^ —----—yrr—--t -ii _

I 1 MERCHANDIZE. BOOKS STATIONERY &C , RICHMOND. MISCELLANEOUS rEK-ritoor uoodi-vu^ MECHANICAL. vi;h a cheap pcbem'ATIons. Rubber Over-Coat*. Punt*. Bn.it* and the »r Un Lej.gtIlg, ^ * i a > ( i: « «» ^ i’A" I IMIl M>, row I A 1 i > k received at New Book Sl-ur, ..pf.u.-l.- and Osmhrif Umbrella*, a %M> CAM l)AI Eft > 4Bilk. Gingham large *„p' If ATM « i nflo*t »i and ^ I iKICHM(iM), r Im ««!•• in •!*»>.* I Kl< wirk 75 lv iu#t received at the Clothing outfitting ,..l8L Jt OK *110.1 OV M' WINCllKH M ile iOSS run >H'' whole**!.——* VAI.EKV N.irfli nw\ South. by Mm. A s 8HAI BH | ( u "FALL FASH «»,*. IHV* Mf. , other brand*. Ck„ AT*/ War./, —CW*' . lm« now received "ta New tnrk, 5000 Hm kl Idvri'l fine M*r«|i«]| and r and Parlor, by Randolph tuhtcnber 8wl»# THE MEK T*» *' 'l.l.in j,, having on Hand h 'urge « ITII 1*0* EH *0 ||»ri|M<(•»•.« Thackeray’. Good* atn! BA?«Aet»,*uitubJ. r.,r < ’"•'l •100 I W'.nUrn N.-gr,,,.,, Sil*. hi"' k ""«• ton* Richmond gtound Piaoer i»p,i .lulv „fcani*rd, Fnrle Tom in Borland No J Mnteakm. CoMI’A.V, *i«vm* to redtire their stork, are .1* r|1||IS " 1 Buntlm ,nit wishing uirmined which, for durability ami beauty, cannot .#00 ton* h«**t IVrnviHii Oiinnn dai') expected ;|".I I hree V> nr. Alter, by Ned »,) Bru«h HATH A im.w rpa.(y rwriv.*«|i|ili."'b, Keene, best very be «uraa*.ed apy ami ..ffpnil.itlie rm*p.i«.il Virginia I’erelrnl A/arryuli to u- a «.11 find it to their interest give cull. Urewand complete, emltraehir all of I*1" /«'<■«/ n«d 500 hti*hel* prime t'low-ni't d the »afpin»ura,«pp «f kl""* Hlanehol Biaodywine I *h rffir C.«n|woy Cot TIN*LEY. TAYLOR ft n, HATS '■*’ CA™ l ,’iU hi l«* |l*»in- |)o»t o 4 ■ of htonerfV* •nprulwmli^i »Vc., .it fair ecpiiia t '.pfniii llu^k 5Q ad* •' WMmur Hh„,I I‘25 liM- Mm «*u-i*l* <. ilmi in»« A>ih»i Mr* dopted for\\>r Foil It SSL TIip Uirppt.ir. »»verv site and quality general h.w. .'ock trill be l.mn.i principle* elaea here Hi. •100 tb-ree* l.mdon INiru,i ..f iIip iii.urPu Lmdrldge (.RKi.tiHY, ROYALL .V SI M Isi ,v before win-heala* .1 ... p. mtmny uii.l th«- ■«,<■,y luck Rnnn, by in the Ai *u-r* Mu*ta»d a. other e.talili.htwetit etty 50 (,‘rn«- A lildi k»»r*l L**nden I* CAKHON. .lame., new ed at cheap any IVi.ifii.t—JOSKl’H Holden, by &() with .eatne.a amt BUS A 11 at* made to order dl.patel. 25 do do Walnut nnd Vfud»r«M»tn W H N K author of A/tseramu* / 1 ■ I'ET*. 1(1 4Jiil’G4,,, v .f a London I'lty.ifiiitn, ;’ V nhl.T. (.'8r,,8i( of the HU h II I 7.5 box** Mncearord Crumb Cloths, Oil f I nor Call at the «ign N 1 1: " * E. G'.ark. Sni il k> M* Peregrine Pickle lliieg*. Druggets, Chilli*.Man, WM I lo«*rH Caim.in, f &0 .*10 lUg. Sicily Almond* Ja«h •• Kckoo*. a full assortment of the finest oc«S-i. STITZRJR i»»h r Km.», 1 : ) Don Q'li.ole o*. Ac. comprising Velvet, ‘20o hug* Hmxih Sugar 'V. KichardauK, Ellen Pi. ke.mg nnd Venetian Ml'HSU HI l*KK BEGS l.hAVb AlwSi hfc I.I.<*ia», 1 N. (•rim e and IVd'nr, by Brussels, three-ply, superfine Carpet* fJIHK 400 bug- binlft Hu h (?i>d**e j J do an 0-4. and 8 4 Oil Flour 1 to rail the attenlioo of the eiiitrn. ol I am K» KM • ( Who .hill b# Heir .tuns and Cloth,, id» ( J „ pa-age-.—1-1. .peelfully Ih-fitx ^rv, (fudiiril, OtHnl rniH Sxwnif llrxndy, H# !»"'••• do do &c.. all of which will be and tha eonnity, to In. Img* mi. IV Orti. poa I’trra,|illa .tr.-t »p", '#Mr.v 7'ne Druggets. Rugr*. Mutts. *„|,| Lynchburg adjoining • 111 I 'Sf|"ire ick nnd Hungarian Lion Win#*; ,\.»ul#*iin, *■ no u" "..v A as.ortment ol III H) I’S.HI IOKS Sherry, %V. I„-|.». I*. I). OH KIN I IAN Quiet llu.band ,. ii.,- lowest i" lee. t 11 -i, .plendid V5 X X <• Pori trie, •• do do M tiAITEKS. Ac- of I... dll N MAKE s. I lilv Evil.faiMiry. Secret foe I LAST.- Mfttiv of the »#h#iv#* lire of our itwn importation, nnd do gn ( OilL A CHARLES A. arc warrawtkp or m. r« r All Wareham do and w-hirh till Ol Till. Ellen Watch MakkkA Jkwklkr, we prof#-.* to *#*ll n*» Jot* H-lh#*s cm# he IihiI in fhi*i‘oUn* u 1*1 1*1.M V I IOA do do KVAKD Lytith- TT ARP OP Al’PKRIOIt Wi.RK WARMIII’ III lil The (il umlder ffr\ • III I III'. I.III.S would call the find ri.n-id# ri d I a* g< «*d tin I.IKS'liOSi 'll I 1.1, ~ ! Va., uitcn. try. quantity le Hoot 01 quality .i.vii ivi.st.vi.s Poor Cousin H«*otfmerit UK run be hud in the to the riiK .Mini'll iihii i'ii, I ml, „f the citilens of and the coilnlry, adapted •• Mowett Lynchburg f?hni' for the preaent aenaoti. will do well to rail on mo llln/h k M'UOII'S Fortune 7Vller, by Mr*. *Uir»ui„ii'„g trade id V irginin ,s ih.it ill VI KM'S I.VII " hi* fine and assortment of to I».tb n* . ... country splendid W,.trh- a. I am determined p,#H*e, regard, tpiality M. ill /.l. \ K Fauns Herveyor received decdOdHrt* RDMPND HA VRV PORT X f’O. LUen Wallace Jewelry and Silver wurejust from the North and X IThi.miimi', A/arnage, by price. I.KONAKD SCOTT CO, ClHiideslito -,f the latest and selected to rail at .the .tore tl ree floor, above I he I .MOV « OfllM- styles patterns, by himself Don't forget HTD I VISIIIF *,• » I i.il.i *11 *‘P,", N**w v lirk Hnrtnond 7!/ I' ill 11 hi* « .1 .*i I Oeorgi. care to suit this market. From and iminedian ih. Cinnu. I ni'MM.NKO: HI KAMBKS—/'<«.»«-,/- SmiL with great hie-long ex Franklin Hotel, ly npiMi.ii.' Term* time Dudley and ““ in the Watch Jewelry he I' F GKIMALDI. tint!to and \ tt ff into tn Aor/ (h / I • r- II M Capl lhr,*p.. 7 Fate id '! IVKH (O^f liKK. I Km any lias done work for to All he asks is a Id. ii ii 111 fun her notice, irnfftencing with the H 00 judge. trial, ari| on the that instant. fort hi Penn-yl Knr nil f.wr... Raven* Clift ted thHf?i»e|veii together if Vim are not sutisfied, and if his vanin. leave Richmond alternately eve^y Wednesday, mi I l.eatiord, A/r* (irav perfectly good* UrB rnndurtitif the ntifncf K .ir Kln.'kw.io.|*i Mii?nxii'P..I Sybil by to pti *po*oof e .ii,t what he recommends them he. he lot and returning buj\ even fl do exactly l.jnd, of CADI NET 'N AUK, at 'hr old and Philadelphia, Philadelphia I III Bllirk VA mil ami three Review*. 00 I Hyacinth* himself to redouble the and no Wednesday. 10 Prima Donna do money churge for the we/J known aland ol »N. Diiifuid, un » ui Black wood and all font Review* 0() i Voting Due not ice w ill lie given, in all the daih do £0008. •lor the of every trip, 'I he AmeiicHn respectfully invite the fitlrn llaronet’s Daughter atyle in ®w publisher* Old Gold and Silver token in for I rd tlie horn of lie it* iling of the ab«v» Cou*ins do exchange H. DII GI ID A SON*. jut*, • ion of their’fellow citizens to the merit* Duke and anything have been built in line. C. I'hfif Steamship* **Apre**ly for thi will ari^e from tin n A/otlur do my A.EVARD, have * tram la theii mu viii k*. feeling assured that none i (/in leuvering applied power line, and are hetiiit dull v n»n 8--ts 2 doors above They recently fitted up for t lo- aiTommndni that subserve tin March Exchange corner. flatter thefn*Hve* that enabled t* , ol ii -a I va it Innit being riinvecrd they Harper’s A/agaiine chiller}', end titeynre d *et rate alte. Inn | (inA»engr*r* ; fii-t table*, and every add. in fit* do all of /*lain and ('ahi n**l interest* of i>*>pt/1 ftr intelligence, and (irnham’s maiittfaeture description* Fancy ■• to tlieii cofttfor* and *afetv. Tlii'V are al*o to all:—he by paid pro to tin* of the nation, do also, ,.oei nrf liW. in ami finitdi to w itti «•> in eminent degree, general happiness Hml.y’s \;«t»(t; •tylo r«»rvipmc y vided wit1 Prhnetrt’s Metalic lofi-Moat*. and j i_ v dent, i ns fallen into the patent a healthful stimulus foi do CONFECTIONARY Up. the 8tate. I>|I <»I*I I). hv imparting to the public mind 1 l.adie* National great fine i* taken,a ml prompt attention mud.to the sale ~ Si N ESS in conpii ct ion with hi* Jew dry I) IV IHI (il ll), high order or i ntelleei-nil pleasure. I The Hive and the Honey Bee establishment of In a hlitimi to the nlniVe induce ~ in he Candi, s& h such a. defivety good* can seen on tlir fa ** which keeps ruils, Ora geo. a dh;gi;ii\ id all the above vfrork* be ! Domestic Fowl ges, incut* to we have made arrnngerri' nt* to Copie-, Raisin*. Almond*, Filberts, traveller*, Ke.AMNO va here Bil l Fancier Lemons. Toys of all kind, Me* of r fie ViMolvi AN Room,’ sijhsrrip I American *■/' forward » ng» * through to New York car* or and. in fact, all kinds of Confec pH* by linn* will he received. [sept d-*dt« 1 I S Prtic11. ul Receipt Book tionaries, kept in such learn boat**, theirhv to the an an IJe is now his ofTering pufdir* oppoitn /'lie I onils establishment. receiving Sprii g stuck at / 1 as ricusiJA i s. -book** | Physician *, ilv. never before offered the *nme price, rd viewing iiici* linlnc Doctor to w hich lie respectfully soli :ts the patronage of lbs Ini sail ! Kinissl m’* Compleu- the noble un i vi that model «i Phba V I bniii.il finii eli iJlwMiuli <1, 25 He also has. in his< Delaware, iling y bu.dldly gMlilly ,|o Cattle do do public. -.ployment. one olil.e most D B I* A V N K. and Cm leiphia. by '■y'OnlerS solicited and promptly attended to experienced Bakers dy makers in Lynchburg. to New York, in 1 *t Cabin, and Horne Bonk ol the mo !>• at the Pu**age through Piclliresqilf!, 1 „SI. c. MOUSE. Pyramids, of all kinds, shortest notice- Oil of 11 mm* obtained th« found, $!J Bonk Beauty, All order* from the co .> try received and SVUMCKIBEliM !.■*».* PER EXPRESS.—Ju*t rcceiv- promptly Passage tlnough to Philadelphia, do H 00 Shak upon e Ballad*, V IAV 110014* executed. CHAR. A. exclusive right of retailing Ki^k’s Metalic Murial 1 EVARL). THE 00 n( ml new book*— do rlo fin Second do 7 11e| nines Sbukspeure, the following \J..i-.-ij 8--.1t* 2 duursi.l ive Evchaneu Oases, take this method ofinfbrmingthe people of Lynch* Dr J II corner I or freight or to Hirlhond of Heroines, Marion’* Brigade or the Light Dragoons, hy nn.f the surrounding country, that have now b passage. ripply Shakspeiire’s bprg they HO RANKIN. Ao’i corner 22 Water Sr Nlia k re’m Works, III! Robinson E\V 1'ALIi A WINTEK 4>OOI>»... warn room on Main Street, a lot of the above Ca spell style*, Y their ~,f [' JUHNT. DAVIS L now hi* Richmond. Vn« VVorrieti fifth Bible, * Katie Stewart, a true story opening full «i0ek ses of different sites. It would he a difficult task to give I.IA I I0I.DR! [XiK, (iiv’i. A.-'t, ( bn Nnvioiii w itb Prophet* and Apostles, l,irtori:il Life of Crorket. by himself 5() f FAI.I. AND WINTER GOODS, «mbraoing the •in of these Cases without a poison adequate impression No. 7, Nitfth wharves Phil'ii. Charnetei istirs of Women, by Jarmnerson, 1000 iiml I *, Dumas 50 arge-t mid most attractive assortment ever offered by y\ they are perfec tly nit tight and indcstrtic inspection: N »er* w ill hear in mind, that tin Cabinet ol modern Art, 1 omCiingle.’* 50 him. among which are. f* • I).—Shi,.r plea-e Log, tilde, and for protecting and preserving the Dead, «tearner* ft art mery \\ “ " Boston, at 00c | box, and all other goods in proper lie ml ies of tbe (Join t ol Chin le* 2nd . Kami or 10 Strung ,1a. k,.la* Lindridge 25 De Laines 8. |)1 L'GUl L) & SON8. | “ supplied by I inn. I( M 11 min s Wild W«**tPi» a narrative of advcn Plain and dress Silks also attend splendid, Scene*, thrilling figured Undertaking in the usual style promptly *• “ Transportation to he made in superior and fa*t'«niling I he lr*s. very beautiful, tun•* in the Western wilderness 25 black ed to. 8. 1). & SONS. *• “ Steamers. KO. RANKIN, I be Book ol Costnines. : Maj .lone* Courtship. New Ed. 50 ricli Brocade tiov d4ct* The 11 nine I Jirele. by Mrs Kirkland, Aunt Phillis’ Cabin, Mr* 3d A Kastman 50 Mourning goods CARD.—TUB UNDESIGNED WOULD res Leila, by Bnlwer. L"Vor 50 Sleeves, Collars and Chimetettes ask a no nt nance id the so r i i: h o k r s llainly Andy. pert fully in patronage r i; a in m a ic * Bev riesola Bachelor, Prettily hound. Di* k Clinton, the masked highwayman 25 Plain and embroidered Handkerchiefs. long bestowed upon him. to the new concern and in S JUii N I ItOti 10RS hn* removed hi*Murbh W ofk Women of the Nciiptures, Price. by G W M Reynold* 50 A assortment of Ladies Velvet ami Cloth this connection he ile^ms it to ask all who an I o tile cornel ol Mam and HUi -*t1 eel -. vv In cw i 11 he (mimi Mary -plendid proper, tie m lie I ives of A Nee in l the post les, Henry E*mond. Thackeray 50 Cloak*, with a full stock of all kinds of Goods come forward urn! settle theii ac- a line imaoiI mcnl ot Itaiin.. and Ameiicun by usually indebted to him to Kgyptian, do do Saviour, My Novel, or Varieties in English Life, Riilvver 374 found in a Dry Goods store. Ho solicits a call, and count ■ without delay. Marble, Monuments, Tomb*, tirave Stone.-, Mante1 do do Patriarchs,&c., C*«mi• 11 ol‘ Vlonti* ChrDto 2 vol*. Duma*, each 50 himself not to he undersold house in Va. w e v c. pledges by any There are many claims of long stand ing, liich I must Pieee* of ery dencripl hoi. VV' nllP lutes, f oil! *, vV I'll h or of Life, Walde W-irreu, E urneison Bennett 25 net 2- ills close and it is that all who know them Any design ill carving executed in tlit* rieutt’*i mail up, expected Marl’s Female Prose writer* of America, f ortune T. lli r 25 •elves to he indebted will attention to 1 hi- not ice net'. Order* from tlie country, with city reference, I IXH.INII iintl Auierinni pay Bryant’s Poetical works, J live:.i|e Gift 25 .fan 8-dts 8 DIUGU1D oiupt l \ ii 11 ended I n. It SHEET IKON, SHEET ZINC &, BANCA TIN. Sigourney’s do Cii*f\’- Plantation Melodics nos 1 and 2 each 124 Mr It having served hi* nppretilice*hip in one of the 150 boxes ATTttACTIORil-.ll'NT i,,, n Milton’s do The Nightingale Songster 124 Tin-pbite assorted, largest{ e*t aid i**hm« nt * in New York city.and busing 50 Bundles Sheet-iron, C'UCATI ad. (nr (lift Ftill trade, immense tpiniil it if* ol Cook Moore’s Poetical works, splendid, i irennin’* do 124 assorted, iiiurIi experience in the hti«ine**, Hatter* himself that Trumpet 2000 tbs. Sheet ing, Parlor und office kTOVlifft h»r wood l J a in plied "h do do Lovely Nelly do Zinc, all win k exec ut ed at hi* w ill gi ve a* ent ire sal i*hn 124 A mid Coal (initcs, with shop do do do lot ot BancaTin, &c. For sale low. and coal. plain Byron’s Dolly .lone* 1 Fancy a* or 124 ~~*r lion any done North South. net I C. S. BLISS and without •umtfiCr piece*.beam ilul and cheup Burns do do i Ben Holt do It ichtnond July I I -1 n d P'4 Cooking Range* tor wood mid coul, some new pattern* Montgomery s do do Belle of Baltimore do P24 nOCliET DIARIES I OH lN.Vl-foi which have been •elected, w ith grout cure, from the Ui,A*S AMI I'M I I III; Badger*’ do do Beau and Belle do 124 1- the purpose of registering counts, containing an AI Northern and warranted to niiti* A lit AM E MAM I* At' I t ill\ —The Ldith do do Lane darkie do market** give ported IOOlilM. under*igm<1 May’s fenny 121 niunne. Banking tables. Counting-House Calendar, aim hot air and Urt at Amelia’s do do an faction. QhiUovi'a patent ventilating pint mai.ulurtme nnd nllei ioi sale the following irles Bean i Bill, 124 Mem’« foi day in the 44 every year. able F unihce*, allsir.es for Dwelling*, ('hurt'll Noi ihei n (i ddMTi'tb’s do do f Kate war'tiling |*r'uTh: ancy 124 Farmer’s Almanac, \ os, Factorie*, & r. Patent M'lalir Mantle*, of Pnitrnil Frames, ornnmentiil und gill Bi itish Pnei-jB vuD., ol old In richly plain Song* land, 12A Noitli Carutinu ,, Almanac, f\ ,a.n and finish, and wi*. h are last I*id lire 1* rutiic*> of itti«I wood and Poetical works, mi,,,. r or 18.)3. tliagnificieiit design atlpei gilt fancy guilt Pope’s ALSO, Marsh s Comic do ( the use of Marble. u hu beautiful n »soi I incut oi »t Poetical Ceding Dnguerieolype Frames, ge Dictionary Quotations, I,ary’* Book for JnHilary, 05 American do ol \N I It J He i* also to furnish patent Light new goods lieenrd* omen, by Alls. mans, A ml bur'* Home prepared Sprat'* Magazine, 25 hv wholesale and retail, at MORSE'S, Cn*t iron Hum*, lift and -i/.es and fitted in British I' male Poets, ding Rod*, Railing, Hydraulic Looking (this* Plates, ofall IY t* 1 -on’* do 25 nov 30 ts Proverbial force Pump* of the beat kind* in into, I lose. Loud Pipe Picture ftlass. French, lo t ipiality. from fiOx’IO ind ’s Philosophy, Yankee Notions. joi r Ancient B Sheet lead, St ve Fixtures, A. c., Sir., making altog«*tlu es ilowii Lay* of Koine, by T .MtfJnuluy NEWSPAPERS / 'EOVEIl t\l» OIICIIAKID UKASS assortment ever offeieH o Miickinti sh’s Miscellaneous the largest und most complete Pin I e i alass, for stores and d welling*. furnished t old** woiks, Bank Note Detector fin Jan. jot N/ /-. D—100 loisnels prime new Clover Seed, in thia and which ahull hi* aold f«*r h**a than ui in* B iue, by j 50 and market, Composition tinsel I es, ol all sixes, for Builders’ Intel vangel Longfellow, I A I irge lot of New Toy Book*, bushels Orchard Grass Seed, just received other c*»ahli«hm«*nt in the S BLISS. Ni ue for sale any city. work Melodies, f lag ol Om Cnian, new vol for Jan* by LEE & JOHNSON ( '• 1*. 8.—Tin and Iron Rooting, and K ive u ndc re in all the above Prove!hialtst mid the Jolt, nov 23-t \i.mo—Old Work gilt and jobbing Yaiikey Privateer, a new paper, u in flie Land ol and put on to order, in superior inner. bran dies Bondage, Empire City, B. I’lie I Must lilted Ladle* (jJ Paste— act INa Pictine (ilass rm to any large site Keepsake, ’V aiul pattern—and hip Spur. IiquonccA 10 cases celebrated to I’lie **T” "C’’ f retudi Min ors furnished order. K"seiuaiy New ) 01 k < Liquorice, uooDs-i AMi isv. .. Spirit f the Times, 10 .do at ten file (lilt, "C” C” do Country orders by mail w 'II receive prom pi (Ren*. riY m w New•ertber would respectfully utilioi m>e t•» In* friend Pictorial, vol, Jllsi received lion. Pit A NO & CLOVE It. Boom Book, and for salehy anil the that he is now to nl K Drawing Scrap W ilVi lb v .r, new | public generally, prepared Maga/i vol.. ■ "I Is st. It i chinned l\* *1 I lee & JOHNSON. well selected stork id I OR Main st rect. h«» t ween 9th and lilt it epsake Headship, I "i- sale at New fer to the trade alurgaaitd Staple the Book, Periodical and Newspaper V • -I ii ne ft— Friendship’* E lli ttiultes -W e have a lot and Fancy Dry Good* at unu-nnll h»w | the. II (Jtlering, Depot, two doors below the Post Office. 1/1% Just received j l ln Ketueinber Me, 1- ot re and dark Mock of Fall Cloth*, Satinetts, Llnsey* \< is vert l in iiiUiU arc-ltoou^ L. WARROCK. very superior pa Brandies, among f 11iia's I wl. eh he found the also a desirable stock Blank'**' 111 cl I MON I» Va )idbinary, Order* may favorite brands of Ottirrl, Dupey large, very largennd ^ tluinkfally received and promptly attended to low LJ"'-J f be M igunli.i f r 18 ill, ,t Co., old Londo Dock, Pennit. Castiloli &. and all of which w ill he offered ut very pi OppoKih J rkaipi Uni, Main Strvrf 1 jan -1-t- Cm, » file I. lilies (i lit. I. 11 eiincssfc e -**• At Co At.,\c. all w Hrruntcd and Sept VM-dift« D T ETMRS. W are now offering the largest u>• 111n«■ t and gn at p...e. fue (Jilt ul All’ cl ******** est of loti, MhI quin the of 1828 and 1832. Those in want ol rr Republican copy variety Pm nit ut e I lint lias ever been offered in this il" kl" *l 1N*h*—Among vintage I 'd f are " okeli 1 other-, genuine fine w ill call on H AICHl I il market. Our motto is, ipiick sales and small profits.” rieudsbip, Brandies, please OiHi\ Milt of I’ The Genuine Albuta Pen 'mi We ai e «*al emeu I s to as we h.tv e leiidship, 18-to LEE & JOHNSON- THM PUS I oFFiCM, Lvn< ununu offering g in dm buyers j riHlittllKIsADJOINING I be ( hi* land, Self do lately erected ii very large luetoi arc manufacturing Supply Va..— J. B. Q ADD ESS \ UNO, Drvprato,». (jo, yaml Christmas Reservoir do American I ’ai met, pr busiut on a scale, Call and examine our stock be* Blossoms, on hand and make tooiifei very large {^HE at mtrly of Baltimore,) keep Star of Gillott'.* celel»r5ted 303 extra monthly, Baltimore, S. Sands, at $1 fore if we do not Bethlehem, do, fine by peryeni at Northern and Italian Marble Man buying, and offer Furniture lower than Siihsri prices, Egyptian flie \\ oodbiiic, Spring ha iplions for this valuable periodical, (w Inch should mv other house in we will forfeit our reputa- *kregistered point* ties, and ornamental Monument*, Tombs, Head Virginia, N Tutonic he in the hands of plain tion. JONES X’ HA It WOOD. oritig Ladies I Jortie, Superior Pen—ire. every Farmer.) and toot Stone*, Garden Vanes, Counter, I able. Bureau [iiu5-tsl (Lurie* from tlm Poets, Among the above, hi p Pens of the latest ALSO, and Waah-stand made to nnv site at the shortest imports The at tops, %% ° kl 01 Prose and 1 i !l,,m »>< no,I NORTHERN FARMER, monthly •) X i M IM fe i n Verse, bv Hood, "dies, the best ,tvlp anil quality ihm published notice. Also, door and window till*. I'm In* 11 cents 16 octavo Ti iti;- J a a a A If I'liilosopbie Pi tivi l-iule pm M F tumid. Brice 25c.. to $1 :t5 moss. per year, containing large pages.sun- from town or cut rusted to u*. w il Tupper, p Any order, country, .vf// l’ cn-p received O. M'or- I\'t)(/l), Main Stiu-kt. Itu hmunii, Viui/inia.— IDue tic Normandie, cull nn,I xmoiim ihc above, at South Rml scriptions by MOUSE, Op/osi/r be executed with m utnes* n» I at 1 faithfully dispatch e "•irk House. W are imw offering our large assortment of Purnifurc Bd w iue, Hook-torp. C. MORSE, [ sep 27--.Its Aug 13—dt* J B GADDKNS’ & BKU. 4 at reduced us we have greater facilitem for mm Letters to nov 20 t* prices, my Pupils, by Sigourney, E PISTOIA.-Jum received, l>\ 1 ■ductm I 1/1% roiiNDiiv.-N i: w c o n ing than heretofore We return our thunk* t• 1 uagination and le L Hunt, 1- u lot ot rjiuioN Fancy, vi-io v »;o. v i*rri.\o, is Colt’s Pistols, mivv sizes, CERN.—The Hubscrihei* have n*Mooiated them the liberal received from middle and western In Ladic- bv Holi i >r>i:s\ patronage Voting Book, er, *|i' J mol Win n r* six srniill sizes V Wedding On I'd ii. &c Also, shooters, jelvet together tinder the style and firm of irginia, and we hope to offer sueh inducements as to. Literary Magazine, 4 vols., Copper plate pi inting firr Curds, Hill &r \ c. \Inynurds pat’t six shooters, new pMen merit a continuation these favors. motto Course ol heads, self-priming JUNKS, BKGU9 At llltOTUKIt, of Our Time, All Aliena orders fin then mve, iv attended to. single self-rocking Pistols 'Quirk sales and small nnd we intern! in nil Night prompt I’len-c aid cull the attention nl the i.- in then profits." Young’* Thoughts, cull if d Allens respectfully |>ul>1 examine iioensut ti p revolving pistols. 5 ttncl f> barrels use-to adhere to it We invite to A assortment spio Sooth-end Bookstore about one mile helm* tin* striekly. all exam large id* books, and I!vein (Ja^f FOUNDKY, city, immetlinte Bibles,Prayer steel double barrel {title one ice our as we MORSE. Pistols, trigger j stock, believe we w ill offer greater in- books for the different Churches,-— »utne 11 v bound on the Can.!. »■' er<* they are prepared in furnish any elegai _C P* U Pi«t< Is, rust steel barrels 5 fy ducements to than in State. in Velvet and in or ..nil. buyers any other House the pa per M icliie. A some beautiful Pa HOOKS, description of CASTIISC3, loom Mil Do, /’jf/f/g PIANOS, STA- Shot belts and and ^owder FInsks» l*®vV We are to all articles m our I w ' Pouches, Cablnm new prepared manufacture line pier*nmcbe port -Ii Stove, ami no* Hop. has ever been AISSOLLTION — W. Fsi)"‘‘ all size, and Brackets, size.. d*"*1*"*^^* — taken into the stniuuch from lime to Pliilip patent., to lfi tt/wrp 4iml tin II at. The undei |mu time, mu-t d. ’i.ol in this ■ in and Would take to s has Imsed of Mantle made t., order. Water (fa., nr dran ! iivou t<» iln> city, occasion ,y to hi- pun E G. Hell hi* entire interest pieoea signed would infer n their friends and cus tendency destroy lii-nlilitul tone ol that vi- ■ "slop crs. respectfully that a concern of will column. of all size., to which the at ten lion nl Inn I I .1 Oiemi ol the having pnrcliase.l portion of bis stock Payne & Bell. All debts due thefirm Pipe., that the Canal will on htinntii *v.tem," ami it i* weil to torners, Penu-ylvania open 12th known at the New York trade 10 will at North nil sales, and the remainder "Heeled P. \\ the debts due fi"MI er. are invited,—all of which furni.li at we w the medi. ul • hut the ttrtive mosth by Payne: also they March, whiefitime ill be repai ed to forward an\ priiloa.ion, of n Io 1*cash, he can. principle and will, fill their order- at lie concern will be ern und o.k a cull to in.ure «hI«.. colon ol medicine I’ttn in* prim*- that paid him. price., unly By amount nt M1 rrhindisr to all on the Western wu liquid pluced in n mii-t In- by points teaspoon; *ati* A e fit"1, h o then the use factory. request persons accounts against the prompt attention and faithful workmanship, they hope lets, with at the lowest rates. liy id giving mr;n and nauseous < 1 ruiii>ht hav'ng dispatch, very copy. •Wes fair All order* I'he oroueou* Exp I net 91 ,1.- bring them in for also ah wlio are in0014* OA please payment- days. by AOUlS.-PHILIP W. FAYA*' remedy Cough*, il.'eii Family Gardner, by Hunt 1J )5£Y ... solicits and the (olllu i fan on*rijiieii,ea. They invinihldy K.'e relief in TEN i'ractical Asrii iiltme, In Johnson respectfully from his friend* pule maciiimjs »••iH* \ The 11 of J»M r.-, ,.lv,..l |„r „ul,. sept 14—dt* American Farmers I'uiversal '.etore elsewhere can save money I*}'' style J 0 K LYMAN. WINSTON Hand-book you buy You nov by ( BROTHER, K-i« ••lemiin * I’rarticul "c so. DIUOUID Sf ^ Agriculture (f'.ct (i JOHN P.'WRIGHT- ERitV €HM1RTMA9 - n, , ts) to return th. Hai k •Mrs Prnctirul and they take this opportunity ifJ\| themselves with nil Bln*.’ Cook Book ru*e* suoerior yet provided sui li F »•; »; \ the for the liberal In lli« firm f I Stick Licorice appropriate Mi*.* Leslie’* Book L1 II1 Mi IT10 X.—The public very patronage for the festive season, had Receipt *- suh*cfther"*'‘jv'1 *• «• approaching better call at at fr°n1 J.T. & G. S. and a con »niinnr.»‘ -*u*Md.ANiK, A- m in'. *f|g obtained considerable expense, Diuguid, beg s,f,,r once at the and rig out. We have Complete j IL'znai,. just rec« ivi ‘* Cookery Whitehurst** same. Mouse Washington Daguerreotype*" lot of those fine Book Gallery, " 9 i*-I,another cloth, dress, and frock coats: he on a hkw* mu we wlu"'. 'ui'1 i*«U in billowing distinguished character*, most rP8pprt We have hand lot of TobaccoS* H Inirrl., I1 ami Virgin Mouse Book ^ l. 1 mu new French C.issiirero fine coim* •»|*I Doth!- «luy.Mud |,lW , style fancy pants, Doe *kii, Al ton’* Mvitesthe public to call and examine them, in •Es.a Tobacco Finisher ju*t ffottenii|(,l'h»ugt 18 '• do and black Cookery 1J in' fum y grenadine. Merino. Cut Velvet Cii- ien with a of all Mill Gearing, wrought and ch*I l.RR X JOIIN'Si B-ich’s and large number of his own production, descriptions, 'imere, Farmer’* Nuti> and Embroidered Cioth Ve*t. Cookery Dom-stir Economy Machines, &c &-• Agriculture f„r hitehurst GaHery. Threshing Silk and Marseilles I’m tv Ve*t-. C- r led ..liar. Schools, hv Bliakev A- I. T. DIUGUID, L fabu.. »'l Whir* ' resilient f illmore. Gen. Winfield Sco*t, \Vm.« Mik Ci avals. Pocket hog":-- uirtmeut f Hand Boi.ks „r p nov»£i.cl. | handkerchiefs, Silk half hose &c I Gem Jib $Hs bt ti. DIUGUID. D k LYMAN ham, Gen. f ranklin Piepm. Wm K. Kins.