The Chickasha Daily Express. (Chickasha, Indian Territory [Okla
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MOI POUR CHICKA8HA DAILY tXPAISS, CHICKASHA, OKLAHOMA, FRIDAY, JUNK S, 12f.," wlduwor lio married ii recently tntloni tent to & particular friend: Condenied Statement of for tho third time, nd wIiono Lrltle "lie u re to come; thli It no raa EXPRESS PACKA0ETTES hud lici'ii nmrrliid Once Imfure hersulf, tour jwrformunce." THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Chickaoha room-elec- , Daily Expreoo The k t wrote ftcroat the - CF.O. II. EVANS ..Publisher and Business Manager bolioiu of one, tif tliH weddlnx lavl- tn Kxpri Wnv-e- c ror reisiU Of Chickaslin, Oklahoma At 1121 J. EDWIN POOL. :..Managing Editor Wo Ilka the man who liken lilt Joli the Clou of Builneii April 28, iiiukit hi show It and effmu RESOURCES OFFICIAL PAPER OF CRADY COUNTY Tim man who thinks his lin k In K'xxl Lotne and dlacouoti . 11,001,082.81 ana like lo iiuve u know It. Entered at tha rosloffict at Cblc kasha,, at second clan Overdraft . 4.679.SS We Ilka him for the vim, with which mall natter I United Stalei Dondi to ecur circulation .. ........... J00.000.OO liu ruxliu Into action, Furniture and flxturei ...... .......... 10.000.00 AeeonipllHhlng III dully timki with mm Stock In Federal ' the CHICKASHA, OKLAHOMA, FRIDAY, JUNE 3, 1921. WREN DRUG COMPANY Reserve Dank .......................... 7J00.00 mulling; authtfurtlnn; Real extate owned 63.30S.S9 We like iltufor hi hopeful may, uj24tfe Interest earned 'but no- - emiected SUBSCRIPTION rUTCI erroneous on 11,631.61 Any refactions III eonstunt luHiire United ' and for Stalei bond on hand ... k 15,000.00 On yr. delivered by carrier $8 00 th character af any ' ptraon, In Kurt mm mint emtio duy Oath with tha U. 8. Slx'-nont- thinking Treasurer ... 10.000.00 3.00 firm or and any ...L.i ' corporation reward him In dim I Cash In vaultt and with banks " - 1.M meiiHiiro, .. 291.G06.89 Thro montha misstatement which may ap- -- The Modern H. K. Klner. s. Cigar Liberty Loan bond 07,600.00 On month " " .60 In columnt of th pear tha 11 T could b gmaOer But nut better County and City warrants Ona mill 4 00 bo cor. s,2t4.03 year by Express will gladly l V'VNjlw,; State bornis and ...) To nil lh oilier lieatllmli1 may ftS SnlokcJ by men wj10 socurltlft . 283,762.60 766,223.41 Six montha by malll. ....... 2.00 rtetrt upon Its being brought ' WriuV ?Sw added: "llleuiied till! till) Ju) lliiiMTH. Three montha by 1.00 to th attention of th ' mall...... -- Willln. i . i .5o -- r 12,056,321.10 Slngla copy .................. management. 1) Premium nC,?r LIABILITIES V Capital MIhh 4 'tilt kniilia In lo In . ruing Surnlu 200,000.00 Gives All Th Local News By U. P. Wlr Dally III II Nil ker 03JINewi dolled up her bent hih lin Circulation" 4.H26.73 whi'ii I liu HIiriniTH eoniu to town, . " ml that remind iih: Din liny- - reuerai jieserve bank 44.S43.10 4 Bills rayabl 1MLKUUI Lh IML IDLbA IKALLLY limly In tlin crowd know what u DEPOSITS: 122,081.01 "I inker" In? Mr. Ktllmin might udd Witliin less than a, work after the Tulsa World, in an editor! I III (0 III I Int. fndMl", . ......... "IS" of some length, tfave implied approval to the Ku Klux Klan move .',.. inent, Tulsa blacks and Tulsa whites were engaged in the worst Ornmny liu niinlii tlin first ay llieiit on her 1)111 to the allien. I.I'IIK outbreak of lawlessness that has heen known in the history hi forn her deht I lliiildaled hIik w . I2.060.321.1S Oklahoma. I'he blood of mcmliers of Imth races was spillt Hie above statement is correct. scores of lives and eslimaled he worth (IoiiI)Hi'sh iilseover that ptiyliw; for u ' being lost, property lo NEIL R. JOHNSON, Cashier. moil than a milium dollars was destroyed. It was a disastrous war Inn I exuclly n pleasure even business when it in dune on I In' Installment and alisgraccfiil piece of for Tulsa and the entire sate. NO. 9938 Js'ote carefully, please, that we do not charge the Ku Klu plan. THE OKLAHOMA Man with having anything at all to do with the Tulsa race riot NATIONAL . BANK , and neither do we the for it t tie' Tuha However, w:n in weakier dotv.n'l charge responsibility to CHICKASHA. OKLAHOMA World but we do assert that the whole bloody tragedy was the IU'ri' i: .ii ily lu ll.'' Die II behind I In wot of the Ku Klux Klan of the law I.umi mower any Official Statement logical king out policy taking happier. (condensed) to the Comptroller of Currency into its own hands when it sees lit and that sentiments expressei at the close of business on April 28 1921 ' by the TtilJa newspaper were bound to give encouragement 1 One way to waule lime hi to ron . KF.SOURCES hot-hea- who are oiiick to resort to mod rule. 1 timie an iiikhiih'IiI with a man ufl ....i, aim ui.iliiiiiiis Hill. f i.v.i ?975,683.5S is no part of our present purpose to attempt an analysis of the ou are hopeleHidy diHacrced. 76,690.08 - ""' t J ulsa tragedy and heme we do not deal in details or seek to an Overdrafts U. S. 1,000.45 portion the blame but even the most meagre knowledge of the And Hometlmim (ho reason Liberty Loan Bonds ..... 40.617.95 why U. S. facts is sufficient to the inference lack of for t Bonds to secure warrant that respect man doesn't gi-- uIoiir helter Ik circulation 25,000.00 Jaw was the root of the entire trouble. Bonds and Warrants nolhllitf but pure I) la.ini'KH. Federal M,822.96 Members of a mob, whether white or black, setting out to Reserve Bank Stock ..... 5.250.00 life due law no less Furniture and fixtures take without process of are murderers than . SI Simp says he mil Ices that he . - 5,057.00 the individual secret uuilding account 1 single wreaking private vengeance. Any never Huffer as in in li from thr 00000 of men to themselves Redemption Fund with II S I OCA Art society or group assuming arrogate to the heat when Hie weather turns eool. Tr5iciira functions of and courts m CASH AND SIGHT EXCHANGE peace ouicers inetmg out punishment ZJ-Z-Z 24?,215.84 to ollenders must be as anarchistic against society, recognized As a mailer of It I Crime for law and it cannot be cured bv fact, mighty Gladden Eager Appetites. Total disregard Urn ...$1,428,587.83 seldom that . crowd, will kick more crime. A blaze cannot be extinguished by feeding fuel to LIABILITIES when the iimplrn give the home the Haines. Capital stock 100,000.00 leniii tho benefit of the doulit. ..... The safeguard which has the vicious am and Tired Ones Surplus earned .... only society against . ' 75,000.00 depraved is the hand of government operating through the enforce Undivided profits .., 17,845.43 Actually, we know a man who Ih ' ' ment of law. Mob violence at Tulsa and everywhere else is men bo Reserve for taxes ... 2,630.48 mean that ho hi ace to all forces of order. It will be a ad day for America when doesn't want wife's Circulation .... ...... 22 900.00 credit to he nhout C1 ROM the member of the any sort of compromise is made between government and an good town. youngest Rediscounts and bills payable 144855 89 archv, between law and lawlessness. Tulsa has paid an appalling' Cfanily to the oldest, everyone likes DEPOSITS . 1,065,356.03 for America will a far if she Another ploaslng flight from ' pnef lawlessness; pay greater price v tender, R. B. M. Canned Petis and Corn. ChlckuKftn Is tho tasty in to oil derrick that Is . Total $1,428,587.83 permits anarchy any guise pass unchallenged. 4 in of a dozen perched upon tho hill east of town Prepared any ways, they glad- The above statement is correct. den as well as READJUSTMENT PROCEEDS It ran happen keep, going. eager,, young appetites, tired, ATTEST: F. T. CHANDLER, fickle C. Vice-Preside- nt ojies. B. Turner, Cashier ' THE BANK THAT SERVICE BUILT . Step by.stey the high juice level which sprang up in the' hec- They come to you as templing and tender as tic period of .following the war, is downward. prosperity slipping A STOLEN SMILE -- 'ER TWO oil the day they ripened in the broad, fertile some additional evidence "defla Practically every day brings of All the. .natural zest and flavor of tion". The first of June seems to have been a sort of field day gardens'. s, the fresh is fur the automobile price-cutler- several manufacturers of stand- - vegetable retained. Serve them t Condensed ' Statement of aid cars announcing substantial reductions. Prices of all products Unavoidable. often. w raw and inanulactured, ere inflated as a result of conditions grow Somo of our cannon nro disap ing out of the war. With the passing of those conditions all mar pearing," remarked the lieutenant. The Citizens National Bank kets were bound to take a downward trend. "Well, things will diwippoar when ' There sound sense in the old of childhood: all Ridenour-Bake- r OF js adage that you have careless help," responded Merc. Company CHICKASHA, OKLAHOMA must come down. Causes inherent in At Close of Business 1921 goes up production and con the lady who was going over the the April 28, of commodities and demand send soar- Oklahoma City RESOURCES sumption supply prices fort.