Poppyland Benefice Bulletin , , , , , ,

Sunday 5th September The fourteenth Sunday after Trinity

10am Antingham (BCP HC) 10am Northrepps (MW) 10.30am Overstrand (HC) 11am Trimingham (MW)

We are moving to a slightly different pattern of worship this month so please see below for services and please note different times.

12th Sept: 10am Benefice Service Trimingham (HC)

19th Sept: 10am Northrepps (HC) 10.30am Overstrand (MW)

26th Sept: 10am Benefice Service Thorpe Market for Harvest (HC)

(HC= Holy Communion MW= Morning Worship)

Letter from Rev Philip Bligh

Hand washing is still recommended with sanitizers everywhere in shops and offices. Thousands are still infected every day and some hundred people every day lose their lives from this deadly virus. Now as winter approaches and schools return, ventilation is a growing problem as Covid-19 is carried through the air in water droplets from sneezing, coughing and speaking.

But our handwashing is nothing compared with the elaborated ritual of the Scribes and Pharisees who believed that all vessels used in eating were contaminated with evil spirits which must not be swallowed if they are to remain perfect before God. Small wonder they were called the ‘Separate Ones’ for they cut them off from all sources of evil infection which included ordinary people (especially Gentiles) and could only eat Kosher foods. So, Peter, a good Jew, had to learn the lesson in a vision where God said: ‘You shall not call anything that God has made unclean. (Acts 10:15). And Jesus in our Gospel this Sunday criticises these pious leaders by pointing out that is not what goes into our stomachs via our mouths that defiles us but what comes out of us in terms of what we do and say. (Mark 7: 15). There used to be a little ditty taught to children: ‘Envy, jealousy, malice and pride, they shall never in your heart abide!’

When we read that nearly half the downloads from the internet are pornographic this should make us more concerned to protect our children from the dangers of the media. It is James in our epistle today who reminds us to “get rid of all moral filth and evil that is so prevalent”. And it is what we do rather than what we say that is ultimately what can make a real difference to our lives. “Religion that God accept as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” (James 1:27).

There is so much good in the world and so many examples of kindness and generosity in people, religious or otherwise. We believe all are made in the image of God (Genesis 1:27) and can reflect his love and goodness. Peter said of Jesus, he was simply a man who went about doing good and healing all manner evil influences. (Acts12:38). His criticism of the religious leaders of his time was that they were hardhearted and indifferent to the needs of other only of their own and did ot keep the royal law found is scripture, ‘Love your neighbour as you love yourself.’ (James 2:8)

‘An idea is never yours until it comes out of your finger tips.’ (Frances Allshorn)

Philip Bligh

Prayer Chain and Pastoral Support Confidential requests for prayer can be sent to Rev Siân either email [email protected] or ring 01263 833790 (please leave a message if you get the answer phone)

For General enquiries or for Liz: [email protected]

Address for correspondence: St James Church, Southrepps, NR11 8NR or leave in the green post box just inside the gate at St James Church