Cultural Resources Assessment Report
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Planned Development No. 4 Project Cultural Resources Assessment Report prepared for City of Redlands 35 Cajon Street, Suite 20 Redlands, California 92374 prepared by Rincon Consultants, Inc. 1980 Orange Tree Lane, Suite 105 Redlands, California 92374 September 2020 Please cite this report as follows: Montgomery, Courtney, Alexandra Madsen, and Breana Campbell-King 2020. Cultural Resources Assessment Report for the Planned Development No. 4 Project. Rincon Project No. 20-09326. On file with the South Central Coastal Information Center, California State University, Fullerton. Table of Contents Table of Contents Executive Summary ............................................................................................................................... 1 1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................... 3 1.1 Project Location ................................................................................................................. 3 1.2 Project Description ............................................................................................................. 3 1.3 Personnel ........................................................................................................................... 4 2 Regulatory Setting ......................................................................................................................... 7 2.1 State Regulations ............................................................................................................... 7 2.2 Local Regulations ............................................................................................................... 8 3 Natural and Cultural Setting .......................................................................................................... 9 3.1 Natural Setting ................................................................................................................... 9 3.2 Cultural Setting .................................................................................................................. 9 3.3 Ethnographic Overview .................................................................................................... 11 3.4 Historic Overview ............................................................................................................. 12 4 Background Research .................................................................................................................. 15 4.1 Cultural Resources Record Search ................................................................................... 15 4.2 Previous Studies ............................................................................................................... 15 4.3 Previously Recorded Resources ....................................................................................... 16 4.4 Historical Imagery Review ................................................................................................ 17 4.5 Native American Outreach ............................................................................................... 18 5 Fieldwork ..................................................................................................................................... 19 5.1 Pedestrian Survey Methods ............................................................................................. 19 5.2 Results .............................................................................................................................. 19 6 Management Recommendations ................................................................................................ 20 6.1 Worker’s Environmental Awareness Program ................................................................. 20 6.2 Archaeological and Native American Monitoring ............................................................ 20 6.3 Unanticipated Discovery of Cultural Resources ............................................................... 21 6.4 Unanticipated Discovery of Human Remains .................................................................. 21 7 References ................................................................................................................................... 22 Figures Figure 1 Project Location Map ......................................................................................................... 5 Figure 2 Project Boundary Map ....................................................................................................... 6 Tables Table 1 Previously Recorded Resources within the Project Site .................................................. 16 Cultural Resources Technical Report i City of Redlands Planned Development No. 4 Project Appendices Appendix A Records Search Results Appendix B Native American Outreach ii Executive Summary Executive Summary Rincon Consultants, Inc. (Rincon) was retained by the City of Redlands (City), to conduct a cultural resources assessment report (CRA) for the Planned Development No. 4 Project (project) in the city of Redlands, San Bernardino County, California. The proposed project consists of the construction of two industrial buildings, associated parking lots, landscaping, and the improvement of the adjacent public right-of-way. This cultural resources assessment includes the results of a cultural resources records search, Native American outreach, a pedestrian survey, and the preparation of this technical report according to the Archaeological Resources Management Report (ARMR) guidelines set by the California Office of Historic Preservation and in compliance with the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). The City is the lead agency under CEQA. The cultural resources records search identified two built environment resources within the project site: P-36-026051 and P-36-26224. As detailed above, the resources are not recommended eligible for listing in the NRHP or CRHR and therefore do not qualify as historical resources under CEQA. Therefore, Rincon recommends a finding of no impact to historic resources under CEQA. The Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians and San Manuel Band of Mission Indians have raised concern about the project based due to the project site being within traditional use areas. The San Manual Band of Mission Indians indicated that the project site lies within the Zanja Historical Complex, raising concerned for the tribe. Additionally, the Zanja described by the San Manual Band of Mission Indians is approximately 0.5 miles south of the project site. Based on this information, the lack if development of the project site, poor ground visibility, history of the area, and known prehistoric sites within the vicinity, the project site is considered sensitive for archaeological resources and Rincon recommends a worker’s environmental awareness program prior to work commencing, and archaeological and Native American monitoring during ground disturbing activities. With adherence to these measures, Rincon recommends a finding of less than significant impact to archaeological resources with mitigation under CEQA. Recommended measures are provided in further detail below. The project is also required to adhere to regulations regarding the unanticipated discovery of human remains, detailed below. Worker’s Environmental Awareness Program A qualified archaeologist should be retained to conduct a WEAP training on archaeological sensitivity for all construction personnel prior to the commencement of any ground-disturbing activities. The training should be conducted by an archaeologist who meets or exceeds the Secretary of Interior’s Professional Qualification Standards for archaeology (National Park Service [NPS] 1983). Archaeological sensitivity training should include a description of the types of cultural material that may be encountered, cultural sensitivity issues, the regulatory environment, and the proper protocol for treatment of the materials in the event of a find. Archaeological and Native American Monitoring Rincon recommends archaeological and Native American monitoring of all project-related ground disturbing activities by a qualified archaeologist and Native American consultant. Archaeological monitoring should be performed under the direction of an archaeologist meeting the Secretary of the Interior’s Professional Qualification Standards for archaeology (National Park Service 1983). Cultural Resources Technical Report 1 City of Redlands Planning Development No. 4 Project Native American monitoring should be provided by a locally affiliated tribal member(s). Monitors will have the authority to halt and redirect work should any archaeological resources be identified during monitoring. If archaeological resources are encountered during ground-disturbing activities, work in the immediate area must halt and the find evaluated for listing in the CRHR and NRHP. Archaeological or Native American monitoring or both may be reduced or halted at the discretion of the monitors, in consultation with the lead agency, as warranted by conditions such as encountering bedrock, sediments being excavated are fill, or negative findings during the first 50 percent of ground-disturbance. If monitoring is reduced to spot-checking, spot-checking shall occur when ground-disturbance moves to a new location within the project site and when ground disturbance will extend to depths not previously reached (unless those depths are within