Millstream Lane, Oldham Flood Risk Assessment
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Millstream Lane, Oldham Flood Risk Assessment March 2021 Assessment | Modelling | Design Millstream Lane, Oldham Flood Risk Assessment Project Information Project: Millstream Lane, Oldham Report Title: Flood Risk Assessment Client: Smith Meehan Ltd The instruction to undertake this Flood Risk Assessment was received from Mark Instruction: Caine of Appeals & Planning Services acting on behalf of the Client. File Ref: 13597-FRA-01 Approval Record Author: Ceire McGough BSc (Hons) AMIEnvSc Checker: Aled Williams BSc (Hons) MCIWEM Approver: Victoria Griffin BSc (Hon) MSc MIEnvSc CEnv Document History Revision Date Comment 01 12/03/2021 First issue The copyright in this document (including its electronic form) shall remain vested in Waterco Limited (Waterco) but the Client shall have a licence to copy and use the document for the purpose for which it was provided. Waterco shall not be liable for the use by any person of the document for any purpose other than that for which the same was provided by Waterco. This document shall not be reproduced in whole or in part or relied upon by third parties for any use whatsoever without the express written authority of Waterco. Millstream Lane, Oldham Flood Risk Assessment Contents Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................ 1 Existing Conditions ............................................................................................................................................. 1 Development Proposals ..................................................................................................................................... 2 Flood Zone Classification & Policy Context ........................................................................................................ 2 Consultation ....................................................................................................................................................... 4 Sources of Flooding and Probability ................................................................................................................... 5 Mitigation ........................................................................................................................................................... 8 Flood Warnings and Evacuation ......................................................................................................................... 8 Impact on Flood Risk Elsewhere ......................................................................................................................... 9 Sequential Test ................................................................................................................................................... 9 Conclusions ....................................................................................................................................................... 10 Recommendations ............................................................................................................................................ 10 Appendices Appendix A Location & Aerial Plan Appendix B LiDAR Extract Appendix C UU Sewer Plan Appendix D Proposed Development Plans Appendix E EA Flood Maps Appendix F EA Pre-planning Opinion Appendix G JFLOW Modelled Mapping Appendix H PFRA Groundwater Map Millstream Lane, Oldham Flood Risk Assessment Introduction Waterco has been commissioned to undertake a Flood Risk Assessment in relation to an industrial development at Millstream Lane, Failsworth, Oldham, Manchester, M35 0PB. The purpose of this report is to outline the potential flood risk to the site, the impact of the proposed development on flood risk elsewhere, and the proposed measures which could be incorporated to mitigate the identified risk. This report has been prepared in accordance with the guidance contained in the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and the National Planning Practice Guidance (NPPG): Flood Risk and Coastal Change. Existing Conditions The site covers an area of approximately 2,850m2 and is located at National Grid Reference: 389280, 399641. A location plan and an aerial image are included in Appendix A. Online mapping (including Google Maps / Google Streetview imagery, accessed March 2021) shows that the site comprises a depot and storage yard occupied by Enviroil. The site is bordered by Banbury Road and industrial units to the north, industrial land and the River Medlock to the east, the River Medlock, rough ground and a railway line to the south and Millstream Lane and industrial land to the west. Access to the site is provided from Millstream Lane. Local Topography Topographic levels to metres Above Ordnance Datum (m AOD) have been derived from a 1m resolution Environment Agency (EA) composite ‘Light Detecting and Ranging’ (LiDAR) Digital Terrain Model (DTM). A review of LiDAR data shows that the site slopes from approximately 62.56m AOD in the south-east to approximately 61.3m AOD in the west. A LiDAR extract is included in Appendix B. Ground Conditions Reference to the British Geological Survey (BGS) online mapping (1:50,000 scale) indicates that the site is underlain by superficial deposits of Devensian Till and Alluvium generally comprising clay, silt, sand and gravel. The superficial deposits are identified as being underlain by the Collyhurst Sandstone Formation. The geological mapping is available at a scale of 1:50,000 and as such may not be accurate on a site-specific basis. The EA’s ‘Source Protection Zones’ data, viewed from MAGIC’s online mapping [accessed March 2021], indicates that the site is not located within a Groundwater Source Protection Zone. The Cranfield University ‘Soilscapes’ map (accessed March 2021) indicates that the site is underlain by ‘slowly permeable seasonally wet loamy and clayey soil’. 13597-FRA-01 Millstream Lane, Oldham Flood Risk Assessment Local Drainage Public sewer records have been obtained from United Utilities (UU) and are included in Appendix C. The sewer records show that there is a 375mm public combined sewer located immediately north of the site in Banbury Road. The sewer flows west in Banbury Road and proceeds south in Millstream Lane. A 225mm private surface water sewer is located west of the site and flows south in Millstream Lane. Development Proposals The proposed development is for a biowaste transfer station. The proposal will include a covered enclosure for food waste to be deposited, stored for limited time then collected to be processed elsewhere. The development also includes a weighbridge, covered loading area and waste liquid storage tank. The site is allocated for waste processing within Oldham’s Unitary Development Plan. Proposed development plans are included in Appendix D. Flood Zone Classification & Policy Context The EA ‘Flood Map for Planning’, included in Appendix E, shows that the northern extent of the site, including the site access, is located within an area outside of the extreme flood extent (Flood Zone 1), meaning it has a less than 0.1% (1 in 1000) annual probability of flooding. The southern extent of the site, and location of the proposed development, is located within Flood Zone 3 – an area considered to be at flood risk with a 1% (1 in 100) or greater annual probability of fluvial flooding. Land adjacent to Flood Zone 3 is shown within Flood Zone 2 – an area considered to be at flood risk with between a 1% and 0.1% annual probability of flooding. In accordance with Table 2 of the NPPG: Flood Risk and Coastal Change, industrial developments are considered to be ‘less vulnerable’. Table 3 of the NPPG: Flood Risk and Coastal Change, states that ‘less vulnerable’ development is considered appropriate within Flood Zones 1, 2 and 3. This report details the flood risk to the site and the mitigation measures which could be carried out to ensure that the development will be safe for its lifetime. Local Policy The Oldham Council Local Development Framework (November 2011) contains the following policies relating to flood risk: Policy 1 – Climate Change and Sustainable Development When allocating sites and determining planning applications, the council will: g. promote development away from areas at risk of flooding, reduce surface water run-off and the likelihood of downstream flooding, and protect and improve water resources. 13597-FRA-01 Millstream Lane, Oldham Flood Risk Assessment Policy 19 - Water and Flooding Flooding is a natural process that is influenced by rainfall, geology, topography, rivers and streams and man- made interventions such as flood defences. Flooding can cause disruption to communities and it is therefore important to avoid developing in flood risk areas. Recent flood events across the country have reinforced the importance of considering flooding from all sources such as surface water flooding and the importance of permeable solutions in new development. The council will ensure development does not result in unacceptable flood risk or drainage problems by directing development away from areas at risk of flooding, and protecting and improving existing flood defences, water resources and quality. …Development proposals must use PPS25 and the Oldham Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA) to carry out and pass the Sequential Test and, where necessary, the Exception Test and a site-specific flood risk assessment. Consideration must be given to all sources of flooding and the vulnerability of development. In the case of non allocated