Madakoil Temple Architecture of the Cholas with Special Reference to Thirunallur Sri Kalayasundareswara Temple
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The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis ISSN NO: 0886-9367 MADAKOIL TEMPLE ARCHITECTURE OF THE CHOLAS WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO THIRUNALLUR SRI KALAYASUNDARESWARA TEMPLE A. PRABHAVATHY Dr. K.M. SUBRAMANIAM Roll No. 1502050002 The Controller of Examinations Ph.D. Research Scholar Tamil Nadu Open University Department of History Chennai Annamalai University Tamil Nadu Cell No. 6382605903 Cell No. 8248825168 Email : [email protected] Email: [email protected] ABSTRACT Nallur is located very near to Pouhar, one of the capitals of Sangam Cholas. The Sangam literary works like Pazhamoli, Agananuru, Purananur and and Kalavashinarpathu have mentioned this place as Kazhumalam. It refers, Kazhumalam a place for royal elephants. The Cholas of Puhar, used Nallur as place or shed for royal elephants. In Pazhamoli, there is a reference about the accession of Karikala to the Chola throne. An elephant from Kazhumalam placed a garland on Karikala’s neck carried him on its back and placed him on the throne of Uraiyur. From the above reference, their is a possibility of Madakoil type of temple in Nallur constructed by Kochenganan, who was the devotee of Siva. Further it is strengthened by the hymns of St. Thirunavukkarasar (Appar) of Nallur who mentioned the Sri Kalyanasundhareswarar shrine as “manimadakoil.” This directly proves that this temple was constructed by Kochenganan, a Chola rular whose style of architecture was Madakoil type. Probably, this may be the earliest structure of the present temple complex. The above literary references clearly, prove that, Kochenganan constructed temples in Madakoil type and in particular, the kalyanasundareswarar temple at Nallur. The king, Kochenganan was progenitor of Imperial Cholas of Thanjavur revealed by the Udheyendram plates of Parantaka I. The king Kochenganan must be very powerful and had a strong hold over his enimies. The society was very peacefull, wealthy and healthy. So, that he has concentrated and continued the temple construction of the Sangam age. He must be an ardent devotee Hindu God. He was responsible for the revival of Hinduism in Tamil land Constructed Temples in brick and later renovated in stone. Keywords : Sri kalyanasundreswarar, temple architecture, Kochengan cholan, karihala chola,. Sangam chola, pallava Volume XI, Issue XI, November/2019 Page No:323 The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis ISSN NO: 0886-9367 MADAKOIL TEMPLE ARCHITECTURE OF THE CHOLAS WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO THIRUNALLUR SRI KALAYASUNDARESWARA TEMPLE A. PRABHAVATHY Dr. K.M. SUBRAMANIAM Roll No. 1502050002 The Controller of Examinations Ph.D. Research Scholar Tamil Nadu Open University Department of History Chennai Annamalai University Tamil Nadu Cell No. 6382605903 Cell No. 8248825168 Email : [email protected] Email: [email protected] The temple is a place of worship. The temples are the most prominent and enduring symbols of Indian Culture, which show the relationship between Sarira(body) and Atma (soul). Hence hosts of Vastu, silpa, Agama, Tantra, Samhita and Purana texts have articulated their conception and classification of the structural constituents of the regional temple forms and their implied symbolism. The Silpasastras recognize three main temple styles of Indian which are known as Nagara. Vesara and Dravida. In addition to these forms the temple which is a seat or platform of God (Prasada), house of God (Devagraham), a residence of Gods (Devalaya). Who many appear there in various forms imagined by their worshippers. In this connection the Sangam Tamil classical works refer various types of ancient temples in Tamil country Viz Manram1 (Sababh tybe), Kottam (koshta or Sala type) koil (literary koil, the royal resistance) and Madam structure. These types or embodied in the secured images or symbols of the deities which constitute the most important part of the Hindu Art.2 From post Sangam Period to the Pallava’s creation of imperishable temples in stone, there be some temple in Tamil Country, which were sung by the Devaram Trio and Trinumangai Alwar. Volume XI, Issue XI, November/2019 Page No:324 The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis ISSN NO: 0886-9367 In this connection they mention one Kochenganan the Chola ruler who constructed seventy temples in madakoil type on the banks of the river kaveri3 is not an ordinary thing to leave behind without discussion. When we see the names of Sangam Cholas an in connection with the emergence of Imperial Cholas of Thanjavur gives the details. The words Chenganan, killivalavan, Sembian, Mavalathan4, Nalankilli, Nedunkilli,Kocheganan refer to the Sangam Cholas. The king, Kochenganan was progenitor of Imperial Cholas of Thanjavur revealed by the Udheyendram plates of Parantaka I. The king Kochenganan must be very powerful and had a strong hold over his enemies. The society was very peacefull, wealthy and healthy. So, that he has concentrated and continued the temple construction of the Sangam age. He must be an ardent devotee Hindu God. He was responsible for the revival of Hinduism in Tamil land Constructed Temples in brick and later renovated in stone. The Kasakkudi Plates refer that, Simhavishnu (c.575A.D - c.600A.D) Conquered and annexed the Cholas country probably against Chenganan, as mentioned above. It is very clear the king Kochenganan mentioned in the hymns of Saivite and Vaishnavite saints, the condstruction of seventy Madakoil type of temples on the banks of the river Kaveri, Simhavishnu’s victorious campaign against Kochenganan referred to in the Kasakkudi Plated, Parantaka 1’s Udhayendra plates5 about the progenitors of Imperial Cholas of Thanjavur must be the same. No doubt, Kochenganan was a powerful ruler of late Sangam Cholas had given a wonderful mark in the history of Thamilaham before the Pallavas of Kanchipuram. Hence, it is important to reveal the contribution of kochenganan to the light. The introduction of imperishable stone temples appeared only from the days of Mahendra Varma 1, a contemporary of St, Thirunavukkrasar (Apper), This Pallava king, he himself changed from Jain to Saivism. Thus, it is very clear to note, the Tamil country has Volume XI, Issue XI, November/2019 Page No:325 The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis ISSN NO: 0886-9367 changed into Bhakti cult, by the Nayanmars and Alwars who sung in praise of the God and Goddesses of temples which were existed during their time. It may be the temples Constructed by Kochenganan. St.Tirunavukkarasar6 (Apper) one of the Devaram trio, reconverted in to Saivism form Jainism. He refers, in his hymns the different kinds of temples found in Tamilnadu such as, Perukoil, Karakoil, Gnazarkoil, Elankoil, Kokudikoil, Manikoil, and Alakoil. Among thes, the term Perunkoil is identified with Madakoil a unigue type of temple contructed by the Post Sangam ruler Koche nganan. He was the Progenitor of Imperial Cholas of Thanjavur7. The exact date of this king is unknown due the non availability of the sources but he must be lived some what in late of 6th Century A.D. A King by name, Kochenganan was mentioned in the Padigams of St, Thirunavukkarasar8 and Tirunariyur Pasuram’s of Tirumangai Alwar9. He was the devotee of Siva and Vishnu is know from the hymns Saivaite and Vaishnavite Saints and constructed Madakoil typeof temple on the banks of river Kaveri10. The reason for the construction of these type of Madakoil is also very interesting. They Might have constructed Madakoil type of temple architecture due to avoid the devastation occurred by the natural Calamities like Tsunami. Tsunami the most popular recent terminology is also referred to in the post Sangam classical Works as Kadalkol. The term Kadalkal makes mention that our ancient Tamil society more particularly in the Coastal area the so called Nagarattars who lived in Puhar might have affected and last their Settlements and kith and kin. In Coures of time they might have migrated and establish their settlements in Appar land in and around Karaikudi and Chittinad, Where they had Constructed their Palatial houses in raised Platforms. Like their settlements they might have also constructed their cella in Volume XI, Issue XI, November/2019 Page No:326 The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis ISSN NO: 0886-9367 raised Platform. Moreover these types of temples, (Madakoil) appeared in nearby Thanjavur region like this places, Nallur, Sikkal, Nagapattinam, and Chenthanur. Here an attempt is made to know about Madakoil type of architecture with special reference to Sri kalyanasundharewarar temple at Thirunallur. The selection of this temple connected to the Madakoil type is interesting to discuss. This temple and the place Nallur is closely associated with Saivism. This is proved by the hymns of Thirunavukarasar (apper) Devaram hymns are considered as a primary source to frame the history of Nallur. According to him Narasingapet nearby Nallur, was the one of the important place, for the line of princes evidently the cholas.11 He in his hymns mentions of the names of a Cholas ruler, Nathan12, he may be the ruler and successor of Chola Nalladi, a Sangam Chola ruler, who ruled Nallur as a feudal lord of Pallava Narasima 1. Nallur is located very near to Pouhar, one of the capitals of Sangam Cholas. The Sangam literary works like Pazhamoli, Agananuru, Purananur and Kalavashinarpathu have mentioned this place as Kazhumalam. It refers, Kazhumalam a place for royal elephants13. The Cholas of Puhar, used Nallur as place or shed for royal elephants. In Pazhamoli14, there is a reference about the accession of Karikala to the Chola throne. An elephant from Kazhumalam15 placed a garland on Karikala’s neck carried him on its back and placed him on the throne of Uraiyur. From the above reference, there is a possibility of Madakoil type of temple in Nallur constructed by Kochenganan, who was the devotee of Siva. Further it is strengthened by the hymns of Thirunavukkarasar of Nallur who mentioned the Sri Kalyanasundareswarar shrine as “manimadakoil16.” This directly proves that this temple was constructed by Kochenganan, a Chola rular whose style of architecture was Madakoil type17.