Rihlittllkis H Aichl I Suh*Cfther"*''Jv'

Rihlittllkis H Aichl I Suh*Cfther"*''Jv'

^ —----—yrr—--t -ii _ I 1 MERCHANDIZE. BOOKS STATIONERY &C , RICHMOND. MISCELLANEOUS rEK-ritoor uoodi-vu^ MECHANICAL. vi;h a cheap pcbem'ATIons. Rubber Over-Coat*. Punt*. Bn.it* and the »r Un Lej.gtIlg, ^ * i a > ( i: « «» ^ i’A" I IMIl M>, row I A 1 i > k received at New Book Sl-ur, ..pf.u.-l.- and Osmhrif Umbrella*, a %M> CAM l)AI Eft > 4Bilk. Gingham large *„p' If ATM « i nflo*t »i and ^ I iKICHM(iM), r Im ««!•• in •!*»>.* I Kl< wirk 75 lv iu#t received at the Clothing outfitting ,..l8L Jt OK *110.1 OV M' WINCllKH M ile iOSS run >H'' whole**!.——* VAI.EKV N.irfli nw\ South. by Mm. A s 8HAI BH | ( u "FALL FASH «»,*. IHV* Mf. , other brand*. Ck„ AT*/ War./, —CW*' . lm« now received "ta New tnrk, 5000 Hm kl Idvri'l fine M*r«|i«]| and r and Parlor, by Randolph tuhtcnber 8wl»# THE MEK T*» *' 'l.l.in j,, having on Hand h 'urge « ITII 1*0* EH *0 ||»ri|M<K "ulwerifeer* stuck „( ‘'vie. ..I Uentlemer, 1100 Ho (i round Alum do New W ork o* r|T|IL TIIKBaltimore and l*ht ..<*><(•»•.« Thackeray’. Good* atn! BA?«Aet»,*uitubJ. r.,r < ’"•'l •100 I W'.nUrn N.-gr,,,.,, Sil*. hi"' k ""«• ton* Richmond gtound Piaoer i»p,i .lulv „fcani*rd, Fnrle Tom in Borland No J Mnteakm. CoMI’A.V, *i«vm* to redtire their stork, are .1* r|1||IS " 1 Buntlm ,nit wishing uirmined which, for durability ami beauty, cannot .#00 ton* h«**t IVrnviHii Oiinnn dai') expected ;|".I I hree V> nr. Alter, by Ned »,) Bru«h HATH A im.w rpa.(y rwriv.*«|i|ili.<iliun, at low Those such i. • work ell them price*. wanting g„„d, in thin or other majket Hi. Mock 500 l»M« Ro*eridnlr Cement I lie >"'b, Keene, best very be «uraa*.ed apy ami ..ffpnil.itlie rm*p.i«.il Virginia I’erelrnl A/arryuli to u- a «.11 find it to their interest give cull. Urewand complete, emltraehir all of I*1" /«'<■«/ n«d 500 hti*hel* prime t'low-ni't d the »afpin»ura,«pp «f kl""* Hlanehol Biaodywine I *h rffir C.«n|woy Cot TIN*LEY. TAYLOR ft n, HATS '■*’ CA™ l ,’iU hi l«* |l*»in- |)o»t o 4 ■ of htonerfV* •nprulwmli^i »Vc., .it fair ecpiiia t '.pfniii llu^k 5Q ad* •' WMmur Hh„,I I‘25 liM- Mm «*u-i*l* <. ilmi in»« A>ih»i Mr* dopted for\\>r Foil It SSL TIip Uirppt.ir. »»<Mir« the fiabhe A/.irv Swiliain by Orny 'rj() boxes B ••'.! friend. ». .1 »»■' «*LA8S*r3©0 be mn.t iuvtte. I‘27 (irrrri ^iigui ||.m-e MhUmM a vip* and American Gla**, now ..n to whlrh cordially - ill tm c,„,.h»rlP.I •ilh pprmai.etH-y. The Toon* Continental UIMHIHfrench, hand, ,,l »<.m a ml. ,„,ny and the »« *<*• ‘200 h.ifti m An hd St, i ‘fiV No l a**"1 H A/a." -11 ill use. for sale lU.tomer. public generally. •n the *fricte*t ol equ'ty, J9*ltcr, V\ jhl Sport., hy 50 I >verv site and quality general h.w. .'ock trill be l.mn.i principle* elaea here Hi. •100 tb-ree* l.mdon INiru,i ..f iIip iii.urPu Lmdrldge (.RKi.tiHY, ROYALL .V SI M Isi ,v before win-heala* .1 ... p. mtmny uii.l th«- ■«,<■,y luck Rnnn, by in the Ai *u-r* Mu*ta»d a. other e.talili.htwetit etty 50 (,‘rn«- A lildi k»»r*l L**nden I* CAKHON. .lame., new ed at cheap any IVi.ifii.t—JOSKl’H Holden, by &() with .eatne.a amt BUS A 11 at* made to order dl.patel. 25 do do Walnut nnd Vfud»r«M»tn W H N K author of A/tseramu* / 1 ■ I'ET*. 1(1 4Jiil’G4<ii;’| s kind.of Hn kkf * KT —0■ < 'iHpe tie, _ A dr- '*d oeer thin 25 Chi*c*r 2nu scries Da'i* is..Hi-ring a large stock nf f|e Huifomrrt Hmt fm r<f ft Hamper* Kngln.li (fjJmjc<*ter/ A.TI4BT—<». ^ HMSSBB. | >,,, v .f a London I'lty.ifiiitn, ;’ V nhl.T. (.'8r,,8i( of the HU h II I 7.5 box** Mncearord Crumb Cloths, Oil f I nor Call at the «ign N 1 1: " * E. G'.ark. Sni il k> M* Peregrine Pickle lliieg*. Druggets, Chilli*.Man, WM I lo«*rH Caim.in, f &0 .*10 lUg. Sicily Almond* Ja«h •• Kckoo*. a full assortment of the finest oc«S-i. STITZRJR i»»h r Km.», 1 : ) Don Q'li.ole o*. Ac. comprising Velvet, ‘20o hug* Hmxih Sugar 'V. KichardauK, Ellen Pi. ke.mg nnd Venetian Ml'HSU HI l*KK BEGS l.hAVb AlwSi hfc I.I.<*ia», 1 N. (•rim e and IVd'nr, by Brussels, three-ply, superfine Carpet* fJIHK 400 bug- binlft Hu h (?i>d**e j J do an 0-4. and 8 4 Oil Flour 1 to rail the attenlioo of the eiiitrn. ol I am K» KM • ( Who .hill b# Heir .tuns and Cloth,, id» ( J „ pa-age-.—1-1. .peelfully Ih-fitx ^rv, (fudiiril, OtHnl rniH Sxwnif llrxndy, H# !»"'••• do do &c.. all of which will be and tha eonnity, to In. Img* mi. IV Orti. poa I’trra,|illa .tr.-t »p", '#Mr.v 7'ne Druggets. Rugr*. Mutts. *„|,| Lynchburg adjoining • 111 I 'Sf|"ire ick nnd Hungarian Lion Win#*; ,\.»ul#*iin, *■ no u" "..v A as.ortment ol III H) I’S.HI IOKS Sherry, %V. I„-|.». I*. I). OH KIN I IAN Quiet llu.band ,. ii.,- lowest i" lee. t 11 -i, .plendid V5 X X <• Pori trie, •• do do M tiAITEKS. Ac- of I... dll N MAKE s. I lilv Evil.faiMiry. Secret foe I LAST.- Mfttiv of the »#h#iv#* lire of our itwn importation, nnd do gn ( OilL A CHARLES A. arc warrawtkp or m. r« r All Wareham do and w-hirh till Ol Till. Ellen Watch MakkkA Jkwklkr, we prof#-.* to *#*ll n*» Jot* H-lh#*s cm# he IihiI in fhi*i‘oUn* u 1*1 1*1.M V I IOA do do KVAKD Lytith- TT ARP OP Al’PKRIOIt Wi.RK WARMIII’ III lil The (il umlder ffr\ • III I III'. I.III.S would call the find ri.n-id# ri d I a* g< «*d tin I.IKS'liOSi 'll I 1.1, ~ ! Va., uitcn. try. quantity </' •• do do burg. respectfully 1’er.on. wi.hing to have a good and d*ir.d>le Hoot 01 quality .i.vii ivi.st.vi.s Poor Cousin H«*otfmerit UK run be hud in the to the riiK .Mini'll iihii i'ii, I ml, „f the citilens of and the coilnlry, adapted •• Mowett Lynchburg f?hni' for the preaent aenaoti. will do well to rail on mo llln/h k M'UOII'S Fortune 7Vller, by Mr*. *Uir»ui„ii'„g trade id V irginin ,s ih.it ill VI KM'S I.VII " hi* fine and assortment of to I».tb n* . ... country splendid W,.trh- a. I am determined p,#H*e, regard, tpiality M. ill /.l. \ K Fauns Herveyor received decdOdHrt* RDMPND HA VRV PORT X f’O. LUen Wallace Jewelry and Silver wurejust from the North and X IThi.miimi', A/arnage, by price. I.KONAKD SCOTT CO, ClHiideslito -,f the latest and selected to rail at .the .tore tl ree floor, above I he I .MOV « OfllM- styles patterns, by himself Don't forget HTD I VISIIIF *,• » I i.il.i *11 *‘P,", N**w v lirk Hnrtnond 7!/ I' ill 11 hi* « .1 .*i I Oeorgi. care to suit this market. From and iminedian ih. Cinnu. I ni'MM.NKO: HI KAMBKS—/'<«.»«-,/- SmiL with great hie-long ex Franklin Hotel, ly npiMi.ii.' Term* time Dudley and ““ in the Watch Jewelry he I' F GKIMALDI. tint!to and \ tt ff into tn Aor/ (h /</ 1‘himdr, / hut amt A 00 minuin iu South West—Bennett perienre business, flat Having.Hank. Km ti iv f ,hp four K.'vipiAA.. |l jipi Adventures ter* himself that he can please the most fastidious_ ll*o Poi/r—Tin Ht« (’apt. •* daa am-hip« Penn*}Ivanm, hnynmri <ir . 00 Leni Icuite __ l liny A* tor his workmanship, he leaves it ti.tla.se mill Virginia, T« u), will, on and lifter Novemhci 00 1 Ambition that ho i > I • r- II M Capl lhr,*p.. 7 Fate id '! IVKH (O^f liKK. I Km any lias done work for to All he asks is a Id. ii ii 111 fun her notice, irnfftencing with the H 00 judge. trial, ari| on the that instant. fort hi Penn-yl Knr nil f.wr... Raven* Clift ted thHf?i»e|veii together if Vim are not sutisfied, and if his vanin. leave Richmond alternately eve^y Wednesday, mi I l.eatiord, A/r* (irav perfectly good* UrB rnndurtitif the ntifncf K .ir Kln.'kw.io.|*i Mii?nxii'P..I Sybil by to pti *po*oof e .ii,t what he recommends them he. he lot and returning buj\ even fl do exactly l.jnd, of CADI NET 'N AUK, at 'hr old and Philadelphia, Philadelphia I III Bllirk VA mil ami three Review*. 00 I Hyacinth* himself to redouble the and no Wednesday. 10 Prima Donna do money churge for the we/J known aland ol »N. Diiifuid, un » ui Black wood and all font Review* 0() i Voting Due not ice w ill lie given, in all the daih do £0008.

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