Bromley Town Centre Area Action Plan
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Bromley Town Centre Area Action Plan Adopted October 2010 Foreword by Cllr Stephen Carr, Leader 1 Introduction 1 2 Context and Issues 8 3 The Vision and Spatial Strategy 18 4 Policies 25 5 Opportunity Sites 71 6 Implementation 89 7 Monitoring Mechanisms 121 Appendix 1 Policy Context 125 Appendix 2 Superseded Policies 137 Appendix 3 Character Area Guidelines 139 Appendix 4 Town Centre Opportunity Sites- Summary of Indicative Development Areas and Development Principles 143 Appendix 5 Opportunity Area Design Principles 151 Appendix 6 Interim Advice on Education Provision 175 Appendix 7 Preliminary Transport Improvement Programme 177 GLOSSARY 183 All Diagrams: © Crown copyright. All rights reserved. London Borough of Bromley. Lic. No. 100017661. 2008 Foreword The adoption by the Council of provision of community infrastructure - space for the Bromley Town Centre Area new health facilities, contributions to education, Action Plan marks an exciting highway and traffic improvements – which will, and challenging period in the together, help bring the greatest possible benefits development of the Town. The to the local community as well as providing an AAP will provide a strategic environment in which new enterprise can flourish. planning framework for development, which will ensure a The key proposals will be sequenced over a long term viable and sustainable future for the Town. period of 15 years and the Council will work with stakeholders on specific sites. The current state The Area Action Plan (AAP) aims to strengthen of the construction industry has a bearing on the town’s competitive standing whilst delivering delivery but we will expect landowners to work benefits to the community, identifying specific with the Council on land assembly to gain mutual sites for mixed use redevelopment and ensuring benefit from development schemes. The Council the delivery of supporting infrastructure. is prepared to use compulsory purchase powers to assist with site assembly in view of the need The Council has been committed to involving the for a comprehensive approach to the renaissance community in helping to identify the best possible of the town. The process of driving development solutions for the town’s strategic development. after land assembly will involve feasibility and Since 2005 there has been extensive engagement design work, further public consultation and with key local stakeholders, businesses and other planning permission, traffic orders, infrastructure agencies in addition to two public consultation works and a construction programme. exercises. Together with technical testing, The AAP is an important step in delivering our shared this participation has helped the Council to vision for the town centre and I hope that everyone develop different approaches to managing with an interest in the future of Bromley Town Centre change in different parts of the town centre. Sensitively integrated improvements in the Bromley North Village area, for example, will reflect and emphasise the value of its historic buildings while the southern part of the town will embrace more comprehensive change to enable larger scale commercial and cultural Councillor Stephen Carr uses. While there may be opportunities for Leader the development of taller buildings in some areas, the Council is committed to ensuring that the height and density of new development is, wherever possible, kept to a minimum. All new development will be required to be of the highest quality and have the least possible impact on the environment and existing community. Development will be accompanied by the timely Introduction 1.1. Purpose of the AAP 1.1.1 The AAP sets out the Council’s vision for the need of revitalisation and the town centre 1 town centre together with objectives, policies also offers significant opportunities for new and proposals to guide future development development. Other areas, including Bromley and change. It seeks to enhance Bromley’s North Village, contain buildings of heritage character and environment and to promote importance such as Bromley College and the sustainable development which will improve Bishops Palace. These building together with the quality and range of facilities and services the parks and open spaces have significant available to residents and businesses. cultural and environmental value which must be enhanced for future generations. 1.1.2. Bromley Town Centre provides employment, retail, services and leisure opportunities for 1.1.3. The AAP provides the framework for managing a large number of people and will play an development and change over the next 15 important role in accommodating future years. In line with planning guidance, it draws development requirements within the Borough. together a land use planning framework for The AAP seeks to ensure that the town centre areas where significant change or conservation can accommodate future development is required in order to achieve town centre requirements in order to maintain Bromley’s renewal. It identifies the distribution of land competitive position, whilst at the same uses and their inter-relationships, including time respecting the character of the town site specific allocations and identifies how centre. Some parts of the town centre are in these proposals will be implemented. LEWISHAM A2 A 2 1 A 2 3 Catford A205 BEXLEYHEATH A 20 Eltham A222 A205 22 A2 A2 21 Sidcup A 2 1 3 A40 2 2 A A Penge 21 4 A Chislehurst 221 A PENGE 2 1 3 BECKENHAM A A 2 2 2 BROMLEY 4 3 St Mary Cray PETTS WOOD A21 WEST WICKHAM ORPINGTON CROYDON A232 2 4 Farnborough A21 22 20 Town Centre A Context Bromley borough boundary Biggin Hill Metropolitan town centres 3 3 2 A Major town centres District town centres © Crown copyright. All rights reserved. London Borough of Bromley. Lic. No. 100017661. 2008 Diagram 1.1 Context 1.2. Policy Context 1.2.1. Preparation of the AAP has taken into the requirements set out in PPS6 to: account national, regional and local planning • assess the need for further main policies. A summary of relevant planning town centre uses and ensure there is policy documents is set out in Appendix 1. capacity to accommodate them; 1.2.2. The Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act • focus development in and plan for the 2004 introduced major changes to the way appropriate expansion of the town centre the development plan system operates. It and identify suitable development sites; requires the eventual replacement of the Council’s Unitary Development Plan (UDP) • identify the appropriate scale which was adopted in July 2006 by a new Local of new development; Development Framework (LDF). The LDF will • ensure retail expansion is comprise a number of Local Development linked to sustainable transport Documents (LDDs), including Area Action capacity improvements and that Plans (AAPs). Planning Policy Statement 12 locations are accessible (PPS12): Local Spatial Planning sets out the • promote town centre management, Government’s policy on the LDF process. improve and maintain the town centre It seeks to ensure place shaping and the and manage the evening economy; delivery of land uses and associated activities • apply the sequential approach are placed at the heart of local planning. to site selection; 1.2.3. Bromley Council is required to draw up a • assess the impact of development Local Development Scheme (LDS) which sets on existing centres; and out how the LDF will be developed over a 3 year period (and beyond). Preparation of the • regularly monitor and review the impact AAP is being brought forward in advance of and effectiveness of its policies for the Core Strategy because of the need for a promoting vital and viable town centres comprehensive framework for dealing with 1.2.6. The Government recently published a development proposals in the town centre. It consultation document on revised PPS will be informed by saved UDP policies and will 6 - Planning for Town Centres (July 2008), feed into preparation of the Core Strategy. supeceded by PPS4 (Planning for Sustainable Economic Growth, Dec 2009). This document seeks to strengthen the policy guidance to National Policy ensure positive planning for town centres. Planning authorities will be required to assess 1.2.4. National Planning Policy Guidance promotes the impact of development taking account of high quality and sustainable development. a broad range of factors from retail diversity Sustainable communities require sufficient to job creation and regeneration and to take quality housing to meet the needs of the account of scale, impact and accessibility community, a flourishing local economy considerations as well as the sequential supported by adequate infrastructure, a high approach in selecting sites for development quality safe and healthy environment and the in development plans. The revised PPS6 will amenities and facilities required to support strengthen the importance of planning for a diverse and vibrant local community. sustainable economic growth and the need for 1.2.5. PPS6: Planning for Town Centres has flexible policies which are responsive to change been a key document in planning for the whilst taking into account Regional Economic growth and development of Bromley Strategies when planning for town centre uses. Town Centre AAP. The Council has followed Regional Policy 1.2.11. The South London Sub-Regional Development 3 Framework (SRDF) (May 2006) provides the 1.2.7. The Consolidated London Plan (2008) provides the regional planning policy context. The development framework for South London Plan promotes a strong and diverse economy including Bromley. The SRDF identifies which will have long-term sustainability. as a strategic priority the promotion and intensification of retailing and other uses 1.2.8. The Consolidated London Plan designates in town centres, including opportunities Bromley as a Metropolitan Centre and requires for mixed-use development. It encourages local policies to exploit and enhance the town Boroughs within the sub- region to consider centre’s accessibility, provide for a full range how they can consolidate and enhance of town centre functions and sustain and their town centres to meet increased enhance vitality and viability.