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Pages 1 to I section One TY NEWS NO. 49 LXV. INGHAM COUNTY NEWS, MASON, MICH., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1924 CMC CRASH Some Home Need aIH . S, GRiERS m 1 RATES LOIR Hunters Kill WomensSUP S Fli THEY Baby for Christmas? lRCfl.AiOUNCES Sheep in Field, SaidNO ROLES IGUJOAflCF FETED Mrs. Martha Sliattuck living cast FAip FARIR County Agent Garry E.. Sanders on of Mason rejioits that several lambs his yvay home fi'om Lansing passed CURRENT BILLS CARRY NEW ADOPTION OVERLOOKED WHEN JOHN SNYDEil MI3ETS INSTANT SCHOOL BOARD, MALE FACULTY ill a flock of feeders ou her farm east the NEWS oilice this week yvith a ALSO GUE.STS. RATES. THEY ORGANIZED. DEATH Httlltii;. fine seven month's old baby for yvhich of the city have been killed by hunt- ers and several more are found to a home is desired. Garry looked real Jay Field, Old Grad, Principal Speak Local Manager Wheeler States Rea- Parliamentary 'Tangle Develops Whett Driving Homeward On West Ash have been yvounded, the gun shot be fatherly yvith the infant and carried er, Urges Clean Sport As Aid sons Pre-war Rates Are Pos- Plan,To Raise 'Treasury Clerks' Street Struck By M. C. Passeng ing found in the legs of the animals. it like a veteran. Perhaps some lone To Clean Manhood. sihlt—Volume And EITicicncy. Salaries Came Up. er Train, Car Detnolishcd. ly home may need such a child as Numerous complaints have come to this office from the depredations of this to gladden it for the Christmas Twenty-eight members of the Ma- During the past yveek in several Coming on the heels of his selection After having spent a few bours in layvless hunters all of which makes it season. If so Mr. or Mrs. Sanders at son High football squad who have stafe neyvspapers has appeared items by the county board of supetwisors as Mason, yviiere he shopped at .several embarrassing for the real sportsman the county detention home yvill give closed a successful season in inter- to the efi'ect that lower electric light its chairman te succeed Frank Seely .stores in preparation for the famtlj whoHKes to go to the fields and the all information about it and yvould scholastic games, yvere the honored ing rates were to be in effect and absent for the winter in the west, Thanksgiving gathering, Jolin Snyder, woods for sport and not for slaught be glad.to help save it from the Cold- guests of the Mason Kiwanis Club knowing th.at householders and mer Supervisor Frank E. Church of Lan prominent and yvell knoyvn farmer ol er. It would appear that some "var yvater home where it must go if not Monday night. Brief addresses were chants using the Consumers Poyver sing toyvnship, yvas confronted yvith a Vevay toyvnship on his way home mints" ought to be taught a lesson. placed .soon. made by L. B. McArthur of the club, current here yvould be interested, lo situation amusing to the crowd but drove in front of a rapidly approach V. J. Broyvn, speaking for the school cal manager, P. H. Wheeler, yvas in- exceedingly embarrassing to him ing northbound Michigan Central pas- board, W. L. Reed for the faculty and tervteyved on the application of the when his ruling on section twenty-one scngcr train at tbc west Asli street Dick Post and George McArthur for neyv rates in this territory where his of the printed rules of the board on <:rossing last Wednesday afternoon the gridders. The Lasenby sisters en company serves the people of Mason, the c]uestion of raising the salaries meeting instant death when the pilot iRLD TRAVELER SiSS tertained throughout the dinner yyith Holt, Leslie, Okemos and other points provided for clerks in the county •of tbe engine cvaslicd into the rear a delightful prograin of .songs and near Lansing. treaiiUi-er's offico yvas challenged by a of liis Overland sedan catapaulting tn.strumental selections. Jay Field, a member of the boarri on thegrounds tbe unfortunate man nearly forty feet TOSPEAKHERE "The decrease in rates is general that the rules referred to had never distinguished' Mason High alumnus, throughout the territory served by through the aiv yvhere he crashed to been adopted by the present board of AUSPICES SUNDAY SCIIOOL was the principal speaker and gave our company," stated Mr. Wheeler, ARTHUR HOWLETT ILL BUT the ground yvith his neck broken. supervisors. , EDUCATIONAL COUNCIL. the young men a splendid message yvho was recently appointed local SHORT TIME. Three eye witnesses to the awful from out his exiieriencc in'the field manager over tiiis territory, coming Scrutiny of the records slioyved that -accident saw both the train aud auto Dr. W. G. LandLs, lntcrnational Stu of Young Men's Christian Association to Mason from the Jackson office. Funeral Services Held Monday For to be the case and a motion to then approaching the crossing but were dent And Globe Trotter, Sccurcd work among the youth .of Pei:u yvhere "The policy of the Consumers Power Implcincnt Dealer- Whose Death adojit the rules as the rules of the powerless to warn Mr. Snyder and tt For Union Meeting. he lias served for several years. Mr. Co. has always been to reduce rates Occurred 'Thanksgiving. present board yvas met by opposition yvas apparent that bc was intent on Yariiall of the Dansvilie schools also voluntarily from time to time and ly some on the grounds that they watching for trains from tlie north Because of a cancclled date in a spoke brielly, urging a better and yvhenever the conditions yvarrant," Tlie death of Arthur A. Howlett, had never read them and wanted to paying no attention to the one larger city, Mason people yvill have closer relationship betyveen the two continued Mr. Wheeler, "and in pass which occurred at his home on Bar k'lioyv yvhat they yvere. The motion ljearing down upon him from tlie a rare opportunity to hear a distin- towns in athletic and. social events. ing on to our customers the savings nes street Thanksgiving morning, to ado)it yvas tabled and the board south. A liigh embanktnent just to yvas left yvithout rules. City assess guished speaker at the Methodist It yvas the sentiment of the faculty from the inauguration^ of rigid oper brought sadne.ss to his many friends tile east of the tracks obscures tlie or Bennett of Lansing, yvas present church tonight yvhen Dr. W. D. Lan- and the squad that the support given ating economies we did not consider in ]\iason and lngliam county. While -vi.sion from tbc street to the east of in the absence of Sup. Vandeiwoort ' dis, yvorld traveler, general secretary the team in defeat or in victory yvas the matter called for any particular Mr. Hoyvlett had been in. ill health the tmcks looking southward. Those and his acknoyvlcdgcd ability as a of the World's Sunday School Asso- receiving a hearty response in the comment. Hoyvever, I have been ask for the past feyv months, and for a who yvitnessed the accident are un- parliamentarian steered the solons out ciation.iand one of the great men of way of better sportsmanship and ed repeatedly yvhether the revision feyv weeks had been unable to attend auinious in stating that tlie train of their tangle. On roll call the mo the country yvill address a unian meet- cle.^ncr games along all lines of high downward yvould affect Mason custo to his duties at his implement store, •whistled tlie usual street and station tion to raise the salaries fixed in Oc ing of all the churches and Sunday school sport. The annual feeds given mers and hoyv the company is able to his condition had not been considered signals. Coroner lBrinkerliotr yvas tober at $1000 and $1200 rcsjiectively schools of Ingham county. by tlie mothers of tlie boys yvere es- reduce rates tn the face of the higlier dangerous and his death came as a culled immediately and a jury yvas to $1200 and $1500 yvas passed by a pecially referred to as inducing the cost of everything involved in our .severe shock to his family and Impaneled and the remains removed Dr. Landes is now Genci-al Secre- vote of 14 to 12; The former salar tary of the World's Sunday School best in high school athletics. (Continued on page four) friends. Funeral services were held to McDonald's undertaking parlors at the home Monday afternoon at tyvo ies are the amounts at yvhich tliey from yvlience they were talcen to tlie Association. For IS years he yvas the have stood for thrcc ycars previous, executive head of the Pennsylvania o'clock, being conducted by Rev. family liome about six miles west of Icy Pave11ient Cause Sherman Sells Grist Henry Candler of the Mason Metho- but yvere stated by 'Treasurer-elect Masoii where funeral services yvere Sunday School Association, the or- Bullen to be inadequate to secure the gaiiization having the largest state dist Episcopal churcli, yvith burial in conducted Saturday. Of Accident Friday IVIill To Mason Men the Stockbridge cenietery. Mason bus serviccs of the clerks hedesired to constituency in America. During his name. Sup. Carven among others At the coroner's inquest on Friday, iness places ceased business betyveen Pennsylvania yvork he became ac- demanded to know yvhom he intended the evidence showed that the train MRS. STRAIGHT RECEIVES IN- EARL KING AND LOUIS BART- the hours of the funeral services. (luainted in Adult class yvork and Suu- to appoint before they yvould consent was proceeding about twenty miles JURIES IN UPSET.