Nomenclatural Notes on American Thymelaeaceae Zachary S. Rogers Missouri Botanical Garden, P.O. Box 299, St. Louis, Missouri 63116-0299, U.S.A.
[email protected] ABSTRACT . The nomenclatural status of all published belong to the much larger Thymelaeaoideae subfam- plant names applicable to American Thymelaeaceae ily. Centers of species diversity are located in Brazil at the rank of genus and below is evaluated. Thirty- (particularly around Rio de Janeiro), northwestern two of the 256 published names at specific and South America (especially Ecuador, Colombia, and infraspecific ranks require effective typifications. Venezuela), and the Greater Antilles. Despite the Lectotypes are designated for 29 names: Daphne availability of relatively recent taxonomic treatments lagetto Sw., D. macrophylla Kunth, D. occidentalis for some American genera, much of the nomenclature Sw., D. pillopillo Gay, Daphnopsis bogotensis Meisn., and typification of these groups has not been D. brasiliensis Mart., D. caracasana Meisn., D. comprehensively evaluated, a shortcoming that is the caribaea Griseb. var. ecuadorensis Domke, D. coriacea primary focus of the research presented here. Taub., D. decidua Domke, D. ekmanii Domke, D. ericiflora Gilg & Markgr., D. longifolia Taub., D. TAXONOMIC HISTORY OF AMERICAN THYMELAEACEAE longipedunculata Gilg ex Domke, D. longiracemosa Gilg ex Domke, D. martii Meisn., D. purpusii Daphnopsis Mart., with approximately 73 dioecious Brandegee var. ehrenbergii Domke, D. racemosa species, is by far the largest genus in the Americas, Griseb., D. sessiliflora Griseb. ex Taub., D. zamorensis ranging from central Mexico to Chile and Argentina, Domke, Goodallia guianensis Benth., G. guianensis and also throughout most of the Antilles. Nevling var. parvifolia Benth., Lagetta funifera Mart.