Henry Wallace Wallace Served Served on On
Papers of HENRY A. WALLACE 1 941-1 945 Accession Numbers: 51~145, 76-23, 77-20 The papers were left at the Commerce Department by Wallace, accessioned by the National Archives and transferred to the Library. This material is ·subject to copyright restrictions under Title 17 of the U.S. Code. Quantity: 41 feet (approximately 82,000 pages) Restrictions : The papers contain material restricted in accordance with Executive Order 12065, and material which _could be used to harass, em barrass or injure living persons has been closed. Related Materials: Papers of Paul Appleby Papers of Mordecai Ezekiel Papers of Gardner Jackson President's Official File President's Personal File President's Secretary's File Papers of Rexford G. Tugwell Henry A. Wallace Papers in the Library of Congress (mi crofi 1m) Henry A. Wallace Papers in University of Iowa (microfilm) '' Copies of the Papers of Henry A. Wallace found at the Franklin D. Roosevelt Library, the Library of Congress and the University of Iow~ are available on microfilm. An index to the Papers has been published. Pl ease consult the archivist on duty for additional information. I THE UNIVERSITY OF lOWA LIBRAlU ES ' - - ' .·r. .- . -- ........... """"' ': ;. "'l ' i . ,' .l . .·.· :; The Henry A. Wallace Papers :and Related Materials .- - --- · --. ~ '· . -- -- .... - - ·- - ·-- -------- - - Henry A. Walla.ce Papers The principal collection of the papers of (1836-1916), first editor of Wallaces' Farmer; Henry Agard \Vallace is located in the Special his father, H enry Cantwell Wallace ( 1866- Collc:ctions Department of The University of 1924), second editor of the family periodical and Iowa Libraries, Iowa City. \ Val bee was born Secretary of Agriculture ( 1921-192-l:): and his October 7, 1888, on a farm in Adair County, uncle, Daniel Alden Wallace ( 1878-1934), editor Iowa, was graduated from Iowa State University, of- The Farmer, St.
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