STATE OF ) COUNTY OF LASALLE ) The LaSalle County Board met pursuant to recess at the Governmental Complex, Ottawa, Illinois, on the third Friday of January, A.D., 1997 it being the 17th day thereof. Due to the weather conditions on the regular scheduled date of the 16th, this meeting was rescheduled to the 17th. SEE RECORD BOOK 105, PAGE 59 This is the 3rd meeting of our December 1996 Session. Chairman Hettel stated that the Siting Committtee will have a short meeting before the board session begins. Mr. Stockley stated that the public was not given enough notice of this meeting, therefore, the siting committee was not entitled to meet at this time. After discussion with legal counsel, it was determined that the committee will have the meeting before the regularly scheduled board session. All siting committee members left the room. Chairman Hettel called the meeting to order at 10:25 a.m. Mr. Panzica wanted it made a part of the record that he objects to the delay in starting the board session. It was scheduled to begin at 9:30 a.m. and didn't start until 10:25 a.m. Chairman Hettel asked the Clerk to call the roll for mileage & per diem. PRESENT: 27 Members ABSENT: Mr. Mowinski, Mr. Rosengren There were 21 ayes claiming mileage. Motion by Mr. Madden to approve the roll call for mileage & per diem, second by Mr. Combs. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 105, PAGE 60 Chairman Hettel called for any additions or corrections to the December 16th, 1996 minutes. Motion by Mr. Mustered to approve the December 16th minutes as presented, second by Mr. Dittmer. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – January 17, 1997 RESOLUTION: POSTHUMOUSLY HONOR A resolution was submitted to posthumously honor former County Board Member Mary Stevenson who passed away last month. Motion by Mr. Lambert to approve the resolution honoring Mary Stevenson, second by Mr. Hageman. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 105, PAGE 61 RESOLUTION: SITING COMMITTEE REPORT A resolution was submitted by the Siting Committee, recommending to the LaSalle County Board that the application of LandComp Corporation for site approval of a new pollution control facility be denied. Motion by Mr. Franzetti to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Landers. Mr. Rubin, the attorney for LandComp, objected to opening the floor for futher public comment. The public comment period ended on January 13th, therefore, he feels no other individuals should be allowed to comment on the issue. Mr. Hettel explained that, with prior notice, individuals are allowed to speak at County board meetings, according to the County Board Rules. Robert Eschbach reminded the members that they must make their decision based only on what is on the record, not on any comment made today. Edmund Thornton, a representative of R.A.P.E., addressed the Board and stated five major concerns they have with the proposed landfill. He also reminded the Board that their pending vote on the issue must be limited to the established record and the nine statutory requirements. He urged the Board to vote NO on the LandComp Application. SEE RECORD BOOK 105, PAGES 62-65 Chairman Hettel stated at this time that Senator Pat Welch was slated to speak to the Board also, but had not yet arrived. He stated that, if he should appear before the issue is voted on, he will be allowed to address the Board. MINORITY REPORT Mr. Stockley addressed the Board and presented the minority report. The report basically stated that the original vote of the LaSalle County Board in

LaSalle County Board Minutes – January 17, 1997 March 1996 was correct, and that the siting application with conditions A-Z be approved by the board. It was also stated that the present committee did not consider prior testimony. After the Polution Control Board sent the application back to the County, they were instructed to also consider the financial information contained in Volume VII and the information in the CDM Report along with the nine statutory criteria. He stated that the original committee felt that each of the nine criteria had been satisfactorily addressed in the application. In a committee session on January 14th, 1997, the new siting committee again discussed these criteria and agreed by vote that only seven of the nine had been met in the application. Criteria number two, which addresses the public health safety and welfare and number three, which addresses the effect on property values, were questioned and denied by a vote of 3-2. This mornings protested, unannounced meeting of the siting committee was held for the benefit of new committee member, Mr. Foltynewicz, who changed his vote on criteria number eight, in reference to meeting the needs of the Solid Waste Management Plan, thereby making it three criteria that the new committee felt were not being met in the application. The minority group concurs with Dr. Shoenberger's findings concerning all the information submitted prior to the second set of hearings. The second set of hearings was held strictly to discuss the CDM Report and the contents of Volume VII. In conclusion, the minority group requests that the Board vote against the committee's recommendation denying the application of LandComp. Motion by Mr. Stockley to place the minority report on file, second by Mrs. Woodrich. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 105, PAGES 66-71 MAJORITY REPORT Mr. Franzetti addressed the Board and gave a majority report. He stated that this report reflects actual testimony from the minutes of the hearings. Briefly, he stated that the application failed to meet the criteria through the host agreement of the Solid Waste Management Plan. He also stated that the committee was instructed to base their decisions on these criteria, and also

LaSalle County Board Minutes – January 17, 1997 information from the CDM Report and the financial information in Volume VII that was not included at the first set of hearings. The majority group believes that the financial statement only proved that LandComp was a new company, never has built a sub-title D landfill and did not have the funds capable of building such a landfill. Mr. Franzetti stated that in reference to the lack of Dr. Schoenberger's second report, he feels that Dr. Schoenberger was hired to conduct the hearings as a hearing officer, not an engineer. The majority group's concerns were that the application lacked detailed development projections in construction and also in waste placement. These issues were not defined in the application. The application only studied vertical movement of the water in the shale and coal layers above the St. Peter sandstone. It did not study the lateral movement. He believes that the health, safety and welfare of the public issue is in deep trouble according to this application in at least four important areas: lateral movement of water under and around the site, the Tiskilwa Till, the size of the leachate collecting system, and inconsistency with the host agreement. Mr. Franzetti concluded that the Board members cannot make any determination on this application based on economic factors. It must be based on the nine criteria and the host agreement. He strongly suggested that they vote in favor of the committee's recommendation to deny the application of LandComp. REPORTS & DISCUSSION Mr. Panzica stated that he wanted the record to reflect his objection to the committee not taking Dr. Schoenberger's report in consideration during the second set of hearings. Mr. Hageman also questioned why Dr. Schoenberger's report was not considered by the committee during the second set of hearings. Mr. Martens read a statement he prepared in regards to this issue. He stated that the committee made every attempt to consider all the issues of concern to the public and to meet all federal and state requirements. Conditions were attached to the vendor's application to further protect the health, safety and welfare of the citizens in the area. There will be a thorough and constant monitoring of the landfill to assure that the people in the area are protected. He

LaSalle County Board Minutes – January 17, 1997 wants to be certain, if the landfill is approved, that the objectors concerns are being addressed. He further stated that he feels that this landfill will be safe and will meet the needs of the citizens of LaSalle County. Mr. Piecha reported on the written comments from the public that were submitted into the record for the hearings. He felt that these comments were not emotionally made, but were mainly made objecting to the design and effects that were brought out at the hearings and that these people did extensive research to support their findings. Chairman Hettel called for a five minute recess at this time in order to change the tape on the recorder. Mr. Foltynewicz addressed the Board and thanked the Chairman for making him a member of the siting committee. He stated that he read all the transcripts from the previous set of hearings and the host agreement. He believes that the proposed site and design does not meet the standards to protect the health, safety and welfare of the public, and the concern of traffic volume. He requested that the Board vote in favor of the committee's recommendation. Ms. Newcomer stated that she also had attended the past hearings of the siting committee. She believed that Mr. Inman's responses were very clear, and that Mr. DeGroot is very experienced in his field. She feels that the opposition presented no proof or evidence to back up their theories on the site being unsafe. She was also opposed to the fact that Dr. Schoenberger's report and the CDM Report were not taken into consideration during this set of siting hearings. Mr. McConville stated that, as a state certified appraiser, it was his opinion that this landfill will have a devestating effect on the properties in the area. Ms. Woodrich also commented on the written public comments. She agreed that some were written very emotionally, but also, some made unprofessional, rude comments in reference to several board members. Mr. Piecha pointed out that Patrick Engineering is no longer a part of the designing/construction part of this landfill. The engineers that did the work on the site have seperated themselves and have formed their own company.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – January 17, 1997 Chairman Hettel called for a roll call vote on the resolution on the committee's recommendation to deny the application of LandComp Corporation to site a new landfill in LaSalle County: 12 ayes, 14 nays, 2 absent. Motion defeated. SEE RECORD BOOK 105, PAGES 72-76 RESOLUTION: APPROVING APPLICATION OF LANDCOMP CORPORATION A resolution was submitted to approve the application of LandComp Corporation for site approval of a new pollution control facility in LaSalle County, subject to the conditions listed A-Z. Motion by Mr. Stockley to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Madden. Roll call vote was held to approve the application with conditions A-Z: 15 ayes, 11 nays, 2 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 105, PAGES 77-84 RESOLUTION: #97-01 VARIANCE TO SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE Mr. William Keith, County Engineer, submitted a resolution on behalf of the County Development Committee, requesting a variance to the subdivision ordinance for August and Herbert Brickert to be allowed a 2.9 acre tract of land with a frontage of +300 feet on ILL. Route 18 and +400 feet on County Highway 29. Motion by Mr. Dittmer to approve the variance for August & Herbert Brickert, second by Mr. Panzica. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 105, PAGES 85-86 RESOLUTION: #97-02 VARIANCE TO SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE Mr. Keith submitted a resolution requesting a variance to the subdivision ordinance for John & George Kaforski to be allowed 4 two acre tracts of land with 205.6 feet of frontage on North 40th Road. Motion by Mr. Franzetti to approve the variance for John & George Kaforski, second by Mr. Foltynewicz. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 105, PAGES 87-88

LaSalle County Board Minutes – January 17, 1997 Chairman Hettel stated that the appointments that were listed on the agenda will be held over to next month's meeting. MISCELLANEOUS REPORTS & CORRESPONDENCE A report from the Illinois Department of Revenue stating that the County Supplemental Tax for October 1996 has been reported and collected in the amount of $190,693.71. SEE RECORD BOOK 105, PAGE 89 A report from the Illinois Department of Revenue stating that the County Sales Tax for October 1996 has been reported and collected in the amount of $43,037.87. SEE RECORD BOOK 105, PAGE 90 The Annual Report from the office of the County Clerk for the period of December 1, 1995 through November 30, 1996 was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 105, PAGES 91-93 The Annual Financial Report for Probation and Court Services for the period of December 1, 1995 through November 30, 1996 was submitted to place on file. SEE RECORD BOOK 105, PAGES 94-101 Motion by Mrs. Cogdal to place all on file, second by Mr. Hageman. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. PUBLIC COMMENT Patricia Janz requested to speak to the Board at this time. She is the landowner of the property directly south of the proposed landfill. She asks that the Board reconsider conditions A and C of the resolution approving the landfill because they are discriminatory towards her. In A, Mr. DeGroot builds and maintains the berm on his property; in C, the berm would be built on her property and maintained by her. This would move the foot-print of the landfill further south which would put it less than 1,000 feet from her farm wells. She further stated that she would like to look into Mr. DeGroot's financial affairs. The land she is speaking of is held in a trust and she does not have the power to break that trust without going to court. If she is forced to go into court on this matter, she will request that the 'court pierce the corporate veil' surrounding Mr.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – January 17, 1997 DeGroot's financial affairs, those he has turned in and others that he may have. She is most interested in his investors and investments. She wants to be sure in her own mind that any of these investors are not, at this time, members of this Board or have been past members of the Board. EXECUTIVE SESSION Motion was made by Mr. Garretson to go into executive session to discuss pending litigation, second by Mr. Janko. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. The room was cleared for executive session. Motion by Mr. Dittmer to go back into regular session, second by Ms. Newcomer. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. ------Mr. Panzica moved to recess until February 13th, 1997 at 1:00 p.m. in room 250 at the Governmental Complex, second by Mr. Franzetti. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. Chairman Hettel declared the meeting recessed to February 13, 1997.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – January 17, 1997 STATE OF ILLINOIS ) COUNTY OF LASALLE ) The LaSalle County Board met pursuant to recess at the Governmental Complex, Ottawa, Illinois, on the second Thursday of February, A.D., 1997 it being the 13th day thereof. This meeting is the 4th meeting of our December 1996 Session. Chairman Hettel called the meeting to order at 1:09 p.m. Chairman Hettel asked the Clerk to call the roll for mileage & per diem. PRESENT: 23 Members ABSENT: Mr. Madden, Mr. Mowinski, Mr. Rosengren, Mr. Panzica, Mr. Combs, Mr. Lambert. There were 21 ayes claiming mileage. Motion by Mr. Dittmer to approve the roll call for mileage & per diem, second by Mr. Rigby. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 105, PAGE 102 Chairman Hettel called for any additions or corrections to the January 17th, 1997 minutes. Motion by Mr. Landers to approve the January 17th minutes as presented, second by Mr. Dittmer. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. STUDENT EXCELLENCE AWARDS Richard Myers, Asst. Supt. of Schools, introduced four students who were awarded the Student Excellence Awards for the month; from Tonica Grade School, Cory Bengsten; from Holy Cross School in Mendota, Corinne Bend; from St. Patrick's School in Ottawa, Patricia Weihman; and from Holy Family School in Oglesby, Amanda Hitterman. The Chairman presented award plaques to the students and each received applause from the Board. RESOLUTION: #97-01 COUNTY ENGINEER'S SALARY Mr. Stremlau, Asst. Enforcement Officer of the County Highway Department, submitted a resolution requesting the sum of $63,700.00 be appropriated from the county's allotment of Motor Fuel Tax Funds for the purpose of paying the salary of the LaSalle County Engineer from January 1, 1997 to December 31, 1997.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – February 13, 1997 Motion by Mr. Jordan to approve the appropriation of funds for said salary, second by Mr. Landers. Roll call vote: 22 ayes, 6 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 105, PAGES 103-105 RESOLUTION: #97-02 MAINTENANCE COSTS FOR 1997 A resolution was submitted providing for the appropriation of $750,000.00 from the Motor Fuel Tax Fund to cover maintenance costs from January 1, 1997 through December 31, 1997 for section 97-00000-00-GM, Patrol #1. Motion by Mr. McConville to approve the appropriation, second by Mr. Garretson. Same roll call vote; voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 105, PAGES 106-107 RESOLUTION: #97-03 CLASS III TRUCK ROUTE DESIGNATION A resolution was submitted designating County Highway 21 from the Wedron Silica Plant entrance in unincorporated Wedron to Illinois Route 71 as a Class III truck route. Motion by Mr. McConville to approve the designation, second by Mr. Foltynewicz. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 105, PAGES 108-114 RESOLUTION: #97-04 1997 IMPROVEMENT PLAN A resolution was submitted outlining the one-year 1997 Improvement Plan which serves to update the five-year plan adopted February 14th, 1996 as resolution #96-07. Motion by Mr. Piecha to adopt the 1997 Improvement Plan, second by Mr. Rigby. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 105, PAGES 115-118 RESOLUTION: #97-05 CLASS III TRUCK ROUTE DESIGNATION A resolution was submitted designating County Highway 6 from Illinois Route 170 to the east county line as a Class III truck route. Motion by Mr. Savitch to approve the designation, second by Mr. Jordan. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 105, PAGES 119-127

LaSalle County Board Minutes – February 13, 1997 REPORT: 1996 LASALLE COUNTY ANNUAL REPORT The LaSalle County Highway 1996 Annual Report was submitted to place on file. Motion to place on file by Mr. Janko, second by Mr. McGurk. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 105, PAGE 128 RESOLUTION: #97-04 VARIANCE TO SETBACK ORDINANCE A resolution was submitted requesting a variance to the setback ordinance for John Bedeker to build a grain bin in Otter Creek Township. Variance is null and void if construction has not begun within one year. Motion by Mr. Franzetti to approve the variance for Mr. Bedeker, second by Mr. Garretson. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 105, PAGES 129-130 RESOLUTION: #97-05 VARIANCE TO SUBDIVISON ORDINANCE A resolution was submitted requesting a variance to the subdivision ordinance for Ray and Eileen Weber to convey a two acre tract to their daughter and son-in-law in Manlius Township. Motion by Mrs. Allender to approve the variance for the Webers, second by Mr. Dittmer. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 105, PAGES 131-132 RESOLUTION : #97-06 VARIANCE TO SETBACK ORDINANCE A resolution was submitted requesting a variance to the setback ordinance for Paul Thell on behalf of Cargill to build an unloading structure adjacent to Illinois Route 71 in South Ottawa Township. Motion by Mr. Landers to approve the variance for Cargill, second by Mr. Hageman. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 105, PAGES 133-135 RESOLUTION: #97-07 VARIANCE TO SETBACK ORDINANCE A resolution was submitted requesting a variance to the setback ordinance for Porfirio and Helen Rubio to build a house adjacent to Illinois Route 71 and 351 in Eden Township.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – February 13, 1997 Motion by Mr. Martens to approve the variance for the Rubios, second by Mr. Foltynewicz. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 105, PAGES 136-137 RESOLUTION: #97-09 VARIANCE TO SETBACK ORDINANCE A resolution was submitted requesting a variance to the setback ordinance for John and Marie Durdan to build a garage on North 19th Road in Vermillion Township. Motion by Mr. Jordan to approve the variance for the Durdans, second by Mrs. Cogdal. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 105, PAGES 138-139 RESOLUTION: AMENDMENT TO THE SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE A resolution was submitted amending Section 11 (F) of the LaSalle County Subdivision Regulations Ordiance. Motion by Mr. Jordan that the amendment be held over until the next meeting, second by Mr. Hageman. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. The amendment will be placed on file in the County Clerk's office for review and will be voted on at the March meeting. RESOLUTION: BALLOT COUNT WITNESSES FOR CONSOLIDATED PRIMARY ELECTION A resolution was submitted setting forth the names of those individuals who will be allowed to view the ballot counting process for the February 25th, 1997 Consolidated Primary Election. Motion by Mrs. Woodrich to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Dittmer. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 105, PAGES 140 RESOLUTION: POLLING PLACES FOR CONSOLIDATED PRIMARY ELECTION A resolution was submitted listing the polling places to be used for the February 25th, 1997 Consolidated Primary Election.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – February 13, 1997 Motion by Mr. Small to approve the list of polling places, second by Ms. Newcomer. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 105, PAGES 141-142 RESOLUTION: ASSESSMENT METHODS AND SYSTEMS OF TAXATION OF PROPERTY A resolution was submitted by the Tax & Treasurer's Committee recommending that applicable Illinois Statutes pertaining to the assessment methods and system of taxation of property, in particular, that of manufactured homes, including mobile homes, modular units, and all pertinent accessory private structures, which allows such units to pay a deminimus portion of the cost of providing infrastructure and services, be amended by the Illinois State Legislature to more reasonable and equitably distribute the assessment and taxation of property among the population. Motion by Mr. Dittmer to approve the resolution, second by Mr. McConville. MOTION TO AMEND Mr. Stockley made a motion to amend the resolution in the 6th paragraph, replacing the words "Planning, Zoning and Agriculture Committee" with the words " Tax & Treasurer's Committee", second by Ms. Newcomer. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. Voice vote on the resolution as amended, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 105, PAGES 143-145 REPORT: V.A.C. - MARTIN RUE Martin Rue, Supt. of the V.A.C., addressed the Board members and brought them up to date on the efforts to obtain the additional 80 beds at the Veteran's Home in LaSalle. He reported on the study that was conducted by the Department of Veterans Affairs and the hearings that were held to determine where the most bed shortage was in the State of Illinois. He also mentioned that LaSalle County already sent a resolution, dated March 12th, 1996, recommending the additional beds for these veterans be placed in the LaSalle area. In February 1996, Senate Bill 98 was passed stating that 5.5 million dollars will be appropriated for a special care facility to be built in Manteno,

LaSalle County Board Minutes – February 13, 1997 Illinois. There are approximately 90 persons currently on the waiting list for the LaSalle facility, as opposed to the 35 or 40 on the list for Manteno with these applications being from the LaSalle area, because those clients have to get in somewhere. He requests that the County continue writing our legislators pleading that they continue the fight for this facilty to be built in the LaSalle area. RESOLUTION: CONTINUED SUPPORT OF VETERANS FACILITY Mr. Foltynewicz addressed the Board and submitted a resolution again requesting that the State of Illinois allocate funds to meet federal requirements in order to alleviate the shortage of beds at the Illinois Veterans Home in LaSalle. Motion by Foltynewicz to approve said resolution, second by Mr. Janko. Discussion ensued MOTION Mr. Dittmer moved that the resolution go back to committee to correct several errors in the content, and to amend it to mention the previous date it was first passed, second by Mr. Piecha. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. The resolution will then be brought back to the board for approval. Mr. Foltynewicz also stated that February 14th is National Salute Day to Hospitalized Veterans. RESOLUTION: MARSEILLES TIF CHALLENGE A resolution was submitted directing the Finance Committee to appropriate $125,000.00 for the purpose of reviewing and challenging Marseilles TIF III. Motion by Mr. Mustered to approve the appropriation, second by Ms. Newcomer. Discussion followed as to why the designated amount of $125,000.00 is mentioned. MOTION TO AMEND Motion by Mr. Stockley to amend the resolution in the last paragraph by removing the dollar amount of $125,000.00 and replacing it with "sufficient funds" and also amend the second paragraph by removing the last three words, "being made whole" and inserting "receiving 51% of the County Levy", second by

LaSalle County Board Minutes – February 13, 1997 Mr. McGurk. Voice vote on the amendment, all ayes. Motion carried. Roll call vote on the resolution as amended; 21 ayes, 1 nay, 6 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 105, PAGES 146-148 RESOLUTION: CONTRACT WITH SUSAN GRANDONE- SCHROEDER A resolution was submitted stating that the County will enter into a one year contract with Susan Grandone-Schoeder, with a one year renewal option under the same terms and conditions for services to facilitate and help develop a Comprehensive Land Use Plan and Zoning Ordinance for LaSalle County. Motion by Mr. Stockley to approve the contract, second by Ms. Newcomer. Discussion ensued. MOTION: EXECUTIVE SESSION Motion by Mr. Mustered to go into executive session to discuss personnel, second by Mr. Dittmer. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. The room was cleared for executive session. Motion by Mr. Mustered to go back into regular session, second by Mr. McGurk. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. MOTION Motion by Mr. Small to table the resolution/contract with Susan Grandone- Schroeder until the Zoning Committee appointees are named and they bring it back to the board for recommendation at the next board meeting, second by Mr. McGurk. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion tabled. ANNOUNCEMENT Chairman Hettel announced that in regards to the smoking policy in the county buildings, the only designated smoking areas in the complex are the lobbies and the coffee room on the second floor. APPOINTMENT: MARSEILLES CEMETERY ASSOCIATION A resolution was submitted to reappoint Harry Kline, Allen Spencer, Arlene J. Campbell, Richard Burton and Gary Fleming as trustees of the Marseilles Cemetery Association for six year terms expiring January 1, 2003.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – February 13, 1997 Motion by Mrs. Allender to approve the reappointments, second by Mr. McConville. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 105, PAGES 149-150 APPOINTMENT: LOSTANT COMMUNITY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT A resolution was submitted to reappoint Terrance Patyk as a trustee of the Lostant Community Fire Protection District for a three year term, effective May 1, 1997 and expiring April 30, 2000. Motion by Mr. Garretson to approve the reappointment, second by Mr. Small. Voice vote, one nay. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 105, PAGES 151-152 APPOINTMENT: OGLESBY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT A resolution was submitted to reappoint Jack Mills as a trustee of the Oglesby Fire Protection District for a three year term, effective May 1, 1997 and expiring April 30, 2000. Motion by Mr. Dittmer to approve the reappointment, second by Mrs. Cogdal. Voice vote, one nay. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 105, PAGES 153-154 APPOINTMENT: DIMMICK-PERU RURAL FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT A resolution was submitted to reappoint Robert V. Smith as a trustee of the Dimmick-Peru Rural Fire Protection District for a three year term, effective May 1, 1997 and expiring April 30, 2000. Motion by Mr. Hageman to approve the reappointment, second by Ms. Newcomer. Voice vote, one nay. Motion carried. SEE RECORD 105, PAGES 155-156 APPOINTMENT: DRAINAGE DISTRICTS A resolution was submitted to reappoint the following individuals as trustees of their respective drainage districts for three year terms beginning September 1, 1996 and expiring September 1, 1999: Lawrence Lyons to Drainage District #2 Wallace, and Allan Jacobs to Drainage District #1 Adams/Earl.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – February 13, 1997 Motion by Mrs. Woodrich to approve the reappointment, second by Mr. Small. Voice vote, one nay. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 105, PAGES 157-158 APPOINTMENT: TRI-COUNTY OPPORTUNITIES COUNCIL Chairman Hettel announced that Mr. Piecha has been appointed to serve on the Tri-County Opportunities Council. APPOINTMENT: LAND USE AND ZONING COMMITTEE Chairman Hettel appointed the following individuals to serve on the Land Use and Zoning Committee of LaSalle County: Mr. Stockley, Chairman; Mr. McConville, Vice Chairman; Mr. Garretson, Mr. Jordan, Mr. Savitch and Mr. Small to represent the County Board. John Hughes from Streator will represent the Soil & Water Conservation District, and James Maierhoffer and Robert Miller will represent the townships. The County Development Committee will handle subdivisions, flood plain and building permits. The Land Use & Zoning Committee will only be dealing with the development of the Land Use & Zoning Ordinance for LaSalle County. Their first meeting is scheduled for February 21st, 1997. REPORT: ZONE 4 MEETING Mrs. Allender reported that the Zone 4 meeting was held on Saturday, February 1st and tax caps were discussed and that Mr. Panzica spoke in favor of the additional beds needed at the LaSalle Veteran's facility. She also stated that a legislative meeting was also held on February 8th, hosted by Senator Patick Welch, Representative Frank Mautino and Representative Mary K. O'Brien. They reported on the issues of tax caps, TIF's and the ComEd case. Mr. Franzetti addressed the issue of reimbursement of meals to the Tax Caps Committee. According to the county by-laws, meals are only reimbursed if the meeting is held outside the County of LaSalle. The committee provides the speakers at these meetings. After much discussion, Chairman Hettel responded by stating that this issue will be handled as according to the by-laws of the county.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – February 13, 1997 MISCELLANEOUS REPORTS & CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence to the Illinois Department of Revenue regarding business address verification for tax allocation purposes was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 105, PAGES 159-166 Correspondence from Christina C. Dougherty, a 5th grade teacher at Waltham Grade School, supporting the current D.A.R.E. program and Deputy Mike Hammen and requests that the Board continue to fund this program. SEE RECORD BOOK 105, PAGE 167 A report from the Illinois Department of Revenue stating that the County Supplemental Tax for November 1996 has been reported and collected in the total amount of $183,102.17. SEE RECORD BOOK 105, PAGE 168 A report from the Illinois Department of Revenue stating that the County Sales Tax for November 1996 has been reported and collected in the total amount of $34,862.12. SEE RECORD BOOK 105, PAGE 169 Correspondence from the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency stating that a construction permit is being proposed for Huntsman Corporation in Peru. Comments regarding the proposed issuance of this permit must be postmarked by midnight March 18, 1997. SEE RECORD BOOK 105, PAGES 170-176 The Treasurer's Investment Schedule dated February 3, 1997 was submitted to place on file. SEE RECORD BOOK 105, PAGE 177 Motion by Mr. Rigby to place all on file, second by Mr. Stockley. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. MOTION: EXECUTIVE SESSION Motion by Mr. Landers to go back in executive session to discuss pending litigation, second by Mr. McConville. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. The room was cleared for executive session. Motion by Mr. Dittmer to go back in open session, second by Mr. Foltynewicz. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – February 13, 1997 MOTION Motion by Mr. Franzetti that in the event of a re-trial or a re-hearing in the Carver et al vs. Condie case, the County of LaSalle shall provide the Sheriff of LaSalle County, Anthony condie, with counsel and shall indemnify said sheriff against any judgement in his official capacity, second by Ms. Newcomer. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 105, PAGE 178 ------Mr. Savitch moved to adjourn until March 10, 1997 at 1:00 p.m. in room 250 at the Governmental Complex, second by Mr. Franzetti. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. Chairman Hettel declared the meeting adjourned to March 10, 1997.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – February 13, 1997 STATE OF ILLINOIS ) COUNTY OF LASALLE ) RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE LASALLE COUNTY BOARD HELD AT THE GOVERNMENTAL COMPLEX, OTTAWA, ILLINOIS. BEGUN AND HELD ON THE SECOND MONDAY OF MARCH, A.D., 1997, IT BEING THE 10TH DAY THEREOF. STATE OF ILLINOIS ) COUNTY OF LASALLE ) The LaSalle County Board met pursuant to Statute at the Governmental Complex, Ottawa, Illinois, on the second Monday of March, A.D., 1997 it being the 10th day thereof. This meeting is the 1st meeting of our March 1997 Session. Chairman Hettel called the meeting to order at 1:12 p.m. Chairman Hettel asked the Clerk to call the roll for mileage & per diem. PRESENT: 23 Members ABSENT: Mr. Madden, Mr. Mowinski, Mr. Rosengren, Ms. Newcomer, Mr. Lambert, Mr. McGurk. There were 21 ayes claiming mileage. Motion by Mr. Combs to approve the roll call for mileage & per diem, second by Mr. Dittmer. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE BOOK 105, PAGE 179 Chairman Hettel called for any additions or corrections to the February 13th, 1997 minutes. Motion by Mr. Hageman to approve the February 13th minutes as presented, second by Mr. Piecha. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. STUDENT EXCELLENCE AWARD William Novotney, Supt. of Schools, introduced the student who had been awarded the Student Excellence Award for the month; from St. Pat's School in LaSalle, Ellen Vogelgesang. The Chairman presented her with an award plaque and she received a round of applause from the Board.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – March 10, 1997 RESOLUTION: CO. HIGHWAY #97-06 ADOPT-A-HIGHWAY PROGRAM Mr. William Keith, County Engineer of the County Highway Department, submitted a resolution from the County Highway Committee for developing an Adopt-a-Highway Program. Motion for approval by Mr. Piecha, second by Mr. Mustered. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 105, PAGES 180-181 RESOLUTION: CO. HIGHWAY #97-07 A resolution was submitted by the County Highway Committee appropriating $185,000 Motor Fuel Tax Funds, and $210,000 Matching Tax Funds for the bituminous resurfacing of Section 97-00117-01-RS, (C.H. 19 from C.H. 9 East to C.H. 1). Motion for approval by Mr. Garretson, second by Mr. Jordan. Roll call vote; 22 ayes, 6 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 105, PAGES 182-185 RESOLUTION: CO. HIGHWAY #97-08 A resolution was submitted by the County Highway Committee appropriating $240,000 Motor Fuel Tax Funds, and $240,000 Matching Tax Funds for the bituminous widening and resurfacing of Section 97-00276-00-WR (C.H. 21 from Wedron to ILL Route 71). Motion for approval by Mr. McConville, second by Mr. Combs. Same roll call vote; voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 105, PAGES 186-188 RESOLUTION: CO. HIGHWAY #97-09 A resolution was submitted by the County Highway Committee appropriating $270,000 Motor Fuel Tax Funds, $245,000 Matching Tax Funds and $18,000 County Highway Funds for the bituminous resurfacing of Section 97-00278-00- RS (C.H. 15 from C.H. 6 North to C.H. 55). Motion for approval by Mr. Foltynewicz, second by Mr. Rigby. Same roll call vote; voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – March 10, 1997 SEE RECORD BOOK 105, PAGES 189-191 RESOLUTION: CO. HIGHWAY #97-10 A resolution was submitted by the County Highway Committee appropriating $25,000 Motor Fuel Tax Funds, $25,000 Matching Tax Funds and $18,000 County Highway Funds for engineering for the construction of Section 89-00449- 00-BR (C.H. 18 Dayton Bridge with approaches). Motion for approval by Mr. McConville, second by Mr. Landers. Same roll call vote; voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 105, PAGES 192-194 RESOLUTION: CO. HIGHWAY #97-11 A resolution was submitted by the County Highway Committee appropriating $245,000 Motor Fuel Tax Funds, and $245,000 Matching Tax Funds for the bituminous resurfacing of Section 97-00279-00 RS (C.H. 22 from ILL Route 23 East to C.H. 2). Motion for approval by Mr. Combs, second by Mr. Foltynewicz. Same roll call vote; voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 105, PAGES 195-197 RESOLUTION: CO. HIGHWAY #97-12 A resolution was submitted by the County Highway Committee appropriating $150,000 County Highway Funds for the bituminous resurfacing of Section 97- 00277-00-RS (C.H. 6 from ILL Route 170 East to the County Line); and appropriating $288,000 County Highway Funds for the bituminous resurfacing of Section 97-00235-00-RS (C.H. 8 from C.H. 57 Northeasterly to ILL Route 71). Motion for approval by Mr. Dittmer, second by Mr. Hageman. Same roll call vote; voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 105, PAGES 198-200 RESOLUTION: WAIVING OF PERMIT FOR FLOOD VICTIMS A resolution was submitted by the County Development Committee stating that the required fees for floodplain and building permits are waived for those individuals who seek to repair or rebuild structures damaged by the February and March 1997 floods. Any application for such floodplain or building permit that is

LaSalle County Board Minutes – March 10, 1997 not obtained within six (6) months of the date of this resolution shall be required to pay the normal fees. Motion by Mr. Franzetti to approve the waiver, second by Mrs. Woodrich. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 105, PAGES 201-202 RESOLUTION: AMENDING SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE Motion by Mr. Franzetti to remove the Resolution amending the Subdivision Ordinance from the table, second by Mr. Foltynewicz. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. The resolution amending the LaSalle County Subdivision Regulations Ordinance was submitted, requesting that Section XI (F) of the ordinance be amended as follows: "Streets leading to a subdivision must be a minimum type A-3" shall be deleted and replaced by the following sentence: "If the Township Road Commissioner requires, then streets leading to a subdivision must be a minimum type A-3." Motion by Mr. Franzetti to adopt the amendment, second by Mr. Jordan. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 105, PAGES 203-204 ANNOUNCEMENT Chairman Hettel announced that he has received a letter from Elizabeth Ramsey, Administrator of the LaSalle County Nursing Home, commending Bill Keith and the County Highway employees for their recent hard work in maintaining an egress for the nursing home during the latest flooding incident. Their dedication prevented any possible need for evacuation. RESOLUTION: BALLOT COUNTING WITNESSES FOR APRIL 1, 1997 CONSOLIDATED ELECTION A resolution was submitted setting forth the names of those individuals who will be allowed in the office of the County Clerk to view the ballot counting process for the April 1, 1997 Consolidated Election. Motion by Mr. Martens to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Dittmer. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – March 10, 1997 SEE RECORD BOOK 105, PAGE 205 RESOLUTION: POLLING PLACES FOR APRIL 1, 1997 CONSOLIDATED ELECTION A resolution was submitted listing the polling places that will be used for the April 1, 1997 Consolidated Election. Motion by Mr. Foltynewicz to approve the list of polling places, second by Mrs. Cogdal. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 105, PAGES 206-208 RESOLUTION: STATE'S ATTORNEYS APPELLATE PROSECUTOR A resolution was submitted stating that the County Board does hereby support the continued operation of the Office of the State's Attorneys Appellate Prosecutor and designates the Office of the State's Attorneys Appellate Prosecutor as its agent to administer the operation of the appellate offices and process said appellate court cases for the county. Motion by Mr. Garretson to approve the resolution, second by Mrs. Allender. Roll call vote; 22 ayes, 6 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 105, PAGES 209-210 RESOLUTION: ADDITIONAL CARE BEDS FOR VETERANS HOME IN LASALLE A resolution was submitted by the Veterans Assistance Commission Committee urging Governor Edgar and all members of the Illinois General Assembly to support a commitment on behalf of the State of Illinois to allocate the needed funds to meet the federal requirement in order to construct the 80 additional nursing care beds and additional support services for the operation of those beds at the Illinois Veterans Home in LaSalle, Illinois. Motion by Mr. Panzica to approve the resolution for the additional beds, second by Mr. Foltynewicz. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 105, PAGES 211-213

LaSalle County Board Minutes – March 10, 1997 MOTION Mr. Foltynewicz stated that since this resolution has been passed in support of the additional beds, he will withdraw his motion from the February 13th meeting that a similar resolution be sent to all representatives and legislatures requesting same; Mr. Janko also withdrew his second. RESOLUTION: ALCOHOL AWARENESS MONTH A resolution was submitted stating that the LaSalle County Board joins with General Barry McCaffrey, Director of the Federal Office of National Drug Control Policy, in proclaiming April 1997 as Alcohol Awareness Month in LaSalle County. Motion by Mr. McConville to approve the resolution, second by Ms. Koban. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 105, PAGE 214 RESOLUTION: HERITAGE CORRIDOR VISITORS BUREAU A resolution was submitted recognizing the Heritage Corridor Visitors Bureau as the agency to promote convention and tourism business in LaSalle County. Motion by Mr. Dittmer to adopt the resolution, second by Mr. Landers. Motion by Mr. Mustered to table the resolution and that it go to the Finance Committee for further consideration, second by Mr. Janko. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion tabled. RESOLUTION: BOARD RULE CHANGE A resolution was submitted to change Section 29 of the LaSalle County Board Rules in regards to Conventions and Seminars reimbursement. The resolution will be held over for one month to be reviewed by committee before the vote is taken. Motion by Mr. Hageman to lay the resolution over, second by Mr. Landers. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. COMMITTEE WORK MISCELLANEOUS The Quarterly Report for Committee Work Miscellaneous was submitted in the total of $44,311.80.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – March 10, 1997 Motion by Mr. Combs to approve the Quarterly Report, second by Mr. Franzetti. Roll call vote; 22 ayes, 6 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 105, PAGES 215-246 The Quarterly Report for the Liquor Commission was submitted in the total amount of $2,100.00. Motion by Mr. Mustered to approve the quarterly report for the Liquor Commission, second by Mr. Piecha. Same roll call vote; voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 105, PAGE 247 MOTION Motion by Mr. Landers that the Liquor Commission be paid on a regular payroll check not on a vendor check, second by Mr. Hageman. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. REPORT Mr. Stockley reported that the zoning committee has decided to advertise for a full-time zoning coordinator for LaSalle County. The ad has been placed in all area papers. APPOINTMENT: EARLVILLE COMMUNITY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT A resolution was submitted to reappoint Frederick Mende as a trustee of the Earlville Community Fire Protection District for a three year term beginning May 1, 1997 and expiring May 1, 2000. Motion by Mr. Stockley to approve the reappointment of Mr. Mende, second by Mr. Small. Voice vote, one nay. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 105, PAGES 248-249 MISCELLANEOUS REPORTS AND CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence to Chairman Hettel from Larry Frye commending the park ranger at Catlin Park, Terry McCormick, for his great job of upkeeping the park's trails and the steps he takes to make sure all visitors have a "sense of security" while they enjoy their stay at the park. SEE RECORD BOOK 105, PAGE 250

LaSalle County Board Minutes – March 10, 1997 The LaSalle County Detention Home Annual Report for the period of December 1995 through November 1996 was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 105, PAGE 251 A copy of the correspondence to Chairman Hettel from Elizabeth Ramsey regarding the County Highway Department was placed on file. SEE RECORD BOOK 105, PAGE 252 Correspondence from the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency stating that a federally enforceable State Operating Permit for Northern Illinois Gas Company of Troy Grove is being proposed. Public comments on the proposed issuance of this permit must be postmarked by midnight April 19, 1997. SEE RECORD BOOK 105, PAGES 253-264 Motion by Mrs. Allender to place all on file, second by Mr. Foltynewicz. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. ANNOUNCEMENT Chairman Hettel stated that Melva Allender has been appointed to the Tri- County Opportunities Council. RESOLUTION: PUBLIC HEALTH WEEK Margo Gallagher Schmitz addressed the Board and submitted a resolution to declare April 7th through the 13th, 1997 as Public Health Week in LaSalle County. Motion by Mrs. Allender to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Dittmer. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 105, PAGE 265 MOTION: EXECUTIVE SESSION Motion by Mr. Mustered to go into executive session to discuss pending litigation, second by Mr. Savitch. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. The room was cleared for executive session. Motion by Ms. Koban to come out of executive session and back into regular session, second by Mr. Piecha. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – March 10, 1997 ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. Foltynewicz stated that he believes it would be a good idea if the park ranger at Starved Rock, Terry Cross, would mention the trails that are available at Catlin Park to his park visitors. REPORT Mr. Piecha and Mrs. Allender report on the programs available through the Tri-County Opportunities Council. It was stated that approximately 40% of children of low income families are being cared for by grandparents. The office has had numerous calls from these grandparents asking if there was any sort of financial help available through the federal government to assist them with this care. It is estimated that by the year 2002, over 50% of these children will be cared for by their grandparents. ------Motion by Mr. Savitch to recess until April 10, 1997 at 1:00 p.m. in room 250 at the Governmental Complex, second by Mr. Garretson. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. CHAIRMAN HETTEL DECLARED THE MEETING RECESSED TO APRIL 10, 1997.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – March 10, 1997 STATE OF ILLINOIS ) COUNTY OF LASALLE ) The LaSalle County Board met pursuant to recess at the Governmental Complex, Ottawa, Illinois, on the second Thursday of April, A.D., 1997 it being the 10th day thereof. This meeting is the 2nd meeting of our March 1997 Session. Chairman Hettel called the meeting to order at 1:15 p.m. Chairman Hettel asked the Clerk to call the roll for Mileage & Per Diem. PRESENT: 26 Members ABSENT: Mr. Madden, Mr. Lambert, Mr. McGurk There were 23 ayes claiming mileage. Motion by Mr. Foltynewicz to approve the roll call for mileage & per diem, second by Mr. Combs. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 106, PAGE 1 Chairman Hettel called for any additions or corrections to the March 10th, 1997 minutes. Motion by Mr. Dittmer to approve the March 10th minutes as presented, second by Mr. Hageman. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. Rigby addressed the Board and thanked all the members and staff for their expressions of sympathy and condolences to him and his family for their loss due to the death of his son Jeffery. STUDENT EXCELLENCE AWARDS Mr. William Novotney, Supt. of Schools, introduced the two students who has been awarded the Student Excellence Award for the month; from Lincoln Jr. High School in LaSalle, Greg Veselsky, and from Waltham Community Consolidated School, Melissa Marusich. The students received their award plaques from the Chairman and were applauded by the Board. REPORT: BUYOUT PROGRAM FOR FLOOD VICTIMS Mr. Stremlau introduced Mike Vinmill, a representative of FEMA, who brought the Board up to date on the buyout program for the flood victims during

LaSalle County Board Minutes – April 10, 1997 the summer of 1996. He stated that the application for acquisition was submitted to FEMA in November 1996. From there, it is reviewed by the Acquisition Relocation Committee, which is made up of representatives from the Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Illinois Emergency Management Agency, DECA and also an individual from FEMA, although this person does not take an active role in voting. In early March 1997, the Acquisition Relocation Committee considered the LaSalle County acquisition. The application is actually for 17 structures, with a total project cost of over $920,000.00. The federal government will participate 75% of this total cost and there is a required 25% local match remaining. On March 31, 1997 the acquisition was recommended and after FEMA reviewed the application, a few questions came up, primarily with the local match and where it would be coming from, but these have been answered and resolved. There also were a few URA (Uniform Relocation Act) questions, because we are dealing with a mobile home park. They are working with the project development, which has not been officially approved by FEMA. They are currently still doing the paper work, but hopefully in the near future, there will be a decision whether FEMA will participate in this project. RESOLUTION: #97-10 VARIANCE TO SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE Mr. Stremlau submitted a resolution on behalf of the County Development Committee requesting a variance to the subdivision ordinance for Delbert E. Weber, located in Northville Township. Motion by Mr. Mowinski to approve the variance, second by Mr. Rosengren. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 106, PAGES 2-3 RESOLUTION: #97-11 VARIANCE TO SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE A resolution was submitted requesting a variance to the subdivision ordinance for Delmar Charles Henneke located in Dayton Township. Motion by Mr. Panzica to approve the variance, second by Mr. Jordan. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 106, PAGES 4-5

LaSalle County Board Minutes – April 10, 1997 RESOLUTION: #97-12 FINAL PLAT APPROVAL - TIMBERS EDGE SUBDIVISION A resolution was submitted accepting the final plat of Timbers Edge Subdivision in Serena Township. Motion by Mr. Rosengren to accept the final plat of Timbers Edge Subdivision, second by Mr. Dittmer. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 106, PAGES 6-7 RESOLUTION: #97-13 FINAL PLAT APPROVAL - WINDING CREEK SUBDIVISION A resolution was submitted accepting the final plat of Winding Creek Subdivison in Earl Township. Motion by Mr. Stockley to accept the final plat of Winding Creek Subdivision, second by Mr. Mowinski. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 106, PAGES 8-9 RESOLUTION: #97-14 FINAL PLAT APPROVAL - WINDRIDGE SUBDIVISION A resolution was submitted accepting the final plat of Windridge Subdivision in Serena Township. Motion by Mr. Panzica to accept the final plat of Windridge Subdivision, second by Mr. Rigby. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 106, PAGES 10-11 Mr. Mowinski addressed the Board and on behalf of the residents of Northville Township, he thanked the County Development Committee and the engineers who toured the area during the most recent flood event involving Northville Township. RESOLUTION: FEMA REMAPPING A resolution was submitted by the County Development Committee requesting the FEMAS's remapping effort include a remapping of the Lake Holiday area to clarify flood elevations.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – April 10, 1997 Motion by Mr. Mowinski to approve the request, second by Mr. Jordan. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 106, PAGES 12-13 RESOLUTION: 1997 FARM PROGRESS SHOW A resolution was submitted stating that compliance with the LaSalle County Building Permit Ordinance is waived for the temporary buildings, structures and improvements of the 1997 Farm Progress Show to be held in Brookfield Township; provided that all said temporary buildings, structures and improvements shall be removed withing 30 days after the final day of the Show, or said buildings, structures and improvements will be considered permanent and will require compliance with the LaSalle County Building Permit Ordinance, as amended. Motion by Mr. Garretson to approve the resolution, second by Mrs. Allender. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 106, PAGES 14-15 RESOLUTION: AMENDING BUILDING PERMIT ORDINANCE A resolution was submitted amending the LaSalle County Building Permit Ordinance, last amended on November 22, 1996, to clarify certain language for clearer standards and procedures and to clarify the "start of construction." The various sections being amended are as follows: Section A, #6; Section B, #7; Section C, #8; Section D - a; Section E - Article 5; Section F - Article 6; Section G - Article 7; and Section H - Article 8. Motion by Mr. Franzetti to approve the amendments to the Building Permit Ordinance, second by Mr. Hageman. Voice voice, all ayes. Motion carried. The amendments will be placed on file in the Clerk's office for review and will be voted on at the next meeting. REPORT: OUTSIDE AUDIT Jay Mickow, a representative of Clifton, Gunderson & Company, the outside auditors for LaSalle County, addressed the Board and discussed the audit for the fiscal year ending November 30, 1996. It is in their opinion that the financial position of LaSalle County, as of November 30, 1996, and the results of it's

LaSalle County Board Minutes – April 10, 1997 operations and cash flows of it's proprietary fund types and nonexpendible trust fund for the year ended are in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles. In accordance with the Government Auditing Standards, they also issued a report on the county's internal control structure and compliance with laws and regulations. No material weakness in internal control and no instances of noncompliance were found. As a part of the audit, they also conducted an audit on federal financial assistance and there were no instances of noncompliance. It is their opinion that LaSalle County is in a good, strong financial position. Motion by Mr. Mustered to place the Audit on file, second by Mr. Landers. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 106, PAGE16 RESOLUTION: ESTABLISHING ARRESTEE'S MEDICAL COSTS FUND A resolution was submitted to establish an Arrestee's Medical Cost Fund. Under the provisions of Public Act 89-676, established a fee of $10.00 for each conviction or order of supervision for a criminal violation other than a petty offense or a business offense. The fee shall be taxed as costs to be collected from each defendant upon conviction or entry of an order of supervision and said fee shall not be considered a part of the fine for purposes of any reduction in the fine. All such fees collected shall be deposited by the County in a fund to be established and known as the "Arrestee's Medical Cost Fund" and shall be used solely for reimbursement of costs for medical expenses relating to the arrestee and administration of the fund as provided by Section 17 of the County Jail Act (730 ILCS 125/17). Said fund shall be administered by the County Board. Motion by Mr. McConville to approve the establishment of the Arrestee's Medical Costs Fund, second by Mr. Mustered. Roll call vote; 24 ayes, 4 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 106, PAGES 17-22

LaSalle County Board Minutes – April 10, 1997 RESOLUTION: CHANGES TO COUNTY RULE BOOK A resolution was submitted to alter or amend the County Rule Book under Section 29 to further clarify the rules concerning per diem and expenses incurred by Board members while attending conferences/conventions. Said resolution applies to all Board members, department heads and employees of LaSalle County. Motion for approval by Mr. Hageman, second by Mr. Small. MOTION TO AMEND Mr. Franzetti moved to amend the resolution to include a #5; "if two or more members of the county decide to share the same room only one room rate for all included can be charged; no compounding room charges to obtain an upgraded room", second by Mr. Mowinski. Discussion ensued. MOTION TO TABLE Mr. Martens moved to table the amendment and send it back to Legislative & Rules Committee for further consideration, second by Mrs. Allender. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. Roll call vote on original resolution ; 24 ayes, 1 nay, 3 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 106, PAGES 23-25 ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. Foltynewicz stated the he opposes the organization that is trying to have the train located on Boyce Memorial Drive moved to Mendota. He would like it to go on record that the Board also is in opposition of same if county roads are to be used for the move. A recess was called in order to have the tape changed on the recorder. MISCELLANEOUS REPORTS & CORRESPONDENCE Audit Reports from the Illinois Department of Transportation covering the receipts and disbursements of the Motor Fuel Tax Funds and the Township Bridge Program Funds for the road districts of LaSalle County for the periods of January 1, 1993 through December 31, 1996 were submitted.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – April 10, 1997 SEE RECORD BOOK 106, PAGE 26 A report from the Illinois Department of Revenue stating that the county supplemental tax for December 1996 has been reported and collected in the amount of $228,401.70. SEE RECORD BOOK 106, PAGE 27 A report from the Illinois Department of Revenue stating that the county sales tax for December 1996 has been reported and collected in the amount of $49,595.25. SEE RECORD BOOK 106, PAGE 28 Correspondence from the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency stating that a federally enforceable state operating permit is being proposed for the Northern Illinois Gas Company of Ancona. Comments on the proposed issuance of this permit are to be postmarked by midnight April 19, 1997. SEE RECORD BOOK 106, PAGE 29 A copy of the resolution from the LaSalle County Mayor's Association that was adopted on February 13th, 1997 concerning the imposition of tax caps was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 106, PAGES 30-32 A Financial Report from Probation & Court Services for the period of December 1, 1996 through February 28, 1997 was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 106, PAGES 33-39 The Quarterly Report from the LaSalle County Detention Home for the period of December 1996 through February 1997 was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 106, PAGES 40-44 A corrected Committees list was submitted to place on file. SEE RECORD BOOK 106, PAGES 45-48 Correspondence to the Illinois Department of Revenue regarding business address verification for tax allocation purposes was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 106, PAGES 49-57 A report from the Illinois Department of Revenue stating that the county supplemental tax for January 1997 has been reported and collected in the total amount of $154,613.84. SEE RECORD BOOK 106, PAGE 58

LaSalle County Board Minutes – April 10, 1997 A report from the Illinois Department of Revenue stating that the county sales tax for January 1997 has been reported and collected in the total amount of $34,207.19. SEE RECORD BOOK 106, PAGE 59 Correspondence from the Madison County Board with a resolution that was passed by their county concerning alternative school funding was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 106, PAGES 60-61 Correspondence from Senator Patrick Welch and Representative Dan Rutherford stating that they had received a copy of the resolution passed by LaSalle County on March 10th concerning the need for additional beds at the veterans care facility in LaSalle and stating that they both are supporting this issue was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 106, PAGES 62-63 The Treasurer's Investment Schedule dated April 1, 1997 was submitted to place on file. SEE RECORD BOOK 106, PAGE 64 Motion by Mr. Janko to place all on file, second by Mr. Combs. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. MOTION Mr. Panzica moved to recognize Eric Siebert, Mr. Janko's grandson, for placing 5th in the nation at a recent wrestling competition, second by Mr. Hageman. Eric was a wrestler of LaSalle-Peru High School with a record of 46 wins, 40 of which were pins. APPOINTMENT: SENECA RURAL FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT A resolution was submitted to reappoint William P. Mitchell as a member of the Seneca Rural Fire Protection District for a three year term beginning May 1, 1997 and expiring April 30, 2000. Motion by Mr. Combs to approve the reappointment of Mr. Mitchell, second by Mr. Foltynewicz. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 106, PAGES 65-66

LaSalle County Board Minutes – April 10, 1997 APPOINTMENT: SERENA COMMUNITY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT A resolution was submitted to reappoint David Arntzen as a member of the Serena Community Fire Protection District for a three year term beginning May 1, 1997 and expiring April 30, 2000. Motion by Mr. Rosengren to approve the reappointment of Mr. Arntzen, second by Mr. Mowinski. Voice vote, one nay. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 106, PAGES 67-68 APPOINTMENT: MARSEILLES FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT A resolution was submitted to reappoint Ronald R. Peddicord as a member of the Marseilles Fire Protection District for a three year term beginning May 1, 1997 and expiring April 30, 2000. Motion by Mr. Combs to approve the reappointment of Mr. Peddicord, second by Mrs. Allender. Voice vote, one nay. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 106, PAGES 69-70 REPORT: ZONING COMMITTEE UPDATE Mr. Stockley reported that the Zoning Committee is in the process of interviewing for the position of full-time zoning coordinator of LaSalle County. Sixteen applications had been received and five interviews have already been conducted. He also stated that eleven townships have already passed their own zoning ordinances, but once the county has established their ordinance, it will supercede any township ordinance. REPORT: H.B. 2702 Mrs. Allender gave a report of H.B. 2702 which the Governor signed on March 7th. This issue consists of applying a tax to be used for crime prevention, detention and other public safety purposes and would have to be initiated by resolution of the county board before it can be put on the ballot as a referenda. ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. Dittmer commented that the City of Streator was still very much interested in being considered the proposed site for the new prison, and would

LaSalle County Board Minutes – April 10, 1997 like the Board to consider having a resolution drawn up to send to the Governor emphasizing the fact that it will greatly benefit the residents of Streator with future job prospects. Chairman Hettel remarked that the Legislative & Rules Committee will look into this matter. MOTION: EXECUTIVE SESSION Motion by Ms. Newcomer to go into executive session to discuss the pending ComEd issue, second by Mrs. Cogdal. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. The room was cleared for executive session. Motion by Mr. Panzica to go back into regular session, second by Mr. Mowinski. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. MOTION Mr. Mustered moved "that the Chairman of the LaSalle County Board and the County Clerk be, and they are hereby directed and authorized to execute the "Real Property Settlement Agreement" by and among the County of LaSalle, ComEd and the other parties hereto in substantially the form appended hereto. Be it further moved that in the event all of the parties named and identified in the aforesaid agreement do not accept and approve the same, the Chairman of the LaSalle County Board and County Clerk be, and they are hereby authorized and directed to approve and execute a settlement agreement with ComEd in substantial conformity with the terms and conditions outlined by the county attorney whereby all pending tax objection litigation shall be dismissed and the county shall have no duty to make repayment to ComEd for any excessive tax assessment for the years 1991 through 1995, inclusive.", second by Mr. Landers. Roll call vote was held on the motion; 22 ayes, 1 abstain, 5 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 106, PAGES 71-89 ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. Franzetti stated that a tax cap meeting will be held at 6:30 p.m. on April 15th, 1997 at the Glassworkers Hall on Madison Street, Ottawa. Paul Love, of the Ottawa Tax Payer's Association will be the speaker.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – April 10, 1997 ------Motion by Mr. Savitch to recess until May 8, 1997 at 1:00 p.m. in room 250 at the Governmental Complex, second by Mr. Franzetti. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. CHAIRMAN HETTEL DECLARED THE MEETING RECESSED TO MAY 8, 1997.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – April 10, 1997 STATE OF ILLINOIS ) COUNTY OF LASALLE ) The LaSalle County Board met pursuant to recess at the Governmental Complex, Ottawa, Illinois, on the second Thursday of May, A.D., 1997 it being the 8th day thereof. This meeting is the 3rd meeting of our March 1997 Session. Chairman Hettel called the meeting to order at 1:17 p.m. Chairman Hettel asked the Clerk to call the roll for Mileage & Per Diem. PRESENT: 24 Members. ABSENT: Mr. Mowinski, Mr. Lambert, Mr. McGurk. There were 21 ayes claiming mileage. Motion by Mr. Combs to approve the roll call for mileage and per diem, second by Mrs. Cogdal. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 106, PAGE 90 Chairman Hettel called for any additions or correction to the April 10th, 1997 minutes. Motion by Mr. Rigby to approve the April 10th minutes as presented, second by Mr. Foltynewicz. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. RESOLUTIONS: POSTHUMOUSLY HONOR ARTHUR MADDEN & JOSEPH PANZICA A resolution was submitted to posthumously honor County Board member Arthur D. Madden who passed away April 11th. A resolution was submitted to posthumously honor County Board member Joseph Panzica who passed away April 24th. Motion by Mr. Janko to approve both resolutions honoring said board members, second by Mr. Hageman. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. A moment of silence was observed in their honor. SEE RECORD BOOK 106, PAGES 91-92 STUDENT EXCELLENCE AWARDS Mr. Richard Myers, Asst. Supt. of Schools, introduced the two students who had been awarded the Student Excellence Awards for the month; from Wallace

LaSalle County Board Minutes – May 8, 1997 Grade School, Sarah Holverson; and from Marseilles Elementary School, Brittani Diss. The students received their award plaques from the Chairman and were applauded by the Board. ENVIRONMENTAL CONTEST AWARDS Scott Cofoid, Supervisor of Environmental Services & Land Use, announced the winners of the Environmental Contest sponsored by that department. The winners in the 1st & 2nd Grade division were -- 1st place; Courtney Weiber, Blackstone School, the only entry. The 1st place winner in the 3rd & 4th Grade division were Kelly Perrin & Nicholas Krenz from Lincoln School in Mendota; the 2nd place winner was Audra Lieski from Marseilles Elementary School. The 1st place winner in the 5th & 6th Grade division was Micah Yergler from Lincoln School in Mendota, and the 2nd place winners were the Waltham Green Team from Waltham Grade School. There were no entries in the 7th & 8th Grade Category. The 1st place winners in the high school division were the L-P Green Team from LaSalle-Peru High School, the only entry. ANNOUNCEMENT: RETIREMENT OF RECORDER OF DEEDS A letter of resignation from LaSalle County Recorder of Deeds, Eugene Novotney was read, said resignation effective May 30th, 1997. Mr. Novotney has been recorder for the past 32 years. Motion by Hageman to accept said resignation with regret, second by Mr. Garretson. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. Mr. Novotney addressed the Board to thank them for their cooperation and friendship during his time as Recorder of LaSalle County and received a standing round of applause. SEE RECORD BOOK 106, PAGE 93 ANNOUNCEMENT: RESIGNATION OF SUSAN GRANDONE SCHROEDER A letter to the Chairman from Susan Grandone Schroeder resigning as Director of Environmental Services and acting zoning administrator, effective January 31, 1997 was read.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – May 8, 1997 Motion to accept said letter of resignation by Mr. McConville, second by Mr. Dittmer. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 106, PAGE 94 REPORT: ZONING & PLANNING COMMITTEE Mr. Stockley, Chairman of the Zoning & Planning Committee, addressed the board to report that the committee had interviewed approximately 16 candidates over a four day period for the position of Zoning Co-ordinator for LaSalle County. They decided on Jeffrey Harris, an individual from Winfield, Illinois with 17 years of experience in the field with a masters degree in geography, zoning & planning from Northeastern Illinois University. Mr. Harris addressed the Board to introduce himself and answered various questions from several members. RESOLUTION: ZONING COORDINATOR A resolution was submitted to hire Jeffrey Harris as the LaSalle County Zoning Coordinator at a salary level of $50,000.00 per year. Motion by Mr. Rosengren to approve the hiring of Mr. Harris, second by Mr. Stockley. MOTION TO AMEND Mr. Mustered moved to amend the resolution to include the starting date of May 19th, 1997, second by Mr. Landers. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. Roll call vote to approve the resolution as amended; 23 ayes, 3 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 106, PAGES 95-98 RESOLUTION: #97-15 VARIANCE TO SETBACK ORDINANCE William Keith, County Engineer of the LaSalle County Highway Department, addressed the Board and submitted a resolution on behalf of the County Development Committee requesting a variance to the setback ordinance for Ron Chrzanowski to build a garage on Lot 2934 in Farm Acres Subdivision in Ottawa Township. Motion by Mr. Foltynewicz to approve the variance, second by Mr. Franzetti. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 106, PAGES 99-100

LaSalle County Board Minutes – May 8, 1997 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES & LAND USE - AMENDING BUILDING PERMIT ORDINANCE The resolution that was held over from last month's meeting on amending the LaSalle County Building Permit Ordinance was brought back to the floor for approval. Motion by Mr. McConville to approve the amendments to the LaSalle County Building Permit Ordinance, second by Mrs. Allender. Roll call vote; 23 ayes, 3 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 106, PAGES 101-105 HEALTH DEPARTMENT: SEWAGE ORDINANCE Julie Kerestes, from the LaSalle County Health Department, addressed the Board and explained a proposed amendment to Article II, Section D of the LaSalle County Health Ordinance regarding private sewage disposal. The proposed amendment concerns mechanical units and sand filters and mandatory continuing service on these types of units because they do create a discharge of treated effulent to the ground surface. She stated that the Health Department will be taking public comments on said amendment up to June 4th, 1997. Mr. Franzetti recognized Helen Underwood, a resident of Ottawa, who addressed the Board in regards to the proposed amendment. She is a homeowner with a mechanical unit. It is her belief that this proposed amendment is unfair and costly to all homeowners with such units because it would be their responsibility to hire a qualified licensed individual for the maintenance servicing, where the sand filter unit owners are going to be allowed to do their own maintenance servicing. She feels that the amendment should be re-written. Mrs. Allender stated the Mrs. Underwood should call the Health Department and ask to be put on the agenda to speak on this subject at the May 15th, 1997 Board of Health meeting scheduled for 9:00 a.m. Ms. Newcomer recognized Joe Deters, a resident of LaSalle. He stated that he is a homeowner with one of these aeration systems. The County Health Board recommended this type of system to him when his home was being built,

LaSalle County Board Minutes – May 8, 1997 since they are the ones who stipulate where these systems can go in and where they cannot. They will now have the additional expense of trying to maintain them when actually it was the Board who have required that type of system to be installed in the first place. Mr. Foltynewicz recognized Burt Hess, a resident who lives in the Fox River area. He stated that he too has a mechanical system that was installed by a contractor and it has been inspected once to put some chlorine in it and then he left. He would like some system to be set up where property owners could obtain a sample, take it to some local disposal plant that has been contracted out and let them do the testing. RESOLUTION: INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT - CITY OF MENDOTA A resolution was submitted in enter into an intergovernmental agreement with the City of Mendota in regards to the TIF's. Motion by Mr. Mustered to approve the agreement, second by Ms. Newcomer. Roll call vote was held to approve the agreeement; 22 ayes, 1 pass, 3 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 106, PAGES 106-111 Mr. Mustered stated that talks with the City of Marseilles, through their attorney, Larry Baxter, have resulted in an agreement being drawn up by the attorney and drafted by the developer, that is acceptable to the county because it does indicate that the county will get the 51% and no litigation will be necessary. It basically states that 40 % will come from the City of Marseilles and the additional 11% will be made up from the developer. This should be ready to bring to the board meeting for approval at the June meeting. RESOLUTION: OPPOSITION TO H.B. #525 A resolution was submitted stating that the LaSalle County Board opposes the adoption by the Illinois Legislature and Governor of House Bill 525, relating to Tax Increment Financing Districts, in its present form as amended. Mrs. Allender gave a report on what was discussed at the Springfield conference in reference to said H.B. 525.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – May 8, 1997 Motion by Mr. Mustered to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Dittmer. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 106, PAGES 112-113 RESOLUTION: NURSING HOME GRANT A resolution was submitted to enter into an agreement with North Central Illinois Council of Governments, for a lump sum fee of $1,500.00, for application and coordination services for a Community Development Assistance Program (CDAP) Grant on behalf of LaSalle County. Motion by Mr. Janko to approve the grant application, second by Mr. Small. Mr. Robert Renwick, of Renwick & Associates, addressed the Board and addressed the preliminary engineering estimates of replacement/repair of the existing water supply facility at the County Nursing Home. He estimated that the costs would be as follows: new well at $40,000.00; new elevated storage tank at $240,000.00; demolition of old storage tank at $25,000.00; add four new yard hydrants and additional water mains with one of the hydrants connected to the pump that takes water from the river and the other three would be connected to the elevated storage tank and the potable water supply at a cost of $20,000.00; and water treatment facilities including aeration, filtration and softning at a cost of $180,000.00. The total estimated construction costs of $505,000.00; grant administration costs of $25,000.00 (from North Central Council once into the construction phase); engineering costs of $70,000.00 which brings the total to a $600,000.00 total package. The maximum grant amount is $400,000.00 but the County would not get this full amount, so they would have to make up the difference. The grant program is very competitive and the deadline date for the application is October 19, 1997. The grant award will be announced sometime in February and opening bids will begin approximately in the fall of 1998. Chairman Hettel called for a roll call vote on the application agreement; 21 ayes, 1 nay, 4 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 106, PAGES 114-128

LaSalle County Board Minutes – May 8, 1997 RESOLUTION: SMOKING PROHIBITED A resolution was submitted stating that no person shall smoke in a public place under the jurisdiction and control of LaSalle County according to all terms and provisions as stated in the Illinois Clean Indoor Act. Motion by Mr. Hageman to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Rigby. The resolution will be held over for one month before it will be adopted. ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. Jordan brought it to the Board's attention that today was Mr. Garretson's birthday and the Board acknowledged him with a round of applause. CITIZEN COMMENTS - PROPOSED PRISON IN STREATOR AREA Chairman Hettel opened the floor to concerned citizens who wished to speak on the subject of the possibility of a proposed prison being built in the Streator area. Fred Baker, a resident of Otter Creek Township. He spoke on behalf of a group of individuals from Otter Creek Township known as the Concerned Streatorland Citizens. They oppose the proposed prison being built in their area because these rural residents had no opportunity to vote on said issue as did the residents of the City of Streator. Mr. Baker is also the secretary of the Board of Otter Creek-Hyatt School District #56. He read a letter addressed to the LaSalle County Board Members which stated that the school district also opposes this issue based on the following three reasons: 1) the residents of District #56 were never involved in the planning process for a prison, nor were they given the an opportunity to vote on the issue in the last election, 2) the proposed site encompassess a significant portion of the district's EAV which, if used for a prison, would drastically reduce the district's ability to levy adequate local tax dollars to support its educational programs, and 3) the district is too small with regards to facilities and services to accommodate any dramatic increase in student population which would occur if a prison is built in the district. SEE RECORD BOOK 106, PAGE 129 Luceille Werner, also a resident of Otter Creek Township, addressed the Board on the issue. She currently directs a nationally validated program for the

LaSalle County Board Minutes – May 8, 1997 U.S. Office of Education that serves 7,000 schools in the United States, 200 of which are in the State of Illinois. She has contacted educators and citizens of three cities that are relatively the same size as the City of Streator, where prisons are currently located, namely Pontiac, Danville and Canton. She was concerned with how it has effected their communities. It was reported to her that they had an increase in the number of new types of residents, an increase in property destruction and also an increase in gang activity. She requested that the Board seriously consider these effects before they support such an issue. Mr. Jordan recognized Charles Dominic, newly elected city council member of Streator. He stated that the surrounding townships of Streator and School District #56 were contacted for their opinions and were asked to put the issue on their ballots as a referenda for last November and April, but both declined. He believes that Streator needs the ecomonic growth stimulis and the estimated $18 million in wages and $500 million in construction funds would give Streator the boost it needs to grow in all directions, and it would also contribute to the economic strength of LaSalle County . He respects their opposition but asks that they join them to find other alternatives, other than the proposed prison. Fred Nimke, a representative of the carpenter's union, and on behalf of all the building and construction trades unions covering all of LaSalle County, especially the Streator area, stated this opportunity for jobs is desperately needed. Mr. Dittmer addressed the Board and reported that the city of Streator has been hit hard in the past several years with a major loss of employment. There were considerable applicants for the proposed prison site, most of them down state. He stated that the community is not growing and the estimated wages and construction funds would be a great advantage to the city and it's residents. He strongly urged the members of the board to support the resolution relating to the proposed prison being located in the Streator area. Mr. Garretson addressed the Board on behalf of a group of his constituents and requested that before the Board votes on this issue that they demand concrete facts from the City of Streator on the issue of where the city will find the

LaSalle County Board Minutes – May 8, 1997 revenue to purchase the land, and to provide sewer, water, gas and electricity to that area and how it will be funded. He also addressed the fact of what effect the prison will have on low income housing in that area as prisoners excercise their rights to have their families relocated nearby, as well as the costs the County will incur paying for the legal fees for these prisoners who wish to excercise these rights. The rural citizens of Otter Creek Township are also concerned with the permanent loss of productive farm land for this proposed prison site and asks that this be taken into consideration before voting on the issue. MOTION Mr. Hageman moved that the County of LaSalle remain impartial to the issue of supporting a proposed prison being located in the Streator area and take no action on the resolution to support the issue, second by Mrs. Allender. MOTION TO TABLE Mr. Franzetti moved to table Mr. Hageman's motion, second by Mr. Rigby. Roll call vote was held to table the motion; 5 ayes, 17 nays, 4 absent. Motion defeated. SEE RECORD BOOK 106, PAGE 130 (A recess was called in order to change the tape on the recorder) Mrs. Allender asked where the resolution came from. Chairman Hettel responded that it came up at a previous meeting and that he directed Legislative & Rules to draw it up. Chairman Hettel called for a roll call vote on Mr. Hageman's motion; 12 ayes, 9 nays, 1 present, 4 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 106, PAGE 131 APPOINTMENT: VICE-CHAIRMAN Chairman Hettel stated that due to the death of Mr. Panzica, he is nominating Mr. Combs to serve as Vice-Chairman of the LaSalle County Board. Roll call vote was held for the nomination of Mr. Combs; 22 ayes, 4 absent. Motion carried. Mr. Savitch moved that the nomination of Mr. Glen Combs as Vice-Chairman be approved, second by Mr. Dittmer. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – May 8, 1997 SEE RECORD BOOK 106, PAGE 132 APPOINTMENT: DISTRICT #13 Chairman Hettel appointed Mrs. Ruth Panzica to fill the vacancy in District #13 due to the death of Joe Panzica. Roll call vote was held to approve the appointment of Mrs. Panzica; 22 ayes, 4 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 106, PAGE 133 Chairman Hettel stated the vacancy created in District #1 due to the death of Mr. Madden, will be filled at the June meeting. APPOINTMENT: SHERIDAN COMMUNITY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT A resolution was submitted to appoint Robert L. Varnes as a trustee of the Sheridan Community Fire Protection District for a period of three years, commencing immediately and expiring on the first Monday of May, 2000. He will be replacing Stanley Forman who no longer desire to hold such office. Motion by Mr. Rosengren to approve the appointment of Mr. Varnes, second by Mrs. Cogdal. Voice vote, one nay. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 106, PAGES 134-136 APPOINTMENT: ALLEN TOWNSHIP FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT A resolution was submitted to reappoint Denise Lucas as a trustee of the Allen Township Fire Protection District for a period of three years with said term set to expire the first Monday of May, 2000. Motion by Mr. Garretson to approve the reappointment of Ms. Lucas, second by Mr. Jordan. Voice vote, one nay. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 106, PAGES 137-139 APPOINTMENT: BOARD OF REVIEW A resolution was submitted to reappoint James C. Mustered and William Strong as members of the LaSalle County Board of Review. Mr. Mustered's term of three years will be set to expire June 1, 2000 and Mr. Strong's term will expire June 1, 1999.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – May 8, 1997 Motion by Mr. Dittmer to approve the reappointments of Mr. Mustered and Mr. Strong, second by Ms. Newcomer. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 106, PAGE 140 APPOINTMENT: SENECA REGIONAL PORT DISTRICT A resolution was submitted to reappoint John Rivett as a member of the Seneca Regional Port District for a three year term beginning June 1, 1997 and expiring May 31, 2000. Motion by Mr. Combs to approve the reappointment of Mr. Rivett, second by Mr. Foltynewicz. Voice vote, one nay. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 106, PAGES 141-142 REPORT Mrs. Allender continued her report on the conference she attended in Springfield and briefly commented on what bills were discussed and where they now stand in the general assembly and how the Illinois County Boards Association feels about them. SEE RECORD BOOK 106, PAGE 143 ANNOUNCEMENTS Mr. Franzetti stated that the Tax Cap Committee will be meeting with the Oglesby AARP Organization at 1:30 p.m. at the Elks Lodge on May 27th, 1997 and later the same day, with the Kiwanis Club at Woody's in Peru at 6:30 p.m., and also on May 31st, 1997 at the lodge in Lake Holiday at 10:00 a.m. He also stated that tentatively, a meeting has been scheduled with the Ottawa AARP on June 17th, 1997 at the Glassworker's Hall in Ottawa. Ms. Newcomer stated the the TIF Task Force will be having a public information meeting on May 30th, 1997 at 7:30 a.m. (a breakfast meeting) at the Maples in Peru. Invititation will be sent to all municipal leaders and it will also be published in the paper. Chairman Hettel requested that the Finance Committee look into the issue of the 1/4% sales tax that would provided funding for jails and detention homes, and the formation of a building commission or a recommendation on whether one should be formed.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – May 8, 1997 MISCELLANEOUS REPORTS & CORRESPONDENCE The Treasurer's Investment Schedule dated May 1, 1997 was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 106, PAGE 144 Correspondence to the Illinois Department of Revenue regarding business address verification for tax allocation purposes was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 106, PAGES 145-151 A monthly report for the period of April 1, 1997 to April 31, 1997 from the Auditor's office was submitted to place on file. SEE RECORD BOOK 106, PAGES 152-157 Motion to place all on file by Mr. Small, second by Mr. Combs. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. ------Motion by Mr. Savitch to adjourn until June 9, 1997 at 1:00 p.m. in room 250 at the Governmental Complex, second by Mr. Franzetti. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. CHAIRMAN HETTEL DECLARED THE MEETING ADJOURNED TO JUNE 9, 1997.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – May 8, 1997 STATE OF ILLINOIS ) COUNTY OF LASALLE ) The LaSalle County Board met in a Special Session, pursuant to the call of the membership, at the Governmental Complex, Ottawa, Illinois on the fifth Friday of May, A.D., 1997, it being the 30th day thereof. SEE RECORD BOOK 106, PAGE 158 INTRODUCTION Chairman Hettel introduced Mrs. Ruth Panzica, who was appointed at the May 8th meeting, to fill the vacancy in District 13 due to the death of her husband, Joseph Panzica. She was welcomed by the other Board members with a round of applause. Chairman Hettel called the meeting to order at 1:11 p.m. Chairman Hettel asked the Clerk to call the roll for mileage & per diem. PRESENT: 27 Members ABSENT: Mr. McGurk There were 23 ayes claiming mileage. Motion by Mr. Combs to approve the roll call for mileage & per diem, second by Mr. Foltynewicz. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 106, PAGE 159 LETTER OF RESIGNATION Chairman Hettel read a letter from Edward Lambert, officially resigning as County Board Member of District #21. Chairman Hettel placed Mr. Lambert's name in nomination for LaSalle County Recorder of Deeds. Roll call vote was held to nominate Mr. Lambert as recorder; 20 ayes, 5 nays, 1 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 106, PAGE 160 Mr. Lambert addressed the Board and thanked those who voted for him. He stated that the Recorder's office will continue to be run as usual with the same prompt and courteous services as when it was under the supervision of Gene Novotney. He also stated that he will miss being on the Board and working with the other members on county issues, and that he will greatly miss those board

LaSalle County Board Minutes – May 30, 1997 members who have recently passed away. Mr. Lambert was applauded by the Board. County Clerk, Mary Jane Wilkinson, gave the Oath of Office to Mr. Lambert as newly appointed LaSalle County Recorder of Deeds. MOTION Motion by Ms. Newcomer to place Mr. Lambert's letter of resignation on file, second by Mr. Garretson. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 106, PAGE 161 JAIL SURVEY REPORT Mr. Hageman addressed the Board and stated that the committee had visited a county jail facility in Walworth County Wisconsin that was recently put together by Kimme & Assoicates, and that they were very much impressed with the modern facility. He also stated that he was sorry that more board members weren't available for the tour. Ms. Newcomer commented that Mrs. Allender, Mrs. Woodrich, Mrs. Cogdal, Mrs. Panzica and herself are planning to go and visit the facility in the near future. Mike Crane, the Superintendent of the County Jail, addressed the Board and thanked them for attending this special meeting. He stated that Dennis Kimme of Kimme & Assoicates, was here to make his presentation on the survey that his firm has conducted over the past several months and that they have been working with the Courthouse & Jail Committee on an evaluation of the jail facility, the problems, trends, future expectations and the possibility of correcting said problems. Mr. Kimme addressed the Board to present his report on the jail survey. His firm was hired to conduct an evaluation of the current facility and to recommend the best possibility of correcting said problems. The basic project objectives, as identified as a group, were to fundamentally resolve the jail overcrowding situation, and within that context, to determine the long-term capacity needs of the facilty, and at the same time, all jail space needs, including long term law enforcement space needs. They also wanted to create a plan that would allow

LaSalle County Board Minutes – May 30, 1997 for future expansion. Since the jail is currently on a campus, sharing the site with other functions, the plan must also accomodate the other criminal justice space needed for expansion, including the parking that goes along with that. The present jail was constructed in 1975 and the design capacity allows for 54 beds, with the average daily population of 74 (based on 1994 figures); as of March 1997, it was 103. At the present, we are renting 10 to 15 beds per day from other jurisdictions with these numbers increasing. Some of the current problems of the existing facility are: the inability to seperate inmates, insuffient cells for special needs inmates, inability to directly monitor cells, insufficient staff, inadequate security systems and perimeter, insufficient support and storage space that includes booking areas, food service areas and laundry areas, and also noncompliance with the American Disability Act requirements. There are also some substantial mechanical electrical problems, due to age, lack of preventive maintenance and just the nature of the facility and the kind of use it undergoes. Based on the engineers estimates, it would take significant amounts of dollars to fix the mechanical electrical problems of the building, and also the jail would have to be vacated in order to fix some of these problems. Other existing problems include: sanitary drain lines are clogged, major temperature control problems in certain areas, no cooling in the kitchen and laundry and some of the original temperature controls are no longer functioning, smoke detectors are not working all the time or are not giving proper indication were the problem is, the security control console is inadequate and in certain areas, the light levels do not meet code requirements. Currently the existing chilled water system, electrical and boiler systems are at capacity now, so these systems cannot be 'tapped' into for additional use. The estimated costs of the mechanical and electrical repairs to the existing structure would be approximately $900,000 to $1 million in engineering costs and construction costs, which does include any expansion and system costs. Approximately $500,000 would be needed for general improvements if the jail was renovated for some other purpose.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – May 30, 1997 Mr. Kimme presented two options. Option #1 would be expanding the current facility to the west, with a recommended minimum of 200 beds and an expansion capability of 100-200 additional beds. An estimated 82,000 gross square feet would be needed. This would be a two phase, five (5) year project at a cost of $15.6 million which includes the cost of construction plus other things, such as demolition, architectural and engineering fees, kitchen equipment and other unattached furniture, and utilities extensions, but does not include such things as cost of bond council. This facility, once constructed, would be a multi-level jail, will limit the possibility of expansion for the juvenile facility, will remove current parking space that is much needed, and may require the moving of the existing maintence buildings. Also, under this option, the current jail population would have to be vacated to another location. Mr. Kimme also recommended that if this option were chosen, it would be beneficial to go ahead and do the law enforcement expansion at an added estimated cost of $703,078. Option #2 would be constructing a seperate facility to the south of the juvenile detention home, with no disruption of the current jail or courthouse operations. This would be an estimated three (3) year project at an estimated cost of $14.6 million. Proposed law enforcement expansion also is more optional because, once constructed, the current jail would be vacated into the new facility, leaving the old facility vacant for this, or other expansion needs. The primary con to this option is that inmates will have to be transported over to the courthouse for courtroom appearances. However, this can be alleviated by possibly doing video appearances, which are being done in many jurisdictions around the state. Another con would be that it leaves space in the old jail, once the new jail opens, vacant for an undetermined period of time with nothing ready to move into it. Whatever is to be done with this space, the costs of renovation are not included in the given estimated cost. This option also completely seperates the law enforcement division from the jail facility. Mr. Hageman asked as to how the county will finance whatever option they chose to use. It was stated that this could possibly be done by referendum (1/4% sales tax increase) or by using a 'public building commission' as a financing

LaSalle County Board Minutes – May 30, 1997 vehicle and also a managing vehicle, as most counties in the state of Illinois currently do. Mike Crane commented that a short video will be shown at the June 9th board meeting, if the agenda allows. Chairman Hettel strongly encouraged the board members to think over and review each option carefully before the issue comes back to the full board for a vote. ------Motion by Mr. Combs to adjourn until June 9, 1997 at 1:00 p.m. in room 250 at the Governmental Complex, second by Mr. Savitch. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. CHAIRMAN HETTEL DECLARED THE MEETING ADJOURNED TO JUNE 9, 1997.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – May 30, 1997 STATE OF ILLINOIS ) COUNTY OF LASALLE ) RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE LASALLE COUNTY BOARD HELD AT THE GOVERNMENTAL COMPLEX, OTTAWA, ILLINOIS. BEGUN AND HELD ON THE SECOND MONDAY OF JUNE, A.D., 1997, IT BEING THE 9TH DAY THEREOF. STATE OF ILLINOIS ) COUNTY OF LASALLE ) The LaSalle County Board met pursuant to Statute at the Governmental Complex, Ottawa, Illinois, on the second Monday of June, A.D., 1997, it being the 9th day thereof. This meeting is the first meeting of our June 1997 Session. Chairman Hettel called the meeting to order at 1:14 p.m. Chairman Hettel asked the Clerk to call the roll for mileage & per diem. PRESENT: 23 Members ABSENT: Mr. Stockley, Ms. Koban, Mr. Mustered, Mrs. Woodrich, Mr. McGurk. There were 19 ayes claiming mileage. Motion by Mr. Combs to approve the roll call for mileage and per diem, second by Mr. Foltynewicz. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 107, PAGE 1 RESOLUTIONS: POSTHUMOUSLY HONOR ADRIAN PIKE & JOHN DUFFY A resolution was submitted to posthumously honor former County Board member Adrian Pike who passed away recently. A resolution was submitted to posthumously honor former County Board member John Duffy who passed away recently. Motion by Mr. Rosengren to approve both resolutions honoring said former board members, second by Mr. Dittmer. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. A moment of silence was observed in their honor. SEE RECORD BOOK 107, PAGES 2-3

LaSalle County Board Minutes – June 9, 1997 APPROVAL OF MINUTES Chairman Hettel called for any additions or corrections to the May 30th, 1997 minutes. County Clerk, Mary Jane Wilkinson, noted that the approval of the minutes of May 8th, 1997 were omitted from the minutes of May 30th, 1997. Motion by Mr. Landers to approve the May 30th minutes as corrected, second by Mr. Hageman. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. APPOINTMENT: COUNTY BOARD DISTRICT #1 Due to the vacancy created by the death of Mr. Madden, Chairman Hettel submitted the name of Carl Key as County Board member of District #1. Roll call vote was held to approve the nomination of Mr. Key; 21 ayes, 5 absent. Motion carried. The oath of office was given to Mr. Key by the County Clerk. SEE RECORD BOOK 107, PAGE 4 RESOLUTION: #97-16 FINAL PLAT - WHISPERING HILLS UNIT II SUBDIVISION Mr. William Keith, County Engineer of the LaSalle County Highway Department, submitted a resolution on behalf of the County Development Committee accepting the final plat of Whispering Hills Unit II Subdivision in Manlius Township. Motion by Mr. Jordan to approve the final plat, second by Mr. Rigby. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 107, PAGES 5-6 RESOLUTION: ORDINANCE AMENDING BUILDING PERMIT ORDINANCE, SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE & SETBACK ORDINANCE A resolution was submitted by the County Development Committee that provides for variance and appeal fees, therefore amending the LaSalle County Building Permit Ordinance, Subdivision Regulations Ordinance and the Setback Ordinance. The amendments are as follows: Article 8 - "Appeals" - Section 8.1 of the LaSalle County Building Permit Ordinance; Article XVII of the LaSalle

LaSalle County Board Minutes – June 9, 1997 County Subdivision Regulations Ordinance; and also the ordinance establishing Building Set-back Requirements as amended March 11, 1996, is amended by adding an entirely new paragraph. Motion by Mr. Franzetti to approve the amendments to said ordinances, second by Mr. Martens. Roll call vote was held; 21 ayes, 1 pass, 5 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 107, PAGES 7-10 RESOLUTION: ORDINANCE SUPPORTING TOWNSHIP DEVELOPMENT MORATORIUMS AND INTERIM ZONING REGULATIONS A resolution was submitted by the County Development Committee supporting township development moratoriums and interim zoning regulations, thereby amending the LaSalle County Building Permit Ordinance, and the LaSalle County Subdivision Regulations Ordinance. The said amendments are: the Building Permit Ordinance will be amended under Article 4--Section 4.2; and the LaSalle County Subdivison Regulations Ordinance will be amended under Section IV, paragraph E. Motion by Mr. Rosengren to approve the ordinance supporting township development moratorium, second by Mr. Landers. Questions and discussion ensued as to the legality of the moratorium. Mr. Rosengren explained the situation currently happening in Serena Township. MOTION Motion by Mr. Martens to table the ordinance relating to the township development moratorium, second by Mr. Mowinski. Roll call vote was held to table; 9 ayes, 13 nays, 5 absent. Motion defeated. SEE RECORD BOOK 107, PAGE 11 Chairman Hettel called a short recess until the Board Rules Book could be reviewed to see if the issue must be layed over for one month before a final vote is taken.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – June 9, 1997 After reviewing the Rules Book, Chairman Hettel stated that the resolution supporting the township development moratorium will be held over until next month before a final vote is taken. REPORT: HEALTH DEPARTMENT Julie Kerestes, Director of the Environmental Health Division of the LaSalle County Health Department, addressed the board and discussed the response to the public comments that the department had received during the public comment period in reference to the proposed revision of the LaSalle County Health Ordinance regarding private sewage disposal that was brought up on the board floor at the May 8th meeting. Eleven (11) residents and one (1) township board made comments during this comment period. Copies of said responses/comments were distributed to the board members prior to the meeting. This issue is expected to be voted on at the July meeting. SEE RECORD BOOK 107, PAGES 12-22 CITIZEN COMMENT Helen Underwood, a resident of Ottawa, addressed the Board again in opposition to this proposed revision of the ordinance. She stated that at the Health Department Board meeting held on May 15th, the septic ordinance was discussed and it was moved to keep the ordinance in it's present form with no changes. Two members voted to keep it the same with no changes, two voted not to keep the old ordinance and the president voted no to break the tie. She thanked the board for hearing the public's concerns. RESOLUTION: PROHIBITING SMOKING The resolution that was presented and held over at the May 8th, 1997 meeting regarding the prohibition of smoking in any public building under the jurisdiction and control of LaSalle County was presented again for a vote. Motion by Mr. Hageman to bring the issue back to the floor for a vote, second by Mr. Ribgy. Voice vote was held to approve the resolution prohibiting smoking, 2 nays. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 107, PAGES 23-25

LaSalle County Board Minutes – June 9, 1997 RESOLUTION: FIXED ASSETS REPORTING A resolution was submitted stating that the Auditor of LaSalle County shall file an annual report with Industrial Appraisal Company containing an itemization of all fixed assets having a value of $250.00 or more, and shall no longer be required to maintain records of or report fixed assets having a value of less than $250.00. The Auditor shall maintain records of and annually report by aggregate value all fixed assets having a value less than $250.00. Motion by Mr. Dittmer to approve the resolution on fixed assets reporting, second by Mr. Hageman. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 107, PAGES 26-27 RESOLUTION: AMATEUR RADIO DAY A resolution was submitted proclaiming June 28th, 1997 as Amateur Radio Day in LaSalle County. The Starved Rock Radio Club of LaSalle County participates in the American Radio Relay League's annual Field Day Exercise by showing their ability for emergency preparedness in providing disaster-site communication capabilities. They also serve the people by their continued training in emergency communications, and their Skywarn weather watch systems. Motion by Mr. Mowinski to approve the resolution proclaiming June 28th, 1997 as Amateur Radio Day in LaSalle County, second by Mr. Foltynewicz. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 107, PAGE 28 QUARTERLY REPORT: COMMITTEE WORK MISCELLANEOUS The Quarterly Report for Committee Work Miscellaneous was submitted in the total amount of $40,989.30. Motion by Mr. Combs to approve the quarterly report, second by Mr. Garretson. Roll call vote was held; 22 ayes, 5 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORK BOOK 107, PAGES 29-59 REPORT: TAX CAPS Mr. Franzetti reported to the board members on the Property Tax Extension Limitation Law. A booklet of handouts and pamphlets from various meetings that

LaSalle County Board Minutes – June 9, 1997 the committee had attended, along with copies of responses received from taxing districts of LaSalle County, letters from the public, and input from collar counties and districts that have tax caps already, was distributed to each board member prior to the meeting. When the committee was formed, back in September 1996, their obligation was to look into the Property Tax Extension Limitation Law and to seek additional information from the different taxing bodies and general public and report all such information back to the Board so a decision can be made whether to put the issue on the ballot in November. At the next Tax Cap Committee meeting, a resolution will be formulated to recommend to the full Board if said issue should be placed on the ballot or not. Mr. Franzetti recommended that all the board members take the time to read the handouts so that they will know what the committee is referring to when the recommendation is made at the next board meeting. He further stated that property taxes will continue to go up, but these tax caps are meant to take the rate of inflation out of it. The rate of inflation will have to be absorbed through new growth within the county or municipality. Ms. Newcomer commended the Tax Cap Committee, and committee chairman, Mr. Franzetti commended Mary Jane Wilkinson, the County Clerk, and Kristy Swango, an employee of her office, for their work in preparing the information obtained at these meetings and by conducting meetings for the general public so they are aware of the issue if it should appear on a county-wide ballot. SEE RECORD BOOK 107, PAGE 60 MOTION Mr. Hageman made a motion to have the county attorney prepare a resolution relating to the 1/4 cent sales tax increase to help fund the jail and juvenile facilities, second by Mr. Janko. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. REPORT: SCHOOL FUNDING REFORM Mrs. Allender gave a report on the school funding reform. She stated that the state of Michigan undertook a total restructuring of its school finances in 1993. The school funding shifted from property taxes to a combination of sales,

LaSalle County Board Minutes – June 9, 1997 income and other taxes. All the adjustments are not yet in place, but it is evident that the people of that state pay more in taxes that they did under the old system. APPOINTMENT: HOUSING AUTHORITY BOARD A resolution was submitted to appoint Michael J. Crowley as a member of the LaSalle County Housing Authority for a term of office beginning July 1, 1997 and expiring June 30, 2002. Mr. Crowley will be replacing Dean Raber whose term is set to expire June 30, 1997. Chairman Hettel submitted the name of Michael J. Crowley in nomination for the position of member of the LaSalle County Housing Authority. Roll call vote was held on the nomination; 16 ayes, 6 nays, 5 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 107, PAGES 61-63 APPOINTMENT: MENDOTA CIVIC CENTER BOARD A resolution was submitted to appoint Jeff Simonton as a member of the Mendota Civic Center for a term set to expire June 1, 2000. Mr. Simonton will replace Eric Deobler who has resigned. Motion by Mr. Martens to approve the appointment of Mr. Simonton, second by Mr. Small. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 107, PAGES 64-67 APPOINTMENT: HEALTH DEPARTMENT BOARD A resolution was submitted to appoint Wayne E. Riebe to fill the unexpired term of John Duffy, who recently passed away, as member of the LaSalle County Health Department Board. Said term is to expire June 30, 1998. Motion by Mrs. Cogdal to approve the appointment of Mr. Riebe, second by Ms. Newcomer. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 107, PAGE 68 MISCELLANEOUS REPORTS & CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence from the Environmental Protection Agency stating that it is proposing to issue a Clean Air Act Permit to the City of Peru Generating Station. The public comment period begins June 11, 1997 and ends July 26, 1997. Comments on proposed issuance of the permit must be postmarked by midnight

LaSalle County Board Minutes – June 9, 1997 July 26, 1997. Persons wanting more information may review the IEPA Project summary and draft permit at the IEPA's offices at 425 1st Street in LaSalle, or at 1340 N. 9th Street in Springfield. SEE RECORD BOOK 107, PAGES 69-92 A resolution adopted by the Serena Township Board on May 27th, 1997, stating that they are exercising their right to enact "interim zoning" while the County is in the process of getting their comprehensive land use plan, map & zoning ordinance established. This resolution prohibits the placement of any mobile or manufactured home on non-permanent foundations, and prohibits the development of large land tracts in Serena Township until September 27, 1997. SEE RECORD BOOK 107, PAGES 93-95 Correspondence from Rep. Dan Rutherford acknowledging receipt of the copy of our resolution passed on May 8th in reference to opposing the adoption of House Bill 525 in its present form was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 107, PAGE 96 A report from the Illinois Department of Revenue stating that the County Supplemental Tax for February 1997 has been reported and collected in the total amount of $156,087.22. SEE RECORD BOOK 107, PAGE 97 A report from the Illinois Department of Revenue stating that the County Sales Tax for February 1997 has been reported and collected in the total amount of $31,182.67. SEE RECORD BOOK 107, PAGE 98 Correspondence from the Illinois Department of Revenue regarding business address verification for tax allocation purposes was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 107, PAGES 99-103 Correspondence to the Chairman from the Ottawa Opportunity School expressing their thanks and appreciation of the way that the park ranger of Catlin Park, Terry McCormick, has maintained the park in such a way that compliments it's beauty and natural surroundings was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 107, PAGE 104 The Treasurer's Investment Schedule dated May 30th, 1997 was submitted.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – June 9, 1997 SEE RECORD BOOK 107, PAGE 105 The Semi-Annual Report from the County Clerk's office covering the period of December 1, 1996 through May 31, 1997 was submitted to place on file. SEE RECORD BOOK 107, PAGES 106-108 Motion by Mr. Rigby to place all on file, second by Mr. Rosengren. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. ANNOUNCEMENT Ms. Newcomer announced that she had received letters from the public thanking her for opposing the proposed prison site in Streator. She would like it stated on the record that she did not necessarily oppose the prison, but that she didn't think the County of LaSalle should get involved in that decision. Chairman Hettel announced that many complaints have been received about the cleaning service that is currently doing the courthouses. Meetings have been held with them and the method of payment has been changed in an attempt to get better service. Chairman Hettel also stated that an appointment to District #21 will be done at the July meeting, and also that some committee changes will be done. New committee lists should be ready to hand out by the July meeting. Mrs. Panzica and Mr. Key are to continue to fill in at the committee meetings that the former members attended until these committee changes are finalized. Chairman Hettel further stated that the County is not ready to sign any agreement with ComEd as of yet and that the talks are continuing. Mr. Foltynewicz asked what was being done with the water tank replacement/repair issue that was discussed at the May 8th meeting. Mr. Janko responded that the state grant we applied for, had been sent in and notice of its award should be sent out by October. This grant will cover up to 75% of the costs of the water tank and whatever else has to be done to repair the system. ------Motion by Mr. Combs to recess to July 10th, 1997 at 1:00 p.m. in room 250 at the Governmental Complex, second by Mr. Savitch. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – June 9, 1997 CHAIRMAN HETTEL DECLARED THE MEETING RECESSED TO JULY 10, 1997.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – June 9, 1997 STATE OF ILLINOIS ) COUNTY OF LASALLE ) The LaSalle County Board met pursuant to recess at the Governmental Complex, Ottawa, Illinois, on the second Thursday of July, A.D., 1997 it being the 10th day thereof. This meeting is the second meeting of our June 1997 Session. Chairman Hettel called the meeting to order at 1:12 p.m. Chairman Hettel asked the Clerk to call the roll for Mileage & Per Diem. PRESENT: 26 Members ABSENT: Mr. Mowinski, Mr. McGurk There were 21 ayes claiming mileage. Motion by Mr. Dittmer to approve the roll call for mileage & per diem, second by Mr. Rigby. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 107, PAGE 109 Chairman Hettel called for any additions or corrections to the June 9th, 1997 minutes. Motion by Mr. Landers to approve the June 9th minutes as presented, second by Mr. Combs. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. RESOLUTION: POSTHUMOUSLY HONOR JAMES KILLELEA A resolution was submitted to posthumously honor former County Board member James Killelea who recently passed away. Motion by Mr. Rosengren to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Foltynewicz. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. A moment of silence was observed in his honor. SEE RECORD BOOK 107, PAGE 110 APPOINTMENT: DISTRICT #21 Chairman Hettel submitted the name of Thomas Bruch in nomination for the position of County Board Member of District #21. Roll call vote was held; 16 ayes, 9 nays, 2 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 107, PAGE 111

LaSalle County Board Minutes – July 10, 1997 RESOLUTION: #97-17 VARIANCE TO SETBACK ORDINANCE A resolution was submitted by the County Development Committee requesting a variance to the setback ordinance for Dave Keiser to build a machinery storage building in Dimmick Township. Motion by Mr. Small to approve the variance, second by Mr. Franzetti. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 107, PAGES 112-113 RESOLUTION: #97-18 VARIANCE TO SETBACK ORDINANCE A resolution was submitted by the County Development Committee requesting a variance to the setback ordinance for Don Riveland to build a hopper bin in the Northeast 1/4, Section 36, Township 36 North, Range 4 East of the third principal meridian in Adams Township. Motion by Mr. Rosengren to approve the variance, second by Mr. Stockley. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 107, PAGES 114-115 REPORT: BUYOUT PROGRAM FOR FLOOD VICTIMS William Keith addressed the Board to bring them up to date on the flood buyout program. The County Development Committee met with the participants of the program on July 9th. Currently there are sixteen participants involved in the buyout program, which was approved by FEMA last month. The total cost of aquistion is $923,700.00, of which $692,775.00 is federal money. Twenty-one people attended the meeting; all six property owners were present, and eight out of the eleven mobile home owners were present. He discussed the handout that was distributed at the meeting and further explained the next step that would have to be taken in order to continue with the buyout program. SEE RECORD BOOK 107, PAGE 116 RESOLUTION: #97-20 APPRAISER FOR BUYOUT PROGRAM A resolution was submitted to approve the quote of Mike Crowley, Sr. for doing the appraisals for the Hazard Mitigation Program (Buy Out Program). Said quotes are as follows: $350 for each single family residence, $150 for each mobile home, and $900 for commericial property.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – July 10, 1997 Motion for approval by Mr. McConville, second by Mr. Foltynewicz. Roll call vote; 25 ayes, 2 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 107, PAGES 117-120 REPORT: ILLINOIS EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY SALVAGE PROGRAM POLICY Mr. Keith explained that IEMA has a salvage program, which is optional, that enables the participants of the buy-out program to salvage certain affixed items and appliances from their property before the acquired structures are demolished. A property owner salvage list will have to be filled out and returned to Mr. Keith within two weeks, and said list will be given to the appraiser (Mr. Crowley). The appraiser will be asked to provide an estimated total value of the items and attach it to the appraisal of the property. These items, if approved, will be deducted from the final payment. MOTION Motion by Mr. Franzetti to allow the property owner salvage rights in accordance with Memo #44 from the Illinois Emergency Management Agency, second by Mr. Foltynewicz. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 107, PAGES 121-122 Mr. Keith continued to explain that since the application had been approved and 75% of the funds are federal funds, it was now time to determine where the remaining 25% matching funds will come from. MOTION Motion by Mr. Foltynewicz that the County donate 0% towards the buy-out program, second by Mr. Combs. Roll call vote was held; 16 ayes, 7 nay, 1 pass, 3 absent. SEE RECORD BOOK 107, PAGE 123 MOTION Mr. Keith explained that since the application was first submitted, that there has been an additional two property owners who now wish to participate in the program. This being the case, a motion was made by Mr. Franzetti to amend the application to include these two additional property owners and any others who

LaSalle County Board Minutes – July 10, 1997 may wish to participate, with said enrollment period open for a two week period only, second by Ms. Koban. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. RESOLUTION: ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DIRECTOR A resolution was submitted to approve the hiring of Michael Harsted as the LaSalle County Environmental Services Director at a salary of $40,000.00 for a term of one year. Motion by Mr. Jordan to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Foltynewicz. Roll call vote was held; 25 ayes, 2 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 107, PAGES 124-125 COUNTY HEALTH ORDINANCE PUBLIC COMMENT Chairman Hettel opened the floor for citizen comments on the proposed amendment of the LaSalle County Health Ordinance regarding sewage disposal. William Shields, a resident of Oglesby, addressed the board on said issue. Mr. Shields and his wife both work in the environmental field and disagree with the proposed amendment as it refers to residential aerobic treatment systems and the health department's belief that these additional regulations will solve any problems with the discharge of some units. They believe that the adoption of this amendment as written will actually create more problems than it solves, both for the County and the home owner. Helen Underwood, a resident of Ottawa, addressed the board again to say that this ordinance does very little to ensure safe water from septic tank run-off as nothing is being done to sample the final water results, and that this amendment will be a great financial burden to home owners with these aerobic treatment systems. She further stressed that no maintenance agreement should be agreed to as part of this ordinance. ORDINANCE: LASALLE COUNTY HEALTH ORDINANCE A resolution amending Article II, Section D of the LaSalle County Health Ordiance regarding private sewage disposal, as well as revisions in the "definitions" section of Article II, and minor revisions in Sections E and J, was presented for adoption.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – July 10, 1997 Mrs. Allender stated that at the County Health Department Board meeting, she voted 'No' on this amendment because the citizens that own the aerobic treatment systems and the sand filter sewer systems will be mandated to these extra costs, and those who are violating this now will continue, with the honest home owners being the ones to be punished. This issue will also be addressed when the proposed zoning ordinance becomes effective. Mr. Jordan remarked that he was in full agreement with Mrs. Allender on this issue. Mr. Stockley moved to adopt the amendments to the original ordinance, second by Mr. Janko. Roll call vote on the ordinance as amended; 9 ayes, 16 nays, 2 absent. Motion defeated. SEE RECORD BOOK 107, PAGE 126 RESOLUTION: KOREAN WAR REMEMBRANCE A resolution was submitted declaring July 27, 1997 as Korean War Remembrance Day and asking that everyone display the American Flag at half staff in observance of the Americans who died in that war. Motion by Mr. Foltynewicz to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Piecha. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 107, PAGE 127 RESOLUTION: PROCEED WITH PREPARATION OF CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS A resolution was submitted authorizing the County Nursing Home Committee to proceed with the preparation of construction documents to obtain actual bids for a sprinkler system for the nursing home per preliminary plans to be submitted by Frederick, Basaley and Carey. Motion by Mr. Janko to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Garretson. Roll call vote was held; 24 ayes, 3 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 107, PAGES 128-129 PRESENTATION: JAIL PROGRAMMING STUDY Dennis Kimme of Kimme & Associates addressed the board to explain Phase II of the Jail Study that his firm was hired to do. This phase includes taking the chosen option and develope all the details needed so that the county

LaSalle County Board Minutes – July 10, 1997 is in a position to do the final design of the building, and know everything about the operation of the future jail, including it's staffing, down to post-by-post descriptions, in advance and fully priced. Once the building is designed the architect has a complete, detailed instruction booklet needed to design what is a large and complex building. The proposed cost for this programming is $32,740.00. MOTION Motion by Mr. Hageman to proceed with the jail study programming at a cost of $32,740.00, second by Ms. Newcomer. Roll call vote was held; 13 ayes, 11 nays, 3 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 107, PAGES 130-132 REPORT: TAX CAPS Mr. Franzetti addressed the board to report on the special informational data that the Tax Caps Committee had accumulated for the last eight months on the tax caps issue. This information was put into booklet form and distributed to the board members last month so that they could read it and know how the taxing bodies and the general public feel about said issue. RESOLUTION: PROPERTY TAX EXTENSION LIMITATION LAW QUESTION A resolution was submitted calling for a referendum on the question of whether the Property Tax Extension Limitation Law should be extended and applied to all non-home rule taxing districts within LaSalle County. Said referendum to be put on the ballot at the November 1997 election. Motion by Mr. Franzetti to adopt the resolution, second by Mr. Piecha. Tom Setchell, LaSalle County Treasurer, presented a slide demonstration to show how tax caps will effect LaSalle County and its taxing districts. He stated that the County tax base has declined and that the nominal tax base growth, including inflation, will be around 4% in each of the next four years. Taxing entities that have been at their maximum levy rate have the most adverse impact from levy caps. Currently, here in LaSalle County, the detention home, the

LaSalle County Board Minutes – July 10, 1997 county highway fund and the special tax match fund are at their maximum levy rates. Levy caps do not freeze or lower property tax bills by themselves, and higher assessed valuation from market value inflation continues to increase most individual property tax bills. If tax caps are approved by the voters, the county aggregate levy is likely to increase from the current .6814 to .7176 by the year 1999, and also, the three county funds will have levies that exceed the possible taxes due to existing rate caps and lower assessed valuation. Spending in the three funds will have to be reduced or supported by the General Fund resources. He state that possible recommendations were to lower future levies in the three funds to equal expected revenue, to explore ways to support future real tax base growth at 2 to 4% above inflation which will reduce the rate pressure on individual tax payers, and to strive for level tax rates and let market value inflation create tax revenue increases to pay for higher cost of county services. He further stated that with a tax levy cap, spending controls and forecasting are more important and that most governments who have reached individual rate caps tend to always levy at the maximum allowable increase. Tax caps could encourage higher levies than necessary in some years because there is no "catch up" provisions. Mr. McConville stated that because of the ComEd situation and also the jail issue, he would like to delay putting this issue on the ballot until the March 1998 election. The County Clerk responded that if this issue was delayed until the March 1998 election, the limitation will not apply until January 1st of the year after it is on the ballot; in other words, 1999 taxes payable in the year 2000. Mr. Piecha pointed out that three out of five other counties that have already had the tax caps issue on their ballot, have rejected these tax caps. MOTION TO AMEND Mr. McConville moved to amend the resolution to have the tax caps issue put on the ballot at the March 1998 election, second by Mr. Hageman. Roll call vote was held to amend; 2 ayes, 22 nays, 3 absent. Motion defeated.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – July 10, 1997 Roll call vote was held on the original resolution as presented; 24 ayes, 3 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 107, PAGES 133-141 RESOLUTION: SPECIAL COUNTY RETAILERS' TAX FOR PUBLIC SAFETY A resolution was submitted calling for a November 1997 referendum on the question of whether the County of LaSalle shall impose a Special County Retailers' Occupation Tax for public safety at a rate of 0.25%. Motion by Mr. Hageman to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Rigby. Chairman Hettel called for a short recess to check the statutes for exempt items. The County Attorney, Keith Leigh, informed the Board that, according to the statutes, exempt items are: food for human consumption that is consumed off premises where it is sold, prescription and non-prescription medicine, drugs, medical appliances and insulin, urine testing materials, syringes and needles used by diabetics. MOTION TO AMEND Mr. Janko moved to amend the resolution to spell out "one-quarter per cent", second by Mrs. Allender. Roll call vote to amend; 23 ayes, 4 absent. Motion carried. Roll call vote on resolution as amended; 23 ayes, 4 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 107, PAGES 142-145 RESOLUTION: OPEN ALL POLLING PLACES FOR NOVEMBER 1997 ELECTION A resolution was submitted to allow the County Clerk to open all of the 125 precincts in the County for the November 4, 1997 Nonpartisan Election rather than using clustered voting zones, and also that the situation be checked again prior to the November 1999 Nonpartisan Election in order to ascertain whether all 125 precincts should be open at that time or to use the clustered voting zones, if the Nonpartisan Election is still being held.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – July 10, 1997 Motion by Mr. Dittmer to approve the resolution, second by Ms. Newcomer. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 107, PAGE 146 MOTION: EXECUTIVE SESSION Motion by Mr. Landers to go into executive session, second by Mr. Rosengren. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. The room was cleared for executive session. Motion by Mr. Janko to go back into regular session, second by Mrs. Cogdal. Voice vote, all ayes. MISCELLANEOUS REPORTS & CORRESPONDENCE A report from the Illinois Department of Revenue stating that the County Supplemental Tax for March 1997 had been reported and collected in the amount of $172,653.10. SEE RECORD BOOK 107, PAGE 147 A report from the Illinois Department of Revenue stating that the County Sales Tax for March 1997 had been reported and collected in the amount of $43,116.08. SEE RECORD BOOK 107, PAGE 148 Correspondence from the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency stating that it is proposing to issue a Clean Air Act Permit to Streator Dependable Manufacturing Plant. Comments on the proposed issuance of this permit are to be postmarked by midnight August 14, 1997. Requests for information, comments and questions are to be directed to Bob Smet, Division of Air Pollution Control, IEPA, PO Box 19506, Springfield, IL. 62794-9506. SEE RECORD BOOK 107, PAGES 149-168 A report from the Illinois Department of Revenue stating that the County Supplemental Tax for April 1997 had been reported and collected in the total amount of $186,259.66. SEE RECORD BOOK 107, PAGE 169 A report from the Illinois Department of Revenue stating that the County Sales Tax for April 1997 had been reported and collected in the total amount of $42,447.99.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – July 10, 1997 SEE RECORD BOOK 107, PAGE 170 Correspondence to the Illinois Department of Revenue regarding business address verification for tax allocation purposes was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 107, PAGES 171-176 Correspondence to the Chairman from the Marseilles Police Department commending Coroner Jody Bernard for her efficiency and knowledge of what had to be done in the recent murder/suicide case that occurred on June 28th in the city of Marseilles. SEE RECORD BOOK 107, PAGE 177 The Treasurer's Investment Schedule dated July 1, 1997 was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 107, PAGE 178 The Semi-Annual Report from the LaSalle County Detention Home for the period of December 1996 through May 1997 was submitted to place on file. SEE RECORD BOOK 107, PAGES 179-184 Motion by Mr. Hageman to place all on file, second by Mr. Stockley. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. Chairman Hettel mentioned that he had also received two other letters from individuals commending Martin Rue, Supt. of V.A.C., for helping them in certain situations. ------Motion by Mr. Combs to recess to August 14, 1997 at 1:00 p.m. in room 250 at the Governmental Complex, second by Mr. Savitch. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. CHAIRMAN HETTEL DECLARED THE MEETING RECESSED TO AUGUST 14, 1997.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – July 10, 1997 STATE OF ILLINOIS ) COUNTY OF LASALLE ) The LaSalle County Board met pursuant to recess at the Governmental Complex, Ottawa, Illinois on the second Thursday of August, A.D., 1997 it being the 14th day thereof. This meeting is the third meeting of our June 1997 Session. Chairman Hettel called the meeting to order at 1:14 p.m. Chairman Hettel asked the Clerk to call the roll for mileage & per diem. PRESENT: 25 Members ABSENT: Mr. Stockley, Mr. Rosengren, Mr. Jordan, Mr. McGurk There were 20 ayes claiming mileage. Motion by Mr. Dittmer to approve the roll call for mileage & per diem, second by Mr. Landers. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 108, PAGE 1 Chairman Hettel called for any additions or corrections to the July 10th, 1997 minutes. Motion by Mr. Hageman to approve the July 10th minutes as presented, second by Mr. Foltynewicz. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. ANNOUNCEMENT: ACKNOWLEDGEMENT FROM KILLELEA FAMILY Chairman Hettel stated that the Board had received a thank you letter from the family of former board member James Killelea, who recently has passed away. Chairman Hettel also announced that there will be a County Board picnic after September's meeting (September 8th) at the Landers' farm in South Ottawa Township, if enough people express an interest. The event will be catered by the Cheese Shop and will cost $10.00 per person. Reservations should be turned in to Tina in the Board office by September 2nd. RESOLUTION: #97-21 VARIANCE TO SETBACK ORDINANCE Mr. William Keith, County Engineer, addressed the Board and submitted a resolution on behalf of the County Development Committee, requesting a

LaSalle County Board Minutes – August 14, 1997 variance to the setback ordinance for Paul Thell (on behalf of Cargill) to build an unloading structure adjacent to Illinois Route 71 in South Ottawa Township. Motion by Mr. Franzetti to approve the variance, second by Mr. McConville. Voice vote, two nays. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 108, PAGES 2-4 RESOLUTION: #97-22 VARIANCE TO SETBACK ORDINANCE A resolution was submitted requesting a variance to the setback ordinance for Richard Kile to build a garage in LaSalle Township. Motion by Mr. Mowinski to approve the variance, second by Mr. Piecha. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 108, PAGES 5-7 RESOLUTION: #97-23 VARIANCE TO SETBACK ORDINANCE A resolution was submitted requesting a variance to the setback ordinance for Donald and Bonita Palmer to build a storage building in Adams Township. Motion by Mr. McConville to approve the variance, second by Mr. Combs. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 108, PAGES 8-10 RESOLUTION: #97-24 VARIANCAE TO SETBACK ORDINANCE A resolution was submitted requesting a variance to the setback ordinance for Phil Cantrell (on behalf of Cargill Hybrid Seeds) to build a warehouse adjacent to in Farm Ridge Township. Motion by Mr. Garretson to approve the variance, second by Mr. Dittmer. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 108, PAGES 11-12 SAFETY POLICY The revised Safety Policy and Procedures for Worker's Compensation was discussed and placed on file for 30 days. Three major revisions have been made; fire protection, bomb threat/hostage situations, and severe weather notification procedures. The vote for adoption will be done at the September meeting.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – August 14, 1997 Motion by Mr. Dittmer to place the policy on file for 30 days, second by Mr. Landers. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. Capt. Robert Scutt was commended for his time and expertise in helping the committee to prepare this policy. RESOLUTION: IMRF ALTERNATIVE BENEFIT PROGRAM A resolution was submitted by the Finance Committee stating that the LaSalle County Board does hereby adopt the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund alternative program for county officers as provided in Sections 7-145.1 & 7-145.2 of the Illinois Pension Code. Motion by Mr. Mustered to approve the IMRF alternative program, second by Mr. Hageman. Roll call vote; 23 ayes, 1 nay, 4 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 108, PAGES 13-15 RESOLUTION: IMRF MILITARY SERVICE PRIOR TO IMRF PARTICIPATION A resolution was submitted stating that the LaSalle County Board elects to allow IMRF service credit for service in the armed forces of the United States for up to 24 months of such service credit. This military service credit must be paid for by each employee who elects to establish such service. Motion by Mr. Mustered to approve the resolution for military service credit, second by Mr. Combs. Roll call vote; 24 ayes, 4 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 108, PAGES 16-18 APPOINTMENT: MARSEILLES FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT A resolution was submitted to appoint John Leininger to the position of trustee of the Marseilles Fire Protection District for an unexpired term, said term set to expire April 30, 1999. Mr. Leininger will be replacing Michael Rowe, who has resigned. Motion by Mrs. Allender to approve the appointment of Mr. Leininger, second by Mr. Rigby. Voice vote, 2 nays. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 108, PAGES 19-24

LaSalle County Board Minutes – August 14, 1997 APPOINTMENT: SERENA SANITARY DISTRICT A resolution was submitted reappointing Brian R. Scofield as trustee of the Serena Sanitary District for a three year term beginning June 1, 1997 and expiring the first Monday of June, 2000. Motion by Mr. Mowinski to approve the reappointment of Mr. Scofield, second by Ms. Newcomer. Voice vote, one nay. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 108, PAGES 25-26 APPOINTMENT: LASALLE COUNTY EXTENSION BOARD A resolution was submitted to reappoint Glenn Combs, Ruth Woodrich and Melva Allender as members of the LaSalle County Extension Board for two year terms beginning August 1997 and expiring August 1999. Motion by Mr. Hageman to approve the reappointments of Mr. Combs, Mrs. Woodrich and Mrs. Allender, second by Mr. McConville. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 108, PAGE 27 MISCELLANEOUS REPORTS & CORRESPONDENCE The 1996 Annual Report of the LaSalle County Health Department was submitted to place on file. SEE RECORD BOOK 108, PAGE 28 The Treasurer's Investment Schedule dated August 1st, 1997 was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 108, PAGE 29 Correspondence to the Illinois Department of Revenue regarding business address verification was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 108, PAGES 30-34 A report from the Illinois Department of Revenue stating that the County Supplemental Tax for May 1997 has been reported and collected in the amount of $200,028.69. SEE RECORD BOOK 108, PAGE 35 A report from the Illinois Department of Revenue stating that the County Sales Tax for May 1997 has been reported and collected in the amount of $46,059.22.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – August 14, 1997 SEE RECORD BOOK 108, PAGE 36 Motion by Mr. Rigby to place all on file, second by Mr. Garretson. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. Piecha stated that he and Mrs. Allender had attended a meeting of the Tri-County Opportunties Council that was held in Dixon on July 23rd. LaSalle County and fifteen other counties have applied for a grant to build housing for the homeless. Twelve units will be built, six of which will be in the LaSalle-Peru area, if the grant is approved. Total cost of the project is $1,026,982.00. Along with the housing program, other facilities and benefits will be offered, such as drug abuse courses, legal advice, job opportunities and education benefits if they do not have a GED. MOTION: EXECUTIVE SESSION Motion by Mr. Landers to go into executive session to discuss pending litigation, second by Mr. Mowinski. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. Motion by Mr. Mowinski to go back into regular session, second by Ms. Koban. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. ANNOUNCEMENT Chairman Hettel stated that Mr. Small will now be chairman of the Bridge & Township Roads Committee. ------Motion by Mr. Combs to adjourn to September 8, 1997 at 1:00 p.m. in room 250 at the Governmental Complex, second by Mr. Savitch. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. CHAIRMAN HETTEL DECLARED THE MEETING ADJOURNED TO SEPTEMBER 8, 1997.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – August 14, 1997 STATE OF ILLINOIS ) COUNTY OF LASALLE ) RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE LASALLE COUNTY BOARD HELD AT THE GOVERNMENTAL COMPLEX, OTTAWA, ILLINOIS. BEGUN AND HELD ON THE SECOND MONDAY OF SEPTEMBER, A.D., 1997, IT BEING THE 8TH DAY THEREOF. STATE OF ILLINOIS ) COUNTY OF LASALLE ) The LaSalle County Board met pursuant to statute at the Governmental Complex, Ottawa, Illinois, on the second Monday of September, A.D., 1997 it being the 8th day thereof. This meeting is the first meeting of our September 1997 Session. Chairman Hettel called the meeting to order at 1:10 p.m. Chairman Hettel asked the Clerk to call the roll for mileage & per diem. PRESENT: 27 Members ABSENT: Mrs. Allender, Mr. Mustered There were 23 ayes claiming mileage. Motion by Mr. Dittmer to approve the roll call for mileage & per diem, second by Mr. Rigby. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 108, PAGE 37 Chairman Hettel called for any additions or corrections to the August 14th, 1997 minutes. Motion by Mr. Foltynewicz to approve the August 14th minutes as presented, second by Mr. Combs. RESOLUTION: POSTHUMOUSLY HONOR VINCE SCHMITT A resolution was submitted to posthumously honor former County Board member Vince Schmitt who recently passed away. Motion by Mr. Rosengren to approve the resolution, second by Mrs. Cogdal. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. A moment of silence was observed in his honor. SEE RECORD BOOK 108, PAGE 38

LaSalle County Board Minutes – September 8, 1997 NURSING HOME -- PUBLIC HEARING Nora Fesco-Ballerini, a representative of the North Central Illinois Council of Governments, conducted a public hearing, and updated the board on the issue of the proposed project at the County Nursing Home, and the grant application that will be submitted to the Community Development Assistance Program to help finance said project. The cost of the proposed project is estimated at $599,000.00. North Central Illinois Council of Governments will write the grant application on behalf of the County, with the assistance of the project engineer, the director of the LaSalle County Nursing Home and the County Board. Robert Renwick, the project engineer, addressed the Board and discussed the report that he first presented at the meeting last May. The issue of extending the water supply from the Village of Naplate was addressed and it was explained why it was not a cost effective alternative. Nora further explained that the remaining $199,000.00 (if the full amount of the grant, $400,000.00, is awarded) will come from the County. The grant awards will possibly be announced in January, 1998. As a part of the grant requirement, it will be necessary for the county to pass a resolution on a Residential Anti-displacement and Relocation Assistance Plan, under Section 104(d) of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974. RESOLUTION: COUNCIL RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT A resolution was submitted stating that since the County of LaSalle is applying to the State of Illinois for a Community Development Assistance Program grant it will be necessary, under the terms and conditions of the State of Illinois, that the County enter into and agree to the understandings and assurances contained in said application. Motion by Mr. Small to approve the resolution of support, second by Mr. Janko. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 108, PAGE 39 RESOLUTION: COMMITTING LOCAL FUNDS A resolution was submitted hereby committing funds for use in conjuction with an Illinois Community Development Assistance Program grant, such funds

LaSalle County Board Minutes – September 8, 1997 to equal 33.2% of the estimated total project cost of $599,000.00, or $199,000.00. Motion by Mr. Landers to approve the resolution to commit funds, second by Mr. Combs. Roll call vote was held; 26 ayes, 2 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 108, PAGES 40-41 RESOLUTION: RESIDENTIAL ANTI-DISPLACEMENT & RELOCATION ASSISTANCE PLAN A resolution was submitted stating that the County of LaSalle will replace all occupied and vacant occupiable low-to-moderate income dwelling units demolished or converted to a use other than as low-to-moderate income housing as a direct result of activities assisted with funds provided under the Housing & Community Development Act of 1974, as amended. The County of LaSalle will further provide relocation assistance, as described in said act, to each low-to- moderate income household displaced by said demolition or the conversion of a low-to-moderate income dwelling to another use as a result of said assisted activities. Motion by Mr. Mowinski to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Franzetti. Same roll call, voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 108, PAGE 42 A sign-in sheet was passed around to have all in attendance sign as being present at the said public hearing as part of the grant requirement. COMMENDATION: CORONER & ASSISTANT Chairman Hettel presented a commendation award from the executive director of the Illinois Law Enforcement Training Standards Board, to Coroner Jody Bernard and Asst. Deputy Coroner Earl Taylor for fulfilling the requirements set forth under the provision of the Illinois Police Training Act, Public Act #85- 895. Each received their award and were applauded by the Board members. RESOLUTION: PREVAILING WAGE ACT A resolution was submitted that it is the policy of the County of LaSalle and the State of Illinois to ascertain and pay the general prevailing rate of hourly

LaSalle County Board Minutes – September 8, 1997 wages to any craftsmen, mechanics and workmen employed on public works projects with said county. Motion by Mr. Hagemen to approve the prevailing wage resolution, second by Mr. Dittmer. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 108, PAGES 43-45 RESOLUTION: #97-13 ADDITION & DEDUCTION IN CO. HIGHWAY F.A.S. SYSTEM William Keith, County Engineer, submitted a resolution on behalf of the County Highway Committee, approving an addition and deduction in the County Highway and F.A.S. system along with the local agency agreement for jurisdictional transfer. This is the last step in completing the Dayton Bridge project. Motion by Mr. Combs to approve the addition and deduction, second by Mr. Foltynewicz. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 108, PAGES 46-48 RESOLUTION: #97-19 FINAL PLAT APPROVAL OF WOODLAND ESTATES A resolution was submitted on behalf of the County Development Committee to accept the final plat of Woodland Estates Subdivision in Manlius Township. Motion by Mr. Franzetti to approve the final plat, second by Mr. Piecha. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 108, PAGES 49-50 RESOLUTION: #97-25 FINAL PLAT APPROVAL OF TIMBER LAKE SUBDIVISION UNIT II A resolution was submitted to accept the final plat of Timber Lake Subdivision Unit II in Earl Township. Motion by Mr. Stockley to approve the final plat, second by Mrs. Cogdal. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 108, PAGES 51-52

LaSalle County Board Minutes – September 8, 1997 PRESENTATION: FOX RIVER RESORT Mr. Keith introduced Don Studer, a representative of Silverleaf Resorts, Inc., the developers of the proposed Fox River Resort located in Mission Township. Mr. Studer, along with local engineer Walt Vegryzn, addressed the Board and explained what the company is proposing. This company has been developing vacation ownership for approximately seven to eight years, and their expansion program has entered onto the New York Stock Exchange as of June of this year. They have purchased property near St. Louis, Las Vegas, Nevada, Galveston, Texas, as well as in Mississippi, Colorado, Arizona and California, and currently have approximately 30,000 members in their resort ownership. This membership is known as "time-share", which is basically the selling of a week of vacation time at a particular resort, which can be traded at any one of the other resorts as long as there is an opening and it is within the purchase price range of your original purchase. They now have purchased this property and the St. Louis property, which were owned by Thousand Trails. None of the development is within the FEMA 100 yr. flood plain. Once the development is done, which will take between 5 to 7 years to complete, the resort will employ 100 to 125 full-time employees year round. The first phase of construction consists of the roadway, seven buildings, the sales facility, and a nine-hole golf course, scheduled to begin within the next year, and will cost approximately $10 million dollars. Once completed, the development will consist of 432 total units plus 192 camping sites. The development will maintain their own sewer, water and security but will use the county's road way system, and will impact some of the township fire fees if it is needed. The developer has currently interviewed five local contractors during the preliminary bid letting that was held during the last two weeks. This preliminary bid has tentatively been awarded to Trovero Construction, the lowest bidder. The buildings construction bid is expected to be awarded today or tomorrow. The costs for these time-share memberships will vary according to the seasons, but will average about $7500 per week, which will be a one time fee.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – September 8, 1997 Maintenance fees, which include security, sewer, upkeep and tax fees will be a one time fee which will be paid on a monthly basis. SEE RECORD BOOK 108, PAGE 53 RESOLUTION: APPROVING VARIANCES OF THE LASALLE COUNTY SUBDIVISION CONTROL ORDINANCE FOR FOX RIVER RESORT Mr. Keith stated that Mission Township did put a condition on their use permit which stated that the development could not have "year-round" residents living at the resort. It was also agreed to by all parties that the time-share issue would not be changed to a permanent resident type of situation without coming back to Mission Township and LaSalle County for input. Mr. Keith submitted a resolution on behalf of the County Development Committee for Silverleaf Resorts, Inc., the developers of Fox River Resort in Mission Township that contains nineteen items, seventeen of which are actual changes (or variances) to the subdivision ordinance. These variance have been reviewed and discussed in detail by the committee for the past three months. Motion by Mr. Franzetti to approve the variances for Fox River Resort, second by Mr. Foltynewicz. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 108, PAGES 54-59 RESOLUTION: #97-26 FINAL PLAT OF FOX RIVER RESORT, SECTION I A resolution was submitted to accept the final plat of Fox River Resort, Section I, in Mission Township, with the provisions that the sewage disposal system and the water system be in accordance with the current requirements of the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency. Motion by Mr. Jordan to approve the final plat, second by Mr. Rigby. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 108, PAGES 60-61

LaSalle County Board Minutes – September 8, 1997 PRESENTATION: MAYOR OF MARSEILLES John Knudson, Mayor of the City of Marseilles, addressed the Board on behalf of the LaSalle County Mayor's & Councilmen's Association, in regards to the tax caps question that will be on the November ballot for LaSalle County. He stated that the tax cap committee asked to address this organization and open a dialogue on the questions of tax caps. After much discussion, questions and exchange of ideas, the association voted 9-2 to pass a resolution asking the County Board not to put the question on the ballot until implications and effects upon all units of government were fully examined and understood. He further stated that it was not known at this time if this resolution or it's contents were made available to the Board or key committee members. The Association feels that tax caps will have serious ramifications on the abilities of the municipalities and other taxing bodies to provide even the basic continuing services for their constituents. Mr. Franzetti commented that the committee did receive the resolution from the Mayor's Association and it was made a part of the book that the committee assembled on the effects of tax caps. He further stated that during the above stated meeting with the mayor's association, he told the mayors that he thought it would be in their best interest, not just to give the committee the resolution to be put in the book, but to bring the resolution to the full County Board to be presented before the committee made their decision in July. Nothing more was heard from them and no one came forward with the resolution. RESOLUTION: CITY OF MENDOTA CONCERNING IMPOSITION OF TAX CAPS A resolution from the City of Mendota asking that the LaSalle County Board continue to explore and review the implications and effects of tax caps within LaSalle County upon all units of government prior to the decision to conduct a referendum on said issue. This resolution was adopted by the City Council of the City of Mendota on July 7th, 1997.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – September 8, 1997 Mr. Franzetti stated that this resolution was not received in time to be made a part of the tax cap committee booklet. Motion by Mr. Franzetti to put said resolution on record, second by Ms. Koban. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 108, PAGES 62-63 REPORT: COMMITTEE WORK MISCELLANEOUS The Quarterly Report for Committee Work Miscellaneous was submitted in the total amount of $48,984.90. Motion by Mr. Hageman to approve the quarterly report for Committee Work Miscellaneous, second by Mr. Garretson. Roll call vote; 26 ayes, 2 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 108, PAGES 64-95 RESOLUTION: TIF AGREEMENT WITH CITY OF MARSEILLES An intergovernmental tax increment financing agreement between LaSalle County and the City of Marseilles was submitted. Ms. Newcomer explained that the County has reached an agreement with the City of Marseilles and that the County will be getting their 51%, however, this amount will be 40% from the city and 11% from the developer. This TIF District is located within a residential district. Motion by Ms. Newcomer to approve the agreement, second by Mr. Dittmer. Roll call vote was held; 21 ayes, 5 nays, 2 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 108, PAGES 96-99 RESOLUTION: AGREEMENT BETWEEN LASALLE COUNTY AND YOESLE & EDDY CONSTRUCTION, INC, An agreement between LaSalle County and Yoesle & Eddy Construction, Inc. as the developer involved in the redevelopment of the property located in TIF District III established by the City of Marseilles. Said agreement states that the developer will make annual payments to the county during the life of the Marseilles TIF District III. The basis for the annual payment shall solely be derived from the amount of real estate tax revenues derived from the property located with said TIF district. Payments by the developer shall be made within

LaSalle County Board Minutes – September 8, 1997 60 days of the developer's receipt of TIF revenue pursuant to the developer's redevelopment agreement with the City of Marseilles. Motion by Ms. Newcomer to approve the agreement with the developer, second by Mr. Landers. Roll call vote; 21 ayes, 5 nays, 2 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 108, PAGES 100-105 SAFETY POLICY The updated Safety Policy and Procedures for Worker's Compensation that was placed on file for review at the August meeting was brought to the floor for adoption. Orginal motion in August was made by Mr. Dittmer, second by Mr. Landers. Roll call vote was held for the adoption of the policy; 26 ayes, 2 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 108, PAGE 106-107 APPOINTMENT: BROOKFIELD-VIENNA DRAINAGE DISTRICT A resolution was submitted to appoint George McComb as a commissioner of the Brookfield-Vienna Drainage District for a three year term with said term set to expire the first Tuesday of September, 2000. Motion by Mr. Garretson to approve the appointment of Mr. McComb, second by Mr. Key. Voice vote, one nay. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 108, PAGES 108-111 APPOINTMENT: HEALTH DEPARTMENT BOARD A resolution was submitted to appoint Caner Celeboglu to fill the position of board member on the LaSalle County Health Department Board, replacing Ishmar Jagasia who has resigned. Said term is set to expire August 1, 1998. Motion by Mrs. Woodrich to approve the appointment of Dr. Celeboglu, second by Ms. Newcomer. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 108, PAGE 112-113 ANNOUNCEMENT Chairman Hettel announced that all county owned vehicles, except the appropriate ones used by the sheriff's department, shall display the county logo seal and that it will be strickly enforced as of December 1st, 1997, the start of the

LaSalle County Board Minutes – September 8, 1997 new fiscal year. This decision will be coming from the committee to the full board for enactment. MISCELLANEOUS REPORTS & CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence from the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency reporting on the public meeting that was held in LaSalle to discuss results of soil and sediment samples collected on property possibly affected by past operations of the old Matthiessen & Hegeler facility. It was concluded as a result of these samples, that a thorough environmental investigation of these affected areas will be held. SEE RECORD BOOK 108, PAGES 114 Correspondence from the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency stating that a construction permit is being proposed for the Huntsman Corporation in Peru for the modification of a polystyrene manufacturing facilty. Comments on the proposed issuance of this permit must be postmarked by midnight October 14, 1997. SEE RECORD BOOK 108, PAGES 115-131 Correspondence to the Illinois Department of Revenue regarding business address verification for tax allocation purposes was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 108, PAGES 132-136 The Treasurer's Investment Schedule dated September 2, 1997 was submitted to place on file. SEE RECORD BOOK 108, PAGE 137 Motion by Mr. Rosengren to place all on file, second by Mr. Piecha. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. MOTION Motion by Mr. Landers to go into executive session to discuss pending negotiations, second by Mr. Combs. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. The room was cleared for executive session. Motion by Mr. Franzetti to go back into regular session, second by Ms. Newcomer. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. ------

LaSalle County Board Minutes – September 8, 1997 Motion by Mr. Combs to recess to October 9, 1997 at 1:00 p.m. in room 250, second by Mr. Savitch. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. CHAIRMAN HETTEL DECLARED THE MEETING RECESSED TO OCTOBER 9, 1997.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – September 8, 1997 STATE OF ILLINOIS ) COUNTY OF LASALLE ) The LaSalle County Board met pursuant to recess at the Governmental Complex, Ottawa, Illinois, on the second Thursday of October, A.D., 1997 it being the 9th day thereof. This meeting is the second meeting of our September 1997 Session. Chairman Hettel called the meeting to order at 1:09 P.M. Chairman Hettel asked the Clerk to call the roll for mileage & per diem. PRESENT: 27 Members ABSENT: Mr. McConville, Mrs. Panzica There were 24 ayes claiming mileage. Motion by Mr. Rigby to approve the roll call for mileage & per diem, second by Mr. Rosengren. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 108, PAGE 138 Chairman Hettel called for any additions or corrections to the September 8th, 1997 minutes. Motion by Mr. Foltynewicz to approve the September 8th minutes as presented, second by Mr. Combs. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. RESOLUTION: POSTHUMOUSLY HONOR FRANCIS "DOC" YABSLEY A resolution was submitted to posthumously honor former County Board member Francis "Doc" Yabsley who recently passed away. Motion by Mr. Stockley to approve the resolution, second by Mrs. Cogdal. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. A moment of silence was observed in his honor. SEE RECORD BOOK 108, PAGE 139 STUDENT EXCELLENCE AWARD Mr. William Novotney, Supt. of Schools, introduced the student who was awarded the Student Excellence Award; from Washington School in Oglesby, Marc Trovero. Marc was presented with his award plaque from Chairman Hettel and was applauded by the Board.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – October 9, 1997 STUDENT GOVERNMENT DAY Mr. Richard Meyers, Asst. Supt. of Schools, introduced those students participating in the 15th annual Student Government Day. The following students from Seneca High School represented the elected office holders: Tammy Kennedy, Lindsay McLellan, Clayton Melocik, Leslie Pitts, Jill Herrick, Steve Jeschke, Kyle Stenzel, Peter Bergstrom and Rick Engstrom. The following students from their respective high schools represented County Board members: from Mendota High School, Brooke Beetz and Jeremy Holzner; from Earlville High School, Michele Weymouth and Marco Rousonelos; from Leland High School, Pricilla LeCompte; from Serena High School, Megan Rissman; from Ottawa High School, Harley Piercy, Brooke Grunstad, Mark Louden-Brown, Beth Roper, Corrine Lanuti, Brittany Crowhurst and Josh Meyer; from Seneca High School, Anne Bradford; from LaSalle-Peru High School, Brian Gift, Michelle Fiorentina, Josh Ybora, Bryan Martin, Neil Nicholson, Chuck Trovero, Aya Ozeki, Liz Wagner and Matt McConville; from Marquette High School, Michelle Bretag; and from Streator High School, Ryan Sauers, Maggie Haynes, Kerri Sabino, Zach Muscato and Kevin Missel. The students were seated with their appropriate counterpart. RESOLUTION: WORKFORCE DELIVERY AREA Dale Broadway, Executive Director of B.E.S.T., addressed the Board to report on the progress of the organization. This organization provides vocational education, job seeking/getting skills, work experience, a summer youth program and a dislocated worker program. Mr. Broadway stated that Congress is currently considering legislation that would create Workforce Development Areas that may require that the present Service Delivery Area structure in Illinois be reviewed. A resolution was submitted stating that the counties of Bureau, Lee, Putnam and LaSalle (Private Industry Council for SDA #12) will continue to partner and constitute as a single unified contiguous group of counties in the designation of any new Workforce Development Areas.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – October 9, 1997 Motion by Mr. Rigby to approve the resolution, second by Mr. McGurk. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 108, PAGES 140-143 RESOLUTION: POLLING PLACES-NOVEMBER 4TH, 1997 NONPARTISAN ELECTION A resolution was submitted listing the polling places that will be used for the November 4th, 1997 Nonpartisan Election and to authorize the County Clerk to fill any vacancies, which may occur, at her discretion. Motion by Mr. Dittmer to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Hageman. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 108, PAGES 144-146 RESOLUTION: BALLOT COUNT WITNESSES FOR NOVEMBER 4TH, 1997 NONPARTISAN ELECTION A resolution was submitted setting forth the names of those individuals who will be allowed in the office of the County Clerk to view the ballot counting procedure for the November 4th, 1997 Nonpartisan Election. Motion by Mr. Foltynewicz to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Mowinski. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 108, PAGE 147 RESOLUTION: AMENDING ORDINANCE IMPOSING TAX UPON PERSONS ENGAGED IN LEASING ROOMS A resolution was submitted to amend the ordinance that imposes a tax upon all persons in the county engaged in the business of renting, leasing or letting rooms in a hotel that was previously passed by the County Board on August 14, 1995. Motion by Mr. Dittmer to approve the amendment, second by Mr. Mustered. The resolution will be held over for one month before a vote is taken for adoption.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – October 9, 1997 RESOLUTION: VICTIM/WITNESS PROGRAM A resolution was submitted stating that the County of LaSalle acknowledges and recognizes the outstanding character and achievement of the LaSalle County State's Attorneys Victim/Witness Program, and extends it's appreciation to Mike James, Debbie Buffington and the entire staff of the State's Attorneys office for their outstanding services to victims and witnesses of criminal offenses in LaSalle County. Motion by Mrs. Cogdal to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Landers. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 108, PAGE 148 RESOLUTION: #97-27 VARIANCE TO SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE Mr. William Keith, County Engineer, submitted a resolution on behalf of the County Development Committee, requesting a variance to the subdivision ordinance to have three entrances onto County Highway 18 for Jeffries Estate Subdivision in Dayton Township. Motion by Mr. Franzetti to approve the variance, second by Mr. Foltynewicz. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 108, PAGES 149-150 RESOLUTION: #97-28 VARIANCE TO SETBACK ORDINANCE A resolution was submitted requesting a variance to the setback ordinance for James K. Stremlau to build an addition to his house in Troy Grove Township. Motion by Mr. Franzetti to approve the variance, second by Mr. Mowinski. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 108, PAGES 151-152 RESOLUTION: #97-29 VARIANCE TO SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE A resolution was submitted requesting a variance to the subdivision ordinance for Norman and Donna Morton to split off a two acre tract from lot 3 in Timber Lane Estates Subdivision in Dimmick Township. Motion by Mr. Martens to approve the variance, second by Mr. Small. Voice vote, one nay. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 108, PAGES 153-154

LaSalle County Board Minutes – October 9, 1997 RESOLUTION: #97-15 1998 BRIDGE AID PETITIONS & REQUESTS Mr. Keith submitted the resolution, on behalf of the Bridge and Township Roads Committee, for the 1998 Bridge Aid Petitions and Requests totaling $480,000.00. Motion by Mr. Small to approve the aid petitions and requests, second by Mr. Landers. Roll call vote was held; 24 ayes, 2 pass , 2 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 108, PAGES 155-167 RESOLUTION: SURFACE EFFLUENT DISCHARGE A resolution was submitted prohibiting septic systems that discharge surface effluent in new subdivisions, submitted to the County of LaSalle after the effective date of this resolution until such time as the LaSalle County Board adopts new regulations addressing the surface effluent problem or amends its current ordinance to regulate the problem. Motion by Mr. Foltynewicz to approve the resolution, second by Ms. Koban. Roll call vote was held; 25 ayes, 1 nay, 2 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 108, PAGES 168-172 INTRODUCTION Mr. Mustered acknowledged Pat Rae of One First Chicago/N.B.D. and Jeff Shoople from Bernardi Securities, who addressed the Board to express their appreciation at being chosen as the underwriting firms to structure and underwrite the issuance of general obligation bonds on behalf of LaSalle County. Edward Bernardi, owner of Bernardi Securities and his son Ron, were also present to address any questions the board members had in regards to these bonds. RESOLUTION: GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS A resolution was submitted by the Finance Committee that calls for retaining and engaging One First Chicago/N.B.D. as lead underwriter and Bernardi Securities Inc., as co-manager to structure and underwrite general obligation bonds (sales tax alternative revenue source).

LaSalle County Board Minutes – October 9, 1997 Motion by Mr. Mustered to approve the resolution for the underwriters, second by Mr. Landers. Chairman Hettel declared a five minute recess to allow for discussion of a possible amendment to the resolution. AMENDMENT Motion by Mr. Foltynewicz to amend the resolution to make section 5 read as follows: "The issuance of any bonds by LaSalle County covered by this resolution shall be conditioned upon successful passage of a .25% sales tax referendum"; with the present section 5 being changed to section 6, second by Mr. Jordan. Roll call vote was held to amend; 26 ayes, 2 absent. Motion carried. Same roll call vote on the resolution as amended; voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 108, PAGES 173-176 RESOLUTION: E.S.D.A. COORDINATOR A resolution was submitted to reappoint Emerson Tidd as the ESDA Coordinator for LaSalle County for a two year period beginning December 1, 1997 and expiring November 30, 1999 at a salary rate of $21,164.00 for the two years. Motion by Mr. Jordan to approve the reappointment, second by Mr. Martens. Same roll call vote; voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 108, PAGES 177-178 RESOLUTION: ADMINISTRATOR OF NURSING HOME A resolution was submitted to hire Elizabeth Ramsey to act as administrator of the LaSalle County Nursing Home for a two year period, beginning the 1st day of December, 1997 and continuing through the 30th day of November 1999. Also stated in the resolution is the salary rate of $41,750.00 for the first fiscal year and $43,000.00 for the second year, plus $85.00 per month for an automobile allowance. Motion by Mr. Jordan to approve the hiring of Elizabeth Ramsey, second by Mrs. Cogdal. Same roll call vote; voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 108, PAGES 179-181

LaSalle County Board Minutes – October 9, 1997 RESOLUTION: SUPV. OF ASSESSMENTS A resolution was submitted stating that a renewal of the contract of Linda Kendall as Supervisor of Assessments for LaSalle County was being anticipated; said renewal would be for a four year term, beginning December 1, 1997. The resolution also states that the salary would be set as follows: $50,780.00 for the first year; $52,280.00 for the second year; $53,780.00 for the third year; and $55,280.00 for the fourth year. Motion by Mr. Rosengren to approve the contract for Linda Kendall, second by Mr. Combs. Same roll call vote; voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 108, PAGES 182-183 RESOLUTION: COURT APPOINTED ATTORNEY FOR JUVENILE PROCEEDINGS A resolution was submitted setting the salary of the Court Appointed Attorney for Juvenile proceedings, particularly for representation of parents in Juvenile Court, Employee Line Item 586.005, at $18,624.00 for a one year period beginning December 1, 1997 and expiring November 30, 1998. Motion by Mr. Rosengren to approve the resolution, second by Mrs. Woodrich. Same roll call vote; voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 108, PAGES 184-185 RESOLUTION: COUNTY PHYSICIAN A resolution was submitted setting forth the terms and conditions of an agreement between LaSalle County and Dr. James R. Pelton as the County Physician for a period of one year, set to expire November 30, 1998. Motion by Mr. Rosengren to approve the agreement, second by Mr. Mowinski. Same roll call vote; voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 108, PAGES 186-190 RESOLUTION: ILLINOIS VALLEY AREA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE A resolution from the Illinois Valley Area Chamber of Commerce and Economic Development Board of Directors, stating that said Board opposes the

LaSalle County Board Minutes – October 9, 1997 efforts of LaSalle County to increase the retail sales tax by one-quarter of one percent (to one-half of one percent). Motion by Mr. Hageman to place the resolution on file, second by Mr. Foltynewicz. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 108, PAGES 191-192 REPORT: HOUSE BILLS Mrs. Allender gave a brief report on the status of a few House Bills that were approved and discussed at the recent Zone 4 meeting held on October 4th, 1997. A list of said bills was distributed to each board member. SEE RECORD BOOK 108, PAGES 193-195 MOTION Mr. Mustered made a motion that the LaSalle County Board go on record as being opposed to S.B. #6 and that a letter of said opposition be sent to Representative Mautino, who has been asked by Judge Carter to investigate this issue further, second by Mr. Dittmer. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. MISCELLANEOUS REPORTS & CORRESPONDENCE A report from the Illinois Department of Revenue stating that the County Supplemental Tax for June 1997 has been reported and collected in the amount of $199,576.35. SEE RECORD BOOK 108, PAGE 196 A report from the Illinois Department of Revenue stating that the County Sales Tax for June 1997 has been reported and collected in the amount of $48,779.20. SEE RECORD BOOK 108, PAGE 197 The Financial Report for the months of June, July and August 1997 from the Probation and Court Services office was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 108, PAGES 198-204 The Treasurer's Investment Schedule dated October 1, 1997 was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 108, PAGE 205 A report from the Illinois Department of Revenue stating that the County Supplemental Tax for July 1997 has been reported and collected in the amount of $196,426.82.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – October 9, 1997 SEE RECORD BOOK 108, PAGE 206 A report from the Illinois Department of Revenue stating that the County Sales Tax for July 1997 has been reported and collected in the amount of $48,129.44. SEE RECORD BOOK 108, PAGE 207 Motion by Mr. Stockley to place all reports and correspondence on file, second by Mr. Garretson. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. ANNOUNCEMENTS Chairman Hettel announced that there will be two (2) meetings in November; the first will be held on November 6th to present the budget, which will be placed on file in the County Clerk's office for 15 days for viewing, and the adoption will take place on November 21st. The Chairman also stated that he will be appointing an over-site committee for the landfill. ------Moved by Mr. Combs that the meeting recess to November 6, 1997 at 1:00 p.m. in room 250, second by Mr. Savitch. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. CHAIRMAN HETTEL DECLARED THE MEETING RECESSED TO NOVEMBER 6, 1997.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – October 9, 1997 STATE OF ILLINOIS ) COUNTY OF LASALLE ) The LaSalle County Board met pursuant to recess at the Governmental Complex, Ottawa, Illinois on the first Thursday of November, A.D., 1997 it being the 6th day thereof. This meeting is the third meeting of our September 1997 Session. Chairman Hettel called the meeting to order at 1:06 p.m. Chairman Hettel asked the Clerk to call the roll for Mileage & Per Diem. PRESENT: 25 Members ABSENT: Mr. Mowinski, Mr. Rosengren, Mrs. Panzica, Ms. Koban. There were 21 ayes claiming mileage. Motion by Mr. Rigby to approve the roll call for mileage & per diem, second by Mr. Garretson. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE BOOK 109, PAGE 1 Chairman Hettel called for any additions or corrections to the October 9th, 1997 minutes. Chairman Hettel corrected the minutes to eliminate the effective date of the contract for the Supervisor of Assessments. He also questioned the wording that was listed under the resolution for the general obligation bonds. Attorney Leigh explained that, in his opinion, the way the minutes read was correct. Motion by Mr. Hageman to approve the October 9th minutes as corrected, second by Mr. Stockley. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. STUDENT EXCELLENCE AWARDS William Novotney, Supt. of Schools, introduced the two students who were awarded the Student Excellence Awards; from Dimmick Grade School, Jonelle Yaklich; and from Grand Ridge Grade School, Sheila Calhan. The students received their award plaques from Chairman Hettel and were applauded by the Board.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – November 6, 1997 RESOLUTION: AMENDING ORDINANCE IMPOSING TAX UPON PERSONS ENGAGED IN LEASING ROOMS The resolution to amend the ordinance that imposes a tax upon all persons in the county engaged in the business of renting, leasing or letting rooms in a hotel that was held over from the October meeting was submitted for approval. Motion by Mr. Dittmer to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Mustered. Discussion ensued as to whether the tourism issue should be handled by the Parks committee or a new committee in itself, instead of being handled by the Finance Committee. Chairman Hettel remarked that the matter will be looked into, but that he felt that the Finance Committee would still have the final approval or recommendation. Chairman Hettel called for a roll call vote on the resolution; 18 ayes, 3 nays, 2 present, 5 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 109, PAGES 2-5 RESOLUTION: DEFINING RESPONSIBLE BIDDER A resolution was submitted stating that the term "responsible bidder" for construction contracts means a bidder who meets all of the following applicable criteria, and submits evidence of such compliance: 1) all applicable laws pre- requisite to doing business in Illinois, 2) evidence of compliance with a federal employer tax identification number or social security number (for individuals), and provision of Section 2000(e) of Chapter 21, Title 42 of the United States Code and Federal Executive Order No. 11246 as amended by Executive Order No. 11375 (known as the Equal Opportunity Employer provisions); 3) certificates of insurance indicating coverages for general liability, worker's compensation, completed operations, automobile, hazardous occupation, product and professional liability; 4) compliance with all provisions of the Illinois Prevailing Wage Act; and 5) participation in apprenticeship and training programs approved and registered with the United States Department of Labor's Bureau of Apprenticeship & Training.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – November 6, 1997 Motion by Mr. Jordan to approve the resolution defining responsible bidder, second by Mr. Landers. Chairman Hettel stated that the resolution will be held over for vote until December's meeting. RESOLUTION: CONTRACT FOR SUPERVISOR OF ASSESSMENTS A contract for Linda Kendall, as Supervisor of Assessments, with the correct effective date, was submitted. Said contract is for four years, beginning May 1, 1998 and will expire April 30, 2002. Salary amounts will remain the same as those that were stated in the previous contract presented at October's meeting. Motion by Mr. Dittmer to approve the corrected contract for Linda Kendall, second by Mr. Mustered. Roll call vote was held; 24 ayes, 4 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 109, PAGES 6-7 RESOLUTION: CONTRACT TERMINATION AGREEMENT WITH NCICG A resolution was submitted terminating the contract agreement between LaSalle County and North Central Illinois Council of Governments that was signed on August 15, 1996 for planning and zoning services in helping to compile the LaSalle County Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance. The remaining sum of $3,197.14 shall apply to future hourly services obtained from NCICG, if any, otherwise, it will be refunded. Motion by Mr. Stockley to approve the contract termination, second by Mr. Small. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 109, PAGES 8-15 APPOINTMENT: SHERIDAN SANITARY DISTRICT A resolution was submitted to appoint James Bristol as a trustee of the Sheridan Sanitary District for a term of three years commencing November 1, 1997 and also to approve the bond of Terry Hapke. Motion by Mr. Hageman to approve the appointment of Mr. Bristol, second by Mrs. Allender. Voice vote, one nay. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 109, PAGES 16-21

LaSalle County Board Minutes – November 6, 1997 APPOINTMENT: EARLVILLE FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT A resolution was submitted to appoint William Lonie as a trustee of the Earlville Fire Protection District to fill the unexpired term of Thomas Atherton, who resigned. Said term of office is set to expire on May 1, 1998. Motion by Mr. Stockley to approve the appointment of Mr. Lonie, second by Mr. Rigby. Voice vote, one nay. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 109, PAGES 22-23 APPOINTMENT: LASALLE COUNTY CIVIC CENTER A resolution was submitted to appoint Donald Goy as a member of the LaSalle County Civic Center Board for a three year term beginning December 1, 1997 and expiring December, 2000. Mr. Goy will be replacing Gerry Bryan, who resigned effective November 1, 1997. Motion by Mr. Martens to approve the appointment of Mr. Goy, second by Mr. Key. Voice vote, one nay. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 109, PAGES 24-25 MOTION Mr. Franzetti made a motion from the floor that all future appointments be held over for one month before the board votes on said appointments, second by Mr. Piecha. Roll call vote was held on the motion; 9 ayes, 14 nays, 1 present, 4 absent. Motion defeated. SEE RECORD BOOK 109, PAGE 26 PRESENTATION: 1998 PROPOSED BUDGET REPORT Mr. Mustered, Chairman of the Finance Committee, submitted the proposed 1998 Budget Report in the amount of $38,200,651.16, an increase of $1,036,442.34 over the adopted 1997 Budget. He explained that the increase was due to such issues as wage increases, the upcoming nursing home improvements, insurance, the flood buy-out program, the contract with IVCC and also the current pending litigation that the County is involved in. The levy amount of this proposed budget is $11,182,870.00. The public hearing on said budget will be held on November 21st, 1997 at 1:00 p.m. in the Board Room.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – November 6, 1997 Motion by Mr. Mustered to place the proposed budget on file in the County Clerk's office for 15 days, second by Mrs. Woodrich. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 109, PAGE 27 MISCELLANEOUS REPORTS & CORRESPONDENCE A resolution was read from Earlville School District #9 stating that they will join all other units of government, including the LaSalle County Board, in efforts to inform the public of the possible consequences which may result from the imposition of tax caps. SEE RECORD BOOK 109, PAGE 28-29 Correspondence to the Illinois Department of Revenue regarding business address verification for tax allocation purposes was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 109, PAGES 30-34 The Treasurer's Investment Schedule dated November 3rd, 1997 was submitted to place on file. SEE RECORD BOOK 109, PAGE 35 A Third Quarter Report for the periods of June 1997 - August 1997 for the LaSalle County Detention Home was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 109, PAGES 36-39 The Annual Report from the LaSalle County Regional Office of Education was submitted to place on file. SEE RECORD BOOK 109, PAGE 40 Motion by Mr. Rigby to place all on file, second by Mr. Garretson. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. ANNOUNCEMENTS Chairman Hettel announced that Mr. Landers will be in charge of arrangements for the County Board Christmas party this year. Mr. Landers will begin making the necessary arrangements and will report back to the board on the date and place. Chairman Hettel also commented that each board member was to contact Tina as to where they would like their $300.00 ESDA allotment money to be sent.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – November 6, 1997 ------Moved by Mr. Combs that the meeting recess to November 21, 1997 at 1:00 p.m. in room 250, second by Mr. Savitch. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. CHAIRMAN HETTEL DECLARED THE MEETING RECESSED TO NOVEMBER 21, 1997.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – November 6, 1997 STATE OF ILLINOIS ) COUNTY OF LASALLE ) The LaSalle County Board met pursuant to recess at the Governmental Complex, Ottawa, Illinois on the third Friday of November, A.D., 1997 it being the 21st day thereof. This meeting is the fourth meeting of our September 1997 Session. Chairman Hettel called the meeting to order at 1:04 p.m. Chairman Hettel asked the Clerk to call the roll for mileage & per diem. PRESENT: 27 Members ABSENT: Mr. Rosengren, Ms. Koban. There were 22 ayes claiming mileage. Motion by Mr. Foltynewicz to approve the roll call for mileage and per diem, second by Mr. Combs. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 109, PAGE 41 Chairman Hettel called for any additions or corrections to the November 6th, 1997 minutes. Motion by Mr. Bruch to approve the November 6th minutes as presented, second by Mrs. Cogdal. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. 1998 BUDGET REPORT PUBLIC HEARING Under State Statute, if we go over 105% of the previous year's levy, a public hearing must be conducted. This year's levy is 108.1% over last year's levy. Chairman Hettel opened the floor for comment. Mr. William Maddingly, a resident of Ottawa, addressed the Board to express his opposition to the increase in the levy. He believes the tax cap issue was defeated because of "scare tactics" by the Board and school board officials. His taxes, on a home he purchased seven years ago, have almost doubled. He is a retired person on a fixed income and can no longer afford these increases in property taxes. He feels the County should learn to live within their budget. Chairman Hettel stated, for the record, that the budget was based on the means of the County, not on whether the tax caps issue passed or failed.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – November 21, 1997 RESOLUTION: DEPUTY RECOGNITION A resolution was read commending Deputy Steven Eller for his outstanding performance on November 8th, 1997 of observation and perseverance in the rescue of two teenage girls who had been kidnapped earlier that day. Motion by Mr. Janko to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Stockley. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 109, PAGE 42 RESOLUTION: REFERENDUM ON RETAILERS' OCCUPATION TAX FOR PUBLIC SAFETY A resolution was submitted calling for a March 1998 referendum on the question of whether the County of LaSalle shall impose a special County Retailers' Occupation Tax for public safety. Motion by Mr. Hageman to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Landers. It was brought to the Chairman's attention, by the County Clerk, that the March 1998 election is a general primary election. It was agreed by the same motion and second that the word "primary" be added in the third paragraph. Chairman Hettel called for a roll call vote on the resolution calling for a referendum; 26 ayes, 2 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 109, PAGES 43-46 Chairman Hettel thanked the tax cap committee for all the work they did to prepare and inform the public on the tax cap issue. MOTION Mr. Franzetti made a motion that the county attorney send a letter to the Governor of the State of Illinois and the legislators who represent LaSalle County, asking that he not sign any bill on education that does not contain a reduction in the real estate taxes, second by Mr. Mustered. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – November 21, 1997 RESOLUTION: IVCC DATA PROCESSING CONTRACT A resolution was submitted listing the terms and conditions of the contract between LaSalle County and IVCC for data processing services, for the period of December 1, 1997 to November 30, 1998 in the amount of $215,000.00. Motion by Mr. Rigby to approve the contract, second by Mrs. Allender. Harold Barnes addressed the Board to explain the additions and some minor changes to the contract. Chairman Hettel called for a roll call vote to approve the contract; 26 ayes, 2 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 109, PAGES 47-59 RESOLUTION: #97-16 BIENNIAL TOWNSHIP BRIDGE INSPECTIONS William Keith, County Engineer, addressed the Board and submitted a resolution authorizing the Chairman to enter into an agreement with Chamlin & Associates, Inc. for the biennial township bridge inspections. Motion by Mr. Small to approve the agreement with Chamlin & Associates, second by Mr. Mowinski. Roll call vote; 25 ayes, 2 absent, 1 present. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 109, PAGE 60-64 RESOLUTION: #97-30 FINAL PLAT APPROVAL - DUTCH ESTATES A resolution was submitted on behalf of the County Development Committee, to accept the final plat of Dutch Estates Subdivision in Northville Towship. Motion by Mr. Mowinski to approve the final plat, second by Mr. Foltynewicz. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 109, PAGES 65-66 RESOLUTION: AMENDING BUILDING PERMIT ORDINANCE A resolution was submitted to amend the LaSalle County Building Permit Ordinance, and subdivision ordinance by recommending the title of the ordinance and references to "building permit(s)" be amended to read

LaSalle County Board Minutes – November 21, 1997 "construction permit(s)" until such a time as the County may elect to adopt a building code in conjunction with the issuance of permits. Said resolution also states that said applicant must also comply with the following LaSalle County Ordinances: Subdivision Control Ordinance, Floodplain Ordinance, Mobile Home Park Ordinance, Setback Ordinance, Private Sewage Disposal Licensing Act & Code and the Water Well Construction Act, Inoperable Motor Vehicle Ordinance, Garbage and Debris Removal Ordinance, and the Illinois Environmental Protection Act if granting the permit would prevent a remediation of the hazard or condition causing the violation of these Ordinances and statute. Motion by Mr. Jordan to approve the amendments to the building permit ordinance, second by Mr. Piecha. MOTION TO AMEND Mr. Mustered moved to amend the amendment to include the "nuisance ordinance", second by Mr. Foltynewicz. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. Chairman Hettel stated that the ordinance will be held over for review before the final vote is taken at the next scheduled meeting. 1998 BUDGET REPORT Mr. Mustered, Chairman of the Finance Committee, presented the 1998 Budget in the amount of $39,512,665.85. He began by stating for the record, that $700,000 was not levied for the pending litigation with the sheriff's department. A four-page list of changes was read that reflects the increased amount as presented in the proposed budget that was placed on file at the November 6th, 1997 meeting. Mr. Mustered also explained why these line items had changed. Motion by Mr. Mustered to adopt the 1998 Budget in the total amount of $39,512,665.85, second by Mr. Mowinski. Ms. Newcomer addressed the Board to discuss the possibility of hiring an additional truant officer for LaSalle County. She introduced the two individuals who currently act as truant officers for the county, Martha Small and Arlene Jackson. Ms. Newcomer asked for some clarification as to why the request for the additional truant officer has been turned down in committee for the past four

LaSalle County Board Minutes – November 21, 1997 years. She further stated that there has been this misconception that the schools furnish their own truant officers, but that this wasn't the case. Discussion followed as to who was responsible for this service, the schools or the county. MOTION Mr. Mustered moved that the truant officer issue be referred back to the appropriate committee for further study and investigation on whose responsibility it is, second by Mr. Stockley. Roll call vote was held; 21 ayes, 5 nays, 2 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 109, PAGE 67 Chairman Hettel called for a roll call vote to adopt the 1998 Budget with the approved changes that were read from the four-page list; 26 ayes, 2 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 109, PAGES 68-72 1997-1998 LASALLE COUNTY GENERAL TAX LEVY Mr. Mustered moved to adopt the Tax Levy for the 1997-98 fiscal year in the amount of $11,182,870.00, second by Mr. Combs. Same roll call vote; voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 109, PAGES 73-80 TAX ANTICIPATION WARRANTS Tax Anticipation Warrants were submitted for the following funds: General County Fund, Veterans Assistance Commission Fund, Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund, County Health Department, County Nursing Home Fund, Special Tax Matching Fund, Insurance Fund, Bridges Constructed by the County on Township and County Line Roads Fund, County Highway Fund, Mental Health Fund, and the Detention Home Fund. Motion by Mr. Foltynewicz to accept the eleven tax anticipation warrants, second by Ms. Newcomer. Same roll call vote; voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 109, PAGES 81-102

LaSalle County Board Minutes – November 21, 1997 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE A Certificate of Compliance was submitted to place on file certifying that the levy adopted today does comply with the provisions of Section 4 through 7 of the Illinois "Truth in Taxation Act." Motion by Mr. Jordan to adopt the certificate of compliance, second by Mr. McGurk. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 109, PAGE 103 APPOINTMENT: LASALLE COUNTY METROPOLITAN CIVIC CENTER A resolution was submitted to reappoint Craig Ayers as a board member of the LaSalle County Metropolitan Civic Center for a three year term beginning December 1, 1997 and expiring December 1, 2000. Motion by Mr. Martens to approve the appointment of Mr. Ayers, second by Mr. Hageman. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 109, PAGES 104-105 APPOINTMENT: WALLACE DRAINAGE DISTRICT #7 A resolution was submitted to reappoint James F. Brown as a commissioner of the Wallace Drainage District #7 for a five year term; said term expiring the first Tuesday of September, 2002; to also appoint Thomas E. Haeberle for a four year term with term set to expire the first Tuesday of September, 2001; and to also appoint William T. Bragg for a three year term with said term set to expire on the first Tuesday of September, 2000. Motion by Mrs. Cogdal to approve the above appointments, second by Mr. McConville. Voice vote, one nay. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 109, PAGES 106-118 APPOINTMENT: FARMLAND ASSESSMENT COMMITTEE A resolution was submitted to reappoint Ralph Walter as a member of the LaSalle County Farmland Assessment Committee for a three year term beginning July 1, 1996 and expiring July 1, 1999. Motion by Mr. Garretson to approve the reappointment of Mr. Walter, second by Mr. Jordan. Voice vote, one nay. Motion carried.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – November 21, 1997 SEE RECORD BOOK 109, PAGE 119 LETTER OF COMMENDATION A letter addressed to Dale McConville, from Al Humpage, Chairman of the "Blast the Caps Committee of LaSalle County", Richard Myers, Marty Ricconi, Co-chairman, LaSalle/Putnam County Legislative Committee, commending him for his help in their successful campaign to oppose the PTELL in LaSalle County. Motion by Mr. Hageman to place said letter on file, second by Mrs. Woodrich. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 109, PAGE 120 MISCELLANEOUS REPORTS & CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence to the Illinois Department of Revenue regarding business address verification for tax allocation purposes was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 109, PAGES 121-126 A report from the Illinois Department of Revenue stating that the County Supplemental Tax for August 1997 has been reported and collected in the amount of $198,837.90. SEE RECORD BOOK 109, PAGE 127 A report from the Illinois Department of Revenue stating that the County Sales Tax for August 1997 has been reported and collected in the amount of $47,756.32. SEE RECORD BOOK 109, PAGE 128 Correspondence from Freedom Township, through their legal representative, Dale Stockley, stating that a resolution imposing a 120 day moratorium on platting of new subdivisions or the placing of mobile/modular homes on non-permanent foundations in the town of Freedom was recently adopted on November 12, 1997. Said correspondence requests that the townships requirements be met before any action at the county level is taken. SEE RECORD BOOK 109, PAGES 129-131 Motion to place all on file by Mrs. Allender, second by Mr. Stockley. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – November 21, 1997 ANNOUNCEMENTS Mr. Landers stated that the County Board Christmas Party will be held on December 14th at the Starved Rock Lodge. All reservations should be turned into Tina as soon as possible. Chairman Hettel thanked the members of the Finance Committee for their efforts in putting the budget together. OVERSITE COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENT Chairman Hettel announced his choices of the individuals who will serve on the Landfill Oversite Committee; Mike Harstead, as Director of Environmental Services, Pat Cogdal (the landfill is located in her district), Art Rick, Jr., Ottawa Township official, (landfill located in his jurisdiction), Ario Franzetti and Richard Foltynewicz, as county representatives, and Tom Walsh, as citizen at large. POINT OF INFORMATION Ms. Newcomer addressed the Board to say that there had been some concern about putting a stop sign at an intersection on East 38th Road, in the Mendota area. Bill Keith has given the OK to Galen Eich, Mendota Township Highway Commissioner, to go ahead and install the stop sign. ------Motion by Mr. Combs to adjourn to December 8th, 1997 at 1:00 p.m. in room 250, second by Mr. Savitch. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. CHAIRMAN HETTEL DECLARED THE MEETING ADJOURNED TO DECEMBER 8TH, 1997.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – November 21, 1997 STATE OF ILLINOIS ) COUNTY OF LASALLE ) RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE LASALLE COUNTY BOARD HELD AT THE GOVERNMENTAL COMPLEX, OTTAWA, ILLINOIS. BEGUN AND HELD ON THE FIRST MONDAY OF DECEMBER, A.D., 1997, IT BEING THE 8TH DAY THEREOF. STATE OF ILLINOIS ) COUNTY OF LASALLE ) The LaSalle County Board met pursuant to Statute at the Governmental Complex, Ottawa, Illinois, on the first Monday of December, A.D., 1997 it being the 8th day thereof. Chairman Hettel called the meeting to order at 1:10 p.m. This is the 1st meeting of our December 1997 Session. Chairman Hettel asked the Clerk to call the roll for mileage & per diem. PRESENT: 26 Members ABSENT: Mr. Mustered, Mr. Rosengren, Mr. Stockley. There were 21 ayes claiming mileage. Motion by Mr. Foltynewicz to approve the roll call for mileage & per diem, second by Mr. Combs. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 109, PAGE 132 Chairman Hettel called for any additions or corrections to the November 21st, 1997 minutes. Chairman Hettel corrected the minutes on the first page, in regards to his comment on the budget, replacing the word "means" with the word "needs". Motion by Mr. Hageman to approve the November 21st minutes as corrected, second by Mr. Key. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. STUDENT EXCELLENCE AWARDS William Novotney, Supt. of Schools, introduced the two students who were awarded the Student Excellence Awards for the month; from Utica Elementary School, David Stewart; and from Deer Park Grade School, Charles Pandolfi. The students received their award plaques and were applauded by the Board.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – December 8, 1997 RESOLUTION: UNION CONTRACT AMENDMENT A resolution was submitted on behalf of the Fee & Salary Committee, to amend the Labor Contract between the LaSalle County Board and AFSCME Local 978. Said amendment is in regards to overtime pay for county highway personnel under Article XII, Section 1. Motion by Mr. Mowinski to approve the amendment, second by Mr. Combs. Roll call vote was held on the amended union contract; 25 ayes, 3 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 109, PAGES 133-136 RESOLUTION: DETENTION HOME - ROOM & BOARD FEE A resolution was submitted on behalf of the Detention Home Committee, that effective January 1, 1998, if it appears at the detention or shelter care hearing of a minor before the court that a parent or any other person liable for the support of the minor is able to contribute to his or her support, that parent or other person shall be required to pay a fee for room and board at a rate not to exceed $10.00 per day, unless the court determines it is in the best interest and welfare of the minor to waive the fee. Motion by Ms. Newcomer to approve the resolution, second by Mr. Dittmer. Roll call vote was held; 25 ayes, 3 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 109, PAGES 137-140 RESOLUTION: #97-34 VARIANCE TO SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE William Keith, County Engineer, submitted a resolution on behalf of the County Development Committee, requesting a variance to the subdivision ordinance for Randy Kohr for a 0.45 acre lot in LaSalle Township. Motion by Mr. Foltynewicz to approve the variance for Mr. Kohr, second by Mr. Franzetti. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 109, PAGES 141-144 RESOLUTION: #97-31 VARIANCE TO SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE A resolution was submitted to grant a variance to the subdivision ordinance for James Conrad Pessina, Sr., for a one acre lot in Serena Township.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – December 8, 1997 Motion by Mr. Piecha to approve the variance for Mr. Pessina, second by Mr. Mowinski. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 109, PAGES 145-148 RESOLUTION: #97-32 FINAL PLAT - FOX RIVER RESORT, SECTION II A resolution was submitted to accept the final plat of Fox River Resort, Section II, in Mission Township. Motion by Mr. Jordan to approve the final plat of Fox River Resort, Section II, second by Mrs. Cogdal. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 109, PAGES 149-150 RESOLUTION: #97-33 VARIANCE FOR SEPTIC SYSTEMS WITH SURFACE DISCHARGE IN SADDLEWOOD ESTATES-PHASE III A resolution was submitted requesting a variance to allow septic systems with surface discharge in Saddlewood Estates, Phase III, in Rutland Township. Motion by Mr. McConville to approve the variance for allowance of the septic systems, second by Mrs. Allender. MOTION TO AMEND Mr. Franzetti moved to amend said resolution stating that a sample of the discharge from these septic systems must be taken every six months by a certified tester & lab and submitted to the state and the County of LaSalle, so that it will be on record that said home owner is in compliance, second by Ms. Koban. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. Chairman Hettel called for a voice vote on the resolution as amended, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 109, PAGES 151-152 RESOLUTION: AMENDING BUILDING PERMIT ORDINANCE The resolution to amend the building permit ordinance that was submitted at the November 21st meeting was submitted for discussion and vote; original motion was made by Mr. Jordan, second by Mr. Piecha.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – December 8, 1997 Discussion was held as to what determines the "beginning of construction." Michael Harsted, Director of Environmental Services, responded by stating that when the footings are layed, construction is considered begun. Chairman Hettel called for a roll call vote to approve the amended building permit ordinance, 25 ayes, 3 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 109, PAGES 153-156 RESOLUTION: RESPONSIBLE BIDDER The resolution defining the term "responsible bidder" that was submitted at the November 6th meeting was submitted for vote; original motion for approval by Mr. Jordan, second by Mr. Landers. Mrs. Allender recognized John Knudson, Mayor of Marseilles, who addressed the Board on behalf of the Illinois Valley Building Trades. He stated that the labor forces of the county feel this resolution gives the unions ample opportunity to bid on county projects. Chairman Hettel called for a roll call vote to approve the resolution; 25 ayes, 3 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 109, PAGES 157-160 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT John Henning, of North Central Council of Governments, addressed the Board to ask if LaSalle County would consider becoming a part of an economic development district. The district would consist of five counties; Bureau, Marshall, Putnam, Stark and LaSalle. The district would be qualified to apply for infrastructure grants for economic development, up to 80% of the total project cost, depending on their unemployment rate. Motion by Mr. Hageman to approve the formation of an economic development district, second by Mr. McGurk. Roll call vote; 25 ayes, 3 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 109, PAGE 161 708 BOARD SERVICE CONTRACTS The Mental Health 708 Board Service Contracts for the following agencies were submitted to place on file: Ottawa Friendship House, Horizon House,

LaSalle County Board Minutes – December 8, 1997 Lighted Way, North Central Behavior Health Systems, Open Door, Streator Child Development Center, Streator Unlimited, Youth Service Bureau, ADV & SAS and Easter Seals. Motion by Mr. Dittmer to place the service contracts on file, second by Ms. Newcomer. Same roll call vote, voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 109, PAGES 162-178 BOARD OF REVIEW - EXTENSION OF TIME A letter to the Chairman and the LaSalle County Board from Linda Kendall, Supervisor of Assessments, was read requesting an extension of time to April 30, 1998 to complete their review of the 1997 assessment complaints. Motion by Mr. Landers to grant the extension of time to the Board of Review, second by Mr. Hageman. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 109, PAGE 179 COMMITTEE WORK MISCELLANEOUS The Quarterly Report for Committee Work Miscellaneous was submitted in the total amount of $49,651.20. Motion by Mr. Combs to approve the quarterly report, second by Mr. Foltynewicz. Roll call vote was held; 24 ayes, 4 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 109, PAGES 180-212 MOTION Mr. Martens and Mr. Franzetti made a motion from the floor that the county attorney prepare a resolution to be sent to the Governor and the legislators who represent LaSalle County in regards to the most recent legislation that was passed by the General Assembly regarding school funding. There was no provision whatsoever to give property tax relief for education to the over burden tax payer. Furthermore, the legislation did not deal equally with all school districts. Therefore, it is the opinion of the LaSalle County Board, that there be a freeze on individual property taxes for schools at their present level for a period of three years or until such time as a new bill is forthcoming from the general assembly that addresses both property tax relief and adequate funding for all our schools. He requested that this resolution be ready to be voted on at the next

LaSalle County Board Minutes – December 8, 1997 scheduled county board meeting. Second to the proposed resolution was made by Mr. Piecha. APPOINTMENT: GRAND RAPIDS CEMETERY ASSOCIATION An order was submitted to reappoint the following individuals as trustees of the Grand Rapids Cemetery Association for three year terms beginning April 1, 1997 and ending March 31, 2000: Dale Rinker, Eugene Rinker and Robert Widman. The following individuals were also appointed for six year terms beginning April 1, 1997 and ending March 31, 2003: Carl Bedei, Mary Lou Schmitt and Donald Horn. Motion by Mr. Garretson to approve the appointments of the above named individuals, second by Mr. Jordan. Voice vote, one nay. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 109, PAGES 213-221 APPOINTMENT: MENTAL HEALTH BOARD 708 A resolution was submitted to reappoint Lucian Caruso, Andrew Thomas, Jr., and Edward Vanko as members of the LaSalle County Mental Health Board 708 for four year terms beginning January 1, 1998 and expiring December 31, 2002. Motion by Mr. McConville to approve the reappointments, second by Mr. Jordan. Voice vote, one nay. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 109, PAGES 222-223 APPOINTMENT: FARMLAND ASSESSMENT COMMITTEE A resolution was submitted to reappoint Frank Fouts as a member of the LaSalle County Farmland Assessment Committee for a two year term beginning December 1, 1997 and expiring November 30, 1999. Motion by Mr. Martens to approve the reappointment of Mr. Fouts, second by Mrs. Cogdal. Voice vote, one nay. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 109, PAGE 224 APPOINTMENT: LASALLE COUNTY CIVIC CENTER A resolution was submitted to appoint Joe McConville as a member of the LaSalle County Civic Center for a three year term beginning December 1, 1997 and expiring November 30, 2000.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – December 8, 1997 Motion by Mr. McConville to approve the appointment of Mr. McConville, second by Mr. Small. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 109, PAGE 225 LETTER OF RESIGNATION: BOARD OF REVIEW A letter addressed to Chairman Hettel from Bill Strong resigning from his position as a member of the LaSalle County Board of Review effective January 1, 1998 was submitted to place on file. Motion by Mr. Dittmer to accept Mr. Strong's resignation and to place said letter on file, second by Mr. Foltynewicz. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 109, PAGE 226 APPOINTMENT: BOARD OF REVIEW A resolution was submitted to appoint Dale McConville as a member of the LaSalle County Board of Review to fill the unexpired term of Bill Strong, with said term set to expire June 1, 1999. Motion by Mr. Hageman to approve the appointment of Mr. McConville, second by Mrs. Cogdal. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 109, PAGE 227 ANNOUNCEMENTS Chairman Hettel stated that all reservations for the Christmas Party must be paid to Tina by December 9th. Chairman Hettel also stated that all bills for those individuals who had attended the Chicago convention need to be turned in as soon as possible. Chairman Hettel announced the names of those individuals who will serve on the Sales Tax Referendum Committee to help inform the public on what the county is trying to do. These individuals are: representing the County Board will be Mr. Franzetti, who will act as Chairman, Mr. Bruch, Mrs. Allender, Mr. Hageman and Mr. Landers; other individuals will be Dale Baxter, Police Chief of Ottawa, John Knutson, Mayor of Marseilles, Joseph Lanuti, a retired attorney, Mike Crane, Supt. of the LaSalle County Jail, Rebecca Donna, a teacher in LaSalle County, Al Humpage, Supt. of a school located in LaSalle County, Fred

LaSalle County Board Minutes – December 8, 1997 Nimke and Dan Aussem, representatives of the labor unions, and Jim Hinterlong, an attorney from Grand Ridge. Mr. Franzetti stated that he feels that Mary Jane Wilkinson, LaSalle County Clerk, should also be included on this committee because she was very instrumental in helping at meetings that were held to inform the public previously before the November election. Chairman Hettel stated that the Finance Committee will meet on December 19th to discuss the tourism issue only that was brought up at a previous meeting. Chairman Hettel also announced that the girls from the Board office had prepared the refreshments for the members today. MISCELLANEOUS REPORTS AND CORRESPONDENCE A report from the office of the County Clerk for the period of December 1, 1997 through November 30, 1997 was submitted. SEE RECORD BOOK 109, PAGES 228-230 The Treasurer's Investment Schedule dated December 1, 1997 was submitted to place on file. SEE RECORD BOOK 109, PAGE 231 Motion by Mr. Landers to place all on file, second by Mr. Garretson. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. INSURANCE RENEWAL - WORKMANS COMPENSATION Mr. Dittmer stated that the Insurance Committee recently had renewed the Workman's Compensation Insurance for LaSalle County at a total cost of $209,000.00, a savings of approximately $81,000.00. Motion by Mr. Dittmer to approve the renewal of services for workman's compensation, second by Mr. Hageman. Roll call vote was held; 24 ayes, 4 absent. Motion carried. SEE RECORD BOOK 109, PAGE 232 Chairman Hettel stated that Mrs. Allender was recently elected as president of the Illinois Association of County Board Members at the convention in Chicago. Mrs. Allender received a round of applause from the members. ------

LaSalle County Board Minutes – December 8, 1997 Motion by Mr. Combs to recess to January 8th, 1998 at 1:00 p.m. in room 250, second by Mr. Savitch. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. Chairman Hettel declared the meeting recessed to January 8th, 1998.

LaSalle County Board Minutes – December 8, 1997