Lasalle County Board Minutes – January 9, 2003 RESOLUTION: #03-01 (#03-01) CO HWY COMMITTEE a Resolution Was Submitted for the 2003 County Highway Improvement Program
STATE OF ILLINOIS ) COUNTY OF LASALLE ) The LaSalle County Board met pursuant to recess at the Governmental Complex, Ottawa, Illinois, on the second Thursday of January, A.D., 2003 it being the 9th day thereof. This meeting is the third meeting of our December 2002 Session. Chairman Dougherty called the meeting to order at 1:01 P.M. Chairman Dougherty asked the Clerk to call the roll for mileage & per diem. PRESENT: 26 Members ABSENT: Mr. McConville, Mr. Hall, Mr. Treschak There were 26 ayes claiming mileage. Motion by Mr. Foltynewicz to approve the roll call for mileage & per diem, second by Mr. Kaminky. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 137, PAGE 79 th Chairman Dougherty called for any additions or corrections to the December 19 , 2002 minutes . Motion by Mr. Jakupcak to approve the December 19th minutes as presented, second by Mr. Freeman. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. STUDENT EXCELLENCE AWARD Mr. Jay McCracken, Coordinator of the Regional Superintendent of Schools office, introduced two students who were awarded the Student Excellence Award; from Dimmick Elementary School, Megan Ashley; and from Grand Ridge Grade School, Erin Hughes. Both students were presented with an award plaque from Chairman Dougherty and applauded by the Board. CITIZEN COMMENT Mr. Salvatore Izzo, representing Wildwood Community located in Sandwich, IL addressed the Board regarding a resolution passed on November 27th, 2002 by Wildwood, L.P. (an Illinois limited partnership), as the governing authority and representative of Wildwood Community that requests for enforcement of Motor Vehicle Code within Wildwood Community. Mr. Izzo handed Chairman Dougherty the adopted resolution by Wildwood, L.P.
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