Lasalle County Board Minutes – January 14, 2010 Both Students Were Presented with an Award Plaque from Chairman Hicks and Applauded by the Board
STATE OF ILLINOIS ) COUNTY OF LASALLE ) The LaSalle County Board met pursuant to Statute at the Governmental Complex, Ottawa, Illinois, on the second Thursday of January, A.D. 2010, it being the 14th day thereof. Chairman Hicks called the meeting to order at 1:03 p.m. This is the second meeting of our December, 2009 Session. Pledge of Allegiance Chairman Hicks asked the Clerk to call the roll for Mileage & Per Diem. PRESENT: Stephen Abel, Stephen Carlson, Kenneth Stockley, Charles Borchsenius, Catherine Owens, Robert Greenwalt, Gary Small, Jill Bernal, Matthew McLaughlin, Arthur Rigby, Jr., Joseph Savitch, Susan Thornton, Sandi Billard, Russell Boe, Thomas Ganiere, Lou Anne Carretto, Tom Walsh, Jerry Hicks, Jim Olson, Randy Freeman, Arratta Znaniecki, Jerry Myers, Ronald Dittmer, Donald Jordan, Robert Jakupcak and Herman Bruns. ABSENT: Mary Reffett, Richard Scott and Jack Leininger. There were 15 ayes claiming mileage. Motion by Ms. Carretto to approve the roll call for mileage & per diem, second by Mr. Ganiere. Voice vote; 25 ayes and 3 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 184, PAGE 154 Chairman Hicks called for any additions or corrections to the December 14th September Session 5th meeting minutes and the December 14th December Session 1st meeting minutes. Motion by Mr. McLaughlin to approve the December 14th minutes as presented, second by Ms. Znaniecki. Mr. Carlson announced that he will be voting nay on the December 14th minutes for his usual reasons. Voice vote; 24 ayes, 1 nay and 3 absent. Motion carried. STUDENT EXCELLENCE AWARDS Mr. Richard Myers, Supt. of Schools, introduced the students who were awarded the Student Excellence Awards; from Milton Pope Grade School in Marseilles, Megan Ward; and from Wallace Grade School in Ottawa, Eddie Hettel.
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