NAJ*E OF COLLECTION: Genevieve Farle Papers

SOURCES Gift - Mrs. Genevieve L. Farle - 1950

SUBJECT; Correspondence end papers relating to MT>S career in vnrious city offices.


STATUS! (check appropriate description) Cataloged; Listedi Arranged i x Not organized<^

CONDITION? (give number of vols#J boxes, or shelves) Bound : Boxed J t-8 boxes Stored s LOCATIONi (Library) Special Collections CALL-NUMBKR Spec ;/is Coll Earle RESTRICTIONS ON USE

DESCRIPTION: Mrs. Earle was sctive for ;ieny years in various phases of levv York City poverrment i.e. Bureau of l.uniciosl Research, Child Velf?re Foar^, mayor's Co.n -iittee on plan end survey of "lev York City, K'nerfency Unemnloyinent Coauiittee, Ne^ York City Council, etc. These ospers relate to these activities end an important documentary record of her career to 1S50. Included are mimeogr^ohed en^ typed copies of of the various committees upon which she has served," city bills and other municipal legislation, correspondence, memoranda, notes, etc. The collection is in a rouch chronolo^icel order. Tn the files of the Oral History Research Project is a. typed transcription of a memoir of Mrs. Earlefs csreer and activities fcssed uoon en interview y.-ith her.

There is a microfilm copy of As her William Schwartz^ !l A Study of the City Council". Additions: 4 boxes of Genevieve Earle Papers and Earle family Papers, c. 1,000 items, Gift of Joseph Katz - 1965.


The Sarle Papers were given to Columbia

University in January 1950 by Mrs, Oenevieve Earle to accompany her reminiscences. They are on file in the Special Collections Department. ' w... •

They total 2,879 documents concerning the government of the City of New York.

Mrs. Earle has been a member of the New York

City Counjc.11 since 1937* and was minority leader of. the Council from 19if»0 to 19W>» She was also a member of the Charter Revision Goraaission, and of special importance" among the papers are the records of this body.

Parjb_I^- comprising nA Study of the New York City

Council" written by Asher William Schwarta under the direction of Mrs. Earle, and containing a history of the during Its first two years of existence, is on microfilm, ONLY. (Columbia did not rstatin the original ty^escriot) The following is an index to the papers or Mrs. Sarle given to Columbia University: -1-

Polder I. New York City Charter Revision Commission Minutes, February 1935 to November 1936. Judge Thaeher, Alfred E. Smith 90 documents Boxes 1 & 2 Polder II. Recommendations, Reports of hear- ings held by the Charter Revision Commission, etc, 228 documents Boxes 3 & k- Polder III, Radio addresses and press releases favoring adoption of the Revised Charter 50 documents Box 5 Polder IV, Reports on proportional representa- tion and city campaign material favoring it. John Haynes Holmes, G.H.Hallett, Jr., Charles E. Hughes, Jr. ip. documents Box 5 Polder V. Reports of Special Committee of the City Council to investigate City Government, 1914-3. Walter R. Hart, G. Ea le, minority leader. 65 documents Box 6 Polder VI. WNYC Investigation by Committee of City Council. Morris S. Novik, Station Director 22 documents Box 6 Polder VII. Political Reform, 1939-191^1: Reports and letters of the Citizens Non- Partisan Committee and the Citizens Union. George H. Hallett, Jr., Margaret I. Tanzer 60 documents Box 7 Polder VIII. Bill to reorganize the County Governments to avoid duplication of officials of the city. Papers. 113 documents Box 7 -2- Polder IX. Hearings and reports of the Com- mittee of the City Council to investigate the Civil Service Commission, Paul J. Kern, President; Emil K. ELlis, Counsel to the Committee 95 documents Box 8 Polder X. Papers on city Enforced Meat Grading Bills 159 documents Box 8 Polder XI. Budget controversy papers: general, school and capital budgets, 1938- 162 documents Boxes 9 & 10 Polder XII. Bills and letters with respect to purchasing for the schools: Coudert Bill in State Senate and others. 3k- documents Box 10 Polder XIII.Miscellaneous Resolutions, Bills and Correspondence 95 documents Box 10 Polder XIV. Papers dealing with school problems: Bertrand Russell appointment; Reds among teachers, etc. 378 documents Box 11 Polder XV. Brooklyn Heights Home Owners Correspondence lj.0 documents Polder XVI. Transit Pare Controversy 31 documents Polder XVII. World's Pair Correspondence Box 12 6 documents Polder XVIII. Demolition of elevated structures Pulton Street; Sixth Avenue 7 documents Polder XIX. Vending machines 13 documents -3-

Polder XX. Lincoln Hospital ll\. documents Polder XXI. Brooklyn-Battery Bridge and Tunnel 5lf documents Polder XXII. Plying Fields: Bennett and Idlewild 15 documents Polder XXIII. Harlem River Tunnel 9 documents Polder XXIV. Mayor1s Committee on Juvenile Delinquency 1 document Box 12 Polder XXV. Staten Island Pill 20 documents Polder XXVI. Brownsville Housing Project 20 documents Polder XXVII. Police Force campaign for enlargement 76 documents Polder XXVIII. Earle-Baldwin Bill: Civil Service salaries and pensions 110 documents Polder XXIX. Poultry Licenses 5 documents Box 13 Polder XXX. Eighth Avenue Subway extension 20 documents Box 13 Polder XXXI. Correspondence of Genevieve Earle and Robert K. Straus: Asher K. Schwartz. 1938-19lp.. 569 documents Box 13 Polder XXXII. The following is a list of letters of Genevieve Earle. 1935-191*5. Katherine Blunt 2 documents Pearl Bernstein 1 document John Cashmore 1 document Box 13 Paul Kern 2 documents F.H.La Guardia 21 documents Cleveland Rodgers 1 document Helen R. Reid 1 document 1 document Newbold Morris Ij. documents Folder XXXIII. Biographical sketches, newspaper clippings, campaign literature and magazine articles. 31 documents Box 13 Earle papers - 5

Polder XXXIV. Newspaper clippings

Folder XXXV. Greeting cards, honorary certificates, dinners, medals, and speeches Folder XXXVI. Speeches and articles of Mrs. Earle 2P documents Folder XXXVII. Mrs. Earlefs statement on the Hart investigation 1 document Folder XXXVIII. Documents relating to county reorganization 11 documents Folder XXXIX. Minority Council Calendar, 21 Jan. to l6 Dec. I9I4.9 5l documents Folder XL. Charts of the Mayor's Committee on Property Improvement (ij.); Mayor's Proclamation by Apr. 1939 5 documents Folder XLI. 1. Mrs. Charles E. Hughes to GBS, l£ Sep 1917 2. Mrs. Charles S. Hughes to GBE, 29 Sep 1917 Charles E. Hughes, Jr. to James Arthur Seavey, 2\\. Oct 1917 Willis Earle to GBE, 22 Jan 1930 $. Willis Earle to Frank Rexford, 6 Oct 1930 6. Herbert K. Lehman to Mrs. Henry G. Leach, 5 Feb 1931 7. Franklin D. Roosevelt to GBS, 22 Feb 1932 8. Franklin D. Roosevelt to GBE, 22 Jun 1932 9. Kate E. Turner to GBS, 1 Mar 1933 10. Kate E. Turner to President of the Cooperation in Government, Inc., 10 Mar 1933 11. Frances Perkins to GBE, 28 Mar 1933 12. Clara A. Molendyk to GBE, 9 Apr 1933 13. J. Herbert Low to GBS, 10 Apr 1933 llj.. Kate E. Turner to GBE, 12 Apr 1933 15. Clara A. Molendyk to GBE, iB Apr 1933 16. John J. Delaney to GBE, 3 May 1933 17. Clara A. Molendyk to GBE, 9 May 1933 Earle papers - 6


18. Marguerite H. Baily to GBE, 26 May 1933 19. Louise Meador to GBE, 27 May 1933 20. Matilda A.B. Sweeney to GBE, (no date) 21. GBE to Dr. Lyman Beecher Stowe, 1 Jun 1933 22. GBS to Dr. Willis Earle, 1 Jun 1933 23. GBS to Mr. Cleveland Rogers, 1 Jun 1933 2l(.. GBE to Clara A. Molendyk, 1 Jun 1933 25. GBE to Dr. J. Herbert Low, 1 Jun 1933 2b. Lyman Beecher Stowe to GBS, 9 Jun 1933 27. (GBS) to Mrs. Bruce Bromley, 20 Dec 1933 28. GBE to Editor of New York Times, 2 Nov 193li (note from Editor to GBE at bottom of same letter) 29. Richard S. Childs to GBS, (no date) 30. Mayor La Guardia to GBE, 23 Jan 1935 31. Prances Perkins to GBE, 23 Jan 1935 32. Thomas D. Thacher to GBS, 2l\. Dec 1935 33. GBE to Thomas D. Thacher, 13 Jan 1936 3I4.. J. C. Klink to GBE, 19 Aug 1936 35. GBS to J. C. Klinck, 11 Sep 1936 36. Mildred B. Goetz to GBE, 28 Oct 1936 37. Thomas D. Thacher to GBE, \\. Nov 1936 ^ George Brokaw Compton to GBE, 21 Nov 1936 9. William Chadbourn"to GBE, 28 Nov 1936 I4O. Ben Howe to GBE, lk Dec 1936 111. Herman Hagedorn to G3S, 28 Dec 1936 !i2. H. J. Davenport to GBE, 23 Dec 1936 Ij-3. Edwin L. Garini to GBS, 3 Jan 1937 klj.. Louis C. Wills to GBS, 8 Jan 1937 I4.5. Hon. Frederick L. Hackenburg to GBE, 9 Jan 1937 ii6. Benjamin H. Namm to GBE, 9 Jan 1937 ij.7. Rebecca B. Rankin to GBS, 9 Jan 1937 14.8. Michael J. Hogan to GBE, 10 Jan 1937 11.9. Cleveland Rogers to GBE, 11 Jan 1937 50. John J. Delaney to GBS, 11 Jan 1937 51. Mrs. Charles P. Cooper to GBE, 12 Jan 1937 52. Milton J. Ferguson to GBE, 12 Jan 1937 53. Miss 3. Bloodworth to GBS, 13 Jan 1937 5I1. Max Abelman to G3S, 13 Jan 1937 5$. George Brokaw Compton to GBS. lk Jan 1937 56. Ethel Halsey Blum'to GBS, V4. Jan 1937 57. Joseph J. Early to GBE, 26 Jan 1937 58. S. Schmitt to GBE, 27 Jan 1937 59. Florence G. Tuttle to GBE, 27 Jan 1937 3arle papers - 7


60. Joseph J. Baker to GBE, 28 Jan 1937 61. Augusta H. Bates to GBE, 23 Jan 1937 62. -?- to GBE, 23 Jan 1937 63. Mrs. Carl Zellner to GBE, 23 Jan 1937 6lj_. Clifford E. Paige to GBS, 28 Jan 1937 65. Mrs. James F. Shaw to GBE, 29 Jan 1937 66. Raymond P. McNulty to GBE, 29 Jan 1937 67. Mrs. Oliver G. Carter to GBE, 29 Jan 1937 63. Florence Freed to GBS, 29 Jan 1937 69. Mrs. Robert Sewell to GBE, 31 Jan 1937 70. Marian Robinson to GBS, 31 Jan 1937 71. GBE to Mayor La Guardia, 2 Feb 1937 72. GBE to Thomas D. Thacher, 2 Feb 1937 73. GBE to H. B., 2 Feb 1937 7)4. Constance S. Phitchinson to GBE, 2 Feb 1937 75. "Anna" to GBE, (no date) 76. "Sol" to GBS, (no date) 77* Anna May Mason to GBS, (no date) 78. Dorothy"Dunbar Bromley to GBE, 10 Feb 1937 79. Fiorello H. La Guardia to GBE, 11 Feb 1937 80. Raymond V. Ingersoll to GBS, 2$ Aug 1937 81. Dorothy Dunbar Bromley to GBS, 9 Sep 1937 82. GBE to Dorothy Dunbar Bromley, 1$ Sep 1937 83. Robert Moses to GBE, 18 Oct 1937 8k. GBE to Dorothy Dunbar Bromley, 26 Oct 1937 85. Dorothy Bromley to GBS, 29 Oct 1937 86. Newbold Morris to GBS, 6 Nov 1937 87. Raymond V. Ingersoll to GBS, l£ Nov 1937 83. F. H. La Guardia to GBS, 18 Nov 1937 89. Dorothy Dunbar Bromley to GBS, 19 Nov 1937 90. Joseph D. McGoldrick to GBS, 22 Nov 1937 91. to GBS, 29 Nov 1937 92. The Jewish Daily Forward to GBS, 29 Nov 1937 93. Rebecca B. Rankin to GBE, 29 Nov 1937 9lj.. T. A. Swift to GBS, 29 Nov 1937 95. John Harris to GBS, 29 Nov 1937 9b. Telegram - Raymond V. Ingersoll to GBE, 29 Nov 1937 97. Frances Perkins to GBS, 1 Dec 1937 §8. Telegram - Bob and Mary Moses to GBS, 2 Dec 1937 99. George Brokaw Compton to GBS, 3 Dec 1937 100. William N. Chadbourne to GBS, 6 Dec 1937 101. GBS to William N. Chadbourne, 8 Dec 1937 102. GBE to Samuel Seabury, 10 Dec 1937 103. GBE to T. A. Swift, 10 Dec 1937 3arle papers - 8


101].. Telegram - Carolyn Slade to GBE, 11 Dec 1937 105. Telegram - Agnes Leach and others to GBE, 11 Dec 1937 106. James M. Kieran to G-BE, 29 Dec 1937 107. Howard Brubaker to GBE, 29 Dec 1937 103. Anna Lord Strauss to GBS, 31 Dec 1937 109. Fiorello H. La Guardia to the Council of the City of New York, 3 Jan 1933

Polder XLII. 1. John P. McNeill to GBE, 5 Jan 1938 2. T. A. Swift to GBE, 8 Jan 1933 Speech to GBE by Henry J. Davenport, 27 Jan 1937 P. H. La Guardia to the Council of the City of New York, 7 Feb 1933 5. Dorothy Dunbar Bromley to G3S, 17 Mar 1938 6. GBE to Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt, 31 Dec 1933 7. Eleanor Roosevelt to GBE, 7 Jan 1939 8. -?- to GBE, 1 Feb 1939 9. Prances Perkins to GBS, 3 Mar 1939 10. Mary Margaret McBride to GBE, llj. Aug 1939 11. F. H. La Guardia to GBS, 9 Oct 1939 12. Mary Margaret McBride to GBE, 21 Oct 1939 13. GBE to Mary Margaret McBride, 13 Nov 1939 III.. Mary Margaret McBride to GBE, 18 Nov 1939 15. Stanley M. Isaacs to GBE, 20 Nov 1939 16. Nathalia Crane to GBE, 23 Dec 1939 17. Mary Margaret McBride to GBE, 27 Dec 1939 18. GBE to Fiorello H. La Guardia, 29 Mar 19^0 19. Herbert Hoover to GBE, 27 Apr 19LO 20. GBE to Fiorello H. La Guardia, 16 Oct 19k0 21. Sigrid Undset to GBE, 31 Dec 19L0 22. Newbold Morris to GBE, 1 Jan 19I4.I 23. William H. Cary to John Cashmore, lU. Feb 19I4.I 2)4. GBS to Joseph McGoldrick, 13 Mar 19IJ.I 25. F. H. La Guardia to GBE, 26 Apr 19J1I 26. GBS to Fiorello H. La Guardia, 29 Apr 19I4JL 27. Robert Moses to GBS, 26 May 19I1I 28. Robert Moses to Mr. Tracy S. Voorhees, 23 ,May 3.9I4.I 29. Robert Moses to G3E, 27 Oct 19lpL 30. Raymond V. Ingersoll to GBE, 30 Oct (19kl) 31. Paul Dawson Eddy to GBE, 19 May 19I42 32. P. H. La Guardia to GBE, lk Dec 19ii2 33 • F. H. La Guardia to GBE, 11 Jan 19I4.3 Earle papers - 9


3IL. GBE to P. H. La Guardia, 6 Jan 19)4.3 35. Mrs. Lewis to GBE, 1 Sep 19,!L3 36. Newbold Morris to GBS, \$ Nov 19I1.3 37. GBE to Fiorello H. La Guardia, 22 Dec 19I4.3 38. Piorello H. La Guardia to GBS, 7 Peb 19U1 39. GBE to Piorello H. La Guardia, 17 Peb LO. GBE to Elizabeth T. Pitzpatrick, 17 Peb i9lj.l1 ip.. Elizabeth T. Pitzpatrick to GBE, llj. Peb 19y:_ [|2. Robert Moses to GBE, 6 Mar 19)44 lj_3. GBE to Dr. Mazzola, 2^ Apr 19iik I4J4. I. Mullen to GBS, 28 Apr"l9kk' ' 14.5. CCB to GBE, 5 May 19)JI}. 14.6. Charles C. Burlingham'to GBS, 11 May 19ldj_ 14.7. Mrs. H. S. Rasi to GBE, 22 Jun 19!^. l\.Q. Piorello H. La Guardia to GBE, 3 Aug I9I4JL 49. GBE to Piorello H. La Guardia, 18 Aug 19IU1 50. Piorello H. La Guardia to GBE, 25 Oct 19I4IL 51. GBE to Piorello H. La Guardia, 2 Peb 19L5 52. Piorello H. La Guardia to GBE, 29 Mar 1%$ §3. GBE to Piorello H. La Guardia, 27 Dec 19li5 5)4. GBE to Piorello H. La Guardia, 27 Dec 19I1.5 55. Thomas E. Dewey to GBE, 3 Nov 19k6 56. Robert Moses to GBS, $ Mar 19J4.8 57. J. W. Lindan, Jr. to -?-, 13 Dec 19)4.8 53. Thomas E. Dewey to GBE, l6 Dec 19k8 ' 59. GBE to William O'Dwyer, 31 Dec 19I4.8 66. Dr. Harry S. Mustard to Theodore L. Weigand, 29 Apr 19)4.8 61. Joseph A. McNamara to Theodore L. Weigand, 20 Apr 1943 62. William J. Powell to Theodore L. Weigand, 19 Peb 19)4.8 63. William J. Powell to Theodore L. Weigand, 23 Jan 19)1.8 6L. Theodore L. Weigand to Mrs. Esther Bromley, 21 Nov 19^-7 6^. Pred J. Loughran to Theodore L. Weigand, 2 Dec 19^4-7 66. William J. Powell to Theodore L. Weigand, 30 Sep 19I17 67. (GBE) to John R. Crews, 23 Peb 19)4.9 68. Statement - by GBS, 9 Mar 19)4.9 69. George Hallett to GBE, 12 Aug 19^9 70. Newbold Morris to GBS, 26 Sep 19l\S 71. Charles C. Haney to G3E, 20 Oct 19I4.9 72. Vincent Castiglione to GBS, 19 Nov 19I4.9 73. (GBS) to Vincent Castiglione, 23 Nov 19I4.9 tit. GBE to P. H. La Guardia, (no date) 75. GBE to P. H. La Guardia, (no date) 76. GBS to Joseph H. Schmalacker, (no date) Earle papers - 10


77. GEE to , 17 Jan 9^5 78. Fiorello La Guardia to GBE, 2Q Jan I9IJ5 79# Marie La Guardia to GBE, 6 Feb (?) 80. Fiorello La Guardia to GBE, 28 Feb 19^6 81. Fiorello La Guardia to GBE, 31 Dec 19L.6 82. A. Buchanan to GBE, 27 June 19l;_7 83. GBE to Fiorello La Guardia, 17*June I9I4.7 8]j. C. Steinberg to GEE, Z\\. June 19I4.7 85# GBE to Fiorello La Guardia, 10 Sep I9L7 86, Alma Wester to GBE, 12 Sep 19^.7 87# (Unsigned) to GBE, 22 Sep 19k7 83. GBE to Marie La Guardia, 10 Oct I9I4.7

I Folder XLIII. Miscellaneous congratulatory notes. ^J One certificate of appointment to the Mayorfs Committee 6>l/tf(jX' ) for the Corrurieinmoration of the Golden Jubilee of the City /P / of New York* 1 January 19)j-8 I Ten scrap books containing newspaper clippings, magazine V^articles and miscellaneous documents.