Current Issue
THETHE BUILDINGBUILDING Since 1952 TRADESMANTRADESMAN Official Publication of the Michigan Building and Construction Trades Council Serving the highly skilled men and women in Michigan’s building trades unions VOL. 70, NO. 17 August 27, 2021 SHORT The holiday’s The trades are pleased: CUTS origin: killing Senate OKs the largest of 30 strikers Candidates picked infrastructure bill ever launches the By Mark Gruenberg deserve. We must seize for November ballot PAI Staff Writer this opportunity. It is time to get Absentee ballots will be WASHINGTON (PAI) – With the job done so Laborers mem- mailed soon for voters to cast day in 1894 the Senate’s bipartisan approval, bers, who are ready, willing, and their ballot in this year’s Gen- Scheduled every year on the 69-30, of a $1 trillion bill to recon- able, can get to work now build- eral Election. first Monday in September, the struct or replace the nation’s crum- ing America and securing our fu- The following candidates Labor Day holiday in the United bling roads, failing bridges, eld- ture,” he added. have been endorsed by the States wasn’t al- erly subways and lead-lined wa- Bricklayers President Tim Greater Detroit ways a fixture on ter pipes, while adding affordable Driscoll agreed, then quickly re- Building and the calendar like broadband for everybody, there’s minded lawmakers to pass the Construction Christmas Day or a caution flag. There’s a lot of second and much larger reconcili- Trades Council New Year’s Day. heavy lifting still to come on the ation, bill, too.
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