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.Vol. 62, Number 7 Baruch <;)oUege • ·City University of New York . May 12,1992 Adminstration Plans to Change Club Hours .' . -. -

By Karea'Sbachnig StudeDta.mahiJjpwJ·m~. sitiontoapropoeedcbange·that may move club hours to 4:00­ 5:30 p.m. on Tuesdays and' Thursdaysbeginrnngnextfall. The new' plan would mean there ~ three hours a week reserved for student aetivitiefi instead of two. Current club hours· are on Thrusdays from 12:35-2:40. r--rbe current hours impair . the College'sabilitytomalleas manycourses aspossiblea'VBil~ able tostudents:saidBaruch PresidentMatthewGoldstein. Cffwedon'tdo this,it'sgoing.to . be a'tremendous problem for students to put together a sehedule," Samuel Johnson, vice presi­ dentforStudentDevelopment, agreed. 'The main idea is to increaSe our capacity.to get ':..: full schedules, because we are going to be'cutting SOme sec-. tionaandclasssize willgo up," . he said. Moving'club hours .centofstudentsareinvolvedin TiinStarlt,presidentofAMA,' Committee'sreportstated,-nte . club hours' to a lat.eT time on will make large lecture halls .. clubs. Goldstein sta.ted that . also ~ witJ:1the idea. overwhelming priority of bothda~mOl'!c18astim~and more avaUable to teaehthe tlte~"1Ji'8PosaIis. -Studenta.;won~·~aticki~-Barueb 8tU :~~:at¥n-: ,.rooms.-~Q.lUd~WQ:1~bJe. . larger ehmses,' ae.eordlttg-·tO .With:tJle:ai'ifliAj er.RJaeiBte.·, ..am•. s"T2.]~t't f 4.till' \I 5~ 4iI! ,,11'.;..,,& .5;1~.t..,: &M•• ·••Jt'ifjilll.fn.'.' .i!e ..,."_,,. '.---. ,...,,..;.;.,,,~;. ._ . aebriitristeatiGft~al.. ·. AylDBm ~·'-The ison~or~.~.~pua.-: ~.pol!ibe~Allotber -iJnpact·toeoDsider.:Mauyin- :;~~. ~ ~~, .• The idea_~J!'OP2!!d_~ni::-__..~?yelling JM>.int tha-! t~ad~ . ~k~dGoldsteinata meet- '. factors,suchasadmini&tration vited speekeni:andpublidzed =-", ._'.. _~.'~.~ ,tially bya.task.1orce~.the.. _lDlm~t@ii~~feC1 as. a mg WJth1ltucieDt ..... enmnt-01hw ...cidel1t.~&e1Vieea;----:e¥eR" that Ga.1aqe,-.~-,. .~~ presidential budget commie- positive, people think it isaMiiy'atliat-sftidentiJ-were not . shouldserve'this eiia~· '-' - ,.. am01lllts'-af'stadeDtll-and ·fae· . sion consisting:ofSenior Reg- negative,· he said. '1:t would adequate~y consulted. -nus It·goes on to say that course ulty are catered affairs. ~t istrar '11tomas McCarthy and just further make this place whole. thing could have been , -availability and flexibility of mayor may not be a signifi­ DanieICreange,directOroffis- seem like high school where avoidedifyouhada studenton scheduling would be the im- cant impact OIl the b1Isiness, cal affairs. According to club hours are reduced to an the budget commission: he mediate result oftheirrecom- but we could loee8OlD~"said Goldstein, the new plan does extracarricular after-school said. mendation. PeterDetuel~managerorGreat notdoanythingtocreatemore experience," The commission is made up According to Johnson. the san Franci~Pizzaend Pasta courses, but it gives the CoI- "I think it's a shame," said ofmembers offaculty and the currentclubhoursmakeitdif- on 23 St. and Madison Ave. lege more places to putthem. Pennila Ifill, a member of the administration, and a student . ticult to schedule Tuesday- -Just'today we delivered five "'1lle overwhelming -majority West Indian Cultural Club. advisorycommittee consistsof Thursdayelasses, Mostendat pizza pies and three pasta of students are mainly con- -Club hours are being cut and two representatives from the 12:35, and veryfew are ached. ' ~hes to the PhilliPin<:l Stu­ cemedaboutaccesstoeourses," ourtuitionisgoing up. It'snot day, evening, and graduate uled after 2:40. By changing dents Club.» he added anything new, though," sessions. The student Student reaction has been fierce. -Yt's sickening: said Simon Herelle, vice president of the Day Session Student Herelle Has Government anda member of the student advisory commit­ tee to the budget commission. ~ don't1ike whathe(Goldstein) is giving to us.» His Hour! Carl Aylman, directorofstu­ dent life, was concerned that the lateness of the proposed .By.RafaelA. Olmeda directorofEveningandGradu­ hours will have a negative ef- In one of the closest presi­ ate Student Services, close.to feet on the quality of student dentialracesinrecentmemory, 1,200stUdentsvotedthisyear, life on campus. -It takes Simon Herelle, the candidate nearlya 50 percentjumpfrom twenty-five minutes to get ev- ofthe United Studentsfor Ac­ last year. erybody together," he said, tion, won his bid for the top .USA swept the executive whichwouldonlyleaveanhour position on the Day Session board ofthe DSSG. Karlene to hold an event or meeting. Student Government. Scotland defeatedherABCri­ ~owever:he'added,-students "I'mglad theeampaignis over val, Monique Boriq; by 603­ who are not affiliated with Or- becauseI put a lotofmytime 541,anevenc~margin·t:b8n ganizatiOns-feltthat it would . andenergyintoit:H~nesaid Herelle's victory. The most be a good opportunity to coin- shortly. after his victory was decisive resultscame from the pacttheir program a littlebet- . arinounced. He also credited . race for exeeutive secretary•. ter andgetjobs after classes.- his running mates with put- Jennifer 'Robinson; .who was Studentsagree thatmany do ting all their efforts into the seeking a second term,lost to not take advantage ofstudent campaign. With 596 votes, Lisa Tsai (USA) by 163 vote. . activities. . Baruch is wi~ly Herellewasjust73votesahead (648485).· ., pereeivedto be a commuter 'of his closest com.petitor,· Angelo Go1Jioussia, whoran school, wberestudentssimply Charles Wiesenhart fA the Al­ for president as an·.indepen­ attend dasses and proeeed to lied Barueh CommUDity.'l- . dent,.ga.thered.63 votes. . theirjClbeOrhome. 'nteBaruch -what really countsis,that '!beaunpaign ~ year_baa . College CbapteroCtheAmeri.. wegotalot~peop1etowote been laeed··With partiIan ten­ ean:uarbtiDgAeeoriatiem" this yei1r~ Wi.-nhart. sion. lMtweekitwaa'repca1:ed tiDiated thatrOughly ten p!r- AccordiDgto Mark Spergel, (eonMued.OIIlJG1le' 3)

. . __ s a a e • e • P. $ ._------

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fD ~ '\") ~; Baruch Purchases Untested Security CD ~~ Z .- ...CD ~ ,. System Despite Budget Cuts I- • N By Toni Colavito lost $5.4 million. On April 2 "contingent upon daily 0) 0) The scene isregistration and theNewYorkStatebudgetwas changes," -rhisis a major cut y-.. the place is 155 E. 24th Bt., passed signifying a $74.2 mil­ for us," said Dean Williams) N y- Baruch College) City Univer- lion cut for CUNY and a $4 ."because we are the smallest. >- sityofNewYork. Hundredsof million cutfor Baruch. Coupled We feel we are being taxed tU ~ students are scurrying about with the cuts is a $350 tuition beyond our 8bility." withregistration parapherna- increase for Baruch students Students are angry also. liainhandtryingtomake this to be implemented over the Margalo Krumholz) sopho­ -'------..- --- process as quick and painless nextyear. .Incomingfreshman more, isa LiberalArtsstudent as possible. N~ such luck. andtiansferstudentswillhave majoring in Journalism. She The computerS'havejustbro- a $600. increase. However) feels that not enough is being ken down and hordes of stu- freshmen are promised their done tosolve thebudgetcrisis. dents anwaitingon line togo last semester of senior year' "I think that thebigher ad­ intheregisteringrooms•. Oth- free from tuition. ministrationshouldtakea pay ers are waiting on line to pay Institutional cuts atBaruch cut and put the money into theirtuitionwhichhasreceptly range from faculty .and staff programs.· been increased for the third layoffs, child care cutbacks) Another studentwho wishes·­ time in twoyears. Stillothers: academic counseling mts, in­ to remain anonymous said, arewsitingat the elevators to structional equipment(paper) -rile fundraising department go upstairs and beissued new cuts) and a delay· in the new ofour schoo} sucks. 'Aecording ill cards. campus plans. On May 1 the ~Il' to Standard and POOl'S, the C II Upstairs a linehasformedat Presidential Commission on creditratingcompany,Baru:ch 0 ege won t the new ID card station, an- the Budget1'eleasedits report has more graduates 88 semOl' i otherat thebursar'swhere 40 on the budget erisis. In its level managers than Harvard RIM t.a.r percent of Baruch's students report, the commission lists orYale.,Whentbegovemment..: ep ace ar Inez askfor tuition deferment, and budget reduction recommen­ failstofundus,weshouldtum yet another at Financial Aid dations.lnadministrationand tothepriVatesectorandthat's By Farah Gehy that.- where40-50percentofBaruch administrative services there what our fu,ndraising depart- The death of Dr. Robert A. Fainstein saysthatthereare ,- .~ students receive financial as- is a recommended cut of 7.6 ment should be doing.- Martinez,formerchair-person about. 15 full time positions i sistance. Back downstairs 20- percent overall. Otherrecom­ .TeresaKaraman08, acting oftheBlaekandHispanicStud- vacantintheSchoolofLiberal 30 students are clamoring mendations:inelude: main~­ directorofExternal Relations ies Department, has sparked Arts and Science~-8bout­ around a pillar where'several' ingtenuredandpromisingnon­ (fundraising department) re- some controversy regarmng seven r&Signedand eight are closed course list sheets are tenuredfaeulty,telephonereg­ sponded,CJagreethatthepri- whetberornotthe College will on leave. According to posted. People are pushing istratio~studygroupsforlarge vatesectorshouldstepinwhen hire areplacement. Fainstein it takes three ad­ and strainIng over one classes and scheduling of govemmentfails.Ithinkwe)re Dr. Martine~ who died on junctstobandletbecourael08d another's shoulder to eateh a classes on 'ntursday during doing a lot, weare committed April 3~ 1992 ofAIDS-related ofa full-time professor. glimpseofwhatcoursesareno what is now club hours. This to doing. as much as. we hu- complications, will not bere- Lavonda Davis) president of longeravailable. Butwhyisn't lastrecommendationhascome manly can," Karamenoe cites placed by a full- time tenured the Day Session StudentGov­ the closed course list distrib- undersome vehementcriticism the $2 million gift thatSidney professor. Due to the budget ernment, said, -we are facing

uted among students when by the Day Session Student Mishkin gave Baruch as an I cuts affectingthe CityUniver-_ tremendous cuts. There's no theyfirst enterthebuildingas Government and club presi­ exampleofExtemalRelations' . sity) "We are not hiring anyone that can r~place Dr. ~~ear Pre~,dent faCul~~theI.4~ral nOt@~pf was the procedure ago? dents. Vice of Stu- accomplishmentain»ns area. full time Martinez. lea ~ot'ff' Theansweris simple. There dent Development,-Samuel The full implications of the .. Arts 'and .Sclenees"·'Depart·:"" ., teiiurecratre;..irs.... isno money. Thereisnomoney JohnsOn, a commission mem­ budgetcutswillnotberealized ment,"saidNormanFainstein, the professoriscompetent. It's for-S'112-x ,-Il-white;- anruled ·ber--stated,-~l'm--prett)l".satis.,.­ '=~~e:~;~~:::;~~'·.·~~il~~~::LC?r~!>E:~.- ·~;~;r~~:~~~f:=:d· paper. There is no money to fiedwiththereport, wetriedto . buy a computer system that preserve as much as possible." and implemented. Basically Dr. Martinez was not teach- out for a memorial service for doesn't break down at least Thefinal decision ontheserec­ what can be surmised is that ingthispastsemester)"he was Dr. Martinez on May 5. onceeveryregistration. There ommendations lies with the there will be fewer classes that on disability leave and [we] Venecia Trinidad) a recent is no money to hire a staff to president. are larger in size) drastic re- hireda(ljuncts)·saidFainstein. alumna andformer student of . make the registration process Although a decreaseinfunds ductions in services and a "His courses will be taught in."..Dr. Martinez)..said.she has not run smoothly. There is no for servicesishampering)what changein faculty make-up. thefall," byadjuncts,headded. .been back to Baruchsince she money for a reliable elevator) is most prevalent on students) "Let's get Dennis Levine on The controversy does not re- graduated, but the news CODl- and there definitely is no minds is the loss of courses our side: said Andy Karlic) volve around whether Dr. pelledhertoretumto thecam­ money for courses. So how offered and the loss ofinstruc­ treasurer of the American Martinez is replaced or not, pus. 'He didn)t teach to live)" doesoneruna collegeof15,500 tors. Marketing Association. -He)s but around who is replacing Trinidadsaid. C}Ie reallylived where a basic necessity such Inthe School ofBusinessand good atraisingmoney) andthis him. to teach," aspaperisconsideredaluxury Public Administration the to­ time he can do it for a.good "I fully expect Dr. Martinez Dr. Donald H. Smith, chair- item? That is the question on tal budget is being cut by cause." to be replaced by a full time man of Baruch's Education the mind ofevery Baruch CoI- $975,000. Visitingandsubsti­ tenured track replacement," Department and longtime lege administrator this year. tute professor positionswill be said Dr. Lewin) the current friend of Dr. Martinez) called Thereismoney) however) for replaced by adjuncts and full Herelle chairmanoftheBlackandHis- the decision to publicize the a new state-of-the-art ID sys- time tenured faculty will re­ (ContWud from Front JKJ8e) panicStudies Department. cause of death a courageous tern complete with magnetic mainuntouched, 8ceording to that the laminating machine . He continued, "He did not one which gives people an op­ strips that hold all pertinent Dean Francis Connelly. "Our usedbytheUSApartytomake retire, he did not go on to big- portunitytofighthomophobia. information -and turnstiles. goal:saidConnelly) ~8topro­ buttons was stolen from gerandbetterthings. He died Kevin Crespi, president of Butthere'sa problemwiththis vide the same level of services.' Herelle'a oflice in the Student onthejobfightingforthepeople PuertoRieansforInvolvement, also. The new ID cards have andsamenumberofseatswith Center. -I knew politics was . of this college community. I Development and

beenissuedbutthe turnstiles) less money.­ dirty but I didn't know it was canD.ot believe tha!taruch Enlightment,said,'1 thinkit's because of the cuts will not In the School ofLiberal Arts criminal: saidDaphne Leroy, would merely pay . se~ee ridiculous after all the work showup nextfall as promised. and Sciences the total budget next year's vice president. by making pious em state- themanhasdone. Theyc:anat According to Marilyn is being reduced by $1.1 mil­ In spite ofrumors tothe con­ menta about him. I believe leastrespecthiswishesandall Mikulsky) director ofCampus lion. There will bea reduction trary, thelaminatingmachine Baruch is better than tha~ I thehardworkhe p~intoHis­ Planning, by next fall there in 300 course sections and the has not been found. One stu­ know Baruch is better than panic Studi••- will be "some form ofturnstile non-reappointment of about dentclaimed the machine had and auditory response system 200adjuncts. Theadjunctbud­ been locatedin a garbag.e can. in 17 Lex." The system) getis beingcutinhalf, aceord­ '1don'tlmowwhotoldher,but Mikulskysaid,.willbesetupin ingtoDeanNonnanFainstein, I wish they had told me, be­ the17LexingtonAve.building however,fulltimeandtenured cause I'm still looking in my this summer in order to be .faculty "!ill not be affected. garbage for mymachine: sai~ tested. "We want to see ifthe' -aasical1ywhatallthismeans,­ Herelle,: who did not accuse system works,- said Mikulsy, said Fainstein, ·-is larger ABC eX stealing it. Editorials: 10 -Wedon't want to look likeidi- classes and fewer ofthem.· Before the machine was re­ ots.- CampusPlanningthough .In the School of Educ:ation portedmissiDg)membersoftbe Letters/ Op-eds: 11 has troubles too. In the past and Educational Services" a ABC party complained that year 22 positions have been $100,000 eut is being.impIe­ Herelle wastakingtheirflyers Perspectives: 15 cut, mostly in the custodial mented. heording to Ading from bulletin boards. Herelle , staff. "It'sprobablyjustgonna Dean Audrey Williams, the said their accusations were get worse)· said Mikulsky. number ofcourse sections will true) but that he had done it Sports: 31 The trouble began' about drop, class sizeswillincrease) because ABC flyers were cov­ three yearsago. Thatwaswhen adjuncts '!ill not be reap­ eringhis own partYs. . the firstrumorsofbudgetcuts pointed,"tenuredfull time fae­ HereDe wished to ·thank hit CUNY. Since 1989 CUNY ultywill be kept, however the Wiesenh~ for increasing has lost $98.2 million. Over . deanstressesthatretentionof awareness and bringing stu... . '.. .,'. _. ~., f!I' ~,';j&...... '. ", tt • , • _•.- ••• • ~ •. ~ ," • .. - .... -" •• " .,', ~ ~.l ~ r ~ ~ ~...... -.. ,. t.f.l .,. .• ,' s • "./ J lll1 .• ,.,.' • .J. •• •'.J ,....' .• ,.,J.t .• , •••. ,• '., '. - ••• ' ••' ,",,' .. (, • *' .... t l • .. • ...... { .. ' ~ ~ .dentsintothepoliticalprocess. ~ *' ~ .....' ...... ~...... , ...... :' '. &...... &. .. , '1 .#. ;- .: • ,J ...... _".1 c.. .. • ... '- .. ..' - .-- _. the past twoyears Baruchhas full time tenured faculty is . ~ ~ ..' . . "-." .

. .~ i.. . • .' .', .. ~: .. '

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j Pol2180 3181 Cohen 4.69 Pay 3181 3182 Engle Fried 4.55 Engel 4.36 .. 3185 Zeitlin 3.93 Shapiro 3.31 Bitton 3.76 Cronin 4.48 ~ Estrine 4.34 Kirby 3288 Hecker 3.87 Evaluations Ped 1325 Q) (continued from page 7) - 4012 Obrien 4.35 .. Shane H. 4.42 Pol 2314 . Pay 3182 .::t:. Platt 4.61 Smith 4.64 4039 Baroc:aa 4.74 .2 Lawrence 4.42 Belden 4.30 ~ :B!Own 4.17 Sinser 4.82 5020 Obrien 3.94 • Kreiger 4.34 Esposito 4.22 Krevisky 4.26 C\I Freedman 3.44 Ped 1413 en Huntley 4.54 Pol2321 PUB en Mae 1005 Samra 3.56 Pay 5020 ~ Mgt4380 1250 Cipollina 4.43 Gondola 4.92 LevineJ 4.49 C\I- Mth2160 Muzzio 4.07 Kimball 4.32 Singleton G 2.620 Hosie 3.24 Guyot 2.84 ~ Olivero 4.30 Ped2313 Bresnick 2.84 as 4.22 Kirby 4.40 Digaetano 4.27 Tomasello 3.83 WangCK Pub 1250 4000 Mitchen 4.81- ~ Mgt4400 Engel 4.09 Friedland 4.43 Pol 2323 Brentlinger 4.28 Hoffman 4.34 Toby 3.59 Booke 4.35 . BEL Gondola 4.76 1001 Nordstrom 4.37 4..31 Mth2300 HongR 4.50 Slavin 4.30 Polemis Kent 3.65 1530 'Gioia 4.27 Thompson 4.21 Phi 2000 Todd 4.42 Muzzio 4.22 Chankin 4.28 Weinberg4.01 Pub 3100 Lynch 4.62 RET Hill Perricone 4.57 3900 Fabes 4.65 4.66 Bixler 4.58 Kraus " 3.48 3.46 Ackrish Rosenberg 4.37 3910 Robles 4.16 Earle - 4.37 Buckley 4.63 Pol 2332 4900 Unger 4.32 Mae 1038 Schwartz4.77 Soc 1005 Liebowitz 4.30 . Lackey 4.33 Friedland 4~14 Adams 4.36 SOC Samarotto 4.53 Paidoussis 3.91 Hertz 4.16 Mgt 4510 1005 Majete 3.95 Maizel 3.69 Apter 4.26 Demaio 3.88 Plekon 4.57 Mae 2026 Goldman 4.38 Snedeker 3.67 Mohan 4.35 Edelstein 4.34 Morewedge 4.37 Sheingorn 4.01 Fontana 4.48 Charles 2.99 Vaar 4.39 Mth2001 Soc 3008 Fainstein 3.73 Mgt 4515 3.83 Taha Pol 2333 Saran 3.63 Mse2044 Walsh 3.85 Johnson 4.15 Snedeker 3.98 Jain 3.93 Hertz 3.56 Wartofsky 3.4 3042 Plekon 4.62 Reich 4.64 Cazes 4.17 BoIce 4.73 Rochen 4.29 Soc 4037 3051 Lipshitz 4.41 Mgt 4550 4.03 Hsu Fisk Pol 2353 3056 Howard 4.76 Mse2061 Tobias 4.09 Mth3006 Heywood 3.81 3.72 3066 Majete 3.15 Phi 2010 Tenenbaum 4.88 4085 Majete 4.43 Swartz 4.69 Moreno 4.24 Bixler 4.40 Spa 1001 Mgt 4560 4.44 Son Perti Helfenich 3.83 SPA Mse2090 Williamson 4.24 Kossak 4.54 Diez 3.68 3.72 1001 Lopez 4.66 Phi 2120 Mth Pol 3315 Schneider 4.45 Swartz 4.60 Barone C. 4.31 3010 Castillo 4.51 Schneller3. 73 Casanova 3.25 Morewedge 4.26 Jurkevich 4.48 3.29 Shapiro 3.69 Tenenbaum 4.63 Thorman 4.28 Gartenberg Rosado 4.73 Canas 4.68 Mgt 4760 .Jor- Phi 2145 1002 Lopez 4.60 Msc 3016 dan 4.70 Mth3020 Pol 3999 Canas 4.07 Freedman 3.88 Martinez 4.51 Wartofsky 4.22 Rosado 3.59 Swartz 4.84 Weinberg4.04 Gartenberg 3.84 HongR 4.80 Spa 1002 Mgt 4780 Finke 4.40 Phi 2200 Psy 1001 1011. Casanova 3.90 Msc 3026 Rothenberg 4.64 Huntley 5.00 Finke 4.82 Olivero 4.74 2005 Lopez 4.60 Schwarzenba 4.44 GooIer 4.57 3002 Rosado 4.06 Lambert 4.15 Brown 4.49 Mth3040 Castillo 4.55 Mgt 4880 4150 Schneider 4.84­ Amato 4.42 Bernstein 4.37 4221 Casanova 4.39 Msc 3033 Hawthorne' 4.43 Reich 3.93 Martin 4.77 Mulkowsky 4.47 Phi 2210 Batista 4.33 SPE Slavin 4.01 Kaufman 3.93 Mth 3102 Spa 4181 7 4.74 Mkt 3000 ElliS 4.41 Wychogrod 3.98 Kelly 4.71 Daponte Msc4003 Wan8. 4.36 Sheingorn 4.79 Finke 4.56 Berenson3.72 Shogan 4.32. 4.24 Goller 4.64 Heller Tomasello 2.79 Mth2006 Mth3300 Phi 2230 Spa 4999 Unger 3.43 1010 Goldstein- 4.10 3.,71" MthOO09 Rumley 4.73 Shaw 4.22 Schwarzenba 4.38 Barocas Stavans 4.90 Hos pedales 2.56 Horowitz 4.26 4.64­ 4.47 Teitsort Tobias 4.03 Shaw 3.96 Apter 3.90 Phy 1003 Hui SpeOOO8 Pagan 3.48 Schick 4.2 4.79 Daponte 3.74 Moy 4.29 Tobias 4.29 Mth4100 Chini 4.93 Kirschner Messano Cie 4.58 Robles 3.96 Schaye 4.39 4.54 Bazzoni 3.92 MthOO10 Gordon 3.63 Wong 4.64 Catto 4.00 Block Spe 1010 Eyuboglu4.43 Shogan 3.58 McGovern 3.73 Samra 3.85 Gartenberg 3.45 Mth4120 Soto 5.00 Fantaousaki 3.51 McGovern 4.20 Secunda 3.95 Boddy 4.30 Birdsell 4.69 Collison 4.41 Burggraf4.84 . Shane H. 4.39 Balsam 4.Bl Jones 3.46 Bogin 3.58 Sandler 3.92 Ferrar 3.91 Friedman 4.64­ Singleton4.42 Lindenfield 3.08 Phy2003 Purcell 4.67 Garfinkel 4.61 Ahlawat 3.52 Mth4140 Bogin 3.73 1011 Sbogan 3.14 Klein 4.54 Bixler 4.40 Orlando 3.56 Demetriadou 4.76 Steams 4.56 Chia 3.90 Buckley 4.63 1043 Ferrar 4.56 3046 Goedmenscn 4.93 MthOO20 Wong 4.31 Catto 4.69 Chowes 4.40 Spe3070 Mkt3500 Opr3450 3059 Boddy 4.48 3060 Kessler 4.09 Pol 110l .Schwartz 4.69 Birdsell 3.99 Lee 4.69 Smith 4.94 Shapiro 3.61 Lebert 4.28 3068 Myers 4.06 3070 Birdsell 4.39 Arougheti 4.74 Adams 4.38 Podhorzer 4.28 Sst 1001 Mkt3520 Esposito 4.68 Bammi 2.87 3102 Bazzoni 3.95 4.66 Levine Jager 3.93 Poveromo 4.48 Rotella 4.60 Segu.nda 4.07 Togher 4.29 Shapiro 4.32 SPS 3000 Moncrie1Je 4.74 Bryslawsky 4.90 Hawthorne 4.52 Baden Cohen 4.27 Psy3033 Sst 3010 Ducoft'e 4.77 4.38 SST 3.51 Arougheti 4.77 Digaetano 4.59 Jones 3.86 Mkt3710 Paidoussis Ped 1110 Tesser 4.04 1001 0001'0 3.11 Morae 4.55 Lindenfeld 3.50 Williamson 4.33 Bitton 2.94 Psy3064 5011 Lichtenthal 4.37 Engel 4.77 Sst 3010 Holder 4.41 4011 Marino 4.61 Ackrish 4.48 Picone 4.02 Ped 1310 Reiss 4.02 ~ngel Fried 4.47 Gonzalez 3.63 STA Ritterman 3.77 Psy3055 Shani 4.22 Schwartz4.65 Eng 4.62 Sherblom 3.90 Sta3158 2000 Baden 4.58 Lerner 4.47 Klein 4.67 Cowen 4.51 BoIce 4.62 Engel Fried 4.73 4.04 Copulsky4.53 Ped 1312 Frankel Lobert 4.34 James 4.11 MthOO30 Paidoussis 4.42 Bing 4.17 Mkt5560 Gradkowski 3.81 Demaio 4.13 Sta3255 .Griffin 3.79 Brandwein 4.43 Randolph3.91 Mth2008 Ped 1313 Singer 4.67 Psy3066 Ablawat 3.76 Levine D 4.11 Bemmi 2.36 Koenigsberg 4.57 Tepper 4.09 Wong 4.58 Belden 4.10 Demaio 4.32 Hickey 4.09 Parket 4.68 Frankel 4.34­ Barone 2.69 Walsh 4.16 Mth2010 Ped 1316 Fontana 4.04 Psy3059 Mkt5750 Dipillo 3.84 Frankel 4.39 Pryce 4.43 Barone J.4.01 Belden 4.52 Pol 2101 Anisfeld 4.06 Information Recieved Late Kalita 3.91 Perlis 3.97 Psy3061 Lobert 3.99 Shaw 3.98 Ped 1323 Barone J 3.04 3055 Lut1'ak 4.89 2100 ¥jUMP 4.65 Schnaars4.46 Helferrich 4.32 4.52 Suraci 3059 Jones 3.77 4000 Brandwein 4.02 Bryslawsky 4.53 Todd 4.08 Dixon 4.60 Reichman 4.58 MIle 1003 oM 3061 Pol 2240 Psy3062 3062 Albrlght 4.71 Paideueeis 3.68 Tepper 3.94 Belden 4.05 3.50 Roeenfeld 4.15 3080 Andreasai Lentner 3.88 Albright 4.49 3.02 3180 Jones r Frydman 3.01 Wong 4.39 Gondola 4.68 .-_ ... . _...... - - .~ Saloman 4.60 Helferrich 4.24 - .---

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(/) 11 c: o :c: -, .:.~ 0·: i~ O0.1"'."'"... :.:=::• •;.:.:-:.;.:.:./';::. -~ (I). l:;}}~ .g .::t:. .2 Established In 1932 The Revolutionary Generation ~ :::3 ~ Student Life: In Memor-Iam en C\I Rafael A. Olmeda mRiddle ofthe Week: Just"American," Please ~ 4. Itturns college life intohighschool life. editor-in-chief City of the Angel ofDeath j ~ What measure will not save the College one thin To the Editor: common enemy. It made me Having basically ruined my ~ ~ No big difference there, except that we're paying dime, butwill manageto destroy any vestiges of(HA!) Rafael A. Manlnez Hyphenated titlessuch as African-American, Italian-Ameri­ feel important, like I was fi- own neighborhood, I then ~ ~ more for it. student life at Baruch? managing editor can, Irish-American,etc. aredisturbing to me. Whenmyfather nally being noticed by society. turnedtowardsHollywoodand ~ 5. It's not really that innovative. , ) Answer: receivedhiscitizenship papershe was proudtobe anAmerican. Addingthisthought to my an- the suburban ~ for a full- I\) Ifyou-really want an idea that would allow for more Change club hours from 12:35-2:40 on Thursdays to Farah Gehy I was. born 71 ye«rs ago and always thought of myself as an ByShameekSupremeADah ger, I did not hesitate to un- scale attack on Caucasians. flexibility, try this one: let classes meet three times a a far less convenient time (4:00-5:30, Tuesdays and news editor Ame?-can. When WW IT exploded, I had no doubtin my mind -vie, once slaves,have grown loadallmyammunitiononany That \vas when the National Thursdays). week for 50 minutes instead of twice a week for 75 thatIf need. be, I would fight against the Axis countries. I was tobea nationoftwentymillion authorityfigure who dared to Guard got serious and loaded minutes. This would allow youto schedulemanymore Massimo S. Salerno an American, not an Italian-American. or more in a nation that en­ challenge my rage. Valious their rifles to shoot my head Thenewadministrationproposal, dreamed up bythe I~ wouldbetoouradvantage ifwestartedthirikingofourselves slaved our fathers and to this types of guns were at my dis- off. They did not care much presidential budgetcommission, is an absolute all-out classes on any given day, increase use ofFridays, and op-ed editor get everyone home before rush hour, which for some WIthout anyhyphens. Thereisnothing wron.g withbeingproud day has deprived us of equal posal, from the .22 caliberpis- about me destroying my own assault on extracurricular activities and should be ofour ancestry, butit isin the pastand we are here now. Let's justice undertheir own laws.­ tol to the AK-47 autmnatic. I neighborhood. In fact, they treated as such. It will cause more problems than it reason is a big deal around here. Kathryn Garcia look to the future. -The Honorable Elijah felt like a soldier beingable to seemedto haveeI\ioyedit. Itis solves. Ifyou.thinkgoingtoBaruchisboringnow, wait 6. It's a two-faced, hypocritical attack on Lenny Vigliotti This brings to mind another irritating term used in newspa­ Muhammad outgun both the police andthe . onlywhenWhitepropertywas perspectives editors 'til next year! theonlythingthatmakesthetimewespendhere pers-American Jews. Should I refer to myselfas an American I am thevoice ofanoppressed National Guard (as most of facing considerable damage interesting. Catholic, ortoothersasAmericanBaptists,AmericanHindusor people, with an anger in my them only had one bullet in Now, let's examine why this is a bad idea: American Buddhists? We are a country of people of many heart thatis a build upofcen­ their rifles upon anival!). 1. The time being considered is inconve­ Why is it two-faced? Because we spend a whole David A. Amlr session in Freshman Orientation telling studentsthat origins, but we are one nation and should regard ourselves as turies of injustice and suffer­ Everybody questioned my nient toboth day and evening students. sports editor just that. ing. All I needed was an inci­ motive for looting the stores of in The administration says the new club hours will one ofthe keys to succeeding College life and in the When we begin to think and vote as Americans , perhaps we dent to unleash my madness, my own neighborhood. Every­ make activities accessible to evening students as well business world is to supplement our academic work Zelphla Phillips can again become a nation indivisible under God. and this happened when four day I sawandheardadvertise­ as day. This may be true for a small minority of with extracurricular activities. At the same time, the photo editor Anthony De Rosa policemen savagelybeatmeon ments that taunted me tobuy activities are being made less accessible. Reprinted by permission from New York Newsday the streetsofLos Angelesafter all kinds of products that my evening students, but most of them work full time they pulled me over for speed­ empty wallet could not afford. duringthedayandcan'tgethereuntil5:30anyway. So 7. The administration's best argument Jonathan Loring copy editor ing. TheAmericansystemthen So I usedmy fury asan oppor­ much for that argument. Meanwhile, you're making doesn't wash. Let Your Voices Be Heard showed me its true colors by tunity to go shopping for free activities less accessible to day students, many of They tell us that most students don't use student To the Editor: finding the perpetrators not furniture and appliances. I Robena Ransaw whom work part time in the later hours of the day. activites, so that changing club hours is a benefit to The recent verdict and the civil unrest which followed in Los guilty, despitea videotapethat learnedthisfrom watchingmy editorial assistant 2. The new hours are too short. most students. That is a lie. Apply the logic in other Angeles affects all ofusin general, notjustthe people in L.A. or proved their brutality and my oppressors looting my native areas ofthe College and you'll see why: African- Americans in particular. Unfortunately, the members helplessness. So I became en­ landandgettingrich outofmy Youcanno longershowa movie, which clubs oftendo, Lenin Arthanarl ofthe Baruch community- ourcommunity-seem about as angry raged and decided to take the resources, Inmystateofigno- but you can show reruns of"Three's Company" or, if • Moststudentsnevertakea singlecourseintheSchool of Education. Should we eliminate it? (Remember business manager towards the events in California as that blind manand his dog law into my own hands. ranee,however,I failedtoreal­ you're fast, "thirtysomethingorother." In the mean­ that wererun downby a cabdrivera monthagoon FifthAvenue. The whole worldwatchedme ize that I was robbing myown that they suddenly received PresidentGoldstein, youhavepromisednotto getridof time, student government's ability to hold meetings Karen Sbaschnlg At present, we do not need a call to violence or a call to arms, in the news as I walked down self and 'must now suffer the ammunitionandhadthevital­ it). justa call toourpens. Therehasbeen a dearthofopinionsofany the streets setting the city on consequences. itytofightmeasiftheywerein willbeseverelyimpaired,sincetheyusuallytakea half office manager hour to set up their meetings. Bureaucracy is bad • Most students don't use Counseling and Psychologi­ kindin the currentissue besides our regularly featured colum­ fire andbeating up any Cauca­ Since the injustice of the a war. cal Services. Should we get ofthat? nist. We all know who this is. Voices, especially student voices sian in sight. I lost all my American system has forced Suddenly, I did notfeelli'ke a enough as it is without making time management rid Roslyn Bernstein • Most students never use the swimming pool or the must be heard in print, not just in heated conversation or respect for American author­ me tolivein a hell-like state of hero any longer. I was fre­ more challenging. Ailsa Solomon debate.around school. ity. Theonlythingthatwason existence,ldecidedtoturnthis quentlygettingshotandeven­ 3. It will not make class scheduling any gym, and don't participate in sports. Shouldwe elimi­ As college students we must understand that we are the mymindwastoshakethefoun­ whole .~ned_city into bell. tually had to retreat for my consultants easierfor the-College. nate those programs? vanguard of the future generation. When we discuss local, dation of moder-n Babylon for Over 150 fires and a thick life: Bu~ the police ~h~zne It'sjust as easy to scheduleTuesday-Friday courses Why is studentlife being attacked inthis way, osten­ national, orinternational issuesin print, we are actually estab­ all the suffering that she has smoke .rising over the city in my trail .arid, as -if they sibly to savemoney andimprove course accessibility? lishing a forum amongst ourselves to guide our progress in a caused me. I had nothin_g to showedmyoppressorsthatifI haven't learned a thing from as it is to schedule Tuesday-Thursday courses. The havetoJiv~inh~ll~~wjl} It is this year's version ofTHE BIG LIE. societythatissaturatedwith eonflictingideas. Our-OOjective is lose for 1 .possess notbing; it they. my ou~eJ~roceededto bru- only difference is that faculty in the School ofLiberal Staff not to compete with each other to make a particular opinion was all taken from me when I They destroyed my life, my talize me. and vioiently- throw Arts doesn't want to come in on Fridays. Since the Don't do something so unbelievably stupid. Campus dominateoverothers,butrathertopresentissuesfrom different was captured in Africa and land, and my hopes. So I fig­ me in a heavily crowdedjail. College apparently exists for faculty and not for stu­ life around here is bad enough as it is. Don't make it pointofviews so thatthereaders canhave a betterunderstand­ taken here. ured that it was my time to Sittingin a stinkingcell like Shameek Supreme Allah dents, they must be appeased. disappear. ingofthe variousmentalities thatmake upthe collective minds This was the first time I can destroy theirs, for I live under a guinea pig in a lab, I felt Sue - Peng Chua oftoday's society. recall being united with my the LawofMoses:aneyefor an discouraged aboutfightingfor Sharice Conway Wecannot complain aboutourvoices notbeingheardifwe do Hispanic brother to fight our eye, and a tooth for a tooth. (continued page 13) One of the Shortest Ticker Editorials Ever Stefan Dembowski not take the time to say anything. We want everybody toknow Danny Gesslein thatwhensomethinghappensintheworld,BaruchCollege does Using Your Noodle Written ""ith a Very Long Headline Dipti Gosalia not simply accept the thoughts ofother people. Eric Grossman We need your voices to be heard. Anthony Harvey Shameek Supreme MUah "Condom Sense" Is Common Sense Campus Planning says theywant to test the new turnstiles out this summer Michael J. Holder Vanessa R. Perez thirtywereeroticandthebake Park Avenue South building. to see ifit's a good idea. Bi::~:;~ri?;::tion,yOU salewasadvertisedinthisfash- Approximately, 100 packets Wesley Smith What's He Been Smoking? II To the Editor: published a letter in the Op- ion in hopes to attract more are taken every week and I Shouldn't they have tested the system before they began to implement it? Philip Susi After ReadingJohn Camacho's article extollingthe "positive" Eds section titled "Ad Cam­ studentsto the sale. Ourmain strongly believe that number impactsdruglegalization wouldhave on society, I feltcompelled paign Doesn't Make Sense," goal was to raisemoneyfor the would be higher if more stu­ to respond. Mr. Camacho writes that "the taxpayer will be writtenbyProfessorJoelBrind. AmericanFoundationforAIDS dentswereawareofthisdistri­ The Ticker Is published released from (paying for) health care given tousers who either Thisletterisin responsetothe Research(AmFAR), notto pro- bution. bl-weekly, seven times a overdose or react to a product so adulterated that it becomes letter written by Professor mote casual sex. Regrettably, OUr condom distributionwas semester, by The Ticker lethal,orthemassiveamountoftreatmentfor thosewhoacquire Brind. the eroticbake sale might not structuredslightlydifferently. editorial staff at 137 E. theHIVvirusthroughthesharingofinfectedneedles'asa result First and foremost, I would have beenjustifiable. Our condoms were affixed to 22nd Street, New York, ofdrug legalization. like to begin by saying that However, I fully support all bookmarks stating that «the N.Y. 10010, Room 301F. Firstofall, inmostcasesitisn'tthe adulterantthat drugs are Professor Brind unfortunately oftheotheraspectsoftheAIDS BCCAMA is not in any way Awareness campaign inelud- promoting casual sex. Absti­ All mixed with thatmakes drugs lethal but the intense concentra- missed the entire point ofthe work except printing ing the condom distribution. nence is always the best pro­ Is done by Baruch tion of the active ingredient(s) which leads to overdose and/or "Condominevery pocket"cam­ killsthe user. Itiswhen the drugistoo purethatit's toxic effect paign. It is apparent that he Our"Condom Sense-flyers do tectionagainstSexuallyTrans­ undergraduate and increases. Drugs such as cocaine are usually adulterated with did not see the amountofwork not glamorize casual sex. If mittedDiseases. Butifyo\lare graduate students. All substances such as mannitol, which is a baby laxative, and thatwentintomakingthiscam- anyone has ever read anyone going tohave sex, pleasehave typed and signed lactose, which is a milk sugar. paign so successful. oftheseflyers, theywillclearly safe sex! Use cOndom sense." contributionsand letters Secondly, the t;axpayers will still be affected; just because a The campaign, coordinated see that each one contains an ProfessorBrindseemstothink are welcomed, and drugislegal doesn'tmeanitwill nolongerbe abused;lookatthe bytheBaruchCollegiateChap­ AIDS fact. These flyers were that this is just another ver­ should be mailed to the tragic effect smoking and alcoholism have on society. terofthe AmericanMarketing designedtocapture the atten- sion ofthe great philosophical above address. Our Third, theHIVviruswill stillbespreadbecausepeople whoare Association (BCCAMA), was tionofthestudentaandtoedu- principleMJryoucan'tbeatcem, on crack don't carehowthe next dollar comes withwhich to pay designed to increase AIDS cate them. I sincerely doubt join 'em.- Well, that's totally office Is opened during that after reading anyone of wrong. Our principle is more regUlar school hours. for the -rot." In crack dens, men and women routinely perform awareness at Baruch. Not to unprotected high risk sexual -ravors" in order to ·score" their promote casual sex. Some of ourflyers,studentswereurged like-n'you can~tbeat'em,then Any display advertising nexthigh. John Camacbo'sargumentsinfavorofdruglegaliza- the methods WIed,~chas the tohavecasualsex. Ifanything, educate'em and protect 'em." questions should be tion can be extended to other criminal acts as well. Why not eroticbakesale, uiayhavebeen theymightbavethoughttwice Hopefullythisway,theywon't directed to the lega}izeandtaxallcrime?Usinghisreasoningitwouldsavethe in poor taste. However, the beforeengaginginunprotected end up 88 another c:leacDy sta- Advertising Manager, taxpayers money because we wouldn't have to spend "50,000 bake sale was not entirely sex. tistic oftile AIDS virus. Business Manager or erotic. Only two items out of Forthereeord, theBCCAltfA 'lbe condoms weN not just (conti.n.ued ptJIe 13) ___ not the only ones distn"but- giventostudentebapbaurcDy. Managing Editor at i j1I (212) 387-1182. Theopinions expressedon the Op-Edpages arethose of the individual writers, and do not ing condoms on our campus. This mighthave been deemed necessarily represent the opinions of The TICker editorial staff. The TICker accepts only The counseling department to promote eeL But IIinee om' typewritten and signed opinion pieces of not more than 750 words from Baruch CoUege has developed safe sex pack- goal was to increase AlDS students. Publication of Op-Eds iscontingentuponan editorialboard vote. Letters RlJst be eta, which include condoms. awareness. our condom8 were that are available to stu- distributed with booklets do­ I1Q JT]Q~e than 350 words and sig~•..•~~s will be withhekl upon r~J_~.~~ess all an dentSon the- f1tW"ttMiiIi £lie- - - -.~ ~on1'Ojr-]'3) - pieces to the Op-Ed Editor. I

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12 13

CI) ~. c o CD ·2 ~ .0. o 11$400.000 OF 6RASS Roars TO BE ~ ... :s- CD 0 .::e. ROLlEP OUT IN SO STATES ~m' 1 :s .2 (II t- • • and realizes that by just ,~ "Condom Sense" preacbingabstinence,nothing ~ will be accomplished. People What's the point, Professor! ... I\) (Co1ltUwed from page 11) ~- withthecampaign.Inaddition, will have sex whetheryou or I ~ ... natedbytheNewYorkState the packets were not forced on agree with it or not. And un­ co To the Editor: _ t: ~ DepartmentofHealth.These less ed.ucators realize that any of the students. Members Professor Brind's letter to the Edito( (-Ad Campaign Doesn't b001detscontainedimportant ofthe BCCAMAclearly stated there is more to an education MakeSense,"04127J9.2) makes.aboutasmuehsense88hethinks information about AIDS. than wbat appears a text­ to each class that "if any stu­ in the BCCAMA condom campaign inakes. The professor.s clear­ Along with the booklets and book,thenumberofAIDScases dentdidnotwanta packet,then cutUltrareactionarystandobviously does notincludethe use of condoms, students were they did not have to take one." will continue to rise in our givenan instructional sheet country. condoms - probablyfor anyreason - orsex education as ameans It was totally optional. ofavoiding HIV. Does he.honestly think that there'sanything (designedby Baruch'sCoun- We must open our eyes Pro­ I would like to clarify a term outthere thatcan,or,indeed,has alteredthesexual practicesof . seling Dept.) describing the that seemed to confuse Profes­ fessorBlind.Wecan'tc:ontinue proper way to use condoms. 14to20yearolds?It'stime thathewoke upandsmelledtheroses sor Brind. "Condom Sense" is tobelieve thatifyou wishreal (and the pentamidine.) These packets were distrib­ hard, AlDS will go away. Be­ justa pun.We werehopingthat Statistics show that 50 to 75% ofmales and females have had uted at the student center, students wouldrelate "condom cause it won't. AIDS is here andhereitwillstayungilpeople at least one sexual encounter by the.time that they graduated as well as in certain classes sense" with common sense. In Iearn to protect themselves from HighSchool (survey done in 1991.) And,.by the way, none atBaruch, TheBCCAMAre­ other, words, using a condom ceived full permission from from this deadly disease. ofthefigures inthe.surveycan be attributed to the distn1>ution shouldbe common sense in our ofcondoms in schools. , Dean Johnson, Dean The writer is the society. It's very "noble" to take a position, but unless you have a Trinkaus and department President-elect BCCAMA and 'Professor Blind, it's about coordiMltoroftheAlDSAware­ solution "nobility" will get you nowhere-eepecially inthe midst n~ chairs before going ahead time thatour society wakes up ness Campaign: of the AIDS epidemic. And if YOU'I'J! not part of the solution, ':!'\.. ,/... I ----'7.fJ . ll.R.PERIJT you're part of the problem. That makes Prof. Brind's position very very dangerous. of The professorobviouslyconfuses"mightmakesright"with peer Angel Death pressure. He then dismisses peerpressureasbeingofno signifi­ cance. rve got the stats (and sources) to backupmystatements. (Continued from page 11) ernment was trying to create a to lure me into engaging in a Doestheprofessorhaveeventheslightestbitofevidence toback my rights. I went all out to repeat of the 60's Civil Rights disorganized movement. They uphisbeliefthatdistributingeondcmaintheschoolsorBCCAMA prove to the world that de­ Movement. thenstoppedmewhentheysaw advertising promotes an increase in sexual encounters? spite four hundred years of In the early Sixties, I started fit, selectedBlackleadersfrom The. greatest monthly rise in the number of reported AIDS harsh living under a racist asserting my culture and fight­ theirrankswithoutanyregard cases (not just HIV) in the United States is among teenagers system, I can still stand up ing for my rights. The govern­ ofmy opinion on them, and is (and women), especially Black and Latinos. That's a fact (albeit for myself. After exhausting ment sawme as a threat to the all now taking the credit for - one the government seems to have just discovered.) The choice all my energy in the effort, establishment, soas the decade supposedlysettlingthedispute. \~~~:.;_ is whether or,not you wish to stand there in righteous indigna­ _.:..... I' .' however, I am still back in went on, they covertly and Bush wants me to think that tion, arms akimbo, foot tapping,muttering"now, nowchildren!" ,~ ~r"~~;~;~~, the same situation that I was overtlyinfiltratedmymovement my problems are soon over, At -K. in before I started. I felt like orsquarelyface therealityofthedisasterandDOSOMETHING and were able to control its di­ while the reality of the fact is besides 'preach. I had no one to turn to. rection. Theyalsomanipulated that my situation has never Theissuehas nothingto do with"ifyou can'tbeat'em~join'em" When I went home and the media to make me follow' been more grave thanitisnow. or"everybody doesit"and everythingto do withthe fact thatwe turnedonmytelevision, I was leaderswhomtheythoughtwere I havelearneda valuableles­ need to do something' NOW-and words alone cannot undo 30 disgusted to see Bush on the less tnreatening than the ones son from all this. I must never years ofSOcialevolution or ourcuzrent economic situatioD. «Ad screen getting all the credit who would make a significant let theopposition calculatemy Campaign Doesn't Male Sense-reads'more like -whining Our for "handling" the situation. differenceinmylife. Afterthey moves and influence me into Way to .Armageddon." He even had the nerve to used their image, the govern- revolting without proper orga­ You're right ProfessorBrind: the only kind ofsex thaes safe is choose a comnnttee of so­ . ment then killed tnem to try to nization 'and b!adershil'~ 'Ina­ riorie.1\ri~a1tliOugn~rliiveriO-iciea ofwllat:it"fuls·to do'withthe' called Black leaders that he convince me that I no longer few years my time win surely basic message of your letter, it won't inake any difference if zt himself and his colleagues hadany leadership to guide my come. Butwhenitcomes,I will tuitionisraised $5001year or$5,OOO-especially ifthe betterpart picked for me. This commit­ cause. be fully prepared and properly ofthe nextfew generationsis deadordying, andall you can give tee is supposed to settle my And now the same scenario is organized toface anyplan that 'em are -ruddy duddies." civil rights problems, he happening again. The govern­ my oppressors have set up for SteveKohn claims, It was then that I ment has skillfully sent agita­ me. beganto realize thatthe gov- tors among me in several cities Clean Up Your Act ~n Open Letter to the President To theEditor: As the new DSSGmembers are being inducted and plans for To the President: the next semester are being drawn, I feel it is an appropriate Themovementofclubhours aware of such change. We do tocutbackclubhoursandhave time to write this. on Thursday's from 12:35 to not understand why we had to them from 12:35 to 1:50 on I am one of the many students who take advantage of the 2:40 to Tuesdays andThurs­ find out about the proposed TuesdaysandThursdays. This microwaves in the lOthtloor cafeteria «the 23M St. building days from 4:00 to 5:30 will change in club hours through would allow for two classesin duringlunch time. However, this semester, the waits on line have serious impact on the TUmor and a memo from the the morning and two in the were interminable and at times futile, reason being: the 3 quality of student life at president - elect of the Ameri­ afternoon. Students woll1dbe microwaves repeatedly ()verheated and required much time to BaruchCollege. Studentsun­ can Marketing Association. able to both participatein ex­ cool down, thus backing up the line and causing time pressed derstand the need to make The Baruch College adminis­ tracurricular activities and studentstoeata coldlunch. Themicrowaves, to manystudents tough decisions during the tration hasbeenveryfortunate attendadditional classes. are a wonderful facility, not only are we able to enjoy home statebudgetcrisis. We have that the students have been Students involved cooked food, but save money and time••.usually. With the accepted an increase in tu­ apathetic in most issues that extracurricu1arlyhavehistori­ increasing number ofentering students, the 3 microwaves are ition without much protest. affect them. To think that stu­ cally been the most successful definitely overworked and consequentlybreak down. We have accepted increase dents will show apathy in this in business. As a, business However, simplywith the additionofmicrowaves,itwould not classsize with outmuch pr0­ case would be a serious mis­ school, our primary focus neeessarily ensure one to sit down toeat a hot lunch, because test. We will not, however, take. I am graduating this se­ shouldbe to educate and pr0­ there are not enough tables, chairs and space on the10th floor! accept the movement ofclub mester, and am so convinced ducethebest. Bydenyingstu­ A possible solution is to convert the rarely used, very spacious hourstoTuesdaysandThurs­ thatthisis sucha badproposal, dentsscc:ess toeventsandpro­ andidle areain the basement ofthe ParkAvenue bwlding. In daysftom 4:00 to 5:30. that I am willing to fight even gramsthat will allowforprae­ that area, already thereare seatsandevenmusic, however, no To consider this proposal though I should be more con­ ticalapplicationoftheircourse microwaves. Bysupplyingmicrowavestothearea, the benefits withoutconsultingthe popu­ cerned with myown future. work is very wrong. would be 4 fold: 1) students can heat up their food, 2) it would lationsmostaffectedis egre­ I suggest that· you seriously. TimothyStark relieve the congestion of the 10th floor cafeteria, 3) it would giousatbest. We understand rethinkthisproposal. AsI men­ President of .The American convenience the students who have elasses in area and 4) it that representatives from tionedattheopenforumheldon MarketingAssoci4tio", would wisely use the wasted 'space and thus create another student Slovemment were May7,itW01ildmekemoresense social area for spaee cramped Barueh. .. DSSG poses to increase student services. Improving this situation would be deeply appreciated bymany. Write For Sue-Peac Chua

(contbJuecl from page11) doUan a year to keep (them) in jail. '1Iey you wamia kill The Ticker someone it'll cost you 1.000 dollars payable to The New York StateDepartmentofTsmtionandFinance."andeoonand soon. . TIl..-B. Vmcze ------.....----_...... --..-.--= ------

•T .& & 2 i . .. 2 .J41. s .. # :. • • .. w.. ' ..: -4. - '- .a •


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C\I ~ eu>. ~ . Juanita Howard -Xssociate Professor .9l.s ourgift to !IOU ana because we f(gow !IOU wifCwant your Anthropolgy and Sociology Department retaiionship witli tlie Coffege to continue uninterruptec£. you

wifC oe receiving one year)s membership in tlie ...... ~ .. . . .- . By ZelphiaPhillips concept, "Buy black." •• •• • • r.Banu:1i Coffege .91.lumni Ylssociation.· Dr. Juanita Randolph Growing up in Harlem also • • • • • • Howard, associate professor had a great impact on her .....• •• ---. and chair ofthe Anthropology choicesinlife. Sheremembers ••• • and Sociology Department at going to the training camp of • • We fiope thai: gOlf wifC auaiiyourse{ve5 of tlie benefits provided Baruch College, could have Joe Louis when she was nine • • pursued many careers: jazz years old. At that time, Louis •••• singer, movie producer, was heavyweight champion of • • 09 tlie JlLssociation. 'J1iese include: director, actress, social worker the world. "Gus, whoowned a • • and even probation officer. bar in.Harlem, one day just • • But her choice became clear rounded up the kids and took • • while she was working on her us on a busto the camp." She • • doctoral 'dissertation at' smilesasshecontinues,"Itwas , • • Fordham University. The the first time I ever saw a • • .. dissertation was a.soeiologieal horse," •• • Access to Baruch College • Membership in chapters and -experiment and the study ,. She remembers the • • involved looking at minority playground at 139 Street and • • Library. affiliate groups. , students on predominantly Lenox: Avenue. Hereis where •• black campuses. she saw the legendary Bill • • . Using sociological (Bojangles) Robinson, a • • • • . . • Low-cost group life.insur.ance. . measurements, Dr. Howard" penoriller who tap danced at .... -----.- - " -. • 15% ·tuitiolldiscount for the observed the social problems the opening dedication for'the ••• •• of these students as they playground. Dr. Howardused •• Continuing Studies courses held • Invitation to the Annual adjustedtocoUegelifeandtheir to watch a young woman play • interaction 88 a student body. at Baruch. Meeting. The research led her further ZELPHIA.PHlI.J·IPS into the field ofsociology. With all the opportunities Howardisan organizerwith a and negativity about famIly • Use of weight training rOOIn, • Receipt of alumni After she began teaching ''Young that Howard has had, she positive vision for people of relationships," she says. "Introduetion to Sociology" at answered with an emphatic African descent.. "Besides ~ding to Dr. Howard, pool, and gymnasium at Baruch. publications. Baruch College, where her "No!" When askedifshe would being talented creatively asin young people can fight these desire to work as a sociology people today change things, ifshe could do herjazz singing, she is alsoan negative feelings by reading professorbecameclear. '1don:Jt themoveragain. "Iunderstand intellectual anda professional those authors who have • Services of the Career Planning • 10% discount at the Baruch know ifI chose sociology or it the world and people frOm capable of working with struggledwithdisillusiomnent are exposed sociological perspective students on their level,-.says chose me: she says. and I andhavebeenenlightenedby and Placement Office. Bookstore and the CUNY Dr. Howard says she was want to use this knowledge in Payne.. what they have come to fortunate tohaveherauntasa SO working with young people: Dr. Howard advises young understand, about human Graduate Center's Cafeteria. to much she says. peoplenottodespairinspiteof • Use of the Graduate Business role model while she was nature and man's ability to growingup. ~yauntwasone Michelle Payne, a Baruch the negative things they see overcome. -rhey need to use College senior says, COr. around them. -Young people Resource Center, including free • Participation in alumni and ofa very few to graduatefrom negativity. ••" thisinformationfortheirown City College in the middle Howardhas been a role model today are exposed to so much inspiration," she says• . and a mother figure for me." negati~ty; negativity about workshops. college events. °40'8," says Howard. She say, "She had majored in sociology According to Payne, Dr. education, the political scene and became a social worker.- tennis every day against the Dr. Howard, a strongfamily wall in the handball court. foundationhasbeenthesource Althea Gibson was her name Hispanic Week Is Here! ofherstrengthandpower. ~y andDr. Howardmether4uri:ng We {ootforwartf to your active family was very thefilmingofthedocumentary,. By Kathryn Garefa entrepreneurial and my Black Champions. For the past several years parents always had their own Harlem was the home ofthe the Hispanic clubs of Baruch ~!:------=-.::..:.:=-..:..=.::~==.:::.....=..:::::~~~~~-~ business," she says. Abyssinian Baptist Church College have heldtheirfestive I Struggling through the whose minister was the black HispanicWeekdemonstrating depression during the '30's, eongressman, Adam Clayton the culture, unity and the whenitwas difficultforblacks Powell. •All these things prosperityofHispanics. From May 11-14, P.R.ID.E. to obtain employment, her. happened to me before I was (Puerto Rieans for father, who had studied twelve,"saysDr. Howard, who Involvement, Development & chemistry used hisknowledge still lives in the Harlem Enlightenment), Latin to start a Mom-and-Pop type community. American Youth, Hispanic business. 'nleymadeand sold Theseearlyexperienceswith Society, Latin Ameriean eondimentalikepepper,baking prominentcitizens «Harlem Student' Organization and power, vanilla' extract and andthenteaching"MassMedia AssociacioD de Estudiantes other soul food and the Black ~erican" seasonings. Dominieance (Dominican Accordingto Howard,her sparked her interest In film Dr. Students Association) will be father distributed along with andcommunications. Howard has worked as a producer and .holding events to bring the his condiments a business Hispanicas wellasthegeneral newsletter that he published. consultant on the award winning film documentaries, Baruch community together. I ts focus was -Keep the ~ year's ;HispanieWeek business in the family." Both '1'Remember Harlem," -rhe , i organizers herparentswereactivists'who Different'Drummer" and . (co~ 01& poIJe 21) focused on and promoted,the "Black Champions."· .. ___...... __III!I!!I!!!!!!!~==== IIIIiI__• r • 16 17 en Q) ..... > 5 i.. Q) tn· Co en "8 Q) FEEL'. THE INTENSITY. :I. a.- (It. • -Q) ~ u Al ~ -e.... • I\) C\I 0') .... 0') co ~ co I\) N- ~ eu>. :;

/ AY E'DNESDAY OPENING CEREMONIES ------_._------..-.----- .---- - Audit~·", Sponsered by: . .. 23RD. ST. ~~~).. 5:00-.1(J:Of)P¥,.~ '.~ ~ '~..'" i: . 22ND.ST. S1VDENT CENTER Oak Lounge 2:30 - 3.;30 • "'"_".,' _. .' •• _ ., - -""" ,.4 " • '...... ' ...", ...._ • ,.: •• t ~ ~ I L.A.Y. - Live·Salsa Band P.RJ.D.E. Latin American Youth ----:. LiveMerengue Speakers:Julie Rivera . Puerto Ricans for Involvement, f .. ' Head-OFAS.P.I.RA ' .' .. DevelOPment'and .~.: ·A·SEOOM- --- ·...;..A1ule~- Latin· "'azz Trio .,. , . ... BanJ- . ., MachitoJr. Association Of Dominican L.A.S.O. --- Folkloric Dancers Son OfWorld Fanlous Salsero Machito Students . Latin American Student Organization - P.R.I.D.E. Dancers D.S.S.G. -Comedian REFRESHMENTS WILL BE SERVED Hispanic Society Day gesson Student Government -Live.DJ. JamPac ed TUES THURSDAY 1 LIVE Latin Band FOOD FESTIVAI4 World Pamous Meren lie Band 22ND. ST. S1VDENT CENTER 1:00 - 3:00 .. Sfamin' La'\ COCO ··and Arroz Con' Gandales, Per"il 1:()() - 3:00 . Arro% Con Polio, Platanos. . , . Par...... Cucbifritos, & 12 other delicious dishes & PartJ!- ... from Latin America & The Carribean .. . Ja",,,,ing DJ. Party 5:00 - 10:00PM Both Events Tae Place in The Marble Lounge

...... -', . " LATIN, MIND...... - B00Y&. '. ..•.. '"SOUL'." .. ,,',' '. ------.~ --- _.---~.~---....._---

("'r ~- . . - 19 18-- - -._-_.- -.. -- -:------'.'.- -- , -- .. ------~.- ~ ------. - - - .. - .. . - . - . ------. - ..... - . - . - {Baruch Students Debate ImportanceofCivil Rights EIs' Civil Rights the Governments Top Responsibility? _ a.. protect people from that -CD By Massimo S. Salemo Americans interned in prison thatisanissueleft to the state the right to fair trial, and due ~ Ele~enth process the things that rebellion, the bestway to stop • As part of the camps during WWII. Depass government's to determine. are .. , • Annual Baruch Scholar saidtheU.S. Government was According to Frazier, in. our make us the greatest, most it is to stop it before the idea'by: Kevin Crespi ~ Lecture Series a, Faculty­ inViolation oftheseinalienable hlstoryofgOvemmentthethree powerful countryinthe world, rebellion's causes grow to the pointwhere we cantcontrol it. 0) Student Debate took place on rights we all have as citizens. branches of power took over and also is "the system of Produced by: Kathryn Garcia ~ Thursday,April 30, 1992. The Christiana Sommerville, a thereSponsibilityofcivilrights government that will ,"No government,.either in the' UnitedStatesorinanycountry yo- topic: Shouldprotectionofcivil - political sciencemajor,Brguing independentlyofeachotherat undoubtedlysurviveamongall ~rights be the most important for the negative side said that different times in our history. others .in-spite of the canstop people from rising up _~ responsibility of the United civil rights cannot be During reconstruction the depravation and and wanting to be free. Even States Government'? The consideredthemostimportant Legislative branch took the disillusionment that we see." the police or national guard debatepanelconsistedofeight responsibility of the lead, because President Lipner argued that what we cannot keep a rebelion from What is your opinion on the members: two students and government because civil Andrew Johnson was opposed have just witnessed in Los happening if a majority or a ~~~-Q-~eles two professors assigned -to ~rights cannotbe considered in to civil rights arid the Judicial Angeles is the breakdown of deeply motivated minority Rodney King and argue for the affirmative and want to rise up and say my two students and two civilrightsaremoreimportant Police Department .situation? professors assigned to argue than your property," said for the negative side of the Lipner , issue. The Debate was Dean Fainstein, arguing for dedicated to Stephen the negative, gavean example Barbaresi, a Baruch Scholar rebuffingLipner's viewofcivil who has- been in the hospital rights. RecentlyFainsteinwas _ for the past few weeks after instructedtoleavehisoffice by havingbeen shotcomingoutof a fireman becausethere was a a doctors office in Flushing. fire. "Atthatsituationmycivil :"<- This debate was not an rights were violated, Paul FIor• .,upp. freshmen . Andrei Hargoblnd, lower Junior argumentofwhat arethe best presumably for some higher -Rodney King had a very good case and .,thinkit was an unfairverdict, the system policies and directionsfor civil cause," said Fainstein. At that that the state should have won based workedbutitjustshowedthatblackpeople rights that the government time it was necessary to put upon the video and not what the expect are still oppressed and that W8 haven't should take. It was an the rights ofhis life before the say because the video tells it all no gotten anywhere 'in 30 years.- argument for where on the rights ofhis property, namely, matterwhatthe expertssa:t ~ That's what hierarchyofresponsibilityand hisoffice. "Obviously-when the they were going by, saying don't worry importance does civil rights ouilding is burning down, my aboutwhatyoureyesteHyou, justbelieve stand. Should civil rights be civil rights are not the most me. The people were justified in being the most important important concern of a mad.- responsibility of our government official," said government? The debate Fainstein. focused on this question To Fainstein, some of the because accordingtoProfessor "isms"thatwe havedoneaway Birdsell, moderator of the with in our generation are debate, "there- are many StudentsandFacultydebeteClvllRights communism, fascism, and reasons, both local and sexism,amongothers.But,"we national, tothinkthattmsisa a class by itself. According to branch was silent. Later onin the responsibility that have notdoneawaywithother Tere. RIvera, upper junior. very important issue- today". Sommerville, the Framers history, according to Frazier, government has toward the "isms" such as-racism and, as -I think that it was·totaIIy wrong. With "~~,, It was almost 203 years ago considered the protection of the judicial branch overrode protection ofcivil rights. The inthisease, thetroublingCivil -.: all the -injustioes Ibat-.have bHn .-. .,.-' that the Bill of Rights was property and the provision for theresolutionsoftheCongress fact that the justice system is Rights"ism". happening in the black community, I addedtotheConstitution. This common defense equally andbegantorestrictcivilrights notperfectandisflawedshould According to Fainstein, the wasn't surprised with- theverdict, I was Bin was created to protect the important. forAfrican~ericans.Frazier surprise no one, said Lipner, government has many surprised by the reaction but I citizens of·the United States - Recently .during· the Gulf· .wentoniosaythatin-tbel950'sv ... referring.to the.Rodney King . responsibilities_ and.concerns . understand that there were a lot of fromthenewlyformednational War,theGovernmenteensored and 6(Ys the Judicial Branch case. Lipner added that "the - along with civil rights, but 'Ot1tei:tensms-thai" were-gotngon---lri- _- government. Many of the the rights of journalists and President took the lead notion that the police are theseresponsibilitiesendwith LA. I don' condone the violence but Framers of the Constitution coveringthewarintheinterest over once again, except this Pennittedtodowhattheydeem "ion," pronounced-shuns-. Ifeel that with no violence their would felt the states should rely on ofnational defense, according time in favor of civil rights. necessary, free from the rights One of these lIjons· is be no justice. The rioting was not the their own authority to toSommerville.Sheaddedthat "Today there is no lead," said "protection." Protection from biased it was people taking medntain and uphold the the Constitution establishes Frazier. fire and disease is a opportunities.- Davidson Llgeralde, "PI*'....101' Betty Davis, upper un responsibilityofcivil rightsfor the legitimacy ofgovernment In the founding of our "No governments responsibility. -Ithinkwe aU knowbecatlSeofthe -In orderforjustice10 be served they are individuals. The Framers felt to use its power when Constitution the framers were "Education"- the government nature of the jOb they need to use a going to have to revise the constitution that a strong national necessary, in other words a more concerned with the government, must be responsible to to certain amountof·force butthequestion which was o~inally buill for all people government would use its governmentcannotbeeffective protection ofprivate property "create" the next generations is more about did they need to use not for a certaiA-set-ot-peopIe. We would power to take away the civil unless it exercises power. "A than in civil rights and the either in the ofhuman beings. •At various excessive force to beatRodney King to the have to add more amendments to rightsof people. government must have the Constitution reflects that timesthesethingsarefarmore the ground and how 8!boUt"the other 18 demonstrate aD races. Whomever' feels Nowin1992, weare nolonger ability to exercise power and concern,accordingto professor United States important than myfreedom of policeofficerspeoplesaytheygotcaught violated they should pose some askingthequestionofwhether enforce the law," said Melvin Dubnick, arguing for speech or an individuals up in thefuR ernotiQnsd thesituation but .the national government ~ orin any amendments and. go agai~st the Sommerville. In response to the negative. freedoms of various kinds," they didn' help in any way. That many government, not by killing others. it is not .hould be responsible for the internment ot Japanese Post-Revolutionary America added Fainstein. The copsandoneguynomatterblack,white, country can a justification for being deprived or protection of civil rights but Americans during WWII, was in a great upheaval at the government provides asian they didn't needto dothat much.· whether it should be the the Sommerville stated that the time. Daniel Shay, a "regulation" for small angered.-

stop people t I government's most important government had a right to revolutionary war veteran companies against large ones 11 responsibility it has to its confine Japanese Americans from Massachusetts, led a infringing on their right to '!bere was ooe interesting people. trom rising up .Contbuud fro- JXI6e 18 because of the war against small group of farmers in compete. Fainstein feels the and timely response which •America was not founded :!: Earl Depass, a corporate Japan andthreatofa possible protestoffannforeclosures due and wanting to "isms" should be replaced by occurredduringtbedebatetbat communication student, west coast invasion. The oncivilrights. 'nlemajorityof to tax delinquencies by "ions." The government has the audience agreed with. arguing the African-Ameriamswomenand for affirmativesaid government decided that the farmers. "ShaysRebellion was be free. ff theresponsibilityto helpmake Professor Lipner explained thatprotectionofcivilrightsis defense of the country was the trigger for the nativeAmericanswere denied usintoa communityofcitizens. that •..Jt is an. interesting .-second to none in importance. prtmary to the rights of their eivil rights: said Constitutional convention," "A community from which our conceptthatinthesetimes,we "America without civil rights Japanese Americans said Dubnick. The Rebellion aceounting major, Hillel ofcitizens in the redress that humanity and individualism 88 citizens need poteetion not wouldnotbe America," DePaSS Although the Bill of Rights had to do with the fear that citizens should be entitled to springs", according to Caplan, in closing arguments for the negative. Caplan bytbepolicebutfromthepolice argued that the responsibility was created to defend the civil small fanners were goingtobe have, because we live in a time Fainstein. "Without a itself.- for civil rights rested in the libertiesofindividualsfrom the takenadvantageofbythestate of drugs and violence, when community, rights have no argued, how could America be :,. righ~ hands of civil over military government,ProfessorThomas courts. civil rights must give way to meaning what so ever: said founded upon civil 88 _'to powers, and that the Framers Frazier of Baruch's History "The Constitution gave the the need for the people to be Fainstein. the affirmative claims, when :. -, rights~h~y were determined to conceive a Department, arguing for the government the stability that protected'in their homes -and Pam Rokicki, in the closing the verycivil _claim .:: Write for Constitution and. a Bill of affirmative,statedthattheBill you need, tohave a democracy the streetsiswrong. Theresult argumentsfor theaffirmative, are so important. were denied ':\: Rightsdedicatedtopreserving of Rights today has been where civil rightsandliberties of these depravations of civil . dida playonFainsteins.words. to a majority' of the people. :;. the civil rights of its citizens. supportedmorebythenational areprotected.TheConstitution liberties and the failure ofthe She expanded Fainstein's -Civil rights are not the most : The. Ticker According to Depass, civil government than by the local set the stage but did not give government, both local and importantresponsibilityoftbe { . ' definition of "ions" to include rightsarethetbe onlyavailable and state governments. priority for civil rights: Said federal to keep civil rights as protection from the schools government. Th~ proteeticmof .; yardstick that America has to "Protection of Civil rights is Dubnick. the primary goals of and "administration- as well. She civil rights along with the :: Next Fall weigh its competing values. the prior claim that the Professor Seth Lipner, in function ofgovernment will be arguedthatinordertotomake common defense, seeurity of ; "Civil Rights are personal government has. If the countering Dubnick for the to keep us in our homes and us into a community, the liberty and provision for the .;., privilegesthatcannotbe taken government does not support Affirmative, gave definitions general welfareisa partofthe .'_ afraid to go out," said Lipner. government must uphold our substantial ehange in the debate, the ballots were We-Want away, they belong to us under civil rights, then the for civil rights and liberties. overall responsibility of they agree or disagree on Lipner feels that ifpeople are civil rights and make civil audiences opinion after the countedand th~wasa tieas the law," said Depass. government is not the According to Lipner, freedom government - argued Caplan whether the govemment's top not protected by the rightsthenumberonepriority. arguments were heard. to the number of people that government that we support. ofspeech, freedom of worship, At the bepnning of. the . responsibilityistoeivilrights. Depass also stated the government and their civil Civil rights must be the most The general feelingfrom the . bad wted fer the affirmative You! example of how the U.S. Frazier argued that the freedom of privacy, freedom rights are not protected, we debate, the audience was Theaudiencewas askedtovote importantresponsibilityofthe audience wasinsupportofthe and then changed over .to the government failed to protect Constitution does not include from governmental intrusion, may have a rebellion here: If government, said Rokicki. handed out a ballot which before the debate, and then ~. ~y issue, but at the end of the negative side and viee versa. the civil rights of Japanese the definition of citizenship, freedom from discrimination, the government wants to Contiluud Oil page 19 asked the audience to vote if _after, to see ifthere _ -.11 _., _ ... _ ... ~ ... - _ .... " ..,...... ttl " .... , & .. & ~ •" y ~ .... _ .... J

- . 'r . .:1 i. _. - ...... ~ . ~ .. ,- ~ -- .. \

2-0 21 (I)

~ CD , > 13 a.CD ...(I) 1 Latin Awareness focuseson STD's f CD • o,... CD The audience was shocked should be done as early 88 distributed pamphlets, oni -u • when PatriciaRodriguez from . possible. Thorence Allen ecJ9dom useandAlDStesting, i F Planned Parerithood began a mentioned the psychological buttons and condom packets (I) • ~ N slide show which vividly .effects that any individual containing condoms aDd . 0) 0) showed the effects ofsyplulis might face ifthey realize they lubricatinggel. s» y- and herpes on the genitals of haveAIDSarareHIVpositive. P.R.I.D.E. realizes the~ N. - ~ y- both men and women. The There is counseling available importancethattheawarenea (A final reminder) ~f_ ~ picturesofastillbombabywith for all who might need to AIDS places on the cD co ~ SYPhilis and a women with a discusstheirfeelingsandfears, communitytoday, andfor that ;S .deformed nose dueto syphilis. he said. reason they put together this i But nothing was more Louis Camacho also from event. The AIDS Awareness • astonishing than the site of a GMHC, spoke of methods of forum was dedicated to the ~ woman'svaginainflamedwith protection available as memoryofDr. RobertMartinez ~~~4. HIV/AIDS'~ be ~ .syphilis sore's and a man's condoms,spermicideandtheir who died ofan illness related, 1.. AIDS has no cure. .. penis raw due to a herpes proper uses. He said that can to AIDS. He was not only the spread by: i infection.. "Those who say it be effective if used properly club's advisor but a friend to deep kissing j.won't happen to me are the and at all times, that they are manymembersoftheclub,and c... first onewalkingintomyoffice recommended to be used for' to his students. "Since Dr. sharing razors Hector Paredes, from The N. Y.5. Dept offlealth- Institui~"' AiDs - asking for help. " said vaginal,analandoralsex. "Sex Martinez was a member ofthe sharing toothbrushes By Maribel Olivieri greater risk today. Rodriguezwho mentionedthat is a natural part of being a Baruch Community, we Puerto Ricans for Eventhough, syphilis can kill, 80% of women are not aware human being, but if you are wantedtodedicated thistohim InvolvernentDevelopmentand said Paredes, it does have a that they are infected. She going to do it - do it SAFELY" andifthiscouldhappentorom, Enlightenment sponsored a cureversus thatof'Alljd which stated·that syphilis has three said Camacho. Who also it could happen to any of us," Hispanic AIDS Awareness does not;butsyphilisandother stages, thelastbeingincurable, explained the four fluids said Minerva Rodriguez, Forum. Open to the entire STD'sarepreventablediseases and also resulting in heart through which theAlDSvirus, treasurer ofP.R.LD.E. Baruch community with that can easily be transferred disease, insanity, hair loss, canbecarried through: semen, Those whomight needto seek 2. AIDS is caused by invitedspeakerstodiscussthe ifthe sexual partners are not blindness, and finally death. blood, vaginal fluidsandl!>reast counseling or testing with impactthatAIDSandsexually protected. Rodriguez mentioned that milk. Saliva and teardrops regards to AIDS or any other sexually transmitted transmitted diseases have on According to Paredes, the when itcomes to sex"keep the carry the AIDS virus, but it STD can - call Planned - the Hispanic community and reason women are ata greater lights on, because ifthe lights was explained that an Parenthood at 77'l. - 2002, "virus called HIV. _the forms of prevention. risk than men is because an are off. There might be individual must drink four GMHC at 337 - 1950, and the available. Speakers from the infection is less. visible on something tohide." ,litersofsalivabeforebecoming AIDS hotline at 1 - 800 - 526 ­ Gay Men's Health Crisis, womenthanonmen. Headded She continuedby sayingthat infected. 4823. Planned Parenthood and the thatthereare22typesofSTD's there shouldbe no reason for .The members of GMHC New York State Department affecting women more than unprotected sex, that ofHealth-AIDSInstitutespoke men today. Paredes spoke 'of whenever either partner on the major health issues the traditionallatinowomen's refuses to use protection, sex which affected the black and submissive. He said that should notoccur. She advised Hispanic community. women have totske control of that to reduce the effects of AIDS was not the only issue theirbodiesandthesituations getting a disease during sex at hand, even though it was since itis their body and life. oneshouldonlyhaveonesexual 6.. HIV/AIDS virus is . largely discusSed,theproblem In addition Paredes said that . partnerwho'shealthisknown, . 3. HlV/AlDS is spread ofotherSTD'ssuchassyphilis, the black and Hispanic use a condom and spermicide, );:.. transmitted through. se~ by: herpes and gonorrhea were population ~"li8a to make a urinate after wash. or ..:.­ infected: .- discussed in great detail. ebangeintheirlifestylesifthey douche"aftersex,' not have Sex ­ sharing hyperdermic Hector Paredesfrom the NY don'twantto becomestatistics. witha knownIVdruguserand needles - semen State Department or Health, In NYC, saidParedes, 40-50% no anal sex. - .vaginal, oral &anal - vaginal secretions discussed the increasing ofblacks have'some form ofa The representatives from .- blood - numbers of syphilis cases in STD, with Hispanics at 20­ GayMen'sHealthCrisisspoke intercourse ~ewYom'cr'---ananow ~4&S - breast milk .. ty,.. .. "".DlaC"K' -. .'..-ftACbinretose-to""'-'. of '-of-themethecie4AIDSt.estiRg-----­ - blood transfusions and Hispanic women are of the city's population. which are confidentialanc1 - childbirth &Marbleloungeofthestudent toimptesspeople,'saidCadena center to mark the end of because aecording tohim,itis Hispanic Week. theonlyeventthathaschanged The Opening Ceremony for this year wlnle the other days Hispanic week whieh is held have always been a success. Proper use of condoms ~the 9. Some symptoms of HIV/AIDS are: 7. fatigue rapid weight loss onthefirstdayoftheweekwill risk of the HIV/AIDS virus. fever shortness of breath . hostspeakenofpromineacein diarrhea whitish coated tongue theHispaniccommunity. Julia Rivera, former executive AMA,oesD' IA·t gain nightsweats discolored skin growth directorofASPlRAaHispanic 8. Early detection & medical treatment of youth organization, and By;FarahJeudy sessions with 'limothy Stark, HIV/AIDS you stay healthy 10. HIV/AIDS baLno vaccines to prevent Machito,Jr.80nofthefamous The Baruch Collegiate BCCAMA president, and caD..-beIP Latinjazz performer Machito. Chapter of the American MichaelSolomon,formerAMA the spread of the virus. According to Fernando Marketing Association president speaking on longer. ...GIn:Ia, 1IontIM:4IIN,""""'~ Cadena, .Hispanic Society returned from the 1992 ,.,..".",., L"'IIriI.1IngIJ, CommuterSchools. Duganand LeItIt""'" President, and Ivette International Collegiate Kathy Pynn spoke. on the Davila,LAY Treasurer, they Conference held in New various community service Hispanic Week '92 believeHispanicWeekattracts Orleans,LouisianaonApril 9­ projects that Baruch was (COIItinued~mp.lS) Competition,will presenttheir, the remainingHispanic crowd 11 with an award for involved in. Ron Pellizzi and These 10 facts can help you have changed t¥nP around winning dance, a rock band that the Clubs on their own 'Outstanding EastemRegional Sunjit Chawla, EVP spoke on byincluding more aetivitiesin formed by a Baruch student don't seem to draw. Theyare Chapter. ExterpalCommunicationsand the day-to-day program ofthe· andthemembersofASEDOM certainthatduringtheweek« The conference was divided . overcomingChapterproblems. week. will perform their May 11-14Hisp8nics will take into three sections comprised The AMA members wcrked prevent the AIDS virus. In the past, the third day of interpretation of a Puerto the time outtoenjoythefun of of management sessions, feverishlytowardsmaking the Hispanic Week was dedicated Rican plena ordance. Hispanic Week as \VeU as all round table di~onsanda . overall participation in the totheMr.ItMs. HispanicWeek Accordingtothecoordinators Baruch students. trade showdisplay. conferenceasua:esswhiehpaid pageant but this year it was ofHispanicWeektbeyfeltthat DmingHispanicWeekallthe This ·year's theme' was -A offwith the award. / dropped. According to Kevin in the past the heritage of events are open to the entire commitment to Quality: Your Efforts would have been in Crespi, P.R.I.D~E. President, Hispanics was not portrayed Baruchcommunityandarefree Road to Marketing Success." vain had it not been for the The American Marketing Association would the members felt sufficiently by just offering of charge. AlSo, during that The conference opened with­ corporate sponsorships uncomfortableandintimidated good food and an upbeat week;ke~ns,pens,bu~ keynote speaker Donald .W. received from: Direct ·by having to compete against merengue or salsa band. andbaUoons-with·theHispanic Hudler,vicepresidentofSales, Marketing Educati~nal like to thankBaruch's Administration, friends on the basis of looks .Although free food is going to Weekslogan'1A1tinmind,body SemC8 and Marketing for Committee,AUditsItSurveys, andappearance. Replaeingthe be served again like last year & sOul" and~ vida, mi raza· ~c«poration.Following Reeeazdl/ International, Data ~"'I pageantisafashionsbowalong where they fed about 600 of will be distl'ibuted to all; also Hudlerac:anmenced.the-one­ Development Corporation,.. ,! The Ticker, WBMB, & Schmid Labs witha live salsaandmerengue Barucll'shungriestindividua1s free ofcharge. on-One' Trade Show Display Howe, Solomon • Hall Ine., band, an AndelUl Band, a over three hours.' La Coco Cadena believes that Competition. Baruch 'College Alumni comedian, Alma Solano Dance Band, a merengue band, will HispanicWeekiswellrounded '1l1e days tofollow consisted Aseoeia:QcmandSmithBamey. I for their cooperation & support Group - performing cultural be playing their hit songs on this year, referring to the the .....of various _min8J'8 such as Stark wants to tbaDk all of dancesfromtheCaribbean,the the'IbursdayofHispanicWeek different programs that being -Developing a Career the delegatee who went an throuqhout the campaign. SouthAmerican MusicProject duringclubhoursjustlikelast held during the week which ·Strategy", cy.naging theJob repreMDted Baruch· at ~e - headed by Marco Rizo yearwhenthemown-salsero­ peak various interests. -OUt ·.lnterYiew" and -commwity conferenee and Wish the new playing Latin jazz. Also, the Tito Nieves enticed the crowd of the four days of Hispanic Service Projects." - The board· members continued

.- • - :,~::: ..a...... P.R.I.D.E. members who won with his music. Afterwards -Week I believe Wednesday is 'BCCAMApartieipUedinthree . 8Ueee&s.- ---~l . r, '.. , . ,. ~{of .)--" t .. ".... .J J '- ~;-I·I::.'.01 goingtobetheonethatisgoing the chapter management co 1 " this year's Star Seareh Club therewiUbeapartyintheOak ------.:~---- 23· still ~n every week startingat 22 11 pm. Members pay $8 and - guests pay $10. Legendary ChakaKhangracedShelter at a recent Friday night party. Shetoreitup andleftthecrowd wanting more. Also, rising ) starsKriss-KrossandDJClark

(J) Kentmade the crowdjump at " - -u a recent Thursday night hip­ DearLonnie ...... hopparty...•.WildPitch's short • break from the spot fonnerly knownasKilim~(531 W. ~""""""""'''''''''''''''''~~"""""~ 19 St.) has turned into a per­ DearLDra.1Ik: impreBBion you leave is t1uJ.t $-oA manent one: Let's just say a Lately,l'oebeellfeelia6like this is alsoa questionyou may I\) disagreementcausedpromoter tJae wAole world" Ggailut havetroubleaslcingYouraelf.It GregDaytopallawayhisWild me. I "., to put up G very, wouldbehelpfulforyoutobegin Pitch party(butI'm notone to very, al1on6 front agailut tolooka.twlud~going()ninBide gossipsoyoudidn'thearitfrom tAU. I feel that I anGlyze you end your past ez:periences me). Other parties, such as people too much before.1 that rna.kesyou need to protect on Wednesday nights. Doors BLACK BALL, filled 531 W. GlUwer their qlI.etltiolU. I yourselffrom so many people. openat10 p.m. and admission 19St.inWildPitch's absence. allalyze them Hcoua. 1 Since you indictJ.te tluJt it is Welcomeb&ck! Hopeyou is $6 but there's still a pick-n­ Since turn out was low while tJaink tJae, are 6oi"lllo try hard for you to trust others, all had a slammin' Spring choose door policy(sorryguys). Greg Day was away, he re­ to put me down. WAat speakin.g to a cou~lor, G Break. For those of you who Ifyoumalteitthroughthefront turned onApril 25for thosein alaoulditIo'PmnieetolAOH complete stronger, about. your couldn't get out ofthe big city dooryou canmingle toa blend thebusinessofmakingmoney. people that I like 80 doll't feelings may seem like (myselfincluded), I hope you ofhousemusic,reggaeandhip­ Unfortunately, some shady leU me I alaould be nice to somethingyouwouJdm.thernot enjoyed the club scene. With hop. Sundays at NeIls also behavior (to say the least) on otIae,...It~.juaIverytliflicuU do. Rememberthat G counselor the semesteralmost over, you enjoys a full crowd. Easter that night has marked Greg for me to t,.."at people wiUtaJJewithyouc:on.fitlen,tUJy all will be ableto cool out and Sunday was a tight squeeze Daywitha permanentleaveof overalL and wiU be se7lBitive to the really let loose. Have a great inside and outside. Once in­ absence..... A permanent spot diffU:ulty you have intr.uatin6d Summerinside and outside of side, people celebrated with a is still in the air for promoter Ulltnutwortlay ofYou someone else. It is also the club scene cause you gotta band on the main level and Karl, host ofSunday's reggae important to remember that have soul. danced to house music and partyformerlyatStickyMike's. Dear Untrustworthy ofyou: trust is something t1ult is built reggae on the lower level....• The Sundayreggae partywas 1 knowyou arepreparedto be over time and the degree to There have been Promoters Pierre, Gilbert and forced to leave Sticky Mike's untrustiT&g ofan effort to help whickyoutrustanotherpenon changes since we last got to- Romeo premiered their NO afterthefacilities were busted you. You are having trouble varies from one person to gether on the club tip. Some SLEEP FRIDAYS at Palla­ bythepolice fornotstickingto with thewayyou are feeling. It another: Not beingahletotrust partieslistedinNYCWeekln dium (126 E. 14 St bet. 3 & 4 anon-danceprogram. Duetoa sounds like you are upset, anyone however can be lonely Review are surviving while Ave.) on April 24 at 10 p.m, monetary conflict of interest confused and frustrated. It is andpainfulezperienceth4tyou some have gone with the cold. party goers let loose at this one ofthemanagers at Sticky taking a lot ofenergy on your shouldnothavetocope withon The week still starts openingfor $10 with an invite Mike's, who was also promot­ part to keep up the -front.­ yow-own. offwitb Soul Kitchen atWet- and $15 without an ingthereggae party,splitwith Analyzing others be(oTf! they We inviteyou to sendinyour lands(161 Hudsonatcomerof ..invite.....springfeverwouldnot Karl (since Pm not one to g08­ haveanopportunityto putyou problems andquestions to the Laight). For $5 you canparty becompletewithoutShelter (6 sipyou didn'thearitfromme). down is a way of keeping a Helplinemailboxlocatedinthe atSoulKitchencauseyougotta Hubert at Hudson Street). Since the separation, Karl has situation that could hurt you office on the first floor of the have soul. Cheek out DJ With the semesterabout over, jumped between 244 E. 14: St. undercontrolandBlaoCl wayof StudentCenter. All questions Frankie Inglese at 11p.m. ev- it's just the perfect time to and Sweet Jane (113 Jane protectingyourself.lnaddition~ that are printed will be kept ery Monday with lots of soul, boogie on over to this legend­ Street). Surprisingly, party this 1eeepsyou more focused on anonymous, though we invite funk and a touch ofreggae..... ary hooooot spot. Shelter's goers are following Karl and othen end gets in tlul way. you to identifyyourselfifyou Promoters Henry, Pierre & Sunday party is now a sweet his reggae groove. Le~8 see Bcsedonw1lD.tyouBay1Iowever, wish. We remind you to use Gilbertstillgive us BOOM! at memory but itsinfamous Sat­ how long he will keep rockin' it Beemtl that you are getting the Counseling and Rex (5796 Ave bet. 16 & 17 urday night sensatio~ which reggae nonstop. tired of ha.ving to Jeeep your Psychological Services Office St.). Doorsopenat10p.m.and began one year ago, is back to gU4rd up. It would be Aelpful and Helpline for assistance admissionis $7 with aninvite its original hcurs, Doors open to know more from you about witl1 personal problems and fGI" .-taste-of reggae,. hip-hop- atmidnight aDG the damageis _ why,youfeel..othen aceagawt hel}) in a~hievi_ng your andheusemusie•••••Nells (246 $10-formembers-anCi-$15 for ycJ& Sinceyou doll't ~ muda. academic goels-~ ~U~~~a~~ ~~~~~~~~======~~=~=~~=~=~~~~about this in your letter, the Ship Captain of S.S. P.R.I.D.E.

By Katllryn Garcia you have to finish school and Kevin Crespi is at the end of also makes you go to class," hisreignas pr-esidentofPuerto said Perez Ricans for Involvement, "He puts100lf; into the club: Development it said Algarin. According to Enlightenment after serving Allah, Crespi went 88 far as the club for five years and all buying boardgames and table themembersagreethathe will games such as air hockey for be missed. the club. "When Kevin does "Yeah there is a big something everybody takes 42 years ago... difference," said Rachel prideinvolvingthemselvesinto Algarin,amemberofP.R.IDE. helping him not just because It was reported in the ~on Asian Week '92 since '91. "Itstarted out mild, he asks for it, because we feel May 7, 1950 that Bernard M. people would just come into that everymemberofa family Baruch,a graduateoftheClass By: DavidsonLigeralde whatAsianstudentsatBaruch the room and everybody was should contribute to the of 1889 will deliver the The Asian Students Union College can accomplish when sitting, playing dominoes, progress of the whole," said convocation address at the of Baruch College sponsored united. cards," continued Alagarin. AlIa. Charter Day exercises of the its fourth annual Asian Week The Asian Student's Union She also said that a m a As far as Algarinisconcerned CityCollegeSchool ofBusiness culturenightonApril 30. After would like to give special semester Crespi changed the, "Kevin is P .R.I.D.E." because andCivic Administration. The months of preparation, thanksto: PresidentGoldstein, club "quick" meaning that he withouthim there wouldn'tbe speech Mr. Baruch presented coordinators presenteda wide Dean Samuel Johnson, created new events aside from aP.R.I.D.E. club. Accordingto was covered in the ljew York varietyofeventsincludingfood security,PatandtheentireAV the common pizza parties on themembershe will begreatly j,'imes for May 12, 19t:? In it he~d:~sgovennnentaction festivals, sports competitions, Crew, Richi Conception, Thursdays. Hisideasincluded missed since he's "the life of havingice creamparties,after­ the party.- to be prompted by sheer <:'1 arts and craft workshops and .Steven Tse, Eddie Ng, Dee, • Baruch's very first talk show Vivian Wong, Sue Chow, the-party parties which took expediencyofwhiehevergreeds titled, "Asia Here, Asia Now." Mildred, Louis Wong, Donut, place after club hours and a or pressure groups appear Muchofeveryone'sattention, Toni Chen, Bill Wong, Mey, variety ofguest speakers. strongest at the moment? Or however, was clearly aimedat Phyllis, Wilson Shum, Alex, "He broughttheclubtogether is it to be subject t.o higher supportin6--~ gg ethical restraints, and if so, Thank you for the end of the week heritage Frances Maxiner, Kent, and a P.R.I.D.E. family; notjust • whatare theytobe?" He went show. Ray Wong. within the dub walls," said For close to three hours, ShameekSupremeAllah, "but on to say "De-noshing the Baruch College Childcare Center Referendum. govemment,we weretold,was viewers were entertained by outside the schools involving Correction a cloak for powerful interests comedians,fashionmodelsand the club in sports and after • whowanted be 1etalone' cultural dancers. The The picture that ran activities: he added. to to -He's 80 outgoing, 80 [-~ despoil participantswerestudentsand theeountry'sl'88O\lft88 with the article Unity energetic,· said Susi Perez. ~ andthe publie. How un&elfish professionals orAsian decent. Through Jesus According to Algarin the j are they whoUk.. invoke the By night fall, the 23 street Y membersdotrustCrespiwhich powerofgowrnmentto~ auditorium was still filled to was ofMin. Derek I shows when. CUe makes their own interefJta. to pt capacity. AsianWeek'92, -rile Burley. f «

6 • "", ~ everyonetbinkandreeHzetblt wteI?' .J".& . Pride of Asia-, demoostzated

d .. §l .~s 24 .'~ ~ -- .. -. - -" _. . - - -- . -- - -- _.- .. --- - ~ - - ._--,------:-~--- -- .---.' -.-----.-.- ...... ------....·---·0 (I) Q) > i -", 13 CD - Q) .. a. ....(I) COL~EGE? Q) LOOKING)FOR AJUMP AHEAD IN Q.... Q) ~ F • (\I 0) FROM THE RAP SCENE: 0) .,.. Depending on your skills Assesment tests results, you may be eligible to enroll In a .,..(\I ~ .~ cu FREE SPECIAL PROGRAM for continuing, entering freshmen and transfer A.T.E.E.M. .:;E

r students at the college. The program will include: by Sharice Conway skillfully weaves all sides of' human . A new crew consisting of familiar nature together in their debut album, faces - straight from the Chubb Rock A Hero Ain't Nothin' But A camp! Chubb Rock's alter ego, THE Sandwieb. From poking fun at male . A.TEeEM., is a posse made up of the machoism to pure social issues, e slickest rappers around: HOT ~ A.T.E.E.M. has a unique way' of BASIC SKILLS COURSES (originallyChubbRock'smaindancer), delivering the goods. Charting into a ROBSWINGA(Chubb'sbrother),and new territory, as well assticking to a DJ F.Me In 'addition to these guys classicformula, this unitis outtobring 1. Imensive six·week courses in Mathematics, Reading, Writing, and Speech to steppin' out and making a name for the house down! themselves, theiralbumispackedwith Theprotege ofthebiggestmaninrap, help you to improve basic skills and PASS the Skills Tests (June and July). special appearances by Chubb Rock, The AT.E.E.M. will strike a chord Red Hot Luva Tone, and Kirk Pone. . with everyone. Mixing laughter and Coming at ya with flavorful rhymes, thought provokingissues, withserious 2. Short courses that will prepare you for the skills Tests in Reading, Writing, strong funky hip-hop beats, and fan, rhythm, the mark of The A.T .E.E.M. freestyle jams, THE A.T.E.E.M. will be too powerful to ignore. Mathematics and Speech (June, July and August).

that much of the show had been to write art criticism and not paint is contributed by adjunct faculty. "The limiting. It's very important to me to faculty came through in a wonderful paint, so I'm happy to be in the show." WHAT ARE THE A'DVANTAGES? way. Ifweeliminatedalloftheadjuncts Much of the work in the exhibition from this show, it would be very addressedaestheticandpoliticalissues. skimpy." Sonita Singwi used 19th century­ You may skip some of the Basic Skills courses in the Fall. If eligible you will But at the evening opening, the perceptions of nature and science in enthusiasm of the artists for the most her grouping ofphotographs onlinen. receive college credits in a required course in your core curriculum. part overcame the concern over the Singwi, a Collegelab technician,notes, budget. For Vigeo Saule, a professor "In the 19th century, they were pretty The courses are FREE and there is NO CHARGE for textbooks. who teaches drawing and painting, it vigorously cataloginginformation, in a was an opportunity to speak warmly context of scientific rationality. That abeut his students: "They are context is created here by the way the wonderful. I Iove my students and I photos are numbered." HOW CAN I ENROLL? Terry Berkowitz, an associate '-'. :~:s~;Yl:j':~=~: :~";:t~~; professor who teaches graphics, is .1 final grades.· Amonghiscontributions representedintheshowbyaprovocative You may send the reply form at the bottom of thispage to ::: ~ to the show were two powerful water installation piece, -The Children's i colorlandscapes. Hour,"whichcombinesa nursery-scale Dr. Cecelia McCall '1 i. c: His colleagues were equally teatableandchairscoveredby a collage . "'- as .S~_3~~ ~~_ > enthusiastic, Vernita Nemec, whose of headlines relating to the death Baruch. College, Box ._ ~a- . stark--seulptures-of-mauled· dassieal --penaltywitA-a-tapecl-news-bFcl&dc&stof . 17 Lexington Avenue ··-smaem:£ eveat.. _···- goddesses'held the attention ofmany the final minute~ of Ethel and Julius N.Y. N.Y. 10010. Talent at Baruch ArtShow

o By Prudence Chase and computer lab of the 26th Street or call (212) 387-1118/1110 from 9:00am - 5:30pm for more information. For the 200 or 80 guests who packed building,businessstudentsfulfill their the April 20th opening of-Artists and liberal arts requirements and· art In-person registration will be held on June 3 and 4 in the Faculty Lounge, Educators," the Baruch Art students pursue degrees in Graphic Room 521, 155 East 24th Street Dsparument's faculty exhibition Communication. Thisexhibition gives currentlyon viewatthe-SidiieyMisltkin the College community at large the Gallery, the buzz of conversation was opportunity to see the best ofwhat our notjust about art, but money as well. artist-educators have to offer these The exhibition of44 works, curated students. by Mishkin director Sandra Kraskin, Even as participating artists wasputtogetheragainsta backdrop of expressed excitement about the show, the talkofcutsandtheirrepercussions , . budgetary crisis that may include the ...... :. I dismissalofsomeoftheadjunctfaculty in the department tempered the :'.: Is whose work hangs in the show, which celebration. Professors and a.. J runs through May 31st on the ground administrators spoke of the non- = ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• . reappointment letters that adjunct • • floor afthe22ndStreetAdministration ic: • • building. faculty received this spring, and how -: : 1992 SUMMER IMMERSION PROGRAM © : Many at Baruchare unaware that in the show might well be their last the shadowofthe school ofbusiness, a opportunity to share their work with visitors, was pleased by the show and Rosenberg,whoweresentencedtodeath • • ~sh quiet but active subculture c:L artists· students.Elsbeth Woody, chairperson the turnout for the opening. "I for .spying. Berkowitz's one-woman • • what Rock anddesignersflourishes. In thestudios of the Art Department, pointed out more colleges would realize they show, -A anda HardPlace: will : NAME: Please circle the component .: have at their disposal in the faeulty, openMay27thattheWhitneyMuseum • LAS' FIRS' that you wish to attend: • particularly their artfaculty: Nemec, ofAmerican Art. • • who is a College lab technician, The response to the show among • commented. visitorsandadministratorswaswarm. • ADDRESS: : AdeleShtem,anadjunctwho teaches College president Matthew Goldstein ~, ., ... : NO. SIREEI -~Writin-g~--.--·-1 --2- 3------c: ~~"7~*"",~~"---computer--gFap1ti~-8-;-- -~o-mbin-e-. -~!R'aiAcr---the - exhibitioll a8 a • photographyandcomputersinherart. demonstrationofthetalentandbreadth • ·People imagine that because ofcreativeness at the College. tift's a : .-J. Speech • 1 2 3 : computers are so technologically wonderful show, wonderful for the • CII Y S,Aj E ZIP • .advanced,thatitexcludesbeingableto college and wonderful for thestudents • Math -'1 2 3 • express spiritual themes. But it is a tosee theirteachersactuallydoingthe .~ 41' • • tool, like anyother tool,· Shtern said. things that they teach," Goldstein : PHONE #: H( ), Reading - 1 2 3 : In addition to more technically observedattheopening. Ina meseage : BEST TIME TO CALL : advanced materials, the traditional that prefaces the exhibit catalogue, media were well represented. MaryJo Goldstein wrote, -A foundation in the· • • :: Viola, an arthistory adjunct assistan~ liberal arts is basic to a Baruch : w ( ), Other:: I professor, contributed three intimate edueation,andI hopethatallwhoeome : BEST TIME TO CALL : ~ watercolors that a gallery .visitor intoeontaetwiththeCollepwillattend .- . "I described 88-exquisitelysensitive.-A andtakeawayscmethinglaetincfrom •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• curatorandscholar,Violasays shewill performances and exhibitions INCh as ~~YS~~ ~ ~~. trI feel that this one.-

't _ - .. ::-_- _..:::...... -

______~_ - - _.. . __ ..o. o_._~ •. ..__•__._.__.,_. _ ~_ ~,:.,:, ~, . .. ,.... '" - ./ - a c & a & 2 a a • a ,= •

27 . - ..... - - - ~ --..-- - .. ~ .....f -:;. - - ..... -. - .. - ...-,.,.... ':_ ... - -.- ...- "l"7&;'-.;-.";:-...... , - -- . .- , . . .. -r. 26 .. ... Ghost Rider #29 aoq~sition Jim Lee will puthi. i. (J) teams the Beast and talents to work on WIld CAT.8- .!! CD - > Wolverine with (Covert Action Teams). _ ." 13 _. ••D..C. PreukUJ· _.. iiiCD CD everyone's. favorite Co..u:. Q. SpiritofVengeance in BATMAN, BATMAN, BATMAN. "2 (J) ~ CD a story written by That'sallyouneedtoImowaboutD.C.'. ,- 0-- ~ 4 ' Howard Mackie and summer plans. -CD drawn' by Andy PenguinTriumphantandCatwoman, c: ~ Kubert. Ouch!! This deluxe books, along with the Batman ~ i= • will be hot! The book Returns: Movie Adaption, highlight~ N even in~ucesthree D.C.'ssummerreleases. Also checkout ~ 0) 0) new villains to the the current roster of the Teen 'ritans 1'> ~ , MonJel Universe. and look for Team Titans to hit the <0 N Well fellow collectorsandcomic book ~ Morbius: The Living Vampire brings Marvel isalsoofferinga GhostRider stands soon. ~ ~ fans alike, this is,the last instaUment M~~." ca back most popular vampire andCabletradepaperbsckthatreprints ••••Valiant Pret1ie", •••• ~ ofMarvelatTAU. You see,yours truly Morbius. In short, Moribus is an theirclassicteam-upinMarvel Comics The only thing I will say about is gettingready to bitthe other world, average guy cursed with the look ofa Presents 190 thru 198. ." Valiant iswatchout! Thiscompanyis you know, the one outside your door? vampire and the powers ofone. In the Wolverine will be facing his own gaining ground on Maroel rapidly. I would like to let you know for the first issue, Ghost Rider and Johnny nemesisSabertoothina two-partstory Harbinger #1 and Magnus: Robot tim~ ---., --- last thatI am a lifetime collector. Blaze guest-star in a series that that takes place in Wolverine .sO and Fighter are already $10 books and­ In fact, I havea collection thatconsists promises to be even more violent than .s1. Unity is going to increase the Value of ofover 10,000 books and they date as the Punisher. The 48 page issue Marr1el is also offering their second all ofValiCllll". titles. far back to 1946's AJnerico'. Bat includes a fold-out poster and is annualSwimsuitSpecial.featuringthe My pick for future investments are CoJllie. ~ .17 to Image/Malibu'. protected in a poly-bag. beautiful female stars of the MarJlel Valiant books. Howcanyou ~nY~lDl Baruch College Spawn 12. Ifyou include all of the JlcarrJel is also reprinting Morbi\l8' Universe, let's not get excited kids! Shooter, the man who catapulted· periodsinbetween, thenyou'll seethat firstappearanceinAmazjngSpiderman These beauties aren'treal. Marvel into the comic-Gods that they I have a well-rounded collection and .10~ in a Gold Cover $1.75 edition. • •••'~ali6u Preview-••• are? knowwhatI am taJJringabout. I didD't This is the betterbuy in my opinion_ Rob Liefeld continues his own little Valiant will pave thewayforc:omic want you guys to think I was just A new vi)]ain will be popping up in universe of characters for I ....e/ excellenceinthe9<1. andbytheendof shooting my mouth offfor no reason. Spiderman #26, as Spidey's 30th Malibu withhislatestteamoCmutants thedecade, theywin berankedatleast Senior Dinner Dance Now on with tile column! Anniversary,celebration continues. in Brigade ,1. number two. I have spoken! Spiderman#26bas a hologram cover Erik Larsenexits Marveland enters 0JaeLtulfluiellNote: Thepast'Year One QuiellNt*: The following is a andisan 80 pageextravaganza, whic;b IJlflGge/Jlalibu withhisfirsttitlecalled ofMarvel At ThiB bas been fun and I listofwhattitleswill beshippingearly will runyou$3.50. Sowhynotjustpick The Savage Dragon. The Savage am going to miss chatting with you this summer. up 88 copy? Itis Spideys anniversary. Dragonis said tobe themostpowerful about what's goingoninthe comic biz. I have been asked by many people The InfinityWarwill runthroughout hero in Image/Malibu'. young I bidyoua fondfarewellandlookforme justwhere do I getmy &COOps andinfo the summer in many of ManJel'. universe. in the headlines somewhere because from but that'sconfidential -Sorry! premieretitles~clf~~awescme Todd McFarlane------will---continue his I'll be there! Peace! Marriott Marquis Hotel • •••A Marwlous Summer·••• art work ofBon Lim. work on Spawn and recent

1535 Broadway at 44th Street Saturday, May 30, 1992 ____ ~ 7_;OO_pm~-_1:0~Oa.m $40 per person -Deadline May 22nd Entertainment Advance Tickets Only Door Prizes Open Bar All Types of Music ID.. Requlre· d Sponsored by: Day Session Student Government & Evening Session Student Assembly For Tickets and/or additional information: DSSG / Student Center Room 409 / 387-1185 ·1 ESSA / 46 E. 26th St. Room 525/447-3138

J Student Center Information Booth / 137 E. 22nd St Open to all Students. An Event You Don't Want to Miss! -

-- .-_.... ~ ------!'in Wd 75 rw-ev=vcsrrE "r~rr m7$8=. new em' 7 ," ~. ~ ., ...... _ ••~', • J.., ~:.".:...:.. "'_ e a .:::»3JU1 .... ,- .- ~- . ¥, ~:"" ";-... ·:·~.+~:~t*;.4f4F~:; ..M .~ - • •• F .', •• _.':" .. ',--' , -

28~ .. ., .. --. ~j.:

(I) formodemfemaleartists. Mostrelyon Squeeze.' , ;i r . ~ ; the size of their silicon to woo their . As for th~ track -mss the Boysi 13 ~ a.CD fans. Of' course, their is the other Goodbye,-I am notevengoingtotouch (I) extreme,oneinwhichSineadO'Connor on it. CD a..-CD dwells, Fiona, fortunately falle in On eonge.Iike cAin't That Just Like OJ between. Love"and-rre&tMeRight," the gro:up ~ CD -u­ Whether she chooses to reveal or soundsliketheyarepIayingtheirheaJts < ~ conceal matters not; unless you're out. .. The guitarists sound like they're = • watchingherwithatrenchcoaton. She playing until their fingers bleed and • andhergrouphavean ability thatfew the drummersoundsasifheispounding ~ have. They can play and play good. hissetintothestage.Somehowamongst-e e What makes Fiona so good you ask? , all this adrenalin are coherent lyric~ N ! (Menintrenchcoatsneednotask).The the realtreat to Fiona's new sound. :- ! group combines many different styles Guys beware, and protect the family ~ I\) \ S to create their own new style. Their jewelswhenyouplay"TreatMeRight." Z music achieves a sound that most Country music with an actual pulse is .i carbon copy bands can only attempt. 'what -AllOver Now" sounds. like. A ! The backing,vooa!s are reminiscent of soft steel guitarmixedwith an electric f He~rt (probably because Fiona's guitar are a perfect blend for Fiona's .t.aurallcOonald, Dan MInh.. CONGRATULATES OUR 1992 AWARD RE,CIPIENTS producer, Richie Zito, has workedwith incredible voice, andmakes thissonga Heart with an attitude is the only Heart) while Fiona's leadvocals are a real treasure. Hey, ifTammyWynette way to describe Fiona's new album. mixtureofdift"erentsounds.Sheexudes 'can sing with K.L.F., then why can't Squeeze is a- definite treat for hard the passion ofMelissa Etheridge and Fionaplay country? Fiona rock, pop and alternative music fans. the attitude ofJoan Jett. Guys do not let your guard down if Squeeze lF~©!JlLW ~~ ~~~IAWM@ The group's· etrortsare so appealing On -non't Come Cryin" Fiona uses your girlfriend hears -nte Best Is Yet IAWNl@ Produced.By: Marc Tanner, Guy thattheyseemto behardtocategorize. ' theJettattitude.Shesoundsasifsheis To Come," evenaftera tendermoment, ~d Roche Richie Zito Fionaisbetterthanmostfemale acts relishing in the fact that her ex­ or you may find your face slapped. Professor Susan Locke Con·suelo Ford '66 GeffeJNrecords today. She is not the type to wear a boyfriend wants to come back to her. Hopefully that is all she'll do to you Department of Psychology Historian, Baruch College Alumni Association GRADE:B+ outfit and simplyjiggle itfor the She seems to enjoytwisting a knife in (remember the jewels fellas). By Danny Gesslein audience. Ofcourse, from the looks of his back. Gentlemen, do not let yow Break out the kleenex when you try her, she is endowed enough to do that. girlfriend listen to this trash, unless listening to the SQft, tender melody Instead, shehas talent. Yes, talent! I you enjoy being castrated. There are "Mystery of Love." This is not a very know that this is a rare characteristic plenty of other nice, sweet songs on mushylovesonglikethoseyourfiiends , ~~ ~ IAW!NFJOO . .. Sidney Kess '48

CPA, JD, LLM, and Author Jean.Phillipe Audin apd Diego Yet thisis exactly whatyou will listen I I ~ , Modena )' to on the album,,Ocarina. It is a new i J Ocarina album from Frei\ch born Cellist Jean­ ,! Private Music Phillipe Audin and Argentine born Melvin Simon '49 GRADE:A Ocarina player Diego Modena( that's

CEO, Melvin Simon and Associates, Inc. By Massimo Salerno Modena, not ,I' Maradona like the ArgentineSoccerstarDiegoMaradona). When you think ofCaribbean music, The Ocarinais similartothe panflute often Reggae, Meringue or Salsa may and the "quena" which are both come to mind. The wooden Bongos, instnunentscommoninSouthAmerica. Congas.andSteeldrumsarewhatgives Whatthese twohave done with their thismusictheflavoroftheislands. But respective instruments is to capture . Dean Emanuel Saxe '23 when you think of the music of the thesoundsandflaversofthe Caribbean AarQn Silberman '46 Alfred S. Crimmins '60 Caribbean you dori~t often think ofthe and of Latin America, from. :Monteiro Former Dean, School ofBusiness of Baruch College Chairman, American Thermoplastic Corp. President, Collins & Aikman Textiles F'lute or the Cello. And you certainly Bay, Jamaica to Mar del Plata, don't picture two white men with Argentina,jna uniquelydifferent way. Abraham Beame '2Q Donald D. Gabay '56 Hon.Richard A. Goldberg '51 predominantly western European Modena incorporated his classical Former Mayor of New York 1973-77 Former First Deputy Commissioner, Justice, NetA York State Supreme Court origins jammin' and playing Reggae. music background with the music of " The Ny-State Department of Insurance~' _ Benjamin Berkey'32 , Dean Francis Connelly '64 Founder ofBerkey Photo Mel'vyn I. Weiss '57 Dean, School of Business & Public Administration Lawyer, Milbarg & Weiss Be/nard M. Baruch College Mary Ascher '23 Diego Modena & Jean-Philippe Audln PrlvaM Music Artist, Poet,' Feminist & Lecturer; , Seymour Aug '57 Bert Mitchell '63 hisnativeArgentinaalongwith Audins' together the tune "Song ofOcarina"in First Woman Graduate .' Chairman of the Board, Diners Club International Managing Partner, . WHERE THE STONE AGE sounds which blends rhythms from his Paris. This is a tune played with the Mitchelf Titus & Co. native Franceas well as Italy, Sweden, Ocarina and Cello intertwined in a Herman Badillo '51 Hal H. Beretz '57 MEns THE ROCK AGE. Spain and Latin America. distinctively different Reggae rhythm Ocarina contains such tunes as with the Ocarina doing long melodic Trustee, City University of New York; President, Tendler Beretz Associates Ltd.; Philip DeFUese '38 Former Congressman, Attorney Formerly Group VP, Philipp Bros. "Moonlight Reggae" and "Bagpipe solos, and the deep sounds of Cello Formerly Managing Partner, Reggae,"withharmoniesandbeatsthat foJIowingalong. The title song was an Coopers & Lybrand Carl Spielvogel transport you back to the Caribbean instanthit and sold over halfa million '52 Joseph E. Madigan '58 islands, yet bring memories of the copies in France. Chairman of the Board and CEO, Corporate Financial Consultant, Madigan Associates Leona Beane '58 British Isles and Scotland at the same Thealbum Ocarinacontains twelve Backer, Spielvogel, Bates, Worldwide Law Professor, Bernard M. Baruch College time. tunesandisaninterestingmixofLatin Frederick Neuman '3~ Audin and Modena played together music from Western Europe, but it is Ralph A. Rehmet '53 Director of Defense Contract Audit Agency; Leith E. Yetman '76 in 1991 when Audin heard some good notthatfarleftfrom themainstreamof Senior Vice President, thingsaboutModena'sunusualmusical commercial music, and anyone can Part Time Consultant, Peat Marwick Main & Co. President & Founder, Mahoney, Cohen, Paul & Co. Inc. instruments and talents. Most ofthat eIijoyit.Justdon'texpectShabbaranks New York Jnstitute of Business Technology David Valinsky '43 "good word" came from the worldwide to break out with a Flute and Cello on network of'Jazz-Fusion musicians. his next·album. Frederick S. Pierce '53 Professor Emeritus Dept of Statistics & CIS, Irving Chaykin '32 Laterintheyear,bothofthemrecorded Chairman/CEO, Frederick S. Pierce & Co.; Bernard M. Baruch College Professor Emeritus Accounting, Formerly President, American Broadcasting Co. Bernard M.Baruch College; Samuel J. Duboff '34 Author, Chaykin Review Books Andrew A. Giordano '53 Accountant Former Naval Officer; Michael Sotirhos '50 Executive Vice President, Lamonts Aaron Shapiro '49 u.s. Ambassador to Greece CPA, Shapiro Taxon & Kopell ACIIIiUIr ..COlI.., IN ...... Bert W. Wasserman '54 Robert Johnston, Jr. '62 CFO, Time Warner Communications, Inc. Lillian Nadel Gerard '35 Former Chief, Retired Public Relations Consultant New York City Police Department Gertrude Alman Stern '49 .. Executive vice PreSident, Hon. Phyllis Orlikoff Aug '60 Robert A. Friedman '67 ' .. Allied Stores Marketing Corp. -, Justice ofthe Supreme Court, Stale of New York Umited Partner, Goldman Sachs Group· IlIA....THIS1iI_AI A 1HIA18I...... YOII . Bernard Richards '49 Robert P. Rlttereiser '65 Philip Gittelman '54 President, Slattery Investors Corp. Chairman, Yorkville Associates; President, Gittelman Film Associates Inc. Formerly President of the E.F. Hutton Group

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._....__ ._-

would like to thank all the participants, A friend ofmine made a bet (83), CF -MickeyMantle('56 &. withme. He said that I can't. '57), RF - Roger Marris ('60 & Ray Rankis, Ralph' Siriani, & the referees write about sports, without '61), SP - Hal Newhouser ('44 making jokes. I say that I & (45).. for their help in making the can... So here it goes. -rye mentioned itbefore, but, Riddle ofthe week: Only 9 the list just keeps getting pro baseball players have won longer. Think ofall the talent AcI>L\ BASKETBALL TOURNAMENT the MVPawardinconsecutive that slippedout ofthe Yankee years. Amazingly enough, all minor league system. Hal 9 play different positions. Morris, Fred McGriff, Keith benefiting UNITED CEREBRAL PALSY· N arne the players and their Miller, . Greg Gagne, Jay Brown, Bob Homer, Mario heeninjuredallyear. PatKelly Cal Ripken (BLT), 3B - Wade I positions? Buhner, Willie McGee, Doug Soto, GregBrock,JohnnyRay, is no where to be found. They Boggs(BOS),OF-JoseCanseco 'Mark McGwire is on a .Drabek, Jose Rijo, Bob Keith Moreland, Jody Davis, gave a new contract to Mike (OAK), Ken Griffey Jr. (SEA), A GREAT SUCCESS mission. But, don't think that Tewksbury, Tim Belcher, Jay Marty Barrett,/Al Nipper, Wittandhe'sontheshelf; They. RubinSierra(TEX), SP- Juan irs a fluke. Forget about last Howell and now "neon" Dion Butch Wynegar,'Brain Fisher, decided not to trade Jesse Guzman (TOR). year and McGwire has Sanders. Odibe McDowell, Jim Presley, Barfield when he was hitting NL: C- Benito Santiago (SD), averaged 33 HR'sand93 RBrs The Mets have also given Joe Cowley and Buddy well in Spring training when IB - Fred .McGriff (SD), 2B ­ ~L===~~~l over a 4 year span. away some mightyfine talent. Biancalana. he actually had some value. Ryne Sandberg (CHI), SS ­ ANY-WGE .Riddle answer: C- Yogi Berra KevinMitchell,RickAguilera, The Yankees are playing Here's my prediction for the Mariano Duncan (PHD, 3B ­ ('54 & '55), 1B -JimmyFox('32 Jeff Reardon, Greg Olson . well, no thanks to the Yankee starting All-Star teams this 21oz.~SOFrDRINK . Gary Scheffield (SD), OF ­ SANDWlCH* II & (33), 2B - Joe Morgan ('75 & (ATL), Randy Milligan and front office. Just about every year. BarryBonds(PIT),PaulO'neill (76), SS - Ernie Banks ('58 & Kevin Tappani.. _...1<' -- - move they made has been a AL: C- ChrisHoiles(BLT), IB (CIN), Ron Gant (ATL), SP -. Limit on. coupon Pt'r c.wdomer. ~ Go.I0IIIy.. .II,. visit. Please -"I coupon wh-" '59), 3B - Mike Schmidt ('80 & Whateverhappenedto Floyd flop. FreeagentsMikeGalleg» - Mark McGwire.(OAK), 2B ­ Bill Swift (SF). r---' Nd)ce...... 01: II ordering. Nor v~ In combination OfFER VAUD .,. r~ (81), LF - Dale Murphy ('82 & Youmans, Steve Trout, Chris and Danny Tartabull have Roberto Alomar (TOR), SS - h . -- ..-" -. ....-23n:t Sf. II wtt anyothcroffer.Cashvaluc 1/Z0 raau FlATIRON II ~ft1' ~ v~ II of 1 '. MAY 31.1992 .- . ,-... .. "",", NY II ...-.ea-...... o-.AIoO- . -..... I II ..'.----.~.s..e- • ~ . .. ..:.. 336 Eat 23rd St ~_ N~ Yo~.NY WASHINGTON POST WRITERS GROUP Il a...... -:. I. May 10, 1992 ~------~------~----~-~------, 1150 Fifteenth Street. N.W. Washington. D.C. 20071

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~ 'Losses Opener The Baruch college baseball team lost to CCNY 11-0 in the opening game of the

CuNY play-offs. ------By David A. Amir players thought that Baruch After coming beck to win the had a good chance to make a first game ofa double header stl'ong attempt to play in the­ against City College on April championship. 20, the Baruch Basebel1 team Tony Negron said that one didnotwina remaininggame. problem was that, -We didn't That means losses against hit when we needed to." Fiero Old Westbury, John Jay, Quina addedthat, "wemadea Mount St. Mary and again lotofdefensive mistakes. The CCNY. pitching was good, but, we April 20, while Baruch was didn't get the runs." on Spring break the Baseball In Negron's view the team team wasbusyplayingCCNY. needs, -1-2 big hitters. Guys Alfie Ortawaspitchinganother that can hit the ball hard." excellentgameexcepttheteam Negronalsobelievesthatifthe was down 5-1 going into the team had preferred schedul- batted over .400 in his first last inning. Baruch put base ing the team would have done yearandbattedabout.350last Crespo pitched someexcellent runners on and pushed across better. Maybe so but probably year. This year he feel into a games. threeruns. Nowthescore was not. little slump and his average It is tough to pick a Most Where's 5-4. With Jose Rivera and Baruch did have some high ~:;:ce. He still fin- Valuable Playerfor the team. Mark Ersckoff on base Sean points in the year. Wins ishe ason over .'800. There were no superstar but Barrow hit a two out fastball against Jersey City State and Freshman Mike Bender manygood players. Ersckoff, into the gap for ~ double. The Western Connecticut are big showed signs of being a pas­ Barrow, Orta, Rivera and Ralph? doublescoredthetwo baserun­ accomplishments. "sible excellent pitcher_He Grossman can win the MVP ners and gave Baruch a 6-5 Baruch beat WC 6-5. With throwsa fastball thatcanblow but my pick is Sean Barrow. By David A. Amir win. Ortafinished offthefinal the score 5-3 Baruch got the you away and two curves that He played every gameat first . Ifthere's anything that you inningbystrikingoutthefinal eventual winning run when will make you look like a fool. base and batted fourth in ev­ need to know regarding the two batters to earn the win. Ersckotrhitarunscoringsingle Otherfreshens that contrib­ erygame. Hecamethroughin Physical Edu~tiPA _depart­ After that win the e team off ofScott Gentile, a possible utedareoutfielderRobLawton, theclutchmanytimesandkept ment, thanallyouhavetodo is -went down bin. Baruch lost OlympicBaseballplayerforthe third baseman _F~an~._ the team in ~.,-. _'-- ask Ralph. Except you can't the second game 7-0 and held 1992 squad. - Perniciaro and- -catCllerHJohn - -It is eqUally tough to pick a ask him now. tojust three hits. What went right? "Washing- Pena. Lawtonhasspeeda good Rookie or The Year player. Ral1?h Sirianni is the Senior On April 25 Baruch" meet _ ton Zuritawasourkeyplayer," ann and a quick bat. Lawton Fanuele, .Bender, Perniciaro, College Lab Technichian, ac­ CCNYin the opening round of says Quina. Zuritatorea liga- won't hit'many home runs but Lawton,andPeriacanwinthis tuallyheisagreatguytoknow. the CUNYplay-offs andlost 6­ ment in his thumb while div- can be hitter. Perniciaro at award. For this award I pick On April 24 Ralph was ad- 4. Orta pitched this game but In ingfor a bell a gameagainst times played terrific defense Pete Fanuele. Fanuele was . mit~d _t.o __.GentraL.Buffolk --~------...w:~as.. not 88 fertunate as the Westbory. andat-ot;h'er-timesw~. S~~!t Old Hisoftenseand given tbe In tEe CountyHospital.- Siriannihad last time he faced them. especially his defense was Early in the season he was Knickerbocker play-offs. He a case ofblood poisining that Exactly one week later sadly missed in the play-offs. getting hits but in the-end of beat a Jersey City State team . affected his galbladcler. On Baruch again faces CCNY in Alfie Orta pitched very well. the season he started -to that usually beats Baruch by April -27 Ralph had an opera­ the first round. This time it is Sean Barrows also had and struggle. He was hitting the two touchdowns. He did have tion and it was successfull. in the Knickerbocker Tourna­ excellentyear. . ball right at the other team. somebadoutingsbutasQuina Followingthe operation Ralph ment. In this game Pete Baruch had many players Pena got off toa slow start but says best, "he has a lot of was put in intensive-care. M­ Fanuelestartedthefirstgame. that gave big contributions. hit the ball hard over the last heart," ter a weekat IC he was moved Orta was saved for a hopeful Eric Grossman played well, few weeksoftheseason. Steven to general care and is getting secondgame. Fanuele pitched Ersckoffhada much improved LaSalle and Richie Corea had well. 62/3inningsandTO!ly Negron year. preaty good years considering Ralph has been at Baruch finished up the game. Baruch When you have a player like theirrespectivecases. LaSalle since 1972. Atletic Director lostthe game11-0andthesea­ JoeeRiverayoucangetspoiled played with a bad knee the Dr. Eng said that '11e(Ralph son was over. veryfast. Riverahasmadethe whole year and Correa didn't Sirianni) wants tocome hack." What went wrong? In the play-offs in his first two colle- getintotheeverydayroleuntil Since Ralph has been at beginningofthe season many giate years of baseball. He the middle oftheyear. Jimmy Baruch,thisisthelongestthat he has been out. . Ge~wel1Ralph. WeatBaruch look forward to seeing you again real soon. Tennis Team Gets set For The CUNY Tournament By David A. Amir Spring break they won three . Oh Boy! The tennis team is matches. Firsta 5-4win came hot. The team is a perfect 5-0 against College at Staten Is­ in the CUNY division. Ifyou land, .then 6-3 "against John ask coach Dr. DavidChenghe Jay and finally a 7-2 win over will tellyouthatheisnervous. City College. Why? Because, he wants the The other two wins came win against Lehman College. earlier in the season won That win will make .the team Baruch beat York 7-2 and undefeated in the division. Hunter 6-3. The top. team will receive a ForBaruchJoseph Shauand trophy and a top seed in the JeffWang are 5-0. CUNY Tournament that will When BaruchmeetsLehman begin on May 9. they will do 80 without Ray Sincetheteamreturnedfrom Angeles and.Henrik Axelson.