The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis ISSN NO: 0886-9367 MADAKOIL TEMPLE ARCHITECTURE OF THE CHOLAS WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO THIRUNALLUR SRI KALAYASUNDARESWARA TEMPLE A. PRABHAVATHY Dr. K.M. SUBRAMANIAM Roll No. 1502050002 The Controller of Examinations Ph.D. Research Scholar Tamil Nadu Open University Department of History Chennai Annamalai University Tamil Nadu Cell No. 6382605903 Cell No. 8248825168 Email :
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[email protected] ABSTRACT Nallur is located very near to Pouhar, one of the capitals of Sangam Cholas. The Sangam literary works like Pazhamoli, Agananuru, Purananur and and Kalavashinarpathu have mentioned this place as Kazhumalam. It refers, Kazhumalam a place for royal elephants. The Cholas of Puhar, used Nallur as place or shed for royal elephants. In Pazhamoli, there is a reference about the accession of Karikala to the Chola throne. An elephant from Kazhumalam placed a garland on Karikala’s neck carried him on its back and placed him on the throne of Uraiyur. From the above reference, their is a possibility of Madakoil type of temple in Nallur constructed by Kochenganan, who was the devotee of Siva. Further it is strengthened by the hymns of St. Thirunavukkarasar (Appar) of Nallur who mentioned the Sri Kalyanasundhareswarar shrine as “manimadakoil.” This directly proves that this temple was constructed by Kochenganan, a Chola rular whose style of architecture was Madakoil type. Probably, this may be the earliest structure of the present temple complex. The above literary references clearly, prove that, Kochenganan constructed temples in Madakoil type and in particular, the kalyanasundareswarar temple at Nallur.