Classes to Start Tuesday, Sept. 4 in Lowell Schools

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Classes to Start Tuesday, Sept. 4 in Lowell Schools mmm n t r YOUR ' j WASHINGTON Established June, 1693 LOWELL. MICH., THURSDAY, AUGUST 23, 195 Number 17 1 REVIEW A report from Lowell Police De- partment for the period Aug. 6-19, Citizens Post Reword Lody Leatherneck Pvt. gives 16 speed violations, all warn- Classes To Start For Arrest of Vondds Kent 441 Club Filr '!n Full Swing In N. C. Supply School Cpl. Donald Keiser ings; 94 parking violations, 14 sum- mons, 80 warnings; 21 equipment A reward of $26 has been posted Marine Pvt. A. Berneice Mullen. violations, 4 summons, 17 warnings. Tuesday, Sept. 4 for anyone giving Information lead- All Exhibition Space Well Filled 27, daughter of Clyde Mullen. R.R. On Maneuver With Obeying the laws means safety ing to the apprehension and arrest 2, Lowell. Is currently enrolled in for everybody. of the party or parties who de- supply school at Camp Lejeunc, N. * • • In Lowell Schools stroyed the petunia tubs on Low- Many Attractive Features Added C. Marine amphibious training 196th In Alaska For the convenience of the gen- ell's Main street on the night of base. the Kent County Farm Bureau fhe Russian Communist regime eral public the Michigan Bell Tel- In leas than two weeka teachers, Tuesday, July 81, between the For the first time since the event Miss Mullen will receive eight with renewed vigor, and children, waa begun, the 17th annual Kent who will award a prize for the best recently upset the U. S. State De- ephpone Co. has installed an out- hours of 8:00 and 11:00 p. m. weeks' instruction in procurement, partment's plans for working out h with dampened enthusiasm, but Interested citizens feel that this County 4-H Club opened Tuesdav six classes of forage crops, includ- door telephone booth on E. Main ing grass silage. storage, transportation, distribution Japanese peace treaty. The Sovi- St. at the comer of Lafayette St. with hope for happy days, will re- matter should not be dropped inas- at Recreational Park In Lowell turn to their desks. The kiddies, with the original indebtedneaa pairt and accounting for supplies., Stud- ets consistently seem to call the This la an advantage that has been much as the project of using the A record number of exhibits of ents are also trained in personnel shots that confuae and disrupt for N long time and will be with pride In their new outfits, will chosen flower for beautifying the oif na a result of a chickcn bar- prize livestock has been arranged becue and a fund raising drive last transportation and disbursing. whatever plans, good, bad or Indif- greatly appreciated. .ubu bo proud of the fine clean village should not be discouraged In the various places prepared for buildings they will enter. year. A graduate cf Lowell Public High ferent, Secretary Acheson has In * • • and the Showboat Garden club them which includes close to 860 iiiiud. head, about 30 pena of poultry and School, she was employed aa a tel- Stanley Alexander, genial and The physical plant will be much members and businessmen have The fair opened officially at 8 p. Here Is some background infdr. the same as a year ago, except for put a lot of labor and money into m. Tuesday with all exhibits in some 450 exhibits of girls' work ephone operator bv Michigan Bell mation In reference to the Japan- courteous clerk In the Lowell Kro- gallons of paint. However, a new place. The evening program Tues- gardening, flower raising, and Telephone Co. here, prior to her ger Store the past few months, has the project. eso peace treaty conclave. For roof has been laid on the old part day included a tractor rodeo to test handicraft. Marine enlistment in May of this thirteen years China, under Chiang been named manager of the Kroger of the high school building and two the tractor operating skill of 4-H year. Store af Hastings and has already The dairy cattle Hated numbers Kai-shek, fought aggression of the rooms in the high school structure Dr. Thomas Hill Club and Future Farmers of Amer- upwards of 160 head. In the sad- Japanese. For nine of these yean begun his new duties In that capa- have been rc>equipped. ica entrants. dle horse unit there are about 60 city. Stanley will be missed from the Chinese alone resisted Japan's The moat atartiing change will be Opens Office Forage Contest Feature nnimals in the newly remodeled Cary Stiff Makes drive fir conquest in Asia. Now our Main street. He plans to move quarters. Also 40 head of beef cat-, his family to Haatings as soon as found in the home economica de- A new, better hay and forage: the time has come for a conference partment. E^ctpt for a new floor New doctor's offices were opened tie, 30 head of sheep and some 60 Interesting Talh to bring about an Allies-Japanese living quarters may »e found. contest will give recognition to a I hogs arc being shown. • • * and the additlo'ni of a refrigerator,, In the Christiansen Building Fri- phase of farming receiving added peace treaty. atove and some scn-lng machines, day for Thomas B. Hill, M. D., who> Food preparation probably haa The United States, through its A lot on the east aide of North attention amon# farmera in recent Of Two Islands there have not been many changes is hanging out his shingle for the years. The contest is sponsored by the largest number of competitors State Department, haa been ths Hudson, just off Main St. has bean since 1916, when the department first time, having recently become among the girls' work division with The Rotary Club members and leading factor in drawing up ths leased from Michigan Bell Tele- was opened In the undesirable and a full fledged licensed general prac- about 160 exhibitors. Clothing, guests enjoyed a travelogue Wed- treaty and arranging for a confer- phone Co. and is now cleared and inadequate basement rooms. titioner. canning and flower gardening each nesday entitled, "A Bit of Two ence of the allied nations on Sep- graveled to be used as a parking As a temporary measure the Novel Attractions has about 75 exhibitors. Islands", which waa brought to tember 4 at San Frandaco. Fifty tot for the public.* It is conveni- Board of Education has removed In addition to the work of youth, them by Cary Stiff, a fellow mem- nations have been Invited to attend ently locaUtL with easy access and the old cooking platea from the At Annual Picnic ber who recently visited the islands Cpl. Donald Keiser, son of Mr. the conference. Among thoae In- will prove a boon to all those who farm women seek recognition In tables and will Initall some atovea open class competition for baked In Northern Michigan and made and Mra. Frank Keiser of Lowell, vited by the State Department is need parking apace In the west and alnks. The Improvements will Lowell Mfg. Co. poods and flowers. some nice pictures. These pictures is a member of the 196th R. C. T. Soviet Ruaaia. The only allied aide of Ixmell. It ahould solve the make It poasible for the students on slides were used by Mr. Stiff to which is on its way to Alaska in government not invited to the Judging Started Wednesday parking problem brought before to do much better work in cooking •• A greased pole and a bell ringer illustrate his talk. one of the largest maneuvers aince peace conference is the Nationalist the council at a recent meeting. and with leaa effort A new asphalt were the featured attractions of Wednesday is the big day for World War IT. Troops are being government of China, headed by • • • tile floor has been laid In ths- grade the Annual Picnic for Lowell Mfg. most exhibitors with Judging Beaver Island taken from Camp Carson. Colo., to Chiang Kai-shek. Russia parti- Oayle, little three-year-oJd daugh- building. Company employees at Falla^rarg scheduled for all divisions except Beaver Island is the largest the northern terminus of the in- cipated in the Japanese war for ter of Mr. and Mra. Glenn Rltten- Park last Saturday. horses, which will be Judged Thurs- island in Lake Michigan and is lo- land passage to Alaska. only aLx daya In contrast to the ger, was injured Sunday morning Anticipated Enrollments day. cated not far from the Straits of The lfi6th Regimental Combat valiant reaista'hee of Nationalist Although experience haa shown An estimated 300 people, employ- as she was riding on a bicycle with ees .-.nd their families were on hand The evening program will in- Mackinac. It is historic inasmuch Team left Camp Carson by train China to Japan's attempt to set up Jimmy Vandenhout and her ankle that September enrollments baaed m « clude two auctions of small articles aa King Strang, leading apostle of enroute to Seattle and participation a new order In Asia. There la no upon June membership are quite to take part In the many activities. and heel caught in the spokes of k Gould Rivette and Phil Johnsojiinaunu such as eggs and baked goods. the Mormon church, was the only in the Army Exercise "Totem record of any Russian casualties to a wheel. Oayle was not aerioualy unreliable, it la felt that thia year'a king ever crowned in the United Pole", to be held in Alaska. the Soviet's brief appearance In the total initial regiatration will reach acted as co-chairmen of the Twelve numbers which were en- injured but will be off her feet for committee and gathered an tered In the County's first 4-H States.
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