsequent storage. Eventually, the crust moisture content rises to a level at which the product is no longer crisp or crusty. The rate and extent to which the moisture migrates from the crumb to the crust depends on several different factors, including the storage temperature. The lower the storage temperature the lower the rate of moisture migration, but note that the rate on non-moisture-related firming (staling) will increase (see Section 4.1.20). The usual process for the movement of moisture in crusty bread is from crumb to crust as nature tries to achieve moisture equilibrium between the two components. The moisture content of the crumb falls and that of the crust rises. If the product is unwrapped, then the crust generally loses moisture to the surrounding atmosphere, provided that the atmosphere relative humidity is lower than that of the loaf. In practice, this is mostly the case and air draughts which sweep across the product surface carry the moisture away. This lost moisture is replaced by more migrating for the crumb and the whole product dehydrates and loses consumer appeal. To prevent this dehydration, we wrap bread in a suitable protective film but if we put crusty bread into a moisture-impermeable film (e.g., a polyeth- ylene bag), then the moisture which would have been swept away remains and the bread quickly comes to equilibrium with the atmosphere in the wrap- per. The result is that crustiness is quickly lost. The alternative is to use a semi-permeable film to let some of the migrating moisture escape through the holes in the wrappers and help keep crust crispness for a longer time. Commonly perforated films are used for the purposes, the size and distribu- tion of the perforations being used to control the rate of moisture loss. A common cause of loss of crust crispness, even when perforated films are used comes from wrapping bread too warm. In many bakeries, bread freshness is wrongly equated the product being hot, and staff may be encour- aged to wrap the product while still warm. This practice has three main disadvantages: 188 Baking Problems Solved

1. Moisture will be lost from the warm bread and condense within the wrap- per. The moisture will be reabsorbed by the product crust, so in the case of crusty breads, it encourages softening of the crust. 2. The loss of crust crispness leaves the bread susceptible to crushing on the shelf and in the shopping basket. 3. Condensation encourages the localised raising of product water activity and so encourages the growth of moulds. In fact, your problem arose due to a subtle change in the type of perfo- rated film that you were using. Feedback from the check-out staff in the store had indicated that bits of crust were contaminating the scanner and so you changed to a film with smaller diameter perforations. Doing this reduced the scanner problem but also reduced the rate at which moisture was lost from the product, in effect the system behaved more like an impermeable bag and the crust softened more rapidly. The way to reduce the scanner problem is certainly to reduce the perfora- tion diameter, but you need to increase the number of perforations per unit area of film so that the moisture vapour transpiration rates (see Section 11.7) of the two films are equal. The smaller diameter perforations will reduce the size of the crust particles which fall through, and the increase in the numbers will maintain the loss of moisture at a level similar to that which you were getting before.

Further reading Cauvain, S.P., Young, L.S., 2008. Bakery Food Manufacture and Quality: Water Control and Effects, second ed. Blackwell Science Ltd., Oxford, UK. Bread and Other Fermented Products Chapter | 4 189

4.1.20 We have been comparing our bread with that of our competitors and find that the crumb of our bread is firmer. Can you explain why? There are a number of reasons why we can have differences in bread crumb softness, some are related to the ingredients that are used, whereas others are directly affected by the processing methods. The first element to look at is whether there are any differences in the moisture content of the crumb of the breads concerned, the higher the crumb moisture content the softer the bread will be. Bread softness is directly related to bread volume, and the greater the vol- ume of the bread the softer it will be. Even when breads have the same volume, we may still see differences in softness which are related to the density distribu- tion in the crumb cross-section. If we want to make the crumb of pan breads softer, then one possibility is to create greater expansion of the centre crumb to lower its density and resistance to compression. We can do this by increasing the gas retention in the dough using ingredients such as oxidants, fat, enzymes and emulsifiers or by improving dough development during mixing. However, producing a crumb which is less resistant to compression is only part of the answer to making fresher bread. We also need to make a crumb which will largely recover its original shape after the consumer squeeze test. This again can be achieved by improving dough gas retention. In particular, we would want to create a fine (small average cell size) crumb cell structure with thin cell walls separating the cells. This can best be achieved by creating a gas bubble structure in the dough which consists of many small bubbles and expanding them uniformly without excessive dam- age to the dough during moulding. All bread goes firmer during storage, even if moisture is not lost from the crumb. This firming process is the one most often referred to as ‘staling’ and is largely associated with the recrystallisation (retrogradation) of the starch in the bread. A number of factors will influence the rate at which bread stales including:

G The storage temperature. Bread staling increases as the temperature of storage falls reaching a maximum at about 4C. Check the temperatures in your despatch and storage areas and see if they can be made warmer but watch out for the potential for greater microbial spoilage. G The presence of emulsifiers in the formulation. Some emulsifiers work to improve crumb softness by improving dough gas retention or through reducing gas bubble size in the dough. Additions of Glycerol monostea- rate (GMS) can be used to slow down the starch retrogradation process, but it is important that the GMS is added in its active alpha form, com- monly as a hydrated gel. 190 Baking Problems Solved

G Maltogenic amylases can be added to the dough and these also affect starch retrogradation. In this case, the bread will not only start softer but firm at a lower rate. You should also look at your oven baking conditions. Generally, softer bread is obtained is you can bake at a higher temperature for a shorter time, but of course there are limitations. Also check your cooling process and whether you can shorten the time being taken to cool the product. The short- est possible cooling time will be dictated by the temperature at which you can slice or wrap your product. You do not want to encourage condensation in the wrapper which can encourage mould growth.

Further reading Cauvain, S.P., 2015. Technology of Breadmaking, third ed. Springer Publishing International AG, Switzerland. Cauvain, S.P., Young, L.S., 2008. Bakery Food Manufacture and Quality: Water Control and Effects, second ed. Blackwell Science Ltd., Oxford, UK. Bread and Other Fermented Products Chapter | 4 191

4.1.21 We are having problems keeping a uniform shape with our bloomers. They tend to assume a bent or ‘banana’ shape. This happens even though we take great care to straighten them when they are placed on the trays. Can you explain why we get this problem? This can be a common problem in the production of free-standing breads and can easily be explained, though in some cases the solution can be quite difficult to achieve. The banana shape (see Fig. 4.12) is actually created towards the end of the final moulding stage. As the dough piece passes under the moulding board on the final moulder and is extended in shape by the rolling action, the ends of the piece touch the side guide bars. The effect of the guide bars is to slow down the progress of the two ends of the dough piece while the centre continues to move at a higher speed. If you look closely at the dough pieces as they travel under the final moulding board, you will see this happening and observe that the dough piece already has the banana shape you refer to (Fig. 4.13). During the passage of the dough under the moulding board the ends and the centre of the dough piece are subjected to different levels of ‘twisting’ force. This means that even though you are straightening the dough pieces

FIGURE 4.12 Bloomer with bent shape.

FIGURE 4.13 Schematic of bloomer dough piece passing under the moulding board. 192 Baking Problems Solved by hand, and even though you are giving them 45-minute proof, there is suf- ficient elasticity left in the piece for it return to the shape that it had taken on during moulding. This problem is more severe in bloomers because the dough often has a stiffer consistency to help with retaining the traditional round cross-section after baking. The final moulder should be set to reduce the variation in twisting forces between the different parts of the dough piece. You should try to reduce the pressure exerted by the moulding board raising it up so that the dough piece only reaches its full length after half way under the board, ideally about two- thirds of the way down the length of the board. If you cannot do this without compromising other aspects of shape (e.g., sealed ends), then the ideal solu- tion would be to use a moulder with a longer moulding board. You may find similar problems with any free-standing cylindrical shaped products. If you are taking a larger dough piece and cutting it into smaller individual pieces, you are likely to find that uneven moulding contributes significantly to variations in dough piece dimension after baking. You can gain some benefit by proving the dough at a lower temperature for a longer time. The longer time and the reduced temperature differential in the dough piece both help to yield a more ‘relaxed’ dough piece entering the oven which should expand in a more uniform manner. If you do reduce the proving temperature, remember to slightly reduce the humidity as well otherwise the dough pieces will begin to flow and lose their shape. If you cannot make adjustments to the moulder or proving conditions, you might try a slight increase in added water level, but there is a delicate balance here because more water in the dough can cause the bloomer to assume a flat- ter appearance (Cauvain and Young, 2008). You may also find that it helps to mix the dough longer as you are using a spiral mixer, making sure that you keep the final dough temperature the same as for normal production.

Reference Cauvain, S.P., Young, L.S., 2008. Bakery Food Manufacture and Quality: Water Control & Effects, second ed. Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, UK. Bread and Other Fermented Products Chapter | 4 193

4.1.22 We have been taught to always place the seam of our moulded bloomer dough pieces downwards on the tray before proof, but we do not take the same precautions with our pan breads. Can you explain the relevance of placing the bloomer dough piece ‘seam’ down? Should we also do this with our pan breads? The ‘seam’ to which you refer is the tail-end of the sheeted dough pancake formed after it has been curled. It is seen as a curving line on the final moulded dough piece. Even with hand moulding a seam will be formed by the last portion of the piece to be moulded. In bakeries where dough pieces are panned by hand, the traditional practice is to place them on a tray or in a pan with the seam on the bottom, that is, in direct contact with the metal tray or sling. There are a number of reasons for this procedure. The first is related to the appearance of the baked product. The portion of the dough which com- prises the seam may not always be ‘sealed’ in the final stages of moulding and often has the propensity to uncurl in the prover and the early stages of baking. Placing the seam downwards uses the pressure of the dough mass during expansion to reduce the risk of the seam unravelling. If the seam is placed on the sides or top of the dough pieces, then any unravelling will cause unsightly splits in the crust. In principle, the seam should be placed on the bottom for all dough pieces. In automatic plants, this is not generally possible when making pan breads as there is no human intervention at the panning stage. This tends not to cause significant problems for the quality of lidded pan breads because the impact of the lid reduces the potential for unravelling of the dough curl. Similarly, there is a reduced risk of unravelling when four-piecing of the dough is used (see Section 9.6), even when open-top bread is made. The greatest risk of quality losses from the random positioning of the seam is likely to occur with open-top single piece bread. One contribution of the seam location not often appreciated is the potential contribution to the formation of unwanted holes in the product crumb. There is the potential for damage to the dough during sheeting (Cauvain and Young, 2008) and for the trapping of small gas pockets during curling both of which contribute to the formation of unwanted holes (see Section 4.1.7). If the seam is placed downwards on the tray or in the pan, the pressures in the dough mass tend to squeeze out some of the larger gas pockets but if the seam is located in some other part of the dough piece the pressures may be insufficient to eliminate the gas pocket and this can give rise to unwanted holes.

Reference Cauvain, S.P., Young, L.S., 2008. Bakery Food Manufacture and Quality: Water Control & Effects, second ed. Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, UK. 194 Baking Problems Solved

4.1.23 Can we make bread without using additives? What will be the key features of the ingredients and process that we should use? There are many different types of bread and fermented products which are made without using additives, i.e., with just flour, water, yeast and salt. To develop the properties of the gluten network in the dough and improve its ability to retain carbon dioxide gas and expand during baking, it is usual to give a significant period of fermentation to the dough. The first stages of dough fermentation are usually carried out with the dough still in its bulk form, i.e., before it is divided into unit pieces for processing, proving and baking. The length of the bulk fermentation period varies according to the strength of the flour. In general, low protein flours are given shorter periods of bulk fermentation than high protein flours. This is because it takes longer for the natural enzyme-induced changes to modify the dough gluten quality with high protein flours. The length of the bulk fermentation time will also affect the development of flavour in the final bread. It is commonly considered that a bulk fermenta- tion period of at least 34 hours is required for there to be a significant change in bread crumb flavour. In many cases, the fermentation periods may extend for up to 24 hours. In bulk-fermented dough, a significant contribu- tion to flavour comes from the action of lactic acid bacteria (Wirtz, 2003) which deliver distinctively acid flavour notes in the final product. As you are relying on fermentation to modify the gluten network in the dough, it will be very important for you to control both the time and the tem- perature of fermentation. To achieve control of the latter, you will need to work to a constant dough temperature and carry out the bulk fermentation under temperature-controlled conditions; if you do not do this, then you must expect variable bread quality. If you do not wish to ferment the dough in bulk, then you may choose from one of the alternative methods which ferment only part of the flour and other dough ingredients for many hours before mixing them with the rest of the ingredients to make the final dough. These processes are known by many different and traditional names; such as sponge (and dough), flying ferments, sourdough and polish (Calvel, 2003) and each contributes different attributes to final product quality. Choosing the ‘right’ flour will be very important to you as you are rely- ing heavily on the flour proteins for gas retention.

References Calvel, R., 2003. The Taste of Bread. Aspen Publishers, Inc, Gaithersburg, MA. Wirtz, R.L., 2003. Improving the taste of bread. In: Cauvain, S.P. (Ed.), Bread Making: Improving Quality, first ed. Woodhead Publishing Ltd, Cambridge, UK, pp. 467486. Bread and Other Fermented Products Chapter | 4 195

4.1.24 We make bread and rolls using a bulk fermentation process; can we use ascorbic acid (AA) to improve our bread quality? AA is considered in chemical terms to be a reducing agent or anti-oxidant in food systems. However, in breadmaking is commonly regarded as an ‘oxidis- ing’ agent. This is because in the preparation of bread dough, the AA reacts with oxygen from the air which is incorporated during dough mixing. The reaction in dough converts the AA to a substance known as dehydro-ascorbic acid (DHA) (in conjunction with the ascorbate enzyme present naturally in wheat flour) and so can act as an oxidant by promoting the formation of dis- ulphide bonds in the developing gluten network (Wieser, 2012). The presence of oxygen in the dough is an integral part of the oxidation process when AA is used. There is another important reaction involving oxy- gen in the dough, and this is linked to yeast activity. During mixing and in the early stages of dough processing, the yeast scavenges the oxygen mole- cules which are present with the result that the environment in the dough changes from being aerobic (i.e., with oxygen present) to anaerobic (i.e., without oxygen). The yeast can continue working and generating carbon dioxide in the anaerobic environment which has been created, but the AA can no longer be converted to DHA. When this situation arises, the AA reverts to its usual chemical function as a reducing agent and can reduce the strength of the dough. In these circumstances, there will be a loss of dough gas retention properties and in turn, a loss of bread volume. In bulk fermentation pro- cesses, the environment in the dough will quickly become anaerobic, and there is the potential for the AA to act as a reducing agent during the long fermentation period which follows mixing. The potential for using AA as an ‘improver’ (that is, to increase dough gas retention) depends on the length of the bulk fermentation time that you are using. If you are using short periods of time (say up to 2 hours), you are likely to get some improvement in dough gas retention properties, but with longer periods, you are likely to see the opposite. You should avoid using AA in the sponge part of a sponge and dough process, unless you need the reducing effect for some reason. In practice, the levels of addition of AA for use in bulk fermentation should be low and limited to no more than 1520-ppm flour weight (0.150.20 g to 10 kg flour). Some millers supply flour treated with low levels of AA. You may want to check if this is the case because adding more AA in the bakery could well create problems for your bread quality as described above.

Reference Wieser, H., 2012. The use of redox agents. In: Cauvain, S.P. (Ed.), Bread Making; Improving Quality, second ed. Woodhead Publishing Ltd, Cambridge, UK, pp. 447469. 196 Baking Problems Solved

4.1.25 We have had bread returned to us by the retail store through which it is sold. They are not satisfied with the quality. We have some pictures of the products concerned. This seems to be a ‘one-off’ and we are at a loss to understand what has led to the problem. Can you help us understand where the problem came from? Identifying the cause of ‘one-off’ problems can be very difficult. The best place to start is to look at any production records that you may have for the period in question. In particular, you should look at any process information which might indicate changes in ingredient batch, recipe or deviations from the normal process times. If there are no suitable records available, then you will need to start the investigative process by recording what you see and then work towards the likely cause of the problem. Our first observation is that there is a clear problem with the shape of the product and in particular the top which is not uniform in appearance (Fig. 4.14). There are some dips in the surface which are also paler in colour than the surrounding areas. The pale colour tells us that these parts of the dough were not in contact with the lid on the pan for the whole of the baking period; otherwise, they would have the same colour. What is does not tell us is whether these pale areas are formed because the dough pulled away from the pan and lid (collapse) or whether they expanded too late to reach the lid. The outer edges of the loaf show that the dough had clearly filled the pan at some stage. If expansion of the dough was late in the oven then we would expect that the edges of the loaf would be the pale areas. So, we can reasonably assume that the pale areas are associated with a collapsing back of the dough. The interior of the loaf show considerable variation in cell structure with considerable compression at the base and the sides of the loaf (Fig. 4.15). In contrast, the area in the centre towards the top is more open. This could be

FIGURE 4.14 Loaf external appearance. Bread and Other Fermented Products Chapter | 4 197

FIGURE 4.15 Loaf internal appearance. because the lid was not heavy enough to cause compression under the top crust. However, we have already concluded that in places the dough was not in contact with the lid long enough to become as coloured as the rest of the crust. This internal effect is also consistent with a collapse of the dough early on in the baking process and an almost complete recovery of the shape later due to the significant gas production potential in the centre of the dough piece. Taken together, these observations suggest that the problem is caused by over-proof of the dough combined with a bumpy transfer between the prover and the oven. It is also likely that the oven temperature was on the low side, and this in effect gave the dough piece a second, short proof in the oven which is why the piece was able to expand to mostly fill the pan. A check on production and plant operation records would be able to verify whether this was the case. 198 Baking Problems Solved

4.1.26 We have noticed that loaves sometimes break only on one side of the pan but that the break is not formed consistently on one side. Can you explain why this is? The process that you are asking about is often called ‘oven spring’ or ‘oven break’ and is related to the ability of the dough to retain the rapid evolution of carbon dioxide gas and steam in the first few minutes in the oven. The break forms when the pressure created by the expansion of the centre of the dough piece is sufficient to cause a break in the crust which has formed soon after baking starts. At this time, the crust is still relatively soft and does not have sufficient strength to hold back the expansion forces. Due to its relation with dough gas retention, controlled oven spring is often seen as a desirable characteristic in fermented bread products. The aim is to have controlled and uniform expansion. In the case of pan breads, the ideal is to have a small but uniform break along both sides of the loaf. The nature and precise location of the oven break on a loaf depends on many factors. The presence or absence of moisture in the oven atmosphere has a profound effect on the oven break. A low relative humidity tends to lead to the formation of ragged and uneven breaks though this is usually a greater problem with oven-bottom or hearth breads (see Section 4.1.3) due to the lack of shielding from a pan. Raising the level of humidity in the early stages of baking through the deliberate introduction of steam is a common practical way to control oven spring with open-top pan breads. Steam may be introduced when baking lidded pan breads though its impact may be very limited by the presence of the lid. A common factor which can influence the formation and location of the oven break is the delivery of heat to the dough piece. For example, if the loaves are placed close to the sidewalls of the oven, they will be exposed to greater radiant heat than other loaves more centrally placed. This causes the crust to set quickly and lose its elasticity. In some cases, this may mean that the oven break is on the side nearest the oven wall, whereas in other cases, it will occur on the opposite side of the loaf. Much depends on the total amount of heat and the rate at which it reaches the product. This will vary with different ovens and be influenced by temperature settings and air flow patterns in the oven, especially between pans. It will also be influenced by the dimensions of the dough pieces, the strapping configuration of the pans and their spatial layout in the oven chamber. To get a uniform oven break, it is very important to ensure that the dough is able to gently expand in the oven. Optimising the final proof of the dough so that it has the appropriate rheological characteristics is an important factor in achieving uniformity of expansion; as a ‘rule of thumb’ bakers aim for the dough piece to achieve about 90% of the final bread volume in proof. Bread and Other Fermented Products Chapter | 4 199

4.1.27 We are making a range of crusty breads using a small bread plant. We appreciate the value of having an open cell structure to encourage the formation and retention of the crust. However, from time to time, we have difficulty in achieving the desired degree of openness in the structure. Can you help us identify why this happens? You are quite right in recognising the important link between the openness of bread cell structure and the formation of a crisp crust. The openness of the final structure depends on two key factors; the ability to create large gas cells in the dough and their retention during dough processing, proving and baking. When dough leaves the mixer, large numbers of small gas bubbles are trapped in the gluten network. Carbon dioxide from yeast fermentation inflates these small bubbles, and they grow larger. Later on, during the proving and baking stages, the gas bubbles grow very large, begin to touch and coalesce (that is, join together) to form even larger gas bubbles. It is these gas bubbles which eventu- ally become the cell structure in your product. To help you appreciate the scales involved the initial gas bubbles may range from 10 to 200 μm in size while the cells in the baked crumb are typically 515 mm; that is, around 100 times larger. A key process in the gas bubble expansion is the generation of sufficient carbon dioxide gas in the processing time available. This will be affected by the yeast level you are using, and the dough and processing temperatures and times. Assuming you are not varying the time then a likely cause of variation may well come from variations in dough temperature. You may be compen- sating for these by adjusting final proof times, but often, it is the amount of gassing that you get during the dough processing stages (particularly between moulding stages) that makes the difference to the product structure. Some of the creation of an open cell structure occurs in the mixer as some mixers incorporate larger gas bubbles than others. After leaving the mixer, it is best to divide the dough into individual pieces and limit any first moulding. If you have created larger gas bubbles, then it is important to retain them dur- ing processing, and this can only be done with gentle handling of the dough. If you find that you cannot achieve the openness of cell structure that you require, then you may want to lengthen the first or intermediate proof time. If you do lengthen this time, then you should make sure the tempera- ture of the dough pieces does not fall and that there is no opportunity for skinning to occur. You may also need to slightly reduce your final proof time to maintain a constant dough piece size entering the oven but no so much as to end up with under-proved loaves as this may lead to other quality problems, such as ragged breaks (see Section 4.1.3). In summary, the key to getting a consistent cell structure in your final product is to ensure that there are minimal variations in dough temperature and to ensure that your moulding regime is preserving the larger gas bubbles. Think of the larger gas bubbles as being eggs and that the objective of dough processing is to carry them unbroken in the dough to the prover. 200 Baking Problems Solved

4.1.28 During the manufacture of bread and other fermented products, we sometimes have small quantities of ‘leftover’ dough from a mixing, can we add these back to other mixings or reuse it in other ways? With fermented products, it is advisable to be cautious in using rework. In products such as circular biscuits which are cut from a sheeted dough, it is common practice to use dough leftover from previous batches provided there are no product safety or quality concerns. For fermented rework dough the storage and reuse, in terms of time and temperature, quality and quantity should be carefully controlled so that the introduction of quality defects is avoided. For fermented products, there are many factors of which to be aware. Using one type of rework, e.g., white dough, with another type, e.g., whole- meal dough, must be avoided as such use may be considered as contamina- tion from safety and quality viewpoints. In addition, one type of dough should only contain rework of the same type of dough as in many countries the permitted ingredients in the manufacture of a particular type of bread are limited by legislation. Storing rework and using it at another time may result in products with quality defects such as poor and irregular cell structure, loss of volume and dif- ferences in external colour. If rework is stored for any significant length of time, e.g., a few hours, doughs with higher temperatures may result in the development of ‘off-odours’ or flavours in the final product. Such rework should not be seen as a substitute for creating a ‘sponge and dough’ product or enhancing flavour unless it has been kept under strictly controlled conditions. In some cases, rework may be considered as an ‘ingredient’ with speci- fied characteristics. It should be incorporated into the mixer to ensure uni- form dispersion and optimum control and as a guide should be limited to no more than 10% of flour weight for the new mix. Adding greater quantities than this can result in the rework dough acting like a reducing agent with quality defects such as irregular cell structure and poor slice appearance. With stored rework, yeast activity leads to the continued evolution of car- bon dioxide and the eventual depletion of sugars in the dough and loss of the crust colour-forming components in the dough. There will also be changes in the rheological properties of the gluten network in the dough which com- monly contribute to loss of its gas retention ability. If fermented rework must be used then its level of addition should be severely limited and it is important to ensure thorough mixing with the ‘fresh’ ingredients. If using the CBP the weight of this added rework should be excluded when calculating the energy requirements for the mix. Bread and Other Fermented Products Chapter | 4 201

4.1.29 Our total time for bread production from flour to baked loaf is set for about 6 hours. Currently, we use a bulk fermentation time of 4 hours and a final proof time of 90 minutes. We find that with increased bread sales that we do not have enough proving capacity. If we were to shorten the final proof time what other changes would we have to make to maintain our current bread quality? Final proof has two important functions; one is to encourage the production of carbon dioxide gas by the yeast and the other is allow some modification of the rheological properties of the dough so that it will lose some of its elasticity. This latter change is important as it allows for a more gradual expansion of the dough in the oven and the delivery of a smooth and uniform oven bread. Bread which is ‘under-proved’ is often characterised by a ragged or wild crust break, sometimes referred to as a ‘flying top’ or ragged break (Fig. 4.16). In view of the above comments, there will be a minimum final proof time that you can use without compromising bread quality. You will need to explore the options for yourself as this minimum time is affected by the dough temperature and final proof conditions. As a guide, you could reduce your final proof time to about 60 minutes and we would suggest that (pro- vided you have the process space available) that you compensate by increas- ing you bulk fermentation time to about 4.5 hours. This change should maintain your existing bread quality without the need for recipe changes. If you are not able to extend your bulk fermentation period, then you would have to slightly increase the level of yeast that you are using to ensure that you maintain dough volume at the end of proof. You may find that with extra yeast that you need to cut back your bulk fermentation time slightly.

FIGURE 4.16 Flying top. 202 Baking Problems Solved

4.1.30 In breadmaking, what is the difference between a sponge and a ferment and when would they be used? We have also seen references to barms, can you tell us anything about these as well? Both sponges and ferments are based on the principle of initiating yeast fermentation before the main bread dough mixing stage of breadmaking. The most significant differences between the two is the length of time for which they stand before being used and that the ferment will be of a much softer consistency with less flour being used in the ferment recipe. The basic recipe of a sponge comprises flour, water, salt and yeast and after mixing the sponge is allowed to stand for several hours before it (or a portion of it) is transferred to the mixer where the rest of the dough ingredi- ents are added and dough preparation is completed (see example in Section 4.1.31). The ratio of water to flour in the sponge is similar to or slightly less than that used in a standard dough. The yeast level in the sponge is usually low as it will be fermenting for many hours, commonly 1020. During the fermentation period, the sponge will develop a distinctive acid flavour profile which will be carried through to the final product. The sponge also contri- butes to the development of the final dough. After final dough mixing, the bulk dough is usually divided immediately for further processing. A ferment is used in the ‘short ferment and dough breadmaking method’; this is now a less common process than the sponge and dough. Typically, the ferment will contain flour and water in at least equal parts, all of the yeast but no salt. These ingredients are normally whisked or beaten together and allowed to stand for a short period of time, typically 2040 minutes, before being mixed with the other ingredients. After final dough mixing, it is com- mon to leave the dough in bulk for a short period before dividing it into unit pieces for further processing. The ferment can be particularly useful if you are using dried yeast that requires pre-hydration (see Section 2.6.7). Barms are not often seen in use these days, if at all. They were based on the use of distillers yeast from the maltings and were often seen in use in some bakeries on the west of Scotland. The formulae and methods used were complicated and relied on the preservation of a portion of barm for use in subsequent batches. The process started with malt and water being mashed together for several hours. A liquor was pressed from the mixture, flour stir- red in and boiling water added to gelatinise the flour. The ‘scald’ as it was called gradually cooled over 24 h and a portion of old barm from a previ- ously prepared batch added. This mixture was then fermented for 34 days before baking. Barms were normally prepared twice a week. Bread and Other Fermented Products Chapter | 4 203

4.1.31 How would we prepare and use a sponge with the Chorleywood bread process (CBP)? The preparation and use of a sponge with the CBP is not difficult. The common use of a sponge is with no-time dough processes (i.e., the dough moves from completion of mixing to the divider without delay). The only special facilities that you will need would be the provision of space for storing the sponges. To get consistent results, you should store the sponges under temperature- controlled conditions and cover them to prevent dehydration and the formation of a skin on the surface. It will be important to use the sponges in strict rotation. Ideally, you would make one sponge for each dough and, that is, the basis of the recipe given below. In practice, this may be difficult due to space conditions, so you may have to make a larger sponge and use portions for several successive doughs. If that is the case we suggest that the sponge should not be used for more than 2030 minutes of doughmaking to minimise the risks of quality variations. In principle, these precautions are no different to using a sponge with any other sponge and dough-type process. There is no need to fully develop the sponge so you may use another mixer for its preparation. You can use your CBP-type mixer for the sponge preparation, but you need only mix for a short period of time; this will be helpful in controlling the sponge temperature (see below). The level of sponge that you prepare depends on the how much you wish to change the crumb flavour; the larger the quantity of sponge used the stron- ger the flavour profile. We suggest that you try a quarter sponge; that is, using one quarter of the total flour weight to prepare the sponge as follows: Sponge recipe and method

Ingredient Weight (kg)

Flour 12.50 Water 7.00 Yeast 0.10 Salt 1.25

Mix to clear dough with a final temperature of 20C and ferment for 16 h. Doughmaking Add the sponge to the rest of the ingredients in the mixer, i.e., 3/4 of the flour with appropriate water, salt, improver and yeast (the latter may be reduced by about 56% of its original level). Do not include the quantity of sponge in your energy calculation.

Further reading Cauvain, S.P., Young, L.S., 2006. The Chorleywood Bread Process. Woodhead Publishing, Cambridge, UK. 204 Baking Problems Solved

4.1.32 Our bread and buns prove to a satisfactory height in about 50 minutes, but we get no additional lift from the products in the oven. We have tried increasing its strength and using more improver, but whatever we do we see no oven spring. Do you have any ideas as to why we are getting no oven lift? There are two processes which contribute to oven spring; gas production and gas retention. By increasing the strength of the flour that you are using, you should have improved the gas retention properties of your dough and the fact that there was no improvement in oven spring strongly suggests that the problem is with the gas production capabilities of the dough. Initially, gas production in the dough relies on the ability of the yeast to ferment the sugars which are present in the wheat flour to produce carbon dioxide and alcohol (see Section 2.6.2). If there are added sugars the yeast may use these; first the mono-saccharides (simple sugars) and later the di- saccharides. There is also some maltose sugar being produced as the amylase enzymes in the dough begin to break down the damaged wheat starch. The metabolic processes of yeast in bread dough are complex and are regulated by the osmotic pressure (see Section 11.12) across the walls of the yeast cell. In part, this osmotic pressure is affected by the nature and concen- tration of soluble ingredients in the recipe. In addition to the sugars already mentioned, soluble ingredients in the dough which have an effect on yeast activity include salt (sodium chloride) and preservatives such as calcium propionate. One of the complexities of the metabolic processes of yeast is that the cells adjust their metabolism according to the food sources which are avail- able in the dough. However, the transition from one food source to another is not a straightforward relationship and at different times the metabolic pro- cesses in the yeast slow down and gas production falls. After the yeast has made the adjustment gas production will again increase. From the description of your problem, it appears that the yeast strain that you are using is making one of these transitions as the dough begins to reach the oven and so is not able to provide the last burst of carbon dioxide gas which normally contri- butes to oven spring. Different strains of bakers’ yeast have different tolerances to sugar (osmotolerance) and calcium propionate. They produce carbon dioxide gas at different rates from other yeast strains in the dough and so may be more suitable for your bread and bun production. You will need to consult with your yeast supplier to find the most suitable strain of yeast for your particu- lar recipe and processing conditions; once that you have the most appropriate strain of yeast, we are sure that oven spring will be restored. Bread and Other Fermented Products Chapter | 4 205

4.1.33 We are experiencing a problem with loaves baked in rack ovens since we bought new pans. As the enclosed photograph shows, they are joining together above the pans. The portions of the loaves that touch have no crust formation which makes them weak when they are depanned and handled. How can we prevent this from happening? In the photograph, it is clear that the dough has risen well during the early stages of baking and loaves in adjacent pans in the strap have touched (Fig. 4.17). Consequently, these parts of the loaf did not form a solid crust and had a pale, under-baked patch on the side. On the ends of the strap where the dough has overflowed slightly, a normal crust was formed. You indicated that you changed to new pans recently and now have four small pans across the rack width where you had three previously. If bread pans are strapped too closely together, then with a well-developed dough, this ‘kissing’ of adjacent loaves will occur as they grow in the oven. This is because the hot air in the oven cannot easily penetrate between the gaps between individual pans in the strap, and in effect, you are prolonging the final proof of the dough, albeit in the oven. As general guidance the gap between pans of your strap should be between 22 and 34 mm to allow adequate air circulation between straps in the oven. The exact dimension between pans will depend on the efficiency of the oven in circulating air through the gaps. Ovens which provide signifi- cant air flow between the pans are usually based on the principle of forced air convection. Air flow in fan-assisted rack ovens may not be as good at cir- culating hot air as forced convection ovens.

FIGURE 4.17 Touching loaf from new straps of pans. 206 Baking Problems Solved

If the scaled weight of the dough piece deposited in the pans is too heavy, then this may be a contributor to the problem. The scaling weights should be checked for consistency. With the current deregulation of bread weights in many parts of the world, it may be possible to slightly reduce the dough scaling weight provided the finished baked weight is within the weight specification for the product at point of sale. Another option may be to reduce the gas retention properties of the dough a little (e.g., by using a slightly weaker flour or slightly less improver) provided the reductions do not compromise product quality (cell structure and softness). It may also be possible to use less yeast in the recipe provided the time to reach proof height is not too long and that oven spring is still evi- dent in the baked loaf. Bread and Other Fermented Products Chapter | 4 207

4.1.34 We wish to create a bolder shape and more open cell structure with our crusty sticks and have recently increased our dough development by mixing longer. Now, we experience problems with the products joining together in the oven. If we under-prove the dough pieces, we have problems with ragged bread and poor shapes. Should we reduce our mixing time back to its original level? This problem has similarities with that in Section 4.1.33. Our first response is that you should not seek to solve your problem by under-proving the dough pieces, indeed you own information suggests that this will only lead to unacceptable product quality. We do not recommend that you go back to your old mixer settings as this will only result in a loss of gas retention in the dough because it will be less well developed. This will not help you achieve the volume, boldness of shape and openness of cell structure that you are seeking in the final product. You have been scaling the dough pieces to give you a 400g baked weight in the product, but the indented trays that you are using were designed for a lower dough piece weight which would deliver a baked stick weight of 300g or slightly less. Now that you have improved the gas retention properties of the dough the extra expansion that you get in the early stages of baking means that the cross-section of the stick is too large for the indent on the tray, the pieces are not supported at their sides and so flow over the edges to touch one another. As you do not want to reduce your scaling weight to deliver a baked stick weight of 300 g or less this leaves you with two possibilities; one is to only bake three sticks per tray by placing dough pieces in alternate indents. This will reduce your overall baking capacity and you may need to reduce your batch size accordingly. The other solution would be to seek a tray design with only four indents instead of five while retaining the tray width (Fig. 4.18). If you are going to use this solution, then we also suggest that you seek a slightly deeper profile for the indents so that you can be sure of retaining a bold shape to your product. 208 Baking Problems Solved

FIGURE 4.18 Alternative crusty stick trays. Bread and Other Fermented Products Chapter | 4 209

4.1.35 We are finding that the crumb of our bread is too soft for slicing. We also notice a tendency for the sides of the loaves to slightly collapse inwards. We do not think that conditions in our cooler have changed can you please advise us of what to investigate? When bread leaves the oven the crust is firm, but the crumb is still rela- tively soft. In the initial stages of cooling, the crumb begins to firm as the amylose fraction of the wheat starch begins to retrograde (recrystallise). The longer-term firming effect associated with bread staling is related to the ret- rogradation of the amylopectin fraction on the starch. It is the initial increase in firmness due to the amylose retrogradation which allows the bread to be sliced mechanically. The length of time that the bread spends in the cooler is usually linked with core loaf temperature at which the bread can be sliced. Typical loaf core temperatures for bread slicing are in the order 2730C. Of course, the ability to slice a loaf mechanically is also linked with the crumb moisture content and the lower the moisture content of the crumb the easier it will be to slice. However, bread softness is reduced when the crumb moisture content is lower, so it is common practice to limit as much as possible moisture losses during cooling. The sides of loaves sometimes pull inwards if there has been excessive loss of water from the loaf during cooling. A number of ingredients which are used in the recipe also play a role in determining the initial crumb softness. For example, the addition of fat is said to improve crumb softness though with the low fat levels used in many breads this effect is most likely to be associated with the accompanying improvement in bread volume. The addition of anti-staling agents can have an impact on the initial crumb softness in addition to the longer-term anti-staling effects. In this con- text, the addition of modified bacterial (maltogenic) amylases has become popular in many bread types, and high levels of addition have been associ- ated with excessively soft crumb at slicing. The slight collapse inwards of the loaf sides also suggests that the level of enzyme addition is too high in your recipe. Check that the flour Falling Number is not too low and talk with your supplier about making a small reduction in the level of enzyme addition in your improver.

Further reading Cauvain, S.P., 2015. Technology of Breadmaking, third ed. Springer Publishing International AG, Switzerland. 210 Baking Problems Solved

4.2 OTHER FERMENTED PRODUCTS 4.2.1 Can you suggest what steps could be taken to prevent our round doughnuts shrinking or collapsing within a few minutes of leaving the fryer? The collapse of your doughnuts after they leave the fryer is associated with the transition of the dough from a ‘foam’ to a ‘sponge’ (in the generic not specific cakemaking sense). In foams, the gas bubbles or cells are separated from one another by a stabilising film of one form or another, e.g., protein, fat, emulsifier, whereas in a sponge, the cells are interconnected and gases and liquids can readily pass through the matrix (see Fig. 4.19). In the oven, most baked products undergo the transition from foam to sponge and the gas contained within the individual cells diffuses out of the product into the surrounding atmosphere. The transition occurs at different parts of the dough piece at different times, depending on the heat transfer rate from the surface to the centre of the piece. Before conversion, the pres- sure inside the air bubbles is greater than that of the surrounding atmosphere, and this contributes to inflation of the product. At the moment of conversion from foam to sponge, there is an equalisation of the gas pressure inside the foam with that in the surrounding atmosphere, and this is seen as a slight shrinking of the volume of the baked product just before the end of baking. The process in the doughnut fryer is essentially the same as that for dough in the oven. In fact, the increased pressure inside the gas bubbles in the dough foam contributes to what makes doughnuts float in the hot oil. The addition of some ingredients can delay the conversion of the foam to a sponge to a later time during the baking process. As sugar is almost always present in doughnut formulations, it is important to appreciate the role that it plays in the formation of doughnut structures. Sugar, in the form of sucrose, delays the gelatinisation of the wheat starch, and subsequently, the temperature at which the foam to sponge conversion is made. In some formulations, the starch gelatinisation temperature can be raised so high that in the centre of the product it may not even occur before frying is com- pleted. As a consequence, some of the foam remains intact and as the tem- perature within the cells falls so does the internal pressure. At some point, the external pressure on the product becomes greater than the internal pres- sure in the cells and the product shrinks. This is the collapse and wrinkling of the product that you see.

FIGURE 4.19 Transition from foam to sponge. Bread and Other Fermented Products Chapter | 4 211

It is well known that a mechanical shock delivered to many such products can be used to eliminate this type of problem, so simply banging the trays as you remove them from the fryer can reduce or even eliminate this problem. However, this is not may not be easy to achieve in a commercial bakery, and so to avoid the problem, you should look to reduce the sugar level in the formulation or slightly reduce the ability of the dough to retain gas, being careful not to lose overall product volume.

Further reading BakeTran, 2012. A guide to doughnut technology. Chorleywood Bookshelf Monograph No. 2. BakeTran, Witney, UK ( 212 Baking Problems Solved

4.2.2 The fermented doughnuts we are making tend to be quite greasy to eat. Can you advise on how we can reduce this problem? During the frying process, the heat expands the air bubbles which are trapped within the dough, carbon dioxide gas is evolved from the last of the yeast activity and steam is given off. While all of this is taking place, the pressure within the dough piece is greater than that of the surrounding atmosphere, and this greater internal pressure prevents the absorption of oil. Once the transition from foam in the dough to sponge is made (see Section 4.2.1), the pressure within the dough becomes equal to that outside the dough, and it is only after this point that oil can penetrate into the product. In fact, much of the oil absorption that one sees with doughnuts occurs after the product has left the fryer. In particular, any pools of oil which remain of the draining wires in contact with the final product provide easy access of the oil below the product surface. You should try to find a means of shaking off as much excess oil as possible before leaving the doughnuts to stand. In some cases, tapping or banging of the trays can be employed and this may also help avoid problems of collapse and wrinkling (see Section 4.2.6). Other means of reducing oil absorption in doughnuts include:

G Adding a low level of a cellulose-based material to the formulation (up 0.3% flour weight). G Maximising the added water content of the dough as this will help to increase the steam pressure during frying. G Ensuring that the frying temperature of the oil does not fall too low. Typically, it should be about 180C. Too low an oil temperature reduces the heat input and lengthens the time that the doughnut spends in the fat after the foam has converted to a sponge, thereby increasing the time for oil penetration.

Further reading BakeTran, 2012. A guide to doughnut technology. Chorleywood Bookshelf Monograph No. 2. BakeTran, Witney, UK ( Bread and Other Fermented Products Chapter | 4 213

4.2.3 We have recently been experiencing difficulties with the production of our bread rolls. The finished rolls have poor volume with large holes in the crumb. Can you suggest measures we might take to eliminate these faults? Your problem with small volume may come from a number of sources, all associated with a lack of gas retention in the dough. The specific volume (volume per unit mass) of rolls is normally expected to be greater than that of bread and so it is necessary to increase the gas retaining abilities of the dough. You can achieve this in a number of ways including:

G Using a stronger flour. It is common practice to use a higher grade of flour for rolls than bread. G Raising the level of the improver that you are using. Often, bread improvers are used at 1% flour weight, and this may be increased to 2% for rolls. G Change to a more powerful improver, that is, one which will give improved gas retention in the dough. G Ensure that the dough is fully developed during the mixing cycle. This may entail raising work input in the CBP or mixing longer with other breadmaking systems (see Section 4.1.12). G Raise the dough temperature to aid dough development. If excessive gas production before moulding becomes a problem, simply reduce the yeast level. The holes that you observe are most likely to come from damage to the gas bubble structure during moulding. There are a number of reasons why this damage might occur including:

G The level of water in the dough being too low so that moulding pressures have to be increased to achieve the required shape. G The dough being insufficiently relaxed because the resting time between moulding stages is too short. G The dough temperature being too low giving a more viscous (stiff) dough similar to having too low a water level. 214 Baking Problems Solved

4.2.4 We have been receiving complaints that our small fermented products, such as rolls, teacakes and baps, are staling too quickly. Can you advise on how we can improve the product softness? There are several different ways in which you can improve the softness of your products. They can be grouped under the headings of improving volume, raising moisture content, using functional ingredients and storage. Improving volume In general, larger-volume products will have a softer crumb. This is because the resistance of the crumb to compression, whether by the fingers or in the mouth, is reduced. You will need to ensure that the dough has been fully developed before baking as this gives a degree of resilience to the crumb which is important for the overall quality of the product. Rolls which show no resiliency after compression while definitely appearing soft lack the che- winess associated with fermented products. The better the dough develop- ment and gas retention in the dough the larger the product volume. Better dough development often comes from principles such as extending dough mixing times (see Section 4.1.12) or increased energy input. Raising moisture content The higher the recipe water content in the dough, the higher the moisture content in the final product will be for a fixed baking time and therefore the softer it will be. You should look to maximise the water addition to the dough, this will also help dough development. Try also to bake less water out in the oven, the final moisture content is more affected by the length of time that the product spends in the oven so there are advantages to raising the baking temperature and reducing the baking time. Some of the moisture from the crumb will inevitably migrate to the drier crust to achieve equilibrium. Keeping the crust thin means that less water is needed to achieve equilibrium (Cauvain and Young, 2008). Using additives There are a number of functional ingredients which may be used to improve crumb softness including fat (mainly through improved gas retention), emul- sifiers such as D-acetyltartric esters of mono-glycertides (DATA esters) and sodium stearoly-2-lactates (SSL) (Cauvain, 2015). GMS forms complexes with the starch and so has a true anti-staling effect in fermented products (Cauvain, 2015). Bread and Other Fermented Products Chapter | 4 215

Additions of enzyme active materials are also useful. For example, the so-called maltogenic or intermediate thermal stability enzymes have a bene- ficial anti-staling effect, whereas fungal alpha-amylase can be used to increase product volume (Cauvain and Chamberlain, 1988). Lipase enzymes are also known to have an antistaling effect as they split tri-glycerides in the dough to form di- and mono-glycerides in situ. Storage It is important to wrap your products as quickly as possible after cooling in a moisture impermeable film to minimise moisture losses. You should also be careful where you store the products because bread staling proceeds faster as the temperature falls (Cauvain, 2015), so avoid storage areas where the ambient temperature falls below about 15C.

References Cauvain, S.P., 2015. Technology of Breadmaking, third ed. Springer Publishing International AG, Switzerland. Cauvain, S.P., Chamberlain, N., 1988. The bread improving effect of fungal alpha-amylase. J. Cereal Sci. Nov. 8, 239248. Cauvain, S.P., Young, L.S., 2008. Bakery Food Quality & Manufacture: Water Control and Effects, second ed. Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, UK. 216 Baking Problems Solved

4.2.5 Our fruit breads rise very slowly in the prover and fail to rise any further in the oven. We make some unfruited products with the same formulation and they are satisfactory in all respects. Can you explain why? As the problem is associated only with fruited products, then we must look to the fruit for the cause. You appear to have a problem with both gas produc- tion the slow proof and gas retention the failure to rise in the oven. Bakers’ yeast is a microorganism and as such its activity, that is, its abil- ity to produce carbon dioxide gas, can be inhibited by a number of naturally occurring materials. Dried fruits do contain such anti-microbial agents, this is part of the reason that fruited cakes take longer to grow mould. Although the fruit pieces are intact then the effect of these agents is small, but when the fruit skins are broken, they are more able to exert their inhibitory effect. The concentration of sugars in dried fruit is high and the breaking of the fruit skins releases these into the aqueous phase of the dough where the increased concentration also slows down gas production by the Bakers’ yeast. To avoid these effects, we suggest that you examine the mixing process and ensure that the fruit is added as late as possible consistent with achieving a through blending of the fruit into the dough. This will minimise the break- age of the fruit skins. You may also wish to examine the mixing speed and mixing action that you are using for the fruit addition. You may need to increase the water level that you are using to make the dough for your fruited products. This is because the addition of the dry fruit will absorb some of the dough water and produce a stiffer dough. This may lead to difficulties with fruit dispersion and the inclination to mix longer than neces- sary. If you can we suggest that you avoid the practice of making a plain dough, taking off part for your plain products and then adding fruit to the remainder. You will get much better results by making a dedicated fruited dough. Ideally, the temperature of the fruit that you use should be the same as that of your dough, otherwise, the fruit addition will give you a lower tem- perature and lower yeast activity. Some dried fruits may be treated with sulphur dioxide to help maintain their quality for long periods of time. When the fruit is added to the dough such pre-treatment may result in the formation of reducing agents which will adversely affects dough gas retention. This will be seen as a lack of oven spring though in severe cases, the effects may be seen in the prover as well. If you suspect that this is the cause of your problem, we recommend that you wash and drain the fruit before use, this normally solves the problem. If you wash the fruit remember to adjust the added water level to compensate for the wetter fruit. Bread and Other Fermented Products Chapter | 4 217

4.2.6 Our fruited buns frequently collapse when they leave the oven. We have tried baking them for longer but this does not cure the problem. Our fruited loaves made with the same dough do not have the problem. Can you advise? The cause of this problem is essentially the same as that described for the doughnuts (see Section 4.2.1). Namely that, the transition of the dough from a ‘foam’ to a ‘sponge’ (in the generic not specific cakemaking sense) is not occurring in the oven and the gases within the individual bubbles or cells are not diffusing out of the product into the surrounding atmosphere. During cooling, the external pressure becomes greater than the pressure within the intact bubbles and the product shrinks, collapses and the crust wrinkles. No amount of extra baking will cure the problem. To avoid the problem, you should look to reduce the sugar level in the formulation or reduce the ability of the dough to retain gas. It is well known that a mechanical shock delivered to many such products can be used to eliminate the product, so simply banging the trays as you remove them from the oven can reduce or even eliminate this problem. But care should be taken to avoid personal injury or damage to equipment and trays. If the mechanical shock is too violent, then it is possible to crack the crust surface of the product as it lacks the necessary flexibility to withstand the mechanical stresses. You are less likely to see the problem with the dough baked in pans because the standard procedure when you take the products out of the oven in smaller bakeries is to give the pans a sharp knock to release the product from the pan for cooling. This depanning action delivers the required mechanical shock necessary for the disruption of the gas cells. In industrial scale bakeries, automatic depanning may not help eliminate this problem. 218 Baking Problems Solved

4.2.7 We are making a fruited bun product and from time to time experience problems with the product flowing out during proof and baking. Can you identify the cause and suggest a remedy? There are a number of possible reasons for your product flowing during proof and baking. They include the following:

G Too much water in the dough. This may come from incorrect levels of addition or from the fruit if you have been soaking it. G The presence of the reducing agent glutahione arising from the disruption of yeast cell which have not been stored correctly (see Section 2.7.9). G Too much humidity in the prover which causes solubilisation of the pro- teins in the dough. G Residual sulphur dioxide in the dried fruit (see Section 4.2.5). As the problem is associated with a fruited product, we suggest that you thoroughly wash and dry the fruit before using it. If the problem persists, then you should look for a processing cause, such as excess humidity in the prover. Bread and Other Fermented Products Chapter | 4 219

4.2.8 When we cut open bread rolls and hamburger buns which have been stored in the deep freeze for a period of time, we observe a white ring just inside the crust which has a hard eating character. Where does this problem come from? The phenomenon that you have observed is commonly referred to as ‘freezer burn’ and arises from the movement of water within and from the product while still in the deep freeze. This type of problem was reported by Pence et al. (1958) who examined the whitened areas of products exhibiting the phenomenon and observed that they had a greater number of tiny voids asso- ciated with starch granules. These voids where linked with ice crystals which had sublimated from within the starch granules causing a greater opacity of the crumb and the whitened appearance during frozen storage. The change in the crumb texture from this effect also causes the crumb to have a harsh, dry eating quality arising from the lower moisture content. However, the effect does not come exclusively from the loss of moisture as the attempts to restore the crumb properties are largely unsuccessful. Even though, the product has been stored in a deep freeze running at about 220C not all of the aqueous phase in the product is ‘frozen.’ This arises because of freezeconcentration effects and the presence of soluble materials like salt and sugar. As water turns to ice crystals, the concentra- tion of the remaining aqueous phase in the product increases, and its ‘freezing point’ becomes lower (Cauvain and Young, 2008). Eventually, the concentration may become so low that the solution will not freeze even at 220C. Any increase in the product temperature during storage will enable some of the ‘unfrozen’ water present to diffuse from the product into the surround- ing atmosphere. This clearly happens with many frozen products, as it is not common to find ‘snow’ or ice within the wrapping material. The longer the product is held in the storage freezer, the greater is the accumulation of snow as the product progressively dehydrates. After the product has warmed in the storage freezer, any subsequent refreezing will take place very slowly from the surface inwards. This creates an interesting effect because the centre of the product often remains frozen; the surface begins to freeze quite quickly while a few millimetres under the surface freezes slowly. The end result is the formation of the white areas of freezer burn which commonly reflect the outer shape of the product. The problem can be minimised by paying attention to a few simple ‘housekeeping’ rules:

G Do not store the product for very long periods of time. G Check the actual storage temperature over a period of running time. The set temperature in the deep freeze is nominal, and the thermostat will allow some degree of fluctuation around the set point. 220 Baking Problems Solved

G Ensure that your storage freezer is regularly serviced and have the condi- tions of any automatic defrost cycles checked. G As much as possible avoid actions which allow the freezer temperature to rise excessively. For example, keep doors closed as much as possible and minimise loading and unloading times as much as practically possible.

References Cauvain, S.P., Young, L.S., 2008. Bakery Food Quality & Manufacture: Water Control and Effects, second ed. Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, UK. Pence, J.W., Standridge, N.N., Black, D.R., Jones, F.T., 1958. White rings in frozen bread. Cereal Chem. 35, 1526. Bread and Other Fermented Products Chapter | 4 221

4.2.9 We are not a large bakery but are planning to part-bake and freeze bread products for bake-off at some later time; what points should we be aware of? The bake-off of frozen bread products gives bakers flexibility of supply to their customers. However, in freezing and baking-off such products, it is important that they lose as little moisture as possible to reduce the rate at which the final baked product will firm (stale). When cooling the products after their first baking, the core temperature should be checked. A temperature of 30C should be aimed for in order to reduce the thermal shock that the products will experience when transferred to the freezer. It takes some time for heat to be drawn out from the product centre, whereas the surface will freeze very quickly. It is better to cool the bread to ambient temperature in the bakery rather than put hot bread in the freezer. Covering the products can help to reduce moisture losses but ensure that you do not get condensation on the product as this will affect the final crust quality. You will get best results if you are able to use a blast freezer rather than a chest-type freezer. The speed of the air movement in a blast freezer can remove as much as 23% moisture from the product. To limit moisture losses, keep the freezing times as short as possible. Product core tempera- tures after freezing should be in the order of 210C, but remember that pro- ducts with different dimensions (particular diameter or thickness) will freeze at different rates. Consider collating racks before loading and unloading the freezer i.e., fewer door openings or fitting an ‘air’ curtain. Opening the blast freezer door reduces its efficiency which means that the product takes lon- ger to freeze and loses more moisture to the bakery atmosphere. Once the products are frozen, you should get them into moisture-impermeable bags and into a storage freezer as quickly as possible to avoid moisture losses. The salt in the bread depresses the freezing point to around 24to26C and so once the temperature rises above this (for example, during packing) the product begins to defrost. Partial defrosting and then refreezing results in ‘freezer burn’; this shows as white patches in the crumb which are hard to the touch and have a harsh mouthfeel (see Section 4.2.10). The physical and chemical changes which have occurred in the crumb are not usually reversible so you need to take care of your storage conditions if you are to avoid this problem. Another common problem with frozen bake-off product is that called ‘shelling’ in which the crust of the product detaches from the crumb (Fig. 4.20). This phenomenon arises because the different moisture content of the crust and crumb cause the two components to freeze and defrost at 222 Baking Problems Solved

FIGURE 4.20 Shelling of frozen bake-off products. different rates which strains the physical links between the two. The prob- lem can occur at a number of stages of the bake-off process depending on its severity.

G During frozen storage, especially if the product is stored for long periods of time. G On defrosting before second baking. G After second baking. With prolonged storage times, you may see a combination of shelling and freezer burn. In preparing the product for bake-off, check the core temperature on defrosting in ambient conditions. Aim for a temperature of 25C (just defrosted). At bake-off consider using higher temperatures than for standard baking with shorter bake times. Moisture loss during second bake depends more on time than on temperature and so accurate timing of bake-off is essential if the product is not to lose too much moisture. Bake-off products will always stale faster than scratch products and excess loss of moisture (either in the freezing or the baking off) will exacerbate this staling (Cauvain and Young, 2008).

Reference Cauvain, S.P., Young, L.S., 2008. Bakery Food Manufacture and Quality; Water Control and Effects, second ed. Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, UK. Bread and Other Fermented Products Chapter | 4 223

4.2.10 When we reheat par-baked products we find that they remain soft for only a short period of time, typically an hour or so, but they quickly go hard and become inedible. If we do not reheat them, we find that par-baked products can stay fresh for several days. What causes the change in the rate of firming? Is it the additional moisture lost on the second bake? Your assumption is partly correct. Moisture will be lost from the products at both baking stages, and it is more than likely that the sum of the two mois- ture losses will exceed that of a single bake. The lower the moisture content of the product, the firmer the crumb. However, to fully answer your question we need to consider the process which cereal scientists call staling. Bread crumb firmness increases during storage even when no moisture is lost from the product. Schoch and French (1947) proposed the most com- monly accepted model for bread staling. Their model for bread staling was based on the changes in the two major fractions of the starch in wheat flour, the amylose and the amylopectin, post-baking and during storage. Raw starch granules in flour have an ordered or crystalline structure and during dough mixing those which have been physically damaged during flour milling become hydrated. In the dough entering oven the starch first swells as it absorbs water and then later gelatinises as the temperature increases to around 6065C. Gelatinisation disrupts the crystalline structure and the amylose diffuses into the aqueous phase to form an insoluble gel which con- tributes to a soft crumb structure. On leaving the oven the bread cools and the amylose fraction quickly re-associates; this process gives bread crumb its initial firmness. The other starch fraction, the amylopectin, takes much lon- ger to re-associate, usually several days. It is this process which is responsi- ble for crumb firming during prolonged storage and is the one most commonly associated with bread staling. If stale bread is reheated it is possible to reverse the amylopectin recrys- tallisation process and soften the crumb. However, when the breads cool the second time, there is a noticeable increase in the rate at which it goes firm; what used to take days now takes only a few hours. This increased staling rate is associated with the temperature that the product achieves during reheating. It is essential to melt the entire amylopectin fraction in the product which means that the centre crumb temperature should reach 65C. If this does not happen then a few un-melted crystals of amylopectin act as seed for the recrystallisation process which proceeds much faster as a result. Many users are cautious about re-heating bake-off products and are concerned to avoid excess surface colour, consequently the crumb does not reach the criti- cal temperature and re-firming rates can be rapid.

Reference Schoch, T.J., French, D., 1947. Studies in bread staling. 1. Role of starch. Cereal Chem. 24, 231249. 224 Baking Problems Solved

4.2.11 While reading about the manufacture of hamburger buns, we see references to the pH and TTA of the brew. What do these terms mean? When are they used and what is the purpose of controlling them? In the manufacture of hamburger buns, it is a common practice to pre-ferment part of the flour with water and yeast before adding the mixture to the remaining ingredients for mixing into the final dough and processing into buns. This pre-fermentation stage has a number of advantages including the modification of the rheological properties of the final dough which assist in improved processing and flow of the shapes in the pan. The other important change which occurs as a result of the pre-fermentation stage is the develop- ment of acidic flavour notes in the final product. During pre-fermentation the acidity of the dough falls and so the pH (see Section 10.1) of the brew falls. However, the measurement of pH alone does not provide the necessary information on the formation of acids in the brew, and it is common practice to measure the total titratable acidity (TTA). The TTA test measures both the dissociated acids (which directly impact pH) and the un-dissociated acids under specified conditions and provides relevant information on the expected flavour profile in the final baked product. In broad terms, the two properties are related in that the TTA of a brew increases as its pH falls. However, one of the problems associated with using pH as the sole predictor of the degree of fermentation in the brew is that some of the ingredients that may be used in baking have a buffering effect in the brew. The presence of buffering agents means that even though the amounts of organic acids in the brew increase, the hydrogen ion concentra- tion (pH) does not significantly decrease. In a number of parts of the world, the mandatory or voluntary addition of calcium carbonate to wheat flour introduces a significant buffering agent. It is worth noting that changes in brew pH and TTA are not exclusively controlled by bakers’ yeast fermentation. The presence of lactobacilli and other less desirable microorganisms in the flour can make significant contri- butions to the generation of organic acids. Regular cleaning out of the brew tanks is essential. Unexpected changes in TTA in the brew can often be an indicator of the presence of high levels of unwanted microorganisms can be an important indicator of the need to clean out the brew system.

Further reading Cauvain, S.P., 2015. Technology of Breadmaking, third ed. Springer Publishing International AG, Switzerland. Bread and Other Fermented Products Chapter | 4 225

4.2.12 We have problems with our retarded teacakes which have large holes underneath the top crust. We do not experience the same problem with scratch-made products. Why is this? Even though you are not experiencing a problem with your scratch produc- tion one of the possible causes of your problem may come from the shap- ing processes. In particular, the pressure applied during the pinning (sheeting) process may be causing some damage to the dough bubble structure underneath the upper surface of the dough. The dough pieces spend a long time in the retarder, and this extended period of gas produc- tion may tend to exaggerate the problem that might be seen on some occa- sions with scratch production. Some of the causes of damage to the gas bubble structure in the dough can come from the initial dough mixing and processing. For example, if the dough is stiff (lacks water) or cold then pinning pressures need to be higher to achieve the required shape and size. There is often a temptation to make doughs for the retarder at a lower temperature than with scratch production to help control or limit gas production before the product enters the retarder. However, this is to the detriment of dough development and yields a dough less able to withstand the stresses and strains applied during processing (especially rounding and pinning). It is better to use lower yeast levels to control gas production in the dough destined for the retarder rather than lower dough temperatures. The appearance of holes underneath the top crust of the retarded product can also be made worse if any skinning of the dough piece has taken place in the retarding stage. There is always some loss of moisture from the dough piece surface during retarding, but if this is too great, the upper sur- face of the piece loses flexibility. When the piece moves into the proof cycle the increased evolution of carbon dioxide in the dough increases the internal stresses within the piece. This may exploit any areas of weakness such as those arising from moulder damage to the gluten network. As skin- ning is less likely to occur with the scratch product the upper surface remains more flexible and better able to cope with the internal stresses and strains and perhaps explains why you do not see the problem with scratch- made products.

Further reading Cauvain, S.P., 2015. Technology of Breadmaking, third ed. Springer Publishing International AG, Switzerland. 226 Baking Problems Solved

4.2.13 When we retard our rolls before proving and baking we sometimes see a dark mark on the base immediately after baking and cooling. We see similar problems with our retarded doughnuts. Is this mould because we have left the products to cool on the trays before wrapping? We use silicon paper to bake on, does this aggravate the problem? It is unlikely that you problem is one associated with mould growth because you observe it so soon after baking. It is most unlikely that mould colonies would grow large enough to see in such a short time in spite of the high tem- peratures of the baked product. The dark spots are almost certainly caused by a chemical reaction between the dough pieces and any source of iron they have come into con- tact with. The most obvious source will be the baking sheets that you are using to hold the products in the retarder. The close contact between the base of the dough pieces and the iron tray ensures that the relative humidity in the area of contact remains high. The dough is slightly acid, commonly the pH is around 5.5, and this accelerates the reaction with the iron to form iron compounds which are dark in colour. The chemical composition of these compounds is similar those involved in the rusting processes associated with iron in damp environments. The reaction can be so strong that it is known to take place through the silicon paper that you are using if placed on iron trays. You should avoid using trays which are damaged, scratched or showing signs of rust. A better alternative may be to change to using aluminium or coated trays. The dough- nut wires that you are using may be tin-coated iron/steel and the coating may have worn sufficiently in places to expose the underlying source of iron for the chemical reaction to occur. You can get these re-tinned or change to an alternative metal form. Bread and Other Fermented Products Chapter | 4 227

4.2.14 We are retarding our roll and stick doughs overnight but find that the products made baked from them are covered with many small, white, almost translucent spots on the surface. We do not get the same problem with our scratch production using the same recipe. Can you give an explanation for their appearance and advise on how to get rid of them? The formation of small, white, almost translucent spots on the surface of retarded products is not uncommon (see Fig. 4.21). The principle reasons for the problem are associated with excess gas production in the retarding phase, especially if the dough lacks good gas retention. Gas production continues in dough after it enters the retarder. The rate of gas produced being directly related to the temperature of the retarder, the lower the retarder temperature the lower the rate of gas production. In fact, the production of carbon dioxide gas has been shown to continue in dough even when stored at 25C in a retarder. The release of carbon dioxide gas over the long storage period begins to inflate the small gas bubbles in the dough. When viewed under a low power microscope the larger gas bubbles held just underneath the top surface of the dough piece where white spots form appear to have water droplets hanging under their upper surface. This ‘free’ water may act as a diluent for the colour-forming components which normally contribute to crust colour and so on baking those particular bubbles appear white against a darker background. There has yet to be a full explana- tion for white spot formation on retarded products. However, the important role of moisture is indicated by the fact that white spots cannot occur on retarded products which have skinned.

FIGURE 4.21 White spots on retarded rolls. 228 Baking Problems Solved

Elimination of the white spots can be achieved in a number of different ways including:

G Ensuring that the dough has good gas retention, e.g., correctly mixed and choice of a suitable improver. G By not using a low dough temperature. Even though it is tempting to use a low dough temperature to control yeast activity, this action will reduce dough development and therefore gas retention. G By reducing yeast level to minimise gas production in the early stages of retarding. G By using as low a retarding temperature as possible without freezing the dough piece. G By avoiding delays between product make-up and loading the retarder.

Further reading Cauvain, S.P., 2015. Technology of Breadmaking, third ed. Springer Publishing International AG, Switzerland. Bread and Other Fermented Products Chapter | 4 229

4.2.15 We have been experimenting with retarding fruited rolls and buns. We find that the smaller products are quite satisfactory but loaves made using the same formulation and baked in pans have ‘stains’ around the fruit pieces and a darker crust colour than we would like. Can you please advise us on how to cure these problems? It is not unusual to see variations in quality when different forms of retarded products are made with the same dough formulation. The differences arise because it takes longer for the heat to be extracted from the centre of large dough pieces than it does from smaller ones. In your case, the pan loaves will cool and warm more slowly in the retarding and proof phases respec- tively. A key stage is the retarding phase which is intended to considerably slow down yeast activity in the dough so that it may be stored for extended periods before later warming and baking. In addition to yeast activity, there will be significant enzyme activity in the dough. In particular, the amylase enzymes will be reacting with the dam- aged starch in the flour and converting them to maltose. With the long stor- age periods which characterise retarding, there is significant potential for such activity. The maltose which is produced effectively increases the level of sugars that are present in the dough when it reaches the oven and this gives increased Maillard browning (see Section 4.1.14) which is the cause of the darker crust colour that you see. To minimise the crust colour increase, you should have the retarding temperature as low as possible, we suggest temperatures around 24C. The dough will not freeze because the presence of salt and sugar depress the freezing point. You will have to start your proofing phase a little earlier to allow for the slightly colder dough. If the above suggestions do not work, then you may have to make your buns loaves using a formula with a slightly lower sugar level. Another change which takes place in your products is the gradual seepage of sugars from the fruit into the surrounding dough. This occurs because the fruit and the dough have different moisture contents and water activities; first, water moves from the dough to the fruit pieces, then the sugars dissolve and the sugar solution diffuses out of the fruit back into the surrounding dough. The sugars coming out of the fruit are different from the sucrose that you have added and when they are heated they go brown at lower temperatures hence, the stains on the side of the loaves where the heat inputs are greater. This problem will be difficult to eliminate but again lowering the retard- ing temperature will reduce the rates of moisture transfer and diffusion of the sugar solution. Alternatively, you could wash the fruit to reduce its sugar content, drain off the excess moisture and allow the fruit to dry before using it. 230 Baking Problems Solved

4.2.16 We are retarding rolls in our retarder-prover and find that they lean to one side and lose weight during storage. Can you advise us as to how to cure these problems? All dough products lose some moisture during storage during retarding, and this accounts for the loss in weight that you are experiencing. The weight loss occurs because the relative humidity of the dough pieces (typically around 95%) is greater than that of the atmosphere in the retarder and there is evapo- ration of moisture from the dough surface. To maintain a high relative humid- ity in the retarder chamber, the evaporator coil surface is much larger than in standard refrigerator. This reduces the likelihood of moisture in the retarder chamber condensing out and forming ice on the cooling coils. Moisture which condenses lowers the relative humidity of the chamber atmosphere and increases the differential between the chamber air and the product so that the latter will continue to lose moisture in an attempt to achieve equilibrium. Moisture losses from retarded products can be reduced by lowering the cold storage temperature. We would recommend that you reduce your retard- ing temperature to below 0C but keep it above 25C, e.g., around 23C, to minimise weight losses. You may find it necessary to give a slightly lon- ger proof period to compensate for the slightly colder dough but the differ- ence should only be a few minutes. Lower yeast levels also lead to lower weight losses from the dough pieces, whatever the storage temperature used. If you do decide to use lower yeast levels, then you will certainly need to compensate by increasing proof times after retarding. Another factor which contributes to weight losses is the movement of air across the product. Commonly air velocities are low in retarders, and usually, they are just sufficient to maintain uniformity of the chamber air tempera- tures. High air velocities will lead to dehydration of the dough pieces though once again this can be reduced using lower retarding temperatures and lower yeast levels. The problem that you have with dough pieces leaning is linked with the weight losses that you are experiencing. If you look closely, you will notice that the dough pieces lean towards the air inlet. As the air enters the chamber and impinges on the dough piece, it drives off a little moisture from the first surface that it encounters but drives off relatively little moisture from the surfaces of the dough on the other side of the roll just as we notice less air movement when we stand in the lee of a hill on a windy day. The dehy- drated surface loses its flexibility and cannot expand when carbon dioxide gas is produced and even with the low levels generated in the retarder the dough pieces expand in a lop-sided fashion; i.e., leaning towards the air inlet. Once again lowering the retarding temperature should reduce this problem.

Further reading Cauvain, S.P., 2015. Technology of Breadmaking, third ed. Springer Publishing International AG, Switzerland. Bread and Other Fermented Products Chapter | 4 231

4.2.17 We are producing a variety of finger rolls using white flour. The rolls must be soft eating and retain their softness for several days; to achieve this we are using a roll concentrate. To help us cope with fluctuations in demand we freeze a proportion of our production, but find that the defrosted product is very fragile and may even fall apart. Can you help us overcome this problem? In addition to the fragility, you are experiencing the samples that you have provided, we see that they all have a very coarse cell structure and a dull, almost dark, crumb colour. The products were certainly very soft, but there was no resilience to the crumb which had a pasty eating quality. A key factor in delivering a soft and resilient crumb is the development of a fine and rela- tively uniform cell structure in the product; from our observations on your product this is not happening. A number of different factors will contribute to dough development; they include the choice of flour, roll concentrate (improver) and mixing conditions. Your product range is based on white flour but includes several variations with seeds and grains added. These will reduce and the gas retention proper- ties of the dough; in effect, you are asking the flour you are using to ‘carry’ some inert materials. As a basic choice, you should use a flour with a protein content of 1212.5% (on a 14% moisture basis) with a low ash or grade col- our figure (see Sections 2.2.1 and 2.2.2). The protein is the basic building block of dough development and will contribute to the crumb resilience which your products lack. Having chosen a suitable flour, it is just as important to choose a suitable mixing time for optimising the development of the gluten network. It turns out that you are using a spiral mixer with a combination of 2 minutes mixing on slow speed and 4 minutes in fast speed. You should increase the sec- ond speed mixing stage to at least 8 and even 10 minutes. You can compensate for the slightly higher dough temperature by using a lower water temperature. From the information that you provided, it would be perfectly reasonable to use a slightly higher dough temperature as this will increase the oxidation potential of the AA in your roll concentrate. Currently, your dough tempera- ture is only 2224C, you can certainly increase this to 2628C. If you experience problems with excess gassing during processing slightly reduce the level of yeast in your recipe. If you optimise your choice of flour and dough mixing conditions, you may find that you can reduce the level of roll concentrate that you use. The components in the roll concentrate that make contributions to crumb softness are the fat, emulsifiers and some of the enzymes present; currently, you are relying on these to deliver a soft product, but you should see these as a ‘top-up’ to basic dough development not an alternative to it. 232 Baking Problems Solved

4.2.18 Can you tell us something about Chinese steamed breads and their production? We make our standard breads using the Chorleywood bread process, would we be able to make these products using this process? Chinese steamed breads, or ‘man-t’ou,’ are known to have been eaten in China for around 3000 years. They are a staple food of the wheat growing areas of northern China but are consumed throughout the country, commonly warm at breakfast though they are often available at all mealtimes. They are known in many other countries throughout south-east Asia and increasingly further afield. It derives its common name, steamed bread, from the characteristic method of steaming (rather than baking) which produces a round, roll-sized product with a smooth, white, thin crust. Externally the surface should be free from blemishes. Internally, the products have a close cell structure, bright crumb colour and a distinctly chewy eating character. The product is mainly eaten plain though sweet and savoury fillings may be used. They are eaten warm. The tradition is for the product to be freshly made, often using overnight fermentation so that the product is ready for breakfast. A common recipe and method for their traditional production is based on a mixture of 100 parts of a low protein breadmaking flour, 0.5 parts yeast and 5055 parts water; there is no salt in the recipe. The dough is thor- oughly mixed (commonly by hand) and fermented for 316 hours. The yeast level may be adjusted to use less for the longer fermentation times. Should the dough soften excessively during the fermentation time then more flour may be added, the dough re-mixed and then allowed to stand for about another 15 minutes before processing. After fermentation the bulk dough is divided into 100200 g pieces and either moulded round or to a rough cylindrical shape. A short proof period of about 15 minutes is given before transferring the pieces to the steamer where they are steamed for 1520 minutes suspended on wire mesh trays. The spe- cific volume of the final product is modest, typically around 2.0 mL/g which is much lower than that of UK pan breads (around 3.5 mL/g). The application of the CBP to the production of Chinese steam bread has been studied and found that it was possible. Cauvain and Young (2006) pub- lished the following details:

Ingredient % Flour weight

Untreated flour 100 Compressed yeast 1 Water 60 Ascorbic acid 0.0075 (75 ppm flour weight) Bread and Other Fermented Products Chapter | 4 233

G The dough was mixed at atmospheric pressure to a total of 11 Wh/kg dough in the mixer. G Final dough temperature 30 6 1 C G Scale at 100 or 200 g. G Mould round G No intermediate proof. G Prove at 40 C and 85% relative humidity; 15 minutes for 100 g and 30 minutes for 200 g pieces. G Steam for 1520 minutes. Some of the ‘conventional’ CBP recipe and processing parameters were not suitable for the manufacture of Chinese steamed bread. One of the reasons for these findings was probably related to the low product specific volume that was expected. In summary, their key findings were as follows:

G The optimum flour protein was around 10% (on a 14% moisture basis); higher protein flours tended to cause product collapse. G High level of AA caused product collapse. G The addition of fat caused small depressions on the product surface. G Work inputs of less than 11 Wh/kg resulted in cavities under the top sur- face of the product, while higher level caused product collapse. G High cereal alpha-amylase caused dough handling problems and product collapse. In summary, their findings showed that Chinese steamed bread made by the CBP required little by way of the addition of dough conditioners or bread improvers to deliver the required product quality. Most steamed bread products call for a white flour essentially free from bran particles which would otherwise spoil the appearance of the crust. However, not all steamed breads are based on white wheat flour; one varia- tion is made using a proportion of buckwheat flour which yields a product with a distinctive flavour and even more distinctive purple colour.

Reference Cauvain, S.P., Young, L.S., 2006. The Chorleywood Bread Process. Woodhead Publishing Ltd, Cambridge, UK. 234 Baking Problems Solved

4.2.19 What is cinnamon twist bread and how could we make it? The distinctive feature of cinnamon twist bread is that it prepared by spread- ing a cinnamon-based filling onto a sheet of bread dough and then rolling the dough up like a Swiss roll. The end result is a loaf which when cut open has a ‘swirl’ of filling from the rolling process. We have traced a recipe and method for this unusual product which you could use as a basis for some trials. Dough

Ingredient % Flour weight

Bread flour 100.0 Yeast 5.0 Water 55.0 Liquid whole egg 10.0 Honey 4.0 Salt 1.9 Skim milk powder 6.0 Sugar 6.0 Fat 10.0

Filling Based on a dry mix of caster sugar and cinnamon in the ratios of 7:1.

Processing details G Mix the dough and ferment for 1 hour at about 25 C. G Scale the bulk dough into units of 22.5 kg, mould round and rest for about 10 minutes. G Sheet the dough pieces to 10mm thickness, brush with butter or marga- rine and sprinkle on the filling. G Roll up the dough forming a long cylinder which can be cut into the length required for your pan. We suggest that the finished weight should be around 250280 g. G Prove for about 40 minutes. Avoid full or over-proof as the dough softens and is liable to flow over the sides of the pans and lose its ‘loaf’ shape. G Bake at about 190 C for 2530 minutes. The high sugar content will give a dark crust colour. If this is too dark you could cut back on the added sugar though this may affect the sweetness of the product. Chapter 5

Cakes, Sponges and Muffins

5.1 WHAT IS THE FLOUR-BATTER METHOD OF CAKEMAKING? The flour-batter method of cakemaking is based on two separate stages of air incorporation which are later combined before mixing is completed. It involves splitting the flour into two portions, the first to be creamed with the fats and the second portion to be mixed into the batter at a later stage. At the same time as the flour and fat are being mixed, the eggs and sugar are whisked together using a second machine to form a foam (similar to the pro- duction of sponge cakes). Typically, the fats are creamed with an equal weight (or slightly less) of flour until a creamy mixture is obtained. About 400 g flour to 450 g fat (14 oz flour to 1 lb fat) is recommended. The egg is whisked with its own weight of sugar. This whisking need not be as thorough as for sponge cakes, and aeration should not go too far or the cakes will be too large in volume and have a friable crumb. About 5 or 6 minutes on second or fast speed with a planetary mixer is usually adequate. There is a greater possibility of getting a batter too light (low density) when using this method than when making cakes by the sugar-batter method (see Section 5.2). When the eggsugar foam is ready, it is added to the flour and fat batter, while the machine is running at a moderate speed. The foam may be added in small portions Usually in four or five parts, each portion being beaten in before the next portion is added. Alternatively, it may be run in as a con- tinuous stream. When both batters are mixed, any remaining flour and bak- ing powder can be mixed in, either by hand or at the slowest machine speed. For fruited cakes, the fruit is added when the flour is almost mixed in. Any minor ingredients such as essences or colours should be added to the fat and flour while beating. If milk is added, then this should be done at the time of adding the second portion of flour. Where the weight of sugar is greater than the weight of eggs, the extra sugar should be dissolved in the milk along with colours and salt (if used). This gives a better distribution of the colour throughout the cake batter.

Baking Problems Solved. DOI: © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. 235 236 Baking Problems Solved

If glycerine is used in flour-batter cakes, this may be added to either the sponge or to the flour batter, usually the latter before the two are mixed together. When milk powder is used instead of liquid milk, the necessary quantity of powder is added along with the second portion of flour, whereas the necessary amount of moisture in the form of water is added and the bat- ter is mixed as before. This method enables the eggs to be added far more quickly and with far less possibility for curdling of the batter. In the sugar-batter method, adding the eggs too quickly can result in curdling (see Section 5.3). Another advan- tage of the flour-batter method is that by semi-foaming the eggs with the sugar, a more even texture is imparted to the cake. As most of the flour has been creamed with the fats, there is relatively little of it to be amalgamated at the critical moment in cakemaking after all the eggs are in, so the poten- tial for toughening of the batter by overworking is reduced. All of the ingredients should be at the same temperature before mixing starts to ensure that a suitable temperature is achieved in the final cake bat- ter, typically around 20C. Part of the traditional rationale behind the flour-batter method was to ‘waterproof’ the flour by blending it with fat and so limiting the potential development of gluten structure in the batter. In fact, the formulation of cake batters and their viscosity mean that the development of gluten network such as seen in bread dough, is unlikely. Cakes, Sponges and Muffins Chapter | 5 237

5.2 WHAT IS THE SUGAR-BATTER METHOD OF CAKEMAKING? With this cakemaking method, a batter is formed on the basis of an emulsion of oil/fat in water with air bubbles trapped in the solid fat phase. The other ingredients are dissolved or dispersed in the water phase. The fats and sugar are creamed together until the mixture is light. Usually, this takes about 10 minutes but does depend on the temperature and creaming qualities of the fat and the type of mixer used. You will not be able to achieve the desired result using only liquid oil. Many commercial bakers mix the batter to a fixed specific gravity (see Section 10.2). The liquid egg is then added in four or five portions over a period of 5 to 7 minutes with creaming of the mixture between additions to prevent the batter curdling. Egg, and the other ingredients, should be at the correct temperature (typically, 21C/70F is considered optimum) as this will also assist in avoiding curdling of the batter (see Section 5.3). Once, all the eggs have been creamed in, the batter should have a smooth, velvety look and texture. Flavouring can then be added followed by sifted flour and all other powders and any additional milk or water. These are gently mixed into the batter. Any fruit should be added when clearing the batter (i.e., the last stages of mixing to ensure that there are no unmixed ingredients remaining). It is not advisable to mix the fruit with the flour as some flour may stick to the fruit and could cause the formation of larger holes in the baked cake. It is important in all cakemaking processes to have correct temperatures and mixing conditions to ensure consistent product quality. 238 Baking Problems Solved

5.3 WHY DO OUR CAKE BATTERS MADE BY THE SUGAR- BATTER METHOD SOMETIMES HAVE A CURDLED APPEARANCE? AND DOES THIS AFFECT FINAL CAKE QUALITY? Curdled batters are usually the fault of carelessness or haste during prepa- ration of the ingredients or mixing. If all the ingredients in the batter are at a similar temperature, they will blend to form a thick, smooth cream. However, if the eggs are added too quickly causing the butter or solid fat particles to separate from the water in the mixture, breaking down the emulsion, the mixture will become curdled. It will also happen if the butter or margarine, which contains water as well as fat, is used in a hard rather than a soft condition. This problem may well be evident in the case of rich recipes e.g., such as those formulation containing a high percentage of eggs, particularly, if the eggs have low solids, or if poor quality frozen eggs are used. Care should be taken to get the batter and eggs at a suitable temperature, and the eggs should be added slowly. Each portion of egg should be ade- quately beaten in before the next quantity is added. Batter can be prevented from curdling by: 1. Ensuring all ingredients is at the correct mixing temperature, typically 2022C (70F). 2. Adding a small quantity of flour at the first signs of curdling. 3. Using a high-ratio shortening containing an emulsifier. If the recipe includes a high ratio of sugar and liquid to flour, it is essen- tial that a high-ratio shortening, or an emulsifier in conjunction with plain shortening, is used. Generally, curdling will not significantly affect the final cake quality, provided the recipe is properly balanced. This is because any water which separates out during curdling is later reabsorbed when the flour is added. Cakes, Sponges and Muffins Chapter | 5 239

5.4 WE ARE EXPERIENCING SOME VARIATION IN CAKE QUALITY, ESPECIALLY VOLUME. HOW IMPORTANT IS IT TO CONTROL THE TEMPERATURE OF OUR CAKE BATTERS? Almost all of the processes which are critical to successful cake quality are initiated in the mixing stages, so to maintain consistent batter and final cake qualities, it is important to maintain a standard batter temperature. Variations in cake batter temperatures will have significant impact on the following processes:

G The rate at which the soluble ingredients, mainly the sugars will dissolve; the lower the batter temperature, the longer it will take for the sugars to dissolve. This can have a profound impact when using coarser grained sugars such as the granulated form and can contribute to the formation of white spots or speckles on the baked cake (see Section 5.19). G The rate at which the starch in the flour will hydrate; the lower the batter temperature the slower the starch will be to hydrate. G The creaming and aeration properties of the fat; in general, the lower the batter temperatures the poorer the creaming properties of the fat in the sugar-batter method of cakemaking (see Section 5.2) and the lower the likely aeration of the batter with all cakemaking methods. In the latter case, the baked cakes may lack volume and have poor eating qualities. However, the precise impact of temperature on fat performance depends on the solid fat index profile which is determined by the mixture of oils which make up the fat (see Section 2.3.1). G The functions of emulsifiers used to aid batter aeration will be affected. G The rate at which the baking powder components will react. All chemical reactions proceed more slowly when the temperature falls or proceed more rapidly when the temperature rises. Of all of the potential impacts of variations in cake batter temperature the impact on baking powder reactions is perhaps the most important one. Variations in the rate of release of carbon dioxide from the baking powder reaction have direct impacts on cake shape, volume and structure (see Section 2.6.9). G The control of batter deposit weight will be more difficult to achieve because of variations in batter density linked with fat and emulsifier per- formance and baking powder reaction rates from batch to batch. In summary, you can expect that variations in the temperature of the batter that you produce will be associated with variations in cake shape, volume, appearance and structure. 240 Baking Problems Solved

5.5 HOW DO WE CALCULATE THE LIKELY TEMPERATURE OF OURCAKEBATTERATTHEENDOFMIXINGANDWHAT TEMPERATURE SHOULD WE AIM FOR? The prediction of the batter temperature at the end of mixing is relatively straightforward because the main inputs to the calculation come from the temperatures of the ingredients. Cake and other batters have a relatively low viscosity and their low resistance to mixing means that relatively little heat is generated in the mixing process. There may some influence from the ambient temperature and equipment temperatures, but this is usually con- fined to times when there are extremes of temperature, e.g., on cold start-up. To calculate the likely cake batter temperature, you need only prepare a simple table of the ingredient contributions and calculate the weighted aver- age. Due to the high level of water present in various forms in the formula- tion, it is less important to take into account the specific heat capacity of the various ingredients than would be the case with bread dough. The following example will help to illustrate the process:

Ingredient Mass (kg) Temperature (C) Mass 3 Temperature

Flour 100 25 2500 Fat 50 20 1000 Baking powder 2 25 50 Sugar 110 25 2750 Liquid egg 30 4 120 Water 75 15 1125 Total 367 7545

sumðmass 3 temperatureÞ 7545 Batter temperature 5 5 5 20:6C: total mass 367 If you want to achieve a consistent batter temperature and want to com- pensate for variations in ingredient temperature then we suggest that you adjust the water temperature. This simply means substituting the temperature of the water in the above table with an unknown, say T and then use the fol- lowing calculation: The required final batter temperature is 20C. Thus, 367 3 20 5 6420 1 ð75 3 TÞ Cakes, Sponges and Muffins Chapter | 5 241 where 6420 is the sum (mass 3 temperature) of ingredients without the water contribution. Rearranging this gives ð367 3 20Þ 2 6420 T 5 75 so T, the required water temperature 5 12.3C. We would recommend that the final cake batter temperature in the region is 1824C. Low batter temperatures may lead to curdling (separation) of the batter (see Section 5.3), impaired performance of the fat and unduly delayed release of carbon dioxide from the baking powder (see Section 2.6.9). All flours exhibit a phenomenon known as ‘heat of hydration’ (Wheelock and Lancaster, 1970); that is when flour and water are mixed together, there is an increase in the temperature of the mix beyond the contribution of the individual ingredients. The drier the flour the greater will be the heat of hydration. Many heat-treated flours (see Section 2.2.17) have moisture con- tents significantly below 14%, and this means that the heat of hydration can be significant. The heat of hydration can be calculated according to the for- mula provided by Wheelock and Lancaster and should be deducted from the target batter temperature before undertaking the appropriate calculations. In practice, the effects are relatively small and seldom account for an increase in batter temperature of more than 12C. However, even such relatively small increases can have an effect on the rate of reaction (ROR) of the bak- ing powder and should be taken into account to minimise the impact on final product quality (Cauvain and Young, 2008).

References Cauvain, S.P., Young, L.S., 2008. Bakery Food Manufacture and Quality: Water Control and Effects. Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, UK. Wheelock, T.D., Lancaster, E.B., 1970. Thermal properties of wheat flour. Starke 22, 4448. 242 Baking Problems Solved

5.6 WE USE AN ALL-IN CAKEMAKING METHOD FOR THE MANUFACTURE OF OUR PLAIN CAKES. OCCASIONALLY, WE EXPERIENCE LOSS OF VOLUME AND THE TOP OF THE BAKED PRODUCT BECOMES PEAKED RATHER THAN FLAT. IT HAS BEEN SUGGESTED THAT WE ARE OVER-MIXING THE BATTER AND DEVELOPING THE GLUTEN IN THE FLOUR; IS THIS CORRECT? First, it is rather difficult to develop a gluten structure in cake batters of sim- ilar strength to that seen in bread doughs. There are two main reasons for this; one is related to the nature of cake formulations and the other to the vis- cosity of the batter. Cake recipes typically contain high levels of sucrose and other sugars which dissolve in the water present in the batter and limit the availability for hydration of the gluten-forming proteins in the flour. Some multi-stage cakemaking methods have evolved which attempt to further limit the development of the gluten network by using the mixing of fat and flour as a preliminary stage; the flour-batter method is one such method (see Section 5.1). The water levels in cake batter recipes with respect to the recipe flour weight are significantly higher than that see with bread dough recipes; typi- cally, the recipe water level will be equal to that of the flour weight in cakes, whereas it seldom exceeds 70% in bread dough recipes. The high level of recipe water significantly lowers the viscosity of the batter and reduces the ability of mixing equipment to transfer energy to the batter. In breadmaking, the significant resistance of the dough during mixing is essential for the transfer of energy, and as the frictional forces are low in cake batters, it is highly unlikely that a ‘developed’ gluten network is present. There is a wheat protein network in the final batters, but it is unlikely that this plays a signifi- cant role in creating your problem. You are using an all-in cake batter mixing method, and it is perfectly fea- sible to manufacture cake batters in this way. However, as all of the ingredi- ents are present at the start of mixing, all of the reactions which are associated with cakemaking will be initiated. In the context of your problem, an important one is the generation of carbon dioxide gas from the baking powder that you are using. As the gas is generated, the continued agitation of the batter permits the escape of a proportion of the carbon dioxide during the mixing process itself and the longer the mixing time the greater is the potential for the loss of carbon dioxide gas. Cakes, Sponges and Muffins Chapter | 5 243

In essence, a long mixing time is delivering a cake batter similar in con- stituents to that containing low or reduced level of baking powder; if you reduce the level of baking powder in a cake recipe, you will certainly get low volume products and a peaked shape. The obvious solution is to avoid over-mixing the batter and work with a fixed mixing time. You will also need to ensure that you are not allowing the final batter temperature to rise too high as this can also cause premature release of carbon dioxide. Much as you should fix your mixing time, you should fix your final batter temperature (see Section 5.4). If you continue to have problems, then you may consider changing the composition of you bak- ing powder to one with a lower ROR (see Section 2.6.9). 244 Baking Problems Solved

5.7 WHEN MAKING FRUIT CAKES, WE FIND THAT THE FRUIT SETTLES TO THE BOTTOM OF THE CAKE AFTER BAKING. WHY IS THIS? AND WHAT CAN WE DO ABOUT IT? The settling or sinking of fruit in cakes is connected with the viscosity and density of the batter during the early stages of baking. If the initial viscosity decrease during baking is too great, the fruit, being of higher density than the batter, will sink, whereas the latter is still in a semi-liquid state rather like a stone would sink in water. The denser or the larger the pieces of fruit, e.g., whole cherries, the greater their potential for sinking in the batter. To prevent the fruit, whether it be cherries, sultanas or other particulate materials, e.g., chocolate chips, from sinking the batter viscosity in the early stages of baking must be increased. There are various ways in which this problem can be overcome, such as recipe changes, using high protein cake flour, the additions of hydrocolloids such as cellulose gums, decreasing the batter pH or processing changes, e.g., by adjusting baking conditions. In high-ratio cake recipes, the batters are always more fluid than tradi- tional types of batters by the end of mixing. However, the use of chlorinated or heat-treated flours will give a more viscous batter than untreated flours during baking. In such fruit cakes, it is common to add tartaric acid or some other organic acid in excess of that found in baking powder. Lowering the batter pH is probably the most effective remedy to your problem as the extra acidity increases the contribution to batter viscosity of the proteins present in the flour, egg and other raw materials. The levels of addition are small, typi- cally, 0.2% to 0.3% tartaric acid based on flour weight is added. Another remedy involves ensuring that the batter does not remain in a fluid state for too long. In some cases, baking at a slightly higher tempera- ture reduces the time that the batter viscosity is at its lowest. Reducing the baking powder, particularly for larger units or slab cakes, will reduce the bat- ter aeration during the slower baking conditions normally required for these large sizes of cake and so keeps the batter more viscous for longer periods. Eggs also have an effect on the viscosity of the batter. The addition of too much egg can cause the batter density to become too low. Generally, fro- zen egg once thawed is a more viscous product than freshly broken shell egg. The addition of too much raising agent can have the same effect on lowering batter density. The fruit itself should not escape scrutiny. Washed but not properly dried fruit will have a tendency to sink. The extra water associated with the fruit will cause the batter to be less viscous and add to the potential for it to sink. In more traditional cakemaking methods, it is often proposed that the dried fruit can be dressed with the recipe flour (not extra flour) to coat it and help prevent its downward movement by providing a ‘granular’ coating. The mix- ture should be added at the end of mixing after the flour has been added to the batter. This is not a very practical solution in commercial bakeries. Cakes, Sponges and Muffins Chapter | 5 245

Older recipe books show that bakers have added a small quantity of ground almonds to the mixing. During baking, this will have sufficient bind- ing and swelling effect to counteract the force of gravity acting on the fruit. However, this can add to the costs of the recipe and may cause other pro- blems, e.g., in the safety of the product when marketing for people with nut allergies. Additions of other starches, e.g., cornflour, should be avoided because they have different gelatinisation characteristics to wheat starch and may lower batter viscosity at the critical moment during baking. Another cause of sinking fruit is using too weak a flour, that is, one with a low protein content. Most flour suppliers will have a slightly higher protein trea- ted flour (typically around 1112%) which can be used for fruit cakemaking. If you are making lower ratio cake recipes, then you can use a good quality bread flour. 246 Baking Problems Solved

5.8 CAN WE FREEZE CAKE BATTERS AND WHAT HAPPENS TO THEM DURING STORAGE? Cake batters can be frozen successfully and frozen cake batters may be pur- chased to reduce the wastage that might occur with scratch production where consumer demand is often less predictable. For those purchasing frozen cake batters, the advantages include:

G No storage or handling of raw materials (apart from product decoration). G No ingredient weighing or mixing on site. G Specialist centralised production improving the chances of optimal prod- uct quality. G Improved ability to meet peak demands for a variety of cake products. Cake batters can be frozen and stored for up about 2 or 3 months before any substantial quality losses in quality of the final product are encountered. Cake batters do not freeze until temperatures between 212 and 220C (11 and 6F). The temperature will vary depending upon the level of dis- solved salts and sugars because their presence depresses the freezing point of the free water in the batter. The high sugar concentration in most dried fruits will further depress the freezing temperature of fruited cake batters. The time taken to freeze the batter will be shorter at lower air temperatures and higher air velocities in the freezer. Care should be taken not to expose the frozen batter to temperatures above its freezing point between production, distribution and storage as unplanned thawing can lead to deformation of the batter in the container. Some loss of volume will occur with cakes produced from batters which have been deep frozen and stored at 220C. This loss of volume will be progres- sive with increasing storage time. A long storage time will also lead to a firmer and less tender crumb in the baked product. However, with care, the product should still have acceptable volume, crumb texture and taste when baked. The crust of the cake may have a marbled appearance due to the batter drying out during storage causing localised excess sugar at the surface of the cake. The frozen batters should be removed from the deep freeze and can either be given a short defrosting period, or baked immediately from frozen. The defrosting method has no significant effect on cake quality though a slight surface discolouration may occur when product is baked from frozen, but this may not be a disadvantage if the cake is to be decorated. Baking condi- tions should be as normal but if baking from frozen a longer baking time may be required.

Further reading Cauvain, S.P., Young, L.S., 2008. Bakery Food Manufacture & Quality: Water Control and Effects, second ed. Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, UK. Cakes, Sponges and Muffins Chapter | 5 247

5.9 WHY DO CAKES GO MOULDY? Mould growth is the visible sign that the product has been contaminated with mould spores in an environment suitable for their growth. Such spores can be present in the batter but are usually killed in the baking process. However, as there are many spores in the atmosphere, it is likely that mould spores will settle upon the surfaces of baked cakes as soon as they leave the oven, during cooling and packing, and if the conditions are favourable, they will grow and thus spoil your products. All products will suffer some level of contamination and are unlikely to be ‘mould-free’. However, the mould spores are too small for us to see with the naked eye, and it is only when the colonies have grown large enough for them to become visible that we con- sider the product to be mouldy. The moulds which grow on cakes need water and oxygen to thrive. Ingredients in the cake can ‘lock up’ water so that it is no longer available for use by the moulds. A measure of the amount of water held by the ingre- dients is the equilibrium relative humidity, ERH. This is sometimes referred to as the ‘water activity’. ERH is measured on a scale of 0% to 100%, water activity on a scale 0 to 1.0. The higher the ERH the greater the potential for mould growth will be. Cake products usually have an ERH in the range 7585%. The ERH of a product is different from its moisture content, and whilst the moisture content is a good indicator of the product’s eating char- acteristics, it is the ERH which governs mould growth. The rate at which the moulds grow is also dependent on the temperature of storage and the level of initial contamination. In general terms, the higher the storage temperature (up to around 33C), the faster the mould growth will be. For example, with an ERH of 86%, the cake would have a mould- free shelf-life of about 10 days for a storage temperature of 21C (70F) and of about 6 days if stored at 27C (80F). It is possible to measure the ERH of a cake product. Representative sam- ples of the product are carefully prepared and can be measured using a water activity meter. Alternatively, the product ERH can be calculated from rele- vant recipe ingredient and baking data. Some ingredients have the ability to hold on to water better than others. For example, salt and glycerine are very effective and additions can prevent some of the water in the recipe from being used by the moulds. Increasing sugar content or reducing water content can also extend shelf-life provided the eating characteristics desired are still maintained. 248 Baking Problems Solved

It is important to have as clean an atmosphere as possible postbaking to reduce the potential for spore contamination. The following suggestions may reduce such contamination: 1. After detinning allow products to cool without removing any lining paper. All surfaces in contact with the cake should be clean, dry and free from flour dust. Preferably cooling should not take place in the bakery but in a temperature-controlled area. 2. If the product is to be cut or decorated ensure that all utensils used are clean and dry and wrap immediately after further processing. 3. Store the product in a cool place before dispatch. 4. In larger bakeries, ‘clean room’ technologies can be effective at limiting contamination of products before and during wrapping. Further reading Cauvain, S.P., Young, L.S., 2008. Bakery Food Manufacture & Quality: Water Control and Effects, second ed. Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, UK. Cakes, Sponges and Muffins Chapter | 5 249

5.10 IN THE LIGHT OF THE PREVIOUS QUESTION, WHY DO HEAVILY FRUITED CAKES GO MOULDY MORE SLOWLY? AND ARE THERE ANY SPECIAL CONDITIONS WE SHOULD OBSERVE WHILE MAKING CHRISTMAS PUDDINGS? Vine fruits used in heavily fruited products, such as Christmas cakes and puddings, etc., have natural mould-inhibiting properties. This is partly as a result of the high natural sugars present in the fruit which lowers the ERH of the product and so extends the shelf-life. Also there are traces of natural preservatives in the fruit skins which while not changing the batter ERH will improve the product mould-free shelf-life because they provide a natural inhibitor for mould growth. Care must be taken, however, with products like these that the cake or pudding is cooled properly before packing to ensure that there is no localised condensation on the surface of the product. Localised condensation provides areas high in moisture and, while the overall ERH of the product may be adequate to ensure the desired mould-free shelf-life, on these localised areas, the relative humidity and moisture content can be high enough to allow mould growth at a faster rate. In Christmas-pudding production, the steaming process actually adds moisture to the product rather than removes it as is the case with conven- tional baking. An allowance must be made for this extra moisture in the final product when determining its ERH and subsequent likely mould-free shelf- life. Usually, Christmas puddings have an ERH below 80% and a moisture content between 25% and 28%. On storage, the space in the container above the pudding can become saturated (owing to the evaporation of moisture from the product into the atmosphere in the pack). If the storage tempera- tures fluctuate grossly, then moisture can condense and fall onto the product surface either by spot condensation from the packaging film or on the sides of the container. The local atmosphere then becomes favourable to mould growth. If the pudding basins are not adequately filled with the pudding mix- ture, water enters while they are still boiling and remains to a much greater extent than if the basins/containers had been well filled and tightly sealed before boiling. When the puddings are boiling, the water must not be allowed to cease boiling because if the temperature falls, the puddings are inclined to contract, and water might enter between the container and the outside of the pudding. After steaming, the puddings should be cooled with the top surfaces exposed to permit drying out without risk of condensation and allowed to dry for 2448 hours before packing.

Further reading Cauvain, S.P., Young, L.S., 2008. Bakery Food Manufacture and Quality: Water Control and Effects, second ed. Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, UK. 250 Baking Problems Solved

5.11 UNEXPECTEDLY, WE ARE GETTING MOULD BETWEEN OUR DECORATED CAKES AND THE BOARD ON WHICH THEY SIT. WHY SHOULD THIS HAPPEN? Mould spores are always present in the atmosphere in a bakery, particularly where there may be poor hygiene or an excess of flour dust. Moulds in flour dust are usually destroyed during baking. The board itself may not be the source of contamination though this cannot be discounted. The cake may have picked up the mould spores postbaking, for example, from a surface in the bak- ery on which there was flour dust. If the spores are picked up and the cake is subsequently iced, they are sealed by placing the cake on the board. The humid conditions which will be created in those circumstances provide the appropriate conditions for the mould spores to germinate and develop mould colonies. This problem only occurs with cakes of high ERH (equilibrium relative humidity). Usually, there is a certain amount of air trapped between the board and the cake surfaces. If the relative humidity (RH) of the localised trapped air is below 75%, mould growth will not take place despite the initial contamination. This can be achieved by painting the base of the cake with a concentrated sugar solution (thus lowering the RH) before putting it on the base board the basis of the tradition of painting on a fruit puree onto the surface of cakes. A practical, low cost solution is to raise a fondant to boiling point and paint it over the base of the cake. The syrup is largely absorbed and also helps to act as an adhesive to keep the cake in place on the board. Eventually, moisture migration will take place between the cake crust and crumb and the whole cake will come into equilibrium but for a long time the desired localised reduction in ERH near the base is maintained which limits mould growth. Similarly, the top surface of a sponge, which may have become contami- nated from mould spores in the atmosphere and which is subsequently iced, can exhibit mould growth of this nature between the cake surface and the coating. It is very difficult to eliminate contamination of this type, but it can be reduced by placing the cakes on a clean dust-free surface and covering them with, for example, greaseproof paper prior to packing. The boards should be stored in a dry place and protected from contamination by dust.

Further reading Cauvain, S.P., Young, L.S., 2008. Bakery Food Manufacture and Quality: Water Control and Effects, second ed. Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, UK. Cakes, Sponges and Muffins Chapter | 5 251

5.12 WE ARE EXPERIENCING MOULD GROWTH ON THE SURFACE OF OUR ICED CHRISTMAS CAKES. THIS IS THE FIRST TIME WE HAVE HAD THIS PROBLEM AND CANNOT EXPLAIN WHY. CAN YOU? Christmas and celebration cakes need to be stored with care to avoid mould growth on their surface. This mould growth is caused by localised areas of high moisture on the surface of the iced cake. These localised high moisture areas can often form because the presence of undissolved sugar crystals in the icing which makes it hygroscopic. If cakes are stored in a container before they are completely cool, condensation can form on the surfaces of the container or wrapping material and drop onto the cake forming areas of high moisture which are good breeding grounds for mould. This type of cake can be a particular problem because they are stored for long periods of time. A good way to avoid this problem is to cool the cakes completely and then to wrap them in greaseproof paper before place them in tins with a few holes for ventilation. The tins should then be stored in a cool, dry place. The cakes should not lose too much moisture during storage because the average ERH will be low and this limits evaporative losses. 252 Baking Problems Solved

5.13 WE ARE EXPERIENCING A ‘MUSTY’, OFF-ODOUR DEVELOPING IN OUR CAKES, EVEN THOUGH WE STORE THEM IN A DEEP FREEZE. CAN YOU ADVISE? Due to their high sugar content cakes are susceptible to picking up both moisture and odours from the surrounding atmosphere. Care should be taken to keep the areas and surfaces of all containers clean and free from other materials which might impart odours into the atmosphere. In the case of a deep freeze, it is important to regularly flush out with clean water any stag- nant water which might accumulate in the drip tray near the evaporator. Such water provides a breeding ground for moulds and bacteria which can produce odours that are readily absorbed by the cakes. Cakes, Sponges and Muffins Chapter | 5 253

5.14 WE REGULARLY MEASURE THE WATER ACTIVITY OF THE INDIVIDUAL COMPONENTS IN OUR COMPOSITE CAKE PRODUCTS AND TRY TO ADJUST THEM TO REDUCE THE DIFFERENTIAL BETWEEN THEM TO REDUCE MOISTURE MIGRATION. EVEN THOUGH WE DO THIS, WE ARE STILL HAVING PROBLEMS KEEPING THE CAKE MOIST DURING SHELF-LIFE. CAN YOU GIVE US SOME ADVICE AS TO WHAT WE MAY BE DOING WRONG? In addition to balancing the water activities of the cake components, there are other factors which encourage the migration of water to take into account. First, you should check your packaging. Moisture lost through the pack will create a moisture gradient in the pack which encourages moisture migration in the product. Cardboard packaging has a low moisture content (and low water activity) so moisture in the pack atmosphere can be absorbed by the board and since it is relatively permeable, can easily pass out to the atmosphere. As well as the permeability of the pack you should check the integrity of the pack seals to see that no moisture is escaping via this route. Even when the pack is not losing moisture to the surrounding atmo- sphere, moisture will migrate from the product into the pack atmosphere. The mass of water which can be held in the pack atmosphere is controlled by the saturated vapour pressure of the air (Cauvain and Young, 2008). This is low at the typical temperatures used to store cake products, but the greater the volume of air in the pack the greater will be the mass of water required to achieve saturation. You may want to consider whether the pack size can be reduced. Sometimes, it is better to over-wrap the cake product in a mois- ture impermeable film before placing it in a box. You should look closely at the formulation that you are using for your cream filling. Currently, you are measuring the water activity of the filling, but you should check that all of the sugars that you are using in the cream formulation are in solution. If you are not getting all of the sugars into solu- tion, then the crystalline material will increase the likelihood of moisture migration from the cake. The presence of crystalline material is not mea- sured with a water activity meter. We suggest that you carry out a mass balance with composite products; that is, you calculate the moistures and water activities of the different compo- nents to see where the potential is for moisture migration, remembering to take into account the volume of air in the pack. We also find it useful to draw a diagram showing the likely movement of water in a composite cake system.

Further reading Cauvain, S.P., Young, L.S., 2008. Bakery Food Manufacture and Quality: Water Control and Effects, second ed. Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, UK. 254 Baking Problems Solved

5.15 WHEN WE TAKE OUR CUP CAKES FROM THE OVEN, WE FIND THAT THE PAPER CASES THEY WERE BAKED IN FALL OFF. HOW DO WE AVOID THIS PROBLEM? The tendency for cakes to shrink when baked is the most usual cause of paper cases becoming detached. The shrinkage generally results from the recipe hav- ing too high a liquid level or sugar level, especially if the water to sugar ratio is not in balance. On cooling, the pressure of the steam formed and maintained within the cake while in the oven is reduced and the cake shrinks under the effects normal atmospheric pressure. As the cases are rigid, they hold their shape, and the result is that the cake shrinks away from the case. This same problem is sometimes found in pound cakes baked in metal hoops or with paper bands, and in loaf cakes baked in cardboard containers. The steam within the cake cannot readily escape from the sides as it does from the surface and so the cake remains softer here. Under-baking or sweat- ing during cooling can also contribute to the fault. Sometimes, these cakes have an uncooked core inside near to the bottom of the cake. The remedy is to reduce the liquids in the recipe or by increasing the pro- portions of baking powder and sugars. Cakes, Sponges and Muffins Chapter | 5 255

5.16 OUR SMALL CAKES OFTEN SHRINK EXCESSIVELY DURING COOLING. HOW CAN WE AVOID THIS? All cakes shrink a little on cooling. However, excessive shrinking on cooling occurs because the intact gas cells in the texture contract. During baking, the gas cells forming the foam in the batter expand as they are filled with the steam and gas produced by the raising agents. Due to the high quantity of sugars in the batter, the gelatinisation temperature of the cake cell wall material is delayed, and the structure does not ‘set’ until the temperature reaches about 80C. The flexibility of the cell wall material allows the cells to expand until they burst or perforate converting the foam to a sponge structure and allowing the gases to permeate throughout the cake. This all happens at a microscopic level. If this setting does not take place, even though the cake is considered baked because it has achieved the necessary appearance and colour, then on cooling the pressure inside each cell falls and under the weight of the cake and atmospheric pressure the cells shrink. This causes the whole cake to shrink. This problem can be remedied as follows: 1. Give the tins a substantial jolt as they leave the oven causing ant intact cells to ‘burst’ and the pressures to equalise. 2. Increase the level of baking powder in the recipe or change to a slower acting powder. This should help to breakdown the cell walls as the cake sets during baking, so leaving the minimum number of intact cells in the crumb. 256 Baking Problems Solved

5.17 OUR CAKE SHEETS TEND TO LACK VOLUME, ARE UNEVEN IN SHAPE AND HAVE CORES IN THE CRUMB. CAN YOU ADVISE? Poor volume seen with very close grain and the development of seams or cores in the crumb suggests inadequate chemical aeration in the batter. It may be that the sodium bicarbonate was omitted or the wrong balance of raising agents was used. Check that the sodium bicarbonate is included when weighing up the other ingredients. Often preparing a composite baking pow- der for general use or purchasing a ready-made baking powder will avoid such errors in preparation. To improve the general quality of the cake sheet, we suggest, as a trial, you increase the proportion of aerating agents to deter- mine the level best suited to your recipe. Cake sheets sometimes have an uneven surface giving problems with uni- form volume. This unevenness can be the result of poor mixing and scraping down of the batter during the mixing cycle. We suggest the following proce- dure on adding the eggs should be followed: 1. Add half of the eggs over 1 minute. Scrape down. 2. Add remaining eggs over 1 minute. Scrape down. 3. Mix further for 3 minutes. All mixing should be done on slow speed. Make sure that, on scraping down that the job is done properly. Have a look at your mixer and examine the gap between the beater and the bottom of the bowl. This should be as small as possible to avoid areas of under-mixed batter which may then find their way into the sheet when deposited. If you think that the gap is too large you may need to replace your beater or even your mixing bowl. Cakes, Sponges and Muffins Chapter | 5 257

5.18 SOMETIMES, OUR UNIT CAKE HAS A POOR (COARSE) TEXTURE. HOW CAN WE IMPROVE IT? Unit cakes are characterised by their uniform and fine texture (cell structure). If the texture is coarse the addition of a suitable emulsifier can help rectify the problem. The emulsifier will help to reduce the overall size of the gas bubbles incorporated into the batter and improve their stability during bak- ing. A number of emulsifier preparations are available. They come in gel and powdered form, we suggest that you consult your ingredients supplier. The powdered form is used in the formulation of dry cake mixes. A pro- portion of such emulsifiers consists of a carrier, often skimmed milk or whey powder. If this is the case then you should make allowance by reducing the level of milk solids in the recipe; otherwise, the cake may be too brown due to the Maillard reaction (see Section 4.1.14) and the presence of lactose in the milk powder. You should have no such problems if you use a gel emulsi- fier, but you will need to adjust the recipe water addition to compensate for the inclusion of some water in the gel. A suitable usage level for powdered emulsifier would be between 5 and 10% of flour weight; you should reduce the milk powder level by about half of your normal level of addition in your recipe to avoid the potential for darkening. In the case of a gel emulsifier, around 2.5% flour weight should be suitable. 258 Baking Problems Solved

5.19 WHAT ARE THE CAUSES OF THE SMALL, WHITE SPECKLES WE SOMETIMES SEE ON THE CRUST OF OUR CAKES? White speckles on the crust of cakes are most commonly due to sugar which has recrystallised during baking. They are sometimes referred to as ‘sugar spots’. During the baking process, the reduction of moisture content particu- larly on the crust can result in the sugar coming out of solution and forming the spots on the surface. Any changes in the recipe resulting in a reduction of moisture content or excessive sugar, thereby increasing the ratio of sugar to water, may give rise to sugar spot formation. For example, the change from butter or other fat containing a proportion of water to a white fat containing no water can be enough to precipitate the problem. Similar results may occur if any water containing ingredients are replaced by forms containing no water. Other factors which might cause sugar spotting on cakes include:

G Increased granularity of sugar which may prevent it dissolving properly at the batter stage. As a precaution, the sugar can be dissolved in the water added to the batch before mixing. This is easily done with when using a flour-batter (see Section 5.1) or blending-mixing method. When a sugar-batter mixing method (see Section 5.2) is employed, sugar in excess of the weight of fat may be dissolved in the liquid portion before addition. With all-in mixing methods, pre-dissolution of coarse sugar is essential to avoid this problem. G Baking at a lower than normal temperature or baking in an oven with too low humidity may prove detrimental. G Allowing the deposited batter to stand for too long a period in the bakery before baking may cause surface drying and subsequent sugar spotting. If using a travelling oven, a much shorter standing time is required because of the hot air passing over the cakes at the entrance to the oven. In such ovens, the problem can be overcome by applying, by hand or automati- cally, an ‘atomised’ spay of water over the cakes while they are on the oven sole and as they pass into the oven. G In round cakes where a ring of batter (a sugar ring) may have overflowed the wrapper and has tended to become loose, a slight reduction in scaling weight or increasing the height of the paper band used would help to pre- vent overflowing and hence the localised sugar spotting. Cakes, Sponges and Muffins Chapter | 5 259

5.20 WE ARE GETTING AN ORANGE DISCOLORATION OF THE CRUMB OF OUR FRUIT CAKES. CAN YOU OFFER AN EXPLANATION? Fruits, for example, cherries, used in cakes may contain permitted colouring dyes. Many such colours are soluble at different pHs (usually above pH 4.0). When the discolouration occurs in the crumb surrounding the cherries it is caused by the colour from the fruit ‘bleeding’ into the crumb. If the cherries are added at a later stage in mixing, the discolouration will be far less pronounced. If they are washed and drained before use and intro- duced at a late stage, then the bleeding should cease. In summary:

G Use good quality fruit in your products. Preferably use whole, unbroken fruit. G Where the problem occurs wash the fruit with water slightly acidified by citric acid and drain thoroughly. G Check with your supplier which dyes (and their solubility level) are used in the fruit so that the problem can be avoided. 260 Baking Problems Solved

5.21 WHEN WE ADD FRESH FRUITS SUCH AS BLACKCURRANTS TO OUR CAKE BATTERS, WE SOMETIMES FIND THAT THEY FAIL TO KEEP THEIR COLOUR DURING BAKING AND OFTEN DISCOLOUR THE BATTER ADJACENT TO THE FRUIT. CAN YOU OFFER AN EXPLANATION AND A SOLUTION TO THE PROBLEM? This problem occurs because the natural colouring agents in the blackcur- rants and many other fruits (see Section 5.23) are pH sensitive. This means that they will change colour as the pH changes. For example, anthocyanin, a major colouring component of blackcurrants and other red fruits, will change in colour from red to pink to violet as the pH progressively increases. Blue and violet colours are most likely to occur when the pH or 7.0 or above. To overcome the problem, we suggest that you make the batter slightly more acid by adding up to 0.3% tartaric acid based on flour weight. This should maintain the basic colour of the fruit without adversely affecting other cake qualities. The leaking of the colour into the surrounding batter comes from damage to the fruit skins during mixing and depositing. This is difficult to avoid but you should keep the handling of fruit in the batter to a minimum. You may try the addition of frozen fruits as this may help to avoid rupturing the fruit skin. Blueberries have a tougher skin and so are less sensitive to mechanical han- dling than blackcurrants. However, they are just as sensitive to pH changes. Cakes, Sponges and Muffins Chapter | 5 261

5.22 WE ARE BAKING FRUIT CAKES USING SULTANAS AND FIND THAT WHILE THE CENTRE OF THE CRUMB IS A NICE GOLDEN YELLOW AROUND THREE SIDES OF THE CUT FACE OF THE CAKE (THE BOTTOM AND THE TWO SIDES) THE COLOUR IS MUCH BROWNER AND DARKER IN COLOUR. CAN YOU HELP US IDENTIFY THE CAUSE OF THIS PROBLEM? This type of discolouration is usually associated with the Maillard-type reac- tions which take place in baking (see Section 4.1.14). These are the ones which gives the brown colours of the crust. They are complicated reactions influenced by a number of different factors (Arnoldi, 2004) which involve sugars and proteins. You should look first at your baking conditions. Low baking tempera- tures and long baking times tend to increase the risk of caramelisation of sugars, especially in large cake units. You might also want to look at the dis- tribution of heat in the oven as the problem is exacerbated by having too much bottom heat. Some sources of sugars are more likely to cause browning of this type in cakes. Your problem will be exacerbated if you have sources of reducing sugars like golden syrup, glucose syrups, invert syrup or honey. These are commonly used ingredients intended to contribute flavour and in some cases to the retention of a moist eating character and longer mould-free shelf-life. As a ‘rule of thumb’, you should limit the level of addition of such sugars collectively to no more than 10% of the total weight of sugars in the recipe. You can encounter similar problems if you are adding glycerol or sorbitol to extend product shelf-life. For recipe balance purposes, you should con- sider these to be sugars and include them in the 10% limitation. One less than obvious source of reducing sugars is the fruit that you are adding though if this is a problem then you will often see darker stains in the crumb around the pieces of fruit. You could wash and drain the fruit and see if this makes any difference to the problem. Be careful to check that the increased moisture content of the fruit does not cause you problems by raising the product water activity and shortening the mould-free shelf-life of the product. This will be particularly important if you are cutting the slab into smaller pieces and exposing the cut surface to view as this increases the risks of mould contamination. Finally, check that you are not using too much sodium bicarbonate in the recipe as any residue will raise the cake pH and increase the extent of the Maillard reactions.

Reference Arnoldi, A., 2004. Factors affecting the Maillard reaction. In: Steele, R. (Ed.), Understanding and Measuring the Shelf-life of Food. Woodhead Publishing Ltd, Cambridge, UK. 262 Baking Problems Solved

5.23 WE ARE USING NATURAL COLOURS IN OUR SLAB CAKE BAKING AND FIND THAT WE GET VARIABLE RESULTS, NOT JUST FROM BATCH TO BATCH BUT SOMETIMES WITHIN A BATCH. CAN YOU SUGGEST ANY REASONS FOR THIS PROBLEM? Being derived from natural materials colours can be subject to variations in shade and intensity of the colour. This is usually well controlled by the sup- plier. All colours are affected by the pH of the medium in which they are used. Natural colours are especially sensitive to variations in batter pH, and this can lead to problems when making additions of fresh fruits (see Section 5.21). If this was the source of your problem, we would only expect you to see variations on a batch to batch basis as a reflection of the small variations in batter pH which can occur in any manufacturing environment. When used in baked products, natural colours are likely to suffer from some instability during their storage. Commonly, this will be seen as a loss of intensity of the colour, but usually, the overall storage time is too short for cakes for any significant variations to come from this source. The fact that you are getting variations between cakes manufactured within a batch is unusual. Some natural colours are known to lose colour intensity during baking so one possibility is that the variations in colour that you see may reflect the degree of bake which a particular cake has received. As you will appreciate, there are inevitably some variations in the degree of bake within an oven. Natural colours are particularly susceptible to the effects of exposure to light. In particular, they tend to lose colour intensity with increasing expo- sure. Yellow colours appear to be more likely affected than reds. Your cakes are more likely to be affected by light if they are wrapped in clear film. This is often the case in cake manufacture based on slab cakes as it allows the consumer to see the product and its qualities. We suggest that you look closely at how your cake samples have been stored with respect to any light sources, whether natural or artificial. This should include all of the times for which the cut surfaces of the cakes are exposed to light sources, including standing times in the bakery while the composite product is being assembled before wrapping. Cakes, Sponges and Muffins Chapter | 5 263

5.24 WE ARE GETTING LARGE HOLES IN THE CRUMB OF OUR FRUITED SLAB CAKE BUT ARE NOT SURE WHY THIS IS HAPPENING. CAN YOU OFFER SOME ADVICE? Large and unsightly holes in fruit cake can be caused by any of the following reasons:

G If damp fruit is used, localised steam is formed around the fruit during baking, especially near the centre of the individual berries where it is less able to escape quickly. The top of the cake becomes baked and so the localised steam is trapped and it produces holes in the crumb as the pressure builds up. All fruit should be thoroughly dried after washing to remedy this problem. G Air may be entrapped during depositing or, while spreading the batter by hand or with a wet palate knife, as part of the batter may be folded over. G Low carbon dioxide levels, either because there is too little baking powder or because the baking powder has reacted too quickly. G Occasionally, over-mixing of the batter, especially when adding the fruit, can cause this problem. In this case, the holes may run vertically or at an angle rather than horizontally. 264 Baking Problems Solved

5.25 OUR SULTANA CAKES ARE COLLAPSING. WHAT CAN WE DO TO REMEDY THIS PROBLEM? Sultana cakes can tend to shrink or sink slightly at the top. This is sometimes accompanied by a slightly open crumb cell structure (grain). This is often caused when the batter has been over-aerated during mixing thus making the specific density of the batter too high to support the denser fruit, particularly nearer the centre. This may be countered by increasing the amount of liquid in the recipe, if the flour content is adequate, or by reducing either the sugar content or the amount of aerating agent. The first and last of these actions usually brings about an improvement. It is also preferable to have the egg content slightly higher than the total fat content as egg proteins add strength to the cake structure. Where milk is replacing eggs, a simple method for calculating the baking powder requirement is to assume that 560 mL (1 pt) milk requires 28 g (1 oz) baking powder. Cakes, Sponges and Muffins Chapter | 5 265

5.26 WHY DO CAKES SOMETIMES SINK IN THE MIDDLE? Many of the faults, which occur in cakemaking, are a result of the ingredi- ents in the recipe not being ‘balanced’ for the type, size and shape being made. This balancing of ingredient ratios is important to ensure the correct aeration and structure for the baked product (see chapter: Key Relationships Between Ingredients, Recipes and Baked Product Qualities). You did not specify whether the collapse occurs during baking or after baking. This is an important clue as to why the problem is occurring. In the case of the sunken top the following ingredient effects are relevant:

G The sugar level may be too high. The late gelatinisation of the starch means that the transition from foam to sponge does not occur before the end of baking (see Section 4.2.1). G The fat level may be too high. G The baking powder level may be too high. You may need to rebalance you recipe to eliminate this problem. Other reasons why a cake might sink in its middle include removing the cake from the oven before it is thoroughly baked. The centre of a cake is the last portion to bake so that if the product is removed from its source of heat when it is still fluid the crust will be unsupported and the cake sinks. If the cakes are knocked or moved about whilst they are baking and before they have become properly set there could be a premature release of gases which can cause the cakes to sink in the centre; this would often be accompanied by a loss of volume. 266 Baking Problems Solved

5.27 WE ARE ENCOUNTERING AN INTERMITTENT FAULT WITH OUR ROUND HIGH-RATIO CAKES IN THAT A SHINY RING WITH PITTING IS SEEN ON THE CAKE SURFACE. WHAT FACTORS ARE LIKELY TO GIVE RISE TO THIS FAULT? This fault is caused by the batter viscosity being too low during the early stages of baking. As the product is heated the viscosity of the batter helps to trap the gases produced by the raising agents. If the batter is too fluid then the structure which is not set allows gases to escape and these burst through the forming crust leaving behind the pitted surface appearance. The shine on the ring suggests that the sugar level in the recipe is too high. High levels of sugar delay the gelatinisation of the starch and so keeps the batter fluid for a longer in the oven. An increase in viscosity can be achieved in any of the following ways:

G Reduce the water content of the batter. G Increase the flour damaged starch. Damaged starch will hold more water thus making the batter more viscous. G Extend the mixing time but avoid over-mixing. G Reduce the recipe sugar level. Cakes, Sponges and Muffins Chapter | 5 267

5.28 OUR FRUITED CAKES ARE FINE TO EAT SOON AFTER PRODUCTION BUT TEND TO BECOME DRIER EATING AFTER A FEW DAYS; WHY IS THIS? Fruited cakes are a multi-component product comprising two phases; the cake crumb and the dried fruit. Even though the two components are in intimate con- tact from mixing through to baked product, equilibration of moisture does not necessarily occur. In many cases after baking, there is a significant difference in cake crumb and fruit particle moisture content with the dried fruit continuing to absorb moisture from the cake crumb. Experimental data (Cauvain and Young, 2008) has shown that up to four days may be required for equilibrium to be achieved (see Fig. 5.1). This lack of moisture equilibrium is most likely to be the reason for the dry eating cake crumb that you are observing. One way to overcome your problem is to raise the moisture content of your fruit by washing and draining it before use. However, note that this will raise the overall moisture content of the cake and may decrease its mould- free shelf-life. There are several ways of preventing crumbling with fruit cakes:

G Use flour of medium strength (1011% protein) instead of high-ratio cake flour. G The proportion of fat used should be less than the egg content by approx- imately 10% (based on flour as 100%).

FIGURE 5.1 Effect of fruit on cake moisture during storage. 268 Baking Problems Solved

G Where the ratio of sugar to liquid is high, the cake the crumb tends to be more fragile. For a fruit cake this ratio should be lower than 115% flour weight. G When the proportion of egg in the total liquid is low the cake structure is weak and has a tendency to crumble on cutting. Egg should make up about 50% of the total liquids to prevent this. G Emulsifier additions should be kept to a minimum. G Avoid high levels of raising agents as these can increase crumb fragility. G Wash the fruit and dry well before use. G Mixing must be controlled to ensure constant batter aeration and emulsi- fication. Under-mixing and over-aeration of batters can cause a crumbly end product. G Batter depositing and baking should not be delayed after mixing.

Further reading Cauvain, S.P., Young, L.S., 2008. Bakery Food Manufacture and Quality: Water Control and Effects, second ed. Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, UK. Cakes, Sponges and Muffins Chapter | 5 269

5.29 WE HAVE SEEN THAT OUR CAKE QUALITY VARIES WHEN WE CHANGE FROM ONE TYPE OF OVEN TO ANOTHER, EVEN WHEN THEY REGISTER THE SAME TEMPERATURE. WHY IS THIS? Ovens, even those of the same make and model vary in their ability to deliver heat to the product. The temperature settings seen on dials or displays are indications of the actual air temperature rather than a measure of the heat available for baking. During baking heat is transferred to the product in one of three ways:

G Convection, the transfer of heat in fluids achieved by the colder fluid car- rying away heat from a hotter surface which sets up convection currents. G Conduction, the passage of heat through a medium, from hot to cool regions, the heat being passed on from molecule to molecule, e.g., hot pan to cooler bread dough. G Radiation, the transfer of heat from hot surfaces without the need for a transferring medium, e.g., the heat we receive from the sun. Ovens used in bakeries use all three heat transfer mechanisms though the balance between the three varies with oven type and design. For example, in a deck oven conducted and radiant heat dominate while in a rack oven con- vection and to a lesser extent radiation dominate. The thermostat fitted to an oven senses and controls the temperature of the oven by calling for more or less heat accordingly. Occasionally, this may be at fault and may not be working accurately or may be controlling the tem- perature at a point which does not coincide with the position of the cakes in the oven. For specific temperature settings in your oven, it is advisable to bake the products at several different temperatures to find the ideal settings for your oven. You should try to make sure that the oven has a reasonably similar load for each trial otherwise you will get variable results. Try adjust- ing temperatures in 5C steps, above and below your current settings, so as to avoid making products which would not be acceptable for sale. It would be wise to check that a consistent temperature is being delivered for consecutive bakes in case you have a problem with burners or heating elements. You may find that the oven is not fully recovering its heat load between bakes of successive batches. If this is the case, you should consult your equipment supplier. On the other hand, it may be that the time between bakes is so long that ‘flash’ heat builds up in the oven. This is associated with the radiant heating component in the oven and often leads to burning of 270 Baking Problems Solved the product crust. As most products are baked to a particular colour and shape, the temptation in these circumstances is to lower the oven temperature for the next bake. You should avoid this if possible. If you are about to use an oven which has been standing empty but heating for a period of time and you suspect there may be problems with flash heat, we suggest that you inject a burst of steam into the chamber and release it before loading the oven with product. The evaporation of the water will remove some of the excess heat and readily escapes when you open the oven door or damper. If you use the latter, remember to close it again when you load the product into the oven; otherwise, you could end up drying the product out unnecessarily. Variations in oven humidity can also lead to variability for some pro- ducts. For example, Swiss rolls benefit from humidity in the oven as the water vapour keeps the crust moist and so aids the rolling process postbaking. Although your problem is associated with cakes, you might like to note that the same rules will apply to almost all baked products. Cakes, Sponges and Muffins Chapter | 5 271

5.30 HOW IMPORTANT IS THE TEMPERATURE OF CAKES AT THE POINT OF WRAPPING? Cakes can be wrapped at either high temperatures or completely cooled. In either case, the important point is to ensure that no localised condensation occurs on the surface of the product which might result in mould growth during storage. The ERH of the product should remain at the level required to achieve the desired mould-free shelf-life (see Section 5.9). If a cake requires no filling, coating or other finishing after baking there is no reason why it should not be wrapped direct from the oven at tempera- tures around 8893C (190200F). Obviously, there may be some difficul- ties involved in wrapping at these high temperatures, such as damage to a fragile product and control of condensation as the product cools. Provided the wrapping material is in reasonably close contact with the product, con- densation which does occur soon disappears even when a moisture imperme- able film is used. Materials for wrapping at high temperatures should be chosen with care. Material such as polyethylene would be unsuitable because, but most grades of cellulose film do not appear adversely affected by hot wrapping. If products are to be cooled then wrapped, care must be taken during the cooling process. Rapid cooling can be achieved with suitably high air veloci- ties. However, if drying out of the product is to be prevented, the relative humidity in the cooler must be carefully controlled. The relative humidity can be controlled only if the air temperature is closely regulated as relative humidity changes rapidly with a small change in air temperature at a given moisture vapour content. If refrigeration is used both temperature and relative humidity can be controlled satisfactorily with an air temperature of, say, 16C (60F) and about 8085% relative humidity. To prevent the product drying out, the rel- ative humidity should be close to the equilibrium humidity of the product (typically 8085% for cakes) so that moisture is not encouraged to move from the product. The high relative humidity in a refrigerated system means that large cooling plates are required to prevent condensation of moisture onto the cooling coils. Without refrigeration, relative humidity can be controlled using water spray type humidifiers. In this case, close control is more difficult especially if the air temperature (around 21C, 70F) is subject to fluctuations. 272 Baking Problems Solved

The moisture loss from flour confectionery products during cooling may be a critical factor in determining their mould-free shelf-life and eating quali- ties. If controlled cooling conditions are used, it is possible that an increase in the moisture content of the product could occur with a resulting reduction in the shelf-life. It is advisable to make careful checks on moisture content when setting up the cooling system and recipes may need adjustment to decrease the ERH of the product. Under controlled cooling conditions, it is important that any air blown over the product is clean and thorough filtering of air drawn from outside is desirable. Cooling times are dependent on the size and thermal conductivity of the product. It is pointless using high air velocities with large products, as cool- ing time is controlled mainly by the time taken for heat to be conducted from the centre of the product to the outside.

Further reading Cauvain, S.P., Young, L.S., 2008. Bakery Food Manufacture and Quality: Water Control and Effects, second ed. Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, UK. Cakes, Sponges and Muffins Chapter | 5 273

5.31 WHAT PRECAUTIONS SHOULD WE TAKE WHEN FREEZING CAKE AND SPONGE PRODUCTS? The greatest benefits to be gained from freezing cakes and sponges are the delay of the staling process and avoidance of problems with mould-free shelf-life. Provided the products are adequately protected against moisture loss, you will preserve their freshness and limit moisture migration in com- posite cake products. Before freezing, the products should be cooled to ambient temperature (typically 2025C, 7077F) to maintain the efficiency of the freezing process. The most efficient and economical frozen storage temperature is 220C(25F). However, cryogenic freezing systems using liquid nitrogen or carbon dioxide have led to the use of much lower temperatures, 2171C (2275F) for liquid nitrogen and 2100C(273F) for liquid carbon dioxide. In common blast freezers, fans operating in such equipment aid heat transfer and air temperatures will typically be in the order of 230 to 235C. The products should spend as little time in the freezer as possible to reduce mois- ture losses, but you should make sure that core product temperatures reach at least 210C before transferring them to frozen storage. The high levels of sugars in cakes and sponges significantly depress their freezing point and makes then susceptible to the effects of fluctuations in frozen storage temperature. It is advisable to use a specially produced moisture-proof film which has increased flexibility and is resistant to cracking. Wrapping the products before freezing will help reduce evaporative losses but does increase the length of time taken for the product to become frozen. Storage times for frozen products vary but can be many weeks at 220C (25F). Remember that if products are stacked in frozen storage, then the temperature of the product may vary according to its position in the stack and in some cases may be unacceptably high with subsequent defrosting. The thawing time for frozen cakes and sponges depends on the unit size and thawing conditions available. A 285 g (10 oz) sized plain slab cake can take up to 6 hours standing at 21C (70F) before the internal temperature reaches 21C but such a cake would be eatable within 4 hours. If the same cake was thawed at 38C (100F) an internal temperature of 21C would be reached within 1.75 hours. Dry eating products may occur if the thawing rate is too slow resulting in excessive moisture losses. Condensation can occur during thawing and depends largely on the thaw- ing temperature, which controls the time during which the surface tempera- ture of the product remains below the dew point of the atmosphere in the packaging. The higher the thawing temperature, the more quickly is the con- densation removed and the less likely it is to affect the product. 274 Baking Problems Solved

5.32 WHAT HAPPENS TO THE BATTER WHEN CAKES ENTER THE OVEN, AND HOW CAN YOU TELL WHEN A CAKE IS BAKED? Converting a fluid batter to the desired eating characteristics in the end prod- uct is the result of getting both the temperature and timings correct during baking. The ‘foam’ structure (discrete cells) of the batter is converted to a ‘sponge’ structure (interconnected cells) in the baked product. Baking is a process of heat gain and moisture loss. Even before the cake enters the oven, the condition of the oven is impor- tant. Any buildup of ‘flash’ heat should be dissipated so that the cake receives an even bake. Once the cake is in the oven, the heat starts to melt the fats. This first occurs on the outside of the cake and gradually extends to the inner portions. At the same time the air cells begin to expand and if rais- ing agents are present carbon dioxide is released to inflate the cells. This begins slowly at first from the outside and gradually extends to the interior of the batter. The temperature of the cake continues to rise and some of the starch granules are gelatinised while the cake is still in a molten state. The cake continues to rise until the structure is set by the gelatinising starch and the outside of the cake colours to give the required size and appearance. The continued expansion of the cells along with the gelatinisation of the starch causes the foam cells of the batter to become ruptured to form the intercon- nected cells of the final structure. If the cakes are small and the oven is hot, a skin forms quickly on the top and rapidly colours as the moisture in the vicinity of the surface is converted to steam leaving the sugary portion of the batter to reach a temperature where the Maillard reactions occur (see Section 4.1.14) and the sugars caramelise. Although this skin forms quickly, it will not have sufficient strength to prevent the interior of cake expanding (especially where, there is a high proportion of baking powder). The pressure eventually exceeds the strength of the top. The top is the weakest portion of the cake as the sides and bottom are often sup- ported by the tin or hoop. The batter forces its way through the forming crust and a rounded or bold head is formed. This is small at first but grows as bak- ing continues. In larger cakes, the top skin takes longer to form, as in these cases, the oven is cooler (to allow for a more even bake and to prevent the outside being burnt before the inside is baked). Also the humidity in the oven is higher (e.g., when the oven is full of products), and as larger cakes usually contain a higher proportion of eggs than milk, they give up their moisture at a lower rate. Eggs coagulate at the boiling point of water and retain a good deal of the water that would otherwise have been driven off as steam. If the recipe is correctly balanced, the bursting through the centre top is less pronounced. Cakes, Sponges and Muffins Chapter | 5 275

The temperature at which the structure is set depends on the sucrose con- centration in the batter. The higher the sucrose concentration, the higher the gelatinisation temperature is and the longer the batter will remain fluid dur- ing baking. To test whether a cake is baked the centre surface is lightly pressed. If the surface just springs back, it shows that the centre of the batter (the last portion to set) is baked. If the oven temperature is too low, aeration proceeds as usual, but the cake is slower at drying and setting on the outside so that the top skin will be longer in forming. The fluid batter will rise evenly all over the surface and a flat-topped cake will result. Another manifestation of too low a tem- perature in baking is a discoloured crumb, particularly in the lower portion of the cake and the cake will also be dry eating. The long baking time at lower temperatures encourages drying out of the cake. As the drying out con- tinues, the sucrose concentration in the unset portions of the cake becomes higher and will begin to caramelise. The coloured crust becomes thicker and the longer the cake remains in the oven, the more the discoloration of the crumb extends into the body of the cake. The upper part of the cake has been in contact with the steam inside the oven and the damp atmosphere will have kept the cake moist and, to some extent, will have prevented the devel- opment of excessive dryness. The lower crumb however, not in contact with the steam, becomes dry and then discoloured. Deciding the temperature at which to bake one particular kind of cake is complicated. The ingredients, their quality and quantity, and the size of the cake along with the type of results expected all need to be considered. Some ‘rules of thumb’ for deciding on the baking temperature are as follows:

G The greater the difference between the proportion of flour to fats and eggs used, the hotter the oven should be. G The higher the proportion of fats, the cooler the oven should be. G The larger size the cake, the lower the temperature should be. 276 Baking Problems Solved

5.33 WHAT ARE THE ADVANTAGES OF HAVING THE OVEN FILLED WHEN BAKING SLAB OR OTHER CAKES? The advantages of having an oven filled with product come from the humid- ity and heat transfer. Once cakes are placed in the oven their temperature rises and eventually the moisture in the product reaches boiling point and steam is given off. If the oven is full of product, then the volume of steam will be fairly large for a given volume of oven capacity. The humidity in the oven will be high and will act on the surface of the cake keeping it moist. As each cake is in close proximity to its neighbour, the side crusts will be kept thin and pale in colour. The hardening or drying of the final crusts on the top and sides will be delayed enabling the cake to reach full growth before it is set. If the crust has become set before full growth has been achieved, the inside of the cake will burst through the prematurely formed crust and form a break or crack across the slab. In some cases this break may be desired, e.g., Muffins (see Sections 5.47 and 5.48). The atmosphere in the oven is less humid and so the product crust sets and dries before the cake has risen fully. For slab cakes, a break on the surface is not desirable and so a full oven is an aim with the oven door remaining closed for the whole baking period. Where this is not possible, a humid atmosphere should be created in the oven by placing tins of water in the oven with the product. Cakes, Sponges and Muffins Chapter | 5 277

5.34 WHY DO WE ADD EXTRA ACID TO MAKE WHITE CAKE BATTERS? If the sodium bicarbonate element of the raising agent is not completely neu- tralised by the acid component then the excess bicarbonate will increase the degree of degree of browning of the sugars during baking. This is because Maillard browning (see Section 4.1.14) is encouraged at higher pHs. This type of browning occurs with all types of cakes but because the crumb of many cakes is tinted yellow either with egg yolks or egg colour the slight degree of discolouration largely passes unnoticed. In the case of a white cake where no egg yolk is present, the slightest discolouration would be noticed. To prevent this therefore, additional acid such as cream powder or cream of tartar is added to make sure that all the bicarbonate of soda is neutralised. 278 Baking Problems Solved

5.35 WE HAVE BEEN MAKING A RANGE OF DIFFERENT CAKE SIZES USING THE SAME PLAIN BATTER AND GET VARYING QUALITY RESULTS IN TERMS OF THEIR SHAPE AND APPEARANCE DESPITE HAVING ADJUSTED THE BAKING CONDITIONS. DO YOU HAVE ANY ADVICE? Traditionally, bakers would change two aspects of their production if they used the same batter for different size products. One of these would be to change the baking conditions which is what you have done. Heat can only reach the centre of the batter for each unit by being absorbed at the surface and then transferred to the centre (see Section 5.32). In cake shapes which have a small surface area (SA) relative to their depth or thickness, the oven baking conditions are adjusted to allow the rate of heat penetration to be compatible with the various changes which occur in cake baking. As the batter is heated in the oven, carbon dioxide gas from the baking powder present in the formulation is released. It is common practice to adjust the level of baking powder according to the cake type. The bakers ‘rule of thumb’ is that the level of baking powder is higher for small cake units and lower for large cake units. Too much or too little baking powder for a given product recipe can have an adverse impact on cake shape (see Section 5.39). As a matter of interest we took three recipes for three common cake pro- ducts slab, loaf shape and cup cake and calculated the ratio of surface area (SA) to the thickness (T) of the batter deposit in the pan. Using this ratio, we then plotted it against the traditional level of baking powder in the recipe with the results shown in Fig. 5.2. The straight line should only be seen as a guide to one principle that should be employed in adjusting baking powder levels in cake recipes rather being indicative of an ‘absolute’ relationship.

FIGURE 5.2 Relationship between cake type and level of baking powder. Cakes, Sponges and Muffins Chapter | 5 279

5.36 WE WOULD LIKE TO CHANGE THE PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS OF SOME OUR CAKE PRODUCTS TO MAKE DIFFERENT SIZES AND SHAPES DO YOU HAVE ANY ADVICE THAT YOU CAN GIVE US AS TO HOW TO ADJUST THE BATTER DEPOSIT WEIGHTS FOR THE DIFFERENT PAN SIZES? There is no simple formula which allows you to calculate batter deposit weights for different dimensions of pan. At first sight this may seem strange but in fact there is a perfectly reasonable explanation and it is related to the transfer of heat into the product during baking. In the oven heat is absorbed by the surface of the batter before being conducted from thesurfacetothecentreoftheproduct.Therateatwhichtheheatreaches the centre depends in part on the distance from the batter surface to the centre; in general terms the greater the distance from surface to centre the longer it will take for the heat to travel the distance (for a given set of bak- ing conditions). However, as cake batters have a low viscosity by compari- son with most other unbaked products (e.g., dough and paste), there is potential for convection currents to be set up in the batter in the early stages of baking (Cauvain and Young, 2006). The potential for such con- vection currents is greatest in products which the surface area is small rela- tive to the depth (thickness) of the deposit. For cakes, the practical implication of the different rates of heat transfer are that the key changes in conversion from batter to cake, such as the gen- eration of carbon dioxide from the baking powder and the transitions from foam to sponge, play a major role in determining the final structure of the baked product. Change the heat transfer rate and you can end up compromising key product characteristics. Bakers have learnt to compen- sate for these effects by adjusting baking conditions when changing product dimensions. The following table using the same batter formulation (except for level of baking powder See Section 5.35) illustrates the principles that we have described above and may help you in making your decision on scaling weights. 280 Baking Problems Solved

Pan shape Length/ Breadth Depth Pan Deposit Baking diameter (cm) (cm) volume weight (g) temperature (cm) (cm3) (C)

Rectangular 15 8.5 8 1020 300 185

Rectangular 45 75 2.5 8437 3500 205 Rectangular 45 75 5 16,875 8500 190

Square 15 15 5 1125 370 190 Round 13 3 398 250 190 Round 20 2.5 785 320 200

Reference Cauvain, S.P., Young, L.S., 2006. Baked Products: Science, Technology and Practice. Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, UK. Cakes, Sponges and Muffins Chapter | 5 281

5.37 WE HAVE RECENTLY CHANGED THE ACID THAT WE USE FOR OUR BAKING POWDER MIX AND HAVE ADJUSTED THE NEUTRALISING VALUE ACCORDINGLY. SUBSEQUENTLY, WE HAVE BEEN HAVING SOME PROBLEMS ACHIEVING THE VOLUME AND SHAPE THAT WE WANT WITH OUR SMALL CAKES. CAN YOU EXPLAIN WHY WE ARE HAVING THESE PROBLEMS? The neutralising value refers the proportion of a given acid which is required to completely neutralise (react) with a given amount of sodium bicarbonate; this proportion varies according to the chemistry of the acid (see Section 2.6.8). In addition to having a different neutralising value, each acid has its own ROR which indicates the rate at which it will react with sodium bicar- bonate to produce carbon dioxide gas. In addition, some of the baking acids and the sodium bicarbonate are available in different grades commonly due to different degrees of particle size and this too affects the ROR because the acid and alkali go into solution at different rates. The ROR of a baking powder mixture and the timing of the release of carbon dioxide are important contributors to cake volume and shape. If the ROR is too rapid then much of the carbon dioxide will be released during mixing, and the early stages of the baking process which tends to lead to the cakes lacking volume and often having a shape which is peaked rather than rounded. A similar problem can occur if the ROR of the acid is too slow and the majority of the carbon dioxide is released when the structure of the cake has begun to set. A visual summary of the effect of the ROR of the baking powder on cake shape is given in Fig. 5.3. To find out where you are on the shape spectrum decide which cake outline best matches the product that you used to get and which matches the shape of your current cake products, and this will tell you whether your ROR has increased or decreased. For example, if you used to get shape number 2 (from the left in Fig. 5.3) but now get shape number 3, then the ROR of your baking powder has increased. To move the cake shape in a particular direction, you may need to choose an alternative baking acid. The ROR can normally be obtained from your baking powder supplier.

SLOW FAST FIGURE 5.3 Effect of rate of baking powder reaction on cake shape. 282 Baking Problems Solved

5.38 WHAT ARE THE FACTORS WHICH CONTROL THE SHAPE AND APPEARANCE OF THE TOP OF A CAKE? The main influences on the shape and appearance of the top surface of cakes fall into three categories; the balance of liquids to sugars in the recipe, the balance between mechanical and chemical aeration and the rate of heat trans- fer during baking. The concentration of the sucrose solution in cake recipes has a significant effect on cakes shape (and other structural features). As the level of sugar in a cake recipe increases, the temperature at which the wheat starch gelatinises is raised, and the batter stays fluid for longer in the oven. At low recipe sugar levels, cakes tend to have a rounded and slightly peaked profile but as the level increases, the shape becomes progressively flatter (Fig. 5.4). Continued increases in recipe sugar level lead to collapse of the structure so that a dip appears in the surface of the cake. The volume, structure and appearance of cakes depend on creating a gas bubble structure in the batter which will be expanded by the release of car- bon dioxide from the baking powder reaction. Achieving the right balance of mechanical and chemical aeration is important for controlling shape. The examples shown in Fig. 5.5 are based on cake recipes which have all been mixed to the same batter density but with different levels of baking powder in the starting recipe. This means that the batter with the lowest baking pow- der level has the highest proportion of air incorporated into the batter while that with the highest level of baking powder has the lowest level of air incor- poration. This follows because there is some reaction of the baking powder

INCREASING LEVEL OF ADDITION FIGURE 5.4 The effect of increasing sugar level on cake shape.


FIGURE 5.5 Effect of baking powder level on cake shape. Cakes, Sponges and Muffins Chapter | 5 283 components in the initial mixing stages, and some of the carbon dioxide gas produced at this time remains trapped in the batter. The illustration shows that as the level of baking powder increases (for the same final batter den- sity) that the cake shape becomes less domed and eventually with high level of baking powder a dip appears in the surface. The impact of high levels of baking powder is pronounced because a lot of the carbon dioxide gas is released in the oven at a time when the wheat starch is swelling and the cake structure is close to setting. The critical nature of the mechanical to chemical aeration balance can also be seen when the ROR of the baking powder in the recipe is changed. A slow (late) release of the carbon dioxide commonly yields a product with a peaked shape, and as the reaction rate increases, the cake shape gradually flattens (Fig. 5.3). However, fast reacting baking powders also give peaked shape products. This is because most of the carbon dioxide escapes while the batter is very fluid and none is left for expansion at the starch swelling stage. Rapid heat transfer rates in the oven (high temperature) tend to cause the cake shape to become more peaked, as does a high top heat when baking in a deck oven. 284 Baking Problems Solved

5.39 CURRENTLY, WE ADD ALCOHOL, IN THE FORM OF SPIRITS OR LIQUEURS, TO OUR CELEBRATION CAKES AFTER THEY HAVE BEEN BAKED AND COOLED. WE LEAVE THEM FOR A FEW DAYS AFTER TREATING THEM, BUT THIS IS TAKING UP A LOT OF SPACE. WHAT ADVANTAGES/ DISADVANTAGES WOULD THERE BE IF WE ADD THE ALCOHOL TO THE BATTER BEFORE BAKING? The boiling point of alcohol is around 78C, so you might expect a major proportion of any added before baking will be evaporated during the baking process. There are few estimates as to how much of the alcohol added to a cake batter is lost during baking and they vary from 50% to 90%. There is a suggestion that the losses are lower with heavily fruited cakes of the type that you are making and greater with lightly fruited or plain cakes. It appears from the few data available that the traditional method of soaking the fruit in spirit before mixing and baking has no impact on reducing the losses. We might assume that the benefits of soaking in alcohol before baking are simi- lar to those obtained by soaking the fruit in water; namely a reduction in the moisture migration from the cake crumb to the fruit so that the former stays more moist eating. The decision on whether to add them before or after baking depends on why you are adding the spirits or liqueur to your cakes. If you are using the spirits or liqueur as part of the description of the product, then you must be sure that you are following the appropriate guidelines and legal requirements. The position regarding alcohol as an ‘ingredient’ is complicated, so you should seek local advice on what is permitted and what is not. On the one hand, you may be required to have sufficient spirit to ‘characterise’ the prod- uct, whereas on the other, there may be restrictions as to whether the pre- mises from which the products may be sold should have a licence to sell alcohol. Not all of the spirit or liqueur is alcohol, there are many other compo- nents which go to characterise this type of product. Many of these compo- nents have distinctive flavours and they are likely to be retained in the product, even if the spirit is added before baking. The anti-mould properties arising from using alcohol offer a significant advantage if the spirits are added after baking since losses from evaporation during storage will be relatively small. On balance, it would appear that the greatest benefits to be gained from adding spirits or liqueurs to celebration cakes will come from adding them after baking rather than adding them to the mix. If nothing else, the levels of addi- tion will be lower as you will not have to compensate for evaporative losses. Cakes, Sponges and Muffins Chapter | 5 285

5.40 WHY DO SOME TRADITIONAL SPONGE CAKEMAKING METHODS SPECIFY A DELAY IN THE ADDITION OF THE SODIUM BICARBONATE AND THE USE OF HOT WATER? WOULD THIS APPROACH HAVE ANY PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS TODAY? The delayed-soda method of making sponge cake batters is mainly used as a means of controlling the reaction of the baking powder components and the release of the carbon dioxide gas which is generated by that reaction. The different baking acids which may be used in the manufacture of cake batters have different rates of reaction (see Section 2.6.9). If a so-called fast-acting acid is used, then the evolution of carbon dioxide would occur early in the batter mixing stage. Although the batter is being agitated, there is a potential for that carbon dioxide to be lost to the atmosphere and not able to contrib- ute to the expansion of the cake in the oven. By delaying the addition of the sodium bicarbonate to later in the mixing process, the potential for losing carbon dioxide is reduced. Using the delayed-soda method will not reduce the potential for batter deaeration which can occur during the storage of the batter if it is stirred, or when it is being pumped through pipework or when it is being deposited before baking. A practical consequence of using the delayed-soda method for mixing cake batters is that the combined level of baking acid and bicarbonate might be reduced. This could have advantages in the current climate of seeking to reduce the level of sodium in the bakery foods (see Section 2.5.4). Each baking acid after reaction with the sodium bicarbonate leaves behind a distinctively tasting salt; not everyone likes the ‘phosphate’ after- taste which is characteristic of many baking powders. More traditional bak- ing acids, such as tartaric acid, tend to be fast-acting in combination with sodium bicarbonate and by using the delayed-soda method you could change to such acids and modify the flavour profile of your products (and also reduce sodium levels in some cases). The specification of hot water is to encourage the rapid dissolution of the sodium bicarbonate. This was probably more relevant many years ago when the particle size of sodium bicarbonate was typically coarser than that of today. If you are using a finely divided form then you may find that you can readily dissolve the sodium bicarbonate in water at around 20C; this will have the advantage of not affecting the final temperature of the cake batter. Undissolved and unreacted particles of sodium bicarbonate often show as dark brown or yellow spots on the crust or more often in the cake crumb. 286 Baking Problems Solved

5.41 WE HAVE BEEN EXPERIENCING PROBLEMS WITH COLLAPSE OF OUR SPONGE SANDWICHES WHICH LEAVES THE PRODUCT WITH A DEPRESSION FORMING ON THE TOP OF THE CAKE AND AN AREA OF COARSE CELL STRUCTURE IN THE CRUMB. WHAT CAUSES THIS PROBLEM? The area of coarse cell structure that you have observed in your collapsed sponge cake is often referred to as ‘core’ formation. Sometimes, this might be observed in the crumb even though the top of the cake has not collapsed. The primary cause of your problem is instability and premature coales- cence of the air bubbles in the batter. When the sponge batter reaches the oven and the gas bubbles begin to expand, it is important that they do not coa- lesce until the right moment in the later part of the baking process. To remain separate from one another, the stabilising film must stretch as the air bubbles expand under the influence of heat and due to the carbon dioxide gas which is diffusing into them as the result of the accelerating baking powder reaction. If the stabilising material is not able to stretch sufficiently, then it ruptures allow- ing adjacent gas bubbles to coalesce and form larger ones The coarse com- ponent of the cell structure. At the same time, the displaced stabilising material will join with other materials to form areas devoid of air cells the thick cell wall material you see which also looks darker in colour. Although there is only one primary cause, there are many contributing factors. They include the following:

G The presence of traces of fat or oil in a non-emulsified sponge recipe. Ensure that all traces of fat or oil are removed from the mixing bowl and use hot or boiling water to wash the utensils clear of oil and fat traces. G Too little emulsifier in an emulsified sponge recipe. Try increasing the level to about 0.75% of the batter weight (see Section 2.5.6). G Too much baking powder in the formulation (see Fig. 5.6). Reduce the baking powder level and if the cake lacks volume increase the mixing time to lower the batter relative density or increase the emulsifier level. G Batter relative density too low, especially with low levels of emulsifier. Although the batter may be stable at low temperatures, it is during the baking that bubble stability is most important. G The particle size of the flour being too large. Cakes, Sponges and Muffins Chapter | 5 287

FIGURE 5.6 Effect of baking powder level in sponges.

One factor which is known to contribute to this problem is the presence of ‘anti-foaming’ agents such as silicones. Even levels as low as 2 ppm have been shown to induce core formation in sponge cakes. The effective level depends to some extent on the level of emulsifier present, but 5 ppm silicon will destabilise most sponge cakes batters. Traces of silicone may come from a number of different sources. In the past, we have encountered traces of sili- con in the following sources:

G Barriers creams used for hands. G Vegetable oil. G Sugar. G Flour, most likely from the wheat. G Skimmed milk powder. If you suspect that an ingredient may have become contaminated with sil- icon, you should discuss the problem with your supplier. 288 Baking Problems Solved

5.42 RECENTLY, WE HAVE BEEN EXPERIENCING PROBLEMS WITH OUR SPONGE SANDWICH CAKES ASSUME A PEAKED SHAPE DURING BAKING. WE HAVE NOT CHANGED INGREDIENTS OR RECIPE. CAN YOU SUGGEST WHY WE ARE HAVING THIS PROBLEM? The onset of this problem seems to be related to the baking conditions rather than the ingredients or recipe. As far as the baking conditions are concerned, there can be a number of different reasons why this problem should occur. Often the condi- tion is caused by too rapid a heat transfer to the batter. In all baked products, heat is transferred from the surface to the centre, and in the case of round products, much of the heat transfer is along the radii from outer edges to centre. In the case of around sponges, the surface area is large relative to its thickness so that a small portion of batter in the centre is the last to bake and the considerable expansion forces which are present exploit the radial effect and force the sponge to peak. The most obvious sources of too rapid a rate of heat transfer are as follows:

G Too high a baking temperature in the oven; cake peaking is entirely dependent on baking temperature and independent of baking time. The solution is to lower the baking temperature, but you may have to also increase the baking time to remove sufficient water from the product to avoid problems with shortening product mould-free shelf-life. G Excessive top heat, particularly in deck ovens. The high radiant heat com- ponent in such cases acts like too high a baking temperature. In such cases, the ‘baking temperature’ may appear to be satisfactory. If you cannot bal- ance the heat components in your oven, steaming the chamber before you are ready to bake is a good way of removing excess radiant heat. G In the case of ovens which bake by forced air convection, too high an air velocity can cause the product to peak. High air velocities increased sponge cake peaking even when the temperature is ‘normal,’ especially if the turbulence above the product is high. Other possible reasons for the problem include the following:

G Over-treatment of the flour, either from excessive chlorine treatment (see Section 2.2.18) or excessive heat treatment (see Section 2.2.17), if they are used. In the case of the heat-treated flour, you might also expect that the flour has a ‘burnt’ odour which may carry through to the product. If you suspect that this may be the cause, we suggest you discuss the prob- lem with your flour supplier. G A lack of carbon dioxide gas because the baking powder level is too low or because the ROR has been too fast and much of the carbon dioxide gas has been lost before the batter reaches the oven (see Section 5.38). Changes in heat transfer can also affect the rate of release of carbon dioxide. G Insufficient mixing so that there are too few gas bubble nuclei is present in the batter for carbon dioxide inflation. Cakes, Sponges and Muffins Chapter | 5 289

5.43 WE ARE HAVING PROBLEMS WITH THE BOTTOM CRUST OF OUR SPONGE CAKE PRODUCTS BECOMING DETACHED AFTER BAKING. WE ALSO NOTICE THAT THE CORNERS OF THE PRODUCT BECOME ROUNDED AND THE TEXTURE CLOSE. CAN YOU OFFER ANY EXPLANATION FOR THESE PROBLEMS? Your problem comes from a lack of carbon dioxide in the formulation either because you are adding too little baking powder or because too much has been lost before the product reached the oven, or you are mixing the batter for too long. In most cakes but especially with sponges, getting a fine cell structure and light texture in the baked product requires the evolution of baking pow- der in the oven to inflate the air bubbles which have been incorporated dur- ing mixing. Even though the air bubbles expand under the influence of heat in the oven their degree of expansion is limited by Charles Law, i.e., to 1/273 of their volume for each 1K (for practical purposes 1K 5 1C). The evolution of carbon dioxide provides increases in gas volumes far in excess of that obtained purely from the temperature effect. As the sponge batter expands during heating its relative density changes and this affects the heat transfer rate into the batter. Batters with high rela- tive densities, i.e., low gas volumes, bake faster than those with low relative densities, because the gases involved act like an insulating material. Thus the more gas that is evolved during baking, the slower the heat transfer rate and this leads to more uniform expansion of the batter. Steam is also generated during the baking process. This requires that the temperature in the product exceeds 100C. The presence of dissolved sugars raises the boiling point of the aqueous phase in sponge (Cauvain and Young, 2008), but the crust still sets fairly early in the baking process. The quantities of steam which are progressively evolved from the batter as the heat pene- trates to the centre buildup pressure under the top crust and detach it from the rest of the product. There is also a buildup of steam at the angle of the base of the pan and its side which prevents the batter flowing into that area. The rounding of this area of the product is often referred to as ‘chamfering.’ The rate at which carbon dioxide gas is evolved depends on the ROR between the acid component and the sodium bicarbonate (see Section 2.6.8). This can be regulated either by changing the acid type or its particle size. In the latter case larger particles are slower to react. 290 Baking Problems Solved

We suggest that you first investigate the effect of raising the level of the baking powder that you are using. This usually solves the problem. If it per- sists then you are most likely using an acid which is too fast-acting, and we suggest that you change to a slower one, a rough guide for choosing a suitable acid is:

G Fast-acting acids Acid calcium phosphate (mono calcium phosphate), tartaric acid and cream of tartar (potassium hydrogen tartrate). G Slow-acting acids Sodium acid pyrophosphate and sodium acid alu- minium phosphate. The baking powder reaction rate can also be controlled by using an acid or sodium bicarbonate with a larger particle size, however, you must ensure that unreacted components are not left behind in the baked product as this can lead to flavour and colour problems. If you mix the batter for too long, then the carbon dioxide gas which is being evolved during the mixing process may escape from the batter rather than diffusing into the air bubbles. Cauvain and Cyster (1996) showed that this could happen even when using an apparently ‘slow’ acting acid like sodium acid pyrophosphate.

References Cauvain, S.P., Cyster, J.A., 1996. Sponge cake technology. CCFRA Review No. 2. Campden BRI, Chipping Campden, UK. Cauvain, S.P., Young, L.S., 2008. Bakery Food Manufacture and Quality: Water Control and Effects, second ed. Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, UK. Cakes, Sponges and Muffins Chapter | 5 291

5.44 WHEN MAKING SPONGE DROPS, WE FIND THAT THE LAST ONES TO BE DEPOSITED ARE NOT AS GOOD AS THE FIRST ONES. WHY IS THIS? Once a batter has been mixed, changes in its properties occur with standing time. The nature of these changes varies according to the manner in which it is treated and the length of time which elapses before it is deposited. The main change is related to the stability of the air bubbles in the batter and the evolution of carbon dioxide gas from the baking powder in the formulation. Once mixing starts, the acid in the baking powder begins to dissolve and react with the sodium bicarbonate that is present. The rate of the reaction depends on the type and nature of the acid (see Section 2.6.8) and the tem- perature of the batter. The reaction proceeds more rapidly at higher tempera- tures whatever the acid being used. Sometime after the baking powder reaction has begun, the carbon dioxide gas diffuses into the air bubbles in the batter and they begin to inflate. Some may become so large that they can rise in the batter and escape at its surface. The stabiliser in the batter (e.g., emulsifiers) helps prevent this from occurring. As the batter standing time before depositing increases, more carbon dioxide is evolved, and eventually, some of it can escape from the batter. If too much of the carbon dioxide is lost the batter relative density begins to increase, that is, the batter becomes less well aerated and the sponge drops deposited from this portion will lose volume. The length of time which has to elapse before this situation is reached depends on the particular baking acid being used but can occur with all acids. The potential for ‘de-aeration’ of the batter increases if the batter is agitated or subjected to shear to any significant degree. The longer that the batter stands the greater will be the potential deaeration effect from any agitation. We suggest that you examine the length of time that the batter stands and see if this can be shortened. This may require the production of smaller batches mixed more frequently. Avoid excessive agitation of the batter once prepared, e.g., try to minimise the degree of scraping down of hoppers because this incorporates ‘old’ batter which contains less gas. Alternatively, consider using a slower acting acid in your baking powder. 292 Baking Problems Solved

5.45 FROM TIME TO TIME, WE EXPERIENCE PROBLEMS WITH SWISS ROLLS CRACKING ON ROLLING. CAN YOU HELP IDENTIFY THE CAUSES OF THE PROBLEM? The two most important characteristics of a Swiss roll sheet are that, it should have a uniform thickness after baking and should be sufficiently flexi- ble to withstand the rolling process. Control of a number of different recipe and process factors are therefore important if you are to avoid problems with the rolls cracking. We suggest that you look closely at the following aspects. The thickness of sheet after baking as both increases and decreases in thickness may cause cracking. Thinner sheets are particularly prone to crack- ing. Pay attention to any changes in sheet thickness which may have arisen from changes in batter density, lower or higher, from changes in mixing times or from different levels of air injection in continuous mixers. As baking powder action makes a significant contribution to roll thick- ness you may wish to examine the level that you use. The rate at which the carbon dioxide is released varies according to the type of acid that is being used (see Section 2.6.8) and you may wish to check that you are using the same acid each time. There is some release of carbon dioxide gas while the batter stands before depositing, so any significant variation in batter standing time can have an effect on final product volume. You should check your deposit weight control to ensure that there are no significant variations. Remember that the deposit weight for a given unit area with Swiss roll batter is low and so even small variations may have a significant effect. Avoid unnecessary drying of the roll during baking. This may come from longer baking times, higher baking temperatures or higher air velocities in some types of oven. Variations in batter formulation and aeration will also have an effect on the final roll moisture content. Remember that a thinner deposit will bake to a lower moisture for a given set of baking conditions. Cakes, Sponges and Muffins Chapter | 5 293

5.46 WHAT ARE THE KEY ELEMENTS TO CONSIDER WHEN MAKING CHOCOLATE CAKES WITH COCOA POWDER? The use of the term ‘chocolate’ to describe a cake varies a little around the world and is often regulated in some way. For example, in the United Kingdom, chocolate can only be used as a cake descriptor if the final product contains not less than 3% dry, non-fat cocoa solids. This is usually achieved through the addition of cocoa powder and when calculating the level to use in a recipe allowance must be made for variations in moisture (usually around 5%) and fat (commonly between 10% and 20%). The calculation is quite straightforward as shown by the following exam- ple for the United Kingdom: Cocoa powder contains 5% moisture and 15% fat The required dry, nonfat solids are 3% The mass of cake crumb after baking is 100 kg The quantity required is given by 3 3 100/(100 2 5 2 15) 5 3.75 kg It is wise to slightly increase the level of added cocoa powder so that any variations in cocoa composition or cake moisture content are taken into account. Thus in the above example, the level of cocoa powder could be increased to 4 kg. The addition of cocoa powder should be considered as ‘flour’ for the pur- poses of recipe balance. It is common practice to add extra water along with the cocoa powder. For the example given above, the addition of 2kg extra water would be recommended. Without this extra water addition, the batter would be very viscous and may become difficult to process in the normal manner. Even with the addition of extra water chocolate cakes tend to be drier eating than the equivalent plain form. It helps to slightly increase added oil or fat levels, or to add glycerol. There may also be some loss of volume in chocolate sponge, this can usually be compensated for by slightly raising the added emulsifier or baking powder levels. Often chocolate batters may contain an excess of sodium bicarbonate to yield alkaline cake which helps enhance the chocolate colour in the final product. 294 Baking Problems Solved

5.47 WE HAVE BEEN MAKING CAKE MUFFINS AND FIND THAT WHEN WE CUT THEM OPEN, THEY HAVE LARGE VERTICAL HOLES IN THE CRUMB. WHY IS THIS AND HOW DO WE ELIMINATE THEM? The holes that you have seen are often referred to as ‘tunnel holes’ and run vertically from the base of the muffin towards the peak top. As heat begins to penetrate into the muffin batter the starch gel swells and begins to gelati- nise. At this time, there is a significant increase in batter viscosity in the outer areas of the deposit. Above these areas of high viscosity, the batter is still relatively fluid and can expand upwards eventually bursting though the top crust and causing the muffin to form a peaked shape. The expansion comes from the evolution of steam and the generation of carbon dioxide from the reaction of the baking powder components and their thermal expansion. It appears that the tunnel holes first form in areas of the batter where the batter is close to gelatinising and coalescence of the previ- ous small gas bubbles is beginning to occur. These larger bubbles become buoyant and try to rise towards the surface of the muffin. The pressure in these large gas bubbles forces the batter apart as it starts to set and initiates the formation of the base of the tunnel hole. The portions of batter which have still to set offer less resistance to the expanding gases, and they travel upwards forming the tunnel holes but as the heat continues to penetrate they become trapped in the setting crumb (see Fig. 5.7). As batter viscosity and gelatinisation are important in determining the devel- opment of the tunnel holes, you could eliminate them by changing your recipe, particularly by re-balancing your sugar to water ratio with an increase in the level of water. However, these types of holes have become so characteristic of muffins that eliminating them may affect consumers’ perceptions of your prod- uct quality so proceed with caution. If you are going to re-balance your formula, you may prefer to call the product by another name.

FIGURE 5.7 Tunnel holes in cake muffins. Cakes, Sponges and Muffins Chapter | 5 295

5.48 WHY DO SOME OF OUR CAKE MUFFINS LEAN TO ONE SIDE DURING BAKING? Due to the combination of recipe, deposit weights and pan dimensions, cake muffins tend to form a large bulbous head which slightly overflows the sides of the supporting pan. Usually, the bulbous head is located more or less symmetrically and centrally on the product. The last portion of the batter to set during baking is about two-thirds of the way up the vertical height in the pan. The expansion of this portion of the batter provides suf- ficient force to encourage the formation of the bulbous head and break on the top crust. The control of heat input in oven is a key element in the delivery of a uniform shape with cake products. All baked products receive heat at their surfaces which is transmitted through to their centres. The rate of heat transfer depends on many factors related to dough or batter density, dimensions and oven conditions. Cake batters are less viscous than bread or cookie doughs and as heat is slowly being conducted to the product centre, it is possible for convection currents to form in the batter before it sets. The magnitude of the convection currents depends on many factors; including flour treatment (Cauvain and Young, 2006) and the dimensions of the cake. Convection currents are more likely to occur in products which are relatively thick by comparison with their SA s (e.g., loaf and slab cakes). When products are baking in the oven, it is important that there is suf- ficient air movement around them to help with the uniform transfer of heat. If the gaps between products or pans are too narrow, then the heat flow can be reduced and the crust of the product will take longer to form on that part of the product. In such cases, the expanding batter will tend to move in the direction where the crust is weakest and yield a product which leans (Fig. 5.8). We suggest that you look closely at the spacing of your cake pans on your trays and the way in which they are placed in the oven. 296 Baking Problems Solved

FIGURE 5.8 Leaning cake muffins.

Reference Cauvain, S.P., Young, L.S., 2006. Baked Products: Science, Technology and Practice. Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, UK. Cakes, Sponges and Muffins Chapter | 5 297

5.49 WHAT IS BAUMKUCHEN AND HOW IS IT MADE? Baumkuchen is a speciality cake much loved by Germans. It takes its name, meaning tree or log cake, from the way the batter was originally deposited and baked, layer by layer on a thin log which was rotated over an open wood fire. It is said to have its origins with the ancient civilisations of the Greeks and Romans. It is believed, the Romans brought the technique for producing the Baumkucken as they conquered Northern Europe, and in Germany, the techniques were practised and enhanced to give the modern day Baumkucken. A typical recipe is: 500g butter 500g sugar 1500g egg 500g flour The recipe can be varied by adding other fillings such as ground nuts, honey, marzipan and rum or brandy. The method of baking is critical, and it is doubtful that it can be carried out without special equipment. Normally, baking is carried out in a specially constructed oven which is heated at the bottom with open gas jets. Above, there is a revolving hardwood tapering roller or tube upon which is fastened either a piece of cloth or, more usually, buttered greaseproof paper, which is tied with thin string at regular intervals to assist in the adhesion of the batter and subsequent removal of the baked cake. The batter, which is similar to that used for Sandkucken (a traditional plain cake from Northern Europe), is poured over the greased paper while the roller is constantly revolving. To prevent large cakes from slipping off the rollers, the latter are preheated and the first layers of cake are baked more thoroughly than the following layers. As each layer is cooked, a further layer is poured over until the desired thickness is obtained. Baking is accom- plished by adjusting the heat source and/or the distance of the cake from that source. The regulation of the flames during baking is very important and experience is needed to get the best results. To obtain the characteristic regular wavy appearance the rotating cake is scraped with a large metal comb and finished with a specially shaped rod. Using a broad palette knife the cake is then marked in rings where the pieces 298 Baking Problems Solved of string hold the paper. Whilst still in the oven, the baked cake is decorated with apricot puree which serves as a glaze. Other finishes such as fondant or chocolate can be added afterwards. The roller is then removed and the entire cake cut up into rings or used in an upright position as a speciality cake for Easter or other festive occasion. Sometimes, the cake is removed immediately from the roller and cut into a variety of sections. (e.g., rings, wedges, slices). The crumb of the Baumkucken is firmer and drier than that of other plain cakes. Chapter 6

Biscuits, Cookies, Crackers and Wafers

6.1 HOW IMPORTANT ARE THE DOUGH AND BATTER TEMPERATURES IN BISCUIT, COOKIE, CRACKER AND WAFER MAKING? The temperature of biscuit doughs and batters is important in controlling a number of the key chemical reactions and in influencing the processing of the dough. The temperature requirements of biscuit and cookie doughs are quite diverse, so we will discuss them under five different headings; semi- sweet sheeted, short-dough rotary moulded, wire-cut and deposited, crackers and other laminated biscuits and wafer batters. Semi-sweet sheeted A key requirement for the processing of semi-sweet biscuit doughs by sheeting is to deliver a particular dough rheology in a consistent manner. The dough rheological properties are strongly influenced by the flour proper- ties and the development of the gluten structure in the dough during mixing. A particular problem with semi-sweet sheeted doughs can be the tendency of the cut pieces to shrink back after cutting or during baking giving misshapen products. This problem is most commonly related to high levels of gluten formation in the initial dough. In general, the warmer the dough the softer will be its consistency and the more readily it will sheet. Warmer doughs also tend to have less elasticity and so may better keep their shape after hav- ing been cut from the sheet. In some cases, in the manufacture of semi-sweet biscuit dough a reducing agent (e.g., sodium metabisulphite, L-cysteine hydrochloride (see Section 2.2.7) or proteolytic enzymes may be added to help reduce the elasticity of the dough. It is worth noting that the action of both reducing agents and proteolytic enzymes will be temperature sensitive and that higher dough tem- peratures will encourage greater chemical and biological activity. This is an important consideration in the reuse of biscuit sheet trimmings as the higher level of activity resulting from the combination of higher temperatures and recycle times can cause considerable changes in dough rheological properties.

Baking Problems Solved. DOI: © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. 299 300 Baking Problems Solved

The low water levels used in making semi-sweet doughs means that there is significant resistance by the dough during mixing, which in turn means that there will be significant heat generated. The strong relationship between energy transfer and temperature rise during dough mixing and its contribu- tion to dough development is well-understood in the case of breadmaking (Cauvain and Young, 2006a), but less in semi-sweet biscuit making though it is recognised that significant temperature rises do occur during mixing. Indeed, in some cases, the achievement of a final set dough temperature is used to determine the final mixing point (Manley, 2000). Short-dough rotary moulded The higher levels of sugar and fat used in short-dough biscuits recipes limit the formation of a gluten structure in the mixed dough (Cauvain and Young, 2006b). The level and the choice of the type of fat being used in the recipe plays a significant role in determining the consistency of the mixed dough, the way in which it will process and the eating qualities of the baked product. The melting profile and the final melting point of the fat play a major role in determining the organoleptic acceptably of the baked biscuit. High melting point fats (e.g., above 40C) tend to yield biscuits with a ‘waxy’ mouthfeel, whereas low melting point fats tend to confer ‘oily’ char- acteristics to the baked products. The type of fat used has an impact on the mixing method employed for the manufacture of short-dough biscuits. Commonly, the mixing process for short doughs comprises two stages; the first one is often described as a ‘creaming’ stage in which the fat is mixed with the sugar and other ingredi- ents before the flour is added, and this requires the fat to have the appropri- ate melting profile to give good dispersion and aid with the incorporation of air. Careful control of the dough temperature during mixing is required to maintain the key roles of the fat in the recipe, and in the manufacture of short-dough biscuits, final mix temperatures are much lower than with semi- sweet biscuit doughs. Wire-cut and deposited Wire-cut cookie doughs are of a similar consistency to short-dough biscuits, but often the recipes will contain particulate inclusions such as chocolate chips and nuts. The considerations with respect to the impor- tance of dough temperatures are similar to those for short-dough biscuits. Deposited biscuits are similar to cake batters, so the control of batter temperature is important for the control of gas production by the baking powder and the batter viscosity. The batter temperaturesusedwillbelower than those used in the manufacture of wafers because there is no yeast present. Crackers and other laminated biscuits Many cracker formulations contain yeast and use periods of fermentation (see Section 6.19) followed by lamination of the dough to achieve their Biscuits, Cookies, Crackers and Wafers Chapter | 6 301 characteristic crisp and flaky structures. There are a number of variations on the fermentation system including sponge and dough, straight dough and continuous fermentation systems. In all cases control of the dough, tempera- ture is very important to optimise the contribution by the yeast to gas production. In cracker-making processes which employ long fermentation times, there is the potential for significant flavour development. The added yeast will contribute to the final flavour profile but equally important will be the contri- bution from the naturally occurring lactobacilli and other microogansims. In some cases, a specific culture of lactobacilli may be added at the start of mixing to achieve a specific flavour profile. The temperature used in the fer- mentation processes associated with cracker production may be varied to encourage a particular flavour profile. Wafer batters In the preparation of wafer batters, the temperature will play an important role in determining the viscosity of the batter which in turn will impact on its flow properties although it is being pumped through the processing equip- ment and its behaviour at depositing. It is important that the batter flows readily onto the wafer plates and will quickly spread to fill the whole of the plate as it enters the oven to get a complete wafer sheet. Low temperatures yield batters with high viscosity and the deposit weight may have to be increased to ensure that a complete wafer is formed. High deposit weights tend to result in wafers with a harder texture after baking because they are denser. The aeration of wafer batters is a most important aspect in production. Some wafer batter formulations may contain yeast and be given a short period of fermentation before depositing. Thus, temperature control is required to achieve consistent results. The more common method of aerating wafer batters is through the addition of sodium or ammonium carbonates or a combination of both. Neither of these chemicals is particularly affected by variations in batter temperature over the typical range in a bakery as most of their reaction occurs when the batter is deposited onto the wafer plates for baking and the temperature is much higher. One reaction that is affected by batter temperature is that of the cereal alpha-amylase present in the flour. The amylase acts on the damaged starch granules and reduces the viscosity of the batter by breaking down the starch and releasing the water that is had been holding. It is common for wafer batters to stand for a period of time before depositing, so any variations in batter temperature can have a profound impact of batter viscosity. High batter temperatures should be avoided to reduce the potential for amylase activity. Temperature ranges Some typical temperature ranges for different groups of biscuit products are given in the following table. 302 Baking Problems Solved

Product Temperature range for dough or batter (C) Wafers 2232 Semi-sweet sheeted 4046 Short-dough rotary moulded 1822 Wire-cut and deposited 1624 Crackers and other laminated biscuits 3038

References Cauvain, S.P., Young, L.S., 2006a. The Chorleywood Bread Process. Woodhead Publishing Ltd., Cambridge, UK. Cauvain, S.P., Young, L.S., 2006b. Baked Products: Science, Technology and Practice. Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, UK. Manley, D., 2000. Technology of Biscuits, Crackers and Cookies, third ed. Woodhead Publishing Ltd., Cambridge, UK. Biscuits, Cookies, Crackers and Wafers Chapter | 6 303

6.2 WHAT IS ‘VOL’ AND WHAT IS ITS FUNCTION IN BISCUITS DOUGHS? Vol is a baker’s term which is applied to ammonium carbonate. It is used as an aerating agent and does not require the addition of an acid to evolve car- bon dioxide. It also differs from other aerating agents, in that, it evolves almost no gas in the cold and decomposes under the influence of heat to yield three gases; ammonia, carbon dioxide and water vapour (steam). The evolution of ammonia restricts the use of vol. Ammonia is readily soluble in the liquid phase of doughs, pastes and batters and will remain in the product if sufficient water remains after baking. This is the case with cakes where the use of vol will leave an unpleasant ammonia taste and smell. In biscuits, however, the degree of heat input required to drive off almost all of the water from the dough ensures that the majority of the ammonia is also driven off so that the effect on taste and flavour is not detectable. There are a number of reasons why vol has been used in the baking industry, including:

G The volume yield of gases is considerable for a given weight of material. G The complete decomposition and the absence of an aerating acid means that there are no salts left in the product which may yield unacceptable flavours. G The minimal release of gas in the cold permits the mixing large batches of dough and extended processing times without significant change in paste density or loss of aeration before baking. 304 Baking Problems Solved

6.3 A BATCH OF OUR BISCUITS CONTAINING OATMEAL HAS DEVELOPED A ‘SOAPY’ AFTER-TASTE WHICH MAKES THEM UNPALATABLE. WHY IS THIS? The soapy taste that you observe is almost certainly the result of lipase enzyme activity in either the dough before baking or in the baked product during storage, possibly through post-baking contamination. Oats are prone to this problem due to the high level of lipase enzyme activity which is naturally present. Lipase splits fats into fatty acids which react with the sodium bicarbonate to yield the soapy flavour. The most com- mon way of avoiding this problem is to only use oat products in which the lipase activities have been eliminated. This is achieved by steaming the oats, and you should specify this to your supplier. Steaming should not have any adverse effects on the functionality of the oats which is limited in biscuit making. You should also examine your dough mixing and processing to ensure that there has been no incorporation of scraps of old dough or ones which have become heavily contaminated with microorganisms which also have the potential for considerable lipase activity. As commented above, the lipase activity can have a microbial origin and so could also come from post-baking contamination. In normal circum- stances, the water activity of an oatmeal biscuit is too low to support micro- bial activity due to its low moisture content. However, if there has been any condensation on the surface of the biscuit, then the water activity might have become high enough to initiate the necessary microbial activity. You should consider whether there has been any opportunities for warming and cooling which may lead to condensation in the pack. Oat-based products may also develop off-odours and bitter tastes due to oxidative rancidity. In the case, the low water activity in the product encourages the problem, along with exposure to light and traces of cer- tain metals, e.g., iron and copper. Oxidative rancidity is normally a lengthy process taking many weeks or months to manifest. The inclusion of a suitable antioxidant in the fat is usually helpful in avoiding this problem. Biscuits, Cookies, Crackers and Wafers Chapter | 6 305

6.4 FROM TIME TO TIME, WE HAVE NOTICED A WHITE DISCOLOURATION ON THE SURFACE OF OUR ALL-BUTTER SHORTBREAD. CAN YOU EXPLAIN WHY THIS OCCURS? The discolouration that you have observed is the phenomenon commonly referred to as ‘fat bloom’. It is the formation of small crystals of fat on the surface of the biscuit and occurs mainly as the result of temperature cycling during storage, that is periods of warmth and cold such as may occur in un-heated locations subject to the effects of ambient temperature fluctuation. Fat crystals may exist in a number of different forms (see Section 2.3.1). As their size may as small as 5 μm, only agglomerates of fat crystals can be seen with the naked eye. The formation of crystal agglomerates is encour- aged by rapid cooling, such as might be experienced when the products are quickly chilled after baking. Similar conditions may occur if a warm product is placed into a chilled environment. A similar problem may be seen with chocolates which have become too warm in periods of hot weather and then placed in a refrigerator to cool. To minimise the problem, you should examine your cooling technique and try to cool more slowly, or eliminate forced air cooling. Also consider whether you can pack in a warmer environment. You should record the typical storage temperature history of the product, looking for any fluctuating periods of warmth and cold and eliminate, or at least minimise these. If none of these considerations are relevant, you might tackle the problem by introducing a small portion (say about 5%) of a low melting point butter- fat fraction or oil into the product. This will help to reduce the tendency for the fat to recrystallise. 306 Baking Problems Solved

6.5 WE PRODUCE BISCUIT-CONTAINING POWDERED FRUCTOSE WHICH WE CREAM WITH THE FAT AND SUCROSE BEFORE ADDING THE OTHER INGREDIENTS. RECENTLY, WE HAVE SEEN THE APPEARANCE OF BROWN SPOTS ON THE PRODUCT. DO YOU KNOW WHAT CAUSES THIS EFFECT? The most likely cause of your problem is associated with the creaming of the fat and the sugars. It is likely that some of the fructose that you are adding has become so coated with fat that it cannot dissolve in the limited amount of water that is available in a typical biscuit dough. This leads to excessive browning during baking. To avoid the problem, you could dissolve the powdered fructose in the dough water before mixing. Alternatively, you could change to a fructose syrup, remembering to re-balance the sugar solids and water content of the recipe. Similar brown or dark spots may arise if you are using very large crystals of sucrose which do not dissolve completely and lead to the problem some- times described as ‘sugar burn’. Dark spots may also originate from undissolved aerating acids in the mix. For example, acid calcium phosphate is sparingly soluble and can hydrolyse on the surface of baked goods to give free phosphoric acid. The acid can car- bonise carbohydrates during baking giving rise to dark spots where the phos- phate is concentrated. Often, the problem is alleviated by changing to a finer form of the acid concerned so that there is better dispersion. Should the dark spots still form they are usually too small to be detected by eye. Biscuits, Cookies, Crackers and Wafers Chapter | 6 307

6.6 HOW DO BISCUITS AND CRACKERS GET BROKEN DURING STORAGE, EVEN IF THEY ARE NOT DISTURBED? CAN WE STOP THIS FROM HAPPENING? The problem you describe is the one commonly referred to as ‘checking’ and is related to the uneven distribution of moisture in the baked biscuit or cracker. It was first studied and the reasons for the problem reported by Dunn and Bailey (1928). After leaving the oven, the moisture remaining in biscuits and crackers is unevenly distributed; in particular, the edges and upper and lower sur- faces have a much lower moisture content than the centre. During storage, the moisture migrates from the higher moisture content centre to the drier areas to achieve equilibrium. This movement of moisture sets up a series of stresses and strains in the product which, because the product is inflexible, can be of sufficient force to crack the surface. In some severe cases, the biscuit may completely break into a number of smaller pieces. The cracks develop along weaknesses in the product structure, many of which are microscopic in size. The best means of avoiding this problem is to assure a minimum of moisture gradient in the baked product. This commonly means baking at lower temperatures for longer times. Alternatively, you can introduce immediate post-baking drying using radio-frequency or microwave heating. Ideally, the moisture differential between surface and centre should be less than 1% and average biscuit moisture contents in the order of 23%. It is possible for biscuits to absorb moisture from the atmosphere if they are not packed correctly, but this usually leads to softening of the biscuit rather than checking. Dunn and Bailey (1928) suggested that part of the crystalline sucrose be replaced with invert sugar syrup. Other suggestions have been using a lower protein flour and smaller average particle size, though such changes may not be suitable for cracker production where the protein plays an important role in delivering the relevant dough rheology and formation of the layered struc- ture. Micka (1939) suggested that raising the pH to around 7.0 was useful in reducing checking, and he considered that careful use of rework was necessary.

References Dunn, J.A., Bailey, C.H., 1928. Factors affecting checking in biscuits. Cereal Chemistry 5, 395430. Micka, J., 1939. Study of checking and pH in cracker and biscuit product. Cereal Chemistry 16, 752764. 308 Baking Problems Solved

6.7 WE ARE MAKING A GINGER CRUNCH COOKIE, BUT FIND THAT WE EXPERIENCE VARIATIONS SIZE. CAN YOU ADVISE? Variations in biscuit size often come from variations in flow during the bak- ing process. The three main ingredients which control flow are sugar, ammo- nium bicarbonate and flour protein level. If you want to increase flow then you can:

G Increase sugar or glucose syrup level. G Increase ammonium bicarbonate (vol) level. G Use a flour with a higher protein content. If you wish to decrease flow, then you should use lower levels of the above ingredients. As you are experiencing variations in flow, then you should check the weights of the three key ingredients to make sure that they are being deliv- ered consistently. If there is no problem with the weights being delivered, then you should look to the flour qualities. Biscuits, Cookies, Crackers and Wafers Chapter | 6 309

6.8 WHEN MAKING GINGER NUTS, WE FIND THAT WE DO NOT ALWAYS GET THE DEGREE OF CRACKING THAT WE WOULD LIKE. WHY IS THIS? The cracks which form on ginger nuts are mostly related to the level and bal- ance of sugar types being used. You should try increasing the level of coarse sugar or reduce the level of fine sugar in the recipe. The oven humidity can also affect crack formation and an increase may be of some help, especially if you can introduce the humidity into the first section of a multi-section oven, the products may exhibit poor cracking because they are flowing too much (see Section 6.7). 310 Baking Problems Solved

6.9 WE ARE TRYING TO MAKE SOFT-EATING COOKIES AND ARE HAVING A DEGREE OF SUCCESS WITH THE RECIPE THAT WE ARE USING. THE PRODUCTS ARE NOT EXPECTED TO HAVE A LONG SHELF-LIFE, BUT WE FIND THAT THEY ARE GOING HARD TOO QUICKLY. CAN YOU SUGGEST ANY WAYS OF EXTENDING THE PERIOD OF TIME THAT THE COOKIES WILL STAY SOFT EATING? Soft-eating cookies are usually baked to higher moisture contents than many types of biscuits and cookies; moisture contents may range from 6 to 12% compared with less than 5% with more traditional biscuit forms. This higher moisture content helps to confer some of the softer eating character that you are seeking. To help get and keep the higher moisture content, you may need to make slightly thicker cookies than you are used to. This approach will mean that more moisture is retained in the centre of the product and help with the soft- ness and chewiness of the cookie. There will be a moisture gradient in the baked cookie with the upper and bottom crusts and the edges having lower moisture contents than the centre. Gradually during storage, you will find that the moisture from the centre of the cookie will migrate to the regions of lower moisture content with some loss of the soft-eating character, but they will have a softer texture than standard cookies. The rate at which this moisture equilibration occurs depends on a number of factors but is especially affected by the moisture-permeability of the pack that you are using. To reduce moisture losses and so retain the soft-eating character that you are seeking you should use a wrapper with a low moisture vapour transition rate (see Section 11.7) which limits moisture losses. You should also check the integrity of the pack seals as moisture can readily pass out of the pack through any small gaps. In the oven, it is generally recognised that part of the sugar when heated dissolves in the recipe water and melts to form an amorphous glass (a super-cooled liquid). This sugar glass contributes to cookie flow and significantly affects the final cookie eating character. With the loss of moisture during baking, the level of water available for keeping the sucrose in solution is lowered. As the cookies cool on leaving the oven, some of the sucroses that is present will recrystallise which contribute to the hardness of their eating character. If more moisture is lost during stor- age, more sugar will recrystallise and the eating character will further harden; it is for this reason that it is important to restrict the moisture losses during storage. In some biscuit products, the moisture gradient between the centre and the crust regions can lead to problems of checking or the spontaneous break- ing of biscuits (see Section 6.6). Checking is more commonly a problem Biscuits, Cookies, Crackers and Wafers Chapter | 6 311 with biscuit products which are low in fat and sugar, e.g., semi-sweet and cracker types (Cauvain and Young, 2008). You should not experience any problems with checking, nevertheless, you should watch out for any signs of the problem; for example, an increase in the crumbliness of your products. If you are including any nuts, chocolate chips or pieces of fruit in your cookies, they provide discontinuities or points of weakness in your products which can be exploited by the strains which arise because of moisture migration within the cookie. Dried fruit pieces can also be a problem as they may absorb water from the moister areas of the cookie and so may increase the likelihood for sugar recrystallisation. One of the ways you can help keep the cookie soft is to replace part of the crystalline sucrose (sugar) with non-sucrose sugar syrup. This replacement will reduce the likelihood of the sucrose recrystallisation during storage. Sugar syrups which may be used include glucose syrups and high-fructose corn syrup. You will need to carry out a few trials to find an appropriate level of replacement. Remember to adjust the water level in your recipe to allow for the water present in the sugar syrup (typically around 1820%). High levels of glucose syrup may lead to excessive browning in plain cookies, with chocolate cookies this should be less of a problem. You may also notice a slight change in sweetness.

Reference Cauvain, S.P., Young, L.S., 2008. Bakery Food Manufacture & Quality: Water Control and Effects, second ed. Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, UK. 312 Baking Problems Solved

6.10 WE ASSEMBLE A SELECTION PACK OF BISCUITS AND COOKIES, ONE OF WHICH IS A RECTANGULAR PRODUCT COATED ON THE TOP WITH ICING. WHEN THE PACK IS OPENED AFTER SOMETIME THIS COATED BISCUIT HAS A ‘BOWED’ SHAPE, THE BASE IS SOFT EATING BUT THE ICING REMAINS HARD. CAN YOU SUGGEST REASONS FOR THESE CHANGES? As you know, biscuits are very low moisture, baked products and this contri- butes to their hard eating character. As they have a low moisture and low water activity, they are susceptible to absorbing moisture from the atmo- sphere, and this makes them soft eating. This particular biscuit has obviously absorbed moisture and as well as becoming soft eating has begun to expand. It is not unusual for biscuits to expand when they absorb moisture; the degree of expansion is very small and often goes unnoticed. However, in this case, the icing on top of the biscuit has remained hard and not significantly changed its dimensions, and the overall effect is for product to assume the slightly bowed shape that you see. It may be the case that many of the differ- ent biscuit types in the pack have been affected to some degree or another. It is interesting that the icing has not been affected by the available mois- ture. Icings are usually quite likely to absorb moisture and go sticky, espe- cially if there is a lot of crystalline material present. In this case, it would appear that your icing formulation and preparation has minimised the poten- tial for the icing to absorb water. The moisture which has caused this problem may come from a number of sources. There are at least three possibilities to consider: 1. That the biscuits have been stored in a damp atmosphere. If the products are in a box then the lid may not be properly fitted, if they are over- wrapped then the seal may not be secure. Of course, once the biscuits have been sold, then you have no control over the conditions under which they are stored. 2. The volume of air in the pack around the biscuits can be quite large, and if they were packed in a damp environment, then there could be the opportunity for moisture migration from the enclosed air into the pro- ducts during subsequent storage. 3. A strong possibility is that the moisture which has caused this problem comes from other products in the pack. This would be the case if any of the other biscuits have relatively high moisture content fillings, e.g., fig rolls (fig Newtons). If you want to include such products in the pack, then you may have to over-wrap these separately in a moisture imperme- able film before they are placed in the pack. If you do not want to do this, then you will have to change the selection of biscuits that you put in the pack. Biscuits, Cookies, Crackers and Wafers Chapter | 6 313

6.11 WE ARE EXPERIENCING DARK BROWN SPECKS ON THE SURFACE OF OUR PLAIN SHEETED BISCUITS. WE HAVE BEEN USING THE SAME RECIPE FOR A NUMBER OF YEARS WITHOUT A PROBLEM. CAN YOU IDENTIFY THE CAUSE OF THE SPECKS AND SUGGEST A REMEDY? We have examined your recipe and cannot see any particular problem with the ratios of the ingredients that you have been using. However, the cause of the problem is clearly associated with one ingredient in particular namely the sodium bicarbonate that you are adding. The specks are based on particles of undissolved and unreacted sodium bicarbonate which on heating in the oven turn dark brown in colour. Incomplete reaction of the sodium bicarbonate may also lead to a yellowish colour in the biscuit crumb because of the alkaline conditions and the potential for a soapy taste. It is most likely that the grade of sodium bicarbonate that you are using has changed. There are at least three or four different grades which may be used in food production. The finesses of the grade will dictate how quickly the sodium bicarbonate dissolves and thus how quickly it reacts with any acid materials to produce carbon dioxide gas. There is clearly a balance to be achieved; very fine grades will react faster and may release the carbon dioxide gas too early in the manufacturing process which will result in loss of lift in the biscuits. Using a coarser grade of sodium bicarbonate will delay the gassing reaction but may lead to the problems that you are experiencing. Commonly, the sodium bicarbonate for biscuit making should have a particle size less than 0.06 mm. The problem is likely to be exacerbated by the low water levels that are used in biscuit doughs. If there is no alternative to use the coarser grade of sodium bicarbonate, then you may have to change the mixing procedure and move to what is often called ‘delayed soda addition’. In this case, you should mix your dough as usual but hold back a small quantity of water and the sodium bicarbonate. The bicarbonate should be dissolved in the water that you have held back and only added to the dough at the very end of mixing. It is important not to mix the dough for too long after the addition of bicar- bonate and water because the bicarbonate is now in solution and so is able to react with the acids in the recipe. If you have long resting or processing times after dough mixing, then the delayed soda approach will not be helpful due to the risk of losing too much carbon dioxide gas before baking, and so you have no alternative but to change to a finer grade of sodium bicarbonate. 314 Baking Problems Solved

6.12 WE ARE HAVING SOME PROBLEMS WITH PACKING OUR ROTARY MOULDED BISCUIT LINES. WHEN WE MEASURE THE THICKNESS OF THE BISCUITS, WE HAVE NOTICED THAT SOME ARE THICKER THAN OTHERS. CAN YOU SUGGEST ANY REASONS WHY WE SHOULD BE GETTING SUCH VARIATIONS? Close examination of the samples that you provided showed that the main problem is not that the biscuits vary in thickness, but that many of the indi- vidual biscuits are in fact ‘wedge-shaped’; i.e., one edge of the biscuit is thicker than the opposing edge. As the biscuits are not necessarily uniformly orientated at the time of packing, this is what is giving rise to your problem. First of all, you need to establish if the wedging is uniform across the oven band. You can do this simply by removing a complete row of biscuits from across the band retaining their individual orientation with respect to the direc- tion of travel along the plant. From this action, you can establish the ‘leading edge’ for future trials. Next, you stack the whole row of biscuits one on top of one another (with the same leading edge orientation) and see which way the stack tilts; this will tell you if the wedging lies in one particular direction. In some cases, the occurrence of wedging may be more complicated, and you may have to measure the two thicknesses (leading and trailing edges) for each biscuit. If you are seeing variations in the direction of wedging across the band, you should confirm this by collecting several rows of biscuits to check the orientation of individual lanes. The pattern of wedging that you see in the products leaving the oven is indicative of the pattern in the dough pieces leav- ing the rotary moulder. Once you have established this pattern, it can be used to check progress in eliminating the problem. There are a number of potential reasons for the occurrence of wedging; they include the following:

G Running the extraction and moulding rolls at different speeds. G High levels of water leading to a softer dough which is more likely to allow extrusion of the dough through the front or rear of the moulds (i.e., formation of tails). G High levels of syrup in your recipe. Remember if you are using high levels of syrup you should compensate for any water that might be pres- ent in the ingredient. G High levels of fat leading to softer dough. G Using a low melting point (low solid index) fat which increases the soft- ness of the dough. G Higher final dough temperatures which lead to a softening of the dough because less of the added fat will be solid. G Changes in sugar particle size, either finer or coarser (see Section 2.4.1) You should also look closely at your extraction roller to make sure it is not worn, especially if the problem is only associated with a few lanes of biscuits. Biscuits, Cookies, Crackers and Wafers Chapter | 6 315

6.13 WE ARE HAVING INTERMITTENT PROBLEMS WITH SHRINKAGE OF OUR SEMI-SWEET BISCUITS AFTER THEY HAVE BEEN CUT OUT FROM THE DOUGH SHEET. HOW CAN WE STOP THIS FROM HAPPENING? Shrinkage can be a relatively common problem with semi-sweet biscuits due to the degree of gluten formation that occurs in such doughs during mixing. The problem is exacerbated by the unidirectional nature of the sheetingandcuttingprocesswhichalignthestressesinthedoughinone particular direction. The sheeting stages transfer some energy to the bis- cuit dough, and this adds to the development of the gluten network that is already present. To reduce or eliminate the problem, you will need to look closely at your ingredients and recipe, mixing and processing conditions. Among the possible reasons for the intermittent nature of the problem are:

G Variations in flour quality with respect to both protein content and pro- tein quality. Although the flour may be within specification, you should look closely at the data to see if the problems are associated with times when the properties are closer to the limits of the specification. G Variations in the weights of key ingredients to the mixer. You should check each of these carefully for consistency of delivery. G Variations in dough temperature exmixer. These may be within your specification but is the problem associated with one end of the acceptable range? You may have to adjust the range or the mid-point or to move the dough to a less sensitive position. G Variations in standing time before processing. Delays after mixing can lead to variations in dough consistency as the water is absorbed by the different ingredient and recipe components and as the dough temperature changes. G Any trimmings which are recycled should be carefully controlled in terms of weight of addition and condition. In the case of the latter variations, in age and temperature can have a significant impact on dough rheology. G Check the plant speeds. A common cause of variations is running the plant at different speeds. G You should look closely at those points immediately after sheeting where the dough is taken away on conveyors. A common practice is to allow a degree of ‘relaxation’ in the sheet by building-in a small, hanging-loop in the run of the dough sheet. This releases a little of the tension which has built-up in the dough as it passes through the sheeting rolls; the length of time that the dough sheet spends under reduced tension is short, but it can have a significant impact, especially after the last of the sheeting rolls and before cutting. 316 Baking Problems Solved

FIGURE 6.1 Surface cracking on high-sugar cookies.

G Another option is use a cross-pinning roller which runs at right angles to the direction of paste travel, and this will help reduce the unidirection nature of the sheeting process. Biscuits, Cookies, Crackers and Wafers Chapter | 6 317

6.14 WE ARE EXPERIENCING BLISTERING ON THE SURFACE OF OUR SEMI-SWEET BISCUITS AND SOMETIMES SEE CAVITIES UNDER THE TOP CRUST AND LITTLE HOLLOWS ON THE BOTTOM. CAN YOU IDENTIFY POSSIBLE THE POSSIBLE CAUSE OF THE PROBLEM AND SUGGEST A SOLUTION? You may be experiencing two slightly different problems with your products though baking conditions are implicated in both cases. The blistering proba- bly comes from a lack of humidity at the feed end of the oven. To obtain a smooth surface appearance, the humidity in the first two or three zones of the oven needs to be high. The humidity in the early stages of biscuit baking comes mainly from moisture evaporated from the biscuit dough pieces them- selves. Commonly, humidity is regulated by the extraction dampers fitted to the oven, and to maintain a high initial humidity, these need to be fully closed for the first one or two zones. If this does not have the desired effect, you may need to consider the introduction of extra humidity via the steam jets. You may find that by increasing the oven humidity that the biscuit stack height falls slightly; if this is the case and the change is unacceptable, you may want to consider compensating by slightly increasing the biscuit aera- tion levels. The cavities and hollow bottoms that you sometime observe are created by steam trapped during baking. Hollow bottoms can be a particular problem if you are baking on solid trays or oven bands. Changing to wire mesh should help eliminate this problem. Hollows underneath are also known to be related to using a sugar with a coarse grain. With respect to the cavities underneath, the top crust we suggest that you investigate the docking pin arrangements associated with your products. The docking holes should go right through the dough piece to ensure the ready release of steam. You may find that this also helps with the problem of hol- low bottoms.

10.8 10.7 10.6 10.5 10.4 10.3

Weight (g) 10.2 10.1 10 9.9 02468 101214161820 Fat solids (%) FIGURE 6.2 Impact of fat solids on cookie piece weight. 318 Baking Problems Solved

Cavities under the top crust may also be associated with the aerating agents that you are using. Larger particles of ammonium bicarbonate (vol) will release significant quantities of gas in the oven, essentially blowing the dough piece apart. Check that the particle size of your supply of vol has not increased or dissolve the vol in water before adding it to the dough during mixing. For more information on using vol in biscuits, see Section 6.2. Biscuits, Cookies, Crackers and Wafers Chapter | 6 319

6.15 WE ARE MANUFACTURING SHORT-DOUGH BISCUITS USING A ROTARY MOULDER AND HAVE BEEN OFFERED AN ALTERNATIVE SUPPLY OF SUGAR. WE NOTICE THAT THE NEW SUGAR IS MORE GRANULAR THAN THE MATERIAL WE HAVE BEEN USING PREVIOUSLY; WOULD THIS HAVE ANY EFFECT ON BISCUIT QUALITY? We suggest that you are cautious before switching to the alternative source of sugar. The particle size (coarseness) of the sugar that you use will have effects on a number of different dough and biscuit properties. You need to bear in mind that the water levels typically used in short-dough biscuits are such that not all of the sugar that you are adding will go into solution and undissolved grains of sugars are likely to be present. The rate at which the sugar particles will go into solution is affected by their particle size, with coarse-grained sugars taking longer to get into solution in the available water. Water is lost during the biscuit baking process so that there is even less water available to keep the sugar in solution when the product cools which increases the potential for sugar recrystallisation. Once again the initial parti- cle size of the sugar has a potential effect as coarser-grained sugars are more likely to recrystallise as large sugar grains in the baked product. Some of the likely impacts of sugar particle size include the following:

G The appearance of visible sugar crystals of the biscuit surface when using coarse-grained sugars (though in some cases this may be seen as a posi- tive product character). G An increase in the grittiness of the biscuit eating character with the use of coarse-grained sugars. G Biscuit hardness tends to increase as sugar particle size increases. G An increased tendency to the occurrence of hollow bases as the particle size of the biscuits increases (see Section 2.4.1). G Variations in biscuit flow with varying sugar particle size. This is a most important change due to the impact on biscuit dimensions, including stack height (thickness), which will affect the subsequent performance of the biscuit wrapping equipment. Biscuit flow increases as the particle size of the sugar decreases. G Biscuit dough firmness increases when using coarser sugars, probably because there is more water available for absorption by the flour. G Dough piece and biscuit weights tend to increase when using coarser- grained sugars. 320 Baking Problems Solved

6.16 IS IT POSSIBLE TO REDUCE THE LEVEL OF SUGAR IN OUR BISCUIT AND COOKIE RECIPES WITHOUT AFFECTING THEIR QUALITY? WHAT WOULD BE THE ALTERNATIVES WE COULD USE TO SUCROSE? Reductions in the sugar (sucrose) level in your biscuits and cookies will have an immediate effect on dough handling and the final product quality. This is because sucrose plays a number of important roles in the manufac- ture of biscuits and cookies. In the dough, the effect on water activity is part of the reason for the inhibition of gluten development during mixing. In broad terms, the effect of reducing added sucrose levels would be like changing a short-dough biscuit recipe to become more like that of semi- sweet product. In practice, you may find it difficult to continue to rotary mould reduced-sugar short doughs, and you may experience increased shrinkage of the pieces after release from the mould and almost certainly when the products are baked. In the baked product, sucrose makes impor- tant contributions to product sweetness, crust colour, flow and shape in cookies and the texture of the product, particularly the hardness and crunchiness of the eat so there are quite a few consideration to take into account. The main features of the alternative sugars to sucrose are discussed in Section 2.4.2. The crystalline nature of sucrose and its particle size (see Section 2.4.1) are important in the creaming process which is typically part of short-dough mixing. The sugar crystals aid the dispersion of fat through- out the dough and contribute to some air incorporation. Liquid sugars will not be able to make the same contribution as sucrose, though some of the sugars which are powders can deliver some of the required functionality. To some extent, product sweetness and colour can be adjusted using different combinations of sugars, perhaps with a compensatory re-balancing with other recipe ingredients, such as milk powders. More difficult to replace will be impact that sucrose has on the formation of the cookie structure and ultimately on its texture. Manley (2000) sum- marised in diagrammatic form the changes taking place in biscuit dough during baking. The baking time for biscuits is much shorter than that of com- mon breads, but there is still time for a similar series of changes to occur; namely expansion of the structure, loss of water and structure setting. In the case of biscuits, the relatively low added water levels and short baking times probably militate against a significant degree of starch gelatinisation in the structure formation process so that reducing or changing sugar levels is not likely to have the major impact that it does with cake batters though you can still expect some changes in biscuit properties. More important in the context of structure formation and texture for biscuits and cookies is the formation of a super-saturated sugar solution in the oven. The solubility of sucrose is high and increases dramatically as Biscuits, Cookies, Crackers and Wafers Chapter | 6 321 the dough piece temperature increases. The formation of this super- saturated sugar solution throughout the dough matrix contributes to the expansion of biscuits and cookies in the oven, but as the structure begins to become porous, the escaping gas leads to collapse of the structure to yield (usually) a thin final product. Commonly, this collapse occurs in the oven, depending on sugar level. In some biscuit and cookie types, the col- lapse may not begin to occur until the product is cooling after it has left the oven. As well as contributing to the expansion of the product the super- saturated sugar solution which is formed in the oven also permits consider- able flow or spread, and this spread needs to be controlled to maintain final product characteristics. As the product cools, the sugar solution solidifies and becomes rigid, often forming a characteristically cracked surface (see Fig. 6.1). The impact of the different sugar solubilities and their effect on product flow will be an important factor to take into account when reformu- lating for lower sucrose levels. The crunchiness and crumbly eating character of many cookie products is a direct result of the high levels of recipe sucrose, and reductions in sugar levels will result in the loss of those eating characters and a harder texture. In many high-sugar products, the recrystallisation of sugar on cooling results in weak points in the cookie structure and contributes to the shortness of its texture. Some of this effect comes from starting with a proportion of coarse sucrose particles in the recipe, most alternative sugars and sugar replacers are not available with the same range of crystalline forms as sucrose and so are not able to make a similar contribution to texture.

Reference Manley, D., 2000. Technology of Biscuits, Crackers and Cookies. Woodhead Publishing Ltd., Cambridge, UK. 322 Baking Problems Solved

6.17 WE WOULD LIKE TO REDUCE THE LEVEL OF FAT IN OUR BISCUIT RECIPES. HOW CAN WE DO THIS? A reduction of fat will lead to changes in processing requirements due to the potential for greater gluten formation in the dough and an increased risk of shrinkage during processing and baking. As the fat level in a biscuit recipe is reduced, there is a progressive loss of product weight, see Fig. 6.2. The fat also contributes to the shortness of the eating quality. There will also be an increased risk of checking (see Section 6.6). In the manufacture of crackers, the fat contributes to product lift as part of the ‘cracker dust’ which is lami- nated into the product. The most common way of enabling fat reduction in biscuit making is through the addition of suitable emulsifiers. The most commonly used emul- sifiers (see Section 2.7.6) for this purpose are diacetyl tartaric esters of mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids, usually referred to as DATA esters or Datem, sodium stearoyl-2-lactylate and lecithin. The rates of emulsifier addition would be at about 1.5% of the fat weight in the original recipe and this would allow for a reduction of around 20% of the original fat level. For example, if the fat level was 16% or 16 g in 100 g mix; the rate of addition of the emulsifier would be 0.24 g in 100 g mix and the new fat level would then be 12.8 g. Obviously, when the ingredient per- centages are adjusted back to a 100-g mix, the percentage of fat will not be 12.8% because the total ingredient weight is slightly less; the new percentage fat level in 100-g mix would become 13.2%. If you do encounter excessive shrinkage during processing, you can consider the addition of a reducing agent like sodium metabisulphite of L-cysteine hydrochloride (see Section 2.7.7) or the addition of proteolytic enzymes. Biscuits, Cookies, Crackers and Wafers Chapter | 6 323

6.18 WHAT ARE MAIN ISSUES THAT WE SHOULD BE AWARE OF IN THE MANUFACTURE OF SAVOURY PUFF BISCUITS? The principles for manufacturing puff biscuits are similar to those for puff pastry. The biscuits themselves may be plain, slightly sweetened or savoury. The latter mainly use cheese to give the product flavour and in some cases a cheese-based cream is used to make a sandwich snack product. Many of the savoury forms of puff biscuits are small in size and served as snacks. The basic structure is formed by creating layers of a suitable fat between dough. The steam pressure created by the evaporation of water during baking forces the dough layers apart to give the characteristic flaky structure (see Section 7.1.1). The creation and control of the integrity of the fat and dough layers is therefore an important part of the lift mechanism for puff biscuits. In general, the degree of lift that gives satisfactory puff biscuits is slightly less than you would seek in the manufacture of puff pastry. Typically, around 96 fat layers are suitable for puff biscuits. Fewer layers yield thick biscuits which are very flaky in character, whereas with greater numbers of fat layers, the products become thin and lose flakiness because of the break- down of the integrity of the fat and dough layers. The level of laminating fat used in the recipe will tend to be lower than in the manufacture of puff pastry. Typically, the level of laminating fat for puff biscuits will be around 40% of the flour weight in the base dough. Higher levels of laminating fat tend to yield biscuit products which show a greater degree of shrinkage and which are very fragile. A range of flours may be used in the manufacture of puff biscuits though the tendency is to use stronger ones which are suitable for breadmaking. Weaker flours may be used but they are better suited to manufacturing pro- cesses with limited rest periods between the different sheeting and laminat- ing stages. Weaker flours are also less tolerant to process interruptions. Cheese, whey and milk powders may be added for flavour and colour in the manufacture of puff biscuits. Cheese powders are high in fat and proteins and tend to reduce the lift and flakiness of the final product. Cheese powders tend to have a short shelf-life due to their high fat content and should be used with care to avoid unwanted rancid flavours being carried through to the final products. A common practice in the manufacture of savoury puff biscuits is to spray the surface of the product with oil immediately after baking (Manley, 2000). This treatment gives the products a shiny surface and enhances its colour. Spraying may also be used to add flavour. However, oil-based sprays and flavours are susceptible to rancidity and so care is required in their use.

Reference Manley, D., 2000. Technology of Biscuits, Crackers and Cookies, third ed. Woodhead Publishing Ltd., Cambridge, UK. 324 Baking Problems Solved

6.19 IS IT IMPORTANT TO USE A FERMENTATION PERIOD IN THE MANUFACTURE OF CRACKERS? WHAT EFFECTS ARE WE LIKELY TO SEE FROM VARIATIONS IN THE FERMENTATION TIME? A function of the fermentation time in the manufacture of crackers is the modification of the gluten network which has been formed in dough mixing; in particular, to reduce its elasticity and increase its extensibility, it is easier to machine the dough and to create the required laminated structure which delivers a flaky texture in the finished product. During the fermentation period, there is a small increase in dough acidity (lower pH) which not only contributes to the rheological properties of the dough but also potentially to baked cracker flavour and colour. During fermentation, there is considerable enzymic activity from both the flour and yeast sources. It is important to recognise that fermentation is not just a matter of time, but it is also affected by temperature (fermentation increases as temperature increases) and yeast level (higher yeast levels yield greater fermentation). Thus, in practice, fermentation time is seldom considered as a single variable. Long fermentation times lead to considerable gassing activity by the yeast and increased enzymic activity. The latter will be dominated by the amylase activity on the damaged starch in the flour and by proteolytic activ- ity on the flour proteins (gluten structure) both of which result in softening of the dough with prolonged fermentation which makes it more difficult to handle and process. This may result in the need for increased dusting flour with some potential loss of cracker lift. Low dough pHs coming from extended fermentation times may increase the likelihood of cracker shrinkage. The main impact of shortening dough fermentation times is that the dough will be tougher (more resistant to deformation) and harder to machine. Commonly, this leads to an increase in sheeting rolls pressures with the risk of crushing layers and losing cracker lift and flakiness due to breaks in the layering. If you do want to reduce fermentation times, then you may find it helpful to add a little extra water to the dough formulation to yield a softer, more machinable dough or to add dough softening agents such as L-cysteine hydrochloride (see Section 2.7.7) or proteolytic enzymes. You will need to be cautious when using dough softening agents as there can be a progressive build-up of their levels through the continued use of rework and eventually the dough may become too soft for machining. Biscuits, Cookies, Crackers and Wafers Chapter | 6 325

6.20 WE HAVE INSTALLED A NEW CUTTING AND CREAMING MACHINE FOR THE PREPARATION OF OUR SANDWICH WAFERS AND REFURBISHED THE PRODUCTION AREA. WE HAVE FOUND THAT WE ARE NOW GETTING INTERMITTENT PROBLEMS WITH THE WAFER SHEETS BREAKING UP ON CUTTING. CAN YOU OFFER AN EXPLANATION AS TO WHY THIS MIGHT BE HAPPENING? The fragility of wafers is determined by a number of recipe and process factors, but as you have not changed any of these during your refurbishment, then we need to look more closely at how the wafer sheets are treated after they leave the oven. Immediately after baking wafer sheets have very low moisture contents, commonly less than 2%. As they have such low moisture contents, they are prone to picking-up moisture from the atmosphere. The rate and degree to which they pick-up moisture will commonly be related to the relative humid- ity of the atmosphere and the length of time to which the sheets are exposed to that atmosphere. If you have any data on the relatively humidity of the atmosphere in the cutting and preparation areas before and after the changes were made that would be helpful in understanding, why you are now having problems; especially if the relative humidity of the refurbished facility is now lower, for example, because there is less air movement from the baking areas than before or if you have installed better extraction facilities. We suggest that you look closely at the moisture content of the wafer sheets at cutting to see if this is lower than before. One of the problems with wafer sheets is that the moisture distribution throughout the sheet coming from the oven is not uniform, and some equilibration will occur as the sheets are cooled and stored. Often wafer manufacturers allow a ‘conditioning’ period after baking and while the wafers are cold to allow for equilibration of the moisture content throughout the sheet. In some cases, the wafer conditioning process may be carried out in an atmosphere with specific relative humidity control to adjust the moisture content of the sheets to optimise the cutting process or even with the addition of moisture by spraying the sheets with water. Such processes must be care- fully controlled as high moisture content wafers (e.g., above 4%) have less than satisfactory eating qualities. We suggest that you look closely at the control of the wafer cooling and storage conditions to ensure that they are uniform in terms of wafer tempera- ture at the time of cutting and that any storage times are consistent. 326 Baking Problems Solved

6.21 OUR CHOCOLATE-COATED WAFER BISCUITS ARE PRONE TO CRACKING. CAN YOU SUGGEST WHY THIS HAPPENS AND HOW WE CAN AVOID THE PROBLEM? The most likely cause of your problem is the absorption of water by the wafer in the coated biscuit and its subsequent expansion. We suggest that you look closely at the quality of your enrobing practices because any uncoated areas or even pin-prick holes in the coating provide access points for water from the atmosphere. The longer that the products are stored, the greater the potential for the wafer biscuit to pick-up moisture and expand. The moisture content of wafers is very low in order that they will have a crisp eating quality. The equilibrium relative humidity of the wafer is also very low and much lower than the relative humidity of most atmospheric conditions in which the products will be kept. This means that the natural driving force is for water from the atmosphere to condense on exposed wafer surfaces where it will be absorbed and diffuse through the sheet. As the moisture level rises, the wafer will begin to expand and exert so much pres- sure on the inelastic chocolate coating that the latter will split. Barron (1977) showed that for each 1% increase in moisture wafer sheets expanded by between 0.33 and 0.42% of the original dimension. The time taken for the cracks to become manifest will vary according to the completeness of the coating and the initial wafer moisture content. The relative humidity of the surrounding atmosphere will also affect the rate of wafer expansion, the higher the relative humidity the greater the relative humidity differential and the faster the transfer of moisture. One way to limit this latter effect is to ensure that the wrapping of the final product is tight around the product and so has a minimum volume of air around the product. Unfortunately, many chocolate-coated wafer products are foil wrapped which does little to limit the ingress of moisture. Ultimately, the solution to your problem is to ensure completeness of your enrobed chocolate coating.

Reference Barron, L.F., 1977. The expansion of wafer and its relation to the cracking of chocolate and “bakers’ chocolate” coatings. J. Food Technol. 12, 7384. Biscuits, Cookies, Crackers and Wafers Chapter | 6 327

6.22 WE ARE EXPERIENCING INTERMITTENT PROBLEMS WITH GLUTEN FORMATION IN OUR WAFER BATTER. WHAT CAUSES THIS PROBLEM? Gluten development is undesirable in wafer batters because it can lead to blockages in pipes or nozzles of batter distribution systems. In the latter case, this can lead to uneven distribution of batter on the plates and the incomplete formation of wafer sheets. To avoid this problem, it is common practice to have filters in different parts of the line to remove any ‘gluten balls’ which form. Gluten formation depends of three main factors; the presence of protein in the flour, the hydration of that protein from the addition of water and the input of energy during mixing. In batter systems, the ratio of water to flour solids is usually high enough to lower batter viscosity to such an extent that gluten formation should not occur (Cauvain and Young, 2008). However, wafer batters are often pumped and recirculated through holding tanks to prevent separation of the solids while they are standing, and this may cause shear in a number of areas of the pipework. Shear leads to work and subse- quently increased gluten formation. As the recirculation of wafer batters is a practical expedient, then you will have to look to changes in ingredient specification or batter formulation to alleviate the problem. Lowering the overall protein content of the flour that is used is a most obvious way of reducing the potential for gluten forma- tion. This may be achieved by using weaker or softer milling wheats. Alternatively you could use a low protein, starch-rich fraction from an air- classified or fractionated flour, typically, this would equate to particles in the range 15 to 40 μm. Alternatively, you could replace a portion of your standard flour with a heat-treated flour such as might be used for cakemaking. Heat treatment denatures the protein and restricts its gluten forming potential (see Section 2.2.17) but will affect water absorption and an increase in the water addition will be necessary to maintain a standard batter viscosity. Other ways to reduce gluten formation would be to replace a portion of the standard flour with a chlorinated flour (see Section 2.2.18) in those parts of the world where its use is permitted or with starch from wheat or some other suitable source. Be aware that lowering the protein content of the flour used in your batters may have an adverse effect on the wafer strength, making them more fragile and so more prone to physical damage, especially during cutting and creaming.

Reference Cauvain, S.P., Young, L.S., 2008. Bakery Food Manufacture and Quality: Water Control and Effects, second ed. Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, UK. 328 Baking Problems Solved

6.23 WHAT ARE SHREWSBURY BISCUITS AND HOW ARE THEY MADE? Shrewsbury biscuits are one of several ‘old-style’ English biscuits that were traditionally made by local bakers before the advent of large-scale biscuit and cookie bakeries. Collectively, they would be referred to as ‘Confectioner’s biscuits’ and would be made on a relatively small-scale. Many of the different terms for such biscuits have fallen out of use, and a good number of Confectioner’s biscuits have evolved into the main biscuit and cookie types familiar to us today. Many of the traditional recipes for Confectioner’s biscuits tend to use butter as the fat and whole eggs as the moistening agents, and many of the mixing processes are similar to those used in cakemaking. Shrewsbury is a medium-sized market town in the west midlands of England, and its name probably became attached to a biscuit type that was made in a local bakery in or near to the town. The following recipe will make Shrewsbury biscuits:

Ingredient Parts by weight

Soft flour 100 Baking powder 1.25 Butter 50 Caster sugar 50 Whole eggs 15 Currants 20

Mix the butter and sugar until lightly aerated. Mix in the eggs, add the flour and baking powder and mix to a clear dough (paste). If the fruited vari- ety is required then add the currants towards the end of mixing. Sheet the paste to about 5-mm thickness and cut out shapes with a 70-mm diameter plain or fluted cutter. Bake on sheets at 200210Cfor1520 minutes and dredge the baked products with caster sugar while still hot. There are quite a few examples of biscuits which have associations with localities or towns. In England another example is Banbury biscuits which have a similar recipe and make-up procedure, though in this case, the caster sugar is applied before baking. Quite a few examples of such specialist bis- cuits are associated with market towns in the United Kingdom, and this almost certainly reveals their traditional origins and original points of sale. Biscuits, Cookies, Crackers and Wafers Chapter | 6 329

6.24 WE FIND THAT OUR VIENNESE FINGERS GO SOFT VERY QUICKLY AFTER BAKING. HOW CAN WE PREVENT THIS FROM HAPPENING? When biscuits go soft after wrapping, it is usually because of moisture uptake during storage. When a biscuit is wrapped in a well-sealed moisture- impermeable film softening does not occur. There are other possible explanations. These include the following:

G the presence of moisture in the filling which leads to moisture absorption by the biscuit as a result of moisture movement from the filling; G the presence of invert sugar in the recipe; G under-baking of the biscuit originally so that more moisture remains in the product; G condensation on the internal surface of the packaging film. Softening of the biscuit can be prevented by the use of a moisture-free fill- ing such as a compound shortening or hardened palm kernel oil, instead of margarine, which contains some moisture. Check that the recipe does not use invert sugar syrup. Ensure that the biscuits are well dried out in baking and that the biscuits are cooled adequately before packing. Especially, avoid trans- ferring products to a cold atmosphere after packing as such changes in temper- ature can result in condensation on the inside of the wrapper. This page intentionally left blank Chapter 7


7.1 LAMINATED PASTRIES 7.1.1 What causes puff pastry to rise during baking? Most of the lift in puff pastry comes from the water held in the dough layers which when converted to steam in the oven, becomes trapped in the melting fat between the dough layers (see Fig. 7.1). The pressure, which is generated by the trapped steam, forces the dough layers apart. The thickness of the dough layers changes little during baking and makes no significant contribu- tion to pastry lift. Expansion of the paste can only occur if the dough layers are sepa- rate and discrete from the fat layers. Any strong bridges between the dough layers, such as may be caused when adjacent layers are crushed together in sheeting, restrict the rise that can be obtained. However, if no crushing occurs, then the baked pastry may be so flaky that it falls apart after baking. Most of the expansion of puff pastry occurs in the first half of the baking time, but we need to drive off more water before the pastry is set firm enough to stand without collapsing (Cauvain and Young, 2008). In the context of creating lift in laminated products, the characteristics of the fat, particularly its melting profile (see Section 2.3.1), are very impor- tant. If the fat has a low final melting point, then the lift will be limited. However, although a high melting point may be desirable from the point of view of lift, there may be undesirable eating qualities in the form of palate cling. Equally, the laminating fat must remain plastic enough to deform dur- ing sheeting but remain as an integral layer between the dough layers; breaks in the fat layers will allow the ready loss of steam during baking and limit pastry lift. Damage to the dough layers during processing must also be avoided to optimise lift; breaks in the dough layers provide weak points through which the steam can readily escape and limit lift. Docking, the practice of pricking a pattern of holes in the dough sheet to control lift, must be carried out with care; too heavily a docked product will lose lift through

Baking Problems Solved. DOI: © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. 331 332 Baking Problems Solved

FIGURE 7.1 Mechanism for puff pastry lift. the escape of steam, whereas too lightly a docked product will have uneven lift and large blisters may form.

Reference Cauvain, S.P., Young, L.S., 2008. Bakery Food Manufacture & Quality: Water Control and Effects, second ed. Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, UK.

Further reading Cauvain, S.P., 2001. The production of laminated products. CCFRA Review No. 25. CampdenBRI, Chipping Campden, UK. Pastries Chapter | 7 333

7.1.2 We are experiencing a problem with our puff pastry which fails to lift and shows no sign of layering on baking. Why is this? The layered structure in puff pastry relies on the formation of discrete and separated layers of fat and dough. The mechanism by which puff pastry rises relies on this separation as described above (see Section 7.1.1) and any num- ber of ingredient, recipe or processing changes may cause the problem. We suggest that you examine the following:

G The solid fat content of the fat that you are using as fats with low con- tents are can result in poor lift. G The number of laminations which you are giving the paste. Too many laminations cause the fat layers to rupture and allow the broken dough layers to stick together and reduce lift. G The application of any docking mechanisms because excess pressure or large numbers of docking holes can pins dough layers together and restrict expansion. G Your oven temperature, as higher temperatures encourage lift. You should bake at around 230C. You can increase pastry lift by using a stronger flour provided that suffi- cient rest is given to achieve the optimum dough rheology during processing and before baking. Low levels of an oxidising agent, e.g., ascorbic acid, may help but you should note the comments on pastry shrinkage (see Sections 7.1.9 and 7.1.13). 334 Baking Problems Solved

7.1.3 Why do we get a less regular lift in our puff pastry when we use the Scotch method compared with the English or French? The so-called Scotch method of producing puff pastry differs fundamentally from the English or French in that the laminating fat is added at the dough making stage rather than later in the process. To achieve this, the laminating fat is usually cut into small cubes, with sides of about 20 mm, and added to the mixing bowl along with the other ingredients. After mixing, the paste will be sheeted and laminated in a similar manner to paste prepared by either of the two other methods. Under a microscope, you would see that the distribution of laminating fat between dough layers was less structured in paste made with the Scotch than with the English or French methods. This is hardly surprising because we would expect that the initial mixing of dough ingredients and laminating fat would effectively prevent the formation of separate and discrete dough and fat layers. Variations in pastry lift with the Scotch method are common due to the lack of uniformity in the paste, and the overall pastry lift will be less than might be obtained with the English or French methods. Due to the variation in pastry lift, it is not common practice to use Scotch method paste for pro- ducts like vol-au-vent rings or other shape sensitive products. Scotch method paste does find use in products such as savoury or sweet pie crust where a flaky eating character but restricted lift is required of the paste. Often the number of laminations given to Scotch method paste will be increased beyond that seen with English or French methods to help distribute the fat lumps as evenly as possible within the paste structure and so avoid large voids and blisters in the paste. A benefit of using the Scotch method is that because discrete dough layers are not a feature of the method long paste relaxation times between sheeting and folding operations can be avoided, so it provides a more rapid means of making puff pastry products. Pastries Chapter | 7 335

7.1.4 What are the purposes of the resting periods in the manufacture of laminated products? The rheology of the base dough is very important to the formation of the dis- crete dough and fat layers in the manufacture of laminated products. The successive sheeting and lamination stages during manufacture continue to change the dough rheology due to the work that is imparted, especially by the sheeting rolls. The overall effect of the work is to increase the dough elasticity and to reduce its extensibility, and this may lead to tearing or breakdown of the individual dough layers. The holes which form in the dough sheet provide a ready escape route for the steam generated during baking and this restricts the pastry lift that can be obtained. If a dough is left to rest after mixing or some other form of work, its rhe- ological character changes with time. In particular, its character becomes less elastic and more extensible and the effects of subsequent sheeting are less severe. Thus, a key role for the resting period is to modify the dough rheology so as to preserve intact the separation of dough and fat layers so important to the formation of laminated product structure. The degree of change in dough rheology is influenced by temperature and varies with different flours. Strong flours, that is ones high in protein or with strongly elastic glutens, require longer periods of relaxation than weaker ones to achieve the necessary rheological changes for optimum product quality. This change in rheological properties with resting time is linked with the natural reducing agents (glutathione) and enzymic activities in the flour. The data in Fig. 7.2 compare the rheology of two flours, one strong and one weak, and examines the changes in dough resistance to deformation which occur with resting time. In the case of the stronger flour, some resting time is required for the dough to achieve the optimum zone and it remains there for the full resting period. The weak flour on the other hand is immedi- ately in the optimum zone but rapidly passes through it. These observations allow us to conclude that weak flours are more suited to rapid processing methods but will not be tolerant to plant delays. FIGURE 7.2 Effect of relaxation time on dough deformation resistance with two flours. Pastries Chapter | 7 337

7.1.5 We have been experiencing some problems with excessive shrinking of our puff pastry products. Can you advise as to what the likely causes might be? Some shrinkage of puff pastry during baking is inevitable though it can be minimised. It is also important to recognise that in most cases puff pastry lift and shrinkage are linked with greater lift often leading to greater shrinkage and vice versa. Causes of excessive shrinkage may come from a number of recipe and processing sources, including:

G The flour is too strong for the processing methods being used. Strong flours require longer resting periods than weak flours in order for the dough rheology to become optimised for sheeting and laminating (see Section 7.1.4). G Oxidants, such as ascorbic acid, may be present in the flour or dough formulation. G The pH of the dough is too low due to the addition of acidic materials (see Section 7.1.6). G The sugar level, if present, is too high. G The level of recycled trimmings in the paste is too high. This is espe- cially the case if the trimmings are added at the sheeting stage rather than in the mixer. G Insufficient relaxation of the paste during the processing stages whatever the flour strength. This often applies to the stage after cutting out and before the product enters the oven. Shrinkage may be overcome to some degree through the addition of a reducing agent, such as sodium metabisulphite, L-cysteine hydrochloride or a proteolytic enzyme. However, as such materials remain relatively active in the paste, the effect in recycled trimmings may lead to excessive softening of the paste. We recommend that you try to reduce shrinkage by other means before considering the addition of such materials. 338 Baking Problems Solved

7.1.6 Why are acids sometimes added to puff pastry? The acidification of doughs was commonly seen as a means to ‘strengthen’ the flour gluten, making it more pliable and extensible, which, in turn, would lead to extra pastry lift. Although it is certainly true that puff pastry lift is increased by the addition of a suitable food-grade acid, there is also a tendency for pastry shrinkage to increase (see Fig. 7.3). With high levels of acid addition, shape-critical products (e.g., vol-au-vent rings) may expand excessively and non-uniformly in the oven and may even topple over during baking. The optimum level of acid addition varies according to the type of acid and the flour being used. Variations in pastry shrinkage from the addition of a given level of acid to a range of flours are usually greater than variations in pastry lift. The reasons for the variations are not clear but are most likely to come from variations in the natural buffering effects of different flours (i.e., variations in paste pH) and the rheology of the gluten. Where possible, greater pastry lift should be sought through other means (see Section 7.1.2) rather than through the addition of an acid to the dough.

FIGURE 7.3 Effects of pH on puff pastry lift. Pastries Chapter | 7 339

7.1.7 What is the best way to reuse puff pastry trimmings? At present, we are feeding them back into the sheeting stages The production of trimmings in the manufacture of pastry products is inevi- table; they mostly come from trimming the paste sheets during processing. It is common practice on automatic plants to gather them at various processing points and feed them back during the sheeting stages, though in some cases, they may be added directly into the mixer to be incorporated with fresh ingredients. Puff pastry trimmings are often used as a means of incorporating fat into the base dough. To make the best use of trimmings there are a number of important fac- tors to consider. They include the following: Age and condition All pastes contain microflora which are capable of changing the pH of the trimmings and contributing to spoilage and the generation of off-odours and flavours. Such reactions are time and temperature dependent and so it is best to have a standard length of time in which the trimmings are used and a fixed storage temperature under which they are held. If the trimmings are gathered automatically on your plant, then the time will typically be too short for any significant effects. If you are keeping the trimmings for any length of time, then the lower paste pH that you get contributes to pastry shrinkage. The growth of microflora in trimmings may also lead to disco- louration of the subsequent paste. In the case of Danish pastry and croissant, the presence of bakers’ yeast in the dough will also influence the effects of trimmings on product quality.

Temperature Storing trimmings at reduced temperatures before use is a useful way of maintaining lower paste temperatures for processing. If you choose to do this, you should ensure that the temperature in a given batch of trimmings is as uniform as possible; for example, by spreading them out on sheets rather than holding them in tubs for chilling. You may also need to ensure that they do not unduly dry out.

Level of addition Bakers often see the re-incorporation of trimmings as a financial issue. However, in many cases, they should be seen an ‘ingredient’ as their condi- tion can have direct impacts on the quality of the paste during processing and the baked product. In some cases, the ‘standard’ paste product cannot be made without trimmings being present, and it may be necessary to produce a paste at the start of a production run to act as though they were trimmings. This is especially true if the trimmings are kept for any length of time (the pH effect) or held at reduced temperatures. 340 Baking Problems Solved

It is worth noting that the continued re-use of trimmings will lead to a pro- gressive concentration of subcomponents in production, and this may have unwanted effects, e.g., increasing concentration of paste relaxants which may make the paste sticky. This is usually dealt with by incorporating a ‘break’ into the production cycle when any unused trimmings are sent to waste. To use trimmings successfully we suggest the following guidelines:

G Recycle trimmings by adding them to the mixer rather than trying to add them at the sheeting stage. Addition at the mixing stage ensures their uni- form dispersion and should avoid problems with uneven layering and shrinkage. G Keep all trimmings at refrigerated temperatures (4 C) until required for use to minimise microbial activity. G Allow a reasonable length of time for the trimmings to warm before re-use to avoid adversely affecting dough or paste temperatures. G Every 3 or 4 days stop using trimmings to avoid excessive build-up of microbial activity in the paste. Pastries Chapter | 7 341

7.1.8 We are experiencing problem with the discolouration of unbaked puff paste stored under refrigerated conditions. Sometimes black spots appear on the surface. Can you explain why this happens andadviseonhowtoavoidit? The discolouration and dark spots that you see comes from enzyme-assisted oxidation of the polyphenols naturally present in the flour. These polyphe- nols are associated with the bran particles that come through from the mill- ing process for white flour. The greater the level of bran present in the flour, the greater will be the potential number of black spots and the larger the bran particle size the larger would be the spot. Although enzymic activity is reduced as the storage temperature is lowered, there is still sufficient activity even at refrigerated tempera- tures for the problem to be manifest because of the long storage time involved. One possible way in which to avoid the problem would be to lower the storage temperature even further, perhaps even low enough to freeze the paste. However, while using this approach, you will have to ensure that the paste is sufficiently defrosted for subse- quent processing. Other means of minimising the problem include the following:

G Excluding oxygen such as by storing the paste in gas-tight film. G Adding ascorbic acid, though this may adversely affect pastry lift and shrinkage (see Section 7.1.5). G Adding citric acid at low levels, i.e., up to 0.2% flour weight, but this too may adversely affect pastry lift and shrinkage, and flavour (see Section 7.1.6). The easiest and most reliable solution is to change to a white flour with a lower level of bran present (e.g., lower grade colour figure or lower ash, see Section 2.1.1). The addition of low levels (515 ppm) of glucose oxidase is claimed to prevent the formation of spots and general discolouration of fermented and non-fermented doughs after freezing and thawing (Unilever, 1992).

Reference Unilever, N.L., 1992. Improved doughs, European Patent Application 0 469 654. 342 Baking Problems Solved

7.1.9 We have been experiencing considerable variability in processing our short and puff paste products; sometimes, we have problems with paste shrinkage and on other occasions we get stickiness. We have checked our weighing systems and can find no problems with ingredients additions. We have no climatic temperature control in the factory or ingredient storage facilities, are these likely to significant contributors to the problems? Producing and using pastes at consistent temperatures is very important in ensuring consistent processing and optimum final product quality. Ideally, you should be controlling ingredient and environment temperatures along with the delivery of a consistent paste temperature exmixer. To advise you on the best way to eliminate your problem we need to consider the various influences.

Ingredient temperatures Flour and fat are the main ingredients to concern us. As your flour is stored in non-insulated silos, you must expect the temperature of this ingredi- ent to vary with changes in climatic conditions. The common way of coping with such variations is to adjust the temperature of the water added to the mix (see Section 7.2.3). Remember that water levels are low in pastes by comparison with those used in bread dough, so the cooling potential of the recipe water is lower. You need to make sure that you have an adequate sup- ply of chilled water and often you may need to resort to the addition of ice or an icewater mix. In colder periods, you may need to provide heated water. Relatively high levels of fat are added to the base dough of pastry pro- ducts so variations in fat temperature will contribute to variations in paste temperature. It is best to keep the fat at a constant temperature and only try to adjust paste temperatures ex-mixer using water at the appropriate tempera- ture. The functional properties of fats are related to their ‘temperature histo- ries’, and it is best not to subject them to too many warm and cold cycles. Ideally, you should hold your fat at a similar temperature to your processing environment or slightly lower than your ideal paste temperature exmixer. If you are using rework added to the mixer, then you should ensure that this is at a constant temperature. If it comes from a chilled environment, then you should make sure that the temperature throughout the batch is uniform.

Processing temperatures Ideally, you should have a constant processing temperature. This is par- ticularly important if you have long rest periods or are using fats which are particularly temperature sensitive. You will find that pastry lift is directly related to paste processing temperature for a wide range of laminating fats (see Fig. 7.4). Pastries Chapter | 7 343

4 3.5 3 2.5 12 2 19 paste) 1.5 1 0.5 Pastry specific height (mm/g 0 ABCD Laminating fat type

FIGURE 7.4 Effect of processing at temperatures of 12C and 19C on puff pastry lift.

In the manufacture of laminated products, variations in paste temperature can directly affect the integrity of the layers. Higher processing temperatures often result in breakdown of the layering as the laminating fat ‘oils’. In such cases, the paste becomes sticky and is usually compensated for through the increased use of dusting flour on the plant or by lowering the added water level both of which introduce other problems. Low paste temperatures make the dough firmer and more difficult to sheet. Commonly, this means that extra sheeting pressure is applied during processing which can then lead to breakdown of the layering of the lami- nations. Most laminating fats will lose some of their plasticity at lower temperatures, and this can lead to loss of layer integrity and subsequent pastry lift. 344 Baking Problems Solved

7.1.10 Why should croissant and Danish pastry doughs be given less lamination than puff pastry? A key difference between puff pastry and Danish pastries and croissant is the presence of bakers’ yeast in the latter two products. The yeast plays a significant part in the aeration of the paste during proof and baking but also disrupts the integrity of the dough and fat layers in the paste. To counteract this disruption of the dough layers and retain a degree of flakiness in the eat- ing quality of the product, it is necessary to keep the dough and fat layers thicker than would be normal with puff pastry. Optimum lamination for puff pastry is typically achieved with about 100 to 130 theoretical fat layers, while the optimum for Danish pastry and croissant lies between 18 and 32. The aerating effect of yeast places a significant strain on the gluten net- work in the dough during proof. Higher yeast levels and longer proof times are likely to cause greater rupturing. It is important to ensure that the gluten network in the dough has good extensibility; otherwise, the baked products will lack volume and definition. This may require an increase in the strength of the flour used.

Further reading Cauvain, S.P., 2015. Technology of Breadmaking, third ed. Springer Publishing International AG, Switzerland. Pastries Chapter | 7 345

7.1.11 What is the optimum level of fat to use in the production of puff pastry? The level of fat that is used in the manufacture of puff pastry depends on a number factors including the degree of lift and flakiness of eat that you are seeking in the baked product. Puff pastry and other laminated products are characterised by the formation of a relatively thin dough sheet, part of which is covered with fat and subjected to a series of folding and further sheeting steps with the objective of forming alternate and discrete layers of fat and dough. Traditionally, there are three types of puff pastry characterised by the level of laminating fat used in the formulation. They are commonly desig- nated as full, three-quarter and half puff in which the laminating fat is used at an equal weight to the flour, 3/4 and 1/2, respectively. The level of lami- nating fat has a direct effect on the thickness of the fat layer in the laminated paste and thus a direct impact of the degree of separation of the dough layers. The higher the level of laminating fat, the greater the pastry lift but also the greater the pastry shrinkage. With an increase in laminating fat levels, the baked pastries become more tender eating. There is no absolute optimum level of fat for use in the manufacture of puff pastry, the choice depends on a number of different criteria which may be required in the final product, such as lift, eating quality and flavour. The level of laminating fat is also linked with the number of laminations (folds or turns) given to the paste. In general, the lower the laminating fat level the lower will be the number of laminations required to achieve maximum lift or optimum quality; typically, the optimum quality with half paste is achieved with 128 the- oretical fat layers while with full paste the optimum was achieved with 256. The base dough may also have a small addition of fat (5%) which confers a more tender eating quality to the baked product but does decrease pastry lift. Due to the latter effect, we recommend that you avoid using levels of added dough fat greater than 10% of the flour weight. Similar effects of changing fat levels may be observed in the production of Danish pastry and croissant though the numbers of laminations are fewer than with puff pastry, and the maximum laminating fat level lies around 65% of the flour weight.

Further reading Cauvain, S.P., 2001. The production of laminated products. CCFRA Review No. 25. CampdenBRI, Chipping Campden, UK. 346 Baking Problems Solved

7.1.12 We would like to reduce the level of fat that we use to make our puff pastry but would like to retain pastry lift. Can you provide us with some guidance as to how we might achieve our objectives? As you know, the laminating fat plays a major role in delivering lift in puff pastry and other laminated products. As soon as you reduce the ratio of laminating fat to base dough, you will experience some loss of lift. However, there is some potential for making other changes to your recipe and process which may be of help. You have not provided any specific recipe or production details so we can only provide you with general guidance. The first point to make is that the potential for reducing fat levels depends on the ratio of fat to base dough and the number of laminations that you are giving the paste during processing. The general pattern is that for any ratio of laminating fat to base pastry lift increases to reach a maximum before falling as the number of laminations increases. The loss of lift comes from the crushing and loss of integrity of the dough layers in the paste. Depending on the ratio of laminating fat to base dough and the number of laminations that you are giving then, it may be possible to use less with fewer laminations to maintain pastry lift. You could investigate using a stronger flour to maintain the integrity of the dough layers, but if you do then you may need to lengthen the resting times that you are using during processing. This may be difficult on a plant with a fixed throughput. With stronger flours, you may find that increasing the mixing time has some positive benefit on pastry lift. This is akin to using more energy on the mixing of bread dough. Commonly, pastry dough is less developed than bread dough but extending the mixing time well beyond that normally considered appropriate, e.g., from 2 to 5 and even 10 minutes, can produce a more extensible gluten network which retains the integrity of the dough layers in the paste during sheeting. If you do lengthen the mixing time to such an extent, then you may need to use crushed ice to help you control the final base dough temperature. As noted in Section 7.1.9, you may find that you can adjust the proces- sing temperature to a lower value and still maintain lift. Any potential ben- efit from this type of change will be influenced by the type of laminating fat that you are using; for example, see Fig. 7.7 which illustrates the effect of processing temperature when using butter. Lowering the processing temperature increases dough resistance to deformation and so again you may need to adjust paste resting times to avoid problems with product shaping. The addition of trimmings tends to reduce pastry lift, especially if they are being folded-into the paste during sheeting. There are two options, you could reduce the overall level of trimmings that you add or you could Pastries Chapter | 7 347 change to mixing the trimmings into the base dough. Adding the trim- mings at the mixer roughly reduces their negative impact on pastry lift by about 50%. A number of fat reduction and fat replacement technologies have been summarised by Wickramarachchi et al. (2015).

Reference Wickramarachchi, K.S., Sissons, M.J., Cauvain, S.P., 2015. Puff pastry trends in fat reduction: an update. Int. J. Food Sci. Technol. 50, 10651075. 348 Baking Problems Solved

7.1.13 We are experiencing distortion of our pastry shapes. We have measured the shrinkage but find that it is not even. We have also noticed that the laminated products are experiencing some variation in product lift. What might be the causes of these problems? There are quite a few causes of pastry shrinkage (see Section 7.1.5) which include using a flour which has too high a protein content and over-mixing the paste which yields excessive gluten formation in the paste or base dough for laminated pastries. Often paste shrinkage can be minimised by making resting periods longer (see Section 7.1.4). If this is not possible on an automatic production line, you can consider adding a paste relaxant such as L-cysteine hydrochloride. You describe the problem as being uneven shrinkage which suggests that it is not an ingredient or mixing problem but more likely to be related to paste processing. Check that resting times are being controlled and that you are not experiencing undue production stoppages. If such issues are not the cause of the unevenness in product shrinkage, then you will need to look more closely at your paste sheeting and product cutting methods. You should examine the way that you are using paste trimmings. If you are feeding them in during sheeting, you should make sure that they are being uniformly distributed across the paste sheet. If you are adding them back at the mixing stage, then they should be recycled at regular time inter- vals and in regular proportions to your virgin paste, and ideally, they should be at a consistent temperature. When sheeting short pastes, the forces are all aligned in one direction along the length of travel down the plant which aligns the gluten network in a particular direction, and when different shapes are cut from the sheet, the paste elasticity can cause distorted shrinkage especially with round or com- plex shapes. The most common way of reducing this problem is to employ a cross-pinning roller; this is a small wheel which moves rapidly backwards and forwards at right angles to the direction of the paste sheet just before the cutter and its action helps even out the stresses in the sheet. If you have one make sure that it is doing its correct job, if you do not have one then you may want to fit one. The process of laminating paste will even out some the stresses referred to above though employing a cross-pinner before cutting the shapes is still a good idea. However, there is a more fundamental processing problem for you to consider, namely that after the paste has been folded and is then resheeted a characteristic ‘w-shaped’ pattern is formed in the paste (see Fig. 7.5). This occurs in many plants due to the characteristic ‘lapping’ motion while the paste is still moving down the plant. The spread of the ‘w’ Pastries Chapter | 7 349

Direction of pastry lapping travel on plant

Direction of travel on plant

FIGURE 7.5 Typical processing pattern on laminated pastes. depends on the number of laminations that you are giving the paste with respect to the speed of the plant. At edges of the laminated paste, there can be tendency for the laminat- ingfattobeexpressedfromwithinthelayerswhentheyaresheeted,andif more laminations are carried out, it becomes redistributed in the subsequent layering. Thus, in some parts of the paste sheet, there are small variations in the dough to fat ratios, and this contributes to variations in lift and shrinkage. The extent of the variation can be assessed by sampling products across the sheet width and extending along the band to cover at least one full ‘w’ formed of the sheet (e.g., as shown by the shaded section in Fig. 7.5). To reduce the variation, you will need to reduce the length of each ‘w’ so that they spread over a shorter distance, and this usually requires the plant speed to be slowed down; such a change may not be possible as it will reduce the plant throughput. Alternatively, you may find that a change in the number of laminations that you give the paste will reduce the degree of variability that you are experiencing. Commonly, lift and shrinkage go hand- in-hand so that a reduction in the number of layers may give you less shrink- age; you will need to carry out some trials to see if the loss of lift is acceptable to you. 350 Baking Problems Solved

7.1.14 We are looking to start production of croissant. In my travels, I have seen many variations on products which are called croissant. Why are there so many different forms and how are they made? An essential feature of the products that we call croissant is that they are made from a laminated dough, that is, one which comprises alternate layers of a fermented dough and a suitable fat. Most people consider the origins of the product to be in central Europe and a number of legends suggest that are associated with conflicts between the western world and the Turkish empire of the Middle Ages. One story suggests that they were a special bread to celebrate the role that bakers played in saving Vienna from attack the traditional crescent shape being a sym- bol associated with the invaders. The primary shape of the croissant which is thick in the middle and thin at the ends comes from rolling a triangular shaped piece of dough cut-out from a thinly sheeted laminated paste. Whatever the true origins of croissant, it does appear that the first shapes were in the form of a crescent with the two thin ends curved inwardly towards one another. The main regional varia- tions to this shape include forms in which the two ‘horns’ are stretched to join together to form a ring (common in Spain) and others where the crois- sant is not curved and remains straight (common in Germany). Another vari- ation which is often considered to be very important is related to the definition of the ‘shoulders’ formed on the piece after rolling the paste trian- gle; in some cases they should be prominent while in other they should not. In addition to variations in shape, we now commonly see variations in size. Many baked products have changed in form since their first introduction as they have evolved to meets consumer needs and marketing strategies. For example, in its ‘classic’ form, the croissant should have a very flaky texture which can often leave a mass of crumbs behind when it is eaten. This does not suit all tastes and new forms have evolved in which the flakiness of the product has been reduced and begun to assume a more ‘bun-like’ texture. We leave it to you to decide which form of croissant you wish to make. However, whatever your choice the characteristics of croissant are controlled by a few key recipe and process features. In summary, the following are the features:

G The quality characteristics of the flour. G The mixing of the base dough. G The quality characteristics of the laminating fat. G Yeast level in the base dough. G The ratio of laminating fat to base dough. G The numbers of fat layers created during lamination. G Roll gap settings during sheeting. G Resting periods between lamination and sheeting stages. Pastries Chapter | 7 351

G Paste processing temperature. G The triangle size of the unit croissant. G Recycling paste trimmings. G Prover conditions. There are also some significant interactions which need to be considered in the successful manufacture of croissant. The quality characteristics of the flour In general, strong flours are needed for croissant production, but it is important to form an extensible not elastic gluten to avoid problems during the sheeting and lamination stages. Using stronger flours will commonly mean that longer resting periods are required between individual sheeting and laminating stages. The mixing of the base dough The common practice is to ‘under-develop’ the base dough by compari- son with bread production. This is said to allow for the extra development which occurs when the dough and paste are sheeted, and it is true that the pressure of the sheeting rolls does transfer some energy to the dough. However, it is the rheological character of the base dough leaving the mixer that is most important if a uniform and cohesive sheet is to be formed. Under-development during mixing does not automatically deliver the appro- priate dough rheology. The quality characteristics of the laminating fat The laminating fat will be extruded onto the base dough before the initial folding stages (in small bakeries it may be applied as sheets), and it is impor- tant that the fat is plastic enough to form as complete an initial layer as pos- sible to help with lift in baking (see Section 2.3.1). Butter is a popular fat used in the manufacture of croissant but its melting point is low, and this makes it difficult to use without refrigeration of the paste during production (see Section 7.1.12). Yeast level in the base dough The level of yeast in the base dough will depend on a number of other recipe and process factors, e.g., processing and final proof temperatures. The produc- tion of carbon dioxide gas by the yeast in the base dough will disrupt the layered structure of the product, especially during proof, and this can reduce lift. The ratio of laminating fat to base dough In the manufacture of croissant, the ratio of laminating fat to base dough has less impact on pastry lift than would be the case with puff pastry. This is because of the disrupting effect of the yeast activity. The level of laminating fat will have a significant effect on the eating quality of the product and its flavour, especially if butter is used as the laminating fat. 352 Baking Problems Solved

The numbers of fat layers created during lamination As a general rule relatively few fat layers are created in croissant, typi- cally 1832 (see Section 7.1.10). This is in contrast to puff pastry produc- tion where the numbers will be two or three times greater. Once again, it is the disrupting effect of the yeast activity that has to be taken into account so the aim is to try and keep the fat and dough layers intact to gain lift and con- tribute to the flaky eating character of the final product. Roll gap settings during sheeting A key aim during sheeting is to avoid breaking up the fat layers in the paste as this will allow the ready escape of steam from the base dough and restrict lift in the oven. The roll gap settings which are used are strongly influenced by the rheological character of the base dough and the need to achieve a particular width ready for the laminating (folding) stage which follows sheeting. Resting periods between lamination and sheeting stages Resting periods are helpful in adjusting the rheological character of the paste. Longer periods help the paste to relax and make it easier to sheet; eas- ier sheeting leads to less damage of the dough and fat layers and makes it easier to achieve the required sheet widths for further processing. However, longer processing times permit greater yeast activity and so a balance must be struck between the two requirements. Paste processing temperature The control of paste processing temperature is important in retaining the integrity of the fat layers; too low and the fat will be brittle, too high and the fat will readily turn to oil. Lower processing temperatures help limit yeast activity before final proof.

The triangle size of the unit croissant The dimensions of the triangle are important in determining the final appearance of the croissant. We suggest that you try rolling a few different shaped triangles and see which one you prefer.

Recycling paste trimmings There will always be some trimmings from the paste sheet during production. You can re-use these by adding them to the mixer, but you must control their level and age in order not to introduce unwanted product variation (see Section 7.1.7).

Prover conditions Your chosen proof temperature should be lower than used with bread to avoid oiling of the fat and loss of lift. Prover temperatures in the range 3032C are usually suitable with a humidity of 7080%. Pastries Chapter | 7 353

7.1.15 We wish to make croissant with the moulded ends joining to form a circle but find that they open up during baking. Can you suggest how we can overcome this problem? During sheeting and processing, the rheology of the paste changes due to the work that is done on the laminated dough; it tends to become more elastic and less extensible in character. The relaxation periods which commonly fol- low sheeting and laminating allow the paste to ‘relax’, that is, become less elastic and more extensible. In a simple shape, such as a vol-au-vent ring or a square, the elastic component of paste rheology manifests itself as an eccentricity of shape, i.e., one side or radius shrinks more than the other. Thus it is not uncommon for a round vol-au-vent ring to become oval or a square shape to become rectangular. In more complicated shapes, such as croissant, others changes may be observed when the dough is too elastic and these may include the opening- out of the circular shape. Increased paste elasticity may be overcome in a number of different ways including the following:

G Higher water levels in the base dough. G A weaker flour. G Longer resting periods after sheeting and lamination, especially if strong flours are used. G A suitable resting period after the formation of the circle and before the croissant enters the oven. This usually occurs in the prover. The complicated shape of a croissant and the manner in which it is cut from the paste sheet can play a very important role in controlling shape. Towards the end of processing, much of the roller action on the paste is in one direction, that is, in the direction of travel on the plant. The triangular shape which is required for croissant before it is rolled up may be cut either in the direction of travel or at right angles to it (see Fig. 7.6). In the latter case, the stresses within the curled piece can often lead to the problem you describe. If you cannot change the direction of the cut, we recommend that you employ a cross-pining roller, that is, one which moves are right angles to the travel of the plant to even out the stresses. 354 Baking Problems Solved

FIGURE 7.6 Effect of direction of cutting on croissant quality. Pastries Chapter | 7 355

7.1.16 We have been trying to freeze fully proved croissant for later bake-off. Can you identify the important criteria for their successful production? There is significant interest in freezing fermented and proved dough pieces with the intention that the pieces are removed from the freezer and trans- ferred straight to the oven for baking. This would make the product very convenient to use in a range of bake-off environments. However, there are some significant technical challenges to overcome. As is well-known, yeast cells die during freezing and subsequent storage. This means that when the dough pieces are removed from the oven there is no further potential carbon dioxide gas production from the yeast. In addi- tion, during storage, the carbon dioxide gas that has already been evolved in the proof phase gradually leaks out of the dough. In the prover, the carbon dioxide gas diffuses into the nitrogen gas bubbles trapped in the dough, but during freezing and storage, the diffusion process is reversed, and in some cases, this leads to collapse of the dough structure. The freezing of proved laminated pastries is more successful than that achieved with bread doughs. This is because the mechanism by which crois- sant and Danish doughs expand does not rely exclusively on the release of carbon dioxide gas but is more closely related to the pressure of steam gener- ated during baking which is trapped between the dough layers of the paste. In broad terms, this means that frozen proved laminated products still have the potential to expand and yield products of relatively ‘normal’ appearance. The most important criteria for frozen proved laminated doughs are essentially the same as those which would apply to the product when freshly produced. The only exception may be that the pieces are not fully proved before being transferred to the freezer as a small degree of proof may still occur in the dough pieces in their initial phase of freezing. As a general prin- cipal if the recipe and process will make a good fresh product, it will make an acceptable one if frozen. There tends to be a small loss of product quality with freezing. It is important to ensure that the dough pieces are quickly frozen and once frozen are not allowed to defrost and be refrozen. This can be a very damaging process and is more damaging than would be the case with unproved frozen dough. Care should also be taken to limit moisture losses at any stage during freezing and storage. The products should be stored in moisture impermeably film, and if they are wrapped in bulk, e.g., in boxes, it may be necessary to over-wrap the bulk container. Bulk wrapping of products is possible but be careful to avoid having large numbers of dough pieces in a box or too many boxes stacked on top of one another. The increased pressure on frozen dough pieces at the bottom of a stack can cause then to defrost and become deformed in shape. 356 Baking Problems Solved

7.1.17 We are making puff pastry, Danish pastries and croissant using all butter and often have problems with the processing of the pastes and feel that we do not get the best of quality from the final products. What are the best processing temperatures and conditions when using butter with such products? Butter has a positive marketing image due to its ‘natural’ associations and is a popular fat to use in pastry making. The melting profile of butter makes it a particularly pleasing fat for incorporating into pastry products, but unfortu- nately, it is not the easiest of fats to use in processing. Butter has a relatively low melting point (see Section 2.3.7)anda tendency to ‘oil’ during pastry processing creating problems with sheet- ing. To overcome this particular problem, you will need to ensure that the dough temperature after mixing and the paste processing temperatures are kept as low as possible. This may mean you will have to air-condition the pastry processing area. The data illustrated in Fig. 7.7 show how impor- tant the effect of paste processing temperature can be on the lift of all- butter pastries. It is equally important that the processing temperature is not too low because butter lacks plasticity at lower temperatures and the integrity of the layering in the pastry will be lost with subsequent loss of lift. The low melting point of butter also creates problems for proving Danish pastries and croissant so you will find it an advantage to restrict the temperature in the final prover to around 30C with a relative humidity of 6075%. These conditions will help avoid flow and loss of boldness and shape.





1 (mm/g paste) 0.5 Pastry specific height 0 1 2

FIGURE 7.7 Effect of processing at temperatures of 19C and 12C on puff pastry lift when using butter. Pastries Chapter | 7 357

7.2 SHORTCRUST PASTRY 7.2.1 What characteristics should we specify for the flour that we should use for making savoury and sweet short pastes for unbaked chilled and frozen shells and scratch-baked products? Usually, the specification for short pastry flours is not very comprehensive because there is no need for significant gluten formation in the paste and recipe water levels are much lower than would be used in breadmaking and the manufacture of laminated products. The general view is that soft wheat flours with a moisture content of around 14% and a protein content of 810% are suited to the manufacture of both savoury and sweet paste products. It is probably advisable to avoid flours with low Falling Numbers since they are high in cereal alpha-amylase. This is because it is common practice to recycle paste trimmings in product and the trimmings may be stored for some time before being used. During the storage period, the alpha-amylase will act on the starch in the flour causing the paste to soften and become sticky. This may later cause problems during paste processing. We note that you are making unbaked paste products which you sub- sequently chill or freeze for a period before they are baked. Because you are making such products, you should specify that the flour has a low ash (see Section 2.2.1) or grade colour figure (see Section 2.2.2). The need for an ash specification is not related to the colour of the baked pastries but to the potential for enzyme-assisted oxidation of the polyphenols nat- urally occurring in wheat bran (see Section 7.1.8). During refrigerated storage, the oxidation reaction can cause the bran particles to become dark brown or black in colour. The larger the size of the bran particles, the more evident the dark spots will appear. If the bran is finely divided, then the paste may assume a grey, almost dirty appearance. The oxida- tion reaction will continue as long as the products are held in refrigerated storage. The same problem can occur with both savoury and sweet pastes and can also be a problem with puff pastry stored under refrigerated conditions (see Sections 7.1.8 and 7.2.7). 358 Baking Problems Solved

7.2.2 Why is the hot water method preferred for the production of savoury pastry but not for sweetened pastry? The use of hot or boiling water in the production of the savoury paste is known to increase the crispness of resulting paste during storage, see Fig. 7.8. The reasons why this should be are not entirely clear. Adding the boiling water to the flour may cause limited gelatinisation of the starch which is present, but there is no direct evidence that this contributes to the formation of a crisper paste. The high temperature may inhibit the activity of the amylases in the flour and reduce any potential effect on the gelatinising starch. As many savoury pie pastes will stand for a period of time after mix- ing or blocking, the limitation of any enzymic activity may be very important. The high temperature resulting from the addition of the hot water will melt the solid fat in the mix. This may aid its dispersion into the microscopic voids which are created during mixing. These voids carry through to the baked product and provide a route for water to move through as it migrates from the filling to the surrounding pastry. If the voids are filled with fat, then there is less opportunity for the movement of water as shown by the observation that the base paste of pies does not soften during storage (see Section 7.2.10). If the hot water method is used in sweetened pastry production, it tends to produce a soft and sticky paste which will be difficult to block because the dissolved sugars form a syrup in the paste.

FIGURE 7.8 Comparison of the effect of hot and cold pastry making methods on pastry crispness during storage. Pastries Chapter | 7 359

7.2.3 What method should we use to calculate the water temperature to deliver a consistent final savoury short paste temperature at the end of mixing? Most paste preparation methods are designed to minimise energy transfer dur- ing mixing. Nevertheless, we recommend that you do take into account any temperature gain that might be experienced as a result of the mixing cycle. First, you should make a number of pastes in which you record the main ingredient temperatures Flour, fat (not laminating fat), water and sugar, if used And the final paste temperatures that were achieved for your given mixing time. You may already have such data in your records and you could use these. Next, calculate the ingredient contributions by summing the individual contributions of weight and temperature multiplied by their specific heat capacity. For example: 100 kg flour at 20C 5 2000 3 0.4 30 kg fat at 20C 5 600 3 0.7 30 kg water at 10C 5 300 3 1.0 Total heat input 5 2900 Total heat input/total mass 5 2900/160 Which gives an expected base paste temperature of 18.1C Actual paste temperature was 20.5C Thus temperature rise was 2.4C The approximate water temperature for future mixes could then be calcu- lated using the following formula: Total mass ingredients 3 ðrequired paste temperature temperature riseÞðHeat input from flour and fatÞ Mass of water There will be small errors in the last calculation because the specific heat capacities of the ingredients used are not taken into account, but as the varia- tions in ingredient masses will be very small for a given recipe, the calcula- tion method still has practical value. If you are making laminated pastries then the choice of the final mixed base paste temperature should be matched with that of the laminating fat for ease of processing. This approach will also optimise the integrity of the fat and dough layers after lamination. If the base paste and the laminating fat temperatures are not matched, there will be transfer of some heat from the warmer to the colder component but unless you are using long resting times the practical effect will be small. 360 Baking Problems Solved

7.2.4 We are manufacturing savoury short pastry products which are blocked out to shape and lids by sheeting a paste with the same formulation. We wish to increase our production rate and are considering reducing or eliminating the rest periods in the production sequence. Can you advise us on their function and any consequences that we may face if we change them? Rest periods are used in the manufacture of pastry products at different points in the production sequence. Their primary function is to allow for the modification of the rheological properties of the paste so that its subsequent behaviour is optimised and the required final product characteristics are achieved. The rheological properties of the paste are largely determined by the degree of gluten development that occurs in the mixing and machining of the paste. Following mixing and machining the rheological properties of the paste change with resting time; the longer the resting time, the greater the rheological change (the rate of change will also be influenced by the temper- ature at which the paste is resting). Commonly, the rheological changes are referred to as ‘relaxation’ of the paste. Savoury short pastry products typically have less gluten development than puff paste and resting periods tend to be relatively short after mixing as it is easier to obtain the required shape and reduce the risk of shrinkage when forming (blocking) of the pastry shape. The resting period may apply to the bulk paste before dividing or the individual units (billets) after dividing. If you are going to reduce the resting period, then you may need to mod- ify the paste rheology in some other way; such as the addition of a paste ‘relaxant’. The most common paste relaxant is L-cysteine hydrochloride which acts on the protein network and reduces the strength of gluten forma- tion in the paste which in turn, reduces the need for resting periods. Proteolytic enzymes may be used but these tend to be less effective. Caution should be exercised when using a paste relaxant in a production environment which yields high levels of paste trimmings. As the paste trim- mings will be reused in subsequent mixings, there is a gradual build-up of the level of the relaxant as production continues and a point may be reached at which problems with paste stickiness may be experienced. An alternative way of reducing paste resting times may be through the addi- tion of extra water to the paste at the initial mixing stage. The extent to which this can be practised will depend on the capabilities of the plant to operate with a softer paste. If you take this approach, then you may also have to consider a small reduction in mixing time as higher initial water levels tend to lead to greater potential for gluten formation in the mixer for a given mix time. One function of resting periods not always appreciated relates to the tem- perature of the paste, especially in the production of pie pastry where the use of hot water is practised. In this case, part of the rheological change in the paste comes from the cooling of the paste after mixing. Pastries Chapter | 7 361

7.2.5 From time to time, we experience problems with the sheeting of our short paste, in particular it cracks or fails to remain cohesive. Can you suggest why this happens? Significant gluten formation in short pastry doughs is not normally consid- ered necessary. Traditional multi-stage methods for the mixing of short paste were evolved to try and minimise the potential for gluten formation by ‘waterproofing’ the flour proteins with fat. Although the degree of gluten formation required in the manufacture of short pastry is considerably less than is required in breadmaking, some is desirable so that the paste units or sheets remain intact during the forming and sheeting processes, otherwise cracks may form on the surface of the paste. In extreme cases, the crack may extend through the paste sheet causing it to break into two separate pieces. Too much gluten formation in short pastry commonly leads to problems associated with shrinkage during sheeting, blocking, forming and during bak- ing. Getting the balance between too little lack of cohesion and too much excessive shrinkage requires careful control of recipe and mixing conditions. As might be expected, the level of water used in the recipe plays a major role in determining the rheological properties of the final paste (Cauvain and Young, 2008). Too little and the paste will not form a cohesive sheet, too much and the paste will be too soft to process. The final paste rheology is also affected by the added fat level and to a degree fat and water are inter- changeable in their effect on paste firmness, more fat gives a softer paste which can be offset by reducing the added water level. However, fat and water have completely opposite effects of gluten formation with fat inhibit- ing gluten formation and water promoting it. In addition to ingredient effects, the final rheology is also strongly influenced by the paste temperature; with higher temperatures yielding softer and more easily machined pastes. It is important to work to a consistent final paste temperature. The cracking of short pastry is more influenced by the length of the mix- ing time than the mixing method used. Short pastes mixed on a high speed mixer tend to be more friable and prone to cracking because of the short mixing times employed. We suggest that you first investigate the effects of increasing mixing time. You may notice a small increase in paste tempera- ture which can be readily compensated for lowering the water temperature. If you still have the problem when you have optimised mixing time, then we suggest you try raising the added water level.

Reference Cauvain, S.P., Young, L.S., 2008. Bakery Food Manufacture & Quality: Water Control and Effects, second ed. Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, UK. 362 Baking Problems Solved

7.2.6 We are producing unbaked meat pies but find that the short pastry lid cracks on freezing. The cracks become larger when the product thaws out and during baking the filling may boil out leaving an unsightly blemish on the surface. Why is this and what can we do about it? In the freezer, the fat in the unbaked pastry contracts by about 10% in vol- ume, whereas the aqueous phase in the paste expands by about the same amount. This differential in expansion causes stresses to build-up in the paste which may exploit any microscopic weaknesses that are present turning them into visible cracks. The movement of air across the unbaked product during the freezing operation removes a small amount of moisture from the surface until ice is formed. This drying out of the paste also exacerbates the problem. The level of gluten formation in short pastry is relatively modest com- pared with that developed in puff paste or bread doughs. This means that the gluten lacks any significant degree of extensibility and so during sheeting or blocking there is a tendency for the gluten network in the paste to become ruptured, if not visibly then certainly at the microscopic level. The cracks which are formed are most obvious on the lid because they are readily visi- ble but almost certainly occur in other parts of the product. In addition, the lid is exposed to air movement and potential dehydration. In addition to being extensible, the gluten network should not be elastic as this increases the stress on the paste. Increased elasticity is most likely to come from over-mixing of the paste. There are a number of possible practical remedies for the problem. They included:

G The use of a higher protein content flour. G Increasing the paste water content. G Reducing the fat content. G Keep paste mixing times to a minimum consistent with forming an homo- geneous paste. G Blast freeze the pies as quickly as possible and try to minimise moisture losses during storage. G Keep the proportion of trimmings in the lid pastry to a minimum. Incorporate trimmings into the base paste during mixing whenever possible. With some products where the paste fits tightly around the filling, for example sausage rolls and Cornish pasties, there may be some advantage in lowering the filling moisture content to reduce the degree of physical expan- sion which may occur. Pastries Chapter | 7 363

7.2.7 Some of the short pastry cases that we make for restaurants to fill and serve have been returned to us as being ‘mouldy’ on the base. We were surprised as we thought that the water activity of the shells was too low to support mould growth, and when we examined the bottom of the pastries, we can see that there is a discolouration but we do not think that it is mould. Can you identify what has caused the discolouration and how to eliminate it? We can confirm that the problem is not related to mould growth even though the discolouration has a similar appearance to mould colonies (see Fig. 7.9). Almost certainly, the problem is related to a chemical reaction between the pastry base and the pans in which they are held before baking. The paste will be slightly acid and this accelerates a reaction between the paste and a source of iron to form iron compounds (similar to rust) which turn dark when the pastry is baked-off. You are storing the unbaked pastry pieces in a refrigerator overnight before they are baked and such discolorations are sometimes seen with retarded dough pieces (see Section 4.2.13). It is a little surprising that you have had this problem as the moisture content of the pastry base will be somewhat lower than that of dough but it may that there was some condensa- tion on the pastry bases when they were transferred to refrigerated storage and this may have encouraged the reaction. The most obvious course of action would be to make and bake the pastry bases without refrigerating them. If this is not possible, you should look at the condition of your pans and discard any which are scratched or damaged. Alternatively, you could block the pastries into foil cases which are placed in the pans.

FIGURE 7.9 Dark marks on the base of refrigerated pastry shells. 364 Baking Problems Solved

7.2.8 We are having problems with the custard tarts that we make. The pastry shell is very pale coloured, but if we increase the baking time, we find that the custard filling is not very stable and shrinks away from the case during storage. If we raise the baking temperature, the custard filling boils and breaks down during storage. Can you give us any advice on how to get a better pastry colour without causing problems with the filling? Sometimes the baked custard has a watery appearance. Too much heat input during baking increases the loss of water from the cus- tard causing it to shrink away from the pastry case and crack. During stor- age, the low water activity of the egg gel allows more water to escape and it will continue to shrink and, as illustrated in Fig. 7.10, cracks may appear on the surface. It is always difficult to find the best comprise of baking time and temperature in the manufacture egg custards to yield the required pastry colour without compromising the filling qualities. Rather than trying to col- our your pastry by changing baking conditions you could substitute a portion of the sucrose in the paste recipe with dextrose; this is a reducing sugar and will colour more readily than sucrose. If you have no dextrose then you can use a glucose syrup, remembering to make allowance for the water in the glucose syrup. Dextrose and glucose syrup are less sweet than sucrose (weight for weight), but as you are only replacing a portion of the sucrose, you may not notice the difference in flavour. The formation of a stable gel in the filling of baked custards depends on achieving the correct conditions during baking. It is important to prevent the temperature of the filling going too high. The stability of the gel depends on the ability of the egg proteins (the albumen), and any starches or stabilisers present in the formulation to hold the water within their structures. Your samples are just beginning to show a breakdown of the gel which is often referred to as synerisis (see Section 11.1). Under the influence of sufficient heat, the egg proteins will coagulate, and in doing so, their spatial configuration changes in a way which reduces their ability to hold large quantities of water within the three-

FIGURE 7.10 Cracks on the surface of custard tarts. Pastries Chapter | 7 365 dimensional protein structure formed during mixing. As this water is ‘lost’ from the coagulated protein structure, it needs to be taken up by the other custard components otherwise it will be released from the gel. The quantity of the released water which will be mopped up by the other com- ponents will be limited. Most commonly, this problem arises from baking the product for too long. The long baking time allows a greater input of heat into the filling and raises its temperature far higher than that of the coagulation temperature of the albumen. You should reduce the baking time. You may have to raise the baking temperature to ensure that paste is fully baked. Raising the baking temperature will have less effect on raising the filling temperature than prolonging the baking time. A common sign that the filling is boiling is that the top of the custard will be rounded in the oven. If adjusting the baking conditions does not cure this part of your problem then you will have to consider raising the egg or stabiliser level in the filling formulation. 366 Baking Problems Solved

7.2.9 We have been receiving complaints from customers that that our short pastry which we use for meat pie products has an unpleasant eating character which they describe as ‘waxy’. The comments are most often related to the base pastry in the pies. Why is this? The sensory characteristic that you describe is directly related to the type and properties of the fat that you are using. The crispness of the pie paste that you are making and its retention throughout life is of prime importance in delivering a product which consumers consider to be appropriate soft and soggy pastry is most often associated with ‘staling’ in pastry terms. All bakery fats are a mixture of oil and solid fat fractions (see Section 2.3.1). In pastry making, one of the ways in which pie pastry crispness is maintained is by using a fat with a high melting point fraction. However, if the melting point of the fat is above that of the temperature in the human mouth, then it does not ‘melt in the mouth’ and leaves behind a waxy sensa- tion which is most often referred to as ‘palate cling’. The problem is also linked with the proportion of the fat component with the high melting point, the greater the proportion of the high melting fat fraction the greater the sen- sation of palate cling. This particular problem is often seen with animal fats which are more popular in meat pie production due to their contribution to product flavour and with hydrogenated fats. When the unbaked product enters the oven, the fat component begins to melt and becomes oil. Ultimately, all of the solid fat fractions will become liquid. Under the influence of gravity, some of the liquid fat drains into the base pastry and fills up the small voids that are present in the paste from mixing and processing. In addition to fat from within the paste, there will be a significant contribution from the fat in the meat fillings that you are using. As the fat comes from an animal source, then it will have a high melting point. The combination of the two drainage processes increases the propor- tion of fat which is present in the base paste and so makes the problems of palate cling more noticeable in that area of the pie. As you are unlikely to be able to make a suitable meat filling with a low melting point fat, we suggest that you change to a lower melting point fat in the preparation of your short paste which should help reduce the problem. Pastries Chapter | 7 367

7.2.10 Why does our pork pie pastry go soft during storage and what can we do to make our pastry crisper? The softening of pork pie pastry (and the pastry of many other composite pro- ducts) arises because of the migration of water from the moist filling to the dry pastry. The driving force for this migration is the difference in the com- ponent water activities. Cauvain and Young (2008) give typical water activi- ties for savoury pie components as pastry 0.24, jelly 0.99 and filling 0.98. Key factors which influence the rate at which water moves between com- ponents in savoury pies and the rate at which the pastry softens include the following:

G The storage temperature; the lower the temperature the slower the rate of moisture migration. G The absolute difference in water activities between the components; the greater the difference the faster the initial rate of moisture migration. Fat also migrates during the manufacture of pies but most of this occurs in the oven when the all of the solid fat has turned to oil and is therefore mobile (see Sections 2.3.1 and 2.3.2). At ambient or lower temperatures, the solid component of the fat cannot move within the pastry matrix. In the past, part of the softening of pie pastry has been attributed to fat migration, but if this occurs, it is a minor contributor to pastry softening. In fact, the migra- tion of oil into the base pastry under the influence of gravity in the oven probably contributes to keeping the base pastry from softening. The oil fills many of the microscopic voids formed in manufacture in the base paste and probably acts as a waterproofing agent so preventing the ingress of signifi- cant quantities of water. As discussed above, the main cause of lack of pastry crispness is associ- ated with the movement of water from the moist filling to the drier pastry. The most common way to reduce this problem is to manipulate component water activities to reduce the water activity differential. However, in the case of savoury pastry, reformulation of filling and pastry tends to be a limited option as they can significantly affect key product characteristics so other means of maintaining pastry crispness must be sought. One way of achieving a crisper pastry during its storage life is to increase the initial crispness of the pastry on day of manufacture so that even though the product will soften at the same rate the crispness at any given storage time will be greater than the standard. In summary, the opportunities for improving pastry crispness are:

G Lower the temperature to slow down the rate of moisture migration. G Reduce the absolute difference in water activities between the components. G Use the hot paste method which gives an initially crisper pastry. 368 Baking Problems Solved

G Increase the protein content of the flour used in the manufacture of the paste. G Cool the pies thoroughly before adding the jelly. G Consider not using jelly in the pie filling.

Reference Cauvain, S.P., Young, L.S., 2008. Bakery Food Manufacture & Quality: Water Control and Effects, second ed. Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, UK. Pastries Chapter | 7 369

7.2.11 We are having difficulty in blocking out savoury pie paste in foils, there is a tendency for the dough to stick to the die block causing the base of the foil case to become misshapen. We do not have the same problems with our sweetened paste, can you explain why? The problem is most likely to be associated with the temperature of the die block that you are using. In particular, you are more likely to experience the problem when the die block temperature is low, for example, at the begin- ning of the production run or on cold mornings if the bakery is not tempera- ture controlled. You should also look to the consistency of your paste temperature after mixing and consider the impact of any resting time which may cause the past to cool. Soft pastes will exacerbate the problem so you will find an advantage in restricting the added water or fat levels, or both. The addition of sugar without changing the water level increases the solids to liquid ratio in the recipe, and it competes for water with the flour components; the net result is often that you have a firmer dough than would be the case in the absence of recipe sugar. 370 Baking Problems Solved

7.2.12 Why do our baked pastries and quiches have small indents in the base which project upwards and are pale in colour? They are baked in individual foils. This problem has a similar cause to that described for fermented products in pans (see Section 4.1.1). Namely that steam is trapped between the pastry and the foil case during baking and as it cannot immediately escape then pressure builds up in some areas and forces the pastry upwards. As the pastry has not coloured, it is likely that this event has occurred early in the baking process. In the case of the pastry, the pressures encountered in the blocking pro- cess itself helps to create the impermeable seal which is necessary for the steam to remain trapped. It may be that some of the indent is created as the die withdraws, though even hand-blocked products have been known to show this particular problem. The most obvious solution to your problem is to use foils with small per- forations in the base. However, you should look closely at the location of the holes which should be at the lowest point of the foil, or if the foil concerned has more than one low point then holes should present in each of the low areas. Even though the holes are small in size, typically less than 1 mm, the pressure generated by the hot gases will still allow the steam to diffuse out through them. If the problem persists, you should look at your baking conditions. The problem is always exacerbated by baking at high temperatures for short times and with high bottom heat. If you suspect that this is the case, then try reducing the temperature and increasing the baking time. Allowing the pastry case to rest after blocking and before filling and baking can also reduce the problem. Pastries Chapter | 7 371

7.2.13 How can we make the sweet pastry that we use with our apple pies crisper eating? The cause of sweetened short pastry softening is the same as that dis- cussed for savoury pastry (see Section 7.2.10), namely that it arises because of movement of moisture from the moist filling to the drier, lower water activity pastry. In contrast to the situation in a savoury prod- uct, there are many more ways to extend the crispness of sweetened pas- try products due to the greater potential for recipe reformulation. Potential ways of keeping your pastry crisper include the following:

G Lowering the storage temperature for the baked products. G Reducing the differential in water activity between the pastry and filling through reformulation. This can include the addition of sugar to the pas- try or filling, or the addition of humectants such as glycerol to the filling. G Omit or reduce baking powder from the pastry formulation to reduce pas- try porosity. G Ensure that any stabiliser in the filling has had sufficient time to become effective. Some stabilisers may require several hours after having been blended into the filling before they achieve optimum control over water activity. Another possibility is to include a barrier between the pastry and the filling. Any such barrier must be edible and should not significantly change the product character. Cauvain (1995) provided some examples of suitable moisture barriers (see Fig. 7.11):

G A protein solution Egg albumen sprayed onto the pastry before depositing the filling.

FIGURE 7.11 Effect of barrier on short pastry crispness. 372 Baking Problems Solved

G A gum solution Carboxy methyl cellulose sprayed on the pastry before depositing the filling. G A rice paper disc placed on the pastry before depositing the filling.

Reference Cauvain, S.P., 1995. Putting pastry under the microscope. Baking Industry Europe, 6869.

Further reading Cauvain, S.P., Young, L.S., 2008. Bakery Food Manufacture & Quality: Water Control and Effects, second ed. Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, UK. Pastries Chapter | 7 373

7.2.14 How do we avoid ‘boil-out’ of our pie fillings? The boiling-out of pie fillings is most readily controlled by adjusting the baking conditions you are using. Commonly, products are baked to a desired colour; the rate at which we achieve the required colour depends to a large extent on the choice of baking temperature. Boil-out of the filling, however, will depend mostly on the length of the baking time; the longer the product spends in the oven the higher the filling temperature will become and the greater the chances of boil-out. We suggest that you consider increasing the oven temperature and shorten the baking time. If the crust colour of sweetened pastry becomes too dark, then you may need to reduce the level of sugar that you are using in the recipe. If you are using glucose or another reducing sugar, you may need to replace part or all of it with sucrose to limit the degree of browning. Alternatively, consider lowering the water activity of the filling by adjust- ing the soluble solids of the filling formulation. The level of soluble solids in pie fillings controls the boiling point of the liquid in the filling, the higher the soluble solids content the higher the boiling point (Cauvain and Young, 2008). You can therefore raise the boiling point by increasing the level of soluble solids. In the case of sweet fillings, this may be through the addition of extra sugars. To avoid the filling becoming too sweet, then you can use glucose rather than sucrose, as the former is less sweet on a weight for weight basis. Remember that if you use a glucose syrup then you must bal- ance the water addition to compensate for that present in the syrup otherwise the filling water activity may not fall.

Reference Cauvain, S.P., Young, L.S., 2008. Bakery Food Manufacture & Quality: Water Control and Effects, second ed. Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, UK. 374 Baking Problems Solved

7.2.15 We wish to reuse pastry trimmings but find that sometimes we experience a ‘soapy’ taste in the final product. Can you suggest a cause for the flavour and how best to reuse the trimmings to avoid this and any other potential problems? The ‘soapy’ taste undoubtedly comes from the trimmings that you have been re-using. Soap is formed when some of the fat in the paste splits into glycerol and fatty acids, the latter combine with any alkaline material present to form soap. The fat splitting will be caused by microorganisms which are present in and on the trimmings. Contamination of the paste during processing is difficult to avoid because the microorganisms concerned will be in the bakery atmo- sphere, coming from external and internal sources. You should keep the trim- mings as free from contamination as possible, especially sweeping clear any dusting flour which you may have used during their processing. As the problem is linked with microbial contamination, you can expect that the problem becomes more prevalent when the bakery temperature is higher than usual. Usually, you can control the growth of microorganisms present in the trimmings using low temperatures. We suggest that you trans- fer any trimmings at regular intervals into refrigerated storage, around 4C and try to use them within 24 hours of production. It is helpful to store the trimmings in thin sheets rather in a than large bulk because it will take some time for the centre of a large mass of trimmings to cool and during that period microbial activity may be sufficient to initiate an adverse reaction. We recommend that you add the trimmings at the mixing stage to ensure that they are uniformly distributed throughout the paste sheet when it is pro- cessed. You should either allow the trimmings to warm before adding them to the mixer or compensate for the lower paste temperature by raising the added water temperature. Establish a production schedule which allows the trimmings to be used in strict rotation, otherwise you may still encounter problems. Limit the storage time of trimmings to about 24 hours. Periodically, say every 3 to 4 days, it is advisable to have a break in produc- tion which allows you to start with virgin paste to avoid progressively increasing the level of microbial activity in the paste. Chapter 8

Other Bakery Products

8.1 WHAT ARE THE MOST IMPORTANT FACTORS WHICH CONTROL THE VOLUME OF CHOUX PASTE PRODUCTS? When choux paste is being baked any air that has been beaten into the paste will expand and the water will be converted to steam. The expanded air and steam try to escape but to a large extent are prevented from doing so because both are trapped and retained by the gluten matrix and un-coagulated film of egg albumen. The egg albumen (protein) is extensible and will be inflated and distended by the internal pressures of the gases air and steam. Expansion of the paste only ceases when the egg albumen coagulates, and both it and the gluten film lose their extensibility and gas-holding powers. Egg albumen coagulates at high temperatures and loses its extensi- bility, so the temperature of the paste at which the eggs are added is an important factor in getting maximum volume. The presence of strong films of un-coagulated egg protein in the paste when it goes into the oven is of the utmost importance for the achievement of good volume in the baked product. If the eggs are added to the paste before it has been allowed to cool ade- quately, the fluidity of the eggs is quickly lost and the penalty is lower vol- ume. Pastes can be left to cool to 2441C (75106F) naturally, by stirring with the beaters of the machine or by being spread out onto a cold clean slab or table-top. An economic advantage of cold paste is that it requires the addi- tion of less egg and will still give a good volume product. The consistency of the paste for choux pastry is another of the critical factors in controlling the volume of choux products. It also plays a prominent role in the appearance of the product. Ideally, the paste should be as soft as possible but without causing the resultant pastry case to be of poor shape. If the paste is too stiff when making eclairs, they become unattractive in appearance and exhibit harsh surface cracks and breaks. If the paste is too soft, they need more baking to dry them out; otherwise, they will collapse on being taken from the oven. Even if they are adequately dried out to pre- vent them from collapsing, they will have a lower volume and look squashed in appearance. When the consistency is correct, they are beau- tifully rounded, and have no harsh breaks, bursts or cracks to detract from their appearance.

Baking Problems Solved. DOI: © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. 375 376 Baking Problems Solved

For cream bun shells, the more they crack and burst the better the product appears. To obtain this cracked shape the paste can be made a little softer than for eclairs. Again however if the paste is made too soft the buns will be of poor shape and can collapse. So although it is a good plan to make choux paste slightly softer when making cream buns, the difference is only slight and must not be over-done. When baking choux buns, it is essential to create steam under sufficient pressure to aerate or inflate them as fully as possible before the coagulation of the proteins and before surface drying or crust for- mation occurs. This is achieved by baking the paste in a comparatively hot oven, 227C (440F), so that steam pressure is built up rapidly to expand the paste and to hold it in that condition until the coagulation of the proteins and the crust formation. Frozen and spray dried egg as well as liquid eggs are regularly used in the production of choux pastry. Care must be taken when using spray dried egg that the egg has not been kept too long as in storage egg proteins are degraded through the activity of bacteria. Frozen eggs should be defrosted before use. Some adjustment in recipes may be required when using frozen egg as there may have been some change in egg viscosity as a result of the freezing/thawing operation. Other Bakery Products Chapter | 8 377

8.2 WHY ARE CREAM BUNS BAKED UNDER COVERS AND ECLAIRS ARE NOT? A higher volume is usually required for cream bun than e´clair shells. To achieve this high volume, the surface of the bun should remain moist for as long as possible in the baking process. When the buns are placed in the oven, the heat gradually begins to expand the air beaten into the paste and to generate steam from the moisture in the product. If the buns were baked in a dry heat, the outer crust would soon set and prevent the paste from expand- ing to the extent required. If the atmosphere surrounding the products is kept moist, then the outer crust remains soft and pliable allowing expansion to continue as long as there is expansive force left in the paste. When no more moisture remains in the buns to be converted to steam, the crust of the bun dries and becomes set. A humid atmosphere surrounding the buns during baking can be achieved in two ways. First, the cream buns can be baked under covers or tins to keep the moisture generated near to the product. Second, filling the oven to full capacity will obviate the need for covers as the oven itself then acts as a steam-tight environment for the products. In larger bakeries, steam may be introduced into the oven to raise the atmospheric humidity. Eclairs are not required to expand as much as cream buns and there is no need to bake these under tins. To help keep a regular baton shape, the outer crust is formed after initial expansion has taken place and further growth is restricted. 378 Baking Problems Solved

8.3 OUR CHOUX BUNS COLLAPSE DURING BAKING. CAN YOU SUGGEST WHY THIS HAPPENS? It is important when baking choux products that the oven temperature is sufficiently high to impart heat quickly at the start of baking. Consequently, a rapid recovery of the baking temperature after the product has been loaded into the oven is vital. If the temperature controls are set too low, then the recovery rate is low resulting in shrinkage or collapse of the products. If the steam damper is partly or totally open the problem is exacerbated. The best results are obtained when the steam damper is closed (no loss of heat) and the baking temperature is set as near 232C (450F) as possible. Other Bakery Products Chapter | 8 379

8.4 WE ARE GETTING A GREYGREEN COLOURATION TO OUR CHOUX BUNS. CAN YOU EXPLAIN WHY THIS SHOULD HAPPEN? The greygreen discolouration is associated with the formation of fer- rous sulphide in the batter. If you examine the internal surface of your buns, you may see small black specks. It is most likely that these will give a positive reaction when tested for iron. The iron has probably come from the surface of your mixing bowl that is being abraded by the beater or from the surface of the container used to boil the roux. The for- mation of ferrous sulphide is accelerated by prolonged heating or by heating at a high temperature, such as that typically used for the produc- tion of choux buns. The discolouration in your choux buns is similar to the greygreen col- our which sometimes forms on the surface of an egg yolk after the egg has been boiled for too long a period or allowed to cool slowly. The reaction is caused by the iron in the yolk combining with hydrogen sulphide from the white of the egg. When making choux buns it is advisable to: 1. Use stainless steel utensils. 2. Ensure that the container used to mix the roux is not corroded and that the mixing utensil does not abrade the surface of the container. 3. Ensure that the roux is well cooled before beating in the egg. If cooling is normally done by mixing on a machine, ensure that the mixing tool does not abrade the surface of the bowl. If cooling is achieved by allowing the roux to lie in a metal container, ensure that it is not in contact with iron which may be exposed in a worn tinned bowl. 4. Bake at as high a temperature, and for as short a period, consistent with the choux shells being adequately baked. 380 Baking Problems Solved

8.5 WHY IS POWDERED AMMONIUM CARBONATE OR ‘VOL’ ADDED TO CHOUX PASTE? Powdered ammonium carbonate, or ‘vol’ as it is commonly known, is entirely different from other baking powders used in baking. When heated, the whole of the material turns into three gases ammonia, carbon dioxide and water vapour and no residue remains in the product in the form of a salt. Not all the gases escape with the result that a smell of ammonia remains after the products are withdrawn from the oven. This is because ammonia is extremely soluble in water. No action takes place until the products are heated. Vol should be stored in an airtight container to maximise its subse- quent effectiveness. When added to choux paste in small quantities, it helps to improve the volume, especially in the case of cream buns as these are required to be extremely light in character and to have the greatest possible volume. It is not always necessary to add ‘vol’ to choux paste to obtain good volume if the choux products are correctly made. Neither is it necessary to add ‘vol’ when making e´clair cases as there is a tendency for the paste to ‘blow’ too much, thus spoiling the shape of the eclairs. Other Bakery Products Chapter | 8 381

8.6 WE WISH TO MAKE A LARGE BATCH OF E´CLAIR CASES AND STORE THEM FOR A FEW DAYS BEFORE FILLING AND ICING THEM. CAN YOU ADVISE ON THE BEST WAY TO KEEP THEM TO PRESERVE THEIR QUALITY? Making large quantities of eclairs for storage before finishing has to be undertaken with care as the characteristics of the product do not lend them- selves to storage for long periods, except under carefully controlled condi- tions. There are two potential quality losses during storage; they are the loss or gain of moisture. Both can adversely affect the eating character of the final product. E´ clair cases are expected to be dry and crisp eating but not hard. Initially after baking, the cases should be quite firm. The moisture content at the cen- tre of the case may often be higher than that at the surface. It is therefore important to minimise further moisture losses from the product surface dur- ing cooling; otherwise, the moisture gradient from the inside to outside of the case would be increased and may cause the case to crack and in extreme cases, fall apart. If baking is extended too long, then the cases may become too hard eating. The cases should be allowed to cool thoroughly before being stored in a closed container or room. Condensation should be avoided as this will cause softening of the products. As they have a low moisture content, e´clair cases are prone to absorbing moisture from the atmosphere and so should be stored at a low relative humidity or in airtight containers. 382 Baking Problems Solved

8.7 WE STAND OUR FINISHED CHOUX BUNS ON U-SHAPED CARDBOARD AND WRAP THEM IN A CELLULOSE-BASED FILM. RECENTLY, WE HAVE OBSERVED THE GROWTH OF MOULD COLONIES ON THE PRODUCTS. WHY IS THIS? In general choux products with fillings are susceptible to mould growth, and if the products are wrapped, the danger of mould is increased because of the greater degree of moisture which is maintained around the choux buns by the cellulose wrapper. The cardboard on which you hold the pro- ducts will absorb water from the product because of moisture migration and the influence of gravity on some of the moisture. It is important that good hygiene practices are observed not only in the production process but also in the storage of both the U-shaped cardboard and the cellulose wrap- ping film. Both cardboard and wrapping film should be stored covered in a clean dry place. From the hygiene point of view, the surface of the choux products should be cool and dry before filling and coating. They should be kept covered whilst cooling and drying-off to prevent mould spores settling on them. If the goods are cut to insert the filling, keep the cutting knife free from mould spores by regularly wiping with either a 12% acetic acid solution diluted in water (for stainless steel knives only) or industrial (not household) methylated spirits diluted in an equal quantity of water or hydrogen peroxide. Care should be taken when handling acetic acid or hydrogen peroxide. Where products are filled by injection through a noz- zle, then the nozzle should be cleaned at regular intervals with solutions similar to those mentioned above. The products should be handled as lit- tle as possible to minimise contamination. Clean and wash benches and trays that are to be used. Use of a semi-moisture-proof cellulose film will allow more moisture to ‘escape’ from the atmosphere surrounding the product and keep the humidity within the packing material at a lower level. Waxed or coated card will pre- vent moisture from being absorbed into the cardboard and supplying a source of water for mould growth. Other Bakery Products Chapter | 8 383

8.8 OUR SCONES ARE MADE FROM FROZEN DOUGH BUT FREQUENTLY LACK VOLUME. WE ALSO FIND THAT THE CRUMB COLOUR IS RATHER BROWN. CAN YOU OFFER SUGGESTIONS TO IMPROVE OUR PRODUCT QUALITY? Scones depend on chemical raising agents for their volume. Once the raising agents come into contact with water, the chemical reaction to produce carbon dioxide begins. In the production of a frozen dough, some of this aera- tion capacity will be lost as the reactions start, and this will lead to a loss of volume in the baked product. To overcome this loss of aeration, a change to a slower acting acid will help, e.g., sodium acid pyrophosphate or sodium acid aluminium phosphate. The level of baking powder should be about 5% on flour weight. Alternatively, you could try using an encapsulated form of sodium bicar- bonate or the baking acid. The encapsulation is usually with fat which delays the production of most of the carbon dioxide gas until the product enters the oven and the fat melts. Baking powder may deteriorate under storage. It should always be stored under dry conditions. If this is not feasible, then the acid and the bicarbonate should be stored separately. To overcome the rather brown crumb colour, we suggest you replace any invert sugar with sucrose. The Maillard reaction is less in sucrose than with invert sugar and so the crumb colour should improve. In terms of quality improvements, increasing the fat level in the recipe to 20% on flour weight will produce a richer product. The use of butter instead of shortening will improve the flavour but you will need to compensate for the water in the butter. 384 Baking Problems Solved

8.9 SOME OF OUR SCONES HAVE A COARSE BREAK AT THE SIDE AND AN OPEN CRUMB CELL STRUCTURE BUT THE RESULTS ARE NOT CONSISTENT. CAN YOU PLEASE SUGGEST STEPS WE MIGHT TAKE TO OBTAIN A BETTER AND MORE CONSISTENT PRODUCT QUALITY? A coarse break at the side of the scone indicates that more gluten formation was achieved during mixing than is normally required for scones. The scone dough should be cleared, i.e., all the ingredients should be thoroughly blended, but you must be careful not to over-mix. The level of baking powder should be sufficient to achieve aeration dur- ing baking. Using cold water during mixing will minimise the baking powder reaction before baking and also help restrict gluten formation. It is possible that the problem could be associated with variations in recovery times and baking conditions. A recovery period of 1520 min after pinning and cutting and before baking is helpful as it allows the dough to relax and aerate slightly (early release of carbon dioxide from the baking powder reaction) before baking. However, to minimise skin formation, the dough pieces should be placed in a relatively cool (less than 20C), moist area (or covered) during the recovery period. Small individual scones should be baked in a fairly hot oven, 240C, and we suggest that you check that your oven temperature controls are perform- ing satisfactorily. Other Bakery Products Chapter | 8 385

8.10 WE WISH TO EXTEND THE SHELF-LIFE OF OUR SCONES. HOW CAN WE DO THIS? The staling of scones can be reduced in any of the following ways:

G Wrapping scones in a moisture proof film will reduce moisture loss and give a softer eat but will not prevent inherent staling. G Scones can be frozen, but there is usually a loss in quality associated with this process; in particular, the products may become crumbly on defrosting. G If freezing is not an option, then including a suitable emulsifier (e.g., a high monoglyceride type of glycerol monostearate in emulsion or paste form) will keep the crumb softer. Proprietary ready-to-use products are available. Replacing the fat present with a high-ratio shortening or increasing the proportion of fat in the recipe may also be beneficial. G Adding a humectant may help to retain moisture. We suggest replacing part of the sugar in the recipe with invert sugar, though higher levels of the latter may lead to excessive browning of the crumb. Glycerine may also be added, but again high levels may lead to darkening of the crumb. 386 Baking Problems Solved

8.11 THE SURFACE OF OUR SCONES IS COVERED WITH SPECKLES OF A YELLOWISH-BROWN COLOUR. WE ARE USING GDL AS THE ACID COMPONENT IN THE BAKING POWDER. CAN YOU SUGGEST WHY WE HAVE THIS PROBLEM? The discolouration is probably due to unreacted bicarbonate in the scone mix- ture. Often small brown specks in doughs can be attributed to undissolved particles of sodium bicarbonate. In this case, the problem can be solved by using a finer particle size (sieve of aperture size 0.06 mm). Alternatively, rest- ing the dough for at least 40 minutes allows the bicarbonate to dissolve and ensures that the speckles do not occur. If glucona-delta-lactone is the neutra- lising acid, it requires time to hydrolyse to gluconic acid. Giving a longer resting time before the scones are baked may resolve the problem. Other Bakery Products Chapter | 8 387

8.12 WHY SHOULD PARTICULAR CARE BE TAKEN WHEN WASHING SCONES WITH EGG WASH TO ENSURE THAT NONE RUNS DOWN THE SIDES OF THE PIECES OF DOUGH? After rolling and cutting out scone dough into round or finger shapes, the surface of the scone is commonly washed with egg to obtain a glossy, rich brown skin on baking which makes them so attractive. If the egg wash is allowed to run or dribble down the sides of dough pieces, their baked appear- ance is spoiled. When the scones are baked, the egg on the side walls will coagulate long before the baking powder inside the scone has evolved all of its carbon diox- ide. This coagulated egg will form a more or less un-yielding band uniting the top skin with the bottom edge of the scone and will prevent that side from rising to its full height. The gas produced by the reaction of the baking powder must cause expansion in some direction or other and will take the line of least resistance. This will often cause the opposite side of the scone to rise even higher than otherwise would have been the case. The end result is that the scone rises unevenly and where the egg ran down the sides, it will be spoiled by a yellow streak running from top to bottom, instead of the sides presenting an unbroken, smooth, white colour. The problem is usually avoided by paying attention to detail, for exam- ple, avoid getting too much wash on the brush, using too large a brush, if brushes are used. Having too concentrated an egg wash can cause problems with brushing and spraying. 388 Baking Problems Solved

8.13 WE ARE FREEZING A RANGE OF UNBAKED, CHEMICALLY AERATED PRODUCTS INCLUDING SCONES AND CAKE BATTERS AND NOW WANT TO INCLUDE SOME VARIATIONS USING FRESH FRUITS. WE HAVE CARRIED OUT A NUMBER OF TRIALS AND HAVE A RANGE OF ISSUES WHICH ARE MOSTLY RELATED TO THE FRAGILITY OF THE FRUIT. CAN YOU PROVIDE SOME ADVICE? You have clearly recognised the main problem with using fresh fruits in that the skins of most of them tend to be susceptible to mechanical damage, and this can lead to the ‘bleeding’ of the contents into the dough or batter. On defrosting and baking, a commonly observed problem is the presence of disco- loured streaks in the baked crumb. The colour of these streaks varies according to the fruit being added and the pH of the dough or batter (see Section 10.1 for an explanation of the pH scale). There are many naturally occurring col- ours in fruits which can contribute to the colour change and it can occur in many different situations (for examples, see Sections 5.21 and 5.23). Some of the problems with the fragility of the skin are manifest at the dough and batter mixing stage. You should try to delay the addition of fruits as late as possible in the mixing process and use as low a speed as is possible to disperse the fruits. It is possible to obtain some fruits already frozen, and this makes the product more robust (provided you do not let them defrost). However, you should still try to add these products as late as possible during mixing and also get them into the freezer as quickly as possible. In your case, the problem is exacerbated by the freezing and thawing process that you are employing. Fresh fruits are high in moisture, often around 6070% or higher. As the unbaked products begin to freeze, ice crystals begin to form within the cells of the fruit matrix. As the tempera- ture continues to fall, the crystals can grow very large and begin to punc- ture the fruit skins. In the frozen state, not much change takes place, but when the products are defrosted, the ice crystals melt and leave holes in the walls of the fruits and the cell contents begin to leak out. You are not re-mixing the dough or batter and so you might expect that the problems would be limited. Indeed, they are but what tends to happen is that the crumb immediately around the fruits pieces is affected, and you often get discoloured rings or patches; this can be just as undesirable as disco- loured streaks. To reduce the problems, you should look at your freezing operation. In general, rapid freezing favours the formation of smaller ice crystals, and this can contribute to a reduction in the damage to the skins of the fruit. However, you need to remember that it takes some time for the cold front in a deep freeze to travel to the centre of products, so it is not simply a case of Other Bakery Products Chapter | 8 389 lowering the temperature of the freezer. You will need to check the time that it takes for the core of the products to be frozen because the potential for ice crystal growth is greater in the product core. It may be that you will need to turn to using a blast freezer rather than a static one. In the blast freezer, the movement of the air across the product speeds up the freezing process and will help in the reduction of the ice crys- tal size in the fruits. However, there are other issues to consider with blast freezing, and one of these is that the air movement can remove some of the product moisture (12%), so you will need to check that this does not adversely affect the final product when baked and eaten. In theory, if you could stop the fruit pieces from freezing, then you would prevent the formation of ice crystals and in turn, would eliminate damage to the skins. Such processes are often referred to as ‘cryo-protection’ and are often based on the infusion of materials like glycerol (glycerine). By way of an example as to how this might work, to lower the freezing point by about 20C (e.g., to keep the material un-frozen at 220C, a typical frozen storage temperature), you would a need a concentration of about 50% glycerol/50% water, and this would need to be infused into the fruit. A potential problem could be the change in product flavour. 390 Baking Problems Solved

8.14 WE HAVE BEEN ASKED TO IMPROVE THE SENSORY QUALITIES OF OUR SCONES AND HAVE BEEN ABLE TO DO THIS BY A NUMBER OF RECIPE CHANGES. ALTHOUGH THESE CHANGES HAVE BEEN LARGELY SATISFACTORY FOR OUR PLAIN SCONES THE FRUITED VARIETIES, WE MAKE STIL TEND TO BE TOO DRY EATING. DO YOU HAVE ANY SUGGESTIONS AS TO HOW WE CAN MAKE THEM MORE MOIST EATING? A common problem with fruited baked products is that the crumb of the products tends to become dry eating with extended shelf-life (see Section 5.28). This problem is most commonly associated with the migration of moisture from the crumb to the dried fruit inclusions. Typically, the mois- ture content of the dried fruits are less than 20% to restrict the potential for microbial growth during their storage; this is a little lower than the moisture content of your plain scones, but the sugar content of the dried fruits is very high, often around 60%. This combination of lower moisture and higher sugar in the fruit pieces means that the natural movement of water is from the crumb of the scone to the fruit pieces. Some of this moisture migration will occur during the baking process, but a significant proportion will occur during storage. This moisture migration phenomenon explains why the problem is not readily observed with the fresh scones but becomes increasingly apparent during their storage. In the case of the scones that you make with pieces of candied fruits, the problem is even greater because the fruit pieces have even higher sugar contents. The most usual way to improve the eating quality of fruited products in these circumstances is by soaking the fruit pieces for a short period of time to raise their moisture contents (Cauvain and Young, 2008). When the excess moisture is drained away, some of the sugar which had been present will be lost, and this double change will reduce the driving force for moisture migration. However, raising the moisture content of the dried fruit pieces is not without its potential problems. 1. The skins of the soaked fruit become more fragile, so there is a tendency for them to break during mixing leading to dark steaks in the crumb. 2. The overall moisture content of the scone and its equilibrium relative humidity (ERH) can increase which increases the susceptibility of the wrapped product to mould growth. You will need to check this carefully.

Reference Cauvain, S.P., Young, L.S., 2008. Bakery Food Manufacture and Quality: Water Control and Effects, second ed. Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, UK. Other Bakery Products Chapter | 8 391

8.15 WE MAKE AND BAKE SCONES ON A DAILY BASIS. RECENTLY, WE PLACED THEM UNBAKED IN A REFRIGERATOR BUT THE BAKED QUALITY WAS POOR. WE USED A RETARDER INSTEAD BUT WE STILL FIND THAT THE PRODUCTS WERE SMALL IN VOLUME. IS IT POSSIBLE TO RETARD UNBAKED SCONES AND STILL PRODUCE AN ACCEPTABLE PRODUCT? A retarder is always a better option than a refrigerator for storingunbakeditems. This is because the surface area of the cooling fins in the retarder is much greater than in a refrigerator which helps maintain a high relative humidity and moisture in the unbaked product. As a ‘rule of thumb’, you should keep unbaked products in a retarder at as low a temperature as you can achieve without freezing the product. In practice temperatures, around 23C are quite suitable. However, your problem is to do with the loss of carbon dioxide from the dough. Even at refrigerated temperatures, there is progressive reaction of the baking powder components and with virtually no gluten network in scone dough the carbon dioxide gas generated is free to escape to the atmosphere. This is why your products are losing volume when you bake them off. The rate at which the carbon dioxide gas is lost depends on the rate of reac- tion of the baking powder (see Section 5.37). Even if you are using the slower acting baking acids, long storage times will allow for significant reaction and loss of carbon dioxide gas. You may find that by increasing the level of baking powder you can restore some of the product volume on bake-off, but the higher levels of residual salts will change the flavour profile of the baked product. An alternative would be to switch to using a micro-encapsulated baking acid or sodium bicarbonate. The coating delays the reaction of the baking pow- der components, so it should help delay much of the gas production until the bake-off period. An example of such an approach is illustrated in Fig. 8.1; note you cannot expect to use the encapsulated material for your fresh scone produc- tion. There are a number of commercially encapsulated products available.

2.8 2.7 2.6 2.5 2.4 2.3 2.2

Specific volume(ml/g) 2.1 2 0 1020304050 Retarding time (h) Standard bicarbonate Encapsulated bicarbonate

FIGURE 8.1 Comparison of carbon dioxide evolution in scones during refrigerated storage. 392 Baking Problems Solved

8.16 I AM HAVING DIFFICULTY WITH ROYAL ICING WHICH WILL NOT HARDEN ADEQUATELY. CAN YOU ADVISE? To obtain hard Royal icing, there are several points which you should address.

G The mixing bowl in which the egg whites are beaten should be completely free from grease. Even small traces of grease will affect the aeration of the egg albumen. If the icing has not received adequate aeration, it will have difficulty in setting well. However, it is important to whisk at a slow speed as faster speeds tend to result in large bubbles in the icing. For the same reason, it is advisable to mix with the bowl about half full before beating. When the icing is applied, it should be worked lightly on the surface of the cake to break down any large bubbles which may still be there. G Glycerine, which is sometimes added to prevent the icing becoming ‘flinty,’ should be kept to a minimum as an excess will prevent the icing from setting. G If making the icing for ‘run out’ work, it should be thinned with egg white and not water as this too will prevent the icing from setting. G The cake should be kept in a dry atmosphere to allow the icing to set and should also be stored in a dry atmosphere; otherwise, the icing will soften as it absorbs moisture from the atmosphere. G If the Royal icing is to be applied to a cake covered with almond paste, it is best to allow a crust to form on the paste overnight in a well- ventilated, warm, dry area. In such cases, two coats of Royal icing are normally adequate with the first coat being light and of normal piping consistency and being allowed to dry overnight. The second coat may be slightly softer to give a smoother finish. If the paste has a tendency to oil, or if there is insufficient time to allow two coats to be applied, hot fondant may be used to seal the surface of the paste. G For a quick setting icing the moisture content should be low. A low glu- cose content will avoid the uptake of moisture and a gum or stabilising material should be included.

Further reading Bent, A.J., 1997. The Technology of Cakemaking, sixth ed., Blackie Academic & Professional, London, UK. Other Bakery Products Chapter | 8 393

8.17 I HAVE HEARD THAT OFF-ODOURS CAN BE CAUSED BY THE ICING USED FOR CAKE DECORATIONS. IS THIS TRUE? The icing itself should not cause off-odours. However, the varnish used on cake decorations can sometimes transfer odours to the icing. A preventative action would be to ‘air’ the decorations for a period of time before they are required so that any smell of varnish may disperse. 394 Baking Problems Solved

8.18 AFTER 2 DAYS OUR ROYAL ICING TENDS TO TURN YELLOW. CAN THIS DISCOLOURATION BE PREVENTED? There are many causes of discolouration in royal icing. Some are listed below: 1. Royal icing made with inferior types of albumen substitutes or weak albumen solutions will slowly discolour on ageing and become slightly yellow. Using good quality, ingredients should prevent the problem. 2. The use of poor quality icing sugars produces a poor colour in the icing. 3. If the icing is allowed to stand in a metal mixing bowl for too long or the palate knife is left in the icing for a long period of time discolouration will occur, changing the white to a creamy colour. This can be because of reactions involving iron particles from the equipment. 4. In some cases, ready-prepared marzipans are highly coloured by the man- ufacturer. This colour can be absorbed by the moisture in the royal icing causing it to change colour. To avoid this, after coating the cake with marzipan, brush it over with boiling apricot puree or a thin coating of fondant which has been heated to a higher temperature than would nor- mally be used for coating purposes. These coatings act as a seal limiting colour transfer. 5. If marzipan or almond pastes are worked excessively during their prepa- ration, they will become oily. This change may also occur if the atmo- spheric temperature in the work and storage areas are higher than normal. Ensuring that the work and storage areas are reasonably cool and the marzipan is not over-worked can prevent oils being released. In addition, to minimise the transfer of oily stains, the surface of the marzipan could be coated with a boiled apricot puree. 6. Very slow drying of the royal icing can cause discolouration. 7. Excessive quantities of glycerine can cause a creamy colour to form. Other Bakery Products Chapter | 8 395

8.19 WE ARE RECEIVING COMPLAINTS OF OPAQUE SPOTS ON OUR FUDGE ICING. CAN YOU SUGGEST A REMEDY? Spots on fudge icing are the result of recrystallisation of the sugar. The sugar graining is caused by insufficient mixing or by over-heating or by loss of moisture from the icing to the cake or atmosphere. To avoid moisture transfer, the cake should be brushed over with the boiling puree before icing. Adding glycerine to the icing at a rate of 0.5% will help keep the fudge icing soft and lowers the ERH of the icing bring- ingitnearertotheERHofthecakewhich will also help reduce moisture migration. 396 Baking Problems Solved

8.20 AFTER STORING OUR COATED PRODUCTS OVERNIGHT, WE FIND THAT CRACKS FORM IN FONDANT COATING. CAN YOU SUGGEST WAYS TO OVERCOME THIS PROBLEM? Many faults encountered with fondant are associated with one or more of the following:

G The ERH of the components of the product. G The degree of moisture permeability of any wrapping material. G The glucose content of the fondant. Fondants can remain soft or become hard depending on the formulation and process used for their manufacture. Surface problems with fondant such as white spots, streaks or stickiness also have some of their roots in the for- mulation and processing, and others in the storage conditions and compo- nents on which they sit. Cracks that appear on the surface of fondant are a result of the fondant drying out and hardening. A glucose syrup level below 12% total weight leads to very rapid hardening and so a level between 12 and 14% is recommended. Inclusion of 5 to 10% hard fat such as hardened palm ker- nel oil or a high-ratio fat containing an emulsifier can be used to prevent hardening. The reverse of the problem with hardening is that of the fondant becom- ing sticky. The cause of this is the hygroscopic nature of the fondant. When stored in a humid atmosphere or surrounded with packaging film of low per- meability or moisture vapour transpiration rate (see Section 11.7), the ERH of the fondant, being very much lower than its surrounding atmosphere and the presence of undissolved sugar crystals, causes uptake of moisture. This results in the fondant becoming sticky. Storage of fondant products in a refrigerated cabinet, which may have a relatively high humidity when filled with other goods could accentuate the problem. Thawing of frozen products in high humidity conditions can also cause the problem. In products where the fondant topping sits on a pastry product which is cream filled (e.g., chocolate e´clair), moisture moves from the cream (with high ERH), through the pastry casing to the fondant topping (low ERH) and forms a thin film of water between the topping and the pastry case. Any jolt during transportation of the product can cause the fondant to slip off the product (the thin film of water acts like a lubricant). In this case, the problem is alleviated if the ERHs within the components are brought closer together.

Further reading Cauvain, S.P., Young, L.S., 2008. Bakery Food Manufacture & Quality: Water Control and Effects, second ed. Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, UK. Other Bakery Products Chapter | 8 397

8.21 WE MAKE SUGAR PASTE SHAPES AND STORE THEM IN PLASTIC CONTAINERS FOR LATER USE. IN A FEW DAYS, THE SHAPES SOFTEN AND ARE INCLINED TO DROOP. CAN YOU SUGGEST HOW WE MIGHT OVERCOME THIS PROBLEM? If your containers are not sealed, then the sugar shapes can take up moisture from the atmosphere. Generally, the relative humidity of the atmosphere indoors is in the range 4070%, so sugar paste shapes with a low ERH will absorb atmospheric moisture. You should try to minimise the headspace in the container used to store the shapes which will limit the mass of water available for absorption by the paste. It is possible that the formulation of the sugar paste contains too much humectant for your requirements, and we suggest that you reduce the propor- tion until the ERH is in the range 7578%. 398 Baking Problems Solved

8.22 WE WOULD LIKE TO STORE OUR HEAVILY FRUITED WEDDING CAKES AFTER COATING WITH MARZIPAN FOR SOME TIME BEFORE WE ICE THEM BUT FIND THAT THE MARZIPAN HARDENS. WHY IS THIS AND HOW CAN WE ACHIEVE OUR AIMS? Heavily fruited wedding cakes contain many ingredients which are good at holding onto the moisture and collectively cause the cake to have a low water activity value. Marzipan has a higher moisture content, and its ingredi- ents are not so powerful at holding onto the moisture and so has a higher ERH. Consequently, moisture will move from the marzipan into the cake thus causing the marzipan to dry and harden. The addition of some glucose, which as well as helping to reduce sugar (sucrose) crystal size, acts as a humectant and thus helps to prevent moisture loss should overcome the problem. We would suggest that you use either stock syrup (boil 1kg sugar, 1L water, 250g glucose, allowing it to cool before use), or a mixture of 50% glucose, 50% water, rather than water alone, for softening purposes. Other Bakery Products Chapter | 8 399

8.23 WE ARE NOT GETTING THE QUALITY OF FINISH THAT WE WOULD LIKE FROM THE FONDANT WE ARE USING, OFTEN THE FINISHED PRODUCTS LACK GLOSS. CAN YOU GIVE US SOME TIPS ON HOW TO IMPROVE OUR USE OF THE FONDANT? The lack of a gloss finish with your fondant suggests that you are over- heating it when preparing it for use. The temperature to which fondant is heated before use is very important; to get a gloss, you should only heat the fondant to about 38C. Over-heating the fondant results in the formation of larger crystals when it cools, and these do not reflect the light so well hence the product looks dull. To get the best results, you should heat the product carefully to the required temperature with continuous stirring. If the product is too thick to work with, then you should adjust the con- sistency with a stock or ‘simple’ syrup (see below for the formulation). Once the fondant has reached the required temperature, hold it at that temperature using a water bath and avoid fluctuations in temperature as much as possible. Keep the fondant pot covered when not in use and scrape down any crystals which may form above the fondant bulk. Avoid letting a skin form on the top of the fondant bulk. Try to heat only sufficient fondant for your particular needs in a day and avoid having large quantities of fondant scraps. Although it is perfectly possible to re-use these, they do contribute to the dullness of the finish. If you do have a large quantity of scraps, try to find an alternative use for them, such as incorporation into fillings and creams where the appearance of the finish is less critical. Always use a stock syrup to adjust the consistency of the fondant, never use water alone. The syrup should be added a little at a time with stirring to ensure full dispersion. Try to avoid making the syrup too runny and having to add fresh fondant stocks. The formulation for typical stock syrup is as follows:


Sugar 100 Water 83 Glucose 17 Cream of tartar 0.15 (optional)

The glucose is used to limit the recrystallisation in the syrup. Bring the mix- ture to the boil and remove any scum which forms as this will contain impurities which may encourage recrystallisation. Cool the syrup, strain to remove any sugar crystals which may form and store in covered containers ready for use. 400 Baking Problems Solved

8.24 WE BAKE OUR MERINGUES ON ALUMINIUM SHEETS AND ARE HAVING PROBLEMS WITH THE MERINGUES BECOMING DISCOLOURED. CAN YOU OFFER ANY ADVICE ON HOW TO ELIMINATE THIS PROBLEM? Aluminium baking sheets would not be expected to cause meringues to become discoloured unless the sheets were particularly dirty and the disco- louration was on the surface. If the discolouration is internal, then the cause could be because of baking the meringue at too high a temperature or for too long. If the brown discolouration is overall, this could be because of using fresh or frozen albumen. Reconstituted dried albumen is less likely to cause this problem as any reducing sugar present is removed before drying. Other Bakery Products Chapter | 8 401

8.25 WHEN MAKING ITALIAN MERINGUES WHY IS THE BOILING SUGAR WATER ADDED SLOWLY? One of the effects of adding boiling sugar water to the beaten egg whites is that the air which has been trapped by the albumen is heated and expands, so that the volume of the meringue foam increases considerably. If the sugar is added very quickly, the albumen would almost immediately coagulate. In this condition, it is much less elastic and any expansion causes the air cell walls to break and release their contents. Thus, the meringue would become heavier rather than lighter. Adding the sugar solution as a gradual stream whilst still whipping, the temperature of the mixture is slowly increased. Expansion takes place and the meringue becomes lighter. Further when hot sugar solution is added, the temperature increases, and by the time all the sugar is added, it will become sufficiently high to coagulate the thin films of expanded albumen. Each cell will be filled to capacity with expanded air. The meringue should stand well without loss of aeration for prolonged peri- ods. This explains why Italian meringue may be used for making buttercreams. After mixing the meringue and the butter, there should be little breakdown of the air cells as each is coated with a delicate skin of coagulated albumen. Cold meringue, on the other hand, readily breaks down in buttercream because the un-cooked, and therefore un-coagulated, albumen chains are eas- ily shortened by contact with the butterfat. The cells break open, release their trapped air, and the buttercream loses its lightness and bulk. Marshmallow, a gelatinous form of Italian meringue, is often blended with buttercream. Due to the structure of the marshmallow, the volume is retained when added to the buttercream, just as is the case with Italian meringue. 402 Baking Problems Solved

8.26 WE ARE EXPERIENCING CRACKING OF OUR MERINGUE SHELLS DURING BAKING. WHY IS THIS? When the sugar concentration in the albumen mix increases from 2:1 to 3:1, there is an increased tendency for meringue shells to crack during baking. If baking is carried out for short periods of time at high temperatures, the prob- lem is accentuated because the albumen on the surface coagulates earlier than in the centre. Being hard and inflexible, it cannot move with the pres- sure created by the still expanding centre and so the surface cracks. The vapour pressure of the sugar solution decreases as the strength of the solution increases. This means that as the sugar concentration increases, moisture will evaporate more slowly during drying or baking and will con- tribute to the problem. Reducing the sugar concentration to 1 kg to 400 mL albumen should help. Reducing the baking temperature will also have a beneficial effect. Other Bakery Products Chapter | 8 403

8.27 WE ARE HAVING PROBLEMS WITH SOFTENING OF COFFEE MERINGUES IN WHICH WE USE COFFEE POWDER AS THE FLAVOURING. IS THIS THE CAUSE OF THE PROBLEM? Adding coffee powder or coffee essence to the recipe does not usually cause meringues to soften provided they are baked thoroughly. Meringues are nor- mally baked at about 116C (240F) for 3 hours to ensure that they are completely dried out. To ensure that the meringues are completely dried out during baking, it is advisable to bake the meringues in a dry atmosphere with the oven dampers left open. The meringues should be cooled completely before packaging and stored in a warm dry atmosphere. If you do not have such storage conditions avail- able, they should be packed in either moisture impermeable bags or sealed containers. Meringues are very high in sugar and consequently are hygro- scopic (i.e., they easily absorb moisture from the surrounding atmosphere). If left in a humid atmosphere, they will soon become sticky to touch and even- tually will become soft. In wet weather where the atmosphere is more moist than usual, the meringues should not be left exposed. 404 Baking Problems Solved

8.28 ON SOME OCCASIONS, OUR ALMOND MACAROONS EXHIBIT VERY COARSE CRACKS ON THE SURFACE INSTEAD OF THE FINE CRACKS WE ARE SEEKING. WE HAVE NOT BEEN ABLE TO TRACE THE CAUSE, CAN YOU HELP? Coarse cracks can be caused either by the deposited macaroons forming a skin before baking or by insufficient humidity during the initial stages of baking. If a skin has formed, then the surface is no longer porous enough to allow the ready escape of moisture vapour during baking. Instead pressure builds up inside the causing the skin to eventually form a coarse crack. To avoid this problem, do not leave the product standing in a warm, dry atmosphere and bake them off as soon as possible after depositing. Most products containing high percentages of sugar should be baked in a cooler oven or they burn rapidly. Sugar caramelises at high temperatures and becomes hard. In the case of macaroons, the oven should be cool enough to allow the product to ‘grow’ by the expansion of the air cells beaten into the paste and to flow out to the correct size before the albumen of the egg whites is coagu- lated or set. It is also important that the product should not become too darkly coloured. A hot oven would not only burn the products but causes rapid coagula- tion of the albumen and prevents full growth taking place so that the final pro- ducts would be of small in volume and have a poor shape with coarse cracks. Other Bakery Products Chapter | 8 405

8.29 WHAT ARE STOTTY CAKES AND HOW ARE THEY PRODUCED? Stotty cakes (stotties) are a traditional Tyneside (north-east region of England) delicacy prepared from a bread-like dough enriched with fat and sugar. A close relation is the bread cake which is found in Yorkshire. Both products are strictly not cakes in that they are not prepared from a dough. A typical recipe is as follows:

% Flour weight

Flour 100 Salt 2 Lard 5 Sugar 1 Yeast 5 Milk powder 2 Water, approx. 57

The dough is scaled at about 340 g (12 oz) then rounded and flattened to a disc. The dough pieces are baked either between two metal sheets or baked on the oven sole and turned halfway through baking. Very occasionally, Stotty cakes may contain fruit. 406 Baking Problems Solved

8.30 WHY DOES OUR WHIPPED CREAM COLLAPSE ON STANDING? During the whipping of cream, the movement of the wires of the whisk through the fluid draw in small bubbles of air. Fat chains in the cream form at the interface of the air bubble and the aqueous phase where they stabilise the bubbles and prevent them from rising and escaping from the cream after mixing. In the stable foam which is formed, the liquid of the aqueous phase is effectively trapped in the spaces between the stabilised air bubbles. On standing, the bubbles in the cream become unstable and they collapse. In doing so, the liquid previously held in the spaces between the bubbles now escapes and usually drains under the influence of gravity. The rate at which the cream will collapse depends on the many factors which affect the stabil- ity of the foam. As the main stabilising agent is the fat present, there needs to be a minimum of 40% butterfat to produce a stable foam structure. The amount of stabilising material present limits the maximum amount of air that can be beaten into the cream. This is because the stabiliser must be located at the bubble surface. The greater the quantity of air incorporated into the batter the larger the surface area that needs to be stabilised. With ever increasing quantities of air being incorporated, a point is reached when the stabiliser cannot stretch any further and the cream density stops falling. Too much air in the cream will make it unstable and more likely to col- lapse with small changes in storage conditions, e.g., a small increase in tem- perature can cause the air to expand and increase the surface area that must be covered by the stabiliser. The aeration of cream may be expressed as rela- tive density or specific gravity (see Section 10.2). It is also common to see cream aeration expressed as ‘over-run.’ This is the reciprocal of density expressed as a percentage (thus a relative density of 0.77 5 130% over- run). Careful control of cream temperature before during and after whipping needs to be taken. Before whipping, ensure that the cream temperature is 35C (3840F). If, for any reason the cream temperature is above this, then chill it in a refrigerator until its temperature has fallen to this level to increase the proportion of solid fat. During warm weather in particular, rinse out the bowl and beater with cold or chilled water, or preferably place in a refrigerator for some time before use. Whisk the cream on a medium speed until it starts to thicken, then finish whisking on high speed. During warm weather, the cream should be whisked in as short a period as possible to minimise the time it is exposed to the high atmospheric temperature. Aim to have the whisked cream at a maximum temperature of 10C (50F) at the end of whisking. After whipping, the bulk of the cream should be stored in a refrigerator at 35C (3840F), and after depositing, the cream temperature should not be allowed to exceed 10C (50F). Above this temperature, the cream will start to collapse. Other Bakery Products Chapter | 8 407

If attention to the cream temperature control is not enough to overcome the problem, then we suggest increasing the butterfat content to about 42%. If your supplier is unable to provide this, you could blend six parts by weight of whipping cream containing 40% butterfat with two parts by weight of double cream containing 48% butterfat. It is not uncommon to experience whipping problems with fresh cream arising from changes in the diet of the cows. In the United Kingdom, the so-called ‘spring flush’ problem with diary cream arises when the cows move from winter feed to spring grass and the composition of the fats in the cream may change. If you continue to have problems, then you may consider the addition of a suitable cream stabilisers such as:

G Sodium alginate G Sodium carboxymethyl cellulose G Methyl ethyl cellulose G Guar gum G Locust bean gum G Xanthan gum G Carrageenan G Gelatine 408 Baking Problems Solved

8.31 RECENTLY, WE EXPERIENCED A PROBLEM WITH A FISHY TAINT IN A BATCH OF BUTTERCREAM. CAN YOU SUGGEST WHY? Detection of taints varies from consumer to consumer and may be present in all or only part of the buttercream. Such off-flavours are not usually caused by microbial spoilage but rather by a chemical reaction. Due to its high fat content, buttercream is often susceptible to such problems. A fishy taint in butter is probably because of the action of peroxides on the choline derived from the lecithin present in the butter. Both copper and iron can catalyse the development of this taint by accelerating peroxide for- mation and promoting the reaction of peroxides with the lecithin. The pres- ence of as little as 1 ppm of copper can produce a fishy flavour in butter within 3 days. However, the off-flavour caused by the iron is not ‘fishy.’ As only traces of copper are needed to accelerate a taint in buttercream, care should be taken that products containing butter or other fats do not come into contact with copper or copper-containing materials such as brass fittings, phosphor-bronze bearings or copper utensils. Other Bakery Products Chapter | 8 409

8.32 WE ARE EXPERIENCING SEEPAGE OF OUR JAM IN OUR FROZEN FRESH CREAM GATEAU WHEN THEY ARE THAWED; CAN WE AVOID THIS? Seepage of this nature is caused by the formation of surface water through syneresis (see Section 11.1) within the cream and jam as a result of the crys- tallisation or aggregation of polymers. It is commonly found with products which undergo freezing and then thawing. Surface water forms because of the breakdown of the cream foam. In the case of jam seepage, the jam is basi- cally a coloured sugar solution containing fruit and the colour is unlikely to be held fast. Once a coloured solution has formed, it can diffuse into the cream. The problem is sometimes encountered where frozen products are par- tially thawed and then frozen again as might be experienced with refrigerated transport. Any temperature cycling impairs cream stability, and as a conse- quence, the jam spreads out. If the temperature cycling in transport reaches above 25C (23F), then the seepage is more likely to occur. We would not expect to see such temperature changes in a well-managed and monitored distribution chain, except for some boxes on the outside of stacks or pallets. The cardboard sealed box and the air between it and the gateau do present a reasonable barrier to heat transfer. In addition, a stack of frozen gateau should behave as a reasonable cold sink. The solution to the problem is to avoid periods of intermediate defrosting. Where such periods do occur, the temperature which the gateau reach should be kept as low as possible.

Further reading Cauvain, S., Young, L., 2008. Bakery Food Manufacture and Quality: Water Control and Effect, second ed. Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, UK. 410 Baking Problems Solved

8.33 WE HAVE RECENTLY BEEN EXPERIENCING ‘WEEPING’ FROM OUR NON-DAIRY CREAM FORMULATION. THIS SHOWS ITSELF AS A ‘SOGGY’ LAYER WHERE THE CREAM IS IN CONTACT WITH THE CAKE. CAN YOU PLEASE ADVISE ON HOW TO CURE THE PROBLEM? To solve your particular problem, we first have to decide its origins. There are three possibilities; fat, moisture migration or both. Fat migration can occur when the oil fraction of the cream filling is too large because it does not remain trapped within the cream structure and sinks into the cake layer below under the influence of gravity. To decide the oil to solid fat ratio, you will have to consider a number of factors including:

G The product storage temperature, the higher the storage temperature the higher the solid fat index needs to be. G The eating qualities of the cream, the softer the eating character the greater the liquid oil fraction will have to be. Fat migration is not particularly influenced by storage humidity but is affected by storage temperature (see Fig. 8.2); the higher the storage temper- ature, the greater the proportion of a given fat that is liquid and so the greater the risk of seepage. Fat seepage is also affected by the degree to which the cream has been aerated with seepage being greater as the cream specific vol- ume increase. You may wish to limit your cream specific volume or reduce your overall fat content. To reduce fat separation, you may find some advan- tage in adding a suitable emulsifier to the cream formulation, e.g., lecithin or glycerol monostearate, or a stabiliser like gelatine.

FIGURE 8.2 Fat and moisture seepage in nondairy cream cakes. Other Bakery Products Chapter | 8 411

Moisture migration occurs when the water activity of the cream is not in equilibrium with that of the cake. The causes and cures for moisture migration have been reviewed by Cauvain and Young (2008). Your problem is associ- ated with moisture migration by diffusion, that is, where two materials are in direct contact with unequal water activities the moisture moves from the wet- ter to the drier component. The main solution to the problem of moisture migration is to balance the component water activities and reduce the driving force for change. This will require a reformulation of cream, cake or both. You should have the component water activities measured and reformulate to reduce any differential. Adjusting salt or sugar levels can be advantageous, or additions of glycerol may be used. Placing a moisture-proof barrier between the two components is possible but difficult given the porous nature of cakes. Moisture migration is also strongly influenced by the storage temperature, with migration being reduced as the storage is lowered. Unlike fat migration, moisture migration is affected by storage humidity with migration moving at a faster rate when there is a greater difference between the component and storage humidities.

Reference Cauvain, S.P., Young, L.S., 2008. Bakery Food Manufacture and Quality: Water Control and Effects, second ed. Blackwell Science, Oxford, UK. 412 Baking Problems Solved

8.34 HOW CAN WE PREVENT OUR APPLE PIE FILLING GOING MOULDY WITHIN A FEW DAYS WITHOUT CHANGING THE FILLING RECIPE? If you do not want to alter the eating quality of the apple pie filling the easi- est course of action is to add a preservative. For example, adding 150ppm potassium sorbate (on a weight basis) to the filling should extend its mould- free shelf-life to 7 or 8 days. However, for small batches of about 3.5 kg, the quantity of sorbate involved is only about 0.53 g. The easiest way of adding such a small quantity of preservative would be for you to make up a bulk mix of sugar and potassium sorbate. For a recipe with 0.5kg sugar per 3.5 kg batch of filling, each 0.5 kg of sugar in the bulk mix should contain 0.53g sorbate. Thus, if you make up 12.5 kg (28 lb) of bulk mix, it should contain 13 g (0.5 oz) of potassium sorbate. It is essential that you mix the sugar and the sorbate very thoroughly, for example by mixing at low speed for at least 0.5 hour. You could then weigh off appropriate portions of the mix for each fresh batch of filling. Other Bakery Products Chapter | 8 413

8.35 IN SOME OF OUR APPLE PIES, WE FIND THAT THE FILLING HAS TURNED BLUE. WHY SHOULD THIS HAPPEN? The blue discolouration in your apple pie filling is probably caused by a nat- ural pigment. Natural pigments from blackcurrants, black grape skins and some flowers such as dahlias, lobelias and Michaelmas daisies contain antho- cyanins. The most probable explanation of the coloration on your apple pie filling is that it has come from utensils or machinery that had previously been used for blackcurrant filling. If the same utensils are being employed for both types of filling, we suggest that you ensure complete removal of any traces of blackcurrant before the apple is applied. Apples can turn pink if too high a temperature is used during baking. The pink discolouration is because of the hydrolysis of leucoanthocyanins present in the cell tissue of the apple. These normally colourless substances are closely related to the natural red or purple colours (anthocyanins) of fruits. The changes in the leucoanthocyanins to the coloured forms are accelerated by acidity, and more acid apple varieties appear to discolour more readily on heating. To avoid discolouration in this case, prepare a sugar/water/starch gel and allow it to cool before blending in the solid pack apples. It is inadvisable to add any extra acid to the filling. Sometimes, the addition of ascorbic acid to the apple pieces can limit this problem, not because it changes the pH but because it acts as an anti-oxidant. 414 Baking Problems Solved

8.36 CAN YOU SUGGEST A SOLUTION TO THE PROBLEM OF SHRINKAGE IN OUR APPLE PIE FILLING? The main problem with shrinkage of apple pie fillings arises through the loss of water, either during baking or subsequent storage. In some cases, this will be because the ERH of the filling is too high and you may need to lower it by adding some more sugar, or other suitable soluble material, e.g., dextrose. The other possible reason for the problem arises from the physical breakdown of the fruit, ‘pulping,’ which results in loss of filling volume. Bramley apples are generally considered to be the most satisfactory type of apple for baking purposes. It is possible, however, that well-matured fruit which has undergone canning may not be able to withstand baking as well as less mature fruit would in a relatively ‘fresh’ condition. You may wish to try using fresh apple which has been preserved in ascorbic acid or brine. Alternatively, it has been reported that apples retain their shape better if they are soaked for half an hour in a solution of calcium lactate prior to bak- ing. A solution made from 50g (2 oz) calcium lactate in 2 L (4 pt) of water should be sufficient to treat 9kg (20 lb) apples. You may find it worthwhile to carry out a trial using canned apples. Other Bakery Products Chapter | 8 415

8.37 WHY HAVE OUR CRUMPETS LOST THEIR CHARACTERISTIC SURFACE HOLES? The characteristic appearance of crumpets is that the upper surface is cov- ered with many small holes. These holes are formed when the batter is deposited onto the hot plate and carbon dioxide which is dissolved in the batter is quickly driven out of solution. The evolution of the carbon dioxide leaves behind vertical holes (tunnel-like) as the gas pushes though the setting batter. Crumpets which lack the characteristic holes on the top surface are commonly described as being ‘blind.’ The phenomenon is most commonly caused by draughts blowing across the hot plate and cooling the surface of the crumpets as they are baking. The problem may also be caused by excess grease on the inside of the rings into which the individual portions of batter are deposited or on the hot-plate itself. Blind crumpets are also associated with too heavy a deposit weight. If you take steps to reduce draughts and control greasing and still have the problem then you may find it helpful to have a minimum fermentation time of 1 h before depositing the batter to make sure that the batter is well aerated. During depositing, you need to avoid degassing of the batter as much as possible. Sometimes, moving to a weaker flour, about 10.5% protein, can be useful in allowing will allowing more of the carbon dioxide gas to escape during baking on the hot plate. It is helpful to limit gluten formation in the batter and so mixing should be as short as possible. Recirculation of crumpet bat- ters can contribute to the formation of gluten as the batter is subjected to shear in the pipework. It is important to maintain viscosity of the batter as this helps the formation of the holes on the hot plate. This may be difficult with lower protein flours but the replacement of part of the flour with a chlorinated (see Section 2.2.18) or heat-treated flour (see Section 2.2.17) may be helpful. Both the chlorinated and heat-treated flours will absorb more water than a non-treated flour and so raise batter vis- cosity. The aim would be to slow down the vertical movement of the carbon dioxide gas as it is driven out of solution on the hot plate. 416 Baking Problems Solved

8.38 WHY IS A SMALL AMOUNT OF BICARBONATE OF SODA ADDED TO PIKELET BATTERS JUST BEFORE BAKING? The pikelet batter is similar in formulation to that of crumpets and their pro- duction is based on the mix which is fermented by yeast and has typically remained for an hour and a half to 2 hours before it is ready to be baked on the hot plate. Before baking begins, a little bicarbonate of soda is moistened in a drop of water and stirred into the batter. If the whole batch of pikelet batter could be baked at once, there would be no need to add the bicarbonate of soda, but often we need to bake the batter in a number of smaller batches which extends the time for which the batter must remain aerated. While standing, the batter continues to ferment and progresses towards sourness with increasing acidity being developed. Eventually, the batter would be unusable. The bicarbonate of soda prevents this acidity by reacting with the acids formed during fermentation and helps the batter remain neutral. Only a very small quantity of bicarbonate of soda is needed. If used at too high a level, you may get an excessively yellow the colour in the baked pikelets. Other Bakery Products Chapter | 8 417

8.39 THE CHOCOLATE COATING ON OUR MARSHMALLOW TEACAKES CRACKS DURING STORAGE. CAN YOU OFFER AN EXPLANATION AND SOLUTION TO THE PROBLEM? The cause of this problem is easy to explain but rather more difficult to eradicate. A marshmallow teacake is a composite product made up of a biscuit base, marshmallow topping and chocolate coating. Each of these components has a different ERH. Moisture will move from one compo- nent to another driven mainly by the relative differences in water activity between components. Biscuits have a low ERH and will readily absorb moisture from the atmosphere and become soft. When marshmallow is deposited onto the bis- cuit moisture from the, higher ERH mallow will move to the biscuit and as a result the biscuit expands or swells (Cauvain and Young, 2008). This nor- mally occurs after the chocolate coating has dried, and the overall effect is to crack the chocolate coating which is not extensible enough to take up the increase in size. To overcome this cracking:

G The biscuit must not be allowed to absorb moisture from the mallow. You could try spraying the surface of the biscuit when cool with melted fat which places a moisture barrier between the biscuit and the mallow. G Ideally, the biscuit should have an ERH similar to that of the mallow. This can be achieved increasing the ERH of the biscuit or by decreasing the ERH of the mallow by modifications to the formulations. Spraying the biscuit shortly after baking with water, using a fine nozzle, or storage in a moist atmosphere for about 12 hours before depositing and enrobing should increase the ERH of the biscuit. For the marshmallow, replacing some of the sugar by glucose will decrease its ERH and enable it to hold onto its moisture. Using one of these remedies or a combination the moisture migration from mallow to biscuit should be reduced.

Reference Cauvain, S.P., Young, L.S., 2008. Bakery Food Manufacture & Quality: Water Control and Effects, second ed. Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, UK. 418 Baking Problems Solved

8.40 WHAT CAUSES THE WHITE BLOOM WHICH SOMETIMES OCCURS ON CHOCOLATE COATINGS? White bloom on chocolate coatings is the result of temperature cycling in preparation (the tempering the heating and cooling regime used to stabilise cocoa butterfat crystals of the chocolate before coating) and storage which causes deposits of small fat crystals on the surface of the coating. The types of chocolate used in a coating have a bearing on the coating’s susceptibility to bloom. For example:

G Bakers’ chocolate is very stable to fat bloom under storage conditions varying from 13 to 27C (55Fto80F). G Couverture needs tempering and care should be taken to minimise inclu- sion of air during stirring as this can produce small bubbles which con- tribute to fat bloom formation. G Fat bloom occurs more quickly on plain than on milk couverture, particu- larly at high storage temperatures and also when alternating between high and low storage temperatures. Cooling couverture rapidly to temperatures lower than 1318C (55Fto65F) makes it less susceptible to bloom on subsequent storage than cooling slowly to 21C (70F) (especially if the storage temperature is relatively high). Surplus chocolate that has bloomed can be re-tempered to produce satis- factory results. Other Bakery Products Chapter | 8 419

8.41 THE BAKERS’ CHOCOLATE COATING WE USE HAS RECENTLY TENDED TO FLAKE OFF OUR ECLAIRS. CAN YOU IDENTIFY A LIKELY CAUSE OF THE PROBLEM? All chocolate coatings should be correctly tempered to avoid problems. Generally, bakers’ compound chocolate should first be heated to 54C (130F) for plain or 52C (125F) for milk and then allowed to cool to coating consistency. The necessary temperatures are about 4143C (105110F) for plain and 3841C (100105F) for milk. If the chocolate is not maintained at a constant temperature, there may be variations in the speed of setting. Very rapid setting, perhaps because cooling has occurred in a low temperature environment (e.g., draughts), may cause shrinkage and subsequent flaking after coating. If the shells are coated on the base, rather than the top, excessive grease on the baking sheet which makes the e´clair base oily may be contributing to the fault. The presence of moisture on the surface of the shell before coating could also cause lack of adhesion. 420 Baking Problems Solved

8.42 WHAT IS GANACHE? Ganache is the name given to a blend of chocolate and cream. To prepare it, 1kg grated couverture is placed in a stainless steel bowl. Over this is poured 1 L boiling, fresh cream and the mixture is stirred. The heat of the boiling cream melts the couverture and the two amalgamate to form a smooth paste. This should be stirred occasionally until it is cool. Ganache takes many forms and is used in many ways. As cream is expensive, various methods of reducing costs can be adopted but in all cases may reduce the quality of the product. For example, cream can be replaced by non-dairy cream, by milk or by water containing a little mar- garine or butter. The couverture may be replaced with cheaper bakery chocolate. Milk ganache can be made by using milk chocolate instead of plain cou- verture and this type of material is excellent when blended with an equal quantity of buttercream flavoured with kirsch, for making fillings for conti- nental types of gateaux and torte. Other Bakery Products Chapter | 8 421

8.43 WHAT ARE STAFFORDSHIRE OATCAKES AND HOW ARE THEY MADE? Staffordshire is a region (county) in the midlands of England and the oat- cake in question is a regional product. The Staffordshire should not be confused with the Scottish Oatcake which is a biscuit (cookie). Both products use oatmeal as one of their essential ingredients, but the final products are very different. The appears to date from the 19th century when they were baked on a hot plate over an open fire. There are a number of variations on the recipe but a typical one is as follows:

Ingredient Parts by weight

Water 100 Strong flour 30 Fine oatmeal 13 Salt 1.0 Skimmed milk powder 1.0 Yeast 0.3 Bicarbonate of soda 0.3

As shown by the recipe above, the oatcakes are made from a very fluid batter. Blend the dry ingredients, except for the yeast and the bicar- bonate of soda. Disperse the yeast in about two-thirds of the water mass, add the mixture to the dry ingredients and mix to a lump-free, smooth batter (about 56 minutes at a medium speed on a planetary-type mixer). Cover the batter and leave to ferment at about 20C in a draught-free area for 1.5 h. At the end of the fermentation period dissolve the bicarbonate of soda in the remaining water, add to the fermented batter and mix thoroughly. Deposit 910 g of batter per oatcake onto a greased hot plate at about 225C and bake for about 1.5 minutes on one side, turn the oatcake over and complete baking with about another 1.5 minutes. The final product should be covered to keep soft until ready for use. The final product may be eaten hot or cold. They may have savoury (typ- ically cheese) or sweet (typically jam) fillings spread on them before being rolled up like a Swiss roll or folded like a wrap for serving. The products are best eaten within a short period of time after preparation. As with all hot-plate goods, Staffordshire oatcakes have a high water activity and stringent hygiene precautions should be observed in their prepa- ration, storage and use. 422 Baking Problems Solved

8.44 WHAT ARE FARLS AND HOW ARE THEY MADE? Farls are a traditional chemically aerated or soda-bread originating from Ireland. They are made in two main forms; white and wheaten, the latter being based on a brown flour (a blend of white flour and bran) which was traditionally referred to as ‘wheatmeal’ to distinguish it from wholemeal (the term wheatmeal is now largely redundant in the United Kingdom and elsewhere). Traditional recipes would be as follows:

Wheaten (based on 100 parts brown flour) Brown flour 100.0 Salt 1.7 Malt flour 2.3 Baking powder 6.8 Fat 18.0 Sugar 13.6 Bran 4.5 White flour 36.0 Milk 90.0

Mix to a clear dough. You adjust the milk to give a smooth, easily han- dled dough. Scale units at 1 kg, mould round, flatten slightly with a rolling pin and cut into four quarters. Brush the top with water and sprinkle on some brown flour. Bake at around 230C for 15 minutes.

White farls (based on 100 parts of white flour) Flour 100.0 Baking powder 3.1 Salt 1.6 Malt flour 2.0 Fat 4.2 Milk 70.0

Process as for wheaten farls. Some recipes suggest the addition of a small level of yeast, around four parts to boost volume. Buttermilk may be used to replace milk if a more dis- tinctive flavoured product is required. Other Bakery Products Chapter | 8 423

8.45 THE EDGES OF OUR SODA FARLS BECOME GUMMY A COUPLE OF DAYS AFTER BAKING. WHAT IS THE CAUSE OF THIS QUALITY DEFECT? A dark gummy seam on the side of farls is generally caused by inadequate baking. This could be due to: 1. The temperature of the hot plate being a little higher than normal, caus- ing the farls to be ready for turning sooner than they should be and the farl being removed from the hot-plate slightly sooner than usual to pre- vent the surface being scorched. This would mean that the centre is inadequately baked and tends to collapse during cooling, producing the dark seams. 2. It is possible that if the centre of the farl never reached a temperature high enough to inactivate the amylase enzymes in the flour. The latter may still be active in the baked product though it is unlikely that this is the cause of the fault unless you have bacterial amylase present. You should check the Falling Number (see Section 2.2.10) of your flours and avoid ones with low Falling Numbers (high alpha-amylase). 3. The water absorbing capacity of the flour may have increased, requiring the inclusion of more water at dough mixing. In this case, the product may need slightly longer and cooler baking conditions than normal to drive off the additional water. 424 Baking Problems Solved

8.46 WE WANT TO ADD FRESHLY BAKED DEEP-PAN PIZZA TO THE PRODUCT RANGE THAT WE SELL THROUGH OUR BAKERY SHOP. WE DO NOT WANT TO MAKE SMALL QUANTITIES OF DOUGH THROUGHOUT THE DAY FOR THEIR MANUFACTURE, BUT WHEN WE TRY TO WORK WITH A LARGER BULK OF DOUGH, WE FIND THAT THE VARIATION IN QUALITY IS TOO GREAT, EVEN WHEN WE REFRIGERATE THE DOUGH IN OUR RETARDER. WHAT WOULD BE A SUITABLE WAY FOR US TO MAKE THE BASES? One way of spreading your pizza production throughout the day is to make a larger dough which you split up after mixing and process into pizza base shapes ready for proof. You will need to have a reasonable number of pans available. Preferably, these should be ones which you can stack one inside another, but if you do not have this type available, then you can use a series in thin metal or plastic sheets which are placed on top of one set pans to allow you stack others on top. The method that we are going to suggest requires you to have access to both a prover and a retarder (though not at the same time) and you will need to be able to fit the production into your existing production plan or to be able to modify it to accommodate the new production. After you have prepared the bases and loaded them into the pans, you should put them into the prover; we suggest that you use temperatures in the region of 2535C and certainly no higher. Depending on your yeast level, you will need to give the dough pieces 12-h proof and it is important to maintain a reasonable humidity level, say around 70%. You can stack the pans for proof if you wish though it is not critical at this stage, it all depends on how much space that you have available. After the bases have been proved, they should transferred to the retarder for cooling and storage. The retarder temperature should be in the range 23C to 13C, and you should stack the pans on top of one another to keep the humidity high enough to prevent skinning. When you need bases for baking you simply take a base from the retarder, spread on the tomato sauce add the topping and transfer to the oven for baking. The proved pizza bases cool quickly in the retarder because they are thin and the cool temperature in the retarder limits any further gas production but the method gives you ready proved pizza bases which can be turned into the baked product in a few minutes. As you are using metal pans, you need to make sure that they remain in good condition to avoid any problems with the dough reacting with the metal (see Section 4.2.13) though probably the retarded storage time is too short for this to be an issue. You may find it helpful to have some small holes in the base of your pans to allow trapped steam to escape and avoid blisters and hol- lows on the base (see Section 4.1.1). Other Bakery Products Chapter | 8 425

8.47 WE FREEZE OUR UNBAKED PIZZA BASES IN A NITROGEN TUNNEL. ON DEFROSTING AND BAKING, WE GET BUBBLES FORMING ON THE TOP OF THE BASE ACCOMPANIED WITH AN OPEN CRUMB CELL STRUCTURE. CAN YOU SUGGEST WAYS OF OVERCOMING THESE PROBLEMS? It is important to ensure that the temperature in the nitrogen tunnel is not allowed, at any time, to go below 230C. Below 230C, the integrity of the yeast cells is broken releasing the glutothione and proteolytic enzymes which weaken the strength of the protein films between the small air bubbles in the dough. As the dough begins to expand, the weak- ened gluten film rupture and adjacent gas bubbles coalesce to form large ones. This is likely to be the origin of your open cell structure and the bubbles that you observe. After you have optimised the freezer conditions you can consider:

G Adding low levels of an emulsifier or fat to improve gas bubble stability. G Minimising any dough resting time after mixing. G Increasing the level of improver that you use in the recipe. G Using a higher protein flour. 426 Baking Problems Solved

8.48 WHAT ARE THE KEY CHARACTERISTICS OF CAKE DOUGHNUTS AND HOW DO THEY DIFFER FROM OTHER TYPES OF DOUGHNUT? The two main classes of doughnuts are those based on making a low viscosity cake batter and a fermented dough. The cake doughnut is made by depositing the batter directly into the hot oil for frying. The most common form of cake doughnut is ring-shaped, and they are often topped with a coloured and flavoured icing or glaze (see Fig. 8.3). The most common form of the fermen- ted doughnut is ball or finger shape with a jam or jelly injected into the shape and the outer surface dusted with fine sugar crystals. In formulation terms, cake doughnuts tend to have a higher sugar level than fermented forms and use baking powder as the sole aerating agent. Overall cake doughnuts tend to be denser and have a less well-defined cellu- lar structure than fermented doughnuts; the eating qualities are distinctly ‘cake-like’ with a less chewy eating character. The choice of flour is important for the manufacture of cake doughnuts, and it is common practice to use a lower protein flour than with fermented doughnuts. Sometimes, a mixture of standard and modified flours may be used. In the case of the modified flour, it may have a reduced particle size (see Section 2.2.16) or some post-milling treatment; i.e., heat treatment (see Section 2.2.17) or chlorination (see Section 2.2.18) in those parts of the world in which its use as a flour-treatment agent are still permitted. It is important to control the release of carbon dioxide gas by the baking powder reaction in cake doughnuts. The generation of carbon dioxide is not only part of the expansion mechanism but is also part of the means of controlling the degree of fat absorption during frying. The pressure from the expanding gases prevents the absorption of fat as long as the gas cells in the dough are intact (see Section 4.2.1). If the carbon dioxide is released too soon during frying, the final product lacks volume and has a dense and ‘fatty’ eating character. If the carbon dioxide is released too late, then the product will often have a distorted shape.

Further reading BakeTran, 2012. A guide to doughnut technology. Chorleywood Bookshelf Monograph No. 2, BakeTran, Witney, UK (

FIGURE 8.3 Doughnut types: Left, fermented; right, cake. Other Bakery Products Chapter | 8 427

8.49 WE HAVE BEEN PRODUCING A RANGE OF CAKE DOUGHNUTS WHICH ARE ICED WITH VARIOUS FLAVOURED COATINGS. TO COPE WITH PEAK DEMANDS, WE HAVE TAKEN TO FREEZING A QUANTITY OF THE PRODUCTS. WE HAVE OBSERVED THAT PROGRESSIVELY DURING STORAGE A CRYSTALLINE GROWTH APPEARS ON THE PRODUCTS. WHEN THEY ARE DEFROSTED THE GROWTH DISAPPEARS. CAN YOU IDENTIFY WHY THIS HAPPENS? The growths that you are describing are most likely to the formation of sucrose hydrate on the surface of the icing (Cauvain and Young, 2008). During the freezing of the iced doughnuts, freezeconcentration can occur in the icing. The presence of a high level of sugars in the icings considerably depresses the freezing point of the mixture of sugar and water. As the tem- perature begins to fall some of the water in the icing forms ice crystal and is no longer available to keep the sugars in solution, the concentration of the remaining sugar solution is increased and the freezing point is further depressed. This cycle of action continues until the temperature of the freezer is reached. In the icing, there are two processes taking place. One is crystal nucle- ation and the second is crystalline growth or propagation. Nucleation is the coming together of two or more sugar molecules in the appropriate arrange- ment for crystal growth. However, for crystal growth to occur, the sugar molecules must be sufficiently mobile to aggregate. The freezeconcentra- tion effect taking place in the icing probably means that there is a concen- trated and unfrozen sugar solution even when the products are placed into storage at 220C and so the potential is there for crystal growth to occur. First, we suggest that you look closely at your initial freezing and frozen storage regimes. Try to make sure that the temperature to which you first freeze your products is as close as possible to that at which they will be later be stored. Keep transfer times between the initial and storage freezer as short as possible and minimise any opportunities for moisture losses before over-wrapping. This type of problem is exacerbated by any periods of defrosting and refreezing during storage because the rate at which the products will refreeze in storage will be considerably lower than used initially for freezing the product. A slow reduction in temperature favours crystal growth and the retention of more water in the overall structure of the growth. While the growths may disappear on defrosting it is not unusual to be left with localised white spots, pitting and streaking on the icing surface. You can try reformulating the icing by adding more glucose (see Section 8.16). 428 Baking Problems Solved

Reference Cauvain, S.P., Young, L.S., 2008. Bakery Food Manufacture and Quality: Water Control and Effects, second ed. Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, UK.

Further reading BakeTran, 2012. A guide to doughnut technology. Chorleywood Bookshelf Monograph No. 2, BakeTran, Witney, UK ( Other Bakery Products Chapter | 8 429

8.50 AFTER A SHORT PERIOD OF CHILLED STORAGE, WE OBSERVE CRATER-LIKE CRYSTALLINE FORMATIONS ON OUR CHEESECAKE TOPPING. DO YOU KNOW WHY THIS OCCURS? Crater-like crystal formations in fondant type toppings are consistent with the formation of sucrose hydrate (Cauvain and Young, 2008). Localised white spots or streaks are the result of the formation of sugar crystals larger than those present in the mass of fondant. The presence of materials which might cause the fondant to ‘seed’ and form sugar crystals which then grow accentuates the problem. Crystal growth can be retarded by increasing the level of glucose syrup in the fondant. The inclusion of glucose syrup in the simple syrup form used for thinning the fondant may prevent this seeding. A typical recipe for such syrup is:

Water 1.25 L 2 pt Sugar 1.5 kg 3 lb Glucose 250 g 8 oz

The ingredients are brought to the boil and allowed to cool before use. Care should be taken that the fondant is tempered correctly and not overheated (i.e., not above 43C) during preparation. Preparation tanks should be inspected to check that a crust of hardened fondant has not formed round the rim as this can act as a source of seed crystals for sugar crystallisation. Similarly, any superfluous icing sugar or other material can cause the fondant to ‘seed’ and form sugar crystals. Minimising moisture loss from the product can also alleviate the problem by preventing the loca- lised sugar concentration reaching the point where recrystallisation is likely to occur. You need to be careful when recycling scraps of icing back into the mix as these will have dried out and act as another source of seed crystals. It is natural to want to recycle icing scraps, but these should be done frequently during a production run rather than retaining them until the end of a run for use in the next batch of icing. Pitting, graining and even bubbles and blisters on the surface of iced toppings can sometimes be seen, and they are caused by the multiplication of osmophilic yeasts which are capable of fermenting the icing and generat- ing carbon dioxide gas; the latter is the source of the bubbles and blister. From a hygiene viewpoint, cleaning all surfaces that come into contact with such coatings, including all vessels used to hold or transport them, the 430 Baking Problems Solved bain-marie, all working surfaces, small containers and utensils, can mini- mise the uptake of spoilage organisms and materials which might cause seeding later. Once again the recycling of left over materials is used is often the source of such problems because viable yeast cells may remain in the product.

Reference Cauvain, S.P., Young, L.S., 2008. Bakery Food Manufacture & Quality: Water Control and Effects, second ed. Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, UK. Other Bakery Products Chapter | 8 431

8.51 WE WANT TO EXTEND THE MOULD-FREE SHELF-LIFE OF OUR FLOUR TORTILLA (FIG. 8.4) BUT WHEN WE TRY THE DOUGH MORE ACID WE HAVE PROCESSING PROBLEMS. WHAT OPTIONS COULD WE CONSIDER FOR ACHIEVING OUR AIM? Acidifying the dough is sufficient for inhibiting the development of rope (see Section 4.1.4) and is a common way to extend mould-free shelf-life, especially when there are preservatives present in the recipe. The magni- tude of the combined effect depends on the particular pairing used. The combination of potassium sorbate and an acid is more effective as an anti- mould agent than using calcium propionate and acid. Usually, you would use potassium sorbate as an anti-mould preservative in the manufacture of cakes but not in fermented products because of the inhibiting effect that it has on yeast activity. As your products are powder-raised, then it is per- fectly possible to use potassium sorbate. Lowering the pH of the dough has an effect on its rheological proper- ties and this is the reason for some of your processing problems. At low pHs, the elasticity of the dough often increases and this can make shaping more difficult. One way around this problem would be to use an encapsu- lated acid which has no significant effect in dough mixing and processing. Fat is normally used as the encapsulating agent, and in the oven, the fat will melt releasing the acid. In this form, the acid is still effective at lowering the final product pH, so you still get the combined benefit of pre- servative and low pH. Another way of lengthening the product mould-free shelf-life is by lower- ing the water activity of the product. Once again, the combination of lower water activity and potassium sorbate is more effective than either approach on its own. Another way to lower the water activity would be by adding glycerol or some other polyol (see chapter: What are polyols and how are they used in baking?).

FIGURE 8.4 Flour tortilla. 432 Baking Problems Solved

8.52 WHAT ARE THE ORIGINS OF PAPPADAMS? Pappadams are like extra-large crisps and are an accompaniment for Asian foods (Fig. 8.5). Alternative names are papadams, puppodums, appalan and papad. Papads are roughly round, the dimensions varying according to where the papad is manufactured. Most fall within the following dimensions: Diameter 10 to 18 cm; thickness 0.5 mm to 1.5 mm; weight 4to24g. A typical papad is about 16 cm in diameter, 1 mm thick and weighs about 15 g. The colour of the papad depends on the type and quality of flour and other ingredients used. The colour can be yellowish white to yellowish brown. Papads are eaten with any type of meal or as a snack. One or two per meal per person is usual but as with many foods it depends on personal taste. Papads are eaten after frying for a few seconds in oil, or grilling or micro- waving. When fried in oil they expand by about 3040%. After the heating process, the papad becomes crisp and brittle. A basic recipe is:

G 100 parts blackgram flour G 45 parts water (variable) G 8 parts salt G 1 part sodium carbonate or 1.01.5 parts sodium bicarbonate The flour is obtained by milling a pulse (bean) known as Phaseolus mungo or more commonly as blackgram. Each pod contains between 5 and 15 oblong-shaped seeds, 3 to 4-mm long and 2 to 3-mm wide. The pods are dried under the sun, the seeds taken out, their husks removed and the bean

FIGURE 8.5 Flat breads (top right, pappadams; left, kebab bread; bottom right, chapattis). Other Bakery Products Chapter | 8 433 milled. Other types of flour are sometimes mixed with the blackgram flour to produce different varieties of papads. The carbonate additions are essential as they improve the colour of the dried papad, prevent formation of brown patches during frying and mellow the ‘pulsy’ flavour of the blackgram. Salt is added to give flavour, improve the rolling properties of the dough and increase expansion during frying. Papads may be spiced by adding chilli, white pepper, black pepper, garlic or jira as desired. The dough is made by an all-in method (the carbonates being dissolved in some water). When made, the dough is tough and sticky. It is rested for approximately 30 min, then divided into small balls about 46-cm diameter and 1820 g in weight. The balls are then rolled out into thin circular discs of about 1-mm thickness and 1517-cm diameter. Oil or corn flour is used as an aid during rolling. Traditionally, the rolled out papad is dried under the sun to reduce the moisture content to 1415%. The papads are then ready for use. For storage, which should not be for long, the papads can be put in airtight containers or sealed in moisture impermeable film. 434 Baking Problems Solved

8.53 WHAT IS KEBAB BREAD? Kebab bread is the western European name for the Middle Eastern bread known as pitta or khubz (Fig. 8.5). This type of bread has been popularised by Greek-Cypriot restaurants who serve the bread with shishkebabs. The following recipe and method has been found suitable in commercial practice.


Flour 100 Yeast 0.7 Salt 2.5 Water (fairly soft dough) 57

The flour used is white, untreated, unbleached and low in protein. The dough is mixed on a low speed mixer for about 20 min to a dough tempera- ture 2728C. After 45 min the dough is scaled into 150 g (5 oz) pieces, moulded round, rested for 10 min and then pinned to give a thin flat oval shape about 2425-cm long and about 11-cm wide. The oval dough is proved between cloths for 10 min and then baked on the sole of an oven at 316C (600F) for about 5 min. Following baking, the pittas must be cooled for about 10 min, after which they can be stacked up. The breads may be put into polythene bags once they are cool enough to keep them soft and flexible. They can be reheated under a warm grill before serving. It is essential to use untreated flour as treated bread flour yields pittas with large surface blisters and an uneven distribution of crumb between top and bottom surfaces. Other Bakery Products Chapter | 8 435

8.54 WHAT IS BALADY BREAD? Balady bread is an Egyptian bread product based on a sour dough or starter system. The starter dough is used to provide flavour rather than for leavening purposes. The bread is round, flat, puffs up during baking and is easily sepa- rated into two layers. The flour blend normally used for this product is 2530% strong flour of 72% extraction and 7570% Egyptian flour of 82% extraction. Recipe for starter

G 11 kg old dough G 100 kg flour G 50 kg water Compressed yeast may be added in cooler weather. The starter dough is fermented for at least 3 hours. The fermentation period may be longer, depending on how soon the starter is required for use. Recipe for simple straight dough

G 100 kg flour G 75 L water G 0.50.7 kg salt G 515 kg starter dough The ingredients are mixed for 2025 min to produce a slack dough (not fully developed) which is then immediately scaled into 180g dough pieces. The dough pieces are moulded into round shapes, placed on trays and sprin- kled with bran. Intermediate proof lasts for 15 min. The dough pieces are then flattened into pancake shapes 20 cm in diameter and 1.5cm thick and left to ferment for 1 hour. After fermentation, the excess bran is shaken off and the dough pieces are transferred into a hearth oven using a peel. Baking lasts for 1.5 min at temperature of 450600C (8421112F). The crust forms rapidly and after about 1 min baking steam develops in the dough. At this point, the dough rises very rapidly. Immediately after baking, the bread is about 12 cm in height, and as it cools, the centre sinks to a height of 46 cm. The finished product has a firm crust with a very soft moist interior. The crumb may be split and filled with beans or cheese. 436 Baking Problems Solved

8.55 HOW ARE CHAPATTIS MADE? Chapattis are a baked product related to bread and originate in Asia, where they are eaten with almost every main meal. Traditionally, chapattis are made fresh for each meal and are roughly round in shape (see Fig. 8.5), with a diameter ranging from 12 to 18 cm and thickness varying from 1 to 3 mm. A great deal of variation in size and formulation occurs depending on per- sonal preference. Typical recipe

Flour 1 kg Water 650 to 750 g

Wheat flour is used to make chapattis. The extraction rate can be anything between 75 and 100%. The dough is made by mixing flour and water, with salt and fat added according to personal taste. The recipe does not contain yeast. The dough, which is fairly firm, is rested for up to 30 min before being scaled into portions weighing 3085 g. These are rounded into balls. A fur- ther rest is desirable before rolling the balls into thin discs 13-mm thick. The rolled out chapattis are cooked on both sides using a hot plate at a temperature of 233260C(450500F). Cooking time will depend on the thickness and continues until the chapattis start to blister on both sides and the colour is just turning brown. This stage takes approximately 05min for each side. Chapattis may be eaten after this stage has been reached or they may receive a second baking called ‘puffing.’ In the puffing process, which takes just a few seconds, a chapatti is placed under a grill or over a red-hot fire and it immediately puffs up into a ball. As soon as it has puffed, it must be taken away from the grill or fire as it will burn. At this stage, the chapatti is composed of two layers of skins with a space between. Puffing is rarely carried out on chapattis which are more than 2 mm thick as they do not puff well. After puffing, the chapattis collapse back to the original shape, and they should be stacked one on top of the other to avoid drying out. To prevent them sticking together, the surface of the chapatti is greased with butter, a practice which has the added advantage of making them soft and imparting a flavour. The final chapattis will vary in colour according to the type and extraction rate of flour used, but almost all will have brown blisters, some of them slightly burnt. If chapattis are stored after cooking for more than a few hours, they tend to stick together and lose their attractive eating characteristics. Stale chapattis can be improved by re-heating but they do not regain their original quality. Other Bakery Products Chapter | 8 437

8.56 WHAT ARE CORN (MAIZE) TORTILLAS? AND HOW ARE THEY MADE? The corn (maize) tortilla is a non-fermented product made from maize flour, and is the basis for many traditional Mexican dishes. They are made on hot- plate goods and have a simple recipe.

Whole maize flour 100 Water 33 Limea (calcium hydroxide) 0.1

aThe lime must be suitable for use in food and comply with local food legislation.

This recipe uses whole maize flour which has been passed through a US 40-mesh sieve (screen size 0.016 in). The tortilla dough, known as masa,is formed into individual circular dough pieces about 15cm diameter and 2mm thick and cooked on a hot plate until both surface is slightly browned. Tortillas can be eaten alone like bread, or fried with a cheese topping (nachos). A popular form is the taco. After frying the tortilla can be filled with meat, tomato, cheese, olives, peppers and sauce. Alternatively the torti- lla may be softened in oil or sauce, rolled round a meat or cheese filling and baked to produce an enchilada. 438 Baking Problems Solved

8.57 WHAT IS TRENCHER BREAD AND HOW WAS IT USED? It is believed that trencher bread was first mentioned in 15th century books on etiquette (David, 1977) though its origins are likely to be much earlier than the references suggest. Trenchers were essentially coarse slices of bread, from loaves typically 4 days old, used instead of a plate at a medieval meal. After the trencher had served its purpose as a plate and had been saturated by the sauces and juices of the meal laid upon it, it was eaten by the servant, cut up for the poor or given to the dogs. Trencher bread was made from coarsely milled flour which probably comprised some wholemeal (wheat) flour mixed with some whole barley or rye flour. The wholemeal flour may have been sieved to remove the fine white flour which would be used in the making of bread. Manchet bread was the finest and whitest variety and only eaten by the nobility in the Medieval period. The coarse flour was made up into large, flat, round dense loaves which were probably baked in an oven, though occasionally, they were baked on a hot plate. The loaf was probably turned halfway through baking to give two flat, firm crusts and an even layer of crumb. The trencher loaves were stored for 4 days and then prepared by the ser- vant using a special knife for the purpose. (The upper crust was destined to be the nobleman’s plate and may well be the origins of the phrase ‘upper crust’.) It is believed that the top and bottom crusts were removed, along with the side crusts leaving a square, crustless loaf about 2 to 3-cm high. This ‘loaf’ was then made into one or two square plates on which a serving of meat could be placed. In later periods the trencher bread was replaced by wooden or pewter platters. A recipe and method for trencher bread

g/Mix lb/Sack

Wholemeal flour 1120 186.5 Whole barley flour 560 93.5 Salt 24 4 Yeast 12 2 Water 1140 mL 190

Mix the dough on twin arm low speed mixer for about 20 minutes and then ferment in bulk for half an hour. Scale dough pieces to 1.8 kg (4 lb), Other Bakery Products Chapter | 8 439 mould into a ball, rest for 10 minutes and pin out to discs 267 mm (10.5 in) in diameter. Place dough on greased baking sheets, prove for about 50 min and bake for 45 min in an oven at 204C (400F). Once cool wrap the loaf in a tea towel and store for 4 days. On the fourth day, cut the loaf in the cor- rect way to give one or more trenchers.

Reference David, E., 1977. English Bread and Yeast Cookery. Allen Lane Penguin Books Ltd, London, UK. 440 Baking Problems Solved

8.58 WHAT IS THE PRODUCT KNOWN AS A GRANT LOAF? The Grant wholemeal loaf is one recommended by Doris Grant (1944). Grant had taught household readers to mix and bake wholemeal bread by an easy method with no kneading and only one fermentation step (rising). The Grant loaf is not one intended for commercial production but rather for home baking. The following is the method and procedure suggested by Grant:

G 3.5lb English stone-ground, wholemeal flour G 2 pt 4 oz of water at blood heat (or slightly less) G 1oz sea-salt, Maldon salt or ordinary salt G 1oz sugar, preferably Barbados muscovado cane sugar G 1oz yeast (or up to 4 oz) The production method was as follows:

G Mix the salt with the flour in a large basin and warm it (make lukewarm not hot) on the oven top or above a low gas flame, so that the yeast will work quicker. G Crumble the yeast into a pudding basin, add the sugar and a quarter pint of lukewarm water. G Leave for 10 minutes to froth up; then stir to dissolve sugar. G Pour this yeasty liquid into the basin of warm flour. Add the rest of the warm water, and do so gradually in case all the water is not required. G Stir the whole with a wooden spoon until the flour is evenly wetted, then mix well by hand for 2 minutes. G The resulting dough should be wet enough to be slippery, but not too wet. G Grease three 2pt tins inside and warm them well. Turn the dough into the warmed tins, put them about two feet above a low gas flame (or in the oven while the oven is warming up), cover with a cloth and leave for about 20 min to rise by about one-third. Bake in an oven at 205C (400F) for 4560 min. Grant considered that ‘real’ bread should be made from wholewheat grown on naturally fertilised soil and freshly stone-ground (c.f. organic). She identified the most important production points as being:

G To warm the flour and the baking tins G To froth up the yeast separately G To make the dough wet enough to be slippery G To remember that wholewheat dough must not be kneaded and only requires a few minutes to mix. Other Bakery Products Chapter | 8 441

David (1977) gives a metric recipe as:

Wholemeal flour 1.6 kg Water 1.25 L Salt 30 g Sugar 30 g Yeast 30 g (or up to 120 g for extra food value) Margarine or butter (optional) 60 g

Tin size: Three by 1 kg tins. Baking temperature 205C. We have tried out the method using 500 g wholemeal flour to 0.5-L water with mixing for 5 minutes with a household mixer. The resultant bread was coarse structured with fragile crumb but perfectly acceptable for home-made bread.

References David, E., 1977. English Bread and Yeast Cookery. Allen Lane Penguin Books Ltd, London, UK. Grant, D., 1944. Your Daily Bread. Faber & Faber, UK. This page intentionally left blank Chapter 9

Processes and Equipment

9.1 I SEE MANY REFERENCES TO ‘NO-TIME’ DOUGHMAKING METHODS. WHAT DOES THIS TERM MEAN AND WHAT IS ITS RELEVANCE? The terms ‘no-time’ dough (NTD) or no-time doughmaking processes cover a wide range of options of ingredient, recipe and mixing combinations in the manufacture of bread and fermented products. Essentially, the term refers to the principle that the bulk dough is transferred after mixing to be divided without any significant or deliberate fermentation or resting period. Breadmaking processes which employ a deliberate fermentation phase between mixing and dividing are usually collectively referred to as bulk fer- mentation processes, long fermentation processes (LFP), sponge and dough or processes involving floor time. The practical advantages of using a NTD are associated with space saving there are no large bowls of dough standing for long periods of time in the bakery; improved process control no risk of fermenting doughs being taken out of sequence with subsequent negative effects on final product quality and in the case of plant breakdown, no over-fermenting dough to deal with. In addition with NTDs, there are none of the fermentation losses associated with LFPs which may run to 23% of the starting raw materials as a result of the prolonged fermentation. To achieve the required development of the dough for processing into bread, it is common to add functional ingredients with NTDs. The most com- mon ingredient added is ascorbic acid, though enzymes of various types, emulsifiers, fats and reducing agents may be used at different levels of addition. Often recipe water levels will be higher with NTDs than with LFPs so as to adjust dough consistency for dividing and moulding. This extra water is required to compensate for the lack of dough softening which occurs as the result of enzymic action over the extended process times associated with LFPs. Another important change is the addition of extra yeast by comparison with LFPs. This is to compensate for the intrinsically lower gas levels in the dough at the time of dividing and ensure that final proof times are not unduly extended by comparison with LFPs.

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The flavour profile of breads made of NTDs will be different from that of LFPs due to the lack of an extended bulk fermentation stage and is more affected by levels of recipe ingredients such as salt, sugar, malt products and inclusions. NTDs are suitable for all types of bread and fermented products and can be used in both large and small bakeries. Due to their convenience and their potential for good process control, NTDs in their forms probably account for the greatest proportion of bread and fermented products manu- factured around the world. The versatility of NTDs means that they can be used with a wide range of mixing and dough processing equipment.

Further reading Cauvain, S.P., 2015. Technology of Breadmaking, third ed. Springer Publishing International AG, Switzerland. Processes and Equipment Chapter | 9 445

9.2 WE ARE CONSIDERING THE PURCHASE OF A NEW MIXER FOR THE MANUFACTURE OF OUR BREAD USING A NO-TIME DOUGH PROCESS. THERE ARE TWO TYPES OF MIXER WHICH SEEM TO BE APPROPRIATE FOR OUR PLANT PRODUCTION NEEDS, THE SPIRAL-TYPE AND THE CBP- COMPATIBLE TYPE, BUT BEFORE MAKING OUR DECISION, WE NEED TO UNDERSTAND ANY ISSUES WITH RESPECT TO DOUGH PROCESSING AND FINAL BREAD QUALITY. CAN YOU PLEASE ADVISE US? The first point to make is that both mixer types are perfectly suitable for making bread using a NTD process. In many ways, your choice will be dic- tated by the type of bread that you wish to make and the final characteristics that your products should have. We have listed below the main technical issues that you should consider in making your choice.

Plant capacity and mixing times Clearly it is important to ensure that you can provide sufficient dough to run efficiently with minimal gaps between batches when the products reach the oven. It is usually a relatively simple calculation to determine the batch size capability of the mixer. You will also need to consider the mix cycle time; that this, the length of time from the start of ingredient delivery to the mixer and delivery of the mixed dough to the divider. The mix cycle time will include the actual dough mixing time along with all of the loading and transfer times required. In general, for reasons discussed below, the actual mixing time (not the mix cycle time) for spiral-type mixers is longer than that for Chorleywood bread process (CBP) compatible mixers; typical mixing times would be 814 minutes for the spiral (see Section 4.1.12) and 35 minutes for the CBP. These times may vary but it is worth noting that optimum mixing times for CBP doughs are quoted as 25 minutes (Cauvain and Young, 2006).

Energy input and dough development During the mixing cycle energy is transferred to the dough by the mechani- cal action of the impeller. This energy is an important part of the development of a gluten structure in the dough with the appropriate rheological and gas retention properties; in general, the greater the energy input the greater the dough development and the greater the gas retention properties of the dough (see Section 9.3) though the precise effects of increasing the level of energy input to the dough will vary according to flour quality (Cauvain, 2015). The total level of energy transferred to the dough during mixing depends to a significant degree on the length of the mixing time; the longer the mix- ing time, the greater the total energy transferred. However, it has been known for some time (Cauvain and Young, 2006; Cauvain, 2015) that the ‘rate’ at which energy is transferred to the dough also has an impact; in 446 Baking Problems Solved general, the faster the mixing speed the faster the rate of energy transfer and the greater the improvement in dough gas retention for a given set of ingredi- ents and dough recipe. CBP-compatible mixers exploit this effect by running at a higher speed than many spiral-type mixers which explains, in part, why optimum mixing times are shorter with CBP-type mixers. The rate of energy transfer to the dough during mixing also depends on the physical geometry of the mixing bowl and the impeller blades that are used. In the case of spiral-type mixers, the introduction of a static bar or a twin spiral arrangement may be used to increase the rate of energy transfer to the dough and shorten mixing times. In the case of the latter form of spiral mixer, you could argue that this is the equivalent of a CBP-type mixer but there are other considerations to be taken into account (see section: Dough temperature control).

Dough temperature control There is a direct relationship between the input of energy to the dough during mixing and its final temperature; the higher the total energy input, the higher the final dough temperature for a given recipe and batch size. In dough mixing, the most common way to control the final dough temperature is through the adjustment of the initial water temperature (Cauvain and Young, 2008). It is common practice to have a sufficient supply of chilled water available in the bakery for dough mixing to help with the control of the final dough temperature and in some cases ice or ice-slush may be added at the start of mixing (see Section 4.1.11). Typical final temperatures for CBP-type dough will be in the order of 2832C while those for spiral mixed dough would be 2428C. Traditionally, spiral mixed dough tends to have a lower final temperature because usually less energy is transferred during mixing. CBP-type dough tends to have a higher final dough temperature not only because of the high- er energy input but because the increased dough development yields a dough with rheological characteristics which allow it to be readily processed on the dough make-up plant at the higher temperature. Dough gas bubble structure and product cell structure The creation of the gas bubble structure in dough depends on the entrain- ment and sub-division of air during dough mixing (Cauvain, 2015). Many fac- tors influence the gas bubble population (i.e., the numbers and sizes of gas bubbles) in the mixed dough. The initial gas bubble structure in the mixed dough is a major contributing factor to the final product cell structure. It is sig- nificantly affected by the mixer type. This is an important issue as with NTDs, there is no significant opportunity during processing to significantly modify the gas bubble population to reduce its average size. In practice, when the dough leaves the mixer the main change for the gas bubbles is to increase in size. Thus if a fine and uniform cell structure is required in the final product Processes and Equipment Chapter | 9 447 essentially it must be created in the mixer. As gas bubbles grow after leaving the mixer, it is easier to create a coarser cell structure in the final product. The measurement of gas bubble populations in mixed dough has shown that spiral mixed dough has a higher average bubble size and a wider range of sizes than typically seen with CBP-type mixers (Cauvain et al., 1999). As the initial gas bubble population is a major determinant of final product cell struc- ture, this means that spiral mixed dough tends to yield final products with a greater average cell size with a wider range of sizes; in practical terms the cell structure of bread from spiral mixed dough will have a coarser and less even structure than those from CBP-type mixers (but see the following section). The modification of product cell structure The preceding comments on the creation of gas bubble populations and product cell structures are important in understanding one of the key principles of the CBP, namely the control of product cell structure through the modifica- tion of the mixer headspace pressure (Cauvain and Young, 2006; Cauvain, 2015). Spiral-type mixers do not commonly have a facility for controlling the mixer headspace pressure as the mixer bowl is mostly open to the atmosphere. The bowl of the true CBP-compatible mixer can be isolated from the sur- rounding atmosphere by means of lowering a close-fitting lid. Historically (Cauvain and Young, 2006), the atmospheric pressure in the mixing bowl was reduced below that of atmospheric pressure to create a finer and more uniform cell structure in the bread (with accompanying advantages for crumb softness). Later, developments of the CBP-compatible mixer (Cauvain and Young, 2006: Cauvain, 2015) include the facility to have pressures above or below atmospheric and, most importantly, to change from one pressure to another during the mixing cycle. This development enables the creation of different gas bubble populations in the dough and therefore different cell structures in the final product. In practice, this means that the same mixer can be used to create the fine and uniform cell structure required for sand- wich bread or the coarse open structure required for French bread types sim- ply through the manipulation of mixer headspace pressure. There are no spiral mixers available at the time of writing with this capability.

References Cauvain, S.P., 2015. Technology of Breadmaking, third ed. Springer Publishing International AG, Switzerland. Cauvain, S.P., Young, L.S., 2006. The Chorleywood Bread Process. Woodhead Publishing Ltd, Cambridge, UK. Cauvain, S.P., Young, L.S., 2008. Bakery Food Manufacture & Quality: Water Control and Effects, second ed. Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, UK. Cauvain, S.P., Whitworth, M.B., Alava, J.M., 1999. The evolution of bubble structure in bread doughs and its effect on bread structure. In: Campbell, G.M., Webb, C., Pandiella, S.S., Niranjan, K. (Eds.), Bubbles in Food. American Association of Cereal Chemists, St. Paul, MN, pp. 8588. 448 Baking Problems Solved

9.3 CAN YOU EXPLAIN THE ROLE ENERGY IN THE CHORLEYWOOD BREAD PROCESS? The transfer of mechanical energy to the dough during mixing with the CBP is an essential component in the development of a dough with specific rheo- logical properties and the necessary gas retention to produce a loaf of opti- mum volume and crumb cell structure (Cauvain and Young, 2006). When first introduced, the ‘optimum’ work input level for the CBP was reported as 11 Wh/kg dough in the mixer for the range of flours that were available in the 1960s, but later, work has shown that the optimum total work input var- ies with the type of flour being used, see Fig. 9.1 (Cauvain, 2015). There are a number of reasons for this change which include the development of new wheat varieties and the change in the oxidant system since 1960 (the original work was carried out when potassium bromate was a permitted oxidant). The role of energy in the CBP has still to be fully explained despite the fact that the process has been around for 50 years. It is very likely that the high energy inputs are capable of mechanically breaking the disulphide

FIGURE 9.1 Effect of work input: (A) 5: (B) 8; and (C) 11 Wh/kg dough. Processes and Equipment Chapter | 9 449

(sSsSs) bonds holding the original protein configurations. In this way, mechanical energy can be likened to the effects of natural (enzymic) or chemical reduction. This may explain in part why the addition of a chemical reducing agent like L-cysteine hydrochloride is considered to reduce the energy required for dough development. Chamberlain (1998) one of the co-inventors of the CBP considered that only about 5% of the available energy was required to break the disul- phide bonds. A significant part of the energy input during CBP dough mix- ing will be taken up with the mixing of the ingredients and breaking weaker bonds. In breaking the disulphide bonds energy may well play a role in open- ing potential sites for oxidation. The CBP may therefore be considered as a redox-type process, that is, a combination of mechanical reduction and chem- ical oxidation in contrast to classical chemical reduction and oxidation. As we consider the role of energy in the CBP, we must recognise that a fundamental difference between CBP-compatible and other mixer types is the rate at which energy is delivered. You can increase the total energy imparted to doughs by lengthening the mixing time but the effect on bread quality is not as good as if the same total energy is delivered at a faster rate. In the original CBP, the delivery of energy was needed within 2 to 5 minutes of mixing and the same premise holds true today, even when flours which require more than the original 11 Wh/kg are used. To meet the required energy delivery within the specified times, it is necessary to mix faster which in turn, requires a more substantial motor being fitted to the mixer. In addition to noting the rate effect, we should also recognise that the input of energy to the dough is manifest as a significant temperature rise and that the provision of suitable quantities of chilled water are required. It may even be necessary to employ a cooling jacket of some from so that final dough temperatures can be maintained at acceptable levels, typically around 30C(Cauvain and Young, 2006).

References Cauvain, S.P., 2015. Technology of Breadmaking, third ed. Springer Publishing International AG, Switzerland. Cauvain, S.P., Young, L.S., 2006. The Chorleywood Bread Process. Woodhead Publishing Ltd, Cambridge, UK. Chamberlain, N., 1998. Dough formation and development.. In: Brown, J. (Ed.), The Master Bakers Book of Breadmaking, second ed. Turret-Wheatland Ltd, Rickmansworth, UK, pp. 4757. 450 Baking Problems Solved

9.4 WE ARE LOOKING TO BUY A NEW FINAL MOULDER FOR OUR BREAD BAKERY. CAN YOU ADVISE US ON THE KEY FEATURES WHICH SHOULD LOOK FOR AND HOW THEY MIGHT IMPACT ON FINAL BREAD QUALITY? The main function of the final moulder is to change the shape of the individual dough pieces to fit the product concept and deliver them in the appropriate form for final proof. As there are many different sizes and shapes of bread products, there is no single moulder able to meet the requirements of all them. A typical bread dough moulder will comprise a chute feeding the pieces into a series of rollers (24 in number). Typically, the pieces entering the rollers will have a round shape and the sheeting process by the rolls will yield a flattened elliptical shape on exit. Immediately on leaving the rollers, the leading edge of the dough ‘pancake’ is lifted by a chain and the dough piece is rolled up like a Swiss roll before being carried underneath a final moulding or pressure board. The gap between the board and the moving belt of the moulder is adjusted to yield the desired shape. Side guide bars may be fitted under the moulding board to help deliver a cylindrical shaped dough piece (a most common shape for bread products). The behaviour of the dough piece depends in part on the doughmaking process which has been used. Dough which has undergone a period of bulk fermentation has a low density with large pockets of gas trapped in the glu- ten structure. Such dough pieces passing through the sheeting rolls will become de-gassed, and this action can contribute to making the cell structure of the final product finer and more uniform, though not to the same degree as would be seen with doughs prepared by a NTD process. In some dough types, e.g., baguette and ciabatta, the large gas pockets are an integral feature of the final product and so de-gassing of the dough is not advisable. Instead the moulding action will be designed to aid the retention of the large gas bubbles though mechanical moulding is never likely to deliver the same final product cell structure that can be achieved with hand moulding. Modern NTDs have relatively low levels of gas in them and so the de-gassing function of the sheeting rollers has limited value. Such doughs also have a different rheological character and respond quite differently to heavy pressures during final moulding. In many cases the pressures can lead to damage of the gas bubble structure in the dough which in turn leads to quality problems in the final product (see Sections 4.1.6 and 4.1.7). Such quality losses are less likely to occur with longer moulding boards. As a general rule, fine cell structure in bread is obtained by sheeting thinly and using just enough pressure under the moulding board to achieve the required shape. This sheeting is best achieved gradually in moulders with a greater numbers of rolls.

Further reading Cauvain, S.P., 2015. Technology of Breadmaking, third ed. Springer Publishing International AG, Switzerland. Processes and Equipment Chapter | 9 451

9.5 WHY IS A BREAD DOUGH PIECE COILED AFTER SHEETING? DOES THE NUMBER COILS ACHIEVED HAVE ANY IMPACT ON BREAD QUALITY? The rationale for coiling a dough piece is closely connected with the process of sheeting dough and the traditional use of a period of bulk fermentation after mixing to ‘develop’ the dough ready for dividing and processing as unit shapes. The density of dough at the end of its bulk fermentation period is very low and as much as 70% of the dough volume may comprise gas bubbles, a mixture of mostly nitrogen and carbon dioxide, of various sizes (Cauvain, 2012). Some of the gas bubbles may be very large in size (several cm) and if they are retained in the dough piece when it enters the prover these bubbles commonly lead to the formation of unwanted holes in the crumb of many types of pan breads (although they may be acceptable in baguette and ciabat- ta). Such large gas bubbles can readily be expelled from the dough piece by flattening them by hand or by pinning the dough. An alternative was to pass the dough backwards and forwards through the sheeting rolls of a pastry brake and gradually eliminate the large bubbles by bursting them. A similar process to the latter was achieved by passing the dough through a series of pairs of rolls one set mounted above another, and this is the basis of the most common form of bread dough moulders. The expression of the large gas bubbles from the dough piece is an important contributor to the forma- tion of a fine and uniform cell structure in the baked product which in turn, is an important contributor to bread crumb softness and brightness; both are seen as desirable characteristics in white and many other bread types. The formation of a round dough piece after dividing is a common prac- tice, even if hand moulding is undertaken. When such dough pieces are passed through sheeting rolls, they form an elliptical shape which is then coiled (rolled like a Swiss roll) to form a crude cylindrical shape for final processing (Cauvain, 2015). The number of coils that are achieved when cre- ating the cylinder depends mainly on the length of the ellipse and is deter- mined to a large extent by the design of the sheeting head of the final moulder and the speed at which the dough piece passes through it. The weight and positioning of the curling chain to catch the leading edge of the flattened dough also has an important part to play in forming the coil. The process of sheeting a moving round dough piece between rollers will always result in an elliptical shape on exit from the rollers. This is because the rollers grip the leading edge of the dough piece as it falls under the influence of gravity into the roll gap. As the dough piece leaves the final set of rollers a moving belt carries the piece forward, the net result is that there is a stretching of the dough as it passes through the set of rollers; the degree of stretching depends on the equipment design. A consequence of forming and elliptical shape is that distribution of dough in the coil which is 452 Baking Problems Solved formed is not uniform. If the coiled piece was cut longitudinally, then it would be seen to comprise a series of wide and narrow layers (Cauvain, 2015) which has profound implications for the formation of the cell struc- ture in the final product. The general view is that sheeting thinly and the subsequent increase in the numbers of coils that are achieved delivers a finer and more uniform crumb cell structure in the baked product. However, it should be noted that the volume of gas in NTD pieces reaching the final moulder is considerably lower (typically ,20%) than that from bulk fermentation systems (typically 70%), and this implies that the impact of sheeting on the final cell structure of the product will be less marked.

References Cauvain, S.P., 2012. Breadmaking: an overview. In: Cauvain, S.P. (Ed.), Bread Making: Improving Quality, second ed. Woodhead Publishing Ltd., Cambridge, UK, pp. 931. Cauvain, S.P., 2015. Technology of Breadmaking, third ed. Springer Publishing International AG, Switzerland. Processes and Equipment Chapter | 9 453

9.6 WHAT IS THE FUNCTION OF FOUR-PIECING OR CROSS-PANNING IN BREADMAKING? Four-piecing (see Fig. 9.2) is a technique commonly used in the production of sandwich style breads where a fine (small average cell size) and uniform cell structure is required. In essence, it consists of moulding a dough piece to a long cylindrical shape under the final moulding board and then cutting the piece as it exits the board into four pieces of equal size or weight. The four pieces are turned through 90 and gathered together before being placed in the pan. During sheeting some of the gas bubbles present in the dough are elongated in the direction of the dough movement through the final moulder. After curling the cells maintain their elongated shape because the visco-elastic properties of dough and the curling process itself prevent the bubbles from assuming a spherical shape. In single piece bread, the cells formed from these bubbles are cut through their short sides in the product and the cell walls cast a significant shadow, thus giving the crumb a dull, grey colour. In four-piecing turning the pieces through 90 means that the elongated cells are cut through their long axis and the resultant shallow cells which form in the loaf will cast less of a shadow when viewed under glancing light. This means that the crumb from four-pieced bread will be seen as brighter when viewed under similar lighting conditions to that of a single piece loaf. In addition to the improvement in crumb appearance there is an improvement in crumb softness and a small but helpful improvement in crumb resilience when using four-piecing. The latter helps with the slicing and eating proper- ties of such breads. Although there is an improvement in cell uniformity within the indi- vidual pieces, there can be greater slice to slice variation along the length

FIGURE 9.2 Four-piecing of bread doughs. 454 Baking Problems Solved of the loaf with four-piecing. Cauvain and Young (2006) reviewed this effect and provided cell size data to confirm that a ‘periodic’ structure was created along the length of the loaf by four-piecing. This is espe- cially true for the areas where two pieces meet and so it is important to ensure that the four pieces are as equal as possible and uniformly placed in the pan. Eight-pieced loaves are known, though not common, and a similar tech- nique is ‘cross panning’ or ‘cross graining’. Both techniques rely on the reorientation of the cell structure in the dough to deliver similar benefits to those described above.

Reference Cauvain, S.P., Young, L.S., 2006. Baked Products: Science, Technology and Practice. Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Oxford, UK. Processes and Equipment Chapter | 9 455

9.7 WHAT IS PURPOSE OF THE ‘KNOCKING-BACK’ THE DOUGH WHEN USING A BULK FERMENTATION PROCESS TO MAKE BREAD? In bulk fermentation breadmaking processes, the dough is left to ferment in a suitable environment for a long period of time, often many hours. During this fermentation period, the volume of the dough will increase greatly as the yeast produces carbon dioxide gas which is largely retained in the dough; approximately 70% of the dough volume at the end of 2 or 3 hours of fer- mentation may be gas. Knocking-back the dough is an operation commonly performed part-way through the prescribed fermentation period, typically after half and usually before three quarters of the prescribed period. However, some more tradi- tional recommendations (Bennion and Stewart, 1930) are that knocking back should be carried out in the early stages of bulk fermentation. In small-scale production, the operation may well be carried out by and hand, and this practice has given rise to an alternative description of the process ‘punching’ the dough. With larger bulk doughs, there is no reason why the process cannot be carried out with a mixing machine though the mixing time will usually be very short, commonly only a matter of a couple of min- utes on slow speed. A number of different reasons are given for carrying out a knock-back and it very likely that they all have some validity. They include the following:

G To even-out temperature variations in the bulk of the dough. There is no doubt that when a bulk dough stands for long periods of time that the surface of the dough will cool, in part as the result of surface evaporation and the sides in contact with the dough bowl may also be at a different temperature depending on the bakery environment. G To reduce the risk of the dough skinning from surface evaporation Excessive skinning of the dough can lead to significant product quality problems when the drier material is distributed throughout the dough at the time of dividing. G To reinvigorate the yeast by eliminating ‘waste’ products In this case, the waste product is alcohol, high levels of which can have an inhibitory effect on yeast activity. One potential benefit of knocking back the dough not commonly dis- cussed is the contribution that the energy of this ‘re-mixing’ may make to dough development. During fermentation, the gluten network becomes stretched as the dough expands and re-mixing (as this is really what the knock-back is) transfers some energy to the dough (even by hand) and 456 Baking Problems Solved encourages the formation of a stronger gluten network, that is one capable of retaining more carbon dioxide gas during proving and baking. It is interest- ing to note that Bennion and Stewart (1930) recommend that ‘a bun dough should be knocked back every 20 minutes if a bun of good bulk (volume) and silk-like texture is required.’

Reference Bennion, E.B., Stewart, J., 1930. Cake Manufacture and Small Goods Production. Leonard Hill Limited, London, UK. Processes and Equipment Chapter | 9 457

9.8 WE HAVE TWO BREAD LINES RUNNING SIDE-BY-SIDE WITH THE SAME EQUIPMENT BOUGHT AT DIFFERENT TIMES. WE ARE USING THE CBP AND DO NOT QUITE GET THE SAME VOLUME AND CELL STRUCTURE WHEN MAKING THE SAME PAN BREAD PRODUCT. WE COMPENSATE BY ADJUSTING YEAST AND IMPROVER LEVEL BUT DO NOT GET THE SAME CRUMB CELL STRUCTURE. CAN YOU HELP US UNDERSTAND WHAT IS HAPPENING? The operation of the CBP is almost unique in that the crumb structure can be manipulated by adjusting the mixer headspace pressure to create differ- ent structures. In your case, you are seeking a fine and uniform cell struc- ture in your sandwich bread products, and it is with these products in particular that you are noticing a difference. With the mixers on both plants, you are applying a partial vacuum, the application of which is delayed until part-way through the mixing to encourage the initial oxida- tion of the dough by ascorbic acid before moving to deliver the required dough to the divider. The same types of mixers were purchased at separate times. Initially, you did not use one of them with partial vacuum even though the mixer had the capability. Close inspection of the equipment revealed that the two pressure gauges which were fitted to the mixer were of different types so that when they were regulated to the same dial setting they were in fact delivering dif- ferent pressures in the mixing chamber. One dial reads down from 0 to 30v of vacuum and the other reads up from 0 to 30v of pressure. You have been setting both mixers at 20v. These are old readings and it will be easier if we convert them to more modern units bars; in essence atmospheric pressure is 1 bar. In the case of the dial reading ‘vacuum’, your setting is actually around 0.33 bar, whereas with the dial reading ‘pressure’, it is around 0.67 bar. At 0.33 bar, we would expect you to lose oxidation and have potential problems with coarseness of crumb cell structure (see Section 4.1.9). If you adjust the ‘vacuum’ dial to 10v (0.33 bar), you should more closely match bread quality. It was also interesting to record that you were using different water levels between the two plants. This apparently was in response to the apparently different consistencies of the dough leaving the two mixers. This was not surprising since the level of gas which remained in the two doughs ex-mixer would be different and this would give rise to the per- ceived differences in dough consistency. Once the vacuum levels had been set to comparable levels, the recipe water levels in the dough became comparable. 458 Baking Problems Solved

Authors’ note: There can be confusion over pressure units when talking about partial vacuum because of the common use of atmospheric pressure as a standard. One bar is defined as 105 N/m2 (nearly equal to 1 atm, i.e., 760 mm or 30v mercury). Atmospheric pressures do vary with environmental conditions and height above sea level. The above problem was for a bakery at sea level.

Further reading Cauvain, S.P., Young, L.S., 2006. The Chorleywood Bread Process. Woodhead Publishing Ltd, Cambridge, UK. Processes and Equipment Chapter | 9 459

9.9 WE HAVE BOTH SPIRAL AND TWIN-ARM TYPE MIXERS AND WOULD LIKE TO PRODUCE A FINER CELL STRUCTURE WITH OUR SANDWICH BREADS; CAN YOU SUGGEST WAYS IN WHICH WE MIGHT ACHIEVE THIS AIM? Much of the final structure of bread is delivered by the mixer, primarily the design of the mixing tools and the mixing action. During the dough mixing process, small air bubbles are trapped in the developing gluten network. The numbers and sizes of those air bubbles are mostly determined by the mixing actions with some input from ingredients like fat and emulsifiers (whichtendtoreducetheaveragesizeoftheairbubbles).Themixing bowls of spiral and twin-arm type mixers are usually open to the atmo- sphere, so there is no opportunity to adjust the initial gas bubble population in the dough by changing pressures as is the case in the CBP (Cauvain and Young, 2006). During and immediately after dough mixing, there is a gradual change in the composition of the gases in the bubbles trapped in the dough. Initially, the bubbles trapped in the dough contain a mixture of nitrogen and oxygen but the latter is scavenged by the added yeast, as well as taking part in the dough oxidation process. Eventually, only nitrogen gas remains in the entrained air bubbles. As the yeast begins to produce carbon dioxide, it goes first into solution in the dough liquor and then later it diffuses into the nitro- gen gas bubbles and expansion of the dough begins. The expansion processes in the dough are complex and are related to the initial gas bubbles size but in summary what happens is that the larger gas bubbles tend to expand to a proportionally greater extent than the small ones. Essentially, the larger gas bubbles have a lower internal pressure and the natural driving force is for carbon dioxide to diffuse into them. Sometimes, this is at the expense of the smaller bubbles which grow more slowly and in some case may cease to exist in the dough. As the gas bubbles continue to expand in proof and the early stages of baking they grow large enough to coalesce (join together), and it is these gas bubbles which form the basis of the cell structure in the loaf. The mixers that you are using tend to deliver an initially wide range of gas bubble sizes which ultimately becomes a wide range of cell sizes in the loaf, so that the cell structure tends to be considered ‘coarse’ by comparison with the very fine cells structures that may be achieved with other types of mixers (e.g., CBP-compatible See Cauvain, 2015). There is little that you can do in the mixer to change the situation so any improvements will have to be introduced during dough processing. One way of producing a finer cell structure is to ‘de-gas’ the dough. In essence what you seek to do is eliminate the larger gas bubbles while retain- ing the smaller ones. The de-gassing processes delivers a more uniform gas 460 Baking Problems Solved bubble population which will expand more uniformly during proof and deliver a more uniform (and usually finer) cell structure. The easiest way to de-gas the dough is to allow it to have a short period of fermentation in bulk (e.g., 1 hour) and to de-gas portions of the dough by passing them back and forth a few times through a pastry brake, this will eliminate the larger gas bubbles. After sheeting, allow a short period for the dough to recover and then divide into units and process the dough as before. The short period of rest after sheeting and before dividing is to allow the dough to recover its extensibility and avoid structural damage in the subse- quent moulding.

References Cauvain, S.P., 2015. Technology of Breadmaking, third ed. Springer Publishing International AG, Switzerland. Cauvain, S.P., Young, L.S., 2006. The Chorleywood Bread Process. Woodhead Publishing Ltd., Cambridge, UK. Processes and Equipment Chapter | 9 461

9.10 WE HAVE BEEN FREEZING SOME OF OUR BAKERY PRODUCTS TO HAVE PRODUCTS AVAILABLE IN TIMES OF PEAK DEMAND. WE NOTICE THAT THERE IS ‘SNOW’ OR ‘ICE’ IN THE BAGS WHEN WE REMOVE THEM FROM THE FREEZER. CAN YOU TELL US WHY THIS HAPPENS AND HOW IT CAN BE AVOIDED? Freezing products ready to meet peaks in customer demand is a common practice. Bread and rolls if wrapped to prevent any moisture losses will keep well in the frozen state. Bread products have a high moisture content and a high water activity. Once frozen, such products should be stored below their glass transition (Tg) temperature (see Section 11.6). Effectively, this is the temperature at which all the soluble materials in the product become immo- bile or frozen. It has been estimated that approximately 30% of the water in bread remains unfrozen even at the usual storage temperature of 220C. In part, this is because of freezeconcentration effects which means that in prac- tice not all of the water in the product is actually immobile. However, at typical freezer temperatures any evaporation of water from the product will proceed very slowly. If the temperature of the frozen prod- uct rises above its Tg some of the moisture present can evaporate and sub- lime through the product to the surrounding atmosphere; in this case, the inside of the bag in which it is packed. Once there, the water vapour freezes into ice crystals and becomes visible as ‘snow’ on the product (see Fig. 9.3). With the reduction, for health reasons, of salt levels in bread products, this problem is likely to occur earlier in the products’ frozen life than previously. This is because salt is a material which has the ability to ‘hold on to’ the moisture in the product thus preventing its ‘escape’ as vapour. If the problem occurs frequently, it would be wise to check that your freezer is operating correctly (temperature at or below 220C) and try to minimise any opening and closing of its door and check its defrosting cycle. It is also beneficial to remove product from frozen storage in strict

FIGURE 9.3 Ice crystals formed in bread pack. 462 Baking Problems Solved rotation so that any one product does not spend longer than necessary in frozen storage. In addition, care should be taken that any product which is removed from the freezer is not left in a warm atmosphere as the localized melting of the ice particles provide a good environment for eventual mould growth. The problem can be greater with cake products because the presence of sugars in the recipe lowers the freeing point of the product even further than that of breads. In some cases, the sugar concentration can be so high that the cake is not frozen even at 220C. Processes and Equipment Chapter | 9 463

9.11 WE HAVE BEEN DEEP FREEZING BREAD PRODUCTS AND EXPERIENCE A NUMBER OF PROBLEMS WITH DIFFERENT PRODUCTS. WITH CRUSTY PRODUCTS, WE OBSERVE THAT THE CRUST FALLS OFF WHILE WITH SOME OTHER PRODUCTS WE FIND THAT LONGER PERIODS OF STORAGE LEAD TO THE FORMATION OF WHITE, TRANSLUCENT PATCHES IN THE CRUMB WHICH ARE VERY HARD EATING. ARE THE PROBLEMS RELATED TO THE PERFORMANCE OF OUR FREEZER? The first of your problems is commonly referred to as ‘shelling’, that is the loss of the crust from frozen bakery items which may occur during storage but more commonly it manifests itself when the product is defrosted. Similar problems may be observed with some part-baked, frozen products. When all bread products leave the oven, the moisture content of the crust region is much lower than that of the crumb. This differential in moisture content is much greater in crusty products than with many other types of bread, e.g., sandwich breads, and is an integral part of the character of the product. The difference in moisture content between crust and crumb is partly responsible for their differences in texture, with the low moisture crust having a harder, more rigid character than the higher moisture content, soft crumb. The difference in moisture content also means that the salt concentra- tion is higher in the crust region than the centre crumb which will lower the temperature at which ice forms in these regions. The combination of different freezing points and structural architecture means that the crust and crumb will expand and contract at different rates and the stress that this places on the interface between the two regions may become so great that they become separated from one another. This phenom- enon will occur under almost any freezing condition so it is unlikely that your freezer performance is directly to blame for the problem. You will have to accept that you are unlikely to successfully freeze crusty products because the only solution is to allow equilibration of moisture before freezing, but then the product would not be crusty anyway! Your second problem could well be related to your freezer performance and is a phenomenon known as ‘freezer burn’ (Cauvain and Young, 2008). It comes from the loss of water from different regions of your product dur- ing frozen storage. It has been estimated that about 30% of the water in bread remains unfrozen in bread, even at 220C. This ‘free’ water may leave the product and enter the freezer or pack atmosphere where it eventu- ally shows as ‘frost’ (see Section 9.10). The hard, translucent patches that you see are areas of crumb which have become dehydrated in the freezer. The condition is exacerbated by any periods when the freezer has been allowed to warm to temperatures above the freezing point of the product. 464 Baking Problems Solved

The higher temperatures accelerate moisture losses and the slow re-freezing which follows also contributes to this particular problem. We suggest that you look at your freezer performance and in particular any changes in con- ditions during the defrost cycle. Also look closely at your operating proce- dures and try to minimise the opening and closing of the freezer door. This is a common cause of the problem because the cold air is lost and replaced by warmer air which raises the temperature of the products nearest to the door or lid.

Reference Cauvain, S.P., Young, L.S., 2008. Bakery Food Manufacture and Quality: Water Control and Effects, second ed. Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, UK. Processes and Equipment Chapter | 9 465

9.12 WE HAVE SEEN REFERENCES TO THE MILTON KEYNES PROCESS BUT CAN FIND VERY LITTLE TECHNICAL INFORMATION ON THE PROCESS. CAN YOU TELL ME WHAT IT IS (WAS) AND HOW IT IS (WAS) USED? There is relatively little technical literature which has been published on the Milton Keynes process (MKP). Launched in 1995, it was a patented process (Anon, 1995) based on the production of part-baked breads of many different sizes, including pan breads, but differed from other part-baked products of the time in that an extended ambient shelf-life of 512 days before second baking was claimed. The process took its name from the city in the United Kingdom in which the part-baked bread products were manufactured (Grindley, 1996). The process was evolved by a consortium of four companies; a retail baker, a plant baker, a machinery manufacturer and a bread improver com- pany (Bent, 2007). Pan breads were mixed using CBP-compatible mixers, whereas oven bottom and French sticks were prepared with a spiral-type mixer. The dough recipes were essentially the same as would be used with CBP and NTD making with the addition of a suitable enzyme for retaining crumb softness in the bread after bake-off. There were no special aspects of dough processing. Steam was used in the initial bake and crust colouration was kept to a minimum in the first bake. Immediately after leaving the oven, the warm products in their pans or on trays were transferred to be cooled under vacuum in a dedicated cooler. Using this technique, cooling times were reduced for all product sizes. After cooling and depanning, the products were sprayed with a preserva- tive solution to help achieve the 512 days mould-free shelf-life claimed. It was claimed that the preservative was volatilised during the second bak- ing stage. Some in-store bakeries which employed the process were equipped with a mini travelling oven for bake-off though rack and deck ovens could be used. It has been well understood for quite some time that bread staling is reversed by a second bake (Cauvain, 2015) and that has always been an underlying principle for all bake-off bread products. However, to fully refresh the products, the core temperature must exceed 6065C and the rate of staling after the second bake is considerably faster than after the initial bake. In practice, this meant that consumers who were used to purchasing baked products which took 34 days to become unacceptably firm were faced with the MKP product which could take as little as 34 hours to reach the same state unless the bake-off process had been carefully controlled and full re-freshing had been achieved, this was often not the case in practice when the MKP was rolled-out into many stores. As a consequence the level of sales of bread products baked in the retail stores fell markedly and after an initial fanfare of excitement the process slipped quietly into history. 466 Baking Problems Solved

References Anon (1995). Manufacture of baked farinaceous foodstuffs, Patent WO 95/30333. Bent, A.J., 2007. Speciality fermented goods. In: Cauvain, S.P., Young, L.S. (Eds.), Technology of Breadmaking, second ed. Springer Science 1 Business Media, New York, NY, pp. 245274. Cauvain, S.P., 2015. Technology of Breadmaking, third ed. Springer Publishing International AG, Switzerland. Grindley, E., 1996. Made in Milton Keynes. Bakers’ Review January, 1617. Processes and Equipment Chapter | 9 467

9.13 CAN YOU EXPLAIN THE PRINCIPLES OF VACUUM COOLING OF BAKED PRODUCTS AND ITS POTENTIAL APPLICATIONS? The vacuum cooler comprises a sealable chamber in which the internal pres- sure can be reduced to a level considerably lower than atmospheric pressure. When the pressure inside a closed vessel is lowered and maintained below atmospheric pressure, the temperature at which water boils is considerably lowered. This is because a liquid boils when its saturated vapour pressure is equal to the atmospheric pressure. For example, in the natural world water boils at progressively lower temperatures as the height above sea-level increases. The impact of reduced pressure on the boiling point of water can be considerable; for example, if the pressure is reduced to half an atmosphere (i.e., 0.5 bar) the boiling point falls from 100 to around 80C. As evaporation losses play a major role in cooling baked products, hold- ing the products at lower pressures to extract the latent heat considerably reduces the cooling time required. For example, Cauvain (2015) compared the core temperature of loaves cooled conventionally with those subjected to vacuum cooling and showed that that the times taken to achieve a tempera- ture of 25C were about 100 and 10 minutes, respectively. It should be noted that the vacuum cooling conditions will vary according to the type of product being cooled. There are a number of different points to consider. The first is that even though the temperature at which the water boils has been considerably lowered, the rate at which moisture leaves the centre of the product will be affected by the product dimensions. Heat (and moisture) can only be lost from the surface of the baked product, and it will always take longer for the evaporation front to reach the centre of the product. In practice, this can mean a significant differential in moisture losses between the product surface and its centre. For crusty bread products, this may be acceptable but this will not be the case for pan breads. This effect may well have been one of the contributing factors to the demise of the MKP (see Section 9.12). Some bakery products can benefit the application of vacuum cooling. This is especially true for products with ‘delicate’ structures which are diffi- cult to handle at the end of the baking processes but are key to final product quality; two examples are Panettoni and malt breads. One of the claimed benefits for the application of vacuum cooling is that the normal baking time can be reduced because of the contribution that vac- uum cooling makes to the physical stability of the baked product structure. This advantage may be negated by the likelihood that overall moisture losses from vacuum cooled products may be higher than with conventional cooling.

Reference Cauvain, S.P., 2015. Technology of Breadmaking, third ed. Springer Publishing International AG, Switzerland. This page intentionally left blank Chapter 10

Testing Methods

10.1 WHAT IS MEANT BY HYDROGEN ION CONCENTRATION AND HOW IS THE pH SCALE DETERMINED? The term means just what it says, namely the concentration of hydrogen ions that are present in a solution. It is a scientific method of referring to the degree or intensity of acidity or alkalinity and is based on the fact that, in solution, the molecules of some substances split up and disperse throughout the liquid to a greater or lesser degree. The pH of a liquid tells not only whether the liquid is acid or alkaline but also to what degree or extent. The symbol pH stands for the ‘potential of hydrogen’. The word ‘ion’ means traveller, so that the hydrogen ion concentration refers to the degree of dispersal of ions of hydrogen in a given solution. It also refers to the fact that such hydrogen atoms are in an active condition and are charged with positive electricity, commonly denoted as H1. To understand this more, we must consider the state of affairs in pure water. This is neither acid nor alkaline, but it has been calculated that in neu- tral water one molecule in 10 million ionises or splits up and disperses as one atom of hydrogen charged with positive electricity and one group of ele- ments consisting of an atom of hydrogen and one of oxygen. This is known as a hydroxyl group and is charged with negative electricity (OH2). There is therefore complete neutrality, the positive charge on the hydrogen atom exactly neutralising the negative charge of the hydroxyl group. In pure water, being neutral, only one part in 10 million parts is in this state of ionisation. Mathematically 1/10,000,000 can be expressed as 1027, that is, 10 to the minus seventh power. Hence, in stating the pH of a neutral liquid like pure water scientists write pH 7, omitting the minus sign as being superfluous. Let us now consider what happens when we have a liquid in which there is a higher concentration of hydrogen ions such as is the case when an acid is diluted with water. Here, there may be one part ionised hydrogen in a million parts of the liquid. This can be expressed as 1/1,000,000, that is, 1026 and so is written pH 6. This shows that the liquid is acid in character, but not very strongly so, for only one part in a million is actively acid or capable of reacting as an acid.

Baking Problems Solved. DOI: © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. 469 470 Baking Problems Solved

Concentration of H+ ion pH

1 g per litre 0 1 g per 10 litres 1 1 g per 100 litres 2 3 4 Acid increasing in multiples of 10 5 6 1 g per 10 million litres 7 8 9 Alkali increasing in multiples of 10 10 11 12 13 17 g OH per litre 14 FIGURE 10.1 pH scale.

The greater the intensity of the acid the greater the concentration of hydrogen ions will be. The expressions pH 5, pH 4, pH 3, pH 2 and pH 1 mean, respectively, that one part in 100,000, 10,000, 1000, 100, and 10 are in this condition. As the numeral beside the pH decreases, the intensity of the acid present in the liquid increases (see Fig. 10.1). In the case of neutral solutions, we still refer to the hydrogen ion con- centration, but the dispersed atoms charged with positive electricity may not necessarily be hydrogen. The groups of negatively charged elements, however, neutralise these and alkaline reactions are recorded. For example, in sodium hydroxide, a well-known alkali, the ionised molecule will split up into one atom of sodium and one hydroxyl group. The former carries a weak positive charge and the hydroxyl group a stronger negative one, cancelling out the weak acid tendency and substituting stronger alka- line tendencies. Thus stronger negative electrical charges can be recorded. As the pH numeral increases so alkalinity increases, and whenever the numeral is above seven the substance or solution of substances is alkaline. The higher the figure above seven the greater the strength or intensity of alkalinity will be. Examples of the value of this information to the practical baker and confectioner include:

G The development of rope in bread (see Section 4.1.4). Rope spores cannot grow unless the dough or loaf is lacking in acidity. This degree of acidity is known and provided the pH of the baked product lies between 5.4 and 5.5, rope cannot grow in dough or bread. Testing Methods Chapter | 10 471

G In the manufacture of high-ratio cherry cake, the low viscosity character of the batter does not prevent the cherries from sinking during baking. However, if an addition of tartaric acid is made to the batter to bring the acidity to pH 5.4 or less, then the gluten of the flour is strengthened and batter viscosity increases in the early stages of baking so that the cherries remain suspended during baking (see Section 5.7). High protein, high- ratio cake flour responds even more readily to the use of tartaric acid. 472 Baking Problems Solved

10.2 IN SOME TECHNICAL LITERATURE, THERE IS REFERENCE TO BATTER SPECIFIC GRAVITY OR RELATIVE DENSITY. WHAT IS THIS? HOW IS IT MEASURED? AND WHAT IS ITS RELEVANCE TO CAKE AND SPONGE MAKING? WHY IS THE VOLUME OF THE BAKED PRODUCT REFERRED TO IN TERMS OF SPECIFIC VOLUME? It would seem logical to use the same unit of measurement for expressing the mass concentration of unbaked batters and baked cake products. However, when considering how this property is measured, it becomes clearer why a large part of the industry continues to use the different measures. The density of a substance is its mass (weight) divided by its volume. The amount of air occluded in a batter is monitored by measuring its cup weight, that is, the weight of batter required to fill a cup of known volume. As the same cup size or volume is used for the comparison, the cup weight relates directly to specific gravity (now more commonly known as relative density) and this figure is used in the bakery for process control purposes without having to make any calculations. The lighter the cup and its contents (i.e., the larger the volume of air in the batter), the lower the relative density. Thus, batter relative density and batter specific gravity essentially mea- sure the same property, the degree of aeration of the batter. Batter relative density in cakemaking is most commonly related to product volume; usually, the lower the batter relatively density, the larger the cake volume in a given set of circumstances will be. In contrast, baked products are monitored by measuring their volume, and as this is an important physical characteristic related directly to spe- cific volume, that is the volume of a known mass, so it is convenient to use this term. Thus, practical considerations lead to the continuing use of different units in these circumstances for measuring mass concentration. Testing Methods Chapter | 10 473

10.3 WHAT VALUE IS THERE IN MEASURING COLOUR OF BAKERY PRODUCTS AND HOW CAN WE CARRY OUT THE MEASUREMENTS? The crust and crumb colours of bakery products are important properties and provide important for the bakery with respect to ingredients and processing. Crust colour is one of the immediate features of a bakery product that is seen and recognised by consumers. In most cases, consumers will see ‘devia- tions’ from the normal product crust colour as an indication that the product concerned does not have the quality that they are seeking and so may reject the product as unsuitable. The formation of a particular crust colour is directly related to oven baking conditions and the product formulation. Both are important due to their respec- tive influence on the Maillard reactions (see Section 4.1.14) which are largely responsible for the brown colour of the crust of most bakery products. The Maillard reaction products also contribute to product flavour. The measure- ment of crust colour is not only a useful indicator of variations from the prod- uct norm but can also be used to aid diagnosis of those quality problems which can change the colour. Many of the ingredients used in the manufacture of bakery products make a direct contribution to crumb colour. For example, the intrinsic colour of the flour endosperm will affect bread colour as will the level of ash or bran present in a white flour (see Section 2.2.1). In the case of crumb colour, there is a complication arising from the cellular structure itself as different cell sizes reflect light to different degrees, and this affects the human percep- tion of crumb colour, especially when the crumb is viewed in glancing light. This is an important consideration as this is comparable with the assessment of product colour made by experts and consumers alike. However, it is sepa- rate from the fundamental colour of the product. There are a number of different ways in which colour can be assessed in the bakery. It has become relatively common to measure the crust and crumb colour of bakery products using various forms of colorimeter. The numerical output of a colorimeter is related to standards developed by the Commission Internationale de l’Eclairage and comprises a series of tristimulus (i.e., three) values defined as XYZ which are also related to other defined colour spaces, such as Yxy and Lab. In simple terms, a colour space is a method for expressing the colour of an object using numbers under carefully defined and controlled conditions. A number of different colour spaces have been developed over the years hence the different notations that are encountered. However, the common element to each colour space is that the colour of an object is defined by three values. The different colour values are related mathematically, so it is common for a given colorimeter to have the ability to deliver readings in all of the standard notations. 474 Baking Problems Solved


Saturation Lightness


Black FIGURE 10.2 Schematic of a ‘colour solid’.

One of the earliest ways of expressing colour was developed by an American artist, A.H. Munsell, who devised a method of expressing colour using a series of paper colour chips. He classified the colours according to their hue, lightness and saturation. The principle of this approach is illustrated by the so-called colour solid as shown in Fig. 10.2 which has a spine of lightness values based on white to black. A given colour (hue) around the circumference of the solid will become more saturated (intense) the further the point is on a given radius from the central spine. The Munsell colour chip-based system remains available today and can often be used for visually matching colours in many applications. For exam- ple, for baked product crust colour using a limited number of ‘brown- coloured’ chips. Visually, matching crumb colour with Munsell chips is more difficult due to the effects of cell structure.

Further reading Billmeyer, F.W., Saltzman, M., 1981. Principles of Color Technology, second ed. Wiley- Interscience, New York, NY. Testing Methods Chapter | 10 475

10.4 HOW CAN WE MEASURE THE TEXTURE OF OUR BREAD AND CAKES? CURRENTLY, WE USE A HAND SQUEEZE TEST FOR BREAD AND APPLY A ‘SCORE’ TO THE RESULTS You can measure baked product texture using trained assessors or with instrumentation. The latter has the advantage that the results are objective, and they can be saved on a computer for quick retrieval and comparison with other results. The values measured can be linked to a scoring system when consumer panels have rated the product characteristics being measured. The most appropriate parameters for the texture of bread and cake pro- ducts are firmness (compression of the crumb) and resilience (spring back when pressed). These are the product attributes most commonly linked with consumer perception of ‘freshness’ with bread and cake crumb. In the case of bread and the consumer squeeze test, there is an expectation that bread products are easily squeezed, but the product must also spring back after compression. Spring back is less important with cake crumb but softness remains a key property. There are a number of different instruments capable of measuring crumb softness and resilience. Texture analysers, e.g., Stable Micro Systems TA. XT Plus Texture Analyser, are found in many research and quality testing laboratories using different probes and fixtures according to the type of mea- surement required (Cauvain, 2017). There are a number of different methods which can be employed. One of the common techniques for assessing baked product texture is known as texture profile analysis (TPA) which employs a double compression of the product crumb. The TPA profile of seven texture parameters was first estab- lished by Szczesniak (1963) using sensory panels and related to objective measurement (Bourne, 1978). The measurements made using TPA are strongly correlated to the biting and chewing actions of consumers. Fig. 10.3 shows a typical curve from a TPA test on bread crumb. Although firmness is the component most often measured in assessing texture, several other com- ponents also contribute to overall texture. Crumb resilience can be deter- mined by using relevant software with the appropriate instruments and repeated compressions can be made on the same sample enabling sample adhesiveness and cohesiveness to be measured. When using instruments to assess product texture (or indeed if using sen- sory assessment), it is important to take the measurement in the same loca- tion of each sample to reduce the variations in readings (Cauvain, 1991). The areas close to the crust should be avoided as they will have a dispropor- tionately large effect on the test results because they will tend to be lower in moisture content than the bulk of the product crumb. It is also the case that many baked products, especially fermented products baked in pans, tend to have an uneven density distribution throughout a slice cross-section; usually, the crumb density is lower in the centre of the product than it is near to the 476 Baking Problems Solved






Force (N) Force 2


0 0 5 10 15 20 25 –1 Total travel of probe (mm) FIGURE 10.3 Typical texture profile analysis curve for bread crumb. crust due to cell compression resulting from centre crumb expansion. Both the product moisture content and the sample density impact on sensory and objective texture measurements, and it is advisable to have the relevant data when assessing the results of trials. One instrument which mimics the squeeze test carried out by consumers is the Bread V Squeeze Rig (Cauvain and Young, 2008; Cauvain, 2017). It enables testing of packaged and un-packaged loaves. The rig allows repeatable, scientific analysis of the freshness and appeal of bread. It consists of ‘V’ shaped, rounded ‘fingers’, which are lowered onto the loaf and the force required to compress the bread is measured. The lower the recorded force and the higher the value of springiness, the fresher the loaf. This non- destructive test offers simplicity in operation and speed of assessment as the loaf requires no sample preparation and can be analysed within the packag- ing. It enables the assessment of changes which occur in increased resistance to compression (firming) and a loss of recovery when compressed, i.e., decreased springiness, as the loaf ages.

References Bourne, M., 1978. Texture profile analysis. Food Technol. 32 (July), 6266, 72. Cauvain, S.P., 1991. Evaluating the texture of baked products. S. Afr. J. Food Sci. Nutr. 3 (Nov), 8186. Cauvain, S.P., 2017. The ICC Handbook of Cereals, Flour, Dough & Product Testing: Methods and Applications, second ed. DEStech Publishing Inc, Lancaster, PA. Cauvain, S.P., Young, L.S., 2008. Bakery Food Manufacture and Quality: Water Control and Effects, second ed. Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, UK. Szczesniak, A.S., 1963. Classification of textural characteristic. J. Food Sci. 28 (JulyAugust), 385389. Testing Methods Chapter | 10 477

10.5 HOW CAN WE MEASURE BAKED PRODUCT SHAPE AND VOLUME? There are a number of different methods which can be used to measure vol- ume ranging from relatively simple objective methods to more sophisticated instrumental methods. The choice of which method to use depends, in part, on the type of product involved and the purpose for which the measurements are required. Simple but effective measurements can be made using measuring tapes or calibrated rules to assess bread heights, lengths and breadths. From such measurements, a crude assessment of bread volume can be made by sum- ming the various measurements. In the case of pan bread, the width and length dimensions will be fixed by the pan, so it may simply be sufficient to record product height to assess variations in quality or the effects of ingredi- ent or process changes. The most common and long-established method used to measure bread volume is the one referred to as ‘seed displacement’. In this technique, the volume of a box of fixed dimensions is related to a given weight of seeds, commonly rape seed though pearly barley may also be used. To assess the volume of a loaf or other fermented product, a sample is placed in the box with sufficient space between it and the walls of the box. Seed is then intro- duced to fill the empty space surrounding the sample until it is full. Excess seed is removed by scraping the upper surface level before taking out the sam- ple being measured. The weight of the seed remaining in the box is recorded and compared with the weight of seed required alone to fill the box. As the bulk density of the seed is known, then an estimate of the product volume is given. The equipment required for this type of measurement is relatively sim- ple and can be effectively mechanised. A few commercial examples using this technique exist but often the equipment is ‘home-made’ and related to the par- ticular test bakery product which may be different from commercial products. More recently, the measurements of baked products shape and volume data is being measured using laser scanning with software that allows 2- and 3-D images of the product to be built up (Cauvain, 2017). Essentially, the product profile is assembled by taking a series of very thin ‘slices’ though the product and then integrating the various measurements to output such characteristics as volume, height, breadth. These scanning devices have the advantage of being non-contact and so potential problems with the crushing of delicate products from the introduction of seeds is avoided. Sampling han- dling is also kept to a minimum which is an advantage with delicate products such as laminated pastries. Bread and cake slice shape data may also be combined with the measure- ment of internal features such as cell structure. One such instrument is C-Cell (Cauvain, 2017) which provides 48 different shape and cell structure measurements from slices of bread and cake. 478 Baking Problems Solved

Bread shape and volume data are usually gathered on samples which have been removed from the line for assessment, but with the advent of line- age analysis techniques, it is now possible to collect some of these data online using laser scanners. Products shape and height data can be measured online, and while for some product (e.g., lidded pan bread), the height data can be related to product volume, a true measurement of loaf volume online is not possible.

Reference Cauvain, S.P., 2017. The ICC Handbook of Cereals, Flour, Dough & Product Testing: Methods and Applications, second ed. DEStech Publications Inc, Lancaster, PA. Testing Methods Chapter | 10 479

10.6 WHAT IS THE PHOSPHATASE TEST? Phosphatase is an enzyme associated with animal, insect and microbial activity. The phosphatase test is often used to establish whether or not an insect has been baked in a product or entered after the product has left the oven. It is valid for samples which have been stored for a long time. Even after several years’ storage, dead insects give a strong positive reaction. The materials required are as follows: Buffer solution 3.5-g anhydrous sodium carbonate (analytical grade) and 1.5-g sodium bicarbonate (analytical grade) per litre. (The buffer may be stored for up to 3 months in a tightly stopped container of resistant glass.) Substrate Disodium para-nitrophenol phosphate. Buffer substrate Transfer 0.15 g of the substrate to a 100 mL measuring cylinder and make up to 100 mL with the buffer solution. This solution should not be stored for long periods, but may be kept refrigerated for a week. Testing procedure Rinse the insect or fragments with water and then crush with a glass rod. After mixing the fragments with a few drops of water, transfer to a test tube and make with rinsings with water to about 1 mL. Add 5 mL of buffer substrate and, after mixing, incubate at 37C. Simultaneously, incu- bate a blank comprising 5 mL buffer substrate and 1 mL distilled water. After 30 minutes, compare the colours of the tubes. Normally the pres- ence of phosphatase is indicated by the production of a dark yellow colour within 30 minutes. Weakly positive tubes may require longer for the full colour to develop. A negative result suggests that the insect or fragments hadbeenheated. The disadvantages of the test are as follows:

G The test virtually destroys the sample. G Very small insects do not give a sufficiently strong reaction. G False positive results may be given if the product sample is heavily con- taminated with microorganisms, e.g., moulds. 480 Baking Problems Solved

10.7 WHAT IS THE BOHN’S SPOT TEST AND WHAT IS IT USED FOR? The Bohn’s spot test was developed for use with soda crackers and is designed to test their alkalinity. The test is based on applying a chemical indicator to a broken surface of the products; the colour of the spot which shows indicates the pH of the product. The reagent is phenol red indicator prepared by dissolving 0.02 g phenol red in a small amount of ethyl alcohol and diluting the mixture to 100 mL with distilled water; ready-made solutions may also be available. A drop of distilled water is first placed on the surface of a freshly broken surface of a cracker followed by a drop of the prepared indicator and the colour change observed. The relationship between the colour and the pH of the product is as follows:

Colour pH Range

Lemon yellow Below 7.0 Orange 7.17.4 Pink to red 7.57.7 Reddish purple 7.88.2 Purple Above 8.2

Other reagents which are colour sensitive can be prepared (or obtained) to cover other ranges within the pH scale. Such tests can only be applied to products which are not coloured. In addition to quickly revealing a product pH, spot tests of this type can be used for identifying whether the compo- nents of baking powders are fully reacted because unreacted baking powder components will show as vividly coloured spots against the background colour of the product matrix. An alternative method for determining the cracker pH would be by using a pH meter. Grind about 10 g of the products to a fine powder in a pestle and mortar and suspend the ground material in 100 mL of distilled water, leave for a few minutes before checking the pH with the meter. Chapter 11


11.1 WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THE TERM SYNERISIS WHEN APPLIED TO BREAD? Syneresis is the name given to a particular physical or colloidal change that takes place in starch and other gels as they age. It is caused by crystallisation or aggregation of polymers causing loss of water from the surface of compo- nents. It is common with some starch gels, particularly those subjected to freezing and thawing. The released water may evaporate to be absorbed by other components by diffusion or vapour phase transfer, or may be lost from the product/component causing it to dry out and shrink. It is the change in starch crystallinity that brings about the staling of bread that is a day or two old causing a sensory change equivalent to convey the impression that the bread contains less moisture and therefore to have lost its freshness. Bread may lose actual water during the process of staling, but there are many other changes occurring at the same time which will account for the dry-eating qualities of the bread (Cauvain, 2015). This change in the condition of the starch is sometimes described as the ‘process of syneresis’ and is affected by the temperature and humidity under which the bread is kept. If a loaf is kept for several days, there is bound to be a loss of water by evaporation, but this water will not be lost regularly from the entire loaf. The loss is greatest at the part which is nearest to the crust. It has been shown that the loss of moisture from the centre of a loaf is exceedingly small and at the end of 2 weeks the moisture in the centre of a loaf is almost same as the beginning. It would mean that if the outside portion of the loaf was cut off the interior would be almost as moist eating as a loaf a day old. However, this is not the case in sensory terms. A loaf several days old will be dry eating and stale equally throughout its whole structure. In fact, there is a change in the method by which moisture is held in the loaf. To illustrate this, prepare a stiff starch jelly which can be made and allowed to stand for a day or two. The water will partially separate out and will be seen on the surface whilst the gelatinised starch will seem to have become more solid. We can presume that something similar will occur in bread during storage. The starch will separate slightly from the water it was

Baking Problems Solved. DOI: © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. 481 482 Baking Problems Solved holding at the outset and the particles of bread will become dense and more insoluble, though apparently it does not mean that the small amount of water that has separated out will be evaporated. The bread particles being denser will be harder to mix with saliva in the mouth so that a sensation of dryness and a difficulty in masticating the bread are experienced and make us think that the bread is dry. Another point affecting the condition of the starch is the temperature at which the bread is stored. Bread stored at 4C stales more rapidly than that stored at room temperature or under frozen conditions. At a low temperature of 25C staling does not occur, though the act of freezing and thawing bread us the equivalent of 24 hours storage at ambient (Pence and Standridge, 1955).

References Cauvain, S.P., 2015. Technology of Breadmaking, third ed. Springer Publishing International AG, Switzerland. Pence, J.W., Standridge, N.N., 1955. Effect of storage temperature and freezing on the firming of a commercial bread. Cereal Chem. 32, 519526. What? Chapter | 11 483

11.2 WHAT IS A SUPER-SATURATED SOLUTION? Sugar is soluble in water. Water is therefore the solvent and sugar is the solute. When a solvent is filled with the substance in solution so that it cannot dissolve any more it is said to have formed a ‘saturated’ solution of that substance. To illustrate the principle of super-saturation, start by dissolving as much sugar as possible into some water in a beaker. After adding sugar and constantly stirring the mixture for some time, you will find it impossible to dissolve any more sugar. If you do add more, it will remain undissolved and sink to the bottom of the beaker. If the contents of the beaker are now gently heated, the sugar at the bottom will dissolve, and if more sugar is added to the mixture, it can also be dissolved. This process can be continued until once again the water can dis- solve no more sugar. Again the water is saturated with sugar. It is obvious that the same amount of hot water has more sugar in solution than it could hold when cold. If the solution is then allowed to cool without stirring to the same temperature as the cold solution, the previously warmed solution will contain more sucrose, it will actually be a cold ‘super-saturated’ solution. If a quantity of water at boiling point in which is dissolved as much sugar as it can hold is continued to be heated then as the solution boils water is driven off but the amount of sugar remains the same. This results in a hot super-saturated solution. The longer the solution is heated, the less water remains and the greater the degree of super-saturation. This causes a rise in temperature which continues to increase until not only is all the water driven off but the sugar decomposes. At any stage between the production of a super-saturation until caramelisation occurs, the solution is in a very unstable condition. It would be easy to understand how simple it would be to cause the sugar to form again as crystals, and very little agitation, or merely the addition of a single crystal of sugar will cause the whole of the sugar to crystallise out again. This must be guarded against in the boiling of sugar and is also seen in some icings as surface eruptions. To prevent the mass from graining through the ebullition of boiling liquid, an acid (usually cream of tartar) is added or an amorphous sugar, such as corn syrup, which effectively does the work of preventing graining taking place until it is required to happen. The formation of saturated and super-saturated solutions has particular relevance to the baking of cakes, biscuit and cookies where they contribute to structure formation, such as flow with cookies. The preparation of icings and fondants relies on the careful cooling of a super-saturated solution and the prevention of recrystallisation and the formation of graininess in the final product. 484 Baking Problems Solved

11.3 I HAVE HEARD THE TERMS ‘GLYCAEMIC INDEX’ AND ‘GLYCAEMIC LOAD’ USED WHEN DESCRIBING BAKERY PRODUCTS. WHAT ARE THEY AND WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE? Both terms are used to describe the way food is digested by the body. The glycaemic index (GI) of a food measures its immediate effect on blood glu- cose levels over a short period of time following ingestion of a food. It is the blood glucose profile of 50 g of available carbohydrate in a test food com- pared with 50 g of glucose. On the index, glucose is taken as 100 since it causes the greatest and most rapid rise in blood glucose all other foods are rated in comparison to glucose. GI is a measure of how quickly a particular food triggers a rise in blood sugar level and the rate blood sugar level drops off. It is a physiological measure of how fast, and to what extent, a carbohydrate food affects blood glucose levels. The type of carbohydrate in a food influences blood sugar levels. GI has its limitations in that it can only be accurately measured from a blood sample. It only measures the ‘available’ carbohydrate and ingredients that reduce digestability such as resistant starches are not taken into account as they are digested later in the lower intestine. Processing can change a food’s GI value. Fat, protein and a lower pH in a food all reduce product GI. The table below shows the GI categories that foods can be placed in (the sugar glucose has a ranking of 100).

GI Rating

Low ,36 Medium 3650 High .50

The glycaemic load (GL) of a food is an expression of how much impact or power the food will have in affecting blood glucose levels. It is calculated by taking the percentage of the food’s carbohydrate content per portion and multiplying it by its GI value % carbohydrate per portion 3 GI GL 5 100 GL is thus a measure that incorporates both the quantity and quality of the dietary carbohydrates consumed. For example, the GL of one slice of a seeded loaf is only eight. In contrast, a slice of brown or white bread has a GL of 16. This means that ordinary brown or white bread will spike blood glucose levels (higher GL), and the seeded loaf will not (lower GL). In addi- tion, the GL of a roll (equivalent to two slices of bread) is more than 20, and What? Chapter | 11 485 that of a bagel (equivalent to three slices of bread) is more than 30. In simple terms the GI indicates the extent to which a food will raise blood glucose levels, whereas the GL is the ‘power’ or ‘push’ behind the GI. A comparison of the GI and GL for some typical bakery foods is given below.

Product Carbohydrate concentration GI GL (typical portion)

White bread 45 40 Wholemeal bread 47 50 ,70 (1 slice) Crackers 60 80 ,5 (1 biscuit) Shortbread biscuit 68 55 ,5 (1 biscuit)

Satiety is another term linked to GI; it is a measure of the time a food gives us a feeling of ‘fullness’. A food which is high in carbohydrates with low GI take longer to digest and so give the feeling of ‘fullness’ for a longer period of time. The term has come to the fore more recently with the con- cerns over obesity and the drive towards healthier eating. An index of Satiety has been drawn up (Holt, 1998) and examples are given below (com- pared with white bread with index of 100), but the credibility of this approach has yet to achieve universal acceptance.

Product Satiety index (%)

Wholemeal bread 157 Cake 65 Cookies 120 Croissant 47 Crackers 127

Reference Holt, S. (1998) Diabetes Interview, May, pp. 1, 1214. 486 Baking Problems Solved

11.4 WHAT ARE PRO- AND PREBIOTICS AND HOW CAN THEY BE USED IN OUR BREAD PRODUCTS? A probiotic is a living microorganism considered beneficial to the human body, particularly in the functioning of the gut. These beneficial bacteria are found naturally in various fermented foods, e.g., yoghurt, but do not survive heat and so would be destroyed by the high temperatures employed in baking and so have no significant role in the technological formulation of bakery products. Prebiotics are non-digestible dietary fibres that provide a food source for beneficial bacteria and enhance the benefits of probiotics. Bifidobacteria (good bacteria) contribute to health by enabling the digestive system to pro- duce short chain fatty acids that lower the pH in the digestive system. This in turn helps to increase the absorption of the minerals calcium and magne- sium in the body. The intestine contains 7080% of the body’s immune cells and about the same number of neurons as in the spinal cord. Prebiotic dietary fibres are found naturally in plants and can, in some cases, be produced by enzymatic conversion from sugar. They pass unaltered through the stomach and are fermented by gut microflora and selectively stimulate the growth and activities of bacteria. The high molecular weight sugars referred to as oligo- saccharides dominate this category and they include fructooligosaccharides (FOS), inulin, arabinogalactans and lactulose. FOS and inulin are particularly favoured by lactobacilli and bifidobacter- ia in the gut. Lactobacilli can convert sugars into lactic acid, inhibiting the proliferation of certain harmful bacteria, while also lowering the pH of the gut. Bifidobacteria convert dietary fibre to lactic acid. Inulin and oligofructose are made from chicory root (good source) and are also found in artichokes, leeks, onions and garlic. In their pure form they have a clean taste and are hygroscopic (prevent water loss) and when used in cereal bars help keep them soft-easting. They increase beneficial bifidobac- tria in the colon by creating a barrier effect thus reducing the potential impact of ‘bad’ bacteria such as salmonella and clostridia. The use of prebiotics, such as inulin, in bread products has been part of a growing market of health-promoting speciality products. They can be incor- porated at low levels in bakery formulations. The structure and colour of the product into which they are incorporated should be monitored. If you are going to use prebiotic ingredients you should check that they are approved for use in your geographical location. You should also check the validity of any health claims that you make and whether they are permissible for use in marketing and promoting any products containing prebiotics.

Further reading Myers, S. (2006). The Functionality of Probiotics and Prebiotics: Bringing Life to Functional Foods and Beverages. What? Chapter | 11 487

11.5 CAN YOU PLEASE EXPLAIN THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN HYDRATION AND HYDROLYSIS? WHAT IS THEIR RELEVANCE TO THE MANUFACTURE OF BAKED GOODS? Hydration and hydrolysis refer to reactions which involve water. Hydration is the addition of water to a substance, whereas hydrolysis indicates those chemical changes in which water reacts with a substance to yield two or more products. Hydration is the more familiar term in baking because it is a necessary first step in the formation of doughs and batters. In breadmaking, the hydra- tion of the flour proteins during mixing aids the formation of the disulphide bonds which are an important element of dough development. Hydration of the flour proteins also occurs in the manufacture of biscuits, cakes and pas- tries, but in the case of these products, the development of a gluten network is limited by recipe and process factors. The processes of hydration and hydrolysis are best understood by consid- ering the reactions between water and starch in baked products. When starch is mixed with water the granules become hydrated; that is water penetrates the granules and this is part of the process related to the water absorption capacity of the flour (see Section 2.2.3). In wheat flour, it is the damaged starch which are most rapidly hydrated, and they absorb about four times of water that will be absorbed by the undamaged granules (Cauvain, 2015). The hydration of starch leads to hydrolysis. However, for the hydrolysis to occur with wheat starch, both alpha- and beta-amylase enzymes need to be present. In most cases, both enzymes are present and so are able to catalyse the hydrolysis reaction. The full hydrolysis reaction may be described as follows:

Starch1waterðin the presence of amylase enzymesÞyields glucose1fructose

The above equation is a simplified version of a complex reaction which takes place in the manufacture of baked products. The heat which is intro- duced during baking inactivates the enzymes and overall process times are too short for the full conversion of all of the starch to sugars. This is just as well because starch is an important component in baked product structure, even in bread with its extensive gluten network. A substantial part of the starch is not hydrolysed, and in baked products, there are a series of sub- stances which are intermediate between starch and sugars; most notable of which are the dextrins which can give rise to problems with bread quality.

Reference Cauvain, S.P., 2015. Technology of Breadmaking, third ed. Springer Publishing International AG, Switzerland. 488 Baking Problems Solved

11.6 WHAT IS MEANT BY THE TERM ‘GLASS TRANSITION TEMPERATURE’ AND WHAT IS ITS RELEVANCE TO BAKING? In simple terms, the glass transition temperature refers to the temperature below which a food will be stable, i.e., not change, when stored for long per- iods of time. It is commonly referred to by the notation Tg. The glass transi- tion temperature of a particular food is unique to that food and is directly related to its composition. The stability of a food refers to both its physical, chemical and microbial condition. The concept of glass transition comes from polymer science. The compo- sition of bakery foods is a mixture of complex polymers (e.g., the starch and proteins). Above its Tg, a bakery food is considered to exist in a ‘rubbery’ state. The use of the word rubbery does not refer to the texture of a product but indicates that it is unstable and likely to undergo change during storage; the staling of bread is an obvious example as the product increases in firm- ness even though there may be no loss in overall moisture during storage (Cauvain, 2015). If the temperature at which the bread is stored is lowered a point is eventually reached at which firming stops, this is the Tg for that bread and the product is now said to be in a ‘glassy’ state. In the glassy state, the product will have a very long shelf-life because the water in the product is effectively immobilised in the product. Materials may have a number of glassy states depending on how the glass has been formed (Roos, 2007). The rate at which a bakery product cools to reach its Tg has a significant effect on how the water molecules become immobilised in the product and this how it will behave in storage. Many bakery products are stored and consumed at temperatures at which they exist in a rubbery state and this limits their microbial and sensory shelf- lives. This knowledge of a product’s Tg and in particular how to manipulate it through reformulation to achieve a more stable storage state has significant practical implications for the development of bakery products. One of the difficulties facing bakers is that the glass transition concept is not easily applied in the practice of product reformulation. More readily applied is the measurement or calculation of water activity [or equilibrium relative humidity (ERH)], and it is this property that finds most practical use in baking (Cauvain and Young, 2008).

References Cauvain, S., 2015. Technology of Breadmaking, third ed. Springer Publishing International, Switzerland. Cauvain, S.P., Young, L.S., 2008. Bakery Food Manufacture and Quality: Water Control and Effects, second ed. Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, UK. Roos, Y.R., 2007. Water activity and glass transition. In: Barbosa-Canovas, G.V., Fontana Jr., A.J., Schmidt, S.J., Labuza, T.P. (Eds.), Water Activity in Foods: Fundamentals and Applications. Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, UK, pp. 2948. What? Chapter | 11 489

11.7 WHAT DOES THE TERM MVTR MEAN WHEN APPLIED TO PACKAGING, AND WHAT IS THE RELEVANCE TO BAKED PRODUCTS? MVTR stands for moisture vapour transpiration rate, and when applied to packaging material, it is a measure of the rate at which moisture passes through a wrapping material. In metric units, it is a measure of the grams of moisture which would pass through 1 square metre of packaging material per 24 hours at a temperature of 38C in an atmosphere of 90% relative humid- ity. In the USA, a similar term water vapour transpiration rate is used and is expressed in grams per 100 square inches per 24 hours at 100F with 90% relative humidity. For example, a 25μm gauge basic coextruded polypropylene film might have a MVTR of 5 g/m2/24 hours at 38C. Moisture- impermeable films would have a zero MVTR. Packaging is used for baked products to preserve optimum product qual- ity and prevent contamination by microorganisms or other means, to protect them from physical damage and to make them attractive and to deliver ingre- dient, nutritional and other information to consumers. When purchasing packaging materials for baked products, the baker has to decide whether it is advantageous or not to the product for moisture to pass out through the wrapping film or whether the packaging needs to pre- vent moisture escaping or entering the pack. In the case of biscuits, using a moisture-impermeable wrapper is about restricting the risk of moisture being absorbed from the atmosphere by the product which could result in softening of the product texture rather than retention of its crunchy-eating character. The consumer would perceive this softening as a staling of the product. The permeability of packaging materials can affect moisture migration in the product by affecting the relative humidity of the atmosphere surrounding the product (Cauvain and Young, 2008). Packaging materials with low MVTR create high relative humidities in the pack atmosphere, and this means that an equilibrium can be reached between product and atmosphere. The impact on product quality will depend on factors like the ERH of the product since products with low ERHs lose water less readily. Packaging films can be used to keep the product’s key attributes for a longer period as the type used influences the rate of moisture movement both within and from the product, and therefore the product freshness. An example is bread packaged in a moisture-impermeable film, the product reaches equilibrium fairly quickly, with the crust softening but with little loss of moisture from the product overall. This situation is suited to pan bread character but not to crusty breads. In crusty breads, some extension of freshness, i.e., retention of crust crispness, can be achieved by allowing some moisture to escape from the product to the surrounding atmosphere so that there is always a moisture gradient throughout the product. The negative 490 Baking Problems Solved

FIGURE 11.1 Perforated film with crusty bread product. side to this approach is that the crumb moisture content falls rapidly to a level that is organoleptically unacceptable. A perforated film is most com- monly used to slow down moisture loss from crusty products while trying to retain crust crispness (see Fig. 11.1). The permeability of the wrapper may be deliberately increased to main- tain the eating quality of the product. For example, semi-permeable wrappers may be used to prevent pastry products from reaching equilibrium with their fillings thereby maintaining pastry crispness. The link between the type of packaging and the quality of stored foods is discussed in some detail by Stollman et al. (1996). The volume of air enclosed in the pack has a significant role to play as the amount of moisture that can evaporate depends on the mass of moisture that can be held by the air in the pack. Fluctuating temperatures, e.g., in transport or storage, can create significant problems as the mass of water that the air is capable of holding varies with temperatures. Wrapped products moving from high to low temperatures are at risk from condensation with subsequent quality losses and increased risks of microbial growth.

References Cauvain, S.P., Young, L.S., 2008. Bakery Food Manufacture and Quality: Water Control and Effects. Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, UK. Stollman, U., Johansson, F., Leufven, A., 1996. Packaging and food quality. In: Man, C.M.D., Jones, A.A. (Eds.), Shelf Life Evaluation of Foods. Blackie Academic & Professional, London, UK, pp. 4051. What? Chapter | 11 491

11.8 WHAT IS MEANT BY THE TERM ‘MODIFIED ATMOSPHERE PACKAGING’ AND HOW CAN WE USE THIS APPROACH IN THE PRODUCTION OF BAKED PRODUCTS? Modified atmosphere packaging is the term used to describe the way the atmosphere surrounding a product in its packaging material is changed from air to some other combination of gases to extend its mould-free shelf-life (MFSL). It is also known as ‘gas flushing’. The gases employed are usually carbon dioxide or nitrogen, commonly as a mixture of the two. This form of preservation is suitable for many types of baked product, and whilst it has cost implications, it does not affect product flavour, aroma or appearance, and it may not need to be declared as an ingredient on the product label. Carbon dioxide has an inhibitory effect on the growth of aero- bic microorganisms such as moulds. The greater the concentration of CO2, the greater is the preservation effect (Cauvain, 2015). In some cases, it can give up to 400% additional shelf-life days. It is often used for higher value products. It is known that some moulds are more affected than others, e.g., those present on shorter shelf-life products such as breads are less sensitive than those present on cakes with a lower ERH. Fig. 11.2 shows the typical increases in MFSL for different bakery products at different concentrations of CO2. As the packaging atmosphere is gaseous, it has the advantage of pro- tecting all surfaces of the product. The inert gas nitrogen can also be used as the flushing gas though it does not exhibit any anti-mould activity. It is the fact that the nitrogen replaces the oxygen and causes the atmosphere surrounding the product to become anaerobic that inhibits mould growth. In this case, the percentage of nitrogen in the headspace must be at least 99% by volume and great care must be taken with the seals and wrapping material to ensure that no oxygen (as air) can enter the pack. Nitrogen is more commonly used along with CO2 to pre- vent the package collapsing as CO2 is absorbed into the product.

500 400 Madiera cake 300 200 Crumpets, fruit 100 pies free shelf-life %

Increase in mould- 0 Rye bread, bread 0 20406080100 rolls

Average CO2 concentration (% by volume) FIGURE 11.2 Increase in mould-free shelf-life of various bakery products packaged in differ- ent concentrations of CO2. 492 Baking Problems Solved

Whether using carbon dioxide or nitrogen care must be taken over the integrity of the seals of the packaging and the permeability of the packaging material which is often laminated. If longer increases in shelf-life are required, then a gas impermeable material should be used.

Reference Cauvain, S.P., 2015. Technology of Breadmaking, third ed. Springer Publishing International AG, Switzerland. What? Chapter | 11 493

11.9 WE HAVE HEARD PEOPLE REFERRING TO SYNERGY IN THE USE OF INGREDIENTS IN BAKING PROCESSES, WHAT IS THIS PROCESS AND CAN YOU IDENTIFY ANY EXAMPLES? Synergy can be said to have occurred when the combined effect of a com- posite addition of two or more ingredients is greater than the sum of the indi- vidual contributions. In simple terms, it is like saying that if each of two ingredients contribute two units of effect then the end benefit of adding them in combination is greater than four, in other words it is a case of 2 1 2 5 5. In many cases when you encounter the term being used in bak- ing parlance, it is being used to describe ‘additive’ effects when 2 1 2 5 4. The term is most commonly used in connection with the mixture of com- ponents that characterise bread improvers and dough conditioners and most usually linked with dough or bread quality improvements in terms of loaf volume and crumb softness. A well-documented instance of synergy is that related to the addition of ascorbic acid and potassium bromate in the manufacture of bread. The past use of potassium bromate and ascorbic acid in the Chorleywood bread pro- cess (Cauvain and Young, 2006) was an example of synergy in that the com- bined action was not from an interaction between the two oxidants but from individual reactions with different thiol groups of the flour proteins that were unique to each of the two oxidants. It is also known that the application of partial vacuum during mixing with the Chorleywood bread process had a direct impact on the synergy and different mixers can also influence the degree of synergy by changing the availability of oxygen. Another example of synergy is the increased effectiveness of antimicrobial ingredients when the pH of a bakery product is lowered. In this case, the microorganisms are confronted with so-called ‘hurdle’ effects. The opportu- nities for using pH to control microbial growth on bakery products are rela- tively limited because most baked products have pHs in the range 5.07.5, and in this range, most microorganisms will remain active. However, the com- bination of preservative and pH can be very effective. For example, Cauvain and Young (2008) cite data showing that in cake (92% ERH) treated with the addition 1000-ppm sorbic acid, lowering the pH from 7.0 to 5.0 increased the MFSL of the product from around 5 to 21 days. The addition of the sorbic acid alone had only increased the shelf-life by 1 day (i.e., 4 to 5 days).

References Cauvain, S.P., Young, L.S., 2006. The Chorleywood Bread Process. Woodhead Publishing Ltd, Cambridge, UK. Cauvain, S.P., Young, L.S., 2008. Bakery Food Manufacture and Quality: Water Control and Effects, second ed. Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, UK. 494 Baking Problems Solved

11.10 WHAT ARE POLYOLS AND HOW ARE THEY USED IN BAKING? Polyols, or polyhdric alcohols to use the full descriptor, is a term used to cover a wide range of sugar alcohols, that is ingredients derived from the reduction of sugars (both mono and polysaccharides). They have some com- mon attributes including that they have fewer calories per gram than sugar and are not associated with tooth decay. Because of these two properties, polyols are often seen to be alternatives to sugars, especially in cakes and biscuits, especially in the context of calorie reduced products. This some- times leads to the claim that polyols can be used as fat-replacers, but in prac- tice, they supply none of the functionality of fat in baked products. Among their other properties polyols have a cooling effect on the tongue and do not readily take part in Maillard browning reactions. A particularly important property of some of the polyols is that their addition will lower the water activity of a product with the benefits of increasing the MFSL of pro- ducts. For example, sorbitol solids are twice as effective as sucrose (weight for weight) at lowering product water activity and so may be used in cake formulations to increase ambient shelf-life. Polyols affect the glass transition temperature of baked products and so may be used in product formulations for frozen products to minimise product changes as the result of from storage or to encourage changes in product eat- ing character, see Fig. 11.3 (Cauvain, 1998). Polyols have a significant impact on starch gelatinisation characteristics so that when used in cake making they will affect product shape. One of the negative features of polyols and their use is that high levels can contribute a laxative effect in the human body. For this reason, their

Sucrose 0.5 Lactitol Sorbitol 0.45




Cake crumb cohesiveness 0.25

0.2 020406080100 Frozen storage time (days) FIGURE 11.3 Effect polyols and freezing on cake crumbliness. What? Chapter | 11 495 levels of daily consumption may be subject to mandatory and voluntary restrictions, especially in products aimed at children or the elderly. You should check the position for your own part of the world before undertaking any product development as this may limit the practical levels of addition that you might make. Remember that if you use more than one polyol, it is the total of their addition which must be used in making any estimates as to likely daily consumption. Examples of polyols include:

G Sorbitol, 2.6 calories/g, approximately 5070% sweetness of sucrose, used in cakes to lower water activity (see above), available as an aqueous-based liquid. G Xylitol, 2.4 calories/g, 100% sweetness of sucrose, used in special dietary foods. G Maltitol, 2.1 calories/g, approximately 75% sweetness of sucrose, used in cakes and chocolate. G Isomalt, 2.0 calories/g, approximately 4565% sweetness of sucrose, used in wafers. G Lactitol, 2.0 calories/g, approximately 3040% sweetness of sucrose, used in cakes, cookies and chocolate. G Mannitol, 1.6 calories/g, approximately 5070% sweetness of sucrose, used in chocolate flavoured coatings. G Erythritol, 0.2 calories/g, approximately 6080% sweetness of sucrose, used in low calorie foods. G Hydrogenated starch hydrolysates, 3.0 calories/g, approximately 2550% sweetness of sucrose, used in low calories foods. G Fructo-oligosaccharide, derived from sugar beet, 2.0 calories/g, approxi- mately 30% sweetness of sucrose, used in cakes, cookies, crackers and biscuits. G Tagatose, derived from lactose, 1.5 calories/g, approximately 92% sweet- ness of sucrose, used in frostings and fillings. G Trehalose, occurs in nature (e.g., honey), commercially derived from corn starch, 4 calories/g, approximately 50% sweetness of sucrose, used in frosting and fillings, claimed to have cryoprotectant effect on protein structures and cell structures which may be dehydrated or frozen. The lat- ter claim is commonly linked with freezing bakers’ yeast.

Reference Cauvain, S.P., 1998. Improving the control of staling in frozen bakery products. Trends Food Sci. Technol. 9, 5661. Further reading Nelson, A.L., 2000. Sweetners: Alternative. Eagan Press, St. Paul, MN. 496 Baking Problems Solved

11.11 WHAT IS ACRYLAMIDE? WHERE DOES IT COME FROM AND HOW DO WE LIMIT IT? Acrylamide is a neuoptoxin suspected to be a carcinogen in animals and humans. It is formed as a result of side reactions that take place in starchy/ high carbohydrate foods alongside the Maillard reaction and in the presence of asparagines, a reducing sugar (such as glucose) and heat (baking, frying or toasting). Asparagine is a natural occurring amino acid present in some protein-rich raw materials of plant origin which includes grains and flours. The levels of acrylamide which form in baked products are very low and only occur at temperatures above 120C. This means than any acrylamide which is present is most commonly associated with the crust of baked products. It can be limited by controlling the formation of the precursors to acryl- amide (mainly asparagines) by altering the mechanisms by which it is formed; e.g., by reducing the temperatures and time in baking or reducing or replacing some of the acrylamide-promoting ingredients, such as the reduc- ing sugars, in the formulation. It is claimed that when using some types of processing, such as prolonged fermentation, acrylamide formation can be minimised. Introducing steam in the final part of baking has been shown to reduce the formation of acrylamide ( It has also been shown to be limited by the addition of ingredients such as free glycine (another naturally occurring amino acid), but it should be noted that adding high quantities of glycine to bread dough may lead to reduced yeast activity. Some ingredient manufacturers have developed enzyme preparations based on aspariginase from Aspergillus niger or Aspergillus oryzae or bacte- ria as part of an acrylaimde reduction strategy (de Boer et al., 2005). These enzymes convert asparagines into another naturally occurring amino acid called aspartate or aspartic acid. This means that the asparagine is no longer available for taking part in the acrylamide-forming reaction, and it is claimed that such enzymes do not affect the nutritional properties, browning or taste aspects of products. In the EU, the Confederation of the Food and Drink Industries (CIAA) has released a series of ‘Toolbox’ guides advising manufacturers on how they can reduce acrylamide in the manufacture of foods (

Reference de Boer, L., Meermans, C.E.M., Meima, R.B., 2005. Reduction of acrylamide formation in bak- ery products by application of Aspergillius niger asparaginase. In: Cauvain, S.P., Salmon, S.E., Young, L.S. (Eds.), Using Cereal Science and Technology for the Benefit of Consumers. Woodhead Publishing Ltd, Cambridge, UK. What? Chapter | 11 497

11.12 WHAT IS OSMOTIC PRESSURE AND WHAT IS ITS RELEVANCE TO BAKING? Osmotic pressure refers to the concentration of soluble particles in two solu- tions which are separated by a permeable membrane; this is a membrane which can allow the free intermingling of the two solutions. This intermin- gling will occur if the concentration of soluble particles on one side of the membrane is different to that on the other side. The natural movement is for the particles in the concentrated solution to move through the membrane to the diluter solution. Eventually, the concentrations of the two solutions will become equal, and at that moment, the osmotic pressure will become zero. Thus osmotic pressure can only exist when the concentration of particles in the two solutions are unequal. Osmotic pressure is particularly relevant to yeast fermentation. The con- tents of the yeast cell are contained within a double cell wall; this is the equivalent of the membrane described above. There are many soluble materi- als dissolved within the water inside the yeast cell and thus when cells are placed in contact with other solutions which have a different concentration to that within the cell an osmotic pressure gradient will be set up. This gradi- ent will affect the movement of materials through the yeast cell wall mem- branes in either direction and in doing so can affect both the integrity of the cells and their efficacy. The principle is illustrated in Fig. 11.4. The most practical implications of osmotic pressure in baking are related to the impact of salts and sugars on fermentation. The most commonly observed effects are the ‘liquification’ of yeast if it comes into direct contact with undissolved salts and sugars. Because of their affinity for water, salts and sugars will draw the water from within the cells (i.e., there is a high osmotic pressure) and a pool of liquid forms. The practical consequences of such an interaction is that the integrity and vitality of the yeast cells are disrupted with subsequent negative effects in breadmaking. Even the concentration of salts and sugars in the water of the dough formulation can have a negative effect on fermentation but because of the dilution the effect is not as dramatic.

Water Water

Yeast cell membrane

FIGURE 11.4 Principle of osmotic pressure across the yeast cell membrane. Black dots repre- sent soluble particles in water. Left, equal concentrations No osmotic pressures; middle and right, unequal concentrations with direction of water flow across the membrane as indicated. 498 Baking Problems Solved

11.13 WHAT IS RESISTANT STARCH? Starch is a carbohydrate which consists of long chains of glucose molecules linked together. Although many starches are readily broken down into glu- cose molecules by enzymic action in the human digestive system, some types of starch are more resistant to digestion in the large intestine than others and are considered in medical terms to act like dietary fibre and so are known by the generic descriptor ‘resistant starch’. The term actually covers four types of resistant starch:

G RS1 Considered to be physically inaccessible as part of intact or partly milled grains. G RS2 Resistant starch granules in their ‘natural’ form as might be found in , green bananas, some legumes and high amylose starches. G RS3 Retrograded starches from typical sources such as cooked and cooled potato, bread crusts and some flaked products. G RS4 Includes a wide range of modified starches. As noted above, some resistant starches occur naturally (RS1 and RS2), whereas others are formed during normal food processing (RS3) or by delib- erate modification of the properties of a basic starch (RS4). More than one form of resistant starch can exists in the bakery product. Bread is the most common bakery product to contain resistant starch. Resistant starches may be considered, in dietary terms, to be the equiva- lent of soluble fibre and as such to make a positive contribution to well- being as that of dietary fibre. Although the physiological effects of resistant starch may be similar to that of dietary fibre, resistant starches do not neces- sarily analyse as dietary fibre so care must be taken if they are to be used as part of any health-related claims for a food in which they are used. A technological benefit of using resistant starches is that many of them are able to hold greater quantities of water in their structure than un-modified starches. What? Chapter | 11 499

11.14 WHAT ARE THE ORIGINS OF THE COTTAGE LOAF? Bread is made and baked in a variety of shapes and sizes, one of these being the ‘cottage’ loaf. Its origins are not known for certain. There would not seem to be any particular reason why a loaf should be made from two moulded dough pieces and then assembled one on top of the other before baking. Loaves made in this fashion have been known for hundreds of years. In ancient times a loaf called a Nastus, was made in this form and Nicostratus an ancient poet, wrote of it as follows: Such was the size, O Master, of the Nastus, A large white loaf. It was so deep; its top Rose like a tower quite above its basket; Its smell when that the top was lifted up, Rose up, a fragrance not unmixed with honey. Although there would not seem to be any misunderstanding nowadays as to what is meant by a cottage loaf, there seems little available information as to how it has obtained and retained its name. It is possible that many years ago, when baking was largely done at home, and where accommodation was limited and family sizes larger than today, the housewife had to invent some means of getting sufficient bread baked to satisfy the demands of the family. By placing one ‘cake’ of bread on top of another, keeping the top smaller than the bottom so that it would not topple over in the oven or come into contact with the walls of the oven the housewife created a single loaf com- posed of two ‘cakes’ of bread. The two ‘cakes’ were held together by a deep indentation (perhaps by the baker’s elbow) made vertically downwards from the upper into the lower portion. This of course is supposition, but in all probability, it was lack of space in the oven that first made the cottager experiment with one loaf on top of another and so evolved what easily might be called the ‘cottager’s’ loaf, which has now become a cottage loaf. A variation of the loaf is one called a ‘cottage brick’ where two brick-shaped dough pieces were baked on top of the other. The cutting or ‘notching’ of the product is as much about controlling loaf shape as it is about providing a distinctive appearance (see Fig. 11.5). Both versions of the cottage loaf are notoriously difficult to make. Each part, head and base, is processed separately and then combined before final proof is reached. It is also important to get the balance of weights right between the head and base and that care is taken that the two surfaces which are to be joined are flat with the pressure of joining the pieces applied right through the base; often punching the end of a thin pastry roller though the two pieces will make an effective join. In the prover and the early stages of baking, the pressure build-up in the base dough can cause the whole loaf to topple over if the balance of weights is not judged correctly (Fig. 11.6). 500 Baking Problems Solved

FIGURE 11.5 Cottage loaf cutting.

FIGURE 11.6 Incorrect dough piece weights in the manufacture of a cottage loaf.

Further reading David, E., 1977. English Bread and Yeast Cookery. Allen Lane, London, UK, pp. 203204. Index

Note: Page numbers followed by “f ” and “t” refer to figures and tables, respectively.

A Aspariginase, 496 Acetic acid, 107108, 158 Aspartate, 496 Acids Aspartic acid, 496 added to puff pastry, 338 Autolysis, 125 correct proportions in baking powders, 130 dark spots from undissolved, 306 B fast and slow acting, 290 Bacillus subtilis, 158 white cake batters, 277 Bacterial alpha-amylase, 139140 Acrylamide, 496 Baguette, 156157, 161 Activated Dough Development (ADD), 142 Baked custards, 364 Additives, 133. See also Improvers Baked products Aeration of whipped cream, 406 acrylamide, 496 Air classification, 67 Chinese steamed bread and CBP, 232233 Alcohol cinnamon twist bread, 234 addition in cakes, 284 colour measurement, 89, 35 Aleurone layer, 56 doughnut, 217, 226, 426428 Alkalis, 130 extended mould-free shelf-life, 95, 102, All-butter shortbread, 305 107108, 412, 431, 491 Almond farls, 422 macaroons, 404 flour Tortilla, 431 paste, 392, 394 fragility of defrosted finger rolls, 231 ‘Alpha gel’ GMS, 105106 GI categories, 484 Alpha-amylase glass transition temperature, 116, 461, 488, activity, 5860, 114, 140f, 155 494 forms, 139140 glycaemic index and load sources, 139 comparison of some typical bakery Alveograph, 53 foods, 485 Amino compounds, 179 hamburger buns, 118, 143, 219220, 224 Ammonium bicarbonate, 308, 318 hydration and hydrolysis, 487 Ammonium carbonate (vol), 301, 303, 380 ingredients synergy in baking processes, Amylograph Units, 64 493 Amylopectin, 114, 116, 139, 223 lack of gloss of fondant, 399 Amylose, 69, 114, 116, 139, 223 Milton Keynes Process, 465466 Analysis, 911 modified atmosphere packaging, 491492 Anthocyanin, 260 mould-free shelf-life with different

Antistaling agents, 116, 209 concentrations of CO2, 491, 491f Antistaling enzymes, 114, 116 perforated film with crusty bread, 490f Apple pie filling, 412 polyols, 431, 494495 Arabinogalactans, 486 pro and pre-biotics, 486 Arabinoxylans, 56 retarding rolls, 230 Arbinose, 114115 scones, 383, 385391 Ascorbic acid (AA), 136137 Staffordshire oatcakes, 421 Ash, 4346, 61, 231, 357, 473 stains around fruit pieces, 229 Asparagine, 496 vacuum cooling principles, 467

501 502 Index

Bakers’ chocolate, 418419 sugar level reduction, 320 Bakers’ yeast surface cracking, 316f fermentation, 34, 97, 224 wafer sheet breaking, 325 lag phase, 127 Blackcurrants, 260 precautions in handling, 123124 Blackgram, 432433 types, 128129 Bleaching, 138 Bakery fats, 7980 Bleeding, 259 Baking Blind crumpets, 415 changes in bread dough during, 185186 Blisters, 8182 changes in cake during, 274275 Blocking out, 369 conditions, 155, 179, 190, 244, 246, Bloomer, 168, 180, 191193, 191f 278280, 288, 292, 317, 364365, Blueberries, 260 370, 373, 384, 473 Boards, cake, 250 Baking powder Bohn’s spot test, 480 correct proportions of acid and alkali, 130 Boil-out, 373 insufficient in sponge cake, 288 Bottom crust detached, cake, 289290 level and sponge cake, 286287, 287f Brabenders Amylographs,64 Balady bread, 435 Brabenders Extensographs,76 Banbury biscuits, 328 Bramley apples, 414 Barley, 40, 63, 112, 438 Bran, 341 Batter Bread improvers, 133134 changes in properties with time, 291 Bread rolls. See Rolls: bread conversion to cake in the oven, 274 Bread V Squeeze rig, 476 curdled, 238 Bread/breadmaking, 153 discolouration from fruit, 260 ascorbic acid, 172, 195 freezing cake batters, 246 balady bread, 435 gluten formation in wafer batters, 327 bloomer, 180, 193 pikelet, 416 CBP, 170 slab cake cottage loaf, 499500 batter temperature and quality of cake, crusty bread, 187188, 199 239 dough. See Dough specific gravity and relative density, 472 effects of changing proof time, 178 viscosity, 266 final moulder, 161162, 450 Baumkuchen, 297298 flying top, 201 Benzoates, 111 Grant loaf, 440 Beta-amylase, 114, 139, 487 heat balance calculation, 173f Bifidobacteria, 486 ice crystals in bread pack, 461f Billets, 360 ingredient and processing factors affecting Biscuits and cookies quality, 12 coated biscuits, 312, 326 kebab bread, 434 dark brown spots, 285 keyholing, 3, 5f fat level reduction, 9192 low volume, 4 impact of fat solids on cookie weight, 317f optimum dough temperature, 172 impacts of sugar crystal size, 319320 pan bread, 153154, 161167, 193, 198 role of dough and batter temperatures, part-baked breads, 465 299302 production of carbon dioxide by yeast, 122, rotary moulded, 76, 300, 314 127 savoury puff, 323 syneresis, 409, 481482 semi-sweet, 119, 299, 315318 texture measurement, 475476 short dough, 76, 300, 319 trencher bread, 438439 soft-eating, 310311 volume, 34, 13, 39, 56, 103, 115, 126, sucrose alternatives, 320321 139, 141, 176178, 189, 195, 209 Index 503

Buffering agents, 224 Calcium carbonate, 43, 109, 224 Bulk fermentation, 53, 5860, 120, 127, 178, Calcium lactate, 414 194195, 201, 443, 450451, 455456 Calcium propionate, 107t, 129, 158, 204, 431 Buns, 9394, 100, 204, 229, 377 Candida, 129 Butter, 8687 Caramelisation, 179, 261, 483 Buttercream, 401 Carbon dioxide. See Gas bubbles; Gas fishy taint, 408 production; Gas retention walnuts and discolouration, 104 Cardboard, 382 Buttermilk, 422 Caved-in loaf sides, 155 Butyric acid, 89 CBP. See Chorleywood Bread Process (CBP) C-Cell bread slice imaging system, 477 C Cell structure Cake decorations, 393 bread, 34 Cakes/cakemaking, 235236 lack of bubble stability, 159160 batter deposit weights and different pan vacuum pump problems with CBP, sizes, 279280 170171 Baumkuchen, 297298 cakes and sponges browning in fruit cakes, 261, 277 coarse in sponges, 286287 butter in, 8687 frozen unbaked pizza bases, 425 cake batter temperatures Cellulose, 3435 calculation, 240241 Cellulose-based film, 382 effect on cake quality and volume, 239 Cellulose-gum, 244 cake flour characteristics, 71 Cereal alpha-amylase, 139 cake muffins, 276, 294296, 294f Chalk, 45 cream cakes, 410f Chamfering of sponge cake base, delayed-soda method, 285 289 factors affecting water migration Chapattis, 436 cream filling formulation, 253 Checking in biscuits, 307 packaging, 253 Cheesecake toppings, 429430 potential routes of moisture migration, Cherry cake, 471 253 Chinese steamed bread, 232233 factors controlling shape and appearance Chlorinated flour, 6970 heat transfer rate during baking, 279 Chlorination, 63, 6771, 426 mechanical and chemical aeration Chocolate balance, 283 cracking in coatings, 326, 417 sucrose solution concentration, 282 flaking, 419 fat level reduction, 9192 fondant, 99 flour particle size, 67, 426 white bloom, 305, 418 key characteristics of low- and high-ratio Chopin Alveograph, 76 recipes, 150 Chorleywood Bread Process (CBP), 81, 142 key ingredient and process factors, 12 partial vacuum and cell structure, 170171 relationship between cake type and level of role of energy, 448449 baking powder, 278f Choux pastry, 375376 role of fat, 85 eclairs, 99, 375, 377, 381 rules of recipe balance, 147 Christmas cakes, 251 shape Christmas puddings, 249 effect of baking powder level, 282f Ciabatta, 450451 effect of increasing sugar level, 282f Cinnamon twist bread, 234 effect of rate of baking powder reaction, Cis fats, 80 281f Coated biscuits sponge cakes, 87, 105, 235, 287 bowed shape, 312 variable results with natural colours, 262 sources of moisture in packed, 312313 504 Index

Cocoa powder, 293 Cream, 306, 410411 Codex Alimentarius Commission of the Food Cream buns, 376377, 380 and Agricultural Organisation of the Cream cakes, 410411 United Nations, 65 seepage of jam after freezing, Co-extruded polypropylene film, 489 409 Coffee meringues, 403 Cream e´clairs. See E´ clairs Collapse Cream of tartar, 130 bread doughs, 8182 Cream powder, 130 cakes, 67 Crispness choux buns, 36 pork pie pastry, 367368 doughnuts, 210211 sweet pastry, 371372 fruited buns, 217 Croissants, 353354 sponge sandwiches, 286287 different forms, 350352 sultana cake, 264 frozen fully-proved, 355 whipped cream, 406407 key recipe and process features, 350351 Colour. See also Discolouration Cross-panning, 453454 crumb, 259 Crumb cell structure, 159160, 189, 384, crust, 179 425, 448, 457458 retention by fresh fruits, 260 Crumb colour Colour Grade Figure, 4546 bread, 45 Colour Grader, 45 cakes and sponges Colour solid, 474, 474f discolouration, 259 Commission Internationale de l’Eclairage, 473 Crumb softness Composite bakery shortenings, 8182 bread, 133, 189, 451 Computer-based systems, 2627 cakes and sponges, 475 Concentrates, 133. See also Improvers Crumbling, prevention, 359 Conduction, 269 Crumpets, blind, 415 Confectioners’ biscuits, 328 Crust colour Consistograph, 53 bread, 3 Convection, 269 cakes and sponges, 152 Cookies, 94, 299, 483 Crusty bread Cooling, 272 shelling, 221222, 463 Copper, 408 softening when wrapped, 187188 Cores structure, 199 in cake sheets, 256 Cryo-protection, 389 sponge sandwiches, 286287 Crystal formations, 429 Cottage loaf, 499500 Cup cakes, 254 Couverture, 418, 420 Curdled batters, 238 Crackers, 307 Custard, baked, 364365 role of dough and batter temperature, Custard tarts, 364365, 364f 299302 Cutting role of fermentation time in manufacture, 324 cottage loaf, 500f Cracking in direction and croissant shape, 353354 almond macaroons, 404 surface of bread doughs, 180181 biscuits, 326 Cysteine, 142 chocolate coatings, 326, 417 fondant coatings, 396 frozen unbaked pastry, 362 D ginger nuts, 309 Damaged starch, 5960 meringue shells, 402 Danish pastry, 344 sheeting of short pastry, 361 DATA esters, 141, 214, 322 Swiss rolls, 292 Datem, 141, 322 Index 505

De-aeration, 291 E Deep-freezing, 463 464. See also Freezing/ Eating qualities, 93, 151, 272, 300, 410, 426 frozen products E´ clairs, 99, 377 Deformation testing, 54 storage of cases, 381 Dehydro-ascorbic acid (DHA), 120, 195 Egg proteins (albumen), 105, 364, 371, 375 Delayed-soda method, 285 Egg washing, 387 Dextrin, 58 60, 114, 139, 487 Electronic nose, 9 Dextrose, 95, 97, 129, 364, 414 Emulsifiers Dextrose equivalent, 95 bread, 82, 141, 189 Dextrose monohydrate, 95 sponge cakes, 8788, 105106 Diacetylated tartaric acid esters (DATA Enchilada, 437 esters), 141 Energy, 448449 Diastatic malt powders, 112 Enzyme activity, 125, 215 Dietary fibre, 35, 65, 486, 498 bread, 122 Diglyceride, 115, 141, 322 lipase, 304 Dipix Technologies Inc, 8 unbaked puff pastry, 341 Di-saccharides, 95, 97 Enzymes, 63, 90 Disaccharides, 95, 97, 204 Equilibrium relative humidity (ERH), 247 Discolouration Erythritol, 495 all-butter shortbread, 305 Ethanol, 50, 123 in apple pie filling, 413 Ethyl alcohol, 110 cake crumb Excessive gas retention, 5 due to low temperature baking, Extensograph, 53, 76 275 Extraction rate, 44, 436 fruit cakes, 259 choux buns, 379 meringues, 400 F royal icing, 394 Falling Number, 58 scones, 383, 386 Farinograph, 53 unbaked puff pastry, 341 Farls, 422 Disulphide bonds, 448449 Fast-acting acid, 285 Double-acting baking powder, 73 Fat, 7792, 214 Dough bloom, 305, 418 changes during baking, 185186 critical properties, 7778 collapse, 8182 migration, 367, 410411 control of temperature, 178 replacers, 9192, 494 freezing and storing unproved, 184 Fatty acids, 77, 79, 374 fundamental rheology measurements, 54 Fermentation, 121122 lack of oven spring, 4, 81 Fermented products, 210234 softening in, 40, 5860, 443 Ferrous sulphide, 379 Dough conditioners, 133. See also Improvers Fillings Dough stickiness, 4849, 103, 114115, 172 apple pie, 412 Doughnuts, 210211 avoiding ‘boil-out’, 373 cake, 210 Final proof, 81, 199, 201, 450, 499 crystalline growth on cake doughnuts Finger rolls during storage, 427428 fragility of defrosted, 231 types, 426, 426f Firmness Dried fruit, 216, 259. See also Fruit breads; bread, 34, 116, 189190, 209, 223 Fruit cakes; Fruited buns crumb, 223 Dry gluten, 55 fat, 7778 Dry heat-treated flour, 68 Fishy taint, 408 Dryness in fruited cakes, 267 Flaking of chocolate coatings, 419 506 Index

Flash heat, 269270 hardening of marzipan in wedding cakes, Flour, 4376 398 alpha-amylase, 58 large holes in slab cake, 263 ash content, 4344 mould inhibition in heavily fruited cakes, functions of different components, 3335 249 new harvest effect, 39 settling of fruit to bottom, 244245 rationale in mixing different wheats, 36 Fruited buns, 217218 relationship between flour ash and grade Fudge icing, 395 colour figure, 44f Functional ingredients. See Improvers resistant starch, 6566 Fundamental dough rheology self-raising, 71, 7374 measurements, 54 water absorption capacity, 4749, 76 Fungal alpha-amylase, 139140 wholemeal bread flour characteristics and specifications, 56 Flour Colour Grade, 45 G Flour confectionery products, freezing, 272 Ganache, 420 Flour Tortilla, 431 Gas bubbles Flour-batter method, 235236 expansion, 52, 82, 199 Flying ferments, 194 stability/stabilisation in Flying top, 201, 201f bread, 8182 Foams, 85 bread rolls, 213 transition to sponge, 210, 274 sponge cakes, 88, 105106 Foils, pastries in, 369370 Gas flushing, 491 Fondant Gas production crack in fondant coating, 396 excessive in retarding, 227228 crystalline formations, 429430 slow proving, 216 excessive moisture in chocolate fondant, 99 from yeast, 122, 182 Four-piecing, 453454 Gas retention Fractionation, 80 keyholing and excessive, 46 Fragility, 231 lack of, 81, 213 Freezer burn, 219220, 463 Gelatinisation, 34, 223, 294 Freezing/frozen products Germ, 3335 cake batters, 246 German-type rye breads, 64 cracking in meat pie lids, 362 Ginger, 132 flour confectionery products, 273 Ginger nuts, 309 off-odours in cakes, 252 Glass transition temperature, 116, 461, 488, problems with bread products, 463464 494 seepage of jam in fresh cream cakes, 409 Glucono-delta-lactone (GLD), 130 unbaked pizza bases, 425 Glucose, 95, 398399, 484 unproved bread dough, 184 Glucose syrup, 95, 99, 261, 308, 311, 364, French sticks, 156157 373, 396, 429 Fresh fruits, 260 Glutathione, 119120, 124125 apple pie filling, 412 Gluten, 50, 384 Frozen bread products dry, 55 snow or ice in bags, 219 formation in short pastry, 361 Frozen eggs, 376 formation in wafer batter, 327 Fructooligosaccharide, 486 quality, 52 Fructose, 306 Gluten-free breads, 138 Fruit breads, 216 Glycaemic index, 484485 Fruit cakes Glycaemic load, 484485 discoloration of crumb, 259 Glycerine, 236, 247, 385, 389, 392, 395 dryness, 267268 Glycerol, 79, 99, 261, 371, 389, 411, 431 Index 507

Glycerol monostearate (GMS), 86, 105, 141, Improvers, 133134, 214215 189, 385, 410 Information sources, 1627 Golden syrup, 261 Ingredients Grade colour figure, 35, 43, 44f,4546, 231, balancing of ratios, 265 357 factors affecting product quality, 145 Grant wholemeal loaf, 440441 Insects, detection of, 479 Greasiness, in doughnuts, 212 Interesterification, 80 Ground almonds, 245 Inulin, 486 Invert syrup, 261 Iodine value, 77 H Iron, 104, 226 Hagberg Falling Number, 5758, 61, 63, 114 Isomalt, 495 Hamburger buns, pH and TTA of brew, 224 Italian meringue, 401 Hand squeeze test, 475476 Hearth-style breads, 156157 Heat balance, 173174, 173f J Heat of hydration, 68, 241 Jam Heat transfer rate, 210, 279, 289 seepage in fresh cream cakes, 409 Heat-treated flour, 68 watery, 95 Heat-treated milk, 101 Heavily fruited cakes, 249 Hemicellulases, 114115 K Hemicellulose, 114115 Kebab bread, 434 High fructose corn syrup, 95, 97, 311 Keyholing, 3, 5f High-ratio cakes, 71 Kjeldahl method, 50 51 batter viscosity, 266 Knocking-back the dough, 120, 455 456 cherry cake, 471 Knowledge-based systems, 26 27 Holes bread rolls, 213 L in crumb of pan breads, 161 162 Lactic acid, 486 in fruited slab cake, 263 Lactitol, 495 under top crust of retarded products, 225 Lactobacilli, 224 Honey, 261, 297, 495 Lactose, 96, 257 Hot cross buns, 100 Lactulose, 486 Hot water method, 358 Laminated products, 331356 Humidity, 182 effect of rework, 11f Hurdle effects, 493 key ingredient and process factors, Hydration, 68 145146 Hydrogen ion concentration, 469 471 lift Hydrogen peroxide, 115, 387 causes, 331332, 337, 348349 Hydrogenated fats, 366 failure, 333 Hydrogenated starch hydrolysates, 495 fat and, 346347 Hydrogenation, 79 80 variations with Scotch method, 334 Hydrolysis, 89, 179, 413, 487 optimum levels of lamination, 344 processing pattern on pastes, 349f I purposes of resting periods, 335336 Ice slush, 173, 446 role of dough and batter temperature, Iced Christmas cakes, 251 299300 Icing L-cysteine, 118 fudge, 395 L-cysteine hydrochloride, 142 odours in from cake decorations, 393 Lecithin, 117 royal, 392, 394 Leucoanthocyanins, 413 508 Index

Lignin, 65 Moisture Vapour Transpiration Rate, 188, Lipase, 304 396, 489 Lipids, 35, 114115 Moisture-impermeable film, 489490 Lipoxygenase, 138 Mono calcium phosphate, 290 Loaf shape, 234, 278, 499 Mono-glyceride, 215 Loaf style cakes, 151 Mono-saccharides, 95, 204 Loaves Mould breaking on one side of the pan, 198 in cakes, 247248 external appearance, 196f between cakes and boards, 250 internal appearance, 197f iced Christmas cakes, 251 stains around fruit pieces, 229 slow growth in heavily fruited cakes, touching loaf, 205206, 205f 249 choux buns, 382 prevention in apple pie filling, 412 M Mould inhibitors, 249 Macaroons, 404 Mould-free shelf-life, 431 Maillard-type reactions, 179 Moulding dough, 193, 499 Malt flour, 40, 112 Munsell colour chip-based system, 474 Malted grains, 40 MVTR. See Moisture Vapour Transpiration Malting process, 40, 112 Rate Maltitol, 495 Maltogenic amylases, 139, 190 Maltose, 96, 114, 116, 139, 179, 185, 229 N Nachos, 437 Manchet bread, 438 Nastus, 499 Mannitol, 495 Natural pigments, 413 Man-t’ou, 232 Near infrared reflectance (NIR), 51 Marshmallow, 401 Neutralising value, 130131, 281, 391 Marshmallow teacakes, 417 New harvest effect, 39 Marzipan, 394 New product development, 2731 hardening on wedding cakes, 398 concept, 2829 Meat pies, 362 launch, 3031 Mechanical shock, 211, 217 on-going maintenance/handover, 31 Melted butter, 87 pre-launch trials, 30 Meringues, 400403 prototype trials on the plant, 30 Micro-encapsulated baking acid, 391 scale-up to commercialisation assessment, Micronized wheat, 42 30 Microwave, 90 Nitrogen, 5051, 137, 170, 451, 459, Milk, 101 491492 Milk ganache, 420 Nitrogen tunnel, 425 Milton Keynes Process, 465466 Nondiastatic malt powders, 112 Minerals and vitamins, 35 Non-starch polysaccharides, 65 Mixing time, 176177 Nonwheat fibres, 6566 Mixograph times, 103 Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), 77 Modelling techniques, 1214 Modified atmosphere packaging, 491492 Moisture barriers, 371372 O Moisture content Oatmeal, 41, 304, 421 fruit cakes, 267268 Oats, 41, 304 small fermented products, 214215 Off-odours Moisture migration, 187, 250, 253, 284, cakes store in deep freeze, 252 310311, 382, 390, 395, 410411, in icing from cake decoration, 393 417, 489 rope (‘fruity’ odour), 158 Index 509

Oil, 7980, 85, 88 Pastry Oil absorption, 212 butter, 356 Oligosaccharides, 486 croissant, 344 Organic flours, 75 effect of processing temperatures using Osmophilic yeasts, 429430 butter, 89, 352, 356 Osmotic pressure, 97, 204, 497 fat level reduction, 346347 Osmotolerance, 204 key ingredient and process factors Oven influence of ingredient temperature, 342 conditions and peaking in sponge cakes, 288 influence of processing temperature, 342 variations in cake quality, 269270 product lift, 348349 Oven break, 198 role of rest periods, 360 Oven lift, 204 shape distortion, 348349 Oven spring, 133134 trimmings lack of, 81, 216 age and Oven-bottom breads, 156157 condition, 339 Over-greased tins, 440 level of addition, 339 Oxidases, 115 temperature, 339 Oxidative rancidity, 304 shell, 357 Oxidising agents, 133134. See also Improvers water temperature calculation method, Oxygen, 121 359 Patent flour, 46 Peaking in sponge P sandwiches, 288 Palate cling, 84, 366 Pentosans, 34, 48, 64 Palm oil, 7980 Perforated films, 187188 Pan bread Personal experience, 17 air occlusion, 165f PH meter, 480 holes, 161167 PH scale, 469471 indents in bases (pan-lock), 153154 Phenol red, 480 large holes in crumb, 161162 Phosphatase test, 479 open-top, 168169 Phosphate aftertaste, 285 smooth sided hole, 164f Pikelet batter, 416 stranded holes, 163f Pinning process, 225 trapped air pockets, 163164, 166f Pitta bread, 434 Papads, 432 Pizza bases, 425 Paper cases, detaching, 254 Polish, 194 Pappadams, 432433 Polyhydric alcohols, 494 Par-baked products, 221, 223 Polymorphism, 80 Part bake products, 221222, 463, 465 Polyols Partial defrosting, 221 effect on cake crumbliness, 494f Partial hydrogenation, 80 negative features, 494495 Partial vacuum, 170171 Polyphenols, 341, 357 Particle size, flour, 67 Pork pie pastry, 367368 Paste Potassium bicarbonate, 74 dark marks on base, 363f Potassium bromate, 137 discolouration, 363 Potassium chloride, 102 ingredient and process factors affecting Potassium sorbate, 107, 412, 431 quality, 12 Powdered fructose, 306 laminated, 84, 118119, 331356 Prebiotic, 486 pale colour, 364365 Preservative, 412 puff. See Puff pastry effect of sorbic acid on shelf-life of cakes, shortcrust, 357374 107, 108f 510 Index

Pressure board setting, 161162 R Pressure-vacuum mixer, 136 137 Radiation, 269 Probiotic, 486 Radio-frequency heating, 90 Problem solving, 1 Ragged break, 126, 157, 199, 201 analysis, 9 11 Ragged crust break, 156157 approach, 2 6 Record of production, 69 guide, 28 Reducing agent, 118120, 143144 how to problem solve, 2 6 Reducing sugars, 179 information sources, 16 27 Refreezing, 219, 221, 427, 463464 constructing knowledge trees and Regrinding, 67, 71 knowledge fragments, 23 26 Relative density, batter, 105, 286, 291, 472 knowledge (computer)-based systems, Resilience, 214, 475 26 27 Resistant oligosaccharides, 65 personal, 17 Resistant starch, 6566, 484, 498 the Web, 27 Resting periods, 335336 written, 17 23 Retarded products, 226 matching patterns and visualising changes, Retarder-prover, 230 14 16 Retarding, 227230 modelling techniques, 12 14 Rheology measurements, fundamental, 54 new product development, 27 31 Rice paper, 372 record, 6 9 Ring, shiny, 266 divider record sheet, 7f Roberts/Dobraszczyk dough inflation, 54 product scoring sheet, 10f Roller-milled wholemeal flour, 57 Process factors affecting quality, 2 Rolls Processing aids, 133. See also Improvers bread, 219220, 226 Product scoring sheet, 10f low volume and large holes, Professional bodies, 17, 27 213 Propionic acid, 107t, 158 staling too quickly, 214215 Proteases, 115 fruited, 229 Protein retarded, 227f content Root cause analysis, 11 effects of variations in, 50 51 Rope, 158, 470 quality measurement, 53 54 Rotary moulded biscuit lines Proteinases, 115 thickness variation, 314 Proteolytic activity, 40, 324 wedging, 314 Proteolytic enzymes, 76, 100, 112, 115, 125, Rounded corners, 289290 144, 299, 360, 425 Royal icing Proving inadequate hardening, 392 best conditions, 182 183 yellowing, 394 slow, 216 Rye, 40, 64 under-proved doughs, 156 Rye, flours, 64, 438 Puff biscuits, savoury, 323 Puff pastry fat in, 83 S lift, 8384, 331332 Saccromyces cerivisii, 123, 128129, 202 optimum lamination, 344 Saccromyces rosei, 129 Puffing, 436 Saccromyces rouxii, 129 Punching the dough, 455 Salt. See Sodium chloride Salt-replacers, 102 Sandwich bread Q characteristics, 286287 Quiches, 370 crumb characteristics, 286287 Index 511

most common forms of assessment Skinning, 225 crumb softness, 105 Slab cakes moisture content, 325, 463 advantages of filled oven, 276 shape, 288 batter temperature and quality, 239 Satiety, 485 Sliced bread, 159160 Saturated fats, 77, 7980 Slow proving, 216 Saturated solutions, 483 Soapy taste Savoury pastry, 358, 367, 371 biscuits containing oatmeal, 304 Scald, 202 short pastry trimmings, 374 Scientific and technical literature, 12, 17 Soda crackers, 480 Scones, 383387 Soda farls, 423 carbon dioxide evolution during refrigerated Sodium acid pyrophosphate (SAPP), 73 storage, 391f Sodium aluminium phosphate (SALP), 73 retarding unbaked scones, 391 Sodium bicarbonate, 130, 277 sensory qualities improvement, in ginger products, 132 390 pikelet batters, 416 variations in using fresh fruits, 388389 specks, 386 Scotch method, 334 Sodium chloride, 102 Scottish Oatcake, 421 alternatives, 111 Seepage of jam, 409. See also Fat: migration; Sodium metabisulphite, 76, 100, 118119, Moisture migration 299, 322, 337 Self-raising flour, 73 Sodium steroyl 2-lactylate (SSL), 141 Semisweet biscuits Soft-eating cookies, 310311 blistering on the surface, 317318 Softening cavities and hollow bottoms, biscuits, 329 317318 coffee meringues, 403 role of dough and batter temperature, dough, 40, 5860, 232, 324, 443 299302 pastry, 367368, 371 shrinkage, 315316 sugar paste shapes, 397 Settling of fruit, 244245 Softness Shape, 8 crumb, 189190 croissant, 353354 small fermented products, 214215 Sheeting, 361 Solid fat index, 77, 78f, 239, 410 Shelling, 463464 Sorbic acid, 107, 111, 493 Shift change effect, 10 Sorbitol, 261, 494495 Shiny ring, 266 Sourdough, 194 Shortcrust pastry, 357374 Soya flour, 138 flour characteristics, 357 Specific gravity, batter, 472 waxy eating character, 366 Specific volume, 472 Shortbread, 305 Spices, 100 Short-dough biscuits Spiral mixers, 176177 role of dough and batter temperature, Sponge, dough 319 preparation and usage with CBP, Shrewsbury biscuits, 328 203 Shrinkage recipe and method, 203 apple pie filling, 414 Sponge cakes, 286287, 289290 cup cakes, 254 ingredient and process factors affecting doughnuts, 210211 quality, 12 puff pastry, 337 fat in, 88 Silicone, 287 role of emulsifiers, 105106 Sinking, in cakes, 265 Sponge drops, 291 Size variations, biscuit, 308 Sponges, transition from foam to, 210f 512 Index

Spotting Sugar burn, 306 biscuits, 306 Sugar paste shapes, 397 on fudge icing, 395 Sugar spots, 258 speckles of sodium bicarbonate, Sugar-batter method, 237 387 curdled batters, 238 sugar spots on cake crusts, 258 Sulphur dioxide, 100, 111, 216 unbaked puff pastry, 341 Sultana cakes, 264 white spots on retarded products, 227228 Super-saturated solutions, 483 Spray-dried egg, 376 Surface cuts, 180181 Spring flush problem, 407 Sweet pastry, 371372 SSL. See Sodium steroyl 2-lactylate (SSL) Swiss rolls, 292 Stabilisers, cream, 407408 Syneresis, 409 Stable Micro Systems, 475 in bread, 481482 Staffordshire oatcakes, 41, 421 Synergy, 493 Staling bread, 189190 reducing in scones, 385386 T too fast in small fermented products, TA.XTPlus Texture Analyser, 475 214215 Taco, 437 Starch Tagatose, 495 damaged, 5960 Taguchi methods, 1314 syneresis in bread, 409 Taints, fishy, 408 Steam (wet) heat-treated flour, 68 Tartaric acid, 130, 285, 290, 471 Steamed bread, 232233 Teacakes, 214215, 225 Stock syrup, 398399 Temperature Stoneground wholemeal flour, 57 batter temperature and quality of slab cake, Storage 239 breakage of biscuits in, 307 of cakes at point of wrapping, 271272 fermented products, 215 controlling temperature of bread doughs, 178 frozen cake batters, 246 oven temperature long-term and wholemeal flour, 72 and baking cakes, 274275 yeast, 126 and cake quality, 269270 Stotty cakes (stotties), 405 proving bread dough, 182183 Sucrose storage of yeast, 126 alternatives, 320321 and whipping cream, 406407 Sucrose hydrate, 427, 429 Tempering Sugar, 210, 308 butter, 86 crystals, 94, 319320, 429 chocolate, 419 key requirements, 9394 fat, 8990 biscuit and cookies, 94 Texture Profile Analysis, 9, 475, 476f bread, 93 Top patent flour, 46 fermented products, 9394 Tortillas, 437 fruited cakes, 94 Torulaspora, 129 other bakery products, 94 Torulaspora delbrueckii, 129 pastries, 94 Total titratable acidity, 224 sponges and cakes, 94 Trans fats, 7980 main features of alternative sugars, 9596, Trehalose, 495 320 Trencher bread, 438439 main groups, 95 Triglyceride, 77, 79, 115 reducing sugars, 179 Trimmings relative sweetness, 95, 95t puff pastry, 339340 types, 94, 97, 309 short pastry, 374 Index 513

Tristimulus instruments, 8 Wedding cake, 398 Tunnel holes, 294, 294f Wheat Twin-arm type mixer, 459460 berry, 56 flour, 33, 35, 41, 55, 97, 139, 436, 487 gluten, 50, 5557 U micronized, 42 UK-style bloomers, 48 starch, 64, 67, 71, 95, 131, 209210, 245, Under-proved doughs, 156157 283, 487 Unsaturated fats, 77 Wheaten farl, 422 Wheatmeal, 422 V Whipped cream, 406407 Vacuum pump, 170171 White bloom, 418 Vacuum-cooling principles, 467 White bread Viennese fingers, 329 characteristics, 6162 Vine fruits, 249. See also Fruit breads; Fruit flour treatments and additives, 6162 cakes; Fruited buns Hagberg Falling Number, 61 Vinegar, 109. See also Acetic acid level of bran particles, 61 Viscosity, batter, 266 protein content, 61 Vol (ammonium carbonate), 308, 380 protein quality, 61 Volume White cakes, 277 bread, 34 White farl, 422 cakes and sponges, 472 Wholemeal bread flour choux pastry products, 375376 characteristics and specifications, 57 loss of and heat-treated milk, 101 World Wide Web, 27 scones, 383 Wrapping small fermented products, 214215 and softening of crusty breads, 187188 specific volume, 472 temperature of cakes at point of, 271272 X W Wafer Xylanases, 114 115 role of dough and batter temperature, Xylitol, 495 299302 Xylose, 114 115 sheets, 325 Walnuts, 104 Y Water absorption capacity Yeast flours, 4749 causes of dark brown patches, 125 Water activity, 247 impact of spices, 100 Water migration, 253, 382, 390, 411 laminated products, 344 Water vapour transpiration rate, 489 production carbon dioxide, 122, 182