
STATE OF ) COUNTY OF LASALLE ) The LaSalle County Board met pursuant to recess at the Governmental Complex, Ottawa, Illinois, on the second Thursday of January, A.D., 2003 it being the 9th day thereof. This meeting is the third meeting of our December 2002 Session. Chairman Dougherty called the meeting to order at 1:01 P.M. Chairman Dougherty asked the Clerk to call the roll for mileage & per diem. PRESENT: 26 Members ABSENT: Mr. McConville, Mr. Hall, Mr. Treschak There were 26 ayes claiming mileage. Motion by Mr. Foltynewicz to approve the roll call for mileage & per diem, second by Mr. Kaminky. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 137, PAGE 79 th Chairman Dougherty called for any additions or corrections to the December 19 , 2002 minutes . Motion by Mr. Jakupcak to approve the December 19th minutes as presented, second by Mr. Freeman. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. STUDENT EXCELLENCE AWARD Mr. Jay McCracken, Coordinator of the Regional Superintendent of Schools office, introduced two students who were awarded the Student Excellence Award; from Dimmick Elementary School, Megan Ashley; and from Grand Ridge Grade School, Erin Hughes. Both students were presented with an award plaque from Chairman Dougherty and applauded by the Board. CITIZEN COMMENT Mr. Salvatore Izzo, representing Wildwood Community located in Sandwich, IL addressed the Board regarding a resolution passed on November 27th, 2002 by Wildwood, L.P. (an Illinois limited partnership), as the governing authority and representative of Wildwood Community that requests for enforcement of Motor Vehicle Code within Wildwood Community. Mr. Izzo handed Chairman Dougherty the adopted resolution by Wildwood, L.P. SEE RECORD BOOK 137, PAGE 80-81

LaSalle County Board Minutes – January 9, 2003 RESOLUTION: #03-01 (#03-01) CO HWY COMMITTEE A resolution was submitted for the 2003 County Highway Improvement Program. Motion by Mr. Ronald Johnson to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Stockley. Roll call vote, 25 ayes, 3 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 137, PAGE 82-86 RESOLUTION: #03-02 (#03-02) CO HWY COMMITTEE A resolution was submitted appropriating the necessary funds from the County Highway Fund and authorizing the Chairman to enter into an engineering agreement with Etscheid, Duttlinger and Associates, Inc. for the design of the intersection of East 2350th Road and County Highway 15. Motion by Mr. Jordan to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Jakupcak. Same roll call vote; 25 ayes, 3 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 137, PAGE 87-93 708 BOARD SERVICE CONTRACTS The Mental Health 708 Board Service Contracts for the following agencies were submitted to place on file: Horizon House of the Illinois Valley, LaSalle County Easter Seal Society, North Central Behavioral Health Systems, ADV & SAS, Ottawa Friendship House Work Activity Center, Streator Unlimited, Inc., Youth Service Bureau of Illinois Valley and the Open Door Rehabilitation Center. Motion by Mr. Landers to place the service contracts on file, second by Mr. Boe. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion Carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 137, PAGE 94-108 RESOLUTION: (#03-03) PHARMACY SERVICES FOR NURSING HOME A resolution was submitted stating that the Agreement with NCS Healthcare for pharmacy services to the LaSalle County Nursing Home attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit “A” is hereby approved and that the Chairman of the LaSalle County Board is authorized to execute said agreement. Motion by Mr. Small to approve the resolution, second by Mr. William Johnson. Roll call vote; 24 ayes, 1 nay, 3 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 137, PAGE 109-125

LaSalle County Board Minutes – January 9, 2003 RESOLUTION: (#03-04) WATER SUPPLY OPERATOR SERVICES FOR NURSING HOME A resolution was submitted stating that the Agreement for water supply operator service at the LaSalle County Nursing Home attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit “A” effective for a period of twelve months retroactive to November 30, 2002 and ending November 30,2003 at a cost of $3,000.00 is hereby approved and that the Chairman of the LaSalle County Board is authorized to execute said agreement. Motion by Mr. William Johnson to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Kaminky. Roll call vote; 25 ayes, 3 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 137, PAGE 126-130 RESOLUTION: (#03-05) TRI COUNTY OPPORTUNITY COUNCIL A resolution was submitted appointing Tom Mowinski and Jack Leininger as members of the Tri County Opportunity Council for a two-year term expiring December 31, 2004. Motion by Mr. Freeman to approve the appointments, second by Mr. Myers. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 137, PAGE 131 RESOLUTION: (#03-06) TRI COUNTY OPPORTUNITY COUNCIL A resolution was submitted reappointing Kenneth Krogulski as a member of the Tri County Opportunity Council for a two-year term expiring December 31, 2004. Motion by Mr. Panzica to approve the re-appointment, second by Mr. William Johnson. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 137, PAGE 132 RESOLUTION: (#03-07) MENTAL HEALTH 708 BOARD A resolution was submitted reappointing Edward Vanko and Rosemary Oldenburg as members of the LaSalle County Mental Health 708 Board for a term expiring January 1, 2007. Motion by Mr. Boe to approve the re-appointments, second by Mr. Garretson. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 137, PAGE 133-134

LaSalle County Board Minutes – January 9, 2003 EXECUTIVE SESSION Motion by Mr. Mowinski to go into executive session to review the minutes from the previous executive sessions, second by Mr. Derango. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. The room was cleared for executive session. Motion by Mr. Flanagan to go back into regular session, second by Mr. Freeman. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. The Clerk stated that the most recently reviewed executive session was November 22, 2002. Also reviewed was January 10th, 2002, February 14, 2002, May 9th, 2002 and the minutes of June 10th, 2002, which was an executive session to review the minutes of January, February and May of 2002. MOTION Motion by Mr. Freeman to have the executive session minutes from the January 10th, February 14th, May 9th and November 22nd, 2002 all remain sealed, second by Mr. Hicks. Voice vote, 1 abstain. Motion carried. MOTION Motion by Mr. Jordan to open the minutes of today’s January 9th, 2003 and June 10th, 2002 executive sessions, second by Mr. Derango. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. Mr. Flanagan questioned today’s executive session minutes being opened. Attorney Troy Holland stated, “We typically open the session of review immediately, otherwise you’re going to be reviewing that session. The minutes shouldn’t detail anything except that you had a discussion of whether to open this dates minutes, that dates minutes. There shouldn’t be anything beyond that.” MISCELLANEOUS REPORTS & CORRESPONDENCE The Treasurer’s Investment Schedule dated December 17th, 2002 was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 137, PAGE 135 Correspondence from the U.S. EPA regarding a Cleanup Plan for Radiation Areas in Ottawa was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 137, PAGE 136 Correspondence from ANR Pipeline regarding a map showing the approximate location of operations in the area was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 137, PAGE 137

LaSalle County Board Minutes – January 9, 2003 Correspondence from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission regarding Marseilles Hydroelectric project was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 137, PAGE 138 Correspondence to the Illinois Department of Revenue regarding business address verification for tax allocation purposes was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 137, PAGE 139 A report of the Public Safety Tax Monthly totals beginning January, 1999 thru September, 2002 was submitted to place on file. (The amount of $210,446.72 has been received and collected for the month of October, 2002.) SEE RECORD BOOK 137, PAGE 140 Motion by Mr. Freeman to place all on file, second by Mr. Rigby. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. COMMENT Mr. Mowinski stated, “Some recent events in the last few days precluded my requesting a resolution in support of Senate Bill 2424 from being placed on the agenda, so it can be voted on today. Therefore, I am requesting each board member sign a letter of support for SB 2424 that was passed out earlier and return it to me. And I will see to it they are faxed to the Governor’s office today to be attached to the Bill on his desk for signature. SB 2424, which was sponsored in the House by Representatives Mautino and Lindner, and was passed unanimously throughout the House for those in attendance and it went on to the Senate and passed there sponsored by Senator Welch and Senator Lauzen. It is currently on the Governor’s desk. It amends the Illinois State Collection Act. Briefly stated, the State Collection Act allows for an independent corporation to begin the collection of state debt. Of that state debt, the first $28 million dollars that is to be collected has been earmarked and I will quote, ‘The purchase price for debts sold provides that the State Comptroller shall deposit the first $28 million dollars received into the fund that has been collected for the Sheridan Correctional Center Fund and that all other amounts received shall be deposited into the fund that would have received the receipt had it been collected be the state agency.’ Basically, this Bill provides the funding to reopen Sheridan Correctional on the state debt without involving the budget. That bill is currently at the Governor’s desk today. He retires from Office as we all know it, earlier next week. We are requesting his signature go on that

LaSalle County Board Minutes – January 9, 2003 Bill to begin that process to put back our county’s residents to work and open Sheridan Correctional Center and increase that tax base and let our economy flow. So I am asking you individually if you will please sign that letter and get it to me before you leave today. I’ll make sure they go out faxed to be attached to the Bill.” SEE RECORD BOOK 137, PAGE 141-143 COMMENT Chairman Dougherty stated, “As Mr. Mowinski stated, we can’t take official action on this because it was not on the agenda, but I would urge everyone to sign this. It’s putting our people back to work, which is very important. I have one request, if you would like me to. I ‘m going to send a letter, but if it’s agreeable with everybody I’ll use the LaSalle County letterhead and fax one down if nobody has any objections. We can’t take any motions but if you have any objections let me know after the meeting and I’ll send it on a plain piece of paper, but I’ll use the letterhead if nobody objects. I don’t know if it will carry anymore weight, but at least it will look official and I’m very happy to do it. I thank Mr. Mowinski for bringing this up.” Mr. Freeman stated, “One thing I would like to just bring out in the open. There’s an organization that’s instrumental in getting this all put together to get this thing started. Nobody even considered anything like this until the Landowner’s Association put together a summit and brought Senators Welch, Mautino, Lauzen and a lot of different legislators together and got this whole ball rolling, and I like to thank them. We need these jobs in LaSalle County. We all need to sign these letters, but thank them in open public for their leadership in putting this all together and taking some action.” Chairman Dougherty stated, “I think there was action being taken before they got involved. Lets be honest about it. Mr. Mautino and Mr. Welch were working on this for a long time. If you want to give them credit, that’s fine. But, lets spread the credit around.” Chairman Dougherty also reminded the board members of the Open House for Joseph Hettel that is on Sunday, January 12th, 2003 at the K of C Hall in Ottawa from 1:00 to 5:00 P.M. Mr. Freeman stated, “There is also going to be a Zone 4 meeting February 8th, 2003 at the Holiday Inn Express.”

LaSalle County Board Minutes – January 9, 2003 Mr. Derango stated, “I don’t mean to say that the Landowner’s Association didn’t help, but there have been people working on the Sheridan reopening for a long time, a lot of people, a ground swell of people other than just that one organization.” Mr. Leininger stated, “I think what everybody says is pretty true. But I don’t really think it makes any difference who gets the credit, as long as we get that place opened up.” Chairman Dougherty stated, “You are absolutely right. We can do our part by writing these letters and we can do our part by supporting our legislators.” ------Motion by Mr. Derango to recess to February 13th, 2003 at 1:00 P.M. in Room 250, second by Mr. Savitch. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. CHAIRMAN DOUGHERTY DECLARED THE MEETING RECESSED TO FEBRUARY 13TH, 2003

LaSalle County Board Minutes – January 9, 2003 STATE OF ILLINOIS ) COUNTY OF LASALLE ) The LaSalle County Board met pursuant to recess at the Governmental Complex, Ottawa, Illinois, on the second Thursday of February, A.D., 2002 it being the 13th day thereof. This meeting is the 4th meeting of our December 2002 Session. Chairman Dougherty called the meeting to order at 1:00 P.M. Chairman Dougherty asked the Clerk to call the roll for mileage & per diem. PRESENT: 28 Members ABSENT: Mr. Kaminky There were 28 ayes claiming mileage. Motion by Mr. Foltynewicz to approve the roll call for mileage & per diem, second by Mr. Rigby. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 138, PAGE 141 Chairman Dougherty called for any additions or corrections to the January 9, 2003 minutes. Motion by Mr. McConville to approve the January 9th minutes as presented, second by Mr. Stockley. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. STUDENT EXCELLENCE AWARD Mr. William Novotney, Supt. of Schools, introduced the two students who were awarded the Student Excellence Awards for the month; from Utica Elementary School, Megan Byczynski; and from Deer Park Grade School, Julie Martin. Both students were presented with an award plaque from Chairman Dougherty and applauded by the Board. PRESENTATION Joseph Carey, LaSalle County Circuit Clerk, addressed the Board regarding House Bill 269, which has been filed with the Illinois House of Representatives. Said bill proposes to amend the Clerks of the Courts Act to increase the minimum permitted fees a circuit clerk may charge in counties with less than 500,000 inhabitants and allows a county board by resolution to increase to the maximum fee set by statute. Mr. Carey stated, “The local governments are getting pretty low staffed. Representative Frank Mautino, myself and the Illinois Association of Circuit Court Clerks, Circuit Clerks believe that they are best suited to know what fees are

LaSalle County Board Minutes – February 13, 2003 appropriate in their jurisdiction and can determine the amount of the increase by County Board Resolution.” RESOLUTION: (03-08) HOUSE BILL 269 A resolution was submitted stating that the LaSalle County Board Chairman execute and send a letter of support for House Bill 269 attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit “A”. Motion by Mr. Jordan to approve the resolution, second by Mr. William Johnson. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 138, PAGE 142-145 PRESENTATION Mr. William Warnell, Court Services Director, addressed the Board explaining, “Some of you new members may not know that we are a site for a juvenile detention alternatives grant. We’ve been that site for the last couple of years. And we’ve been receiving this grant money to get kids who aren’t really appropriate for detention out of detention and provide other services for them. There are several sites throughout the state. The federal government is really pushing that issue of getting the inappropriate kids out of detention. The Annie E. Casey Foundation (AECF) has its supply of funding for some of these initiatives and to provide training for people involved with it. Mr. Warnell also stated, “There is going to be a meeting in Baltimore, Maryland and I’ve been asked to be part of the group that goes to this site. We’ll be talking about what we’re doing here in Illinois and what there doing, to hopefully bring some of that information back to Illinois and implement some of the changes. This will be paid for by the AECF.” MOTION Motion by Mr. Walsh to send Mr. William Warnell to the meeting in Baltimore, Maryland, second by Mr. Jakupcak. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 138, PAGE 146 PRESENTATION Mr. William Warnell, Court Services Director, addressed the Board stating, “One of the things that has been identified through our Family Violence Prevention Council, and not only that, but some of the issues in court is a problem with supervised visitation and custody issues in divorce cases. There is a grant that can be applied for to try and plan a visitation site and develop protocols on how this will be done. Judge Carter and

LaSalle County Board Minutes – February 13, 2003 Joe Hettel have also signed this letter. It has been identified as a major problem where the parents don’t get along. This is a planning grant to see if it can be done here in LaSalle County, and if it’s worth being done, and maybe find sites and funding for it. It has to be applied for through a governmental body (LaSalle County), but it would be done through a contract with ADV & SAS. They would do all the work. And basically LaSalle County would be just the applying agency and the pass through for the monies. There is no guarantee that we are going to get the grant. We are basically applying for the planning grant.” MOTION Motion by Mr. William Johnson to apply for planning grant, second by Mr. Treschak. Mr. Piecha questioned, “ In the event that program doesn’t become a reality, will future funding come from the grant?” Mr. Warnell replied, “This will be one the issues of this grant we’ll be dealing with. If it’s decided that this will be a program, and there is a major need for it, and we have the facts and figures for it, then one of the issues will be how to fund it.” Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 138, PAGE 147-149 RESOLUTION: #03-03 (#03-09) COUNTY HIGHWAY A resolution was submitted appropriating $365,000 Motor Fuel tax funds and $230,000 County highway funds for the widening and resurfacing of Section 03-00266- 01-WR (County Highway 4 from Illinois Route 71 to County highway 15). Motion by Mr. Landers to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Boe. Roll call vote; 27 ayes, 1 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 138, PAGE 150-152 RESOLUTION: #03-04 (#03-10) COUNTY HIGHWAY A resolution was submitted appropriating $415,000 Motor Fuel Tax funds and $235,000 County Highway funds for the resurfacing of Section 03-00241-01-SM (County Highway 12 from County Highway 10 to the Union Pacific Railroad crossing in Earlville). Motion by Mr. McConville to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Jakupcak. Same roll call vote; 27 ayes, absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 138, PAGE 153-154

LaSalle County Board Minutes – February 13, 2003 RESOLUTION: #03-05 (#03-11) COUNTY HIGHWAY A resolution was submitted appropriating $215,000 Motor Fuel Tax funds and $130,000 Special Tax Matching funds for the resurfacing of Section 03-00041-01-SM (County Highway 13 from ½ mile South of County Highway 33 to Troy Grove). Motion by Mr. Flanagan to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Rigby. Same roll call vote; 27 ayes, 1 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 138, PAGE 155-156 RESOLUTION: #03-06 (#03- 12) COUNTY HIGHWAY A resolution was submitted appropriating $315,000 Motor Fuel Tax funds and $110,000 Special tax matching Funds for the resurfacing of Section 03-00245-01-SM (County Highway 15 from Illinois Route 18 to County Highway 5). Motion by Mr. Garretson to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Myers. Same roll call vote; 27 ayes, 1 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 138, PAGE 157-158 RESOLUTION: #03-07 (#03-13) COUNTY HIGHWAY A resolution was submitted appropriating $160,000 Motor Fuel Tax funds and $220,000 Special Tax Matching funds for the resurfacing of Section 04-00298-00-RS (County Highway 33 from County Highway 43 to ). Motion by Mr. Small to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Boe. Same roll call vote; 27 ayes, 1 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 138, PAGE 159-160 RESOLUTION: #03-08 (#03-14) COUNTY HIGHWAY A resolution was submitted appropriating $240,000 Special Tax Matching funds for the widening and resurfacing of Section 03-00272-01-WR (County Highway 36 from Illinois Route 170 to the LaSalle/Grundy County Line). Motion by Mr. William Johnson to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Flanagan. Same roll call vote; 27 ayes, 1 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 138, PAGE 161-162 RESOLUTION: #03-09 (#03-15) COUNTY HIGHWAY A resolution was submitted appropriating $168,000 County Highway funds for the microsurfacing of Section 03-00000-00-GM (Loc. 1 & 2) (County Highway 16 from Cedar Point to County Highway 63 and County Highway 54 from Cedar Point to at Tonica).

LaSalle County Board Minutes – February 13, 2003 Motion by Mr. Freeman to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Small. Same roll call vote; 27 ayes, 1 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 138, PAGE 163-164 RESOLUTION: #03-10 (#03-16) COUNTY HIGHWAY A resolution was submitted appropriating $480,000 Motor Fuel Tax funds and $180,000 Special Tax Matching funds for the widening and resurfacing of Section 03- 00271-01-WR (S.B.I. 18, Leland Spur, from U.S. Route 34 North to Leland and East returning to U.S. Route 34). Motion by Mr. Flanagan to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Stockley. Same roll call vote; 27 ayes, 1 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 138, PAGE 165-166 RESOLUTION: #03-11 (#03-17) COUNTY HIGHWAY A resolution was submitted appropriating $82,000 County Highway funds for the intersection improvements of Section 03-00304-00-PV (Intersection of County Highways 15 & 30 and East 2350th Road). Motion by Mr. Derango to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Boe. Same roll call vote; 27 ayes, 1 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 138, PAGE 167-168 RESOLUTION: #03-12 (#03-18) 2003 COUNTY HIGHWAY SYSTEM BRIDGE AND CULVERT IMPROVEMENTS A resolution was submitted for the 2003 County Highway System Bridge and culvert improvements in the total amount of $424,000. Motion by Mr. Jakupcak to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Landers. Same roll call vote; 27 ayes, 1 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 138, PAGE 169-170 RESOLUTION: #03-01 (#03-19) VARIANCE TO THE SETBACK ORDINANCE A resolution was submitted granting variance to the setback ordinance for Hally Brown to build a 38’ x 48’ shed a minimum of 58 feet from the centerline of N. 3659th Rd., Mission Township, LaSalle County. Motion by Mr. Treschak to approve the variance, second by Mr. Hicks. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 138, PAGE 171-172

LaSalle County Board Minutes – February 13, 2003 RESOLUTION: #03-02 (#03-20) FINAL PLAT OF EDGEWHITE SUBDIVISION A resolution was submitted accepting the final plat of Edgewhite Subdivision in South Ottawa Township, LaSalle County. Motion by Mr. Landers to approve the final plat, second by Mr. Piecha. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 138, PAGE 173-175 RESOLUTIONS: (#03-21A THRU #03-21G) DELINQUENT TAXES Resolutions were submitted stating that the purchaser Salvador Lopez has defaulted on the contracts on real estate parcel #33-25-215-008, parcel #33-36-118- 004, parcel #36-19-106-003 , and parcel #33-24-413-021 and that the contracts to purchase with said purchaser are hereby cancelled and the funds are to be disbursed according to law. And Resolutions were submitted stating that the Chairman of the Board of LaSalle County, Illinois, be authorized to execute a deed of conveyance of the County’s interest or authorize the cancellation of the appropriate Certificate(s) of Purchase, as the case may be, on real estate parcel #10-27-100-042, certificates #99-0114 and #98- 0164 for the sum of $94.50; parcel #33-25-309-013, certificate #99-0591 for the sum of $1,073.88; and parcel #37-07-317-014, certificate #99-0707 for the sum of $348.88 to be paid to the Treasurer of LaSalle County, Illinois, to be disbursed according to law. Motion by Mr. Treschak to approve all seven resolutions, second by Mr. Hicks. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 138, PAGE 176-183 RESOLUTION: (#03-22) BOARD OF REVIEW EXTENSION A resolution was submitted stating that the Board of Review is and is hereby granted an extension to April 30, 2003 for completion of its duties. Motion by Mr. Ronald Johnson to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Hall. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 138, PAGE 184-185 RESOLUTION: (#03-23) POLLING PLACES A resolution was submitted establishing polling places for the February 25th, 2003 Consolidated Primary Election and that any vacancies in the polling places which may occur be filled by the County Clerk at her discretion.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – February 13, 2003 Motion by Mr. William Johnson to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Landers. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 138, PAGE 186-188 RESOLUTION: (#03-24) ELECTION NIGHT A resolution was submitted setting forth the names of those individuals who will be allowed in the office of the County Clerk to view the ballot counting procedure for the February 25th, 2003 Consolidated Primary Election. Motion by Mr. Hicks to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Myers. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 138, PAGE 189-190 RESOLUTION: PROPERTY OWNERS OF NAPLATE IN REGARD TO ARSENIC A resolution was submitted stating that further federal and State of Illinois assistance and testing be provided to assure that dangerous levels of arsenic do not exist on all properties in the Village of Naplate. Motion by Mr. Small to approve the resolution second by Mr. Piecha. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 138, PAGE 191-192 ORDINANCE: AMENDING THE LASALLE COUNTY SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE An ordinance was submitted amending the LaSalle County Subdivision Regulations Ordinance as follows: SECTION ONE: Amendments 1. SECTION VIII. SUBDIVISION DESIGN STANDARDS B. Streets of the LaSalle County Subdivision Regulations Ordinance is hereby amended by adding the underlined subparagraph 10 with language as follows: 10. All streets at or near the perimeter of the subdivision shall extend to the subdivision boundary. Buffer or reserve strips also known as “spite or hate strips” that prohibit access to the street shall not be permitted. A preliminary or final plat that includes said

strips shall not be approved. 2. SECTION XVI. OCCUPANCY PERMIT of the LaSalle County Subdivision Regulations Ordinance is hereby amended, deleting the stricken language and adding the underlined language as follows:

LaSalle County Board Minutes – February 13, 2003 SECTION XVI. OCCUPANCY PERMIT RESERVED No occupancy permit shall be granted by any governing official for the use of any building on structure within a subdivision or lot division approved under this ordinance until required land improvements have been installed and accepted by the County Development, Air, Land and Water Pollution Control Committee except street and alley improvements as herein required maybe in the process of installation, provided that roadway pavement base course has been installed and is suitable for vehicular traffic. SECTION TWO: Any Resolution or Ordinance or part thereof in conflict herewith is hereby repealed to the extent of any such conflict. SECTION THREE: The amendments to the LaSalle County Subdivision Regulations Ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon passage and publication in pamphlet form. Motion by Mr. McConville to adopt the ordinance, second by Mr. Boe. Chairman Dougherty called for any discussion. Mr. Piecha commented on a situation that took place in the past, regarding a spite strip in a subdivision in Manlius Township. Mr. Leininger stated, “I would encourage everybody to go home and look up the work spite, because I think that’s a full terminology for it to start with. There are many ways around this. What this is saying is that you have to run your road at the end of your property.” To be held over until next months meeting. RESOLUTION: (#03-26) ILLINOIS LAW ENFORCEMENT ALARM SYSTEM MUTUAL AID AGREEMENT A resolution was submitted stating that the Sheriff of LaSalle County and the LaSalle County Board Chairman be authorized to execute the Mutual Aid Agreement attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit “A”. Motion by Mr. Jakupcak to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Landers. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 138, PAGE 193-198

LaSalle County Board Minutes – February 13, 2003 RESOLUTION: (#03-27) TO OPEN SHERIDAN CORRECTIONAL FACILITY A resolution was submitted stating that the LaSalle County urges the Governor and Illinois and federal legislators to reopen the Sheridan Correctional Facility immediately. Motion by Mr. Mowinski to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Walsh. Mr. Mowinski thanked all of the County Board members and the Chairman for following through with the letters that he had faxed to the Governor’s office in trying to get the Sheridan Prison back open. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 138, PAGE 199-200 RESOLUTION: (#03-28) LANDCOMP CORPORATION A resolution was submitted to enter a Memorandum of Agreement with LandComp Corporation regarding landfill service area and tonnage. Motion by Mr. Jordan to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Myers. There was discussion by several board members at this time. Chairman Dougherty called for a roll call vote; 21 ayes, 6 nays, 1 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 138, PAGE 201-205 COMMENT Chairman Doughtery stated, “A letter written by Mr. Martin Rue, Veterans Assistance Commission, and signed by myself regarding the eighty beds for the LaSalle County Veteran’s Home, needs approval to be sent to the Governor. There will also be a resolution that was adopted March 10, 1997 regarding the eighty beds that will be attached to this letter. Representative Frank Mautino has been working on this too.” MOTION Motion by Mr. Foltynewicz to send the letter to the Governor and all representatives in LaSalle County, second by Mr. Gruenwald. Mr. Rigby commented, “This was to just to remind them that we did this request a while back.” Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 138, PAGE 206-212

LaSalle County Board Minutes – February 13, 2003 MOTION Motion by Mr. Walsh to place on file the Probation and Court Services Financial and Statistical Report for December 1, 2001 through November 30, 2002, second by Mr. McConville. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion Carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 138, PAGE 213 MOTION: EXECUTIVE SESSION Motion by Mr. Derango to go into executive session to discuss pending litigation regarding the Condie case, second by Mr. Boe. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. The room was cleared for executive session. Motion by Mr. Mowinski to go back into regular session, second by Mr. Jakupcak. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. APPOINTMENT: (#03-29) PRAIRIE RIVERS RESOURCE CONSERVATION A resolution was submitted appointing Art Rigby, Jr. as a Member of the Prairie Rivers Resource Conservation & Development Council with his term of office to expire December 31, 2006. Motion by Mr. Flanagan to approve the appointment, second by Mr. William Johnson. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 138, PAGE 214 APPOINTMENT: (#03-30) LASALLE COUNTY PUBLIC AID COMMITTEE A resolution was submitted reappointing Robert Widman, Robert Baer, James Brown and Florence Gahan as Members of the LaSalle County Public Aid Committee with terms expiring December 31, 2004. Motion by Mr. Freeman to approve the reappointments, second by Mr. Garretson. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 138, PAGE 215 APPOINTMENT: (#03-31) D.D #1 SERENA & FREEDOM A resolution was submitted reappointing Randall Rosengren as a Commissioner of Drainage District #1 Serena & Freedom for a term expiring August 31, 2005. Motion by Mr. Jordan to approve the reappointment, second by Mr. Stockley. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 138, PAGE 216

LaSalle County Board Minutes – February 13, 2003 APPOINTMENT: (#03-32) D.D. #1 MERIDEN A resolution was submitted reappointing Harold Gast as a Commissioner of Drainage District #1 Meriden for a term expiring August 31, 2005. Motion by Mr. Flanagan to approve the reappointment, second by Mr. McConville. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 138, PAGE 217 APPOINTMENT: (#03-33) D.D. #1 FREEDOM A resolution was submitted reappointing Gary Tuftie as a Commissioner of Drainage District #1 Freedom for a term expiring August 31, 2005. Motion by Mr. Ronald Johnson to approve the reappointment, second by Mr. Walsh. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 138, PAGE 218 APPOINTMENT: (#03-34) D.D. #1 FREEDOM & WALLACE A resolution was submitted reappointing Wesley J. Freebairn as a Commissioner of Drainage District #1 Freedom & Wallace for a term expiring August 31, 2005. Motion by Mr. Small to approve the reappointment, second by Mr. Walsh. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 138, PAGE 219-220 MISCELLANEOUS REPORTS & CORRESPONDENCE A copy of the fiscal year 2003 inspection report of the Juvenile Detention Center was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 138, PAGE 221 The Treasurer’s Investment Schedule dated January 31, 2003 was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 138, PAGE 222 Correspondence from the Federal emergency management Agency regarding property within an identified Special Flood Hazard Area was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 138, PAGE 223 Correspondence to the Illinois Department of Revenue regarding business address verification for tax allocation purposes was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 138, PAGE 224 Public Safety Tax for November, 2002 has been received and collected in the total amount of $196,750.33. SEE RECORD BOOK 138, PAGE 225

LaSalle County Board Minutes – February 13, 2003 Correspondence from the Office of Pat Quinn, Lieutenant Governor regarding the 14th Annual Rural Community Economic Development Conference on March 13th in Peoria. SEE RECORD BOOK 138, PAGE 226 Correspondence from the LaSalle County Soil & Water Conservation District thanking the LaSalle County Board for the contribution to the District was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 138, PAGE 227 Motion by Mr. Rigby to place all on file, second by Mr. Jordan. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. COMMENT Mr. Dougherty stated, “The Union Contract that we ratified for AFSME, was voted on last Monday. From what I understand the vote was 69 to 3 in favor. So we will have a contract as soon as we get the paper work in order.” Mr. Piecha questioned, The Tourist Committee is scheduled to meet at 1:00 P.M. on February 18th, and on the agenda would be to transfer Tourist money to the general fund. Would it be possible to cancel that meeting without interfering with the transfer? In the event that the Special Board Meeting that we have at 9:30 A.M. runs only until 10:00 or 10:30 A.M., then some of the committee members would go home and then have to come back again. It would be a cost to the county as far as miles were concerned.” Mr. William Johnson suggested having the Tourist Committee meeting right before the 9:30 A.M. Special Board Meeting on February 18th, 2003. Chairman Dougherty stated, “The Tourist Committee will meet at 9:00 A.M. on February 18th, 2003. Chairman Dougherty also stated, “The media would also be notified of the change of the Tourist Committee.” ------Motion by Mr. Derango to recess to February 18th, 2003 at 9:30 A.M. in Room 250 at the Governmental Complex. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. CHAIRMAN DOUGHERTY DECLARED THE MEETING RECESSED TO FEBRUARY 18TH, 2003

LaSalle County Board Minutes – February 13, 2003 STATE OF ILLINOIS ) COUNTY OF LASALLE ) The LaSalle County Board met in a special session pursuant to the call of the membership, at the Governmental Complex, Ottawa, Illinois on the 3rd Tuesday of February, A.D., 2003, it being the 18th day thereof. This is the fifth meeting of our December 2002 session. Chairman Dougherty called the meeting to order at 9:32 a.m. Chairman Dougherty asked the Clerk to call the roll for mileage & per diem. PRESENT: 27 Members ABSENT: Mr. Mowinski, Mr. Treschak There were 27 ayes claiming mileage. Motion by Mr. Foltynewicz to approve the roll call for mileage and per diem, second by Mr. McConville. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 138, PAGE 228 MOTION: EXECUTIVE SESSION Motion by Mr. Jordan to go into executive session to discuss litigation, second by Mr. William Johnson. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. The room was cleared for executive session. Motion by Mr. Jakupcak to go back to regular session, second by Mr. Landers. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. MOTION Motion by Mr. Derango that Attorney William Barasha of Judge & James be authorized to file a petition for rehearing and/or reconsideration with the Illinois Supreme Court in the case of Carmean v. Condie (et al. & the County of LaSalle), second by Mr. Rigby. Roll call vote; 24 ayes, 4 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 138, PAGE 229 ------Motion by Mr. Derango to adjourn to March 10th, 2003 at 1:00 P.M. in room 250, second by Mr. Savitch. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. CHAIRMAN DOUGHERTY DECLARED THE MEETING ADJOURNED TO MARCH 10TH, 2003

LaSalle County Board Minutes – February 18, 2003 STATE OF ILLINOIS ) COUNTY OF LASALLE ) RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE LASALLE COUNTY BOARD HELD AT THE GOVERNMENTAL COMPLEX, OTTAWA, ILLINOIS. BEGUN AND HELD ON THE SECOND MONDAY OF MARCH, A.D., 2003, IT BEING THE 10TH DAY THEREOF. STATE OF ILLINOIS ) COUNTY OF LASALLE ) The LaSalle County Board met pursuant to Statute at the Governmental Complex, Ottawa, Illinois, on the second Monday of March, A.D., 2003, it being the 10th day thereof. Chairman Dougherty called the meeting to order at 1:01 p.m. This is the 1st meeting of our March 2003 Session. Chairman Dougherty asked the Clerk to call the roll for Mileage & Per Diem. PRESENT: 28 Members ABSENT: Mr. Mowinski There were 28 ayes claiming mileage. Motion by Mr. Jordan to approve the roll call for mileage and per diem, second by Mr. Foltynewicz. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 138, PAGE 228 th Chairman Dougherty called for any additions or corrections to the February 13 , 2003 minutes. Mary Jane Wilkinson, LaSalle County Clerk stated that in the last paragraph under the subdivision ordinance discussion, there is a typo in Mr. Leininger’s statement. The word “work” should be “word” (I would encourage everybody to go home and look up the work spite). Motion by Mr. Walsh to approve the February 13th minutes as corrected, second by Mr. William Johnson. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. Chairman Dougherty called for any additions or corrections to the February 18th, 2003 minutes. Motion Mr. Landers to approve the February 18th minutes as presented, second by Mr. Jakupcak. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – March 10, 2003 STUDENT EXCELLENCE AWARDS Mr. Richard Meyers, Asst. Supt. of Schools, introduced the two students who were awarded the Student Excellence Awards for the month; from Shepherd Middle School in Ottawa, Lisa Gillette; and from Ottawa Twp. High School, Marie Stone. Both students were presented with an award plaque from Chairman Dougherty and applauded by the Board. PRESENTATION Cheryl Mucci, Jury Coordinator, addressed the board requesting permission for herself and her Jury Clerk to attend a workshop in Dublin, Ohio on April 10th and 11th, 2003 to become acquainted with the new Software it has to offer. Mrs. Mucci stated, “We have been using the same software since 1989 that was purchased for us by the State of Illinois in the amount of $35,000. At this point, our software users have told us that by 2004, they will not be able to maintain or support us with such outdated software. It is really time after using the software for 13 years that we do move on to something that is more pliable to our jury system.” “The Next Generation is the new software. It is primarily enhancements and updates on our present software. We have used this software and it has done everything that we needed. It is fast and economical and it prints very inexpensive forms. I’ve looked at a lot of different types of software. I don’t have the cost right now, but it is relatively inexpensive to get an enhancement with the new software than to go to a brand new software.” Mr. Hicks questioned, “You are saying that the existing software we have and the new company is one in the same company? It’s just an upgrade that we are looking for?” Mrs. Mucci stated, “Right.” MOTION Motion by Mr. Kaminky to send Cheryl Mucci and her Jury Clerk to Dublin, Ohio to attend a workshop held on April 10 & 11th, 2003, second by Mr. Walsh. Roll call vote; 27 ayes, 1 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 138, PAGE 229

LaSalle County Board Minutes – March 10, 2003 PRESENTATION Mr. Larry Kinzer, County Engineer, offered comments on the LaSalle County Highway Department 2002 Annual Report. MOTION Motion by Mr. Landers to place on file the LaSalle County Highway Department 2002 Annual Report, second by Mr. Hicks. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 138,PAGE 230 RESOLUTION: #03-13 (#03-35) COUNTY HIGHWAY A resolution was submitted regarding an agreement with the City of Oglesby for improvements to County Highway 23 (Ed Hand Highway) and appropriating $20,000.00 in County Highway Funds for the construction costs of the LaSalle County portion of the improvement. Motion by Mr. Freeman to approve the resolution, second by Mr. William Johnson. Roll call vote; 27 ayes, 1 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 138, PAGE 231-235 PRESENTATION Mike Harsted, Enforcement Officer, addressed the board requesting permission to send Scott Cofoid, Asst. Enforcement Officer, to St. Louis, Missouri to attend an annual conference on May 13th, 14th and 15th, 2003. MOTION Motion by Mr. Jordan to send Scott Cofoid to St. Louis, Missouri to attend the annual conference, second by Mr. Treschak. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. REPORT: OUTSIDE AUDIT Tim Smith, of T.J. Smith & Associates, P.C., outside auditor for LaSalle County, addressed the Board and discussed the audit report for the fiscal year ending November 30, 2002. Motion by Mr. Freeman to accept the audit report, second by Mr. McConville. To be voted on at next month’s meeting. SEE RECORD BOOK 138, PAGE 236

LaSalle County Board Minutes – March 10, 2003 RESOLUTION: (#03-36) CONTRACT FOR SHERIFF’S DEPARTMENT RADIO CONSOLE A resolution was submitted stating that LaSalle County enter the professional consulting services contract with Radio Rick, Inc. for professional consulting services to assist in the design and preparation of specifications for the new radio communications console for a fee of $2,500 - $5,000.00. Motion by Mr. Jakupcak to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Gruenwald. Roll call vote; 27 ayes, 1 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 138, PAGE 237-245 RESOLUTION: (#03-37) DELINQUENT TAXES A resolution was submitted stating that the Chairman of the Board of LaSalle County, Illinois, be authorized to execute a deed of conveyance of the County’s interest or authorize the cancellation of the appropriate Certificate(s) of Purchase, as the case may be, on real estate parcel #15-49-416-006 for the sum of $352.82 to be paid to the Treasurer of LaSalle County, Illinois, to be disbursed according to law. Motion by Mr. Boe to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Flanagan. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 138, PAGE 246-247 ORDINANCE: (#03-38) AMENDING THE LASALLE COUNTY SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE An ordinance was re-submitted from last month’s meeting amending the LaSalle County Subdivision Regulations Ordinance. Original motion by Mr. McConville to approve the ordinance, second by Mr. Boe. Chairman Dougherty called for any discussion. At this time there was much discussion by several of the board members. Chairman Dougherty called for a roll call vote; 23 ayes, 4 nays. 1 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 138, PAGE 248-251 COMMITTEE WORK MISCELLANEOUS The Quarterly Report for Committee Work Miscellaneous was submitted in the total amount of $41,406.00. Motion by Mr. Treschak to approve the Quarterly Report, second by Mr. Rigby. Roll call vote; 26 ayes, 2 absent. Motion carried.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – March 10, 2003 SEE RECORD BOOK 138, PAGE 252-284 APPOINTMENT: (#03-39) SENECA FIRE A resolution was submitted reappointing William Mitchell as a Trustee of the Seneca Rural Fire Protection District for a three year term beginning May 1, 2003 and expiring on April 30, 2006. Motion by Mr. Small to approve the reappointment, second by Mr. Rigby. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK, 138, PAGE 285-286 MISCELLANEOUS REPORTS & CORRESPONDENCE The Treasurer’s Investment Schedule dated February 28th, 2003 was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 138, PAGE 287 Correspondence to the Illinois Dept. of Revenue regarding business address verification for tax allocation purposes was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 138, PAGE 288 Correspondence from Senator Dan Rutherford regarding the resolution recently adopted by the LaSalle County Board, to reopen the Sheridan Correctional Facility was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 138, PAGE 289 Correspondence from Representative Patricia Reid Lindner regarding the resolution recently adopted by the LaSalle County Board, to reopen the Sheridan Correctional Facility was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 138, PAGE 290 Mary Jane Wilkinson, LaSalle County Clerk commented that she received a call from Representative Frank Mautino regarding the Circuit Clerk Fee resolution that had passed out of the House to the Senate. Motion by Mr. Foltynewicz to place all on file, second by Mr. Small. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. COMMENT Mr. Foltynewicz commented that he was told by Don Johnson, Veteran’s Director of the State of Illinois, that the resolution regarding the 80 additional beds for the LaSalle County Veteran’s Home in LaSalle has been approved and passed out of the House. Chairman Dougherty commented that anyone interested in attending the IACO conference April 27th – 30th, to let Gayle know by April 1st, 2003.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – March 10, 2003 The 9-1-1 committee will be meeting as needed after their March 17th, 2003 meeting. The Veteran’s Assistance Commission and Data Processing Committee will be meeting once monthly rather than twice monthly. Mr. Freeman commented that he did attend the IACO Legislative Committee meeting in Springfield on Saturday. ------Motion by Mr. Derango to recess to April 10th, 2003 at 1:00 P.M. in Room 250 at the Governmental Complex, second by Mr. Savitch. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – March 10, 2003 STATE OF ILLINOIS ) COUNTY OF LASALLE ) The LaSalle County Board met pursuant to recess at the Governmental Complex, Ottawa, Illinois, on the second Thursday of April, A.D., 2003 it being the 10th day thereof. This meeting is the second meeting of our March 2003 Session. Chairman Dougherty called the meeting to order at 1:02 P.M. Chairman Dougherty called for a moment of silence in support of the armed forces and for a safe return of all troops. Chairman Dougherty thanked Mr. Savitch in reminding us to put up the POW Flag at both courthouses and also Mr. Walsh for the signs and yellow ribbons for anyone to take. Chairman Dougherty asked the Clerk to call the roll for mileage & per diem. PRESENT: 29 Members ABSENT: None There were 29 ayes claiming mileage. Motion by Mr. Jakupcak to approve the roll call for mileage & per diem, second by Mr. Mowinski. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 139, PAGE 1 th Chairman Dougherty called for any additions or corrections to the March 10 , 2003 minutes. Motion by Mr. Foltynewicz to approve the March 10th minutes as presented,

second by Mr. Kaminky. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. STUDENT EXCELLENCE AWARDS Mr. Jay McCracken, Coordinator of the Regional Superintendent of Schools office, introduced two students who were the Student Excellence Award; from Northbrook Elementary School, Brittany Montavon; and from Mendota Township High School, Holly Inman. Both students were presented with an award plaque from Chairman Dougherty and applauded by the Board.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – April 10, 2003 RESOLUTION: #03-02 (#03-40) VARIANCE TO THE SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE A resolution was submitted granting a variance to the subdivision ordinance for John & Judy Stewart to split a 5.07 acre parcel into two parcels, one being 1.32 acres with 218 feet of public road frontage and the other being 3.75 acres with 616.05 feet of public road frontage, in the NW ¼ of the SE ¼ of Section 29, Meriden Township, LaSalle County. Motion by Mr. Jordan to approve the variance, second by Mr. McConville. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 139, PAGE 2-3 RESOLUTION: #03-03 (#03-41) VARIANCE TO THE SETBACK ORDINANCE A resolution was submitted granting a variance to the setback ordinance for Joshua Woods to build a 24’ x 30’ garage a minimum of 25 feet from the centerline of N. 3468th Rd., Dayton Township, LaSalle County. Motion by Mr. Treschak to approve the variance, second by Mr. Landers. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 139, PAGE 4-5 RESOLUTION: #03-05 (#03-42) VARIANCE TO THE SETBACK ORDINANCE A resolution was submitted granting a variance to the setback ordinance for Dave Peacher to construct an addition, a minimum of 59 feet from the centerline of E. 15th Rd., located in Bruce Township, LaSalle County. Motion by Mr. Myers to approve the variance, second by Mr. Hicks. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 139, PAGE 6-7 RESOLUTION: #03-06 (#03-43) FINAL PLAT OF DAYTON RIDGE ESTATES SUBDIVISION A resolution was submitted accepting the final plat of Dayton Ridge Estates Subdivision in Dayton Township, LaSalle County. Motion by Mr. Piecha to approve the final plat, second by Mr. McConville. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 139, PAGE 8-9

LaSalle County Board Minutes – April 10, 2003 RESOLUTION: #03-07 (#03-44) FIANL PLAT OF HIDDEN BLUFFS PHASE II SUBDIVISION A resolution was submitted accepting the final plat of Hidden Bluffs Phase II Subdivision in South Ottawa Township, LaSalle County. Motion by Mr. Landers to approve the final plat, second by Mr. Treschak. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 139, PAGE 10-11 RESOLUTION: #03-08 (#03-45) VARIANCE TO THE SETBACK ORDINANCE A resolution was submitted granting a variance to the setback ordinance for Marie Schmidt to construct a pole building, a minimum of 77 feet from the centerline of County Highway 5, located in Richland Township, LaSalle County. Motion by Mr. Myers to approve the variance, second by Mr. Jordan. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 139, PAGE 12-13 ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. Mike Harsted, Environmental Services Director, announced that “It has been put in the newspapers that the electronic collection is going to take place at the Governmental Complex on July 19th, 2003 from 9 o’clock a.m. to 1 o’clock p.m.” PRESENTATION Mary Jane Wilkinson, LaSalle County Clerk, addressed the Board stating, “As you know for sometime now, the Elections Committee has been observing different types of elections systems anticipating the possibility of the change from the way we’ll be casting our ballots in the future. Some of you may recall last September that myself and members of my committee traveled to Wisconsin to see one of the election’s systems that we’ve seen demonstrations on to actually witness one of their elections. We now have an opportunity to witness another system that we’ve seen a demonstration on in the state of Indiana. In that regard, myself and my Chief Deputy, Joann Carretto, Bill Salz from IVCC, Bill Johnson who is Chairman of the Elections Committee and possibly another committee member, Mr. Landers would like to travel to Indiana on May 6th, 2003 for the purpose of observing the ES&S Elections System Software with the optical scan system in place for Indiana’s elections.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – April 10, 2003 The expenses that would be incurred basically would involve mileage, meals, per diem for the board members and probably some overtime for my Chief Deputy.” MOTION Motion by Mr. Jordan to allow Mary Jane Wilkinson, Joann Carretto, Bill Salz, Bill Johnson and possibly Dale Landers to go to Indiana to observe the ES&S Elections System with the optical scan system in place for Indiana’s elections on May 6th, 2003, second by Mr. Boe. Roll call vote, 26 ayes, 1 abstain, 1 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 139, PAGE 14 REPORT: OUTSIDE AUDIT Tim Smith, of T.J. Smith & Associates, P.C., outside auditor for the LaSalle County, addressed the Board to answer any further questions regarding the audit report for the fiscal year ending November 30, 2002. Mr. Piecha questioned, “Have there been any changes made in the audit report?” Mr. Smith replied, “No, sir.” Mr. Smith stated, “The overall equity among all funds plus $73.5 million, which was down a little bit from the beginning of the year of $73.9 million much related to the jail project. We discussed your tax levy and your tax rates at the last meeting explaining that you are relatively low compared to other counties in the area.” MOTION Original motion by Mr. Freeman to accept the audit report, second by Mr. McConville. Roll call vote; 27 ayes, 1 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 139, PAGE 15

MOTION Motion by Mr. Walsh to place on file the Probation and Court Services Report for December 1, 2002 through February 28, 2003, second by Mr. Derango. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 139, PAGE 16

LaSalle County Board Minutes – April 10, 2003 PRESENTATION Joanne White, Director of the LaSalle County Detention Home, addressed the Board regarding the LaSalle County Detention Home Quarterly Report for December – January – February 2003. Ms. White stated, “In January when I presented the annual report, there was some question about us changing the amount of money we charge for other counties using our facility. Chief Judge has changed that. Within our circuit, we are now charging them $85.00 a day instead of $65.00. Counties outside the circuit were charged $80.00 and we are now going to charge them $100.00 a day. We very seldom get any residents outside the circuit, just because we usually don’t have room available. However, today we are down to five residents. This is the first time we’ve been this low since we’ve opened the facility. This will help with our income for the end of the year. Because our income was down last year, our cost per day did raise quite a bit. So we felt we needed to make an adjustment to what we charge other counties within the circuit to use our facility so that LaSalle County wasn’t covering the cost of their kids.” MOTION Motion by Mr. Hall to place on file the LaSalle County Detention Home Quarterly Report, second by Mr. Panzica. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 139, PAGE 17 LETTER: SUPPORTING STREATOR UNLIMITED, INC Mary Jane Wilkinson, LaSalle County Clerk, read a letter addressed to Mr. Jeffrey M. Dean, Executive Director of Streator unlimited, Inc. from Chairman Dougherty supporting Streator Unlimited, Inc. application for grant for replacement of two vans.

MOTION Motion by Mr. Jakupcak to approve the letter of endorsement of Streator Unlimited’s application for a grant from the IDOT for replacement of two vans, second by Mr. Jordan. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 139, PAGE 18-19 PRESENTATION Mr. Mike Vezzetti, of Union Bank, addressed the Board stating, “We’ve been working with the Finance Committee the last few months to take a look at your second

LaSalle County Board Minutes – April 10, 2003 leg of your debt issues that you issued almost three years ago for your jail life safety project. Mr. Mike Bowen from Bernardi Securities is also here with us and in front of you have an engagement letter that engages them to begin the process to consider the refinancing of the second leg of this project. The Finance Committee has looked at your savings and all the numbers in detail. What we are doing today is looking for your approval to go ahead and engage Bernardi Securities to go ahead and begin the process. It is not costing you anything. You don’t pay for anything until there is a debt issuance. All this is doing is getting the appropriate parties on line to do this refunding if and when it makes sense to do so. The Finance Committee then will make a recommendation to the full Board in due course, if the numbers makes sense. Today they do make sense, but things can change. We just need to get the ball rolling and in effect. That’s what this is about today.” Mr. Mike Bowen, from Bernardi Securities, addressed the Board stating, “It’s certainly a pleasure to be here with you today and hopefully to be able to work with you on this other piece of refinancing. I know a number of you were here when we did the refinancing on the other set of bonds. There was significant savings to the county and I think everyone was happy with the results of that effort. Hopefully we can replicate that with this transaction here and bring this thing kind of full circle. Bernardi Securities has been as you know, in helping with this project and other issuers in this area including Grundy County and a number of communities and school districts. We’ve developed quite a base of retail buyers of debt, not only for LaSalle County but other issuers. We would look to place these bonds with a lot of your constituents and local banks and what have you, and certainly give them a priority on any and all of these bonds that we want. We assure you of that. Because there will be considerable interest from investors in the county as there was the first time these were issued and the subsequent refunding that we did just last year. We try to make every effort to make sure that your folks get first priority. Your investors and your local banks would get first priority on any of these bonds.”

LaSalle County Board Minutes – April 10, 2003 RESOLUTION: (#03-46) PROCEED WITH REFUNDING COUNTY’S GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS, SERIES 2001 (PUBLIC SAFETY TAX ALTERNATE REVENUE SOURCE) A resolution was submitted authorizing Bernardi Securities to proceed with refunding of County’s General Obligation Bonds, Series 2001 (Public Safety Tax Alternate Revenue Source). Motion by Mr. Foltynewicz to accept the resolution, second by Mr. Landers. Mr. McConville directed a question to Atty. Troy Holland, “Do you think that reads clear to where we’re not agreeing to do these right now? The way this resolution is?” Atty. Troy Holland replied, “The way that the agreement or the letter is structured, (and we have the ability to terminate it with notice to them in thirty days), there is no cost or obligation. This is how we proceeded the exact same way the last time. That is the understanding, that we have no obligation.” Mr. Freeman questioned, “At the present time, what would you say your best estimate would be on savings if we did it?” Mr. Mike Vezzetti replied, “That assumes the county makes a cash contribution again like it did the last year if you recall. If you do that, (and that would be about 1.5 million dollars), and that number is still up in the air. Where that number comes from is the anticipated remainder from the actual project itself. Those monies have to be used toward debt reduction if you don’t use it towards a project. But assuming the 1.5 million dollar contribution, the county would save a total of about 2.8 million dollars. The expenses are another attachment, and that’s all netted into that number.” Mr. Mike Bowen stated, “What they’re contemplating at this point is basically shortening the term of the debt, considerably. In other words, you’re going to get this thing paid off much sooner than would have if you hadn’t done that. That’s the most economic way of applying those funds is shortening that term up.” Mr. Mike Vezzetti stated, “If you recall the last issue, I believe you knocked off five full years worth of principal. This deal here would knock off five full years as well. So the total deal between the two issues, you would be out of debt in 2016. Originally you would have been in debt until the year 2021.” Chairman Dougherty called for a same roll call vote; 27 ayes, 1 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 139, PAGE 20-22 LaSalle County Board Minutes – April 10, 2003 LETTER: SUPPORTING COMMUNITY HOSPITAL OF OTTAWA’S ADULT DAY CENTER Mary Jane Wilkinson, LaSalle County Clerk, read the letter addressed to Shari Stoudt, Community Health Administrator of Community Hospital of Ottawa from Chairman Dougherty supporting the Community Hospital of Ottawa’s Adult Day Center’s application for grant for capital funds to purchase a vehicle. MOTION Motion by Mr. Landers to approve the letter of endorsement of Community Hospital of Ottawa’s Adult Day Center’s application for capital funds to purchase a vehicle, second by Mr. Treschak. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 139, PAGE 23-24 RESOLUTION: (#03-47) OPPOSING HOUSE BILL 2206 A resolution was submitted stating that LaSalle County oppose House Bill 2206 and that a copy of this Resolution be sent to the Illinois Governor’s office and LaSalle County’s state legislators. Motion by Mr. Jordan to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Flanagan. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 139, PAGE 25-26 COMMENT Chairman Dougherty commented that the next two resolutions for Establishing Polling Places and Persons Authorized in the County Clerk’s Office for the April 1st, 2003 Consolidated Election will be ratified at today’s board meeting since the election is already over. Mary Jane Wilkinson, LaSalle County Clerk, commented, “The reason that these are coming after the fact so to speak, is that, normally this is done the month before we conduct an election. And as it turned out, when we had the Election Committee meeting in March last month it followed the County Board meeting. So we talked it over with Atty. Troy Holland and it was approved at the Elections Committee and these two resolutions are here before you today for you to ratify them.” RESOLUTION: (#03-48) ESTABLISHING POLLING PLACES A resolution was submitted establishing polling places for the April 1st, 2003 Consolidated Election and that any vacancies in the polling places which may occur be filled by the County Clerk at her discretion. LaSalle County Board Minutes – April 10, 2003 Motion by Mr. William Johnson to ratify the resolution, second by Mr. Jakupcak. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 139, PAGE 27-28 COMMENT Mary Jane Wilkinson, LaSalle County Clerk, also commented that in the future at the beginning of each year we’ve decided to do one resolution that covers every election that year so we don’t have to keep coming back continually to cover all the elections. RESOLUTION: (#03-49) ELECTION NIGHT A resolution was submitted setting forth the names of those individuals who will be allowed in the office of the County Clerk to view the ballot counting procedure for the April 1st, 2003 Consolidated Election. Motion by Mr. Rigby to ratify the resolution, second by Mr. Gruenwald. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 139, PAGE 29-30 RESOLUTION: (#03-50) REAL ESTATE TAX PAYMENTS BY CREDIT CARD A resolution was submitted stating that property owners be allowed to pay their LaSalle County real estate tax bills with credit cards through the Illinois e-pay system on the internet with convenience fees to the tax bill payer and such other rules as set forth by the Illinois e-pay system operated by the State of Illinois Treasurer’s Office. Motion by Mr. Gruenwald to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Ronald Johnson. Mr. Hicks questioned, “It mentions paying a fee on the internet, is that something an individual can do from their own home? Are we actually going to as well accept credit cards here? Mr. Lamps, County Treasurer, replied, “No. This is done through the internet. You can do it at home. If you don’t have a computer you can go to a library or a school. We will not do it here in the office.” Mr. Piecha stated, “I opposed this resolution in committee, as well as you know Mr. Lamps, for quite a few reasons. I think the credit card being used by a consumer is good to buy goods, but not as a payment on taxes. You mentioned something in committee about that there is a convenient fee. Could you explain that, sir?”

LaSalle County Board Minutes – April 10, 2003 Mr. Lamps explained, “Yes. This will be no cost to the county. Usually when you use a credit card to buy a thousand dollars worth of goods or services, the person, the retailer, that sells the goods or services pays that 3%, more or less, whatever the fee is. Here, we will not have to pay that service fee (3%) out of county funds. If you want to pay one thousand dollars on a tax bill, you will be assessed approximately 3% to you. It’ll cost you approximately $30 to pay for a one thousand dollar tax bill. Your bill will then be one thousand and thirty dollars ($1,030.00). Now to go forward with another part of your question, I feel its good for the people of the county as well as the county government because one statistic I found when I was doing research is it reduced delinquencies by 20%. What that means to the people of the county is, if the tax bill is due this week and my money is coming in next week, this is one way I can avoid delinquency. It saves them that delinquency cost and that experience. It’s also good for the county government because they get their money up-front. They don’t have to get their money through a tax sale.” Mr. Walsh questioned, “Who actually collects the fee? Does the county get the fee then forward it on to the credit card company or does the credit card company take the fee themselves before the money is transferred to the county?” Mr. Lamps replied, “This whole set up is through Treasurer Topinka’s Office. The money is collected and given directly to Topinka’s Illinois e-pay. Then it’s directly sent to us within two days. It’s an interest bearing money market fund.” Mr. Walsh questioned, “But the fee itself is not anything that you have to account for?” Mr. Lamps replied, “ No. We do not have to account for that fee. That’s taken care of.” Mr. Walsh also questioned, “In relationship to the deadline. Are you able to accept this up until the very end of the taxing period. In other words, somebody that would make a payment at the deadline and then turn around and either not have the credit available on the credit card or whatever the case may be could throw this into a delinquent status and avoid the tax sale. Is there any possibility of that taking place?” Mr. Lamps replied, “No. A very small possibility, because it comes up just like in the store. If your card is rejected, it’s rejected through this system too if you do not have enough credit available.”

LaSalle County Board Minutes – April 10, 2003 Mr. Walsh questioned, “So they couldn’t use it to cover themselves and then later come back and say they wanted to or didn’t have the money or objected to the billing?” Mr. Lamps replied, “No. Or if someone tries to make a partial payment, we see that at the latest the next day and then we can reject that credit card payment right away.” Mr. Jordan questioned, “What’s delinquency interest rate?” Mr. Lamps replied, “It’s 1.5% per month, plus also cost involved is about $104.00.” Mr. Hicks questioned, “This money going to state, is it an escrow account to where the state can’t go borrowing against our money that’s set there? That’s the concern I have with the problem the state has right now. I mean that’s our money. It can’t go anywhere but to us?” Mr. Lamps replied, “There are rules in a money market account under our name. Sponsored by Illinois each day. United States Bank is the sponsoring bank.” Mr. Mowinski questioned, “Do we have any responsibility for delinquency of a card if their bill is not paid through the credit card company?” Mr. Lamps replied, “No.” Mr. Mowinski also questioned, “If the average citizen wishes to go out there and pay it by credit card at the time of payment, is their a disclaimer so they don’t get the impression the county is charging an additional $30 fee to pay their taxes?” Mr. Lamps replied, “Yes. We have that written on there that it is a fee that is charged by the company who is processing it and not a fee of the county.” Mr. Mowinski questioned, “So you have taken the steps so that they don’t get the impression this is an addition to taxes.” Mr. Lamps replied, “Yes. It is in every piece of literature that we have.” Mary Jane Wilkinson, LaSalle County Clerk, questioned, “Don, I understand correctly I hope, that this applies only to current tax bills. It is not a method of payment for delinquent taxes once they have gone to the tax sale and been sold?” Mr. Lamps replied, “That’s correct.” Mr. Ronald Johnson asked, “Would you mind explaining to the rest of the Board about paying the two installments at once?”

LaSalle County Board Minutes – April 10, 2003 Mr. Lamps explained, “It’s the same as it has always been. As the old way was, you can pay both installments of your tax bill by the due date of the first installment if you so choose or you can do it the traditional way and pay the first installment by the first installment due date and pay the second installment later in September by the second installment due date. You have your choice just like in the past. You can do that by writing a check to our office, taking it to the bank, using a credit card and we are also going to use automatic withdrawal if you choose to go that way, which is a very good system at no cost to the people what-so-ever.” Mr. Piecha stated, “I’m always looking for some way to ease the financial burden of a tax payer in the county. I’m sure all the board members are thinking the same way. But using a credit card to pay your tax bill I think a taxpayer is walking through a minefield trying to get this tax bill paid. The IRS has been collecting income tax by credit cards since 1999. Last year 313,385 taxpayers wiped out their credit cards completely and in the long run it cost the taxpayers a lot more money by using it.” Chairman Dougherty commented, “Everybody has to make choices. This is not mandatory. They can choose not to use it.” Chairman Dougherty called for a same roll call vote; voice vote, 1 nay. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 139, PAGE 31-32 RESOLUTION: (#03-51) CONTRACT FOR MICROWAVE LINKAGE INSTALLATION PROJECT A resolution was submitted stating that LaSalle County enter the contract for microwave linkage installation project attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit “A” and that the LaSalle County Board Chairman be authorized to execute said agreement. Motion by Mr. Freeman to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Derango. Mr. Mowinski questioned, “This appears to be a solicitation for bid, is that correct?” Chairman Dougherty replied, “This was the only bidder.” Mr. Mowinski stated, “The only reason I’m asking is because in the last sentence on the first page of the contract it states, (Please submit your company qualifications along with your bid to perform the work). I would move that you remove that.”

LaSalle County Board Minutes – April 10, 2003 Atty. Troy Holland stated, “That sentence needs to be deleted. This was a bid spec package when it went out, so that they knew what the contract was.” Chairman Dougherty called for a roll call vote; 26 ayes, 1 abstain, 1 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 139, PAGE 33-39 Chairman Dougherty called for a 5-minute recess. MOTION: EXECUTIVE SESSION Motion by Mr. Rigby to go into executive session to discuss pending litigation, second by Mr. William Johnson. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. The room was cleared for executive session. Motion by Mr. Jakupcak to go back into regular session, second by Mr. Foltynewicz. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. COMMENT Joseph Hettel, LaSalle County States Attorney, stated, “So that the public and the press knows, we’ve got a couple of motions that are going to be coming up regarding the Carver/Condie litigation. There was a decision handed down by the United States Court of Appeals for the 7th Circuit. This decision just came down. It is dated April 9th, 2003 and I believe it was downloaded onto the website today. They basically did what we expected, should the Illinois Supreme Court’s decision upholding or not allowing us to have a rehearing on this matter. So basically what they are saying is that the settlement of $500,000 stands and the motions that will be forthcoming will deal with that issue.” MOTION Motion by Mr. Hicks to authorize the payment of the $500,000 settlement in the Carver and Carmean v. Sheriff of LaSalle County litigation (94C 2240) and for the Finance Committee to determine the appropriate method of payment, second by Mr. Ronald Johnson. Roll call vote; 28 ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 139, PAGE 40 MOTION Motion by Mr. Mowinski to authorize the State’s Attorney to determine the appropriate use of outside counsel in the Carver and Carmean v. Sheriff of LaSalle County issue, second by Mr. McConville. Same roll call vote, 28 ayes. Motion carried.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – April 10, 2003 APPOINTMENT: (#03-52) MARSEILLES FIRE A resolution was submitted to reappoint Joseph M. Bruno as a Trustee of the Marseilles Fire Protection District for a three year term beginning May 1, 2003 and expiring on the April 30, 2006. Motion by Mr. Boe to approve the reappointment, second by Mr. Landers. Voice vote, all ayes, 1 abstain. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 139, PAGE 41 APPOINTMENT: (#03-53) MARSEILLES FIRE A resolution was submitted to appoint Wayne Fleming as a trustee of the Marseilles Fire Protection District for a three year term beginning May 1, 2003 and expiring on April 30, 2006. Motion by Mr. Boe to approve the appointment, second by Mr. Freeman. Voice vote, all ayes, 1 abstain. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 139, PAGE 42-45 APPOINTMENT: (#03-54) WALLACE FIRE A resolution was submitted reappointing Wayne Kellogg as a Trustee of the Wallace Fire Protection District for a three year term beginning May 1, 2003 and expiring on April 30, 2006. Motion by Mr. Stockley to approve the reappointment, second by Mr. Small. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 139, PAGE 46-47 APPOINTMENT: (#03-55) SERENA SANITARY DISTRICT A resolution was submitted reappointing Michael M. Pfau as a Trustee of the Serena Sanitary District with his term beginning June 1, 2003 and expiring June 1, 2006.

Motion by Mr. Ronald Johnson to approve the reappointment, second by Mr. Boe. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 139, PAGE 48-49 APPOINTMENT: (#03-56) SERENA FIRE A resolution was submitted appointing Michael Pfau as a Trustee of the Serena Fire Protection District for a three year term beginning May 1, 2003 and expiring on April 30, 2006.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – April 10, 2003 Motion by Mr. Ronald Johnson to approve the appointment, second by Mr. McConville. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 139, PAGE 50-54 APPOINTMENT: (#03-57) MARSEILLES CEMETERY ASSOCIATION BOARD A resolution was submitted reappointing Harry Kline, Allen Spencer, Arlene Campbell, Richard Burton and Gary Fleming as Trustees of the Marseilles Cemetery Association Board for a six year term expiring January 1, 2009. Motion by Mr. Cappellini to approve the reappointments, second by Mr. Jakupcak. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 139, PAGE 55-56 APPOINTMENT: (#03-58) SOMONAUK FIRE A resolution was submitted reappointing Richard Meyer as a Trustee of the Somonauk Fire Protection District for a three year term beginning May 3, 2003 and expiring on May 1, 2006 or until his successor takes office. Motion by Mr. Kaminky to approve the reappointment, second by Mr. Mowinski. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 139, PAGE 57 APPOINTMENT: (#03-59) SOMONAUK FIRE A resolution was submitted appointing Dennis L. O’Connell as a Trustee of the Somonauk Fire Protection District for a three year term beginning May 3, 2003 and expiring on May 1, 2006 or until his successor takes office. Motion by Mr. Mowinski to approve the appointment, second by Mr. Kaminky. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 139, PAGE 58 APPOINTMENT: (#03-60) LASALLE COUNTY BOARD OF REVIEW A resolution was submitted appointing Stanley Twait as a part time alternate member of the LaSalle County Board of Review at a salary of $7,500 per year, not to exceed 599 hours and with no benefits for a term beginning June 1, 2002 and ending May 31, 2004. Motion by Mr. Derango to approve the appointment, second by Mr. Stockley. Roll call vote; 25 ayes, 3 nays. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 139, PAGE 59-60

LaSalle County Board Minutes – April 10, 2003 REPORT Chairman Dougherty stated that the Safety Sales Tax for January, 2003 has been received and collected in the amount of $181,978.35. A year ago it was $163,400.15. Chairman Dougherty stated that in everyone’s packet there is a Proclamation regarding “National Organ and Tissue Donor Awareness Month for April 2003”and at this time asked the Press if they would publish it. MIUSCELLANEOUS REPORTS & CORRESPONDENCE The Treasurer’s Investment Schedule dated March 27th, 2003 was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 139, PAGE 61 Correspondence to the Illinois Dept. of Revenue regarding business address verification for tax allocation purposes was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 139, PAGE 62 Correspondence from Senator J. Bradley Burzynski regarding the resolution recently adopted by the LaSalle County Board, to reopen the Sheridan Correctional Facility was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 139, PAGE 63 Correspondence from U.S. Senator Peter G. Fitzgerald regarding the resolution recently adopted by the LaSalle County Board, to reopen the Sheridan Correctional Facility was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 139, PAGE 64 Correspondence from Senator Chris Lauzen regarding the resolution recently adopted by the LaSalle County Board, to reopen the Sheridan Correctional Facility was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 139, PAGE 65 Correspondence from the Ill. Dept. of Public Health regarding the resolution recently adopted by the LaSalle County Board, for further assistance for the citizens and property owners of Naplate, Illinois was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 139, PAGE 66 Correspondence from the Ill. Dept. of Transportation regarding a rental agreement for Michelini Farms, 2950 E. 103rd Rd. Peru, IL was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 139, PAGE 67

LaSalle County Board Minutes – April 10, 2003 Correspondence from Governor Rod Blagojevich regarding the resolution recently adopted by the LaSalle County Board, to reopen the Sheridan Correctional Facility was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 139, PAGE 68 A copy of a resolution adopted by Grand Rapids Twp. on March 11th, 2003 regarding the weight of vehicles upon highways was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 139, PAGE 69 Correspondence from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission regarding Marseilles Hydroelectric Project was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 139, PAGE 70 A copy of Audit Report Supplemental No. 48 covering the receipt and disbursement of Twp. Bridge Program funds was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 139, PAGEN 71 A copy of Audit Report No. 70 covering the receipt and disbursement of Motor Fuel Tax funds was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 139, PAGE 72 Correspondence from the I.E.P.A. regarding a Public Notice for a proposed issuance of a Clean Air Act Permit Program Permit for WPW Industries, Streator Brick, Inc. was submitted to place on file. SEE RECORD BOOK 139, PAGE 73 A Proclamation for “National Organ and Tissue Donor Awareness Month for April 2003 was submitted to place on file. SEE RECORD BOOK 139, PAGE 74 Motion by Mr. Treschak to place all on file, second by Mr. Hicks. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. COMMENT Mr. Leininger questioned, “At the meeting we had a week or so ago a young lady brought up the issue about the courthouse buildings not having any baby changing tables in them. I was wondering if that was being pursued because there seems to be quite an interest and I had some calls after that?” Chairman Dougherty replied, “As Mr. Landers will attest, it will be on the agenda for the Courthouse & Jail Committee. I’m sure it will be pursued.”

LaSalle County Board Minutes – April 10, 2003 DISCUSSION Mr. Leininger proposed a resolution regarding the support of our military troops that he would like to see approved at today’s board meeting. Mr. Leininger stated, “I would like to make a motion regarding the resolution supporting the troops and that we vote on this resolution as it is presented.” Chairman Dougherty ruled the motion out of order as the proposed resolution is not on the agenda. Mr. Rigby stated that “Everyone here supports our troops and what was done here at the beginning of the meeting, the moment of silence, that was a great honor to our troops for what they are doing.” Chairman Dougherty replied, “Resolutions must go through committee before going on the board agenda. Since this resolution is not on the agenda we cannot take action on it.” At this time there was further discussion among the Chairman, County Attorney and county board members about the LaSalle County Board Rules and Open Meetings Act. ------Motion by Mr. Derango to recess to May 8th, 2003 at 1:00 P.M. in Room 250 at the Governmental Complex, second by Mr. Savitch. Voice vote, 1 nay. Motion carried. CHAIRMAN DOUGHERTY DECLARED THE MEETING RECESSED TO MAY 8TH, 2003

LaSalle County Board Minutes – April 10, 2003 STATE OF ILLINOIS ) COUNTY OF LASALLE ) The LaSalle County Board met pursuant to recess at the Governmental Complex, Ottawa, Illinois, on the second Thursday of May, A.D., 2003 it being the 8th day thereof. This meeting is the third meeting of our March 2003 Session. Chairman Dougherty called the meeting to order at 1:03 P.M. Chairman Dougherty asked the Clerk to call the roll for mileage & per diem. PRESENT: 27 Members ABSENT: Mr. Kaminky, Mr. Small There were 27 ayes claiming mileage. Motion by Mr. Foltynewicz to approve the roll call for mileage & per diem, second by Mr. Jordan. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 140, PAGE 1 Chairman Dougherty called for any additions or corrections to the April 10th, 2003 minutes. Motion by Mr. Ronald Johnson to approve the April 10th minutes as presented, second by Mr. William Johnson. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. STUDENT EXCELLENCE AWARDS Mr. Jay McCracken, Coordinator of the Regional Superintendent of Schools office, introduced two students who were awarded the Student Excellence Awards; from Streator Township High School, Brandi Missel; and from LaSalle-Peru Township High School, Jennifer Hartenbower. Both students were presented an award plaque from Chairman Dougherty and applauded by the Board. RESOLUTION: #03-14 (#03-61) COUNTY HIGHWAY A resolution was submitted approving the local agency agreement for federal participation for Section 04-00298-00-RS, F.A.S. Route 1365 (County Highway 33 from County Highway 43 to Illinois Route 23). Motion by Mr. Flanagan to approve the resolution, second by Mr. McConville. Roll call vote; 26 ayes, 2 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 140, PAGE 2-8 RESOLUTION: #03-15 (#03-62) COUNTY HIGHWAY A resolution was submitted authorizing the County Board Chairman to enter into the attached agreements with the City of LaSalle and the Village of North Utica for the

LaSalle County Board Minutes – May 8, 2003 improvement and future jurisdictional transfer of County Highway 28 (Richard Hallett Road). Motion by Mr. Panzica to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Gruenwald. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 140, PAGE 9-18 RESOLUTION: #03-16 (#03-63) COUNTY HIGHWAY A resolution was submitted appropriating the necessary funds from the County Bridge Fund, and authorizing the Chairman to enter into an engineering agreement with Chamlin and Associates for the preliminary engineering work for Section No. 03-23603- 00-BR in Northville Township. Motion by Mr. Flanagan to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Mowinski. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 140, PAGE 19-24 RESOLUTION: #03-17 (#03-64) COUNTY HIGHWAY A resolution was submitted stating that the County Board Chairman is authorized to enter into the attached intergovernmental agreement with the Illinois Department of Transportation for development of a transportation related geographic information system (GIS) in LaSalle County. Motion by Mr. Jakupcak to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Derango. Same roll call vote; 26 ayes, 2 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 140, PAGE 25-36 RESOLUTION: #03-09 (#03-65) VARIANCE TO THE SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE A resolution was submitted granting a variance to the subdivision ordinance for Dave & Patty Olson to create a 2.315 acre parcel with 124.66 feet of public road frontage in the NW1/4 of the NW1/4 of Section 31, Adams Township, LaSalle County. Motion by Mr. Ronald Johnson to approve the variance, second by Mr. Treschak. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 140, PAGE 37-38

LaSalle County Board Minutes – May 8, 2003 RESOLUTION: #03-10 (#03-66) VARIANCE TO THE SETBACK ORDINANCE A resolution was submitted granting a variance to the setback ordinance for Phillip & Tammy Socha to build a 20’ x 40’ garage a minimum of 42 feet from the centerline of E. 2062nd Rd., Rutland Township, LaSalle County. Motion by Mr. Jordan to approve the variance, second by Mr. Foltynewicz. Mr. Piecha stated, “Although my name is absent from the resolution, I want it to be known that I support it.” Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 140, PAGE 39-40 RESOLUTION: #03-11 (#03-67) FINAL PLAT OF ARROWHEAD ACRES SUBDIVISION A resolution was submitted accepting the final plat of Arrowhead Acres Subdivision in Dayton Township, LaSalle County. Motion by Mr. Treschak to approve the final plat, second by Mr. Piecha. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 140, PAGE 41-42 RESOLUTION: #03-13 (#03-68) VARIANCE TO THE SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE A resolution was submitted granting a variance to the subdivision ordinance to allow Wiley Development L.L.C., to construct at the setback distance of 70 feet with the lot width of 125.29 feet for Lot 9, and 142.44 feet width for Lot 11, located in the proposed subdivision of Crooked Creek Estates II, Freedom Township, LaSalle County. Motion by Mr. Walsh to approve the variance, second by Mr. Foltynewicz. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 140, PAGE 43-44 COMMENT Mike Harsted, Environmental Services Director, commented that Resolution #03- 12 is being taken off today’s agenda for further review.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – May 8, 2003 PRESENTATION Jay McCracken, Coordinator of the Superintendent of Schools, addressed the Board asking for their support of a resolution to oppose the State of Illinois proposed cut of funding for the LaSalle County Regional Office of Education. Mr. McCracken at this time presented copies of signed petitions that were signed in support of the Regional Office of Education, in over a period of one weekend and taken down to the State about a week ago. Mr. McCracken stated, “There are 1,439 signatures from our local school districts, which takes in nearly all the employees and teachers in those districts, and also 566 public signatures. Just over the course of one weekend, because we needed to do it in a very timely basis, I believe that shows and demonstrates just how much our local schools really do want us to stay in place.” Mr. McCracken also went over some key reasons for supporting the Regional Office of Education as follows: 1. The Regional Office of Education provides the primary local system of support for LaSalle County Schools. 2. The Federal “No Child Left Behind” legislation requires adequate yearly progress from every school, and the Regional Office provides our schools information and assistance to remain in compliance. 3. Many downstate schools will not benefit from the proposed $250 per pupil increase in State Aid, especially if they are “Hold Harmless” districts or have grant funds eliminated. 4. Without the Regional Offices of Education, there will be a significant loss of local control regarding educational issues. 5. If Regional Offices are eliminated, who will provide the vital services to our schools? Mr. McCracken stated, “We certainly appreciate any support you can give us. You have been very good to us through the years and we appreciate that, and we do respectfully ask for your support in this resolution.” SEE RECORD BOOK 140, PAGE 45

LaSalle County Board Minutes – May 8, 2003 RESOLUTION: (#03-69) OPPOSING STATE OF ILLINOIS PROPOSED CUT OF FUNDING FOR LASALLE COUNTY REGIONAL OFFICE OF EDUCATION A resolution was submitted stating that the LaSalle County opposes the State of Illinois proposed cut of funding for the LaSalle County Regional Office of Education and that a copy of the Resolution be sent to the Illinois Governor’s office and LaSalle County state legislators. Motion by Mr. Landers to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Hicks. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 140, PAGE 46 PRESENTATION Mary Jane Wilkinson, LaSalle County Clerk, addressed the Board stating, “A group called IACREOT (International Association of Recorders, Clerks, Election Officials, and Treasurers) are holding an annual conference in Denver, Colorado. The conference runs July 28 - August 3rd, but I would attend from July 29 - August 2nd, as that is when the election meetings are being conducted and it’s when their trade show is going on. This year the conference is gong to be primarily focused on elections and the HAVA (Help America Vote Act) Legislation. It is federal legislation which is requiring us to change the way we conduct elections along with numerous other changes in voter registration as well. This is an opportunity for me to hear information from a representative of the Justice Department who will be in attendance as well as representatives from the federal government in both the House and the Senate, who were responsible for putting together this legislation. I will also be able to interact with election officials from other states throughout the country who already have implemented some of the things that we’re going to be required to do. I’ll be able to gain some knowledge from them as to the best way to do this for the least amount of money. The trade show is going to be an excellent opportunity for me to see the latest technology as well as what other types of systems may be out there from other states that may be a better use of equipment, better programs, better software development and maybe a better price. I feel this is going to have a tremendous amount of educational value as well as an opportunity to see all of these different vendors. The

LaSalle County Board Minutes – May 8, 2003 feelings of the Election Committee, is that this is an opportunity that we should not pass up.” MOTION Motion by Mr. Boe to allow Mary Jane Wilkinson to attend the annual conference in Denver, Colorado from July 29th – August 2nd, 2003, second by Mr. William Johnson. Roll call vote; 26 ayes, 2 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 140, PAGE 47 PRESENTATION Joanne White, Detention Home Director, addressed the Board stating, “Once again we’ve been offered scholarships (Illinois Juvenile of Justice Commission Scholarship) for two members of my staff to attend the National Training Institute in Indianapolis, Indiana. The scholarship will cover the cost for their room and their registration. The only thing that will cost the county is mileage to Indianapolis and some of their meals. I need to get permission in order to take advantage of these two scholarships.” MOTION Motion by Mr. Freeman to allow two members of the Detention Home staff to go to Indianapolis, Indiana to attend the National Training Institute, second by Mr. Hall. Chairman Dougherty asked, “Do we know how much it’s going to cost?” Joanne White replied, “I’m sure it’s going to be under $500. I can’t remember what mileage was for Indianapolis.” Mr. Landers commented that mileage to Indianapolis is about 570 miles round trip. Joanne White stated, “It would be 570 miles at 30 cents.” Same roll call vote; 26 ayes, 2 absent. Motion carried. PRESENTATION William Warnell, Court Services Director, addressed the Board regarding an agreement with Will County Detention. Mr. Warnell stated, “In the past we’ve had to use Will County when our facility was full and also when there might be a conflict of interest. They do provide a transportation unit to come and pick up. But that transportation unit that they have is a grant, and part of their grant is you have to have an agreement with the counties that

LaSalle County Board Minutes – May 8, 2003 use you. This basically says that LaSalle County will make appropriate referrals. We will only be charged $90 a day. Otherwise it is $115 that they charge any other counties that don’t sign the agreement. Last year we might have used them once, but you never know when you are working with our clients when you are going to need this extra space. You did approve this same agreement last year.” MOTION Motion by Mr. Myers to approve the agreement, second by Mr. McConville. Same roll call vote; 26 ayes, 2 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 140, PAGE 48-51 RESOLUTION: (#03-70) SUPPORTING OUR ARMED FORCES IN OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM AND THE WAR AGAINST TERRORISM A resolution was submitted stating that the LaSalle County Board fully supports the men and women of the armed forces, national guards and reserve units in their efforts in Operation Iraqi Freedom and the war against terrorism and that our leaders and members or our armed forces, national guards and reserve units remain safe in their actions and return unharmed and that we also remember those lost. And that a copy of this Resolution be sent to the following: 1. General Tommy Franks, Commander U.S. Central Command 2. All veterans organizations located in LaSalle County. Motion by Mr. Foltynewicz to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Flanagan. Mr. Foltynewicz questioned, “May we send a copy of this Resolution to the Illinois Dept. of Veteran’s Affairs?” Chairman Dougherty replied, “Certainly.” Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 140, PAGE 52-53 RESOLUTION: (#03-71) PROFESSIONAL SERVICE AGREEMENT A resolution was submitted stating that the minimum auction bid for parcels sold at public oral or sealed bid auction sales through Delinquent Tax Liquidation Program shall be, and is hereby increased to $450.00 per parcel and that the increase in minimum bid hereby effected shall be applied so as to increase by $50.00, to a total of $250.00, the minimum fee paid to the said Joseph E. Meyer for his services on account

LaSalle County Board Minutes – May 8, 2003 of the sale of any parcel pursuant to said Agreement and to increase the Taxing District’s proceeds by an additional $50.00 per item. Motion by Mr. Derango to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Landers. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 140, PAGE 54-56 RESOLUTION: (#03-72) COMPUTER AIDED DISPATCH A resolution was submitted stating the LaSalle County enter the contract attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit “A” to purchase software products, license(s) and support that will provide the LaSalle County Sheriff’s Department with a CAD and RMS system. Motion by Mr. Jakupcak to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Hall. Mr. Mowinski questioned, “There is a statement in here after the 180 day warranty. When does that warranty begin?” Attorney Troy Holland replied, “There is an acceptance period, which is defined in the contract as 60 days after delivery. I believe the warranty starts after that. The committee did negotiate that.” Mr. Jakupcak stated, “With this Valor System, we are a beta site. If we were to buy this as not a beta site, it would probably cost us just a little over $200,000. They picked us as a beta site because Valor did not at the time have the jail records management. They are writing the program and we are supplying them the information to write the program for jail management, which will be the standard for the whole United States through Valor. This was only on the table to us. There was only going to be so many beta sites that they were going to offer it to. We were the first one. One other reason that we favored this was because they have a repair technician that lives only 20 minutes away in Sheridan, who can be on site if we have any problems.” Mr. Piecha questioned, “Is this a replacement system? And what does it do?” Mr. Jakupcak replied, “This is a replacement system. For Jail Records Management, the Sheriff’s Dept. currently has SOMS, which they’ve had a lot of problems with. Every time they have to call a technician and actually has to come here, we have to pay his airline ticket, his hotel and he charges $1,000 a day.” Chairman Dougherty called for a roll call vote; 26 ayes, 2 absent. Motion carried.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – May 8, 2003 Mr. Walsh stated his aye vote is conditioned on the inclusion of the source codes. SEE RECORD BOOK 140, PAGE 57-76 RESOLUTION: (#03-73) FARM LEASE A resolution was submitted stating that LaSalle County enter the Cash Rent Farm Lease attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit “A”. Motion by Mr. Ronald Johnson to approve the resolution, second by Mr. McConville. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 140, PAGE 77-82 RESOLUTION: AMUSEMENT LICENSE FEES A resolution was submitted stating that amusement devices located outside the corporate limits of all cities, villages and incorporated towns of LaSalle County shall be required to be licensed and pay a license fee to the County of LaSalle. Motion by Mr. Savitch to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Derango. At this time there was discussion among some of the board members. Mr. Derango stated, “We got a copy of every city’s ordinance to try to pattern it. We felt it was very fair that anybody who ran an establishment in this county in the city is already paying this. It’s really not fair for somebody that is a mile outside to be running an establishment and be able to have machines and not pay.” To be held over until next month’s meeting. APPOINTMENT: (#03-74) LASALLE COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY BOARD A resolution was submitted reappointing Susan Nelson to the LaSalle County Housing Authority Board with a term of office beginning July 1, 2003 and expiring June 30, 2008. Motion by Mr. Hicks to approve the reappointment, second by Mr. Garretson. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 140, PAGE 83 APPOINTMENT: (#03-75) DANA FIRE A resolution was submitted appointing Robert Thies as Trustee of the Dana Fire Protection District for a three year term beginning May 1, 2003 and expiring on April 30, 2006.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – May 8, 2003 Motion by Mr. Freeman to approve the appointment, second by Mr. Garretson. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 140, PAGE 84-85 APPOINTMENT: (#03-76) EARLVILLE FIRE A resolution was submitted appointing Frederick Mende as a Trustee of the Earlville Fire Protection District for a three year term beginning May 1, 2003 and expiring on May 1, 2006. Motion by Mr. Stockley to approve the appointment, second by Mr. Flanagan. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 140, PAGE 86-87 APPOINTMENT: (#03-77) WEST SERENA CEMETERY ASSOCIATION A resolution was submitted reappointing Don Reese as a Member of the West Serena Cemetery Association Board for a four year term expiring May 8, 2007. Motion by Mr. Boe to approve the reappointment, second by Mr. Jakupcak. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 140, PAGE 88 APPOINTMENT: (#03-78) WEST SERENA CEMETERY ASSOCIATION A resolution was submitted appointing Dan Davis as a Member of the West Serena Cemetery Association Board for a four year term expiring May 8, 2007. Motion by Mr. Flanagan to approve the appointment, second by Mr. McConville. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 140, PAGE 89-90 APPOINTMENT: #03-60 (#03-79) AMENDING PRIOR APPOINTMENT A resolution was submitted stating that Stanley Twait be appointed as a part time alternate member of the LaSalle County Board of Review at a salary of $7,500 per year, not to exceed 599 hours and with no benefits for a term beginning June 1, 2002 May 1, 2003 and ending May 31, 2004. This resolution amends previously submitted Resolution #03-60. Motion by Mr. Garretson to approve the amended appointment, second by Mr. William Johnson. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 140, PAGE 91

LaSalle County Board Minutes – May 8, 2003 MISCELLANEOUS REPORTS & CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence to the Illinois Dept. of Revenue regarding business address verification for tax allocation purposes was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 140, PAGE 92 Correspondence from the Federal Emergency Management Agency regarding a Letter of Map Amendment for property in Ottawa, IL was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 140, PAGE 93 The Treasurer’s Investment Schedule dated May 2nd, 2003 was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 140, PAGE 94 A brochure from Alliance Pipeline, “Emergency Response Exercise ’02 was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 140, PAGE 95 Correspondence from the U.S. E.P.A. regarding community concerns of the Ottawa Radiation Areas Site in Ottawa, IL was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 140, PAGE 96 Correspondence from the I.E.P.A. regarding a resolution that the LaSalle County Board passed on Feb. 13, 2003 about arsenic contamination in the Naplate area was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 140, PAGE 97 A copy of Audit Report No. 48 covering the receipt and disbursement of Motor Fuel Tax funds for the period beginning January 1, 2002 and ending December 31, 2002 was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 140, PAGE 98 A report of the Public Safety Sales Tax for the month of February, 2003 was received and collected in the amount of $177,934.21 was submitted to place on file. SEE RECORD BOOK 140, PAGE 99 Motion by Mr. Hall to place all on file, second by Mr. Rigby. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. Jordan surprisingly carried in a birthday cake and announced that today is Glenn Garretson’s birthday. Everyone applauded and sang Happy Birthday to Mr. Garretson. Mr. Dougherty commented that the cake will be cut and served after the meeting for everyone. ------LaSalle County Board Minutes – May 8, 2003 Motion by Mr. Derango to adjourn to June 9th, 2003 at 1:00 P.M. in room 250 at the Governmental Complex, second by Mr. Savitch. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. CHAIRMAN DOUGHERTY DECLARED THE MEETING ADJOURNED TO JUNE 9TH, 2003

LaSalle County Board Minutes – May 8, 2003 STATE OF ILLINOIS ) COUNTY OF LASALLE ) RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE LASALLE COUNTY BOARD HELD AT THE GOVERNMENTAL COMPLEX, OTTAWA, ILLINOIS. BEGUN AND HELD ON THE SECOND MONDAY OF JUNE, A.D., 2003, IT BEING THE 9TH DAY THEREOF. STATE OF ILLINOIS ) COUNTY OF LASALLE ) The LaSalle County Board met pursuant to State Statute at the Governmental Complex, Ottawa, Illinois, on the second Monday of June, A.D., 2003, it being the 9th day thereof. Chairman Dougherty called the meeting to order at 1:01 p.m. This is the 1st meeting of our June 2003 Session. Chairman Dougherty asked the Clerk to call the roll for Mileage and Per Diem. PRESENT: 29 Members ABSENT: None There were 28 ayes claiming mileage. Motion by Mr. Foltynewicz to approve the roll call for mileage and per diem, second by Mr. McConville. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 141, PAGE 1 Chairman Dougherty called for any additions or corrections to the May 8th, 2003 minutes. Motion by Mr. Jakupcak to approve the May 8th minutes as presented, second by Mr. Myers. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. COMMENT Chairman Dougherty commented that next on the agenda is a presentation by Lieutenant Governor Pat Quinn, regarding the Illinois River Coordinating Council, however he is still in a meeting at Starved Rock. RESOLUTION: #03-19 (#03-80) COUNTY HIGHWAY A resolution was submitted authorizing the Chairman to enter into an engineering agreement with Chamlin and Associates, Inc. for the design of section 98-00545-00-BR on County Highway 3. Motion by Mr. Boe to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Rigby. Same roll call vote; 28 ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 141, PAGE 2-6

LaSalle County Board Minutes – June 9, 2003 RESOLUTION: #03-20 (#03-81) INVESTING IN TRANSPORTATION INFRASTRUCTURE A resolution was submitted stating that the County of LaSalle requests the Congress of the Unite States to provide increased funding levels for our national transportation system. Motion by Mr. Flanagan to approve the resolution, second by Mr. William Johnson. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 141, PAGE 7-9 RESOLUTION: #03-12 (#03-82) FINAL PLAT A resolution was submitted accepting the final plat of Quarter Horse Estates II Subdivision in Dayton Township, LaSalle County. Motion by Mr. Jordan to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Treschak. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 141, PAGE 10-11 RESOLUTION: #03-14 (#03-83) VARIANCE TO THE SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE A resolution was submitted granting a variance to the subdivision ordinance for Henry and Evelyn Janz to split a 201.83 acre parcel into three parcels; on being +/- 2.0 acres with 33’ of road frontage, the second being +/- 3.7 acres with 33’ of road frontage, and the third being +/- 196.13 acres with approximately 176.75’ of road frontage in the E1/2 of the Section 16, Vermillion Township, LaSalle County. Motion by Mr. Foltynewicz to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Jakupcak. Voice vote, 2 nays. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 141, PAGE 12-13 RESOLUTION: #03-15 (#03-84) VARIANCE TO THE SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE

A resolution was submitted granting a variance to the subdivision ordinance to allow Virgil Cave to split a 2.94 acre parcel with 352 feet of public road frontage into two parcels, both having 1.47 acres and 176 feet of public road frontage located in Osage Township, LaSalle County. Motion by Mr. Jordan to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Freeman. Voice vote, 2 nays. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 141, PAGE 14-15

LaSalle County Board Minutes – June 9, 2003 RESOLUTION: #03-17 (#03-85) VARIANCE TO THE SETBACK ORDINANCE A resolution was submitted granting a variance to the setback ordinance for Julie Guerrero to construct a new home a minimum of 62 feet from the centerline of North 4012th Rd., located in Freedom Township, LaSalle County. Motion by Mr. Treschak to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Stockley. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 141, PAGE 16-17 COUNTY PARKS & ANIMAL CONTROL REPORT Mr. Foltynewicz stated, “Last year Shabbona Park had the pond cleaned and restocked. It is opened this year and ready for people to fish. It is a beautiful place to fish with young children. I encourage it very much. Also out at Shabbona Park there was a new shelter put up, which will hold a good family reunion. Everything is convenient out there. The only restriction is that we request you to contact the Park Ranger, Mr. Wiley and make arrangements to use the shelter. We are still working on the pond out at Cantlin Park. We’re having a little difficulty trying to get the proper instructions on what to do. Mr. McCormick has done a wonderful job keeping this park up. In animal control, we are certainly having difficulty with dogs running. If you see any loose and not properly tagged dogs, please let our county veterinarian know so we can control these wild animals.” MOTION Motion by Mr. Derango to place on file the Annual County Parks & Animal Control Report, second by Mr. Landers. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. MOTION Motion by Mr. Landers to place on file the LaSalle County Clerk’s Semi-Annual Report for the period of December 1, 2002 through May 31, 2003, second by Mr. Gruenwald. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 141, PAGE 18

LaSalle County Board Minutes – June 9, 2003 MOTION Motion by Mr. Landers to refer back to committee the resolution regarding amusement license fees that was held over last month, second by Mr. Savitch. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. PRESENTATION Mr. Robert Vail, of Bernardi Securities, Inc. addressed the Board stating, “I was here last September when you refinanced the first bond issue back in 2000. This is basically going through the same process on this issue. This is for refinancing the second piece that you did in 2001.” MOTION Motion by Mr. Walsh that LaSalle County’s equity contribution be $2.5 million dollars towards the proposed refunding of the series 2001 general obligation bond issue, (public safety alternative revenue source) utilizing proceeds from the project fund of approximately $1.3 million with the remaining $1.2 million coming from the public safety sales tax fund, second by Mr. Hicks. Roll call vote; 28 ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 141, PAGE 19 RESOLUTION: (#03-86) DELINQUENT TAXES A resolution was submitted stating that the Chairman of the Board of LaSalle County, Illinois, be authorized to execute a deed of conveyance of the County’s interest or authorize the cancellation of the appropriate Certificate(s) of Purchase, as the case may be , on real estate parcel #24-26-408-035, Cert. #93-0680 for the sum of $3,567.35 to be paid to the Treasurer of LaSalle County, Illinois, to be disbursed according to law. Motion by Mr. Hicks to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Landers. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 141, PAGE 20-21 RESOLUTION: (#03-87) PREVAILING WAGE ACT A resolution was submitted stating that it is the policy of the County of LaSalle and the State of Illinois to ascertain and pay the general prevailing rate of hourly wages to any craftsmen, mechanics and workmen employed on public works projects within this County. Motion by Mr. William Johnson to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Jordan. Voice vote, 1 abstain. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 141, PAGE 22-23

LaSalle County Board Minutes – June 9, 2003 RESOLUTION: (#03-88) RAISE YOUR UNITED STATES FLAG A resolution was submitted stating that the LaSalle County Board hereby encourages everyone to raise your flag on June 14th, 2003 to commemorate Flag Day and on the 4th of July to celebrate our Country’s independence. Motion by Mr. Foltynewicz to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Jordan. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 141, PAGE 24-25 RESOLUTION: (#03-89) ADDITIONAL SERVICES OF GEO COMM INC FOR E-9-1-1 A resolution was submitted stating that GEO Comm Inc perform further services under it’s Professional Services Agreement and pursuant to the scope of services memorandum attached hereto and incorporated herein for a total cost of $7,500.00. Motion by Mr. William Johnson to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Jakupcak. Roll call vote; 26 ayes, 2 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 141, PAGE 26-33 RESOLUTION: (#03-90) ILLINOIS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM A resolution was submitted stating that the County of LaSalle requests the Congress of the United States to provide increased funding levels for our national transportation system, and that Congress increase Illinois’ share of transportation funding above the 3.38 percent guarantee because of Illinois’ significant role in the national transportation system, and that Congress act expeditiously in the passage of the new multi-year T-3 transportation bill that provides increased transportation funding for the nation and Illinois. Motion by Mr. Foltynewicz to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Gruenwald. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 141, PAGE 34-38 RESOLUTION: (#03-91) INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT A resolution was submitted stating that the LaSalle County Nursing Home enter the Intergovernmental Agreement between LaSalle County Nursing Home and Illinois Department of Public Aid. Motion by Mr. Small to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Kaminky. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – June 9, 2003 SEE RECORD BOOK 141, PAGE 39-41 RESOLUTION: (#03-92) ENGINEERING SERVICES CONTRACT FOR COUNTY NURSING HOME A resolution was submitted stating that LaSalle County enter the engineering services contract with McClure Engineering Associates, Inc. at a cost of $7,400.00 and that the LaSalle County Board Chairman is authorized to execute said agreement. Motion by Mr. Myers to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Small. Roll call vote; 28 ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 141, PAGE 42-46 RESOLUTION: (#03-93) FIBER OPTIC LINE INSTALLATION PROJECT FOR COUNTY NURSING HOME A resolution was submitted stating that LaSalle County enter the contract with Ficek Electric & Communication Systems, Inc. to install fiber optic cabling attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit “A”. Motion by Mr. Small to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Garretson. Same roll call vote; 28 ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 141, PAGE 47-49 QUARTERLY REPORT: COMMITTEE WORK MISCELLANEOUS The Quarterly Report for Committee Work Miscellaneous was submitted in the total amount of $41,178.60. Motion by Mr. Rigby to approve the quarterly report, second y Mr. Hicks. Same roll call vote; 28 ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 141, PAGE 50-81 APPOINTMENT: (#03-94) LASALLE COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY A resolution was submitted appointing Florence Kepper to the LaSalle County Housing Authority Board with her term of office beginning July 1, 2003 and expiring June 30, 2008. Motion by Mr. William Johnson to approve the appointment, second by Mr. McConville. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 141, PAGE 82

LaSalle County Board Minutes – June 9, 2003 APPOINTMENT: (#03-95) LASALLE COUNTY FARMLAND ASSESSMENT COMMITTEE A resolution was submitted reappointing Richard McConville as a Member of the LaSalle County Farmland Assessment Committee beginning July 1, 2003 and expiring June 30, 2007. Motion by Mr. McConville to approve the reappointment, second by Mr. Jordan. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 141, PAGE 83-84 APPOINTMENT: (#03-96) SENECA REGIONAL PORT DISTRICT A resolution was submitted reappointing John Rivett as a Member of the Seneca Regional Port District for a three (3) year term commencing June 1, 2003 and expiring May 31, 2006. Motion by Mr. Kaminky to approve the reappointment, second by Mr. Boe. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 141, PAGE 85-86 MISCELLANEOUS REPORTS & CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence from the I.E.P.A. regarding a public notice for a proposed issuance of a Clean Air Act Permit for U.S. Silica Company in Ottawa, IL was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 141, PAGE 87 Correspondence to the Illinois Dept. of Revenue regarding business address verification was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 141, PAGE 88 A Jail Inspection Report by the Grand Jury of November, 2002 regarding the results of their visit and inspection of the LaSalle County Criminal Justice Center was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 141, PAGE 89 Correspondence from State Representative Keith P. Sommer regarding the resolution passed by the LaSalle County Board on May 8th, 2003 opposing the State of Illinois proposed cut of funding for LaSalle County Regional Office of Education was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 141, PAGE 90 Ordinance #03-01 from the Seneca Public Library regarding prevailing rate of wages was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 141, PAGE 91

LaSalle County Board Minutes – June 9, 2003 The Treasurer’s Investment Schedule dated June 5th, 2003 was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 141, PAGE 92 Correspondence from State Representative Mary K. O’Brien regarding the resolution passed by the LaSalle County Board on May 8th, 2003 opposing the State of Illinois proposed cut of funding for the LaSalle County Regional Office of Education was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 141, PAGE 93 The 2002 Annual Report for the LaSalle County Health Department was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 141, PAGE 94 The LaSalle County Clerk received phone calls from both Senator Dan Rutherford’s Office and Representative David Wirsing’s Office stating that they support the resolution regarding the State of Illinois proposed cut of funding for the LaSalle County Regional Office of Education. Motion by Mr. Mowinski to place all on file, second by Mr. Piecha. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. COMMENT Mr. Jakupcak reminded everyone about writing to our senators and state representatives about staffing the Veteran’s Home in LaSalle, IL. ------Motion by Mr. Derango to recess to July 10th, 2003 at 1:00 p.m. in Room 250, second by Mr. Savitch. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. CHAIRMAN DOUGHERTY DECLARED THE MEETING RECESSED TO JULY 10TH, 2003

LaSalle County Board Minutes – June 9, 2003 STATE OF ILLINOIS ) COUNTY OF LASALLE ) The LaSalle County Board met pursuant to recess at the Governmental Complex, Ottawa, Illinois, on the second Thursday of July, A.D., 2003 it being the 10th day thereof. This meeting is the second meeting of our June 2003 Session. Chairman Dougherty called the meeting to order at 1:01 P.M. Chairman Dougherty asked the Clerk to call the roll for mileage & per diem. PRESENT: 28 Members ABSENT: Mr. Gruenwald There were 26 ayes claiming mileage. Motion by Mr. Foltynewicz to approve the roll call for mileage & per diem, second by Mr. Kaminky. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 141, PAGE 95 th Chairman Dougherty called for any additions or corrections to the June 9 , 2003 minutes. Motion by Mr. Jakupcak to approve the June 9th minutes as presented, second by Mr. Treschak. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. RESOLUTION: (#03-97) POSTHUMOUSLY HONOR SIMON TOTEL A resolution was submitted to posthumously honor former County Board member Simon Totel who recently passed away. Motion by Mr. Small to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Flanagan. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. A moment of silence was observed in his honor. SEE RECORD BOOK 141, PAGE 96 CITIZEN COMMENTS Mr. Mike Weygand, a citizen of LaSalle County, addressed the Board regarding a noise pollution ordinance that was adopted by the City of Ottawa and should have been mailed to the LaSalle County Board Office. Mr. Weygand stated, “I’m not sure if you have received the ordinance or not, but I would like to have it on the record that you would at least look at it. I feel I am speaking for myself and the community citizens when I say this, ‘that we feel there is a need in this county for an ordinance of that type.’ I don’t think I have to get into a lot of the details right at this minute, but I would like to see the county board make an effort to look at that ordinance and seriously consider some type of ordinance for the county.”

LaSalle County Board Minutes – July 10, 2003 Chairman Dougherty called the names of both Carol Wilson and Linda Klein who were scheduled to be next on today’s agenda. However, they were not in attendance. COMMENT

Chairman Dougherty stated, “I’ll just fill you in on a little bit of Mr. Weygand’s comment in case some of you do not know what he is talking about. The Busted Prop is the tavern at the end of East Main Street, just outside the city limits of the City of Ottawa. He is talking about the music at night. Ottawa does not have jurisdiction over it. The county does. And we do not have any noise ordinance. This is what he was speaking towards.” ORDINANCE: (#03-98) GENERAL OBLIGATION REFUNDING BONDS, SERIES 2003 Mr. Mike Vezzetti, from Union Trust Company, addressed the Board stating, “Ronald Bernardi, President and Robert Vail, Asst. Vice President of Bernardi Securities, Inc. are here today. Today is the day that we look at our final numbers pursuant to this refunding that we’ve been talking about for six months. The final numbers have know been put together, which I have copies of to hand out.” At this time a copy of the proposed Bond Refunding Ordinance (Series 2003), Bond Purchase Agreement and a final Savings Summary was disbursed to each board member. Mr. Vezzetti stated, “These numbers were finalized yesterday by Bernardi Securities. The amount of $4,544,757 is the gross savings that the county is going to realize from re-issuing this debt, plus contributing $2.5 million towards this re-issuance. By subtracting the $2.5 million it still leaves you a net savings of $2,044,757. This savings knocks off the full five years of the old maturity and most of the sixth year. Before it was retiring in the year 2021, and now it will retire in the year 2016.” Mr. Robert Vail stated, “A very important point is that Moody’s reaffirmed your A1 rating, which is a very high rating. It stands good for the county in many different ways. Mainly you’re very financially sound.” Mr. Ronald Bernardi stated, “I wanted to thank you for your continued confidence in our team. You should be pleased with this. We certainly are. You should know that the county is very well received in the investor community, and that’s in part reflected in

LaSalle County Board Minutes – July 10, 2003 that 3.09% interest rate because of the way you manage yourselves. You’re conservative. You’re fiscally responsible. There are many counties that don’t fit that mode. They can borrow, but they certainly can’t borrow at 3.09%. And lastly, you should know that approximately 25% of this issue, investors within the county committed to it. And that’s very significant. I think it speaks very well about your residents and the way you manage your business. Close to almost 35% of the total issue was placed locally, that I would define as LaSalle County and one or two counties. I hope you are pleased with our efforts.” Mr. McConville questioned, “Were the bonds going to be callable prior to 2016?” Mr. Vail replied, “Yes. The bonds are callable in 2013. So you are still going to come out from under three or four years of debt payment.” MOTION Motion by Foltynewicz to approve the Bond Refunding Ordinance (Series 2003), second by Mr. Piecha. Roll call vote; 27 ayes, 1 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 141, PAGE 97-98 AGREEMENT: (#03-99) BOND AGREEMENT Attorney Troy Holland explained that the Bond Purchase Agreement is a two page agreement that authorizes Bernardi Securities, Inc. to purchase the bonds. MOTION Motion by Mr. William Johnson to approve the Bond Purchase Agreement, second by Mr. Rigby. Same roll call vote; 27 ayes, 1 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 141, PAGE 5 COMMENT Chairman Dougherty commented, “In your packet you have the income on the public safety tax. In the month of April, 2003 we received $215,394.00, which is up from last year. So we are doing well.” PRESENTATION Mr. Jordan stated, “A couple months ago Mr. Rick Scott, from the Ottawa Fire Department, brought to our ESDA Committee, some plans and some ideas and some of their needs. The MABAS Division #25 (Mutual Aid Box Alarm System). There is more than one fire department in the County of LaSalle. They sent out questionnaires to all of them and eighteen responded, that yes, the money that the county board members donate to, usually the fire departments, ambulance services, ESDA units and whatever LaSalle County Board Minutes – July 10, 2003 else across the county, partially could be used for this MABAS fund. Mr. Scott can explain most of it, but they had grant money they come up with for equipment, but they need some extra to pay for the phone charges and for the MABAS contract. This is not going to be a resolution. This is going to be on a volunteer basis. We are going to ask for everybody to donate maybe a third of their money to MABAS. That is what I’d like to recommend.” Mr. Rick Scott stated, “Several years ago the fire departments in LaSalle County decided to form a MABAS Division (Mutual Aid Box Alarm System) to try to advance their mutual aid system. At that time after getting our departments together and developing our mutual aid box alarm system we became Division #25. Currently there are 42 of those divisions throughout the State of Illinois. They cover approximately ¾ of the state. At the present time, Mutual Aid Box Alarm Division #25 is the only system that does not fall under a County 9-1-1 system. Because of that we went out and asked for a grant of $50,000 to develop a system for our mutual aid box alarm division. We received that money, but the money was only going to be able to be spent to buy the equipment and put the equipment in the fire departments. We also have an antenna and a transceiver here at the county to dispatch that. The city of Ottawa basically stated that they would allow us to use their dispatchers to dispatch any mutual aid requests from those departments. With all the equipment in place, in the fact our grant runs out at the end of this month, we are not allowed to use any of that money for maintenance agreements, or for paying of phone lines. Our phone line bills from the dispatch center at Ottawa to the county, is approximately $60 a month. The maintenance agreement which we are looking at is about $1,200.00 a year. What we are asking for is some assistance on that. We have a few of the departments in our mutual aid division that really can’t afford a lot of extra money. And the only way that we can do is to charge more dues. We can up the level of dues for all of our department centers division or we can come to you and ask would you please help us out a little bit. I personally give about three hundred dollars a year from our board members here in Ottawa in October and November as a donation back to our department. And we utilize that. We looked at possibly taking some of that. I believe there is $8,000 in grant money that comes back to ESDA that are given to the county board members to hand out to fire departments, ambulance services and rescue services throughout the county. We’re asking for approximately $2,000 of that to keep

LaSalle County Board Minutes – July 10, 2003 and support our MABAS Division because we do dispatch most of the ambulance services, except the private ones we do not. But most of the municipal and public ambulance services on a mutual aid basis, we get dispatched through that. It’s not an everyday thing. It’s only if they request for mutual aid. Also along with that, if we have a disaster in LaSalle County we have the opportunity to bring in 900 ambulances, 1,400 fire pumpers, 900 ladder trucks, 700 rescue trucks and so forth with man power, if we would need those. We have everything except maybe a place to park them all. So we have that coming back to the county as well. We are looking at the entire county. At the present time, there is only three departments in the county that do not fall under MABAS Division #25. So what we are looking at is approximately requesting $2,000 in your support rather than sending it back to us and us sending it back to MABAS. We’d just cut the middle man out, possibly just giving us support on an ongoing basis so that we can continue our maintenance agreements and our phone bills. It would be much appreciated. We are not telling you to do it. We’re really just kind of asking you for your support.” Mr. Jordan stated, “I don’t know what month it will be, but in the next few months you’ll be asked how you want your donations made out. I’m going to put $100 towards MABAS and give the rest to Streator Fire Department and Grand Ridge in my district. I think this is a needed factor. We’ve been fortunate. We haven’t had a major disaster. We don’t know when it’s going to happen. Let’s hope it never happens. But let’s be prepared and do it right.” Chairman Dougherty replied, “That usually happens in September, Mr. Jordan.” Mr. Johnson, of the Ottawa Fire Department, stated, “We’d like to see the county handle the insurance on the transceiver here on your tower and put it under your umbrella policy.” Chairman Dougherty stated, “It’s up to each individual member on what they want to do with their $300 donation of where they want to put it. It’s as simple as that.” Mr. Jordan stated, “I’ve got a list of the fire departments that was turned back in as wanting the donation to go to MABAS. So if anybody wants to see the list, you can get with me.” RESOLUTION: (#03-100) FOOD SERVICE AGREEMENT A resolution regarding a food service agreement was submitted stating that the LaSalle County Board enter the Amendment to Operating Agreement attached hereto

LaSalle County Board Minutes – July 10, 2003 and incorporated herein retroactive to and effective July 1, 2003 and hereby authorize the LaSalle County Board Chairman to execute said agreement. Motion by Mr. Small to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Piecha. Mr. Small stated, “HDS has been with the county for the food service for about four or five years now. They came to the committee asking for an increase, which is almost a 3% increase, because of insurance and a pay raise for their employees for one year.” Mr. William Johnson stated, “The Nursing Home Committee is very satisfied with the services provided with HDS.” Roll call vote; 25 ayes, 3 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 141, PAGE 99-101 RESOLUTION: #03-18 (#03-101) COUNTY HIGHWAY A resolution was submitted authorizing the County Board Chairman to enter into an agreement with the Illinois Department of Transportation for reimbursement of $240,000 from the truck access road program (TARP) for S.B.I. 18 (Leland Spur). Motion by Mr. Flanagan to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Garretson. Same roll call vote; 25 ayes, 3 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 141, PAGE 102-106 RESOLUTION: #03-21 (#03-102) COUNTY HIGHWAY A resolution was submitted deducting a portion of County Highway 3 (0.75 miles) from the County Highway System. Motion by Mr. Landers to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Kaminky. Mr. Mowinski questioned, “Has there been any consideration to require the City of Sandwich who has taken over that road to consider a reduction to the speed limit? In view of the fact that they are bringing in a new road from Route 34 down to County line in the new proposal which will increase traffic they estimate by over 5,000 cars on that roadway. I believe the last traffic count was 5,800 at the intersection and there have been seven major fatalities in the last five years. Is there any consideration for the reduction of speed limit? There have been several requests by citizens as well as the township for a reduction. Can we mandate that Sandwich reduce that, now that its part of their corporate roadway?” Mr. Larry Kinzer, County Engineer, replied, “To my knowledge there has been no discussion with the City of Sandwich for an alteration in changing the speed zone there.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – July 10, 2003 The portion of the roadway that you once inquired on was actually within that ¾ of a mile that’s under the jurisdiction of DeKalb County. I do understand that the intersection at Lake Holiday is very busy and my office has submitted an application to the State for high accident and for funding, and to help alleviate that situation in the future. I haven’t heard anything back from the State with regard to the success of our application. We have tried over the last several years to obtain additional funding from the State for that purpose to improve safety of that intersection.” Mr. Mowinski stated that through discussion with the City of Sandwich board members, the majority of that board would be in favor of a reduction in the speed limit if this County Board would recommend it. Mr. McConville questioned, “Could we attach a letter to the resolution in support of that?” Mr. Ronald Johnson stated, “My thought was, when they get the new road in Sandwich I’m sure there will be some traffic studies done then. I think they can handle it better there than we can.” Mr. Boe stated, “The comment that was made that the City Council in Sandwich is in favor of the speed limit reduction, gives me an answer that they’ll pass it as soon as they get control of the jurisdiction.” Mr. Hicks questioned, “Mr. Mowinski were you asking for possibly the attorney to draft up a letter and attach it to that to be sent in to get the feelings of this board regarding the speed limit?” Mr. Mowinski replied, “Yes. That’s pretty much what I’m asking for. The Chairman to be authorized to initiate a letter requesting in consideration for reduction of the speed limit.” Attorney Troy Holland stated, “I suggest voting on the resolution as is and then have an additional motion to submit that letter.” Chairman Dougherty called for a roll call vote on the resolution; 27 ayes, 1 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 141, PAGE 107-112 MOTION Motion by Mr. Mowinski that the County Board be authorized to send a letter requesting consideration for reduction of the speed limit upon the takeover by Sandwich, second by Mr. Walsh. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – July 10, 2003 COMMENT Mr. Mike Harsted, Environmental Services Director, stated that our electronics collection will be Saturday morning from 9 a.m. until 1 p.m. RESOLUTION: #03-16 (#03-103) FINAL PLAT A resolution was submitted accepting the final plat of Tomahawk Run Subdivision in Dimmick Township, LaSalle County. Motion by Mr. Small to approve the final plat, second by Mr. Jakupcak. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 141, PAGE 113-114 RESOLUTION: #03-18 (#03-104) VARIANCE TO THE SETBACK ORDINANCE A resolution was submitted granting a variance to the setback ordinance for Charles Borchsenius to construct an addition to an existing garage, a minimum of 45 feet from the centerline of East 2631st Rd., located in Mission Township, LaSalle County. Motion by Mr. Foltynewicz to approve the variance, second by Mr. Ronald Johnson. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 141, PAGE 115-116 RESOLUTION: #03-20 (#03-105) VARIANCE TO THE SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE A resolution was submitted granting a variance to the subdivision ordinance to allow a 1.388 acre parcel with no public road frontage for Wayne Daugherty in the E. ½ of the SW ¼, Section 8, Township 33 North, Range 4 East of the Third Principal Meridian, Rutland Township, LaSalle County. Motion by Mr. McConville to approve the variance, second by Mr. Piecha. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 141, PAGE 117-118 RESOLUTION: #03-21 (#03-106) FINAL PLAT A resolution was submitted accepting the final plat of Crooked Creek Estates II Subdivision in Freedom Township, LaSalle County. Motion by Mr. Treschak to approve the final plat, second by Mr. McConville.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – July 10, 2003 Mr. Myers questioned, “Did Carol Wilson or Linda Klein appear in front of the committee?” Mr. Piecha replied, “Yes they did. They opposed the subdivision.” Mr. Myers questioned, “What were their concerns?” Mr. Piecha replied, “Their concern was with drainage and use of the land. And you have to understand that LaSalle County does not have a zoning ordinance, therefore we have no control on how the land is being used. They wanted the land to be preserved for farming and that was a concern. The concern on drainage was resolved by the engineering firm.” Chairman Dougherty stated, “Carol Wilson and Linda Klein were on the agenda today, but did not appear.” Mr. Boe stated, “There’s a couple of issues I’d like to address. First of all I’d like to apologize to the Chairman of the Development Committee. If I would have been notified by the constituents who notified me in time to come to your Development Committee meeting, I would have on the case. There has been some concerns brought to me by a couple of different individuals, and I want to make a statement publicly in front of this board. I’m not here to argue any issues what-so-ever for what was done in Freedom Township. I’m here to support the ordinance that the LaSalle County Board has adopted and I think we should follow that ordinance to the best of our ability. So the issues I’m going to speak on pertain to the ordinance. One of the issues is the drainage issue. I met with the neighboring farm owner this morning and walked the development. I witched it for tile and I walked the creek line to the best ability that I could. I’ve come to the conclusion that there possibly could be a tile that maybe was missed in identification by the engineer. So I called the engineer, Mr. Tom Duttlinger, who is present here today. Mr. Boe at this time asked Chairman Dougherty if he could direct a couple of questions to Mr. Duttlinger and his owners to get a public response. Mr. Boe questioned, “The question that we arrived at about the two tiles that were identified on the property by the tile identification was at the south end of the property, basically in the first and the second lot. Right?” Mr. Tom Duttlinger of Etscheid, Duttlinger & Associates, Inc., replied, “That’s correct.”

LaSalle County Board Minutes – July 10, 2003 Mr. Boe stated, “It appears that there’s an eight inch tile and one outlet along the creek.” Mr. Duttlinger replied, “That is correct.” Mr. Boe stated, “And there is only one other exit on the property to the far northwest corner of the farthest lot on the west side of the subdivision. When I was doing the witching just due north of the second location tile on the south end of your development, it appeared there could be another tile there, which would include the next lot (lot 3609, the third lot up)”. Mr. Duttlinger replied, “That ‘s correct.” Mr. Boe stated, “And it appears to me that it’s approximately in the range from the north end of lot 3609 and goes down an angle down to the outlet that we’ve identified. I understand that the developers are going to further there investigation when the road construction takes place and there machinery is there and available. I’m willing to go out there and check where I think it might be. I need to have that documented on record rather than try to send the final plat back to committee and review the tile and drainage investigation. The neighboring land owner seems to have the same idea that I have about there possibly being a tile there. I can’t guarantee it, but I picked out all the other tiles that we identified and also picked up this here.” Mr. Giles Eddy, developer of Crooked Creek Estates Subdivision, stated, “The investigators for tile would further their investigation.” Mr. Boe stated, “The other issue is that I was contacted due to the fact that there is two road districts involved. The access availability to the road and the maintenance is another township. Marty Wheatland, Dayton Township Road Commissioner and I set up a meeting with you guys and that’s been worked out. I want to make sure that I didn’t have any intention to stall this plat. The concerns I thought were legitimate.” Chairman Dougherty called for a voice vote; all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 141, PAGE 119-120 RESOLUTION: #03-22 (#03-107) VARIANCE TO THE SETBACK ORDINANCE A resolution was submitted granting a variance to the setback ordinance for Chris Centko to construct a garage a minimum of 61 feet from the centerline of Circle Dr., located in Otter Creek Township, LaSalle County.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – July 10, 2003 Motion by Mr. Garretson to approve the variance, second by Mr. Jordan. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 141, PAGE 121-122 COMMENT Mike Harsted, Environmental Services Director, stated, “Some of the items that came about over the past week or so in relationship to the subdivision ordinance that is on the books at the present time, for those of you who are not aware of it, we do have a draft to this ordinance that we are preparing for sometime in the future for suggested changes to be reviewed. I would suggest to the board members to take the time and read the ordinance and make sure that it states and the verbiage that is in there is correct and we resolve the issues before they happen.” PRESENTATION Jeff Moynihan, of Motorola, addressed the Board stating, “This is a proposal to update the Sheriff Department’s communication system to modern equipment that would make it a lot easier for the dispatchers to do their job to operate the channels. Included in this proposal is what we call our Gold Elite console. It’s an electronic console for dispatch. It’s used to select the channels. You can patch the channels together so you can talk multiple frequencies at once. Also in this proposal is new dispatch position equipment. It includes shelf space for them. It also upgrades the existing radio equipment that’s in place today. It puts in new control equipment for the Sheriff’s frequency on the Clear Talk System for the Highway Department and the jail. So now they can all be dispatched from the console and those groups will actually be allowed to talk to each other. If one of the control stations failed, they can switch the frequency on the other one and use that to talk on those channels as well. There will be added equipment to allow the capability to display in an emergency the I.D. of the officer on the console.” Mr. Boe stated, “I’ve served on this committee now for about three years, and I think this committee has done an excessive amount of research along with former county board member, Allen Erbrederis, who was very intelligent with radio communication equipment. I think we have really done our homework here in trying to get this down to the best system on the market that is compatible with the existing radio system that we have in our squad cars. And I highly support this resolution to purchase this console.”

LaSalle County Board Minutes – July 10, 2003 Mr. Jakupcak stated, “This is all being paid for through the homeland security grant (federal money) that we got for this county. So this is not coming out of any property tax or general fund.” SEE RECORD BOOK 141, PAGE 123 RESOLUTION: (#03-108) SHERIFF’S DISPATCH COMMUNICATION CONSOLE A resolution was submitted stating that LaSalle County enter the contract in the general form attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit “A” to purchase LaSalle County Sheriff’s dispatch communications console and all related equipment, software and furniture for a contract price of $274,240.00 and that the County Board Chairman is hereby authorized to execute said agreement. Motion by Mr. Jakupcak to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Cappellini. Roll call vote; 27 ayes, 1 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 141, PAGE 124-136 PRESENTATION Joanne White, Detention Home Director, addressed the Board regarding the LaSalle County Detention Home’s semi-annual report for December 1, 2002 through May 31, 2003. MOTION Motion by Mr. Myers to place on file the LaSalle County Detention Home’s semi- annual report for December 1, 2002 through May 31, 2003, second by Mr. Panzica. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 141, PAGE 137 RESOLUTION: (#03-109) CONVEYANCE OF CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY TO THE CITY OF LASALLE A resolution was submitted stating that the Chairman of the LaSalle County Board, be and is hereby authorized to execute a Deed of Conveyance to parcel #18-15- 225-002 to the City of LaSalle, Illinois. Motion by Mr. Savitch to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Landers. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 141, PAGE 138-140

LaSalle County Board Minutes – July 10, 2003 APPOINTMENT: (#03-110) DANA FIRE A resolution was submitted appointing Cecil Vance as a Trustee of the Dana Fire Protection District for the remainder of William Bane’s term expiring on April 30, 2005. Motion by Mr. Freeman to approve the appointment, second by Mr. Garretson. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 141, PAGE 141-143 APPOINTMENT: (#03-111) LASALLE COUNTY BOARD OF REVIEW A resolution was submitted appointing Kenneth Stockley as a Member of the LaSalle County Board of Review for a three year term beginning upon passage and ending May 31, 2006. Motion by Mr. Flanagan to approve the appointment, second by Mr. William Johnson. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 141, PAGE 144 EXECUTIVE SESSION Motion by Mr. Landers to go into executive session to review the minutes from the previous executive sessions, second by Mr. Derango. Roll call vote; 27 ayes, 1 absent. Motion carried. The room was cleared for executive session. SEE RECORD BOOK 141, PAGE 145 Motion by Mr. Myers to go back into regular session, second by Mr. Cappellini. Roll call vote; 27 ayes, 1 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 141, PAGE 146 MOTION Motion by Mr. Walsh to release the full county board executive session minutes of January 9th, 2003, June 10th, 2002, July 10th, 2003 and to keep and remain sealed the executive session minutes of January 10th, 2002, February 14, 2002, April 4th, 2002, May 9th, 2002 and November 22nd, 2002 because of the continued need of confidentiality, second by Mr. Rigby. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. MISCELLANEOUS REPORTS & CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence to the Illinois Department of Revenue regarding business address verification was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 141, PAGE 147 Correspondence from the North Central Illinois Council of Governments regarding a Combined Notice (Notice to public of No Significant impact on the

LaSalle County Board Minutes – July 10, 2003 Environment and notice to public for request for release of funds) was submitted and also posted in the County Clerk’s office. SEE RECORD BOOK 141, PAGE 148 Correspondence from the I.E.P.A. regarding a public notice for a proposed issuance of a Clean Air Act Permit Program Permit to Pilkington North America, Inc. in Ottawa, IL was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 141, PAGE 149 Correspondence from Senator J. Bradley Burzynski regarding the State of Illinois FY04 Budget Overview was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 141, PAGE 150 The Treasurer’s Investment Schedule dated June 30, 2003 was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 141, PAGE 151 A resolution passed by the Board of Education of Tonica Grade School #79 on June 18th, 2003 stating that the Regional Office of Education should not be eliminated and that the LaSalle County Board support additional funding to the Regional Office of Education to continue to provide the intermediate services to LaSalle County schools was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 141, PAGE 152 A prevailing wage ordinance passed by the Chairman and Board of the Trustees of the town of South Ottawa on June 2nd, 2003 was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 141, PAGE 153 Motion by Mr. Hicks to place all on file, second by Mr. Hall. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. COMMENT Mr. Flanagan commented that July 27th, is National Korean War Armistice Day. It is also the 50th anniversary of the ending of the Korean War. Mr. Flanagan stated, “The Korean War began June 25th, 1950 and the truce was signed on June 27th, 1953. There are 1.5 million veterans who served and earned the Korean Service Metal. 33,639 Americans were killed in action, 103,284 were hospitalized for wounds received, and 8,302 reported missing in action or prisoners of war. Just a couple of months ago we were worried about prisoners of war. There are still loved ones that are still waiting fifty years later about what happened to their family. Public Law 104-19 requests the half staffing of the United States Flag and also

LaSalle County Board Minutes – July 10, 2003 encourages observance of this day. So remember your Korean Veterans on July 27th, 2003, especially the POW and MIA and fly your flag at half mast.” COMMENT Mr. Freeman stated, “I would like to comment a little bit on behalf of the Tonica Grade School and some of the other school districts. Chairman Dougherty I think you also had some schools that turned in some responses. I think it’s just the uncertainty of what is going to happen to the Regional Superintendent of Schools Offices. They do the services for the smaller schools, all schools in LaSalle County. And for our School Committee, to get any kind of information they can to figure out what’s happening, what’s going on with the state budget. I know they’re cutting a sizable amount out of it. What’s going to happen with these services that the schools do depend on? I’m afraid they are looking to put it back on us to fund it, which you know how we all probably feel about that. So anything the Schools Services Committee can come up with for information, I think the schools are looking for something.” Chairman Dougherty stated, “I agree. I did receive another resolution such as that one from Tonica, from the Peru Grade School District too.” COMMENT Mr. Landers stated, “Don’t forget our picnic this afternoon at Shabbona Park after 4:30 P.M.” ------Motion by Mr. Derango to recess to August 14th, 2003 at 1:00 P.M. in room 250, second by Mr. Savitch. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. CHAIRMAN DOUGHERTY DECLARED THE MEETING RECESSED TO AUGUST 14TH, 2003

LaSalle County Board Minutes – July 10, 2003 STATE OF ILLINOIS ) COUNTY OF LASALLE ) The LaSalle County Board met pursuant to recess at the Governmental Complex, Ottawa, Illinois, on the second Thursday of August, A.D., 2003 it being the 14th day thereof. This meeting is the third meeting of our June 2003 Session. Chairman Dougherty called the meeting to order at 1:00 P.M. Chairman Dougherty asked the Clerk to call the roll for mileage & per diem. PRESENT: 28 Members ABSENT: Mr. Hicks There were 28 ayes claiming mileage. Motion by Mr. Foltynewicz to approve the roll call for mileage & per diem, second by Mr. Kaminky. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 142, PAGE 1 Chairman Dougherty called for any additions or corrections to the July 10th, 2003 minutes. Mary Jane Wilkinson, LaSalle County Clerk, stated that in the presentation by the fire departments in the July 10th, 2003 minutes, Mr. Johnson of the Marseilles Fire Department was incorrectly stated as being from the Ottawa Fire Department. Motion by Mr. Cappellini to approve the July 10th minutes as corrected, second by Mr. Piecha. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. RESOLUTION: (#03-112) POSTHUMOUSLY HONOR RUSSELL SHUTE A resolution was submitted to posthumously honor former County Board member F. Russell Shute who recently passed away. Motion by Mr. Rigby to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Stockley. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. A moment of silence was observed in his honor. SEE RECORD BOOK 142, PAGE 2 RESOLUTION: #03-22 (#03-113) COUNTY HIGHWAY A resolution was submitted deducting a portion of County Highway 58 (1.56 miles) from the County Highway System. Motion by Mr. Kaminky to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Flanagan. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 142, PAGE 3-7

LaSalle County Board Minutes – August 14, 2003 RESOLUTION: #03-25 (#03-114) VARIANCE TO THE SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE A resolution was submitted granting a variance to the subdivision ordinance to allow Michael Ruiz & Thomas Haeberle to construct at the setback line of 70 feet, having the width of 138.70 feet in Lot 7, 131.17 feet of width in Lot 8, 124.01 feet of width in Lot 20, 88.38 feet of width in Lot 42, 140.16 feet of width in Lot 43, and 126.33 feet of width in Lot 44 located in the East Half of the Northeast Quarter of Section 4, in Township 33 North, Range 3 East of the Third Principal Meridian, Ottawa Township, and be considered a legal parcel. Motion by Mr. McConville to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Treschak. Roll call vote; 16 ayes, 11 nays, 1 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 142, PAGE 8-10 RESOLUTION: #03-26 (#03-115) VARIANCE TO THE SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE A resolution was submitted granting a variance to the subdivision ordinance to allow James and Cindy Jeffries to create a parcel in the resubdivision of Lot 1931 of Jeffries Estates Subdivision being 143.89 feet wide at the setback line, in the SE ¼ , of the SW ¼, Section 29, Township 34 North, Range 4 East of the Third Principal Meridian, Dayton Township, LaSalle County. Motion by Mr. Foltynewicz to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Jakupcak. Voice vote, 2 nays. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 142, PAGE 11-12 RESOLUTION: #03-27 (#03-116) FINAL PLAT OF RESUBDIVISION OF JEFFRIES ESTATES LOT 1931 A resolution was submitted accepting the final plat of resubdivision of Jeffries Estates Lot 1931 in Dayton Township, LaSalle County. Motion by Mr. Foltynewicz to approve the final plat, second by Mr. Jordan. Roll call vote; 19 ayes, 8 nays, 1 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 142, PAGE 13-15

LaSalle County Board Minutes – August 14, 2003 RESOLUTION: #03-28 (#03-117) VARIANCE TO THE SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE A resolution was submitted granting a variance to the subdivision ordinance to allow 52 lots to be created in Shadow Ridge Subdivision using individual private water systems and individual private sewage disposal systems, located in the E ½ of the NE ¼ , Section 4, Township 33 North, Range 3 East of the Third Principal Meridian, Ottawa Township, LaSalle County. Motion by Mr. Treschak to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Jordan. Roll call vote; 16 ayes, 11 nays, 1 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 142, PAGE 16-18 PRESENTATION Ken Pyszka, Mental Health 708 Board Director, addressed the Board by stating, “We have a mandate in LaSalle County to take care of citizens that suffer from developmental disabilities or mental illness to accommodation of misfortune with genetics and prenatal early environment. Things happen to people that they have no control over. We try to take care of these citizens in LaSalle County. We are the funders. We are not the providers. With me today are individuals representing some of the agencies that provide these services. In the past year or so, our payments have fallen behind and these agencies have trouble because it is about a four month duration before tax comes out and we can distribute it.” The agencies that addressed the Board included Don Miskowiec from North Central Behavioral Health Systems, Jim Monterastelli from Horizon House, Dave McClure from Youth Service Bureau of Illinois Valley, Jeff Dean from Streator Unlimited, Margaret Morrison from ADV & SAS and Frank Borkowsky from Friendship House. Each representative explained their program services, what they do for the people of LaSalle County and about the reduction in revenue that they’ve been experiencing over the past ten years. RESOLUTION: (#03-118) PROCLAIMING UNION LABEL WEEK 2003 A resolution was submitted stating that LaSalle County hereby declares the week of September 1st through the 6th to be Union Label Week, and we hereby encourage

LaSalle County Board Minutes – August 14, 2003 working families to look for and patronize employees who proudly display union labels on their products and union shop cards in their business. Motion by William Johnson to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Jordan. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 142, PAGE 19-20 RESOLUTION: (#03-119) TO PURSUE RFP/BIDS FOR VOTING SYSTEM A resolution was submitted stating that acting by and through the LaSalle County Board that the LaSalle County Clerk begin to pursue RFP/bids for the purpose of purchasing a Voting System to meet the federal requirements of HAVA (Help America Vote Act) , and the State of Illinois requirements of SB428. Motion by Mr. Landers to approve the resolution, second by Mr. William Johnson. Mr. Freeman questioned, “Is there an approximate cost that you’ve heard?” Mary Jane Wilkinson, LaSalle County Clerk replied, “Actually, Attorney Troy Holland and I have talked about this. We are going to secure RFP’s so that we can get a better idea of exactly what we are going to be dealing with before we get to a bid process. In the various demonstrations that we have looked at, the approximate cost to us for equipment only for an optical scan system is approximately $600,000. With the optical scan, you’d be looking at one recording unit per polling place. With a Touch Screen system, you’re looking at an average of four units per precinct. The cost for the Optical Scan system averages around $5,500 of the figures that have been thrown at us. For a Touch Screen, they range between $3,500 to $4,000. So when I did my calculations, I did everything on the high side. The Touch Screen looks like approximately $2 million dollars for initial purchase. Those costs may come down. There’s a possibility that when you’re doing a purchase of this type, where there is so many pieces of equipment that will be purchased, they may give us a better price on an individual item. On the trip that you approved for me to go to Denver, Colorado about two weeks ago, I saw two different systems that may have a little different price tag to them, maybe even a little bit less. We’re going to check both of them out. That’s why we incorporated into the resolution, any voting system that meets the requirements of HAVA. We didn’t want to lock ourselves into an Optical Scan or a Touch Screen.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – August 14, 2003 From what I’ve seen so far, I prefer at this point right now the Optical Scan, because there is a paper audit trail. There isn’t a paper audit trail Touch Screen right now, but part of SB428 will require that in Illinois. Other states have adopted the use of the Touch Screen without the paper audit trail, but as I just said, part of SB428 will include that requirement in Illinois.” Mr. Jordan questioned, “Would you explain a little about the federal funding that’s available?” Clerk Wilkinson replied, “Because this is a federal bill (HAVA), it was decided in the legislation that each election district would be compensated for the number of precincts you had in operation at the time of the November, 2000 election. We have 128 precincts today. November 2000 we had 125. They did some figuring on the number of precincts in the state and then they allocated so much money to each state based on the number of election jurisdictions and precincts. Illinois received $44 million dollars. $10 million of that must be used for the administration of a new voter registration system, which is going to bring all of our voter registration on-line with the State Board of Elections. Everything will be transmitted to them directly, so that they have the same information that each one of the local jurisdictions have at one time. The $34 million dollars is allocated for the purchase of the buyout of the punch card systems. There is a little over 11,000 precincts in the state of Illinois that would be eligible. It may be a little bit less than that because there were some election jurisdictions that already converted away from punch card prior to the November 2000 election. If they converted prior to November 2000, they are not eligible for any of the federal money. It comes out to approximately $3,200 per precinct in LaSalle County, which gets us to the $400,000 figure. So when we make the switch to a new system, whatever the cost is, we should receive approximately $400,000 back from the State of Illinois towards that purchase.” Mr. Leininger questioned, “Of that money per precinct, it is my understanding that the Board of Elections next week is going to determine how that money is doled out. Otherwise, there is nothing set in stone that there’s going to be any equity in it. I mean, some counties could receive more money per precinct than others?” Clerk Wilkinson replied, “I’ve never been told that.” Mr. Leininger stated, “The reason I ask that question is because I read in one of our county magazines where we are getting this 32 plus million and the State of Florida

LaSalle County Board Minutes – August 14, 2003 is getting 72 million. And we’ve got 9 million people over 18 years of age and Florida’s got 12 million people according to the U.S. Census. Well, that doesn’t come out even. We’re getting the short sheet here. So I just want to make sure that we’re not going to get the short sheet. In the magazine it says that HAVA does not specifically require elimination of the punch card voting.” Clerk Wilkinson replied, “No it doesn’t, but it requires error detection by January of 2006.” Mr. Leininger stated, “Something like this is going to be used once or twice a year. These are going to take a tremendous amount of maintenance down the road I’m sure, where we are going to have to plan for it. And that’s going to be a lot of money. Then they are going to have to be stored in a controlled environment. That’s going to be a big expense to us. Are we going to see some numbers?” Clerk Wilkinson replied, “That’s why we are going out for RFP’s to get those numbers.” Mr. Leininger questioned, “Are you going to contract them to store the machines or will we the county do it?” Clerk Wilkinson replied, “We would have to store them.” Mr. Leinger questioned, “So we will have to have a controlled environment some place in one of our buildings. Is that correct?” Clerk Wilkinson replied, “That’s something that has been discussed at Courthouse & Jail, Election Committee and the Finance Committee for probably about eighteen months now. These are all things that we’re taking into consideration. We’ve talked about the storage of a possibility of an area underneath the new jail or possibly the Morton building was suggested.” Mr. McConville stated, “Some of these questions for things like that we don’t even know what system we are going with so you don’t know how much room you need. There is a time frame Mary Jane has to fit this all in if we want to get the federal money. That’s the only reason we are going this route and to decide which way the best system to go with first of all and then work from that point forward.” Mr. Foltynewicz questioned, “The biggest chore is getting the equipment to each precinct. Is there going to be a lot of extra weight on us or handling of it?”

LaSalle County Board Minutes – August 14, 2003 Clerk Wilkinson replied, “Most likely. Depending on what type of system we go with. We are going to have to be looking at a delivery to the polling places.” Mr. Jakupcak questioned, “Would these systems be available through the state purchase program or the federal purchase program?” Clerk Wilkinson replied, “I haven’t heard anything to that nature, but I can check into it.” Mr. William Johnson stated, “The best way of avoiding problems is to plan ahead. That’s what we are trying to do.” Chairman Dougherty called for a voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 142, PAGE 21-23 RESOLUTION: (#03-120) INCREASING RATES FOR PRIVATE PAY RESIDENTS AT NURSING HOME A resolution was submitted stating that the private rates for the LaSalle County Nursing Home be increased to $85.00 per day or $2,592.00 per month effective October 1, 2003. Motion by Mr. Small to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Myers. Mr. Small stated, “Currently the county private pay rate is $80.55. And according to what this resolution says, we have to raise our rate above public aid rate. The committee discussed and decided on $85.00 a day. As discussed per our committee meeting, it was decided that a portion of this increase be used for advertising so people know about the LaSalle County Nursing Home. The committee, with the budget they are going to propose to Financing, has put a $5,000 increase in advertising line item. Mr. Derango questioned, “How many private patients do we have?” Mr. Small replied, “As of last month there are 37 private pay residents and 73 total residents.” Mr. Boe questioned, “What is the total capacity?” Mr. Small replied, “I believe 102 residents. That’s why we would like to inform the residents of the county that we do have a nursing home and hopefully we can increase the number of residents that are at the home.” Mr. Mowinski questioned, “Am I reading this correct, that by law, the rates for public aid residents cannot be greater than the rates for private pay residents? We are talking about a private pay resident paying $85.00 and a public aid resident paying $83.08 per day. The difference of two dollars is allowable or does it have to be closer?”

LaSalle County Board Minutes – August 14, 2003 Chairman Dougherty replied, ”It can be set at any level. As long as private pay residents pay more.” Mr. William Johnson stated, “The reason that the public aid rate increased was successful lobbying on the part of the County Nursing Association, whereby, is the result of an intergovernmental transfer and by statute the private pay rate must be greater than the public aid. In the long run, this will save the county taxpayers money. Obviously, as the public aid rate increases, then we will have to raise the private pay. Hopefully this will mean less will come out of the levy.” Chairman Dougherty called for a roll call vote; 27 ayes, 1 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 142, PAGE 24-26 APPOINTMENT: (#03-121) LASALLE COUNTY EXTENSION SERVICE COUNCIL A resolution was submitted appointing Ronald Johnson as a member of the LaSalle County Extension Service Council for a two year term beginning September 1, 2003 and expiring August 31, 2005. Motion by Mr. Myers to approve the appointment, second by Mr. Garretson. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 142, PAGE 27 MOTION: EXECUTIVE SESSION Motion by Mr. Mowinski to go into executive session to review executive session minutes under provision C-21 of the Illinois Statutes, second by Mr. Derango. Roll call vote; 27 ayes, 1 absent. Motion carried. The room was cleared for executive session. SEE RECORD BOOK 142, PAGE 28 Motion by Mr. Derango to go back into regular session, second by Mr. Landers. Roll call vote; 27 ayes, 1 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 142, PAGE 29 MOTION Motion by Mr. Gruenwald to open the Full County Board executive minutes for the dates of August 14, 2003, March 13, 2000, December 13, 1999, February 11, 1999, January 14, 1999, December 18, 1998, December 7, 1998, January 8, 1998, April 10, 1997, March 10, 1997, February 13, 1997, November 22, 1996, June 13, 1996, May 8, 1996, February 14, 1996, January 11, 1996, February 6, 1995, November 29, 1994, November 14, 1994, November 12, 1993, October 12, 1993, December 21, 1992, April

LaSalle County Board Minutes – August 14, 2003 13, 1992, December 9, 1991, May 13, 1991, April 30, 1991, November 29, 1990, and to keep and remain sealed the executive session minutes of April 10, 2003, February 18, 2003, February 13, 2003, November 22, 2002, May 9, 2002, April 4, 2002, February 14, 2002, January 10, 2002, November 14, 2000, April 13, 2000, January 13, 2000, September 13, 1999, August 12, 1999, July 15, 1999, April 8, 1999, March 8, 1999, March 11, 1998, February 9, 1998, July 10, 1997, August 14, 1997, February 13, 1997, January 17, 1997, December 16, 1996, September 9, 1996, August 15, 1996, July 18, 1996, and May 9, 1994 because of the continued need for confidentiality. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 142, PAGE 30 MISCELLANEOUS REPORTS & CORRESPONDENCE A Prevailing Wage Ordinance passed by Northville Township on June 10th, 2003 was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 142, PAGE 31 Correspondence from the E.P.A. regarding a proposed Cleanup Plan for two areas in Ottawa, IL was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 142, PAGE 32 The Treasurer’s Investment Schedule dated August 12, 2003 was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 142, PAGE 33 Correspondence to the Illinois Department of Revenue regarding business address verification for tax allocation purposes was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 142, PAGE 34 Motion by Mr. Mowinski to place all on file, second by Mr. William Johnson. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. COMMENT Mr. Piecha stated, “It’s no secret that the County Development Committee is working on a proposed ordinance for a building code in the county. As Chairman of that committee, I want it to be known that I challenge any rumors or any misleading statements in regard to the building code. There may be some people out there in the county who would like to torpedo this issue before the committee has a chance to put it all together and present it to the full board. The reason I am saying this Mr. Chairman is because recently you were interviewed with some contractors and a citizen of LaSalle County in regard to the building code. That interview took place with a reporter of the News Tribune. We had a citizen here in the county that made a remark that ‘the county

LaSalle County Board Minutes – August 14, 2003 that’s trying to bring us building codes is the same county that built a jail without shower drains. And now they want to enforce building codes on the rest of us’. Courthouse & Jail Committee did an outstanding job overseeing the construction of the jail. When we got involved with the jail, we were actually swimming in uncharted waters. But the final result is that we’ve got one of the finest jail facilities in the State of Illinois, including the County of Cook. Citizens of this county should be proud of what we’ve got. Certainly there were mistakes made. We are all human beings. But those mistakes that were made in construction and not only in the jail, but construction on homes or buildings or whatever takes place, there are mistakes being made. And those mistakes are corrected. To make it look like we weren’t doing our job, and say that we don’t know what we are doing, and that we want to put these building codes in, but we can’t control our own building programs is probably misleading. It also goes on and says ‘the county was incorporated in the 1830’s and has survived’. Well it certainly has been a great deal of improvements in living conditions for citizens here in LaSalle County. Back in 1830 people were reading by candle light. It all demands electricity and demands plumbing. As an example with plumbing, some of these homes that are being built have three bathrooms. A lot of plumbing takes place. And I believe the county does need some type of building code to keep the citizens of LaSalle County to make sure that the job that they are paying for is a good job. So I feel that as time goes on with these building codes at the committee meetings, there may be some people who oppose them. But I want to say that the county needs a building code and certainly anything that is misleading as far as the public is concerned to torpedo this issue, certainly is going to be challenged. We don’t want building codes to happen to it, what happened to zoning.” Chairman Dougherty stated, “I can enlighten you on the shower drain because I was involved with that. There was one shower and no drain shown on the plumbing drawing. So the plumber thought he didn’t have to put a drain in there. But I took him to the sheet of details and it did show a shower drain in there. He just looked at one drawing. Architects miss things too. So that was all straightened out. All the showers over there have drains. And I know what you are talking about Mr. Piecha. There are some that don’t agree with anything that we’re trying to do. But I think we’re on the right track. I think the Development Committee is going to do the job it was suppose to do.”

LaSalle County Board Minutes – August 14, 2003 Chairman Dougherty also stated, “The code is going to hold the developer and the contractor responsible. It’s just like over here, the county wasn’t responsible. It was the architect and the builders that were responsible.“ Mr. Boe stated, “Due to the fact that this complex is in my board district, I’d just like to compliment whoever is in charge here. I guess it would be the Courthouse and Jail or Chairman Dougherty, on the appearance of this complex with the planted flowers and painted curbs. It’s really looking sharp and a compliment to my district plus LaSalle County.” Mr. Rigby stated, “I also want to make note that a compliment to the writer that wrote for the News Tribune put a positive spin on what we are trying to do here. And he reported actually what was said by the people who are opposed to this. And I think he did a fine job.” Chairman Dougherty stated, “I have no objection with the reporters that I deal with. The reporters that I deal with have been fair with me and that’s all I can ask.” COMMENT Attorney Troy Holland commented that in the last couple of days the governor has signed a change to the Open Meetings Act which will require the taping of all executive sessions. “You will need to keep these recordings for eighteen months and there’s a procedure where those recordings can be destroyed by board action. As I understand, there’s really no date in the law. But discussing this matter with some other municipal attorneys, the effective date would be January 1, 2004. That’s subject to some interpretation but there’s no date in there. And there’s a law about if there is no date in there and it’s signed after a certain date, the effective date would be January 1, 2004.” Chairman Dougherty stated that the Safety Sales Tax for the month of May, 2003 went up 2%. ------Motion by Mr. Derango to adjourn until September 8th, 2003 at 1:00 P.M. in Room 250 at the Governmental Complex, second by Mr. Savitch. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. CHAIRMAN DOUGHERTY DECLARED THE MEETING ADJOURNED UNTIL SEPTEMBER 8TH, 2003

LaSalle County Board Minutes – August 14, 2003 STATE OF ILLINOIS ) COUNTY OF LASALLE ) RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE LASALLE COUNTY BOARD HELD AT THE GOVERNMENTAL COMPLEX, OTTAWA, ILLIN0IS. BEGUN AND HELD ON THE SECOND MONDAY OF SEPTEMBER, A.D., 2003, IT BEING THE 8TH DAY THEREOF. STATE OF ILLINOIS ) COUNTY OF LASALLE ) The LaSalle County Board met pursuant to Statute at the Governmental Complex, Ottawa, Illinois, on the second Monday of September, A.D., 2003, it being the 8th day thereof. Chairman Dougherty called the meeting to order at 1:00 P.M. This is the first meeting of our September 2003 Session. Chairman Dougherty asked the Clerk to call the roll for Mileage & Per Diem. PRESENT: 28 Members ABSENT: Mr. Mowinski There were 28 ayes claiming mileage. Motion by Mr. Foltynewicz to approve the roll call for mileage & per diem, second by Mr. Hicks. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 142, PAGE 35 th Chairman Dougherty called for any additions or corrections to the August 14 , 2003 minutes. Motion by Mr. Walsh to approve the August 14th minutes as presented, second by Mr. Kaminky. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. RESOLUTION: #03-23 (#03-122) COUNTY HIGHWAY A resolution was submitted appropriating the necessary funds from the County Highway Fund, and authorizing the Chairman to enter into an engineering agreement with Renwick and Associates, Inc. for the preliminary engineering work for County Highway 20 (Etna Road). Motion by Mr. Flanagan to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Landers. Roll call vote; 27 ayes, 1 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 142, PAGE 36-42

LaSalle County Board Minutes – September 8, 2003 RESOLUTION: #03-29 (#03-123) VARIANCE TO THE SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE A resolution was submitted granting a variance to the subdivision ordinance to allow Nick & Beth Wallace to create a 1.44 acre parcel with 218.5 feet of public road frontage located in Dimmick Township, LaSalle County. Motion by Mr. Treschak to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Small. Voice vote, 1 nay. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 142, PAGE 43-44 RESOLUTION: #03-30 (#03-124) VARIANCE TO THE SETBACK ORDINANCE A resolution was submitted granting a variance to the setback ordinance for Everett McFarland to build a 14’ x 28’ addition a minimum of 59 feet from the centerline of County Highway #19 (N. 39th Rd.), Ophir Township, LaSalle County. Motion by Mr. McConville to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Foltynewicz. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 142, PAGE 45-46 RESOLUTION: #03-31 (#03-125) VARIANCE TO THE SETBACK ORDINANCE A resolution was submitted granting a variance to the setback ordinance for Kevin Wiley to build a garage and house addition a minimum of 30 feet from the centerline of E. 1640th Rd., Freedom Township, LaSalle County. Motion by Mr. Freeman to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Jordan. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 142, PAGE 47-48 RESOLUTION: #03-32 (#03-126) VARIANCE TO THE SETBACK ORDINANCE A resolution was submitted granting a variance to the setback ordinance for Jon and Kelly Davis to build a house a minimum of 55 feet from the centerline of E. 25th Rd., Mission Township, LaSalle County. Motion by Mr. Jakupcak to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Flanagan. Voice vote, 1 nay. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 142, PAGE 49-50

LaSalle County Board Minutes – September 8, 2003 RESOLUTION: (#03-127) ADMINISTRATIVE AND COORDINATION SERVICES FOR A (CDAP) GRANT # 01-24289 A resolution was submitted to enter into a contract agreement for administrative and coordination services for a Community Development Assistance Program (CDAP) Grant # 01-24289 on behalf of LaSalle County. Motion by Mr. Small to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Cappellini. Mr. Small stated that this resolution allows North Central Illinois Council of Governments to do the paper work of paying the bills in regard to the installation of reverse osmosis water treatment equipment at the LaSalle County Nursing Home. There were several concerns by some of the county board members about the resolution regarding; Performance Period This contractual AGREEMENT shall be in effect from April 1, 2003 until March 31, 2005. and also; Other Provisions (2.) Council Not Liable: The COUNTY shall save the Council harmless from any and all claims, demands, and actions based upon or arising out of any services performed by the Council, its officers, its employees, their associates and their employers under this AGREEMENT. MOTION Motion by Mr. McConville to amend the hold harmless clause to add “from any third party claims”, second by Mr. Kaminky. Mr. Small, Chairman of the Nursing Home Committee, questioned if someone could make a phone call to the North Central Illinois Council of Governments to clear up some of their questions before voting on the resolution. The resolution needs to be approved so that the project does not get held up. At this time Chairman Dougherty called for a 10-minute recess. Troy Holland, County Attorney, stated that per his phone conversation with North Central Illinois Council of Governments, they agreed to delete the hold harmless clause in the resolution and that the effective date coincides with the state grant date. At this time Mr. McConville withdrew his motion and Mr. Kaminky withdrew his second.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – September 8, 2003 MOTION Motion by Mr. Derango to amend the resolution to remove the hold harmless clause, second by Mr. Landers. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. Original motion as amended. Roll call vote; 26 ayes, 2 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 142, PAGE 51-56 RESOLUTION: (#03-128) 9-1-1 INFORMATION MEETING A resolution was submitted stating that LaSalle County through the 9-1-1 Committee participate in an informational meeting in late October of this year or some other time as may be scheduled, for the purpose of exploring the issues relating to a county-wide E-9-1-1 system. Motion by Mr. William Johnson to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Boe. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 142, PAGE 57-58 LETTER OF SUPPORT Mary Jane Wilkinson, LaSalle County Clerk read a letter of support from LaSalle County Board Chairman, Joe Dougherty addressed to Ms. Lorali Heintzelman of Tri- County Opportunity Council regarding their application for the 2004 Homebuyer Assistance Program Grant and the two year Single Family Owner-Occupied Rehabilitation Program Grant from the Illinois Housing Development Authority in . MOTION Motion by Mr. Leininger to approve the letter of support, second by Mr. Flanagan. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 142, PAGE 59-61 RESOLUTION: (#03-129) TRANSCOR HUB AGREEMENT A resolution was submitted stating that LaSalle County enter the agreement with TransCor (Transcor America LLC) attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit “A” and that the Chairman of the LaSalle County Board is hereby authorized to execute said agreement that provides that the LaSalle County Jail serve to temporarily house Transcor prisoners for a fee. Motion by Mr. Jakupcak to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Landers. Tom Templeton, LaSalle County Sheriff, stated that the County would be guaranteed $5,000 per month from TransCor regardless of whether or not they use the

LaSalle County Board Minutes – September 8, 2003 County’s Jail for prisoners. Mr. Templeton also stated that the money received would also be put into the County’s General Fund. Roll call vote; 26 ayes, 2 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 142, PAGE 62-70 COMMITTEE WORK MISCELLANEOUS The Quarterly Report for committee work miscellaneous was submitted in the total amount of $41,224.50. Motion by Mr. Treschak to approve the quarterly report, second by Mr. Jordan. Same roll call vote, 26 ayes, 2 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 142, PAGE 71-102 APPOINTMENT: (#03-130) SHERIDAN FIRE A resolution was submitted stating that Robert Varnes of 2472 N. 3959th Rd., in Sheridan, Illinois is appointed as a trustee for Sheridan Fire Protection District for a period of three years, his term commencing immediately and expiring on the first Monday of May, 2006 or upon his successor taking office. Motion by Mr. Boe to approve the appointment, second by Mr. Flanagan. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 142, PAGE 103-105 APPOINTMENT: (#03-131) BROOKFIELD VIENNA DRAINAGE DISTRICT A resolution was submitted reappointing George McComb as a Commissioner of Brookfield Vienna Drainage District for a term expiring September 5, 2006. Motion by Mr. Garretson to approve the reappointment, second by Mr. Cappellini. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 142, PAGE 106-110 COMMENT Chairman Dougherty commented that the county board members need to get with Gayle by September 17th, 2003 to let her know where each county board’s $300 ESDA allotment is to be distributed. Mr. Jordan commented that he will be donating $100 of his ESDA allotment to the MABAS Fund. MISCELLANEOUS REPORTS & CORRESPONDENCE The Treasurer’s Investment Schedule dated August 26th, 2003 was submitted.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – September 8, 2003 SEE RECORD BOOK 142, PAGE 111 Correspondence from the I.E.P.A. regarding a proposed revision to the Construction Permit for Lone Star Industries in Oglesby, IL was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 142, PAGE 112 Correspondence to the Illinois Department of Revenue regarding business address verification for tax allocation purposes was submitted to place on file. SEE RECORD BOOK 142, PAGE 113 Motion by Mr. Gruenwald to place all on file, second by Mr. Hall. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. ------

Motion by Mr. Derango to recess to October 9th, 2003 at 1:00 P.M. at the Governmental Complex in Room 250, second by Mr. Savitch. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – September 8, 2003 STATE OF ILLINOIS ) COUNTY OF LASALLE ) The LaSalle County Board met pursuant to recess at the Governmental Complex, Ottawa, Illinois, on the second Thursday of October, A.D., 2003 it being the 9th day thereof. This meeting is the second meeting of our September 2003 Session. Chairman Dougherty called the meeting to order at 1:02 P.M. Chairman Dougherty asked the Clerk to call the roll for mileage & per diem. PRESENT: 27 Members ABSENT: Mr. Kaminky, Mr. Freeman There were 27 ayes claiming mileage. Motion by Mr. Foltynewicz to approve the roll call for mileage & per diem, second by Mr. Jordan. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 142, PAGE 114 Chairman Dougherty called for any additions or corrections to the September 8th, 2003 minutes. Motion by Mr. Jakupcak to approve the September 8th minutes as presented, second by Mr. Flanagan. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. STUDENT EXCELLENCE AWARD Mr. William Novotney, Supt. of Schools, introduced the students who were awarded the Student Excellence Awards; from St. Columba School in Ottawa, Kelsey Sheridan and from Marquette High School in Ottawa, Benjamin Wackerlin. Both students were presented with an award plaque from Chairman Dougherty and applauded by the Board. Mr. Novotney stated, “I would like to take this opportunity to thank each and every member of the Board for their interest in our office in the past six or seven months, since about April, when we heard from the Governor’s budget message that the Regional Office of Education was no longer fundable. We had quite an experience as you know. We didn’t know whether we were going to be affected or if we were going to be there. We asked for your support, your letters, your contacts with the legislators and the Governor’s office. Apparently, we have accomplished the task because you have done your job in respect to making those contacts for us. And we certainly wanted to make sure that we know that you have done that. We are very appreciative. Without your contacts, I don’t think that our office would have been funded.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – October 9, 2003 Our Regional offices and the Governor’s office made a commitment or an agreement to downsize from forty-five units to twenty-two units by July 1st, 2005. The reason for this date is because the new Regional Superintendent would be encompassing maybe one or two or three counties or it could be done by college districts. It could be done in many ways. We don’t know exactly, yet on how those regions are going to be formed. The Regional Superintendents have the opportunity to formulate those regions by themselves. So we must have that accomplished by May of 2005, so that that person who chooses to run for that particular position will be able to file by December and then run in the election in the following year. The largest county of that region then will become the administrative agent for that funding and to carry out the rules or regulations concerning the regional office. But we must remember, all this must be in concert and has to be done by legislative compliance. So the legislators have to decide that this is the route they want to take. I just received a letter today from the Chief Deputy of Education from the Governor’s office concerning this particular issue. They said that they are still firm in their stance to proceed with this kind of reduction and to change the educational process somewhat in the State of Illinois. We are going to work with them to the best of our ability and we’ll see what the outcome is.” STUDENT GOVERNMENT DAY Mr. Richard Meyers, Asst. Supt. of Schools, introduced those students participating in the 21st annual Student Government Day. The following students from LaSalle-Peru High School represented the elected office holders: Nicole Ashby, Kim Kozel, Jake Steve, Ashley Rietgraf, Stephanie Marynus, Amanda Davis, Joe Prey, Dan Francisco and Tim Freed. The following students from their respective high schools represented County Board members: from Mendota High School, Liz Gleim and Megan Guilfoyle; from Earlville High School, Becky Spires and Courtney Boltz; from Leland High School, Ian Flynn; from Serena High School, Kristen Sebby; from Ottawa High School, Jenna Manigold, Andrea Nordstrom, Brent Miller, Grace Lethoit, Andrew Buckley, Andrew Devine and Chase Kopko; from LaSalle-Peru High School, Sara Jagodzinski, Jenna Moore, Brittany Crane, Josh Noonan, Emily Etheridge, Amy Sipovic, Kyle Jefferson, Katie Kuiper and Stephanie Maryanus; from Seneca High School, Don Baker; from Marquette High School, Brooke Halcott; and from Streator High School,

LaSalle County Board Minutes – October 9, 2003 Allie Gelb, Stephanie Martin, Bobby Lee, Derek Lesko and Nick Nink. The students were seated with their appropriate counterpart. PRESENTATION Pam Furlan, Executive Director of Business Employment Skills Team (BEST), addressed the Board by going over a few points regarding the State of the Workforce Report that each board member received a copy of earlier in their mailbox. Ms. Furlan stated, ”We were certainly helped by a number of individuals. Without them this report could not have been nearly as comprehensive or as relevant as it is. We took on this project to take an overall look at the regions economy. We wanted to identify the strengths and weaknesses of our area and we also wanted to take a look at the opportunities and challenges all that relate to workforce development. We wanted to identify some of the major issues that need to be addressed if our area is going to be prosperous into the 21st century. We also wanted to involve the general public in the goals that we set for ourself in Phase 2. This report that you have is really only Phase 1. It’s the data collection phase. The report provides a wealth of information. There is some information on the labor force, on population trends, on the types of jobs we have in our work force for our workers and our job seekers and some statistics on the educational system. The information for the most part is mixed. Some of it’s good and some of it’s not so good, but it presents a reality of what we have in this area. Keep in mind that I am not just talking about LaSalle County, although there is some specific data here that relates just to the county. There is a ton of information in here that I think would be very beneficial certainly to you as board members, but also to you as citizens because this again is the future. At the very last meeting we set out to accomplish four goals in our Phase 2, which will begin later this month. The four challenges that we’ve identified can be found on page forty.” Mr. Piecha commented, “I did read the report. Frightening in areas. It’s something everyone can understand. You did a great job on that.” Ms. Furlan stated, “I would like to take credit for it, but we actually had a consulting firm do this, but I will pass that along. I’m very proud of it.” PRESENTATION Joseph Hettel, Jr., States Attorney, addressed the Board requesting that the County Board fund a program that has been an ongoing program for this county and

LaSalle County Board Minutes – October 9, 2003 surrounding counties for sixteen years. The funding that has been provided over the past sixteen years is no longer available. Mr. Hettel stated, “Because it has been cut, the Youth Service Bureau who provides for the JASP Program, may not be able to provide that program unless our county and several other counties provide. JASP is a Juvenile Sex Offenders Program. This program treats juveniles who have been charged with offenses of a sexual assault predominantly.” Mr. Hettel introduced Chief Judge Robert Carter, Dave McClure, Director of the Youth Service Bureau, Cindy Robinson, who works with the juvenile offenders, and William Warnell, Court Services Director, who are all here on behalf of the program. Mr. Hettel stated, “The Youth Service Bureau does not work for the County. They are an agency that provides services to us. Fortunately for us, for the last sixteen years, we didn’t have to pay for those services. In looking at their budget situation, they had to look at this program and weigh its benefits and that’s why they approached us. The reason I want you to vote for this is that it makes sense and it’s the responsible thing to do. Kids that come into the system who commit these type of offenses are kids that I believe deserve a chance to at least have some treatment to see if we can address the problems that they are dealing with. I know that in some cases that we are not going to be able to address those problems. I believe that the JASP Program is the best way that we can treat kids that have committed these types of offenses. What we are asking for specifically for the JASP Program would be $58,500 and to have that money put into a line item that we already have.” At this time David McClure, Chief Judge Carter, and Cindy Robinson each addressed the Board regarding the JASP Program. SEE RECORD BOOK 142, PAGE 115 PRESENTATION Joanne White, of the Detention Home addressed the Board regarding the LaSalle County Detention Home Quarterly report. MOTION Motion by Mr. Walsh to place on file the LaSalle County Detention Home Quarterly Report for June 1, 2003 – August 31, 2003, second by Mr. Cappellini. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 142, PAGE 116

LaSalle County Board Minutes – October 9, 2003 MOTION Motion by Mr. Ronald Johnson to place on file the Probation & Court Services Financial & Statistical Report for June 1, 2003 – August 31, 2003, second by Mr. Garretson. SEE RECORD BOOK 142, PAGE 117 INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT AMENDMENT NO.1 An amendment (No.1) to the Intergovernmental Agreement between Illinois Department of Public Aid and LaSalle County was submitted regarding amendatory language. MOTION Motion by Mr. Stockley to authorize Chairman Dougherty to execute Amendment No. 1 to the Intergovernmental Agreement between Illinois Department of Public Aid and LaSalle County, second by Mr. Leininger. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 142, PAGE 118 RESOLUTION: INCREASE FEE STRUCTURES OF THE LASALLE COUNTY FOOD SANITATION ORDINANCE PRIVATE SEWAGE DISPOSAL ORDINANCE POTABLE WATER SUPPLY ORDINANCE A resolution was submitted increasing fee structures of the LaSalle County Food Sanitation Ordinance/Private Sewage Disposal Ordinance/Potable Water Supply Ordinance. Motion by Mr. Piecha to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Gruenwald. Mr. Piecha stated, “The County Development Committee works hand in hand with the Health Department on many issues, but I believe this resolution dealing with fees should go to the Health Committee. I don’t think the County Development Committee should be dealing with the fees. Motion by Mr. Piecha to refer resolution back to Health & Coroner Committee, second by Mr. Walsh. Mr. Mowinski questioned, “This resolution states effective immediately. What about the current construction projects that have been issued permits, yet subject to

LaSalle County Board Minutes – October 9, 2003 sanitary and/or potable water? Will it increase those fees for those people who already applied and received a permit?” Mr. Pumo, of the Health Department replied, “The ones who have received, applied and paid for, it will not affect those people.” Chairman Dougherty called for a voice vote to table the resolution & refer it back to the Health & Coroner Committee. Voice vote, 3 nays. Motion carried. RESOLUTION: (#03-132) ESDA FUNDS A resolution was submitted stating that $8,700.00 of the LaSalle County ESDA funds be distributed to LaSalle County local emergency services providers as set forth on Exhibit “A” attached hereto and incorporated herein. Motion by Mr. Jordan to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Flanagan. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 142, PAGE 119-121 RESOLUTIONS: (#03-133A THRU #03-133G) DELINQUENT TAXES Resolutions were submitted stating that the Chairman of the Board of LaSalle County, Illinois, be authorized to execute a deed of conveyance of the County’s interest or authorize the cancellation of the appropriate Certificate(s) of Purchase, as the case may be, on real estate parcel #33-36-406-002, cert. #00-0142 for the sum of $578.96; parcel #32-22-119-010, cert. #00-0164 for the sum of $202.13; parcel #24-18-212-018, cert. #00-0456 in the sum of $1,568.47; parcel # 24-18-212-019, cert. #00-0457 in the sum of $1,568.47; parcel #33-25-331-004, cert. #00-0070 in the sum of $130.13; parcel #33-25-330-008, cert. #00-0069 in the sum of $130.13; parcel #32-38-100-000, cert. #93-0277 in the sum of $169.33 to be paid to the Treasurer of LaSalle County, Illinois, to be disbursed according to law. Motion by Mr. Gruenwald to approve the resolutions, second by Mr. Myers. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 142, PAGE 122-128 RESOLUTION: AMUSEMENT LICENSE FEES A resolution was submitted enacting amusement license fees for amusement devices outside the corporate limits of all cities, villages and incorporated towns. Motion by Mr. Landers to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Savitch. To be held over and voted on next month.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – October 9, 2003 ANNOUNCEMENT Chairman Dougherty announced that Gayle needs registrations for the convention that will be held in Chicago, IL by November 1st, 2003. RESOLUTION: (#03-134) AMENDING RESOLUTIONS REGARDING ENTERPRISE ZONE A resolution was submitted amending resolutions adopted on December 19, 1985, March 10, 1986, June 9, 1986, June 13, 1988, and January 8, 1998 which established an enterprise zone encompassing contiguous portions of the County of LaSalle, City of Ottawa to add territory in the County of Grundy and Village of Seneca, Illinois. Motion by Mr. Foltynewicz to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Hicks. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 142, PAGE 129 MOTION Motion by Mr. Panzica to amend the 2002-2003 budget for the county home adding line item 13-01-360.004 public aid wire transfer of $1,000,000.00 to estimated income and adding line item 13-01-613.001 public aid (IGT – Intergovernmental Transfer) of $1,000,000.00 to appropriations and to amend the insurance fund line item 16-01-817.003 claims personnel by adding $500,000.00 and increase line item 16-01- 101.001 insurance fund cash on hand by $500,000.00 and adding line item 01-00- 351.005 radio grant of $500,000.00 to estimated income and adding line item 01-23- 701.002 new equipment-radio grant of $500,000.00 to appropriations, second by Mr. Rigby. To be held over and voted on next month. SEE RECORD BOOK 142, PAGE 130 APPOINTMENT: (#03-135) HEALTH DEPARTMENT BOARD A resolution was submitted reappointing William Johnson to the LaSalle County Health Department Board beginning December 1, 2003 and expiring November 30, 2004. Motion by Mr. Flanagan to approve the reappointment, second by Mr. Boe. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 142, PAGE 131

LaSalle County Board Minutes – October 9, 2003 APPOINTMENT: (#03-136) OGLESBY FIRE A resolution was submitted appointing Daniel R. Johnson as a Trustee of the Oglesby Fire Protection District, to fill the vacancy caused by the death of John Gerrard, said term to commence immediately, and expire the 30th day of April, 2004, or until his successor is appointed and qualified. Motion by Mr. McConville to approve the appointment, second by Mr. Piecha. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 142, PAGE 132 MISCELLANEOUS REPORTS & CORRESPONDENCE The Treasurer’s Investment Schedule dated October 1st, 2003 was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 142, PAGE 133 Correspondence from the I.E.P.A. regarding the former Matthiessen and Hegeler Zinc property being finalized on the National Priorities List (NPL) was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 142, PAGE 134 An ordinance passed by the Village of Rutland approving membership in the Illinois Municipal League Risk Management Assoc., was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 142, PAGE 135 A report of the Public Safety Tax Monthly totals from January 1999 through July 2003 was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 142, PAGE 136 Motion by Mr. Mowinski to place all on file, second by Mr. Garretson. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. ------Motion by Mr. Derango to recess to November 6th, 2003 at 1:00 P.M. at the Governmental Complex in Room 250, second by Mr. Savitch. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – October 9, 2003 STATE OF ILLINOIS ) COUNTY OF LASALLE ) The LaSalle County Board met pursuant to recess at the Governmental Complex, Ottawa, Illinois, on the first Thursday of November, A.D., 2003 it being the 6th day thereof. This meeting is the third meeting of our September 2003 Session. Chairman Dougherty called the meeting to order at 1:02 P.M. Chairman Dougherty asked the Clerk to call the roll for mileage & per diem. PRESENT: 28 Members ABSENT: Mr. Mowinski There were 28 ayes claiming mileage. Motion by Mr. Foltynewicz to approve the roll call for mileage & per diem, second by Mr. Landers. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 143, PAGE 1 Chairman Dougherty called for any additions or corrections to the October 9th, 2003 minutes. Motion by Mr. William Johnson to approve the October 9th minutes as presented, second by Mr. Hall. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. STUDENT EXCELLENCE AWARD Mr. William Novotney, Supt. of Schools, introduced the students who were awarded the Student Excellence Awards; from Peru Washington Junior High School, Lauren Eiten; and from Lostant Grade School, Sarah Patyk. Both students were presented with an award plaque from Chairman Dougherty and were applauded by the Board. CITIZENS COMMENT Mr. Elroy H. Dannewitz, resident of Ottawa, addressed the Board regarding assistance in the rehabilitation of persons from incarceration, alcoholism, drugs and other vices by providing at least one deserted farmstead area where a Halfway House could be provided. SEE RECORD BOOK 143, PAGE 2 PRESENTATION Gina Martin, from the American Red Cross Tissue Services stated, “Currently there are over 700,000 people on some type of waiting list for organ & tissue transplantation. The Red Cross deals with disaster everyday, whether it is at a large LaSalle County Board Minutes – November 6, 2003 scale or a small scale. For over twenty years we’ve had the opportunity to deal with families who have disaster everyday in their life. The greatest disaster is the disaster of the loss of a loved one. We’ve been able to help families share the gift of tissue donation. The gift of sight, the gift of bone, the gift of corneas, and the gift of heart valves. I come today to recognize, first and foremost the families in your community who have shared the gift of tissue donation. They give in their time of grief. They give when their life has changed. They are willing to think of someone else. With one tissue donor, up to fifty people can be helped. Second of all I am here today to recognize Jody Bernard, LaSalle County Coroner, because she deals with these families. She goes to their door and tells them that their life has changed. And if I’ve learned anything in this job that I’ve done, it’s that your life can change at any time and that you could be put on a waiting list any day for an organ or a tissue transplantation.” At this time Ms. Martin presented an award plaque to Jody Bernard. Jody Bernard replied, “Thank you very much. This is really what we deal with everyday. Myself and my staff feel very strongly about giving the opportunity to these people. It’s amazing to us how much it’s helped them in their time of grief to know that some sense has been made out of a tragedy. I think all of us know people who have been organ or tissue recipients. If we can help in a small way, then it’s worth it.” Ms. Martin stated, “If you do anything today, I encourage you to talk with your family about your decision. It’s not whether it’s a yes or a no, but that you’ve talked to them about your decision. It doesn’t really matter if you’ve signed your license. Your family will make that final decision. So I encourage all of you to talk to them.” RESOLUTION: #03-24 (#03-137) 2004 BRIDGE AID PETITIONS AND REQUESTS A resolution was submitted stating that the Petitions be granted and that this Committee be empowered to proceed in conjunction with the various Township, Municipal and County Officials, and the County Engineer of LaSalle County, to see to it that the work is done and have authority to have the LaSalle County share of said work paid out of the Bridge Construction Fund of said LaSalle County. Motion by Mr. Flanagan to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Garretson. Roll call vote, 26 ayes, 1 abstain, 1 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 143, PAGE 3-17

LaSalle County Board Minutes – November 6, 2003 RESOLUTION: (#03-138) NURSING HOME ADMINISTRATOR A resolution was submitted stating that Janice Rohwer be rehired to act as Administrator of the LaSalle County Nursing Home for a one-year period beginning the first day of December 2003 and continuing through the thirtieth day of November 2004, that the Administrator’s salary be and is hereby set at $50,000.00 per year for the fiscal year of December 1, 2003 to November 30, 2004, that in addition to the foregoing compensation, the LaSalle County Nursing Home Administrator shall receive the use of an apartment and further that she will be provided all benefits provided other County employees during the term of her employment. Motion Mr. William Johnson to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Small. Mr. Leininger questioned, “How much was her previous contract for?” Mr. Small replied, “She received $48,000.00.” Mr. Leininger questioned, “As I recall at that time she was not certified as an administrator. Has that happened?” Chairman Dougherty replied, “Not yet. She is still not certified. She has to take the state test.” Mr. Leininger questioned, “Is there a delay on that for some reason?” Mr. Small replied, “It’s the timing of when the test was done.” Chairman Dougherty replied, “I had to sign an extension for her.” Mr. Leininger questioned, “As a non-certified person?” Chairman Dougherty replied, “Yes.” Mr. William Johnson stated, “Since she has not taken the test at this time, she does have what we call a Temporary Provisional Certificate.” Mr. Leininger stated, “It might be in the best interest to encourage her to get a certification and maybe a raise based on her getting a certification. We’ve had a year here. I’d like to see a certified person out there. We are giving her a raise without being certified.” Chairman Dougherty replied, “She has been encouraged to pass this test. And if she doesn’t pass it, she is not going to be there.” Mr. Small replied, “Her test will be given in December 2003.” Chairman Dougherty called for a roll call vote; 26 ayes, 1 abstain, 1 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 143, PAGE 18-20

LaSalle County Board Minutes – November 6, 2003 RESOLUTION: (#03-139) COURT-APPOINTED ATTORNEY A resolution was submitted stating that the salary of the Court-Appointed Attorney for Juvenile proceedings, particularly for representation of parents in Juvenile Court , Employee Line Item 586.005, and the same is hereby set at $24,000.00 per year for the three year period starting December 1, 2003 and expiring November 30, 2006. Motion by Mr. Hicks to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Jakupcak. Roll call vote; 27 ayes, 1 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 143, PAGE 21-23 RESOLUTION: (#03-140) ENFORCEMENT OFFICER / ASST. ENFORCEMENT OFFICER A resolution was submitted stating that Michael Harsted be reappointed as Enforcement Officer and Scott Cofoid be reappointed as Assistant Enforcement Officer for a one-year period beginning December 1, 2003 and expiring November 30, 2004 and the salary for Michael Harsted, Enforcement Officer be set at $8,500.00 and the salary for Scott Cofoid, Assistant Enforcement Officer be set at $7,500.00 for the fiscal year of December 1, 2003 to November 30, 2004. Motion by Mr. Jordan to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Piecha. Same roll call vote; 27 ayes, 1 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 143, PAGE 24-25 RESOLUTION: (#03-141) GIS ADMINISTRATOR ASSISTANT A resolution was submitted stating that Jennifer Woods be rehired as GIS Administrative Assistant for a two year term beginning December 1, 2003 to November 30, 2004 and December 1, 2004 to November 30, 2005 and that her salary be set at the following sum for the period indicated: December 1, 2003 to November 30, 2004 $37,000.00 December 1, 2004 to November 30, 2005 $39,000.00 Motion by Mr. Treschak to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Cappellini. Same roll call vote; 27 ayes, 1 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 143, PAGE 26-27

LaSalle County Board Minutes – November 6, 2003 RESOLUTION: FIXING CIRCUIT CLERK’S FEES A resolution was submitted to establish and fix the Clerk of the Circuit Court fees by Resolution and in accordance with the provisions of Public Act 93-0039 and the effective date of Circuit Court Clerk fees set forth in this Resolution shall be December 1, 2003. Motion by Mr. Walsh to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Landers. To be held over and voted on November 20th, 2003. RESOLUTION: (#03-143) AMUSEMENT LICENSE FEES A resolution was re-submitted enacting amusement license fees for amusement devices outside the corporate limits of all cities, villages and incorporated towns. Original motion by Mr. Landers to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Savitch. Chairman Dougherty called for and questions or discussion. Mr. Small questioned, “Is there a reason behind this regarding this ordinance?” Chairman Dougherty replied, “There is a reason behind everything that we do around here. We need revenue.” Mr. Small questioned, “If we need revenue, this is only affecting certain areas of the county correct?” Chairman Dougherty replied, “Right. We can not go into the municipalities. They are governed by their own ordinances. All we can go into is the rural area. We are basically going to be talking to the people who have liquor licenses.” Mr. Small questioned, “How much income is expected from this?” Chairman Dougherty replied, “We have no idea at this time. We don’t know how many machines are out there. We will have a better handle on that when we send out the resumes and ask the people what they do have in their establishments.” Mr. Jakupcak stated, “The committee checked this out and all the cities are making revenue off of this and we felt that we were missing the boat on that. The City of Streator charges the vendor (who owns the machines) $1,000.00 a year and he can put his machines wherever they want him to. That is his license. Each establishment is assessed so much on each machine that the city collects. We thought it would be a good way to get some extra revenue for the county, because we have about fifty-eight liquor licenses in the county. There are machines in probably most liquor establishments. There is a number of vendors in this county that supply the machines.”

LaSalle County Board Minutes – November 6, 2003 Mr. Derango stated, “We are not really penalizing the owner of an establishment. First of all, the owners of the towns pay it and secondly, owners of the towns and owners in the county, most of these fees are paid for by the supplier of the machine.” Mr. Piecha stated, “I have establishments in my district that hold county liquor licenses. One is a Veteran’s Organization and they are open Friday and Saturday. They are only open two days a week. I don’t think it is very fair that the fee on a business that operates only two days verses the ones that operate seven days. I have no problem with the fee increase but I would like to amend the resolution.” MOTION TO AMEND Motion by Mr. Piecha to amend the resolution to read, “Any business operating only two days a week, the fee shall be $10.00 per machine”, second by Mr. Small. There was some discussion regarding the amendment. At this time, Mr. Piecha questioned whether to change the language in the motion. MOTION TO WITHDRAW Motion by Mr. Piecha to withdraw his motion to amend, second by Mr. Small. MOTION TO AMEND Motion by Mr. Piecha to amend the resolution to read, “That any organization operating two days a week, the fee for each machine will be $10.00, second by Mr. Small. There was some discussion regarding the amendment reading, “Any organization operating two day a week.” Chairman Dougherty asked Mr. Piecha to clarify his amendment. “Does that include everybody that operates seven days a week?” Mr. Piecha replied, “Two days a week.” Chairman Dougherty questioned, “Did you mean two days a week or less?” Mr. Piecha replied, “Two days or less.” MOTION TO WITHDRAW Motion by Mr. Piecha to withdraw his motion to amend a second time, second by Mr. Small.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – November 6, 2003 MOTION TO AMEND Motion by Mr. Piecha to amend the resolution to read, “Any organization operating a maximum of two day a week will pay a $10.00 fee per machine, second by Mr. Small. Chairman Dougherty called for any questions on the amendment. Mr. Foltynewicz questioned, “What are they going to pay the $10.00 fee for? The person that owns the machine has to pay $1,000.00 to put it in an establishment?” Chairman Dougherty explained, “The licensing vendor pays a $1,000.00 fee for the whole county, not each establishment. If he puts a machine in an establishment, that machine is charged to that establishment. If the vendor wants to pay that, then fine. If he doesn’t, the establishment pays for it.” Mr. Boe questioned, “If that’s the case, are you going to give them a written license and a demand on them that when a machine goes into an establishment that they notify you at that point?” Chairman Dougherty replied, “What we hope to do is send out the licensing and put them on the honor system right off the bat and they will return the form to us saying what they have in their establishment.” Mr. Stockley stated, “I don’t like the amendment because the way it states now in the resolution, the fee for juke boxes and music boxes will by $15.00.” Chairman Dougherty called for a roll call vote on the amendment; 4 ayes, 23 nays, 1 absent. Motion defeated. SEE RECORD BOOK 143, PAGE 28 Mr. Jordan asked to call for the question to vote on the original resolution. MOTION Motion by Mr. Jordan to call for the question to vote on the resolution, second by Mr. Gruenwald. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. Chairman Dougherty called for a voice vote on the resolution; all ayes, 1 nay. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 143, PAGE 29-32 RESOLUTION: (#03-142) MEDICAL ADVISOR FOR NURSING HOME & PHYSICALS A resolution was submitted stating that LaSalle County enter the Agreement with County Medical Advisor attached hereto and incorporated hereto as Exhibit “A” at a cost

LaSalle County Board Minutes – November 6, 2003 of $10,000.00 and $35.00 per pre-employment physicals for a term beginning December 1, 2003 and expiring November 30, 2004 and that the LaSalle County Board Chairman is authorized to execute said agreement. Motion by Mr. Landers to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Small. Mr. Freeman stated, “I have a question on the pre-employment physicals. We’ve run into a little bit of a situation, I believe, on these pre-employment physicals, we are having people that actually getting hired that are not able to perform their job that they are hired for. They are escaping through these physicals. The doctor marks off that they can do everything the job is paid for and they can’t. I’m just concerned. How is this going to work if somebody can’t physically do a job that they were interviewed for? Are they still going to be hired or are they just going to be pushed through the pre- employment physical? Or how is this going to be handled?” Chairman Dougherty replied, “We hope not. It might have happened in the past. We’re aware of that. I think the rules and regulations are going to be tightened up.” Mr. Derango stated, “Yesterday, we had someone from the insurance come into the nursing home and is going to be reporting back on job descriptions. We are going to do this in every department of the county. Hopefully, we will then be able to give the doctor some direction as far as a physical. Right now, any doctor doing a physical for us would be at a disadvantage because we really send no job description to him. And that’s not fair.” Roll call vote; 27 ayes, 1 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 143, PAGE 33-38 RESOLUTION: (#03-144) ACCEPTING BID OF ELECTION SYSTEMS & SOFTWARE FOR A VOTING SYSTEM MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE HELP AMERICA VOTE ACT & ILLINOIS PA 93-0574 A resolution was submitted stating that the bid of Election Systems & Software in the amount of $498,360 for the purchase of an Optical Scan Voting System be accepted upon approval of the contract by the LaSalle County Board. Motion by Mr. William Johnson to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Rigby.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – November 6, 2003 Mr. Boe questioned, “Is this the exact system that was used as a trial run over in Marseilles?” Mary Jane Wilkinson, LaSalle County Clerk replied, “It’s the same type of system, but it’s a different vendor. It is an Optical Scan System. That’s what we used in Marseilles for the primary in February.” Mr. Boe questioned, “Does it speed up the vote on election night? And does it relieve pressure of employment that night?” The Clerk replied, “Right now I can’t say as far as what we will need in the office for party workers, etc. I anticipate that the number of party workers that we use in the office will be down. And as far as the tabulating and getting the election results, what we are anticipating doing at this time, is setting up five regional locations within the county where the election judges will check in. Specifically Streator, the west end, up in the Mendota area, Lake Holiday area and on the east side of the county. Instead of everybody driving back to Ottawa they would go to a regional remote satellite station and then all of it would be sent to us by a modem so that we could bring the numbers together earlier. Will we be finished earlier? I anticipate that we will, yes.” Mr. Boe also questioned, ”This satisfies the new voting law that was passed to bring it up to these operations?” Wilkinson replied, ”This satisfies the requirements of the punch card buy out. There is a second phase to the HAVA bill, which is going to meet the ADA requirements, which will not be implemented until 2006. At that time, that’s when we’ll have to have some sort of system that will permit the disabled, including someone with a vision impairment to be able to vote independently without assistance. This equipment can not do that at this time. There’s nothing in the state that is certified to do that at this time. The only way you can accomplish that task right now is with a Touch Screen Voting System, which I have some serious problems with.” Mr. Rigby asked the Clerk to explain the reason why we chose the Optical Scan verses the Touch Screen. The Clerk replied, “In regards to the difference between the Optical Scan System compared to a Touch Screen system, first of all to me, I think there’s a lot of questions about the security of a Touch Screen System that haven’t been addressed yet. Secondly, the cost of Touch Screen System would probably be about $2 million dollars for LaSalle County.”

LaSalle County Board Minutes – November 6, 2003 Mr. Freeman questioned, “The Optical Scan System is where you are still going up to a booth but darken an oval next to a persons name and then come out from voting and feed the sheet into one general machine. It will take it and accept it, or it will kick it out and say that there was some type of error, like an over vote or an under vote?” The Clerk replied, “Not under vote. Just over vote. I have a problem with the under vote phase of it, because I feel it’s a violation of the voter’s secrecy of a ballot, if they choose not to vote. What we will be doing, is programming the system to detect an over vote, whereas if someone votes for two candidates when they are only allowed to vote for one, they will lose the vote for only that race. This machine will reject that ballot and inform them that there was an error, an over vote, on race whatever, and then they are given the opportunity to correct it by giving the voter another ballot or if the wish to cast the ballot as is, then it can be accepted.” Mr. Freeman stated, “How will absentee ballots be handled?” The Clerk replied, “We used it at the February primary in Marseilles. One of the nice features about this system is that we will only print an absentee ballot as it is requested. Prior to this we had to anticipate the number of voters who may possibly vote absentee. So I look for our costs to be down. Number one, on the number of ballots that we will be using and the postage will be much less. On the ballot that will be sent out it will be scored where it will fold to a certain position on the card to avoid any ovals that could be picked up as a read.” Mr. Freeman also stated, “Everybody is concerned about computer fraud.” The Clerk replied, “That’s a real concern I believe with the Touch Screen System. With an Optical Scan System, on election morning the election judges will actually run a tape that will show that there are zero votes in that system before anyone’s ballot card is inserted into that machine. If there ever is a question about the machine tabulating the votes correctly, we have no better paper trail than an Optical Scan ballot. It’s right there.” Mr. Boe questioned, “Isn’t there a deadline on this offer that we have to buy this punch card out?” The Clerk stated, “The punch card buy out program as established by HAVA, you had to have something in place by November, 2004. I was informed yesterday from the State Board of Elections that they did receive their extension to make it available to

LaSalle County Board Minutes – November 6, 2003 them up until 2006. If we don’t do this for 2004, as I’ve said all along, I’ve always had concerns about the money still being there.” Mr. Boe questioned, “Are there other counties that have this exact voting machine in operation in our state?” The Clerk replied, “Yes, and I have Mr. Pat Whalen and Mr. Judd Ryan that are both representatives from ES & S (Election Systems & Software) here today who can tell you better who their current clients are in Illinois.” Mr. Ryan addressed the Board regarding the counties in Illinois that have the Optical Scan System. Mr. Ryan stated, “Lake County, City of Rockford, City of Galesburg, Madison County and Jefferson County are all on this type of equipment. We also have contracts now for a handful of others. The closest one being Ogle County.” Mr. Boe questioned, “Are most of the glitches ironed out in your systems?” Mr. Ryan replied, “Yes. We actually go through a great deal of testing not only at the federal level but at the state level as well. Before we are allowed to bring any new equipment for election purposes into this state, at the federal level they make sure that our equipment has an error rate of no more than one in ten million. And here at the state they will run over a hundred thousand ballots through one individual optical scan device before they will certify it. They are extensively tested not only for accuracy but they are frozen, exposed to heat, they are put on vibration tables. They go pretty much through the ringer before we are allowed to bring them into a particular state or the U.S.” Mr. Boe questioned, “What kind of storage requirements are required on your machine?” Mr. Ryan replied, “We have 0 to 120 degree storage requirement. And I believe the recommended operating temperatures are 40 to 90 degrees.” Mr. Leininger stated, “I’ve read quite a bit of stuff on this. Our own Illinois County Board Association made a comment that HAVA does not specifically require elimination of the punch card voting.” The Clerk replied, “It requires an error detection either through equipment or through some method of educating the voter to assure that every voter is educated to the extent that they know when they’ve cast an over vote. Not every person that goes to the polls is going to understand that. You can talk about it, you put it in the

LaSalle County Board Minutes – November 6, 2003 newspaper, it’s on our web site, it’s in our specimen booklets, but you are still going to have it happen. There could be a potential of a law suit in regards to that if you did not to the satisfaction of the voter provide them the education to understand what an over vote is. There is also the possibility that since most everyone is going to be converting to either an Optical Scan or a Touch Screen System, my concern is that when there’s less of a demand for a product, the product’s no longer going to be available. And I don’t know where we are going to go to buy card readers and to buy punch cards to continue a punch card system.” Mr. Leininger also stated, “Another thing that I was reading that was talking protection against fraud and tampering. These are computer people that are talking about this. They are saying it is strictly an amateur hour that will lead to risk of stolen elections and the risk of stolen elections will be extremely high. We are talking about computer chip in the storage, right. It appears that all their work has been done on these computers to make sure they function as oppose to what these computer people are saying. Is it true that the state does not require an audit trail.” The Clerk replied, “You have an audit trail with an Optical Scan System, it’s the ballot.” Mr. Leininger questioned, “The state law does not require that is that correct?” The Clerk replied, “Well, yes. It certified the Optical Scan System. The paper ballot is an audit trail for that system. Now if you are speaking of the DRE , which I think is what you’re talking about, because that is the information I have about all the controversy about the security of a system is with the Touch Screen Voting. When Illinois adopted Senate Bill 428 a portion of that bill requires a paper audit trail on a Touch Screen System. A lot of states in the country don’t require that, but Illinois will.” Mr. Leininger questioned, “Have you been able to get any type of an estimate on the cost to store these machines, the transportation, and to also take care and repair any broken ones that get dropped accidentally ones and to store them in a certain type of an environment. That’s got to be an additional cost. I would hope to satisfy that cost if it happens.” The Clerk replied, “If an election judge drops a machine going to a polling place and it has to be replaced, I believe the county has insurance to protect our equipment. As far as the storage for the initial election for March 16, 2003, we will have to deliver the ballot boxes to those polling place locations. But we are also going to

LaSalle County Board Minutes – November 6, 2003 appeal to all of the polling place locations after that election to store the ballot box there so we do not have to deliver for future elections. This may not be available to us at every location, but we are going to try to do it at as many as we can. There is an area in the basement that we will be using for the storage. The tabulators must come back here so that we can program them for the next election and to do the testing that is required by the state prior to each election. As far as the cost, we have built the cost into my Election Budget for next year for the delivery of the ballot boxes to the polling place. The election judges will take the tabulators with them the day before the election when they pick up their supplies just like they do today. As far as someone being able to manipulate the system or do something with the programming, that can be done on a punch card system as well.” Mr. Leininger stated, “Prices always seem to go down after the big buy. All this electronic stuff always has a way to take on a nose dive. We’ve got two or three of these suppliers out there right now, but in two or four or five years there will be a lot more copies made of these things. Personally, because of the federal government is dangling out in front of our noise, is usually when there is money out there that there’s a lot of strings attached to it, in saying that there’s other options. I just think that if it’s not broke don’t fix it at this time, because I believe in four years it’s going to cost a lot of money.” The Clerk replied, “We don’t have fours we have two years. In two years we have to meet the ADA requirements. If you were to stay on a punch card system and meet the requirements of HAVA for the ADA requirements for 2006, you are going to have two incompatible systems and you are going to have two separate vote totals. That’s not a good way to run elections.” Mr. Leininger stated, “I think there are a lot of questions to be answered. I don’t know what the time frame is. I don’t know if the Chairman if plans on calling for a vote on this or not. I would hope not, today. Anyway, I still want to thank you for all your work.” Mr. McConville stated, “This isn’t a rash decision. This has been going on for over a year where the committee has busted their back looking at these systems and trying to get the best deal. This isn’t something we’re jumping into.” Chairman Dougherty commented, “The committee has put in long and hard hours, as Mary Jane has done.”

LaSalle County Board Minutes – November 6, 2003 Mr. McConville stated, “And those were open meetings for anybody to attend that wanted to have some input.” Chairman Dougherty stated, “I can remember going to at least four demonstrations myself.” Chairman Dougherty called for anymore questions or comments because it will be voted on today. Chairman Dougherty called for a roll call vote; 25 ayes, 1 nay, 2 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 143, PAGE 39-42 RESOLUTION: (#03-145) LEASE AGREEMENT / BEST, INC. A resolution was submitted regarding a lease agreement between the LaSalle County Board of LaSalle County and Best, Inc. that commences on the first day of November 2003 and terminates October 31, 2004 with a yearly rental of $5,542.68. Motion by Mr. Rigby to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Gruenwald. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 143, PAGE 43-45 RESOLUTION: (#03-146) RENEWING CUSTODIAL & JANITORIAL SERVICES A resolution was submitted stating that LaSalle County enters the contract attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit “A” for custodial and janitorial services with Clean Sweep for a one year period beginning December 1, 2003 and ending November 30, 2004 at a total contract price of $80,500.00 and that the Chairman of the LaSalle County Board is authorized to execute said contract. Motion by Mr. Landers to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Myers. Roll call vote; 27 ayes, 1 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 143, PAGE 46-56 RESOLUTION: (#03-147) DIGITAL FLOOD PLAIN MAPPING CONTRACT WITH BRUCE HARRIS & ASSOCIATES A resolution was submitted stating that LaSalle County enter a contract for Digital Flood Plain Mapping with Bruce Harris & Associates, Inc. attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit “A” at a total cost of $14,000.00 and that the Chairman of the LaSalle County Board is authorized to execute said contract.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – November 6, 2003 Motion by Mr. Savitch to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Cappellini. Same roll call vote; 27 ayes, 1 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 143, PAGE 57-63 RESOLUTION: (#03-160) AMENDING RESOLUTIONS REGARDING ENTERPRISE ZONE A resolution was re-submitted after being approved at the October 9th, 2003 board meeting last month amending resolutions adopted on December 19, 1985, March 10, 1986, June 9, 1986, June 13, 1988 and January 8, 1998 which established an Enterprise Zone encompassing contiguous portions of the County of LaSalle, City of Ottawa to add territory in the County of Grundy, the City of Marseilles and Village of Seneca, Illinois. Original motion by Mr. Foltynewicz to adopt the resolution, second by Mr. Hicks. Troy Holland, County Attorney, addressed the Board and stated, “As you recall, last month this resolution came before you and was passed. Since that time, the City of Marseilles expressed interest in to being a part of this. So it was amended to include portions of Marseilles and there are also some slight changes underlined in this copy of the ordinance. MOTION TO AMEND Motion by Mr. McConville to amend Resolution #03-134 that was previously adopted at the October 9th, 2003 LaSalle County Board meeting to be substituted with amended resolution, which also includes the City of Marseilles, second by Mr. William Johnson. Chairman Dougherty questioned, “So we are including the City of Marseilles in this?” Mr. McConville replied, “Not the city, but a portion.” Chairman Dougherty called for a voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 143, PAGE 64-69 RESOLUTION: (#03-148) HEALTH INSURANCE ADMINISTRATOR A resolution was submitted stating that Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois be renewed as LaSalle County’s health insurance third party administrator as a cost of an annual aggregate stop loss premium of $24,774.00 plus a monthly individual stop loss

LaSalle County Board Minutes – November 6, 2003 fee of $23.65 per employee per month plus a monthly administration fee of $39.07 per employee for a period ending November 30, 2004. Motion by Mr. Treschak to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Derango. Roll call vote; 27 ayes, 1 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 143, PAGE 70-72 RESOLUTION: (#03-149) COBRA HEALTH INSURANCE RATES A resolution was submitted stating that beginning December 1, 2003, pursuant with the provisions of COBRA LaSalle County will charge employees whose employment with LaSalle County has terminated an amount equal to 120% of the current monthly health insurance premium in effect at the time of termination of employment with LaSalle County for health insurance subsequent to termination and that this resolution shall supercede all preexisting resolutions pertaining to COBRA coverage. Motion by Mr. Rigby to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Jakupcak. Roll call vote; 26 ayes, 2 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 143, PAGE 73-75 RESOLUTION: (#03-150) WORKERS COMPENSATION INSURANCE A resolution was submitted stating that the County’s workers compensation insurance be purchased for an annual premium of $529,781.00 from Illinois Public Risk Fund/Donald Anderson Insurance effective December 15, 2003 to December 15, 2004. Motion by Mr. Stockley to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Kaminky. Roll call vote; 27 ayes, 1 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 143, PAGE 76-78 RESOLUTION: (#03-151) PROPERTY & CASUALTY INSURANCE A resolution was submitted stating that the County’s property and casualty be purchased for an annual premium of $494,465.00 from Illinois Counties Risk Management Trust/Spencer Insurance Agency effective December 1, 2003 to December 1, 2004. Motion by Mr. Treschak to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Walsh. Same roll call vote; 27 ayes, 1 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 143, PAGE 79-80

LaSalle County Board Minutes – November 6, 2003

MOTION An original motion was made by Mr. Panzica and held over from last month to amend the 2002-2003 budget for the county home adding line item 13-00-360.004 public aid wire transfer of $1,000,000.00 to estimated income and adding line item 13- 01-613.001 public aid (IGT – Intergovernmental Transfer) of $1,000,000.00 to appropriations and to amend the insurance fund line item 16-01-817.003 claims personnel by adding $500,000.00 and increase line item 16-01-101.001 insurance fund cash on hand by $500,000.00 and adding line item 01-00-351.005 radio grant of $500,000.00 to estimated income and adding line item 01-23-701.002 new equipment- radio grant of $500,000.00 to appropriations, second by Mr. Rigby. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 143, PAGE 81 RESOLUTION: (#03-152) D.D. #1 FREEDOM – EARL A resolution was submitted stating that Doug Stockley be appointed as a Commissioner of the Drainage District #1 Freedom-Earl for a term beginning September 1, 2003 and expiring September 1, 2005. Motion by Mr. Kaminky to approve the appointment, second by Mr. Hicks. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 143, PAGE 82-86 RESOLUTION: (#03-153) SHERIDAN SANITARY A resolution was submitted appointing Scott Hauser of Sheridan as Trustee of the Sheridan Sanitary District commencing from the date of this appointment and continuing until the expiration of Bradley Bristol’s term of office. Motion by Mr. Hall to approve the appointment, second by Mr. Ronald Johnson. Voice vote; all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 143, PAGE 87-93 RESOLUTION: (#03-154) D.D. #1 FREEDOM – EARL A resolution was submitted re-appointing Leo Kelly to Freedom-Earl No. 1 Drainage District for a three year term expiring September 1, 2006. Motion by Mr. Flanagan to approve the re-appointment, second by Mr. Garretson. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – November 6, 2003 SEE RECORD BOOK 143, PAGE 94-96 RESOLUTION: (#03-155) D.D. WALLACE / DAYTON A resolution was submitted re-appointing Albert McDonnell, Russell Krug and Pete Snook to the Wallace and Dayton Drainage District for a three year term expiring September 1, 2006. Motion by Mr. Panzica to approve the re-appointments, second by Mr. Small. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 143, PAGE 97 RESOLUTION: (#03-156) D.D. #10 OPHIR / MERIDAN A resolution was submitted re-appointing Richard Riva as Commissioner to the Ophir and Meridan No. 10 Drainage District for a three year term expiring September 1, 2006. Motion by Mr. Small to approve the re-appointment, second by Mr. Walsh. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 143, PAGE 98 RESOLUTION: (#03-157) D.D. #1 FREEDOM / WALLACE / DAYTON A resolution was submitted re-appointing Kent Butterfield as Commissioner to Freedom, Wallace and Dayton No. 1 Drainage District for a three year term expiring September 1, 2006. Motion by Mr. Ronald Johnson to approve the re-appointment, second by Mr. Walsh. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 143, PAGE 99 RESOLUTION: (#03-158) D.D.#1 ADAMS / EARL A resolution was submitted re-appointing David Swenson as Commissioner to Adams-Earl No. 1 Drainage District for a three year term expiring September 1, 2006. Motion by Mr. Ronald Johnson to approve the re-appointment, second by Mr. Myers. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 143, PAGE 100 RESOLUTION: (#03-159) D.D.#1 VICTOR / ADAMS A resolution was submitted re-appointing Bill Coultrip, Brian Miller and Michael Huss as Commissioners to Victor-Adams No. 1 Drainage District for a three year term expiring September 1, 2006.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – November 6, 2003 Motion by Mr. Myers to approve the re-appointments, second by Mr. Ronald Johnson. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 143, PAGE 101 MISCELLANEOUS REPORTS & CORRESPONDENCE The Treasurer’s Investment Schedule dated October 27th, 2003 was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 143, PAGE 102 A report from Governor Blagojevich regarding an Illinois Homeland Security Update was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 143, PAGE 103 Correspondence from the Illinois Emergency Management Agency regarding Emergency Preparedness was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 143, PAGE 104 Correspondence from State Representative Keith P. Sommer stating that he will continue to oppose measures that overburden and penalize local government and the dedicated elected officials who step forward and work for what’s best for our communities was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 143, PAGE 105 A Public Notice regarding a proposed issuance of a Clean Air Act Permit Program to General Electric Company in Ottawa, IL was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 143, PAGE 106 Correspondence to the Illinois Dept. of Revenue regarding business address verification for tax allocation purposes was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 143, PAGE 107 Correspondence from the I.E.P.A. regarding Brockman I Landfill located three miles southwest of Ottawa was submitted to place on file. SEE RECORD BOOK 143, PAGE 108 Motion by Mr. Landers to place all on file, second by Mr. Foltynewicz. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. ANNOUNCEMENT Chairman Dougherty announced that the IACO convention for the County Board members will be in Peoria, IL this year for one-day next Wednesday.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – November 6, 2003 BUDGET: 2003-2004 PROPOSED BUDGET REPORT Chairman Dougherty stated that the budget has been on file in the LaSalle County Clerk’s office for public inspection since last Monday, November 3rd, 2003. Copies were passed out to the board members. Mr. Hicks thanked the Finance Committee, elected officials, department heads and all the employees in the county that helped put this budget together. Mr. Hicks stated, “We’ve been working on it for about three months. We did have to make some tough decisions. I’d like to say it went smooth, but there were a lot of bumps and grinds which we persevered. It’s here for everyone’s approval. I’d appreciate it if everyone would go through it and get back with us sometime prior to the next meeting if they see any corrections that need to be made.” MOTION Motion by Mr. Hicks to place the estimated amounts of money necessary to be raised by taxation, the tax levies, that were determined by the Finance Committee on file, second by Mr. William Johnson. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. COMMENT Mr. Gruenwald commented that, “Matt Hanley, from the News Tribune will be leaving us and has taken employment with another newspaper. This will be his last time with us. From reading Matt’s articles, he’s always been honest and fair with his reporting of the LaSalle County Board.” Mr. Landers commented that the Christmas Party is still in the planning, but right now it is set for Sunday, December 7th, 2003. ------Motion by Mr. Derango to recess to November 20th, 2003 at 1:00 P.M. in room 250 at the Governmental Complex, second by Mr. Savitch. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. CHAIRMAN DOUGHERTY DECLARED THE MEETING RECESSED TO NOVEMBER 20TH, 2003

LaSalle County Board Minutes – November 6, 2003 STATE OF ILLINOIS ) COUNTY OF LASALLE ) The LaSalle County Board met pursuant to recess at the Governmental Complex, Ottawa, Illinois, on the third Thursday of November, A.D., 2003 it being the 20th day thereof. This meeting is the fourth meeting of our September 2003 Session. Chairman Dougherty called the meeting to order at 1:00 P.M. Chairman Dougherty asked the Clerk to call the roll for mileage & per diem. PRESENT: 25 Members ABSENT: Mr. Mowinski, Mr. Kaminky, Mr. Rigby, Mr. Treschak There were 24 ayes claiming mileage. Motion by Mr. Foltynewicz to approve the roll call for mileage & per diem, second by Mr. Cappellini. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 143, PAGE 109 th Chairman Dougherty called for any additions or corrections to the November 6 , 2003 minutes. Mr. Myers questioned Mr. Derango’s statement regarding Resolution: (#03-143) Amusement License Fees. Mr. Derango commented he wished his statement to be clarified. Motion by Mr. Gruenwald to approve the November 6th, minutes as clarified, second by Mr. Myers. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. RESOLUTION: #03-27 (#03-160) COUNTY HIGHWAY A resolution was submitted authorizing the Chairman to enter into the attached agreement with Chamlin and Associates, Inc. for the Biennial Township Bridge Inspections. Motion by Mr. Flanagan to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Jakupcak. Roll call vote; 24 ayes, 4 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 143, PAGE 110-116 RESOLUTION: #03-33 (#03-161) VARIANCE TO THE SETBACK ORDINANCE A resolution was submitted granting a variance to the setback ordinance for Stanley Ostrowski to build a 24’ x 57’ house a minimum of 55 feet from the centerline of County Highway #11 (N. 2153rd Rd.), Dayton Township, LaSalle County.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – November 20, 2003 Motion by Mr. Boe to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Piecha. Mr. Leininger questioned, “Is that address (N. 2153rd Rd.) correct?” Mr. Harsted, Environmental Services Director stated that it is County Highway #11, but to strike the N. 2153rd Rd. address. Chairman Dougherty called for a voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 143, PAGE 117-118 RESOLUTION: #03-34 (#03-162) VARIANCE TO THE SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE A resolution was submitted granting a variance to the subdivision ordinance to allow Norman & Betty Wiertz to create a 6.6 acre parcel with 33 feet of public road frontage located in Eden Township, LaSalle County. Motion by Mr. Foltynewicz to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Walsh. Mr. Piecha stated, “Although my name is absent from the resolution, I want it noted that I support this resolution.” Voice vote, 1 abstain. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 143, PAGE 119-120 RESOLUTION: #03-35 (#03-163) FINAL PLAT A resolution was submitted accepting the final plat of Prairie Oakes Subdivision Phase II in Rutland Township, LaSalle County. Motion by Mr. McConville to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Boe. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 143, PAGE 121-122 RESOLUTION: #03-36 (#03-164) FINAL PLAT A resolution was submitted accepting the final plat of Shadow Ridge Subdivision Phase I in Ottawa Township, LaSalle County. Motion by Mr. Foltynewicz to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Jordan. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 143, PAGE 123-124 RESOLUTION: #03-37 (#03-165) VARIANCE TO THE SETBACK ORDINANCE A resolution was submitted granting a variance to the setback ordinance for Don Harper to build a 40’ x 45’ pole building for his automotive business a minimum of 85 feet from the centerline of IL Rt 52, Mission Township, LaSalle County.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – November 20, 2003 Motion by Mr. Jakupcak to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Landers. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 143, PAGE 125-126 RESOLUTION: #03-38 (#03-166) FINAL PLAT A resolution was submitted accepting the final plat of second addition to Greenfield Subdivision in Adams Township and Northville Township, LaSalle County. Motion by Mr. Foltynewicz to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Stockley. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 143, PAGE 127-128 PRESENTATION Mr. Jay McCracken, Coordinator of the Regional Superintendent of Schools Office, addressed the Board regarding the LaSalle County Regional Office of Education Annual Report. MOTION Motion by Mr. Freeman to place on file the LaSalle County Regional Office of Education Annual Report Beginning December 1, 2002, through November 30, 2003, second by Mr. Flanagan. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 143, PAGE 129 RESOLUTION: (#03-167) OFFICE OF THE STATE’S ATTORNEYS APPELLATE PROSECUTOR A resolution was submitted stating that the LaSalle County Board agrees to support the continued operation of the Office of the State’s Attorney’s Appellate Prosecutor and designates the Office of the State’s Attorneys Appellate Prosecutor as its Agent to administer the operation of the appellate offices and process said appellate court cases for this County for Fiscal Year 2004, commencing December 1, 2003 and ending November 30, 2004, and appropriating a sum of money not to exceed $20,000.00 for the express purposes of providing a portion of the funds required for financing the operation. Motion by Mr. William Johnson to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Garretson. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 143, PAGE 130-135

LaSalle County Board Minutes – November 20, 2003 RESOLUTION: (#03-168) FIXING CIRCUIT CLERK’S FEES A resolution was re-submitted from being held over last month, to establish and fix the Clerk of the Circuit Court fees by Resolution and in accordance with the provisions of Public Act 93-0039 and the effective date of Circuit Court Clerk fees set forth in this Resolution shall be December 1, 2003. Original motion by Mr. Walsh to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Landers. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 143, PAGE 136-146 RESOLUTION: (#03-169) INCREASING FEES DEDICATED TO DEFRAYING COURT SECURITY EXPENSES A resolution was submitted increasing fees dedicated to defraying court security expenses. Motion by Mr. Walsh to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Ronald Johnson. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 143, PAGE 147-149 RESOLUTION: (#03-170) RECOGNIZING EMERSON TIDD A resolution was submitted recognizing Mr. Emerson Tidd and commending his years of service to the citizens of LaSalle County as its ESDA/Civil Defense Coordinator. Motion by Mr. Jordan to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Gruenwald. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. Mr. Jordan presented a floral arrangement to Mr. & Mrs. Tidd for their twenty- five years of service. Chairman Dougherty stated, “Let the record show that this is a team. The resolution reads Emerson because he was actually the one hired, but Pat has been a vital part of that team.” At this time, Mr. & Mrs. Tidd thanked the Board. SEE RECORD BOOK 143, PAGE 150-151 RESOLUTION: (#03-171) ESDA COORDINATOR A resolution was submitted appointing Michael Jobst as the ESDA Coordinator for a two year period beginning December 1, 2003 and expiring November 30, 2005 and the salary be set at $35,000.00 for the fiscal year of December 1, 2003 to November 30, 2004 and $37,000.00 for the fiscal year of December 1, 2004 to November 30, 2005.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – November 20, 2003 Motion by Mr. Foltynewicz to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Landers. Mr. Freeman questioned, “Has there been a job description laid out for what this gentleman will be responsible for and is it on file to be viewed?” Chairman Dougherty replied, “Yes.” Mr. Freeman also questioned, “Is this a full time position?” Chairman Dougherty replied, “Any appointed position is a full time position basically, but they can still work twenty hours. It all depends. As long as the work is done. They have to work twenty hours to keep our eligibility for all state and federal grants involved.” Mr. Leininger questioned, “Is Mr. Jobst a Captain of the Ottawa Fire Department?” Chairman Dougherty replied, “Yes he is.” Mr. Leininger questioned, “In case of an emergency, it’s my understanding that the ESDA Coordinator would be the go to individual in the county. Is there some kind of arrangement with the City of Ottawa, that if he is to be running ESDA, and heaven forbid, there is something here in Ottawa that is bad, that the fireman get called in, he would have a dual role. Where would he go?” Chairman Dougherty replied, “ESDA is his primary responsibility. If there is a spill or something he will answer that call. The only time there might be a conflict, is if he is on duty in Ottawa and something happens in the City of Ottawa. We’ve talked to the Chief and there shouldn’t be any problems. They have people to cover him. And his schedule will require him to be down here quite frequently.” Roll call vote; 20 ayes, 2 nays, 1 abstain, 5 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 143, PAGE 152-154 RESOLUTION: (#03-172) ES & S ELECTION SYSTEMS PURCHASE CONTRACT A resolution was submitted stating that the purchase contract attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit “A” is hereby approved and that the Chairman of the LaSalle County Board is hereby authorized to execute said agreement. Motion by Mr. William Johnson to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Landers. Roll call vote; 24 ayes, 4 absent. Motion carried.


LaSalle County Board Minutes – November 20, 2003 RESOLUTION: (#03-173) HEALTH PROFESSIONALS, LTD. A resolution was submitted stating that the Chairman of the LaSalle County Board be, and he is hereby authorized to execute an agreement with Health Professionals, Ltd. for the provision of health care services to inmates and detainees in the form attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit “A” for a period of December 1, 2003 through November 30, 2004. Motion by Mr. Jakupcak to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Cappellini. Same roll call vote; 24 ayes, 4 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 143, PAGE 176-192 APPOINTMENT: (#03-174) MOUNT HOPE CEMETERY ASSOCIATION A resolution was submitted re-appointing Diane Anderson, Sue Johnson and Marion Marshall as Trustees of the Mount Hope Cemetery Association for a three year term expiring December 31, 2006. Motion by Mr. Flanagan to approve the re-appointments, second by Mr. Hall. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 143, PAGE 193-194 MISCELLANEOUS REPORTS & CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence to the Illinois Department of Revenue regarding business address verification for tax allocation purposes was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 143, PAGE 195 An inspection report from the Grand Jury of July, 2003 regarding their visit to the LaSalle County Jail Facility was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 143, PAGE 196 Correspondence from Chamlin & Associates, Inc. regarding two (2) copies of zoning ordinances amending the municipal code of ordinances of the City of Streator’s zoning regulations was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 143, PAGE 197 Correspondence from the US Army Corps of Engineers inviting the public to attend on of the series of public meetings in December to learn about the goals and the alternatives being considered to restore the ecosystem in the Illinois River Basin was submitted to place on file. SEE RECORD BOOK 143, PAGE 198 Motion by Mr. Jordan to place all on file, second by Mr. Landers. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – November 20, 2003 MOTION Motion by Mr. Hicks to accept the Budget for 2004 as amended, second by Mr. Gruenwald. The Clerk read the 2004 Budget Changes as follows;

INCOME Page 7, 05-101.001 was $812,555.00 now $831,500.00 Page 13, add fund 42 Coroner Grant Fund 42-370.001 grant revenue $1,200.00

APPROPRIATIONS Page 31, 05-77-810.003 was $136,055.00 now $155,000.00 Page 70, add fund 42 Coroner Grant Fund 42-01-701.001 equipment $1,200.00 Chairman Dougherty called for a roll call vote to accept the 2004 Budget as amended; 21 ayes, 3 nays, 4 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 143, PAGE 199-200 ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. Landers announced that the Christmas Party will be on December 7th, 2003 at Dayton Ridge Golf Course. ------Motion by Mr. Derango to recess to December 4th, 2003 at 1:00 P.M. in Room 250 at the Governmental Complex, second by Mr. Savitch. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. CHAIRMAN DOUGHERTY DECLARED THE MEETING RECESSED TO DECEMBER 4TH, 2003

LaSalle County Board Minutes – November 20, 2003 STATE OF ILLINOIS ) COUNTY OF LASALLE ) The LaSalle County Board met pursuant to recess at the Governmental Complex, Ottawa, Illinois on the first Thursday of December A.D., 2003, it being the 4th day thereof. Chairman Dougherty called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m. This is the 5th meeting of our September 2003 Session. Chairman Dougherty asked the Clerk to call the roll for mileage & per diem. PRESENT: 28 Members ABSENT: Mr. Small There were 27 ayes claiming mileage. Motion by Mr. Hicks to approve the roll call for mileage and per diem, second by Mr. Jordan. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 143, PAGE 201 MOTION Motion by Mr. Hicks to recess regular meeting to conduct Public Hearing, second by Mr. McConville. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. Chairman Dougherty stated that there is one member of the public that has asked to speak. Chairman Dougherty also stated that the topic of discussion is for comment on the levy only. At this time Chairman Dougherty introduced Mr. Ralph Coyle. Mr. Ralph Coyle, resident of rural LaSalle County, addressed the LaSalle County Board to share some observations and some suggestions regarding the proposed tax increases and also commented on who would be hurt by the tax increases. Chairman Dougherty stopped Mr. Coyle during a portion of his speech that referred to building codes which was not the topic of today’s agenda, but only about the levy. Mr. Coyle continued by suggesting not to pass the tax increase, but to table it. And to form a volunteer group comprised of citizens and county board members to go over the 2004 budget and to make the cuts necessary.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – December 4, 2003 PRESENTATION Mr. Jerry Hicks, Finance Committee Chairman, displayed a small slide presentation to try to help educate the public on what the county is doing and why they arrived at the finalization of the county’s levies and budget. The slide presentation topics were as follows: 1. LaSalle County Levies (2003-3004) 2. LaSalle County Insurance Costs 3. LaSalle County Budget Comparison 4. LaSalle County Budget Increase Logic MOTION Motion by Mr. Hicks to adjourn Public Hearing and continue with regular meeting. At this time, Mr. Ralph Coyle asked if the public would be allowed to cross examine the witness. Attorney Troy Holland stated that he recommended Mr. Coyle to be cross examined and also Mr. Hicks. Attorney Troy Holland asked if anyone wanted to cross examine Mr. Coyle’s on his testimony. Due to no response regarding Mr. Coyle’s testimony, Attorney Troy Holland asked if anyone wanted to cross examine Mr. Hicks on his testimony. Mr. Freeman questioned, “On the part about the radios, is that factored in the $600,000 that you had presented that we’re spending? Was that factored in the grants that we received or was that after the grant? Mr. Hicks replied, “That was a different situation. These were the car radios. The radio that we had a half a million dollar grant coming in is for the console system for the building itself.” Mr. Stephen Carlson, resident of LaSalle County, questioned, “There’s been no comment on the affect that TIFs have on the county budget. Can anyone give me a figure if the county were fully reimbursed for all of the TIF losses, what the deficit would be if any? Mr. Hicks replied, “I didn’t do that calculation, but it’s a possibility that Mr. McConville may have some of theose numbers available.”

LaSalle County Board Minutes – December 4, 2003 Mr. McConville replied, “I don’t have numbers on me. I know we looked at this in committee. I hate to even throw a number out there.” Mr. Carlson stated, “To throw a number out, I don’t know if it’s in the order of a half a million dollars for the county total.” Mr. McConville replied, “I would say county wide that you’re probably four or five hundred thousand.” Mr. Donald Lamps, County Treasurer replied, “It’s on record in the office. I don’t have it on hand.” Mr. Hicks replied, “I think one of the reasons why we didn’t do a whole lot of figuring on that is we have no control over that, so therefore we didn’t investigate that. But I do know that we’ve had discussions as to us losing money.” Mr. Carlson stated, “I hope the county will continue to pay attention to this factor. I would also like to raise a point of order. Is it necessary for the public at this hearing to register in advance to speak? Or could someone from the floor here be allowed to speak? It seems as though this hearing is going to be concluded without any offer of opportunity for the public to give testimony.” Attorney Troy Holland replied, “The notice that went out indicates that any persons desiring to speak do give advance notice to the Chairman, which Mr. Coyle did. In this respect, we are opening it up for cross examination from the member of the public, but it did limit it to those who wanted to be on the agenda to speak to give notice to that.” Mr. Carlson stated, “I’ve attended a number of public hearings on other topics and that has not been required. So I was just wandering as to the format.” Attorney Troy Holland stated, “The format of that notice is set out exactly in the Truth and Taxation Statute.” Mr. Carlson stated, “So it’s in the Truth and Taxation.” Attorney Troy Holland replied, “Correct. And that’s exactly how we had word the notice.” Mr. Coyle questioned Mr. Hicks, “You indicated the assessed valuations have risen 3%. I’d be curious to know where you got those numbers.” Mr. Hicks replied, “Those are just estimates. Historically, they have gone up about 3% a year. We won’t know for several months down the road the actual

LaSalle County Board Minutes – December 4, 2003 numbers. So therefore, we have to do some estimates. That’s just what the budget is itself, is an estimate. I used that as an estimate to calculate that number.” Mr. Coyle stated, “The reason I ask that question is that I’ve had a lot of phone calls and that’s not what I’m hearing. I just spoke to one of your county board members less than half an hour ago and he told me his assessed evaluation went up about 10.5%. So I would think that maybe you numbers could very possibly be quite far off the mark.” Mr. Hicks replied, “I don’t believe that every individual home gets reassessed on an annual basis, therefore, the assessed valuations on his property could have gone up but someone elses may not have. So once we add those together, it could bring it down to about 3%, if you follow what I’m saying. I don’t believe the assessors have the manpower to do every piece of property every year. If I’m not mistaken I believe they all have to be done over a four year period.” Mr. McConville stated, “Right now there is no way that Linda Kendall, Supervisor of Assessments Office, could come up with those numbers. They need to do the public hearing on anybody that are protesting their taxes. So those exact numbers would not be readily available right now. Those numbers were something that Linda helped with and those were numbers right from the assessor’s office as an average.” Mr. Myers stated, “I think it is not because of re assessment. I think it’s because of the activity in home sales is what’s driving us up. In Streator we are dealing with this same issue. We are looking anywhere from ten to twelve percent on many homes going up in assessed value.” Mr. McConville stated, “I don’t know what has happened in Streator, but the new multipliers are out so some of that has to do with the new multipliers. Ms. Kendall has to assess a multiplier to each township. Some of those have changed that maybe one area may have gone up with their multiplier and another area may have gone down.” Chairman Dougherty asked if any other member of the public would like to question Mr. Hicks. Mr. Jim Jacobsen, member of the public, commented on Mr. Hicks presentation by stating that “those all seem like good reasons except for the fact that the average LaSalle County homeowner resident has these exact same reasons for why they can’t afford a tax levy increase. Many LaSalle County residents employers are no longer contributing as much to their pensions or have dropped pensions, or are not matching

LaSalle County Board Minutes – December 4, 2003 their 401Ks. Our own health insurance costs are up, what we are expected to contribute is up. Many of us can or shouldn’t be deficit spending. Our energy costs are up and our investments are down. I was just wondering if committee gave considerations that those same factors are affecting that average home owner.” Mr. Hicks replied, “I would say yes we did give that consideration. Again, I am a LaSalle County resident and I own three pieces of property in the county and when these taxes go up I pay the difference. So I don’t intend to win in this situation at all.” Chairman Dougherty asked if there were any other members of the public that wish to ask questions? Mr. Coyle stated, “I have something more important Mr. Chairman. As you silenced me in denying me the right to speak, you’ve made this hearing illegal and I don’t think anything that comes of it should be considered to be factual or legal.” Chairman Dougherty replied, “I did not deny you the right to speak.” Chairman Dougherty asked if there were any other members of the public that wish to question Mr. Hicks. MOTION Motion by Mr. Hicks to adjourn the Public Hearing and continue with regular meeting, second by Mr. Foltynewicz. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. COMMENT Chairman Dougherty commented that the November 20, 2003 minutes would be approved at the December 8th, 2003 meeting since there were only a few days to get the minutes typed and mailed out to the board members during the week of Thanksgiving. Some board members have not received their copy of the mailed minutes yet.

RESOLUTION: (#03-175) 2003-2004 LASALLE COUNTY GENERAL TAX LEVY A resolution was submitted that it will be necessary to raise by taxation the total amount $14,683,531.00 for all corporate purposes of said County, including General County Purposes, Tax Levy Assessment, Detention Home, Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund, County highway Maintenance and Upkeep Fund, Special Tax Match, as is authorized by 605 ILCS 5/5-603 Bridges constructed by the County on Township and

LaSalle County Board Minutes – December 4, 2003 County Line Roads, LaSalle County Mental Health “708” Board, as is authorized by a referendum held under provisions of 405 ILCS 20/4, LaSalle County Nursing Home, as is authorized be a referendum held under the provisions of 55 ILCS 5/5-21001, Insurance, Veterans Assistance Commission and LaSalle County Health Department as provided by 70 ILCS 905/21 et. Seq. Motion by Mr. Hicks to adopt the 2003-2004 LaSalle County General Tax Levy, second by Mr. Treschak. Chairman Dougherty called for any discussion. Mr. Mowinski stated, “I’d like to talk about two different points. One would be that I would request that any future tax levy public hearings have a public comments section placed on the agenda simply because it was noticed that the requirement to notify the board in writing became restringent upon the constituents which I represent, in as much as, the tax levy increase would incur more costs to them. Their attendence at this meeting would require them to take a day off work or be excused which became inconvenient to them. And consequently they would notify me and have notified me most recently to speak on their behalf without being allowed to be on the agenda, I would certainly request again, that future levy public hearing have a public comment portion on there so the public can speak. And number two, I represent a very diverse area being as much as from being one of the largest equalized assessed evaluation areas in the county, which is Northville Township to one of the lowest which is Mission Township. These areas were recently devastated by two major events in the Northville area. The recent school tax which also impacted many other areas within the county brought the average home owner to a four hundred dollar increase immediately in the real estate taxes. In the Sheridan area the loss of over four hundred jobs in the closing of Sheridan over the last year has impacted them greatly. So certainly I would stand opposed to any increase at this time in view of the fact that each and every month I receive a report as does every other board member, that we have residual funding and different monies setting long terms CD’s in the amounts as high as $12 million to one point in time, $10 million another time, down to roughly $6 million dollars. We do have some reserved funding out there. I think more consideration should be used in as much as this county this year increased a lot of recording fees, treasurer fees, enacted new taxations in as much as filing for licenses. We have no knowledge at this point in time how much revenue that is

LaSalle County Board Minutes – December 4, 2003 going to generate and how it can possibly offset a levy at this point in time. I think a levy at this point, in as much as, most of, again, LaSalle County has gone under some serious tax increases. I think at this time more consideration be given, and I would be opposed to increasing the levy at this time.” Attorney Troy Holland stated, “Again, the publication that we use is right out of the statutes as far as the Truth and Taxation Act. I think it is probably the discretion of the person conducting the hearing whether they want to allow somebody who didn’t give us advance notice to speak.” Mr. Myers questioned, “In case this levy is passed and we do find out that county wide the EAV is in fact going to go up nine or ten or eleven percent. Could we as a board then adopt and lower the levy at a later time?” Attorney Troy Holland replied, “I believe we may have the authority to do an abatement.” Mr. Boe questioned, “We’re well within the limits of the law of what we have in excess compared to what we’re out to levy, right?” Attorney Troy Holland replied, “I think Mr. Hicks pointed out the recommended balance. It’s actually lower than where they’re recommending we be.” Mr. Boe questioned, “But there is a limit on what you actually can have in excess?” Attorney Troy Holland replied, “I think you could be challenged if you’ve got too much. I don’t know that there is a magic number or magic limit or set limit by statute.” Mr. Rigby stated, “Something else that has to be understood is that the money that we have sitting there in our General Fund has to go for a period of almost six months. We have to be drawing out that amount of money before the taxes are to be met, so we are going to be cutting it pretty close to be paying for our bills and taking care of our obligations. So we’re not flush with money. That money sitting there is going to have to support us for the next six months.” Chairman Dougherty called for a roll call vote; 22 ayes, 5 nays, 1 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 143, PAGE 202-208 ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. Landers reminded everyone that the Christmas Party is on Sunday at 4:30 p.m. at the Dayton Ridge Golf Course.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – December 4, 2003 ------Motion by Mr. Derango to adjourn to December 8th, 2003 at 1:00 p.m. in Room 250 at the Governmental Complex, second by Mr. Savitch. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – December 4, 2003 STATE OF ILLINOIS ) COUNTY OF LASALLE ) RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE LASALLE COUNTY BOARD HELD AT THE GOVERNMENTAL COMPLEX, OTTAWA, ILLINOIS. BEGUN AND HELD ON THE SECOND MONDAY OF DECEMBER A.D., 2003, ITBEING THE 8TH DAY THEREOF. STATE OF ILLINOIS ) COUNTY OF LASALLE ) The LaSalle County Board met pursuant to Statute at the Governmental Complex, Ottawa, Illinois, on the second Monday of December A.D., 2003, it being the 8th day thereof. Chairman Dougherty called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m. This is the 1st meeting of our December 2003 Session. Chairman Dougherty asked the Clerk to call the roll for Mileage & Per Diem. PRESENT: 29 Members ABSENT: None There were 29 ayes claiming mileage. Motion by Mr. Jordan to approve the roll call for mileage & per diem, second by Mr. McConville. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 144, PAGE 1 Chairman Dougherty called for any additions or corrections to the November 20th, 2003 minutes. Motion by Foltynewicz to approve the November 20th minutes as presented, second by Mr. Kaminky. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. STUDENT EXCELLENCE AWARDS Mr. William Novotney, Superintendent of Schools, introduced the two students who were awarded the Student Excellence Awards for the month; from Seneca Grade School, Robert Till; and from Seneca Twp. High School, Thomas Jeschke. RESOLUTION: #03-25 (#03-176) COUNTY HIGHWAY A resolution was submitted requesting the sum of $88,300.00 be appropriated from the county’s allotment of motor fuel tax funds for the purpose of paying the salary of the LaSalle County Engineer from January 1, 2004 to December 31, 2004 for Section 04-00000-00-CS.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – December 8, 2003 Motion by Mr. Flanagan to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Garretson. Roll call vote; 28 ayes, 0 nays. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 144, PAGE 2-4

RESOLUTION: #03-26 (#03-177) COUNTY HIGHWAY A resolution was submitted providing for the appropriation of $1,250,000 from the motor fuel tax fund to cover maintenance costs from January 1, 2004 through December 31, 2004 for Section 04-00000-00-GM, Patrol #1. Motion by Mr. Landers to approve the resolution, second by Mr. McConville. Same roll call vote; 28 ayes, 0 nays. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 144, PAGE 5-6 RESOLUTION: (#03-178) INCREASING FEE STRUCTURES OF THE LASALLE COUNTY FOOD SANITATION ORDINANCE PRIVATE SEWAGE DISPOSAL ORDINANCE POTABLE WATER SUPPLY ORDINANCE A resolution was submitted increasing fee structures of the LaSalle County Food Sanitation Ordinance/Private Sewage Disposal Ordinance/Potable Water Supply Ordinance. Motion by Mr. William Johnson to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Piecha. At this time Chairman Dougherty introduced Ted Pumo, of Environmental Health to address some of the questions and concerns being asked by some of the board members. Mr. Jakupcak stated, “I had calls from some bar owners and restaurant owners about this ordinance. They seem to have some confusion about it. At this time I would like to ask if we could table this until next month to possibly get some of the bar and restaurant owners that are concerned with this, to get more input from them.” Chairman Dougherty explained that we’ve been talking about this for a couple three months now and it’s been on file for one month. It’s up to the body if they want to table this for another month and set it back. Mr. Small stated, “These fees are higher than what the first resolution read.” Chairman Dougherty stated, “Yes they are.” Attorney Troy Holland stated, “This came up to the board and then it got referred back to committee because certain members of the board felt that they were not high LaSalle County Board Minutes – December 8, 2003 enough. So it was sent back to committee to come up with a higher fee schedule. This is how it ended up back here in the form that it is.” Chairman Dougherty stated, “Just a reminder what it costs to conduct these inspections, the taxpayers pay for. Anything over and above comes out of the tax funds. Many of the board members felt that owners of the establishments should be paying a fair share. And they’re still not paying 100% even if this resolution is adopted.” Mr. Pumo stated, “We are running those programs at a deficit. And even with these increases we’re still going to be running at a deficit. It’s only going to increase the amount of money that we’ve got coming in at approximately 27%. Mr. William Johnson stated, “If the fees are not raised, essentially all the taxpayers of the county will be subsidizing the operation, because the license is a part of the operation of a business.” Mr. Pumo stated, “Three of the four programs that the health department has to have to become certified in the State of Illinois, is that you have to have a water program, sewage program, potable water sewage and food and communicable disease, and we happen to be dealing with three of those four right here. They are mandated by the State of Illinois, Illinois Department of Public Health.” Mr. Freeman stated, “I have had calls from local small businesses. You had talked about putting some numbers together at our Health & Coroners Committee meeting to show the differences of where we are at. I guess I was thinking we would have another one of those meetings before this would have come to a vote. I really rely my vote on what those numbers are going to be because I do have a feeling about having the taxpayers pick up something on a broad basis. I don’t know if you had a chance to put those together or not.” Mr. Pumo replied, “We do have those. I’d be happy to make you a copy or provide copies. I know that a major concern of the Health & Coroner’s Committee was a break even number. I can provide those to you as to what the break even numbers are. Currently, our fees are as follows: Food Sanitation Ordinance Current Fee Break Even Fee Category 1 (High Risk Facility) $60 $267 Category 2 (Medium Risk Facility) $45 $127 Category 3 (Low Risk Facility) $30 $69

LaSalle County Board Minutes – December 8, 2003 Temporary Food $20 $85

Potable Water Supply Program Current Fee Break Even Fee Construction Permit $85 $555

Private Sewage Disposal Ordinance Current Fee Break Even Fee Construction Permit $85 $318

Mr. Freeman questioned, “I would assume that a lot of our temporaries are out of county like people who come in for our fairs. Is that right?” Mr. Pumo replied, “That’s true.” Mr. Freeman stated, “I’d like to see how much tax dollars they bring in because every time a temporary comes in, I would assume it takes a little bit away from maybe some of our county establishment businesses. I don’t know. Maybe they don’t. I would be more in favor of raising those out of county temporaries up a little bit, but depending on the tax dollars. If they are going to be bringing in additional tax dollars then you have to weigh that. It seems to me that they would be direct competition to our local businesses that support us year round and possibly there may be some way we could increase that a little bit more.” Mr. Mowinski questioned, ”In Exhibit ‘A’ it says for not for profit organizations. Are they nationally recognized not for profit organizations?” Mr. Pumo replied, “They have to provide us a copy of their tax exemption.” Mr. Mowinski stated, “So it has to be an existing tax exempt organization.” Mr. Pumo replied, “Yes.” Mr. Mowinski stated that he would second Mr. Jakupcak’s motion to table the resolution. Chairman Dougherty called for a roll call vote to table the resolution; 22 nays, 6 ayes. Motion defeated. SEE RECORD BOOK 144, PAGE 7 Mr. Freeman stated, “I just wanted to clarify what I said about out of county or temporaries. I by no means would want a potential increase of in county

LaSalle County Board Minutes – December 8, 2003 temporaries. That was strictly referenced to out of county temporaries that would come in. I think it is something legitimately that could be looked at. That’s why I voted to table it because I think there could be some other alternative things that could be looked at.” Mr. Jakupcak stated, “The reason I did that was because I felt there were more questions yet to be answered. And after seeing the fee schedule that Mr. Pumo has just given me, it’s actually the first time I’ve seen them all in their entirety. I just thought that maybe with the owners of the restaurants and the bars we could get a little more input.” At this time Mr. Derango asked Mr. Pumo to read some of the fees that other counties charge. Mr. Piecha stated, “I think we have to face reality on this. The county can not continue to lose money and put this on the taxpayers back. We’ve got a situation here that if we do not adopt this ordinance, then it does fall on the taxpayers. And if we don’t adopt this ordinance, not does it only fall on the taxpayers, but you are going to see a whopping increase the next time around with these fees. So let’s face reality.” Mr. Leininger questioned Mr. Pumo, “You said you had made a spread sheet on how you came up with these break even numbers. How much is this going to generate over the next twelve months using the new fees?” Mr. Pumo replied, “I used 2002 numbers on all the number permits that we had, and if we had the exact same number of permits next year we would gain $66,740.00. Again, that is about a 27% increase to bring that deficit up.” Mr. Leininger stated, “In all due respect from my colleague in Oglesby, I’d have to say that his train of thought could be applied to a lot of places that would save the taxpayers a lot of money before we start the health department. That’s a service that we supply to these people in the county. I think we’ve got to do it in a kind of a smart way. And I’m not sure this in the best way to start saving the money. I agree in saving money Mr. Piecha, but I think we need to start some place a little deeper.” Chairman Dougherty questioned, “Would you care to elaborate, sir?” Mr. Leininger stated, “Not at this time. This is something that I think we need to do probably in January when we start looking at the next year’s levy.” Mr. Freeman questioned, “Is there a number to generate what we actually spend for services to the not for profit schools and government agencies? We are talking

LaSalle County Board Minutes – December 8, 2003 about the taxpayers paying the bill for this, but actually we’re doing some services and funds for the taxpayers in these schools. That would be a good number to pull out of that deficit to see what kind of money we’re spending. Because that is something that the taxpayers as a whole should pay because they’re everybody’s schools and they’re everybody’s organizations and that type of thing and that’s something excluded away from these. I guess as a whole I would have to support this but I’ve got too many questions yet at this point to really sit down here and say I have to vote for this. It’s not because I don’t think we don’t need some increases, but I’ve got too many questions and I can’t in good heart and faith in myself to go ahead and vote without some of these questions answered. I’d like to see that kind of number on what we are spending on those types of services, because that should actually be withdrawn from that deficit figure.” Chairman Dougherty called for a roll call vote; 24 ayes, 4 nays. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 144, PAGE 7-10 708 BOARD SERVICE CONTRACTS The Mental Health 708 Board Service Contracts for the following agencies were submitted to place on file: Open Door Rehabilitation Center, LaSalle County Youth Service Bureau, Streator Unlimited, Inc., Ottawa Friendship House Work Activity Center, North Central Behavior Health Systems, ADV & SAS, Horizon House of Illinois Valley and the LaSalle County Easter Seal Society. Motion by Mr. Derango to place the service contracts on file, second by Mr. Hicks. Roll call vote; 27 ayes, 1 abstain. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 144, PAGE 11-19 ORDINANCE: (#03-179) ABATING TAX LEVIED FOR YEAR 2003 GENERAL OBLIGATION REFUNDING BONDS, SERIES 2002 An ordinance was submitted abating the tax heretofore levied for the year 2003 to pay the principal of and interest on $8,510,000 General Obligation Refunding Bonds, Series 2002 (Public Safety Tax Alternate Revenue Source) of the County of LaSalle, Illinois. Motion by Mr. Cappellini to approve the ordinance, second by Mr. Landers. Roll call vote; 28 ayes, 0 nays. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 144, PAGE 20-22

LaSalle County Board Minutes – December 8, 2003 ORDINANCE: (#03-180) ABATING TAX LEVIED FOR YEAR 2003 GENERAL OBLIGATION REFUNDING BONDS, SERIES 2003 An ordinance was submitted abating the tax heretofore levied for the year 2003 to pay the principal of and interest on $6,200,000 General Obligation Refunding Bonds, Series 2003 (Public Safety Tax Alternate Revenue Source) of the County of LaSalle, Illinois. Motion by Mr. Jordan to approve the ordinance, second by Mr. Jakupcak. Same roll call vote; 28 ayes, 0 nays. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 144, PAGE 23-24 QUARTERLY REPORT: COMMITTEE WORK MISCELLANEOUS The Quarterly Report for Committee Work Miscellaneous was submitted in the total amount of $45,197.40. Motion by Mr. Treschak to approve the quarterly report, second by Mr. Cappellini. Same roll call vote; 28 ayes, 1 nay. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 144, PAGE 25-57 APPOINTMENT: (#03-181) D.D. #1 SERENA & FREEDOM A resolution was submitted appointing David Butterfield as Commissioner in Drainage District #1 Serena & Freedom for a term expiring August 31, 2006. Motion by Mr. Ronald Johnson to approve the appointment, second by Mr. Gruenwald. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 144, PAGE 58 APPOINTMENT: (#03-182) D.D. #1 MERIDEN A resolution was submitted re-appointing David Grey as Commissioner in Drainage District #1 Meriden for a three year term expiring August 31, 2006. Motion by Mr. Flanagan to approve the re-appointment, second by Mr. McConville. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 144, PAGE 59 APPOINTMENT: (#03-183) D.D. #1 FREEDOM A resolution was submitted re-appointing Gary Setchell as Commissioner to Drainage District #1 Freedom for a three year term expiring August 31, 2006. Motion by Mr. Small to approve the re-appointment, second by Mr. Boe. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 144, PAGE 60

LaSalle County Board Minutes – December 8, 2003 APPOINTMENT: (#03-184) D.D.#1 FREEDOM & WALLACE A resolution was submitted re-appointing Curtis Tuftie as Commissioner in Drainage District #1 Freedom & Wallace for a three year term expiring August 31, 2006. Motion by Mr. McConville to approve the re-appointment, second by Mr. Ronald Johnson. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 144, PAGE 61 ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. Piecha stated, “I just wanted to update the board on what is going on in the Development Committee in regards to the building codes. At our last Development meeting the committee authorized our Attorney, Mr. Troy Holland to draft a resolution in regards to these building codes. We’ll act on that resolution at our next meeting, December 18th, 2003, which I believe the resolution will be ready. No action will be taken on the resolution until after the public has the chance to address the issue. I will recognize two people from the public that oppose the building codes and will recognize two people from the floor who are in support of the codes. They will be allowed ten minutes each. After they make their comments the committee will vote on that resolution. The building codes will have to be done in steps if adopted. If it does get adopted we will have to go to the second stage. That second stage would be who is going to apply those building codes and the fees. And third, we’ve already got a line item in the Development Budget that calls for special services with $1.00 in there, but we’d have to work that budget in with the revenue sources.” MISCELLANEOUS REPORTS & CORRESPONDENCE The Treasurer’s Investment Schedule dated December 2, 2003 was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 144, PAGE 62 Correspondence from the Illinois & Michigan Canal National Heritage Corridor appointing William Johnson as LaSalle County Commissioner was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 144, PAGE 63 The LaSalle County Veterans Assistance Commission’s annual report pertaining to “Military Assistance Act” was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 144, PAGE 64 Motion by Mr. Hicks to place all on file, second by Mr. McConville. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – December 8, 2003 COMMENT Chairman Dougherty stated that he was reminded by Mr. Kaminky before the board meeting that we should say something about our efforts in getting Sheridan Correctional Center reopened. Chairman Dougherty stated, “I agree with Mr. Kaminky. This board was always in favor and a lot of members worked hard to get that reopened. So we should pat ourselves on the back a little bit for our efforts.” Mr. Freeman questioned, “In regards to the next Development Committee meeting, are county board members allowed at that meeting to express their constituent’s recourse on these building codes?” Chairman Dougherty stated, “County board members may always be recognized by the Chairman of the committee if he so desires. And I don’t think that any committee chairman has ever not recognized a county board member in any committee meeting.” Mr. Mowinski stated, “We just placed on file a report of investments that Mary Jane Wilkinson, County Clerk has indicated, which was just voted on. I’d like to point out the fact that this is the report that I was referring to during the public hearing in which we increased the levy. I would like to take note to the county board member that indicated the difference in these monies was used to offset from the time our budget ran until the first receipt of tax payments. If you will note that the maturity dates of these investments certainly are well after the first tax payment and/or the June tax payment date for the next calendar year.” ------Motion by Mr. Derango to recess to January 8th, 2004 at 1:00 p.m. in Room 250, second by Mr. Savitch. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. CHAIRMAN DOUGHERTY DECLARED THE MEETING RECESSED TO JANUARY 8TH, 2004

LaSalle County Board Minutes – December 8, 2003