STATE OF ) COUNTY OF LASALLE ) The LaSalle County Board met pursuant to recess at the Governmental Complex, Ottawa, Illinois, on the Second Monday of January, A.D., 1991, it being the 14th day thereof. Chairman Johnson called the meeting to order at 1:01 P.M. . Chairman Johnson announced the appointment of Robert Renwick to District 16 to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of John Toynton. Motion for approval by Mr. Rosengren. Second by Mr. Lambert. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. Mr. Renwick was given his oath by the Clerk and took his seat among the Board Members. SEE RECORD BOOK 81, PAGES 98-99. ORGANIZATION Chairman Johnson asked the Clerk to call the roll for Mileage & Per Diem. PRESENT: 27 Members ABSENT: Mr. Panzica and Mr. Pike. There were 27 ayes claiming mileage. Motion for approval by Mr. Novak. Second by Mr. Zborowski. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 81, PAGE 97. Chairman Johnson called for additions or corrections to the minutes. Mr. Daugherity made a motion to approve the minutes as presented. Second by Mr. Wujek. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. . Chairman Johnson announced that Joe Hettel was elected President of Zone Four Illinois Association of County Boards. Mr. Hettel received a round of applause. DETENTION HOME: STAFF AWARDS Joann White, Director of the Detention Home, introduced the following three staff members who were presented awards from the National Juvenile Detention Association for their service by Chairman Johnson: Julie Seibert, for line staff worker of the year; Roger Gercken, for service worker of the year; and Rod Verdine, for 10 years of service in detention.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – January 14, 1991 708 BOARD: SERVICES TOUR INVITATION Gerald Garretson, Executive Director of the LaSalle County Mental Health 708 Board, addressed the Board and commented that the Board is celebrating 25 years in existence and on the invitation to the Board Members to tour the services offered at various facilities associated with the 708 Board. Said tour to be scheduled for Thursday, January 17th, 1991. SEE RECORD BOOK 81, PAGES 100-102. Chairman Johnson announced that Christine Paul has been appointed to the Private Industry Council to represent the private sector of LaSalle County. .RESOLUTION: COUNTY HIGHWAY 90-19 Mr. William Keith, Superintendent of Highways, presented a resolution providing for the appropriation of $700,000.00 from the Motor Fuel Tax Fund to cover maintence costs from January 1, 1991 through December 31, 1991, for section 91-00000-00-GM, Patrol #1. Motion for approval by Mr. Hettel. Second by Mr. Smith. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 81, PAGES 103-104. RESOLUTION: COUNTY HIGHWAY 90-20 Mr. Keith presented a resolution requesting the sum of $51,500.00 be appropriated from the County's allotment of Motor Fuel Tax Funds for the purpose of paying the salary of the County Superintendent of Highways from January 1, 1991 to December 31, 1991. Motion for approval by Mr. Smith. Second by Mr. Hageman. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 81, PAGES 105-106. RESOLUTION: COUNTY HIGHWAY 91-01 Mr. Keith presented a resolution authorizing the County Superintendent of Highways to be an agent in Joint Purchase Programs with the State of Illinois for the County Highway Department. Motion for approval by Mr. Madden. Second by Mr. Hageman. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – January 14, 1991 SEE RECORD BOOK 81, PAGES 107-109. RESOLUTION: SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT Greg Chance, of the LaSalle County Health Department, presented a resolution proposing that Jeanne Becker & Associates be directed to develop a technical report on municipal waste composting as part of the solid waste management planning process. Cost shall not excess $8,000.00. Motion for approval by Mr. Krogulski. Second by Mr. Franzetti. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 81, PAGES 110-112. COURT SERVICES: SALARY COMPENSATION SCHEDULE Mr. William Warnell, Director of Court Services, again presented to the Board a copy of the State Salary Compensation Schedule for the Thirteenth Judicial Circuit that was tabled from the last meeting. Motion for approval by Mr. Caputo. Second by Mr. Zborowski. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 81, PAGES 113-117. REPORT: REMODELING OF DOWNTOWN COURTHOUSE John Richards, of Gerding, Richards, & Schonbackler, Inc., of LaSalle, Illinois, reported to the Board on his estimated costs involved in the remodeling of the downtown courthouse. The estimated costs are as follows: Phase One to include the electrical at approximately $87,600.00; wall insulating and treatment to exterior walls at $40,000.00; replacing toliet fixtures, plumbing and the addition of a handicap facility to the first floor at $112,750.00. Phase Two is the refurbishing of the face of the building at approximately $56,000.00, and the windows if historically replaced at $350,000.00. If the windows are replaced for insulating purposes, the estimated cost is $162,000.00. Motion to go out for bids on Phase one and two of the remodeling process of the downtown courthouse by Mr. Hageman. Second by Mr. Morandi. Roll call vote was held; 21 ayes, 5 nays, 2 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 81, PAGE 118.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – January 14, 1991 Mr. Madden made a motion to go into Executive Session to discussion litigation. Second by Mr. Rosengren. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. The room was then cleared for Executive Session. Mr. Vavaroutsos made a motion to come out of Executive Session. Second by Mr. Freebairn. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. I.M.R.F. - LEAVE OF ABSENCE AUTHORIZATION An Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund Leave of Absence Authorization for Kay Seanard was presented for the period of December 10, 1990 to an unknown date, with an estimated cost to the employer of $187.74. An Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund Leave of Absence Authorization for James Kelly was presented for the period of January 5, 1991 to March 31, 1991, with an estimated cost to the employer of $428.29. Motion for approval by Mr. Lambert. Second by Mr. Crowley. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 81, PAGES 119-120. APPOINTMENT: EARLVILLE COMMUNITY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT A resolution was submitted to appoint Lester F. Kaminky as trustee of the Earlville Community Fire Protection District to fill the unexpired term of James Sutton, due to his resignation. Motion for approval by Mr. Freebairn. Second by Mr. Lyons. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 81, PAGES 121-122. APPOINTMENT: LASALLE COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY A resolution was submitted to appoint James K. Armstrong to the board of the LaSalle County Housing Authority to fill the vacancy created due to the death of Al Roffman. Said term to expire July 1996. Motion for approval by Mr. McFadden. Second by Mr. Hageman. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 81, PAGE 123.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – January 14, 1991 APPOINTMENT: SHERIDAN SANITARY DISTRICT A resolution was submitted to appoint Bradley J. Bristol as trustee of the Sheridan Sanitary District for a three year term commencing January, 1991 and to approve the bond of Terry Hapke. Motion for approval by Mr. Rosengren. Second by Mrs. Woodrich. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 81, PAGES 124-129. APPOINTMENT: LASALLE COUNTY 708 BOARD A resolution was submitted to reappoint Charles Klever, Jr. as board member to the LaSalle County 708 Board for a four year term beginning January, 1991 and expiring January 1, 1995. Motion for approval by Mr. Daugherity. Second by Mr. Hageman. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 81, PAGE 130. MISCELLANEOUS REPORTS & CORRESPONDENCE The Treasurer's Investment Schedule dated January 7, 1991 was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 81, PAGE 131. Correspondence from the Clerk to the Department of Revenue verifying business locations (County or Municipality) for tax allocation purposes was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 81, PAGES 132-134. A report from the Department of Revenue was submitted stating the County Supplemental Sales Tax has been reported and collected for September 1990 in the amount of $146,787.82. SEE RECORD BOOK 81, PAGE 135. A report from the Department of Revenue was submitted stating the County Sales Tax has been reported and collected for September 1990 in the net amount of $49,463.01. SEE RECORD BOOK 81, PAGE 136. A transmittal memorandum and blue prints from Clark Dietz, Inc., on the feasibility study of replacing the Bridge in Marseilles was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 81, PAGES 137-149.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – January 14, 1991 A statement of the Peoples Business transacted by the Sheriff's Department during the period of June 1, 1990 to November 30, 1990 was submitted for audit purposes. SEE RECORD BOOK 81, PAGES 150-152. LaSalle County Payroll changes as of January 14, 1991 was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 81, PAGE 152-A. Motion to place on file by Mr. Lambert. Second by Mr. Caputo. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. MOTION: PERSIAN GULF CRISIS Mr. Franzetti made a motion on the floor to send a resolution to the U.S. Senators and Representatives of the State of Illinois stating that the County Board of LaSalle County favors a peaceful solution to the Persian Gulf conflict, and to only use armed force if our national security seems threatened, such as an attack on our troops or terrorist attacks on our mainland. Second by Mr. Hettel. Roll call vote was requested and held; 14 ayes, 11 nays. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 81, PAGES 153-154. ______Mr. Rosengren made a motion to recess. Second by Mr. Hageman. The next meeting will be held Tuesday, February 12th, 1991, at the Governmental Complex, Ottawa, Illinois, at 1:00 P.M. CHAIRMAN JOHNSON DECLARED THE MEETING RECESSED.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – January 14, 1991 STATE OF ILLINOIS ) COUNTY OF LASALLE ) The LaSalle County Board met pursuant to recess at the Governmental Complex, Ottawa, Illinois, on the Second Tuesday of February, A.D., 1991, it being the 12th day thereof. ORGANIZATION Chairman Johnson called the meeting to order at 1:02 P.M. Chairman Johnson asked the Clerk to call the roll for Per Diem & Mileage. PRESENT: 24 Members ABSENT: Mr. Franzetti, Mr. Renwick, Mr. Combs, Mr. Lambert, and Mr. McFadden. There were 24 ayes claiming mileage. Motion for approval by Mr. Caputo. Second by Mr. Madden. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. See Record Book 81, Page 155. COUNTY HIGHWAY #91-02 Mr. William Keith, Superintendent of Highways, presented a resolution appropriating $546,000.00 M.F.T. Funds and $31,000.00 from County Highway Funds for bituminous resurfacing of Section 91-00001-01-SM, County Highway 44. Motion for approval by Mr. Hettel. Second by Mr. Smith. Roll call vote was held. 23 ayes, 5 absent. Motion carried. See Record Book 81, Pages 156-158, and page 180. COUNTY HIGHWAY #91-03 Mr. Keith presented a resolution for Local Agency Agreement for Federal Participation for Section 91-00126-02-RS, F.A.S. Route 1278, County Highway 55 and a resolution appropriating $66,000.00 Matching Tax Funds for LaSalle County's share of the improvement. Motion for approval by Mr. Rosengren. Second by Mr. Hageman. Same roll call vote. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. See Record Book 81, Pages 159-167, and page 180.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – February 12, 1991 COUNTY HIGHWAY #91-04 Mr. Keith presented a resolution for Local Agency Agreement for Federal Participation for Section 91-00253-00-RS, F.A.S. Route 1176, County Highway 10 and a resolution appropriating $120,000.00 Matching Tax Funds for LaSalle County's share of the improvement. Motion for approval by Mr. Madden. Second by Mr. Lyons. Same roll call vote. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. See Record Book 81, Pages 168-176, and page 180. COUNTY HIGHWAY #91-05 Mr. Keith presented a resolution appropriating $16,000.00 Matching Tax Funds and $125,000.00 County Highway Funds for the bituminous resurfacing of Section 90-00249-00-RS (C.H. 15 from Marseilles North to Interstate Route 80); appropriating $156,000.00 Matching Tax Funds and $192,000.00 County Highway Funds for the bituminous resurfacing of Section 91-00144-00-SM (C.H. 16 Cedar Point North to C.H. 63); appropriating $191,000.00 Matching Tax Funds and $75,000.00 County Highway Funds for the bituminous resurfacing of Section 91-00252-00-SM, (C.H. 57 from C.H. 6 North to C.H. 8). Motion for approval by Mr. Wujek. Second by Mrs. Woodrich. Same roll call vote. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. See Record Book 81, Pages 177-180. Mr. Keith also presented the LaSalle County Highway 1990 Annual Report to be placed on file. Motion to place on file by Mr. Pike. Second by Mr. Smith. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. See Record Book 81, Page 181. REPORT: SOLID WASTE SYSTEM Mr. Greg Chance, from the LaSalle County Health Department, addressed the Board to ask if all members had checked their mail boxes to see if they received their copy of the Executive Summary for the Solid Waste System Evalutation Report as well as the newsletter on the contents of the report that is being published for the publics' information and on the meetings that are

LaSalle County Board Minutes – February 12, 1991 scheduled to present this information to the public to get comments as to whether the public is for it or against it. RESOLUTION: INVASION OF KUWAIT A resolution was submitted by the VAC Committee conveying the County's total support of our Service Personnel, Congress, and Commander-in- Chief in reference to the invasion of Kuwait by Iraq. Copy of said resolution is to be sent to our United States Senators, Representatives and Commander-in- Chief of the United States Armed Forces. Mr. Panzica brought it to the Boards' attention that the word "soldiers" in the last paragraph was corrected to read "service personnel" at the committee meeting and moved to accept as corrected by committee. Second by Mr. Novak. Mrs. Kasap suggested a number of changes. Mr. Martens moved to leave the resolution like it is. Second by Mr. Madden. Voice vote, all ayes, 1 nay. Motion carried. Voice vote to accept as per committee correction; all ayes. Motion carried. See Record Book 81, Page 182. ANNOUNCEMENT: ARIO FRANZETTI'S CONDITION Chairman Johnson announced to the Board that Mr. Franzetti has been hospitalized as a result of a heart attack and is recouperating. RESOLUTION: USE OF ETHANOL AS SUBSTITUTE FUEL SOURCE Mr. Robert Eschbach, on behalf of Mr. Franzetti, submitted a resolution asking that the United States government explore the development of the use of ethanol as an alternate fuel source, thereby decreasing our dependence on foreign oil and improving the economic conditions of our farmers and citizens in general. Said resolution further states that the LaSalle County Board, through its Chairman, send a letter of correspondence to each of the United States Senators and Representatives whose districts include this County, expressing this request.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – February 12, 1991 Motion for approval by Mr. Hettel. Second by Mr. Pike. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. See Record Book 81, Page 183. RESOLUTION: SUPPORT OF PERSIAN GULF FORCES Mr. Eschbach, again on the behalf of Mr. Franzetti, submitted a resolution calling for the County Board to set aside one week in the month of March to show our complete concern and support for our men and women in the armed forces in the Persian Gulf. Said resolution also calls for the Chairman of the Board to appoint a committee of five citizens, including one Board member, to choose a date for said week and to contact various veterans' organizations, civic organizations and units of government to coordinate appropriate activities and ceremonies. Said committee to also organize and promote private and public displays of support and to select and honor the ten best displays and award a $100.00 government bond to the participant with the best over all display. Photographs of displays to be taken and sent to all members of the armed forces who are from LaSalle County, as well as their commander. Mr. Panzica asked that the LaSalle County Labor Council be added to the civic organizations because of their active services throughout the County as well. Motion to approve by Mr. Vavaroutsos. Second by Mrs. Kasap. Discussion was held as to the various activities and ceremonies that have already taken place and just how much time, effort and people it will take to plan such events and that it could not possibly be done by March. Mr. Hageman announced that a group picture of the County Board Members was scheduled to be taken in Washington Park on Saturday at 11:00 A.M. and that the picture was to be sent to the troops in the Persian Gulf showing the Countys' support. Mr. Rosengren made a motion to send the resolution back to the VAC Committee for review and organization. Second by Mr. Novak. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – February 12, 1991 REQUEST: EMMERT DANNENBERG-LAND CASH ORDINANCE Mr. Emmert Dannenberg, Superintendent of Somonauk School District #432, addressed the Board on behalf of various school districts in the County to request that the County reconsider establishing a Land Cash Ordinance. This ordinance consists of a developer to provide either a dedication of land for school sites, or cash in lieu of actual dedication, to be used for building additions, or renovating existing buildings, to assist with the influx of student population. Mr. Dannenberg submitted four similar resolutions requesting same from the following school districts: Earlville Community Unit #9, Ottawa Elementary School District #141, Wallace Consolidated School District #195, and Miller Twp. Community Consolidated School District 210. He also asked for some input on this matter from the Board, any developers, attorneys, and to bring such suggestions to the committee. See Record Book 81, Pages 184-187. RESOLUTION: ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT OF MAINTENANCE A resolution was submitted to establish a new job classification of "Assistant Superintendent of Maintenance" at a salary of $25,000.00 to $26,000.00 per year and shall become effective upon the establishment of its exclusion from the bargaining unit. Motion for approval by Mr. Hageman. Second by Mr. Crowley. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. See Record Book 81, Pages 188-189. DISCUSSION: REPORT ON WORKMANS COMP. Don Anderson, a representative of the LaSalle County Insurance Agents Advisory Committee, addressed the Board and stated that as a result of the report they did in 1990, the Insurance Committee recommended that the Workman's Compensation Insurance coverage be changed from Firemans Fund Insurance Company to the Illinois Public Risk Fund, with an approximate savings of 35% of the premiums.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – February 12, 1991 Mr. Anderson introduced David Boor, of Alexis Company, whose duty is loss control safety on workmans compensation for the County. In August, Mr. Boor spent three days with various department heads and employees evaluating the loss control and safety programs as it existed and reported to the Board on his findings and suggested recommendations relative to safety. He recommended routine safety inspection of facilities, and the appointment of some person within the county to serve as a safety co-ordinator and that an accident investigation and reporting program for workmans comp. injuries be established. Mr. Boor also stated that the Illinois Public Risk Fund is a dividend program; if you reduce losses and prevent accidents, the program does pay a dividend every year to its members. DISCUSSION: COUNTY BOARD RULES BOOK Mr. Smith addressed the Board to request that the LaSalle County Board Rules Book be changed. Under Section 29, "Conventions and Seminars", #F; it was suggested that it be changed to read "The County will pay NO expenses of any kind to a County Board Member, Appointed Department head, or Employee attending a seminar or convention out side the State of Illinois." Mr. Smith further moved to authorize Bill Banich and the committee to take steps to make said change and to prepare the necessary documentation. Second by Mr. Crowley. Roll call vote was held; 24 ayes and 5 absent. Motion carried. See Record Book 81, Page 190. I.M.R.F. - OMITTED SERVICE AUTHORIZATIONS Omitted Service Authorizations for the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund for the following people were submitted: Nancy Anderson, Lyle Nichols, Martha Small, Betty Bayer, Ronald Briner, and Truletta Argubright. Motion for approval by Mr. Caputo. Second by Mr. Novak. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. See Record Book 81, Pages 191-196.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – February 12, 1991 APPOINTMENT: COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT BOARD A resolution was submitted to appoint John Michael Daw to the Board of the LaSalle County Health Department to fill an unexpired term. Said term is to expire August 1, 1993. Motion for approval by Mr. Hettel. Second by Mr. Freebairn. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. See Record Book 81, Page 197. APPOINTMENT: LOSTANT COMMUNITY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT A resolution was submitted to reappoint Richard Shawback as trustee to the Lostant Community Fire Protection District for a three year term effective May 1, 1991 to April 30, 1994. Motion for approval by Mr. Hettel. Second by Mr. Pike. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. See Record Book 81, Pages 198-199. APPOINTMENT: OGLESBY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT A resolution was submitted to reappoint Robert Mosbach as trustee to the Oglesby Fire Protection District for a three year term effective May 1, 1991 to April 30, 1994. Motion for approval by Mr. Hageman. Second by Mr. Panzica. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. See Record Book 81, Pages 200-201. APPOINTMENT: DIMMICK-PERU RURAL FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT A resolution was submitted to reappoint Robert V. Smith as trustee of the Dimmick-Peru Rural Fire Protection District for a three year term effective May 1, 1991 to April 30, 1994. Motion for approval by Mr. Hageman. Second by Mr. Caputo. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. See Record Book 81, Pages 202-203.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – February 12, 1991 APPOINTMENT: MARSEILLES CEMETERY ASSOCIATION A resolution was submitted to appoint Harry Kline, Allen Spencer, Arlene Campbell, Richard Burton, and John Callahan as trustees to the Marseilles Cemetery Association for six year terms, expiring January 1, 1997. Motion for approval by Mr. Caputo. Second by Mr. Morandi. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. See Record Book 81, Pages 204-205. APPOINTMENT: SHERIDAN COMMUNITY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT A resolution was submitted to reappoint Ben Wiegmann, John L. Peterson, and Stanley Foreman as trustees of the Sheridan Community Fire Protection District. Motion for approval by Mr. Rosengren. Second by Mr. Crowley. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. See Record Book 81, Pages 206-209. MISCELLANEOUS REPORTS & CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence from the Department of Revenue stating that the County Supplemental Sales Tax has been reported and collected for October 1990 in the amount of $141,247.83. See Record Book 81, Page 210. Correspondence from the Department of Revenue stating that the County Sales Tax has been reported and collected for October 1990 in the amount of $43,354.79. See Record Book 81, Page 211. Correspondence to the Department of Revenue regarding verification of business locations for sales tax allocation purposes was submitted. See Record Book 81, Pages 212-220. The Treasurers Investment Schedule dated February 5, 1991 was submitted. See Record Book 81, Page 221.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – February 12, 1991 A listing of Republican and Democratic regular and supplemental Judges of Election for 1990-1991 was submitted to place on file. See Record Book 81, Page 222. Motion to place all on file by Mr. Morandi. Second by Mr. Caputo. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. ------Mr. Rosengren made a motion to adjourn. Second by Mr. Hageman. The next meeting will be held Monday, March 11th, 1991 at the Governmental Complex, Ottawa, Illinois at 1:00 P.M. CHAIRMAN JOHNSON DECLARED THE MEETING ADJOURNED.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – February 12, 1991 STATE OF ILLINOIS ) COUNTY OF LASALLE ) RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE LASALLE COUNTY BOARD HELD AT THE GOVERNMENTAL COMPLEX, OTTAWA, ILLINOIS. BEGUN AND HELD ON THE SECOND MONDAY OF MARCH, IT BEING THE ELEVENTH DAY THEREOF, A.D., 1991. STATE OF ILLINOIS ) COUNTY OF LASALLE) The LaSalle County Board met pursuant to statute at the Governmental Complex, Ottawa, Illinois on the Second Monday of March, A.D., 1991, it being the 11th day thereof. ORGANIZATION Chairman Johnson called the meeting to order at 1:04 P.M. Chairman Johnson asked the Clerk to call the roll for Mileage & Per Diem. PRESENT: 23 Members ABSENT: Mr. Madden, Mr. Zborowski, Mr. Krogulski, Mr. Panzica, Mr. Lambert, and Mrs. Woodrich. There were 23 ayes claiming mileage. Motion for approval by Mr. Caputo. Second by Mr. McFadden. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. See Record Book 82, page 1. Chairman Johnson called for additions or corrections to the minutes. Mr. Pike made a motion to approve the minutes as presented. Second by Mrs. Kasap. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. RESOLUTION: COUNTY HIGHWAY #91-06 William Keith, Superintendent of Highways, presented a resolution for the Jurisdictional transfer of the following from the State to the County Highway System: 1) F.A.S. Route 268 and F.A.U. Route 6255 (C.H.15) from C.H. 30 to the Illinois River South of Marseilles; 2) F.A.S. Route 255 and 2258 (C.H. 21 from Township Road 324a (E. 19th Road) easterly to C.H. 11 in Wedron; 3) F.A.S. Route 173 and S.B.I. Route 18 from Route 23 North to Leland and East to

LaSalle County Board Minutes – March 11, 1991 IL Route 23; 4) F.A.S. Route 256 (C.H. 19 & 43) from U.S. Route 52 North and West to and including the Chicago and Northwestern railroad crossing at the West edge of Triumph. Motion for approval by Mr. Hageman. Second by Mr. Rosengren. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. See Record Book 82, pages 2-9. RESOLUTION: COUNTY HIGHWAY #91-01 Mr. Keith presented a resolution requesting a two year extension of time for Arrowhead Estates Subdivision in Earl Township. Motion for approval by Mr. Novak. Second by Mr. Wujek. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. See Record Book 82, pages 10-11. REPORT: SOLID WASTE COMMITTEE Greg Chance, from the LaSalle County Health Department, addressed the Board to update them on issues relative to the Solid Waste planning process. They hope to come before the Board with a recommendation at its' April meeting regarding a draft solid waste management plan. If the recommendation is approved by the Board, the Solid Waste Consultant will write one more full report on that system giving specific information on implementation strategy, costs, public verses private ownership, etc. RESOLUTION: SENECA HIGH SCHOOL BOYS BASKETBALL TEAM A resolution was presented honoring the Seneca High School Boys Basketball Team for their achievement in placing second in the Class A Basketball Playoffs. Motion for approval by Mr. Caputo. Second by Mr. Combs. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. See Record Book 82, page 12.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – March 11, 1991 RESOLUTION: SENECA HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS BASKETBALL TEAM A resolution was presented honoring the Seneca High School Girls Basketball Team for their achievement in placing second in the Class A Basketball Playoffs. Motion for approval by Mr. Hetelle. Second by Mr. Garretson. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. See Record Book 82, page 13. RESOLUTION: LELAND HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS BASKETBALL TEAM A resolution was presented honoring the Leland High School Girls Basketball Team for their achievement in participating in the Class A Elite 8 Basketball Playoffs. Motion for approval by Mr. Martens. Second by Mr. Caputo. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. See Record Book 82, page 14. RESOLUTION: OTTAWA PATROL OFFICER, DARRIN SCHMITZ A resolution was presented commending Officer Darrin Schmitz of the Ottawa Police Department, for his courageous act of heroism in saving the lives of two Ottawan residents from their burning home on February 24th, 1991. Motion for approval by Mr. Pike. Second by Mr. Lyons. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. See Record Book 82, page 15. RESOLUTION: COUNTY BOARD RULE CHANGE A resolution was presented to delete Rule 29 (Conventions and Seminars) #F in its entirety and in its place the following: "Rule 29 (F) The County will pay no expenses of any kind to a County Board member, elected official, appointed official, or employee for attending a seminar or convention outside of the State of Illinois. Any such individuals attending such a seminar or convention will be responsible for their own expenses and no per

LaSalle County Board Minutes – March 11, 1991 diem will be paid to County Board Members for such out-of-state conventions or seminars. Exceptions will be approved by a majority of the full Board." Motion for approval by Mr. Smith. Second by Mr. McFadden. Roll call vote was held. 21 ayes, 6 absent, 1 pass. Motion carried. See Record Book 82, pages 16-18. REPORT: DOWNTOWN COURTHOUSE RENOVATION BIDS Mr. John Richards, of Gerding, Richards & Schonbachler, Inc., addressed the Board and presented a sheet outlining the bid openings from March 8th, 1991. Twenty-five contractors took out plans for bidding on this project. Of the twenty-five, three contractors submitted bids; DES of Aurora, Vissering Construction of Streator, and Halm Brothers of Ottawa. Lowest bidder was Vissering Construction at $545,172.00, which includes replacing the windows historically. Mr. Hageman introduced Mr. Lock, from the Historic Preservation League, who gave a presentation to the Board on the history of the downtown courthouse from the time it was first built. Mr. Lock informed the Board that the Historical Society will donate two historic, large face clocks to be hung above the North & South outside entry doors, if the Board would approve replacing the windows historically. Questions followed as to future constructional problems, and Mr. Richards stated he didn't foresee any problems outside general maintenance. Mr. Vavaroutsos introduced Mr. Paul Love who also addressed the Board and stated his view, as a resident of LaSalle County, on the money being spent on this renovation. He believes the tax payers monies are being used needlessly on renovations, and believes money can be saved by putting in the regular windows instead of the historically replaced windows. It was explained to Mr. Love that the renovations were being paid out of Revenue Sharing, not the tax payers monies. Mr. Hageman made a motion to go along with the recommendation of the architects bid of $545, 172.00. Second by Mr. Smith.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – March 11, 1991 Mr. Freebairn moves to amend the motion to bidding on the window alternates individually. Second by Mr. Vavaroutsos. Roll call vote was held on amendment; 6 ayes, 16 nays, 6 absent. Motion defeated. Roll call vote was held on the original motion to accept the bid of $545,172.00; 18 ayes, 4 nays, 6 absent. Motion carried. See Record Book 82, pages 19-21. RESOLUTION: STATE'S ATTORNEY INTERN A resolution was presented authorizing the State's Attorneys Office to hire an intern pursuant to the provisions of Supreme Court Rule 711. Motion for approval by Mr. Combs. Second by Mr. Lyons. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. See Record Book 82, pages 22-23. RESOLUTION: EMPLOYEE COMPENSATION DUE TO INVOLUNTARY MILITARY ACTIVATION A resolution was presented to compensate any employee of LaSalle County who was involuntarily activated into the Armed Forces as a result of Operation Desert Shield and /or Desert Storm, effective August 1st, 1990 to August 1st, 1991. Motion for approval by Mr. Rosengren. Second by Mr. Combs. Roll call vote was held; 20 ayes, 7 absent, 1 pass. Motion carried. See Record Book 82, pages 24-26. RESOLUTION: VILLAGE OF SENECA BACK TAXES A resolution was presented that LaSalle County relinquish its right to the money due and owing for back real estate taxes in the amount of $1,848.72 for a strip of land commonly known as Lincoln Street in the Village of Seneca with Property Tax ID #24-24-403-052. Motion for approval by Mr. Daugherity. Second by Mr. Freebairn. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. See Record Book 82, page 27.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – March 11, 1991 COMMITTEE WORK MISCELLANEOUS The Quarterly report for Committee Work Miscellaneous was presented in the amount of $28,513.40. Motion for approval by Mr. Hetelle. Second by Mr. Crowley. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. See Record Book 82, pages 28-58. RESOLUTION: POLLING PLACES FOR APRIL 2, 1991 CONSOLIDATED ELECTION A resolution was presented to approve a list of polling places for use in the April 2, 1991 Consolidated Election and to authorize the County Clerk to fill any vacancies that may occur at her discretion. Motion for approval by Mr. McFadden. Second by Mr. Caputo. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. See Record Book 82, pages 59-61. RESOLUTION: BALLOT COUNT WITNESSES FOR APRIL 2, 1991 CONSOLIDATED ELECTION A resolution was presented to set forth the names of those individuals who will be allowed in the office of the County Clerk to witness the April 2, 1991 Consolidated Election Ballot Count. Motion for approval by Mr. Daugherity. Second by Mr. Renwick. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. See Record Book 82, page 62. RESOLUTION: STARVED ROCK CLASSIC BICYCLE RACE A resolution was presented requesting the Boards' permission to request the Department of Transportation to close off to through traffic Route 71, a State Highway in the County of LaSalle from Illinois Route 178 to , and Route 71 from Ed Hand Highway to its intersection with Illinois Route 351 and Illinois Route 351 from its intersection with Illinois Route 71 and the Oglesby City limits, for the purpose of the Starved Rock Classic Bicycle Race. Approximate closure time set for 8:00 A.M. and 6:00 P.M. on June 13th, 1991. The resolution

LaSalle County Board Minutes – March 11, 1991 further sets forth that the County assume full responsibility for the direction, protection and regulation of traffic during this time and to assign Sheriffs Deputies to assist in this matter, and that LaSalle County or the Illinois Valley VELO Racers shall provide a comprehensive general liability insurance policy or an additional insured endorsement in the amount of $100,000.00 per person and $500,000.00 aggregate with the Illinois Department of Transportation as well as the County of LaSalle as the insured, to protect them from all claims arising from the requested road closings. Motion for approval by Mr. McFadden. Second by Mr. Morandi. Mr. Tom Weiss, Director of the Starved Rock Classic Bicycle Race, addressed the Board and explained more to the Board about the theme of the race, and the different categories and conditions of the race. Total purse value of the race this year will be $42,000.00. Chairman Johnson mentioned that the race has been a great event for LaSalle County and thanked Mr. Weiss for bringing it to this County. Chairman Johnson called for the vote at this time. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. Mr. Weiss was given a round of applause from the Board. See Record Book 82, pages 63-70. RESOLUTION: HERITAGE CORRIDOR VISTORS BUREAU A resolution was presented to recognize the Heritage Corridor Vistors Bureau as the agency to promote convention and tourism business in LaSalle County. Motion for approval by Mr. Hageman. Second by Mr. Crowley. Mr. Larry Bianchi, a representative of the Ottawa Area Chamber, took the floor and explained the fact that the Heritage Corridor Vistors Bureau helps to fund various events to promote tourism. The Heritage Corridor Visitors Bureau will be opening an information booth in Utica. The State of Illinois sends money to the Convention Visitors Bureau based on a formula that has to do with certain expenditures within each County such as restaurants, hotel and motels. Based on the expenditures within LaSalle County, a certain amount of money is going

LaSalle County Board Minutes – March 11, 1991 to the Heritage Corridor Visitors Bureau and our participation with them is allowing us to bring some of the resources back as well as being included in all of the promotion that they do, including a semi-annual or quarterly magazine that will come out to promote the Heritage Corridor area; LaSalle County consisting of approximately 1/3 of the sights available in this area that are promoted. Chairman Johnson called for the vote to approve the resolution. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. See Record Book 82, page 71. PRESENTATION: OTHA FOLEY-ILLINOIS TEENAGE INSTITUTE Mr. Otha Foley addressed the Board on behalf of the Illinois Teenage Institute, a program of the Illinois Alcoholism and Drug Dependence Association. He requested that the County sponsor fourteen students at a cost of $215.00 per student, to attend the Illinois Teenage Institute to be held in three seperate sessions between July 7th thru July 25, 1991. The fourteen students are to be comprised of one student per high school in LaSalle County, including one LaSalle County student from St. Bede Academy. A booklet on the I.T.I. 1991 Session was passed out. Motion for approval by Mr. Franzetti. Second by Mrs. Kasap. State's Attorney Joseph Navarro offered to pay the sponsorship fee from the State's Attorney Drug Fund; amount for 14 students totaling $3,010.00 and was given a round of applause and thanks from the Board members. Chairman Johnson called for voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. Mr. Foley was given a round of applause by the Board for all he has done for the I.T.I. students. See Record Book 82, page 72. PRESENTATION: PEBSCO John Toynton, County Treasurer, addressed the Board on behalf of the employees and office holders of LaSalle County to ask that a deferred wages plan be established. He submitted a list of 171 signatures in favor of such a plan.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – March 11, 1991 Mr. Toynton introduced Dave Zaller, State Director for PEBSCO, Public Employee Benefit Services Corporation, who addressed the Board and explained the deferred compensation plan, the plan that is under consideration for LaSalle County. Mr. Zaller explained the plan and how it benefits the participant; no costs to the County involved, and only a $12.00 annual administrative fee to the employee or participant. Questions and discussion followed. Mr. Martens made a motion that it be turned over to the Fee & Salary Committee for further consideration and recommendation. Second by Mr. McFadden. Further discussion was held as to the various committees it has already been to. Mr. Martens amended his motion that it be tabled for a month. Second by Mr. McFadden. Roll call vote; 10 ayes, 10 nays, 1 pass, 7 absent. Tie vote. Chairman Johnson votes not to table it. Mr. Klever states that because of the importance and seriousness of this issue, it should have a recommendation of a committee before it comes before the full Board. Chairman Johnson explained that he thought it should be brought before the Board now because of the 171 signatures that were obtained in favor of a deferred plan. Mr. Franzetti made a motion it go back to the Fee & Salary Committee and the Union Committee for further review and recommendation. Second by Mr. Klever. Roll call vote; 16 ayes, 5 nays, 7 absent. Motion carried. See Record Book 82, pages 73-91. APPOINTMENT: SERENA COMMUNITY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT A resolution was submitted to reappoint David Arntzen as a member of the Serena Community Fire Protection District for a three year term beginning May 1, 1991 and expiring on the last Monday in May, 1994. Motion for approval by Mr. Rosengren. Second by Mr. Morandi. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – March 11, 1991 See Record Book 82, pages 92-93. APPOINTMENT: EARLVILLE COMMUNITY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT A resolution was submitted to reappoint Frederick Mende as trustee of the Earlville Community Fire Protection District for a three year term beginning May 1, 1991 and expiring May 1, 1994. Motion for approval by Mr. Vavaroutsos. Second by Mr. Martens. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. See Record Book 82, pages 94-95. ANNOUNCEMENT: ILLINOIS STATE ASSOCIATION OF COUNTY BOARDS Board member Joseph Hetelle, brought it to the Boards' attention that he learned from a meeting he attended of the Illinois State Association of County Boards, that by July 1st, 1991 each county has to be re-apportioned by the County Board. MISCELLANEOUS REPORTS & CORRESPONDENCE A report from the Department of Revenue was submitted stating that the County Supplemental Sales Tax has been reported and collected for November 1990 in the amount of $137,430.65. See Record Book 82, page 96. A report from the Department of Revenue was submitted stating that the County Sales Tax has been reported and collected for November 1990 in the amount of $35,676.44. See Record Book 82, page 97. Correspondence from the Department of Revenue regarding verification of business locations for sales tax allocation purposes was submitted. See Record Book 82, pages 98-112. The Treasurers Investment Schedule dated March 5, 1991 was submitted. See Record Book 82, page 113. Correspondence from United States Senator Paul Simon stating that he was in receipt of the resolution that was sent to him regarding LaSalle County's

LaSalle County Board Minutes – March 11, 1991 support of Congress and the military troops fighting in the Persian Gulf was submitted. See Record Book 82, pages 114-115. An additional listing of Republican and Democratic Supplemental Judges of Election for 1990-1991 was submitted to place on file. See Record Book 82, page 116. The Quarterly Report ending February 28th, 1991 from the Auditors Office was submitted.

See Record Book 82, pages 117-123. Motion to place all on file by Mr. Garretson. Second by Mr. Vavaroutsos. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. Mr. Vavaroutsos made an announcement that he was going to be a volunteer V.I.P. for the LaSalle County Easter Seal Telethon on April 6th, 1991, and that donations could be phoned in to him between the hours of 7:15 and 8:00 P.M. at 434-2604. ------Mr. Rosengren made a motion to recess. Second by Mr. Hageman. The next Meeting will be held Monday, April 8th, 1991 at the Govenmental Complex, Ottawa, Illinois at 1:00 P.M. CHAIRMAN JOHNSON DECLARED THE MEETING RECESSED.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – March 11, 1991 STATE OF ILLINOIS ) COUNTY OF LASALLE ) The LaSalle County Board met pursuant to recess at the Governmental Complex, Ottawa, Illinois on theSecond Monday of April, A. D., 1991, it being the 8th day thereof. ORGANIZATION Chairman Johnson called the meeting to order at 1:03 P.M. Chairman Johnson asked the Clerk to call the roll for Mileage & Per Diem. PRESENT: 26 Members ABSENT: Mr. Morandi, Mrs. Kasap, and Mr. Renwick. There were 26 ayes claiming mileage. Motion for approval by Mr. Panzica. Second by Mr. Madden. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. See Record Book 82, page 124. Chairman Johnson called for additions or corrections to the minutes. Mr. Pike made a motion to approve the minutes as presented. Second by Mr. Lyons. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. RESOLUTION: COUNTY HIGHWAY #91-07 William Keith, Superintendent of Highways, submitted a resolution authorizing the Chairman to enter into an Engineering Agreement with Harold P. Wendler and Associates, Inc., for the design of bridge Section 91-00471-00-BR in the City of Marseilles and Section 91-00472-00-BR in the City of Seneca. Motion for approval by Mr. Smith. Second by Mr. Wujek. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. See Record Book 82, pages 125-129. RESOLUTION: VARIANCE TO SETBACK LINE ORDINANCE Mr. Keith submitted a resolution for the approval and acceptance of the final plat of Haeberle and Breipohl Subdivision with the variance in the setback ordinance located in Rutland Township.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – April 8, 1991 Motion for approval by Mr. Krogulski. Second by Mr. Combs. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. See Record Book 82, pages 130-131. ANNOUNCEMENT: DEATH OF OTHA FOLEY Chairman Johnson brought it to the Board's attention that Otha Foley, who was at last months Board Meeting requesting the sponsorship for the Illinois Teenage Institute, had passed away on March 14th. Chairman Johnson stated that the County will continue to do its part in regards to the sponsoring of the students for the I.T.I. RESOLUTION: SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN A resolution was submitted directing the Solid Waste Management Committee, in consultation with the County consultant, Becker Associates, Inc., to prepare and develop an initial draft of a solid waste management plan for LaSalle County incorporating the following elements: a) a maximum achievable waste reduction & recycling diversion rate of 40% over the 20 years planning period. b) the landfilling of the remaining solid waste in existing, expanded, or new landfills. c) methodologies for the intensive review of municipal waste composting with a decision derived within two years of the adoption of the County Solid Waste Management Plan regarding the feasibility of the technology & whether municipal waste composting should be implemented as part of the LaSalle County Solid Waste Management Plan. Motion for approval by Mr. Krogulski. Second by Mr. Crowley. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. See Record Book 82, pages 132-134. RESOLUTION: SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE A resolution was submitted appointing the following individuals to serve on the Solid Waste Management Committee until the conclusion of the planning period: John Etscheid, Village of Cedar Point; Florian "Bud" Konieczny, City of LaSalle; Jim Giordan, City of LaSalle; Stephen Hartnett, Village of Sheridan;

LaSalle County Board Minutes – April 8, 1991 Kathy Knepp, Village of Rutland; Robert Heher, Village of Leland; Allen Wilhelms, City of Ottawa; Bill Etzenbach, City of Peru; Gerald Scott, City of Oglesby; Thomas Harmon, City of Somonauk; Jean Robinson, Village of Seneca; Robert Allen, City of Marseilles; Robert McFadden, City of Streator/County Board; Jeff Wilson, City of Streator; Glen Neubauer, Village of Troy Grove; Jim Bray, Village of Utica; Jim Vohs, Village of Tonica; Roy Sons, Village of Tonica; Stanley Acuff, Deer Park Township; Rick Wujek, Troy Grove Township; Ralph Hill, Wallace Township; Ario Franzetti, County Board; Kenneth Krogulski, County Board; Frank Kobilsek, City of Mendota; and Russell Miller, City of Mendota. Motion for approval by Mr. Freebairn. Second by Mr. Panzica. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. See Record Book 82, pages 135-136. REPORT: 708 BOARD SERVICES TOUR Gerald Garretson, Executive Director of the LaSalle County Mental Health 708 Board, addressed the Board in response to the success of the services tour that was held on January 17th, 1991. Another tour is being planned for Thursday, April 18th, 1991, which will include five (5) agencies that were not included in the previous tour. An itinerary for the scheduled tour was distributed to the Board Members. See Record Book 82, pages 137-138. RESOLUTION: COMMENDATION TO ROBERT MARSHALL A resolution was submitted commending Robert Marshall for his 20 years of service and dedication to the residents of LaSalle County as custodian for Shabbona Park. Motion for approval by Mr. Lambert. Second by Mr. Combs. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. See Record Book 82, page 139. Chairman Johnson asked Mr. Marshall to step forward where he was presented with a plaque commending his services and the Board responded with a standing round of applause.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – April 8, 1991 RESOLUTION: CID NET SOFTWARE SYSTEM A resolution was submitted authorizing the County to enter into an agreement to purchase certain software for the proposed mapping & property tax system from Sidwell Company. Said software shall include the CID NET software system in the amount of $72,000.00; CID base GIS linkage in the amount of $47,200.00; and additional software in the amount of $3,200.00. Said resolution further states that the County enter into a maintenance agreement with Sidwell Company for both the CID NET software and the CID base GIS linkage software. The maintenance agreement for the CID NET software shall be for the sum of $8,640.00 per year, commencing one year from date said software is delivered and placed in use, with the first year's maintenance provided at no charge by Sidwell Company. The maintenance agreement for the CID base GIS linkage software shall be for the sum of $6,000.00 per year and shall also commence one year from the date of delivery and it being placed in use by the County, with the first year's maintenance provided by Sidwell Company at no cost. The resolution also authorizes the Committee to re-bid the hardware specified and necessary to run Sidwell software and to award a contract. Motion for approval by Mr. Freebairn. Second by Mr. Wujek. Questions followed as to what effect this system will have concerning the IVCC contract services that are now being used. Mr. Panzica questioned the fact of why it was not brought to the Data Processing Committee for review and stated that all computer related services are to go thru this committee because of the compatibility of all offices involved and also because of the IVCC contract renewal that is approaching. Mr. Vavaroutsos made a motion to amend the resolution to include the Date Processing Committee on the second page, the second & third paragraph, concerning the re-bidding of the hardware portion and also the authorization of securing an outside computer expert to review any contract prior to its execution. Second by Mr. Daugherity. Roll call vote; 21 ayes, 4 nays, 3 absent. Motion carried. (Correction was made to face of resolution.)

LaSalle County Board Minutes – April 8, 1991 Don Hayden, Director of Data Processing at IVCC, addressed the Board at this time to voice his concerns. He stated that if this was approved, it will directly effect the County Clerk's office and the Treasurers' office. He feels that micro computers could be installed to do the mapping, and that the existing tax system could still be used with some equipment changes to facilitate the updating of the records directly by the Treasurers' office and the Supervisor of Assessments' office. Program changes would have to be made, and also the main frame would no longer be in use with the college. John Quinn, a representative of Manatron, also addressed the Board with his view points and stated that all the hardware that his company offers is compatible as a DOS operating machine which is what the County is looking for. Chairman Johnson called for a roll call vote to approve the resolution as amended; 21 ayes, 4 nays, 3 absent. Motion carried. See Record Book 82, pages 140-144. MOTION Mr. Freebairn made a motion to authorize the Chairman to sign a formal request to Sidwell to cease the existing mapping maintenance agreement with them as soon as possible. Second by Mr. Franzetti. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. Mr. Freebairn read a letter of notice from the Illinois Department of Revenue stating that the County has met the requirements of Section 3-B of the Revenue Act of 1939 as amended, thereby qualifying for the re-imbursement of 1/2 of the Supervisor of Assessments' salary from the State, effective February, 1991, roughly in the amount of $22,000.00. RESOLUTION: "PSYCHO-SOCIAL COORDINATOR" A resolution was submitted establishing a new job classification entitled "Psycho-Social Coordinator" at the LaSalle County Nursing Home. Said coordinator to be part time, working thirty hours per week, at a rate of $5.50 per hour. Motion for approval by Mr. Hageman. Second by Mr. Pike. Roll call vote; 21 ayes, 7 absent. Motion carried.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – April 8, 1991 See Record Book 82, pages 145-149. RESOLUTION: SALE OF SQUAD CARS A resolution was submitted authorizing the Sheriff to sell five (5) squad cars, numbered LS-13, LS-16, LS-17, LS-22 and LS-24, at a private sale without bid. Motion for approval by Mr. Rosengren. Second by Mr. Crowley. Roll call vote; 24 ayes, 4 absent. Motion carried. See Record Book 82, pages 150-152. MOTION Mr. Hettel made a motion from the floor to give permission to the Sheriff to obtain a check for $94,079.66 to take with him when he picks up the new squad cars. Second by Mr. Rosengren. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. APPOINTMENT: MARSEILLES FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT A resolution was submitted to reappoint Joseph M. Bruno and Ronald R. Peddicord, Sr. as trustees of the Marseilles Fire Protection District for a three (3) year term commencing May 6, 1991 and expiring the first Monday of May, 1994. Motion for approval by Mr. Caputo. Second by Mr. Hettel. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. See Record Book 82, pages 153-155. APPOINTMENT: SENECA RURAL FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT A resolution was submitted to appoint William P. Mitchell as trustee of the Seneca Rural Fire Protection District for a three (3) year term commencing May 6, 1991 and expiring the first Monday of May, 1994. Motion for approval by Mrs. Woodrich. Second by Mr. Madden. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. See Record Book 82, pages 156-158. APPOINTMENT: ALLEN TOWNSHIP FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT A resolution was submitted to reappoint Clyde Kates as trustee of the Allen Township Fire Protection District for a three (3) year term commencing May 6, 1991 and expiring the first Monday of May, 1994.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – April 8, 1991 Motion for approval by Mr. Garretson. Second by Mr. Novak. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. See Record Book 82, pages 159-160. APPOINTMENT: GRAND RIDGE METHODIST CEMETERY ASSOCIATION A resolution was submitted to appoint Donald Horn, Carl Bedei, & Mary Lou Schmitt as trustees for three (3) year terms, ending April 1, 1994, and Dale Rinker, Eugene Rinker, and Robert Widman for six (6) year terms, ending April 1, 1997, as trustees of the Grand Ridge Methodist Cemetery Association. Motion for approval by Mr. Hettel Second by Mr. Caputo. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. See Record Book 82, pages 161-162. MISCELLANEOUS REPORTS & CORRESPONDENCE A report from the Department of Revenue was submitted stating that the County Supplemental Sales Tax has been reported and collected for December 1990 in the amount of $169,005.29. See Record Book 82, page 163. A report from the Department of Revenue was submitted stating that the County Sales Tax has been reported and collected for December 1990 in the amount of $45,126.50. See Record Book 82, page 164. The following audits from the Illinois Department of Transportation were submitted: 1) Audit #37--covering receipt & disbursement of Motor Fuel Tax Funds by the County's Road districts for the period beginning January 1, 1989 and ending December 31, 1989. 2) Audit #59--covering receipt & disbursement of Motor Fuel Tax Funds by the County for the period beginning January 1, 1989 and ending December 31, 1989.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – April 8, 1991 3) Audit #37 Supplemental--covering receipt & disbursement of Township Bridge Program Funds by the County's Road districts for the period beginning January 1, 1989 and ending December 31, 1989. See Record Book 82, pages 165-167. Correspondence to the Illinois Department of Revenue was submitted regarding business address verification for tax allocation purposes. See Record Book 82, pages 168-180. The Treasurers Investment Schedule dated April 2, 1991 was submitted. See Record Book 82, page 181. An additional listing of new Republican Supplemental Judges of Election for 1991-1992 was submitted. See Record Book 82, page 182. The Quarterly Report for the Detention Home for December, January, & February was submitted. See Record Book 82, pages 183-186.****(correction to face made below.) ------Mr. Rosengren made a motion to recess. Second by Mr. Hageman. The next meeting will be held Monday, May 13th, 1991 at the Governmental Complex, Ottawa, Illinois at 1:00 P. M. CHAIRMAN JOHNSON DECLARED THE MEETING RECESSED.


Motion to place all miscellaneous reports & correspondence on file by Mr. Daugherity. Second by Mr. Zborowski. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – April 8, 1991 STATE OF ILLINOIS ) COUNTY OF LASALLE ) The LaSalle County Board met in a Special Session, pursuant to the call of the membership, at the Governmental Complex, Ottawa, Illinois on the Fifth Tuesday of April, A.D., 1991, it being the 30th day thereof. ORGANIZATION Chairman Johnson called the meeting to order at 10:03 A.M. Chairman Johnson asked the Clerk to call the roll for Mileage & Per Diem. PRESENT: 23 Members ABSENT: Mr. Morandi, Mrs. Kasap, Mr. Franzetti, Mr. Renwick, Mr. Vavaroutsos, and Mrs. Woodrich. There were 23 ayes claiming mileage. Motion for approval by Mr. Daugherity. Second by Mr. Novak. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. See Record Book 82, page 187. ------MOTION: EXECUTIVE SESSION Mr. Freebairn made a motion to go into Executive Session to discuss pending litigation. Second by Mr. McFadden. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. The room was then cleared for Executive Session. Mr. Hettel made a motion to come out of Executive Session. Second by Mr. Wujek. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. ------Mr. Rosengren made a motion to adjourn the Special Meeting. Second by Mr. Hageman. The next regularly scheduled meeting will be held Monday, May 13th, 1991 at the Governmental Complex, Ottawa, Illinois at 1:00 P.M. CHAIRMAN JOHNSON DECLARED THE SPECIAL MEETING ADJOURNED

LaSalle County Board Minutes – April 30, 1991 STATE OF ILLINOIS ) COUNTY OF LASALLE ) The LaSalle County Board met pursuant to recess at the Governmental Complex, Ottawa, Illinois on the Second Monday of May, A.D., 1991, it being the 13th day thereof. ORGANIZATION Chairman Johnson called the meeting to order at 1:03 P.M. Chairman Johnson asked the Clerk to call the roll for Mileage & Per Diem. PRESENT: 29 Members. There were 29 ayes claiming mileage. Motion for approval by Mr. Caputo. Second by Mr. Daugherity. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 83, PAGE 1. Chairman Johnson called for additions or corrections to the minutes. Mr. Daugherity made a motion to approved the minutes as corrected to face. Second by Mr. Lyons. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. ANNOUNCEMENT: DEATH OF WILLIAM DILLEY Chairman Johnson brought it to the Boards' attention of the unexpected death of the County's Animal Control Officer, William Dilley. REPORT: SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN Greg Chance, of the County Health Department, addressed the Board to remind them of the draft Solid Waste Management Plan executive summary that was distributed to each board member and to encourage the members to read it. The plan hopefully will be ready to adopt by September as planned, and basically includes the setting of methodologies on how to achieve the State mandated waste reduction and recycling rates. It also includes the development of drop-off programs in the rural areas; an additional two (2) years to look at municipal waste composting; and also the need for new land fill in LaSalle County. A proposed budget of approximately $200,000.00 to $300,000.00 is included in the plan but can be revised depending on what costs the County Board will take on, and what the participating municipalities may have to take on.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – May 13, 1991 If the $200,000.00 budget figure is used, the waste consultant recommended establishing a tipping fee or surcharge. By State law, counties can assess up to .60 cents per cubic yard of solid waste that is disposed of in land fills in their county, which would contribute approximately $100,000.00 to $115,000.00. The participating municipalities would then be asked to come up with their portion, based on their population served, and the County would pay the remaining balance, which would be approximately $60,000.00 to $80,000.00. Mr. Klever made a motion that the budget portion of the plan be referred back to the Finance Committee for recommendation to the full Board. Second by Mr. Hettel. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. REPORT: NURSING HOME CERTIFICATION INSPECTION SURVEY Carolyn Matson, Director of the LaSalle County Nursing Home, addressed the Board to report that the nursing home licensing & certification survey was conducted last week with a very favorable outcome. The ten (10) citations that the home received on last years survey have all been corrected and were not included on the survey for this year. The state surveyor complimented the home on the puree foods that are served to the residents as one of the best that she had ever tasted in a nursing home, and also that the four (4) page assessment reports that have to be done by October 1, 1991, are all complete and timely filed. REPORT: ANNUAL FINANCE REPORT Cliff Yell, the outside auditor for LaSalle County, addressed the Board and explained the results of the audit report for the fiscal year ending November 30, 1990. The report presented meets all the standards for reporting that are set down by the County profession and does not vary much from reports of previous years. There were two (2) new items this year: page 15--concerning the internal control structure of the County; and page 18--compliance with the laws, regulations and statutes.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – May 13, 1991 Mr. Daugherity made a motion to place the audit report on file. Second by Mr. Crowley. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 83, PAGES 2-3. John Toynton, LaSalle County Treasurer, addressed the Board at this time to clarify some questions he has been asked concerning catagory #3 (un- collateralized investments), which is a security that is really not pledged to the extent that the independent auditors regard as desirable. RESOLUTION: COUNTY LICENSE A resolution was submitted to amend the current Liquor Resolution by adding to Section 3 thereof as paragraph (C), the following in words and figures: (C) a one-day liquor license may be issued by the Liquor Commission upon application pursuant to the terms of this resolution. This license shall be issued for one-day special events only and the fee therefore shall be the sum of $______. Discussion followed concerning the resolution and possible additions and the setting of the fee amount. Motion to amend the resolution to read that the fee shall be $25.00 a day and each additional day thereafter, but not to exceed three (3) days by Mrs. Woodrich. Second by Mr. Morandi. Voice vote, Mr. Hettel and Mr. Franzetti vote nay. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 83, PAGES 4-5. TAX & TREASURERS COMMITTEE--HARDWARE BIDDING PROCESS Mr. Freebairn, Chairman of the Tax & Treasurers Committee, addressed the Board and explained the bidding of the hardware portion of the mapping & property tax system from Sidwell Company. The specs that were listed in the bid were those proposed by Sidwell to run their software portion. In the bidding process, room was left for alternate bids. The Committee did meet and stated that they did not want to break from the original specs. Sidwell did bid some alternates but their bid was not even considered. The Committee had then voted to take it from a vendor that had bid all the original specs. Only one (1) vendor

LaSalle County Board Minutes – May 13, 1991 out of eighteen (18) bid the specs exactly as that which were put out. The Committee accepted the bid of Subject & Wills. Because of the questions as to what happens after the equipment is delivered, who does the unpacking, set-up and installation to working operational order, some loop-holes have occurred. The cabling part was awarded to Computer Land of Elmhurst, in the amount of approximately $2,100.00. The Novell Software portion needed to run the Sidwell software was awarded to Connecting Point Computers of Peru. At that time, there seemed to be some confusion as to who did the unpacking and installing of the equipment, so the contract was let for the hardware but not for the set-up services of Subject & Wills, the on-site installation at the County, and the on-site customization, amounting to $29,725.00. In the original bid, the equipment was to be delivered to Sidwell. The $29,725.00 is supposed to be complete without extra additional costs for other services. Mr. Freebairn moves to approve the purchase of said equipment and to spend the additional $29,725.00 to finish the project. Second by Mr. Wujek. Questions and discussion followed. Mr. Krogulski suggests that the speakers representing the companies involved in the bidding process be heard before the motion is voted on. Ron Borelli, of Connecting Point Computer Centers of Peru, addressed the Board and explained the difference in bids and the savings involved between his company and that of Subject & Wills. He believes that his company should have been awarded the contract because their bid was lower. His bid on the total network hardware was $15, 305.10 lower than that of Subject & Wills. His company did not bid on Item 24 ( an Uarco deleafer-burster machine) or Item C ( a piece of software that is supplied by Subject & Wills) for the fact that his company is not an authorized dealer of these items. Combining this to their original bid, the total savings would now be lowered to $13,045.10. Then by combining this amount with the difference in the maintenance bid portion, the total savings to the County would have been $12,202.85 if Connecting Point had gotten the contract. Mr. Borelli further explained the difference between the equipment his company put in their bid as opposed to that of Subject & Wills.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – May 13, 1991 Chairman Johnson called for a roll call vote on the motion; 16 ayes, 12 nays. A 2/3 majority vote is needed to pass, which would be 19 votes. Motion defeated. SEE RECORD BOOK 83, PAGE 6. Chairman Johnson called for a ten minute recess at this time, before a re- vote is called. Bill Banich, Assistant State's Attorney, explained to the Board that it was State Statute that an issue over $5,000.00 must be passed by a 2/3 majority vote. He further explained that a reconsideration vote can be done at the same session in which it has occurred, or on the next succeeding day. Mr. Freebairn stated that in case it didn't pass a second time, he would like to move to rescind the action taken at last month's meeting regarding the cancellation of the mapping maintenance contract with Sidwell, until the next quarter. Second by Mr. Madden. Mr. McFadden moved to rescind his nay vote on the original motion. Second by Mr. Madden. Mr. Freebairn moved to rescind his motion on the cancellation of the mapping maintenance contract action. Second by Mr. Madden. Chairman Johnson called for a reconsideration roll call vote on the original motion; 22 ayes, 6 nays. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 83, PAGE 7. Mr. Hettel moved to accept the original motion and to allow the committee to spend the additional $29,725.00. Second by Mr. Panzica. Roll call vote; 17 ayes, 11 nays. Lacking 2/3 majority vote again, the motion was defeated. SEE RECORD BOOK 83, PAGE 8. Mr. Freebairn again moved to rescind the action taken at last month's meeting in regards to the cancellation of the mapping maintenance contract with Sidwell until the next quarter. Second by Mr. Madden. Roll call vote, 14 ayes, 14 nays. Tie vote; Chairman Johnson votes aye. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 83, PAGE 9. Mr. Hettel moved to give the Data Processing Committee and the Tax & Treasurers Committee the authority to go out for bid on the $29,725.00

LaSalle County Board Minutes – May 13, 1991 installation costs. Second by Mr. Panzica. Roll call vote, 26 ayes, 1 nay, 1 pass. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 83, PAGE 10. Mr. Klever moved to also give the committees the authority to cancel the maintenance contract with Sidwell, if possible, if the bid is awarded. Second by Mr. Panzica. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. Mr. Hettel moved to go into Executive Session to discuss pending litigation. Second by Mr. Rosengren. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. The room was then cleared for Executive Session. Mr. Hageman moved to come out of Executive Session. Second by Mrs. Woodrich. APPOINTMENT: ROBERT W. ROWE LIBRARY DISTRICT A resolution was submitted to appoint the following persons as trustees to the initial board of the newly created Robert W. Rowe Library District: Kenneth Thompson, Sheridan; Al Rucker, Sheridan; Janice Kestila, Sheridan; Charles Borchsenius, Norway; Laura Tirevold, Sheridan; Stanley Foreman, Sheridan; and Pat Ribolzi, Norway. Said appointees to serve as trustees until their successors are elected pursuant to statute. Motion for approval by Mr. Rosengren. Second by Mr. Garretson. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 83, PAGES 11-13. APPOINTMENT: SENECA REGIONAL PORT DISTRICT A resolution was submitted to appoint Vince Grober to the Board of the Seneca Regional Port District to fill the unexpired term of former board member Edward Brewe; said term to expire May 1992. Motion for approval by Mr. Combs. Second by Mr. Caputo. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 83, PAGES 14-15. Mr. Franzetti addressed the Board at this time and submitted a resolution expressing the Boards' opposition to the Illinois Power rate increase request in

LaSalle County Board Minutes – May 13, 1991 the amount of $186 million. Second by Mr. McFadden. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 83, PAGE 16. MISCELLANEOUS REPORTS & CORRESPONDENCE A report from the Illinois Department of Revenue stating that the County Supplemental Tax has been reported and collected for January 1991 in the amount of $111,616.13. SEE RECORD BOOK 83, PAGE 17. A report from the Illinois Department of Revenue stating that the County Sales Tax has been reported and collected for January 1991 in the amount of $31,238.13. SEE RECORD BOOK 83, PAGE 18. Correspondence from the Department of Revenue regarding business address verification for tax allocation purposes was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 83, PAGES 19-45. The Treasurers Investment Schedule dated May 3, 1991 was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 83, PAGE 46. Motion to place all on file by Mr. Novak. Second by Mr. Smith. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. ------Mr. Rosengren made a motion to recess. Second by Mr. Hageman. The next meeting will be held Monday, June 10th, 1991 at the Governmental Complex, Ottawa, Illinois at 1:00 P.M.


LaSalle County Board Minutes – May 13, 1991 STATE OF ILLINOIS ) COUNTY OF LASALLE ) RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE LASALLE COUNTY BOARD HELD AT THE GOVERNMENTAL COMPLEX, OTTAWA, ILLINOIS. BEGUN AND HELD ON THE SECOND MONDAY OF JUNE, A.D., 1991, IT BEING THE 10TH DAY THEREOF. The LaSalle County Board met pursuant to statute at the Govenmental Complex, Ottawa, Illinois on the Second Monday of June, A.D., 1991, it being the 10th day thereof. ORGANIZATION Chairman Johnson called the meeting to order at 1:00 P.M. Chairman Johnson asked the Clerk to call the roll for Mileage & Per Diem. PRESENT: 27 Members ABSENT: Mr. Morandi and Mr. Garretson There were 27 ayes claiming mileage. Motion for approval by Mr. Novak. Second by Mr. Freebairn. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 84, PAGE 1. Chariman Johnson called by additions or corrections to the minutes. Mr. McFadden made a motion to approve the minutes as presented. Second by Mr. Daugherity. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. RESOLUTION: COUNTY HIGHWAY #91-08 Bill Stremlau, Assistant Enforcement Officer of the LaSalle County Highway Department, submitted a resolution authorizing the Chairman to enter into an agreement with United Analytical Services, Incorporated to design the new fuel storage & dispensing system and to provide construction supervision. Motion for approval by Mr. Smith. Second by Mr. Rosengren. Roll call vote; 26 ayes, 2 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 84, PAGE 2-16.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – June 10, 1991 RESOLUTION: CO. HWY. #91-04 VARIANCE IN SETBACK LINE ORDINANCE Mr. Stremlau submitted a resolution requesting a variance to the setback line ordinance for a home in South Ottawa Township on the property of Vester McCaslin. Motion for approval by Mr. Crowley. Second by Mr. Panzica. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 84, PAGE 17-18. RESOLUTION: CO. HWY.#91-05 APPROVAL OF FINAL PLAT OF COUNTRY CLUB ESTATES SUBD., UNIT 1 Mr. Stremlau submitted a resolution to accept and approve the final plat of County Club Estates Subdivision Unit 1 in Troy Grove Township. Motion for approval by Mr. Crowley. Second by Mrs. Woodrich. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 84, PAGES 19-20. REPORT: SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN Greg Chance, of the LaSalle County Health Department, addressed the Board to update them on the progress of the executive summary plan of the Solid Waste Management Plan. Since the committees' last meeting was held, various questions are still of some concern, such as; ownership of the landfill, should it be public or private; out-of-county waste; and funding strategy. The plan should be ready for the full board approval by October, 1991. REPORT: TAX CYCLE UPDATE Mr. Freebairn, Chairman of the Tax & Treasurers Committee, addressed the Board to report on the progress of the hardware, software, and the installation part of the mapping & property tax system that was approved at the April and May Board Sessions. He informed the Board that the installation and set-up bid portion was let to Connecting Point of Peru in the amount of $21,920.00. The maintenance contract was also let to Connecting Point for $14,800.00 with a two-

LaSalle County Board Minutes – June 10, 1991 year cap. Both contracts are contingent upon review from Bill Banich, Asst. State's Attorney. RESOLUTION: GOVERNMENTAL BUSINESS SYSTEMS AMENDMENT A resolution was submitted authorizing the Board Chairman and the County Clerk to enter an amendment to the license agreement dated August 8, 1990, by and between the County of LaSalle and Governmental Business Systems Incorporated. Said amendment to the agreement provides that GBS maintain the "Licensed Program" at no expense to LaSalle County in return for which the royalty fee, non-exclusive rights granted under Section 2 of said agreement be extended to the year 2000. Motion for approval by Mr. Martens. Second by Mr. McFadden. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 84, PAGES 21-23. RESOLUTION: LIABILITY INSURANCE A resolution was submitted calling for certain actions to be taken to minimize future losses through education and monitoring of compliance with the existing County procedures in order to continue negotiations with Bliss-McKnight for liability insurance for LaSalle County. Motion for approval by Mr. Klever. Second by Mr. Panzica. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 84, PAGES 24-26. RESOLUTION: LIABILITY INSURANCE A resolution was submitted authorizing the Insurance Committee to take whatever action is necessary in order to obtain liability insurance prior to July 1, 1991. Upon approval of a carrier by a majority vote of the Insurance Committee, the Chairman and Clerk are authorized and directed to enter into agreement with said carrier at a premium rate to be approved of by the Insurance Committee. Motion for approval by Mr. Klever. Second by Mr. Crowley. Roll call vote; 25 ayes, 3 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 84, PAGES 27-29.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – June 10, 1991 RESOLUTION: PROPERTY INSURANCE RENEWAL A resolution was submitted authorizing and directing the Insurance Committee to accept the renewal bid and enter into contract with U.S.F. & G. and Cincinnati Insurance Companies for the provision of property insurance at a premium of $21,733.00 for a one-year period. Motion for approval by Mr. Daugherity. Second by Mr. Madden. Same roll call vote. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 84, PAGES 30-31. RESOLUTION: SIDE LETTER OF AGREEMENT WITH AFSCME LOCAL 978 A resolution was submitted requesting a side letter agreement be entered into with AFSCME Local 978 which agreement shall provide for a modification of Article XVI, Section 5 of the existing labor contract. Said modification to allow the employees of the LaSalle County Nursing Home, to choose between the current policy, that being that an employee required to work on a scheduled holiday be paid one and one-half times their rate of pay and given another day off to compensate for working the holiday, and the policy set forth in Section 5, which provides that employees required to work a scheduled holiday shall be paid time and one-half for all hours worked in addition to their regularly hourly base pay. Said resolution authorizes the County Board Chairman to enter into the side letter agreement in conformity herewith upon its preparation and approval by the AFSCME Local 978 County 31 and the County's labor attorney. Motion for approval by Mr. Madden. Second by Mr. Combs. The resolution was temporarily set back until the contract could be reviewed to see if the County General is included in this so named section of the labor contract. COMMITTEE WORK MISCELLANEOUS The quarterly report for Committee Work Miscellaneous was presented in the amount of $30,612.40. Motion for approval by Mr. Caputo. Second by Mr. Hageman.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – June 10, 1991 Motion for same roll call by Mr. Freebairn. Second by Mr. Hageman. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 84, PAGES 35-65. At this time the resolution on the side letter agreement with AFSCME Local 978 was discussed. After further review of the labor contract, it was agreed that the County Attorney set forth in the letter of agreement that it pertains to the nursing home employees only. Motion for approval by Mr. Lambert. Second by Mr. Hageman. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 84, PAGES 32-34. RESOLUTION: COUNTY RE-APPORTIONMENT A resolution was submitted calling for the County Re-apportionment effective for the 1992 election. Motion for approval by Mr. Hettel. Second by Mr. Hageman. SEE RECORD BOOK 84, PAGES 66-96. Chairman Johnson opened the floor for discussion. Mr. Vavaroutsos addressed the Board and stated that he felt that the re- apportionment committee violated the Open Meetings Act when preparing the re- districting maps, and that the public was denied input. He submitted petitions of signatures of South Ottawa Township residents objecting to the proposed re- apportionment. Mr. Vavaroutsos made a motion to place the petitions on file. Second by Mr. Franzetti. Mr. Vavaroutsos again addressed the Board and explained his proposed changes to the re-apportionment map. He proposed that District 22 be comprised of precincts South Ottawa 1, 2, 4 and 6; District 23 to consist of precincts South Ottawa 3, 5, 7 and 8, thereby not moving any precinct lines. MOTION Mr. Vavaroutsos made a motion to amend the original motion to include his changes in Districts 22 & 23. Second by Mr. Franzetti. Roll call vote; 2 ayes, 23 nays, 1 pass, and 2 absent. Motion defeated.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – June 10, 1991 SEE RECORD BOOK 84, PAGE 98. Mr. Franzetti addressed the Board and explained what changes he feels should be made to the re-apportionment map. He proposes that his district basically stay the same with the exception of three blocks, and the moving of 117 people from precinct Ottawa 9 to Ottawa 7 and giving this precinct (7) to District 17 instead of putting it in his new District 16. MOTION Mr. Franzetti made a motion to amend the original motion and to accept his proposed changes. Second by Mr. Vavaroutsos. Roll call vote; 3 ayes, 23 nays, and 2 absent. Motion defeated. SEE RECORD BOOK 84, PAGE 99. Chairman Johnson called for a roll call vote on the original motion to approve the re-apportionment as presented. After two (2) votes were cast, the vote was terminated because a citizen demanded to be heard before the vote. Mr. Norman Munson, of Utica, addressed the Board and stated his feelings on the re-apportionment as a citizen of LaSalle County. He believes the committee should take in consideration the proposed changes presented by Mr. Vavaroutsos and Mr. Franzetti, and could do so with very little changes. He also believes that the whole thing should be cancelled and started again. Mr. Franzetti moves to amend that the committee look into the changes that were presented today and if they feel any of these changes are acceptable, to bring it before the full Board again. Chairman Johnson called for a five (5) minute recess so that the State's Attorney could reference the Statutes to see if this amendment could be done at this time, being that a roll call vote was previously started. The session was called to order again after the recess. Joe Navarro, State's Attorney, informed the Board that the current vote stands, but Mr. Franzetti does have the right to amend. Mr. Franzetti moved to table the motion until the committee meets to discuss the proposed changes. Second by Mr. Vavaroutsos. Roll call vote; 5 ayes, 20 nays, 1 pass, and 2 absent. Motion defeated.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – June 10, 1991 SEE RECORD BOOK 84, PAGE 100. Roll call vote was called to be continued on the original motion as presented; 21 ayes, 5 nays, 2 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 84, PAGE 97. MOTION Mr. Franzetti made a motion that at the next election, the County Board Chairman would be considered an elected official on the ballot, to be elected for a four year term, or that it be referred to the Legislative & Rules Committee for possible changes as opposed to how it is done now. Second by Mr. Vavaroutsos. Roll call vote, 6 ayes, 19 nays, 3 absent. Motion defeated. SEE RECORD BOOK 84, PAGE 101. PETITIONS AGAINST PIT BULL DOGS IN MARSEILLES Chariman Johnson addressed the Board on behalf of Patricia Maglica, a resident of Marseilles in regards to petitions of signatures she had collected against the pit bull dogs in her neighborhood, and recommended it be sent back to the County Parks & Animal Control Committee for further study. Mr. Hettel made a motion that it be referred to the County Parks & Animal Control Committee. Second by Mr. Lyons. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. Mr. Vavaroutsos again made a motion to have his petitions against the re- apportionment placed on file. Second by Mr. Franzetti. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 84, PAGES 102-111. APPOINTMENT: LASALLE COUNTY WELFARE SERVICE COMMITTEE A resolution was submitted to appoint Shirley Dolder as board member of the LaSalle County Welfare Service Committee to fill the unexpired term of Sister Marie Adele Human. Said term to expire June 30, 1993. Motion for approval by Mr. Caputo. Second by Mr. Renwick. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 84, PAGES 112-113.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – June 10, 1991 APPOINTMENT: LASALLE COUNTY WELFARE SERVICE COMMITTEE A resolution was submitted to re-appoint Sue Leonard, Margaret Duffy, and Genevieve Sanders as board members of the LaSalle County Welfare Service Committee to serve three year terms to expire June 30, 1994. Motion for approval by Mr. Pike. Second by Mr. Lambert. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 84, PAGES 114-115. APPOINTMENT: LASALLE COUNTY BOARD OF REVIEW A resolution was submitted to appoint Thomas Haeberle as a member of the LaSalle County Board of Review for a term of three years. Said term to expire June 1, 1994. Motion for approval by Mr. Hageman. Second by Mr. Madden. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 84, PAGE 116. MISCELLANEOUS REPORTS & CORRESPONDENCE A report from the Illinois Department of Revenue stating that the County Supplemental Tax has been reported and collected for February 1991 in the amount of $108,866.10. SEE RECORD BOOK 84, PAGE 117. A report from the Illinois Department of Revenue stating that the County Sales Tax has been reported and collected for February 1991 in the amount of $26,980.67. SEE RECORD BOOK 84, PAGE 118. Correspondence to the Department of Revenue regarding business address verification for tax allocation purposes was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 84, PAGES 119-122. The 1990 Annual Financial Report for the County was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 84, PAGES 123-132. The Treasurers Investment Schedule dated June 3rd, 1991 was submitted to place on file.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – June 10, 1991 SEE RECORD BOOK 84, PAGE 133. Motion to place all on file by Mr. McFadden. Second by Mr. Novak. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. Mr. Panzica brought it to the Boards' attention that he has still not heard from two schools in regards to students who will be attending the I.T.I. These schools are: Community Unit #1 Leland, and Mendota High School. He does have responses from the following schools that do have students who will be attending: Serena, Earlville, LaSalle-Peru, Ottawa, Lostant and Marquette High Schools. He suggested to the members to do what they could to find someone to represent the schools of their districts. ------Mr. Rosengren made a motion to adjourn. Second by Mr. Hageman. The next meeting will be held Monday, July 8th, 1991 at the Governmental Complex, Ottawa, Illinois at 1:00 P.M.


LaSalle County Board Minutes – June 10, 1991 STATE OF ILLINOIS ) COUNTY OF LASALLE ) The LaSalle County Board met pursuant to recess at the Governmental Complex, Ottawa, Illinois on the Second Monday of July, A.D., 1991, it being the 8th day thereof. ORGANIZATION Chairman Johnson called the meeting to order at 1:00 P.M. Chairman Johnson asked the Clerk to call the roll for Mileage & Per Diem. PRESENT: 29 Members There were 29 ayes claiming mileage. Motion for approval by Mr. Madden. Second by Mr. Caputo. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 84, PAGE 134. Chairman Johnson called for any additions or corrections to the minutes. Mr. Pike made a motion to approve the minutes as presented. Second by Mr. Vavaroutsos. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. COMMENT: JULY 4TH NEWSPAPER ARTICLE Mr. McFadden addressed the Board and read a newspaper article from the Tribune. It was written by an immigrant who was stating what it meant to him to be able to celebrate July 4th as an American citizen. After Mr. McFadden finished, he was given a round of applause. RESOLUTION: APPROVE FINAL PLAT OF TIMBER RIDGE SUBDIVISION Mr. William Keith, Superintendent of Highways, submitted a resolution for the acceptance and approval of the final plat of Timber Ridge Subdivision located in South Ottawa Township. Motion for approval by Mr. Crowley. Second by Mr. Panzica. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 84, PAGES 135-136.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – July 8, 1991 RESOLUTION: COUNTY HIGHWAY 91-09 Mr. Keith submitted a resolution for approval of designating County Highway 15 beginning at Interstate Route 80 and extending southerly 17,477 feet (3.31 miles) to U.S. Route 6 in Marseilles as a Class III truck route. Motion for approval by Mr. Smith. Second by Mr. Hageman. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 84, PAGES 137-142. RESOLUTION: COUNTY HIGHWAY 91-10 Mr. Keith submitted a resolution to enter into an agreement with Midwest Testing Services, Inc., for doing the structure borings and soil survey for the Dayton Bridge over the Fox River. Motion for approval by Mr. Rosengren. Second by Mr. Lyons. Roll call vote; 27 ayes, 1 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 84, PAGES 143-147. RESOLUTION: COUNTY HIGHWAY 91-11 Mr. Keith submitted a resolution to concur with the Department of Transportation in the award of a contract to the LaSalle County Asphalt Company, in the amount of $290,962.01, for County Highway 33, FAS Route 1365, Section 91-00251-00-RS, Project NO. SR-1365 (109). Motion for approval by Mr. Hageman. Second by Mr. Wujek. Same roll call vote. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 84, PAGES 148-149. Mr. Franzetti addressed Mr. Keith at this time and asked him to please check into the fact that ethanol fuel is being used in all the County Highway trucks and machinery that are used on projects in this county to help support the County's economy. RESOLUTION: SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN Greg Chance, of the LaSalle County Health Department, submitted a resolution stating the following three steps of the proposed Solid Waste Management Plan: 1) That the County Board accepts the report of the Solid Waste Management Committee and places the proposed plan on file with the

LaSalle County Board Minutes – July 8, 1991 County Clerk, which shall be available for public review and comment; 2) That the period for public review and comment shall begin July 15th, 1991, and end at 5:00 P.M. on October 14th, 1991. A copy of the proposed plan may be reviewed and obtained at the office of the County Clerk, 707 Etna Road, Ottawa, Illinois. Persons wishing to comment are requested to submit said comments in writing to the County Clerk at above address on or before 5:00 P.M. on October 14th, 1991; 3) That the County shall hold at least one public hearing on the proposed plan during the aforementioned 90-day period, pursuant to notice by publication, at which time interested persons may also comment. Motion for approval by Mr. Krogulski. Second by Mr. Combs. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 84, PAGE 150. RESOLUTION: LEASING AGREEMENT--NURSING HOME & DELMAR MARINE INC. A resolution was submitted by the LaSalle County Nursing Home Committee stating that the County enter into a lease with DelMar Marine Inc., for a portion of the frontage on the Illinois River south of the County Nursing Home operation. Said lease to be for a period of two years at a rental of $500.00 per month with a provision that should the Lessee's business increase beyond 1,500 barge days, than the rental be increased by $1.00 per barge day over the 1,500 minimum. Motion for approval by Mr. Lambert. Second by Mrs. Woodrich. Voice vote, 1 nay. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 84, PAGES 151-153. RESOLUTION: I.M.R.F. OMITTED SERVICE CREDITS Resolutions were submitted to authorize the I.M.R.F. Omitted Service Credits for Arlene F. Cole and Suzan Brockman. Motion for approval by Mr. Caputo. Second by Mr. Hettel. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 84, PAGES 154-155.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – July 8, 1991 APPOINTMENT: RIVERVIEW CEMETERY ASSOCIATION A resolution was submitted to appoint Walter Westwood, R. A. Powers, James Hill, and Roy Metcalf as members of the Riverview Cemetery Association for 3 year terms, expiring June 30th, 1994 and to appoint Richard Kerr, Max Mason, Kingsley Trengove, and Melvin Novak as members for 6 year terms, expiring June 30th, 1997. Motion for approval by Mr. Daugherity. Second by Mr. Garretson. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 84, PAGES 156-158. APPOINTMENT: COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT BOARD A resolution was submitted to re-appoint Louis Assalley and Toni Piller as members of the County Health Department Board for 3 year terms, expiring June 30th, 1994 and to appoint Thomas Lyons as board member for a 1 year term, said term to expire June 30th, 1992. Said resolution also re-appoints John Harbeck as board member for a 2 year term expiring June 30th, 1993. Motion to approve as corrected by Mr. Madden. Second by Mr. Panzica. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 84, PAGES 159-162. MISCELLANEOUS REPORTS & CORRESPONDENCE A report from the Illinois Department of Revenue stating that the County Supplemental Tax has been reported and collected for March 1991 in the amount of $127,788.43 was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 84, PAGE 163 A report from the Illinois Department of Revenue stating that the County Sales Tax has been reported and collected for March 1991 in the amount of $32,575.71 was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 84, PAGE 164. Operating Statement from the Recorder's Office dated December 1990 thru May 1991 was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 84, PAGE 165.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – July 8, 1991 The LaSalle County School Service 44th Annual Report dated June 1, 1990 to May 31, 1991 was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 84, PAGES 166-168. Correspondence to the Illinois Department of Revenue regarding business address verification for tax allocation purposes was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 84, PAGES 169-183. The Treasurers Investment Schedule dated June 28, 1991 was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 84, PAGE 184. A statement of Earnings & Receipts of the Sheriff's Office for the period of December 1, 1990 to May 31, 1991 was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 84, PAGES 185-186. The Quarterly Report of the Detention Home for the period of March, April, & May 1991 was submitted to place of file. SEE RECORD BOOK 84, PAGES 187-191. Motion to place all on file by Mr. Novak. Second by Mr. Daugherity. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. MOTION Mr. Hettel made a motion that the County does not pay for bottled water for the County offices. Second by Mr. Madden. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. ANNOUNCEMENT: MARJORIE FOLEY Mr. Hettel brought it to the Boards' attention that former Board member Marjorie Foley was in the hospital and that her address would be put in the members' mailboxes for anyone who wishes to send her a card. ANNOUNCEMENT: COUNTY PICNIC Chairman Johnson announced that the County Picnic will be held August 17th, 1991 at Catlin Park, at 4:00 P.M. ------Mr. Rosengren made a motion to adjourn. Second by Mr. Hageman. The next meeting will be held Monday, August 12th, 1991 at the Governmental Complex, Ottawa, Illinois at 1:00 P.M.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – July 8, 1991


LaSalle County Board Minutes – July 8, 1991 STATE OF ILLINOIS ) COUNTY OF LASALLE ) The LaSalle County Board met pursuant to recess at the Governmental Complex, Ottawa, Illinois on the Second Monday of August, A.D., 1991, it being the 12th day thereof. ORGANIZATION Chairman Johnson called the meeting to order at 1:02 P.M. Chairman Johnson asked the Clerk to call the role for mileage & per diem. PRESENT: 27 Members ABSENT: Mrs. Woodrich, Mr. Caputo There were 27 ayes claiming mileage. Motion for approval by Mr. Vavaroutsos. Second by Mr. Hettel. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 85, PAGE 1. Chairman Johnson called for any additions or corrections to the minutes. Mr. Pike made a motion to approve the minutes as presented. Second by Mr. Combs. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. RESOLUTION: COUNTY HIGHWAY 91-12 Mr. William Keith, Superintendent of Highways, submitted a resolution concurring with the Department of Transportation in the award of a contract to LaSalle County Asphalt Company, in the amount of $326,855.75, for County Highway 10, FAS Route 1176, Section 91-00253-00-RS, Project No. SR 1176 (101). Motion for approval by Mr. Smith. Second by Mr. Wujek. Roll call vote was held; 26 ayes, 2 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 85, PAGES 2-4. RESOLUTION: COUNTY HIGHWAY 91-13 Mr. Keith submitted a resolution concurring with the Department of Transportation in the award of a contract to LaSalle County Asphalt Company, in the amount of $104,757.76, for County Highway 55, FAS Route 1278, Section 91-00126-02-RS, Project No. SR 1278(106).

LaSalle County Board Minutes – August 12, 1991 Motion for approval by Mr. Lambert. Second by Mr. Hageman. Same roll call. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 85, PAGES 5-6. RESOLUTION: COUNTY HIGHWAY 91-14 Mr. Keith submitted a resolution appropriating $200,000.00 Motor Fuel Tax Funds for the bituminous resurfacing of Section 90-00249-00-RS, County Highway 15 (U.S. Route 6 Marseilles to Interstate Route 80). Motion for approval by Mr. Hettel. Second by Mr. McFadden. Same roll call. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 85, PAGES 7-8. ANNOUNCEMENT: LASALLE COUNTY HIGHWAY COMMISSIONERS PIG ROAST Mr. Keith reminded the Board that the LaSalle County Highway Commissioners Association Annual Pig Roast will be held Friday, August 16th, 1991 at the South Ottawa Township shed, located on Fosse Road, southwest of Ottawa, and that reservations should be called in to the County Highway Department. RESOLUTION: 91-06 Mr. Keith submitted a resolution requesting a variance to the setback ordinance for an office-shop to be built on the Kaiser/Estech Farmarket property along E. 550th Road in Hope Township. Motion for approval by Mr. Lambert. Second by Mr. Krogulski. Same roll call. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 85, PAGES 9-10. RESOLUTION: 91-07 Mr. Keith submitted a resolution requesting an extension of time to December 31, 1992 for the completion of the improvements in Saddlewood Estates Subdivision Phase I. Motion for approval by Mr. Crowley. Second by Mr. Novak. Same roll call. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 85, PAGES 11-12.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – August 12, 1991 DISCUSSION: GREENFIELD SUBDIVISION Mr. Keith brought it to the Boards' attention of the problem involving the approval of the preliminary plat for Greenfield Subdivision located in Northville Township. Mr. Krogulski made a motion that the representative of the subdivision be allowed to address the Board. Second by Mr. Crowley. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. Mr. Banich, Assistant State's Attorney, first explained the problem. There is a controversy between Northville Township and the Village of Sheridan concerning who has the control over the zoning or whether it is concurrent control. The Village of Sheridan has already approved the subdivision and an application was made to Northville Township and the zoning change was denied. The Village of Sheridan maintains that they have control of 1 1/2 miles outside their corporate limits, and the township has passed a zoning ordinance for their township. Mr. Ron Bauer, surveyor of the property and representative of the property owners, Mr. & Mrs. Junior Thomas, addressed the Board. He explained that they went to the Village of Sheridan and did get their approval. They were then told they also had to go to Northville Township for their approval since they do have their own zoning regulations. The basic denial was based on the fact that they did not want to turn the ten (10) acres or more of farm land over to the residential zoning that would be required for this subdivision, thus resulting in the refusal of the township highway commissioners signature. Therefore, they asked for further guidance from the State's Attorney and the Board. Mr. Bauer further explained that they have met all the requirements of the township, village, and county, with the exception of the approval of the zoning and signature of the township highway commissioner. Mr. Banich explained that the Board should not get involved in this dispute and that the zoning situation between the township and village has to be rectified first, or the signed approval of the township highway commissioner on the

LaSalle County Board Minutes – August 12, 1991 preliminary must be obtained, or the final plat will never be brought before the Board to act upon. Mr. Paul Martin, Attorney for the Village of Sheridan, addressed the Board and explained that the ordinance adopting the 1 1/2 mile zoning outside the corporate limits was passed around 1975 and that this ordinance is available to the public for inspection. He also explained that they are currently in the process of revising such ordinance because of the annexation of the Sheridan Correctional Center into the village limits. It was concluded that the differences between the Village of Sheridan and Northville Township must be settled first in order to get a signed preliminary plat approved by the County Development Committee, therefore the final plat being brought before the full Board for approval. ANNOUNCEMENTS Chairman Johnson brought it to the Boards attention of the death of Greg Chance's daughter, and donations were collected for the flowers and card that was sent on behalf of the County Board. Chairman Johnson also stated that because of the lack of sufficient reservations, the County Picnic scheduled for August 17th, has been cancelled. Mr. Hettel announced that the Illinois Association of County Board Members Annual Seminar workshop will be held Saturday, August 17th, 1991, at the Holiday Inn East in Springfield, starting at 8:30 A.M. AGREEMENT: LEASED EMPLOYEE FROM COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT A resolution was submitted that the County enter into an agreement with the LaSalle County Health Department, to lease an employee, namely Greg Chance, for a period of two (2) months to serve as a Solid Waste Management Coordinator. Said resolution further states that the County shall pay to the LaSalle County Health Department $4,900.00 as and for the expense of this lease. Motion for approval by Mr. Madden. Second by Mr. Hettel.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – August 12, 1991 Mr. Hettel explained that the current contract expires September 30th, 1991 and the plan would not be ready to approve at that time, so an extension of the contract was needed. Same roll call. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 85, PAGES 13-16. RESOLUTION: LOSS CONTROL AND CLAIMS MANAGEMENT PROGRAM A resolution was submitted stating that the County Board go on record as supporting a Loss Control and Claims Management Program pursuant to the procedures established by the Illinois Public Risk Fund. Motion for approval by Mr. Garretson. Second by Mr. Panzica. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 85, PAGES 17-18. AGREEMENT: LEASE EMPLOYEE AS WORKER'S COMPENSATION SAFETY COORDINATOR A resolution was submitted that the County enter an agreement with the LaSalle County Health Department to lease an employee, namely Greg Chance, for a period of three (3) months to serve as a Worker's Compensation Safety Coordinator. Said resolution further states that the County shall pay the LaSalle County Health Department $1,206.00 as and for the expense of this lease. Motion for approval by Mr. Daugherity. Second by Mr. Madden. Roll call vote was held; 24 ayes, 4 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 85, PAGES 19-25. RESOLUTION: SUPPORT OF H.B. 477 A resolution was submittted by the County Development Committee, though opposed by its' Chairman, Mr. Krogulski, calling for the LaSalle County Board, through its Chairman, to send a letter to Governor Jim Edgar with a copy of said resolution, urging him to sign into law H.B. 477, including the provisions prohibiting the issuance of any permit for the development or construction of any new facility intended to be used for the incineration of any hazardous waste or waste oil used as fuel, until December 31, 1996.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – August 12, 1991 Motion for approval by Mr. Franzetti. Second by Mrs. Kasap. Roll call vote was held; 19 ayes, 6 nays, 1 pass, 2 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 85, PAGES 26-28. RESOLUTION: POSTHUMOUSLY HONOR GORDON VARLAND A resolution was submitted to posthumously honor former Board member Gordon Varland. Motion for approval by Mr. Morandi. Second by Mr. Vavaroutsos. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. A moment of silence was observed in his honor. SEE RECORD BOOK 85, PAGE 29. ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. Panzica brought it to the Boards' attention that former Board member Marjorie Foley was in the hospital. DISCUSSION: DOWNTOWN COURTHOUSE TUCK POINTING REPAIR Mr. Hageman brought it to the Boards' attention that a huge piece of stone from the top of the downtown courthouse had fallen to the sidewalk a couple of weeks ago. Mr. Richards, the architect, inspected the building and said it was badly in need of repair, estimating the cost to be approximately $54,000.00, which is approximately $80.00 per square foot. Mr. Lambert made a motion that the Board authorize the Courthouse & Jail Committee to go out for bids for the repair work, known as tuck pointing, on the downtown courthouse, and the power to act upon such. Second by Mr. Franzetti. Discussion followed as to what type of work was required, the costs involved, and if the committee should bring it back to the full Board for approval. Roll call vote was held; 14 ayes, 12 nays, 2 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 85, PAGES 30-31. DISCUSSION: BIDS ON DRUG HOUSE SEIZED IN STREATOR Mr. Banich addressed the Board and informed them that as a result of a drug conviction, a house located in Streator was deeded over to the County and that

LaSalle County Board Minutes – August 12, 1991 bids were advertised for said house. There was only one bid submitted, in the amount of $3,153.00. He explained that the money from such sale of the house does not go to the County, but is divided between the police department involved in the arrest, the State of Illinois, and the State's Attorneys Drug Fund. He asked that someone make a motion to accept or reject the bid. Mr. Novak made a motion to accept the bid of $3,153.00 for the house in Streator that was deeded over to the County as a result of a drug conviction. Second by Mr. Vavaroutsos. Roll call vote was held; 22 ayes, 3 nays, 1 pass, 2 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 85, PAGE 32. MISCELLANEOUS REPORTS & CORRESPONDENCE A report from the Illinois Department of Revenue stating that the County Supplemental Tax has been reported and collected for April 1991 in the amount of $135,769.65. SEE RECORD BOOK 85, PAGE 33. A report from the Illinois Department of Revenue stating that the County Sales Tax has been reported and collected for April 1991 in the amount of $37,329.27. SEE RECORD BOOK 85, PAGE 34. Correspondence to the Illinois Department of Revenue regarding business address verification for tax allocation purposes was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 85, PAGES 35-63. A listing of New Republican Judges of Election for 1990-91 was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 85, PAGE 64. The Treasurers Investment Schedule dated August 5, 1991 was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 85, PAGE 65. The Semi-annual Report for the LaSalle County Clerk's office for the period December 1, 1990 to May 31, 1991 was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 85, PAGES 66-68. Motion to place all on file by Mr. Freebairn. Second by Mr. Daugherity. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. ------

LaSalle County Board Minutes – August 12, 1991 Mr. Smith addressed the Board at this time, concerning the $3.00 charge from certain fines that currently goes to the Court Automation Fund. Mr. Smith made a motion to rescind the resolution that the $3.00 charge on certain fines that presently goes to the Court Automation Fund, will go back back to the General Fund as of December 1, 1991. Second by Mr. Crowley. Roll call vote was held; 26 ayes, 2 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 85, PAGES 69-70. Mr. Smith also addressed the Board on the issues of the Law Day holiday and the Merit pay for detention home employees. Mr. Freebairn stated that the Committees should start saying "NO" to the office holders on the equipment they want or other things that they desire. ------Mr. Rosengren moved to recess. Second by Mr. Hageman. The next meeting will be held September 9th, 1991 at the Governmental Complex, Ottawa, Illinois at 1:00 P.M. CHAIRMAN JOHNSON DECLARED THE MEETING ADJOURNED.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – August 12, 1991 STATE OF ILLINOIS ) COUNTY OF LASALLE ) RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE LASALLE COUNTY BOARD HELD AT THE GOVERNMENTAL COMPLEX, OTTAWA, ILLINOIS. BEGUN AND HELD ON THE SECOND MONDAY OF SEPTEMBER, A.D., 1991, IT BEING THE NINTH DAY THEREOF. STATE OF ILLINOIS ) COUNTY OF LASALLE ) The LaSalle County Board met pursuant to statute, at the Governmental Complex, Ottawa, Illinois on the Second Monday of September, A.D., 1991 it being the 9th day thereof. ORGANIZATION Chairman Johnson called the meeting to order at 1:02 P.M. Chairman Johnson asked the Clerk to call the role for Mileage & Per Diem. PRESENT: 28 Members ABSENT: Mr. Madden There were 28 ayes claiming mileage. Motion for approval by Mr. Caputo. Second by Mr. Combs. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 85, PAGE 71. Chairman Johnson called for any additions or corrections to the minutes. Mr. Freebairn amended the minutes on page three (3), second paragraph, to read as follows: "It was concluded that the differences between the Village of Sheridan and Northville Township must be settled first in order to get a signed preliminary plat approved by the County Development Committee, therefore, before the final plat can be brought before the full Board for approval. Motion to approve the minutes as corrected by Mr. Daugherity. Second by Mr. Hettel. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – September 9, 1991 RESOLUTION: APPROVAL OF FINAL PLAT FOR CREST FIELD ESTATES FIRST ADDITION Mr. William Keith, Superintendent of Highways, submitted a resolution for the approval of the final plat of the first addition of Crest Field Estates Subdivision. Motion for approval by Mr. Krogulski. Second by Mrs. Woodrich. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 85, PAGES 72-73. REPORT: SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN Greg Chance, the Solid Waste Management Coordinator for LaSalle County, addressed the Board and brought them up to date on the progress of the Solid Waste Management Plan. The plan will possibly be ready to bring before the full Board for approval by November. The plan is currently in the middle of the 90- day public comment period regarding the public hearing draft form of the plan and will conclude October 14th, 1991. The majority of the comments entered into the record focus on the land fill portion of the plan and the ownership issue. RESOLUTION: POSTHUMOUSLY HONOR MARJORIE FOLEY A resolution was submitted to posthumously honor former Board member Marjorie Foley. Motion for approval by Mr. Hettel. Second by Mr. Hageman. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. A moment of silence was observed in her honor. SEE RECORD BOOK 85, PAGE 74. RESOLUTION: NURSING HOME RESIDENT RATE CHANGE A resolution was submitted that the monthy charge for private pay residents of the LaSalle County Nursing Home be increased to $1,870.00 per month to be effective November 1, 1991, in order to receive full reimbursement from the Illinois Department of Public Aid. Motion for approval by Mr. Lambert. Second by Mr. Pike. Roll call vote was held; 26 ayes, 2 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 85, PAGES 75-77.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – September 9, 1991 MOTION: FEASIBILITY STUDY FOR ESTABLISHING MORGUE Mr. McFadden made a motion on the floor that the County retain Gerding, Richardson, Schonbackler, Inc., of LaSalle to do a feasibility study on developing a morgue for LaSalle County. Said study to provide cost figures for the construction of a new building and cost figures for converting part of the present garage located on the west side of the Governmental Complex. Costs of the study are not to exceed $2,000.00. Second by Mr. Franzetti. Marion Osborne, Coroner for LaSalle County, addressed the Board at this time and explained the need of a morgue for this county. He stated that LaSalle County is the largest county without a morgue in the State of Illinois. Roll call vote was held; 18 ayes, 8 nays, 2 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 85, PAGES 78-79. REPORT: ILLINOIS STATE ASSOCIATION OF COUNTY BOARDS Mr. Hettel reported to the Board on the meeting he recently attended of the Illinois State Association of County Boards. Most of the discussion involved the redistricting and the upcoming election. Starting September 17th, 1991, petitions can be circulated for the County Board elections and the filing dates are December 9-16, 1991. After the Primary Election and prior to September 1st, 1992, a lottery will have to be conducted to determine who will run for a two-year or a four-year term. Mr. Hettel also reported on various other topics of discussion such as possible changes on the funding of the Superintendent of Highways salary, and also about the Circuit Clerk's fees. Mr. Franzetti, who also attended the meeting, mentioned that in regards to the Solid Waste Management issue, more than 95% of the County Boards present preferred the "publicly owned facility" option of the plan. Mary Jane Wilkinson, County Clerk, did announce to the Board that the County Board petition kits will be ready to pick up this week but stressed that these petitions could not be circulated until September 17th, 1991, and that the new maps on the redistricting were also available.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – September 9, 1991 RESOLUTION: BALLOT COUNT WITNESSES FOR NOVEMBER 5, 1991 NONPARTISAN ELECTION A resolution was submitted to set forth the titles of those individuals who will be allowed in the Office of the County Clerk to view the ballot counting procedure for the November 5, 1991 Nonpartisan Election. Motion for approval by Mr. Martens. Second by Mr. Wujek. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 85, PAGE 80. RESOLUTION: POLLING PLACES FOR NOVEMBER 5, 1991 NONPARTISAN ELECTION A resolution was submitted to approve the list of polling places for the November 5, 1991 Nonpartisan Election and to authorize the County Clerk to fill any vacancies, which may occur, at her discretion. Motion for approval by Mr. Martens. Second by Mr. Morandi. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 85, PAGES 81-85. QUARTERLY REPORT: COMMITTEE WORK MISCELLANEOUS The quarterly report for Committee Work Miscellaneous was presented in the amount of $28,339.40. Motion for approval by Mr. Freebairn. Second by Mr. Crowley. Roll call vote was held; 26 ayes, 2 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 85, PAGES 86-116. APPOINTMENT: BROOKFIELD-VIENNA DRAINAGE DISTRICT A resolution was submitted to reappoint George McComb as a member of the Brookfield-Vienna Drainage District for a three year term expiring September, 1994. Motion for approval by Mr. Hettel. Second by Mr. Garretson. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 85, PAGES 117-120.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – September 9, 1991 APPOINTMENT: SENECA REGIONAL PORT DISTRICT A resolution was submitted to appoint John R. Rivett as a member of the Seneca Regional Port District to fill the unexpired term created due to the resignation of Vincent Grober. Said term to expire May 1, 1992. Motion for approval by Mr. Caputo. Second by Mrs. Woodrich. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 85, PAGES 121-123. MISCELLANEOUS REPORTS & CORRESPONDENCE A report from the Illinois Department of Revenue stating that the County Supplemental Tax has been reported and collected for May 1991 in the amount of $143,039.24. SEE RECORD BOOK 85, PAGE 124. A report from the Illinois Department of Revenue stating that the County Sales Tax has been reported and collected for May 1991 in the amount of $42,496.11. SEE RECORD BOOK 85, PAGE 125. The Treasurers Investment Schedule dated September 4th, 1991 was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 85, PAGE 126. A list of the Judges of Election, regular & supplemental, Democratic & Republican, for 1992-93 was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 85, PAGES 127-146. The LaSalle County School Service quarterly report ending August 31, 1991 was submitted to place on file. SEE RECORD BOOK 85, PAGE 147. Motion to place all on file by Mr. Panzica. Second by Mr. Morandi. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. ANNOUCEMENTS Mr. Hageman stated that the work on the roof was to begin on Wednesday, September 11th.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – September 9, 1991 Mr. Panzica reported that the VAC & Data Processing meeting will be at 10:00 A.M. instead of 2:00 P.M. on Thursday, and that notices had been sent out to all committee members. Chairman Johnson declared the meeting adjourned to the first Monday of October 7, 1991, at 1:00 p.m., the second Monday of October being on a holiday. CHAIRMAN JOHNSON DECLARED THE MEETING ADJOURNED.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – September 9, 1991 STATE OF ILLINOIS ) COUNTY OF LASALLE ) The LaSalle County Board met pursuant to adjournment at the Governmental Complex, Ottawa, Illinois on the First Monday of October, A.D., 1991, it being the 7th day thereof. ORGANIZATION Chairman Johnson called the meeting to order at 1:02 p.m. Chairman Johnson introduced Mr. William Novotney, Regional Superintendent of Schools, who addressed the Board regarding Student Government Day. Mr. Novotney introduced Mr. Richard Myers who introduced those students participating in Student Government Day. The following students from Serena High School represented the 9 elected office holders: Chad Baker, Tracy Burich, Lisa Marco, Jennifer Davis, Jenny Baker, Susan Duffy, Stephanie Johnson, Tracy Boe, and Tiffany Stafford. The following students from their respective High Schools represented County Board Members: from Mendota High School, Joe Aughenbaugh and Jesse Hartley; from Earlville High School, Ron McBee; from Leland High School, Patrick Corrigan; from Serena High School, Aura Knights; from LaSalle-Peru High School, Matt Claudnic, Aaron Mini, Brian Fenza, Troy Ryba, Greg Ernat, Mike Petre, Liz Gentry, Cara Znaniecki, and Brian Tucker; from Ottawa High School, Wendy Sanders, Erin Boettcher, Andy Cokley, Carla Gebhardt, Dana Walter, Tracy Wells, and Michelle Lahey; from Seneca High School, Guy Sulzberger; from Lostant High School, Philip Brierly; from Marquette High School, Jim Jobst; and from Streator High School, Julie Elias, Saskia Walter, Kari Hitchborn, Katie Purcell, and Kelly Segovich. The students were then seated with their appropriate counterpart. Chairman Johnson asked the Clerk to call the roll for Mileage & Per Diem. PRESENT: 25 Members ABSENT: Mr. Rosengren, Mr. Lyons, Mr. Novak, and Mr. Daugherity. There were 25 ayes claiming mileage.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – October 7, 1991 Motion for approval by Mr. Freebairn. Second by Mr. Hageman. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 85, PAGE 148 Chairman Johnson called for any additions or corrections to the minutes. Mr. Franzetti corrected the minutes under the vote on both appointments on page three to read, "Voice vote, 1 nay." Motion to approve the minutes as corrected by Mr. Smith. Second by Mr. Franzetti. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. PRESENTATION Mr. Lambert introduced Mrs. Henry Spitzer, whose late husband was a former Chairman of the Board of Supervisors. At the time of his service, he suggested that she write a more complete, detailed booklet of the history of LaSalle County. After many years of compiling information, she has completed the book which is entitled "LaSalle County; The Rivers and The Prairies." She presented a copy of said book to Chairman Johnson, in memory of her husband, Henry Spitzer. Mr. Lambert also mentioned that the Historical Society in Utica will be taking care of the distribution of the book. ANNOUNCEMENTS Chairman Johnson announced to the Board that Judge Alex Bower is recovering at St. Francis Hospital in Peoria after having under gone surgery for several by-passes. Also, Mr. Vavaroutsos will be collecting money for the coffee fund. RESOLUTION: VARIANCE TO SETBACK ORDINANCE Mr. William Keith, Superintendent of Highways, submitted a resolution requesting a variance to the setback ordinance for James Hallet to build a storage building in Utica Township. Motion for approval by Mr. Freebairn. Second by Mr. Madden. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 85, PAGES 149-150.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – October 7, 1991 RESOLUTION: I.E.P.A. ENFORCEMENT PROGRAM Greg Chance, Solid Waste Coordinator for LaSalle County, addressed the Board and explained the resolution that was being submitted from the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency. The resolution authorizes the County Board, through its Chairman, to enter into negotiations with the Illinois EPA to develop a written delegation agreement whereby the agency would delegate to LaSalle County certain of its inspection, investigation and enforcement authorities at permitted non-hazardous solid waste landfills, compost facilities and open dumps in LaSalle County. The agency will reimburse up to 70% of the local costs involved to run such a landfill inspection program in the county, such costs being personnel and equipment. The I.E.P.A. requires 100 field inspections per year per inspector. The program will include at a minimum two (2) inspections per month at each operating landfill and quarterly inspections at each compost facility. The EPA will also reimburse States Attorney costs for any legal action involved in enforcement cases at the 70% reimburseable rate. If the county enters into this program, the county will also receive 50% of any fines levied for violations. Mr. Chance further explained that the State fiscal year begins July 1st, as opposed to the county's fiscal year beginning December 1st. Based on the proposed budget for the coming fiscal year, the anticipated total program costs would be $25,000.00. That much would have to be budgeted, 70% of which is reimburseable. Costs to the county for the remaining 5 months of the upcoming fiscal year would be approximately $7,500.00. Based on these figures, a full fiscal year would cost approximately $50,000.00. There are 15 counties participating now in the program. The resolution was read at this time and further discussion followed. Motion for approval by Mr. Franzetti. Second by Mr. Crowley. Voice vote, 2 nays. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 85, PAGES 151-153.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – October 7, 1991 REPORT: NURSING HOME PUBLIC AID INSPECTION Carolyn Matson, Administrator of the LaSalle County Nursing Home, addressed the Board and reported that the public aid inspection of the nursing home was conducted last week with very favorable results. Out of the current 98 home residents, 75 are public aid residents. Last year 92.2% of the inspection care needs were met. These needs included nursing, social services, activities, resident trust and resident counsel, as well as cleanliness. This year it was increased to 95.6% of all needs met. Ms. Matson stated that she was very proud of the staff of the nursing home. PRESENTATION: LIFELINE SHELTER SYSTEMS Anthony Condie, Sheriff of LaSalle County, addressed the Board and reported on the over crowding conditions that currently exist in the county jail. As an alternative to lock-ups, representatives from Lifeline Shelter Systems, of Lancaster, Ohio, at the request of Sheriff Condie, brought one of their semi- trailer units and set it up in front of the complex for touring purposes. This unit can be used as a permanent or temporary type lock-up facility. Sheriff Condie introduced Mr. Lee Guse, who is the Executive Vice-President and one of the owners of Lifeline Shelter Systems. Mr. Guse explained the alternatives, that were presented to the Sheriff and Committee, and a series of drawings that illustrated the three alternatives; a 48-bed facility, a 96-bed facility, and a 1, 2, or 3 single unit facility consisting of 12 beds each. The unit brought for display was a 12-bed single unit. He further explained the advantages and disadvantages, and cost of such units. SEE RECORD BOOK 85, PAGES 154-160. DETENTION HOME: JOANNE WHITE JoAnne White, Director of the LaSalle County Detention Home, addressed the Board to ask for permission to attend the National Juvenile Detention Association Conference in Raleigh, North Carolina. The money needed for the registration, room & meals would be $495.46, which is in the budget for the detention home. She is purchasing her own travel ticket. Because of the recent

LaSalle County Board Minutes – October 7, 1991 County Board rule change concerning out-ot-state seminars, she needed the approval of the full Board. Motion for approval by Mr. Freebairn. Second by Mr. Madden. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. MENTAL HEALTH: GERALD GARRETSON Mr. Gerald Garretson, Director of the LaSalle County Mental Health 708 Board, addressed the Board and briefly informed them of the services being offered thru the eleven facilities associated with the 708 Board, and also extended an invitation to the members to attend the 25th Anniversary Banquet at Pitstick Pavilion on November 1, 1991. This event will be in honor of all who have served on the Board since its' start in 1966. A commemorative place mat was also designed and distributed to honor the occasion. SEE RECORD BOOK 85, PAGE 161. RESOLUTION: NURSING HOME ADMINISTRATOR A resolution was submitted to rehire Carolyn Matson as the LaSalle County Nursing Home Administrator, for a two-year period, beginning December 1, 1991 and continuing through the last day of November, 1993. The resolution sets her salary at $37,000.00 for the first fiscal year and $38,000.00 for the second fiscal year. Motion for approval by Mr. Lambert. Second by Mr. Vavaroutsos. Roll call vote; 24 ayes, 4 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 85, PAGES 162-165 RESOLUTION: CONTRACT WITH IVCC A resolution was submitted to authorize the County to enter into an agreement with IVCC for the provisions of data processing services for the following offices: Auditor--$24,035.00; County Board--$6,270.00; County Clerk-- $42,845.00; Recorder of Deeds--$28,215.00; Jury--$3,135.00 for a total contract price of $104,500.00. Said contract to be for a two year period beginning December 1, 1991 and ending November 30, 1993. Motion for approval by Mr. Panzica. Second by Mr. Garretson. Roll call vote; 24 ayes, 4 absent. Motion carried.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – October 7, 1991 SEE RECORD BOOK 85, PAGES 166-176.

REPORT: ZONE 4 MEETING Mr. Hettel addressed the Board and reported on the recent Zone 4 meeting that was held last Saturday in Princeton. Approximately 35 Board Members from 6 different counties were in attendance. Of the four guest speakers, three were from LaSalle County; Tom Setchell, Greg Chance, and Representative Tom Walsh. He mentioned there was still some concern over the re-districting. The next meeting is scheduled for November 26th in Chicago, at which time the election for new officers will be held. APPOINTMENT: SHERIDAN SANITARY DISTRICT A resolution was submitted to reappoint James Bristol as a trustee of the Sheridan Sanitary District for a three year term effective October 1, 1991 and expiring September 30, 1994. Motion for approval by Mr. Hettel. Second by Mr. Pike. Voice vote, Mr. Franzetti votes nay. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 85, PAGES 177-182. APPOINTMENT: DRAINAGE DISTRICTS A resolution was submitted to reappoint the following named individuals as commissioners to their respective drainage districts for three year terms, beginning September 1, 1991 and expiring September, 1994: Drainage District #3 Eden---Ernest Jaegle; Drainage District #2 Freedom & Earl---Leo Kelly; Drainage District #2 Wallace---William McConville; Drainage District #1 Freedom, Wallace & Dayton---Ronald Boe; Drainage District #1 Meriden---David Grey; Drainage District #1 Freedom---Robert Battles; Drainage District #10 Ophir & Meriden---Richard Riva; Drainage District #1 Wallace & Waltham---Thomas Wheatland. Motion for approval by Mr. Crowley. Second by Mrs. Woodrich. Voice vote, Mr. Franzetti votes nay. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 85, PAGES 183-184.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – October 7, 1991 MISCELLANEOUS REPORTS & CORRESPONDENCE A report from the Illinois Department of Revenue stating that the County Supplemental Tax has been reported and collected for June 1991 in the amount of $148,677.00. SEE RECORD BOOK 85, PAGE 185. A report from the Illinois Department of Revenue stating that the County Sales Tax has been reported and collected for June 1991 in the amount of $43,860.23. SEE RECORD BOOK 85, PAGE 186. Correspondence to the Illinois Department of Revenue regarding business address verification for tax allocation purposes was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 85, PAGES 187-200. The Treasurers Investment Schedule dated October 3, 1991 was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 85, PAGE 201. A report from the States Land Improvement Corporation regarding public hearing drafts of the Solid Waste Management Plan was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 85, PAGES 202-211. The Quarterly Report of the LaSalle County Detention Home for the period of June, July, & August 1991 was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 85, PAGES 212-216. Motion to place all on file by Mr. Wujek. Second by Mr. Hageman. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. ANNOUNCEMENT Chairman Johnson announced that there will be an insurance meeting in the conference room immediatley following today's Board meeting. Mr. Smith made a motion to recess to Thursday, November 7, 1991 at the Governmental Complex, Ottawa, Illinois, at 1:00 p.m., second by Mr. Hageman. CHAIRMAN JOHNSON DECLARED THE MEETING RECESSED.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – October 7, 1991 STATE OF ILLINOIS ) COUNTY OF LASALLE ) The LaSalle County Board met pursuant to recess at the Governmental Complex, Ottawa, Illinois on the First Thursday of November, A.D., 1991, it being the 7th day thereof. ORGANIZATION Chairman Johnson called the meeting to order at 1:03 p.m. Chairman Johnson asked the Clerk to call the roll for Mileage & Per Diem. PRESENT: 29 Members There were 29 ayes claiming mileage. Motion for approval by Mr. Madden. Second by Mr. Novak. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 86, PAGE 0 Chairman Johnson called for any addition or corrections to the minutes. Motion to approve the minutes as presented by Mr. Combs. Second by Mr. Pike. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. RESOLUTION: PETITIONS FOR BRIDGE AID Mr. William Keith, Superintendent of Highways, presented the 1992 Bridge Aid Petitions and Requests for Rutland Township in the amount of $100,000.00; Ottawa Township for $205,000.00; Eden Township for $7,500.00; Northville Township for $9,000.00; and Serena Township for $20,000.00, making a grand total of $349,000.00. Motion for approval by Mr. Novak. Second by Mr. Caputo. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 86, PAGES 1-12 RESOLUTION: 1992 IMPROVEMENT PLAN Mr. Keith presented a resoluiton adopting the 1992 Improvement Plan in the amount of $2,925,000.00. Motion for approval by Mr. Smith. Second by Mr. Hageman. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 86, PAGES 13-16

LaSalle County Board Minutes – November 7, 1991 Mr. Keith announced to the Board that he had distributed maps to the members for the purpose of distributing to their respective school districts, fire districts, etc. Mr. Morandi questioned Mr. Keith as to why the weeds along the road to Dalzell were not cut last year. Mr. Keith responded that the agreement had been that Bureau County was responsible for the maintenance of the road. PRESENTATION: NATIONAL PEARL HARBOR DAY Mr. Richard Foltyniewicz, from the VFW Post 5506 of Marseilles, addressed the Board in regards to his efforts of trying to establish December 7th as a permanent National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day. This year will mark the 50th Anniversary of Pearl Harbor. The Clerk read a letter addressed to President Bush requesting that he use his authority to issue an executive order proclaiming December 7th as a National Day of Remembrance permanently. Mr. Panzica announced to the Board that the City of Peru will have a program again this year on December 7th and are requesting that the churches and fire departments to ring their bells and sirens at 11:55 a.m. on that day in remembrance of Pearl Harbor and veterans. SEE RECORD BOOK 86, PAGE 17 RESOLUTION: SAFETY POLICY Greg Chance, Safety Director for LaSalle County, presented a resolution to establish and adopt a Safety Policy and to create a safety committee consisting of personnel from various departments as designated by the Insurance Committee of the County Board. Motion for approval by Mr. Lyons. Second by Mr. Franzetti. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 86, PAGES 18-23 RESOLUTION: PER DIEM FOR JURORS A resolution was submitted stating that all jurors called to serve shall be paid $10.00 per diem for service rendered and all jurors called and chosen to serve for jury duty shall be paid $15.50 per diem for those days they serve on a jury.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – November 7, 1991 Motion for approval by Mr. Madden. Second by Mr. Wujek. Roll call vote; 26 ayes, 2 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 86, PAGES 24-26 RESOLUTION: IMRF VOLUNTARY LIFE INSURANCE PROGRAM A resolution was submitted to allow all IMRF member employees to enroll for participation in the IMRF sponsored voluntary group life program and that the County execute any agreements necessary in order to secure participation in the program. Motion for approval by Mr. Caputo. Second by Mr. Novak. Mr. Bill Shannon explained the IMRF sponsored program at this time. If the resolution passes, it is up to each individual employee if they want to participate and all the County has to do is make the payroll deduction. The plan also allows the employee to continue participation in the plan after retirement. Chairman Johnson calls for voice vote, one nay (Mr. Morandi). Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 86, PAGES 27-28 RESOLUTION: LABOR REPRESENTATIVE A resolution was submitted authorizing William Banich to represent the County in all labor negotiations and other labor matters for a sum of $1,500.00 per month for the services rendered. Motion for approval by Mr. Madden. Second by Mr. Combs. Same roll call vote, voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 86, PAGES 29-31 RESOLUTION: COURT APPOINTED ATTORNEY FOR JUVENILE A resolution was submitted stating that the salary of the Court Appointed Attorney for Juvenile, Employee Line Item 586.005 be set at $15,200.00 per year for a two-year period starting December 1, 1991 and expiring November 30, 1993. Motion for approval by Mr. Combs. Second by Mrs. Kasap. Same roll call vote, voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 86, PAGES 32-33

LaSalle County Board Minutes – November 7, 1991 RESOLUTION: SALARIES--CENTRAL SERVICES DIRECTOR & MEMBER OF BOARD OF REVIEW A resolution was submitted establishing the salaries of the Director of Central Services at $30,000.00 per year, and Member of the Board of Review at $7,000.00 per year. Said amounts to be for the fiscal year of December 1, 1991 to November 30, 1992. Motion for approval by Mr. Crowley. Second by Mr. Hageman. Same roll call vote, voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 86, PAGES 34-35 RESOLUTION: ESDA COORDINATOR A resolution was submitted to reappoint Emerson Tidd as the ESDA Coordinator for LaSalle County for a two-year period beginning December 1, 1991 and expiring November 30, 1993 at a salary of $18,100.00 for the first year, and $18,900.00 for the second year. Motion for approval by Mr. Vavaroutsos. Second by Mr. Lyons. Same roll call vote, voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 86, PAGES 36-38 RESOLUTION: STATE'S ATTORNEY APPELLATE PROSECUTOR A resolution was submitted to support the continued operation of the Office of the State's Attorneys Appellate Prosecutor, and to designate the Office of the State's Attorneys Appellate Prosecutor as its agent to administer the operation of the appellate offices and process said appellate court cases for this County. Motion for approval by Mr. Rosengren. Second by Mr. Garretson. Same roll call vote, voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 86, PAGES 39-41 ANNOUNCEMENT: ESDA ALLOTMENTS Chairman Johnson announced that the Board give their suggestions to Tina by Friday, November 15th, for the $300.00 ESDA allotment check.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – November 7, 1991 RESOLUTION: SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN A resolution was submitted to adopt as its plan for the management of municipal waste generated within the boundaries of LaSalle County the Solid Waste Management Plan. Motion for approval by Mr. Krogulski. Second by Mr. Crowley. Greg Chance explained to the Board that the draft plan was basically amended with three different phrases: on page 5-9, the phrase "based upon recommendations made by the Siting Committee" was eliminated. The paragraph now reads: "That the decision as to which ownership-operation option for landfills best meet the needs for LaSalle County, shall be made by the County Board." The second amendment is the Solid Waste Management Committee shall now be referred to as the Solid Waste Management Implementation Committee. The third amendment is regarding the appointment of the siting committee. The committee will now be appointed by vote of the County Board. The currently proposed plan does not commit to the decision of ownership/operated option. The three options are: 1) publicly owned and privately operated landfills, 2) publicly contracted for capacity and privatedly owned landfills, and 3) privately owned and privately operated landfills. The decision of this issue will be determined by the County Board at a later date. Mr. Chance further explained the responsibilities of the County Board and participating municipalities as outlined on pages 5-11 and 5-12 of the Plan. MOTION Mr. Franzetti addressed the Board on his Minority Report. He commended the Solid Waste Management Committee for the time it took to develop the Plan over the last two years. He felt that the Plan should have only one option concerning ownership and operation; that being a publicly owned and privately operated landfill. He further moved to amend the plan under Chapter 5, Section 5.1.6 Plan Recommendations to read as follows: Any solid waste landfill facility sited in LaSalle County shall be publicly owned and privately operated, and the

LaSalle County Board Minutes – November 7, 1991 material processing facility shall be privately owned and operated. Second by Mr. Vavaroutsos. Mr. Novak recognized Mr. Paul DeGroot, President of the State's Land Improvement Corporation, who explained his company's recommendations. He recommends a landfill siting larger than 48 acres. Because of faults in the plan, he felt that a minimum of 76 acres is needed to accomodate the needs of LaSalle County. He also feels that the County will have sufficient control if it is owned privately. Mr. Vavaroutsos recognized representatives from the Residents Against Polluted Environment and the League of Women Voters. Katie Troccoli, President of R.A.P.E. addressed the Board and stated that this organization emphatically recommended that the County insist upon public ownership of the landfill, and that the benefit of this public ownership will be the direct control by the County over the site selection, design, construction and operation. Patty Jo Smith, Treasurer of Area Residents for Environmental Safety, addressed the Board to state that the organization recommended that the County Board consider only one option; that being a county owned and county operated landfill. This will enable the citizens and the County Board to have maximum control over what goes into the landfill. Linda Moyer, Co-President of The League of Women Voters of LaSalle County, addressed the Board and stated that the League recommended that the plan be changed to specifically give priority in the siting selection process to sites that could be expanded as necessary for capacity past the 20 year planning period. The League also recommended that the County ownership and operation be put in the plan, and that the plan require the siting committee to have county-wide representation. Chairman Johnson called for a five minute recess at this time. Chairman Johnson called the meeting to order again and called for a roll call vote on Mr. Franzetti's motion to amend the plan; 4 ayes, 24 nays. Motion defeated. SEE RECORD BOOK 86, PAGES 42-48

LaSalle County Board Minutes – November 7, 1991 MOTION Mr. Freebairn made a motion to add to the Plan under Section 6, Site Selection Procedure, that the County Board retain the right to approve a new landfill at any time whether the sieving process is complete or not, as long as the site meets all the new State and Federal criteria and also satisfies Senate Bill 172. Second by Mr. Madden. Greg Chance recommended that Mr. Freebairn wait until the ownership issue is settled before he make such an amendment to the plan, since the plan can be amended at any time. Mr. Franzetti moves that Mr. Freebairn's amendment be tabled. Second by Mr. Renwick. Roll call vote to table the amendment; 21 ayes, 7 nays. Motion tabled. SEE RECORD BOOK 86, PAGES 49-50 Roll call vote was held on original resolution to adopt the Solid Waste Management Plan as is; 26 ayes, 2 nays. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 86, PAGE 51 APPOINTMENT: SHERIDAN COMMUNITY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT A resolution was submitted to reappoint Stanley Foreman as trustee for the Sheridan Community Fire Protection District for a period to end on the first Monday of May, 1994 or until his successor is thereafter appointed. Motion for approval by Mrs. Woodrich. Second by Mr. Rosengren. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 86, PAGES 52-54 MISCELLANEOUS REPORTS & CORRESPONDENCE A report from the Illinois Department of Revenue stating that the County Supplemental Tax for July 1991 has been reported and collected in the amount of $140,020.23. SEE RECORD BOOK 86, PAGE 55

LaSalle County Board Minutes – November 7, 1991 A report from the Illinois Department of Revenue stating that the County Sales Tax for July 1991 has been reported and collected in the amount of $39,649.24. SEE RECORD BOOK 86, PAGE 56 A list of new Republican Election Judges for 1990-92 was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 86, PAGE 57 The Treasurers Investment Schedule dated November 4, 1991 was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 86, PAGE 58 Mr. Novak commended the Treasurer for an outstanding report that was submitted this month. Motion to place all on file by Mr. Panzica. Second by Mr. Morandi. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. REPORT: BUDGET PRESENTATION Mr. Hettel, Chairman of Finance Committee, presented the proposed 1991- 92 LaSalle County Budget Report with the following corrections: page 5, General Fund, line item 101.001, balance on hand, be corrected to read $2,054,512.00; and line item 301.001 tax levy assessment to read $1,480,000.00. Also, on page 7, Fund 13-County Home, line item 101.001 balance on hand, be corrected to read $221,388.12; line item 301.001 tax levy to read $937,000.00. These changes were based on the end of the month trial balances from the Treasurers office. Mr. Hettel made the motion to place the proposed budget on file in the County Clerk's office for 15 days. Second by Mr. Hageman. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 86, PAGE 59 Mr. Franzetti suggested that all department heads and office holders get a copy of the proposed budget so all are aware of the funds being appropriated.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – November 7, 1991 ANNOUNCEMENTS Mr. Banich announced to the members of the Fee & Salary Committee, that the meeting that was scheduled for Friday with the labor committee of FOP had been cancelled. Chairman Johnson announced that the Christmas Party for LaSalle County will be held December 13th, 1991 at 7:00 P.M. at the Illini Lounge in Marseilles. Invitation will be mailed out by Tina to the Board members. Motion by Mr. Rosengren to recess to November 22, 1991 at the Governmental Complex, Ottawa, Illinois, at 1:00 p.m., second by Mr. Hageman. CHAIRMAN JOHNSON DECLARED THE MEETING RECESSED.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – November 7, 1991 STATE OF ILLINOIS ) COUNTY OF LASALLE ) The LaSalle County Board met pursuant to recess at the Governmental Complex, Ottawa, Illinois on the Fourth Friday of November, A.D., 1991 it being the 22nd day thereof. ORGANIZATION Chairman Johnson called the meeting to order at 1:12 P.M. Chairman Johnson asked the Clerk to call the roll for Mileage & Per Diem. PRESENT: 29 Members There were 29 ayes claiming mileage. Motion for approval by Mr. Madden. Second by Mr. Novak. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 86, page 60. Chairman Johnson called for any additions or corrections to the minutes. Motion to approve the minutes as presented by Mr. Smith. Second by Mr. Crowley. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. RESOLUTION: PEARL HARBOR 50TH ANNIVERSARY A resolution was submitted to honor the fiftieth anniversary of Pearl Harbor and to encourage all LaSalle County churches, cities, and fire departments to participate in remembering this day, December 7th, by ringing their bells and sounding their sirens at 11:55 A.M. Saturday, December 7, 1991 (7:55 A.M. Hawaiian time.) Motion for approval by Mr. Panzica. Second by Mr. Wujek. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 86, page 61. RESOLUTION: LLOYDS OF LONDON A resolution was submitted to enter into agreement with Lloyds of London for the provision of reinsurance coverage at a total premium of $116,127.12. Motion for approval by Mr. Pike. Second by Mr. Caputo. Roll call vote, 28 ayes. Motion passed unanimously. SEE RECORD BOOK 86, pages 62-64.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – November 22, 1991 1992 BUDGET REPORT Mr. Hettel, Chairman of the Finance Committee, presented the 1992 Budget Report and reported the following changes: Page 5--Estimated Income--General Fund--account 325.030 was changed to account 318.001, same description and amount; added account 312.001-- assessor misc. fee in the amount of $100.00; added account 325.033 Health Insurance Coordinator Benefit reimb. in the amount of $1,000.00; added account 325.034 Health Insurance other recovery in the amount of $1.00; added account 326.001 Central Service Other Government in the amount of $1.00; added account 326.002 Central Service Other Departments in the amount of $1.00; added account 312.002 Assessor Map Sale in the amount of $100.00; changed account 301.001 Tax Levy Assmt. amount from $1,600,000.00 to $1,480,000.00; changed account 101.001 Balance on Hand from $1,934,512.00 to $2,054,599.00. Page 6--General Fund, changed account 370.001 Local Gov't Grants- E.S.D.A. to account 302.014 same amount. Page 7--Fund 10--Mental Health, changed account 301.001 Tax Levy from $1,122,000.00 to $1,092,000.00; changed Fund Total from $1,615,100.00 to $1,585,100.00. Page 7--Fund 13--County Home, changed account 101.001 Balance on Hand from $341,388.12 to $231,788.12; changed account 301.001 Tax Levy from $817,000.00 to $937,000.00; changed Fund Total from $3,313,363.12 to $3,323,763.12. Page 17--Department 40--Sheriff's Office, changed account 900.001 Sheriff from $44,290.00 to $45,580.00. Page 18--Department 40--Sheriff's Office, changed Department Total from $1,694,129.64 to $1,695,419.64. Page 32--Fund 10--Mental Health, changed account 411.003 to account 801.001 and changed the amount from $14,436.00 to $7,632.00; changed account 928.001 Executive Director amount from $41,279.00 to $18,083.00; changed Department Total from $1,615,100.00 to $1,585,100.00.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – November 22, 1991 Page 35--Fund 13 County Home, added account 968.001 Nursing Data Entry Clerk at an amount of $10,400.00. Page 36--Fund 13 County Home, changed Department Total from $3,313,363.12 to $3,323,763.12. All the above changes thereby change the total Budget from $31,554,016.25 to $31,535,706.25. The Total Fund Appropriation is $10,270,463.00. Motion to approve the Budget as amended with the above changes by Mr. Hettel. Second by Mr. Freebairn. MOTION: Mr. McFadden made a motion to amend the Budget on page 14, Department 20, Coroner's Office, line item 406.001 Deputies be changed from $2,500.00 to $4,000.00; and to change account 586.001 Professional Services from $17,500.00 to $20,000.00. Second by Mr. Lyons. Roll call vote; 9 ayes, 19 nays. Motion defeated. SEE RECORD BOOK 86, PAGE 65. MOTION Mr. Garretson made a motion to amend the Budget on page 51--Fund 28 Construction & Improvements Current Sites, line item 721.003 be changed from $25,000.00 to $7,000.00; and also on page 16--Department 36 County Parks, line item 711.001 Improvement of Sites be changed from $3,800.00 to $10,800.00. Second by Mr. Franzetti. Discussion followed as to whether to remodel the existing shelter in Shabbona Park or whether to build a new building. After further discussion, it was decided that the full Board should make the determination as to which issue to address up to a certain amount, thereby leaving the other fund as it is. Mr. Franzetti withdrew his second on the original amendment. Mr. Garretson made a motion to repair the existing shelter up to a certain amount. Second by Mr. Morandi. Roll call vote; 17 ayes, 9 nays, 2 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 86, PAGE 66

LaSalle County Board Minutes – November 22, 1991 MOTION Mr. Klever made a motion that the replacement tax from Fund 05, County Highway ($86,000.00), the replacement tax from Fund 06, Special Tax Match ($25,000.00), and the replacement tax from Fund 07, Bridges ($5,000.00) totaling $116,000.00, be transferred to the revenue line of IMRF and that the IMRF Levy be reduced by $116,000.00. Second by Mr. Madden. Chairman Johnson called for a five minute recess while Mr. Banich checked the Statutes. Chairman Johnson called the meeting to order again. Mr. Banich explained that it was not required to put personal property tax replacement funds in a fund where it was at its' maximum levy. Based on this statement, Mr. Madden withdrew his second to Mr. Klever's motion. Mr. Klever repeated his motion to read: that line item 301.002 (State income in lieu of property tax) in Fund 05 County Highway ($86,000.) be reduced to 0; line item 301.002 (State income in lieu of property tax) in Fund 06 Special Tax Match ($25,000.00) be reduced to 0; line item 301.002 (State income in lieu of property tax) in Fund 07 Bridges ($5,000.00) be reduced to 0; and that this total of $116,000.00 be transferred to Fund 04 IMRF, line item 301.002, thereby making that total $126,000.00. He further moved that line item 301.001 Tax Levy of Fund 04 IMRF be reduced to $1,184,000.00. Second by Mr. Franzetti. Roll call vote; 9 ayes, 16 nays, 3 absent. Motion defeated. SEE RECORD BOOK 86, PAGE 67. MOTION Mr. Lyons made a motion to add $13,000.00 to line item 841.002 LaSalle Cooperative Extension Service in Department 44, thereby making the total $40,000.00. Second by Mrs. Woodrich. Roll call vote; 7 ayes, 17 nays, 1 pass, 3 absent. Motion defeated. SEE RECORD BOOK 86, PAGE 68. Chairman Johnson called for a roll call vote on the original Budget with the listed changes; 24 ayes, 1 nay, 3 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 86, PAGE 69.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – November 22, 1991 TAX ANTICIPATION WARRANTS Tax Anticipation Warrants were presented for the following funds: Veterans Assistance Commission, Nursing Home, Health Department, IMRF, Insurance, Special Tax Matching, County Highway, Detention Home, Bridges Constructed by the County on Township and County Line Roads, General County, and Mental Health. Motion for approval by Mr. Hettel. Second by Mr. Wujek. Roll call vote; 24 ayes, 4 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 86, PAGES 70-81. MENTAL HEALTH 708 BOARD SERVICE CONTRACTS Mr. Garretson, Executive Director of the 708 Board, addressed the Board and explained the eleven agencies involved with the 708 Contracts. Those placed on file were: Streator Child Development Center, Lighted Way, Mental Health Center, Youth Service Bureau, The Council, Horizon House, Friendship House, Streator Unlimited, Easter Seal Center, Alternatives to Domestic Violence, and Open Door. He read his letter addressed to the Chairman and Board members which reviewed the services offered by the 708 Board and stated how proud he was to have been a part of the mental health system of LaSalle County for the past 17 years. Mr. Garretson was given a standing round of applause. SEE RECORD BOOK 86, PAGES 82-104. 1991-92 TAX LEVY Mr. Hettel presented the 1991-92 Tax Levy in the amount of $8,539,000.00. Motion to approve the levy in the amount of $8,539,000.00 by Mr. Lambert. Second by Mr. Novak. Mr. Novak complimented the Finance Committee on all the work they had done. Roll call vote; 24 ayes, 1 nay, 3 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 86, PAGE 105-115. MOTION Mr. Lambert made a motion to allow the Nursing Home Committee to purchase a 50 lb. washer if the amount exceeds $5,000.00. Second by Mr. Hageman. Roll call vote; 24 ayes, 4 absent. Motion carried.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – November 22, 1991 SEE RECORD BOOK 86, PAGE 116. MISCELLANEOUS REPORTS & CORRESPONDENCE A report from the Illinois Department of Revenue stating that the County Supplemental Tax for August 1991 has been reported and collected in the amount of $141,361.66. SEE RECORD BOOK 86, PAGE 117. A report from the Illinois Department of Revenue stating that the County Sales Tax for August 1991 has been reported and collected in the amount of $43,317.30. SEE RECORD BOOK 86, PAGE 118. The County Clerk mentioned that sheets had been distributed to the Board members indicating their new district numbers to help when circulating their petitions. Motion to place all on file by Mr. Daugherity. Second by Mr. Garretson. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. ------Mr. Rosengren made a motion to adjourn. Second by Mr. Hageman. The next meeting will be held on Monday, December 9, 1991 at the Governmental Complex, Ottawa, Illinois at 1:00 P.M.


LaSalle County Board Minutes – November 22, 1991 STATE OF ILLINOIS ) COUNTY OF LASALLE ) RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE LASALLE COUNTY BOARD HELD AT THE GOVERNMENTAL COMPLEX, OTTAWA, ILLINOIS. BEGUN AND HELD ON THE SECOND MONDAY OF DECEMBER, A.D., 1991, IT BEING THE NINTH DAY THEREOF. STATE OF ILLINOIS ) COUNTY OF LASALLE ) The LaSalle County Board met pursuant to Statute at the Governmental Complex, Ottawa, Illinois, on the second Monday of December, A.D., 1991 it being the 9th day thereof. REORGANIZATION Chairman Johnson called the meeting to order at 1:14 P.M. Chairman Johnson asked the Clerk to call the roll for Mileage & Per Diem. PRESENT: 26 Members ABSENT: Mrs. Woodrich, Mr. Pike, and Mr. Panzica There were 26 ayes claiming mileage. Motion for approval by Mr. Hettel. Second by Mr. Combs. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 87, PAGE 1. Chairman Johnson called for any additions or corrections to the minutes. Motion to approve the minutes as presented by Mr. Daugherity. Second by Mr. Garretson. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. EXECUTIVE SESSION Mr. Rosengren made a motion to go into Executive Session. Second by Mr. Crowley. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. The room was cleared for executive session. Mr. Madden made a motion to end executive session. Second by Mr. Novak. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – December 9, 1991 RESOLUTION: APPROVAL OF FINAL PLAT OF HICKORY HILLS SUBDIVISION Mr. William Keith, Superintendent of the County Highway Department, submitted a resolution to approve the final plat of Hickory Hills Subdivision. Motion for approval by Mr. Caputo. Second by Mr. Lyons. Voice voice, one (1) nay. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 87, PAGES 2-3. RESOLUTION: SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD AREA ORDINANCE AMENDMENT Mr. Keith submitted a resolution that the ordinance regulating development in special flood hazard areas be the same and amended as follows: Section 2 g(v) be deleted in its entirety and in its place in words and figures as follows: "drilling, mining, filling, dredging, grading, excavating or other alterations of the ground water." Motion for approval by Mr. Krogulski. Second by Mr. Combs. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 87, PAGES 4-5. ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. Rosengren announced at this time that there was a meeting of the Sheriff's Committee at 2:00. RESOLUTION: SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE CHANGES Mr. Keith submitted a resolution to amend the LaSalle County Subdivision Regulation Ordinance. Mr. Banich, Asst. State's Attorney, explained all the changes to the members of the Board. Mr. Klever made a motion that the resolution be held over till next month's meeting so the members of the Board could review the proposed changes. Second by Mr. Freebairn. Roll call vote; 17 ayes, 3 nays, 8 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 87, PAGE 6.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – December 9, 1991 ANNOUNCEMENT: TITLE CHANGE Mr. Keith announced that as of January 1, 1992 the County Superintendents of Highways will officially be known as County Engineers. SEE RECORD BOOK 87, PAGES 7-8. REPORT: SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN Greg Chance, LaSalle County Solid Waste Management Coordinator, addressed the Board and announced that the Solid Waste Management Plan was complete and that a copy of the plan in booklet form had been distributed to each Board member for their personal use. He further stated that the plan came in under budget after the 2 1/2 years of planning.

.RESOLUTION: TIPPING FEE ORDINANCE Mr. Chance submitted an ordinance that authorizes the County to assess and collect fees from the owners or operators of sanitary landfills located within LaSalle County and recommended said ordinance be placed on file for 30 days and to hold it over for adoption until next month's meeting. Motion to place said ordinance on file for 30 days and to hold over the vote until next month's meeting by Mr. Crowley. Second by Mr. Krogulski. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. RESOLUTION: SOLID WASTE COORDINATOR LEASE A resolution was submitted that the Count enter into an agreement with the LaSalle County Health Department to lease Greg Chance for a period of one (1) year to act as Solid Waste Coordinator, and in addition shall lease two (2) additional employees to act as recycling coordinator and to provide clerical support for the same one (1) year period. The resolution further states that the County shall pay to the County Health Department $54,084.00 for the expense of this lease. Motion for approval by Mr. Hageman. Second by Mr. Madden. Roll call vote; 22 ayes, 2 nays, 4 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 87, PAGES 9-15.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – December 9, 1991 RESOLUTION: WORKER'S COMPENSATION SAFETY COORDINATOR LEASE A resolution was submitted that the County shall lease Greg Chance from the LaSalle County Health Department for a period of seven (7) months to act as the Worker's Compensation Safety Coordinator for LaSalle County. Said resolution further states that the County shall pay the LaSalle County Health Department $2,889.00 as and for expense of this lease. Motion for approval by Mr. Wujek. Second by Mr. Klever. Roll call vote; 24 ayes, 4 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 87, PAGES 16-22. MOTION Mr. Lambert made a motion that the cost of a Solid Waste Management Plan Book shall be $5.00. Second by Mr. Daugherity. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. REPORT: COMMITTEE WORK MISCELLANEOUS The quarterly report for Committee Work Miscellaneous was presented in the amount of $34,265.00. Motion for approval by Mr. Hettel. Second by Mr. Caputo. Roll call vote, 23 ayes, 5 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 87, PAGES 23-53. ANNOUNCEMENT: MR. PANZICA'S HEALTH CONDITION Chairman Johnson announced to the Board that Board member Joseph Panzica was hospitalized. MOTION: AMENDMENT TO EXISTING LABOR UNION CONTRACT Mr. Madden made a motion from the floor that the County Board Chairman be authorized and directed to enter into an agreement with AFSCME Council 31, Local #978 to amend the existing labor contract to provide for a $.40 increase in hourly wages effective December 1, 1991. The amendment further provides for an additional increase of $.10 per hour for craftsmen at the LaSalle County

LaSalle County Board Minutes – December 9, 1991 Highway Department, and an additional $.40 per hour for CNA's and LPN's at the LaSalle County Nursing Home. The Health Insurance provision shall be amended to increase the life time maximum to $500,000.00 except as to mental and psychological benefits. Employees shall pay $5.00 per month for individual insurance coverage, and $95.00 per month for family coverage. Second by Mr. Combs. Roll call vote; 22 ayes, 1 nay, 5 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 87, PAGES 54-55. RESOLUTION: COURT AUTOMATION FUND A resolution was submitted to establish an automated record keeping system in the Office of the Circuit Clerk and that said Clerk shall commence and collect a fee of $5.00 at the time of filing the first pleading, paper, or other appearance filed by each party in all civil cases or by the defendant in any traffic or quasi criminal cases, or both. Said fee shall be in addition to all other fees and charges of the LaSalle County Circuit Clerk and assessable as costs and shall be remitted monthly by such Clerk to the County Treasurer to be retained by him in a special fund designated as the Court Automation Fund. Motion for approval by Mr. Novak. Second by Mr. Hettel. Roll call vote; 22 ayes, 2 nays, 4 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 87, PAGES 56-60. RESOLUTION: COBRA INSURANCE RATES A resolution was submitted that the COBRA rates for the county health insurance policy be and are set at $186.00 per month for single coverage and $412.00 per month for family coverage. Motion for approval by Mr. Klever. Second by Mr. Freebairn. Roll call vote; 22 ayes, 1 nay, 5 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 87, PAGES 61-63. RESOLUTION: WORKMAN'S COMPENSATION PROGRAM A resolution was submitted authorizing the Insurance Committee to accept and enter into an agreement for the Workman's Compensation Program with Illinois Public Risk for a period of December 15, 1991 through December 15, 1992 at a cost of $321,738.00.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – December 9, 1991 Motion for approval by Mr. Daugherity. Second by Mr. Klever. Roll call vote; 24 ayes, 4 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 87, PAGES 64-66. RESOLUTION: AMENDMENT TO COBRA A resolution was submitted to allow the County to amend its insurance plan document to comply with the amendments to the federal statutes providing for the continuation of health insurance coverage after termination of employment (COBRA). Motion for approval by Mr. Klever. Second by Mr. Garretson. Same roll call vote, voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 87 PAGES 67-70. RESOLUTION: STATE'S ATTORNEYS OFFICE SALARIES A resolution was submitted setting the salaries of the following employees of the LaSalle County State's Attorneys Office for the fiscal year 1991-1992: R. Alvardo---$60,000.00; E. Grainy---$40,000.00; W. Thompson---$22,946.56; L. Rexroat---$19,223.36; and J. Trager---$14,085.76. Any amounts over the $.40 being granted to all County employees shall be paid from the LaSalle County State's Attorney's Drug Enforcement Fund 25. Motion for approval by Mr. Lyons. Second by Mr. Rosengren. Roll call vote; 23 ayes, 2 nays, 3 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 87, PAGES 71-73. RESOLUTION: SALARY INCREASE NON-UNION EXEMPT EMPLOYEES A resolution was submitted that all non-union exempt county employees, with the exception of County employees whose salaries are set by independent boards, those under contract with the County, and those employees whose salaries have been previously set by separate motion or resolution, be given a raise of $.40 per hour, effective December 1, 1991. Motion for approval by Mr. Combs. Second by Mr. Wujek. Roll call vote; 20 ayes, 1 nay, 7 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 87, PAGES 74-77.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – December 9, 1991 RESOLUTION: DISTRIBUTION OF FEES, FINES, COSTS & ADDITIONAL PENALTIES A resolution was submitted that LaSalle County go on record electing not to be subject to the provisions of the new Paragraph 27.5 of Chapter 25 of the Illinois Revised Statutes relating to the distribution of fees, fines, costs and additional penalties, until July 1st, 1992. Motion for approval by Mr. Crowley. Second by Mr. Wujek. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 87, PAGES 78-79. RESOLUTION: PLUMB'S ADDITION A resolution was submitted authorizing the Chairman of the County Board and LaSalle County Clerk to execute and attest a deed conveying to the City of Streator the property described as Lot 17, 18 and 19 in Block 6 in Plumb's Addition to the City of Streator, excepting therefrom mineral rights which may have heretofore been severed from the fee. Motion for approval by Mr. Novak. Second by Mr. Madden. Roll call vote; 20 ayes, 1 nay, 7 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 87, PAGES 80-83. BOARD OF REVIEW EXTENSION OF TIME A letter from the Board of Review of LaSalle County was read requesting an extension of time to March 15, 1992. Motion for approval by Mr. Freebairn. Second by Mr. McFadden. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 87, PAGE 84. APPOINTMENT: DRAINAGE DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS A resolution was submitted to reappoint as Drainage District Commissioners for three year terms, effective September 1, 1991 and expiring September 1, 1994 the following individuals: D.D. #1 Ophir, Kermit Svendsen; D.D. #2 Freedom & Wallace (Main District), Richard Thompson; D.D. #2 Freedom & Wallace (Subdistrict), Richard Thompson; and D.D. #1 Wallace & Dayton, Russell Krug.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – December 9, 1991 Motion for approval by Mr. Freebairn. Second by Mr. Martens. Voice vote, 1 nay. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 87, PAGES 85-86. APPOINTMENT: DANA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT A resolution was submitted to reappoint Howard Dunham as trustee of the Dana Fire Protection District for a three year term, expiring December 1994. Motion for approval by Mr. Lambert. Second by Mr. Garretson. Voice vote, 1 nay. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 87, PAGES 87-88. MISCELLANEOUS REPORTS & CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence from the Illinois Department of Revenue verifying business address locations for tax allocation purposes. SEE RECORD BOOK 87, PAGE 89. Report of receipts from the office of the LaSalle County Clerk for the period of December 1, 1990 through November 30, 1991. SEE RECORD BOOK 87, PAGES 90-92. The Quarterly Report ending November 30, 1991 for the LaSalle County School Service. SEE RECORD BOOK 87, PAGES 93-94. The Treasurers Investment Schedule dated December 3, 1991 was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 87, PAGE 95 A listing of new Democratic & Republican, regular & supplemental judges of election for 1992-1993 was submitted to place on file. SEE RECORD BOOK 87, PAGES 96-99. Motion to place all on file by Mr. Caputo. Second by Mr. Martens. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. ANNOUNCEMENT Chairman Johnson reminded the Board members of the Christmas Party to be held Friday, Decembe 13th, at the Illini Lounge in Marseilles.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – December 9, 1991 Mr. Krogulski announced that on Wednesday, December 11th, at 10:00 A.M., the Illinois EPA will be having an informational tour of the EUC incineration site and that all Board members were invited. ------Mr. Rosengren made a motion to recess. Second by Mr. Hageman. The next meeting will be held January 13th, 1992 at the Governmental Complex, Ottawa, Illinois, at 1:00 P. M.


LaSalle County Board Minutes – December 9, 1991