. N V Ploy FOUBTBEN PRTOAT, AUGUST IS, IW l iKani:t;i?0t>r lEofttitig l^eraUt AveraR:e Daily Net Press Run The Weather For the Ended FoMOMt ef U. 8. Weather • June 8, 1961 L. Thomas Burdick, 14 Xdgerton loney (V ): medley winner*. Day- St, is th Jerome, Idaho, attending Salter’s Winner son Wnibel, Art Petrone, Bill FOR RENT Fair, nets tsr t iswif r * *1 About Town the funeral of his mother, Mrs. Avery (S). 13,3.30 toalght. Lew M t* #4. Fair, There will be a ttl-pool meet be­ S and 16 mm. Movie Projectors Myrtle D. Burdick, who died last In Swim Event -HMund or silent, also SO mm. Member of the Audit Award* and c«rtlflcate* will b« night tween Globe, Salters and Ver- planck next Thursday evening at slid* projeetdrs. Bureea of Olrenlstloa preaentcd to children, wh^ attend The second swim meet between Manchester— A City of Village Charm ih* Salvation Army** Vacation VFVP Auxlllaiy and members contestants from Verplsnck and 6 at Salter's Pool. In addition to WELDON DRUG CO. Bible School, at closing exercises planning to go on the Mystery Ride the events mentioned above a free­ 901 Main 8 t TeL BO S-OStl Salter's Pools was h ^ last eve­ style will be added for nine and tonight at 7 at the church. A dls- Tuesday should make reservations ning with Salter's team winning by (ClaaeUIed Advertlalng on Page I) flay of pupils’ wortt will be shown, with Mrs. John Vince, 227 McKee ten year olds. VOL. LXXX, NO. 272 (TEN PAGES— TV SECTION) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, AUGUST 19, 1961 PRICE nVB CENTS a score of 6S to 33. I and refreshments will be served St'„ or Mrs. Marie Hale, 848 Main The meet was conducted by Tom after the service. St, Reservations will close today. Kelley, chief guard at Salter's, with Donna Robb coaching Ver- 500 or 50,000 in Riot Manchester Barracks, Veterans Arthur Heublein, ' area Indue- planck and June Setpel the Salter's of World War I and the L,adlea trialiflt from Heublein Inc., Hart­ team. Following are the winners C onferees State News Auxiliary, will hold' its first an­ ford. will be guest speaker at the in the various age groups. nual basket picnic at the Wick­ 'meeting of the R ota^ Tuesday at Group A, freestyle, Ralph Lana- HOUSE HALE ham Park log cabin Sunday from 6:30 p.m. at the Manchester Coun­ gan (S), Sue Hudson (V ); breast­ Hold Fate Roundup try club. Heublein will be accom­ stroke, Ron Avery (S), Terry Kelly Tunisians in Bizerte Johnson 11 to 5. All veterans of World War MAIN STREETi MANCHESTER U.S. . I and their families are invited. panied by Richard Bergstrom, pub­ (V). lic relations man. Group B, ages 13-14, freestyle, Members of the Eighth District Jeff Glngera (B), JohnCervlnl (S); O fA id B ill Fire Department wishing to take breast stroke, ' John Stankowic Again Battle French Crash, Fire part in the parade in Haxardville (V ), Mike Petrone (S ); back- tomorrow night should meet at the Two Parties Held stroke, Don Anderson CV),, Jeff Washington, Aug. 19 (fP)— Stuck (S ): Medley winners, Jeff Administration forces hope Kills 2 Men firehouse at 6 o'clock., For Miss Frazel Tunis, Aug. 19 (TP)— Sev-d>French lector of the city occupied Stuck, Mike Petrone, Jeff Gingera to put together again the by French troop* during ’ the The VTVV' Auxiliary will hold a (S). GOES eral hundred rioting Tunisian Remain in Berlin pieces of President Kennedy’s bl9ody 4-day battle last month. piiblic card party ’ tonight at 8 Group C, ages lS-16, freestyle. demonstrators In Bizerte On Turnpike Two miscellaneous bridal show- foreign aid program when the Apparently the powerfully armed o'clock at the post home. era were given recently for Miss Bill Avery (S), Tom Alexander clashed with French para- (V ): breast stroke. Art Petrone Senate and House blend into a and tank-supported Prencfi.^^imita Loretta Fh-azel, daughter of Mr. troopers-»in night-long disor­ decided to let a few demonstrators Stamford, Aug. 19 (i^P)—A (S), Dan Sullivan (V ); backstroke, cbmpromise their sharply and Mrs. Eh'erett FYazel, 137 Brogd Dayson Wrubel (S), Ftank Ma- ders but calm returned to the through. truck tractor bearing New conflicting versions of the Only water hoses and empty beer St. seaport today. bottlea were used on the crowd Jersey registration plates U.S. Army bill. French officers put the crowd at Miss F’razel was guest of honor Kennedy, who campaigned long which roared patriotic slogans crashed into a rocky ledge off ^ both FAIRWAYS at a shower given by Mra Michael no more than 500. The official Tuni- around the red and white Tunisian the Connecticut Turnpike BACK... and hard for the program, got sub­ aian press agency TAP said there Haberem of Coventry, mother of CEMENT stantially what he asked for from flag, said reports from the scene. early today and two men lost the bridegp'oom-to-be, and Mrs. W'cre 5,000. The Tunisian government radio, A OPEN evorv FRI. . Norman Lemieux of Columbia, the Senate last night. It Approved their lives in the ensuing fire. Unit Goes W. H. ENGLAND a measure providing for a 5-year, (In Paris, the Communist party however, charged the French had Mrs. Haberem's daughter. About daily "Humanlte” said the figure turned incendiary bombs on the state Police from the We.stport L M T E till 9; and 4 100 guests were served a buffet LUMBER CO. $8 billion lending program to be Troop said the victims were burn­ financed by borrowing from the was .50,000,) crowd. supper. To open her gifts. Miss The demonstrators withdrew to ed so badly it was impossible im­ ^ L L DAY MONDAY^ Treasury rather than by annual Tunis prepared for a mass rally mediately to establish their id#'n- To Berlin F’razel was seated beneath a wed­ s Open All Day Saturday e and march through the streets of the native casbah, held by Tunisian ding bell with blue and white congressional appropriations. tities. They were the only occu­ But the House, a little earlier, the capital as part of the gov­ troops, early this morning, official pants of the vehicle which is used streamers. ernment organized 3-day demon- sources said. Bonn, Germany, Aug. 19 A second shower was given by "A t the Green"—Ml 9-6201 GET THE JUMP passed a bill stripped of the bor­ to haul truck trailers. rowing authority and limiting the startions of pressure on France to The Tunisians turned out in re- (/P)— Vice President Lyndon Miss Joanne FYazel, 137 Broad St., evacuate Bizerte. Police said the cause of the acci­ who will serve as maid of honor for ON THE program to one year with $1.2 sponsS" to a call by President dent couldn't be determined at B. Johnson left by plane to­ her sister. billion for loans this year to be The demonstrations were plan­ Habib Bourguiba for peaceful dem­ once. Investigation showed the day for Berlin. Miss Frazel and John Richard provided by eongressional appro­ ned to precede the special United onstrations again-st the continuing vehicle was moving in a westerly SEASON IN Nations General Assembly ses­ Haberem of Coventry will be mar­ priation. occupation of Bizerte. French direction along the high speed By JACK BELI. FALLOUT ried Sept. 16 at Concordia Lu­ Kennedy considers the powers sions on the Bizerte crisis opening troops fought their way into the TWO Monday. turnpike around 4:50 a.m. when Bonn, Germany, Aug. 19 theran Church in Manchester. Notice eliminated by the House to be es­ city last month after Tunisians the driver apparentl.v lost control. sential to the success of the over­ The Tunisian government radio tried to blockade France’s naval- The vehicle skidded off the high­ (/P)— Vice President Lyndon SHELTERS The Mountain Laurel chapter of Sweet Adelines Inc. Is led in an bld-fashloned song, barbershop WONDERFUL • seas development program. And and press service said the demon­ air base nearby. style, by Vln Zlto of Hartford, director. (Herald photo by Pinto.) way and hit a roadside light pole. B. Johnson drew a tumultu­ In event of emergency, few BROWN and LYNCH administration leaders will try to strators cut their why through Bourguiba warned that moves Then it crashed into Use ledge, ous welcome today on his mis­ areas if any, are as good as Four Will Attend WOOL get them for him w'hen representa­ rows of barbed wire and reached to oppose ^ e Bizerte demonstra­ FLORIST flipped over and biirst into flames. sion of assurance to the Ger­ prepared shelter*. They are tives of the Senate Foreign Rela­ the gubernatorial palace with a tion wouin* be met with force. Police said it was probable .both a necessary insurance. Pre­ MCL Convention 146 MAIN STREET FLANNEL tions Committee and the House message of support for President French officers feared continued victims either were knocked un­ mans of American support. pare yours no^T. ‘In the E-ev-nin’ by the Moonlight...’ Foreign Affairs Committee confer Habib Bourguiba. conscious or killed by the force of, He said the United States Four Manchester women have W ILL BE CLOSED next week to hammer out a com­ The palace is located In the (Continued on Page Two) the impact. does not intend to retreat be­ VERSIONS promise of their two versions. LBON CIESZYNSKI been elected delegates or alter­ . FOR VACATION fore Communist threats in nates to the 38th national conven­ Men and women all over the na-^ less Knights” group. Other mem­<^age from 16 to over 50, Include There was considerable specula­ Blood Supply Low Berlin. Biiilder->MI 9-4291 tion of Marine Corps Leagues suid AUG. 19 to AUG. 27 tion that the compromise would tlon and in every Canadian province bers of the male quartet are Tom mothers and daughters and two B efore End o f 1961 Hartford, Aug 19 i/P) -The Ck>n- Flowers and flags symbolized Auxiliaries Tuesday through Sun­ are responding to the lure of the Sando, tenor; Joe Heath, lead; and or three grandmothers. give the president three years of OPEN AUG. 28 BOTH lending authority instead of the necticut Red' (iross faces another the German reception. day in Atlantic City, N.J. ‘‘good old songs." Tom Sweeney, baritone, all of The Sweet Adelines chapters dry weekend, with only 373 pints The Vice President was wel­ All members of the F’rank J. Nostalgic strains of "Sweet Hartford. throughout the country and Can­ five he asked, and the authority to JUMPERS borrow from the Treasury. of blood in its main refrigerator comed on the arrival of his U. S. Mansfield Marine Corps Leagtue Floses of Mom," "I’m All Alone” Barbershop harmony Is the ada have an international motto, heVe. Air Force jet liner at Wahn Air­ Auxiliary, they are Mrs. Martha and "Sweet Adeline” are heard "only American heritage style of “Harmonize the World,” and a Sen. J. William Fulbright, D- Ark., who will head up the Senate IJ.S, Readies Push Donations ye.sterday provided port, 18 miles from Bonn, by (Chan­ AT YOUR Mansfield. 95 Center St., and Mrs. weekly in Hartford, too, where a singing that we can call our own,” theme song—"Sweet Adeline,” of AVAILABLE 272 additional pints, but these cellor Konrad Adenauer and For­ Harold Osgood, 29 Cumberland St., number of Manchester area women said Sando last night. He .said the course. conferees, told a reporter he will eign Minister Heinrich von Bren- do everything in his power to re­ cannot be processed in time for U.S. Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson and .West German Chancellor Konrad Ade­ who are delegates; and Mrs. Har­ gather ’round for evenings of bar­ "Knigftts” were organized five Other officers of the chapter are IN: use over the weekend, and no col­ SERVICE rison Wilson, 3 Hawley St., and bershop harmony. years ago. The SPEBSQSA was Mrs. Janet Holcomb of Glaston­ tain the long-range borrowing au­ nauer are together at Bonn after the U.S. official arrived for discussion on the Berlin lections will be made today or Moscow, Aug. It (R)—^Th* Mrs. Roland Wilson of WappLng, They are members of the Moun­ begun in 1938 in Tulsa, Okla., bury, president; Mrs. Clara Fer- •COAL thority which, he said, "Is the For Man into Orbit Sunday. problem. (AP Photofax from Frankfurt.) alternates. tain Laurel chapter of Sw'eet Ade­ where the Sweet Adelines were very heart of a workable foreign Soviet government categorical* riere of Hjirtford, vice president; The situation, however, is bet­ 1.T rejected today the U.S. pro­ The convention will be at the lines Inc. Last night, the group met founded seven years later. and Mrs. Jean Angrisani of Hart­ BLACK aid program. ter than last weekend, when the MANCHESTER Ambassador Hotel in Atlantic at the home of Mrs. Robert W. The Mountain Laurel Chapter Fulbright, chairman of the Sen­ Cape Canaveral, Fla., Aug. Ifl^of Project Mercury and to follow- test against closing the fron­ ford, tregfsurer. The group is open supply was completely depleted. tier between East and West City. Gordon. 417 E. Center St., Man­ meets every Thursday night at RE*-.T*/XlJrt going )o start So far, the chapter has made • FRENCH tempt to place an unmanned The Atlas will be on trial in the clearest kind of proof of the weak­ along with Britain and Franc* Berube’s Typewriter Service America. But Here lt'» out of the conference with a 2- Berlin, Aug. 19 (4’) — Every the street. And they laid barbed a rsvolution. —against East Germany’s ac­ SATURDAY 8 A.>I. to 6 P.M. Director of the Mountain Laurel several public appearances and is The Herald incorrectly reported ROYAL or 3-year borrowing authority. Project Mercury space capsule in­ upcoming sho.t. Four times it has ness of the Communist govern­ Machine Shop Closes 1 P.M. 470 East Middle Tpke. yesterday that the new temporary to orbit for the first time. The test ment. thing north of Harzerstras.se is wire in one flower bed at a cor­ Along the street there were sim­ tion in closing the Berlin bor­ (Chapter Is Vin Zlto of Hartford, scheduled for two performances The Senate measure provides come to the launch pad with a der. Saturday At the Green—Ml 9-3477 who also sings bass in the "Sleep­ next month. Singers, rangring in assistant prosecutor, Atty. James will be a vital one. Mercury capsule. Three times it In a radio broadcast yesterday. in. (Communist-ruled Ea-st Berlin. ner where the occupants might ilar scenes. One woman shouted • RUSSET $4,076,500,000 for the over-all pro­ B&t the street and sidewalks are possibly jump six feet from a bal­ up at tha third floor of an apart­ M. Higgins, Is associated with a BROILED gram. including $1,187,000,000 for If all goes right, the capsule failed, causing months dela.v in the Bush and John J. McOloy, presi­ Hartford law firm. In June 1961, automatically will return to Earth project. dential dtsailiUliiiBiil"“ fi d V 1 s 6 r. in West Berlin. The people IIvt cony to freedom. ment: ^ e l l Elsa to come to the tano. He was also greeted by U. 8. Atty. Higgins associated with the first years long-range lending, ing along the north side of the A little farther along the street. window.” lOBSTER plus authority for the President to after one 110-minute pass around fine of the failures occurred on agreed that the United States, Ambusador Walter B. Dowling Attys. John F. Shea Jr. and Paul the globe. It will reach an alti­ the onl.v previous effort to propel should consider employing eco­ street have had the best of two Communist soldiers took up poel- ”I suppose that’s permitted,” and top members o f the U. S. em­ Jiarte in Manchester. JUNIOR SIZES borrow $1.7 billion in each of the worlds. Their back doors opened lions in some gardens, climbing she said to a soldier with a sub OF MANCHESTER next four years. tude of 154 miles. the capsule into orbit. The Atlas nomic sanctions against East Ger­ bassy. A German honor guard up on the bounteous life of West through the neat cabbage patches machine gun. The 18-year-old sol­ stood by. ' aETGHER GLASS GO. Mitchell A-LA-HOB-NOB The House passed, 287 to 140, Then a chimpanzee will be in­ blew up 30 seconds after liftoff, but many. 5 to 15 a rocket escape system pulled the Berlin. and live petunias. All this resulted dier smiled wanly. Adenauer told Johnson th* en­ 9-7879 * bill carrying $4;368,500.000 for serted in another capsule for a 3- On the subject of a nuclear test times-aroimd-the-world trip. If capsule free and it will be re­ Then a group of grim workmen apparently from the fact that Another woman shouted: "Tell tire Gerfnan nation knows what it 188 WEST MIDDLE TURNTIKE {Our Own Special Its one year program, including ban, McCloy said he didn’t have auntie to get through Elsenstrasse he comes back safely, an American flown next week. much hope of reaching, an agree­ nailed shut every door on Harzer- Harzerstra.ase was a popular exit owes to the United States. CORNER DURANT ST. Shrimp Stuffing) loans and grants and covering slrasse and plastered brick walls for fed-up East Berliners early in and come over.” Auntie lives A throng of about 1,000 specta­ WHEEL GHAIRS military aid as well as economic. astronaut will take the same jour­ Since that A pril 2.5 explosion, ment with Russia in the near fu­ across the street and BUsenstrasse ney ~ to follotw the trail already technicians have worked careful- ture. inside the doors. the week. tors cheered the declarations In a SERVED WITH TOSSED SALAD, The Senate lopped $250 million Other workmen put rather ugly Tile blocked-up doors and the is about two miles away. ^ statement read by Johnson; LARGER QUARTERS TO SERVE YOUR NEEDS! FRENCH FRIED ONION RINGS, blazed by the Russians Yuri l.V with the Atlas, ironing otit dif­ Neighbors said they knew of one Gagarin and Gherman TitoV. ficulties. In military tests, the concrete walls across the end of ne\v walls at the intersections at­ "We are united in America, r*> " PLENTY OF FRONT AND REAR PARKINO FRENCH FRIED POTATOES, (Continued on Page Two) HOU.SF, ROLI, <1ALL Communist living in the affected Some officials of the National Atlas has worked wonders. But the three side streets leading into tracted crowds all day. And the gardless of parties and regardless ROLLS AND BUTTER Washington, Aug. 19 lA*) - - All Harzeralrasse from the north. young "People’s Police” and buildings. He dropped a flower pot Aeronautics and Space Adminis­ troubles develop when the large six Connecticut members of the from the third floor on demon­ of regions. In our concern for the AUTO GLASS INSTALLED tration say the manned orbit test capsule with lines not aerody- Several hundred people living in soldiers on the other side of the German people In their present or­ On the Concourse naniically smooth is placed on top. House of Representatives voted the 4-story apartnient buildings walls look a lot of heckling. strating West Berliners last Sun­ deal. can be accomplished before next with the majority yesterday as day, they said. He also is the only GLASS FURNITURE TOPS Recruit Goes Jan. 1. Others, less optimistic, be­ To solv'e these problems, the up­ along the street wore consigned "Yesterday 10 of your men came “The endangered frontier *f the House passed, 287 to 140, a over," shouted a man from the man in the building with a televi­ At the Parkade lieve it w'ill be at least early 1962. per section of the Atlas, where it to the restrictions of Communist sion set. They stated, that this is mated to the spacecraft, has $4,386,,500,000 foreign aid bill. living. Capitalist side of the wall. "May­ (Continued on Page Hire*) t MIRRORS (Fireplace and Door) The space agency yesterday The measure passed by the proved he was a Communist. Just Too Far cleared a possible, obstacle to man­ been strengthened. Communist police and soldiers be there'll be more." House was stripped of the long- A West Berlin policeman who PICTURE FRAMING (oH types) ned orbit flight this year when it If the unmanned capsule, chimp took up positions on nearby roofs "Maybe,” said one of the sol­ had been watching the antics of canceled any additional suborbital and astronaut shots are success­ range funding provisions sought to see that nobody tried to jump diers. For Sale In Italy’s Army by President Kennedy. the Communist forces all day ^Dutch Boy” l a t e x H o u s i l p a i n t WINDOW and PLATE GLASS rocket rides like those of Alan B. ful, the spade agency plans several out of windows. They also took An aged and beat little lady who shrugged and said "Other coun­ Shepard Jr, and Virgil I. Grissom. more orbit tests to determine had come 25 miles to see a friend tries, other customs.” He said BuUetins The last word in exterior paint—a revolotionary flat finish or Rent Reggio Emilia, Italy, Aug. 19 NASA said detailed evaluation man's ability to perform useful PASTOR LEAVES $2.56,116 CONTRACTORS: WE HAVE IN STOCK couldn't get in the house to .see many of the soldiers across the for wood siding, trim, shakes and masonry suifaoes. (^ —The Italian Army said today of these two 15-miniite \ip-and- functions, in the weightlessness of New Britain. Aug. 19 -Most her. The friend was sobbing from wall were not Berliners. Culled from AP Wires recruit Salvatore Desiderio carried down flights “ revealed no problems space ttavel. of the $256,116 estate left by the a third floor window. It's long-wearing, smooth flowing, quick-drying, with an MEDICINE CABINETS and SHOWER DOORS ]\ews Tidbits He said the East German sol­ m€DICRL a good thing just too far. which would require additional Maximum capacity of the Atlas Rt, Rev. Msgr. Lucyan BojnowskI A Communist policeman bland­ diers seemed to be depressed and amazing color retentio*' “^uts your painting time in halfl OPEN SATURDAYS—OPEN THURSDAY EVENINGS tSAVE SCHOOL Early this year a recruit showed suborbital flights.” The announce­ capsule combination is 18 orbits, will be put in tmst for construc­ from the AP Wires ly told the old lady to walk to the would not talk with him. Ho look­ 2 DIE IN B47 ORASH PHflRmflCY U] for his compulsory 18 months ment said the space task group one mrtre than the 25-hour flight tion of a hospital here. The hos­ nearest a\ithorized entry to Com­ ESTIMATES GLADLY GIVEN ed down the pleasant shaded Haty, Colo., Aug. 19 (A”)—An JOHN8.niMM(.B.$. HI. 1-4148 service, bringing along his one "will now devote its full energies pital, to be staffed by the Polish munist Berlin, a walk of about street and sighed. Sisters and the Dominican Sisters, Air Force B47 Jet bomber crash­ Your Tires month old haby. The mother, ex­ and resources to the orbital phase (Continued on Page Tivo) The Rev. Billy Graham says un­ four miles. The new wall, described by some ed in a pasture on the south- plained the recniit, was ill. will be called St. Joseph’s Polish rest behind fron curtain has given "Y'ou must be crazy,” a 5Vest Roman Catholic Hospital. Msgr eastern Colorado plains Just af­ C.J. MORRISON The baby spent one night in bar­ United States "greatest opportu­ German shouted at him. “Can't (Continued on Page Three) ter midnight, killing two airmen. Bojnowski was pastor of Sacred racks and then was transferred to nity since revolution In Hungary” The two other occupants of tho a nursing home. ‘Apostle of .Liberty’ Heart Church here when he died to show its love for Communist- PAINT anA WALLPAPER COMPANY last year at the age of 92. $3 million 4-engined Jet para­ JUST A few months later another re­ dominated peoples, during his chuted from the plane and land­ 885 CENTER STREET—TEL Ml 9-9718 cruit showed up with a baby and a press conference in Philadelpliia. j Over the Berlin Autobahn ed with minor InJurle* in wheat- tfgAit MAnenesTBR cm m B ~ J similar story. A nursing home was TRAFFIC REPORTER TEST WE GIVE GREEN STAMPS . . . President Kwame Nkrumah of fields near the John Martin Res­ found for that one too. Hartford. Aug. 19 (iPl—The State Gliana leaves Communist China' Judge , Highway Department is testing an ervoir on the Arksmsas River. from Yesterday 20-year-old Desiderio for Moscow after signing trade' Names of the four were not re­ reported at the army barracks electronic traffic reporter to see if and friendship treaties with I’el- it ran be used for traffic research U.S. Troops Movement leased Immediately. here accompanied by wife, 2-year- plng. . . . Handful of fresh EXCESSIVE and control. The radar device, set l U p W r # 12.99 old son, and 2*months-old baby. The *10th U.S. Justice’ cholera ca.ses throws refugee- j PARLEYS ON MITT SET up between East and West Ave­ "No! howled the sergeant. He |>aeke

/ ■\,

PAfilfe w o MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., BATURDAYr AUGtJST 19, 1961 MANCHESTER TING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN, SATURDAY, AUGUST 19, 1961 f a c e t h r e e Crossing Crash ‘Qiinese Wall’ in Berlin Police Arrests Written Warning Obituary Over the Berlin Autobahn C onferees n iiEu s Sh^inwold on Bridge Issued to Driver Betsy A. Oaton, 19, of East Leaves 7 Dead Hartford, was charged with driv­ A three car accident occurred at Mr*. Mary Seifert Clark U.S. Troops Movement Hold Fate Pure Chaoi in Hazersfrasse ing while under. the' Influence of Center St. and Roosevelt St. about Rockville — Mrs. Mary Seifert (Continued from Page One) d e f e n s i v e PLAYS ' liquor or drugs early this morn­ 11:30 p.m. last night. Damage Clark, 85, of Bolton Rd., Vernon, Sonth dealer ing. She posted a $500 bond for widow of IVllllam Clark, died last NEED COOPERATION North-South vulBenbw (Continued from Page One) Berlin policeman said. "They Just was slight to all vehicles a)q| there Political, Psychological crossing was marked by white By Alfred Sheimvold NORTH arraignment in Circuit Court 12, night at Vernon Haven Con­ Of Aid Bill signal post but no bell or flashing aren’t flow ed to talk.’’, were no Injuries or arrests.. valescent Home after a long ill­ Some of the finest defensive A K 10 « West German policernan as the The lady who runs a small shop Manchestet’, on Sept. 18. signal. K Q 4 “Qiinese Wall," la made of con­ with cheap dresses and cosmetics Kenneth Lucien, 19, of Billings, Police reported cars operated ness. (Continued from Page One) plays take partnership cooperation. Mont., was charged with reckless by Louis Pantaleo Jr. of 12 Ndt- She was born July 5, 1876, in concerned both with the current (OsatiMMd from Paco Ono) The trouble is that the defenders O 10 9 5 crete building blocks, nearly six at Potsdamerplatz had a bad day. phase of the crisis resulting from Upper Sandusky, Ohio, Aug. 19 4 Q J 10 feet high. Iron bars have been In­ She said she had a good many cus­ driving yesterday. He was released man St. and Robert L. Henhequin Rockville, daughter of the late military but political, and psychol­ (A5—A broadside collision at a don't have declartr’a advantage of in custody of the U.S. Navy. of 167 Green Rd. were parked Herman and Henrietta Seifert, and ogical, it was said. For several the East Berlin border closing and from th« H.8 Wllion lU forelg;n knowing just which high cards are WEST EAST serted along the top for holding tomers from East Berlin emd usual­ with the longer range aspects ex­ relationi committee recommended .niral intersection yesterday killed d) Q 8 5 4 4 A 9 ) barbed wire. The wall is not con­ ly did a business of $260 daily. At Lucien will appear in Circuit Court fa,clng qn the south side of Cen­ had lived in this area all.her life. days the White House and State all six persons in two cars, includ­ in the partnership hands. ter St., near Deci’s Drive In. She was a member of the Vernon Department have been increasing­ pected to develop when Khrush­ for military oaslstance abroad. The East won the first trick with the 10 9 8 7 5 <5> A 6 tinuous, but is laid across every 5-p.m. today she had taken in 35 12, Manchester, on Sept. 11. chev makes his next move later ing five memberi of one family. William J. Lewis, 19, of 149 A car driven by Dennis G- Mey­ Congregational Church. ly worried by reports from Ber­ confereea will probably aplit their ace of hearts, thought for a long O K 6 G 7 4 3 street or vacant area which might cents. this year. He has announced that differencee on thla item. It happened at the Intersection 4 8 5 4 9 6 3 2 be an escape exit. Another unhappy German was the Adams St., wa.s charged with er, 19, of 74 Dale Rd., made a ' Survivors include - five sons, lin of a slump in morale among moment or two, and returned the right turn from Decl’s onto Center George and Raymond Clark of the 2)4 million people following near the end oUHlje year he. will of a northern Wyandot County SOUTH At Potsdamerplatz, once one of driver of a tractor who was work­ reckless driving yesterday. He will sign a separato-peabe^treaty with The long range lending and road and Ohio 509, about two deuce of epades. It was the best St. Police said Meyer lost control Vernon. Harry Clark of Atlanta, the Soviet-backed East German Trcaaurv-borrowlng authority in play to defeat the contract, but 4 J 7 the busiest Intersections In Berlin, ing the day before on a building appear in Circuit Court 12, Man­ East Germany which will recog­ miles west of McCutchenville in J 3 2 chester, on Sept. 11. of the car and' struck the left Ga„ 'William Clark of Stafford- action Sunday in cutting off ref­ the Hoiisc bill waa knocked out West couldn't tell what to do. the wall stretches across Pots- site op Llndenstrasse. The wall nize East German sovereignty over north Central Ohio. G A Q J 8 Damerstrasse and Bellevuestrasiie across Linden Street trapped his front of the Hennequin car and ville, and Oliver Clark of Marietta, ugee flights. The Reds closed the by an unrecorded 197-185 teller South played the seven of the left rear fender of the Pan­ Ga.; two daughters, Mrs. David East Berlin border with West Ber­ West Berlin and the supply lines Killed in their 1957 model sta­ 4 A K 7 4 which lead Into West Berlin, huge tractor and the People’* Po­ leading to it. At the same time he'^ vote in the House Wedne.sday. spades, and West had to decide We»t. N'ort Eait taleo car. Trapp of Rockville and Mrs. Stan­ lin. tion wagon were Don M. Harvey, whether to play the eight or th^ South Crowds gathered there and asked lice said he couldn’t remove It be­ Rockville-Vernon has offered guarantees of access to democratic leaders there made no 1 NT Pas* 3 N All Fau cause it would Involve knocking Patrolman Ronald Roberts is­ ley Meader of Vernon: 10 grand­ What gradually became appar­ aeriqua effort to reverse this result 57, of Kenton, Ohio, iden.tifled as queen. He finally put up the queen the soldiers on the other side the West although Washing;ton of­ Opening lead — I 10 whether they intended to build It down the wall. sued a written warning to Meyer children, and 5 great-grandchil­ ent to..policy makers here through on a roll call vote de.splte an ap­ the driver: his wife, Ethel M., 55: of spades, and now South had tw'o for making an Improper right ficials say they do not know what their son, Franik G„ 30, who lived any further. There was no answer. ‘”rhat property Is owned by a Tree Demolished dren. di.spatches they received from peal from Kennedy. A voice vote sure spade tricks and couldn't be turn. n Berlin was that the West Ber­ he means by “ guarantees.” at home: and the Harvey couple's The police were using it to duck Swiss, too,” the driver mused as Funeral services will be held upheld the amendment. beaten. spades, and West eventually geU from photographers. though Swiss neutrality should By Unknown Car A minor rear-end collision oc­ Monday at 1:30 p.m. at the Ladd liners expected strong western The United States takes the po­ grandchildren, Linda Nowland, 11. Defends His Play curred at E. Middle Tpke. and counter measures. They came tO; sition that negotiations to put an The administration suffered only and her sister, Mary, 7, also of in with the king of diamonds. “ They’re not unfriendly,” a West somehow protect hlmji Funeral Home, 19 Ellington Ave. one serious upset in the Senate yes­ When the hand was over. West West then returns the .queen of Main St. about 7 o'clock last night. The Rev. Phillip Ward, pastor of regard the western reaction as end to„the crisis are possible and terday when it voted to clamp a Kenton. defended his play. It would be Vernon constables are looking Police said a car driven by Rich­ evidence of how the U.S.. British will bt^proposed at some point but The other driver. Claude (Billy spades, picking up South's jack the Vernon Con^egational Church, rigid ceiling on the interest that correct, he pointed out, if East and finessing through dummy's for the driver whose car knocked ard Dumond, 27, of Hartford, was will officiate. Burial will be in Elm­ and French governments would that three "basic rights” are not can be charged by a foreign gov­ Joe) Hufford, 19, of nearby Carey, had led from J-9-x-x of spades down a tree six inches in diameter proceeding east through the inter­ wood Cemetery, Vernon. respond to some future pressure negotiable. These have been de­ probably drowned, said Coroner king at the same time. The defend­ ernment or lending agency which with the ace of clubs or diamonds ers get three spades, thus defeat­ Johnson Asserts U.S. Engaged on the property of Everett Bos- section when a vehicle swUng in Friends may call at the funeral from Khimshchev against West fined by Secretary of State Dean relends U-S. loan money' for eco­ B. H. Hathaway. Hufford, married as an entry. West would pre­ worth. Tunnel Rd., around 1:05 front of Dumond, causing him to home tomorrow from 2 to 4 and 7 Berlin itself. Rusk as the right of the western but driving alone, was found face ing the contract. Mr. and Mrs. Harry B. Emerson nomic development projects. sumably get in with the king of Jr. of Andover announce the en­ a.m. today. apply his brakes quickly. to 9 p.m. Leaders of the three western powers to maintain troops in West Look, Mommy! Sojurs!! down in a small stream that rurw dianmpds to lead another spade, Dally Question Bosworth turned in a complaint A car driven by Raymond For­ governments who had expected a Berlin, the right to have free ac­ The amendment, by Sen. Ernest Partner opens ^ th one notrump To Remain in Berlin gagement of her daughter. Miss Gruening, D-Alaska, provides that It may hav'e looked like a parade to the tike on the sidewalk, but those fellow.s in tfie jeep know it’s along a ditch in which both caA aiid^ast would eventually get his Carolyn Annette Rouse, to Freder­ on the-Incident at 7:30 a.m. Con­ rest Gauthier. 17, of 231 N. Elm Mrs. Santina DiMeglio crackdown on the massive outflow cess to \Vest Berlin and the right came to rest. side ace and take two spade tricks (16 to 18 points), and the next stables Raymond Berube and Har­ St., following Dumond, was un­ of the people in West Berlin to live the interest rate on relendlng shall a long night’.s ride to Camp Drum in Upper New York State. That's part of the convoy that left player passes. You hold: Spadet— ick T. DeLorge of Mansfield. Mrs. Santina DiMeglio, 56, of of refugees, apparently were sur­ not exceed by more than 5 per cent Manchester last night with 111 troops and equipment for the annual .summer encampment of the Dr. Hathaway said Hufford's to defeat the contract. (Continued from Page One) Miss Rouse is the daughter of mon Howe are investigating. able to stop in time and struck prised at the nature of the West their own lives Independent of «ur- body bore no vlsable signs of seri­ Q 8 5 4; Hearts—10 9 8 7 5; Dia­ Berliners, heartened by the Big Yesterday afternoon Vernon the rear of the Dumond car. Providence, R. I., mother of Mrs. rounding Communist rule. a year the rate the U.S. charges 2nd Battle Group, 169th Infantry. Connecticut Natldnal Guard. (Herald photo by Satemis.l This was possible, but very un­ the late Arthur T. Rouse of East Alexander Glrelli of 33 Lilac St., Berlin reaction and began to fear ous injury. likely. If East had two aces and monds—K 6; Clubs—8 5. What do Three move to bolster their gar­ Constable Berube arrested a There were no Injuries or ar­ for its loans. The United States you say ? freedom now runs through divided Hartford. Her fiance Is the son of died this morning at Our Lady of the effects on morale in the city. Sheriff's deputies said two wit­ the jack of spades, South had risons in the dl-vided city. California man, Richard Van rests. They decided against using an plans to make its loans as low as but dauntless Berlin. The Commu­ President Kennedy ordered a Mrs. Julia DeLorge of Mansfield Fatima Hospital in North Prov­ one per cent — and in some cases Bolton nesses stated that Hufford passed opened with a 15-polnt notrump. Answer; Bid two hearts. This is nist dictatorship has the power and Joseph DeLorge of Norwich. Estabrook, 37, of Los Angeles, East-West trade embargo or other 500 or 50,000 in Riot People do it sometimes, even a weak response, which your part­ crack U.S. battle group from whose car struck a plate glass win­ idence. Interest-free—but repayable in dol­ them at high speed just before temporarily to seal off a border, Miss Rouse, a graduate of Besides her daughter in Man­ sweeping economic sanctions which the accident. His 1960 model auto, though they promise 16 to 18 ner will normally pass. 'You should Mannheim to roll into West Berlin dow valued at $1,000 at Albert’s might be needed later on if west­ Personal Notices lars rather than in foreign cur­ but no tyranny can survive beyond tomorrow to bolster the 5,000-man RHAM High School In Hebron, is chester, she leaves her husband, rency. One-Sided Slate westbound on Ohio 509, struck points for the opening bid of one have an easier time at two hearts the shadow of Its evil streng(th.” employed by the. East Hartford Beauty Shop at the Vernon Circle Hospital Notes ern rights were directly threat­ notrump, but it's foolish to rely than he will have at one notrump. American force already stationed Shopping Center. her parents, two sons, four other The administration will plead the Harvey car broadside as it 'Phe Vice President said Presi­ Aircraft Federal Credit Union in daughters, four sisters, three broth­ ened, but became con'vinced within Of Vote Officials pulled into his path from the on this when you don't have to. For Sheinwold's 36-page book­ there. Van Estabrook was charged with In Memoriam with Senate-House conferees to drop Tunisians in Bizerte dent Kennedy and the American East Hartford. Visiting hours are 2 to 8 p.m, ers, nieces and nephews and grand­ the last two or three days that this ceiling on the ground that in county road, deputies said. West can defeat the contract let, "A Pocket Guide to Bridge,” people are “determined to fulfill The 1st Battle Group of the 8th Mr. DeLorge, a graduate ’ of operating a motor vehicle with something had to be done. The In loving memory of Joseph S. Mul- even if South has the full 16 points send 50c to Bridge Book, Man­ Infantry Division moved out of defective brakes, muffler, head­ for all areas except maternity children. doon Jr., who passed away August' 20, many LAtin American countries, Brings Protest The Goff Funeral Home at all our obligations and to honor Windham High School in Willlman- decision to send Johnson to confer 1935. day. Visibility 6 miles or more for his opening bid. West should chester Evening Hez'ald, Box 3318, its Sandhofen Base near Mann­ lights and windshield wipers. He where they are 2 to 4:30 and 6:30 Funeral arrangements are In­ plagued' by Inflation, it is unwork­ Carej', where the bodies of two all our commitments.’’ tlc, is employed by the Pratt and to 8 p.m.; and private rooms complete. with Adenauer and Brandt and to able. L«gal rates in some countries vlttims were taken, said the Har­ lowering to 2 to 4 miles tonight. play the eight rather than the Grand Central Station, N. Y. 17, heim at dawn and begem heading ■Whitney Aircraft Corp. in East posted a $200 bond for his sched­ Gone but not forgotten. Jack Early, a member of a com­ N. Y. 'W e are not provocative, neither wher* they are 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. make a- personal appearance in nin higher than IS per cent. Again Battle French veys were en route from Kenton Marine observations; queen of spades at the second are we frightened,” Johnson de­ toward’ Berlin. It plans to- stop Hartford. uled appearance in Circuit Court Berlin was one of the results; the Mrs. Sadie Muldoon and family mittee elected by the' Democratic New Haven — Sunny, 2 miles trick. (Copyright 1961, General Features overnight at Braunschweig, just 12. Rockville, Sept. 5. Visitors are requested not to to Erie, Pa., but the reason W'as clared. “The American people A Nov. 4 wedding is planned. smoke In patient’s rooms. No more decision to send a token force to Washington, Aug. 19 W — The caucus to help elect the caucus-en­ not immediately known. visibility in ground tog and smoke, Dummy wins with the ten of Corp.) short of the Helmstedt, border Rockville police yesterday ar­ Funerals have no genius for retreat, and check point before heading through rested Mrs. Shirley Ziemba, 32, of than two visitors at one time, per strengthen the garrison was an­ " ’House has voted unanimously to (Continued from Page One) barriers. Jeeps mounting machine- dorsed candidates, reported last The children were the daughters temperatures 57, wind calm. we do not Intend tq retreat now. other. guns and bazookas lined the streets 110 miles of red-dominated East supported by Red Police arid mili­ 47 Village St., on a charge of lar­ patient. authorize President Kennedy to night that he had contacted Demo­ of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Nowland. Bridgeport — Clear, 5 miles in •Without any spirit of bellig­ The White House said the Brit­ clamp a total embargo on trade demonstrations could touch off of the dark and' half-abandoned haze, temperatures 61, wind north­ Germany to West Berlin. tia worked all night under power­ ceny in connection with the theft Mrs. Alva Hansen NOTICE! cratic Registrar Mrs. Fredrica erence but in a s^rlt of solemn ful lights to complete the concrete of $3.33 of socks and a child's Patients Today. 203 Funeral services for Mrs. Alva C. ish and French governments had with Cuba. gunfire between their troops and city. west 4 knots. warning, we urge the masters of Men and vehicles to streng;then ■Tunisian troops dug in at several Reid and asked for representation the British Berline brigade were wall and plug up loopholes. dress. Mrs. Ziemba posted a $50 ADMITTED \YESTEatDAY: Hansen, 156 Benton St., were held been advised, of Kennedys de­ It wrote this discretionary power, Tunisian soldiers holed up inside Hyannis — Clear, 4 miles visibil­ the So'vlet Uhion and of East cisions. presumably, the word also CLOSED proposed by Rep. Dante Fascell, the C8«bah within the French points along the 40-mlle Tunis- of the caucus-elected candidates Tide, Winds, 2 TOP HITS! expected to begin arriving by train West Berlin officials said about bond for her appearance in Circuit Mrs. Rose Calkins, 4 Deepwood yesterday afternoon at Holmes ity in haze, westsouthwest winds at Germany who have manufactured ISO refugees a day have been was given to the West German D-Fla., into the foreign aid bill yes­ sector. Bizerte highway. among the officials of the primary 7 knots. later today. The French were ex­ Court 12, Rockville, Sept. 5. Dr.; Stephen F. Cowles, South Funeral Home, 400 Main St. terday. this crisis, to remember in good slipping through the net since the Windsor; James W. Clifford, 175 The Rev. Clifford O. Simpson, pas­ government well in advance of the MONDAYS Foreigpn newsmen who left Bi­ to be held next Wednesday. Weather Nantucket — Sunny, visibility 3 JACK MARtm fUMCB pected to take similar action. public announcement. In fact it is zerte before the first incident tvas Lagos, Nigeria, Aug. 19 (.Pi — time that a crime against peace The Allied garrison in West barrier was set up Sunday. Near­ Summit St.; Louis Forgette, 161 tor of Center Congregational 'During Jnly>and August The House also shouted approval None of the officials appointed miles In haze, temperature 61 wind wil now be a crime against all ly 20 members of the Peoples Po­ understood that the troop rein of a flat prohibition against any reported saw several hundred Tu­ Radio Nigeria reported last night represents the endorsed slate: All west-southwest at 5 knots. C a M l B w K B a i Berlin now totals about 11,000 Campfleld St.; Mrs. Frances Hunt, Church, officiated. nisians gathered in front of a bar­ that 77 cMtem Nigerians, includ­ Windsor Locks, Aug. 19 (ff’i — imi in Hiffl Nn humanity, and against that par­ men and the size of the U.S. build­ lice have also skipped Into West Chain of Crashes 61 Overland St.; Mrs. Antoinette Burial was in Hlllcrest Park forcement plan was discussed by OPEN THURSDAYS aid to Cuba under its present gov- represent the seven challengers. Nil ticular crimes humanity’s retrib­ State Department officials with emmwit. The amendment, spon­ ricade after French base command­ ing a provincial commissioner, Mrs. Reid said she had already The U.S. Weather Bureau marine up would put it in the category Berlin. Scarlato, 64 Birch St.; Debra Cemetery, Springfield, Mass. Bear­ TILL 9 P,M. er Vice Admiral Maurice Amman have volunteered for service in Tu­ advisory for today: , HM ution will be swift and emphatic.” of a token expansion. It was not One East German policeman Bring 2 Arrests Beardsley. 49 Mountain Rd.; Sally ers were Roderick McCann, Frank British. French and West German sored by Rep. George Meador, R- appointed the officials and refused VNimiE From the airport, Adenauer and who fled yesterday appeared on embassy representatives who are Mich., removed the discretion giv­ refuied to let a procession move nisia. to discuss the matter with Early, Tides will be high along the Con­ AIB-CONT>ITipNED immediately known how many Jean Struckland, French Rd., Bol­ Zimmerman, Norman Chatel, through the city. The radio said the volunteers, *Kifaiar Johnson drove directly to Aden­ men the British and French are West Berlin TV last night. He Three accidents Involving six ton; Mrs. Flossie G. Spicer, Tal- Harry Maidment Jr.. Cornelius now meeting almost dally at the en the President under the bill’s Mrs. Reid said she had appointed necticut shore between 4 and 6 said most of his comrades do not department. Keith's Furniture original version. "Bizerte is ours." shouted the mostly youths, have approached DANCE tW M I auer’s office in Palais Schaumburg sending In. cars and a truck occurred about cotville, Mrs. Priscilla Spicer, Tal- Brozneham Jr., and Charles Keen the federal defense minister to ask Mrs. Agnes Kreysig as moderator thla afternoon, 4:30 and 6:30 to­ for a conference. approve of the Red border closure The first reaction from West 1115 MAIN STREET It also approved an amendment demonstrators, who turned down for the primary; Mrs. Rolland EVERY THURS.-FRI.-8AT. MIN In the Red-controlled part of 4 p.m. yesterday when a truck cotvllle; Percy A. Spicer. Talcott­ Jr. by Rep. Paul G. Rogers, D-Fla., Amman's proposal to let a 15-man the federal government to make ar­ morrow morning and 5 and 7 p.m. Essentially, Johnson's mission, the divided city, the Communist to refugees. driver momentarily took hia eyes ville; Mrs. Florence Dancosse, 124 A large delegation; of nurses Berlin came from Brandt’s office, Melochc and Mrs. Viva Massey as m to Bonn and Berlin is to convince “I would never have shot at which welcomed the assignment of authorizing the President to with­ delegation stage a symbolic march. rangements for them to leave for booth tenders, Mrs. Charles Lath- Sunday. Low tide at Old Saybrook press reported about 10,000 youths off the road, police said. >Blrch S t; Adam Saurich, 221 Main from Manchester Memorial Hos­ hold aid from any country that pro­ French troops erected additional Bizerte as .soon as possible. is at 11 a.m. and 11:30 p.m. to­ WALNUT Adenauer and West Berlin Mayor had volunteered for military serv­ anyone,” he said. “ Many of my Clifford Williams, 34, of Canter­ pital attended the services. additional troops. ‘‘Deeds,’’ a rop, deputy registrar of voters was comrades wouldn’t shoot either. S t: George LeMay. 19 Autumn S t; spokesman said, "are better than vides military or economic aid to day and at 11:30 a.m'. tomorrow. 7 Walnut St., Manchester •Willy Brandt and their followers ice to strengthen East (Sermany’s bury, was charged by police with Judith Clifford, 75 Foxcroft Dr.; to be a checker. that the United States is deter­ West Berlin police reported words.” Cuba. Early has sent the following let­ Sunset today is 7:45 p.m. and sun­ 110,000-man army. following too closely. The series of Rita Fays, South Coventry; Rob­ TNIATRl mined to keep Berlin free terri­ about 100 members of the Com­ The spokesman said Brandt had Before End of 1961 ter to Mrs. Reid: rise is at 6:05 a.m. tomorrow. HKN The Communists also an­ accidents occurred at E. Middle ert Derry. 9 Cole St.; William Rus­ Notice Boating weather for Long Is­ tory. nounced they were expanding munist Youth Movement had ap­ Tpke. and Mountain Rd. not asked for such a measure, but “With reference to our telephone peared for guard duty at the bor­ sell, Westbrook; Mrs. Maude About Town had advance word and personally land Sound to Montauk Point and This was said authoritatively their factory militia, a sort of Police reported a car driven by Campbell, 54 Hawthorne St.; Ro­ WE HAVE DAILY Strong Quake conversation tonight regarding the Block Island: SUN.-MON.-TUES.— Sandra Dee, .John Gavin to be behind the President’s deci­ home gmard. der of Kreuzberg district in the Mrs. Jean Beardsley of 49 Moun welcomed it. > several election officials at the com­ U.S. sector. They wore steel hel­ man Sendrowakl, 15 Edmund St. Mifls Elsie Wray of 22 Lllley The meetings in Washington are Variable winds 10 knots becom­ EASTWOOD sion to send an additional 1,500 The West Berlin press heralded tain Rd. stopped on E. Middle ADMITTED TODAY; Dwight St. and Miss Pamelyn Fitzsim­ ing primar.V on Aug. 23, 1961, I Kennedy’s decision to send the mets and carried Soviet-made Tpke. to turn into Mountain Rd DaiVERY TO THE f/.S . Readies Push ing southwesterly late today. “Tammy Tell Me True” (Tech)— “Secret Ways” troops to West Berlin. This move rifles. Wegner, 6 Talcott Ave., Rock­ mons of 411 Main St. are spending Rocks Japan should like to call to your attention Southwesterly winds 10 knots to­ Goes was regarded in administration Vice President to Berlin. A car driven by Percy A. Spicer, the State of Conn, law which re­ “ Oldget Hawaiian’ Eyewitnesses reported the East ville; Llnwood Perkins, 151 Wal­ their vacation in Bermuda. night increasing to 15 knots Sun- In Color quarters as demonstrating that “The free world has heard us,” 67, of Talcottville, stopped behind nut St. quires as near equal representa­ said the tabloid B.Z. “ We have German Army had replaced Rus­ Mrs. Beardsley’s car. • SEPTIC TANKS (Continued from Page One). tion as possible between the party James Darrin. Deborah KValley not only was the United States sian-made T34 tanks stationed BIRTHS "YESTERDAY: A Sunset Council, Daughters of BOLTON 3:45 6:50-9:55 willing to deposit more m a n shaken it up. Today we will . . . Williams failed to see the two daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Fred­ Pocahontas, will meet Monday at CLEANED and INSTALLED For Man into Orbit endorsed candidates and the de­ welcome the guest from America, near the Brandenburg Gate with cars stop, police said, and hit into ama, Fukushlma and Hiroshima. —ALSO— power in the Berlin bank but was erick Peretto. Carter St.; a 8 p.m. in Tinker Hall, Main St. All signees of one or more of the con­ n A Q K t N ^ ' 15 r o N D to hear from him what the gov­ other tanks ■ carrying twin-barrel the rear of the Spicer car with his Tidal wave warnings were Issued testants. I request a meeting with “ Hand In Hand” capable of doing it on short no- rapid-fire guns. daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Allen officers not installed in July are • SEWERS in some areas but were canceled. (Continued from Page One) $1,671,750,000 for NASA, one- FOR A REAL TREAT DINE ernment, what the people of trailer truck, driving the Spicer Parrish,'65 Wedgewood Dr.; a son requested to be present for instal­ AREA vou prior to 12 o'clock noon on . 6:30-8:35 tice. America have to say to us.” There were indications of an MACHINE CLEANSED Soviet Deputy Premier Anastas fourth of it for the man-on-the- BURNSIDE AV£ . L, HTFD Accompanying Johnson on his car into the Beardsley car. to Mr. and Mrs. William Slnna- lation Monday evening. There will taken by Titov earlier this moon project., Monday. Aug. 21, 1961, so that this THIS WEEKEND Other West Berlin papers also East German military buildup. Spicer, his wife, daughter-in- mon, 73 Hemlock St. Mlkoyan and his party were visit­ provision of the law may be ful­ Aum€ptmg>r trip were Charles E. Bohlen, spe­ be a social after the meeting. • INSTALLATION ing the Osaka-Kyoto area when month. The space agency also continued SUNDAY gave streamer headlines to John­ law and Mrs. Beardsley’s daughter DISCHARGED YESTERDAY: its search for launch fabrication filled." Early wrote the letter on cial assistant to Secretary of son's visit. were taken to Manchester Memo­ SPECIALIST LENOX the quake struck. Beyond Mercury lies project behalf of the three-man caucus ms' “SNOW WHITE AND State Dean Rusk, and retired Gen. Mrs. Eleanor Bermanl, East Hart­ and test facilities and a flight cen­ TOE 3 STOOGES” o f H I N K E L 'S Johnson carried a message from rial Hospital where they are all ford; Dr. Richard Demko, 16 Apollo, plan to send a 3-man committee on which Warren Pot­ Lucius D. Clay, who was U.S. Boy Hit by Car reported in good condition. PHARMACY (Washing^ton, Aug. 19 (>P) — ter for the proposed lunar shot. In color Kennedy to West Berlin Mayor Oliver Rd.; Richard Malone, Som- Invitation To Bid space ship to the moon by 1970. Cape Canaveral and the Pacific ter and Edmund Percsluha also .erV P b r FOR A REAL WONDERFUL military commander in Germany Brandt who declared earlier this Both cars were heavily dam mersville. Town and Country Georgetown University reported with CAROL HEISS Is Hospitalized Sealed bids will be received at While the Mercury program missile range in California are serve. during the 1948-49 airlift. week that the West should hit back aged and all three vehicles were DISCHARGED TODAY: Roman 299 E. CENTER ST. today its seismograph had record­ Country Fair 2:00-.5:40-9:25 Johnson was greeted by large towed from the scene. the Office of the General Mana­ nears its critical stage. President among seven launch sites under AI-SO with political action as well as Sendrowskl, 15 Edmund St.; Wil­ DRAINAGE CO. TEL. M l 9-0B94 ed a “very eevere" earth tremor consideration. A decision is expect­ Final plans for the garden booth NEW ENGLAND SHORE DINNER crowds that lined the streets of words against the Red squeeze on James Clifford, 6, of 175 Sum­ The accident caused traffic to ger, 41 Center Street, Manches­ early today, apparently centered Kennedy yesterday signed a huge 2:30-6:30-10:20 12:30-4:30-8:25 "THE FIERCEST HEART’ liam Anderson, Wapplng; Wayne appropriations bill that provides ed within a week or 10 days. for the Country Fair to be held villages and small towns as he East German travel to West Ber­ pile up. A car driven by Robert ter. Connecticut until August 28, M l 9-4143 near the border between Peru and Aug. 26 at St. Maurice Church In color SHRIMP COCKTAIL OR CHERRY ST0NF:S mit St., received multiple cuts on Campbell, East Hartford; Mrs. rode from the airport to Bonn. lin. E. Stone, 20, of Coventry, was Beverly Sherman, Coventry; Mrs. 1961 at 11:00 A.M. for Police Uni­ Ecuador. have been made by Mrs. Harold STUART WHITMAN NEW ENGLAND CLAM CHOWDER his head yesterday afternoon when forms. Gidget Goes Hawaiian Flag-waving children and their Brandt said he was delighted stopped in the east bound lane on Alyce Alemany, 26 Packard St.; ■ The tremor was timed at Jarvis, Mrs. Alfred Lewi.s and JULIET PROWSE CLAM FRITTERS he was struck by a car on Summit E. Middle Tpke. Bid forms and specifications are Sun. “ HAND IN HAND” 4:05-7:50 elders gave Johnson a warm wel­ Kennedy had decided to send the Stevea Kos, 119 Chambers St. 1:17:4® a.m. (DDT) and followed ^Apostle of Liberty^ Mr.s. Robert Lodi. They request come. At Siegburg, the procession administration’s No. 2 man for a St. near E. Middle Tpke. Gerald DuBord, 45, of Coventry, available at the Controller’s Of­ by a second shock at 1:4:05 a.m. that donations for the booth be fice, 66 Center Street, Manchester, halted while hundreds surged first-hand look at this crisis-rid­ He was taken to Manchester Me­ was driving east and struck the G TTie location was placed about 2.- brought to the church either the BOILED LIVE LOBSTER Connecticut. about his car and he was present­ den city and called on West Berlin­ morial Hospital for observation. A car in the rear with the left front LegaL Notice 900 miles south of Washingfton in night before the fair, or early on DRAWN BUTTER ers to give the Vice President a of his car. TOWN OF MANCHESTER, the general area of - the Peru- the fair day. They would like to TELEPHONE: Mitchell 8-7832 ed a dozen carnations. hospital spokesman described his DECREE ON LIMITATION OF CONNECTICUT Judge Learned Hand, FRENCH FRIES At Beul, a hastily erected sign warm welcome. condition as good. Damage to these two cars was „ CLAIMS AMESITE PAVING Ecuador border. receive fre.sh vegetables and fruit, RICHARD MARTIN, said “We Thank Johnson.” Cit­ Johnson was to attend a special Police said a car driven by Elsie minor and one person was injured. A'T A COURT OF PROBATE holdon garden and house plants. GARDEN SALAD session of the West Berlin parlia­ Sgt. George McCaughey arrested at Coventr.v, within and for the District GENERAL MANAGER Shoe Fit Members of Bomarco, couples izens showered flowers on him. M. Jones, Bolton Center Rd., Bol­ of Coventry, on the 17th day of August, • DRIVEWAYS • WALKS • PARKINa L O T S DESSERT and COI'TEE As the cars crossed the Rhine ment and also to addres.s West ton, was traveling north on Sum­ DuBord and charged him with fol A.O. 1961. Women whose feet tend to swell The ‘10th U.S. Justice’ club, will hold a corn roast to­ Berliners from a city hall bal­ lowing too closely. Present Hon. Elmore Turkington, MACHINE GRADED • PAVED and ROLLED during the summer heat would be night at 7:30 at the home of Mr. river into Bonn, two young women mit St. She told police the boy ran Esq.. Judge. n o w : Ends TUESDAY! Continuous SATURDAY and SUNDAY in the crowd shoved forward a cony. in front of her car and she was un­ Both Williams and DuBord will wise to wear shoes that are a half- and Mrs. Robert Gordon, Brandy appear in Circuit Court 12, Man On motion of The Connecticut Bank (Continued from Page One) court has jurisdiction oyer Ver­ homemade sign which read: “The visit will give the Vice able to stop in time. and Trust Company of Hartford. Execu­ sise larger than the shoes they St. C h e s te r , on Sept. 11. tor. Attn; Mr. C. H. Gustafson. Assist­ SAVE A BUCK mont, Connecticut and New York. “No Words—Actions. " President a unique opportunity to There was no arrest. FREE ESTIMATES CALL ANYTIME wear the rest of the year. He became senior judge of that While the police were still in ant Trust Officer. Hartford. Conn., on New York CSty several years later Manchester Evening Herald Bol­ Welcoming crowds packed the see for himself how the Commu­ the estate of Stanley Leroy Livingston AT court in 1939. - < W h a t T h e s e T w o ' nists have cut our city in half in vestigating the two accidents and and soon wa? established as a ton correspondent, Grace .McDer­ J HINKEL'S Streets in Bonn. a.k.a. Stanley L. Livingston late of President Harry S. Truman told .L o o k -A lik e s D o T o unparalleled fashion” a city hall trying to untangle the traffic jam, Coventry within said district, deceased. THE PRICE IS RIGHT successful lawyer. him on hi.s r^lrement; mott, telephone Mitchell 3-BS66. A tumultuous welcome awaited spokesman said. two other vehicles were involved in This Court doth decree that six MANCHESTER A M a rria ge Johnson from million West Annual Fete Held months be allowed and limited for the Appointed to the federal benc'h “ You have added purpose and RESTAURANT He referred to the 6-foot-high a rear-end collision. Police said creditors of said estate to exhibit their TIME PAYMENTS ARRANGED both ^IRW AY^^ (or the Southern Di.strict of New hope to man's quest for justice Wheat Tests Offered Is Sheer Delirium.. concrete wall the Reds are erect­ By Bible Class these drivers settled the accident claims against the same to the Execu­ WELDING SERVICE ■York by President William How­ tor and directs that public notice bo through the process of law . . . What They Do ITALIAN-AMERICAN FOOD ing along the 25 miles of border between themselves and there was given of this order by advertising in a 5U 9-1658 or MI 9-8762 r OPEN A a DAY i ard Taft in 1909. he remained a America and the American peo­ Wa.shlngton—The Department it W on A Prize separating West from East Ger­ no investigation. newspaper having a circulation In said fedlral jurist until retirement in ple are richer because of the of Agriculture Is offering to test T o T h e S c r e e n ' HOME MADE RAVIOLI many. The Ladies Bible class “ Peace” There was only slight damage district, and by posting a copy thereof HAVE IT 1951—longer than any other fed­ of the Salvation Army held its an on the public sign post In said Town of f mmKi 2 vigor and fuline.ss of your con­ wheat to see what kind of bread Is Sheer Delight! > Communist workers’ brigades and both cars were driven away, Coventry nearest the place w’here the • WELDED eral judge. tribution to our way of life,.'' It will make In order to help per- SOUTH ST.. COVENTRY—PI 2-7391 nual meeting last night at the home deceased last dwelt. • REPAIRED PE MAIO BROS. Even after retirement, he sat Hand, who had been hospitalized 1 MILE FROM NATHAN HALE HOMESTEAD Certified from Record k throughout 1 .■juadc exporters to buy It. Certi­ of Thomas Maxwell, 71 Linnmore ELMORE TURKINGTON. Judge. • SHARPENED I as judge on special assignments. since Aug 5, is survived by his fied high protein content and IT’S A GREAT BIG WONDERFUL WHIRL OF, OPEN 7' DAYS— LEGAL BEVERAGES Border Trim! Lcfi^al Notice TEL. Ml 3-7691 I President (Calvin Coolidge ele- Dr. Guaranteed of Course r THE YEAR! 1 widow. the former Frances gluten,quality ace said to indicate DECREE ON LI.VIITATION OF 1 vated him to the U.S. Court of Ap- Fincke, whom he married in 1902, Seventeen members attended the “strong " wheat suitable for mix­ TEENS WITH SCHEMES...ADULTS WITH meeting, which has been held near, CLAI.MS I peals. Second Circuit, in 192-1. The and by three daughters, Mrs. Mor­ ing in flo:ir with "weak" wheats of AT A COURT OF PROBATE holden ris Darrell, Mrs. Robert M. Fcr- *’DREAMS’’...AND WARM WITH LAUGHTERI ly every year since Maxwell organ at Coventry', within and for the District Europe. ized the group in 1910. of Coventry, on the 17th day of August, i guson and Mrs, Newbold Morris, A.D. 1961. all of . Entertainment and refreshments Present Hon. Elmore Turkington, A private funeral service and were provided, and Mrs. Annie Gib- E.sq.. Judge. bong was elected president and On motion of Mr. Frederick J. Hor I OPEN ALL DAY i BEAUTIFUL NEW RANCHES! burial are planned. rigan, Administrator, Coventry, Conn Go o d y e a r • • r o o d r ic h • • f ir e s t o n e Miss Bessie Brown, secretary. on the estate of Katherine E. Horrigan 5162 late of Coventry within said district r MONDAY 2 deceased. I Bolton Aussie Parliament 60 This Court doth decree that six months be allowed and limited for the creditors k throughout j Road Hazard Guarantee of said estate to exhibit their claims ’>12,490 to >14,490 Canberra — Australia's Parlia­ against the same to the Administrator I Shouts of Boy s ment is 60 years old this year. and directs that public notice be given L THE YEAR! 1 The first federal Parliament was of this order by advertising in a news­ ADULT COMEDY •— NOT FOR CHILDREN paper having a circulation in said dl.v 6.70 X 15 . . . . .-9.^5 Treed by Animal . . HiSlaaBiR.llb. opened in Melbourne in 1901 by the trict. and by posting a copv thereof on Duke of York, later King George the public sign post In said Town of L - B u l « s Coventry nearest the place where the Only Arouse Residents . His son, later George I, opened deceased last dwelt. The ribald, impudent the first session in Canberra in Certified from Record 7.10 X 15 ...... 11.95 1927. ELMORE TURKINGTON. Judge, Read Herald Ad vs. Residents around Carpenter Rd. but always moving were awakened early this morning account of the encounter REDS PUBUSH PLOT by shouts for help from two teen- between "a girl-of- Moscow, Aug. 19 UPl — Soviet 7.60 X 15 ...... 12.95 aged boys who were treed by what newspapers today published they thought was a mad dog. WAIT DISNEY the-streets in a Grecian sketchy reports of documents un- The boys, Robert Moran and seaport town... veilefi yesterday purporting to 7.50 X 14 ...... 11.95 Gary Tetrault, had been camping and the American bare western Allies nuclear bomb­ BOLTON high on a wooded ridge behind who wants to rescue ing plans, for blowing up vast EXCHANGE PLUS TAX Carpenter Rd. when the animal be­ areas of their own territory in the gan circling them. It stayed just her from her desperate Middle East, But Communist F H A D O W N outside the range of their flash­ (or is it?) organs played down those docu­ lights, they said. ^ePARENTTRAP] situation... ments outlining plans for de­ MOUNT SUMMER... Trooper Robert MacDonald of structive nuclear strikes against the f • Colchester Troop traveled lfectiiiiO>lPR* mllltar}' targets In the Soviet High on the eastern ridge of the Connecticut River EXTRA SPECIAL through'a swamp and dense woods MiLlNANaiOOURI Union Itself, f to bring the boys down to their Valley. ONE ACRE WOODED LOTS with a mag­ WESTLAND TERRACE home. He was accompanied by sev­ PREMIUM NYLONS— 30% DEEPER TREAD, Legal Notice FEATURES: eral men of the neighborhood who nificent view. It is our opinion that there are none OPEN SUNDAY 11 A.M. to 6 PA4; werp awakened by the shouts. DECBEE ON LIMITATION OF LIFETIME ROAD HAZARD GUARANTEE LM> lu a. J«anna CLAIMS • City Gas • City Water • Landscaping • 90’xl60’ The boys.. planned to return to AT A COURT OF PROBATE holden bet,ter east of the Ckmnecticut River. Drive up LOCATION the scene today to see If. they RUGGLES-MERKEL’CARROU-BARNES' iNESBiTr* K H OAMOIWA at Coventry, within and for the District Lot • Wood Windows * Red Oak Flooring • For­ 40% DISCOUNT could find any footprints that No. 8248 with Patt-O-Rama is of Coventry, on the 17th day of Aufhist, mica Counters • Knotty Pine Cabinets # Full Base­ From Manchester take Oakland Street to. PLUS! ------In sizes 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20. Bust A ,!/. 1961. and see for yourself. might help Identify the animal A LAUGH RIOT WITH DONAIJ) DUCK IN Present Hon. Elmore Turkincton, ment • Metal Hatchway • Full Insfilatlon • Col­ Vemon Circle. F'rom Vernon Circle take NO MONEY DOWN— i YEAR TO PAY ^ which caused them to climb to the WiMw md l» 31 to 40. Size 12, 32 bust, short Pattern No. 5162 has hot-iron Esq., Judge. Route 83 toward Rockville for about 3 top of the tree for safety. sleeves, no collar, 5 j’ards of 35- On motion of Mrs. Ruth Uebman, ored Bath Fixtures o Ceramic Tile o Hot Air Heat "DONALD DUCK AT THE W H E a " in color transfer for 3 yards of 2 'i ” wide Administratrix, 161 School St. Man­ Directors; From Route 6 and 44A, turn right on miles and tom right at the Westland Ter­ The State Trooper said he did not TRAP! Inch. border: color suggestions; material chester, Conn,, on the estate of Andre • Picture Window o Choice of Decorating o Built-in race sign. To order, send 35c in Coins to:— Llebman late of Coventry within said the Bolton Center Road, look for Mt. Sumner see any animal, but heard a dog FIun requirements. en and Range In Ranch. barking. Feature at 2-4:3.5-6:55-9:10. “ Donald Duck at Wheel” 4-6:80-8:55 Sue Burnett, The Manchester To order, send 25c in coins to:— district, deceased. DISCOUNT *SWORD O F THE WORLD’S BOLDEST BEAUTY I This Court doth decree that six signs. For further information, call the SHERWOOD FOREST* Evening Herald, 1160 AVE. OF Anne Cabot, The Manchester Eve­ months be allowed and limited for the AMERICAS. NEW YORK 36, N.Y. creditors of said estate to exhibit their Mile o f Wire in Foot Startf Bum. BOYS^ GIRLS! TUESDAY MOKNING AT 10 ning Herald. 1150 AVE. OF rnrnwimm^mkwm A For l9 t -c l^ mailing add 10c claims against the same to the Admin­ STATION "NEVER O N SPECIAL VACATION FUN SHOW FOR YOU! NEW YORK 86, N. Y. istratrix and directs that public noUce R. F. DIM OCK CO. Cape Canaveral, Fla. — A mile for each pattern. Print Name, Ad­ For Ist-class mailing add 10c for be given of this order by advertising In Cole’s SUNOAY" "GoMm Ago of Comedy" and 8 Color Cartoons THE WARRIOR E M P R E S S dress Zone, Style No. and each pattern. Print Name, Address a newspaper having a circulation In McCarthy enterprises, inc. of stainless-steel wire about half said district, and by posting a copy m CINTER ST.. RAANCHCSTER^MI 9<4)960 AUo with zone and Pattern Number. as' thick as a human hair goes • STARTS WEDNESDAY • COMING AUO. 80 * 1 Size. thereof on tbs public sign post In said “ POBTBAIT o r A I OBMMIE’ iCOLOH-tDd(HBI8HMmWCnfli ^ Don't miss the fall 4 winter '61 Have you the '61 Album con­ Tbwn of■ Coventry------nearest______f thithe place M l 9 - 5 2 4 5 into a square foot of the fabric HOBSTKB” Mitchell 4-1539 "THE NAKED EDGE” In color Fashion — a handy pattern taining many lovely design and where the deceased last dwelt. m TANK FUU. OF GAS WEEKLY of parsmhutea used by apace ve- Certified from Record THE BEST AHEAD OF THE REST “ WHEN THE CLOCK STRIKES” “ FANTiiY” “THE WARRIOR EMPRESS” Shown First At 8:S0 magazine for home aewera. 36c. free patterns? Only 2Sc a c^py! - hiclM re entering the atmoa]?ihsre. ^iUfORE TURKlNaTON. Judg*. *

z v.> V / PAOiB FOUR MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., SATIIRDAY, AUGUST 19, 1961 IIAN(3HESTEB EVENING HERALD, BIANCHESTEE, CONN, SATURDAY, AUGUST 19, 1961 PAGE .FIVE turn o( th st psrtteulsr parvanriMi •Wonders of the Universe^ IHanrlreBtpr will follow, Acroag the nation. HEALTH CAPSULES Raceatly, of course, plane ht- Connecticut VyHldhaeIA.gBttl.HD. JacklnE haa been the rage. n iHB HOHCAN VDU GIVK fttLK TO Equato|*ial Laupching: i8 CO. INC You can’t not print the nawa Yankee Churches 8OMI0NE WHO WCMT But, when tha newa gets printed, By A. H. O. PRINK IT l you might as well be alert for the Second CongregaUoiial Oliarch St. Jameo’ £ O. Church Land-Based or Mobile? PnbUilMn consequences. ; 888 N. Main St. Mogr. John F. Haanoa, Faator lyMiadad October 1. Itn We don’t know where Republi­ Police authorities everywhere can State Chairman Ekl May is Rev. FelU N. Davti. Minister Rev. James T. (yOonneU USINESS b^ERVICES li^IRECTORY Mrs. Rickard H. Pinaey. Rev. Joseph H. MoOann fhibUabed S t m t CTMtnt Bs« have more than tha usual reason heading, and we siupect he doesn't launchings almost anywher BuDdeys ea HoUdkyi. Batered at I— ' Associate Minister Rev. Jo te D. Regan The Fate Flanatartuiu ___at Haochaeter Ooan. aa to be intereated in the latest ln> know either. But we have a re­ Of the Franklin Institute ■hallow seas. This la parUcularly K tS m c e inforced impression, after watch­ significant today for wa are trying ieeoDd ClMClasa Mall Mattar. faction the news cd^ot help but 0:80 a.m-. Morning Worship. Masses at 6, 7, 8, 9, 10:15 and Within the next two years this ing him in the 1961 session ,of a 11:80 a.m. country will be launching commu­ to acquire off-shore launching pads •UBSOUPnON RATES Bptead. When, down In New York mode and mood of travel which Is Nursery for children. An old-fash­ for the Saturn boosters to get Parabla la Admca quite different from the. eager ioned hymn sing service Guest nication and weather satellites In­ Carrier MaU City, the hoodlums suddenly in> soloist, Meg. Warren Scholde from Rev. John 1.. Delaney, Pastor to equatorial synchronous orbits. them away from land with its MMMECTE:. PERT, NEW HAIR STYLES Oaa Tiar ...... m.M m w beaver style of zip and go-go which populated centers and the possi­ - L- •'-t.' ^ Hx Uontba ...... 7.75 U.C vented the business of roughing up was supposed to be his endow­ the Stafford Springs Congregation­ Rev.. Stanley E. HastUlo When satellitea are placed 22,- al Church. Rev. Dennis R. Hussey 300 miles above the surface of bility of both physical and psy­ MANCHESTER '•s-f Tteaa Moatba ...... AK 5:1 the police, instead of trying mere­ ment when he first came out of chological damage. ■g OpO Month aaaeaaaaaaaao. 1.3* 1.1 ly to evade the police, that made the young man's business world Atsistants the earth, their speed In orbit FOR SCHOOL BELLES weakly ...... -lO . South Methodist Church matches the rotation of the earth In this concept a tremendous AUTO PARTS ?r>.' iv'.r, news, and forced New York police to be a political candidate. ■ » drydock buUt In the United States SEAFOOD MKHBICR o r Then, in 1956, and for some Lawrence F. Almond Classes at 7, 8, 9, 10, 11. In the and, thui, they remain stationary ^ Choice Variety CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT SOON! THIS ASSOCIATED PRESS authorities into special measures. Percy M. Spurrier Chapel at 9 and 10 a.m. over a particular point on the would be towed to a mgrlne 270 BROAD ST.,, time after, and even through the launching area In which the depth The AaaocUtad Preaa U axclualraly That made it almost inevitable 1958 session of the Legislature, it Mlnisten earth. This, incidentally, Is pre­ enUtlad to the uaa of republleatlon ot Church of the Assumption M3U CAN GCr ______Rev. Phlllpy Hussey, Pastor and fellowship m eetin g ^ Bible It has been pointed out that ths imitate tlieir big city prototjT)e8. else. ser\ice only. to launch a satellite into an equa­ Complete HIGH GRADE The Herald Printing Company, lac., It was somewhat surprising, study In Ps. 49. torial orbit if fired from any point largest rocket boosters could be asaumea no financial reaponslblUty lor Masses at 8, 9:15 and 10:30 assembled on t he drydock and GLASS typograpfal0 M onitor this year the calendar haa spread ruptly terminate his full participa­ John will sing "The Publican," by mon, ‘The Power of Little Things.” the FHA appraisal la higher than Buckley: Virginia Mortlock, Morry's And the basic reason for this is Van Dewater. Sermon by Mr. the^ purchase price of your home. ■say. Mumford; superintendent of rec­ 6:00 Newa. Weather Director it out nicely so that It really haa tion In the grame of politics. FAIRWAY Richard Aron.son, Thea White, Vic­ 6:20 Strictly Sports that both sides have been talking Gaard, "The Use of the Tongue." United Methodist Church The' amount of the mortgage Is GOODS TO MORE PEOPLE- toria Squatrlto and Rena Tardif. reation, David Mumford; police 7:00 Keyboard Kinitplna MEN'S STORE five weeks, of which the last two based upon the FHA appraisal or Main Street, Manchester Green; Kathy Millette, Sandy chief, Nancy Long; fire chief, “7:30 M onitor 142 B. CENTER ST. armament, not disarmament, a of Bolton 10:30 Jazz 747 MAIN STREET are now remaining. Covenant Congregational Church Rev. Carlton T. Daley, Minister the acquisition cost, whichever is • Open Thurs. and Fri. TUI 9 • MacKay, Michael Carr, Cheryl Ruth caiatel; sanitation engineer, 11:15 Sports Final oontlnuation of aims rivalry, not \Deaths Last ISiglit Stoner Smith; mayor, Deborah I Slancheeter's Oldest This is the last call for regular A Thoosht for Today (Evangelical Covenant) less. Acquisition cost includes pur­ McNamara and Valerie Hum­ 11:30 Starlight Serenada Next to Entrance to State a cessation of it, a preservation of Sponsored by the Slancheater Spruce Sb Near E. Center St. 10 a.m.. Morning Worship. Guest chase price plus closing costs but T u r u p i k e phrey. White. 1:00 Sign-oif With Finest Facilities Theater comparative capacities to wage simuner. There may be special excludes such prepaid Items as By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS West Side: Kathleen Kelly, Robertson: Playground supervi­ W HAY—010 Council of Chnrches Re\*. K. Ejnar Rask, Pastor Preacher, Charles H. Miller. 1:00 Club 91 war, not an abolition of the capac­ aervings, at a la carte rates, later Nursery. taxes. New York—Judge Learned hand, Christopher Kearns, David Cran­ sor, Nora McMullin, Bettyann 4:00 Sound 8tag« Q—My friend claims that after AUTO BODY one of the most respected jurists ity to wage war. on, for those who gamble on try­ 9:30 a.m.. Morning Worship. 5,000 dall. Ellen Fredrickson and Rudl Spuliek; superintendent of recrea­ 7:30 Saturday Night Dance Party ing to Ignore time, or manufacture "Remember the Sabbath Day to Sermon, 'To (3od Be the Glory!" First Lutheran Church 95 he will not have to pay a federal CANS — BOTTLES in Amercian history and often call­ Wittke. tion, Sally Ashwell; police chief, 8:00 Night Flight Upholstery There has been only one pro- keep it holy." There will be few Income tax on money he gets from ed the "10th Justice of the U.S. Valley St: Dorothy Moriarty, 12 (K) News. Sign Off Individual time tables of their 11 a.m.. Groundbreaking cere­ Rockville Mike Ackerman; fire chief, Brenda w p o r^ i4 io Shops VIC’S PIZZA SHOP poeal which, even in words, has who read these words who have mony at new church site on Hack­ Rev. David G. Jaxhelmer, D. D., social security or on earnings up ICE COLD BEER Supreme Court," died in a ho.spital Charlene- Wennergren, Evelyn Les- Ashwell; sanitation engineer, r AND M own. Sometimes the seasons do not heard some version of this to $1,200 a year. Is this true?— yesterday at the age of 89. He re­ •sard. Stephen H arvey and Karen 1:00 N ews 153 VV Middle Turnpike cut across this pattern. matack St. Pastor WRECKER John Ackerman; mayor, Roxanne 1:10 Lou Terri RE-UPHOLSTERING Phone Ml 0-3700 halt and extend thepriselves for Commandment. Yet there are also 4 p.m., Vesper Service held at H. H. See us for barreleil bi'er for tired in 1951 as chief judge of the Ferguson ' Spafford. 2:00 Conn. Ballroom That was the Khruahefaev pro­ many who for various reasons do A—Dear H. H.: Your friend la Second Circuit Court of Appeals, Nathan Hale: Micky Guilbault, 6:00 News Weather e Modern Fnmiture those who are imperious enough new church site. A picnic supper 8:30 a.m.. Summer schedule your outings. and '/j barrels. 6:15 Conn Ballroom and Antiques posal, bStore the United Nations, not heed God's command. One rea­ correct. However, his $1,200 of Tel. MI 9-6507—Free Delivery SERVICE the bu.siest federal appeals court Linda Kearnes, Karen Krinjak and Green: Playground: supervisors, PIZZA about it. But the routine says that ■will follow, with each family church service. Valerie Humphrey, Kathy Mil­ 7:0U Bob Scott e Store Stools and Booths for total disarmament. Ihls pro­ son often heard is that Sunday is bringing its own basket lunch. earnings would be subject to social in the nation. Jackie Niel.son. 7:30 News. Weather SPAGHEHI summer ends with August, as va­ the only day of rest: this Is the Bowers; Thomas Barnes, Bruce lette; superintendent of recrea­ 9:00 Ray Somers voked various reactions. It shock­ Brief service and hynm sing. Rockville Methodist Church security deductions even while he Norwalk - - Elmer Ray Jones. 11:00 News e Custom Furniture cations end, for young and old, as only day to'get ready for the com­ 142 Grove St. is receiving social security pay­ 87, retired juesident of Wells Davidson, Steve Klepach, Steve tion, Adrienne Martlnick; police 11:10 Ray Somers Slip Covers and Draperies RAVIQLI ed the professional diplomats, be­ ing week. •Wednesday, 7:30 p.m.. Mid week chief, Bruce Banks; fire chief, 1:00 Del Raycee the bass slack off in their sum­ Service at the church. Rev. Laurence M. Hill, Pastor ments. If his earnings exceed $1,- VICHI'S Fargo & Co., died Thursday in his Gosselin and Patty Hathaway. Made to Order cause it violated all the rules of Yes, it is the only day during 200 in any one year, they are tax­ PACKAGE STORE home. He joined the transport firm Keeney; Dennise Bertheume. Leslie Ellison: sanitation engineer, W IN F—1280 Complete Selection of ftlaterials, OPEN DAILY the game. And It convinced no­ mer hunger, as the goldenrod pro­ the week that is specifically set ed, 68 years ago and retired in 1956. Sylvia Pella, Kelly CMrcoran, Mikl Bruce Ellison; mayor, Marcy 1:00 CBS Newa 7:30 A.M. to 11:00 P.M. First Church of Christ Scientist 9:30 a.m., Morning worship. Emtl 20 BISSELL ST. 1:10 CBS—It’s New • FREE ESTIMATES ---- body because It was so unortho­ claims the yellow month, aa the aside that we might all get ready Kroymann, a layman of this con­ Q—Is it true that' the average Los Angeles — Jack Lait Jr., 52, Kluclwicz and Janet Dyer. Juran. l-:t5 Showcase of Mutle for the coming we^k. Byt to pre­ Masonic Temple SUNDAYS dox. The almost univeiaal pre Labor Day weekend syndrome .1, gregation, in charge, wage earner works six days eveiy a in i former TW editor of the IjOS Waddell; John Caine, Doug Buckley: Playground supervi­ 1:30 Mutual News 203 N. Main St., Manchester pare by denying pne'a self of the month to make enough to pay Angeles examiner, movie writer Shorts. Henry King, Jim VVoolley 1:35 Loral News and Showcase 4 P.M. to 10:30 P.M. sumption was that the only rea­ puts the climactic weariness into ^11 a.m., Sunday Service, Sunday Monday, 7:15 p.m.. Prayer and sors, ■Belinda Ramizi, William 2:00 CBS New’a v Ml 0-6324 CLOSED 5IONDAYS opportunity to prepare' spiritually Discussion Group. taxes?.-:—J. O. and record company executive, and Peggy Bowers. 2:10 CBS—Time to Travel I the pursuit of the open road, abut­ as well as physically is to go only school and Nursery. MODERN Zwick; sup43tintendent of recrea-' son Khrushchev himself made it Wednesday. 8 p.m., meeting. Wednesday, 8 p.m.. Commission A—J. O.: It may be a frighten­ ODY IMKINO / died yesterday. His late father was A tetherball tournam ent 'was tion, Robert Zwick; police chief, 2:15 Showcase of Music was because he knew he was com­ ters down the beach cottage, ele­ half way. God has said, "Tbou on Education and Commission on ing thought, but It la true. The editor of the New York Daily held this week. The winners were 2:30 Mutual News shalt not live by bread alone.” Man Reading room hours at 749 Main J ------\JD Phyllis Heller; fire chief, Gary 2:35 Local New’s and Showcasf pletely safe from the prospect that vates the golf score to the sea­ St., Tuesday, Friday, Saturday, 11 Missions at the parsonage. Tax Foundation, Inc., reports that T V SER V ICE Mirror. Pamela Meek, John Caine, Mike Aronson; mayor, Richard Aron­ 3:05 New’s son's high, and almost admits, at lives in other realms than just the out of a 22-day working month, Salem, Ore. — George Putnam, and Kelly Corcoran, Randy Erick­ 3:10 Showcase of Music anybody would take It up and physical. a.m. to 4 p.m.: Thursday, 11 a.m. 405 CENTER ST. son. 3:30 Mutual News Berube's last, the characterless drudgery of to 9 p.m. Taloottville Congregational you work four days for food and Comer of Griswold St. DUCO and DULUX REFINISHING 88, editor emeritus of the Salem son, Sharon Keenan, Lynne Rich- 3:35 Local News and Showcase agree with It. That, at least, is the Prepare yourself now—get Church tobacco, four days for shelter and Capital Journal, died yesterday In wood, Michael Green, Kathleen Valley St.: Playground super­ 4:05 New.s TYPEWRITER SERVICE Ostrinsky outdoor cooking. "Mind” will be the subject of the 4:10 Showcase ot Music Tvorld condition and climate on ready to attend the worship serv­ Rev, Robert K. Stalmoda, Minister furnishings, two days to pay for TEL. MI 8-2205 a fire which destroyed his home. Carlin, Rudl Wittke, Joel Antonio, visors, Peter Richards, Joanne 479 Aliddle Tpke. E. 9 ice In the church of your lesson-sermon. Greene; superintendent of recrea­ 4:30 Mutual News Rlahchester DEALER IN W ASTE disarmament. ,lf anybody even There is the mood and realiza­ The Golden Text Is from Phil. transportation, one and a half days 166 MIDDLE TURNflKE, WEST He was a native of New Orleans. James Madigan and Paul Arigno. 4:35 Local Newa and Showcase choice tomorrow. "Remember the 10 a.m.. Morning worship serv­ to meet the family .clothing bill, REMEMBER MANCHESTER Munich — Leonhard Prank, 78, Valley Playground beat Wad­ tion, Carol Hunt; police chief, 5:05 News talks about real disarmament, in- tion we shall be, in two weeka from Sabbath Day—to keep It holy."). 4: 4. 7. MOTOROLA 5:10 CBS—Calling American KEBI'ILT TYPEWRITERS ice with the Rev. O alg Whitsltt, one day to pay for medical care HA»«Y MUll noted German novelist who gained dell In two straight games of soft- Leon Dion; fire chief, Sandy Fer­ atead of comparative armament, now. But there is time left, for Arthur K. Gaard, Intern Scriptural selections will include and another for recreation. Add In recognition with pacifist writings guson; mayor, Linda Moriarty, 5:30 Mutual Sports ROYALS, UNDERWOODS, MATERIALS Emanuel Lutheran Church. Col. 3; 9. 10. former mlniater-at-large of the SALES and SERVICE 'iaiicbester ball to end the season in Inter- 5:35 Local News and Showcase L. C. SMITHS, Etc. everybody assumes he is either all the sununer passions. For two Connecticut Conference, as guest the six days you work to pay taxes and whase books were burned by Playground League. sanitation engineer, Jonathan Jef­ 6:50 Sports Special Correlative passages from Sci­ and you'll find you have only two You've got to advertise 6:0t) Ck S News crazy or insincere. weeks more, a continuation of the minister. We service all makes of TV, the Nazis, died yesterday In a hos­ Playground elections weie held fries. 6:10 CBS—The Sound Story We Handle Stationery' Along and IRON ence and Health with Key to the and a h$lf days left to earn the Morjuto. Mitchell 3-7043 pital. Secretary Rusk, then, unwlt costume which invites the burn Scriptures, by Mary Baker Eddy, where most people start Radio and Phonographs thLs week. The boj's and girls Next week will end the summer 6:15 Showcase of Music With Office Machine Supplies money you want for savings. In­ Los Angeles -- Violet Kemble elected for the varioiw officers 6:30 Mutual New’s Your Mall List As Desired tingly had it right. Everybody and the bite aa well as the derisive Stores Now Offer include pages 469, 470, line 30 to St. George’s Episcopal Church their shopping - - - in the playground activities. P 1 a y- 6:35 Local News and Showcase 731 PARKER ST. vestments and luxuries. Cooper, 75, former stage and film were: grounds will be offfen mornings 7:00 CBS News wants to bava the capacity to ■tare, of the activity which dis­ Ik Rt. 44A, Bolton (All rights reserved. Newspaper A. J. BERUBE, Prop. Aid of Linguists 'Rev. lEdward W. Johnson, Vicar pages of this newspaper. actress who came from six gen­ Nathan Hale playground super­ and afternoons, there will be no 7:10 Mitch Miller Tel. MI 8-5735 or MI S-5879 fight a good war and to have dia covers the ancient atrophied mus­ Enterprise Assn.) erations of actors and actresses, visors, John Savino, Kathy Gavel- evening progTsuna. Special fea­ 7:55 CBS Newa and Sports MI 9-3477—MI S-6342 Concordia Evangelical You can test this tor your­ died Thursday in a sanitarium. .8:05 Showcase and News armament, too, both, together. cle, of- the philosophy which in­ New York—Department stores Lutheran Church 10 a.m.. Morning prayer and lo; superintendent of recreation, tures will be a Field Day and Pic­ 10:00 Dance Remote And Secretary Rusk had such a sists on frolic in heat and humid­ Winter and Garden Sts. sermon. A Little l8 a Lot self. Ask any ten women. At PegKy MacDonald: police chief, nic on Thursday; at the West 11:00 Mutual News across the country are setting up John Shannon: fire chief. Dale 11:05 Music Beyond the Stars. ity, la not only possible, but prac­ p^ls of linguists among th^elr em- Rev. Paul C. Kaiser, Pastor least nine will tell you that Elmer Ray Jones Side. Children will bring their 12:05 N aws fine flow of language he almost Venmn Methodist Church New Delhi—^To raise the a'ver- Robbins; sanitation engineer. Joan 12:15 Signoff whMt H’« tim* •• mads It seem easy. tically mandatory. pjoyes so foreign visitors can get they carefully scan the ad­ own lunches. Competitive games Interpreters to accompany them 8:30 a.m., Holy Communion, Rcv.^ Robert Firby, Pastor age person’s dally diet 100 calories Norwalk, Aqg. 19' (.P) -Elmer MacDonald; mayor, Joe Savino. will be played and awards given. For if you don't go out and cap­ Church School and nursery. a day In India — the equivalent of vertising columns of "The Ray Jones, retired president of Bowers: Playground supervisors, throughout the store and help 9 :30 a.m„ Morning Worship con­ Larry Jeffries, Maureen O'Neil; ture what summer is left. In these them shop. ’ 10 a.m.. Holy Communion and a slice oif bread — would require Herald" before they go Wells Fargo &. Co., is ^ dead at WILL ROGERS JR. ACQUITTED Hoodlui^ Read, And Do next two weeka, you'll have all nursery. The Rev. William de Hey- ducted by the men of the church. an increased food-grain supply of You name the job , . . we have just the right Du Pont the age of 87. superintendent of recreation, One New York City store found man, gueet pastor. James Hennessy, lay leader, will 6,000,000 tons a year. David Barnes: police chief. Bill Encinitas, Calif., Aug. 19 (/P)— Light Control next winter to be sorry. that 375 employes can speak, in forth to buy. This is the kind Paint (or it... in colon to match mythmi! Have a Jones, chief executive of the A jury has acquitted Will Rogers UtaBkay read, monkey do. Wednesday, 7 ) ^ P-m., Vesper deliver the sermon Mrs. Lois nuestion on color?. . . what to use?. . . how to do it? firm from 1925 to 1956, died Hart: fire chief, A1 Paone; sanita­ all, 37 languages, including Swa­ Johanson will be guest organist. of interested, responsive Jr. of charges of lewd and disso­ CALL n a t is one of the unfortunate hili. Another haa 900 employes who Service. Vernon PMerseh, speaker. Thursday at his Norwalk home. tion engineer, Tom Barnes; mayor By K itsch • MOVHiO coverage that really means CALL US (or expert help on your next paintins job. Private funeral services were held Terry Nolan. lute conduct. , Ml 3-6563 laws o t hitman behavior, and one Vaccine Ra»h Cut can speak one or more of .44 lan­ Rockville Baptlet Church For Honost Waddell: Playground supervi­ The 7-woman, 6-man jury de­ • Vertical Blinds guages. Center Congregational Church business for you! the same day. s ISAOIUNO nssOB why there is sometimes an n Center St. 69 Union St. Economical Ropoire on Jones was bom in Granby, Mo., sors, Bill Nabel, Susan McNamar, liberated less than an hour yes­ a Venetian Blinds terday on the charges against the hstflnfit, smoBg poUoe authorities, S t Joseph, Ma. — Tests in St. Rev. Clifford O. Simpson, Rockville ^ t l J o h r s M P A I N T G O and started as an agent tor. Wells Debbie Potter; superintendent of • Custom Window iShades to h sip th s sodstenoe or a t laast Bt JosqJi, Ho. — Tests in St. Indonesian ‘Bonus* Minster BeV. Wlnthrop W. Farnsworth, Radio, TV, Storoo, Fargo in Webb City, Mo., at the recreation, Pam Meek; police chief, former California Congressman <5 elmlnsttng unpleassnf^ slds effects Faetor 723 MAIN ST., MANCHESTER PHONE Ml 9-4501 and son of the late humorist. e Repair • Washing K i n dts the dstslls flf SMBa kinds of orfant Rev. Laurence J. Vincent, Phonograph Applioncos age of 19. Pam Heritage: fire chief, Kathy from Mve-v4m s measles vaccine. Jakartz^IndcmesUi has set up a Associate Minister BUY THE PAINT THAT'S WORTH THE WORK In j912 he became president of (Champion; sanitation engineer, The trial opened Friday. Rogers ftSB pdUle knowledge. By itself the present vaccine was "bonus” dollar-exchange rate to 9 a.m., (jhurch School clasiee Wells Fargo Mexican Co. and re- Yaurle Champion; mayor, Bar­ testified he is "an honest, decent FINDELL MFC. CO. Ohss a graphic deacrlption of found to cause rash end fsvsr. lure tourists from the United 9:10 a.m.. Church Servlee. Ser­ for nurzery through adults. and normal human being.” A mo­ tabled that title all his life. bara Champion. 485 MIDDLE TPKE., EAST gams asw vnfiaty of aw orims, But when ths measles Riots ««t« States. The official rate Is 45 ru­ mon, "Words,” by ths Rsv, Dr. 10 a.m.. Morning Worship. Potterton's ^ a n r l;p 0tFr lEupnittg Jones la survived by his widow, West Side:' Playground super­ torist and two .sheriff’s deputies ktanchostor Mav> t 4pEMd tbs aswB stasy astoas tbs fbUoired te a tow Gays b y tboU a t piahs to ths dollar, but tstnporarY Osorg* Suthsrilnd of Hljdt Ctess 9 pjn:, Ehranlng cornel hour Phone Ml 9-4M7 1 tha former Marion Telva, who was visors, David Fody, Kathleen Car' testified Rogers was partly un­ Phone m 8-4865 ifiuana gMxRlB ffxe s5ds sffaets ▼iaiton Trill g«t a sort M subsidy, Chuim HMraas, Sootlud. NunNry with hymn sbig o t favorite hymna 199 Ornter Bt.—Oor. ef (ta n k PAINTS a Metropolitan Opera singer dur­ lin;- superintendent of recreation, clothed In his eag last Feb. 15 on R. A. PEARL, Prop, and Tnicidlif |Sa* ^ sad dOPliCStiOB 'w o to to w and t o t between. Trith a rats of 90 to tbs 4cdlar. In ths kindergarten rooi^ Wednesday, 7:80 pjn.. Prayer ing the twenties. Lliif, Verrot police chief, Edmund U.S. Highway 101 near Del Mar. A T / / i la/lNCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN.. SATURDAY, AUGUST 19, 1961 PAGE SEVEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN^ SATURDAY. AUGUST 19. 1961 ...... ■ 1 BUGGS BUNNY Oim BOARDING HOUSE with RIAJOR HOOPLB DAILY CROSSWORD PUi(ZLE Lanky Ray LtiGace Hurls No-Hitter at Norman’s VRA-ACKl ZHXWVCyA DOCS T N J tr h o u A i r r e R ~ COUNT. IM S r ^ rTBV HrrnN'A«ff' INSTEAP O' BOT,GENTS --H IA -M — I Answer to Prevlom t a i l i f , i A f,', . , i .* FANNIN' THE^ WE KNOW -nr m a ;so r is t e l l YO U T M T H e tREEZr. BTAYlNf IN -fM’ HOUSE 3USTj /MASON'S 660THER/He Austria OCEROJ OWES ME- MONEY.TOo , 1 n> GNfr US THE'DOOGE NIT I Army & Navy Wins Opener, 7-0 Be c a u s e h e o y ie s ftJ T Mb s l ip p e d a w a y ACBOSS 19 Sheep’s bleat OisJ M E-i JCapitalo< SlTetU US MONEY/>NE GOT S3 Austria wu IT hot A N 'L E V E L . Auftrla Cl scene of a js m Cataldi walked to lead off the^iwalk*. t«-o error* and a passed THAT He'5 l o a d e d ; e g a d , 7Hm —- lilU u r jL i By FRANK CLINE pricdpal rim Keneedy- fifth for Norman's and eventually fOtlELLTMATtns ri'AA safe Khniabchar a t -iu ball all'figured in A rm y k N avy's rjiura Picking right up where he wound up on third as the result of final two-run rally in the sixth. B u f f a l o TO S N o irr V n it h o o t —— meeting 14 Mon l«v^ left off in regular sea.son’s a pAssed ball ahd stolen base. But Army A Navy lost three hits OUT h e r e W ith 23 Crafts 18 Buried LaGace never let the runner get M V 7 SOCKS.^ (MUSTACHE/ ISEaini 24 Persian fairy play, lanky Ray LaGace when batters were called out for 17 Compete point 28 Man's name □ I'JU C l pitched a. no-hit, no-run ball any closer to home as he struck stepping up in front of the batter's ISPredn^ 28 Tumult out the side, a feat he accomplished box . . . LaGace was nailed for 50 Make bc« 29 Poker stake - game at \%ddell Field last in three of the six Innings played. this on two occasions . . . Next SlDeqioU SODrep 39 Austere 48 Son dt Seth 6oHi^ 42Theows night as he and hi.a Arm y & IjaGace's teammates made his game will be Tuesday night when SSHimicker Navy teammates blanked Nor­ task a lot ea.sier by slaking him to BY V. T. HAMLIN 26 Sorrowful 48 At no time 49SUn alBIfftloB Norman's faces Green Manor, Na­ A L L Y O O P STSoriet atrcam 37 Prominent in 44 Chums SO.Organpart man’s 7-0, in the opening game of a three-run lead In the opening tional League title holders, at Ver- 31 Send payment June 45 Death notice 52 One (Ft.) - the double elimination tournament fram e and adding to it bit by bit planck Field at 5:30 . . . LaGace ■ATB right; now I AM GAHOOZY/ MARS? NO. YOUR / A PLACE O f / ...WHERE THE LtoHTNING 38 Uncloee (poet) 46 Accompliaher 54FemmliieBaBN YOU?? ARE WHO ARE YOU ORDER OF TH'/ WHATS HIGHNESSil INCOMPARABLE V PLAYS INCESSANTLY AND , 33Cbamic«l to determine the town Little in the late innings. Losing pitcher has 23 homers for season and not rampoond THE KING AN' WHA1CHA HK3H PURPLE, / THAT? SOME MARS IS V MAGNIFICENCE 7 r" IT League champion for 1961. It was Hllinski actually deserved a better 21 as reported in pre-tournament 34mi&y r~ r i r 5“ r~ w LaGace's fourth no-hitter of the OF THIS HERE? GENERAL ( PLACE ON A PLANET \ AND BEAUTY. 38 Struck fate as he was charged with giv­ .story . . . Kastaiiskas left game in DOMWN OF MARS! *^TW MOON? LIKE VOURSi 38Threihold 13” 14 sea.son. ing up only one hit over the final fifth after being hit on arm with 37 Genui of cattle Firing the ball like a surplus flvei'innings after being racked for pitch and Tim Guard was saved dOFoUowen IK” IS' flame-thrower left o'v e r from three base knocks before he set­ 41 Snake from injury by helmet when he World War II, the red-headed tled down in the opening frame. was also hit by Hilimski who had 44 Pea container IT” II ii .southpaw struck o\it 15 of the 18 P o o l ­ 47WUch’i eeUboat Score Quickly streaks of wildners. . . i n g batters that he retired. LaGace is­ 48 Auricle 21 Gary Smith, first batter up in Arm.v t Navy (7i SOMB 51 Teem sued two bases on balls but one of the game, looped a liner down the alt r it po a , rbi AAORG 53 Exhibit these was erased at second, base S” !T 2T n S9 SB leftfield that was only fair by a .Smhh. 2h 1 1 Ool 0 0 BSHortgaxee s r when catcher Paul Pilkonis threw Pllkoni.*, r 2 2 n J3 IT 0 foot or two and was good for a !.a<> 7 4 IR 2 1 4 BY AL VERMEER atricken LaGace and it appeared that the ...... ian'« PRISCILLA’S POP 6 Vipers LaGace was iliehy O'Grady. Tlie <0> r SI 63 C LO SE ID O E SN ’T C O U N T : Arm y & Navy catcher I’aul Pilkoni.s hustles down the first first time up the Norman's lead off game was going to turn into a nb r I) po H p I’bl DON'T FORGET/ 'ttDUj ' 7 Requisition rout. o ' Irartv 2l< , .. . 3 0 <1 1 H 0 (1 : v n o m e n h a v e a 8 Turn aside ss V' base line buj; doesn’t quite make it in third inning of'last night’s Little League Town man hit a grounder to second base .,j .X , . • unniiighnin. 3h .. 3 0 H 0 0 0 (I 9 BiUicsl name sr which almost handcuffed little •But. after wild pitching: Ka5- Mirhalik. If n b 0 0 (1 1 n NATURAL LA V ^J ^ Tournament game at Waddell Field, \yaiting to make catch is Norman’s first baseman L. 10 Distinct part sr 58 Mike Nimorowski but the latter tauska/i lo second. Hllinski »nd- i Htlinski p ...... M 0 f) 1 0 n ' 11 Greek: letter1 Mark Johnson. (Herald Photo by Saternis.) dcniy found himself and got out | y/j,"*'’'' ' ... 1 0 f) 13 1 0 0 ' X 12 Formerly > If .^managed to throw him out. In the ... 2 0 1) 1 1 0 0 third inning. O'Grady hit late on a of trouble by striking out the i rhixh'i-..."",.,'.'.’ .' .. b 0 0 1 0 1 0 Fourth No-Hitter! next three batters. He also whiffed I .V.".''i>hT. ,'f q 0 0 0 (1 H (1 pitch and grounded weakly to first 0 0 n 0 0 ba.se for tlie final out. the side in the serond and flni.shed ' i^,riv^' Jif ? 0 0 0 0 0 t) ' After pitching the fourth no-liitter of his Little p'anned Side Thrice with to strikeouts for the night, ' Bakulukl. rf .. b 0 n n 0 n 0 I, Crow Lost to Cardinals Wildness, which found him giv-I ... 1 n n q 0 0 n 9 Norman's threatened to score on ^ Wlimt. a ... 1 0 0 0 0 0 C SHORT RIB9 BY FRANK 0’NEA4 ing up seven free tickets, hurt '’ 1 LaGace twice, both as the result ’ ■ a of free tickets. Leftfielder Johnny Hilin.ski in the latter innings. To1h1.« fl—Winnt Ptnick out for JoluiHon in Tournament playoffs. (Herald Photo by Saternis.) For Possibly Six Weeks Michalik, who drew two ba.ses on Three walks and a wild pitch 6tli balls, strolled with tw o out in the plated one run in the fourth and Army & Navy ...... 3(V» 112 6 i another scored in the fifth on a 2B, Smith. laOv<*.squp; SB, first, stole second and raced to third Mirhahk. rntaldl; LOB, Army A Nnvy | New York, Aug. 19 (IP )— The St. Louis Cardinals were on a wild throw. But LaGace walk, two hit batsmen and a field­ 6, N’orniftn .*» fi. BB. (..aGaro 3, Hilinaki forced today to rea.sses.s their title chances in the National fanned opposing moundsman Billy er's choice which miased on a 7. SO. l^aOaro 15. HilliiKki 10; HBP. doubleplay bid by a whisker. A HI1in.«kt (Ka.Mau^kaa. rjnard) B H U -' Football League’s Eastern Conference with the sudden loss Hilin.skl swinging to end that ln;iki; WP, Hillnrki 3; PB. Cataldi 3. First Slump of Season threat. double by Ken Leve.sque, two Pilkonis; Timo, 1’.20, ■ of leading ground gainer John David Crow compounding the BY JOE CAMPBKI.L problems caused by question--* mark quarterback Sam Etchever- TDs. Flookie quarterback Charlie Has Dodgers on Skids /-B U T THEN \ ry- Johnson guided St. Louis to its Crow, who blasted enemy of­ HERE COMK D A D \® V. A G A IN — ) fenses for 1.071 yards rushing last only score, completing three pass­ N O W . I tX > N T T H IN K year and a 5.9 pickup every carry, es in an 80-yard drive climaxed Pickup Quick Payoff New 'York, Aug. 19 (/P)— The Los Angeles Dodgers’ first H E 'L L N M N O WHEN NOO 'T E U ONE O F The league’s third leading rusher .633 3 Unitas to Moore pa.ss set up the ' ...... ” losmg five « raigh . dropp^ ^ ^ nine-year major "fHOSE CORHY JOKES OP VOORS in the 1960 campaign and top man Baltiniore ...... •n ..589 191 2 For Battling Bengals fii’st touchdown with Moore rac­ games hUilnd Cmc nnatl with a 2-1 ^ average-wise will be lost for six Clex'eland ...... 73 ..5‘*5 18 ing 11 yards to paydirt and a 74- 1, lO-innmg defeat at San Fran- weeks—at least two games of the Chicago ...... 60 ..5(M» 19 I Larry yard pass from Unitas accounted CISCO last night. regular season. That, coupled with Boston ...... 57 .460 21 «>record-60 pace of 1927. Mantle home run. for the other. Mike Mercer put the New York, Aug. 19 (/P)— ? rapped Minnesota, .5-2, Etchcverry's inactivity, takes the Los Angeles ...52 .433 27 I with 45 is It eames ahead of the' And it could have been worse.,'" '‘ ‘”=1 The-r^e Giants scored first min tnatha Vikings on the scoreboard with a Ronnie Kline's .stay with the punch out of the St. Louis attack. Minnesota ...... 51 69 .425 28 H rl ' TKJERS-RED SOX-Kline (4-lBabe but ha.sni hit a home i a‘’?vinT nm in 24-yard field goal. Etcheverry, the Cardinals' main Washington 50 88 .424 28 Pittsburgh Pirates ended ,a , 7 ,, «-a„oped 13-5 by Minnesota in since Sunday. Cen^ertelder -^m , J [^//aiZs, the Dodgers quarterback hope wlio starred for Kansas City ...... 44 75 .370 34>2 year too soon to cash a World ] his first start for the Tigers, gave Piersall robbed the’.Mick of since he was benched July 28. nine years in the Canadism League, Bnj.S - TEX.ANS — Elbert night r^iakinr^^^^^^^ ^,3 innings; ^^oke up a shutout duel by hittthitting A F riday’s Results Series check hut he’s come up only three singles and a double, last has been nursing a sore shoulder Dubenion returned kickoffs 90 and Cleveland 5. New York 1. of hisis finer at the fence in the *■ a " 'f 'a Hnnines extra- a home run off Don Drysdale. 6-19 struck out two and walked one for ,__base fill in 45 1/3 innings, innings. « « * since training opened and is unable 92 yards and Art Baker contrib­ Baltimore 3, Washington 2. around .ju.st in time for the his first complete game in 28 fifth inning. BY KEN BALD and JERRY BRONDFIELDi Detroit Tigers in that American That may have checked lire; JU D D SA X O N to throw. He held the ball for field uted a 95-yarder for Buffalo touch­ Detroit 5. Boston 0. starts since M ay o f last y'ear. His REDS-C.YRDS— ^The Reds, after shutout spell, but Orlando Cepe- three games from Los goals and extra points agaih.st downs while Abner Haynes aped Kansas City 3, Chirjigo 1. League pennant race. last .shut out was Aug. 1, 1958. / SHE CAN NEVER UNDERSTAND WHy The 29-year-old righthander, ORIOLES-SENATORS — Sin­ da’s leadoff honie run extended; across three run.s in Green Bay. 90 yards for a Texans' TD on a lios Angeles 5. Minnesota 2. when he still was working for the TOSSED MY only a sometime winner with St. gles by Whitey Herzog. Jackie the slump in the 10th and ate into, ^j^g against Boh Gib- ro THE RIVER In another NFL game, Lenny punt return. Cotton Davidson, who Today’s Gaines Pirates. Brandt and .Tim Gentile broke a threw three touchdown strikes, Louis and the Las Angeles Angels the Dodgeis edge ove, Cincinnati; ^ bases-loaded triple LITTLE SPORTS B Y ROUSON Moore scored both Baltimore Baltimore (Hoeft 2-3) at Wash­ The Tigers backed him with 2-2 tie for the Orioles in the touchdowns as the Colts beat the after he was traded away by the in the decisive "Lo.st colurnn. . Coleman. They counted got the clincher for Dallas with a ington (Kiityna 6-4). I :.30 p.m. two runs in the first inning, one eighth inning against Joe McClain r V d t fkt, ft>d. Pirates in 19.59 a .vear before T7ie Red.s, who have lost one. Minnesota Viking.s, 13-3. 25-yarder to Chris Buford in the New York (Ford 20-3) at Cleve­ on Rocky Colavilo's 32nd home (7-14). Steve Barber (15-91 was i ^,gg'g'D;,dj,crs; ran their' ^ clincher in the third Inning Dallas oulscored Buffalo 35-26 in third period. land (lA tm an 9-3), 2 p.m. they finally won a pennant, was when Frank Robinson c ame home run. Billy Ilniton's home rnn and the winner, blanking the Senator.s winning streak to five with a 6-3 a game marked by four scoring A five-game program rounds out Boston (Hillman 3-2) at Detroit picked up by the Tigers last in a double steal with Jerry Lynch. Dick McAuliffe's two-nm single over the last eight innings victorv over .St. l^ouis behind the Jaunts o f 90 yards or more and San the weekend fare. Tonight New (MossI IS-2). 2t.30 p.m. week from the Angels despite a clo.sed out the scoring in the Johnson (4-1), former Kansas City Diego upset Houston 46-28 in York is at Los Angeles and Wash- Chicago (.McLish 9-10) at Kansas 3-6 record. fourth against Bill Monbouquette ' ' righthander, blanked the Cards on Am erican League pre-sea-son tests. A’S-WHITE SOX—All of tlie an American...... l^eague 'oacastoff, three hits for six innings. ington meets Chicago at Charles-' Cily (Ditmar 2-7). S:.30 p.m. Kline gave the pickup a quick <8-12 who has lost six in a row were unearned in the W hite, ij, .t niace Philarielnhia set a ton. S.C.. in NFIL games while Minnesota (Kaat 5-12) at l>os payoff la.st night, blanking Bos­ / since beating Detroit on July 5. | Sox-A's game. Kansas City came : league record when Boston tackles New York at Phil­ Angels (BntvsMeld 9-4), 4:30 p.m. ton on four hits fo r ,his fiist BB.WES-PHILS— Lew Burdette P.YCKERS-C.YRDS -Tlie Pack­ ‘ ‘ ‘ I from behind with three in the "ev- N,j,^gg^,,^gg ],andcd. the Phils their ers put it away in the first half adelphia- and Oakland talkies on Sunday’s Schedule shutout in more than three years (15-8), who pitched a no-hltter IN D I.A N S -Y A N K S — Grant (12- enth, with Deron John.son’s two-1 consecutive defeat, 4-1. It Denver at Spokane, Wash., in A FL Baltimore at Washington (2), 1 and a 5-0 victoiy that moved the against Philadelphia exactly a with Paul Hornung plunging a 6i, a righthander, struck out nine run, two-out double breaking a | £ ^ 2 . yard for a touchdown and Bart conteets. Sunday. Cleveland in­ p.m. Tigers within three games of first 1-1 tie. Bob Shaw (8-111 was the year a’&o. gave up 8lx_hlts to "the and walked just one while pitch­ for the Braves, who remained a p^jis this time, but walked no one. Starr pas.sing 3i9 yards to Max vades San Francisco for an NiFL -New York at Cleveland (2), 1:30 place New York. (8-11) ing the fifth tVfree-hitter of his ca­ winner and Ray Herbert half-game back of third place San | struck out three and lost a BY JOHNNY HART McGee and 3/2 to Ron Kramer for exhibition. p.m. The Yankees were choked off was the loser B. C. Boston at Detroit (2), 2:30 p.m. reer second against the Yankees. Francisco anc! 8^^ hel)lnd Cincln- when Don Demetcr hom*? "" — i I. on three hiLs by Jim (M udcatl Elston Howard's fifth Inning home BUZZ SAWYER BY ROY CRANE Chicago at Kansas City (2), 3:.30 Grant, who shut out Roger Maris ' B-rifivc: Ten n i c I ered in the seventh inning. Th* H ^ CAM PEOPL6 BE p.m. run was N ew York's first hit, a f­ ANGEIJ s-TMINN Ell Grba (6- Pittsburgh, 2-1, in 11 innings, g^^yg,, wrapped it up in the - S O b i a s e d , s o HAIRY! and Mickey Mantle, and were ter Grant had retired 14 in a row. 1 1 1 . after lo.smg .seven in a row : . . . Hank A aron’s two-run AHiOEARINSTHE VHMTOFTHEl AaBMOEP... So PREJUDICED? o Moriarty^s Bow in Last Inning Minnesota at IxM Angeles, 4 :.30 whipped 5-1 at Cleveland, The p.m- The Indiana scored all they needed .since June 6, beat the ^ m s with ^ g IANTS-D O 1) G E R S — Tlie single off Jim Owens (1-8). who PECKSmOSEOF riPTHERE'C SILVERVAKE j INTMEFIOWER ------— y — M-men each struck out twice, and | ^ three-run first inning off Jim ------— ------Monday's Sehediilc attack.VOU ARE /TDBEMe«TING,> AND . /BEDS-ANDTVE both were 0 for 4. , Coates 9-4 I that was (Nipped by and^ H°hn'th'*^\finnr»n(r^ri both M nnesota runs ns vv'erewere im- im ' 1I Dodgeis ^ weie .«hutg „ out On two hits lost hIs eighth 6 . .. in . a row. No Games Scheduled. 1 The Phils’ 21st consecutive lo.ss Wi^PEARWlFRy 1 DOMT INTEND I JEWEtKY?/ LAIDOETFIRST-AID As Royal Rallies to Win^ 3-2 BalUinore got past Washington, Bubba liiillips’ two-run homer. earned. Earl Avenll a two-run sin-. ' EQUlPHtfUT HERE 3-2. Kansas Citv defeated the Chi- Maris, with 48 home rums, now ' gle won it for the Angels a.s the>-! inthe music NATIONAL L E A (H E W. L. I’et. G.B. cago W hite Sox 3-1, and L.,s An-, is 13 games ahead of Babe Ruth's ; .scored four runs in the third off , l^^^Fairly t^h ^e ^ila- ROOM. FINAL STANDINGS rode home on Ajidy Maneggia's base knock. Cincinnati .... 74 hit in the slump -and two walks delphia A ’s of 1916 and 1943. Tha W. L. Pet. G.B. I » s .-\ngeles . ,69 Valeo Machine ...18 3 , 857 — Don Morissette, Royal’s short­ plus H two-out single by John All-Tim e record is 24, set in 1899 .San Francisco 6S Koseboro. Wally Moon, trying to by Cleveland, then in the NL. Hamilton ...... 16 .762 2 stop got one hit in -!t^o official M ilwaukee . . .62 .619 5 score from second on the hit, was ♦ * • ^ Royal McBee 13 trips to the plate, 'fhfe^nabled St. lyOlllS ...... 58 .571 6 nailed at tlie plate by Harvey CL’BS-PIR.ATES;—A double by Riley Redlegs ....12 him to fini.sh the season wR|i a Pittsburgh . .55 .>8 . 3foriarty Bros. .. 8 .381 10 .350 batting mark and edge 6ti|, Kuenn’s ))eg from leftfield. Ernie Banks won it for the Chibs Chicago . . . . 4 9 66 . Sunday, .Ang. 20 j M iller then put down the Dorig- and Dick Ellsworth (7-7) whl . Tl^ dWh fcW •. I. fM ••• East Hartford ...... 8 .381 10 Joe Meucci of the idle Riley Red- *■•9 .300 ll'-j Phllndelphla . .30 85 . 41«i Alumni All-Star Game, 2, Char- | ers in order in the 10th and b e -; handing the loss to Tom Sturd St. C yril’s ...... 6 legs who had a .346 batting aver­ Friday’s Results Unionville ...... 2 .100 18'a age. ter Oak. came a 10-game winner for the ' vant (7-7). riiicagu 2, Pittsburgh I (11) Coventry Boat Ciub Water Show, MORTY MEEKLE BY DICK CAVALLI Hiiysl 131 Milwaukee 4, Philadelphia 1 2, Lake Wangumbaug. W inding up their season on a sli r li bi rineinnatl 6, St. Ixnils .3. sour note. Moriarty Bros, baseball Blum, .Monda.v, .Aug. 21 MICKEY FINN BY LANK LEONARP V B 6 — A N D NEITHER DO I — BUT I GUESS NOeOCY BECOMES DtNunzio, If Siin Francisco 3, lais .Angeles 1 A e u c c e e e w it h o u t m a k in g team dropped its fourth game of Mtirnit*. (10) I Methodist vs. Civilan. 6, (Jhar- ARE THOSE I CeiRTAlNUY THB/SURE DON'T (iF'orgp. . SOME E N E M ie S . the week in the Hartford Twi­ te.' Oak. Pitching Faces Power VOUR PARTNER IS T HE IS? PBOFl.e DON'T ENVY HIM. LOOK. VERY Vaiiphii. c\- . Today's Games ! WELL, I FINALLY light I^eague last night as it Kork. . . . Wednesday, .Aug. 23 ON THE PRACTICE/WELL, tETlS HIT ONE! WAITING FRIENDO/. Plijladplphia (Siilllvaii 3-11) at i ■xoeEBm . bowed 3-2, to Royal McBee. The Kaciiinki.’ lb Milwaukee (Clonlnger 3-2 or Wll- Civitan vs. Methodist. 6, Char­ TEE RIGHT NOW, { GO RIGHT Stpwari. !• . ter Oak. MR. PATRATISl k OVER I coombr:? gam e concluded the regular Stroup, rf . lev 5-6) 2:30 p.m. In All-Star Exhibition league season and Moriarty's fin­ Laiiil^ rp. rf . 1‘ittshnrgli (Haddix 8-6) at ( hi-j ished with an 8-13 record. In a Ttitala 25 3 6 3 eago (t'lirtis 8-7), '!:30 p.m. place in the standings with the! Morlarty'n t7> I ais .Angeles (W illiam s 11-8) at Hilinski Triiiniplis It will he a case of pitching vs. power tomorrow afternoon East Hartford Merchants. : all I )i 111 San FntnelM'o (M ariehal 11-71. 4 when the Alumni League holds its first All-Star game at r( ■ " " " p.)ii. East Providence. R. I., Aug. 19 Righthander Ron Simmons had | ,.y,''’“J"...... Charter Oak Park. Game time will be 2 o’clock with the al- 0 a shutout going until the 1 a s t j n.>nn, cti ...... ; 3 1 1 il St. lamis (Broglio 9-10) at ('in-, laTi Rhode Island niav he on itsi 3 1 1 9 eiiinatl (Hunt 9-9 or Jay 17-7), •, w ay to the state'.s first title since j temate (late Monday at 5:45 if it rain.s. frame. But Royal then rallied for | m',*',I'f " • 3 (I 1 1 9:05 p.m. | 19.56 in the Tri-.'^tate Golf Malclies. . Apparently loaded 'with power* ------all three of its runs on a trio of j a .Mate gein. ."b Soil Sunday's Scliediiln I Rhode Island entered the second a,.p Uie Western Division All-Star.s for tire Eastern All. L singles, a costly throwing error 3 0 0 0 B. Mai'HKBia. c 3 II II 0 Philadelphia at Milwaukee (21,: half oY the competition at W a n -, ,,uo wtll. have no less than (our g fa r, ^ and a successful^ executed Sinimnn*. p .... 3 (I 1 0 " f ' " J 2 ..30 p.m. ' » nnmoisett Country Club today with : ,.|00-plus ' liilters in their ^lineup, pa ,'huckers Bob E w avlch M d DiOri double steal. Tnui.- ...... 27 2 .5 .2 Pittsliiirgh at f ’-hleago. 2:.30 p.m. 8h_.„pnints. ( ’omiecticiit bad 5 '- p ig .sticker for O a c lj Carl Rohr- ™ Avery Doubles R.iVfi .Mi bL L .’.’. V . . . . . ’.. ('h'u 'hH' 3 it St. I/Oiils at Cineinnatl, 2:30 while defending champion .Massa- back's array is Toni Moore of .ilnrerrhad^^^ntlLl 6-2 MC The Oillhen tallied in the open- i j.. .himmnne. Ri*nn. Hork I'auphn. p.m. .| crfiisetls had four. One tandem ; Nassiff Arms. This 13-yeai-old led ‘’feasor ' CAPTAIN EASY BY LESLIE TURNER Ing frame when Pat Mistretta , d p P.<'nn u. f’yr in Avnry I'vr m lais .Angeles at f4an Francisi-o, i I Ifrom each of the other .slate.' won ,hp league m batting this .summer ‘ ‘ , . singled home Danny Renn. In thelAyerv: IW,. Rnyal 4. Meriam> :p 2R. 4 p.m. I both matches, (''onnecticut - Stan \vitii a siz-zling .192 average. Eastern learn, coachM MR ABKRNA'I’HY in KAL.sroN JONES and FRANK RIDGEWAY HE MAY BE DR. ZAB0LI..INCOGNITO! HE BUT W HV?T MY EDITOR 16 6URE HE'6 ON . , ... . n.i-i...... Blinn: BB Sirnninn.s 2; SO Hilin.skl and Ben Costello. Other hiird liiticrs with the Ajy League Commissioner Butch P66T...YOUNG MAN, FOR G05H SAKE HHP ME*. fourth, Dirk Avery doubled, and Stewart .5, Simmons 4. Monda.v’s Schedule • LOATHES THE LIMELIGHT. OR POkK MAY IF HE HATE6 \THE VERGE OF A FANTA5TIC THAT FEMALE HAS ME TRAPPED«. AND THIS ------1 Wc.slein aiiav will be George By-j Buccini, will hot be at a complete HOW AM X V f l e t METAKE HE SHOULD BE HERE No Games Sehednled •19 I THINK THE T*-*® AESIETANTl I MUST FIND OUTl » MELTIMG! PLEASE RUSH IT INTO YOUR L holski .471. Frank Kopcha .431.'“ ss Offense. Escavich Is . JONBU- GOINGTD \ \C AR E OF IT FOB. 1 a ANY MINUT^ NOW' BROKER 6AID WY DEEP FREE2E...AN0 DON'T UNWRAP ITl 1 (tfPGEWA/ FoKarlV » lo Plax ;and Carl Colangelo ,406. Actually, -sUcker as are Steve Brady, GET HIM ^ T < r s = 7 YOU. TENANT'5 NAME Audit Ordered •— ----- • Coach Rohrback can field a team ■ Hansen and (^rl Hohimthal, CAIXINGM/ TDCOME Insiirancemen Rally to Score NEPHEW 16 DCMK, • / __ F ogartv Bios, will plav an inde- of eight reguUir.s all hitting over.B jo lattei another 13-year-old lute HOME? ■ if he so de.sire.s. The others; Moore and only a year out of the RODNEY e LELAUU DOAKl San Franci.sco, Aug. 19 — Su­ pendent game with the Merchants .300 ..i.-.,,..-. ...^ FOR. 20 perior Court has ordered an audit of the Hartford Tivi League to- would be Mike Orlowski .368. Bill 50-40 Victory over Boland’s Doing the pitching for the We*t- MINUTESj, of Willie Mays’ financial ,affairs m orrow at 2 p.m. at Ml. .N'eho. McKenzie .365. Bill Kunz .356 and ern All-Stars will .be Ron Larale to determine just what happened Pitching for Fogarty's will he Pal : Tom Minor . ’JO PUT h e 3 and Dirk Siegel. Both of these Coming from behind In the sec-fMtke Reardon 10 also for the In- to the $410,000 the San Francisco Mistretta. and for tlie Merchants, Identical Records DOESNT lads. too. are righthanders. ond. .half. American . ___ XTHardware__ I_____ T»sIn­ atiisan/'omAnsurancemen AA'h/xwho rAoHotATAHregistered thplPtheir Giants outfielder earned the pa.'t Ralph Waller.- | Trying to stem this power ANSWER. The9e_ is a great deal of In­ surance defeated Boland Motor.s. fifth victory in eight outing.'. four years. The audit was ordered terest being generated in town 50-40, in tihe nightcap of the eclied- Joe Twaronite and Bud Moriarty ye.'ferday in connection With the hooped 11 each for the lo.sers who separate maintenance suit brought over ttii.s game because in a few iiled doubleheader in the Summer years many of these same play* Ba.sketball League. The first for­ displayed fine team play in the by Mays' estranged wife. Mar- fliwt half but played like individii- ghuerite, asking $3,500 .support a West Hartford Scores Second ers will be making up rosters of feit of the season took place in the Manchester High School and the opener when McIntosh was aUs in the final two period.s. Ixiss month. Mays, has told the court (p IWI hy WIA, Int. T.M. h«t. 0-U. P*t. OW. unable tb put fl” e men on the flimr was sixth in eight games for Bo­ he Is broke and in addition owes THE STORY OF MARTHA WAYNE BY WILSON SCRUGGS at scheduled game time with land’s. the Giants $65,000 in advances Victory in Legion Tournament ” The Insiirancemen lost both Bob and the U.S. Government $8,641 in D A V Y JONES BY LEFF and McWILLlAMS league leading Moriarty Bros. JUST eCXLEOfiOME ' BUT i Wl really WORRIED ABOUT L HOW SHE HAS TO DECIDE A -lOU MEAN EACH OF Ftske and Bill Malau.skj-. They back taxes. Friday’s Homrrs Off to a slow sUrt, the Insur- handed We.st Warwicik its first, set­ IHSTRUMEUTS FOR COLLEEUi JUST IMASIHE DISCOVERIUlS WHETHER TO TURN HIM IN US HAS TO DECIDE- HE S GONE...' POOR GUY— MUST have joined the Armed forces. '-Keene, N.H., Aug. 19 (A>i--iPre- GUESS MARCO aiicemen trailed 14-8 at the end back. 3-1. THE DOCTOR. HE THAT RASCAUY JOHN HARPER IS HER OR LET HIM 60 ON CHEAT- MX) I THINK t Hey. MA/tCO' I'M , BE BLOWING HIS Amerlean (.59) tourney favorites We.st Hartford, (.Season T otal In Parentheeao) J s e r VO <30 d iv in g \ COULDN’T TAKE STACK FROM A G ­ of the first period and were still F. Pie 1 NaiiiPH Omiltpcl Chicopee cleanup hitter A1 Slan- SAID MR. »/, ------Junior Net Champions IMG THE LAW,' „ ALRIAW fiO K THATKOCHer^^ IT. SURE GRAVATION... > down 22-18 at halftime. But, when Ziina ... 1 11 i Conn., and Chicopee, Ma.ss., cla.sn ek drove in three runs with a pair .AMBIRIGAN LEAOtlS HARPER BLAME HIM SllIH .... HAVB.' a u iD A N ce action resumed in the second half, " “ The names of the following boys in the battle of unbeatens tonight Colaxito, Tigers (82) NIU. Be S Y S r t M HOW, Buike .. of singles last night while his the Insiirancemen began to hit on Neil .... '2 s "'9f® inadvertently onvitted from in the Region one American Le­ mates capitalized on six eiTors. Bruton, Tigers (12) ALL , Wilsiin . 2; the 89 League All-Star roster ap- On display on the mantle at, 329 Birch Mt. Road are their shot* and rallied to go ahead 0 gion Baaeball (Championships. The previous night Stanek had Phillips, IndliuiB (18) K16KT.' 33-30 at the end of three quarters. Reardon pearing in yesterday’s Herald: these two trbphies which went to the winners of the Manchester. N.H., and West pitched a l-hit, 22-«trikeout game. . HoMArd, Y'ankeee (12) The winners gradually pulled away 22 "e 501 Pete Sadlo.ski and Jay Blakeslee of Totalu Towii Junior Tennis Tournament. Karen Flynn (seated), Warwick, R.I. — both with 1-1 Late inning homers by Bob Car- Koppe, Angels (4) during the final eight minutes of Boland (49) ' the National League Phils. i,. I F. Pt.K. ; ______" ______14, defeated Mary Ann Lamenzo, 14, 1-6, 6-4, 6-1 for the recorcte in the double elimination rigan, Dave Wenners and Pete play. ilcAiiley . N.ATION.U, LEAOtii: MINOR IJEAGliE B.ASEB.AIX girls’ title while Rory Flynn, 11, downed Dave Rubinow, affair — meet this afternoon with Kearns provid^ the momentum y Burke Top Scorer Moriarty ■ . for Manchester. Oepeda, OUnts (88) Scoring honors for the night riompo.iieo IkMtem League ' IJ, 6-1, 6-2, in the boys’ finals following Rec. Dept, spon­ the loser ousted. ('arlaoii .. (Jhicopee eliminated WllUe River West Hartford'-s Dick Cowing MoCovey, Olnnte (12) went to Norm Burke of the w-in- Springfield 1-5, Reading 0-7. Twaronlit sored clinic. They are the children of Mr. and Mrs. Junct., Vt., 7-4, and Manchester throw an eight hlttar and walked Boyer, Onrde (18) nera Tyho toaae^ In 13 points. Stan Pleraon .. W illiam sport 8-7, Binghamton 6- George Flynn pf the above address. (Herald Photo by knocked out Portland, Maine, 7-3 none 'while Jim Dlxon’k eolo homer Maye, Brave* (II) Zlma, getting all o f hi^ points in 10. Totals 17 40 gatemis.) ' ,, , yeoterday while 'West Hartfoi’d, provided support. DcAbter, m ii

J f \ PAOB N one rAG E EIGHT MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, AUGUST 19. 1961 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, AUGUST 19, 1961 Pklntlng PepwrlBW 21 H«lp W anwd-46ale 86 Busineas SendcM Offered IS HouMhold Goods 51 Apartmtnt*— Flaio— Farm and Land Foe Sale 71 THERE OUGHTA BE A LAW BY FAGALY and SHORTEN Houses For Sale 72 Houses for Sale 72 TAPE RECORDERS for rent. CaU EXTERIOR PAUmNO. Ws spa- WANTED— Ihqperienced automo- A GOOD SBLBCnON Of sfariUxed, Tdnement* 69 MANCHES’T E R -7 room Colonial, MANCHESTER — For value — 7 claliu in ooaunercial, raaldential, bile mechanic for used ear lot- THREE ACRES, 150 ft. frontage, Marlow’* Fumitur* Department, reconditioned used furniture for $800. 7 acres, 8 clear, 350 ft. front­ 1(4 baths, 2 fireplaces, built-ins, room Cape priced at $12,800. Weit MI 9-5221. Industrial, and trim Jobs. Big or Free Insurance, top wages. In­ FIRST FLOOR. 5 room flat and Side Realty, MI 9-5315. CLASSIFIED every room, including appliancei. garage, 114 Oak St. Adults only. age. Andover-Coventry line, $2,000. ThEV/AV MALARIiU9,lHE SUMMER’WfATEI? A nd tnat's exactly wnattneywe been dishwasher, garbage disposal, small wa do them all Joseph quire Fitzgerald Annex, Sic., Tal- i0% off on new dinette, kitchen porch, 2-’car garage city water STEPS, aidewalks, atone walla, Dionne, contractor. Cau Ml 8-0494. cottvlUe Avenue, Vernon. MI Call’11 MI S-8267 between 6-8 p.m. Call PI 2-8090. MANA(iER.TOL0 IT. THE APPRENTICE? WUIO doing; iworning under tne star s.' nignt PARKER STREET —A charming fireplace*, flagstone terraces. 9-6824. sets, mattresses. Credit terras. Le- BE VfORliflNG UNDER THE STAR? - after and sewerage, shade trees, im­ Blane Furniture Hospital, 108 NIGHT.' AND ALL SUMMER. LONG .' mediate occupancy. Charles Les- Dutch Colonial la available In one Work done at reasonable price*. of Mancheater’a moat , desirable Guaranteed. MI 3-0798. WANTED-Head custodian RHAM South Street, Rockville. TR 6-3171 SIX ROOMS, adulta and teen-agers Houses for Sale 72 perance, MI 9-7620. ADVERTISING Electrical Serviecs 22 Op6n 9-9, Saturday* Ull 6. We Also OPPORTUNITY OF AUFETlMfrfWORRlFXJ-J CHON,NlPSf EVEN IF areas. This fine home placed on a X High School, Hebron, Conn. Ex­ preferred. MI 8-7814, MI 8-7178. NlflNT AFTER NKiNT WiTN TNE BIG VfE-GOTTA yfORN-ALL sha,ded well .shrubbed lot include*' buy houab lots of furniture. BOWERS SCHOOLr—S room Bng- Hoasehold Seirtev FREE ESTIMATES—Prompt eerv- ample of duties: Supervise and NAMES OF- BROADWAV AND WIGHT THOSE FLATS MANCHESTER the following features: A large CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS ica on all types of electrical wir­ plan work of custodial staff, per­ DOUELE brias bed, spring, Sim­ llsh Colonial, iVt baths, large living room with fireplace,-formal Offered 13-A ing, Licenaed and insured, Wlleoh form some skilled duties, keep THREE1 nriBij!- KUUMROOM apartnapartment,' 118 kitchen, 4 large bedrooms, large HOLLY'WOOPf 'VOU COULON’T HAVE TO BE READY 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. mons mattress, Msroon ItSIlsn FORTOMORIEO'W dining room, family size kitchen, Electrical Co., Manchester, MI records and make reports on work Main St., MI 9-522^ 9-6, wooded lot, 25x80’ outdoor swim­ BUi STAGE EXPERIENCE FLAT FINISH Holland window velvet divan and club Chair. C4ll LINE IT.' PRICELESS WIGHTS OPENING! SO. MAIN ST. 3 large bedrooms, 1(4 bathe, laun­ 9-4817. Glastonbury, Ml 8-7376. performed. Salary to ba deter­ ming pool, tennis court, barbeque, dry room, side porch, plastered shades made to measure. All MI 3-8345. MODERN 4 ROOM apartment, sec­ 1-car garu e, $28,900. PhUbrick contacts:. COPY CLOSING TIME 14 room, cold C oventry fireplace, large kitchen with built- MANCHESTER— Business zone, 2- I done. Pindell Manufacturing Co., anv time. MI 3-4292. rooms with garage and fin­ cellent commission, no investment, NOW AT Pilgrim MiUs! Custom water flat, sink and set-tub in BIX ROOM CAPE, breaxeway and in oven and range, aluminum family. Shown by appointment T. ]. CROCKETT, Radion TV Sports m 3-4865. kitchen, lavatory only, second $12,900 buys this 5 room custom ished rec room complete storm windows and screens, built- car and telephone necessary, larg­ made slipcovers and draperies at garage, full shed dormer, 3 full only. Phone MI 8-6273, Brae-Burn floor, $35 monthly. Write Box B, baths, wooded lot. easy walking ranch. 3 bedrooms, oply 4 years with aluminum combos, awnings, in fire alarm, split rail fence. It Realty. REALTOR est party plan in the country. WOMAN WISHES to do baby sitting low mill prices. MI 9-3322. old. Built-in G.E, oven and range Saturday— Lust and Found Automobiles for Sale 4 "SANTA S PARTIES ” ORchafd! any time, MI 3-4096, Herald. distance to achools, bus, and shop­ amesite drive, immacuiate condi­ is located on a spacious 100x200’ MI 3-1577 1:4.'i p.m.—This Week In Buildlng-Contraciing 14 ping. Don’t miaa this outstanding with 2 year old refrigerator includ­ tion Inside and out. Selling for lot. For additional information call VERNON—First time on market— Jaycee Golf Toiirney .8 .3207 .ORchard 3-3455, or O R ch ard------FOUR ROOM tenement with all ed. Full basement with steel hatch­ 7 room split level on one-half acre Sports, tiuinnpl S. LOST—Black and white male eat I960 (TiEVROLET Impala, V-8, DRESSMAKING and alterations. FOR SALE — Three-piece living value, $16,900. Phllbrlck Agency, only $17,500. The R. F. Dimock McCarthy Enterprises, MI 4-1539. FOR SALE or lease 4 room house, CARPENTRY— Roofing, remodel­ 3-9829, Avon, Conn. improvements, garage. Apply 50 way. This is the buy of the year. Co., MI 9-5245. Barbara Woods, MI lot with trees- living room with 2 p.ni.—Yanks \s. Indians, with double front paws vicinity turboglide, fully equipped, low Straight skirt hems shortened $1. room set. Call after 5. MI 9-0385. MI 9-8464. John Panciera, hjl 9-1898, 2-car garage, hot and cold water, mileage, original owner, excellent ing, repairs. No job too small. Ed Holl Street. Cail MI 9-5306. 9-7702, Johanna Evans MI 9-5653. raised hearth fireplace,, - dining riiannel 8; WKNB 840. Branford St. Call MI 9-8818. Stasiak, PI 2-7.564. PILGRIM MILI.S needs exner- Cat! Mrs. l-icclerc, MI 3-7569, after bath and shower, heat. $7.’) per condition. Call Ml 3-8295, Can be 8 a.m. (COMPLETE contents of 5 room MANCHESTER — Ansaldl built room—kitchen with built-in Hot- month. One year lease or $65 per 2:30 p.ni.—Red Sov vs. Ti­ ienced salesladies. Apply to Mana­ FOUR ROOM duplex, stove and re­ Ranch 3 twin sized bedrooms, m —MANCHESTER. New listing. Captured by Hilinski gers, Channel 3: WTIC 1080. LOST — Opal ring, vicinity Main I seen at Ozzie's Shell Service, Main ADDITIONS, recreation rooms, re­ ger, Pilgrim Mills, Hartford Road. home on Porter St. Furniture, AUGUST point oven, range, and dishwasher. month for 3 year lease. F'ull price frigerator furnished, no pets $85 North end, 5-6 duplex, separate oil St or Parkade Shopping Center. | s t . Open daily noon to 9. Salurdav rugs, lamps, curtains, bedspreads, large cabinet kitchen, disposal, BARROWS and 3 bedrooms, 1'4 baths, and den. $7,500, $800 down, $65 per month ______> -i 2:30 p.m.— Braves vs. Phil­ Reward. -MI 3-9126. ----^------modeling all types of carpentry. MI 9-9139. exhaust fan, ceramic tile bath. 2 burners, one-car garage, amesite Garage and full cellar. Robert lies. Channel ,30. Nelson Higgins, Ml 4-1700. 10- 6. Dogs— Birds— Pets 41 TV, refrigerator, wringer washer, phis interest, including 3 acres of etc. MI 9-0582. fireplaces, hot water oil heat, drive, selling for $13,500. The R. SPECIALS Wolverton Agency, MI 3-1914. land. Call after 4 p.m. week day* Y’'oung Stan Hilinski III, following in his father’s footsteps, 4:,30 p.m.—Raelng. Saratoga IXlRT—Motorola transistor radio at 1051 FORD HARDTOP. 113 N. WALLACE F. Dimock Co.. Ml 9-5245. Barbara -----i ARE Y'OU QUAIJFIED to be an I WE BOARD small dogs, moderate FOR RENT—5 room apartment. 29 aluminum combinations. , ameslle PI 2-6967. sh ot a sparkling 73 to completely outdistance the rest of the Handieap. Cluuinel 18. ParHsde Bowling Alleys. Ml j School St., Manchester, Conn. GAS STOVE, Serve! gas refrigera­ drive, shade trees. excellent Woods. MI 9-7702 Johanna Evans, BOLTON IJ4KE —Year 'round 4 .3 p.m.—Big Time Wrestling. FIorLsts— Nurserie.s 1.51 Avon Representative? Experience! rates, by day or week. Harmony Foster Street. 55 E. Center St. MI 9-5306 field in winning the 1961 Manchester Junior Golf Tourna­ 9-3908. ! in selling is of little importance. | Hills Kennels, Bolton, .vn 3-5427. tor, chrome kitchen set, china housekeeping, quick occupancy, MI 9-5653. For The bedroom home, 1(4 baths. Living Channels 8, 18. 1955 PORStnE speedster. seat FOR SALE — Gladioli, cut while. \ve want neat, reliable women who (Skbinet. Call after 8, MI 9-5015, $18,100. Escott, agent, MI 9-7683. (Office open 9 a.m, to 9 p.m.) room 15x29 with fireplace. De­ MANCHESTER— ? ! 5,300 ment yesterday at Manchester Country Club, 10 p.m.—Fight of W eek, Fer­ LOST—Prescription sun glasses in belts, radio, $1.0.50, 18 Jordt Street, IV—MANCHESTER —Family ex­ lightful sunporch with ever chang­ Hlllnakt, at 17,'one of the oldestf- vou wail. Emerald Farm, 509 , like to meet people. This work is LDVABU5 MINIATURE poodl* Furnished Apartments 63-A Home Gourmet! nandez vs. Logart, Channel rase. Reward. MI 9-4933 after 4 ,3n 3-8840. Keeney Street. MI 9-7376. MOVING—Chrome kitchen set, 3 BOLTON lakefront $24,900. Contem­ MANCHESTER — Small 8 room panding? This attractive Cape has ing view For an investment in 6 room ranch, plaster walls, con­ boya In the Jaycee-sponaored tour­ front and back nine scores among pm. ideal for mothera-excellent fori registered. MI 8. grandmothers, too! For personal 3-4010.______^ boudoir chairs, 26" English bi­ porary ranch, 7 rooms, 2 fireplaces, ranch, rec room,* garage, modern plenty of space for a growing fam­ good health and relaxation, call veniently located. Assume 4 '-% ney. re-couped a 40 on the outgo­ boys who did not place in the cycle, excellent condition, reason­ ROCKVILLE—14 Laurel. Well fur­ ultra modem kitchen. 3 large bed­ ily, 3 or 4 bedrooms, aluminum Woodhlll Rd.—3 bedroom ranch Madeline Smith Realtor, MI Sunday— LOST—Green wallet containing jg.-is PLY'MOUTH 4-door sedan, interview call BU 9-4922. kitchen, $12,500. Warren E, How­ mortgage or minimum down — ail ing nine by ahootlng a siazling 33 scoring above. Best on the front 1:30 p.m.—Y'anks vs. Indians, Roofing— Siding 16 _ POMERANIAN puppies, also Pug able. MI 9-6535. nished 3 room apartment, $22 rooms, 1(4 baths, 2-zons heating, land, Realtor, MI 8-1108. siding, combos, large fenced in within walking distance of Parkade. 9-1642. types of mortgages available. on the way back for a three over nine was Dick Lovett ishirt) 40. week's support money for mother; running condition, $100, MI 9-0758. puppies. AKC. verj' reasonable. weekly. Also 2 room furnished thermopane windows, garage yard, selling for $15,200. The R. Ceramic tiled bath. G.E. built-ini. Channel 8 ; W'KNB 840. and five children, driver's license. I------— ----- — i------! - —;;— o— ------i EXPERIENCED nurse's aide want- apartment, $18 weekly. TR 5-9594. par 73 total that was six strokes On the back nine. George Bychol- 2:80 p.m.—Red Sox vs. Ti­ A. A. DION^ INC. Roofing, siding,! Wonderful pens, MI 4-0768. MAHOGANY ji double bed, new space for 2 cars. Marion E, Rob LOVELY Oversized 7-room Cape, 8 F. Dimock Co., MI 9-5245, Barbara Full basement. Assumable mort­ AN8ALDI HEIGHTS—Excellent 5 personal paper.*. 'Vicinity of Beautyrest luring and mattress. TR 5-7871. gage. Only $17,500 room ranch, full basement, plas­ M te r than second place Larry ski and Tom Jacobson (cape) were gers, Channel 8 : WTIC 1080. painting. Carpentry. Alterations | 9-2324, ertson. Broker, MI 3-5953. large bedrooms, 12x24 family Woods, MI 9-7'702, Johanna Evans, LAWRENCE F. FIANO Lorentzen’* 79. Household Finance Company Of-11919 CL’STO.MIZED FORD. MI and additions. Ceilings Workman- PI 2-6023. room, fireplace, garage, combina­ MI 9-5653. tered walls, fully Insulated, fire­ tied at 39. 2:30 p.m.—Braves vs. Phil­ 9-0758, ROCKVILLE—12 Ellington Ave. Agne* Dr.—Exquisite ranch In a Tied for third were Keith Rob­ Total field was 40, hut eight ficp . or parking space in front, | .ship guaranteed. 299 Autumn St. DEMONSTRATORS and managers' Live Stock 42 MANCHESTER— 6 room Colonial tion windows and doors, hot water place, ceramic tile bath, hot water Realtor MI 3-2766 lies, Channel 30. Parkade. Generous reward to find-1 SIX-PIECE living room set, $50. Well furnished large 2-room apart­ V—BOLTON—7 room split level, neighborhood where pride shows In oil heat, amesite drive, city water bins and Don Besser with 80. and starters failed to finish. 19.56 CHEVROLET sUtion wagon. MI 3-4860. needed in this area for new sensa­ conveniently located, all rooms oil heat, city water and sewerage, Ed Crawford MI 9-4410 for fourth. BiU W’aldman and Jim er. Please !! 1 Phone MI 9-2430. Porch glider, $8, Six-piece dining ment, adults only, $25 weekly. Call spacious. Home In good repair. shade trees, good location. House 1(4 baths, one acre plus lot, only every home. 3 bedrooms, 1(4 baths. and sewerage, large yard. In ex­ Score* V'-8, automatic, radio, heater, good b IDWELL HOME Improvement tional jewelry party plan. No in-„ . . . _ room set, $15. Call MI 9-3519. TR 5-9121. Many extras. Assume mortgage Qulsh with 81. Mike Kearns came i Stan Hilinski m 40-33—73 Ct n • 1 VX A * < A A 0 A 1^1 A M A s.% A A A A 4 _ * . _ yestment. no collecting, no deliv- * YEAR old ba.y aiding. Hai Reduced for quick sale $13,600. in excellent conditibn throughout. 2 years old, In excellent condition. cellent condition throughout Larry Lorenir^n 41.3g—79 All-American Final 19.53 OLDSMOBILE 2-door. new shape. Reasonable, Can be seen at Company—all types of siding and Finished rec room. Owner moving and save hundreds of dollars. Charles Lesperance, MI 9-7620. to fifth at 82...... ’ ------41-39—80 4,55'3 Main St. MI 3-8388. cring. Highest commission to deal-1 no bad habits. Call 511 9-8719. ROCKVILLE—24 Grove "treet — Warren E, Howland Realtor, MI Quick occupancy. Charles L^sper- $11,900—3 BEpROOIk ranch, fir^ Keith RobblnF—Tie tires, radio, heater, good paint and roofing. Aluminum clapboards a 3-1108. ance, MI 9-7620. to California. Selling for $23,900, place, aluminum storm windows, Hilinski won a trophy, donated I^n Besser—Ti* SO 1 good running condition. MI 9-6964. cr and manager. All inquiries con-1______Musical Instruments 53 Single light housekeeping room To *ee these and many other by the Jayoeee. plus a shirt and a Bill Waldman—Tie 39-43—81 ( specialty. Unexcelled workman­ For further Information or ap­ ANDOVER—i-S room ranch. Vacant. large lot, cellar. Carlton W. 44-37—81 In Singles Possible fidentiat Marion Kibbc Fashion Articles For Sale 45 $10 weekly. Well furnished 2-room homes in all priee ranges, call Mrs. Quiet street. Owner transferred. cap. Prizes for the other winners Jim Quish—Tie Trailers— Mobile Homes 6-A ship. Ml 9-6495. Shows Avon. Conn. OR 3-3455, or j ______SEVEN ROOM Cape—on bus line, EAST HARTFORD — Excellent 7- pointment to see call the R, F. Hutchins, MI 9:5132. Mike Kearns 4M1—82 PIANO TUNING — Appointments apartment $20 weekly, Tel. TR large family room, modem kitch­ year-old, 6 room Cape Cod. Con­ Smith or Mr, Werbner at the Can be rented with option to buy. according to age groups , were do- 40-44—84 OR 3-9829, -9 p.m. now being made for September, Dimock Company, MI 9-5245, or Dick Lovett—Tie Newport. R.I., Aug 19 i/P'— 1 LOST—Boy's Timex watch, initials COUGHLIN ROOKING CO. — All HOME MADE ravioli, fresh or 6-9594 en, dining room, 3 or 4 bedrooms, venient Vocation. Hot water oil the Lout.* Dimock Realty Clom- Tongren Agency, MI 3-8321, IJIKEWOOD CIRCLE — Custom aated hy Gil Hardin’s Insurance Pal Coy—Tie 43-41—84 .s p chance for an all-! .1. D. Call MI 9-72,30. Reward. $100 DOWN on older one bedroom. frozen, ,30c doz, H. Pasqualini, 248 October and November. Ward Bob HamlUon 44-42—86 .50x10 new 2 bedroom, double sink, types of roofs and roof repairing, 3 WOMEN, 3 days per week. 3 basement finished In knotty pine, heat, 2 full baths, fireplace. pany, MI 9-9823. built ranch in an Ideal aetting. Agenc>', and by Alex Hackney’s 51-39—90 •singles iinai in uu- noin specializing in Twenty Year Bond­ Avery Street, Wapping. Music, 99 Summer St, Open eve­ THREE ROOM apartment, fur­ JARVIS George Bychoskl bath in color, $4,495 complete. hours per day, $.3 per hour. Call nished, near Main Sf. one couple garage, wooded lot, close to Usable 8 or 4 bedrooms. Easily MANCHESTER Three bedrooms, 1'4 baths, large Pro Shop. Tom Jacobson Invitation Lawn Tenni.s !' ed Roofs. Call MI 3-7707. nings. schools and shopping, $16,900. Phil- 7-room Ranch, Baldwin Rd. Oil kitchen, plus a dining room. Cen­ Nnmerons Prizes Bob Parmakiaa 49-46—95 Peninnalk 3 New deluxe, built-in radio, wall-to- TR 5-857I any time. LOAM SALE—Rich, clean $14 loam only. Call Ml 3-1616 or MI 9-2951. financed. Quick occupancy. Phone Jim Leavitt 50-46—96 : wall carpeting, special appliances, ACCJORDION, 120 bass, like new, brick Agency, Ml 9-8464. MI 3-6273, Brae-Bum Realty, REALTY CO. hot water, a country estate on edge ter entrance hall. Finished rooms Winners by age groups and John Anderson—Tip .S3-44—97 ; voung Jack Fro.st |----- ——------for $12.50. Also fill, gravel sand PERFECT—YES! of town, $26,000. prlzea won follow: Age 16-17. 51-46—97 . on big shaded lot. High Manor' R oofin g and ChimneVS 16-A •’’UDI.-TIME salesgirls wanted for Gravel, no reasonable offer refused. Call in basement. The newly purchased Pet^ Malon<*v—Ti* Calif., fare tough ELECTROLUX Sales and Sendee, WALKER STREET—8 room Cape, BENTON ST.—4 bedroom home, Manchester — Beautiful 6 REALTORS INSURERS 2-family duplex, 6-5, Ashworth St. rugs and drapes are included. T. First Keith Bobbins (sweater) 80; Bob Hitt—Ti- 50-47—97 I rh that bracket. i bonded representative, Alfred Park■k, Route 30, Rockville, TR 7 „ p m I 3-8603. Ml 3-8948. Business Locations Doug Pearson 52-47—99 ! 5-142323. ROOFING— Specializing repairing Contact Mi.ster Donut, 255 W, Mid-; ...... screened porch, fireplace, 1-car heated sunporch, living room with room 2 bath ranch with 2-car MI 3-4112 - Evenings MI 9-2519 or Oil hot water, ■ large rooms, tile J. Crockett, Realtor, MI 3-1577. second. Jim Quish (shirt) 81; 50.52—102 i Holmberg takes on hard-serving i Amcll, 206 Henrv St. Tel. MI Specializing repairing For Rent 64 garage, shaded lot, $16,000. Phil- fireplace, 1’ 4 baths, 2-car garage, garage, located In top resi­ Bud Rivard rttofs of all kinds, new roof.s, gut­ die Turnpike. LAWN MOWERS—Toro, Jacobsen, WE WOULD like to sell the follow­ MI 3-7847. bath, almost finished. Choose your third Mike Kearns (cap) 82. T<»d R'S<“n Jr. 53^50—103 3-04.50. F’OR SALE—1958 Regal mobile brick Agency, MI 9-8464, $16,200. Belfiore Agency, MI 8-5121. dential area and built of fin­ colors, $25,600. C oventry Dave Roznlk 53.51 — 104 ter work, chimneys cleaned, re­ Bolens, Goodall, Ariens. Riding ing two Instruments this week, and First In the 14-15 age group was 5.V50—K6 home. 50x10, 2 bedrooms, extra HOUSEKEEPER to rare for 2 ‘, EXCELLEINT mot tor any bualness est materials. Open for your in­ MANCHESTER—346 Keeney St. Larry Lorentzen (golf bagi 79; Jim Dowd WANTED-Ride to Pratt & Whit­ paired. Aluminum siding. .30 mowers. Bolens 7 h.p. Rldamatlo have greatly reduced the price. RANCH—5 rooms, first time on MANCHESTER —4-famlly, stove, Bill Hamilton 53-54—107 ' even a tougher .lob in matching j features, best offer. TR 5-60.50. girls, 5 and 4 starting in Septem- - tractors wdth over 21 attachments. Janssen spinet piano, mahogany or office. Center of town, plenty spection every evening this 5'4 room Cape, enclosed front VBRNON second, Don Besser (shirt) 80; Bill Grppn—Tie .54-54—108 ney from Irving Street 8-4:45, yi- years' experience. F’ree estimates. ber. MI 3-6.53-i, | of parking. Ml 9-5329 9-5 market. Bowers School. Plastered refrigerators, 6 -car garage, on week from 7-8, See us at No. LOVE AT 52-56—108 cinilv Engineering Building. MI Call Howlcv, Ml 3-5361, MI 3-0763. Used mowers and tractors. Parts finish, complete with bench, tuning porch, high elevation, lot 165x264, 6'4 room ranch, Crestridge Dr. third BiU Waldman (cap) 81. r>av<» Clpm^ns—Ti'' walls, cast imn radiation, hot bus line, $25,000 Warren E, How­ 90 Ludlow Road "Rookledge" Ultra modem kitchen, 2 fireplaces, Ed Yankowski 57.5s—115 : 9-.3117. and service, Capitol Eqtdpment and delivery, reg. $780, reduced to MAIN STREET—4 room offifee on water heat, choice setting with aluminum combinations, 2-car ga­ For the 12-13-ycar-oIds, best was Bill Mann—Ti» 62-55—117 In -the doubles .scmi-tiiial.s to- Auto Driving School 7-A APPLICATIONS being accepted for | land, Realtor, Ml 3-1108. or call builder at MI 9-5524. rage. West Side Realty, MI 9-5315. 2-car basement garage. finished Bob Hamilton (umbrella) 86; sec­ 63-54—117 stcad'y, part-time sales and cash- ______Co.. 38 Main. MI I8-7B58. $534. Gulbransen two manual round floor, plenty of parking. T. trees,-$18,900, Philbrick Agency, PURSE SIGHT Dave Wllk-Ti. Heating and Plumbing 17 transistor organ, walnut finish, rec room. Vacant, $24,^. ond. Ted Rosen Jr. (Khlrt) 103; Dan Croamer 64-61—125 PREPARE FOR driver's test. ier ojicnings. Apply Manager,! HOUSE PAINT—Whit* and color* 5. Crockett, realtor, MI 8-1577. MI 9-8464. LARGE 6 room Cape, full shed Doug Wilk fifi.58—126 Automobiles for Sale 4 complete with built-in Leslie dormer, 1'4 baths, hot water oil This 6 room RANCH features tWM. Jim Dowd (cap) 105. 66-61—127 . Alan Lane and Adrian Bey, Ages 16 to 60, Driving and clas.s p d u .MBING AND heating - re- Fairway. 9,5 Mam Street. Hours j4.95 per gallon. Driveway coating CORNWALL ACRES KEN OSTRINSKY lovely living room with fireplace, John Dulka 77.75—152 ! room.vrxr5rv\ Three'r n i'Aa instructor,*. Mo No U’aif. wait­ ...... speaker, bench and delivery Reg. OFFICE FOR rent close to shop­ SIX ROOM Cape, fireplace, garage, heat, fireplace, near school, shop­ TWO-FAMILY 8 and 6, on large There were also prizes for low- Dirk T*ln«s modeling Installations, repairs. not sun able for students.______| ,5 50 can. Morrison lot (150x150). House in good shape, Realtor MLS pine cabinet kitchen, ceramic tile )IJ9ER CARS mechanics spe­ ing. Manchester Driving Acade­ $1,524. Reduced to $1,199. Ward ping center,, ideal for any busi­ near to stores, schools and bus. ping center. Must be seen to be ^’ORTH COVENTRY meda. Calif . lake on Bill Bond cials, fixit yourself cars, always All work guaranteed, 25 years ex­ Paint Store. 385 Center 8t. Music Co., 99 Summer. Open eve­ ness,, reasonable rent. 186 West Marion E. Robertson Broker. MI new heat, aluminfim siding, porch, MI S-5159 MI 9-8536 bath and 3 bedrooms. 2-car base- my. PI 2-7249. perience. 24-hour service. Call MATURE WOMAN wanted appreciated. Priced at only and Gene Scott. a good selection, l-.ook behind our nings. Middle Tpke. MI 8-6802. 3-5953. $16,700 Charles I.^sperance, MI garage. Lots of extras. Owners Planned for Gracious Living ment garage. House set on 103x438 Holmberg had the toughest bat- j office. Douglas Motor.*. 333 Main, Earl VanCamp. .Ml 9-4719 localirint'o Creditnrnfrtrffirt Department, nilt nnf riArpaJiflrv exper-1 h a •• r M. - LOAM, . top quality,_ . stock anxious to hear your offer. T. J. CUSTOM S bedrcxim ranch, en­ lot. A Blue Ribbon Value at $14,900. IjARSON'S Connecticut's first li- ionce preferred, but not necessary. piled 2 years, $2 per yard deilv- 9-7620.' SPACE—BEAUTY—VALUE closed breezeway, 4 room apart­ tie In taking one of the two sin- cen.scd driving school trained — Typing is essential. Excellent op­ FOR LEASE—Hartford Road Drive OUT EAST of Shady Glen, but In Crockett, Realtor, Ml 3-1577. ’ Call MI 9-5306. gles quarter-finals yesterday! He NEED A C.\R and had your credit et ed. Call after 6 p.m. Max Rank), Antiques 56 In to an experienced restaurant town—a true miniature estate. MANCHESTER — Steep Hollow ment over garage, separate fur­ Stranger to Pros-Par Certified and approved is now of­ Radio-TN'^ Repair portunity for right person. Write Columbia AC 8-9323. I Welcome to a charming rustic naces. landscaped acre. $19,500. was extended by Alan Fox, na­ turned down? Short on down pay- fering cla.ssroom and behind Box A, Herald, stating full par­ operator only. Will modernize. Landscaped acre lot. House has Lane—8 room Dutch Colonial AN EXECUTIVE FROM ment? Bankrupt? Repossession? Services 18 TWO ROSE carved Victorian side I Good location across the street two bedrooms, 1(4 baths, formal new community of homes with Carlton W. Hutchins MI 9-5132. tional inter-collegiate champion wiieel instniction for teenagers. ticulars. LADIES—Pilgrim Mills on Hart­ Cape, $23,900 Warren E. Howland, CALIFORNIA. .. . winding roads, \ acre lets and BARROWS and from Los Angeles, hut finally Don't give up! See Honest Doug- chairs with new wine -colored j from King’s Department Store. dining room, large living room.. Realtor, Ml 3-1108. Ml 9-6075. CONNIE'S TV and Radio Service, ford Road has wooleng for rug needlepoint seats. Empire card 1 would ’flip' over this 4 bedroom, 2 privacy. Ideal growing family. Join SIX ROOM colonial In the Porter In Carling Open Play came through 6-4, .3-6, "-5. 10-8. Iffs, get the lowdown on the lowest DRIVERS for school buses, Man-' Cash required 8 months advance plus porches and air conditioning. level ranch. California styling, red­ available all hours. Satisfaction making. Open daily noon till 9 table and mirror. MI 9-0662, our group of pleasant folks. Enjoy St, section, bar and rec room in In the other match Sangsler down and smallest payments any­ M0RTI./)C!K’S Driving School-Of­ Chester and Vernon, 7:15-8:45 rental. Contact owner, Ray Novak, This house has to sell and is wood beamed ceiling, 2 baths, stone WALLACE where. Not a small loan or finance guaranteed. Call MI 9-1315, p.m., Saturday 10 a.m. till 6 p.m. MI 6-36$5. priced well below market. T. J. life in a traditional Colonial home basement, breezeway, one-car ga­ , overpowered Ronnie Fisher of fice, 443 Main St., Manchester. ______a.m,, 2:15-3:30 p m. We will train. IF fireplace wall. 2-car garage, large constructed to your needs. Dutch rage, wooded lot, $22,9,00. Phll­ 55 E. Center St. MI 9-6306 Silver Spring, Md.. Aug. 19 (i^P)— Traveling golf pros arej Hisuston 6-1 ^4 6-4. company plan Douglas Motors. learning correrily "May Save | .j-y SERVICE—All makes. Honest. Phone MI 3-2414 from 9-5. TV ANTENNAS, tubes, parts and Crockett, Realtor, MI 3-1577. wooded lot. Call now to inspect this 333 Main St. Wanted—^To Buy 58 you desire ■ location- answer this Colonial open for inspection. Prices brick Agency, MI 9-8464. (Office open 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.) Your Life.” Driver education Economical. High quality parts. accessories sale In our famous “ Do fine home. start at $17,900. coping with a ctran^gcr-par-in the S35.000 Carling open at classes. Member. Connecticut Pro-' Honses For Rent 65 BUSINESS ZONE—8 room home In ad for homes in the Porter Street CALL OR SEE me for a good deal Guaranteed 90 days Famous for it yourself department. Receiving WE BUY. SELL or trade antique excellent condition off East Center Directions; Follow Rte 44A to NORTH COVENTRY—Bolton line. the Indian Spnng Country Club. ______and Sangster. 9-7, 8-6.. - fessional Driving School Assn. Ml I OFFICE OPPORTUNITIES | area, Beautiful ranch, quiet neighbor­ on a 1961 Ford or Falcon and A-1 service since 1931. Phone Ml tubes. 40% off. AST picture tubes, and used furniture, china, glass, Street. Good location for doctor, JOHN H. LAPPEN, INC. Coventry take second right after Lots For Sale 73 They went into the third round*- 9-7398 9-4537. Potterton's, 130 Center St. most “ 21" size, $21.95. and up. In­ silver, picture frames and old FOUR ROOM furnished winterized Insurors MI 9-5261 Realtors hood, many extras'. Call A. R. today with only four out of Thurs­ pros claim that its four par three used cars. Walter G, Parker. L. P. , Clerk ; lakefront cottage. All conven­ hairdresser, etc. $25,000 For fur­ (1) Seven room rape complete blinker light, watch for signs. holes are the toughest. I .1 > Fitzgerald Inc., 73 Brooklyn St., door antennas from 89c and up. coins, old dolls and guns, hobby ther Information call the Phllbrick with 24 foot family room, ga­ Weekend, please call MI 3-5219, Shaw, Broker, MI 3-1893. 7(4 ACRES, high elevation, beauti­ day's starting field of 135 under TELE'VISION antennas and rotor: F’or less skilled office work. Outdoor antennas from $1.99 and collections, atUc contents or whole iences. Beautiful grounds. Adults MI 9-7445 L. F. DE MARS the atandard measuring figure. Casper, the tour's fourth biggest j f* C m a n C l C Z . I v O J i a r l Rockville. Ml 9-.5324. Garage— Service— Storage 10 Sept. 15 to May 15. MI 9-7846. Agency, MI 9-8464. rage, trees, vacant, awaiting ful view, minutes out trees only money winner with more than, " I systems installed and repaired. Clerical ability, some typing, or, up. Chimney mounts only 99r. estates. Furniture Repair Service, your offer. • Builder-Developer PI 2-8435 MANCHESTER $2,500. Carlton W. Hutchins, MI Billy Casper, the leader of the 1958 BUICK Roadmaster, one own­ Serving Manchester and sur­ other office machine experience VFIF wire 2c a foot. Also, used Talcottville, Conn. Tel. MI 3-7449. BRICK HOME—6 large rooms, 2 MANCHESTER—Excellent 6 room 9-6132. pack, ia three under at 137. This, $31,000, started out a.* though In- | ||| | \ P t l i r i l A l a t C l l THREE BEDROOM cottage win­ er. fully powered, equipped, low 1 GARAGE F'OR RENT on Maple rounding areas. Modem TV Serv- helpful. T\’s completely overhauled. See full baths. 2-car garage, excellent (2) 5 room ranch, garage, a new custom built ranch. Feature,* in­ CHARMING older 8-room home, tdo, is a relatively close shave com- dian Spring was the same a.s other - I ice, 405 Center St., Ml 3-2205. WANTED—Late model home freez­ terized for rent to responsible clude 2 full baths, 2-car garage, 12 OAKLAND ST courses. He went around the first mileage, $1,600. Inquire Royal Ice' Street. MI 3-4751. Us first for the best deals. Open party, $86 monthly. MI 9-0726. condition. Between one and two home with outstanding fea­ completely air conditioned, 4 bed­ CHOICE LOT—A well treed 100x281 p a i^ with the way the pros these New York, Aug. 19 Cream Co,, Ine,, 27 Warren St. or Coiiiptonietor Operator ! evenings till 9. Saturday till 6. er A-I condition in even trade for acres of land. Fruit trees. High tures. priced below $19,000. large lot, convenient location. rooms, 1(4 baths. 2-car garage, lot lot ia now available at the crest of days make par almost meaningless round in 66. i RADIO-TV REPAIRS, anv make, nearly new duomatic washer and Phone MI 3-6273, Brae-Burn Real­ 6 room Cape, 8 bedrooms, oil hot However, yeslerd a.v the hefty Jorge Fernandez, third ranking phone MI ,3-6950. Openings for several operators. Prices iu effect till supply is ex­ SIX ROOM Cape, paneled fireplace elevation. Six miles from Man­ 180x450. Marlon E. Robertson, air heat, new wiring, amesite the hill on Ludlow Road, Rock- in their weekly assault on courses welterweight from Buenos Aires, Molorercl.—SicrelM It! ' hausted or replaced by similar dryer. MI 3-1927. wall, large kitchen, dining room, chester. Philbrick Agency. Ml (31 6 room colonial. 3 bedrooms, ty. Broker, MI 3-5953. ledge. This most desirable lot is around the countrj’. CJalifomlan could manage no bet­ 1956 MERCURY 2-door hardtop. A 1*4 baths, briek front, immedi­ drive, convenient location. Here is a ter than a 71. will meet Isaac Logart of Cama- items. Satellite Electronic Service, den, 2 bedrooms, 1'4 baths, large 9-8464 real honest bargain from j . D. reasonably priced at $5,500. For Through 32 tournaments leading No, 1 car in excellent condition. ' p.m. H & E Radio and TV. MI rioi-t- 165 School Street. Manchester, MI ate occupancy. CAPE COD—An attractive 8 room MANCHESTER — New listing. 8 additional information or appoint­ With the cour.se proving equally piey, Cuba, tonight in a Ifl-rottnd — D.ssQ-> \rr s.1*170 V.IUIK-T,\lli.*t Rooms Without Board 59 wooded lot, one block from ele­ Cape Cod home with two unfinish­ Realty Company. MI 3-5129, up to their first appearance at In­ bout at Madison .Square Garden. .MI 3-5848. 1960 CUSTOM TRIUMPH reason- 9-5582, Ml 3-14,79. 9-1786. mentary school. Owner, MI MANCHESTER—Center Street. In­ rooms, fireplace, oil heat, 2-car ment call McCarthy Enterprises, tough to the others, Casper was able. Ml 9-7516. Opettinga in small departments; vestment property. Business zone. 8 ROOM COLONIAL ed rooms is available in a plcaa- garage with attached screened dian Spring, the winning score this Fernandez, a challonger tor for capable women, A variety o f ROOM convenient for school teach­ 9-2034. Inc. MI 4-1539. John V. Panciera, able to stay in front. Billy Max­ SPRITE AUSTIN I960., white low 10 ...... ------^ - HOME-MADE go-cart, 8 h.p. 4-family. First floor 4 room apart­ ant East Hartford neighborhood. patio, trees, nicely landscaped, MI 9-1898. year has been an average of 11 well. of Dallas, was one stroke be­ 'Emile Griffith's welterweight title, mileage, like now, girl driven, i 1956 TRIUMPH T-120, Cap MI Millinery Dressmaking 17» clerical duties. Power Products motor tire* with er or working girl. All privileges (4) with four bedrixims, 1(4 baths, This well kept home features oil $9,990 strokes under par for 72 holes. has lost only five of 78 bout.* THREE ROOM cottage, winterized, ment vacant for buyer. Easily with extra lot. Dwelling in very hind with 69 for both rounds, the $1,395, MI 4-8037. | 9-,5746 after 5:30 or call at 44 Good wa^jos, pica.sant working | tubes. $80. Call MI 9-4695. of home. Board ' optional. MI F.H.A. financed. Shown by ap­ den, large dining room, modern hot water heat, copper plumbing, good condition throughout. Quick Different Caliber He ‘has knocked out .50 of the 72 FOR DRESSMAKING and altera- 8-6745. furnished or unfurnished, gas only golfer to break par on both Gardner St. condition.*, Air-conditioncd office. | heat parking, adults. New Bolton pointment. Phone MI 3-6273, Brae- kitchen, garage. This is a home full insulation, aluminum storm occupancy. Asking price. $17,600. BRICK RANCH of 6 rooms, 3 bed­ THREE LOTS for sale. Inquire 718 The pros have found Indian men he has defeated. 1952 STUDEBAKER Commander lions, call Lyn Kralzke Ml 3-0682 Apply, you must see and can afford. days. TWO EXCELLENT rooms for Roa(i. MI 3-6389. Burn Realty. windows and screens, basement Charles Lesperance, MI 9-7620. rooms, 2-car attached garage, N. Main St. MI 9-6623. Spring of a different caliber. Don Fairfield, of Casej’. Ill. and The 28-year-old Ixigart, now in ; Convertible V-8. Good condition, any time. BIAOs SADDI.E and bridle, $30. garage, amesite drive, city water his 13th year in the ring, lia.s a ’ $125. MI 3-8470. teachers, all privileges. Call MI walkout basement Ideal for rec Laid out five years ago, it Mart.v Furgol, of Cog Hill. III.. Wanted Autos— FIRST NATIONAL STORES, call Ml 9-8719 MANCHESTER-Bolton— Over 200 'These are a few listings- we have and-sewers, and is conveniently RfXlKLEDGE—8-room *plit level, room. Scenic view. Corner lot. wJ-ere the other 36-hole par break­ record of 60 victoric.*, 16 lo.sses i ------^ — INC. ------— ------— — ~ 9-6258 after 6. years old. Large 9 room Colonial. close to shopping, schools and bus etretches 7.031 yards - - in a Motorcycle.s ! Moving— Trucking— I Suburban For Rent 66 many more 4 double size bedrooms, 2(4- baths, Early occupancy. Call Ken now to Resort Property For Sale 74 ers. Fairfield managed it with 69- and eight draw.*. He has knockeii, 1957 CHEVROLET Convertible. \ -8. 12 (XUASIONAL chair, $20; antique Basically sound. Furnace heat. service. Reasonably priced at straight line for four milee from Storage 20 Park and Oakland Ave. FURNISHED bedroom, electric sunken living room, recreation inspect this care free home, John tee to green—with a par of 70. The 70 and Furgol with 71-68. East Hartford, blanket chest, $35; afghan, $10; Large shade trees. Lot 309x200. $14,800. For further information or room, family size kitchen, formal BOLTON—First lake —waterfront TV converter. $5; trimk, $5; mis­ stove, freezer and refrigerator, BOLTON LAKE — Modern three H. Lappen, Inc., MI 9-5261 MI TRUCKING—14 foot heavj’ plat- .______j______' automatic washer if desired. Ga­ room furnished cottage, winter­ Extra lot available. Charles Les- appointment call McCarthy Enter­ dining room, 2-car garage. Bel­ 3-5219. '5-room cottage which , can b« cellaneous. Mi 9-6642. perance, MI 9-7620. easily winterized. Marlon E. Rob­ N S'-™ rr, „o .i, form truck with one-ton power lift HAIRDREf(SER, second or third rage. Lady or couple. Brick ranch ized, all conveniences, - Available Bcechler'Smith prises, Ihc., MI 4-1539, John Pan­ fiore Agency, MI 3-6121, out Uie 25-j'car old Argentine his jggg 283 cu. In. 4- Is $500 enough? * ciera, MI 9-1898. MANCHESTER — West Side —2- ertson. broker. Ml 8-5953. gate. Call MI 9-0613 vear full or part-time. Good in Bolton. MI 3-8482. Sept. 15-June 1. Lynnwood Drive, SOUTH HAWTHORNE ST.— Top REALTORS British Wightitian Cup Squad suffered. . . . .*pced posi-trac. radio and heater. It so, call MI 9-8405. ■ Boats and ^ceesaories 46 off Plymouth Lane, Lot 24. MI MANCHESTER— $13,900. 5 room family 5-5, oil heat, city water and Since tlien. Ferniindi z_ ba.* , pju.sh red interior, black exterior. salary, JA 8-8201, .MI 3-6761. value in this immaculate six room FIVE ROOM, ranch, must be seen BOLTON LAKE—A 5 room cottage, MANCHESTER Moving and Truck­ 3-1487. Call Wea Smith, MI 9-8952 expandable Cape "with sunporch sewerage. $150 monthly revenue. ing Company. Ixical and long di.*- RCibM WITH kitchen privileges for cape. New exterior shingles, nice to appreciate, near school and and garage, beautiful shadqd lot, Priced at only $13,800. Shown by Llynwood Drive, winterized, has — : CABIN CRUISER 18 foot electric yard, amesite, combination win­ bus. Call owner, MI 9-6211, company water, located near the Near Peak, Choice over Yanks j tenveight ranks and today stand.*' a(tei^6*^°^ eicnings Business Services Offered 13 tance moving, packing and stor­ 36! outboard, trailer, man^'^ acces­ woman achooi teacher. MI 8-4096. near .schools, bus line and stores. appointment Charles I-esperance, ^ ! 'behind Benny (Kid) Pare! and ______1 Help Wanted— M.nle dows, extremely central location FIVE MINUTES from Manchester beach. Immediate occupancy. Ap­ age, Regular service tbrniighout sories. First $695. MI 4-8037. in Vernon—3 bedroom ranch in Owner call MI 9-6150. No agents MI 9-7620. I Luis Rodriguez, both of Cuba, as 1953 TD MG, engine and Iransmis- CHAIN SAW work — Trees cut. Summer Homes For Rent 67 plus six rooms, full basement ---- ROCKVILLE—A fine 5 room ranch ply Edward J. Holl or your own Reasonable rales. Call PI 2-7558 New Fhigland States and F'lorida. I MAN NEFIDFID for established excellent location, big lot, well please. Chicago, Aug, 19 (/Pi— After ( a*- Gi^at Britain won the cup 4-3 a challenger to the title ,*ion completely overhauled, 2,000 MI 3-6.56.3, •service route, $95 weekly commis-.14 FOOT MARINE ONE ROOM furnished, one block HAMPTON BEACH—Beautiful S AND, only $13,900. T. J. Crockett, home recently redecorated is RANCH—5'4 rooms, 3 years old broker. Tel. Ml 3-5117. between 1:30-4 ;.30 oi; any time Realtor, MI 3-1577. .shrubbed, full cellar, oil hot water available for immediate occupan­ week of hard practice on unfamili-1 last year, but never since 1924- The bout will be televised na- mile.* since work done. Reason­ ,*ion guaranteed while training, ad-' 18 h.p. Evinrude electric, *-‘- trailer from Main St. Call MI' 9-6746, bedroom cottage, all utilities, tile LAKEWOOD CIRCLE Bowers School area, family size able. Call after 6, MI 9-359.3, Saturday or Sunday. AUS’nN A. CHAMBERS Co. Local- baseboard heat, 19 foot living cy. A few of the features incliide kitchen, plastered walls, cast iron ar courts. Great Britain's Wight-' 1925 ha.* that country taken i t ' Uonally (ABCi starling at 9 p in.. vance to $140 phis expenses after and accessories. $315 complete. ( bath, August 19, $65. MI 4-8037. MANCHESTER — 8 rooms, 1'4 room, bookcases, ceramic bath, Wanted— Real Elstate 77 man Cup tennis team today was ; twice in succession. Sincethe j EST. TTie winner will be decided on moving, packing, storage. Low Will also sell separate items. MI a 12'x23' living room, kitchen with baseboard heat, 1-car garage. This 19.59 LARK HARDTOP, reclining AMESITE DRIVEWAYS construct- training. Phone CH 2-1406 or PI Rooms With Board 59-A baths, garage, excellent location fully stormed, only 2(4 years ol(i Charming 6 room single with at­ near its peak a* it opened com-, series started in 1923. the U .S.' a rounds basis. rale on long distance moves to 2-6488. for personal Interview ap­ 9-1364. GIANT’S NECK Heights—Next to ample dining area, 3 large bed­ tached breezeway and garage. house offers you those little extras WISH SOMEONE to handle youf .seat.*, .standard transmission. 24 er—resurfaced—sealed. Superior 48 slates. Personalized service. Ml and condition. Close to bus and and shining throughout. Price rooms, full bath, oil hot water petition as strong favorite.* against! ha* built up a 26-6 edge. 1 — ------— Pavers. MI 3-6515. pointment. BOARD AND room for retired gen­ Rocky Neck, 4 room modern cot­ $15,700. Robert Wolverton Agency, Large lot excellently landscaped. that make a houjie a home, $19,500, real estate? Call me at Ml 9-032Q North F'airfield St. 3-5187, (?H 7-142,3. I 16 FOOT DUNPHY boat and tralL t tage, open from Aug. 19, .tieeps 7. shopping center. (Jharles Lesper- heat, aluminum storm windows Philbrick Agency, MI 9-8464. the United States. Teenagers carry the U.S. hope.* | _ tleman, quiet home in country, one ance, MI 9-7620. MI 3-1914, 9 till 9. Properly priced. for prompt and courteous service. "We came a’^'week early for two j this lime, with its two-top-rank- W in s 1 illp HOME LANDSCAPING, lawn main­ PLUMBERS and plumber's help-,' er, reasonable, or will exchange ‘ $65 weekly. Sept. $45 weekly. PI and screens, city water and sew­ Joseph Barth, Broker. 1951 CHFIVROLET, 1956 motor, new MANCHESTER Package Delivery. for small compact car. MI 9-3123. floor, love and kindness. Reason­ ers, and is close to both shopping WIIX, TAKE YOUR HOUSE IN BOWERS SCHOOI^-5'4 room Co- reasons." said Mrs. Beatrice Wal- ed player.* facing B r i t a I n's | paint and new tires. Call MI tenance, hedge pruning. Contact era. .steady work, in.surance bene­ able. Write Box W. Herald. 2-8142. SUMMIT STREET—aose to the EAST HARTFORD—13 month old IJght trucking and package deliv­ fits. Apply in person between 8-9 i and bus service. This home is ex­ TRADE. lornial 2-car garage with screened CASH WAITING for property own­ ter. non-plajing captain of Brit-[strongc.*l-rated in opening match-' New London, Aug. 19 /F; ■ - Pam .3-7180 after 4. John E. Whitham, Ml 9-7090. ery. Refrigerators. wa.Shers and Center 8 rooms 3-3, good . condi­ ranch in Sunset Hills, carport — a.m. at Berson Bros., .50 Harvard GENERAL RENTAL agency. J. D. CAPE (X)D, Chatham—2 bedroom city utilities—built-in oven and ceptionally priced at $11,900. For patio, extra lot. Call Wea Smith, ers. Please call us before you buy aln s squad of four of the finest' es. ! Panezak of Orange Hill.* Country stove moving specmlty Folding ^ew Rritain, Conn., or call Building Materials 47 cottage, fireplace, all facilities, tion. Sacrifice sale $9,000. Warren MI 9-8952, Beechler-Smith, Real­ 'l959 NASH RAMBLER Supir, 4- LAWN MOWERS Sharpened imd j Realty, 470 Main Street, MI E. Howland, Realtor, MI 3-1108. range—14x20 living room — spa­ additional information or appoint­ ARTHUR A. KNOFLA Or sell. Sbeedy service. J. t>. women amateur players ever to ; first match. ^ ^ ® j Club, \^nnner of the Junior Girls chairs for rent. MI 9-0752. for appointment, JA - 9-8287.-----’ beaches. Open August 26 on. MI ment call McCarth.i Enterprises, tors. Realty. Ml 8-5129. represent that country. I Hanlze. IS. of .San Diego, meets I Golf Tourney, will not play door, radio and healer. Cali M l! repaired.^ sales and service, pick ASSORTEd "’o s e d lumber, build« 3-5129, cious bedrooms—family and rec REALTOR 9-9150 between 3-6. up and (ielivery. Complete line of 3-6777. GLASTONBURY—6 room ranch, 2 room with picture window in walk­ Inc. MI 4-1539, John Panciera MI Wve hM to get used to the sur-1 Wimbledon finalist Christine Tru-j jj, phe Tri-State eompetilion next Painting— Papering 21 HEATING MEN, experienced, good 1 ing and plumbing aupplies, radia* 9-1898, MI 3-5440 - MI 9-5938 302 WOODLAND STREET —owner Toro riders, reels, and rotaries, tors, pipes and Are bricks, doors FOUR ROOM ground floor apart­ baths, center hall, 3 twin size bed­ out basement. Many, many extras raw of m «ly ground rock on the rnan. ’20. .Next on the firing line ^^.gek at F'all River, Ma.*.*. Mi.*s „garden______and ____ lawn___ supplies.______L &_ M — wages, in.surancp program Apply! ment, central location, adequate FOR RENT from September 1, transferred. Must leave one of and windows. Open daily 3:30-6 modem cottage, private beach, rooms, 146 foot Jot, only $18,400. - owner transferred. Robert Saddle A Club courts. They Billie Jean Moffltt, 17, of Long 1 panezak. who scored a. 177 for 36 1958 RED RENA-FLT Best offer Equipment Oorporiitloit, Route 83, EXTERIOR and Interior painting, in person between 8-9 a.m. at Ber- parking, adulta preferred. Call MI Carlton W. Hutchins, MI 9-5132. CAPE COD—A nicely kept 6 fin­ Manchester’s most distinguished Read Herald Advs. are faster than may and the ball Beach. Calif., against Ann Hay- holes over tlie New London,C. C. ------decorating; ceilings, floors. Clean . pon Bros., .50 Harvard Street. New p.m., 8-4 Saturdays. Yard at Stock heat Cape Cod, Dennis, Mass. Call Wolverton Agency MI 3-1914, 9 Come and Take homes. A truly authentic execu over $400. MI 3-8620. Vemon, Conn. TR 6-7609. 3-1578. Ull 9. ished room Cape Cod home located bounces higher off them than any ' jon, 22, member of the Wlghtman | Thursday and FYlday, will he at workmanship. Free estimates. No Britain, Conn, or call for appoint- Place off North Main St. Choman’* MI 9^3943. in East Hartford is now avail­ live ranch, Cu.*tom built by John Housewrecking, Ml 9-2892. 81 GOODWIN STREET—6 room team since 1957. ' Ohio University repre.senting New ALL KINDS of clocks repaired, an- job too small. John Verfallle M I, ment JA 9-8287 Cape, newly remodeled kitchen, COVENTRY- Large 5 room ranch, able, A few of the features are oil A. Partridge. Drive by, then call Also, and probably more im -• Miss Hantze and Miss Moffitt I Haven in the Junior Achiever coii- 1941 DODGE, in good condition, tiques Included, work guaranteed 3-2521. FOUR ROOMS to rent, no heat. MI hot water oil heat, 1(4 car garage, 100x200 lot, fireplace. Storms. Ask­ hot air heat, copper plumbing, full a Look and we'll retid you the lists of portant, we had to familiarize our­ will lake best offer. MI 9-33J1. MI 9-1962. AMBITIOUS mechanically inclined 9-9257, 9 a.m.-7 p.m. Wanted To Rent 68 insulation, aluminum storm win­ ground features, construction fea­ ; wind up opening day in a doubles | test. DiamoiUls— Watches— trees, private backyard, near bus. ing $11,500. Tongren Agency, MI Saturday' and Sunday SEPTIC TANKS selves with the smaller American ! match against Miss Truman and ' man with experience in wood or Phllbrick Agency, MI 9-8464. 3-6321. dows and screens, full basement, tures, built-in features, and extras, tennis ball. The English ball is ! nTirf “ COSMA APPLIANCE Service—Re­ PAINTING, papering floor sand- metal trade*. Excellent opportun­ Jewelry 48 WANTED—S bedroom house or ^^A fine exclusive listing,shown only AND apartment unfurnished for family 2-car garage, and amesite drive. 2 p.m.-6 p.m. heavier in that it gets fluffier as it ’ 1955 F'ORD radio, healer, good pairs all makes refrigerators, ing. Call 5U 9-0726, ’ ity, Displayciaft, MI 3-0117. Apartments— Flats— MANC7HESTER — 8 rooms, 1’ 4 For additional information or ap­ by appointment. R. F.(Broderick, is being used. The American ball The No. 3 singles players, 18- shape, $275.' Call alter 6, MI 3-2934. freezers, washing machines, dry­ LEONARD W. YOST, Jewelers — of four in or about Manchester. PAINTING AND paperhanging. Repairs, adjusts watches expert­ Tenements INVESTMENT baths. 108 foot lot, aluminum sid­ pointment contact McCarthy En­ Open for your inspection 153 N. Broker, MI 9-1278 or MI 3-5121. PLUGGED SEWERS loses this fluffiness and will fly year-old Justina 'Bricka of St. ers ranges, oil and gas burners. DISHWASHER wanted day* 9 .3 ap­ Immediate occupancy. Call MI ing, large porch, $14,900, Warren terprises, Inc., MI 4-1539, John School St., Manchester, "Custom Good clean workmanship at rea­ proximately. Apply Cavey’s Res­ ly. Reasonable prices. Open 'Tues­ 9-4578 after 5 p.m. more on certain shots. Louis and Wimbledon champion 1953 F’ORD VICTORIA, radio and MI 9-1)055. All work guaranteed. 5-5 DUPLEX E. Howland. Realtor, MI 3-1108. Panciera, MI 9-1898. built 7 riiom Dutch Colonial, fire­ MANCHESTER—We have several Angela Mortimer, will start to­ Jfeft heater, good mechanical condition, sonable rates. 30 years in Man­ taurant. day through Saturday, Thursday FOUR ROOM tenement—78 WeUa Machine Gleaned Hlgli Hope* SAM’S UPHOLSTERY - Retired chester. Raymond Fiske. MI WANTED immediately 6 or 8 room place, 2-car garage, large lot, many beautiful 2-family homes in excel­ "But a/ter a week, our girls got morrow's action. They will be fol*-' Pitching — Jim Grant. Indian*, $150. MI 9-8158 between 9-9. Ask evenings. 129 Spruce St, MI 9-4387. Street. MI 9-6229, 9-5. one block from W. Center. Street, MANCIHESTER—Largs 5(4 room MANCHESTER—9 room two-fam- extras. lent condition and location priced Septic Tanks, Dry Wells, Sawer for F'rank. . from the shop. Can take c^ire of 9-92,37. HIRING TURRET lathe operators, rent, mother with four children, 3 Lines InstaUad—Collar Water well acquainted with the coridi- lowed by matching between Mias blanked Mugger* Roger Marl* and first-class tool mske^, and engine achooi age. Must move by Septem­ and priced at only $13,900. ' ranch, near Centef. 2-car garage. ily, 6 rooms and three rooms. Good to sell from $15,900 to $22,000. Hantze and Miss Haydon and • Mickey Mantle, striking-nut each ell your upholstering needs at MODERN THREE room first floor proofing Done. tlona and we have high hopes of great savings. Call CH 2-2378. EXTERIOR and interior painting. lathe operators. Utian Machine Hoosehold Goods 51 ber 1. Mrs. C. Curtis, 90 Wells St. Hurry-this one will sell. Very convenient. Tongren Agency, set-up for inlaws or what have Also, nice 5 room older home at apartment, all utUitjei included. MI 3-6321. you. Tortgren Agency, MI 3-6321. $9,450. Short way put-beautiful 3 taking the cup home with us.’’ Miss MoffiU and Miss Truipan i and beat Yankee*, 5-1. with | m k r c Or y , good running con- Paperhanging. Wallpaper books. Products, Inc., 165 Adam* Street, Call MI 8-8524. MI 9-0123. WEST SIDE There are two singles and one The final m a t c h sends Mrs three-hitter. dition, $50, MI 3%798. MACHINES repaired and sold — WaJlpaper removed. Ceilings. Manchester. TORO LAWNMOWERB at new low bedroom ranch,, one-half acre lot, McKin n e y b r o s . doublea today, followed tomorrow Margaret Osborne duPont and! Hitting — Orlando Cepeda, typewriters, adding machines. Floors. Good clean workmanship. ' prices. 21’’ self-propelled Toro FOl/ilt ROOM apartment, heat, do­ WANTED—Two furnished rooms In Beecliler'Smith MANCHESTER!— Owner leaving DUPLEX—School Street. 6-8, 2-car can’t be beat for 312,900. Many by a windup of three singles and Margaret Varner, both of Wilm-1 Giants, broke up tie with lOUi-ln- - Also, office supplies. Noel’s Office Fully Insured. Reasonable rates. WANTEID man for eonerete work, rotary, reg. price $189.96, special mestic hot water, spacious Manchester, Including kitchenette, soon. Modem 8 room ranch, city garagb. In good shape. Priced un­ REALTY more from $4,600 up. Call the Ells- S«waro9« DitpeMri Ct. «oa dooblM. Each match won la ington, Del., against Miaa .Mor-1 nlng home run for 2-1 victory over 1946 PLYMOUTH sedan, very good Macnine Service, 7 Franklin St., I^n PeUetler, MI 9-6326 or MI axperianea prefarrad. CharlM $99.95. Mariow’*, Ine., $67 Main, grounda. Woodland 8t. Adults. Call utilities, near atores, preferably REALTORS utilities, near school, shopping. der assessment. $15,800. James O. . worth Mitten Agency, Realtors, MI IS0.1S2 Pearl S t—Ml »-«M I worth one point timer and Miaa Haydon. Dodgers. condition, $65. Call MI 8-6637. RockvUle, TR 6-2977. 9-5082. PonUcalU, MI 9-M44. MI 9-5221. K t S-S171 or MI 8-8470 after 6 :30. g ro i^ floor. TR 6-T18S. Call We* Smith, MI l4Ma MI 9-9468, I Dowling, MI 9-7677, MI 9-8818. MI 9-6816 S-6980 or MI 9-5824.

M l / • ' ___ • s • • ^ PA O B TiN illlanrl|r?0t?r Svi^ning SATURDAY* AUGUST 19, 1961 About Town'♦ • Heard Along Main Street Firemen Put Out CRPA Lists Maaebeatar W ATBS will meet Five Acre Blaze Tueaday at the Italian American AnAonSomm of Manchester*$ Side StreeUy Too Business Bodies Y e a r ’s W ork Club on Eldridg'e St. Weighing: in At Bolton Notch will be from 7 'to 8 p.m. Mrs. F ^ d - Take Tear Medldne, Dear ^All clothes drying shall be accom­ A report of activities of the erlelc Bdwarda will be In ch ai^ of plished by clothes reels or “T" poles Bolton firemen, eugrmenced by a tbeproffram. A mah having some trouble with Oapltol Region iPlanlng Agency his stomach was prescribed some or lines.” state fire crew, worked for several (CRPA) for the year ended June bad-tastlng medicine, by his doc­ It seems that the sight of over­ hours yesterday.,on a difficult fire 30, along with the budget for the The Omar and Moslem Shriners alls and sheets flapping in the atop l^lton Notch mountain where Manchester and Willimantic, tor. His wife was Insistent that he fiscal year beginning July 1, 1961, at breeze Is not offensive In itself,' but five acres of brush burned over. respectively, have completed plana take it. has been released. However, the man discovered only the shape of the clothes hold­ The blaze had evidently b#en burn­ -The new budget of $52,900 will for an annual trip to the Crippled er In this latest definition of what ing briskly when Robert "Boske of Children's Hospital in Springfield, that a patent medicine tablet be financed by funds from the Fed­ served the purpose and tasted contributed tone and what does Cook Dr. noticed dense smoke at eral Government, the Cdnnectlcut Mass., on Sunday. Tony O'Bright not. the Noteth as he was driving and his orchestra, the Gertrude much better. Development Commission and 27 What then would be the relation home. members towns. Manchester's Tyler School of Dance pupils and Now, every so often he stops at of a 'T ' pole owner to the owner Boske reported the smoke to the share Is $1,423. John Carroll, piano accompanist, a friend’s house and flills his empty prescription bottle with the tab- of an electric dryer? fire department, thinking that per­ Agency activities for last year will provide entertainment. Hats, haps a pernfit had been Issued for Included a land study use, zoning nolsemahers and picnic fare will jets. His wife is none the wiser and '^ e man is satisfied. It’s An Improvement ' burning. When It was learned that and potential development survey be provided for the children. The bids for two subcontracts no permits had been given out for report of the Capitol Region, re­ Shape of Things to Come for the Maple St. School addition the area, Boske volunteered to try leased in September 1960; and the j Loll R. West, daughter of Mrs. to reach the spot where the fire start of a preliminary regional Most of us are familiar with in Rockville were opened Thurs­ Ruth C. Drlgga of 80 Cottage day night in the school by Archi­ was. When he reported oh the plan — a first phase to be com­ "The Organisation Man” concept St., recently was graduated from tect Arnold Lawrence and the situation at 4:30 p.m., a call was pleted by October of this year, at a twro-week resident course in and "The Satus Seekers” and also immediately .sent out for volun­ which time alternate proposals by "U ” and "Non-U." school building committee. airline career training at P a n teers. some 24 member towns will be In the Declarations and Res­ Unfortunately, the first phase of American Technical Schools, West The firemen were able to put the presented, trictions and Covenants registered the renovation, the installation of Palm Beach. Before these final lights In the older building, had fire \inder(i control in a short time A signifleanHpart of ,the work classes, Miss West spent approxi­ by the I. R. Stich Associates, Inc., but because of the dry ground, the being done by the CRPA has been with the Vernon Tdi^n Clerk this not been completed, so the bid mately one year studying non- fire kept cropping out again and a joint study with the State High­ week there is an interesting pas­ opening was conducted around a ’technic^il phases of airline opera­ folding table imder a lone electric again, having gone "underground” way Department relating to future sage which the organization has in­ so that it was smouldering deep in highways and future land use. tion. cluded to maintain the tone of the bulb hanging from a wire. In the middle of the opening, one the ground. Without rain recently, A mass transportation study, new properties. it was explained, the soil at the financed principally by business "N o clothesline pole shall be of the committee members looked up at the bulb and teased, "Was top of the mountain had been bak­ and industry and directed ^fey the erected or used upon any lot nor ed by the sun until it resembled CRPA, was completed during the shall clothes lines be attached to thojcln the specifications?” Lawrence looked up at it And peat. year with one! result being action both FAIRWAYS . any trees or any portion of the Firemen used the new Wall St- by the General -Assembly enabling dwelling house, garage or car port. saic^, "It's brighter than what OPEN A U DAY i waU in before!” off Notch Rd., to approach the fire the creation of regflonal transit dis­ He went back to reading the bid scene, located between Rt. 6 and tricts, and an organization of In­ MONDAY^ 2 amounts, looked up at it again and Notch Rd. terested citizens has been formed said, “In fact, it’s probably bright­ Fire Chief Peter Massolini said to promote their acceptance In the er than what’s going In.” the cause of the blaze was unde­ Capitol Region. k throughout j termined. Last June, after several ex­ FALLOUT A Smile, a Ring The State fire crew and a truck ploratory meetings, the (JRPA be­ from East Hampton left the fire at came coordinator of a study of Love' between a boy and girl 1:30 a.m. today and returned be­ the feasibility of joint refuse dis­ SHELTERS can happeh with the serving of a fore 8 a.m. with two trucks, one a posal facilities for the towns of sandwich (and smile) and marri­ new-type "blender" which helps Manchester, South Windsor, East In event of emergency, few ages are sometimes performed In areas If any, are as good as make the water go farther, Chief Windsor, Ellington, Tolland, Rock­ unusual places. Massolini said. The Bolton tank ville, the Vernon Fire District and prepared shelters. They are Love and marriage came to Bar­ a necessary Insurance. Pre­ truck and several Bolton firemen Bolton,. Whirlpool Washers, bara Burke and Robert Grays of Manchester’s three representa­ pare yours now. were back on the job this morning Manchester in such a manner re­ assisting the state crew. tives to the CRPA are John B. Dryers cently. LEON CIESZYNSKI Barnini, Dorothy C. Jacobson and Prices os Low, About a mpnth ago. Bob caught Judge Jay E. Rubinow. Builder— Ml 9^291 the smile of sprightly Barbara, a Swimming Tests Service That's Better waitress at Ye Old Oak Street Advertisement Restaurant and Grill on Oak St. End at Salter’s Traveling lecturer on automotive brake replacement parts Bill Hail (center), a sales and service rep­ The love bug caught them in its resentative for EIS Automotive Corp. of Middletown, leading brake replacement parts manufacturer trap and now Barbara is Bob's in the United States, explains'Tiis products to Victor DellaFera, co-owner of 13-year-old Manchester Somebody Goofed Potterton's every-day servant. The second series of swim les­ ISO Center St.—Cor. of Church Auto Parts. Inc., and Basil Nodden, mechanic, during three-day visit and demonstration last week By ROGERS The couple were married last sons given at Salter’s by recrea­ to local jobbers. Hall has traveled more than 120,000 miles during the past three years for EIS in Saturday at 6:30 p.m. in the din­ tion department instructors are his mobile unit, displaying hydraulic and pbwer brake replacement parts including cylinders, kiUs, I don’t care'whether it was town completed. The following passed THE OFFICE OF ing room at the Oak St. restau­ fluid, tools and cables, throughout the eastern part of the United States, east of the Mississippi officials or executors of the Wick­ rant with Judge Peterson of Ver­ tests: River. DellaFera has the local dealership. (Herald photo by Pinto.) ham will. I thought I would drive non performing the nuptials. Mike Beginners, Kathy Hauschild in and see what the Wickham park Stanko, owner of the eatery, who Linda Negro, Steve Shaw, Mary- RETIRES looked like, laiere was a stiff DR. E. J. LOJESKI honor last month by Electric Light • CONCRETE gave the bride away, said that this Lou Arendt, Laurie Broderick, Robert J. Gordon Sr. of 43 W ell­ among sixteen “Superior Perform­ breeze and the disgraceful en­ Co. officials and friends, and he re­ was the first wedding ceremony Stan G e 1 d e 1, Shiela Stevenson, ington Rd., a native of Manches­ ance Award’’ winners at the Vet­ trance and exit roads were offer­ ceived many gifts. WILL BE CLOSED here. Bridesmaid was Corrlne .Cur­ Richard Constantine, Elizabeth ter, retired from the Hartford Elec­ erans Administration Hartford Re­ ing as a welcome waves of sand FOUNDATIONS Married to the former Susie tis, and Donald Moore was^hest Twombly, Mark Snyder, Susan tric Light Co. on July 31 after 33 gional Office, Manager Edward W. and dust. Everything I saw be­ Schadlich of Broad Brook, the covi- man, A wedding reception “ was Rushford, Marnette Ostrout, Paula years seiwice. O’Meara announced thUs week. fore I could get out was as ama­ ple have had 43 years of married AUGUST 21 TO given by Stanko. Scott, Nancy Knight, Carolyn Gordon joined the Hartford Elec­ The awards were presented for teurish as anything of its kind I • NEW PANELS life. They have two children. Roh- Bob ajids Barbara, who returned Wojcoskl, Marcie Kiecolt, Sheila tric Oct. 1, 1928, in commercial conslstentl.v exceeding the normal have ever seen. , ret Jr. employed at the Aetna Life QUALITY WORK SEPTEMBER 5 yesterday from a northern New Bellefieur, Kathy Eggleston, San­ requirements of their positions. I f there is, as alleged In the England wedding trip, will reside dy MacKay, Virginia Cataldei, Insurance Co„ and Eleanor, a su­ press, so much Money for main­ pervisor- in the treasury depart­ in Manchester. Jean McAdams, Kathy Jarvis, Raymond E. Gardner of 14 Avon tenance and upkeep, why weren't A Non. Judy Whitesell, Bruce Ellison, ment at P&WA, St. has been judged a fourth prize all o f the roads amesited last E. J. POLONSKI Phylis and Kathy Heller, Michele Gordon h§s been a member of Vinner for his entry in a recent spring? To sa.y that somebod.y Telephone Collect Gorra, Eileen Valciulus. the American Legion and Masons. H, J. Heinz Ketchup consumer goofed is putting it mildly. Let STORBS, GA 9-9044 Intermediates, Colin Marceau, contest. He v ill receive a .sewing the chips fall where they may. Carol Rushford, Sheila Packard, NAMED FELIXIW marhine, one of 3,057 prizes given The whole roadway situation is a MANCHESTER HRE DEPARTMENT'S Roberta Angell, John Bajek, Anita Mark W. Hill of 56 Buckingham away. disgrace and if I were a town offi­ Karp, Barbara Hlgbie, Vivian St. has been named a Fellow in the cial I would close the park until it 12tfi ANNUAL Caroll, Ann Deegan, David Odell, Society of Actuaries at Travelers The 146th annual meeting of is really in shape to open. John and Jim Welch, Mary Hick­ Insurance Co. the Manufacturers Association of W ILLA R D B. RCX5ERS. ey, Tom Cone, Bill Edwards, Ed­ Hill, who joined Travelers 'In Connecticut (M AC) v ill be held ward Ward, Ruth Tomasko, Dawn 1929 upon graduation from the at on Tuesday, RUG and PEACH SHORTCAKE FESTIVAL McDowell, Bill Taylor, Ray and University of Vermont, is an as­ Sept. 12. Steve Halsted, Steve Johns, Larry sistant actuary in the Life A c­ tuarial Department and is a mem­ ON THE LOT NEXT TO RREHOUSE Reichlin. Survival Shelters, a division of UPHOLSTERY ber of the Actuaries Club of Also, Mike Cohn, Mike Bixler, Yankee Homes at 34 Connecticut MAIN AND HILLIARD STREETS Hartford. Bill Sproule, Steve Johnson, (Ilyn- Blvd., East Hartford, has been WESTOWN thla and Claudia Haney, Nancy appointed Hartford County dealer CLEANING FRIDAY, AUG. 25— STARTS 6:30 PM. Minor, Duane Mitchell, Suzanne NEW INSURANCE MAN ■■ PHARMACY Richard H. Ander.son. a nephew for ‘TLiving Shelters” produced by Wagner, (!3irls Chlaputti, Nora and Wonder Building Corp. of Chi­ 459 Hartford Rd.— MI 9-9946 TEL. Ml 9-1752 Kathy Mulhern, Kathy Johnson, of Clarence H. Anderson of Bol­ All You Can Eat! ton, has affiliated with the Clar- cago. "ILiving Shelters” from the Susan LeBIanc, Raymond Roberge, $395 M2B model that will accom­ To maintain our continuity or Sally and Roger Hurd, Karen ance H. Ander.son Insurance modate six persons to the giant ADULTS 75c— CHILDREN 50c Bradlau, George Bradlau, Diane Agency at 74 E. Center St. of medical service we are Ml 3-5747 M3, 20 by 100 foot model that will Ouelletts, Cynthia Galasso, Bar­ A native of Plainville, Anderson TICKETS AT THE DOOR accommodate 200 persons have bara M c ^ rry , Theresa Hauschild, is a graduate of Mt. Hermon sales and transferred to the Man­ School for boys in Mt. Hermon. been approved by Civil Defense. Open All Day MUSIC BY POLICE and FIREMEN'S BAND Judy Kelley, Carol Knight, Brenda chester Electric Co. office (later Garner's Morlarty, William Marceau, Rich­ Mass., and Bryant College in The M3 can be constructed for 8 GRISWOLD ST. part of the Connecticut Power Co., about $100 per person. This Advt. Sponsored by Wm. Peck Lumber, Inc. ard Knight, Raymond Holman, which in turn merged with Hart­ We Give Green Stamps James Sproul, Steven Valcuills, SUNDAY ford Electric Light Co. in 1958). Since the days of the battle of Carol Hare, Linda Nadeau, Jim In 1953, Gordon was transferred and Jean Jeray. Lexington when news of that to Canaan where he was manager battle was printed on paper from of the Housatonic Division in the Manchester, three local paperboard SENATE ROLL CALL northwest part of the state. In Washington, Aug. 19 — Sens. mills, Case Bros., Lydall Foulds 1959 he was named manager of the Division of Colonial Board, and Prescott Bush, R - C o n n., and Farmington-Simsbury office. Rogers Corp., have continued to CHEAT N E W FUEL O f l Thomas J. Dodd, D-Conn., voted A prominent figure as a soloist with the majority yesterday in the stimulate the local economy, the in many church choirs, Gordon, for Chamber of Commerce reports. To­ DEVELOPMCNTI 66-24 vote by which the Senate some 30 years, was soloist at the day, the three mills daily produc­ passed Its $4-billlon-plus foreign South Methodist Church. tion is about 225,000 pound.s of aid bill. A luncheon was gdven in his paper with an annual sales volume ^ B E R & SUPPLY CO. of $8 million and weekly salaries AT THE NOTCH, BOLTON—MI S-2141 amounting to about $45,000. The 26th edition of the Directory OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY of New England Manufacturers, published this month, contains PRESCRIPTIONS some 14,000 regional manufactur­ TELEPHONE ing establishmenLs, including 540 appearing within its pages for the CASH and CARRY first time. Products in the News: A wonder­ Richard H. Anderson ful gift for children interested in 9-9814 Providence. He was discharged electronics — General Electric’s LARGE SELECTION from the IT.S. Army on June 16 seven "Educational Projects” is a PLAIN and FANCY after a tour of duty in Korea and new concept in transistor elec­ MOULDINGS PINE PHARMACY became associated with the tronics for American youth; Au­ SALE 664 CENTER STREET—CORNER OF ADAMS agency at that time. . tumn and football by the fireside His immediate pl§ms are to at­ wltti the Official National League tend school at the Travelers In­ Electric Football Game offgred by surance Co. home office In Hart­ Gotham. Pressed Steel. Corp., New 94 Lbs. ASPHALT ford In September and will join York, N. Y. the office on completion of the. coiirse. — $1.49 SHINGLES The Clarance H. Anderson Agency was established here in 1927 and has conducted a general $ 2 2 4 Bundle insurance business since that time. BAG 'i h MUFFLERS BRIEFS Creighton Shoor of Shoor Jewel­ Helps keep your WOOD I INSULATION I PEG BOARD LIFETIME ers and William Malkenson of Michaels Jewelers are serving on burner clean as it Pouring Per Bag the arrangements committee plan­ heats your home I SHINGLES ll/8"-2'x4' 80c ning the Connecticut Retail Jew­ MANCHESTER PARKADE Wool $1.49 GUARANTEE Finest Fashions East of elers Association's first combined RT-98 is the most completely NO. 2 PERFECTION the River! |l/8"-4'x4' *1.76 annual Convention and Shoreline effective fuel oil additive in use I^i’-xie ft ...... $8.80 per roll Party at the GrUswold Hotel and Per Bundle AGAINST today. This helps your oil Country Club at Groton, Sunday, OPEN burner deliver more clean, de­ .3”xl6 ft...... x *3.49 »^5^„,,|1/8"-4' 8'»3.52 Aug. 27, at whioh some 400 retail pendable heat. You get pre­ BLOWOUTS jewelers are expected to attend. MONDAYS mium service, too. All designed to make home heating easy. Daniel Newcomb of .52 S. Haw­ THROUGHOUT THE YEAR WHITE FOR YOUR SHOPPING thorne St. and Mrs. Marie PINE CONVENIENCE! SHELVIN6 BOARDS Brahamey of 67 Chambers St. are PANELiWS CEDAR, Call today for Premium l"x12" FENCE with Grade M o b ilh eat tr«9s r or 8’ 3 RAILS And Up t«ngtlM 1 POST THE ARMY AND NAVY WE GIVE 21c ^ 3 , 5 0 GREEN STAMPS Per Lin. Ft. Per Un. Ft. 40 Sections AU 8’ Long FREE PICKUP AND DELIVERY MORIARTY KWIK KOVER OAK FLOORING BINGOAND BROTHERS Fsr Walls, Shelves, Counters. Per Lin. Nd 1 Common. HARTFORD GENERAL TIRE CO. DANCINO EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT Foot ■ \ .n m U 6 nntsh. ra td 2 2 c 8 O 'CLOCK With Loon Of Power NsUer' 155 CENTER ST.— MI 9-28?? Ml 3-5135 301-315 CMtar St.

-'S the moy une the Ml, wUl I'ed- Icut 27 er'i rear ling ■vey re- the >nal om- at TV Week AUC. 19 thru AUC. 2S I by be Hanrljeatfr Euening %raUi CHANNELS S-8-18-22-Sort served its fifth anniversary on day­ J:4« n u Week !■ SpMte S gest that she do more singing stnd 2:M Bseebell Game s shirts—has about 300 in his ward­ time television in June, was seen _ „ Yankee* v» Cleveland dancing in the series. When she robe. at night at various times between S:M Baiwkali Oatoa S ELECTRONICS first started on the western she Perhaps the resemblance ends Boston vs Detroit 1958 and i960. Based on the ele­ Major Leacae Baseball Oaaa* was given some vocalizing and here for Bill never had any great ment of surprise, the series fea­ LABORATORIES hoofing to do. ’They have also writ­ interest in golfing. Considering his tures amusing stunts fw unsus­ Philadel^la PhllUea va. m S ten that it would be a good idea if many vocations and a vacations, he pecting members of ^^e studio waukee Braves. she could finally corral Marshal probably never had the time to 4:M Golf Tis Of Th* Bar IS 277 BROAD audience, reunions w th close 4:M t v Baro Ot Th. IS. « Troop in matrimony. It could hap­ concentrate on golf. His hobbies friends and relatives and regular * . Saratoea Handicap pen during next season’s episodes. include mosaics, hunting (with S:M Biz Time WreaUiag S participations by guest celebrities. WerM Of Sperto 4S-U ■ ' SI—— (la Prozreas) M ;M Fisht Of The Week t. 46. SS Jorge .Fernandea ,va laaac I-ogart was once top contender SATU R D AY Television PROGRAM for writerweisbt Utle. ngn seems to have caught up with him. Argentina’s fiery Jorge MiUiea Dollar Movie 18 town facing doom when a man U :M Sky Kiag S "La Strada," Anthony Quinn, Fernandes should overpower Tra* Story SI. M is released from prison and him, and win by declsloit. Richard Baaehart; "Eight Wit­ heads (or home seeking venge (Compiled by Stanley Weatoa. UaaSIrsla BawUas M nesses,” Peggy Atm Gamer, ance. (Repeat) WMe Wsrid •! Sparta t Dennis Price Boxing Illustrated.) U:SS This U DVoas S Doable Featare SS 16:46 Maks That Snare 46. IS Detective’s Dairy IS, IS T:St Perry Maien S ‘The Stonr o t Vernon and Irene , SDNDAT. ADODST S6th 1:M BFD Me. I I Raymond Burr In ‘The Case o t Castle," Fred Astaire and Ginger 1:S6 Baseball Game g Watck Mr. Wiiaid SI. St the Jaded Joker.’* Singer makes Rogers; "Island in the Sky," Yankees vs CHeveland The lavUlble Maa 4t a business deal with a small-time John Wayne and Lloyd Nolan S:I6 BaseMI Game S 1:U Coasreasioaml Viearpelat S agent who double-croesea him. Doable Featare St Boston va Detroit l:St Davey S OallaCh S (Repeat) "Storm Over the Nile," I>aurence Major Leagne Baseball Game Scieaee FIctiea Theater SS Boaaasa (Color) St. St Harvey and Anthony Steele S6 Thtr~ls Serial gecarity St Lome Greene, Pemell Roberts, Ititt Gaasmeke s Philadelphia Pbllllea va. Mil­ Gardeaer’a Almaaae tt Dan Blocker and Michael Lan- James Araeaa stara. "Oennia waukee Braves. 1:41 Thli Week la Sparta * S don in "The Courtship." Widow Weaver ta featured. Two New MONDAY. ADODST tist JOHN L lENNEY 2 :tt Fratare S wins the bekrt of Hoas. Cart­ York newspapermen come to 16 :M Mala Rvesl S Baaeball t wright and agrees to marry him. Dodge City in search of "wild THDBSOAT. ADODST S4th Yankees va. Cleveland (Repeat) west color stories for their T;1S Blags Ot Oelt a C. LEROY NORRIS Satarday Featare SB Beariag M's S ,4t, tS ^ n d a y supplement. (Repeat) 7:M Satamer Sports Speetacniar S ■The Red Menace." Robert Donald May In "The Twelfth Fight Of The Week t, 4t. tt 6:66 Wi^tllH —SS ASSOCIATE Rockwell; "Yellowneck,” Un Hour." Pat Garrison seta to clear Mea ef AaaapeHi is FKIDAT. ADODST Mth a rich young man framed for t:M 16 lia Clasale—Bawllag McCarthy homicide. (Repeat) I t:t t Tembstoae Territory S Adveatare Thna St Cameo Theater Beqaeal Theater tt l:S t Checknsato t "Horsepower," Carl Insurance o f AU Kinds Baaeball S Anthony George, Doug McClure, Playboy’s PeatheiHs R ed, Sox va. Detroit Sebastian Cabot. "Don’t BeUeve Sammy Davia Jr. and I Bonds S:St HaJer Leayae Ball a Word She. Sa.vs.” Jed Sills and Stone Four PhUadelphla______Phillies MU- I Dr. _Carl Hyatt of Checkmate, I9 ;if Make That Span tt.'^iii waukee Braves Inc. become domestic servants Top bowling stars c nipete for S44 N. MADI STREET 4 :N OeU Tip e( the Day U In the home of a widow. (Re­ peat) cash prises. Johnny Johnston Johnston, PHONE Ml S-68M 4;St TT Baca et the Week IB, ft cimmentator. Frank Beach and Tali Man SitS At Jordan EXPERT Saratoga Handicap Barry Sullivan, C3u Gulager In 791 MAIN STREET 4;4S Amerlcaas at Work tS 11 :tt'Satatday Night Bepert SS S :tt Big 'Tlrae WrestUag t The ^.Reluctant Bridegroom,’’ • PHONE MX 9-SMO Leave It To Beaver t. W. ss Satarday Night News A Weather- Depaty Dawg S •Teacher’s Daughter.” Wally .. tt FRONT END * Sanmiay WrestUag It wMts to break up with his girl HeUywood’s Finest Big Fiotare St friend, but she is hia Bnglish a tit Deahle Featare Wide World ef Sperte U , U 11;1S PUy Of The Week y *XJET THERE BE UGHT” fe c ia l 110,000 winner-take-all U - teacher’s dau^ter. (Repeat) Hole golf match between Arnold S :tt Tke Depaty M. St ‘The Emporer'a Clothes.” Vlneca OORREGTION I^wTeaco Welk Skew g, tt, U Lindfors and Julee Munshin Palmer and Gary nayer at the Doable^ Featare St famed Royal and Ancient St Musical hour featuring Lawrence AND TWIN OAKS Andrews Golf Course in Scot­ Welk and his Champagne Hiuic 3 **?.® “ *®“**'” John Derek Makers. t l :l t World’s Best Movies | land "Summer Holiday,” Mickey ELECTRIC S:St Beadesvoas With Adveatare S S:tt tfave Gan WUl Travel S Rooffey and Gloria DeHaven Capteta Gallaat SS, St Richard Boone. Paladin seeks to l : l t Baa Fraaclsce Beat S WHeaBAUNCHNI 6 :tt Weather, Sports, News S prevent further bloodshed in a COMMERCIAL WaH Disaey 8 1:4S News, A Weatker s Tales of the West It RESIDENTIAL TV Hoar ef Stars SS "Deadly Riddle. ” Natalie Wood, L T. WOOD CO. loe alto AVAllAble at Kaarf*a Mar­ INDUSTRIAL Jacques Sernas Cook's Adveatare St ket, 5i0 Mddle Tpke. East; Bou­ CONTRACTING t :l t Bringing Dp Baddy S chard’s Atlantic, 288 Middle Tpke. SetVICE STA1ION Colerade It ICE PLANT West; Dart’s Dalrv, 815 East 7 :tt Pete A Gladys S , M I 9-5321 RICHARD V. DVBVO. Prop. Brethers BraaaagM t 81 BIS8ELL STREET Center; Rufinl’t Flying "A ”, 118 S18 Middle Tpke. East Flat Bewle IS Turn Boat From MiUa St. Center; Oilva’t Eeao, 411 Hartford WUd BUI Hlckek St Bend. Official tB>npee«l6B (Mb Ham . BH t-7778 . Highway Fatrst tt At State Tbeater Mew ■orlyeas f t PAGE TWO MANCHESTER EVENING HEfiALD, MANCHESTER, CONN^ SATURDAY, AUGUST 19, 1961 M A N C ^ S T E R e v e n i n g h e r a l d , MANCHESTER, CONN,. SATURDAY, AUGUST 19, 1961 PAGE THREE MANCHESTER SUNDAY Television PROGRAM t.. PIPE aid SUPPLY Ohsasci Baseball . S8 ' Bart learns that beautiful women TUESDAY Television PROGRAM The Bl( Pietars "VWta-.PhlUleB vs. MIlwaukM CelGbraiGs BIrtnaay laonua rVOOBPORATED Isslsbt__ ■ CM bp more deadly than hired Die VSileleBSan killers: (Repeat). f:M Tewa Crier First Shew gg i zz zt Any Questions? ifiii 1« Tbes Sjfe”Ute S •tJJ JM* netnre 8:88 Ed SalUvaa Shew 8 ’Th«■"The' Man Is Armed”. Dane Boris K^loff host "FanuUse 8:98 Davey * QoUsUh Guests: Rosemary Clooney, sing­ Trade-In Time On CUA. , W H O L E S A U iM lto s le a s Of Maa a 8:48 SsAaf Becarity & u lj Shew 88 Mansion..' Schoolteacher becomes a .. *■ 4frioa I 4:88 Big Flotare er; ^ n n is, Lindsay and PhUip iSS?**’ “-S the prisoner of the demented own­ PLUMIIMG and •stf The Ohrittopkers ■ Crosby, vocal group: Myron ^^e^jNew. 8 ■TPho Laet Bandit” ers of a large estate, (Repeat). Elchmann Oa Trial Cohen,.uuen, comeuian;comedian; AtA1 tlirt.Hirt, vocai-vocal­ , „ ^ Adariral and Swabby Show 48 Q: I recently saw. the movie, Sit# UMeratasdlas Oar WarM I 4:88 Oar Faith ist, . — S teeO M ^ West 8, 48. tt "And Now ’Tomorrow,” on TV. Who HEATING SUPPUES Feature •t. Grant, slnger-ora^st, Ba^eie Beaett a * ««w l8 *». tt Robert Bray la "The Outcasts”, ':4S Tke Urlng Word 8 WisairiM _D'Orspn, t o c e r : tile Elkina 7tU Daiverslty o T Ih e Air a S;M Fella Tbe Oat 8 ^ w m a a throws away his bolge played the part of Loretta Young's - lesaes and Aaewara SUten,isten fencing^ancing act; aada: the 8:88 Qattsk Draw McGraw 8 VISIT o m SHOWBOOH it :M JUunp Date Mr reel i (^ est: Sen. Stuart Symington 8iM News 8 525*; »(*?*?« robber. & sister? Clare L. '' Segment of. ‘ ’Throu^ A Olasa Marquis Cbimps, (Repeat). Light Xlme t -Flippy The Ciewa 18 ^ther. (Repeat). 248 N. BtAIN ST. !ly." four-pitH aeries orlgi- i P l .p f Intwlewed by I^wa National Velvet |g, f t Geptale Kaararee g Beyal Caaadlaa Menated , ^ The TUid Mu 18 A: That w u Susan Hayward. FoliUcal Editor BUI I^wrenca and Lori Martin In "Star Wish.” Vel­ _ Felloe .4# 8:88 Playhqase 98 g presented in 1969. "Cbildren Mpltol News Correspondent Peter Breaktaet Time g Iiewp 88 Symbols. ” Children's vet borrows $260 to enter King in Hap Btehards a •'Four Women In Black.” Itour Q: Is the show "Thriller” com­ gapper on T h e World O lses and . .. S; geeplechase. (Repeat). Hamper Beem ZZ, g:U Oa Parade tt nuns who brave the baxards of ▼olcea. recelWea by documentarlan Uie State ol Our Nation's De­ 8:38 Tab Haalee Show ZZ. Z8 at A l l a ^ i e e 7888 88 ing back next season? 1 found it PETERMAN PLUMMNG Tony SchaSuls. will be heard fenses." Almaaae gt Indian attack and wild-animals to t ^ ln g about their concept of The InvltatlM.:’ Paul twd Peter t:8E Lsoaey Tnnes 88 •i*5 Weatter, Newt aad Bporta 8 cross the desert from San Diego very exciting and mysterious. Mrs. 8188 Hatty’s Fanday Faaalea 8 mammerade as an English butler Reflection-Free TV • ;1S LaatM A Hardy g . „ Traokdewa 48 ^ * covered wacon to O iM CoR Do«s It Afl S?*L. Rbrtta u Arrowa". Casper, the and French chef at a midnight 8:88 News and Weather 8 J.W. Klekncke, President of Concordia friendly ghost is honored by In­ Oap^ Kaagarse 88 (Repeat). Teachers College. (Repeat). supper. (Repeat). •tM Movie a B e M Heed U MiUJsa Dollar Mevle 18 A: Yes, it will still be seen on • One Contract^ diana auter be saves a squaw and Lawman 8. 88. SZ Glabheaee ZZ "I Cover The Underworld.” Philip Sten (osier) I her papoose. Other stories. ^hen You^ In Love”. Grace The Big Piettiiu tt Tuesdays, but one hour later; that Eballcc Of dalvaSleB tg Aceeat s " T ^ Grubstake.” Prospector Is Moore a » l Cary Grant. » •• Hillary Brook. • la 10 to 11 p.m . • On« RaaponaibUlty S j^ n e e ef the Mast M s l^ e d by an entertainer in the I Harried Jsaa 8 J 'S 2. 8. zz. tt 18:88 B j^ ia l For Women ZZ, zt . Viewers srlll be taken on a visit 8:85 Sperto 4# "Mother and Daughter.” Docu­ ^ This Is The Ufa M to Oie piasxa San Marco in ?? ‘®®A' (Repent). 1 Love Laey 88 7:88 Hragh Biders 8 U :M Leak Op and U ra 8 M MiIU» Dollar Hevie U gay When ZZ, Z8 mentary about the problems of Q: It Is true that Stan Preberg • O m Payment Plan Venice. Italy. Guest: Mary Mo- ■Ln Strada” . Anthony Quinn and Basle z Fecae On Ameriea 8. tt w e n ts coping with adolescent "Brand.” Beyenth play in 'the CMthy American writer. Winston MilHea Dollar Movie U will have his o*n special next sea­ summer drama series. "As Seen ^rdett la boat . — Basehart. STANEK Video YlUaEie 88 children. Hostess PauHne Fred- Over IS Veaia’ EJxperienee 8:88 TV Theater g "The Mice Americana” . Vera Day e r ^ interviews Dr. Leon Baum- son? Paul R. JYom TTje Stage.” is an adapta- mghwsy Holidays 18 ^;t^aaeh ZZ. and Sheldon Lawrence. .tton of Henrik Ibsen's play about "The Small ElepbanU” . Major artner at the conclusion, of the A: Yes. He has been set for an *6 years With ntspatriek M. 88 enters into a uniQUe business ai^ aECTRONICS UBORATORIES Fer It 8 Weather. Leeal News ZZ frams. (Repeat), “ “flutist parson who sacri- . . . WlaeheU Fils _ News A Weather 88, S8 ABO-’TV special on Feb. 4, eve of M l 3-24«3 flcea his son's life for a principle. rMgement ■ with a questionable U ;8t Frontiers ef Knowledge 8 8:88 This Is NBC News 3Z. 88 chafneter who already has ped- zz. 7:16 Maeeaohasetts Psiitiea ZZ TV Freseata 48.' U the Chinese New Year. ’The title of Rev. Wiliiam Hamiiton. Frofes- Edwin Newman Is editor-reporter. 277 8ROAO ST. MANCHCSTER K & r s & h t .5 Spsrte Camera Zt K>r of • Theology at Colgate- Oled dreams to a movie star, a -^e. They” . Phil Pine. the show is “The Chun lOng Chow Great Artists 8 rnweian, and a star-struck giant. OalelMerm SImw g, gg News 48 Boulders rain on a small .Cali­ Rocheatw Divinity Schooi, hMt. ■ B o cl» Aad His M ea ds 8. 48 (Repeat). Today’s W8uM 88 7:88 Saa Fraaeleoe Boot | fornia town and nobody knows Mein Hour.” PETERMAN’S This Is The answer 8 Dr. Christiaa 18 Mystery Honr zz Z8 Laramie ZZ, 38 18:48 Ught D m e fs 8:88 Meet The Press 38 Year Bnrpriea Package g IS ... SSy” ?*■ ( I \ I ' I u N Aannal Highway Patrol n e Btflemaa 8. 88, U 19:68 News and Weather Z Baildrr’e Showcase 8 Chamberlain and France's Pre­ Boelal Netea With KHty Chuck Connors in ’'Obituary’’, fee- 19:66 Moment of Meditation Z mier Edouard Daladter to avert Glngold, (R epeat)/ Dividend We*U convert 2. Returns all basic annual pre- WashingloB Bepert 88 What’s Mv Liao? paaee Time porter who glorlflea fast guns 1:88 News 88 Adveatelree In Bcieeee 48 war by allowli^ the Nazi occupa­ Best Of The Post — B ate Paguat creates a problem (or Lucas when miiuns if life assured lives 19:18 Commonity Newe 88 tion. lo it e r (Jronkite narrates. .'Color -B.»W8Mg8Tgt’8 8$»g8t riaAweiat IK8TIT8tl#r i AtB<. Tome WHh Kitty be builds up his prowess with the that furnace to ag;e 65. 19:16 Around 'Town 38 (Repeat). ^ it p r ’s Choice 8, 4t. S$ > Jaa Murray Shew " rifle. 19:38 We Believe 3 Sea Hnnt g 1007 MAIN 8T„ HANOHESTEB ROimS 21, COVENTRY (Color) 8:N Doble Oiins > I Trip ‘Down Under’ to clean, convenient Peopie in the Newe 8 Fendall Yerxa. editorial airector S. Is available for male and Science Fiction Theater 18 and anchorman. ’ ‘Heart Attack Face the Facts "Zlor) ZX, 18 INVESTMENTS BreakfasBreakfast Ttano 8:U Sports M Featare- ’eatare 48 Ice Cream Co. 7:85 University Of The Air 8 Beicue 8 Hugh Downs is host. 8:88 Hap Biekards 7:88 paageroas Bebin Z U :M g r i d ’s Beet Moriee ' lNOORIH)RATED 8:88 News s MB. OBOBOE F. JOHNSON JR., Manager Bomper Beoai ZZ. Light Time * 8 6:26 Weather News A Sports 8 Adventures in Paradise 8, 48, 88 Shotgan Slade 8 "The Black Tent.” Anthony Two Faces West 48 "HUl of Ghosts.” Beachcomber AN mLPFPL TRANSACTIONS HANDLED Almaaae MllUea Dollar Movie U Steele and Anna Marie Sandri 27 Warren S t—AO 2-M50 8:15 Captain hangaroe S 8:38 Newe A Weather 8 with eialless supply of money is ON ALL EXCHANGES LISTED AND UNLISTED—MUTUAL FUNDS 8:86 Looney Tnaet "The San' Francisco Story,” Joei 11:88 Jaek Faar Show ZZ Breakfast Time 8 The Final Tax 18 followed by an evil trio. (Re­ 8:16 Laarel A Hatty HeCrea and Yvonne De Carlo (Color) Our SPEEDY Specialty 8:88 Hap Richards 8 Clabhoaee 29 peat) 820 MAO) STREET TBS^ 2 0 8-1105 Captain Kangaroo Weatter, Local Nows Zl U:M Newa A Weather I Romper Room 88. 38 Gompaes 83 Mlllloa Dollar Movie 18 •:M Movie Newa aad Weather M, 48 1Z:85 Moment of MedltaUen Z TRULY DELICIOUS Almanac 48 8:45 News 3, 8, 33 "The San Francisco Story,” Joel Alios The Deacon.” Boh Burne 7:18 Baehstace ZZ 1:88 la te News Jt ‘'Over 8:86 Looaey Tnnes 48 8:86 Sports McCrea and Yvonne DeCario and Dennis O'Keefe Saerte dsmera 88 8 :tiTLanref A Hardy 8 18:88 Glean Miller Time I I Married Jooa S News M 7:88 After Dinner Hevie 8 18:88 I Lore Laey 88 CHICKEN 8 :8 8 M , ‘ * " * " ^ 7 "Crash Dive," Anne Bqxter and With Johnny Desmond and Ray " A W om an Who Sews—Baa Nlee-Ctolheer 7:88 MaUba Baa 8 30 Flavors Dana Andrews McKinley as co-hosts, andan( fea- Say When ZZ. tt Student Mike and ta rry have Margarita Wants "Abroad With Two Yank*,” Wil­ luring s W e r Patty Clark. Sasla g been instructing la skin diving Brown in 6 Minutes liam Bendix and Dennis O'Keefe Phil SITvers 8 U :M VUe# YUUgo 88 Million Dollar Movie 18 lUrbara Stanwyck Shew ZZ, S8 (s pfeaumabiy droaraed off tbe I Married JFsaa 8 Sign of tha Zodlaa” Wl^iro Sh8$ PIL8RIN M in S J s r |sar Play YoarBaBah XI. ' Caluomia coast. (Repeat) To Be Herself In Gallons! The w orid’s “ OnesC eatin’ ch ick ­ 18:98 I Love Lsey 48 "Grave Robbers From Outer ( ^ o r ) , Say Whea ZZ 38 ' . Space." trios to contact her dead hus­ Ton Asked Fat ■ Wagea Train tt. M en” with Inoomparable taste. weather. Local Newe 98 band through a fortune teller, Robert Horton, John Mdntire in Serie 8 11:88 Doable Exaosare Z "The Joe Muharich Story." Po­ Petite Margarita Sierra, fiery 18:88 Video VllUge 48 Newe of the Hear. Weather 38 whom her sister-in-law has tak- FALL FABRICS at LOW M H l PRICES! The Price Is Bight (OsUr) ZZ, 38 CALL IN ORDER Play Year Haach (Color) 23. 38 Newe end Weather M . . S? *® ''*■*(• (Repeat) lish immigrant'a efforts to help Latin singer and dancer from Ma- MAHCHESTER Amerleaa Odyssey 63 18:38 Mala Event Z Gale Storm Show 1^ tt a suriy young gunman result in Pick Ep 10 Minutes Later Yes Asked For It 8 „ Acadoasy Ployhooso » dl drid may be the only beautiful girl t l :88 Deeble Expooere Z Messaehasetts Polities 99 Peter Gbbb 8. 88, St tragedy. (Repeat) Sperfe Camera k 38 "Come Dance With Me." Pretty Salearoom Honni; Evecy Day Nooti to I PJL-Satardi^ 10 AJL ta 0 PJL U :N Year Sarprise Package Z Heng Ksag 8. 88 In Hollywood who doesn’t want to The Price U Bighi- ZZ » dental technician is threatens OeaoentralieB ta, Zt Rod Taylor in ’ T h t Runaway." CYCLE SHOP Color) News . „ Leve That Beh S. tt. U be an actreM . . . she Just wants to iIsle Stenn Show S. SZ 7:38 The Americaae 29, 38 to a mobster. (Repeat) Glemt sets out to help a girl OYCJLE SALES and SERVICaE DECI’S DRIVE-IN Darryl Hickman, Dick Davalos The Third Maa ZZ .^TOjEY HALL a HARTFORD M>. a MANCHESTER a^wami z.aw r7iSr U:tt Leve Of Life 8 fleeing a cargo ship with Im­ be herself. 462 CENTER ST.-4«I 3-2660 . . S®*^**"^ Playhooee 48 in "The War Between The Rescae • Trnth er Oeasequtnees ZZ. M portant coded Information. (Re- So when Mtugarita accepted an U:Z8 Year Sarprise Package Z 11:88 Newe, Weather aad Sports Oom eafM e I. t t. t t Cedombia— ^Hamber OeBoeetralloB tz M Stateg." Ben tries to restrain his U:S8 Searehl^r -Teaseriow Z offer to go to Hollywood and be Love That Bob Z. 48. 53 buddy from wooing a Canfield Newe, Weather aad Sperls It Geald Be Ten (Geler) ZZ, 38 8:88 ^ ^ * r Maa a regular cast member o l A B C - U ;tt Love Of Life 3 cousin on the day of her wed­ Big News Patrick McGoohan in "Find and News and Weather Naaabcr Please 8. tt. tt Return.” Death and danger stalk TVs "Surfside S” seriea, it was on English— ^Rollfast ]^th er Csaeeqaeaeee . 92 38 ding to a Confederate officdb. U:48 The Oaldlag UgM $ BOB KlERNANn Prop. Camooflage 8. 88. 88 (Repeat) ??**■• Sports. Weather investigator John Drake when the condition that she didn’t have 13:38 lt_ (kiiild B . Yea 33. St PheyeBBe Show 8,“ 88. 63 11:16 Suspense Theater W . H, 'England Lumber Co7 1Z:U Newa Day Bepest ZZ be arrives In the Middle Bast to 142 Mlddle,Tpke. Went (Color) Cnint Walker in "Lone Patrol." 'The Mummy’s Curse,” 1:88 Beet Seller a locate a woman. to a ct. MI Searchlareh For Temerrew 8 Cheyenne’s warning of an Im­ Chaney, Kay Harding ”AT THE GREEN” Geaat ef Meate Orisle 8 TIm. Friee Is BIgM Zl. tt M argarita plays CSia Cha Namber Please 8. 88, 88 pending Indian attack Is unheed­ JacF Paar Show At Heme With KHy ZZ, 38 (

PAGE POUR MANCHESTER EVBSNING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, SATURDAY, AUGUST 19, 1961 F Coming Shows Television THURSDAY PROGRAM ^Ui A wave of terrorism in Africa 1:44 Fhatare Film the Big Board.” Peter Is mls- HoUywood Aug 6:A5 Towa Crier “Ever Since Vemis, Ana Sav- taken foi[or a Far Eastern finan­ which threatens to explode into 7:M Heritose aire, Hugh Herbert cier at a stockholders' meeting. app« a mass uprising bring^s investigra- TeOajr Skew Fepeye Theater 8 (Repeat) tor John Drake (Patrick Mc- 7:25 Africiiltare Xewe Hoar ot Sports 22 My Three Sons 8. 44 on T V and ./Mtlier Early Shew 84 Fred MacMurray In “The Lost- Goohan) to One of his toughest as­ 7 :lt Year Cemmaalty “Daughter of the Jungle,*' Lois ling.” Mysteriously, the Douglas Allic signments in “Deadline’’ on “Dan­ BaaiaeM Beperi Hail family find a baby girt. (Repeat) U.N ger Man” Wednesday, Aug. 30 7:S5 UafvertUyor______The Air The Admiral aad Swahby Playhouse 18 By BRSKINE/(^bHNSON 7:45 DaYey aad Oeliath Show 40 Wrestliag 58 Hollywood Correafioiideiit troo (8:30-9 p.m. BnXT). on. (3BS-TV. 8:M Newa Becky * His Frieads 44. 58 9:84 Brenner 8 tory Extremist organizations try to This Oar FaHh FeUx The Cat 8 Great Ghost Tales ’ 22. 84 Newspaper Enteipiise A w . 8:15 Caplala Kaayarae Hackleberry Honad 8 (Color) . Hollywood — (NBA) — The Th whip people in the African Jungle Breakfaat TiAe Flippy The CIowb 18 ‘Sredni Vashtar.” Friendless boy into a ferment aftei; one of their f:M Hap Bichavda Shew Medio 44 builds a heathen religion around cowiboy-hatted Texan who watched slan j Kemper Boom •peel L . r- News * 58 his pet polecat ferret. the two Hollywood stunt ‘ men leaders is murdered. Drake, dis­ Almaeae Behind Closed Doors 84 ^ITieUn e Yjnloachables * “ 8. 44 Assei guised as a gun-runner, ap­ Leeaey Taeea Encore 53 Robert Stack in “ Mr. Moon.” brawlii^ and breaking’ furniture proaches the head of the terror­ 9:15 lAarej M H a^y S Weather. News and Sports *8 Ness matches wits with an un­ in a movie fight scene staged on meet Caplala Kaaaaree 49 Tightrope 44 usual criiTiloal in a counterfeit- a location near Dallas had an idea. Sli ists and offers to sell him guns 9:S0 Movie S News and Weather 8 case. (Rei (Repeat) eouni and ammunition. Through him, he “Green Grass of Wyomlnir/' Behin Hood 18 Mflllon Dollar Movie 18 “^ y s ,” he said, "howdja like to Lloyd Kolan and Burl Ives prop: meets Mai Thompson (Barbara Clubhouse 22 “ Grave Robbers from Outer come to my house tonight. I ’m I Married Jeaa Holiday Highways 58 Space.” havin’ a little party—and I’d like biy c Chilcott), niece of tl^ murdered Momiay Skew 6:45 News 8. 8. 22. SO 14:44 At The Source S man and the only per^n who can t9:M I Love Lacy 6:55 Sports Parade 40 "Guest: Gamal .Abdel Nasser, y’all to stage that ruckus again with: •Say Whea 88. 7:40 The Jim .Backus Shew 8 President of the United * Arab as a little after-dinner surprise. Tunli tell him the truth about the crime. Saale West Point 8 Republic. President Nasser will Danger stalks Drake's footsteps Video VUlaye Million Dollar Movie 18 be interviewed by News Cor­ Only w ell let mah guests think base Flay hear Haach “ 1 Cover the Underworld,’ Philip respondents Eric Sevareid and it’s for real.” Th , as he pits himself against the ex­ (Color) Reed and Hillary Brook Howard K. Smith. Program will Tea Asked For II The stunt men agreed. ‘•We’U westi tremists and tries to overcome a News and Weather 22. 34 be video taped In Nasser's palace be careful,” one said, “ not to woman’s loyalty to her husband. ll:M Doable Expxpoaare News and Weatherman 44 on the outskirts of pairo. Fran The Pilce la Bicht 7:4 Uncovered 53 Groucho Show 22. 84 break any of your furniture.” eamj (Color) Kings Of Golf 21 Comedy-quiz .starring Groucho "Please, man,” the Texan spoke A typical case of hit-and-run Gale Stem) Show Sports Camera M Marx. Tonight’s contestants are as th Today's Womaa News 44 Chinese model Lily Valentine’ up. “I want y’all to bust up oiah driving—a crime which menaces 11 :S# Yoar Surprise Fackage deba 7:34 Summer Sports Spectacular 8 ^ singing plumber Guerino Zerl; furniture. Bust up anythin Vail draw thousands of Americans each year Concentralfon “ Outboard Motorboat Champion­ iind James Leary, who weighs want. Make It real good. You’re —^wlll be dramatized in “ Moment Leve That Bob ships.’* Top-rated outboard div­ 300 pounds. (Repeat) Sli 12:M Love of Ufe ers meet In national competition 14:34 The Third Maa 8 mah guests. I can afford it.” point of Panic” on "Armstrong Clircle Troth or Conaeqaeaoee on Mls.9is8ippl River at St. Paul, SllenU Please 44 The stunt men foimd the Tex­ Theatre’.’ Wednesday, Aug. 30 (10- Camoaflaire Minn. Ernie Kovacs, host. Kaleldo* galle U p.m. EDT on CBS-TV. 18:34 Search l^ r Tomorrow Outlaws 22. 30 scope of the silent screen’s un- an’s home was about the size of to tl It Could Be Y ob (Color) Barton Maclane. Don Collier and foigettable serials are i*ecreated the Pentagon and expensively In “ Moment of Panic” a highly Number Please Jock Gayndr In “The Avenger.” in “ The Serials.” (Repeat) 18:45 The Guldinr Llcht decorated. It was a big party — respected executive (played by Young man seeks out a band of Shotgun Slade 150 guests—and the after-dinner guar Kevin McCarthy) accidentally 12:55 News Day BepoH desperadoes who lynched his Mike Hammer Th 1:44 Best Seller father. (Repeat) brawl brought down the house, runs down a young girl and then <3ouBt of Monte Criste I News. Weather A Sports Blue Angels 8 Big News literally^ a.m. flees the scene of the accident. At Hpme With KlUy Gnestward Ho! 53, 44 News and Weather • ness After unsuccessfully trying to Slovie Babs sets her sights on kleig Europe’s Finest Movies The stimt men slugged It out all FUm lights when a screen director “Panic in the Parlor/' over the place, busting chairs and of II erase the thoughts of the crime 1:34 As The World Tams visits, but a horse gets the last Mount. Shirley Eaton dinner plates, breaking glass and regu from his mind, he is prodded by laugh. (Repeat) Jack Paar Show (Color) rotes With Kitty shredding curtains and drapes, out ( his conscience to confess his 1:44 Donna Beed Show 8. 44. 53 Europe’s Finest Movies Daace Time Feature 40 while the Texans hollered and Th guilt. Included in the cast are This Is The Life Donna advises the Japanese wife of a neiKly-arrivcd doctor 11:84 World’s Best Blovles cheered them on. After It was all with Rosemary Murphy, Martha Green­ 1:35 At Home With Kitty to adopt an American’s woman’s 11:34 Jnrli Paar Bhow house, Edwin Cooper and Leon D 2:04 Face The Facts attitude toward her hui(band. (Color) over, the host took a bow, ex­ nlsla Jan Murray Sbow 84 Stevens. (Color) (Repeat) News plained it was all a gag, and in­ dead 8:34 Frontier JusUce 8. 44 troduced the movie stunt men Fren Daylay la Coart 8; 44. 58 “ There Were Four." Young man 2:84 Hoase Party 8 who becomes so embittered by Mary O’Hara, whose novel, *'My from Hollywood to his friends. Sit A $2 million Jewel robbeir, plot­ Loretta Voubr 82. 84 Once again, the Texans hollered, ted by crime specialist. Doc Stahl- Sevea Keys 8. 44. 58 the ruthless killing of his father Friind FUcka/’ became the basis In o< 8:44 Charles Boyer Theater 8 that he turns to cattle rustling. agreeing it was the greatest party meyer, seta off a desperate po­ Yoaait Dr. Maloae 82. 84 (Repeat) i for a durable TV series about life kille: Bat Maslersoa gag in the history of Texas. Shak­ lice hunt in “ The Professor," TV Quoea For A Day 8. 44. M on a Wyoming ranch, has intro­ ing the hands of both stunt men, WOUI adaptation of the successful 8:84 The V____ ^ t c t |s . Years____ • 8 Gene Barry In **Terror On The duced her first stage effort, a “maj From These Bools ' II. 84 Trinity.” ^ t* s life is threatened one of the rich guests surveyed moWe. “ The Asphalt Jungle,” on Ooaaeciicnt Baadstaad 8 after he wins a rich mining musical comedy called “Oh! Wyo- the debris with obvious envy, say­ tlon" “ Hie Asphalt Jungle” Sunday, Who Do Yob Trastt 44. 58 claim in a lottery. (Repeat) mingj“ which is being featured at H« 4:44 Baajrer AM y 8 Beal McCeys 8. 58 ing: Aug. 27 (9:30-10:30 p.m. EDT, Make Boom For Daddy 88, 84 “The Jinx.” Sterling Holloway the annual “ Frontier Days’* festi­ “ Boys, I figger you did about Ing 1 ABOTV). Amerieaa Baadstaad 8. 44. 58 appears as Orval McCoy, the val and rodeo on Cheyenne, $1,5(X) worth of a damage. Ah’m kMa 4:15 la the Fablie latereri IB family jinx who drops in to cre­ Wyo. Plana are under way to 4:34 Rdae Ot Nlckt 8 ate a lamlly problenroblem. (Repeat) ----- *' goin’ kick mahself for a week. Veteran character actress Jane Hero’s Hollywsod 88. 84 Tales_____ or _ The _ _ m things in g s 18 adapt the new musical for ah ap- Why couldn’t I have thought of Darwell, at 81, portrays an 80- Mlllloa Dolhsr Movie IB 8:44 David NiveaTheater 8 peau’ance as a TV special in the this and invited you all to mah year-old matriarch in “The “The Nice Americans/* Vera Ba^elor Father 22. 88 Day and Sheldon Laurence John ForsjHhe la' “Bentley and fall. . house.” End of Nowhere” an episode to be Veteran movie stunt man Dick A seen in the fall when the adven­ Crockett paused at his. work to ture series “PoUow The Sun” de­ tell us the story. He was super­ buts on ABC-TV. FRIDAY Television PROGRAM vising the building of a cable car track down a Carmel, Calif., hill­ “ HeU Ship MuUny” . Joa Hall and 5:55 Lawless Years tt. M side. The track ended at the edge P > Tows Crier Peter Lorre. Artle'Moon". Artie Moon in hla of a 200-f<^t cliff, at the bottom ) Today Show Early Show M drive to become a kingpin mob­ Heritage “Woman o( (he North Country.” ster—buys a nightclub with Ill-got­ of which the surf of the Pacific i Weaaer Kuth Hussey) John A|agar. ten gains, was pounding itself into spray on Arricaltare Mewa The Admiratiaad SwisAky 71 Sianset Strip 8. 45, 5t Jagged rocks. tk This is UChaa Shaw “ Hot Tamale Caper". First in a ed Bastaess Bepert I BU Tin Tin two-part series in which Rea is The track was for a runaway Ualverslty Of The Air Fella The Oat ttelieved dead in an airplane wheel chair, which Jack Lem­ notli I News I Baa* Of Tka Past crash but clues indicate he has mon will chase to the cliff’s edge trac ^ M n e k This Oar Faith Flippy The Clown )>een abducted. (Repeat). Tl » Breakfast Tlq>e Saparmaa Teeasyille Friday Night Hap 1* for a wild chase cUmax in “ T ^ ELECTRONICS Captain Kaagaro# Nows 5:15 Adventsre Theater 3 Notorious Landlady." take y Hap Blchards MaBhaat "Two Bit Gangster." Newspaper A Und Bomper Beam Newsreel reporter senses a big story when little old lady would be in the LABORATORIES Ahnaaac I Weather .News A Sports a former hoodlum gives his life chair for a close-up. Thbn Frankie •agr« Laeaey Taaes Behind Closed Deers In defense of an Innocent bystand­ Darro, the former star, who now for Laarm A Hai^y News A Weather er during a bank robbery. (Re­ Captala Kaagaree Bebia Hoed peat). works occasionally as a :6tunt man, 277 BROAD 9:84 I. Marriec* iarried Joaa * Glabbeasa Preview Theater tt, M would don feminine attire and a ed b Movie,lUTIV, • Flbn "Happily Ever After." Pair of wig as her double for the wild aolin The inside Storx" K anha Huht, I PeUUeal young newlyweds return from ride. SHOf STANdCS Charles Wlnnenser. News t. t. tt. M their honeymoon and find they gain I Lare u t e j i Sports must face the problem of growing It was an Intricate and ingenloua hea^ FOB I Death Valley Days 5 up as well as the problems of setup. S a yWki_____ marriage. goth Berea Ways t » Fira I.MkDP 5 Crockett laughed about the aga TEUIVISION m Mllllsa OeUar Maria It Mllliea Dollar Movie It son, VM V liu is "Behind Locked I>oors” . Richard "The Nice Americans". Vera of specialization. Play Taas Bnaeh n. n Carlson and Lucille Bremer. Day and Sheldon Lawrence. rela< BADIOS (^lor> “Not for movie stunt men,” he C( Tea Bakes P .r It Weather. I,acal News It 15:55 Michael Shayao |t. 55 said. “There are about 60 working U:» Deabie Exeesare News A'Weather M. 4# Richard Denning In "The Boat and raONOORAPHS The Price Is Blcht It. M An America Waats Ts Kaaw 5S Cape.r." .Woman retains Shayne in movies and TV today, blit only Mot. (Color) I Massaehasctls PoUtiea tt when her husband is arrested for 10 to 16 make a real good living. expl A17TD BADlOS Oale Stenn Shew t. n Sparta Camera Mt questioning about a yacht explo­ The smart ones have become ver­ Aeadeaiy Ptayhease N m s 45 sion. (Repeat). satile.’’ Chr; IS DepeadaUe Senioe Yoar Sarprise Package 1 Bawhida B iWilighI zoae 8 out CaaoeafratieB It, M Eric Fleming, Clint Eastwood In "The Chaser.” Love-sick man Dick was one of the smart ones. ‘ 'Incident on the Road To Yester­ that lara Tkal BebI I. M. U turns to a sinister doctor for a Next week he may be falling from Lore el Ufa * day." Man Is seized by cattle lore potion in order to increase ties i \ i: \ I IK > -- \ I I A >-1 i; \ K I Trakk er Coaseeaeacea It. M drorers as he attempts to return the affections of his aloof girl a two-story building, but today he Cameanaga ~ I, 55. S3 money he had stolen ten years friend. was rigging a hlUside for a movie In Saarck For Taaiarraw 5 earlier from the trail boaa GU Robert Taylor in tho Deloclives hav4 It CaaM Be Tea It. M Favor. (Repeat). 8, 45, 53 thriU. (Color) "Big Poison." Sgt. Ballard Is There was a day In Hollywood even Nambm Plcaaa I. M, 51 Ronnie Bumf. Yvonne Lime eager to pin a rap on an old tor­ when stunt men specialized. Some beer U:U Tka Qaldlag Ugkt 5 "The First Spanking." Chris and mentor—the police academy Sallr decide that the firm hand of did auto turnovers. Others did - n PETS! U:SS News Day B epeH It superintendent. (Repeat). ex)p« 1:M Best Sailer t discipline must sometimes go as 15:35 Person To Person t falls, stage coach transfers and e PVPPDSS Caaat el Maata Griata S far as the seat of the rompers. Host Charles Colllngwood will fights. 'There was a stunt man for fera • BIRDS At Hama WItk KMty It. M (Repeat). visit Comedian Shelley Berman Marla 45 Bat Maslersoa I and his wife and actress Mary every kind of dangerous stunt la • TROPICAL FISH rilm 5t Pablie Drfeader 44 A.stor. Hollywood including wits said, pect 1:1 As tks WstM Taras ' 5 Matty’s Fandsy Fnaalss 53 The T,aw And Mr.' Jones 8, 53 doubling for stars trapped at the tlenn Hlgkway Patrel t “ Feast A Furious." Finny, the James Whitmore in • •"The Ene­ altar. far. UTTUE & McKin n e y Bacial Natal WItk KKty tt goldfish, nitns the hungry cat’s m y". Jones' client,facing homi­ U WOODBRIDGE ST. Daaea TIaaa M plans for a fish dinner. Other cide charges. 1s acquitted then “Movie and TV stunta,” Dick Tl Faltk Far Taday 5S stories. goes on trial for another homi­ said, “have be(x>me a science based tors MANCHESTER 1:15 At Heme WItk Kitty t l 8:55 One Happy Family tt. cide. (Repeat). M r s-8 0 2 0 2;M Pace Tka Pacta S Dick- Sargent- and - Jody Warner In Manhnai M on not looking too good while do­ No. Jaa Marray Skew tl. "Shut Up. I Love Y ou." After an Jll:< News, Weather and Sports 5 ing a stunt. You have to be a little Prol argument with Barney. Mildred News, Sports, Weather 5 sloppy. It’s also a science of the says lay la Caarl I. m. decides to take a marital vaca­ Big News t t Haasa Party tion. .(Repeat) News aad Weather camera’s position. You can kill enoi VKS^ Laretta Yaaag H a ^g an A San 8, 45. U News. Sports, weather yourself end no camera.” A Seraa Kaya Pat O Brien. Roger Perry in ^The 11:15 Feature FilmFill But the records prove and Dick leav Tka MllUaaaire Man Who Wouldpit Stay Dead." “ Dark Command." John Wayne GLADYS CLOSE Yaaag Dr. Malaaa Harrigan family < (a Involved In and Claire Trevor was happy to say: 28. AND Qaaea Par A Day a homicide case when the court Jack Paar Show M “Most of us die In bed." cent Tka Verdict Is Vaara opponent turns up dead. (Repeat). 11:15 Wsrid Rest Mavles 8. 10 I * Pram Tkesa Beats 5:S5 Rente 48— 3 "Woman In White'’ Eleanot’ CaaBectleat Baadstaad "Most Vanvanquished, • ■ - most • Victori­ ■ • Parker. Alexia Smith. also ROLAND BEAUCHCSNE Wks Da Yaa TrastT ous.” Bus helps Tod scour the Award Theater Incr 1 / 4:N Baager Aady Shaw < alums of Los. Angsles In search 11:15 J a ^ Paar Show tl Garroway’s Boys AT Make Boom Far Daddy of his wayward cousin when her (Color) thre Amarlcaa Baadstaad dying mother pleads to see her lt:S5 News sad Weather B: la The PbMIc lateresi absent daughter. (Repeat). 13:55 Mentent er tteditatloa Are Making Good frlni The Edge of Night Tho/Fllatstenei— ------4# 51 1;M News CAMEO BEAUTY Hare’s Rallywond "Tne Hypnotist” . Fred’s hypnotic MOIIob Denar Maria U powers prove dlsasterouh for pal Garrowajf haa bowed out "The San Francisco Story". Joel Barney who suddenly believes of STUDIO McCrea and Yronne DeCarlo he's a dog. (Repeat).' ‘Blue DevU’ with Bsttoa TV for awhile but two of hia Be 5:W Featara FUm I Friday NileNfte HopHi "graduates” from the original M l 9-2742 “ Black Eagle". William Bishop 15 Pin Classic—Bowllag Les Brown, bandleader for “Garroway At (Arge” program# ttnd Virginia Patton. Firs Star Jhbllce In 880 Mala S t, Maackester Popeye Theater (Color) Popular and country music “ Steve Allen Show” Which pre­ out of CSilcago are still very much First Shaw program fromfn Springfield,“ ...... Mo. mieres Sept. 27, became leader of In evidence on the television scene. the famous Duke Blue Devils in Bob Banner now heads up Bob hla Junior year at Duke Univer­ Banner Associates, one of TV# D< 6 Fossenqer sity. most active productions companies, time SEDAN with such properties as the “Garry dow; Moore Show” and “Candid Cam- righ BUY T i a M B lf ' ’ 1777 Danny Thomas and Andy Grif­ em.” Bill Hobin is helming “Sing A M m mm mJLm 12 mMONTHS o n t h s or 12.00012,000 mMILES il e s GUARANTEE fith will return in the same time Along With Mitch,” the hour-long Is t: spots, 9 to 9:30 and 9:30 to 10, re­ music nostalgia show that returns Odlo BOLAND MOTORS-369 Center Street spectively, when they return en to NBC-TV on a regular bosiA Monday Oct slty X Thursday nights stArtlng Sept. tX dust Ck stna -.1 % F* A: N: Ni « f tl Bt Fe Hi Ai •mp] of di If Arerage l)all3r Net PreM Ran ^ The Weather For the Week Ended Fereenst o f U. S. Wenther dnno S, u e i t Oredual oleerlnf,-HtUe tempered 1 3 ,3 3 0 tnre ohenge tonight. Low hi dOe. Member of the Audit Pert^ ennny and warmer Itaee- B oreu of Cbenlntton d^y. High near 80. Manche$ter— A City of Village Charm

VOL. L X X X , NO. 273 FOURTEEN PAGES—PLUS TWELVE PAGE TABLOID MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, AUGUST 21, 1961 (Claaeifled Advertleing on Page IS) PRICE FIVE CENTS Tei§ Kennedy^g Policy State News Rights Unit Tunisia Urges U.S.^ Roundup Fight Seen Reds Add Barricades In Senate Allies to Help Oust Darien Maid Washington, Aug. 21 day in which one manf was fatally voted to continue it for another strengthening their wire to pre­ (AP News Anai.vst) away by a wave of the hand. But nedy today a report that the free vent furtlwr escapes "... As tract with Chrysler oorp. In 1958. Reuther asked as the injured. two years. This was accomplished Washington, Aug- 21 (A’)—If you union's "fair share” 25 per cent in the long run this unwise ef­ world’s bonds have been strength­ they have D«en doing sdong the The company was expeet'ed to Fred Jones, 35, of 25 Reservoir by hooking an extension bill onto read the fine print in Vice Presi­ fort will fail. take the same action immediately. of the profits left after 10 per cent St., Bethel, was charged with neg­ an appropriation measure In a pro­ dent Lyndon Johnson's pep talk to ened by his 36-hour visit to West was set aside for stockholders. He ligent homicide, evading responsi­ cedure identical to that now pro­ “ Lift your eyes from these bar­ Berlin. (Continued On Page Seveiij Under terms of the UA.W-Chrysler the West Berliners you'll notice riers and ask yourselves: Who can • agreement, today was the last day demanded that customers also get bility and reckless driving. posed. the distinction being made be­ The presidenteQ jet touched 25 per cent in the form of rebate Police arrested Jones at his really believe that history will down at nearby Andrews Air for termination notice. tween dream and reality, but not deny Germany' and Berlin their ” We feel the notice is necessitat­ and stockholders would get the home some time after the accident as bluntly as stated here. Force Base at 11:04 a.m. EIDT., rest. on Route 6 in which John Prihoda, natural unity ...” after a 7 hour 45 minute flight. ed by the fact we have made ab­ It's the kind of distinction which In other words: “The Allies will solutely no progress at the bar­ In a weekend news conference, 67, bf 6 North Ave., Derby, was British Guiana might make peaceful settlement of The Vice President’s plane land­ Bulletins Reuther said the union this year fatally injured. not interfere in what happens in ed on a mist shrouded runway. gaining table," :^rm an Matthews, the Berlin rumpus a little more East Germany and any unification head of the-UlAW’s Chrysler ne­ is demanding "economic justice" Police said Jones’ car veered in possible. Despite the bad weather and the Culled from AP Wires to.- production workers out of too sharply after passing and hit of the twb Germanies must remain gotiating team, told O. A. Atkin­ Holding Vital The dream is that the Com­ a long hope only. arduous and dramatic weekend what he terms “ the profitability” Prlhoda’s, causing it to spin out munist government of East Ger­ journey, Johnson seemed in good son, Chrysler manager of labor of General Motors and Ford. What history does make clear relations. of control and run head-on into a many doesn’t exist and that divid­ spirits. 2 PRIESTS TO TEST BIAS He contends these two could hay truck coming the other way. is that the Allies do not consider Contracts between the UA!W Election Today ed Germany can be reunited. The East Germany or East Berlin a Johnson had flown earlier from New York, Au’g. 21 (JP)—Tw* and Ford Motor Co. and General meet all UAW demands, cut car Prihoda’s wife, Mary, 66, was reality is that it does exist and Berlin to Shannon, Ireland, where Roman Catholic Priests, both of prices at the same time and rfllll critically Injured when she was problem to fight over. Their hands- Motors Corp. already are set to that Germany won't be reunited off performance now «ls only a a replacement of a cracked wto- wlioni serve In the south, were have more profit left than the thrown out of the car. She was Georgetown, British Guiana, any time soon. scheduled today to test segrega­ expire .In 10 days — on Aug. 31. Aug. 21 (jP)—Voters in this tiny repetition of 1953. dow glass in the military jetlihfer average of 9.5 per cer t manufac­ taken to Danbury Hospital. When Communists sealed off tion rules at ti’ansportatlon fa­ Chrysler’a contract, which runs British colony of Blast Indians and 'ITiat year anti-Communist Ger­ delayed him more than an hour out of the same day. stipulates turing firms in the United States The truckdriver. Andrew Sidor. East Berlin with barbed wire to this morning. cilities In Jackson, Mlw., site of earned on Investment in 1960. 47, of Currituck Rd., Newtown, and Negroes on South America’s north mans revolted, the Russians that either party give 10 days no­ stop the flood of East German smashed them with tanks, and the The Vice President was met at numerous arrests for such con­ Reuther added that the UAW his passenger, William Hall, 19, coast chose a new government to­ refugees to West Berlin last week, duct. They are the first Roman tice of cancellation. will not ease demands on Chrysler, day in an election that political ex­ Allies did nothing. the airport with a minimum of In the past, however, contracts of Pole Bridge Rd,, Newtown, re­ depressed West Berliners com­ Catholic clergy to join in "F)ree- which lost $15.7 million in the first ceived slight Injuries. perts believe may decide whether plained because the Allies did dom Ride” activities sponsored have been extended on occasion half of this year. British Guiana moves on to demo­ (Continued On Page Seven) (Continued on Page Fourteen) even after cancellation notice has Jones’ car stopped for a short nothing more than protest. , by the Congress of Racial EVqual- Reuther said Chryaler's troubles time and then it was driven away. cratic independence or Soviet- been served. There could hardly have been Ity (CORE). The two are the were caused by “Incompetence in But not before witnesses took style socialism. direct Intervention without war Rev. Richard Wagner, 29, Chap­ The Big Three autonmkers are depth in the company” and that down the license number. Cheddi Jagan, socialist with expected to make their wage of­ with Russia. lain at Xavier University In New the UAW didn’t propose to "subsi­ ■When the police came to' his Communist leanings who has dom­ So President Kennedy sent John­ At End of Year, Japs Told Orleans and a tea«>her at St. Au­ fers sometime this week. dize Incompetence through sub­ inated the colony’s politics for son over to boost morale and gustine’s High School there, and But tomorrow, the union is ex­ standard wages for workers.” (Continued On Page Raven) eight.years, seeks to become its promise American support in pro­ the Rev. Philip Berrigan, iT , also pected to turn down the only set­ first premier. Opposing the East tecting West Berlin—but not East a St. Augustine's teacher. tlement offer it has received so Indian dentist for power over the Berlin—from communism. Mikoyan Sees Soviet, far. 83,000 square miles of tropical ter­ Johnson deliverecf the message. The offer—from American Mo­ GUEVARA SPARKS CRISIS Vaccine Supplies Low ritory are Forbes Burnham, social­ But, while saying nothing at all Buenos Aires, Aug. 21 iJP)-~ tors Corp.—Includes the union’s istic lawyer leader of the Negro- about active support for the East No. .1 goal from 1958 bargaining: Cuba’s Ernesto (Che) Guevara dominated People’s National Con­ Germans, he did say this: East German Treaty told Preeldent Arturo Frondlzl Profit-sharing. But the UAW gress (PNC), and Peter Dagular, "In the short run, the barbed says AMC's offer does not go far that Fidel Castro’s regime never an anti-Communist beer baron of will sign a mUltarj’ pact with enough. Tortuguese origin. Daguiar was AMC presented its take-it-or- Cholera Epidemic By BOV ESSOYAN ^ equal to if not greater than that the Shviet Union, highly placed expected to run third. Tokyo, Aug. 21 (JP)—Soviet of the capitalist powers sources said today. The Argen­ ck leave it package to the union July Jagan attacked the United 28. I t proposed to share 10 per News Tidbits Deputy Premier Anaptas Mikoyan "But we are -not waving --our tine-bom economic boss in Cuba States in an election eve state­ weapons In anyone’s face,” he cent profits, after taking the first declared tod^sly the Soviet Union paid a surprise, one-hour visit 10 per cent for stockholders. It Perils Hong Kong ment and said he-did not “ propose from the AP Wires said. to Frondizt last Friday, touch­ fdso offered a 7-cent hourly pay to establish any form of dictatorial will sign a separate peace with Mikoyan derided western ing off another crisis. Military \ regime.” Blast Germany at the end of this charges that the Elast German lexers demanded FrondfSt fire increase annually over the next Without 'denying his enemies’ three years. Chancellor Konrad Adenauer year and told the western powers government is a puppet regime officials who arranged the in­ Hong Kong, Au^. 21 (JP) — 'Vac-^supplios, enough to Inoculate 24,000 claim that his People’s Progressive thanks President Kennedy In tele­ Imposed by the Soviet Union. He terview. Frondizl refused, but But- the firm demanded that all Party (PPIP) is Communist, he that then "You’ll have to ask them fringe benefits at present levels cine was rushed today to help pre­ persons. The U.S, Navy in Japan gram for sending Vice President then leveled abuse at South Ko­ issued f statement later sa3rlng vent a cholera epidemic raging in said: "Blvents in Russia and Cuba Lyndon B. Johnson to Bonn and (the East Gerinans) for a pass if rushed enough vaccine for 5,000 you want to enter Berlin.” rea, South 'Viet Nam, Spain and Argentina sHil maintained Its' Southeast China from spreading to vaccinations. Serum for 2.000 have deeply wounded' (North Berlin and says "impression in Portugal, all allied with the Unit­ anU-Coramunist policy. this refugee-packed British colony. inoculations was sent by plane Americans') national pride and whole of Germany and particularly "Without It, you won’t get ed States. Bosses Told to Yell The .scare spread to Formosa from Los Angeles last night on an made their fear of communism in Berlin and In eastern zone through,” the deputy premier de­ RUSK ON CRISIS clared bluntly In an arm waving "Is that a democratic govern­ and the Philippines. ’ airlift that began at a labora­ >sycopathic.” (ESast Berlin) was overwhelming" ment the Americans have saddled Washington, Aug. t l (JP) — In Approved Style Hong Kong health officials re­ tory in Pearl River, N. Y. His opponents predicted that ...P ow er shutoff threatens Ire­ speech before a Leftist rally at­ The United Stetes was reported tended by 10,000 singing fellow on South Ktfrea?" he asked. "A ported 32 confirmed cases of chol­ A Chinese research chemist in Jagan would lean to the Soviet land as 3,000 workers walk out bunch of generals kicked out the today putting emphatic stress By WHITEV SAH’YER era—the first since 1947—and 20 Richmond, 'Va., Ying-ho Chen, said side in the Cold war if the PPP from nation's 23 government-con­ travelers. on the right o f Germans for self- suspected cases. Social workers It was the kind of political at­ legal'government'— It was a bad Detroit, Aug, 21 (JP) — The next he had shipped enough vaccine for trolled generating stations, Dublin government but it was a legal determlnstion in explaining to time the boss gi'ves you a dressing said the total may be as highf u asn s 3,000 persons in response to a plea (Continued on Page Nine) reports . . . General Electric Co. tack that earlier brought a rebuke from Japan’s governing Liberal- government recognized by the imoommitted nations UJS. policy down, make sure he's doing it 100 but they have not been repo:sport- ' from a relative in Hong Kong. and Westinghouse Electric Corp., on the Berlin crisis. Officials ed. Democratic party, which accused United States - - and now they righ t.. Inoculation centers in the city nation's^ two biggest ele«rical recogpnize the new government.” said this view Is oontatned in A good way to check Up on him The English-language S o> u t n were forced to close yesterday manufacturers, report they are him of interfering in Japan's do­ "What kind of a denvocratlc gov­ Instmctioas to American am­ Is to read a book by George S. China Morning Post reported a few after inoculating more than a mli- Students Tell OAS cracking down hard on employe mestic affairs. Japan is allied with the United States. ernment does South Viet Nam bassadors. They are now quietly Odlome, director of the Univer­ days" ago that cholera had killed lion people, a third of Hong Kong’s fraternization with competitors to explaining to the neutral coun­ sity .of Midilgan Bureau of In­ 30,000 in China’s S o«u t h e a^ t Of Political Killing Mikoyan is here supposedly on have?” he asked. ” A bunch of population. When they reopened prevent any suspicion of new price­ soldiers nearly kicked out its pres­ tries that the West’s position on dustrial Relations. Kwangtung Province. The Commu­ this morning, lines several blocks fixing. a friendly non-polltlcai— 9-day Berlin is Just and that Moscow nists were reported holding mass Ciudad Trujillo, Dominican Re­ visit. He came to open a Soviet ident, whatever his name is (Ngo Odlome’s book lists seven deadly long waited. Detroit Free Press plans to seek Dinh Diem). Is pushing the world to the sins committed by bosses in chew­ meeting's to blame the Americans Restaurants reported .business public, A ug.' 21 (A>>—The Federa­ Federal injunctions against group trade fair, but has been expound­ brink of war. ing out employes. for the epidemic — raising the tion of Dominican Students ing Soviet views on international "Is Franco a democrat? had dropped to only a third of of striking pressmen whose picket ' “The Portuguese dictator Sala­ ^ e y are: same germ-warfare charges they what it had been. charged the pro-Trujillo armed line has halted publication of political affairs at nearly every ACCUSED OF 2 MURDERS did in the Korean War. forces with new political killings opportunity. He leaves for home zar kill.s innocent people by the Failing to get all the facts. Swimming pools are closed, morning paper for tw o. days.. . thousands in Africa because of the New York, Aug, 21 (/R •— A Acting while angry. Red China is the main source of beaches practically deserted • and today and appealed to the Or­ FVed G. Pastore, who directed In­ tomorrow. 17-year-oid youth, 6«e of a dosen Hong Kong’s food supplies and ganization of American States color of their skin and the Amerl Not making the charges clear. many restaurants refuse to serve ternal Revenue’s, investigation of Mikoyan charged the United cans are friendly with both of children of a Puerto Rica« tern- Not getting the employe’s side health Inspectors have been posted uncooked dishes. (OAS) to intervene. States artificially created "the lly, was charged today with tk* on the border .to check ‘all ship­ One member of the anti-govern­ Bernard Goldflne, Is given another them.” •f the argument. As thousands flocked to inocula­ assignment, downgraded from so-called Berlin crisis” and ’'‘ac­ Earlier, at a meeting with murder of two Brooklyn boys. Backing down when right. ments coming into the colony. tion centers, medical teams flew ment opposition were reported cuses us of ulterior motives.” He dubbed them 85 time* In a Failing to keep records. ^ .The scare has brought travel be­ Icilled and 25 others wounded by group supervisor of special intel­ Japanese Socialist leaders at the serum by helicopter to remote ligence division task force to spe­ "Revenge-seeking West Ger­ Soviet embassy, Mikoyan endorsed fit of sexual freoxy, poUeo *ald. Harboring a grudge. tween China and Hong Kong to a villages and outlying islands. police machinsgun I fire in Santi­ mans, on their part,' want a big virtual standstill. cial agent on staff he formerly the Socialist idea for a 4-nation The confessed' • slayer, Israel And. Odlome says, the type of Cbiang Kai-shek’s Chinese Na­ ago, the Republic’s second city. army equipped with American Santiago of Brooklyn, n 8-1,188- employe often determines the type With supplies of anti-cholera tionalist government on Formosa Another was reported stoned to directed, U. S. Internal Revenue Far East collective security ar­ vaccine running low, shipments death by a mob outside Santiago. spokesman says’ in Boston . . . atomic Ijombs,” he said. "If you rangement among the United poiind weightlifter, showed no of dressing down he should get. today opened 10 health stations in remorse as be sloshed throwh If a genuine, sincere person were being flown in from Britain, Taipei to give free anti-cholera ip' The students, after an emer­ Improvement in quality a t teach­ let them get away with it they States, Soviet Russia, Red China gency meeting last night, sent off ers Is most Important school prob­ will usa these bombs against us." and Japan, the Socialist* reported a predawn lain to rotennei n e goofs, Odlome says, then the rep­ the United States and a half-dozen oculations. An epidemic .claim ^ crime for pellee In n weedy. rimand should be given In a forth- other countries, 2,210 lives in Formosa in 1955 but a telegram calling on the OAS to lem In eounlry, in opinion of U. S. Citing Soviet space achleve- They aaid .Mikoyan also endorsed marehlmnd In th* 0*a*r*l* a ttP British manufacturers of the Commissioner of Education j8ter- m*nt* Mikoyan aald "No ons now their propoikl lor a nuclear fre* tt«B Br*oUyB. (OMtiaaed on Pag* tti) ▼acein* turned ever all available (Oonttauad en Fac* Niae) (OoBHaned « i Fag* Four) KnC M. MoMurrin. doubt* , our military might 1* ■one In Asia. at / r ■1/