STATE OF ) COUNTY OF LASALLE ) The LaSalle County Board met pursuant to recess at the Governmental Complex, Ottawa Illinois, on the second Thursday of January, A.D., 2001 it being the 11th day thereof. This meeting is the third meeting of our December 2000 Session. Chairman Hettel called the meeting to order at 1:07 P.M. Chairman Hettel asked the Clerk to call the roll for mileage & per diem. PRESENT: 27 Members ABSENT: Mr. Derango, Ms. Koban Motion by Mr. Combs to approve the mileage & per diem, second by Mr. Dougherty. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 125, PAGE 1 st Chairman Hettel called for any additions or corrections to the December 21 , 2000 minutes. Motion by Mr. Mustered to approve the December 21st minutes as presented, second by Mr. Foltynewicz. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. STUDENT EXCELLENCE AWARD Mr. Richard Meyers, Asst. Supt. of Schools, introduced the two students who were awarded the Student Excellence Award; from St. Columba School in Ottawa, Maggie Crowley and from Marquette High School in Ottawa; Rachel Miller. Both students were awarded plaques by Chairman Hettel and applauded by the Board. RESOLUTION: (#01-01) RANSOM LADY PIRATES A resolution was submitted commending Ransom School Girl’s Basketball Team for their representation of LaSalle County and their School in qualifying for the state tournament. Motion by Mr. Garretson to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Jordan. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 125, PAGE 2 MOTION Motion by Mr. Hicks to place on file the Audit Report for the LaSalle County Regional Office of Education #35 for the year ended June 30th, 2000, second by Mr. Johnson. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 125, PAGE 3

LaSalle County Board Minutes – January 11, 2001 RESOLUTION: (#01-02) BOARD OF REVIEW A resolution was submitted stating that the LaSalle County Board of Review is hereby granted an extension to April 1, 2001 for completion of its duties. Motion by Mr. Mustered to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Small. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 125, PAGE 4-5 MOTION Motion by Mr. Dougherty to place on file the 2000 Report from the Landfill Oversight Committee, second by Mr. Foltynewicz. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 125, PAGE 6 PRESENTATION Martin Rue, V.A.C. Director, addressed the Board regarding the Annual Report that was placed on file at last month’s meeting, since he was not able to attend at that time. Mr. Rue commented that the report did have an error. The dates covered should start with the beginning of December 1999 instead of December 2000, which goes thru November 2000. Mr. Rue thanked the V.A.C. Committee and the county board for drafting a letter to Governor George Ryan regarding the additional eighty beds at the LaSalle Veterans Home. Mr. Rue also asked if any elected officials present could contact the chairman of their political parties to get involved and to help make this a reality. A discussion followed on the operation and procedures of the V.A.C. office. Mr. Foltynewicz questioned Mr. Rue on the number of visitors to the office and if a record is kept. Mr. Rue stated that there is not a record of the number of visitors to the office, but he has 1,500 open cases at this time. Mr. Rue also stated that any Korean War veteran at the DMZ during 1968 and 1969 maybe eligible for veteran’s assistance if they have been afflicted with certain health problems. These veterans should contact the V.A.C. to see if they qualify for assistance. RESOLUTION: (#01-03) INCREASE IN POLLING PLACE PAY

A resolution was submitted stating that rental payments of polling places be increased to $75.00 per precinct rather than per location for future elections. Motion by Mr. Jakupcak to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Johnson. Roll call vote; 26 ayes, 2 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 125, PAGE 7-9

LaSalle County Board Minutes – January 11, 2001 RESOLUTION: (#01-04) CONVEYING CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY TO MICHAEL PAYNE & SUE PAYNE A resolution was submitted stating that tax certificates 99-270 and 99-271 be assigned to Michael Payne and Sue Payne for consideration of the receipt of the sum of $538.18. Motion by Mr. Jordan to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Small. Same roll call vote; 26 ayes, 2 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 125, PAGE 10-12 RESOLUTION: (#01-05) SUPPORTING APPLICATION FOR CITY OF WENONA A resolution was submitted stating that the County of LaSalle supports the application of the City of Wenona for the placement of a correction facility. Motion by Mr. Jakupcak to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Dittmer. Mr. Dittmer stated, “It is a maximum security. I would encourage this Board not only to pass this resolution, because of the economic impact it will have not only in Wenona, but also in surrounding towns as well. There is going to be 250 to 500 union jobs. It’s a 1,800 bed facility and will take 3 years to build, and of course a staff that will never see a lay-off. So, I do encourage this Board to pass this resolution, and if you will take the time to write a letter to Governor Ryan or to Donald Snyder of the Dept. of Corrections, Springfield, IL encouraging this prison to be located in our county, helping our people to continue to get additional work and the economic impact it will help this county.” Mr. Jakupcak asked the county board members to attend the hearing on January 18th, 2001 to show support. Chairman Hettel called for a voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 125, PAGE 13-14 RESOLUTION: (#01-06) HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE COLLECTION A resolution was submitted stating that the LaSalle County Board co-sponsor a hazardous household waste collection for LaSalle County residents during the year 2001 at a cost not to exceed $50,000. Motion by Mr. Dittmer to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Jordan. Mike Harsted, Environmental Service Director, addressed the Board regarding hazardous household waste reduction grants that are available through the State of Illinois. He stated that “in the past, approximately 3 three years ago, we held one and had a very good turnout. We took in enough waste that cost approximately $86,000.00 to dispose of or recycle properly. Since then, the amount of grants and funding has diminished by quite a bit. To obtain a grant basically you need a co-sponsor. Some of the larger municipalities such as the City of has no problem LaSalle County Board Minutes – January 11, 2001 with offering an amount of money that lures the IEPA to allow them to have these collections. LaSalle County is collecting a host agreement benefit tipping fee from LandComp. This is where the money will be obtained. It’s coming from whatever is being taken in on the amount of money paid to LandComp to LaSalle County. We are only asking for a small portion of that, not to exceed $50,000.00. This is one opportunity for the County Board to give back some of the money to the residents of LaSalle County. None of the local businesses will be allowed to participate. This is specifically for residencies only.” Mr. Dougherty stated, “I support this effort. This will give people the opportunity to get rid of their hazardous waste properly instead of disposing it in another way.” Mr. Harsted briefly explained the different types of treatments to dispose of certain types of waste. Mr. Boe questioned, “Having a $50,000.00 limit, how do you know when you arrive to that amount?” Mr. Harsted replied that the IEPA will pay for anything over our $50,000.00 limit. Mr. Johnson commented, “Since the revenue is LaSalle County’s co-payment derived from tipping fees from LandComp, both opponents and proponents of LandComp should remember that this is a positive good according to all taxpayers in the county.” Chairman Hettel called for a roll call vote; 26 ayes, 2 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 125, PAGE 15-17 RESOLUTION: (#01-07) LST (LANDING SHIP TANK) A resolution was submitted stating that the LaSalle County Board offers its congratulations to the crew of mostly World War II veterans, and some of the crew being LaSalle County residents, for the return of a LST from Europe to the United States. Motion by Mr. Stockley to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Combs. Mr. Stockley stated, “This vessel arrived in Mobile, Alabama on Wednesday, January 10th, 2001 after traveling over 4,000 miles from Greece. Two of the veterans, from LaSalle County, were Donald Lockas from Marseilles, IL and Robert Jornlin from Earlville, IL. The Seneca Shipyards did not build this particular vessel, but have built a lot of LSTs back in World War II. I’m glad to see LaSalle County taking a part in this too.” Mr. Foltynewicz stated, “I second that. It was an effort that everyone really pitched in, in this area, to help make those LSTs.” Chairman Hettel called for a voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 125, PAGE 18

LaSalle County Board Minutes – January 11, 2001 RESOLUTION: 01-02 (#01-08) VARIANCE TO SETBACK ORDINANCE A resolution was submitted granting a variance to the setback ordinance for Dale Storms to construct a new home and garage 69 feet from the center of in Osage Township. Motion by Mr. Dittmer to approve the variance for Dale Storms , second by Mr. Small. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 125, PAGE 19-20 RESOLUTION: 01-03 (#01-09) VARIANCE TO THE SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE A resolution was submitted granting a variance to the subdivision ordinance for Jeffery and Bonnie Jasiek to allow a split of a 18.70 acre parcel with 33 feet of public road frontage leaving a remaining parcel of 41.70 acres with 1203 feet of public road frontage located in Peru Township. Motion by Mrs. Cogdal to approve the variance for Jeffery and Bonnie Jasiek, second by Mr. Johnson. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 125, PAGE 21-22 RESOLUTION: #01-05 (#01-10) VARIANCE TO SETBACK ORDINANCE A resolution was submitted granting a variance to the setback ordinance for James Peters to build a 30’ x 60’ garage on a vacant lot, a minimum of 32 feet from the centerline of E. 1632nd Road in Harding, Freedom Township. Motion by Mr. Stockley to approve the variance for James, second by Mr. Dougherty. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 125, PAGE 23-24 MOTION Motion by Mr. Rosengren to place on file the 2000 Annual Report for the LaSalle County Highway Department, second by Mr. Landers. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 125, PAGE 25 RESOLUTION: #01-03 (#01-11) 2001 IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM A resolution was submitted stating that this One Year Plan shall serve to update the Five (5) Year Plan adopted November 14, 2000 as resolution #00-15. Motion by Mr. Jordan to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Garretson. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. Mr. Freeman commended Larry Kinzer and the highway department for being able to keep the roads clean during this winter weather season. SEE RECORD BOOK 125, PAGE 26-29

LaSalle County Board Minutes – January 11, 2001 APPOINTMENT: (#01-12) PRAIRE RIVERS RESOURCE CONSERVATION & DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL A resolution was submitted appointing Robert Jakupcak as a member of the Prairie Rivers Resource Conservation & Development Council with his term of office expiring December 31, 2002. Motion by Mr. Freeman to approve the appointment, second by Mrs. Cogdal. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 125, PAGE 30 APPOINTMENT: (#01-13) TRI COUNTY OPPORTUNITY COUNCIL A resolution was submitted reappointing Al Piecha and William Johnson as members of the Tri County Opportunity Council for a two-year term expiring December 31, 2002. Motion by Mr. Janko to approve the appointments, second by Mr. McConville. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 125, PAGE 31 MISCELLANEOUS REPORTS & CORRESPONDENCE nd The Treasurer’s Investment Schedule dated January 2 , 2001 was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 125, PAGE 32-33 A “Report of Sales Tax Receipts” from the Illinois Dept. of Revenue for the liability periods of July 1, 2000 thru September 30, 2000 that were collected in August 1, 2000 thru October 31, 2000 was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 125, PAGE 34 An “Agricultural Areas 2000 Annual Report” from the Illinois Dept. of Agriculture was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 125, PAGE 35 A report from the Illinois Dept. of Revenue stating that the county public safety sales tax for October, 2000 has been reported and collected in the total amount of $208,141.85. SEE RECORD BOOK 125, PAGE 36 A report from the Illinois Dept. of Revenue stating that the countywide supplemental tax for October, 2000 has been reported and collected in the amount of $251,551.19. SEE RECORD BOOK 125, PAGE 37 A report from the Illinois Dept. of Revenue stating that the county sales tax (1%) for October, 2000 has been reported and collected in the total amount of $58,574.12. SEE RECORD BOOK 125, PAGE 38

LaSalle County Board Minutes – January 11, 2001 Correspondence from the Illinois Dept. of Natural Resources (Office of Water Resources) regarding the proposed construction of the Oaks of White Harbor and Subdivision on the at South Ottawa, Illinois was submitted to place on file. SEE RECORD BOOK 125, PAGE 39 Motion by Mr. Landers to place all on file, second by Mr. Piecha. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. COMMENT

Chairman Hettel commented that the Zoning Committee has been working very hard and that there are many changes being made. ------Motion by Mr. Piecha to recess to February 8th, 2001 at 1:00 P.M. in room 250, second by Mr. Savitch. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. CHAIRMAN HETTEL DECLARED THE MEETING RECESSED TO FEBRUARY 8TH, 2001

LaSalle County Board Minutes – January 11, 2001 STATE OF ILLINOIS ) COUNTY OF LASALLE ) The LaSalle County Board met pursuant to recess at the Governmental Complex, Ottawa Illinois, on the second Thursday of February, A.D., 2001 it being the 8th day thereof. This meeting is the fourth meeting of our December 2000 Session. Chairman Hettel called the meeting to order at 1:04 p.m. Chairman Hettel asked the Clerk to call the roll for mileage & per diem. PRESENT: 26 Members ABSENT: Mr. Rigby, Mr. Hicks, Mr. Combs Motion by Mr. Dougherty to approve the mileage & per diem, second by Mr. Mustered. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 125, PAGE 40 Chairman Hettel called for any additions or corrections to the January 11th, 2001 minutes. Motion by Mr. Foltynewicz to approve the January 11th minutes as presented, second by Mr. Johnson. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. RESOLUTION: (#01-14) POSTHUMOUSLY HONOR C. RAYMOND NINK A resolution was submitted to posthumously honor a former County Board member, C. Raymond Nink who recently passed away. Motion by Mrs. Woodrich to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Garretson. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. A moment of silence was observed in his honor. SEE RECORD BOOK 125, PAGE 41 STUDENT EXCELLENCE AWARD Mr. Richard Meyers, Asst. Supt. of Schools, introduced two students who were awarded the Student Excellence Award; from Peru Washington Jr. High School, Yuri Ozeki; and from Lostant Community Unit School, Amy Kreiser. Both students were presented with an award plaque from Chairman Hettel and applauded by the Board. CITIZEN COMMENT Julie Reichel, property owner in Rural Streator, IL, addressed the Board expressing her concerns regarding the proposed zoning issue for LaSalle County and on what can happen without having a zoning ordinance. Mrs. Reichel commented that she is in the process of selling her home, but a neighboring property owner (Richard Wallace) that owns property on three sides of her is making it difficult for her to do so.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – February 8, 2001 Mrs. Reichel stated, “In our opinion and others opinion, Mr. Wallace has acted with malice and malicious intent to hinder the sale of our property and to lower the price, also making LaSalle County look bad. Mrs. Reichel explained to the Board the situations that she has been dealing with, such as the Mega Hog sign Mr. Wallace had posted close to her property. She then passed around photos as proof of her claims. Mrs. Reichel stated, “By him doing this, people look at our house and are not interested. I’m not saying that the county board can do much for us right now, but for LaSalle County and future homeowners, there has to be something passed for zoning. People have to be held accountable for their actions.” There was discussion at this time by many of the county board members who had questions and concerns. Mr. Jakupcak thanked Mrs. Reichel personally for coming and speaking to the County Board. “Our Zoning Committee has been working very hard for quite a while now, in trying to set up some rules for this. I think it’s good that they hear from the people that actually understand why zoning has to be passed in LaSalle County”, stated Mr. Jakupcak. CITIZEN COMMENT Henry (Hank) Fassett, of Ottawa, IL addressed his issue to the Board by stating that recently the Ottawa and LaSalle newspapers both printed that his fishing water at Route 6 & Route 71 was polluted, and was here to say that he does have an EPA report. Mr. Fassett stated, “When this all started, there were barrels that had gone into the pond. Granted, there was some terrible stuff in it, but I do have a list with me of everything that was in the barrels. I myself was one to help clean this up.” Mr. Fassett explained that back in 1975 Illinois Valley Disposal was hired through Brown Oil to clean up the area. He stated, “I have had a fishing license from the State of Illinois for the last six years. They came out and tested the fish, the ground settlement and water. I have the test here for anyone to see it. Everything is zero parts per million, there is no trace of it.” Mr. McConville questioned, “What do you want from us?” Mr. Fassett replied, “I want to see if somebody can give me some satisfaction that this is clear. This is happening over and over that this is polluted.” Mr. Fassett also stated, “I did not know if LaSalle County had some way they can come test the water to prove that it is not contaminated.” Mrs. Woodrich questioned, “Have you had this published?” Mr. Fassett replied, “No I haven’t.” LaSalle County Board Minutes – February 8, 2001 Mr. Derango stated, “I’m sure the Health Dept. would test it for you.” Mr. Fassett replied, “I did not know where to go.” Mr. Derango questioned, “Who did those tests for you?” Mr. Fassett replied, “TEST out of LaSalle, IL did the testing twice.” Mr. Derango suggested, “I would think that approval from the Health Dept. or a state agency would do you more than that.” Mr. Mustered stated, “It wouldn’t hurt to take a walk across to the Health Dept.” Ms. Koban stated, “I’d be more concerned about the way your property looks than what the newspaper has to say. That is one of the biggest eye sores.” Mr. Piecha questioned, “What was the date the water was tested?” Mr. Fassett replied, “August 6th, 1996.” Mr. Piecha questioned, “Where did you get the fish to stock the lake?” Mr. Fassett replied, “They were already in there. They’ve been there forever as far as I know.” Mr. Piecha questioned, “The water wasn’t contaminated when the barrels were in there? The same fish were in there?” Mr. Fassett replied, “No, the water wasn’t contaminated and the same fish were in there.” Mr. Piecha questioned, “From whatever was in that lake, did you have the water tested?” Mr. Fassett replied, “Yes I did, but I don’t think I have that with me. There were only three barrels that were found in the lake. Now, what was in the barrels I have know idea because they were so rusty you could not tell.” RESOLUTION: (01-15) BALLOT COUNTING WITNESSES FOR FEBRUARY 27TH, 2001 CONSOLIDATED PRIMARY ELECTION A resolution was submitted setting forth the names of those individuals who will be allowed in the office of the County Clerk to view the ballot counting process for the February 27th, 2001 Consolidated Primary Election. Motion by Mr. Garretson to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Johnson. Voice vote all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 125, PAGE 42-43 RESOLUTION: (#01-16) POLLING PLACES FOR FEBRUARY 27TH, 2001 CONSOLIDATED PRIMARY ELECTION A resolution was submitted listing the polling places that will be used for the February 27th, 2001 Consolidated Primary Election and to authorize the County Clerk to fill any vacancies, which may occur, at her discretion. LaSalle County Board Minutes – February 8, 2001 Motion by Mr. Freeman to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Flanagan. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 125, PAGE 44-46 RESOLUTION: (#01-17) INCREASE THE STATE MEDICAID REIMBURSEMENT LEVEL A resolution was submitted requesting the General Assembly to pass legislation that will adjust the County Nursing Home reimbursement level to the Year 2000 (or most recent audited) Cost Report in order to more justly reimburse county-owned nursing homes. Motion by Mr. Janko to approve the resolution, second by Mrs. Cogdal. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 125, PAGE 47-49 RESOLUTION: 01-06 (#-01-18) VARIANCE TO SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE A resolution was submitted granting a variance to the subdivision ordinance for Doris Madaus to split a 37.50 acre parcel with 323.7 feet of public road frontage into two (2) parcels approximately 1.0 acre and 36.50 acres located in the SW 1/4, Section 22, Fall River Township, IL. Motion by Mr. Dougherty to approve the variance for Doris Madaus, second by Mr. Derango. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 125, PAGE 50-51 RESOLUTION: 01-07 (#01-19) VARIANCE TO THE SETBACK ORDINANCE A resolution was submitted granting a variance to the setback ordinance for David Mauch to build an open porch on the front of his house, a minimum of 63 feet from the centerline of N. 4375th Rd. (22nd St.), Mendota Township. Motion by Mr. Small to approve the variance for David Mauch, second by Mr. Foltynewicz. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 125, PAGE 52-53 RESOLUTION: 01-08 (#01-20) VARIANCE TO THE SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE A resolution was submitted granting subdivision ordinance for Steve & Cheryl Zimmerman to make buildable a 2.0 acre parcel with approximately 160 feet of public road frontage in the SE ¼, Section 11, Utica Township, LaSalle County. Motion by Mr. Dougherty to approve the variance for Steve & Cheryl Zimmerman, second by Mr. Landers. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 125, PAGE 54-55 RESOLUTION: 01-09 (01-21) VARIANCE TO THE SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE

LaSalle County Board Minutes – February 8, 2001 A resolution was submitted granting a variance to the subdivision ordinance for Robert & Gloria Brummel to allow a split of a 2.54 acre parcel with 250 feet of public road frontage from the existing parcel of 101.13 acres with greater than 650 feet of public road frontage located in the Northeast 1/4 of Section 36, Mission Township, LaSalle, County. Motion by Mr. Rosengren to approve the variance for Robert & Gloria Brummel, second by Mr. Small. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 125, PAGE 56-57 RESOLUTION: 01-05 (#01-22) BRIDGE AID PETITION A resolution was submitted for a bridge aid petition and request for preliminary engineering work for the Broadway Street Bridge in the city of Streator. Motion by Mr. Jordan to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Jakupcak. Roll call vote, 25 ayes, 3 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 125, PAGE 58-60 PRESENTATION: LIVE SCAN MACHINE FOR JAIL Sheriff Templeton, addressed the Board regarding a grant to purchase a live scan machine that will be used in the jail instead of doing rolled finger prints with ink & paper, which is currently being used. Templeton said, “Technology has now changed. We now have the ability to take and transfer via wire fingerprints. With a live scan machine, it is basically a computer and by merely placing a finger or palm on a screen, it tells you instantly whether or not you have classifiable fingerprints that can tell you who that person is and what their criminal history is. The alternative to that is using the ink method which may be 6 to 8 weeks later that you get a set of prints back that says these are unclassifiable. So then we don’t know for sure if that individual was the person that we had in there. These prints do not go into the system and neither does their criminal history, which makes it very hard for law enforcement agencies to function, as well as State’s Attorneys offices. So, the new machine that is available now is called Live Scan.” Sheriff Templeton stated, “After talking to the Courthouse & Jail Committee, we made an application to the Illinois Criminal Justice Authority for grant money to buy one of these. We received the grant, and it is subject to the approval of this Board and giving Chairman Hettel the opportunity to sign the grant. The grant funds us $52,356.00 with a matching fund of $17,452.00 giving a total of $69,808.00. This will cover the cost of any machine that I have seen. In addition to that, it covers the printer that goes with it, a thousand dollars for Live Scan supplies, systems integration costs, Live Scan maintenance for two years and telecommunication costs including the initial network are included in the $69,808.00 for the grant.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – February 8, 2001 Mr. Erbrederis questioned, “Will there be any training needed for the new Live Scan machine?” Mr. Templeton replied, “The training that will be required will be training to actually use the computer instruments itself. Right now, there is an art as to taking a successful fingerprint. So training to do the actual fingerprint, no. Like any other computer program, yes there will be some time for the training to actually run the machine.” Mr. Mustered questioned, “Do you have any suggestions as to were the balance of $17, 452.00 will come from?” Mr. Templeton replied, “My suggestion is to use the equipment fund so it will be used for the equipment of the new jail.” Mr. Mustered questioned, “From your budget?” Mr. Templeton replied,”No sir, we have to equip the new jail at some point in time so I would ask that this be a part of that equipment.” Ms. Koban questioned, “Do you see using this for the new jail?” Mr. Templeton replied, “I would certainly like to.” Mr. Mustered questioned, “If you find that your Drug Fund would support some payment of this, would you be willing to do something like this?” Mr. Templeton replied, “Absolutely.” MOTION Motion made by Mr. Freeman to authorize the Chairman to sign the grant for the purchase of a Live Scan machine, second by Ms. Koban. Roll call vote, 25 ayes, 3 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 125, PAGE 61 APPOINTMENT: (#01-23) TRI COUNTY OPPORTUNITY COUNCIL A resolution was submitted reappointing Kenneth Krogulski as a member of the Tri County Opportunity Council for a two-year term expiring December 31, 2002. Motion by Mr. Janko to approve the reappointment, second by Mr. Garretson. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 125, PAGE 62 APPOINTMENT: (#01-24) DRAINAGE DISTRICTS A resolution was submitted reappointing Leo Kelly to D.D. #1 Freedom & Earl, Kent Butterfield to D.D.#1 Freedom, Wallace & Dayton and Richard Riva to D.D. #10 Ophir & Meriden for a three-year term beginning September 1, 2000 and expiring September 2003. Motion by Mr. Rosengren to approve the reappointments, second by Mr. Small. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – February 8, 2001 SEE RECORD BOOK 125, PAGE 63-64 APPOINTMENT: (#01-25) LASALLE COUNTY PUBLIC AID COMMITTEE A resolution was submitted reappointing Robert Widman, Robert Baer and James Brown as members of the LaSalle County Public Aid Committee beginning February 8th, 2001 and expiring December 31st, 2002. Motion by Mr. Garretson to approve the reappointments, second by Mr. Jordan. Voice vote all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 125, PAGE 65 APPOINTMENT: (#01-26) LASALLE COUNTY PUBLIC AID COMMITTEE A resolution was submitted appointing Florence Gahan as a member of the LaSalle County Public Aid Committee beginning February 8th, 2001 and expiring December 31st, 2002. Motion by Mr. Flanagan to approve the appointment, second by Mr. Small. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 125, PAGE 66 ANNOUNCEMENT Paul Youngstrum, from Soil & Water Conservation District, addressed the Board stating that the issue of zoning has been discussed quite a bit lately. Mr. Youngstrum stated, “One thing that our Board had talked about and passed by motion was to sponsor a full tour for county board members on March 1st, 2001 at 9:00 a.m. We would probably go out to the northeastern part of LaSalle County and any portions of Kendall County and look at some land usage of examples of development that has occurred and to try to give you a picture of what some farmers in those developing areas are up against. A letter and agenda regarding the tour will be sent to the county board members some time next week. MISCELLANEOUS REPORTS & CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence to the Illinois Department of Revenue regarding business address verification for tax allocation purposes was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 125, PAGE 67 The Treasurer’s Investment Schedule dated January 31st, 2001 was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 125, PAGE 68 A report from the Illinois Department of Revenue stating that the county public safety tax for November, 2000 has been reported and collected in the total amount of $209,759.91. SEE RECORD BOOK 125, PAGE 69 A report from the Illinois Department of Revenue stating that the countywide supplemental tax for November, 2000 has been reported and collected in the total amount of $248,205.46 SEE RECORD BOOK 125, PAGE 70

LaSalle County Board Minutes – February 8, 2001 A report from the Illinois Department of Revenue stating that the county sales tax (1%) for November, 2000 has been reported and collected in the total amount of $51,904.06. SEE RECORD BOOK 125, PAGE 71 Motion by Mr. Dittmer to place all on file, second by Mr. Piecha. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. ANNOUNCEMENT Chairman Hettel announced that on Saturday, February 24th, 2001 at the Holiday Inn Express there will be a Zone 4 meeting at 10:00 a.m. Chairman Hettel also announced for all committee chairmen to turn in any committee description changes, if any, regarding the county rule book, to Gayle by February 28th, 2001. Chairman Hettel commented that the Courthouse & Jail Committee will be discussing getting a new audio system for the county board room. ------Motion by Mr. Piecha to adjourn to March 12th, 2001 at 1:00 P.M. in room 250, second by Mr. Savitch. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. CHAIRMAN HETTEL DECLARED THE MEETING ADJOUNED TO MARCH 12TH, 2001

LaSalle County Board Minutes – February 8, 2001 STATE OF ILLINOIS ) COUNTY OF LASALLE ) RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE LASALLE COUNTY BOARD HELD AT THE GOVERNMENTAL COMPLEX, OTTAWA, ILLINOIS. BEGUN AND HELD ON THE SECOND MONDAY OF MARCH, A.D., 2001, IT BEING THE 12TH DAY THEREOF. STATE OF ILLINOIS ) COUNTY OF LASALLE ) The LaSalle County Board met pursuant to Statute at the Governmental Complex, Ottawa, Illinois, on the second Monday of March, A.D., 2001, it being the 12th day thereof. Chairman Hettel called the meeting to order at 1: 08 P.M. This is the 1st meeting of our March 2001 Session. Chairman Hettel asked the Clerk to call the roll for Mileage & Per Diem. PRESENT: 27 Members ABSENT: Mr. Flanagan, Mr. Jakupcak There were 26 ayes claiming mileage. Motion by Mrs. Cogdal to approve the roll call for mileage & per diem, second by Mr. Rigby. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 125, PAGE 72 Chairman Hettel called for any additions or corrections to the February 8th, 2001 minutes. Motion by Mr. Mustered to approve the February 8th minutes as presented, second by Mr. Landers. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. RESOLUTION: (#01-27) POSTHUMOUSLY HONOR CHARLES J. KLEVER, JR. A resolution was submitted to posthumously honor a former County Board member, Charles J. Klever, Jr. who recently passed away. Motion by Mr. Jordan to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Garretson. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. A moment of silence was observed in his honor. SEE RECORD BOOK 125, PAGE 73 PRESENTATION William Novotney, Supt. of Schools, introduced two students who were awarded the Student Excellence Award; from Seneca Grade School-South Campus, Tiffany Jones; and from Seneca High School, Christen O’Malley. Both students were presented with an award plaque from Chairman Hettel and applauded by the Board. CORRESPONDENCE A letter was submitted from Deborah Sweeden, R.N. Director, of the Illinois Valley Adult Day Center in LaSalle, IL. She is requesting LaSalle County’s help to apply for a transportation

LaSalle County Board Minutes – March 12, 2001 grant to replace a van that is used to provide transportation services for participants receiving health care at the Day Center. Ms. Sweeden is asking for a brief letter of support that can be mailed with the grant application. SEE RECORD BOOK 125, PAGE 74-75 MOTION Motion by Mr. Dougherty to authorize the Chairman to send a letter of support, second by Ms. Koban. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. RESOLUTION: (#01-28) HOME PORT OF THE U.S. MEMORIAL LST 325 SHIP A resolution was submitted stating that LaSalle County supports locating the U.S. Memorial LST 325 Ship in Seneca, Illinois as its permanent homeport, and that a copy of said resolution be sent to all LaSalle County Representatives at the Federal and State level. Motion by Mr. Janko to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Piecha. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 125, PAGE 76-77 RESOLUTION: (#01-29) 60TH ANNIVERSARY OF SNEAK ATTACK ON PEARL HARBOR A resolution was submitted to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor and to inform all the people of the United States of PL 103-308 and urge all to fly the United States flag at half staff on December 7th, 2001 to honor those that lost their lives at Pearl Harbor on December 7th, 1941. Said resolution further states that the Senate and the House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled enact legislation requiring all governmental posts to fly the flag of the United States at half staff to honor all those individuals who died as the result of their service at Pearl harbor on December 7th, 1941 and urging all Americans to do likewise. That the President of the United States issue a proclamation and issue press releases to all mass media of PL 103-308 and the aforementioned legislation so that the general public will know of PL 103-308 and the aforementioned legislation so all can fly the United State’s flag at half staff on December 7th to honor all of those killed on Pearl Harbor on December 7th, 1941. Motion by Mr. Foltynewicz to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Combs. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 125, PAGE 78-79

LaSalle County Board Minutes – March 12, 2001 RESOLUTION: (#01-30) DELINQUENT TAXES A resolution was submitted stating that the Chairman of the Board of LaSalle County, Illinois, be authorized to execute a deed of conveyance of the County’s interest or authorize the cancellation of the appropriate Certificate of Purchase, as the case may be, on real estate parcel #24-18-213-024, Certificate #97-0412 for the sum of $1,667.83 to be paid to the Treasurer of LaSalle County, Illinois, to be disbursed according to law. Motion by Mr. Derango to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Small. Roll call vote, 26 ayes, 2 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 125, PAGE 80-82 RESOLUTION: (#01-31) BALLOT COUNTING WITNESSES FOR APRIL 3RD, 2001 CONSOLIDATED ELECTION A resolution was submitted setting forth the names of those individuals who will be allowed in the office of the County Clerk to view the ballot counting process for the April 3rd, 2001 Consolidated Election. Motion by Mr. Mustered to approve the resolution, second by Mrs. Woodrich. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 125, PAGE 83-84 RESOLUTION: (#01-32) POLLING PLACES FOR APRIL 3RD, 2001 CONSOLIDATED ELECTION A resolution was submitted listing the polling places that will be used for the April 3rd, 2001 Consolidated Election and to authorize the County Clerk to fill any vacancies, which may occur, at her discretion. Motion by Mr. Dittmer to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Piecha. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 125, PAGE 85-88 RESOLUTION: (#01-33) CAPITAL EXPENDITURES TO BE REIMBURSED FROM PROCEEDS OF AN OBLIGATION A resolution was submitted expressing official intent regarding certain capital expenditures to be reimbursed from proceeds of an obligation for designing, constructing, installing and equipping a LaSalle County Public Safety Complex. Motion by Mr. Mustered to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Combs. Roll call vote, 26 ayes, 2 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 125, PAGE 89-93

LaSalle County Board Minutes – March 12, 2001 ORDER: PUBLIC HEARING TO BE HELD REGARDING SELL $9,900,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS An order was submitted for the purpose of calling a public hearing concerning the intent of the County Board of The County of LaSalle, Illinois, to sell $9,900,000 General Obligation Bonds (Public Safety Tax Alternate Revenue Source), Series 2001. Said hearing to be held at 1:00 o’clock P.M. on the 12th day of April, 2001 in the County Board Room at the Governmental Complex of LaSalle County, 707 East Etna Road, Ottawa, Illinois. ORDINANCE: (#01-34) AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS An ordinance was submitted authorizing the issuance by The County of LaSalle, Illinois, of General Obligation Bonds (Public Safety Tax Alternate Revenue Source) Series 2001, in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $9,900,000 for the purpose of defraying the cost of designing, constructing, installing and equipping a LaSalle County Public Safety Complex. Motion by Mr. Dittmer to approve the ordinance, second by Mr. Mustered. Roll call vote, 26 ayes, 2 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 125, PAGE PRESENTATION John Henning, LaSalle County Zoning Coordinator, addressed the Board with the revisions that are being made to the original draft proposed zoning ordinance after hearing comments from all of the 37 townships in LaSalle County. Mr. Henning passed out to each board member a brief summary of some of the most pertinent changes as well as a clarification of some common misconceptions about the ordinance. SEE RECORD BOOK 125, PAGE At this time, questions and comments were directed to Mr. Henning and Attorney Troy Holland regarding the proposed zoning ordinance by some of the county board members. Attorney Troy Holland stated that the City of Peru recently asked for an Intergovernmental Agreement with the County of LaSalle regarding zoning, but it was rejected. Mr. Holland stated that he has come up with another proposal to submit to the City of Peru and other cities. MOTION Motion by Mr. Foltynewicz to authorize Attorney Troy Holland to send a draft Intergovernmental Agreement with a letter attached to all municipalities regarding the zoning, second by Mr. Dougherty. LaSalle County Board Minutes – March 12, 2001 MOTION TO AMEND Mr. Mustered motioned to amend the previous motion by sending it back to the Zoning Committee to be reviewed and for their approval, second by Mr. Dittmer. Several board members questioned why to send it back to the Zoning Committee when the Zoning Committee recommended that Attorney Troy Holland proceed with the draft of an Intergovernmental Agreement. There was discussion regarding the amendment at this time. Chairman Hettel called for a 5-minute recess. Following the recess Chairman Hettel stated that he would have to call Mr. Mustered’s motion to amend out of order.

Chairman Hettel called for a roll call vote on the original motion. Roll call vote, 20 ayes, 5 nays, 3 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 125, PAGE PRESENTATION: LANDCOMP Mark Dykema, of LandComp Corporation, addressed the board regarding LandComp’s merge with another corporation called Earthcare, which is based in Dallas. At this time, Mr. Dykema answered questions that were asked by some of the board members. RESOLUTION: #00-37 (#00-267) VARIANCE TO THE SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE A resolution was resubmitted to be amended after being approved on November, 14th, 2000. The number of acres should be one acre instead of two acres to allow Michelle Mettille and her husband to purchase the rectangular parcel from her grandfather, George Meyer, to build a new home on the property with 165 foot of public road frontage in Southeast ¼ of Section 36, Brookfield Township, to be created and considered a legal parcel. Motion by Mr. Dougherty to amend the acreage to one acre instead of two acres, second by Mr. Landers. Voice vote all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 125, PAGE

LaSalle County Board Minutes – March 12, 2001 RESOLUTION: #01-10 (#01-35) VARIANCE TO THE SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE A resolution was submitted granting a variance to the subdivision ordinance for the Serena Community Fire Protection District to split off a 1.0 acre parcel with approximately 420.15 feet of public road frontage in the NW ¼, Section 33, Mission Township. Motion by Mr. Rosengren to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Boe. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 125, PAGE RESOLUTION: #01-11 (#01-36) VARIANCE TO THE SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE A resolution was submitted granting a variance to the subdivision ordinance for John and Steve Glascock to allow a split of a 2.74 acre parcel with 190 feet of public road frontage from the existing parcel of 77.42 acres with greater than 690 feet of public road frontage located in the Northeast ¼ of Section 6, Eagle Township. Motion by Mr. Dittmer to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Small. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 125, PAGE RESOLUTION: #01-13 (#01-37) VARIANCE TO THE SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE A resolution was submitted granting a variance to the subdivision ordinance for Jane Hobnick, as executor of the Norma Puetz Trust, to allow a split of a 1.14 acre parcel with 200 feet of public road frontage from the existing parcel of 34.37 acres with greater than 600 feet of public road frontage located in the Northeast ¼ of Section 30, Vermillion Township. Motion by Mr. Small to approve the resolution, second by Mrs. Cogdal. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 125, PAGE RESOLUTION: #01-14 (#01-38) VARIANCE TO THE SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE A resolution was submitted granting a variance to the subdivision ordinance for the developers, Wolf Creek Acres, LLC, to allow a split of 5.25 acre parcel with 304 feet of public road frontage from the existing parcel of 55.78 that is in the process of being subdivided which is located in the Northeast ¼ of Section 14, Bruce Township. Motion by Mr. Dougherty to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Derango. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 125, PAGE

LaSalle County Board Minutes – March 12, 2001 RESOLUTION: #01-15 (#01-39) FINAL PLAT A resolution was submitted accepting the final plat of Timber View Estates Subdivision in Serena Township. Motion by Mr. Dougherty to approve the final plat, second by Mr. Landers. Voice vote, 2 nays. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 125, PAGE RESOLUTION: #01-16 (#01-40) FINAL PLAT A resolution was submitted accepting the final plat of Little Vermillion Estates Subdivision in Dimmick Township. Motion by Mr. Small to approve the final plat, second by Mr. McConville. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 125, PAGE QUARTERLY REPORT: COMMITTEE WORK MISCELLANEOUS The Quarterly Report for Committee Work Miscellaneous was submitted in the total amount of $44,728.50. Motion by Mrs. Cogdal to approve the quarterly report, second by Mr. Combs. Roll call vote; 23 ayes, 5 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 125, PAGE APPOINTMENT: (#01-41) 708 BOARD A resolution was submitted appointing Russell Boe as a member of the LaSalle County Mental Health 708 Board expiring November 30th, 2002. Motion by Mr. Dittmer to approve the appointment, second by Mr. Dougherty. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 125, PAGE APPOINTMENT: (#01-42) MARSEILLES CEMETERY A resolution was submitted appointing Robert L. Davis as a trustee of the Marseilles Cemetery Association Board expiring January 1, 2006. Motion by Mr. Combs to approve the appointment, second by Mr. Piecha. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 125, PAGE

LaSalle County Board Minutes – March 12, 2001 APPOINTMENT: (#01-43) WEST SERENA CEMETERY A resolution was submitted reappointing Robert Kember and Lynn Grady as members of the West Serena Cemetery Association Board expiring April 1, 2003. Motion by Mr. Boe to approve the reappointments, second by Mr. Johnson. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 125, PAGE APPOINTMENT: (#01-44) WEST SERENA CEMETERY A resolution was submitted appointing Leroy KuBelka as a member of the West Serena Cemetery Association Board expiring April 1, 2003. Motion by Mr. Stockley to approve the appointment, second by Mr. Boe. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 125, PAGE COMMENT Chairman Hettel commented that the outside auditor, T.J. Smith & Associates P.C. will be here next month. Everyone received a copy of the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for the fiscal year ending November 30th, 2000 for their review. SEE RECORD BOOK 125, PAGE MISCELLANEOUS REPORTS & CORRESPONDNECE Correspondence to the Illinois Dept. of Revenue regarding business address verification for tax allocation purposes was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 125, PAGE The Treasurer’s Investment Schedule dated February 28th, 2001 was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 125, PAGE A Public Notice from the Illinois Dept. of Natural Resources regarding the proposed construction of a boat launching facility and parking area on the Illinois River was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 125, PAGE A Public Notice from the Illinois Dept. of Natural Resources regarding the proposed bridge replacement carrying Highway 3 over the Fox River, at Sheridan, Illinois was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 125, PAGE Correspondence from Seneca FFA Chapter regarding their goal to rid 30 miles of highway surrounding Seneca of litter in an hour’s time was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 125, PAGE Correspondence from Lee A. Daniels, House Republican Leader, stating that he received LaSalle County's resolution regarding an increase in state Medicaid reimbursement was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 125, PAGE LaSalle County Board Minutes – March 12, 2001 A Draft Environmental Assessment Report for improvements at the Illinois Valley Regional Airport in Peru, Illinois was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 125, PAGE A letter from Mary K. O’Brien, State Representative, 75th Dist., stating that she supports the proposed placement of a new Corrections Facility in or near the City of Wenona, Illinois was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 125, PAGE A copy of a Rental Agreement between the Illinois Dept. of Transportation and Michelini Farms, 2950 E. 103rd Rd., Peru, Illinois was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 125, PAGE A report from the Illinois Dept. of Revenue stating that the countywide supplemental tax for December, 2000 has been reported and collected in the total amount of $286,349.24. SEE RECORD BOOK 125, PAGE A report from the Illinois Dept. of Revenue stating that county sales tax (1%) for December, 2000, has been reported and collected in the total amount of $62,388.91. SEE RECORD BOOK 125, PAGE Correspondence from Kristine Cohn, County Board Chairman of Winnebago County, regarding their Nursing Home Reimbursement Legislative efforts was submitted to place on file. SEE RECORD BOOK 125, PAGE Motion by Mr. Piecha to place all on file, second by Mr. Freeman. Chairman Hettel commented that the highway cleanup for Seneca will be on March 22nd, 2001. Mr. Piecha passed out a fact sheet regarding the Tri-County Opportunity Council. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. ------Motion by Mr. Piecha to recess to April 12th, 2001 at 1:00 P.M. in room 250, second by Mr. Savitch. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. CHAIRMAN HETTEL DECLARED THE MEETING RECESSSED TO APRIL 12TH, 2001

LaSalle County Board Minutes – March 12, 2001 STATE OF ILLINOIS ) COUNTY OF LASALLE ) The LaSalle County Board met pursuant to recess at the Governmental Complex, Ottawa, Illinois, on the second Thursday of April, A.D., 2001 it being the 12th day thereof. This meeting is the second meeting of our March 2001 Session. Chairman Hettel called the meeting to order at 1:03 P.M. Chairman Hettel asked the Clerk to call the roll for mileage & per diem. PRESENT: 27 Members ABSENT: Ms. Koban, Mr. Dittmer There were 26 ayes claiming mileage. Motion by Mr. Dougherty to approve the roll call for mileage & per diem, second by Mr. Mustered. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 126, PAGE 1 Chairman Hettel called for any additions or corrections to the March 12th, 2001 minutes. Motion by Mr. Foltynewicz to approve the March 12th minutes as presented, second by Mr. Rigby. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. PUBLIC HEARING A Public Hearing was held regarding the issuance of $9,900,000 General Obligation Bonds for designing, constructing, installing and equipping a LaSalle County Public Safety Complex. Chairman Hettel commented, “Just because we are authorizing the issuance of the $9,900,000 General Obligation Bonds, there is no intention of using that amount. ” Chairman Hettel announced that the Public Hearing is open at this time for any members or the public, to give their comments or testimony regarding the bonds. Attorney Keith Leigh, Bond Council, stated, “This is a Statutory requirement, that you conduct this public hearing. The purpose is to receive public comment. This is obviously the second phase of the financing for the construction of the new public safety complex. I would suggest that if there is no public comment or any comment by any of the members of the Board, that you ask for a motion and a second to adjourn and then call the roll on that.” MOTION Motion by Mr. Jakupcak to adjourn the public hearing, second by Mr. Boe. Roll call vote, 26 ayes, 2 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 126, PAGE 2

LaSalle County Board Minutes – April 12, 2001 STUDENT EXCELLENCE AWARDS Mr. Richard Meyers, Asst. Supt. of Schools, introduced the two students who were awarded the Student Excellence Awards; from Earlville Junior High School, Jennifer Coppes, and from Earlville High School, Ryan Novak. Both students were presented with an award by the Chairman and applauded by the Board. MOTION Motion by Mr. Derango stating, “A proposal to enact zoning in LaSalle County was initiated in 1995, at the request of twenty-five townships. The county has worked diligently to design a zoning proposal satisfactory to all citizens. Because of the enormous geographic size and diversity of the county, this was no easy task. A bipartisan committee labored on the zoning proposal for over five years. The public overwhelmingly voted against zoning on the April 3, 2001 advisory referendum. Therefore, I hereby move to immediately terminate the zoning process in accordance with the wishes of the people,” second by Mr. Boe. Mr. Piecha stated, “In Mr. Derango’s motion he mentioned twenty-five townships in this county that petitioned the County Board for a countywide zoning. What I have in front of me are the resolutions that were received by the county. To clear the air, I will read off the townships that were in favor of zoning. Hope, Wallace, Bruce, Waltham, Miller, Mendota, Northville, Serena, Mission, Fall River, Troy Grove, Manlius, Ottawa, Earl, Adams, Meriden, Dimmick, Deer Park, Rutland, Vermillion, Peru and LaSalle. After the election on April 3rd, 2001 the township of LaSalle withdrew its support of countywide zoning. The LaSalle County Township Official’s Association voted 40 to 5 to support countywide zoning. The townships involved in that vote and voted no were Allen, Farm Ridge and Osage. There has been a lot of discussion held on the mile and a half outside of the city limits controlled by the city. In the resolution itself, it clearly spells out the future of that mile and a half, if the county adopted countywide zoning. So there shouldn’t have been any doubt in anyone’s mind what would happen to that mile and a half. These resolutions took place in the year of 1995.” Mr. Stockley stated, “As Chairman of the Planning & Zoning Committee, we worked on this for at least four years. We were several times asked to slow up, we were going too fast. We had three different coordinators helping us starting with Susan Grandone, Jeff Harris and finally John Henning. We conducted many informational meetings throughout the county to prepare a Comprehensive Land Use Plan, which was taken to the County Board in 1999 and passed unanimously. The Comprehensive Land Use Plan is of no use without the Zoning Ordinance to enforce it to administer it. I recognize the preponderance of the vote against the proposed ordinance, and I can see that means there’s a surplus of no votes out there for zoning in general. LaSalle County Board Minutes – April 12, 2001 However, I hate to see all of the work that we’ve done go to waste. We did finish finalizing the text yesterday. It is ready to be typed up and proof read. The only step remaining is to complete the adjourned hearing at Eagle Township and present it to the Board. That can be done. If you do not allow that to be done, that last hearing of the thirty-seven (37) hearings remains open. That means that any Board at any time in the future could go back to Eagle Township and hold that hearing and present the ordinance to the Board. I myself would like to see it go through the procedure so the Board gets a chance to vote on it. If you kill it today the Board will not get a chance to vote on it. They will not get to see the final product of our many, many meetings. All you’ve seen is the proposed ordinance, which has been greatly changed and modified at the request of all thirty-seven (37) townships. I would hope that you’d have the courage to let us have one more meeting and present the final product to the County Board.” Mr. Derango commented, “I appreciate Mr. Stockley’s remarks. I think that anyone who has ever worked on a committee, whether it be government or a volunteer organization, appreciates the hard work and the integrity of the committee members. The motion that I made, in no way was to be interpreted as a lack of appreciation or lack of respect for the many hours these people have given to their community. But the preponderance, like you said Mr. Stockley, of no votes, really, I don’t think leaves us any choices with what the people really want, and when.” Mr. Boe commented, “I’d just like to compliment Mr. Derango’s comments about the Board and the committee. I know that I have been very active in this zoning process. I took it upon myself to meet with all the other surrounding counties and to read their manuals and try to get a manual put together in what I thought was complimentary to county to county. I believe I was elected by the people and for the people, and my district has voted 80% no against county zoning. If it was 80% yes, I’d have to keep the same thing in mind. I think it’s the duty of our Board to recognize the facts at this particular time.” Mr. Boe questioned, “On the motion that was made to terminate the zoning process, would that include the termination of the committee and all, at this point?” Attorney Troy Holland stated, “I didn’t propose the motion.” Mr. Holland questioned Mr. Derango, “Is that your intent?” Mr. Derango replied, “Yes.” Chairman Hettel commented, “I think that if it passes, it does terminate the committee. But, as long as the text is finished, I would hope that we would send it to the printer and have it printed and placed on file in the county records. That’s just my personal opinion.” Chairman Hettel questioned Mr. Holland about the motion. Mr. Holland stated, “I think it should probably be stated as such, if that’s the intent.”

LaSalle County Board Minutes – April 12, 2001 Mr. Dougherty stated, “I believe that if we are under Robert’s Rule of Order, when this special committee’s work is finished, it automatically is done. So I would agree that when the process is finished, the committee is finished. Their work is done. I would just like to compliment the committee for the job that they’ve done. They’ve done a fantastic job, and I support them.” Mrs. Cogdal questioned, “Is it true that this can be reopened in the future since the last hearing was not completed?” Attorney Troy Holland stated, “I think it leaves it open to interpretation, because you’ve left the last hearing open. I would think that any future Board to adopt an iron clad ordinance would probably, for safety reasons and put an ordinance together that wouldn’t be subject to challenge, would probably want to go through thirty-seven (37) public hearings again. But, if we end the process right towards the end and not adjourn that final hearing, I think that somebody could interpret it that a future Board could say that the process really never ended. I’m not siting any case law, I just think it leaves it open to interpretation.” Mrs. Cogdal questioned, “When county zoning was brought up in 1970, did the County Board vote yes or no for county zoning?” Chairman Hettel stated, “I recall they voted no, 32 to 11. Mr. Stockley replied, “On the ordinance, they saw the ordinance. You folks haven’t seen the ordinance, and you won’t if this passes today.” Mr. Jakupcak stated, “I also want to commend the committee for their hard work. I know they put in a lot of hours. I think in all fairness it should go to printing and be filed with the county so at least everyone will have a chance to read it.” Mr. Piecha stated, “Being Chairman of the Development Committee, I would like to make a request to have a copy of the revised addition so in the event of future problems in the development of this county we can go back and take a look at it.” At this time several other board members commended the Zoning Committee, Mr. Stockley, John Henning, Attorney Troy Holland and also the citizens of the county. CITIZEN COMMENT Steve Carlson, citizen of Mendota, IL addressed the Board regarding the zoning issue and referenda stating “I think there were problems in the way the resolution was put. I commend the people who put it on the ballot. I personally secured over 80 signatures from most of my neighbors to see it put on. I was honest with these people. We were looking simply to put it on. I felt that it would make for a better government, and a better ordinance in the end. I was disappointed to see that there was a great deal of misinformation coming out at the end. The word “This” in the question could only refer to the draft, not which is about to come before you. LaSalle County Board Minutes – April 12, 2001 There has been much amended. Because of the word “This”, I personally voted no, and yes I am 100% in favor of some form of zoning for the county. The public has spoken. But, how we take what the public says, “How” needs to be very carefully considered. I saw signs that meant “higher taxes”. Well, what taxes. I saw signs up “why should the cities support rural zoning”, well, we support a rural sheriff and many other things in the city. Actually, I believe that the Comprehensive Zoning for the County would reduce the overall taxes for the city taxpayer. I also saw signs up “you’ll lose property rights”. The purpose of zoning is the protection of property rights. So, I think these signs in much of the information, I don’t think there was a full debate and full understanding, and that the question was very delicately worded all speak for some careful consideration of the feelings of the public on this. I would like to applaud the county committee and the citizens who brought this forward. I feel that they provided a real service to the county in involving people in county affairs and bringing this before the public. I personally feel that the referendum question was ambiguous and illogical and the public was not well informed of the full circumstance. Therefore, simply to satisfy my personal curiosity perhaps, the matter is tabled and let go forward provide some information and interest to the board. I will be circulating a petition or survey that will simply say “I support the concept of zoning (as a protection of property rights) and ask the appropriate ordinances be adopted countywide.” I attempt to go forward with this in my precinct only.” Mr. Johnson stated, “I would like to see the zoning printed and placed on file so that in the future if the question of zoning is revisited, whoever is in charge then will have something to look back on and perhaps reflect and try to analyze exactly what happened here. And, try to capitalize on the mistakes, if mistakes were made, on this particular issue.” Mr. Jordan complimented the committee, in particular Mr. Stockley, Mr. Henning and Troy Holland. In addition he expressed his pleasure in having served on the committee. Mr. Jordan questioned the scheduled meeting for April 24th and hoped that the meeting would be held and that the zoning committee could disband after that date. Mr. Jordan stated, “ I could live with that”. Mr. McConville questioned, “Are we voting to go ahead and print also, and to place that on file? I can see that there could be problems on down the line, and would like to see this at least printed so it can be referred back to at a later date if needed.” MOTION TO AMEND Motion to amend by Mr. Stockley to allow the Zoning Committee to meet on April 24th and review, proof read it, have it printed and placed on file, second by Mr. Jordan. Chairman Hettel called for any discussion on the amendment.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – April 12, 2001 Mr. Small questioned, “We’re going to terminate the committee then after the 24th? We are not going to have the last public hearing and present the document to the County Board?” Mr. Freeman stated, “ I thought we had a call for the vote on the 1st motion and I thought that we’d proceed. If they want to bring this back or whatever, I’d like to see us go ahead with the motion as it was presented.” After reviewing the question with Attorney Holland, Chairman Hettel ruled the amendment out of order. Attorney Troy Holland stated, “Just so you know, you are voting just as it stands now. The theory would be to come back and represent your motion amended.” Chairman Hettel called for a roll call vote; 14 ayes, 12 nays, 2 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 126, PAGE 3-4 MOTION Motion by Mr. Dougherty to have the text printed and brought back to the County Board and placed on file, second by Mr. Foltynewicz. Mr. Small stated, “ I think enough should be printed so each township can have a copy.” Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. CITIZEN COMMENT Linda Moyer addressed the Board regarding the merge between LandComp and Earthcare. Moyer is a former member of a Citizens Advisory Committee appointed by the LaSalle County Board in 1989 to work with the Solid Waste Landfill Committee. Moyer stated that she has some questions for the Earthcare representatives and that she would like to know more about the future goals for their company Chairman Hettel commented that the Oversight Committee has held a couple of meetings about this landfill issue. Mr. Dougherty, Chairman of the Oversight Committee, stated, “We did have a couple of meetings. We do have the people here today that will answer your questions. The resolution will come up on our schedule here under LandComp. We did ask a lot of questions, but we decided to send it to the full board without any recommendations so you would have an open mind and ask the questions you want answered. Some of the questions asked were about their financial status, who would run the company and just what was going to be happening. They want to get into the hauling business as we understand it. LandComp and Earthcare will make their presentation when we get to that point of the agenda.”

LaSalle County Board Minutes – April 12, 2001 CITIZEN COMMENT Rick Zimmer, Basic Steel International Coordinator of LTV Steel Company in Hennepin, IL, addressed the Board regarding the American Steel Companies, that have filed for bankruptcy and other companies near the brink of disaster. “It is essential that our legislatures and the Bush Administration act forcefully to prevent further damage to America’s steel industry. We need strict trade law enforcement and immediate relief for subsidized and unfairly traded imports. These trade laws have got to be enforced for all industries including the farmers who have seen grain prices drop to record lows. We now have a bill in the House of Representatives. This bill was introduced by Congressman Peter Viscosky of Indiana and co-sponsored by Congressman Jack Quinn of New York. The bill is called H.R. 808 (Steel Revitalization Act of 2001). Passing this legislation will not be easy, but it needs to be done. Losing one of the largest employers of our area will not be easy in our local economy. We are asking for your help. The kind of help that we need is to have our local governments and citizens of our communities to write letters to Congressman Hastert, Congressman Weller, Congressman LaHood and to Senator Fitzgerald and Senator Durbin, asking them to support the Steel Revitalization Act of 2001. If we become as dependent on steel as we are on oil, that cheap steel is not going to be cheap anymore. They will set the prices, they will tell us how much steel they are going to export to the United States. Everything that is made by steel will be much higher. Our state and federal legislatures need to know that this crisis is real and what the impact will be to our local community if we were to lose the Hennepin facility. Our fight is not just for steel, but for America. I hope that this county board adopts and signs this Steel Revitalization Resolution so that we can send it to our legislatures.” RESOLUTION: (#01-45) STEEL REVITALIZATION ACT OF 2001 A resolution was submitted stating that the LaSalle County Board, in the County of LaSalle, in the State of Illinois, urges the President of the United States and all other elected officials to pass the Steel Revitalization Act of 2001 (H.R. 808), and to support the Steelworker’s fight against the unfair trade of foreign steel that has damaged our economy. Motion by Mr. Foltynewicz to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Jakupcak. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 126, PAGE 5-7 RESOLUTION: (#01-46) CHILDRENS ADVOCACY CENTER ACT A resolution was submitted stating that the LaSalle County State’s Attorneys Office is authorized to accept a grant from the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services on behalf of the LaSalle County Child Advocacy Board until such time as the Advisory Board obtains tax-exempt status. LaSalle County Board Minutes – April 12, 2001 Motion by Mr. Landers to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Mustered. Roll call vote; 25 ayes, 3 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 126, PAGE 8-11 COMMENT Attorney Troy Holland addressed the LaSalle County Board by stating, “pursuant to our Host Agreement with Landcomp, it requires that any transfer of ownership or any interest in landfill be approved by the written consent of the County Board. This issue came first to the Oversight Committee and it is going to come before you today. I think there’s some factors to consider when listening to the presentation that are pursuant to our Host Agreement. The only things we are really considering are, will Earthcare and Landcomp as a merged entity, can it both financially and operationally comply with terms of the Host Agreement, all licenses, permits and comply with all their federal and state statutes regulations and local ordinances. Pursuant to the Host Agreement the county also requires an additional written commitment by the merged entity to assume and comply with the duties and obligations of this agreement. The county may not unreasonably withhold their delay of approval of this transfer. We have received notification from Landcomp back in March, that this merger may take place. There was no recommendation coming from the Oversight Committee. I would suggest a motion in this form… MOTION A motion to authorize the County Board Chairman to give written approval on behalf of the County Board to consent to the Earthcare/Landcomp Merger with such approval contingent upon receipt by the County Board Chairman and approval by the County Attorney of the following: 1. A written commitment by Landcomp and Earthcare, or any merged entity that exists thereafter, to assume and comply with the duties and obligations of the Host Agreement dated November 29, 1994 and further written commitment to comply with all of the additional conditions A-Z adopted by the County Board in a Resolution of January 17, 1997 giving siting approval to Landcomp Corporation. 2. Receipt of evidence of the legal assumption of Landcomp’s Industrial Revenue Bonds outstanding by the appropriate entity. 3. Receipt of evidence of assumption of Landcomp’s post closure bond by the appropriate entity. Mr. Dougherty motioned to approve that the resolution be adopted, second by Mr.Foltynewicz. Mr. Freeman questioned Attorney Troy Holland, “Do you feel that they meet all those things that we have to consider?”

LaSalle County Board Minutes – April 12, 2001 Mr. Holland replied, “I can’t predict the future. I think it may be appropriate to let the Earthcare Representatives make their presentation as to why they feel they meet those conditions.” PRESENTATION Mark Dykema, of Landcomp, addressed the Board stating, “One thing to consider is that, the criteria that Troy has presented in the motion as conditions to an approval, are obviously and clearly conditions that Landcomp would make Earthcare comply with as well.” Mr. Dykema explained to the board members that “the reason why we are here today is because Paul DeGroot, owner of Landcomp had mentioned about 14 months ago that he wants to retire. I am not in a position personally to assume the liabilities and obligations of Landcomp, and that forced us to seek out some strategic alternatives, partnerships, complete outright sale to sell the company or the landfill to another party. Discussing this with different parties and different offers, meeting with potential partners and ultimately hooking up and meeting with Earthcare. The attractive components about the transaction with Earthcare to Landcomp, is that we are not stepping out of the ownership position of this company. I’m thirty-five years old, and I have thirty years of work left in me. It’s been my goal and my objective to be in business for myself if it could be done. Doing a transaction with virtually every other company that was interested was strictly to buy us out. Our transaction with Earthcare is predominately a stock transaction, which puts us in a good equity position. Earthcare is a small company publicly traded and the leadership and the management that Earthcare has, has a very good proven track record in the solid waste industry. Their business philosophy is very similar to ours. That is why we decided to do a transaction with Earthcare. So getting back to the original point, our deal will not close unless they can assume those obligations as well. Mr. Dykema introduced Don Moorehead, CEO and Chairman of Earthcare and Harry Habets, President and Chief Operating Officer of Earthcare, who were both here with him to answer questions by the County Board. At this time, Mr. Moorehead and Mr. Habets, introduced themselves and explained more about Earthcare to the board members and answered several of their questions. Chairman Hettel called for a roll call vote; 26 ayes, 2 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 126, PAGE 12-13 REPORT: OUTSIDE AUDIT Tim Smith, of T.J. & Smith Associates, P.C., outside auditor for LaSalle County, addressed the Board and discussed the audit for the fiscal year ending November 30, 2000.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – April 12, 2001 Chairman Hettel stated that there was an $8,500.00 transaction that was recorded twice, but it has been corrected. Motion by Mr. Landers to approve the audit and place it on file, second by Mr. Johnson. Same roll call vote; 26 ayes, 2 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 126, PAGE 14 Chairman Hettel called for a 5-minute recess.

PROCLAMATION: (#01-47) NATIONAL ORGAN & TISSUE DONOR AWARENESS WEEK A proclamation was submitted stating that the Chairman of the LaSalle County Board, proclaim April 15-21 as “Life Goes on in the Illinois Valley” week. Motion by Mr. Flanagan to approve the proclamation, second by Mr. Freeman. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 126, PAGE 15 COMMENT Chairman Hettel commented, “Jody Bernard has pamphlets in her office pertaining to being an organ donor that she would like each board member to stop in to get and pass out. “ LASALLE COUNTY BOARD RULE CHANGES The LaSalle County Board’s Rule Book was submitted with changes and a copy was given to each board member for their review. Motion by Mr. Rosengren to hold over the new rule book changes and to be voted on at next months meeting, second by Mr. Small. Mr. Flanagan, Chairman of the Legislative & Rules Committee stated that the committee will be meeting on April 19th should anyone have any questions about the proposed changes. RESOLUTION: #01-16 (#01-48) VARIANCE TO THE SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE A resolution was submitted granting a variance to the subdivision ordinance to allow Henery and Gaile Nellett to create two legal lots by combining a 40.5 acre tract and a 29.3 acre tract and splitting it into two separate parcels located in the southeast ¼ of the northwest ¼ of section 17, Manlius Township. Motion by Mr. Dougherty to approve the variance, second by Mr. Combs. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 126, PAGE 16-17

LaSalle County Board Minutes – April 12, 2001 RESOLUTION: #01-18 (#01-49) VARIANCE TO THE SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE A resolution was submitted granting a variance to the subdivision ordinance to allow Jerry Johnson to split a 34.0 acre parcel into two parcels of 28.0 acres and 6.0 acres which is located in the northeast ¼ of section 19, Vermillion Township. Motion by Mr. Johnson to approve the variance, second by Mr. Janko. Voice vote, 2 nays. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 126, PAGE 18-19 RESOLUTION: #01-19 (#01-50) VARIANCE TO THE SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE A resolution was submitted granting a variance to the subdivision ordinance for Carrie Stewart to split off approximately 1.5 acres with approximately 137 feet of public road frontage in the NE ¼, Section 21, Vermillion Township. Motion by Mr. Small to approve the variance, second by Mr. Dougherty. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 126, PAGE 20-21 RESOLUTION: #01-06 (#01-51) APPROVING AN ADDITION TO THE COUNTY HIGHWAY SYSTEM A resolution was submitted approving an addition to the county highway system and local agency agreement for jurisdictional transfer of said portion of FAU Route 6111 (Orlando Smith Road). Motion by Mr. Piecha to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Jakupcak. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 126, PAGE 22-28 RESOLUTION: #01-07 (#01-52) CONCRETE RESURFACING SECTION 01-00242-01-RS A resolution was submitted appropriating $150,000 Motor Fuel Tax Funds and $270,000 Special Tax Funds for the bituminous concrete resurfacing of Section 01-00242-01-RS (C.H. 21 from Easterly to Wedron). Motion by Mr. Landers to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Combs. Roll call vote; 24 ayes, 4 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 126, PAGE 29-32

LaSalle County Board Minutes – April 12, 2001 RESOUTION: #01-08 (#01-53) CONCRETE WIDENING AND RESURFACING SECTION 01-00071-00-WR A resolution was submitted appropriating $280,000 Motor Fuel Tax Funds and $270,000 Special Tax Funds for the bituminous concrete widening and resurfacing of Section 01-00071-00- WR (C.H. 15 from C.H. 5 North to C.H. 6). Motion by Mr. McConville to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Rosengren. Same roll call vote; 24 ayes, 4 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 126, PAGE 33-35

RESOLUTION: #01-09 (#01-54) CONCRETE RESURFACING SECTION 01-00293-00-RS A resolution was submitted appropriating $280,000 Motor Fuel Tax Funds for the bituminous concrete resurfacing of Section 01-00293-00-RS (C.H. 18 from 0.60 miles east of Illinois Route 23 east to Illinois Route 71). Motion by Mr. Garretson to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Rigby. Same roll call vote; 24 ayes, 4 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 126, PAGE 36-38 RESOLUTION: #01-10 (#01-55) NEW CONCRET PAVEMENT SECTION 01-00296-01-RP A resolution was submitted appropriating $329,980 Motor Fuel Tax Funds and $60,000 County Highway Funds for a new concrete pavement for Section 01-00296-01-RP (C.H. 18 from Illinois Route 23 Easterly 0.60 miles). Motion by Mr. Landers to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Jakupcak. Same roll call vote; 24 ayes, 4 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 126, PAGE 39-41 RESOLUTION: #01-11 (#01-56) CONCRETE RESURFACING WITH CURB & GUTTER REPLACEMENT SECTION 01-00292-00-RS A resolution was submitted appropriating $280,000 Motor Fuel Tax Funds and $250,000 Special Tax Matching Funds for the bituminous concrete resurfacing with curb and gutter replacement for Section 01-00292-00-RS (C.H.3 from Illinois Route 52 North to Sheridan). Motion by Mr. Small to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Combs. Same roll call vote; 24 ayes, 4 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 126, PAGE 42-44 LaSalle County Board Minutes – April 12, 2001 RESOLUTION: #01-12 (#01-57) BITUMINOUS CONCRETE SECTION 01-00290-00-RS A resolution was submitted appropriating $380,000 Motor Fuel Tax Funds, $270,000 Special Tax Matching Funds and $100,000 County Highway Funds for the bituminous concrete of section 01-00290-00-RS (C.H. 31 from the Millington Bridge northerly for 2.16 miles and C.H. 32 from Sheridan to Illinois Route 71). Motion by Mr. Rigby to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Johnson. Same roll call vote; 24 ayes, 4 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 126, PAGE 45-48 RESOLUTION: #01-13 (#01-58) LOCAL AGENCY AGREEMENT SECTION 96-00051-00-BR A resolution was submitted approving the local agency agreement for federal participation for section 96-00051-00-BR- City of Mendota / 99-00565-00-BR – LaSalle County, (R.C. Box Culvert replacement of structure number 050-7009 carrying 10th avenue and 4th street over Mendota Creek in the City of Mendota). Chairman Hettel stated that the resolution should read that it was submitted by the Bridge & Township Road Committee and not the County Highway Committee. Motion by Mr. Derango to approve the resolution as corrected, second by Mr. Erbrederis. Same roll call vote; 24 ayes, 4 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 126, PAGE 49-55 APPOINTMENT: (#01-59) WALLACE FIRE A resolution was submitted reappointing Michael Garrisson as a Trustee of the Wallace Fire Protection District for a three-year term beginning May 1, 2001 and expiring April 30, 2004. Motion by Mr. Dougherty to approve the reappointment, second by Mr. Boe. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 126, PAGE 56-57 APPOINTMENT: (#01-60) OGLESBY FIRE A resolution was submitted reappointing John Gerrard as a Trustee of the Oglesby Fire Protection District for a three-year term effective May 1, 2001 to April 30, 2004. Motion by Mr. Piecha to approve the reappointment, second by Mrs. Cogdal. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 126, PAGE58-59

LaSalle County Board Minutes – April 12, 2001 APPOINTMENT: (#01-61) LOSTANT COMMUNITY FIRE A resolution was submitted reappointing Leland Decker as Trustee of the Lostant Community Fire Protection District for a three year term effective May 1, 2001 to April 30, 2004. Motion by Mr. Freeman to approve the reappointment, second by Mr. Flanagan. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 126, PAGE 60-61 RESOLUTION: (#01-62) DIMMICK-PERU RURAL FIRE A resolution was submitted reappointing Albert Tomaszewski as Trustee of the Dimmick- Peru Rural Fire Protection District for a three-year term effective May 1, 2001 to April 30, 2004. Motion by Mr. Small to approve the reappointment, second by Mr. Johnson. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 126, PAGE 62-63 RESOLUTION: (#01-63) ALLEN TOWNSHIP FIRE A resolution was submitted appointing Henry Hepner for a period of two years, his term to commence on his taking office and expires on April 30, 2003 or upon his successor taking office, And appointing James Coonan for a period of three years, his term to commence on his taking office and expires the first Monday in May, 2004 or until his successor is thereafter appointed, And also appointing Timothy Armstrong for a period of three years, his term to commence immediately upon appointment and expires on April 20, 2004 or until his successor is thereafter appointed, as Trustees to the Allen Township Fire Protection District. Motion by Mr. Garretson to approve the appointments, second by Mrs. Woodrich. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 126, PAGE 64-66 RESOLUTION: (#01-64) SHERIDAN FIRE A resolution was submitted appointing John L. Peterson as a Trustee for Sheridan Fire Protection District for a period of three years, his term commencing immediately and expiring on the first Monday of May, 2004 or upon his successor taking office. Motion by Mr. Boe to approve the appointment, second by Mr. Foltynewicz. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 126, PAGE 67-68

LaSalle County Board Minutes – April 12, 2001 RESOLUTION: (#01-65) SHERIDAN SANITARY DISTRICT A resolution was submitted stating that the LaSalle County Board approves the appointment of Bradley Bristol as Trustee of the Sheridan Sanitary District for a term of three years commencing February, 2001 and that it also approves the bond of Bradley Bristol. Motion by Mr. Rosengren to approve the appointment, second by Mrs. Cogdal. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 126, PAGE 69-73 RESOLUTION: (#01-66) SHERIDAN SANITARY DISTRICT A resolution was submitted stating that the LaSalle County Board approves the appointment of James Bristol as Trustee of the Sheridan Sanitary District for a term of three years commencing February, 2001 and that it also approves the bond of James Bristol. Motion by Mr. Landers to approve the appointment, second by Mr. Piecha. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 126, PAGE 74-78 RESOLUTION: (#01-67) SHERIDAN SANITARY DISTRICT A resolution was submitted stating that the LaSalle County Board approves the appointment of Terry Hapke as Trustee of the Sheridan Sanitary District for a term of three years commencing February 2001 and that it also approves the bond of Terry Hapke. Motion by Mr. Flanagan to approve the appointment, second by Mr. Freeman. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 126, PAGE 79-83 RESOLUTION: (#01-68) READING COMMUNITY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT A resolution was submitted reappointing Charles Kelly as a Trustee of the Reading Community Fire Protection District with his term expiring on the first Monday in May of 2004. Motion by Mr. Garretson to approve the reappointment, second by Mr. Jakupcak. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 126, PAGE 84-89 RESOLUTION: (#01-69) MARSEILLES FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT A resolution was submitted reappointing John F. Cooke, Sr. as a Trustee of the Marseilles Fire Protection District with his term beginning May 1, 2001 and expiring April 30, 2004. Motion by Mr. Boe to approve the reappointment, second by Mr. Combs. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 126, PAGE 90

LaSalle County Board Minutes – April 12, 2001 RESOLUTION: (#01-70) MAREILLES FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT A resolution was submitted reappointing Gary D. Fleming as a Trustee of the Marseilles Fire Protection District with his term beginning May 1, 2001 and expiring April 30, 2004. Motion by Mr. Combs to approve the reappointment, second by Mr. Boe. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 126, PAGE 91-92 RESOLUTION: (#01-71) SERENA SANITARY DISTRICT A resolution was submitted appointing Gerald B. Nelson as a Trustee of the Serena Sanitary District with his term beginning June 1, 2001 and expiring June 1, 2004. Motion by Mr. Rosengren to approve the appointment, second by Mr. Small. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 126, PAGE 93-94 RESOLUTION: (#01-72) SERENA COMMUNITY FIRE A resolution was submitted reappointing Curtis Tuftie as a Trustee of the Serena Community Fire Protection District with his term beginning May 1, 2001 and expiring April 30, 2004. Motion by Mr. Stockley to approve the reappointment, second by Mrs. Cogdal. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 126, PAGE 95-96 RESOLUTION: (#01-73) SENECA RURAL FIRE A resolution was submitted reappointing Sherwood Jackson as a Trustee of the Seneca Rural Fire Protection District with his term beginning May 1, 2001 and expiring April 30, 2004. Motion by Mr. Boe to approve the reappointment, second by Mr. Garretson. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 126, PAGE 97-98 MISCELLANEOUS REPORTS & CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence to the Illinois Dept. of Revenue regarding business address verification for tax allocation purposes was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 126, PAGE 99-103 A report from the Illinois Dept. of Revenue stating that the County Public Safety Tax for December, 2000 has been reported and collected in the total amount of $247,557.23. SEE RECORD BOOK 126, PAGE 104 A report from the Illinois Dept. of Corrections giving the results of the recent inspection of the LaSalle County Detention Facility was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 126, PAGE 105-124 LaSalle County Board Minutes – April 12, 2001 A report from the Illinois Dept. of Revenue stating that the Countywide Supplemental Tax for January, 2001 has been reported and collected in the total amount of $217,578.77. SEE RECORD BOOK 126, PAGE 125 A report from the Illinois Dept. of Revenue stating that the Public Safety Tax for January, 2001 has been reported and collected in the total amount of $179,398.14. SEE RECORD BOOK 126, PAGE 126 A report from the Illinois Dept. of Revenue stating that the County Sales Tax (1%) for January, 2001 has been reported and collected in the total amount of $39,538.17. SEE RECORD BOOK 126, PAGE 127 The Treasurer’s Investment Schedule dated March 30, 2001 was submitted to be placed on file. SEE RECORD BOOK 126, PAGE 128 Motion by Mr. Foltynewicz to place all on file, second by Mr. Combs. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. Freeman commented on Rep. Dan Rutherford’s assistance in helping to get the Sheriff’s Office $35,000 to purchase portable defibrillators. Chairman Hettel commented, “The census and the redistricting is coming along very slowly, but I think we are going to have some numbers. We are going to have to get some rules from the state and Troy has also been looking in to some. We do have to have this done by July 1st, 2001.” At this time, Chairman Hettel appointed Stan Twait, Tom Bruch, Dick McConville and himself to the committee that will be handling this, with the possibility of one additional member to be appointed at a later time. Chairman Hettel also commented, “We will be working very closely with Mary Jane’s Office. There will be precincts probably changed and county board districts probably changed.” ------Motion by Mr. Piecha to recess to May 10th, 2001 at 1:00 P.M. in Room 250, second by Mr. Savitch. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. CHAIRMAN HETTEL DECLARED THE MEETING RECESSED TO MAY 10TH, 2001


LaSalle County Board Minutes – April 12, 2001 STATE OF ILLINOIS ) COUNTY OF LASALLE ) The LaSalle County Board met pursuant to recess at the Governmental Complex, Ottawa, Illinois, on the second Thursday of May, A.D., 2001 it being the 10th day thereof. This meeting is the third meeting of our March 2001 Session. Chairman Hettel called the meeting to order at 1:02 P.M. Chairman Hettel asked the Clerk to call the roll for mileage & per diem. PRESENT: 28 Members ABSENT: 1 Vacant There were 27 ayes claiming mileage. Motion by Mr. Rigby to approve the roll call for mileage & per diem, second by Mr. Johnson. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 126, PAGE 129 Chairman Hettel called for any additions or corrections to the April 12th, 2001 minutes. Mr. Flanagan clarified that the April board minutes indicated him as being Chairman of the Legislative & Rules Committee, which he is not. He is a member of the committee. Motion by Mr. Mustered to approve the April 12th, minutes as corrected, second by Mr. Combs. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. RESIGNATION A letter addressed to Joe Hettel, County Board Chairman, from board member Ronald J. Dittmer was submitted and read into the record by the Clerk. Mr. Dittmer stated he wished to resign his position as County Board Member for District 26 due to new employment. Motion by Mr. Dougherty to accept Mr. Dittmer’s resignation with regret, second by Mr. Janko. Chairman Hettel commented that Mr. Dittmer worked very hard while he was here and served the county very well. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 126, PAGE 130 STUDENT EXCELLENCE AWARDS Mr. Richard Myers, Asst. Supt. of Schools, introduced the two students who were awarded the Student Excellence Awards; from Serena Grade School, Kyle Chapman and from Serena High School, Anne Duffey. Both students were presented with an award by the Chairman and applauded by the Board. Mr. Myers mentioned that the students honored today are the 143rd & 144th students to be honored since the program began. Next year starts the 10th year.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – May 10, 2001 RESOLUTION: (#01-74) WOODRUFF CEMETERY A resolution was submitted stating that the Woodruff Cemetery is in need of cleanup and the Illinois Comptroller is willing to provide assistance. The cleanup will take place on May 23rd, 2001. Motion by Mr. Flanagan to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Jakupcak. Beth May, Regional Field Service Representative from Illinois State Comptroller Dan Hynes’ office, addressed the board on the cemetery cleanup. She also stated that Comptroller Hynes will be participating in the cleanup. Mr. Mustered mentioned the Ms. May has given him the name of a contact person with the Comptroller’s office, who works with TIF’s. Mr. Mustered will be inviting this person to attend a meeting of the TIF committee. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 126, PAGE 131-132 CASH RENT FARM LEASE A resolution was submitted to enter into a lease agreement between the County of LaSalle and Rich Rosengren for parcel #21-77-017-002 for the purpose of farming only and that this lease shall be for three (3) farming years commencing on the 10th day of May, 2001 to the 31st day of December. Rent shall be a total of $10.00 per acre or $114.00 per year. The rental payments shall be due by the tenant to the Landlord in three (3) equal payments, being $114.00 on May 10, 2001, $114.00 on May 1, 2002, and $114.00 on May 1, 2003. Motion by Mr. Boe to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Jordan. Roll call vote; 26 ayes, 1 present. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 126, PAGE 133-138 ORDINANCE (#01-75) ISSUE OF $8,000,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS An ordinance was submitted authorizing and providing for the issuance of $8,000,000 General Obligation Bonds, Series 2001 (Public Safety Tax Alternate Revenue Source), of The County of LaSalle, Illinois, prescribing the details of said bonds and providing for collection, segregation and application of certain public safety tax receipts to pay said Bonds. Attorney Keith Leigh explained the ordinance to the board members. Motion by Mr. Mustered to approve the ordinance, second by Mr. Landers. Roll call vote; 27 ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 126, PAGE 139-140

LaSalle County Board Minutes – May 10, 2001 RESOLUTION: (#01-76) BOND PURCHASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN LASALLE COUNTY AND BANC ONE CAPITAL MARKETS, INC. & BERNARDI SECURITIES, INC. A resolution was submitted authorizing a Bond Purchase Agreement between the County of LaSalle and Banc One Capital Markets, Inc. and Bernardi Securities, Inc. in which the underwriters have agreed to purchase the Series 2001 bonds, the proceeds of which will be utilized to pay the capital costs for the completion of a new jail and the renovation of the existing jail and for other lawful purposes. Attorney Keith Leigh explained the resolution to the board members. Motion by Mr. Mustered to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Derango. Same roll call vote; 27 ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 126, PAGE 141 MOTION Motion by Mr. Mustered to place on file the commitment to issue a Financial Guaranty Insurance Policy regarding $7,500,000 (est.) The County of LaSalle, Illinois, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2001 (Public Safety Tax Alternate Revenue Source), second by Mr. Foltynewicz. Same roll call vote; 27 ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 126, PAGE 142 LASALLE COUNTY BOARD RULES BOOK The LaSalle County Board Rules Book was re-submitted from the April 12th, 2001 board meeting, and will be held over again for further review. Ms. Koban brought to the board members attention that Board Rules are to be adopted at the by June Session. RESOLUTION: #01-20 (#01-78) VARIANCE TO THE SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE A resolution was submitted granting a variance to the subdivision ordinance for Nancy Hagerty to allow a parcel to split off 2.0 acres with greater than 400 feet of public road frontage leaving a remaining parcel of 73 acres with greater than 400 feet of public road frontage located in Eagle Township. Motion by Mr. Jordan to approve the variance, second by Mr. Garretson. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 126, PAGE 143-144 RESOLUTION: #01-21 (#01-79) VARIANCE TO THE SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE A resolution was submitted granting a variance to the subdivision ordinance for Jon Stasell to split off approximately 2.028 acres with approximately 40 feet of public road frontage in the SE ¼, Section 29, Richland Township. LaSalle County Board Minutes – May 10, 2001 Motion by Mr. Freeman to approve the variance, second by Mr. Dougherty. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 126, PAGE 145-146 RESOLUTION: #01-22 (#01-80) VARIANCE TO THE SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE A resolution was submitted granting variance to the subdivision ordinance for Jim & Laura Frasco to create two parcels; one being approximately 20 acres with 32 feet of public road frontage and the other being approximately 22 acres with 100 feet of public road frontage in the SW ¼, Section 36, Brookfield Township. Motion by Mr. Rosengren to approve the variance, second by Mr. Jordan. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 126, PAGE 147-149 RESOLUTION: #01-23 (#01-81) FINAL PLAT OF WOLF CREEK ACRES DEVELOPMENT SUBDIVISION A resolution was submitted accepting the final plat of Wolf Creek Acres Development Subdivision in Bruce Township, LaSalle County. ` Motion by Mr. Jakupcak to approve the final plat, second by Mr. Jordan. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 126, PAGE 150-151 RESOLUTION: #01-24 (#01-82) FINAL PLAT OF KI-SHAU-WAU SUBDIVISION A resolution was submitted accepting the final plat of Ki-Shau-Wau Subdivision in Vermillion Township, LaSalle County. Motion by Mr. Foltynewicz to approve the final plat, second by Mr. Rigby. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 126, PAGE 152-153 APPOINTMENT: (#01-83) EARLVILLE COMMUNITY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT A resolution was submitted reappointing William Lonie as a Trustee of the Earlville Community Fire Protection District with his term beginning May 1, 2001 and expiring April 30, 2004. Motion by Mr. Stockley to approve the reappointment, second by Mr. Small. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 126, PAGE 154-155 APPOINTMENT: (#01-84) MARSEILLES CEMETERY ASSOCIATION BOARD

LaSalle County Board Minutes – May 10, 2001 A resolution was submitted appointing Robert L. Davis as a Trustee of the Marseilles Cemetery Association Board for a six year term expiring January 1, 2006. Motion by Mr. Combs to approve the appointment, second by Mr. Hicks. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 126, PAGE 156-157 APPOINTMENT: (#01-85) LASALLE COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY BOARD A resolution was submitted reappointing James Armstrong to the LaSalle County Housing Authority Board beginning July 1, 2001 and expiring June 30, 2006. Motion by Mr. Garretson to approve the reappointment, second by Mrs. Woodrich. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 126, PAGE 158 APPOINTMENT: (#01-86) LASALLE COUNTY BOARD OF REVIEW A resolution was submitted appointing Stanley Twait as an alternate member of the LaSalle County Board of Review for a term beginning June 1, 2001 and expiring may 31, 2002. Motion by Mr. Boe to approve the appointment, second by Mr. Mustered. Roll call vote; 27 ayes, 1 vacant. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 126, PAGE 159-160 MISCELLANEOUS REPORTS & CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence to the Illinois Dept. of Revenue regarding business address verification for tax allocation purposes was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 126, PAGE 161 A report from the Illinois Dept. of Revenue stating that the countywide supplemental tax for February, 2001 has been reported and collected in the total amount of $221,717.22. SEE RECORD BOOK 126, PAGE 162 A report from the Illinois Dept. of Revenue stating that the public safety tax for February, 2001 has been reported and collected in the total amount of $173,126.07. SEE RECORD BOOK 126, PAGE 163 A report from the Illinois Dept. of Revenue stating that the county sales tax (1%) for February, 2001 has been reported and collected in the total amount of $47,729.37. SEE RECORD BOOK 126, PAGE 164 The Treasurer’s Investment Schedule dated April 26th, 2001 was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 126, PAGE 165 Received from the Illinois Dept. of Transportation a copy of Audit Report No. 68 covering the receipt and disbursement of Motor Fuel Tax funds for the period of January 1 – December31, 2000. SEE RECORD BOOK 126, PAGE 166 LaSalle County Board Minutes – May 10, 2001 Received from the Illinois Dept. of Transportation a copy of Audit Report No. 46 covering the receipt and disbursement of Motor Fuel Tax funds by the county’s road districts for the period of January 1 – December 31, 2000. SEE RECORD BOOK 126, PAGE 167 Received from the Illinois Dept. of Transportation a copy of Audit Report Supplemental No. 46 covering the receipt and disbursement of Township Bridge Program funds by the county’s road districts for the period January 1 – December 31, 2000. SEE RECORD BOOK 126, PAGE 168 Correspondence received from the United Steelworkers of America Local 7367, thanking the LaSalle County Board for their support in the fight to save the Hennepin Steel Plant and the U.S. Steel Industry. SEE RECORD BOOK 126, PAGE 169 Correspondence from the Illinois Dept. of Transportation acknowledging the agreement executed April 23rd, 2001 to transfer highway jurisdiction for the Bridge Street Structure from the City of Streator to the State of Illinois. SEE RECORD BOOK 126, PAGE 170 Motion by Mrs. Cogdal to place all on file, second by Mr. Johnson. Voice vote, all ayes.

Motion carried. COMMENT Chairman Hettel commented that the redistricting meeting will be held tomorrow at 8:00 a.m. in the board room. A majority of the board districts will change, but not all. ------Motion by Mr. Mustered to adjourn the meeting to June 11th, 2001 at 1:00 p.m. in room 250 at the Governmental Complex, Ottawa, Illinois, second by Mr. Piecha. CHAIRMAN HETTEL DECLARED THE MEETING ADJOURNED TO JUNE 11TH, 2001

LaSalle County Board Minutes – May 10, 2001 STATE OF ILLINOIS ) COUNTY OF LASALLE ) RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE LASALLE COUNTY BOARD HELD AT THE GOVERNMENTAL COMPLEX, OTTAWA, ILLINOIS. BEGUN AND HELD ON THE SECOND MONDAY OF JUNE, A.D., 2001, IT BEING THE 11TH DAY THEREOF. STATE OF ILLINOIS ) COUNTY OF LASALLE ) The LaSalle County Board met pursuant to Statute at the Governmental Complex, Ottawa, Illinois, on the second Monday of June, A.D., 2001, it being the 11th day thereof. Chairman Hettel called the meeting to order at 1:02 p.m. This is the 1st meeting of our June 2001 Session. Chairman Hettel asked the Clerk to call the roll for Mileage & Per Diem. PRESENT: 27 Members ABSENT: Mr. McConville, Mr. Landers There were 26 ayes claiming mileage. Motion by Mr. Rigby to approve the roll call for mileage and per diem, second by Mr. Combs. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 127, PAGE 1 th Chairman Hettel called for any additions or corrections to the May 10 , 2001 minutes. Motion by Mr. Jakupcak to approve the May 10th, minutes as presented, second by Mr. Foltynewicz. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. APPOINTMENT: MELVIN TRESCHAK TO COUNTY BOARD DISTRICT #26 Chairman Hettel presented the name of Melvin Treschak to fill the unexpired term of Ronald Dittmer as Board Member of County Board District #26. Roll call vote; 25 ayes, 2 absent. Motion carried. Mary Jane Wilkinson, LaSalle County Clerk, administered the Oath of Office to Mr. Treschak. SEE RECORD BOOK 127, PAGE 2 ANNOUNCEMENT Chairman Hettel announced that today is Mr. & Mrs. John Janko’s 55th Wedding Anniversary. RESOLUTION: (#01-87) PREVAILING WAGE ACT A resolution was submitted stating that it is the policy of the County of LaSalle and the State of Illinois to ascertain and pay the general prevailing rate of hourly wages to any craftsmen, mechanics and workmen employed on public works projects within said County.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – June 11, 2001 Motion by Mr. Jordan to approve the prevailing wage resolution, second by Mr. Johnson. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 127, PAGE 3 RESOLUTION: (#01-88) AMATEUR RADIO AWARENESS MONTH A resolution was submitted stating that the LaSalle County Board proclaims June 23rd and June 24th Amateur Radio weekend in LaSalle County. Motion by Mr. Flanagan to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Erbrederis. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 127, PAGE 4-6 COMMENT Mr. Erbrederis thanked the Board in behalf of the amateurs of LaSalle County and the members of the three radio clubs for their action for proclaiming the weekend for amateur radio. RESOLUTION: (#01-89) PURCHASE AGREEMENT A resolution was submitted stating that LaSalle County enter a purchase agreement with Henricksen & Company, Inc. to purchase and install furnishings for the new County Jail in the amount of $37,095.71 for product and $2,900.00 for delivery and installation, for a total of $39,995.71. Motion by Mr. Dougherty to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Mustered. Roll call vote; 26 ayes, 2 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 127, PAGE 7-18 RESOLUTION: (#01-90) NEWTSON ROOFING A resolution was submitted stating that the LaSalle County Board consents and ratifies the Courthouse and Jail Committee’s acceptance of the bid of Newtson Roofing in the amount of $42,454.00 for the repair and replacement of the Downtown Courthouse roof. Motion by Mr. Jakupcak to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Mustered. Same roll call vote; 26 ayes, 2 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 127, PAGE 19-20 RESOLUTION: (#01-91) CHAPMAN SHEET METAL A resolution was submitted stating that the LaSalle County Board consents and ratifies the Courthouse and Jail Committee’s acceptance of the bid from Chapman Sheet Metal in the amount of $47,641.00 for the LaSalle County Health Department roof repair and replacement. Motion by Mr. Dougherty to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Johnson. Same roll call vote; 26 ayes, 2 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 127, PAGE 21-22

LaSalle County Board Minutes – June 11, 2001 GRANT FOR SHERIFF’S DEPARTMENT Mr. Jakupcak stated that “our State Representatives helped LaSalle County Sheriff’s Department secure a grant or gift to buy ten defibrillators. If we buy ten, we get one free. The training will be done at the Ottawa Community Hospital by an R.N. This is not going to be of any cost to the taxpayers. It will be a real benefit to have in our squad cars.” Motion by Mr. Freeman to accept the grant for the Sheriff’s Department, second by Mr. Boe. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 127, PAGE 23 QUARTERLY REPORT: COMMITTEE WORK MISCELLANEOUS The Quarterly Report for Committee Work Miscellaneous was submitted in the total amount of $45,565.80. Motion by Mr. Mustered to approve the quarterly report, second by Mr. Derango. Roll call vote; 26 ayes, 2 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 127, PAGE 24-56 LASALLE COUNTY BOARD RULES BOOK The LaSalle County Board Rules Book was re-submitted after being held over for two months for further review for additional changes and corrections. Original motion by Mr. Rosengren, second by Mr. Small. Mr. Stockley questioned, “On page eight under “(#20) Standing Committees”, would Zoning & Planning still be included?” Chairman Hettel commented, “I don’t think so.” Chairman Hettel called for a motion to amend so as to delete Zoning & Planning from the Rules Book. Motion to amend by Mr. Rosengren, second by Mr. Boe. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. Chairman Hettel called for a roll call vote on the LaSalle County Rules Book adopted as amended; 26 ayes, 2 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 127, PAGE 57 RESOLUTION: #01-12 (#01-92) VARIANCE TO THE SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE A resolution was submitted granting a variance to the subdivision ordinance for Ray Berry to split a 5.00 acre parcel into two equal lots of 2.50 acres which is located in the Southwest ¼ of Section 18, Fall River Township. Motion by Mr. Foltynewicz to approve the variance, second by Mr. Small. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – June 11, 2001 SEE RECORD BOOK 127, PAGE 58-59 RESOLUTION: #01-25 (#01-93) VARIANCE TO THE SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE A resolution was submitted granting a variance to the subdivision ordinance for Cary and Carol Bowers to split an existing 9 acre parcel into 3 separate parcels of 2.665 acres with 196.07 feet of public road frontage, 3.0 acres with 443.56 feet of public road frontage and 3.335 acres with 93.03 feet of public road frontage, respectively in the NW ¼ of the NW ¼, Section 16, Serena Township. Motion by Mr. Rosengren to approve the variance, second by Mr. Stockley. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 127, PAGE 60-61 RESOLUTION: #01-26 (#01-94) VARIANCE TO THE SETBACK ORDINANCE A resolution was submitted granting a variance to the setback ordinance for Consolidated Grain and Barge Company to build a 105’ diameter, 656,000 bushel, 112’ tall grain bin, a minimum of 30 feet from the centerline of N. 27th Rd., Utica Township, LaSalle County. Motion by Mr. Flanagan to approve the variance, second by Mr. Small. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 127, PAGE 62-63 RESOLUTION: #01-27 (#01-95) VARIANCE TO THE SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE A resolution was submitted granting a variance to the subdivision ordinance for Nancy Mathias to allow a split of 3.0 acres with 350 feet of public road frontage leaving a remaining parcel of 70.88 acres with greater than 400 feet of public road frontage located in Bruce Township. Motion by Mr. Jordan to approve the variance, second by Mr. Foltynewicz. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 127, PAGE 64-65 RESOLUTION: #01-28 (#01-96) FINAL PLAT OF MEGAN ESTATES SUBDIVISION A resolution was submitted accepting the final plat of Megan Estates Subdivision in Northville Township. Motion by Mr. Dougherty to approve the final plat, second by Mr. Mustered. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 127, PAGE 66-67

LaSalle County Board Minutes – June 11, 2001 RESOLUTION: #01-14 (#01-97) COUNTY HIGHWAY A resolution was submitted appropriating $300,000 of County Highway Funds for the bituminous resurfacing of Section 01-00294-00-RS (C.H. 23., Ed Hand Road and C.H. 62, Orlando Smith Road). Motion by Mr. Combs to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Hicks. Roll call vote; 26 ayes, 2 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 127, PAGE 68-70 RESOLUTION: #01-15 (#01-98) COUNTY HIGHWAY A resolution was submitted approving the local agency agreement for federal participation for Section 01-00066-01-RS, F.A.S. Route 271 (County Highway 25 from County Highway 4 to U.S. Route 52). Motion by Mr. Mustered to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Flanagan. Same roll call vote; 26 ayes, 2 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 127, PAGE 71-77 RESOLUTION: #01-16 (#01-99) COUNTY HIGHWAY A resolution was submitted providing for the appropriation of an additional $125,000.00 from the Motor Fuel Tax Funds for the addition of County Highway 52 (from Leland to North 48th Road) to Section 01-00290-00-RS. Motion by Mr. Flanagan to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Rosengren. Same roll call vote; 26 ayes, 2 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 127, PAGE 78-81 RESOLUTION: (#01-100) LASALLE COUNTY BOARD OF REVIEW A resolution was submitted appointing Judie McConville as a member of the LaSalle County Board of Review for a term beginning June 11, 2001 and ending May 31, 2004. Motion by Mr. Dougherty to approve the appointment, second by Mr. Savitch. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 127, PAGE 82 RESOLUTION: (#01-101) WALTHAM CEMETERY ASSOCIATION A resolution was submitted appointing Kenneth Finley, Dale Wilson and Thomas Small as Trustees of the Waltham Cemetery Association for a three-year term expiring June 11, 2003. Motion by Mr. Small to approve the appointments, second by Mrs. Cogdal. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 127, PAGE 83-84

LaSalle County Board Minutes – June 11, 2001 RESOLUTION: (#01-102) WALTHAM CEMETERY ASSOCIATION A resolution was submitted appointing Dwight Munson, Bruce Brown and Albert Hagenbuch as Trustees of the Waltham Cemetery Association for a six-year term expiring June 11, 2006. Motion by Mr. Small to approve the appointments, second by Mr. Rigby. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 127, PAGE 85 RESOLUTION: (#01-103) LASALLE COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT BOARD A resolution was submitted re-appointing Sherwood Jackson as a member of the LaSalle County Health Department Board beginning July 1, 2001 and expiring June 30, 2004. Motion by Mr. Mustered to approve the re-appointment, second by Mr. Small. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 127, PAGE 86 RESOLUTION: (#01-104) LASALLE COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT BOARD A resolution was submitted re-appointing Wayne E. Riebe as a member of the LaSalle County Health Department Board beginning July 1, 2001 and expiring June 30, 2004. Motion by Mr. Garretson to approve the re-appointment, second by Mr. Boe. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 127, PAGE 87 RESOLUTION: (#01-105) LASALLE COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT BOARD A resolution was submitted re-appointing Michael P. Vercimak as a member of the LaSalle County Health Department Board beginning July 1, 2001 and expiring June 30, 2004. Motion by Mr. Flanagan to approve the re-appointment, second by Mr. Small. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 127, PAGE 88 ANNOUNCEMENT Chairman Hettel announced that Dr. Fesco retired, so currently there is an opening on the Board of Directors for a doctor. PRESENTATION John Henning, Zoning Coordinator, presented to each Board member a copy of the “Final Proposed Draft Zoning Ordinance”, in addition a copy to have placed on file along with other zoning related materials. Motion by Mr. Stockley to accept and place the “Final Proposed Draft Zoning Ordinance” and all other zoning related materials on file, second by Mr. Garretson.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – June 11, 2001 COMMENT Chairman Hettel commented, “the County Board certainly adopted a Blue Ribbon Committee.” John Henning commented, “I do compliment the Zoning & Planning Committee. They truly did listen to what was said. They were a pleasure to work with. We didn’t always agree on everything, but nothing was ever personal. It was very professional.” Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 127, PAGE 89 John Henning also stated that he recommended in addition to providing the Zoning Committee members with copies of the “Final Proposed Draft Zoning Ordinance”, that one (1) copy of the text be made available to each township and municipality at no charge, which can be made available for pick up at the County Clerk’s Office. Any additional requests by townships, municipalities or other interested parties for the text would be a charge of $25.00. MOTION Motion by Mr. Jordan that one copy of the final draft be made available to each township and municipality in LaSalle County and all committee members of the Zoning and Planning Committee at no charge, second by Mr. Johnson. Roll call vote; 26 ayes, 2 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 127, PAGE 90 MOTION Motion by Mr. Dougherty that the county board sets the fee at $25.00 per copy of the “Final Proposed Draft Zoning Ordinance”, second by Mr. Jordan. Same roll call vote; 26 ayes, 2 absent. Motion carried. COMMENT Mr. Freeman questioned, “Since I think we’ve finally put an end on the zoning issue, I and others would like to know what Mr. Henning will be doing with the five or six months left to his contract?” Mr. Henning replied that he serves as a member of the Workforce Investment Board serving as Chairman of two of its sub committees, and also is a member of the GIS Committee. When requested he seeks out and applies for grants for any of the county departments. RESOLUTION: (#01-106) REAPPORTIONMENT A resolution was submitted stating that the County Board will consist of 29 districts with one member elected from each district and said districts shall be comprised of the following said

LaSalle County Board Minutes – June 11, 2001 precincts and townships to be included for the 2002 elections and for the ensuing ten-year period through the 2010 elections for the County Board Representatives. Motion by Mr. Savitch to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Mustered. Chairman Hettel thanked Shawn Blobaum, GIS Coordinator, from Bruce Harris & Associates, for helping with the re-districting. Chairman Hettel stated that there has been a new district created in the Lake Holiday area because of the population. This leaves 28 districts left for 29 county board members, which means that some place there is going to be two board members ending up in the same district. Chairman Hettel called for a roll call vote; 23 ayes, 3 nays, 2 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 127, PAGE 91-92 COMMENT Mrs. Woodrich commented that the Illinois Association of County Board Members and Commissioners announced their meeting to be Saturday, June 23rd, 2001 in Springfield, IL. Representatives from every county that are members of the organization are asked to attend. LaSalle County is a member of this organization and will be represented at the meeting. REPORT Mr. Foltynewicz stated that he “inspected the Reddick lot in the City of Ottawa’s cemetery and it is in good shape. The County Highway Department has also been taking good care of the cemetery behind them.” Mr. Foltynewicz also stated that, “A year ago we also had approval for restoring the stone wall that encloses the Woodruff Cemetery, which has been completed. In May of this year, it was also approved by the County Board that we try to have the headstones restored. It took over a period of time, but we met and contacted Illinois State Comptroller Dan Hynes’ office. A representative from his office came out and approved the Woodruff Cemetery to keep the cemetery on their program, and to help restore and guide us in what we should do to get it restored.” RECESS Chairman Hettel called for a 5-minute recess. PRESENTATION-REAPPORTIONMENT Due to questions by some of the board members regarding the reapportionment, Mary Jane Wilkinson, LaSalle County Clerk explained how some precincts were added and some re- numbered.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – June 11, 2001 Shawn Blobaum, GIS Coordinator, also showed a slide of the new redistricting to help the board members understand some of their new boundaries. MISCELLANEOUS REPORTS & CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence to the Illinois Department of Revenue regarding business address verification for tax allocation purposes was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 127, PAGE 93-100 A report from the Office of Mary Jane Wilkinson, LaSalle County Clerk, for the period of December 1st, 2000 through May 31st, 2001 was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 127, PAGE 101 The Treasurer’s investment Schedule dated May 30th, 2001 was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 127, PAGE 102 A report from the Grand Jury of May, 2001 visiting and inspecting the LaSalle County Jail Facility was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 127, PAGE 103-104 A copy of an ordinance passed by Ophir Township ascertaining the prevailing rate of wages for laborers, workmen and mechanics employed on public works was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 127, PAGE 105-106 Correspondence from the I.E.P.A. regarding a state construction permit for Owens- Brockway Glass Container, Inc. was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 127, PAGE 107 A letter from Congressman Ray LaHood regarding LTV was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 127, PAGE 108 Correspondence from the Illinois Department of Natural Resources regarding a surface mining permit and fees needed for Lone Star Industries was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 127, PAGE 109 A letter from Senator John W. Maitland, Jr. regarding LaSalle County’s resolution for increasing Medicaid, which was sent to him was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 127, PAGE 110-111 Correspondence from North American Hydro, Inc. regarding Marseilles Hydroelectric Project was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 127, PAGE 112-113 A Joint Agreement entered between the Illinois Department of Transportation and the County providing the improvement of Section 70 BR was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 127, PAGE 114 Correspondence from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission regarding a hydroelectic application that has been filed is available for inspection was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 127, PAGE 115 LaSalle County Board Minutes – June 11, 2001 Motion by Mr. Hicks to place all on file, second by Ms. Koban. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion

carried. ------Motion by Mr. Piecha to recess to July 12th, 2001 at 1:00 p.m. in Room 250, second by Mr. Savitch. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. CHAIRMAN HETTEL DECLARED THE MEETING RECESSED TO JULY 12TH, 2001

LaSalle County Board Minutes – June 11, 2001 STATE OF ILLINOIS ) COUNTY OF LASALLE ) The LaSalle County Board met pursuant to recess at the Governmental Complex, Ottawa, Illinois, on the second Thursday of July, A.D., 2001 it being the 12th day thereof. This meeting is the second meeting of our June 2001 Session. Chairman Hettel called the meeting to order at 1:07 p.m. Chairman Hettel asked the Clerk to call the roll for mileage & per diem. PRESENT: 28 Members ABSENT: Mr. Hicks There were 27 ayes claiming mileage. Motion by Mr. Combs to approve the roll call for mileage & per diem, second by Mrs. Cogdal. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 128, PAGE 1 th Chairman Hettel called for any additions or corrections to the June 11 , 2001 minutes. The Clerk stated that the June 11th, minutes reflected a voice vote, all ayes on Resolution #01-25 (Variance to the Subdivision Ordinance for Cary & Carol Bowers). It should be a voice vote and 1 nay by Mr. Boe. Motion by Mr. Derango to approve the June 11th minutes as corrected, second by Mr. Foltynewicz. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. CITIZEN’S COMMENT Lisa Mitchell, a resident of the northeast region of LaSalle County in the Sandwich area, addressed the Board regarding her concern for no police control in the Lake Holiday area. Mrs. Mitchell stated, “I realize that the Sandwich Police Department can not come over past the County Line Road off of Sheridan Road. Particularly, I live in Countryside Estates. In the past six years that I lived there, I’ve seen a Sheriff in our area maybe five times. We have no police patrol in our area to help us with the speeding of people. My husband and I feel that this is a gold mine for speeding tickets. The Sheriff told me that he covers 365 square miles. What can we do to get better control up in the Lake Holiday area?” Mr. Foltynewicz suggested finding out who her county board member is and contact him to get support. Mr. McConville questioned, “Is Lake Holiday in the city limits?” Chairman Hettel replied, “No.” Mr. Jakupcak stated, “As Chairman of the Sheriff’s Committee, I know we’ve discussed the problems. The Sheriff has us informed. There just isn’t enough deputies to be everywhere. It’s a big county.”

LaSalle County Board Minutes – July 12, 2001 Sheriff Templeton stated, “We in fact do patrol as much as we can in all of the townships. The county is divided into four patrol zones. We nearly have 1,200 square miles of area patrol, which is about three hundred and some square miles in each zone. There is one deputy in each patrol zone. In fairness, I ‘d have to say we’ve certainly been out there more than five times in six years. There’s a lot of traffic that goes on up there. Lake Holiday is a private city or entity. We do make a presence up there. We have to provide protection to the entire LaSalle County. Every citizen in LaSalle County desires the same level of protection, and we have to try to accomplish that with the number of people that we have.” Sheriff Templeton addressed the board with the history between Lake Holiday and the county regarding the patrolling. Sheriff Templeton also stated, “One of the things that we’ve tried to do since I became Sheriff is to move into a sub-station type situation, which we are trying to implement now. As soon as we get the computer systems squared away so it will accept more computers on line, we will be having a sub-station at the Lake Holiday Public Safety Building which will increase the presence of the officers up there.” Mr. Erbrederis stated, “As the elected representative of Northville Township I’d like to go on record stating that even though we don’t have an enabling ordinance on Lake Holiday allowing the Sheriff to come in and enforce the Illinois Vehicle Code, there is still a strong presence of the officers. From my location where my residence is located, there are numerous times throughout the day when a Sheriff’s car enters the lake, goes through the lake and then exits on the Sandwich side. He does have a very strong working relationship with our private security on the lake and has attended many of the neighborhood watch meetings at Lake Holiday and also in Wildwood. So the Sheriff does have an interest in the northeast end of the county. The biggest problem is, we need the residence to pick up the phone, call the Sheriff’s Department when they see the crimes going on and not complain two or three weeks later. It is a large area for the deputy to patrol and he needs the help from all the citizens to let him know when a crime is in progress.” PRESENTATION Chief Judge Robert Carter addressed the Board regarding the expansion of the courtrooms into the Sheriff’s training area because of the increased need for space. Mr. Dougherty stated, “This was a request by the Honorable Judge Carter, that we do something about the lack of court space. The Courthouse and Jail Committee has looked at different proposals with our architect and today here with us is Roger Schroepher, from Wold Architects.” LaSalle County Board Minutes – July 12, 2001 Roger Schroepher addressed the Board stating, ”We have met with the Courthouse and Jail Committee on several occasions, looking at different options providing the space that Chief Judge Carter needs as well as accommodating the displaced area for the Sheriff’s Department.” Mr. Schroepher passed out the recommendation by the Courthouse and Jail Committee. Chief Judge Carter and Sheriff Templeton explained the preliminary concept plans to the board members. Mr. Freeman questioned, “Is this project coming from the Safety Tax of Revenues for funding, and if it does, how’s it going to effect our pay back schedule for the rest of the jail project?” Mr. Dougherty replied, “It is going to come under the tax funding and we do have enough in bonds to cover this project.” Mr. Mustered stated, “This was one of three options that the committee looked at. This was not the least expensive, but the most expensive. But, we felt that it was the best to satisfy our needs.” RESOLUTION: (#01-107) APPROVING COURTROOM AND JAIL REMODELING A resolution was submitted to proceed with the renovation project for the remodeling of the existing Sheriff’s training room for use as a Courtroom and additional space for the Sheriff’s Offices, locker room and self defense and radio room expansion, at an estimated cost of $838,000.00. Motion by Mr. Dougherty to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Mustered. Roll call vote; 27 ayes, 1 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 128, PAGE 2-6 MOTION Motion by Mr. Derango to place on file the LaSalle County Detention Home Semi-Annual Report starting December 1, 2000 to May 31, 2001, second by Mr. Erbrederis. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 128, PAGE 7 RESOLUTION: (#01-108) SALARY FOR PUBLIC DEFENDER A resolution was submitted stating that the salary for the Public Defender be set at $53,636.33 for the term of July 1, 2001 to June 30, 2002. Motion by Mr. Landers to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Combs. Chairman Hettel commented that the Public Defender must receive 40% of what the States Attorney receives. Chairman Hettel called for a roll call vote; 27 ayes, 1 absent. Motion carried.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – July 12, 2001 SEE RECORD BOOK 128, PAGE 8-10 RESOLUTION: (#01-109) TO AMEND FOOD SERVICE AGREEMENT A resolution was submitted stating that the LaSalle County Board enter the Amendment to Operating Agreement attached hereto and incorporated herein effective July 1, 2001 and hereby authorize the County Board Chairman to execute said agreement. Motion by Mr. Janko to approve the resolution, second by Mrs. Cogdal. Same roll call vote; 27 ayes, 1 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 128, PAGE 11-13 RE0SOLUTION: (#01-110) INCREASE DAILY RATES FOR PUBLIC AID RESIDENTS A resolution was submitted stating that the private rates for LaSalle County Nursing Home be increased to $80.55 per day or $2,450.00 per month effective August 1, 2001. Motion by Mr. Janko to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Piecha. Same roll call vote; 27 ayes, 1 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 128, PAGE 14-15 MOTION: LETTER SUPPORTING H.B.549 Motion by Mr. Flanagan to send a letter addressed to Governor George Ryan stating that LaSalle County urges you to sign House Bill 549, which would assist counties with State funding for Public Defender salaries, second by Mr. Jakupcak. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 128, PAGE 16-17 RESOLUTION: 01-17 (#01-111) JOINT AGREEMENT WITH CITY OF OTTAWA A resolution was submitted authorizing the Chairman to enter into a Joint Agreement with the City of Ottawa for the improvement of N. 31st Road from East 16th Road to Illinois Route 23 (Section 01-36102-01-SM & 01-00150-00-SM, Wallace Road District and City of Ottawa). Motion by Mr. Flanagan to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Johnson. Same roll call vote; 27 ayes, 1 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 128, PAGE 18-22 RESOLUTION: 01-18 (#01-112) COUNTY HIGHWAY A resolution was submitted appropriating $120,000 Motor Fuel Tax Funds for Section 01- 00300-00-MG for the construction of an 80’ x 120’ de-icer building foundation at the LaSalle County Highway Department Facility. Motion by Mr. McConville to approve the resolution, second be Mr. Rigby. Same roll call vote; 27 ayes, 1 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 128, PAGE 23-24

LaSalle County Board Minutes – July 12, 2001 RESOLUTION: 01-19 (#01-113) COUNTY HIGHWAY A resolution was submitted appropriating $87,000 Motor Fuel Tax Funds for Section 01- 00300-01-MG for the construction of an 80’ x 120’ membrane cover structure for a de-icer building at the LaSalle County Highway Department Facility. Motion by Mr. Flanagan to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Boe. Same roll call vote; 27 ayes, 1 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 128, PAGE 25-26 RESOLUTION: #01-20 (#01-114) COUNTY HIGHWAY A resolution was submitted prohibiting parking on County Highway 23 (Ed Hand Road) from 300 feet south of the south abutment of the Vermillion River Bridge northerly 3,062 feet to Illinois Route 71. Motion by Mr. Piecha to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Jakupcak. Larry Kinzer, County Engineer explained that “this will be to post no parking on the entire length of County Highway 23 to Ed Hand Road. Our jurisdiction starts on the south side of the bridge a few hundred feet, and extends north up to Route 71. There has been quite a bit of activity there in the past. People like to recreate in that area and it has caused some traffic problems and damage to public property. This resolution is mostly an effort to put us in a better position to defend ourselves in case of an accident at this location.” Mr. Piecha stated, “I travel that route quite a bit, it’s in my district. I notice that there’s a lot of activity and canoeing. I have also seen busloads coming from the rafting promoter down the road. No parking on Route 23 certainly will hurt the businesses in the area, especially with the rafters. I know that there are some restaurants that participate in that rafting program. Canoeists come in town and have supper.” Mr. Kinzer replied, “We did contact the people that run the canoeing business to let them know we were contemplating this action, and they made absolutely no response to us. So I would think that if they had a real problem with it they would have responded. They did not reply to the department and I didn’t here of any other response from any other person on the board.” Mr. Piecha stated, “I believe that if there’s not going to be parking on County Highway 23, it certainly is going to cause a lot of problems. I can understand where the engineer is coming from to protect the county with the parking situation. I would venture to say that there’d be up to forty automobiles parked on the right of way at one given time. No parking, certainly, would not prohibit those people from using that river or for going down to the river to fish. They are going to break the law.” Mr. Rigby stated, “I use that route as well. I consider it to be a safety hazard.”

LaSalle County Board Minutes – July 12, 2001 Mr. McConville stated, “I don’t think the intent is to stop people from rafting. It’s just to remove the liability from the county.” Mr. Boe questioned, “Do you have the traffic count per day on that road?” Mr. Kinzer replied, “We do, but I don’t recall what it is. It’s quite high, it’s one of our busier roads.” Mr. Freeman questioned, ”Is it private property that these people are going through to enter and exit the river at that point? How are they getting in and out of the river?” Mr. Kinzer replied, “No, these associations or the people that belong to the canoeists and whoever else recreates down there, have built wooden steps made out of railroad ties down the embankment for the north abutment of the river crossing the bridge. They have dumped gravel on the shoulder and left big piles of stone at the edge of the pavement that we’ve cleaned up. They exit the pavement, drive across the shoulder down on the back slope of the ditches destroying vegetation, and leading to erosion. It’s a very busy spot. “ Mr. Freeman stated, “It sounds like this group should approach County Development to work out a plan to have access and make it feasible for the local people and the people that are using it to make this work.” Mr. Kinzer stated, “I do believe there was a group that talked to the City of Oglesby and there was a grant available to make a parking area and some property that was accessible (the city streets and so forth), and the city decided that they did not want to do that. That was a few years ago. If the business is important to the community then I don’t know why they wouldn’t have taken the grant money and developed a spot.” Mr. Piecha questioned, “As the canoeists leave the City of Streator and use the Vermillion River, where would they exit if we have no parking on Route 23 for the canoeists to get off?” Mr. Kinzer stated, ”I haven’t been down the Vermillion River on a canoe or a raft, so I don’t know of all the places to get in and out. There is a place that they launch at Lowell. Some of them are getting out in Oglesby. It may be a good opportunity for someone who has river frontage to develop a landing for these people.” Mr. Piecha stated, “As the canoeists come into our area using the Vermillion River, from the City of Chicago, and they go to Streator and launch there canoes to enjoy their day, and when they get down to Oglesby they are going to find that there’s no parking down there. That’s where they get picked up at. There is no way that the canoeists will know that there’s no parking at the other end.” Mr. Rigby stated, “About another ½ mile down the river there is a piece of property that I think is owned by the State of Illinois where there could be off street parking.”

LaSalle County Board Minutes – July 12, 2001 Mr. Janko questioned Mr. Rigby, ”Are you talking about the area that’s just adjacent to the north side of Route 71 in Jonesville?” Mr. Rigby stated, “Yes.” Mr. Janko stated, ”I agree. I think there’s a space there that could be utilized for the canoeists to have a landing.” Mr. Rigby stated, “The area that Mr. Janko and I are talking about, has been blocked off. But, in the past you’ve been able to drive down in there and park to go fishing.” Mr. Foltynewicz stated, “That is where they unload and load barges just to the north of Route 71, but farther up stream I don’t know what that is. I imagine the cement mill has that. Is there no room there?” Mr. Piecha stated, “That’s private property.” Mr. Mustered stated, “I know for a fact that it is a problem, because I have been down through there. There is a lot of traffic. Somebody eventually is going to get hurt. I think that maybe the Department of Conservation would be someone for Oglesby to look at. I know that it is a tremendous tourist draw, but there has to be some other way of doing this. That’s the reason for my vote at the committee to do something about it.” Mr. Landers stated, “Our biggest concern from the committee is that we are very concerned with the amount of traffic on Route 23 and the liability. We feel as a committee that if we don’t do something about it, and right away, we are going to be a big target to hit for somebody if something happens down there”. Mr. Piecha questioned, “Is there a connection between the no parking and resurfacing of Route 23? Do we have to have no parking in order get Route 23 resurfaced?” Mr. Kinzer replied, “No.” Chairman Hettel called for a roll call vote; 26 ayes, 1 nay, 1 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 128, PAGE 27-29 RESOLUTION: #01-21 (#01- 115) COUNTY HIGHWAY A resolution was submitted providing for the appropriation of an additional $115,000.00 from the Motor Fuel Tax Fund to cover maintenance costs from January 1, 2001 through December 31, 2001 for Section 01-00000-00-GM, Partol #1. Motion by Mr. Landers to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Rosengren. Roll call vote; 27 ayes, 1 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 128, PAGE 30-32

LaSalle County Board Minutes – July 12, 2001 RESOLUTION: #01-22 (#01-116) COUNTY HIGHWAY A resolution was submitted providing for the appropriation of an additional $70,020.00 Motor Fuel Tax Funds and $40,000.00 County Highway Funds for a new concrete pavement for Section 01-00296-01-RP (C.H. 18 from Illinois Route 71 easterly 0.60 miles). Motion by Mr. Jakupcak to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Small. Same roll call vote; 27 ayes, 1 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 128, PAGE 33-34 RESOLUTION: #01-23 (#01-117) COUNTY HIGHWAY A resolution was submitted providing for the appropriation of an additional $100,000.00 Special Tax Matching Funds for the bituminous concrete resurfacing with curb and gutter replacement for Section 01-00292-00-RS (C.H. 3 from Illinois Route 52 north to Sheridan). Motion by Mr. Flanagan to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Combs. Same roll call vote; 27 ayes, 1 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 128, PAGE 35-36 ANNOUNCEMENT Chairman Hettel introduced the new LaSalle County Health Department Administrator, Julie Kerestes. RESOLUTION: #01-29 (#01-118) VARIANCE TO THE SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE A resolution was submitted granting a variance to the Subdivision Ordinance for Sharon Kotermanski to allow a split of 5.0 acres with 130 feet of public road frontage leaving a remaining parcel of 5.0 acres with 199 feet of public road frontage located in Adams Township, LaSalle County. Motion by Mr. Small to approve the variance for Sharon Kotermanski, second by Mr. Foltynewicz. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 128, PAGE 37-38 RESOLUTION: #01-30 (#01-119) VARIANCE TO THE SETBACK ORDINANCE A resolution was submitted granting a variance to the setback ordinance for Serena Township Road District to build a structure a minimum of 70 feet from the centerline of Illinois Route 52 located in Serena Township, LaSalle County. Motion by Mr. Jordan to approve the variance for Serena Township Road District, second by Mr. Boe. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 128, PAGE 39-40

LaSalle County Board Minutes – July 12, 2001

RESOLUTION: #01-31 (#01-120) VARIANCE TO THE SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE A resolution was submitted granting a variance to the subdivision ordinance for Elwood & Joanne Kidd to allow the split of a 9.19 acre parcel with greater than 800 feet of public road frontage into two legal parcels of 5.05 acres and 4.14 acres located in Mendota Township, LaSalle County. Motion by Mr. McConville to approve the variance for Elwood & Joanne Kidd, second by Mr. Flanagan. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 128, PAGE 41-42 RESOLUTION: #01-32 (#01-121) VARIANCE TO THE SETBACK ORDINANCE A resolution was submitted granting a variance to the setback ordinance for Ed Finnigan to build a structure a minimum of 47 feet from the centerline of Little Main Street, located in Otter Creek Township, LaSalle County. Motion by Mr. Garretson to approve the variance for Ed Finnigan, second by Mr. Jakupcak. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 1289, PAGE 43-44 RESOLUTION: #01-33 (#01-122) VARIANCNE TO THE SETBACK ORDINANCE A resolution was submitted granting a variance to the setback ordinance for Shirley Zavada to build a 7’ x 12’ sunroom a minimum of 57 feet from the centerline of Fuller Street, Otter Creek Township, LaSalle County. Motion by Mr. Garretson to approve the variance for Shirley Zavada, second by Mrs. Woodrich. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 128, PAGE 45-46 RESOLUTION: #01-34 (#01-123) VARIANCE TO THE SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE A resolution was submitted granting a variance to the subdivision ordinance for Leonard Teason & Cherie Jackson to create a 4.464 acre parcel with 330.00 feet of public road frontage in the NE ¼ of Section 1, Adams Township, LaSalle County. Motion by Mr. Small to approve the variance for Leonard Teason & Cherie Jackson, second by Mr. Foltynewicz. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 128, PAGE 47-48

LaSalle County Board Minutes – July 12, 2001

RESOLUTION: #01-35 (#01-124) VARIANCE TO THE SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE A resolution was submitted granting a variance to the subdivision ordinance for Randy Patterson to split a 35.83 acre parcel with 560 feet of public road frontage into two parcels; one being 2.0 acres with 370 feet of public road frontage and the other being 33.83 acres with 190 feet of public road frontage, in the NE ¼ of Section 13, Eden Township, LaSalle County. Motion by Mr. Dougherty to approve the variance for Randy Patterson, second by Mr. Landers. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 128, PAGE 49-50 RESOLUTION: #01-36 (#01-125) VARIANCE TO THE SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE A resolution was submitted granting a variance to the subdivision ordinance for Ernest Weiss to split a 15.37 acre parcel with 653.09 feet of public road frontage into two parcels; one being 1.99 acres with 453.09 feet of public road frontage and the other being 13.38 acres with 200 feet of public road frontage, in the NW ¼ of Section 21, Fall River Township, LaSalle County, Motion by Mr. Freeman to approve the variance for Ernest Weiss, second by Mr. Dougherty. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 128, PAGE 51-52 PRESENTATION Mike Harsted, Environmental Services Director, addressed the Board stating that just recently LaSalle County has been awarded a new floodplain map that will go into effect September 7, 2001. There is a requirement that some of the names and dates within this ordinance that’s already inacted, be changed to fit the new maps. There is also a little change in verbiage. For the citizens of LaSalle County to be able to obtain floodplain insurance, this must be (or something similar to it) in effect by September 7, 2001. MOTION Motion by Mr. Piecha to adopt the proposed ordinance regulating development in floodplain areas and to be voted on next month, second by Mr. Jordan. SEE RECORD BOOK 128, PAGE 53

LaSalle County Board Minutes – July 12, 2001 APPOINTMENT: (#01-126) SOMONAUK FIRE A resolution was submitted reappointing Dennis L. O’Connell and Richard Meyer as Trustees of the Somonauk Community Fire Protection District for three-year terms effective immediately upon passage, and expiring April 30, 2003 or until their successors qualify and take office. Motion by Mr. Mustered to approve the reappointments, second by Mr. McConville. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 128, PAGE 54 APPOINTMENT: (#01-127) LASALLE COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT BOARD A resolution was submitted appointing Richard Schmidt as a Member of the LaSalle County Health Department Board beginning July 1, 2001 and expiring June 30, 2004. Motion by Mr. Dougherty to approve the appointment, second by Mr. Foltynewicz. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 128, PAGE 55 APPOINTMENT: (#01-128) LASALLE COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT BOARD A resolution was submitted reappointing Jack Wayland to the LaSalle County Health Department Board beginning July 1, 2001 and expiring June 30, 2004. Motion by Mr. Dougherty to approve the reappointment, second by Mr. Piecha. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 128, PAGE 56 MOTION Motion by Mr. Derango to authorize the Chairman to sign the letter containing Indemnification language to be sent to Blue Cross/Blue Shield, second by Mr. Landers. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. MISCELLANEOUS REPORTS & CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence to the Illinois Dept. of Revenue regarding business address verification for tax allocation purposes was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 128, PAGE 57 The LaSalle County Circuit Clerk’s Financial Statements for the year ended November 30, 2000 was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 128, PAGE 58 A copy of the Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) and the Illinois Dept. of Transportation-Division of Aeronautics’ (IDA) Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for the

LaSalle County Board Minutes – July 12, 2001 Environmental Assessment evaluating improvements at the Illinois Valley Regional Airport was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 128, PAGE 59 A copy of Seneca Public Library District’s Ordinance that was passed June 20th, 2001, regarding the prevailing rate of wages was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 128, PAGE 60 The Treasurer’s investment Schedule dated June 25th, 2001 was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 128, PAGE 61 Correspondence from the Illinois Dept. of Natural Resources regarding fees and bonds needed to process U.S. Silica Company’s applications for the proposed 251.0 acre and 58.0 acre surface mining permits were submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 128, PAGE 62-63 A copy of Ottawa Township’s Ordinance passed on June 12th, 2001 regarding prevailing rate of wages was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 128, PAGE 64 A copy of Mendota Township’s Ordinance passed on June 11th, 2001 regarding prevailing rate of wages was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 128, PAGE 65 A copy of the Village of Leonore’s Ordinance passed June 1st, 2001 regarding prevailing rate of wages was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 128, PAGE 66 A report from the Illinois Dept. of Revenue stating that the County Sales Tax (1%) for March, 2001 has been reported and collected in the total amount of $51,012.31. SEE RECORD BOOK 128, PAGE 67 A report from the Illinois Dept. of Revenue stating that the County Sales Tax (1%) for April, 2001 has been reported and collected in the total amount of $54,972.55. SEE RECORD BOOK 128, PAGE 68 A report from the Illinois Dept. of Revenue stating that the Countywide Supplemental Tax for March, 2001 has been reported and collected in the total amount of $224,894.34. SEE RECORD BOOK 128, PAGE 69 A report from the Illinois Dept. of Revenue stating that the Countywide Supplemental Tax for April, 2001 has been reported and collected in the total amount of $250,447.05. SEE RECORD BOOK 128, PAGE 70 A report from the Illinois Dept. of Revenue stating that the Public Safety Tax for March, 2001 has been reported and collected in the total amount of $188,717.90. SEE RECORD BOOK 128, PAGE 71

LaSalle County Board Minutes – July 12, 2001 A report from the Illinois Dept. of Revenue stating that the Public Safety Tax for April, 2001 has been reported and collected in the total amount of $193,790.74. SEE RECORD BOOK 128, PAGE 72 A letter from Ruben Barrales, Deputy Asst. to the President, stating “On behalf of the President, I would like to thank you for forwarding the resolution regarding the flying of the American flag at half staff in honor of those who died at Pearl Harbor, recently adopted by the County Board of LaSalle. I have taken the liberty of sharing your resolution with the appropriate officials for their review and consideration.” SEE RECORD BOOK 128, PAGE 73 A letter from Charles R. Jacobs, of Brookhaven, Mississippi thanking the group of 45 who cleaned up Woodruff Cemetery where his family is buried was submitted to place on file. SEE RECORD BOOK 128, PAGE 74 Motion by Mr. Johnson to place all on file, second by Mrs. Cogdal. COMMENT Mr. Foltynewicz commented on how fortunate the County has been through the help of the news media, with the response from individuals who have family buried at Woodruff Cemetery. Chairman Hettel commented that the donations that were given by some of the individuals were put in the County Treasury, under the proper line item. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. REPORT Mr. Dougherty thanked the employees for their cooperation regarding the memo sent out a couple of weeks ago to park in the east parking lot instead of the north, and also about some electrical appliances that need to be removed from the offices. Mr. Dougherty also reported that the roof at the downtown courthouse is near completion as well as the County Health Building’s roof. Mr. Landers reported on the progress of the new jail. ”We are into the quad system of it. This is where the brick walls are going up and the concrete is being set in. They are cleaning up the first floor and starting to paint the walls. The way it looks like to me, talking to the contractors, right know we are just a little bit ahead of schedule. We hope the weather cooperates to keep on going.” Mr. Dougherty stated, “Next month we hope to have before the full board a resolution on replacing the heating lines and chilling lines that are between the two buildings out in front. They have been leaking for some time.”

LaSalle County Board Minutes – July 12, 2001 COMMENT Chairman Hettel stated that he had a request from a member of the news media to be provided a free copy of the zoning publication. Chairman Hettel stated, “In the Freedom of Information Act, we are able to do that.” Attorney Troy Holland stated, “I believe the wording is, if it’s in the public interest and the body decides to waive a fee for the public interest, that they could waive the fee under the Freedom of Information Act for the publication.” MOTION Motion by Mr. Stockley to waive the fee of the zoning publication for all news media, second by Mr. Flanagan. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. COMMENT Chairman Hettel also thanked the employees for their cooperation with the parking situation. ------Motion by Mr. Piecha to recess to August 9, 2001 at 1:00 p.m. in Room 250, second by Mr. Savitch. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried CHAIRMAN HETTEL DECLARED THE MEETING RECESSED TO AUGUST 9, 2001

LaSalle County Board Minutes – July 12, 2001 STATE OF ILLINOIS ) COUNTY OF LASALLE ) The LaSalle County Board met pursuant to recess at the Governmental Complex, Ottawa, Illinois on the second Thursday of August, A.D., 2001 it being the 9th day thereof. This meeting is the third meeting of our June, 2001 Session. Chairman Hettel called the meeting to order at 1:05 P.M. Chairman Hettel asked the Clerk to call the roll for mileage & per diem. There were 24 ayes claiming mileage. Motion by Mr. Rigby to approve the roll call for mileage & per diem, second by Mrs. Cogdal. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 128, PAGE 75 Chairman Hettel called for any additions or corrections to the July 12th, 2001 minutes. Motion by Mr. Mustered to approve the July 12th minutes as presented, second by Mr. Foltynewicz. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. CITIZEN COMMENT Beverly Launius and Shirley Schiltz, residents of Lake Holiday addressed the County Board to fully reinforce that they get more control in the Lake Holiday area from the LaSalle County Sheriff’s Department. Ms. Launius stated, “We are here today representing two hundred people in our own three to four blocks of neighbors that are effected by just two houses. These two houses have been involved with drugs, under age drinking parties and lots of traffic. Because of the low response time of the county getting up there when we call to say there is a criminal activity happening, it will take an hour or two hours and sometimes they don’t show up. We definitely need to do something to get an increase of the county up there in some format.” Ms. Schiltz stated, “I was one of the ones who went around getting signatures. Out of 102 people, two of them did not sign the petition and at least ninety of those people out of the hundred that did sign were either broken into, had something stolen from their house, or some kind of criminal activity done. The crime rate is terrible. We need help. We need protection.” Ms. Schiltz at this time turned in the petition that was signed by some residents in the Lake Holiday area to be placed on file. SEE RECORD BOOK 128, PAGE 76 Ms. Launius stated, “We would like to invite the Chairman and Sheriff Templeton to our next Lake Holiday board meeting this month to address this issue and to see what can be done.”

LaSalle County Board Minutes – August 9, 2001 Ms. Launius also stated, “Everyone of those people who signed the petition have been affected by these two houses in some way. Our biggest concern is the low response time to get somebody out there.” Mr. Foltynewicz stated, “A neighborhood watch is the most wonderful tool that you may have. You may want to contact your county board member too.” Ms. Schiltz stated, “ We have a neighborhood watch.” Mr. Erbrederis stated, “I have been invited to the meeting of the neighborhood watch program. But, unlike the city of Ottawa, we are unincorporated rural LaSalle County. We do not have a police department. Our police department is the Sheriff’s Department. The neighborhood watch can make all the phone calls and serve everything they want to. If we can’t get the response of deputies available to answer the call or if the deputy is down in Ottawa or in Mendota at the far end of the zone, from any other part of the patrol district it may take a half hour running at 60 miles per hour to get to Lake Holiday. The neighborhood watch is not the solution. At the present time, the manager of Lake Holiday approached the Sheriff’s sub-committee to enter into an agreement with the Sheriff’s Department to hire off duty deputies to patrol, which is being investigated right now by the Sheriff’s Department. I have been invited to attend the work session of the Lake Holiday Board next Thursday evening to further discuss this. I will report back to the Sheriff’s Committee as to what the Lake Board of directors is looking for as to having a deputy hired to patrol.” CITIZEN COMMENT Troy Dimmig, owner of Canoe the Vermillion in Streator, IL, addressed the County Board regarding the resolution that was passed at the July 12th, 2001 board meeting, which prohibits parking on the Ed Hand Road in Oglesby, IL. He asked the board members to re-visit the idea of the total parking ban and to work toward a better solution. Mr. Dimmig stated, “Putting up temporary “Caution” and/or “Pedestrian Crossing” signs and enforcing a 35 mph speed limit in this vicinity until an off-road access parking area can be constructed, would be the best solution for addressing the liability issue.” CITIZEN COMMENT Tom Wall, of the Better Fishing Association of Northern Illinois, also addressed the County Board regarding the resolution that was passed last month, which prohibits parking on the Ed Hand Road in Oglesby, IL. Mr. Wall stated, “Our members spoke loud and clear against the parking ban. Our purpose is not to criticize the LaSalle County Board but to express unhappiness, sadness and the thought that many of our members who have fished the Vermillion River, in some cases LaSalle County Board Minutes – August 9, 2001 over sixty years. The result of this action is a loss of an access to a natural resource. At our most recent special meeting at LaSalle V.F.W. Post 4668 Hall on August 1st, the purpose of the meeting was to get V.F.A. members and public input on the pending parking ban on Ed Hand Highway adjacent to the Vermillion Bridge east of Oglesby. After discussion, the members and the public voted 100% voicing their disapproval and disappointment with this proposed parking ban by the LaSalle County Board and ask the LaSalle County Board to reconsider all alternatives to the parking ban of the Ed Hand Highway from the Vermillion River Bridge to Route 71. One of the things that our organization came up with for a suggestion is to consider slow signs, caution signs, a lower speed limit through the area, widening of the shoulder. On behalf of an organization which is for kids fishing, and the outdoors, we are for, and in support of, people who canoe, kayak, bird watchers, hikers, fisherman, and outdoorsman alike. Please re-visit and reconsider today the possibility of addressing it at your board meeting. Please consider the idea that what you are doing here is really a sad thing to any outdoor people. Please do yourselves and the citizens of LaSalle County a favor. Think of the businessman. Think of the best interests of all. If you have not visited the Vermillion River, have not canoed it, or have not fished it, please be very slow to act negatively. On July 25th, 2001 in Springfield, I addressed both the morning and afternoon sessions of the Conservation Congress. The IDNR (Illinois Department of Natural Resources) people, who I shared what had happened and what action was taken by this LaSalle County Board, were in disbelief, in shock, amazed and they were unaware of a similar action ever taken before. So please, I strongly urge you on behalf of all the people that enjoy the natural resource, think about an alternative. Adopt one today. A speed restriction sign, a caution sign, put those up. They are a much better solution, than a parking ban which would deprive all of the wonderful people, not only in LaSalle County but throughout all of this state of Illinois and for some people who come from throughout the country.” Jerry Scott, Mayor of Oglesby, addressed the board stating that “The city of Oglesby did take the position at the last council meeting to send the County Board a letter opposing the ban on parking and to ask the county to reconsider. If there is anything that we can kind of help with or talk about, we are willing to listen and to try to get our heads together to find a better solution with this no parking.” MOTION Mr. Dougherty stated, “Last month the motion to prohibit parking on County Highway 23 passed by a vote of 26 to 1. Since that time, citizens and elected officials have spoken out both pro and con on this issue. In order to reach conclusion, and to assure that all members LaSalle County Board Minutes – August 9, 2001 have had the opportunity to present new facts and further debate this topic, I now make the motion to reconsider the vote taken on Resolution #01-20 (#01-114) County Highway, which prohibits parking on County Highway 23 (Ed Hand Road). The vote was taken July 12th, 2001 and for the record I did vote with the majority, second by Mr. Freeman. Larry Kinzer, County Engineer, stated, “Some of the reasons that were considered for the introduction of the resolution to the Highway Committee and County Board, was when we became aware that steps were built down along the northeast side of the bridge, and a gravel pile was also left along side of the road by some unknown group or person. Anything on the shoulder like that does present a hazard.” Mr. Kinzer at this time showed pictures of the steps that were built and the pile of gravel that was left on the shoulder of the road. Troy Dimmig stated, “Those steps were put in over eight years ago, and at the time the Highway Department was approached about putting those in there. It was agreed upon that they could put them in. The IDNR was approached about putting them in, and also, I believe the city of Oglesby was approached about putting those steps in. The gravel that you are talking about was brought there to improve the steps. The gravel may have been a hazard there, but I’m sure we could have easily remedied that situation. The steps were put in by an individual.” Mr. Kinzer stated, “This is a steep slope, this road was improved about thirteen years ago or so, it has had erosion problems. We have quite a bit of a paved ditch that was constructed at quite a bit of expense and improvements to the road. There’s erosion problems starting as a result of traffic and so forth down the river. It’s congested on the roadway. People are parking all the way out to Route 71 that we felt presented a safety hazard. There are more than 1,500 vehicles a day on this road. This is a truck access route to the city of Oglesby.” At this time there was more discussion by several board members. Chairman Hettel called for a roll call vote on the motion to reconsider; 20 ayes, 5 nays, 3 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 128, PAGE 77 MOTION Motion by Mr. Piecha to table original resolution #01-20 (#01-114), which prohibits parking on Route 23 (Ed Hand Road), second by Mr. Foltynewicz. Roll call vote; 19 ayes, 6 nays, 3 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 128, PAGE 78

LaSalle County Board Minutes – August 9, 2001 RESOLUTION: (#01-129) APPROVING COST STUDY A resolution was submitted stating that LaSalle County contract with DMG Maximus to conduct a cost of services study on the LaSalle County Recorder’s, Sheriff’s and Clerk’s Offices at a cost not to exceed $35,000.00. Motion by Mr. Mustered to approve the resolution, second by Ms. Koban. Roll call vote; 25 ayes, 3 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 128, PAGE 79-81 RESOLUTION: (#01-130) RAIL FEASIBILITY STUDY A resolution was submitted stating that a contribution of $25,000.00 be made to a common fund towards the cost of a feasibility study and that LaSalle County enter the Intergovernmental Cooperation Agreement attached hereto. Motion by Ms. Koban to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Johnson. Mr. McConville stated, “I don’t really have a problem with the study, but I’d like an explanation of the break down on the cost as to why LaSalle County is paying $25,000.00. Robert Eschbach, Mayor of Ottawa, addressed the board stating, “The feasibility study is about a $140,000.00 to $150,000.00 project. Since I first talked to the Development Committee the State of Illinois has committed to $75,000.00. So rather than divide up $150,000.00 we only have to divide up $75,000.00. I tried to be fair based on populations, and the degree of which various municipalities of counties would benefit. For example, LaSalle County has three times the population of Grundy County. In LaSalle County there will be five commuter stations as opposed to two in Grundy County. So even though LaSalle County is three times the size of Grundy County, Grundy County is closer. So I thought they ought to pay more than the third of what LaSalle County pays. I just tried to analyze all of those factors and come up with what I thought was fair. Grundy County ended up with $15,000.00. Chairman Hettel called for a roll call vote; 17 ayes, 7 nays, 4 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 128, PAGE 82-88 COMMENT Chairman Hettel commented that the Sheriff’s Department received a $35,000.00 grant for defibrillators, and in order to spend it the budget will need to be amended. MOTION TO AMEND Motion by Mr. Mustered to amend the budget to include the $35,000.00 grant for the Sheriff’s Department, second by Mr. Derango. Roll call vote; 25 ayes, 3 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 128, PAGE 89

LaSalle County Board Minutes – August 9, 2001 RESOLUTION: (#01-131) RADIO REPAIR A resolution was submitted stating that the LaSalle County Board confirm and ratify the repair agreement with Motorola for the Sheriff’s Department radios at a cost of $12,527.30. Motion by Mr. Mustered to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Jakupcak. Mr. Jakupcak stated, “I’d like to thank the Sheriff’s Committee. We worked hard and very fast on this. We called an emergency meeting since we were under emergency conditions. We wanted to protect our citizens and our deputies. I think our committee acted very responsibly. Mr. Jakupcak also thanked Motorola for putting their factory on public safety emergency status and for building component part for the Sheriff’s Department, and radio communication in less than a week. Sheriff Templeton thanked Curt Sesto from Audio Plus, who gave cellular phones on loan to use as emergency backup while radio is being repaired. Mary Jane Wilkinson, LaSalle County Clerk also commented that Mr. Sesto, also lets her office use cellular phones for some of the polling places who do not have phones on election days. Chairman Hettel called for a same roll call vote; 25 ayes, 3 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 128, PAGE 90-91 RESOLUTION: (#01-132) HEALTH PROFESSIONALS, LTD CONTRACT A resolution was submitted stating that the contract with Health Professionals, LTD be extended for a one year term beginning September 1, 2001 and expiring August 31, 2002 at a total cost of $308,168.64 for inmate health services at the LaSalle County Jail Facility. Motion by Mr. Jakupcak to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Landers. Same roll call vote; 25 ayes, 3 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 128, PAGE 92-93 RESOLUTION: (#01-133) UNDERGROUND PIPING REPLACEMENT A resolution was submitted stating that the underground heating and chilling piping for the Etna Road Courthouse and Jail be replaced and that the Courthouse and Jail Committee is authorized to seek and accept a bid for said project. Motion by Mr. Dougherty to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Janko. Same roll call vote; 25 ayes, 3 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 128, PAGE 94-95

LaSalle County Board Minutes – August 9, 2001 MOTION Motion by Mr. Dougherty to authorize the Chairman to sign the accepted bid for the replacement of the underground heating and chilling piping, second by Mr. Landers. Same roll call vote; 25 ayes, 3 absent. Motion carried. RESOLUTION: (#01-134) INCREASE IN COST OF DEATH CERTIFICATES Due to P.A. 92-0141 signed by Governor Ryan, a resolution was submitted stating that the cost of a certified copy of a death certificate be increased as follows: $9.00 for the first copy and $6.00 for each additional copy of the same certificate. Motion by Mr. Johnson to approve the resolution, second by Mr. McConville. Mary Jane Wilkinson, LaSalle County Clerk stated that, “The $2.00 increase per copy goes to the state death surcharge fund. This is mandated by law. We do not get this money.” Same roll call vote; 25 ayes, 3 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 128, PAGE 96-97 RESOLUTION: (#01-135) COUNTY INSURANCE A resolution was submitted confirming and ratifying the purchase of insurance for the LaSalle County’s General Policy. Motion by Mr. Derango to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Erbrederis. Same roll call vote; 25, ayes, 3 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 128, PAGE 98-99 FLOODPLAIN ORDINANCE The proposed ordinance regulating development in floodplain areas that was adopted and held over from last month was re-submitted to be voted on. Original motion by Mr. Piecha to adopt the ordinance, second by Mr. Jordan. Mike Harsted, Environmental Services Director, addressed the board regarding some slight changes that were made. At this time, Mr. Harsted identified the typographical errors that were changed and also answered questions by the board. Chairman Hettel called for a voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 128, PAGE 100 RESOLUTION: #01-38 (#01-136) VARIANCE TO THE SETBACK ORDINANCE A resolution was submitted granting a variance to the setback ordinance for Ron McFarlain to build an approximate 100 square foot handicapped accessible ramp a minimum of 72 feet from the centerline of U.S. Route 6 and 58 feet from the centerline of E. 9th Rd., Utica Township, LaSalle County.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – August 9, 2001 Motion by Mr. Jordan to approve the variance for Mr. McFarlain, second by Mr. Dougherty. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 128, PAGE 101-102 RESOLUTION: #01-39 (#01-137) FINAL PLAT OF FIRST ADDITION TO GREENFIELD SUBDIVISION A resolution was submitted accepting the final plat of first addition to Greenfield Subdivision in Northville & Adams Township, LaSalle County. Motion by Mr. Stockley to approve the final plat, second by Mr. Foltynewicz. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 128, PAGE 103-104 RESOLUTION: #01-40 (#01-138) VARIANCE TO THE SETBACK ORDINANCE A resolution was submitted granting a variance to the setback ordinance for Vermillion Township Road District to build a shelter a minimum of 56 feet from the centerline of township road North 2199th located in Vermillion Township, LaSalle County. Motion by Mr. Freeman to approve the variance for Vermillion Township Road District, second by Mr. Dougherty. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 128, PAGE 105-106 APPOINTMENT: (#01-139) DANA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT A resolution was submitted re-appointing Eugene Klendworth as a Trustee of the Dana Fire Protection District for a three-year term expiring April 30, 2004. Motion by Mr. Jordan to approve the re-appointment, second by Mr. Freeman. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 128, PAGE 107-109 MISCELLANEOUS REPORTS & CORRESPONDENCE The Treasurer’s Investment Schedule dated July 30th, 2001 was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 128, PAGE 110 An ordinance of the Village of Somonauk, DeKalb and LaSalle Counties, Illinois ascertaining the prevailing rate of wages for laborers, workman and mechanics employed on public works of said Village was being submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 128, PAGE 111 Correspondence from the I.E.P.A. stating that the City of Streator filed a petition for variance on July 13, 2001 to facilitate providing sewage treatment for a proposed shopping center and hotel, prior to upgrading the capacity of the city of Streator’s Sewage Treatment Plant. SEE RECORD BOOK 128, PAGE 112

LaSalle County Board Minutes – August 9, 2001 A report from the Illinois Department of Revenue stating that the County Sales Tax (1%) for May, 2001 has been reported and collected in the total amount of $65,808.16. SEE RECORD BOOK 128, PAGE 113 A report from the Illinois Department of Revenue stating that the Countywide Supplemental Tax for May, 2001 has been reported and collected in the total amount of $258,450.91. SEE RECORD BOOK 128, PAGE 114 A report from the Illinois Department of Revenue stating that the Public Safety Tax for May, 2001 has been reported and collected in the total amount of $213,304.33. SEE RECORD BOOK 128, PAGE 115 Correspondence to the Illinois Department of Revenue regarding business address verification for tax allocation purposes was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 128, PAGE 116 The LaSalle County Health Department “2000 Annual Report” was submitted to place on file. SEE RECORD BOOK 128, PAGE 117 Motion by Mr. Flanagan to place all on file, second by Mrs. Cogdal. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. ANNOUNCEMENT Chairman Hettel announced that Mrs. Cogdal and Mr. Landers would be in charge of the County Board Picnic. Mr. Piecha announced that members of the canoeing and fishing clubs and some citizens will be meeting at 1:00 p.m. Sunday on Ed Hand Highway to talk about some possible sites that were discussed at today’s board meeting. ------Motion by Mr. Piecha to adjourn to September 10th, 2001 at 1:00 p.m. in Room 250, second by Mr. Savitch. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. CHAIRMAN HETTEL DECLARED THE MEETING ADJOURNED TO SEPTEMBER 10TH, 2001

LaSalle County Board Minutes – August 9, 2001 STATE OF ILLINOIS ) COUNTY OF LASALLE ) RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE LASALLE COUNTY BOARD HELD AT THE GOVERNMENTAL COMPLEX, OTTAWA, ILLINOIS. BEGUN AND HELD ON THE SECOND MONDAY OF SEPTEMBER, A.D., 2001, IT BEING THE 10TH DAY THEREOF. STATE OF ILLINOIS ) COUNTY OF LASALLE ) The LaSalle County Board met pursuant to Statute at the Governmental Complex, Ottawa, Illinois on the second Monday of September, A.D., 2001, it being the 10th day thereof. This meeting is the 1st meeting of our September 2001 Session. Chairman Hettel called the meeting to order at 1:04 P.M. Chairman Hettel asked the Clerk to call the roll for mileage & per diem. PRESENT: 28 Members ABSENT: Mr. Derango There were 27 ayes claiming mileage. Motion by Mr. Combs to approve the roll call for mileage & per diem, second by Mr. Jakupcak. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 128, PAGE 118 Chairman Hettel called for any additions or corrections to the August 9th, 2001 minutes. The Clerk stated that on page one under Citizen Comment, the word “control” should be “patrol” and on page three “V.F.A. members” should be “B.F.A. members”. Motion by Mr. Mustered to approve the August 9th, 2001 minutes as corrected, second by Mr. Erbrederis. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. CITIZEN’S COMMENT Tom Wall addressed the Board stating that he was here on behalf of the Better Fishing Association of Northern Illinois, and also here to try to present a consensus of opinion from the kayak groups, canoe groups and some area raft users regarding the no parking on Ed Hand Road in Oglesby. Mr. Mustered questioned if Mr. Wall or a representative would be able to attend the meeting of the Highway Committee on September 24th, 2001 at 1:30 P.M. Mr. Wall stated that he would. CITIZEN’S COMMENT Mike Conlin, from the Illinois Dept. of Natural Resources (I.D.N.R.) addressed the Board by talking about the Vermillion River and also stating, “I think it is very critical and hope that the Board would consider meeting with the concerned citizens and concerned groups. The

LaSalle County Board Minutes – September 10, 2001 I.D.N.R. would certainly be pleased to be a part of that group to try to figure out an answer to these questions and concerns in terms of safety and access that we have on both sides of the question. Certainly, the department has grant programs that could be considered. The department is also a landowner in the area. We could explore opportunities along those lines, but we can’t do that without really getting all of the parties together. In the meantime, I would hope that access would not be cut off, because sometimes these kinds of questions take six months, one year, or two years to resolve. I don’t know just how fast this question can be resolved. I think that’s the critical thing we have to consider today. Let’s not shut off access to the public.” Mr. Mustered also invited Mr. Conlin to attend the meeting on September 24th, 2001. COMMENT Mr. Piecha commented, “There was approximately thirty people that attended the meeting at Ed Hand Road to come up with a solution to this problem including two board members, myself and Mr. Foltynewicz. The Oglesby City Commissioner, Mr. Tom Wall of B.F.A., the canoe organizations and concerned citizens from Oglesby were also there. We are making a very sincere attempt to try to come up with a solution to the problem and with this first meeting coming up that Mr. Mustered set up, is a good example of that and a step in the right direction.” Chairman Hettel commented, “There was a statement made at last month’s county board meeting about the steps that were put in eight years ago after talking to the Highway Department about putting them in. Since the last meeting we went to the Highway Department and went through all the records from ten years ago and also talked to the people who were in charge eight years ago. We could find no evidence of anybody ever talking about putting those steps in on the property by the Ed Hand Bridge. It probably would not have been our call anyway, because I think the Department of Natural Resources owns the property. The other thing that came up last month was that down by the Route 71 bridge on the Vermillion River, the State owned no property. In the meantime, I checked with some high-ranking officials with the State. The State does own property there. So that was a misconception of last month. The State not only owns property, they own the right of way to the property. I’ve contacted Representative Frank Mautino a couple of times about this issue and he says that he is trying to work toward a solution.”

LaSalle County Board Minutes – September 10, 2001 PROCLAMATION: (#01-140) FAMILY VIOLENCE AWARENESS MONTH A proclamation was submitted proclaiming October as FAMILY VIOLENCE AWARENESS MONTH and urge all citizens to take part in working toward the elimination of all forms of family violence. Motion by Mr. Jordan to adopt the proclamation, second by Mr. Garretson. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 128, PAGE 119-120 PRESENTATION William Warnell, Court Services Director, addressed the Board requesting to allow himself, William Johnson and the State’s Attorney to attend a National Training Conference on Juvenile Detention Reform in Portland, Oregon. Mr. Warnell stated, “The expenses will be paid by the Casey Foundation and the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority. There is no registration, but it will pay for our transportation and our room and board. If there are any incidentals, we can also use our probation fees, which is also not tax money.” MOTION Motion by Mr. Rigby to allow Mr. Warnell, Mr. Johnson and the State’s Attorney to attend the conference on Portland, Oregon at no expense to the county, second by Mr. Foltynewicz. Voice vote, 1 abstain. Motion carried. RESOLUTION: (#01-141) DELINQUENT TAX A resolution was submitted stating that the Chairman of the Board of LaSalle County be authorized to execute a deed of conveyance of the County’s interest or authorize the cancellation of the appropriate Certificate(s) of Purchase, as the case may be, on permanent parcel #33-25-413-020 for the sum of $25,330.72 to be paid to the Treasurer of LaSalle County Illinois, to be disbursed according to law. Motion by Mr. Jakupcak to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Treschak. Roll call vote; 27 ayes, 1 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 128, PAGE 121-123 MOTION Motion by Mr. Dougherty to authorize the chairman to sign the agreement with Mid American Energy to continue to provide the county’s energy needs at a fixed price of .6130 per therm as agreed to for the period of October, 2001 through April 30, 2002, second by Mr. Landers. Mr. Small questioned, “How many companies did you request bids from?” LaSalle County Board Minutes – September 10, 2001 Mr. Landers at this time went to talk to Mr. Baxter in Maintenance to confirm an answer to Mr. Small’s question. Mr. Landers returned stating, “We have a three-year contract with Mid American Energy so it was not out for bid. It was about eleven cents per therm higher on average from the previous year.” Chairman Hettel called for a same roll call vote on the motion to authorize chairman to sign agreement with Mid American Energy; 27 ayes, 1 absent. Motion carried. RESOLUTION: (#01-142) TO AMEND BUDGET LINE ITEM 01-11-847.003 A resolution was submitted stating that the fiscal year 2000-2001 budget line item 01- 11-847.003 (alternatives to detention) be amended from $60,000.00 to $80,000.00. Motion by Mr. Mustered to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Janko. Mr. William Warnell stated that the reason for the change is because they received an additional $20,000.00 grant and need authorization to spend it. Chairman Hettel called for a same roll call vote; 27 ayes, 1 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 128, PAGE 124-125 RESOLUTION: (#01-143) COMMUNICATIONS TOWER SITE A resolution was submitted stating that LaSalle County proceed to investigate the possible purchase of the LaSalle County Communications Tower Site, 1600 North & East 8th Street, Richland Township, LaSalle County, Illinois, as a potential LaSalle County Sheriff’s Department radio site. Motion by Mr. Jakupcak to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Flanagan. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 128, PAGE 126-127 RESOLUTION: (#01-144) INCREASE IN BASE PAY FOR JUDGES OF ELECTION A resolution was submitted stating that the base rate for services rendered as a Judge of Election for LaSalle County be established at $75.00 per election effective for the March 19th, 2002, General Primary Election and continuing at the $75.00 base rate pay for all elections hereafter until any further changes may be made in the future by County Board resolution and that the employees in the County Clerk’s office also included in previous resolutions are subject to this same increase. Motion by Mr. Johnson to approve the resolution, second by Mr. McConville. Mr. Freeman commented, “Anybody that has been married to an election judge knows that they put in a lot of hours and they work very hard and do a great service to the country.” LaSalle County Board Minutes – September 10, 2001 Mary Jane Wilkinson, LaSalle County Clerk, stated, “As Mr. Freeman had stated, I think the judges are very deserving of this, but we are also hoping that it will help us in recruiting additional judges to fill in the vacancies that we have.” Chairman Hettel called for a roll call vote; 24 ayes, 1 abstain, 2 passes, 1 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 128, PAGE 128-129 RESOLUTION: (#01-145) ESTABLISHING A FIXED ASSET REPORTING VALUE A resolution was submitted stating that the Auditor of LaSalle County, Illinois, shall file an annual report with Industrial Appraisal Company containing an itemization of all fixed assets having a value of $1,000.00 or more, and the Auditor shall no longer be required to maintain records of or report of fixed assets having a value of less than $1,000.00. The Auditor shall maintain records of and shall annually report by aggregate value all fixed assets having a value less than $1,000.00. Motion by Mr. Garretson to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Flanagan. Chairman Hettel called for a roll call vote; 26 ayes, 1 nay. 1 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 128, PAGE 130-133 RESOLUTION: (#01-146) REQUESTING STATE FUNDING OF RESIDENTIAL TREATMENT FOR SELECTED JUVENILE OFFENDERS A resolution was submitted stating that the LaSalle County Board requests that the Governor and Legislature provide adequate funding to treat juvenile offenders commencing on July 1, 2002 with State of Illinois Fiscal Year (FY) 2003 and thereafter. Motion by Mr. Flanagan to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Johnson. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 128, PAGE 134-137 RESOLUTION: #01-41 (#01-148) VARIANCE TO THE SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE A resolution was submitted granting a variance to the subdivision ordinance for Frances Applebee to split a 3.0 acre parcel into a 1.2 acre parcel with approximately 186.64 feet of public road frontage and a 1.8 acre parcel with approximately 33 feet of public road frontage, in the NW ¼ of Section 7, Manlius Township, LaSalle County. Motion by Mr. Dougherty to approve the variance for Frances Applebee, second by Mr. Small. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 128, PAGE 138-139

LaSalle County Board Minutes – September 10, 2001 RESOLUTION: #01-42 (#01-149) VARIANCE TO THE SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE A resolution was submitted granting a variance for Dale and Jeanette Goldsboro to create two 10 acre parcels, one having 200 feet of public road frontage and the other having approximately 66 feet of public road frontage, in the NE ¼ of Section 26, Adams Township, LaSalle County. Motion by Mr. Foltynewicz to approve the variance for Dale & Jeanette Goldsboro, second by Mr. Jordan. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 128, PAGE 140-141 RESOLUTION: #01-43 (#01-150) VARIANCE TO THE SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE A resolution was submitted granting a variance to the subdivision ordinance for Donald Riemensnider to create three parcels all being approximately 3.5 acres in size and all having a minimum 330.00 feet of public road frontage, in the NE ¼ of Section 1, Adams Township,LaSalle County. Motion by Mr. Stockley to approve the variance for Donald Riemensnider, second by Mr. Small. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 128, PAGE 142-143 RESOLUTION: #01-44 (#01-151) VARIANCE TO THE SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE A resolution was submitted granting a variance to the subdivision ordinance to allow Gary Cantlin a split of 2.07 acres with 300 feet of public road frontage leaving a remaining parcel of 122.97 acres with 750 feet of public road frontage located in Freedom Township, LaSalle County, Motion by Mr. Flanagan to approve the variance for Gary Cantlin, second by Mr. McConville. Voice vote all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORDS BOOK 128, PAGE 144-145 .RESOLUTION: #01-45 (#01-147) VARIANCE TO THE SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE A resolution was submitted granting a variance to the subdivision ordinance to allow Jay Kinney to sell a single parcel of 2.462 acres with 124.63 feet of public road frontage as a legal lot located in Adams Township, LaSalle County.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – September 10, 2001 Motion by Mr. Rosengren to approve the variance for Jay Kinney, second by Mr. Piecha. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 128, PAGE 146-147 QUARTERLY REPORT: COMMITTEE WORK MISCELLANEOUS The quarterly report for Committee Work Miscellaneous was submitted in the total amount of $46,866.60. Motion by Mr. Rigby to approve the quarterly report, second by Mr. Rosengren. Roll call vote; 27 ayes, 1 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 128, PAGE 148-180 MISCELLANEOUS REPORTS & CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence from the I.E.P.A. stating that Huntsman Expandable Polymers Co. has requested a Clean Air Act Permit Program (CAAPP) permit for its polystyrene manufacturing plant located at 501 Brunner St., Peru was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 128, PAGE 181 Correspondence from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission regarding the Marseilles Hydroelectric Project was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 128, PAGE 182 The Treasurer’s Investment Schedule dated August 28th, 2001 was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 128, PAGE 183 A copy of a letter from Senator Walter W. Dudycz regarding the use of video gaming machines in Illinois taverns and restaurants was submitted to place on file. SEE RECORD BOOK 128, PAGE 184 Motion by Mr. Jordan to place all on file, second by Mr. Johnson. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. ANNOUNCEMENT Mary Jane Wilkinson, LaSalle County Clerk, announced that the first day for circulating petitions that will be filed in December, 2001 is Tuesday, September 18th, 2001. The first day for filing is December 10th, 2001 and the last day to file is December 17th, 2001. Mrs. Woodrich announced that all county board members are invited to the Open House at the County Detention Home Extension for all financial supporters on September 20th, 2001 from 4:00-7:00 P.M. Chairman Hettel announced that the Historical Society is having a dedication to the Lindbergh crash in Rutland Township at the HD Wiley Park. Mr. Foltynewicz announced that the headstones at the Woodruff Cemetery are in place now and hoping to have it opened this Saturday from 1:00-4:00 P.M.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – September 10, 2001 Mr. Freeman commented on the recent letter that was received by a group in Lake Holiday regarding the patrolling by stating, “As a rural county board member, I understand what they are somewhat talking about. I also believe that everybody who is a rural citizen is entitled to police protection. I think our county board is working very hard to do what we can to address this situation.” Mr. Erbrederis stated, “Regarding the same issue, the letter was mailed out by a group of four individual residents of Lake Holiday. They do not represent Lake Holiday as a whole, the management of the lake or the vast majority of the members of Lake Holiday. I agree that the sheriff has a strong presence and is doing a very good job with minimal staffing. These particular women were the same ones that came and addressed the board and came before the committee meetings. In no way do they represent the entire lake through their letter.” Mr. Jakupcak stated, “As of now, the sheriff’s department is working to try to find out the cost of what it is going to cost them to hire off duty deputies. They said they would be willing to pay him.” Mr. Boe stated, “On behalf of District 7 to the County Highway Department, the constituents have given me a lot of compliments on the road improvements that has been done.” Mr. Hettel announced that the county board picnic is today after the meeting. ------th Motion by Mr. Piecha to recess to October 11 , 2001 at 1:00 P.M. in Room 250 at the Governmental Complex, second by Mr. Savitch. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. CHAIRMAN HETTEL DECLARED THE MEETING RECESSED TO OCTOBER 11TH, 2001

LaSalle County Board Minutes – September 10, 2001 STATE OF ILLINOIS ) COUNTY OF LASALLE ) The LaSalle County Board met pursuant to recess at the Governmental Complex, Ottawa, Illinois, on the second Thursday of October, A.D., 2001 it being the 11th day thereof. This is the second meeting of our September 2001 Session. Chairman Hettel called the meeting to order at 1:01 P.M. Chairman Hettel asked the Clerk to call the roll for mileage & per diem. PRESENT: 26 Members ABSENT: Mrs. Panzica, Ms. Koban, Mr. Mustered. There were 26 ayes claiming mileage. Motion by Mr. Rigby to approve the roll call for mileage & per diem, second by Mr. Garretson. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 129, PAGE 1 th Chairman Hettel called for any additions or corrections to the September 10 , 2001 minutes. The Clerk stated that on page seven under “Announcement”, Mrs. Woodrich’s statement should read “County Extension Service” and not County Detention Home Extension. In Chairman Hettel’s statement it should be “Linbergh crash site” and not Lindbergh crash, also H.D. Wiley Park should be “H.D. Wiley Farm or the DeBoldt Farm”. Motion by Mr. Jakupcak to approve the September 10th minutes as corrected, second by Mr. Flanagan. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. RESOLUTION: (#01-148) VIGILANT, BUT NOT VIGILANTES A resolution was submitted stating that the governing board of LaSalle County ardently condemns cowardly and pointless acts of hate crimes; and encourages citizens to be vigilant in their efforts to help and heal, but not vigilantes; and condemns all acts of lawlessness and supports the President of the United States, as he works his national security team to defend the United States of America against terrorism. Motion by Mr. Foltynewicz to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Johnson. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. A moment of silence was observed. SEE RECORD BOOK 129, PAGE 2 COMMENT Chairman Hettel thanked Mary Jane Wilkinson, LaSalle County Clerk for organizing a memorial, regarding the terrorism attack that occurred on September 11th, 2001. Several officeholders and county employees attended the ceremony at the Governmental Center at 7:48 A.M. on September 25th, 2001.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – October 11, 2001 STUDENT GOVERNMENT DAY Mr. Richard Myers, Asst. Supt. of Schools, introduced those students participating in the 19th Annual Student Government Day. The following students from Marquette High School represented the elected officeholders: Aimee Cook, Sheila Calhan, John Cuffe, Chris Thurlby, Crissie Graham, Dan Prosapio, Tony Resendiz, Shaila Rahman and Holly Grieves. The following students from their respective high schools represented County Board members: from Mendota High School, Ben Zendeli and Adam Kennedy; from Earlville High School, Kevin Boltz and John Rousonelos; from Leland High School, Amy Galasinski; from Serena High School, Heather Twait; from Ottawa High School, Shannon Boaz, Pat Allen, Chad Gross, Lyndsey Adams, Todd Baxter, Allison Hanlon and Mike Stolz; from Seneca High School, Jacob Chapman; from LaSalle-Peru High School, Casey Brant, Benjamin Davis, Jen Hartenbower, James Myers, Jonelle Yaklich, Tod Sloan, Nathan Wlordchak and Nick Balestri; from Marquette High School, Mike Martin; from Streator High School, Melissa Hunter, Amanda Gomez, Doneida Larsen, Shayla Freeman and Tom Miller. The students were seated with their appropriate counterpart. STUDENT EXCELLENCE AWARD Mr. William Novotney, Supt. of Schools, introduced the students who were awarded the Student Excellence Awards; from Leland Junior High School, Lexi Bedford; from Leland High School, Jessica Brown. Both students were awarded plaques from Chairman Hettel and were applauded by the Board. TRUANCY PREVENTION/INTERVENTION PROGRAM Martha Small, Arlene Jackson and Joe Marini, LaSalle County Truant Officers, addressed the LaSalle County Board and student guests by explaining a little about Truancy Prevention and Intervention Programs they have for children who are excessively absent from school. SEE RECORD BOOK 129, PAGE 3 ORDINANCE: DOG REGISTRATION FEE An ordinance was submitted establishing a LaSalle County Dog Registration Fee Ordinance. Motion by Mr. Foltynewicz to adopt the ordinance, second by Mr. McConville. Dr. Dell Brodd, LaSalle County Animal Control Officer, addressed the Board by explaining the Dog Registration Ordinance and replied to any comments or questions the Board had. Ordinance to be held over and to be voted on at next month’s board meeting.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – October 11, 2001 INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT Attorney Troy Holland addressed the Board regarding the Intergovernmental Agreement that was adopted on July, 13th, 2000. Mr. Holland stated that on page two in paragraph one of the Intergovernmental Agreement between the City of Earlville and the County of LaSalle, the language needs to be revised for clarification. MOTION Motion by Mr. Derango to authorize the Chairman to sign the revised Intergovernmental Agreement between the City of Earlville, and the County of LaSalle, second by Mr. Landers. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 129, PAGE 4 RESOLUTIONS: (#01-150A,B&C) DELINQUENT TAXES A resolution was submitted stating that the Chairman of the Board of LaSalle County, Illinois, be authorized to execute a deed of conveyance of the County’s interest or authorize the cancellation of the appropriate Certificate(s) of Purchase, as the case may be, on real estate parcel #37-18-113-012, certificate #98-0847 for the sum of $766.68; parcel #36-16-104-001, certificate #98-0832 for the sum of $3,125.44; and parcel #24-10-436-017, certificate #98-0497 for the sum of $585.23 to be paid to the Treasurer of LaSalle County, Illinois, to be disbursed according to law. Motion by Mr. Freeman to approve all three resolutions, second by Mr. Flanagan. Roll call vote; 25 ayes, 3 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 129, PAGE 5-9 RESOLUTION: (#01-151) EXTENDING JANITORIAL SERVICES CONTRACT A resolution was submitted stating that the Chairman of the LaSalle County Board is hereby authorized and directed to execute an Extension Agreement with Vicki L. Mayberry, d/b/a Vicki’s Cleaning Service, for a period of one year commencing October 16, 2001 and terminating October 15, 2002, upon the same terms, conditions and compensation of $7,375.00 per month for a total of $88,500.00 for one year. Motion by Mr. Dougherty to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Jakupcak. Same roll call vote; 25 ayes, 3 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 129, PAGE 10-12 COMMENT Mr. Dougherty commented that the carpet is in need of cleaning, but it is not included within said resolution.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – October 11, 2001 LEASE AGREEMENT: (#01-152) BETWEEN LASALLE COUNTY BOARD AND BEST, INC A lease agreement was submitted between the County of LaSalle through the LaSalle County Board and Best, Inc. for approximately 884 square feet of the fourth floor of the Downtown Courthouse of LaSalle County located in Ottawa, IL commencing on the first day of November, 2001 and terminates November, 2002. Motion by Mr. Landers to approve the lease agreement, second by Mr. McConville. Same roll call vote; 25 ayes, 3 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 129, PAGE 13-15 RESOLUTION: (#01-153) ANTENNA CONTRACTOR A resolution was submitted stating that Jeff Johnson be hired as an independent contractor to conduct an evaluation of the Sheriff’s Department antennas and to make prints of findings at a cost of $150.00 per hour not to exceed $3,000.00. Motion by Mr. Jakupcak to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Hicks. Same roll call vote; 25 ayes, 3 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 129, PAGE 16-17 RESOLUTION: (#01-154) TOURISM LOGO A resolution was submitted changing the LaSalle County Tourism Logo from the current LaSalle County Tourism Logo as shown on Exhibit “A”. Motion by Mr. Erbrederis to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Piecha. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 129, PAGE 18-20 RESOLUTION: (#01-155) AGREEMENT BETWEEN JUSTICE BENEFITS, INC. AND LASALLE COUNTY A resolution was submitted stating to have Justice Benefits, Inc. provide services in enhancing LaSalle County’s Title IV-E claim system for the Juvenile Probation Department as an additional part of the existing contract with JBI and that the Chairman of the County Board is authorized to execute the contract rider attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit “A”. Motion by Mr. Freeman to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Flanagan. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 129, PAGE 21-22

LaSalle County Board Minutes – October 11, 2001 RESOLUTION: (#01-156) NURSING HOME GENERATOR WORK A resolution was submitted stating that the LaSalle County Board enter the Architect Services Agreement with Basalay, Cary & Alstadt Architects, Ltd. for the emergency generator modifications at the LaSalle County Nursing Home at a total cost of services not to exceed $15,500.00. Motion by Mr. Janko to approve the resolution, second by Mrs. Cogdal. Roll call vote; 24 ayes, 4 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 129, PAGE 23-26 RESOLUTION: #01-24 (#01-157) COUNTY HIGHWAY A resolution was submitted providing for the appropriation of an additional $110,000.00 from the Motor Fuel Tax Fund to cover maintenance costs from January 1, 2001 through December 31, 2001, for Section 01-00000-00-GM, Patrol #1. Motion by Mr. Hicks to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Combs. Same roll call vote; 24, ayes, 4 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK, PAGE 27-28 RESOLUTION: #01-25 (#01-158) COUNTY HIGHWAY A resolution was submitted providing for the appropriation of an additional $85,000.00 from the Motor Fuel Tax Funds for the widening and bituminous concrete resurfacing for Section 00- 00286-00-WR (C.H. 1 from Illinois Route 23 North to U.S. Route 34). Motion by Mr. Piecha to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Small. Same roll call vote; 24 ayes, 4 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 129, PAGE 29-30 RESOLUTION: #01-26 (#01-159) COUNTY HIGHWAY A resolution was submitted providing for the appropriation of an additional $30,000.00 from the Motor Fuel Tax Funds for the bituminous concrete resurfacing with curb and gutter replacement for Section 01-00292-00-RS (C.H. 3 from Illinois Route 52 North to Sheridan). Motion by Mr. Jordan to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Rigby. Same roll call vote; 24 ayes, 4 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 129, PAGE 31-32 RESOLUTION: #01-46 (#01-160) REVISED FINAL PLAT A resolution was submitted accepting the revised final plat of Little Vermillion Estates Subdivision in Dimmick Township, LaSalle County. Motion by Mr. Jordan to approve the revised final plat, second by Mr. Stockley. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – October 11, 2001 SEE RECORD BOOK 129, PAGE 33-34 APPOINTMENT: (#01-161) LASALLE COUNTY EXTENSION SERVICE COUNCIL A resolution was submitted appointing Kenneth Stockley as a Member of the LaSalle County Extension Service Council for a two-year term beginning September 1, 2001 and expiring August 31, 2003. Motion by Mrs. Cogdal to approve the appointment, second by Mr. Johnson. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 129, PAGE 35 APPOINTMENT: (#01-162) BROOKFIELD-VIENNA DRAINAGE DISTRICT A resolution was submitted appointing William Dunn to a three-year term as Commissioner to the Brookfield-Vienna Drainage District of LaSalle and Grundy Counties, Illinois with said term of Commissioner to expire the first Tuesday in September three years hence. Motion by Mr. Garretson to approve the appointment, second by Mr. Boe. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 129, PAGE 36-39 MISCELLANEOUS REPORTS & CORRESPONDENCE The Treasurer’s Investment Schedule dated September 27th, 2001 was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 129, PAGE 40 Correspondence to the Illinois Department of Revenue regarding business address verification for tax allocation purposes was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 129, PAGE 41-48 A report from the Illinois Department of Revenue stating that the Public Safety Tax for June, 2001 has been reported and collected in the total amount of $205,703.83. SEE RECORD BOOK 129, PAGE 49 A report from the Illinois Department of Revenue stating that the Public Safety Tax for July, 2001 has been reported and collected in the total amount of $192,325.61. SEE RECORD BOOK 129, PAGE 50 A report from the Illinois Department of Revenue stating that the Countywide Supplemental Tax for June, 2001 has been reported and collected in the total amount of $262,442.29. SEE RECORD BOOK 129, PAGE 51 A report from the Illinois Department of Revenue stating that the Countywide Supplemental Tax for July, 2001 has been reported and collected in the total amount of $252,105.83. SEE RECORD BOOK 129, PAGE 52 A report from the Illinois Department of Revenue stating that the County Sales Tax (1%) for June, 2001 has been reported and collected in the total amount of $71,363.40. SEE RECORD BOOK 129, PAGE 53

LaSalle County Board Minutes – October 11, 2001 A report from the Illinois Department of Revenue stating that the County Sales Tax (1%) for July, 2001 has been reported and collected in the total amount of $64,130.95. SEE RECORD BOOK 129, PAGE 54 Correspondence from Congressman Ray LaHood stating that the United States International Trade Commission is currently holding hearings to determine if the U.S. steel industry has been injured by unfair imports. SEE RECORD BOOK 129, PAGE 55 nd Correspondence from the North Central Illinois Council of Governments regarding their 22 Annual Dinner on Thursday, November 15th, 2001 was being submitted to place on file. SEE RECORD BOOK 129, PAGE 56 Motion by Mr. Landers to place all on file, second by Mr. Johnson. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. ANNOUNCEMENT Mary Jane Wilkinson, LaSalle County Clerk stated that while her office was preparing petition kits, a typo was noticed within the legal descriptions for the re-districting. Ottawa 7 accidently was listed in both Districts 16 and 18. Ottawa 7 only belongs in District 16. Mr. Dougherty stated that the underground piping for the heating and cooling is almost complete. Chairman Hettel stated that if anyone is going to the annual fall convention in Chicago, you should have your reservations in to Gayle before November 1st, 2001. Chairman Hettel stated that he would like for the Parks Committee and the V.A.C. Committee to meet after today’s board meeting. Chairman Hettel also stated that the Better Fishing Association and Mr. Piecha would like to know what the County Highway Committee has decided on, regarding the Ed Hand Road Bridge area. The next time the committee meets, we’ll try to get an answer for those people as to what direction we are going, and ask that Mr. Piecha attend the next County Highway Committee meeting. Mr. Landers, Chairman of the County Highway Committee stated, “The resolution is on the table. At our last committee meeting, a gentleman from the Ill. Dept. of Natural Resources reported to us that if there are any grants to be applied for, we can not apply for them until next July or August, which would put it back to the following February for us to get any grants to do anything. The mayor of Oglesby also attended our last meeting, so all the entities that were involved had a chance to say a couple of words. But as of right now it’s kind of on the back burner. I believe (speaking for myself) we are going to wait and see if there is any funding from the I.D.N.R.” LaSalle County Board Minutes – October 11, 2001 Mr. Piecha stated that one of the reasons that he made the request is because he has been receiving phone calls from the members who attended not only the full board, but the committee meetings in regard to the no parking resolution who are concerned. The I.D.N.R. has made three trips to the county, who are also very concerned about it, and the people would like to have some answers exactly in what direction we are going. Mr. Landers replied, “We are going to sit and wait to see what the I.D.N.R. comes up with. If they come up with some logical ideas or improvements around there, then we are going to try and wait to see if we can get some grants. Maybe in the meantime, the State of Illinois, itself, will relinquish some of that land. And maybe the city of Oglesby might get involved with some of their land too. It’s just starting to move now, it’s taken quite awhile to gather this information.” Mr. Dougherty questioned, “I understand that this issue has been laid on the table, but if we do no bring it off the table in the September Session, does it die?” County Attorney Troy Holland stated, “Yes.” ------Motion by Mr. Piecha to recess to November 14th, 2001 at 1:00 P.M. in Room 250, second by Mr. Savitch. CHAIRMAN HETTEL DECLARED THE MEETING RECESSED TO NOVEMBER 14TH, 2001.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – October 11, 2001 STATE OF ILLINOIS ) COUNTY OF LASALLE ) The LaSalle County Board met pursuant to recess at the Governmental Complex, Ottawa, Illinois, on the second Wednesday of November, A.D., 2001 it being the 14th day thereof. This is the third meeting of our September 2001 Session. Chairman Hettel called the meeting to order at 1:02 P.M. Chairman Hettel asked the Clerk to call the roll for mileage & per diem. PRESENT: 27 Members ABSENT: Mr. Stockley, Mrs. Panzica There were 27 ayes claiming mileage. Motion by Mr. Rigby to approve the roll call for mileage & per diem, second by Mr. Johnson. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 129, PAGE 57 th Chairman Hettel called for any additions or corrections to the October 11 , 2001 minutes. Motion by Mr. Flanagan to approve the October 11th minutes as presented, second by Mr. Landers. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 129, PAGE 58 RESOLUTION: (#01-163) POSTHUMOUSLY HONOR FRANCIS ZBOROWSKI A resolution was submitted to posthumously honor former County Board member Francis Zborowski who recently passed away. Motion by Mr. Rigby to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Rosengren. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. A moment of silence was observed in his honor. SEE RECORD BOOK 129, PAGE 59 STUDENT EXCELLENCE AWARD Mr. William Novotney, Supt. of Schools, introduced the two students who were awarded the Student Excellence Award; from Northlawn Junior High School, Max Salata; and from Rutland Township Community Consolidated School, Natalie Marsh. Both students were presented with an award plaque from Chairman Hettel and were applauded by the Board. TERMS OF OFFICE FOR COUNTY BOARD MEMBERS Chairman Hettel stated that, “We are going to draw for the terms of office for the County Board members that are going to be elected in November, 2002” to take office in December, 2002. Mary Jane Wilkinson, LaSalle County Clerk, explained the process of the lottery to the board members by stating that all twenty-nine districts are in one dish and in the second dish there are twenty-nine terms.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – November 14, 2001 Mary Jane Wilkinson stated, “Fifteen of the twenty-nine terms are for a 4 – 4 – 2 rotation and fourteen terms are for a 2 – 4 – 4 rotation, which will cover the next ten years.” Mr. Rocky Raikes, Democratic Central Committee Chairman drew the terms and Mrs. Ruth Woodrich filled in for Mr. Robert Vickrey, representing the Republican Party, drew the districts for the county board members to be elected in November, 2002. The following is a result of said lottery: District 01, District 04, District 05, District 07, District 08, District 09, District 12, District 14, District 20, District 21, District 24, District 27, District 28 and District 29 all have a 2 – 4 – 4 term rotation. District 02, District 03, District 06, District 10, District 11, District 13, District 15, District 16, District 17, District 18, District 19, District 22, District 23, District 25 and District 26 all have a 4 – 4 – 2 term rotation. SEE RECORD BOOK 129, PAGE 60 MOTION Motion by Mr. Freeman to accept the term rotation, second by Mr. Hicks. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. CITIZEN COMMENTS Julie Pinn, LaSalle County resident, addressed the board regarding the Dog Registration Fee Ordinance, which was submitted at last months meeting and held over. Ms. Pinn stated, “I am tired of sitting back and listening about how bad dogs are, when it is the people that are really at fault in a lot of cases. I am a professional and a breeder of Golden Retriever dogs and have been dealing with dogs and their people for twenty-five years. I feel dog people are an easy target for the county to make hundreds of thousands dollars from the already responsible people out there. Without a dog fund, where will these monies go? We responsible dog people would like to have answers to where our money is going to go. (Pay raises, the jail, etc.) I feel that the higher dog tax will do more harm than good. SEE RECORD BOOK 129, PAGE 61-66 CITIZEN COMMENTS Steve Carlson, LaSalle County resident, addressed the board regarding the “Open Meetings Act” and for the county board commitees to issue more specific agendas. CITIZEN COMMENTS Vicki, Newtson, resident of LaSalle County and a registered nurse at the LaSalle County Nursing Home, addressed the board stating, “I’ve asked to comment today because I understand you are going to be voting for the county physician that includes services as a medical director of LaSalle County Board Minutes – November 14, 2001 the nursing home. You have two perfectly qualified physicians that you are looking for, and the only comment that I have to make, perhaps it’s a level of comfort that I’ve become accustomed to, but I want you to consider when taking your vote that I feel that having a local physician with full time ties as a liaison to our feeder hospital, which is Community Hospital of Ottawa, has been advantageous in the past. Whoever you choose as the nursing home physician will get the full cooperation of all of us.” RESOLUTION: (#01-164A) THRU (#01-164J) DELINQUENT TAX A resolution was submitted stating that the Chairman of the Board of LaSalle County, Illinois, be authorized to execute a deed of conveyance of the County’s interest or authorize the cancellation of the appropriate Certificate(s) of Purchase, as the case may be, on real estate parcel #24-10-325-004, cert. #98-0488 for the sum of $3,316.68; parcel #24-18-213-008, cert. #97-0411 for the sum of $693.67; parcel #29-23-202-000, cert. #98-0626 for the sum of $2,191.68; parcel #33-23-416-002, cert. #98-0678 for the sum of $137.94; parcel #33-23-416-013, cert. #98-0679 for the sum of $537.94; parcel #32-34-406-000, cert. #97-0175 & 97-0181 for the sum of $93.30; parcel #33-36-137-008, cert. #98-786 for the sum of $541.68; parcel #33-36-317- 006, cert. #98-0801 for the sum of $718.16; parcel #33-36-401-013, cert. #98-0807 for the sum of $759.20; and parcel #36-18-304-000, cert. #98-0829 for the sum of $145.42 to be paid to the Treasurer of LaSalle County, Illinois, to be disbursed according to law. Motion by Mr. Mustered to approve the resolutions, second by Mr. Dougherty. Mr. Dale McConville, County Treasurer explained that “These are properties that did not sell at an annual tax sale. So we have hired Joseph Meyer & Associates who then goes out and collects. Most of these taxes go back to 1998.” Mr. McConville also commented that the annual tax sale that was held just yesterday had 930 parcels. “We collected just short of $1.3 million at the November 13th, 2001 Annual Tax Sale,” Mr. McConville stated. Chairman Hettel called for a roll call vote; 23 ayes, 5 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 129, PAGE 67-78 MOTION Motion by Mrs. Cogdal to place on file the LaSalle County Regional Office of Education Annual Report, second by Mr. Johnson. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 129, PAGE 79 MOTION Motion by Mr. Foltynewicz to table the Dog Registration Fee Ordinance until the December, 2001County Board meeting, second by Mr. Rigby. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – November 14, 2001 RESOLUTION: #01-27 (#01-165) 2002 BRIDGE AID PETITIONS AND REQUESTS A resolution was submitted stating that the Petitions be granted and that this Committee be empowered to proceed in conjunction with the various Townships, Municipal, County Officials, and the County Engineer of LaSalle County, to see to it that the work is done and have authority to have the LaSalle County share of said work paid out of the Bridge Construction Fund of said LaSalle County. Motion by Mr. Freeman to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Garretson. Mr. Hicks questioned the dollar amount regarding the last three structures totaling $420,000. “It doesn’t add up correctly,” stated Mr. Hicks. Mr. Kinzer, County Engineer stated that the dollar value of the three structures are correct, however the listing of the total is incorrect. It should be $680,000. Roll call vote, 24 ayes, 1 pass, 3 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 129, PAGE 80-89 RESOLUTION: #01-28 (#01-166) TRUCK ACCESS ROAD PROGRAM FOR COUNTY HWY 18 A resolution was submitted authorizing the county board chairman to enter into an agreement with the Illinois Department of Transportation for reimbursement of $150,000 from the Truck Access Road Program (TARP) for County Highway 18. Motion by Mr. Jordan to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Jakupcak. Roll call vote; 24 ayes, 4 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 129, PAGE 90-95 RESOLUTION: #01-29 (#01-167) UTILITY COORDINATION COUNCIL A resolution was submitted stating that a Utility Coordination Council is hereby established effective the date of this resolution which includes the County Engineer, the County Board Chairman or his or her designee, and such utility companies as determined by the County Engineer to best facilitate and accomplish the requirements of the County Highway authority, said utility company members may be added to or removed from the coordination council as determined by the County Engineer. Motion by Mr. McConville to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Piecha. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 129, PAGE 96-98

LaSalle County Board Minutes – November 14, 2001 RESOLUTION: #01-47 (#01-168) VARIANCE TO THE SETBACK ORDINANCE A resolution was submitted granting a variance to the setback ordinance for Tom & Jody Gaffney to place a 14’ x 67’ mobile home a minimum of 46 feet from the centerline of E. 25th Rd., Mission Township, LaSalle County. Motion by Mr. Foltynewicz to approve the variance, second by Mr. Rosengren. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 129, PAGE 99-100 RESOLUTION: #01-48 (#01-169) VARIANCE TO THE SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE A resolution was submitted granting a variance to the subdivision ordinance for Michael Stone to create a 2.0 acre parcel with 331.29 feet of public road frontage in the SE ¼ of Section 18, Dayton Township, LaSalle County. Motion by Mr. Small to approve the variance, second by Mr. Boe. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 129, PAGE 101-102 RESOLUTION: #01-49 (#01-170) VARIANCE TO THE SETBACK ORDINANCE A resolution was submitted granting a variance to the setback ordinance for Jason Schultz to build a 26’ x 40’ garage a minimum of 54 feet from the centerline of Schultz Place, Otter Creek Township, LaSalle County. Motion by Mr. Jordan to approve the variance, second by Mr. Jakupcak. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 129, PAGE 103-104 RESOLUTION: #01-50 (#01- 171) VARIANCE TO THE SETBACK ORDINANCE A resolution was submitted granting a variance to the setback ordinance for Joe & Jennifer Masini to build a 6’ x 28’ garage addition a minimum of 76 feet from the centerline of N. 4453rd Road (U.S. Rt. 52), Mendota, Township, LaSalle County. Motion by Mr. Flanagan to approve the variance, second by Mr. Small. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 129, PAGE 105-106 RESOLUTION: #01-51 (#01-172) VARIANCE TO THE SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE A resolution was submitted granting a variance to the subdivision ordinance to allow Mrs. Murray Mathieu, a split of 1.164 acres with 128.92 feet of public road frontage leaving a remaining parcel of 77.026 acres with 835.77 feet of public road frontage located in Dimmick Township, LaSalle County. LaSalle County Board Minutes – November 14, 2001 Motion by Mr. Johnson to approve the variance, second by Mr. Combs. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 129, PAGE 107-108 RESOLUTION: #01-52 (#01-173) VARIANCE TO THE SETBACK ORDINANCE A resolution was submitted granting a variance to the setback ordinance for Mark Rohwer Jr., to build a home a minimum of 52 feet from the centerline of Berry Avenue (E. 1639th Rd.) located in Ottawa Township, LaSalle County. Motion by Mr. Foltynewicz to approve the variance, second by Mr. Erbrederis. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 129, PAGE 109-110 Chairman Hettel called for a 5-minute recess. RESOLUTION: (#01-174) COURT-APPOINTED ATTORNEY A resolution was submitted stating that the salary of the Court-Appointed Attorney for Juvenile proceedings, particularly for representation of parents in Juvenile Court, Employee Line Item 586.005, and the same is hereby set at $19,950.00 per year for the one year period starting December 1, 2001 and expiring November 30, 2002. Motion by Mr. Hicks to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Garretson. Roll call vote; 23 ayes, 5 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 129, PAGE 111-113 RESOLUTION: (#01-175) ESDA COORDINATOR A resolution was submitted stating that Emerson Tidd be re-appointed as the ESDA Coordinator for a two year period beginning December 1, 2001 and expiring November 30, 2003 and the salary of the ESDA Coordinator be set at $25,000.00 for the fiscal years of December 1, 2001 to November 30, 2002 and December 1, 2002 to November 30, 2003. Motion by Mr. Rosengren to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Flanagan. Roll call vote; 18 ayes, 5 nays, 5 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 129, PAGE 114-116 RESOLUTION: (#01-176) ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES AND LAND USE DIRECTOR A resolution was submitted stating that Michael Harsted be rehired as Environmental Service and Land Use Director for a one year term beginning December 1, 2001 to November 30, 2002 and that his salary be set at $47,620.00 for the period of December 1, 2001 to November 30, 2002.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – November 14, 2001 Motion by Ms. Koban to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Dougherty. Roll call vote; 24 ayes, 4 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 129, PAGE 117-119 RESOLUTION: (#01-177) ENFORCEMENT OFFICER/ASST. ENFORCEMENT OFFICER A resolution was submitted stating that the salary for Michael Harsted, Enforcement Officer, be set at $7,500.00 and the salary for Scott Cofoid, Asst. Enforcement Officer, be set at $7,000.00 for the fiscal year of December 1, 2001 to November 30, 2002. Motion by Mr. Piecha to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Dougherty. Same roll call vote; 24 ayes, 4 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 129, PAGE 120-121 RESOLUTION: (#01-178) SUPERVISOR OF ASSESSMENTS A resolution was submitted stating that Linda Kendall be appointed for a four year term as Supervisor of Assessments from May 1, 2002 to April 30, 2005 and that the per year salaries under said four year term shall be as follows: 1.) $57,030.00 for the first year 2.) $58,750.00 for the second year 3.) $60,530.00 for the third year 4.) $62,280.00 for the fourth year and that the increases for the four year term are contingent upon the County having assessment level between 31 1/3% and 35 1/3% which qualifies the County for salary reimbursement pursuant to statutes. Motion by Mr. Landers to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Savitch. Mr. Derango questioned if the four year term should expire on April 30, 2005 or 2006? Chairman Hettel stated that the resolution should read May 1, 2002 to April 30, 2006. MOTION Motion by Mr. Derango to correct the date on said resolution to April 30, 2006, second by Mrs. Cogdal. Voice vote all ayes. Motion carried. Chairman Hettel called for a same roll call vote on the resolution as amended; 24 ayes, 4 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 129, PAGE 122-123 RESOLUTION: (#01-179) COUNTY NURSING HOME ADMINISTRATOR A resolution was submitted stating that Elizabeth Ramsey be hired to act as Administrator of the LaSalle County Nursing Home for a one year period, beginning on the 1st day of December

LaSalle County Board Minutes – November 14, 2001 2001 and continuing through the 30th day of November 2002, and that the Administrator’s salary be set at $50,000.00 per year for the fiscal year of December 1, 2001 to November 30, 2002. In addition to the forgoing compensation, the LaSalle County Nursing home Administrator shall receive $1,100.00 per year as and for an automobile allowance and further that she will be provided all benefits provided other County employees during the term of her employment. Motion by Mr. Foltynewicz to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Treschak. Mr. Janko stated, “I have nothing but praise for Mrs. Ramsey and the staff of the LaSalle County Nursing Home. I think that they are all underpaid. I think that they operate under very demanding conditions 365 days a year.” Chairman Hettel called for a same roll call vote; 24 ayes, 4 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 129, PAGE 124-125 RESOLUTION: (#01-180) WAGE INCREASE TO ALL NON-UNION EMPLOYEES A resolution was submitted stating that all non-union (exempt) county employees, with the express exception of county employees who salaries are set by independent boards, and any county employee whose salaries have previously been set by separate motion or resolution by given a $0.25 per hour pay increase effective December 1, 2001 and that said non-union employees shall receive any additional increase of union employees if the union contract increase is greater than $0.25 per hour. Motion by Mr. Jordan to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Piecha. Same roll call vote; 24 ayes, 4 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 129, PAGE 126-127 RESOLUTION: (#01-181) HEALTH INSURANCE ADMINISTRATOR A resolution was submitted stating that Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois be renewed as LaSalle County’s health insurance third party administrator at a cost of an annual aggregate stop loss premium of $25,271.00 plus a monthly individual stop loss fee of $29.85 per employee per month plus a monthly administration fee of $35.34 per employee. Motion by Mr. Derango to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Erbrederis. Same roll call vote; 24 ayes, 4 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 129, PAGE 128-129 RESOLUTION: (#01-182) MEDICAL ADVISOR FOR NURSING HOME A resolution was submitted stating that LaSalle County enter an agreement Dr. Alex B. Bernal attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit “A” at a cost of $10,000.00 to act as medical advisor and $35.00 per pre-employment physical for a term beginning December 1, 2001

LaSalle County Board Minutes – November 14, 2001 and expiring November 30, 2003 and that the LaSalle County Board Chairman is authorized to execute said agreement. Motion by Mr. McConville to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Jakupcak. Mr. Foltynewicz questioned if there were any other doctors that put in for the position. Chairman Hettel replied that yes there was. Mr. Foltynewicz stated, “Being that I am on the County Nursing Home Committee, there has been some discussion on the availability of this doctor for the nursing home.” Mr. Janko stated “This resolution has bounced around quite a bit before ending up on the board floor today. Finance received two proposals from Dr. McGuire and Dr. Bernal for the position of medical director for the nursing home and was determined that both were experienced and qualified. Mr. Janko at this time explained to the board members the procedures that were taken at the committee, regarding the proposals for the position. Mr. Janko also stated, “A two year contract is being awarded and Dr. McGuire has offered to fill the duties for $8,400.00 a year with some slight difference in the cost of pre-employment physicals. The LaSalle County Nursing Home operates under a very delicate balance. Caring for seventy-five residents with a staff of seventy-nine under the close scrutiny of the Illinois Dept. of Public Health. The staff and administration are more comfortable working with Dr. McGuire for several reasons. He is the personal physician for forty-six of the residents at the nursing home. He practices at the Ottawa Community Hospital, which is in closer proximity to our facility. He is very knowledgeable regarding Illinois Dept. of Public Health regulations for nursing homes. The majority of the Nursing Home Committee favors Dr. McGuire and already mentioned the staff and the administration favor Dr. McGuire. Before casting your vote on this issue, ask yourselves who would best serve our residents of our LaSalle County Nursing Home? I trust in your fair judgement.” Ms. Koban stated, “I am going to stick with my original vote for Dr. McGuire because he does have half of the patients that are at the nursing home and everything else that Mr. Janko had said.” At this time there was more discussion by several other board members regarding the proposals. Chairman Hettel called for a roll call vote; 15 ayes, 9 nays, 4 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 129, PAGE 130-133 RESOLUTION: (#01-183) ANTENNA ATTACHMENT

LaSalle County Board Minutes – November 14, 2001 A resolution was submitted stating that “MABAS” (The Mutual Aid Box Alarm System) be allowed to attach an antenna on the County’s tower and that the County enter the agreement attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit “A”. Motion by Mr. Landers to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Jakupcak. Dennis Rutishauser, Fire Chief of the Mendota Fire Department addressed the board regarding the antenna. Chairman Hettel called for a voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 129, PAGE 134-136 CERTIFICATE OF APPOINTMENT A certificate of appointment was submitted stating that Mike Guilfoyle be appointed to the Upper Illinois River Valley Development Authority by the Chairman of the LaSalle County Board, effective immediately for a term of December 1, 2001 to November 30, 2004. Motion by Mr. Flanagan to approve the appointment, second by Mr. Small. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 129, PAGE 137-138 COMMENT Chairman Hettel stated that, “Our hospitalization insurance in the line item budget for the employee claim, we are going to see a shortage of about $400,000. What we need, after talking to our outside auditors, is a motion to amend the current budget to reflect that. A year ago we budgeted $2,425,000.00 in that line item but we’re coming up about $400,000 short. That’s how much insurance costs.” MOTION Motion by Mr. Hicks to amend the old budget account #01-45-809.002 to read ”to change from $2,425,000.00 to $2,825,000.00 due to claims increases for the year, second by Ms. Koban. To be voted on at the November 29th, 2001 board meeting. CHILD ADVOCACY CENTER FUND Joseph Hettel, State’s Attorney, addressed the board regarding a Children’s Advocacy Center Fund. “Our proposal is to add a fund to your budget to act as our fiscal agent. A paycheck and insurance claims can be handled by the board staff. The funding will come from the grant. We have $90,000.00 in place right now. We are proposing a salary of $32,000.00 for a director. It will not cost the county anything now or in the future, unless you decide to in the future.” MOTION Motion by Mr. Dougherty to place a Children’s Advocacy Center Fund in next year’s budget, second by Ms. Koban. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. LaSalle County Board Minutes – November 14, 2001 COMMENT Mr. Tom Wall, of the Better Fishing Association, commented that thanks to the efforts of Mr. Landers, County Highway Committee Chairman and Board Chairman Mr. Hettel, we now have a committee with two county board members appointed (Mr. Piecha and Mr. McConville) as far as pursuing the accessibility of the Vermillion River. MISCELLANEOUS REPORTS AND CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence from the I.E.P.A. regarding a Clean Air Act Permit Program permit for PQ Corporation’s inorganic chemical manufacturing plant located at 340 East Grove St., Utica, IL was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 129, PAGE 139 The Treasurer’s Investment Schedule dated October 30th, 2001 was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 129, PAGE 140 A copy of a letter from laser, Inc. of Gridley, California addressed to Adkins Energy, LLC in Lena, IL regarding a research program involving Starcon, Inc. was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 129, PAGE 141 A report from the Illinois Dept. of Revenue stating that the County Sales Tax (1%) for August, 2001 has been received and collected in the total amount of $64,799.82. SEE RECORD BOOK 129, PAGE 142 A report from the Illinois Dept. of Revenue stating that the Countywide Supplemental Tax for August, 2001 has been received and collected in the total amount of $252,783.52. SEE RECORD BOOK 129, PAGE 143 A report from the Illinois Dept. of revenue stating that the Public Safety Tax for August, 2001 has been received and collected in the total amount of $203,380.25. SEE RECORD BOOK 129, PAGE 144 Correspondence to the Illinois Dept. of Revenue regarding business address verification for tax allocation purposes was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 129, PAGE 145 Correspondence from the Illinois Dept. of Transportation regarding an open house Corridor Protection Hearing notice for the proposed corridor preservation between and 88 was submitted to place on file. SEE RECORD BOOK 129, PAGE 146 Motion by Mr. Flanagan to place all on file, second by Mr. Johnson. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. MOTION Motion by Mr. Flanagan to place the 2002 proposed budget on file in the County Clerk’s office for 15 day, second by Mr. Freeman. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. LaSalle County Board Minutes – November 14, 2001 COMMENT Mr. Freeman commented that lets keep Mrs. Panzica in our prayers as we all know she is not here today because she is recuperating in the hospital. Mr. Landers commented that the Christmas party will be at the D-Bar on Sunday, December 9th at 4:30 P.M. Mr. Foltynewicz commented that, “On December 7th, 2001 at 7:45 A.M. we will be dedicating a new flag pole at the County Nursing Home that has been furnished to us. This is a dedication of the people who were killed at Pearl Harbor on December 7th, 1941. This will be the third flag pole dedicated on December 7th here in the Ottawa area and being that this will be the 60th Anniversary of the attack I thought it was very appropriate to do this.” ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. Jakupcak announced that the Sheriff’s Radio Committee will meet in Room 242 after the board meeting today for a short meeting. ------Morion by Mr. Piecha to recess to November 29th, 2001 at 1:00 P.M. in Room 250, second by Mr. Savitch. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. CHAIRMAN HETTEL DECLARED THE MEETING RECESSED TO NOVEMBER 29TH, 2001

LaSalle County Board Minutes – November 14, 2001 STATE OF ILLINOIS ) COUNTY OF LASALLE ) The LaSalle County Board met pursuant to recess at the Governmental Complex, Ottawa, Illinois, on the fifth Thursday of November, A.D., 2001 it being the 29th day thereof. This meeting is the fourth meeting of our September 2001 Session. Chairman Hettel called the meeting to order at 1:05 P.M. ANNOUNCEMENT Chairman Hettel announced that at all County Board meetings all gentlemen will need to remove their hats/caps during the meeting. Chairman Hettel asked the Clerk to call the roll call for mileage & per diem. PRESENT: 26 Members ABSENT: Mr. Savitch, Mrs. Panzica, Ms. Koban There were 26 ayes claiming mileage. Motion by Mr. Rigby to approve the roll call for mileage & per diem, second by Mr. Combs. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion Carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 129, PAGE 147 th Chairman Hettel called for any additions or corrections to the November 14 , 2001 minutes. Motion by Mr. Foltynewicz to approve the November 14th minutes as presented, second by Mr. Johnson. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 129, PAGE 148 RESOLUTION (#01-184) POSTHUMOUSLY HONOR JOHN SARTORIO A resolution was submitted to posthumously honor former County Board member John Sartario who recenlty passed away. Motion by Mr. Rosengren to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Landers. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. A moment of silence was observed in his honor. Chairman Hettel commented that Mr. Sartorio was one of the original members of the 29 member board. SEE RECORD BOOK 129, PAGE 149 CITIZEN COMMENT Jack Leininger on the agenda for citizen comment, but he is not present.

RESOLUTION: (#01-185A) THRU (#01-185M) DELINQUENT TAX A resolution was submitted stating that the Chairman of the Board of LaSalle County, Illinois, be authorized to execute a deed of conveyance of the County’s interest or authorize the cancellation of the appropriate Certificate(s) of Purchase, as the case may be, on real estate parcel # 18-10-401-015, cert. #98-0272 for the sum of $5,375.44, parcel #17-20-109-012, cert . LaSalle County Board Minutes – November 29, 2001 #98-0259 for the sum of $991.68, parcel #19-08-404-020, cert. #98-0329 for the sum of $144.66, parcel # 24-18-220-004, cert. #98-0544 for the sum of $115.50, parcel #24-18-213-027, cert. #98- 0538 for the sum of $134.20, parcel #33-26-429-018, cert. #98-0746 for the sum of $1,441.68, parcel #33-36-113-017, cert. #97-0113 for the sum of $1,824.63, parcel #33-36-118-015, cert. #98-0775 for the sum of $4,441.68, parcel # 33-36-217-003, cert. #98-0796 for the sum of $137.94, parcel #33-36-229-002, cert. #97-0137 for the sum of $296.67, parcel #36-18-312-000, cert. #98-0830 for the sum of $291.68, parcel #37-07-302-009, cert. #98-0836 for the sum of $1,741.68 and parcel #33-36-103-024, cert. #98-0766 for the sum of $241.68 to be paid to the Treasurer of LaSalle County, Illinois, to be disbursed according to law. Motion by Mr. Small to approve the resolutions, second by Jakupcak. Chairman Hettel called for a roll call vote; 25 ayes, 3 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 129, PAGES 150-164 RESOLUTION: (#01—186) OFFICE OF THE STATE’S ATTORNEYS APPELLATE PROSECUTOR A resolution was submitted stating that the LaSalle County Board agrees to support the continued operation of the Office of the State’s Attorneys appellate prosecutor for the fiscal year 2002, commencing December 1st, 2001 and ending November 30th, 2002 and appropriating the sum of $20,000.00 for the express purpose of providing a portion of the funds required for the operation. Motion by Mr. McConville for adoption, second by Mr. Flanagan. Same roll call vote; voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 129, PAGES 165-169 MOTION TO AMEND 2001 BUDGET Motion to amend the 2001 Budget, account #01-45-809.002 to read to change from $2,425,000.00 to $2,825,000.00 that was laid over from the November 14th, 2001 County Board session. The Motion on November 14th, 2001 was made by Mr. Hicks and the second by Ms. Koban. Chairman Hettel called for a roll call vote, 25 ayes, 3 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 129, PAGE 170 2001 - 2002 BUDGET The 2001 - 2002 budget was presented to the LaSalle County Board Members with noted changes. Motion by Mr. Mustered to adopt budget, second by Mr. Derango.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – November 29, 2001 Mr. Mustered, Chairman of the Finance Committee, addressed the Board at this time and explained the changes to the budget that was presented for filing and review in the County Clerk’s office on November 14th, 2001. Mr. Small at this time asked questions concerning construction of the new jail in regards to disbursement of the public safety tax. Discussion by the County Board Members followed, concerning this matter. Mr. Small then questioned the proposed budget and the possibility of a reduction in the levy. Mr. Small stated he had reviewed the Auditor’s records and he felt the General Fund Levy should be reduced by $422,355. Mr. Small went on to say he felt there is enough revenue coming into the General Fund to cover the reduction. Mr. Mustered stated that you have to remember that the first Tax Distribution from property taxes would not be until June or July of 2002 and that the County needs to operate on the General Fund until that point. Chairman Hettel then reviewed the different levies and where the increases will be for next year and where the levies remained the same or were reduced. He also mentioned unknowns such as the likely increase in staff at the jail and the union contract, which remains to be resolved. Mr. Small motioned to amend the General Fund/Levy to $3,164,470.00, second by Mr. Freeman. Chairman Hettel stated the motion was out of order, as we are dealing with the Budget and that Mr. Small could bring the motion back at the appropriate time when the levy is presented. Chairman Hettel called for a roll call to adopt the 2001 – 2002 Budget as presented with changes; 23 ayes, 2 nays, 3 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 129, PAGES 171-172 RESOLUTION (#01-187) 2001 – 2002 LASALLE COUNTY GENERAL TAX LEVY Motion by Mr. Mustered to adopt the Tax Levy for the 2001-2002 fiscal year in the amount of $12,895,725.00, second by Mr. Hicks. Motion by Mr. Small to amend the General Fund Levy to $3,164,470.00, second by Mr. Freeman. A general discussion followed by several Board members, with Chairman Hettel stating that the General Fund will be less this year than last year if the motion passes. The actual levy went up by less than 3.4%. Mr. Rigby questioned where the additional revenue to cover the reduction would come from. Mr. Small stated that "reviewing the Auditor's records indicated a surplus of approximately $1,000,000.00 more income in the General Fund in 2000 than was projected." Mr. Small stated that he did not have 2001 figures other than sales tax.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – November 29, 2001 Mr. Rigby expressed concerns of the possibility of a reduction in sales tax revenue. Mr. Small stated "that there could be a little shortfall but, there would still be extra money." Mr. Mustered questions Mr. Small as to why he did not attend a Finance Committee Meeting following the Budget being placed on file at the November 14th, 2001 County Board meeting instead of waiting until today to discuss this. Several Board members commented in relation to the assessed value of property in the County. Chairman Hettel called for a roll call vote on the motion to amend the County General Fund Tax Levy; 3 ayes, 22 nays, 3 absent. Motion defeated. Chairman Hettel called for a roll call on the original motion to adopt the County Tax Levy as presented; 22 ayes, 3 nays, 3 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 129, PAGES 173-176 RESOLUTION: (#01-188) THRU (#01-198) TAX ANTICIPATION WARRANTS Tax Anticipation Warrants were submitted for the following funds: General County Fund, Detention Home Fund, Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund, County Highway Fund, Special Tax Matching Fund, Bridges Constructed by the County on Townships and County Line Roads Fund, Mental Health Fund, County Nursing Home Fund, Insurance Fund, County Health Department Fund and Veterans Assistance Commission Fund. Motion by Mr. Jordan to adopt the eleven (11) tax anticipation warrants, second by Mr. Jakupcak. Chairman Hettel called for a roll call vote; 25 ayes, 3 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 129, PAGES 177-199 MISCELLANEOUS REPORTS & CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence from the Grand Jury regarding their visit to the LaSalle County Jail Facility. SEE RECORD BOOK 129, PAGES 200-201 A letter from Matt Betttenhausen, Illinois Homeland Security Update from Governor Ryan's staff. Motion by Mr. Dougherty to place all on file, second by Mrs. Cogdal. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. COMMENT Mr. Freeman asked to recognize someone from the floor with the Chairman's permission. Mr. Jack Leininger was given 10 minutes to discuss an issue as a citizen comment. Mr. Leininger addressed the topic of moving the County Board meetings to nights, suggesting the meetings start

LaSalle County Board Minutes – November 29, 2001 at 6:00 P.M. Mr. Leininger stated that "good government means finding out what the majority wants. Night meetings will greatly enhance your ability to represent the voters." Mr. Leininger went on to state that most other units of government hold their meetings at night. Mr. Leininger stated that "the time is right for major changes in the direction of the County Board. Changes will open the door and provide opportunities for many citizens here in LaSalle County. Good government is about getting the job done." Mr. Leininger stated the "he hoped someone here today will make a motion and then second it to change County Board meetings to the evenings. Especially before the primary comes up and the petitions have to be turned in." MOTION Motion by Mr. Freeman to go to night meetings, second by Mrs. Woodrich. MOTION TO TABLE Motion by Mr. Dougherty to table the motion, second by Mr. Treschak. Voice vote, majority ayes, 2 nays. Motion passed. ANNOUNCEMENTS Chairman Hettel made several announcements: A special meeting of the Animal Control & Parks Committee when the Board meeting is adjourned. There will have to be a special Bridge & Township Road Committee meeting prior to the next County Board meeting. Christmas Party, December 9th, 2001, 4:30 P.M. Money and reservations need to be in by December 5th, 2001, the cost is $10.00 per person and the party is at the D-Bar. There is a card being passed around for Gayle Thomas, everyone please sign it. Mr. Foltynewicz announced December 7th, 2001 a Flag Pole dedication will be held at the County Nursing Home at 7:45 A.M. Mr. Freeman questioned if the special meeting of the Animal Control & Parks Committee was in violation of the Open Meetings Act. Board Attorney Troy Holland asked if any action was to be taken. Chairman Hettel stated it was to handout information for the committee's next meeting and was saving $420.00 by not scheduling another special meeting. Mr. Holland stated that his legal opinion is that if no action is to be taken it would be alright to handout the information. The information will be placed in the Committee members mail boxes for pickup.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – November 29, 2001 Motion by Mr. Peicha to adjourn to December 10th, 2001 at 1:00 P.M. in Room 250, second by Mr. Landers. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion Carried CHAIRMAN HETTEL DECLARED THE MEETING ADJOURNED TO DECEMBER 10TH, 2001 AT 1:00 P.M.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – November 29, 2001 STATE OF ILLINOIS ) COUNTY OF LASALLE ) RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE LASALLE COUNTY BOARD HELD AT THE GOVERNMENTAL COMPLEX, OTTAWA, ILLINOIS. BEGUN AND HELD ON THE SECOND MONDAY OF DECEMBER, A.D., 2001 IT BEING THE 10TH DAY THEREOF. STATE OF ILLINOIS ) COUNTY OF LASALLE ) The LaSalle County Board met pursuant to Statute at the Governmental Complex, Ottawa, Illinois, on the second Monday of December, A.D., 2001, it being the 10th day thereof. Chairman Hettel called the meeting to order at 1:05 p.m. This is the 1st meeting of our December 2001 Session. Chairman Hettel announced that since it is the start of a new fiscal year the roll call is reversed. Chairman Hettel asked the Clerk to call the roll for Mileage & Per Diem. PRESENT: 29 Members ABSENT: None There were 28 ayes claiming mileage. Motion by Mrs. Cogdal to approve the roll call for mileage & per diem, second by Mr. Combs. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 130, PAGE 1 Chairman Hettel called for any additions or corrections to the November 29th, 2001 minutes. Motion by Mr. Mustered to approve the November 29th minutes as presented, second by Mr. Erbrederis. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. STUDENT EXCELLENCE AWARD Mr. William Novotney, Supt. of Schools, introduced the two students who were awarded the Student Excellence Awards; from LaSalle Catholic School, Victoria Kotecki, and from Peru Catholic School, Jackson Powell. CITIZEN COMMENTS Stephen Carlson, LaSalle County resident, addressed the Board by offering some further thoughts on the Open Meetings Act, a topic Mr. Carlson has addressed at a previous meeting. He also expanded on the topic of County Board Sessions being held in the evening, which was addressed at the November 29th County Board Session. Mr. Carlson continued with various comments and counterpoints to Mr. Leininger’s comments of last month requesting the Board’s support in changing to night meetings and to Mr. Freeman’s statements regarding procedures of

LaSalle County Board Minutes – December 10, 2001 neighboring counties. Mr. Carlson offered as a point of correction that the Lee County Board meetings are held during the day, not in the evening as reported last month. Mr. Carlson repeatedly stated, “The issue is complex and the facts may not be facts.” Mr. Carlson went on to comment regarding consolidation of committee meetings, agenda posted on Internet Website, video recording of meetings for cable TV broadcast and a consent agenda. SEE RECORD BOOK 130, PAGE 2 CITIZEN COMMENTS Ralph Coyle, LaSalle County resident, addressed the Board regarding the proposed Dog Registration Fee Ordinance, which is to be voted on at today’s meeting. Mr. Coyle asked the Board to consider a few points before voting. He stated, “I believe we are facing a two fold problem. Budget deficits in the Animal Control Department and the problem of stray or abandoned cats and dogs.” Mr. Coyle went on to quote statistics on revenue and expenditures as it relates to this issue. Mr. Coyle stated with the proposed increase the majority of the cost associated with Animal Control would be paid by dog owners. He commented, “The Animal Control officer deals with all sorts of problems with cats, dogs, snakes, birds, wild animals, such as raccoons, skunks, coyotes and many more. It doesn’t seem proper that dog owners of LaSalle County should pay 100% of the cost. Therefore it would seem reasonable that the general public should pick up some of the cost of the program.” Mr. Coyle went on to comment regarding the issue of “forced neutering” as it relates to the proposed resolution. CITIZEN COMMENTS Julie Pinn, LaSalle County resident and professional dog trainer, addressed the board for the second time on the same subject of the proposed Registration Fee Ordinance. She stated, “I feel the fees imposed are made to high for people that have intact animals.” Ms. Pinn also questioned as to why the proposed resolution applies to dogs only and does not address the issue of cats. RESOLUTION: DOG REGISTRATION FEE ORDINANCE A resolution was submitted stating that an Ordinance establishing LaSalle County Registration Fees for dogs and fines for non-compliance, in accordance with the authority and provisions granted to the LaSalle County Board pursuant to the Animal Control Act. Motion by Mr. Foltynewicz to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Rigby. Mr. Rigby commented, “It seems that the fees are the real issue here.” LaSalle County Board Minutes – December 10, 2001 At this time Mr. Rigby gave some statistic fees that were obtained from Bureau County, Ogle County and Lee County and then stated, “I think we are well within the cost.” Mr. Piecha stated, “If this ordinance is adopted by the Board, would the county be liable for a law suit if a dog getting neutered dies on the table or bleeds to death?” Attorney Troy Holland stated, “In my opinion, no.” Mr. Piecha was concerned about said proposal, as to how people will be informed about such an ordinance regarding registration fees when adopted by the county, if the cities or towns in LaSalle County are not being notified in order to inform residents. Mr. Piecha also commented, “I still feel that this is going to be a burden on the responsible dog owner.” Mr. Freeman questioned, “This issue was tabled last month, shouldn’t it come off the table before we vote?” Attorney Troy Holland agreed with Mr. Freeman to make a motion to remove from the table for discussion. MOTION Motion by Mr. Foltynewicz to withdraw his motion at this time, second by Mr. Rigby. MOTION Motion by Mr. Foltynewicz to remove from the table the Dog Registration Fee Ordinance, second by Mr. Erbrederis. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. MOTION Motion by Mr. Foltynewicz to adopt the revised Dog Registration Fee Ordinance, second by Mr. Rigby. Mr. Rigby responded to Mr. Piecha’s concern of getting the information out to the public stating, “When do we stop giving some of the owners the responsibilities of finding what the ownership of an animal really is?” There was much discussion by several of the board members and also the LaSalle County Animal Control Officer, Dr. Dell Brodd at this time. Chairman Hettel called for a roll call vote; 14 ayes, 15 nays. Motion defeated. SEE RECORD BOOK 130, PAGE 3 RESOLUTION: #02-01 (#01-199) COUNTY HIGHWAY A resolution was submitted requesting the sum of $84,000.00 be appropriated from the County’s allotment of Motor Fuel Tax Funds for the purpose of paying the salary of the LaSalle County Engineer from January 1, 2002 to December 31, 2002 for Section 02-00000-00-CS.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – December 10, 2001 Motion by Mr. Garretson to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Jordan. Roll call vote; 27 ayes, 1 absent. Motion Carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 130, PAGE 4-6 RESOLUTION: #02-02 (#01-200) COUNTY HIGHWAY A resolution was submitted providing for the appropriation of $900,000 from the Motor Fuel Tax Fund to cover maintenance costs from January 1, 2002 through December 31, 2002 for Section 02-00000-00-GM, Patrol #1. Motion by Mr. Boe to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Rigby. Roll call vote; 27 ayes, 1 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 130, PAGE 7-9 RESOLUTION: #02-03 (#01-201) COUNTY HIGHWAY A resolution was submitted stating the 2002 Bridge Aid Petitions and Requests costing approximately $27,000.00. Motion by Mr. Jakupcak to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Flanagan. Same roll call vote; 27 ayes, 1 absent. Motion Carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 130, PAGE 10-12 RESOLUTION: #01-53 (#01-202) VARIANCE TO THE SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE A resolution was submitted granting a variance to the subdivision ordinance for H. D. Wiley to create a 3.76 acre parcel with 783.69 feet of public road frontage, in the NE ¼ of Section 16, Rutland Township, LaSalle County. Motion by Mr. Rosengren to approve the variance, second by Mr. McConville. Mr. Boe commented that he would like to abstain from voting on this resolution due to the fact that he is the tenant. Mr. Stockley commented that this is the site of the Lindbergh memorial. Voice vote, 1 nay, 1 abstain. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 130, PAGE 13-14 RESOLUTION: #01-54 (#01-203) VARIANCE TO THE SETBACK ORDINANCE A resolution was submitted granting a variance to the setback ordinance for Robert Breeden to build a garage a minimum of 50 feet from the centerline of N. 2853rd Rd. (County Highway #28), Utica Township, LaSalle County. Motion by Mr. Jordan to approve the variance, second by Mr. Foltynewicz. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – December 10, 2001 SEE RECORD BOOK 130, PAGE 15-16 RESOLUTION: #01-55 (#01-205) VARIANCE TO THE SETBACK ORDINANCE A resolution was submitted granting a variance to the setback ordinance for Gregory Drysdale to build a garage a minimum of 51 feet from the centerline of East Kent Street located in Otter Creek Township, LaSalle County. Motion by Mr. Garretson to approve the variance, second by Mrs. Woodrich. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 130, PAGE 17-18 ORDINANCE: (#01-206) $9,900,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS An Ordinance was submitted abating the tax heretofore levied for the year 2001 to pay debt service on $9,900,000 General Obligation Bonds (Public Safety Tax Alternate Revenue Source) of the County of LaSalle, Illinois. Motion by Mr. Landers to approve the ordinance, second by Mr. Mustered. Roll call vote; 28 ayes, 0 nays, Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 130, PAGE 18-20 ORDINANCE: (#01-207) $8,000,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS An Ordinance was submitted abating the tax heretofore levied for the year 2001 to pay debt service on $8,000,000 General Obligation Bonds (Public Safety Tax Alternate Revenue Source) of the County of LaSalle, Illinois. Motion by Mr. Mustered to approve the ordinance, second by Mr. McConville. Same roll call vote; 28 ayes, 0 nays. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 130, PAGE 21-22 MOTION Motion by Mr. Erbrederis to place on file the LaSalle County Clerk’s Report for the period from December 1st, 2000 through November 30th, 2001, second by Mr. Piecha. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 130, PAGE 23 Chairman Hettel called for a 5-minute recess. QUARTERLY REPORT: COMMITTEE WORK MISCELLANEOUS The Quarterly Report for Committee Work Miscellaneous was submitted in the total amount of $51,102.00. Motion by Mr. Mustered to approve the Quarterly Report, second by Mr. Derango. Roll call vote; 27 ayes, 1 absent. Motion carried.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – December 10, 2001 SEE RECORD BOOK 130, PAGE 24-56

APPOINTMENT: (#01-208) WENONA CEMETERY ASSOCIATION A resolution was submitted appointing Randy Warner, Robert Kurle and Gary Kuehn as Trustees of the Wenona Cemetery Association for a six year term expiring December 1, 2007. Motion by Mr. Small to approve the appointments, second by Mr. Freeman. Voice vote, all ayes. SEE RECORD BOOK 130, PAGE 57-59 MOTION Motion by Mr. Jakupcak to remove from the table, the discussion of having night meetings, second by Mr. Jordan. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. DISCUSSION Discussion followed on the issue of County Board sessions being held at night. Mr. Jakupcak addressed some cost factors involved with changing to night meetings. Mr. Jakupcak stated, “We would have to have a bailiff. We really do not have enough bailiffs now, so they would be working overtime. We’d have to have a bailiff at the East end of the building. We’d also have to have people in the office.” He also addressed the issue of cost to keep the building open. Mr. Dougherty recapped what had been discussed at the November 29th, 2001 meeting regarding the issue of having night meetings that was addressed by Mr. Leininger. Mr. Dougherty commented that more research needs to be done to know the full impact of possible additional costs to conduct night meetings. He also addressed the issue of “stacking” the committee meetings and the problems that could be incurred with lengthy committee meetings. Mr. Dougherty stated, “I do not favor night meetings at this time.” Mr. Jordan stated, “It seems like at almost every committee meeting or board meeting that we have to call on a department head or somebody else when figures need to be checked on within an office. You can’t get that done at night.” Mr. Freeman stated, “I brought this issue up repeatedly at the Rules Committee. All I wanted was an open discussion about night meetings. The people want night meetings. I brought it forward. My district even requested night meetings. I want to clarify a few things here today that were brought out. LaSalle County is a unique county. I stand by that statement. We need to do what’s right for the people of LaSalle County. I brought up other counties that had night meetings because it was feasible, not because we should do it because they do it. I’ve never advocated doing something because another county does it. I will add burden on myself and the people of

LaSalle County Board Minutes – December 10, 2001 LaSalle County. We’ll find out if they want night meetings or not. I’ll enjoy researching this. I wasn’t prepared bringing this forward today, because I feel it needs more research. I will prove to the people of LaSalle County that we will save money, we can do it and it will work with more research. But we have to have discussion on it. We have to bring it forward to look at. Now we have a little discussion. Now we can look at all of the pros and cons. I’ll be the first to admit, if the cons outweigh the pros, I’ll go with it. Mrs. Woodrich stated that “years ago when there was a night committee meeting there was not a bailiff at the east entrance. You had to enter the building at the sheriff’s department entrance, and there was no office staff. But maybe things have changed.” Mr. Janko stated, “This Board has guided the county through the biggest building project in more than 25 years and it has done so while successfully maintaining and performing all of the responsibilities of county government. Taxes have been collected and distributed, elections held, budgets prepared, union negotiations conducted, county buildings maintained, 350 miles of county highways kept in good repair, bridges were built, county board rules and state mandates complied with and a new water tank was installed at the Nursing Home for 1/3 of the cost, and that has been completed. This Board has performed well and I take pride in being a member. Do we need drastic changes? I think an answer comes in an old adage. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” There was more discussion by several other board members stating their views and opinions regarding having night meetings. Original motion from November 29th, 2001 board meeting by Mr. Freeman to go to night meetings, second by Mrs. Woodrich. Chairman Hettel called for a roll call vote to go to night meetings; 3 ayes, 23 nays, 1 present, 1 absent. Motion defeated. SEE RECORD BOOK 130, PAGE 60 MOTION Motion by Mr. Mustered that Fund 36 a new line item #36-01570.002 be changed to read $5,500.00 and also in Fund 33 a new line item 33-001570.002 will be an administrative fee for $2,000.00, second by Mr. Landers. To be voted on at next month’s meeting. ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. Mustered commented that the Finance Committee is trying to contact the representative of Maximus to answer some questions regarding the recently conducted fee study. Mr. Mustered also stated that the TIF Committee will be reviewing at their next meeting, a report by Paige Bryant, a NIU student intern. Mr. Mustered said, “I’d like to focus on the policy

LaSalle County Board Minutes – December 10, 2001 that she has suggested, so the committee members are to bring that report to the committee meeting.” Mr. Jakupcak stated, “I’d like to take this time to welcome Mrs. Panzica back.” Chairman Hettel thanked Mrs. Cogdal and Mr. Landers for organizing the County Board Christmas Party. Mr. Janko thanked the ladies in the board office, specifically Mrs. Hogan for their help in the scheduling and the work that’s been done on the budget.” Mr. Foltynewicz thanked those who attended the flagpole dedication ceremony at the County Nursing Home in remembrance of the Pearl Harbor attack, and also acknowledged Dan Flanagan and the late Joe Panzica in helping to establish Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day. ------Motion by Mr. Piecha to recess to January 10th, 2002 at 1:00 P.M. in Room 250, second by Mr. Savitch. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – December 10, 2001