Classes to Start Tuesday, Sept. 4 in Lowell Schools
mmm n t r YOUR ' j WASHINGTON Established June, 1693 LOWELL. MICH., THURSDAY, AUGUST 23, 195 Number 17 1 REVIEW A report from Lowell Police De- partment for the period Aug. 6-19, Citizens Post Reword Lody Leatherneck Pvt. gives 16 speed violations, all warn- Classes To Start For Arrest of Vondds Kent 441 Club Filr '!n Full Swing In N. C. Supply School Cpl. Donald Keiser ings; 94 parking violations, 14 sum- mons, 80 warnings; 21 equipment A reward of $26 has been posted Marine Pvt. A. Berneice Mullen. violations, 4 summons, 17 warnings. Tuesday, Sept. 4 for anyone giving Information lead- All Exhibition Space Well Filled 27, daughter of Clyde Mullen. R.R. On Maneuver With Obeying the laws means safety ing to the apprehension and arrest 2, Lowell. Is currently enrolled in for everybody. of the party or parties who de- supply school at Camp Lejeunc, N. * • • In Lowell Schools stroyed the petunia tubs on Low- Many Attractive Features Added C. Marine amphibious training 196th In Alaska For the convenience of the gen- ell's Main street on the night of base. the Kent County Farm Bureau fhe Russian Communist regime eral public the Michigan Bell Tel- In leas than two weeka teachers, Tuesday, July 81, between the For the first time since the event Miss Mullen will receive eight with renewed vigor, and children, waa begun, the 17th annual Kent who will award a prize for the best recently upset the U. S. State De- ephpone Co. has installed an out- hours of 8:00 and 11:00 p.
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