, War Loss Claims Numerical Index

Compiled by Fred Blair Published January 28, 2017 Copyright Fred Blair


The Collections Canada, War of 1812, Board of Claims and Losses documents are online at http://www.collectionscanada.gc.ca/microform-digitization/006003-110.02- e.php?&q2=33&interval=50&sk=0&&PHPSESSID=nf5gb8qjdi09u45qfhi78sl726

War loss claims were initially made during or just after the war. As there were different commissions for losses to the British, the Americans, and Indians aiding both armies, a claimant may have made two or more separate claims. These claims were usually filed together but there was also a register of certificates supporting claims and pages were sometimes misfiled with other people’s claims.

There were insufficient funds available to pay the claims immediately after the war and claims had to be resubmitted in 1823. Claims were rejected for a number of reasons, including fraud and lack of evidence. Agents were sometimes hired to appeal rejections or to facilitate the claim process. Carpenters, and other tradesmen, and merchants sometimes certified the value of lost items. Because of the delays in recompense some families were left destitute for over ten years after their loss.

The ideal war loss claim included details for who, what, when, where, why, and how the loss occurred. However, many claims lacked some these details. Some documents were illegible or difficult to read. The claim registers in the collection were sometimes incomplete, illegible, or contained transcription errors. An effort has been made in the indices below to correct those problems.

Even when documents were legible, determining who made the claim was not always easy because names were spelled phonetically and it was not unusual to find two or more different spellings for a surname on the same page. The first name for each claim below was usually the claimant. The claimant may also have been a widow, an heir, or an agent for the deceased’s estate. Additional names in these indices were generally principal witnesses to the loss or related events. The names of character references for the claimant and appraisers for the value of the loss have not been regularly included.

Most claims also indicated who was responsible for causing the loss. The more detailed claims may even record the name, rank, and regiment of the person involved. There was limited space in the indices below for a lot of detail and claims were only categorized here as caused by the allies or the enemy. Losses to Indians aiding either side were not indicated.

Some claims lacked a detailed list of what was lost while others gave detailed itemized lists of the contents of a stolen trunk or a burnt house. Generally, losses to the enemy were for property taken or destroyed. For the allies, the list of losses also included lost pay or payment for rent or goods delivered. Things lost included buildings, bridges, boats, merchandise, crops, livestock, trees, building materials, tools, household goods, food, clothing, books, currency, and many other items.

Rather than an exact date for a loss, there may have been no date given, just the year, or just the month or season in a particular year. This information is included in some of the indices below but where there were multiple losses on different dates only the years may have been recorded.

Another problem was discovering where the loss occurred. Most claims were indexed with the place where the claimant was living during the war but some were indexed with the place where the claim was submitted, the place where the claimant was living after the event, or the place where the loss occurred. Claims for losses were sometimes registered in major towns like York and Niagara because the claimant had travelled there from another community to have his claim prepared and submitted. A number of families moved during or after their loss and the claimants sometimes gave their place of residence at that time rather than where they were living when the loss occurred. An effort was made to use the claimant’s place of residence at the time of the event in the indices below.

Why and how a loss occurred would have helped the commissioners determine the validity of the claim but this information was sometimes lacking as well. A number of interesting stories were reported by witnesses to some of the events.

Rather than repeating the microfilm number for every claim the last two digits of that number were given with the first page of each claim. As an example, the claim starting on Microfilm t-1126, page 163 was abbreviated to 26-163. The last page of the claim was the page before the first page of the next claim. The claim after 26-163 was on 26-171, so the last page of 26-163 was page 170. Where claims papers were mixed with other claims, the first and last pages of each claim were recorded.

Partial Index to Microfilms t-1122 to t-1144

Volumes Records Microfilm and page numbers 4357 Index (Claims 1 to 365 and 1874 to 2055) t-1122 22-47

4358 Registers (Claims 365 to 1121 and 1116 to 1874) t-1122 -363 3728-3731 Military Boards hearing claims t-1122 364- File 1: Niagara, 1813-1814 t-1122 366-394 File 2: Fort Wellington, 1815, Abstracts t-1122 395-418 File 3: London District, 1815, Abstracts t-1122 419- File 4: Kingston, 1815, Abstracts t-1122 File 5: Western District, 1815-1816, Abstracts t-1122 File 6: York, 1815-1816, Abstracts t-1122 773-844

3728 File 1, Niagara 1813-1814 Militia Claims t-1122 366-394 March 25, 1813 Number Claimant Microfilm-Page 1 Capt. John Hardy, 3rd Lincoln 22-366 2 Capt. Wm. Applegarth, 2nd York 3 Capt. John Applegarth, 2nd York 22-367 4 2nd York officer’s pay 5 2nd York officer’s lodging 6 Ben. Rickard 7 John Bonnet 8 John Ryckard, Grantham 9 Capt. James Cooper, 2nd Lincoln 10 2nd Lincoln 11 2nd Lincoln 12 Capt. David Bastido, 2nd Lincoln 22-368 13 Frances T. Lowell, St. David’s, Niagara 14 James Cannover 15 Geo. Cougher 16 Wm. Tacer 17 John Darby 18 Geo. Winterbottom 22-368 19 Isaiah Brown, St. David’s, Niagara 22-369 20 Wm. Wilson 22-368 21 Peter McCallum 22-369 22 Walter Tedrick, 4th Lincoln 23 John Clendennan 24 Geo. Anger 25 Thos. Howell 26 Thos. Howell 27 James Rogers, Queenston 22-370 28 John Daly 29 John Hoover 30 Ben. Hoover 31 Daniel Hoover 32 Lieut. O’Reilly, 2nd York 33 Geo. Johnston 34 Capt. John Secord 22-371 35 Col. Andrew Bradt 36 Capt. Sam. Ryckman, 2nd York 37 Lieut. Wm. Powers 38 David Lawrence 39 Adj. John Clark 40 Assa Land 41 Peter Lawrence 42 Henry Young, Barton 43 Mjr. Wm. Robertson, 1st Lincoln 22-372 44 Pay Master John Symmington 45 Amos Deacon 46 Joseph Brown 47 Hosias Bacchus, Thorold 48 Capt. Thos. Butler 49 Capt. Thos. Butler 50 Surgeon James Muirhead 22-374 51 Capt. Abel Cameron, Lincoln Artillery 52 Luke Carrol 53 James Bunting, St. David’s, Niagara 54 Isiah Osmer, Grimsby 55 David Gardner, Saltfleet 22-375 56 Sam. Thompson 57 Abel Land, Barton 58 Daniel Secord, Niagara 59 John Woolman, Niagara 60 Gilbert Fields 61 James Cummins & James Macklem 62 Capt. Hardy, 3rd Lincoln 22-376 63 Capt. Wm. Applegarth, 2nd Lincoln 64 John Misener 65 Moses Doan 66 Lieut. Jacob J. Ball, Prov. Artillery 67 Qtr. Mstr. James Roberston, 3rd Lincoln 68 Wm. D. Millar 69 Lieut. Atkinson, 2nd York 70 Thos. Lundy, 22-378 71 John Pettit, Saltfleet 72 McKam & McEwen, Niagara Town 73 Private Robt. Kerr, 5th Lincoln 74 Wm. H. Lee, Talbot 75 John Hill 76 Donald/Daniel Rose, Queenston 22-380 77 Abraham Hoi 78 James Henry, Clinton 79 Sam Street Jr., Stamford 22-381 80 Wm. Vanderlip 81 Sam. Hatt 22-380 82 Gilbert King + 22-381 83 John Secord, Niagara 22-382 84 Crowell Wilson, Crowland 85 Israel Burtch, Louth 86 John Yeigh, Burford 87 Adam Congle, Clinton 88 John Fralick Sr., Stamford 89 Asa Flint, Willoughby 22-383 90 Adj. John Clark, 4th Lincoln 91 Capt. Henry Buchner, 3rd Lincoln 92 1st Lincoln lodging 93 Adj. Lafferty 22-384 94 Capt. Thos. Butler, 4th Lincoln 95 John McMicking 96 Grant Kerby 97 Nathan Caswell, Chippawa, Stamford 22-385 98 Capt. James Kerby, Prov. Artillery 99 Private Joseph Phinney, 3rd Lincoln 100 Private Daniel Casswell, Lt. Dragoons 22-386 101 Ajd. Andrew Rorback, 2nd Lincoln 102 James Secord, Queenston 103 Thos. Cummings, Chippawa, Stamford 104 Capt. John Muirhead, 3rd Lincoln 22-388 105 Edward Dunfield, Stamford 106 Calvin Cook, Stamford 107 Stephen Brown, Stamford 108 Juothlam Casswell, Chippawa. Stamford 109 Geo. Whitehead 110 Fred. Ashlach 111 Thos. Chase, Chippawa, Stamford 22-389 112 Sgt. John MacIntosh, 3rd Lincoln 113 Joshua Peu, Chippawa, Stamford 114 Geo. A. Ackhart 115 Pay Master Street 22-390 116 Corp. Wm. Jeffect, 41st Regt. 117 Christopher Bouchner, Stamford 118 David Berger, Bertie 119 Christian Ricely 120 Private Patrick Gershan, 41st Regt. 22-391 121 Capt. John Decow, 2nd Lincoln 122 2nd Lincoln officer’s pay 123 Peter Plato 22-392 124 Dennis Kerby, 41st Regt. 125 John Hier, Niagara 126 John Putman, Bertie 127 Capt. John Baxter, 3rd Lincoln 22-393 128 Andrew Miller, Bertie 129 John Hare, Bertie 22-394 130 Abraham Secord, Niagara

Volumes 3729 Rough Drafts 3730 Correspondence related to claims, 4 files 1815-1824 3731 Later correspondence, 1825-1848 3232-3737 Assorted Indexes, registers, and schedules (3737 rough drafts) 3732 File 1 Index and Registers t-1124 88-134 Alphabetical register 106 File 2 Registers by t-1124 135- Class 1, Div. 1, damage by British troops Class 1, Div. 2, damage by Indians Class 1, Div. 3 , damage from transporting Class 2, damage done by the enemy Class 4, damage done by Indians attached to British troops Numerical Civilian Claims Index t-1126 32 Claims document index below starting at page 1140

3738-3739 File 3 Claims and Settlements, Alphabetical t-1126 163-1138 Mostly claims for losses to the enemy

Name, Township or Town Microfilm-Page Date & Party Additional names were some of the principal witnesses to the events.

Geo. A. Ackert/Eckard, Grantham 26-0163 1813 allies Wm. Aitken, Sandwich 26-0171 Oct. 1813 enemy Daniel Alguire, Cornwall 26-0173 allies Wm. Allen 26-0177 Jeremiah Anderson, Charlottesville 26-0179 1812 allies Gideon Van Arnam, Augusta 26-0183 Feb. 17, 1813, enemy David D. Jones, ditto William Everts, ditto Charles Asken/Askin 26-0185 Oct. 1812 enemy, allies Geo. F. Ault, Williamsburgh 26-0187 Nov. 10, 1813 enemy Nicholas Ault, ditto Christian Bouck, ditto Mary Axford, Woodhouse 26-0192 Oct. 22, 1812 allies Isaac Baker, Crowland 26-0195 Oct. 18, 1814 enemy William Cook’s Mills Levi Bancroft, Osnabruck 26-0197 Nov. 10, 1813 enemy Charles Barnhart, Fredericksburg 26-0199 Feb. 15, 1813 allies Joshua Anderson, ditto John Peters, ditto Antoine Barron, Malden 26-0203 Feb. 1814 enemy Stephen Barlow, Charlotteville 26-0205 May 16, 1814 enemy Samuel Ryerson, ditto William Ryerson, ditto Marg. Bastedo , Stamford 26-0207 July 12, 1814 enemy Eliz. Batchellor/Bachelor, Charlotteville 26-0210 enemy William S. Shaff, Woodhouse Levi Douglass, ditto John Bauman/Bowman, Thorold 26-0213 July 1814 allies Adam Beam, Bertie 26-0216 Oct. 10, 1814 allies Jonathan Baker, ditto Benjamin Baker, ditto Christian Bachman, ditto Antoine Bellperche, River R… 26-0220 July 1812, 1815 enemy Pierre Bouffar, ditto Antoine Bruillielle, ditto Mary Bentley, Westminster 26-0222 Aug. 7, 1814 enemy William Norton, ditto Oct. 20, 1813 allies Nathaniel Townsed, ditto Ira Billing, Ernest Town 26-0226 allies Oliver Lamkins, ditto Etienne Bissonette, Malden 26-0229 Sept. 1813 allies Joseph Bissonette, River Raisin 26-0231 Apr. 28, 1813 allies William Elliott, ditto Daniel Blain, Barton 26-0233 1813, 1814 allies John Bonnet, Woodhouse 26-0236 enemy Albert Berdan, ditto Peter Walker, ditto Jean B. Bonvouloie, Sandwich 26-0239 1812, Oct. 1813 allies & July 1812 enemy Nath. Bornham, London Dist. 26-0245 Daniel Bowen, Bertie 26-0248 July-Nov. 1814 enemy Hanah Boyer, Cornwall 26-0250 Nov. 11-13, 1813 enemy Capt. Andrew Bradish, 2nd Leeds 26-0253 1812-1813 enemy Wm. Brickman, Amherstburg 26-0255 1814-1815 allies Rynard Brickman, ditto William Warnermaker, ditto Daniel Bristol, Cornwall 26-0259 Apr. 1813 allies John Millen, ditto Harmonas Cryderman, ditto Donald Browne, Baldoon, Dover 26-0262 Aug. 1812 allies Horatio Brunson, Cornwall 26-0264 Aug. 11-13, 1813 enemy Samuel Wilson, ditto Nov. 1813 enemy Nathaniel Emerson, ditto Elijah Buck, Hamilton 26-0268 Oct. 1813 allies Thankful Williams, ditto Apr. 20, 1814 allies John Farmer, ditto John Buckborough, Beverly 26-0274 Dec. 1814 allies Phillip Will, ditto Marg. & Thos. Burnet, Kingston 26-0276 Joseph Ferris, ditto Thos. Graham, ditto John Burnett, ditto Harriett & Thos. Burnham, Haldimand 26-0284 Fall 1814 allies Wm. Burnham, ditto Jacob Choate, Hope David Burtch, Mount Pleasant 26-0288 Nov. 6, 1814 enemy Fred. Yeoman, ditto Thos. Perrin Jr., ditto Israel Burch, Louth 26-0291 enemy Peter Bradt, ditto Jacob Earnest, ditto Adam Burwell, Bertie 26-0294 Aug. 14, 1814 allies Sept.-Oct. 1814 enemy Apr. 28, 1813 allies Joseph Cady, Southwold 26-0299 Aug. 16, 1814 enemy John Barber, ditto James Gurnsey, ditto Luvas Campeau 26-0302 Jan. 12 & Apr. 14, 1812 allies John Campbell, Cornwall 26-0304 Nov. 1813 enemy John Campbell, St. David’s, Niagara 26-0308 enemy John Campbell, Stamford 26-0310 1814 enemy Sam. Cap…, Niagara 26-0312 1813 enemy James Carl, Oxford 26-0314 Nov. 5, 1814 enemy James Carral, London Dist. 26-0316 allies Jacob Carns, Matilda 26-0320 Nov. 7-8, 1813 enemy Peter Carson, Grantham 26-0322 May 27, 1813 enemy Walter Clendenin, Gainsborough Oct. 12, 1813 enemy Solomon Moore, Louth Sam. Carson, Dunwich 26-0325 Aug. 16, 1814 enemy John Parker, ditto Thos. Henley, ditto R. Cartwright, Kingston 26-0328 allies Thos. Cartwright, ditto Joseph Caverly, Thurlow 26-0331 Jan. 1813 allies Jonathan Horton, ditto Eili Benedict, ditto Richard Chaphen, Ancaster 26-0334 1813 allies James Chapel, Burford 26-0338 Oct. 1813 allies Ephraim Munson, ditto Reuben Dayton, ditto A. Chesley 26-0341 Nov. 1813 enemy Jonathan Mills Church, Elizabethtown 26-0343 1813 enemy Joseph Clement, Niagara 26-0345 Sept. 1813 allies John Cline, Grimsby 26-0348 June 4-8, 1813 enemy John & Mary Clow, Stamford 26-0350 July 1814 enemy Jonathan Cole, Elizabethtown 26-0352 July 14, 1814 enemy Jonathan Tulford Jr., ditto George Cole, ditto John Coleman, Beverly 26-0354 Oct. 1814 allies George Buckborough, ditto Lieut. Stephen Collins, Augusta 26-0356 Aug. 1812 allies David D. Jones, ditto Wm. Cook, Niagara Dist. 26-0360 Nov. 1813 enemy Edward Cooper, Niagara 26-0362 July 1814 enemy James Covell, Elizabethtown 26-0368 1814-1815 allies Wm. Robinson, ditto Adiel Sherwood, ditto Jeremiah Cranmer, Yarmouth 26-0372 Oct. 11, 1814 enemy R. Hooker Lee, ditto John Marlatt, ditto Nich. Cramer/Kramer, Nelson 26-0374 Dec. 1813 allies Lynus Peck, ditto Mar. & June 1814 allies William Kramer, ditto Aaron Nelson, ditto Peter Smith, ditto John Crandell, Thames River 26-0380 Mar. 1814, May 1815 allies Jacob Crow, Willoughby 26-0382 Aug. 1814 allies Joshua Cudney, Niagara 26-0384 July 15, 1814 enemy John Kerlin, ditto James Cudney, ditto Ann Haines, ditto David Cunningham, Town of York 26-0392 July 1812 allies Thos. Curtis, Yarmouth 26-0396 enemy Jeremiah Cranmer, ditto Jeronimus Rapelje, ditto Jonathan Daily, Elizabethtown 26-0399 Feb. 1813 allies Abraham Clark, ditto Thos. Bryan, ditto William Daily, ditto Amasa Wood, Augusta Samuel Randolph Daniel Daverne, Kingston 26-0406 Sept. 3, 1814 allies Peter Davy, Ernestown 26-0416 allies John Deforest/D. Forest, Stamford 26-0419 1814 enemy, allies Ellis Dennis, Woodhouse 26-0421 May 15, 1814 enemy Jonathan Austin, ditto Nathan Mann, ditto Guilliaume Desgardin, Peeks Creek 26-0424 Sept. 1813 allies Dr. Noah Dickson, Town of Cornwall 26-0426 Nov. 10-12, 1813 enemy, allies Joseph Doan, Louth 26-0429 allies Amos Dodge, Grand River 26-0431 Nov. 7, 1814 enemy Wm. Dorman, Town of Niagara 26-0434 1812-1813 allies, enemy John Duval, Niagara 26-0444 enemy Joseph Duplesser, Sandwich 26-0447 Sept. 1813 allies Baptiste Dute, Town of Niagara 26-0449 enemy Catherine Eamon, Osnabruck 26-0453 Nov. 10, 1813 enemy Asahel Slevins Hugh Earl, Kingston 26-0455 allies John Eggleson, Town of Niagara 26-0462 1813 enemy Ernestown Academy, Ernestown 26-0466 allies John Everitt 26-0468 allies Oliver Everts, Augusta 26-0471 Oct.-Dec., 1812 allies John Fairman, Sophiasburgh 26-0474 Feb. 24, 1815 allies Andrew Huffman, ditto Samuel Munro, ditto Daniel Way, Pickren (Pickering) Wm. Farewell, Whitby 26-0478 allies John Burk Sr., Darlington Samuel Burk, ditto John Ferguson, Kingston 26-0480 1812-1814 allies Nath. Fields, River Thames 26-0488 1814 enemy Oct. 1813 allies Christian Fink, Glanford 26-0493 Jan. 11, 1814 allies Thos. Choate, ditto Nathaniel Crowell, ditto Finnamore, Niagara 26-0497 1813 allies & enemy James Fitchett, near Kingston 26-0499 Mar. 1815 allies Peter Flumerfelt, Louth 26-0502 summer 1814 allies Henry Smith, ditto William Ousterhout, ditto Wm. Fonger, Ancaster 26-0504 allies James Becraft, ditto Rynear Hunt, ditto Daniel Forbes, Bertie 26-0507 allies James & Hugh Freel, Niagara 26-0510 July, 1813 enemy Sam. Cox, ditto Wm. Parker, ditto John Cox, ditto John Egleson, ditto Christian Risely, ditto Wm. Powell, ditto John Putman, ditto Daniel Forbes, Bertie 26-0516 Christian Risely Wm. Powell John Putman Geo. Friend, Gosfield 26-0517 1814 enemy Edmond Frost, Charlotteville 26-0519 Nov. 8, 1814 enemy John Butler, Woodhouse Zebulon Landen, Windham Catharine Gable, Stamford 26-0523 1814 enemy Walter Galbreath, Port Talbot , Dunwich 26-0525 Aug. 16, 1814 enemy John Pearce, ditto Walter Story, ditto Geo. Gallinger, Cornwall 26-0528 Dec. 1814 allies Peter Eamer, ditto Henry Selimser, ditto Michael Gallinger Jr., ditto Abel Gates, Kingston? 26-0532 June 4 & Nov. 30, 1814 allies Thos. Milton Edward Walker Jean B. Gerard, Amherstburg 26-0535 1813-1814 enemy Lewis German, Grimsby 26-0537 fall 1812 allies Abel Gilbert, Sydney 26-0540 Aug. 1814 allies Ben. Gilmore, Grantham 26-0542 Sept. 1814 allies John Grant, Elizabethtown 26-0544 Dec. 1814 allies John Robinson, ditto Henry Jones, Brockville Charles Jones, ditto Milly Gregory, Delaware 26-0547 Aug. 1, 1813 allies Ethen Allen Feb. 1814 enemy Daniel Springer John Meek Done Griffith, Dundas 26-0552 Sept. 1814 allies Joseph Darby, ditto Ezra Griffith, Westminster 26-0555 fall 1814 enemy John Adell, ditto Caleb Groat, Clinton 26-0557 June 3, 1813 enemy Sam. Gurnsay/Guernsey, Dunwich 26-0560 Aug. 16, 1814 enemy John Barber, Southwold James Best, ditto Andrew Hansel Jr., Thorold 26-0562 July 16, 1814 enemy David Harkman/Hartman, Town of Niagara 26-0564 1813 enemy, allies Christopher Harlsaugh, Oxford 26-0566 July 1, 1813 allies Calvin Martin, ditto John Carrall, ditto John Young, ditto John Hassey, Stamford 26-0570 Dec. 29, 1813 allies Jacob Hay, Osnabruck 26-0572 allies Marg. Haze, Johnstown Dist. 26-0576 1814 allies Jabez Landers, Young Dist. Hannah Landers, ditto James Henry, Clinton 26-0579 allies James Henry Jr., ditto Wm. Herrington, Oxford 26-0588 1814 enemy Gideon Bostwick, Dorchester Charles Hill, Bertie 26-0591 Sept. 1814 enemy Henry A. Hill (Mohawk), Wentworth Co. 26-0593 Oct. 1813 allies Stephen Douglas, ditto Richard Cockrell Richard Hill, Grimbsy 26-0597 Oct. 14, 1812 allies John Hodgkinson, Grantham 26-0599 1813 enemy Ezra Holton, Gananoque, Leeds 26-0601 July 1814 allies Matthew Norton Elenor Hoople, Osnabruck 26-0609 Nov. 10, 1813 allies William Morgan Daniel Hoover 26-0612 1812 allies John Horn, Town of Niagara 26-0614 May 27, 1813 enemy Philip House, Clinton 26-0617 Oct. 1813 enemy, allies John House, ditto , Town of York 26-0619 Apr. 27, 1813 enemy Colin Drummond, ditto Hugh Howard, ditto Wm. Hutchins , Colchester 26-0622 Etienne Bissonett Paulite Janes, Sandwich 26-0625 Oct. 1813 enemy Fred. Star Jarvis, 2nd York 26-0628 1814 allies Amos Jerome, Glanford 26-0633 Apr. 15, 1815 allies Asahel Jones Edward & Susanna Jessup, Prescott 26-0635 Capt. Wm. Jones, 2nd Leeds, Prescott 26-0638 July 19, 1813 allies Wm. Johnston, Southwold 26-0641 Dec. 1, 1813 allies Robt. Burwell, ditto Nov. 1814 enemy John Nevill, ditto David & Elenor Kilborn, Elizabethtown 26-0645 allies Joseph Kilbourn Sr., Delaware 26-0648 Sept. 4, 1814 enemy Ben. Woodhull, ditto Timothy Kolbourn, ditto Wm. Kindrey, Thorold 26-0651 July 6, 1814 allies Francois La Ballaine, Sandwich 26-0653 Sept. 1813 allies Francois La Benitan/Balain Sandwich 26-0656 enemy Charles Lafor…, Sandwich 26-0658 Sept. 1813 allies Peter Lampman Sr., Niagara 26-0660 enemy Nath. Landon, Burford 26-0662 1812-1813 allies John Evans Lebius Gardner Widow Lee (Coloured), St. David’s, Niagara Timothy Street 26-0668 July 16, 1814 enemy Henry Leger/Seger, Crowland 26-0670 July 1814 allies Mary Leighton, Niagara 26-0672 enemy, allies Charles Rolls, ditto Andrew Liddle 26-0676 1813-1814 allies James Covell Joseph Caston Jr. Matthew Link, Osnabruck 26-0678 1815 allies Capt. Duncan Fraser Jacob Sipes, Beverly 26-0683 fall 1813 allies John Macarty Sr. Augustin Langeutians, River Thames 26-0685 Oct. 1813, 1814 enemy Marg. Loughlin, Niagara 26-0687 May 27, 1813 enemy Mark McAuly 26-0690 July 1813 enemy John McCall, Woodhouse 26-0692 June 29 to Aug. 6, 1812 allies Ann McDonnell, Niagara 26-0694-0696 May 27 to Dec. 13, 1813 enemy 26-0699-0701 Marguerette McGregor, Sandwich 26-0697-0698 Oct. 1813, 1815 enemy 26-0702 Angus McIntosh, Sandwich 26-0704 1814 Gabriel Godfrey Jean Baptiste Beaugrand Alexander McLean, Elizabethtown 26-0707 Oct. 8, 1814 enemy John McLean, ditto Henry McLean, ditto Mary MacLean, Baldoon, Dover 26-0711 July 1812 allies Peter McMicking, Stamford 26-0713 1813, 1814 enemy Colin McNabb, Town of Niagara 26-0715 1813 enemy Andrew Mallory 26-0718 1813 allies Andrew & Samuel Whitney Jacob Markelley Sr., Williamsburgh 26-0720 Nov. 1813 allies, enemy Geo. Markelley/Merkley, Williamsburgh 26-0722 Nov. 1813 allies, enemy Daniel Martin, Niagara Town 26-0724 July 1813 enemy John Martin, Sandwich 26-0726 Sept., Oct. 1813 allies Thos. Martin, Sandwich 26-0729 July 12 to Aug. 24, 1812 allies Methodist Meeting House, Matilda 26-0732 allies Jacob Coons, ditto John Van Camp, ditto Michael Ault, ditto Michael Corman, ditto Thos. Merritt, Niagara 26-0742 June 27, 1812 allies John Merrimore Jr., River Thames 26-0744 Nov. 16, 1814 enemy Sept. 26, 1814 enemy Sam. Millard, London Dist. 26-0746 Nov. 6, 1815 enemy David Miller, Mount Pleasant 26-0748 Nov. 6, 1814 enemy Thos. Perrin Sr. & Jr. John Wagstaff 26-0751 Robt. Monro, Charlotteville 26-0753 Nov. 18, 1814 to May 18, 1815 allies Anderson Montross, Charlotteville 26-0755 Nov. 8, 1814 enemy Robt. & Wm. Henderson, ditto Silas Montross, Charlotteville 26-0758 Nov. 1814-1815 allies William Hutchison Joseph Ryerson James Moody, Sandwich 26-0761 Aug. 16, 1812 allies Adam Moot, Clinton 26-0763 July 25, 1814 enemy Robt. Monro 26-0765 1813 allies Jeremah Anderson Joseph Nadeaux, Town of York 26-0767 Apr. 27, 1813 enemy Neil Palmer, Yonge 26-0769 allies Abel Wing George C. Mitchell Julien Parent, Sandwich 26-0771 Sept. 1813 allies Dr. Luther Parker, Oxford & Delaware 26-0775 Oct. 1, 1814 allies Anthony Searls, Oxford Militia 1812-1814 allies Jean Baptiste Parre, Sandwich 26-0785 Sept. 1813 allies May 1814 & Jan. 1815 enemy John Patterson & Co., Kingston 26-0793 Nov. 6, 1814 enemy Alexander McDonell, ditto Henry W. Wilkinson, ditto James Swyers, ditto Etienne Pacquet/Paquet, River Thames 26-0800 April 1814 allies Obadiah Pettit, Southwold 26-0802 Nov. 11, 1814 enemy Moses & John Nevill, ditto Jean Baptiste Pillette, Sandwich 26-0805 Sept.-Oct. 1813 allies Francois Beaugrand, ditto Caleb Piper, Oxford 26-0808 1814 allies L. Carrel, Queenston, Niagara 26-0810 Oct. 12, 1813 - July 12, 1814 enemy David Claus Daniel Place, St. David’s, Niagara 26-0812 enemy Thos. James Plunknett, Town of York 26-0814 1813 Jordon Post Jr., Town of York 26-0823 Oct.-Dec. 1813 allies Aug. 1, 1813 enemy Lieut. Daniel Spilman, Prov. Artillery 26-0827 allies, enemy Thos. Powis, Town of Niagara 26-0829 Dec. 10, 1813 enemy Stephen Pritchard, Niagara 26-0832 July 17 to Oct. 9, 1813 allies enemy Rueben Rice, Townsend 26-0834 Nov. 1814 enemy Josiah Proctor, Cramahe 26-0836 Feb. 16, 1814 allies John B. Rabbie, 2nd Lincoln 26-0846 Mar. 20, 1813 allies Henry Ramsey, Willoughby 26-0848 1814 allies John Ramsier, Stamford 26-0850 allies Andrew Heron Geo. Rathwall, Willoughby/Bertie 26-0852 Aug.-Dec. 1812 allies Geo. Reass/Reece, Pelham 26-0854 July 1814 allies Baptiste Reaume, Amherstburg 26-0857 Jan. 1813 allies Sept.-Oct. 1813 allies Geo. Reid, Williamsburg 26-0859 Nov. 9-11 1813 enemy Christian Bouck/Bueck, ditto Geo. Reece, Pelham 26-0863 1814 allies Daniel Swazy, ditto John Rice, Bertie 26-0866 John Rice, Malden 26-0868 Sept.-Oct. 1813 enemy John Rice, Bertie 26-0870 allies Jean B. Robidoux, Sandwich 26-0872 Aug.-Sept. 1812 allies Sept. 1813 enemy Josephine Robidoux, Sandwich 26-0876 1813 allies, Sept. 29, 1813 enemy Dr. James Robinson, Kingston 26-0880 1812-1813 allies Eliz. Robison/Robinson, Kingston 26-0884 1815 allies Joseph Rochleau, Sandwich 26-0892 Sept. 1813 allies John Rogers 26-0894 allies Cornilous Benly Freeman Burly Henry Root, Clinton 26-0896 Nov. 1813 enemy James Rounds, Burford 26-0898 Mar. 7, 1814 enemy Henry Lester, ditto Nov. 5, 1814 enemy Sam. Allen, ditto Henry Routt/Rutt 26-0901 Dec. 1813 allies James Russell Sr., Kingston 26-0903 May 1814 allies George Scougale, ditto Thos. Hardie, ditto Zach. Rykert, Grantham 26-0906 allies, enemy Edward Sayer, Town of Amherstburg 26-0910 Oct. 11, 1813 enemy Stephen Seburn, Stamford 26-0919 enemy, July 30, 1813 allies James Secord, Louth 26-0925 May 27, 1813 enemy Moses Secord, Charlotteville 26-0928 allies Silas & John Secord, ditto Henry & Mary Seger, Crowland 26-0931 June 11, 1813 enemy Wm. Sells, Woodhouse 26-0933 enemy Daniel McQueen, ditto Nathan Mann, ditto Wm. Shackelton, Ancaster 26-0936 fall 1814 allies John Cornell/Cornwall, ditto Robt. Sheaver/Shaver, London 26-0939 Sept. 1813 allies Lieut. Jonathan Austin, 2nd Norfolk Eliza Phillips Sheehan, York 26-0943 allies Eliz. Sheleberger, Stamford 26-0946 1813-1814 enemy Robt. Skelley, Clinton 26-0948 May 27 & Oct., 1813 enemy Bryant Wade, ditto Stephen Shattler/Shetler, Malden 26-0950 Nov. 7-8, 1813 enemy John Shipman, Yonge 26-0953 Aug. 1, 1813 enemy Archable McLean Garret Smith, Yarmouth 26-0956 Nov. 11, 1814 enemy Henry Emery, ditto Jeremiah Cranmer, ditto Joel Smith, Grantham 26-0958 Mar. 25-30, 1812 allies Patrick Smith, Kingston Town 26-0960 allies John Cumming, ditto John Kerby, ditto Hiram Shafford 26-0964 spring 1813 allies John Sparksman, Fort George 26-0967 Feb. 24 to June 24, 1815 allies

Lewis Stanley, St. David’s, Niagara 26-0972 July 1814 enemy Adam Stevens, 4 Mile Creek, Niagara 26-0975 allies Garret Stevens 26-0978 enemy Andrew Stuart, Kingston 26-0981 allies John Kirby, Town of Kingston Lawrence Herckmer, ditto Charles Stewart, Gosfield 26-0985 Feb. 1814, Feb. 1815 enemy Robt. Stewart, Bertie 26-0987 enemy John Steffens/Stevens, Bertie 26-0989 July 14, 1813 enemy John Wintermute, ditto Nov. 12, 1812 & Sept. 1814 allies Wm. Carter, ditto Robt. Stuart, Bertie 26-0998 Feb. 1815 allies Daniel Sturges, Grantham 26-1000 1813, 1814 allies James Summers, Thorold 26-1002 Jan. 23, 1815 allies Israel Sweaza, ditto John Summers, ditto Geo. Swiner, River Thames 26-1005 Oct. 4, 1813 allies John Sypps/Lypps, Colchester 26-1007 Feb. 1814 enemy Henry Sypps/Lypps, Colchester 26-1010 Feb. 1814 enemy Edmund Teeple, Oxford 26-1013 enemy Sam. Templer, Ancaster 26-1015 spring 1815 allies Rich. Bawtinhymer, ditto Maria Thompson, St. David’s, Niagara 26-1018 1814 enemy Lewis Stanley Wm. Thompson, Toronto 26-1020 July 22, 1814 enemy Wm. Thorn, Grimsby 26-1022 June 6-9, 1813 enemy Robt. Nelles, ditto Oliver Thornton, Bertie 26-1024 Oct. 1814 enemy John Bowen, ditto Henry Hershey, ditto Matthew Tisdale, Charlotteville 26-1028 Nov. 8, 1814 John Davis, Woodhouse Mathias Steel, ditto John Troyer, Sandwich 26-1030 July 17, 1812, Jan.-Feb. 1813 enemy James Underwood, Oxford 26-1033 Aug. 28, 1814 enemy Freman Burdick, ditto Barnabas Flanagan, ditto Jacob Upper, Stamford 26-1036 Sept. 1, 1813 allies Wm. Wager 26-1040 Feb. 19, 1815 allies James Phillips Jesse Vancleaff Robt. Hubbs, Hallowell Jacob Upper, Stamford 26-1045 Oct. 8, 1813 allies Charles Anderson Henry Walker, Woodhouse 26-1047 enemy Wm. Walker, Clinton 26-1050 June 11 to Oct. 10, 1813 allies Thos. Walker, Grimsby Stephen Walter/Chelter, Elizabethtown 26-1054 Mar. 8, 1813 enemy Anan Warner 26-1057 Jan. 6, 1815 allies Geo. Warner, Osnabruck 26-1065 Mar. 1814 allies Henry Steenhaugh Asa Waterhouse, Thorold 26-1071 1812-1813 allies, enemy James Wattler, Woodhouse 26-1076 May 15, 1814 enemy Wm. Park, ditto Jonathan Austin, ditto Wm. Wills, Augusta 26-1079 1812 allies Joseph Wheaton, Grantham 26-1083 1813 allies James Whitten, Niagara 26-1085 May 27, 1813 enemy Matthew Cathline John H. Wilkins, Ancaster 26-1087 1814 allies Barnette Shaver, ditto James Garner, ditto Jacob Wilkinson, Thorold 26-1089 June 1812 allies Lieut. John Williams, Chatham 26-1091 1812-1813 allies River Thames, Kent Militia 1813 enemy Ann Williams Samuel Stanford James H. Wilson, Darlington 26-1103 Sept. 7, 1814 allies John Pickle, ditto Nov. 8, 1814 allies Waterman A. Spencer, ditto Jane Wilson, Ancaster 26-1108 Nov. 1814 allies Wm. Richards, ditto Richard Wilson, Etobicoke 26-1110 Dec. 1813 allies Wm. Thompson, Toronto Thos. Marygold, ditto Jebediah Wing 26-1113 1814 allies John G. Borden, Yonge Niel Palmer, ditto Gabriel Wright, Queenston, Niagara 26-1118 allies, enemy James Wright 26-1120 Feb. 1815 allies Wm. Wright, Marysburg Henry Bird, ditto Sam. York, Yarmouth 26-1128 Nov. 11, 1814 enemy Jeronimus Rapelje, ditto Henry Young, Grantham 26-1131 Mar. 17 to Apr. 1, 1813 allies Robt. Young, Kingston 26-1134 Dec. 1, 1813 allies (list of labourers repairing gun boats) Last page 26-1138

Volume 3740 t-1126 to t-1140

Number, Name, Township or Town Microfilm-Page Date & Loss Additional names were principal witnesses to the events.

1 Joseph & Ann Adams, Niagara 26-1140 enemy, allies 1a Peter Ball 26-1144 winter 1814 allies July 1813 enemy 2 Thos. McCormick, Queenston, Niagara Robt. Grant 26-1149 1813-1815 allies John Warren Jr. Wm. Dunbar Edmond Defield Lieut. Col. Robt. Nichol Robt. Gough, Queenston Thos. Dickson 3 Wm. Wright, Gibralter Point, Bertie 26-1172 1814 allies Lieut. Col. Thos. Battersly, GLI Surgeon Grant Powell 4 Ann Waggoner/Mattice, East. Dist. 26-1183 Nov. 1813 allies, enemy 5 Wm. Dickson, Town of Niagara 26-1185 Apr. 28, 1813 allies John Egleson Dec. 1813 enemy Alex. Gardner Geo. Young 6 Alex. McDonell, Niagara 7 James Crooks, West Flamborough 26-1262 enemy 8 Wm. and James Crooks, Niagara 26-1265 June 5, 1812 enemy May 27, 1813 enemy 9 Benjamin Holmes, Niagara 26-1271 Dec. 10, 1813 enemy 10 Sam. Cassidy, Niagara 26-1282 allies, enemy 11 John Powell, Niagara 26-1288 May 27, 1813 enemy 12 James Crooks, West Flamborough 26-1305 May 27, Aug., Dec. 11, 1813 enemy Ann Butler, Town of Niagara allies Catharine Hartman James Muirhead, Grantham Thos. Butler, ditto 12 John Secord, Niagara 26-1338 1813 enemy, 1814 allies 13 Wm. Emery, Niagara 26-1341 enemy 14 Charles & Rosanah Fields, Niagara 26-1344 enemy, allies 15 John D. Servos, Niagara 26-1357 June 3 & Oct. 30, 1813 enemy Wm. Robbins July 26 to Oct. 9, 1813 allies Daniel Sturgis July 15, 1814 enemy Arch. Pickard 1815 allies Abraham Collard, Niagara John Whitmire, Niagara Geo. Reauseau, Ancaster John Hicks (slave?) 16 Mary McBride, Niagara 26-1369 June 29 to May 27, 1813 allies John Monro, ditto Dec. 10, 1813 enemy Alex Rogers, ditto 1814 allies 17 Joseph Grenette, York 26-1378 Apr. 27, 1813 enemy 18 Thos. Douglas, East Gwilliamsbury 26-1384 Apr. 27, 1813 enemy 19 George & John Ball, Niagara 26-1386 20 Peter Ball, Niagara 26-1389-1391 1813 21 Geo. Lawe, Niagara 27-0023-0026 1813 allies, enemy John T. Lawe 27-0108-0109 21a Wm. Gilkinson, Hoople’s Creek, Prescott Elenor, Cathrine, & Ann Stuart 27-0027-0107 Nov. 11-12, 1813 enemy Wm. Loucks 27-0108-0109 Sept. 14-30 & Oct. 3-24, 1812 allies 22 Bernard & Hannah Frey/Fry, Niagara 27-0110 allies 23 George & Elizabeth Cockell/Coughell, Niagara 27-0119 1813 allies Oct. 1812 allies 24 George Adams, Grantham 27-0127 Oct. 1813 enemy Charles Ingersol, ditto June 27, 1813 allies Amos McKinny, ditto Isaac Swayze, Louth John Clark, ditto 25 Capt. John Willson, Markham 27-0140-0145 Apr. 27, 1813 enemy Thos. Hamilton, ditto 27-0149-0153 Peter Vanderburgh, ditto 25a John Willson Niagara 27-0146-0148 enemy, allies 26 John Witmire, Niagara 27-0154 July 16 to Oct. 10, 1813 allies Daniel Sturges Oct. 1813 enemy Wm. Tinlin Abraham Secord John J. Law 27 John Fletcher, Grantham 27-0160 Sept. 1814 Geo. Read Jr. 28 James Covenhoven/Conover, Grantham Jacob Darby, ditto 27-0165 Sept. 18 & Oct., 1813 allies Samuel Hodgkinson, ditto Jan. 14, 1814 allies Thos. Hodgkinson Lieut. Starr Jarvis, Wagon Mstr. 29 Sam. Jones, Grantham 27-0180 Oct. 1813 allies James Covenhoven, ditto June 29 - July 20, 1813 allies Sam. Hodgkinson 30 Titus Finch, Charlotteville 27-0193 May 16, 1814 enemy James Russell, ditto John Kern, ditto Jeremiah Finch, Oxford Joseph Miller, Charlotteville 31 Thos. Deary, Town of York 27-0204 Apr. 27, 1813 enemy Joseph Burrows, West Flamborough Oct. 1, 1814, enemy John Farmer, Hamilton 32 Mary Hartney/Marshall, York 27-0243 Apr. 27, 1813 enemy 33 Patrick Hartney, York 27-0249 Apr. 27, 1813 enemy 34 Jacob Clock, York 27-0253 Apr. 27, 1813 allies Wm. Stoutenburgh, ditto 35 Patrick Strange, York 27-0258 Apr. 27, 1813 enemy 36 James Odell Roch, York 27-0268 allies 37 Robert Brown, Grantham 27-0281 June-July, 1813 allies David Secord, Niagara George Adams, Gratham 38 Jacob Darby, Grantham 27-0287 1813, allies John Darby, ditto James Cunowver (Conover?), ditto 39 John Robertson, Grantham 27-0295 1813, allies Abraham Hosteter, ditto George Read, ditto Wm. Facer, ditto Amos McKinney, Cornet, Prov. Dragoons 40 Joseph Carroll, York 27-0304 1812-1813, allies and enemy Wm. Carroll, York Thos. Carroll, York 41 John Best, Charlotteville 27-0313 Nov. 8, 1814 enemy Oliver Mabee, ditto Richard Lanning, ditto 42 John Decow, Thorold 27-0319 May 27, 1813 allies John Angleman, ditto Oct. 11, 1813 enemy Peter Weaver, ditto 43 Cornelius Anderson, York 27-0327 Mar. 22, 1814 allies Richard Lippincott 44 James Cushman, Niagara, 4 Mile Creek John Willson, Niagara 27-0335 1813 allies John McFarland, ditto Wm. Duff Miller, Town of Niagara 45 John Ashbridge, York 27-0341 Aug. 1813 enemy Jonathan Ashbridge, York Thos. Hamilton, Town of York Thos. Simpson, York Parker Mills, York 46 Richard Beasley, Barton 27-0343 June 1813–Sept. 1815 allies Henry Beasely, ditto Sept. 6, 1814 enemy Thos. McCormick Major Titus Simons John K. Simons 47 Jacob Markle, Toronto 27-0383 Aug.-Sept., 1814 allies John Ingersoll 48 Sarah Ingersoll, Toronto 27-0385 allies Jacob Markle, ditto Thos. Ingersoll Sr. Thos. Ingersoll Jr. 49 Richard Woodruff, St. David’s, Niagara 27-0391 July 15, 1813 allies Margaret Clements, ditto Oct. 10, 1813 enemy Josiah Brown, ditto July 18, 1814 enemy 50 David Secord, St. David’s, Niagara 27-0402 1813 allies Richard Woodruff, ditto July 18, 1813 enemy Josiah Brown, ditto 51 John Lawrence, Niagara 27-0415 1813-1814 allies & enemy Andrew Heron John Young’s estate 52 Geo. Lawrence, Niagara, 4 Mile Creek 27-0426 1813 allies & enemy Fred. Markle 53 Fred. Markle, Niagara, 4 Mile Creek 27-0433 allies & enemy Mary Stevens Geo. Lawrence 54 James Cooper, Stamford 27-0441 1813-1814 enemy John McMicking, ditto John Clow, ditto Daniel Cooper, Niagara 55 George Shaw, St. David’s, Niagara 27-0462 1813-1814 enemy David Clow, Niagara Adam Brown, ditto 56 George J. Ryerse, Woodhouse 27-0468 allies, May 15, 1814 enemy Samuel Ryerse Thos. Bowlby Wm. Wilson John Backhouse Joseph Ryerson Edward P. Ryerse 57 Alex. Gardner, Town of Niagara 27-0499 allies, enemy 58 John Secord Sr. & Jr., Niagara 27-0509 1812-1813 enemy Elijah Secord, Barton James Crooks, West Flamborough Samuel Casady, Town of Niagara Alex. Stewart, ditto Shine Westfield, ditto 59 Daniel Secord, Town of Niagara 27-0524 enemy John P. Clement, Niagara 60 John Grier, Town of Niagara 27-0534 1812-1813 enemy Daniel Sturgis, Niagara 61 Wm. McKean, Town of Niagara 27-0556 enemy, allies John McEwen, ditto Andrew Heron, Niagara Geo. Winterbottom, Town of Niagara 62 Alex. MacKee/MacKie, Town of Niagara 27-0577 enemy, allies 63 Surgeon James Muirhead, Town of Niagara 27-0591 enemy 64 Ann Butler, Niagara 27-0600 July, 1813 allies Capt. John Norton 65 Catherine Forsyth, Town of Niagara 27-0612 1813 enemy, allies 66 Rev. John Burns, Niagara 27-0619 1813-1814 enemy Jane Burns 67 Andrew Heron, Town of Niagara 27-0626 1814 enemy Thos. McCormick, ditto Wm. McKean, ditto John LaVal, Niagara Gilbert Anderson, ditto 1813 allies Mary Heron Eliz. Lawe Peter Ball, Niagara 68 Thos. Merritt, Town of Niagara 27-0692 1813 allies, July 1814 Jacob TenBroeck Dec. 1813 enemy Nathaniel Mandigo (Coloured), Town of Niagara 69 Daniel Sturges, Niagara Missing 70 Jane & Francis Waddel, Town of Niagara 27-0718 1813 enemy Robt. Waddel Wm. McKean, Town of Niagara John Wray 71 Charles Koune, Town of Niagara 27-0732 Aug. 24, 1813 enemy Eliz. Clench Robt. Kerr 72 James Durand, Stamford 27-0742 allies Joseph Shafer, Barton 73 Jean B. & Marg. Rousseau, Ancaster 27-0750 1813-1814 allies Geo. Rousseau, ditto 74 Benjamin Mead, Woodhouse 27-0757 May 14, 1814 enemy 75 David Copperthwaite, Woodhouse 27-0763 May 18, 1814 enemy Richard Mead, ditto 76 John & Lydia Evans, Town of York 27-0770 allies Thos. Ridout 77 Aaron Adairs, Niagara 78 John Emery, Niagara 27-0775 allies, 1813 enemy Geo. & Jane Keefer, Niagara Dec. 9, 1813 enemy 79 Timothy Street, St. David’s, Niagara 27-0790 80 Isaac Vrooman, Stamford 27-0800 Nov. 1814 John Bansier, Gainsborough 81 Ezekial Foster, Burford/Townsend 27-0804 1814 allies Nov. 1814 enemy 82 Philip Beemer, Townsend 27-0814 enemy 83 Jacob Langs Sr. & Jr., Ancaster 27-0820 1813-1814 allies 84 John Robins, Windham 27-0826 Nov. 7, 1814 enemy James Best, Townsend Obadiah Petitt, ditto Ben. Johnston, Windham 85 Neil Lamont, Markham 27-0832 enemy 86 Sam. McMurray, Town of York 27-0836 1813 allies 87 Lieut. John Williams, Western Dist. 27-0842 1812-1813 allies 88 Humphrey Watters, Town of Niagara 27-0844 1813 enemy 89 Nath. Hughson, Barton 27-0850 1813-1814 allies Angus McAfee Robt. Hughson 90 Andrew Cook, Ancaster 27-0855 1814 allies Wm. Shafer, ditto Wm. Fonger, ditto 91 Benjamin Johnson, Saltfleet 27-0860 1813 allies Stephen Jones, ditto 92 Joshua Leach, Town of York 27-0864 Apr. 27, 1813 enemy, allies 93 Joseph Kendrick, York 27-0870 allies 94 Joseph Jones, Barton 27-0876 Apr.-May 1814 allies Jane Depew John McMullin John Eaton, Barton 95 Jacob Erb, Moravian Town 27-0883 Oct. 5, 1813 enemy Joseph Ebby Peter Erb John Break, Waterloo 96 George Barnes, Maulden/Amhersburgh 27-0892 Oct. 5, 1813 enemy 97 Cassel Cores, Niagara 27-0900 enemy, allies 98 Joseph Brown, Niagara 27-0909-918 Dec. 1813 allies, enemy 27-0921-0922 99 Adam Brown, Niagara 27-0907-0908 allies, enemy John J. Brown, ditto 27-0919-0920 Solomon Vrooman, ditto 100 James Tinlin Sr., Niagara 27-0923 Oct. 1, 1813 enemy, allies 101 Wm. Smith, York 27-0926 Aug. 1, 1813 enemy 102 Robt. Biggar, Saltfleet 27-0931 1813-1815 allies Wm. Smith June 26, 1812 Ben. Johnson John Barefoot (Native) James Biggar Peter Springsteed Eliz. Jones Michael Brady Thos. Claus (Native) Gilbert Johnson Stephen Jones Seth White 103 Guy C. Wood, Cornwall 27-0962 Nov. 12-13 1813 enemy 104 Andrew Nelles Jr., Grand River 27-0970 Aug. 1, 1812, Oct. 1813 allies Henry Nelles Nov. 6, 1814 enemy 105 Jacob Weegar, Williamsburg 27-0988 Nov. 9, 1813 enemy Henry Weegar. ditto 106 Thos. Merigold Sr., Toronto 27-0993 1814 allies 107 Isaac & John Vrooman, Niagara 27-0998 1814 allies Henry Swarts, London 108 Hannah & Arch. Pickard, Niagara 27-1004 1813-1814 allies John Cain 109 Ben. Pickard, Niagara 27-1008-1015 Oct. 1813 enemy, 1813 allies 27-1050-1051 110 James Bunting, Louth 27-1016 Oct. 13, 1812, 1813-1814 enemy Solomon Markle Mary Mathews 111 Francis Brock, York 27-1031 1815 allies 112 Amos Stafford, Nelson 27-1037 July 25, 1814 enemy 113 James Baby, Sandwich 27-1042-1049 July 19, 1812 enemy Etienne & Francis Levernois 27-1052 1813 enemy, allies Baptiste Reossell Louis Leduc 114 Sam. Garnsey, Dunwich 27-1077 enemy 115 Morris & Leonard Sovereign, Townsend 27-1080 Nov. 7, 1814 enemy 116 Job Lodor, Townsend 27-1089 Nov. 7, 1814 enemy 117 Wm. Lottridge, Saltfleet 27-1099 May 11, 1813 enemy Joseph Jones 1812-1815 allies 118 Charles Depew Sr., Barton 27-1110 1813 allies Edward Turner, ditto Freeman Green, Saltfleet 119 Henry Trout, Bertie 27-1118 1812-1814 allies, 1813 enemy Capt. Wm. Powell, ditto 120 John Sovereign, Nelson 27-1137 1813-1814 allies Henry & Wm. Groote 121 Robert Sovereign, Nelson 27-1141 Apr. 1814 allies 122 Seth Bradshaw, Niagara 27-1145 allies, Dec. 1813 enemy 123 Daniel Crosthwaite, Barton 27-1153 allies 124 Angus McAfee, Barton 27-1162 Aug. 20, 1814 allies Robt. Hughson Robt. Reynolds Abel Land, Barton 125 Robt. Kerr, Niagara 27-1170 allies May 27 & Dec. 10, 1813 enemy 126 Wm. J. Kerr, Niagara/Louth 27-1175 1812-1814 allies, 1813 enemy John L. Williams Fred. W. Sanderson Lodowick Haines, Louth 127 Angus McIntosh/Mackintosh for NWC, Sandwich 27-1199 Oct. 1813 allies, 1813 enemy 128 North West Company Sandwich 27-1215 Oct. 6, 1813 enemy Angus McIntosh 1812 enemy John R. Williams 27-1217 Oct. 9, 1812 enemy Alex. McIntosh Mary McIntosh Henry Hunt Jean Baptiste Beaugrand 129 Henry Lester, Burford 27-1243 Nov. 6, 1814 enemy 130 Levi Mayhew, Nelson 27-1248 1813-1814 allies Peter Thomas, ditto 131 Isaac Ryan, Niagara 27-1254 1813 enemy Larkin Farish 132 John Secord, Niagara 27-1260 July-Dec. 1813 enemy John Bessell, ditto Courtland Secord 132 James & Hugh Street, Niagara Missing 133 Michael Berninger/Billinger, Niagara 27-1272 1813-1814 allies, enemy 134 Daniel Martin, Town of Niagara 27-1280 1813 135 Wm. Robbins, Niagara 27-1282 July 1813 enemy 136 Michael House, Willoughby 27-1288 Sept. & Nov. 1814 allies 1813-1814 enemy 137 Jean B. Beaugrand, Detroit 27-1298 Oct.-Nov. 1812 allies John Wilson 138 Abraham Secord, Niagara 27-1306 July 1813 enemy Courtland Secord 139 George & John Buckburrough, Beverly 27-1311 140 Philip Will, Beverly 27-1313 Oct. 1814 allies 141 Isaac Blosdell, Beverly 27-1318 1814-1815 allies 142 John Smith, Ancaster 27-1322 Oct. 1814 allies 143 Peter Teeple, Oxford 27-1326 Aug. 30, 1814 enemy, 1813 allies 144 George Nichols, Oxford 27-1338 Nov. 5, 1814 enemy 145 Jane & John Jones, Town of Niagara 27-1345 allies, Dec. 10, 1813 enemy 146 Joseph House, Dorchester 27-1359 1813 allies, Jan. 26, 1814 enemy Capt. McGregor, Kent Militia 147 Henry Reynolds, Dorchester 27-1364-1365 Oct. 9, 1813 allies 28-0022 148 Seth Putnam, Dorchester 28-0024 Oct. 1813, Nov. 1814 allies Aug. & Nov. 1814 enemy 149 Wm. Reynolds, Oxford 28-0033 July 1814 allies 150 Gardner Myrick/Merrick, Oxford 28-0038 Aug. 1814 enemy 151 John Sanders, Niagara 28-0046 July 1814 allies, Dec. 1813 enemy 152 Robt. Gowie, Sandwich/Ancaster 28-0054 July-Aug. 1812, 1813 enemy Vital Demouchelle, Sandwich Francois Beniteau, ditto Jean Baptiste Beniteau, ditto Marie Therise Bison, ditto Louis Normanden, ditto Andre & Agathe Beniteau, ditto 153 William Markle Sr., Ancaster 28-0070 1813-1814 allies Richard Hatt Robt. Kerr 154 Philip Sovereign, Trafalgar 28-0076 1813-1814 allies 155 Wm. Ribbel/Ribble, Trafalgar 28-0080 1813-1814 allies 156 James Hinton, Trafalgar 28-0084 Apr. 1813 enemy at York 1813-1814 allies 157 John Eggleston/Eagleson, Town of Niagara Larkin Ferries, ditto 28-0097 1814 allies, 1813 enemy 158 Garrett & Eliz. Slingerland, Niagara 28-0106 allies, 1813 enemy 159 Larkin Farish/Ferris, Niagara 28-0118 allies, 1813 enemy Barbara Weaver, ditto John Wagstaff 28-0134 Dec. 1813 enemy 160 Thos. Lucas, Nelson 28-0136 fall 1814 allies 161 Jacob Hedley Kemp, Amherstburgh 28-0141 allies, 1813 enemy John Branum, ditto Capt. Wm. Caldwell 162 Gilbert Shaw, Barton 28-0151 1813 allies 163 Robt. Hamilton, Queenston, Niagara 28-0155 1813-1815 enemy, allies Mary Shaw, Niagara John Smith, ditto Anne Fennemore, Queenston, Niagara John Warren Jr., Niagara Wm. Robertson, ditto Wm. Lyons, ditto Robt. Miller, ditto Jane Kerby Nancy/Agnes Robertson Geo. Kerby Lieut. Wm. L. Crowther, 41st Regt. Mary Campbell, Niagara 164 Wm. Robertson, Queenston, Niagara 28-0170 enemy, 1813-1815 allies Nancy Robertson, Stamford Nancy Biggar, ditto 165 John Hawn, Town of Niagara 28-0203 enemy 166 Joseph House, Ancaster 28-0206 Oct. 1 &10 & Nov. 1, 1813 allies James Deforest, ditto 167 Wm. Chisholm, St. Catherines, Grantham 28-0212 1813-1814 allies, 1815 enemy 168 Wm. Wiley, Grantham 28-0254 allies Robt. Brown, ditto John Robinson, ditto 169 Samuel Hedges, Nelson 28-0266 170 Crispus Trowbridge/Strobridge, Ancaster 28-0268 1814 allies 171 Joseph Proctor Jr., Yonge 28-0274 1814 enemy 172 John Proctor, Yonge 28-0278 173 Count Joseph-Genevieve de Puisaye, Niagara Dist. 28-0280 allies 174 Eliz. Campbell, Town of Niagara 28-0293 Dec. 10, 1813 enemy Ben Holmes, ditto 175 Edward Campbell, Town of Niagara 28-0305 Dec. 10, 1813, enemy Ben Holmes 176 John & Jane Jordan, Town of York 28-0311 Sept. 1813 – July, 1814 allies 177 Major Cornelius Thompson, Grantham Fred. Thompson, ditto 28-0316 July 12 – Oct. 13, 1813 allies Wm. Thompson, ditto June 8 – Nov. 19, 1813 enemy Rebecca Thompson, ditto 178 George Gibson Sr., Presquile 28-0336 July 1, 1814 enemy, 1813 allies John Young, Ameliasburg 179 Wm. Putnam, Dorchester 28-0361 Nov. 1, 1814 enemy Gardner Merrick 180 Marg. Clement 28-0365 181 Rebecca Allison/Chrysler, St. David’s, Niagara 28-0367 1814 enemy, 1813-1814 allies 182 Jacob Lutz, St. David’s, Niagara 28-0374 July 1814 enemy 183 Christian Rysley, Bertie 28-0381 1812-1814 allies 184 Wm. Peek, Pickering 28-0393 1813-1814 allies Wm. Spencer, ditto 185 David Parker, Grimsby 28-0399 May 1813 enemy, Oct. 1814 allies 186 John Monro, Town of Niagara 28-0404 enemy Jane Ostrander, Stamford 187 Zach. Galloway, Town of York 28-0410 1812-1814 allies 188 Joseph Kitchen, Charlotteville 28-0413 Nov. 8, 1814 enemy 189 Robt. Shearner, Charlotteville 28-0418 enemy 190 Daniel McCall, Charlotteville 28-0420 Nov. 7, 1814 enemy 191 Jacob Fight/Fite, Rainham 28-0428 Aug. 6, 1812 allies Sept. 1814 enemy 192 Joseph Walker, Woodhouse 28-0452 Nov. 8, 1814 enemy 193 Capt. Abraham A. Rapelje, Charlotteville Jonathan Austin, ditto 28-0459 May 14, 1814 enemy 194 Wm. Bird, Woodhouse 28-0468 Nov. 8, 1814 enemy 195 Jacob Lemon, Woodhouse 28-0475 Nov. 8, 1814 enemy Joseph Woolley Sr., ditto 196 Rev. Daniel Freeman, Woodhouse 28-0485 Sept. 1, 1812 allies Joseph Lemon 197 Solomon & Fanny Quick, St. David’s, Niagara Wm. Woodruff, ditto 28-0494 1813 allies, enemy 198 Catherine Lowell, St. David’s, Niagara 28-0508 July 17, 1814 enemy 199 John Stevens, St. David’s, Niagara 28-0514 allies, July 14, 1814 enemy Fanny Quick, ditto 200 Solomon Hyatt, Stamford 28-0519 1814 enemy, allies Jane McKerlie, ditto Morris Derrick, Binbrook 201 Wm. Chrysler, Niagara 28-0530 Dec. 1813 allies, July 1814 enemy 202 David Clow, Stamford 28-0535 enemy, July 6, 1814 allies Henry Hoshal 203 Cornelius Lambert, Niagara 28-0548 Nov. 27, 1813 enemy Aug. 1 & Dec. 1813 allies 204 Andrew Templeton, Ancaster 28-0557 allies Ensign James George, 1st Lincoln John Clark 205 William Bates, Nelson 28-0567 June 1812 – May 1815 allies Augustus Bates, ditto 206 Isaac Smith, Ancaster 28-0578 1814-1815 allies 207 Wm. Smith, Ancaster 28-0583 1814 allies 208 Robt. Donaldson, Niagara 28-0587 1813-1814 allies, 1813 enemy 209 Lot Tisdale, Ancaster 28-0596 1813-1814 allies 210 Isaac Horning, Ancaster 28-0601 allies 211 John Cleaver, Nelson 28-0605 1812-1813 allies 212 Samuel Boyd, St. David’s, Niagara 28-0611 allies, enemy 213 Sam. Bunting, Town of Niagara 28-0621 Dec. 6, 1812 & 1813 enemy 214 Thos. & Jane Bunting, St. David’s, Niagara 28-0629 July 18, 1814 enemy 215 John & Mary Bunting, St. David’s, Niagara 28-0634 July 17, 1814 enemy 216 Peter Bowman, Thorold/Louth 28-0644 enemy, May 27-30, 1813 allies David Secord 217 Joseph & Frances Page, Niagara 28-0664 1813, 1814 allies, enemy 218 Edmund Horton, Niagara 28-0675 enemy 219 Peter Thompson, Stamford 28-0684 allies, 1814 enemy 220 Archibald Thompson, Stamford 28-0693 July 11-20, 1814 enemy Samuel Montgomery, ditto 221 Andrew Rorback, Stamford 28-0699 enemy 222 Charlotte Carmichael, Stamford 28-0704 July 11-25, 1814 enemy Peter Thomspson, ditto 223 James Thompson, Stamford 28-0711 July 11-22, 1814 enemy John Thompson, ditto 224 Joseph Burrow/Borris, East Flamborough John Farmer, Hamilton 28-0719 Oct. 1, 1814 enemy 225 Thos. McMicking, Stamford 28-0730 July-Aug. 1814 enemy 226 Robt. & Sarah Taylor, Stamford 28-0736 July 11-25, 1814 enemy Andrew Rorback, ditto 227 Presbyterian Congregation Church, Niagara 28-0745 1813 enemy 228 Thos. Powis, Niagara 28-0760 Dec. 10, 1813 enemy 229 Inhabitants of York, York 28-0773 1813 allies 230 Rev. Robt. Addison, East Flamborough & Niagara 28-0779 1813 & June 1815 allies May 1813 enemy 231 Dennis Fitzgerald, 41st Reg., Niagara & Fort Erie 28-0798 Nov. 21, 1812 enemy May 27, 1813 enemy 232 Lieut. Daniel O’Reilly, Stamford 28-0807 May 28, 1813 allies John Chisholm, East Flamborough 1813-1814 allies 233 Patrick McCabe, Queenston, Niagara 28-0778 (misfiled page) John McCabe, ditto 28-0817 1812-1815 allies 234 Capt. James Givins, York 28-0839 April 27, 1813 enemy 235 James Secord Sr., Queenston/St. David’s, Niagara Fanny Moral (Coloured) 28-0846-0855 Oct. 13, 1812, allies, enemy 236 John Caster, West Flamborough 28-1013-1017 1813-1814 allies 237 Jacob Cochonour, West Flamborough 28-1006 1813-1815 allies 238 Andrew Kitchen, Ancaster 28-1002 Apr. 1814 allies 239 John Rosebrugh, West Flamborough 28-0997 1813-1814 allies Jacob Cochenour Adam Cramer, West Flamborough 240 Jacob Serarus, West Flamborough 28-0993 1813-1815 allies John Castor 241 James Morden, West Flamborough 28-0990 spring 1814 allies 242 Ann Howell, West Flamborough 28-0987 1814 allies 243 John Showers, Ancaster 28-0982 Dec. 1814 allies Edward Ryckman, West Flamborough 244 George Castor, Barton 28-0976 1813 allies 245 Daniel McQueen, Woodhouse 28-0971 enemy 246 Wm. Jarvis, Niagara 28-0962 1814 allies, enemy 247 Robt. Campbell, Town of Niagara 28-0933 May 27, 1813 enemy John Baldwin 1812-1813 allies Margert Hurst, Town of Niagara Oct. 13, 1812 enemy Wm. McKean, ditto 248 Eliz. Thompson, Town of Niagara 28-0912 enemy, 1813 allies Robt. Campbell, ditto 249 John & Catherine Brant, Nelson 28-0906 1813-1814 allies Michael & Henry Grote, ditto Augustus Bates, ditto 250 Dr. Robt. Richardson, Amherstburgh 28-0899 1814-1815 enemy 251 Thos. Dugay/Didie, Amherstburgh 28-0894 Aug.-Sept. 1813 allies Jonathan Hailly Jean Bapt. Meloche 252 Alex. & Wm. Duff, Amherstburgh 28-0886 enemy 253 Jean B. Lelonge, Amherstburgh 28-0878 1814-1815 enemy 254 John McFarland Jr., Niagara 28-0862 Mar.-Apr. 1813 enemy July-Sept. 1814 allies 255 Margery Miller, Town of Niagara 28-0857-0861 enemy Geo. Lawe 256 Alex. & Jemima Stewart, Town of Niagara 28-1019 1813-1814 enemy 257 Geo. & Catherine Winterbottom, Niagara 28-1023 1813-1814 enemy 258 John Small, Town of York 28-1030 allies, 1813 enemy John Thomson 259 Marg. Darby, Grantham 28-1040 1813, Dec. 1814 enemy 260 Col. Matthew & Sarah Elliot, Malden/Amherstburgh James Steward 28-1046 Sept. & Oct. 5, 1813 enemy 261 Capt. Wm. Mills, Malden/Amherstburgh 28-1077 1813-1815, enemy, allies James Gordon John & James McGregor, Sandwich 28-1110 Paul Leduc Richard Pattinson Robt. Reynolds 262 Richard Pattinson/Patterson, Sandwich James Allan, ditto 28-1130 1812-1813 enemy Augustin Roy, River Thames Antoine Reaume, Sandwich 263 Robt. Innis, Malden/Sandwich/Grand River Angus McDonald 28-1182 1813-1814 enemy Andrew Brown Dec. 7, 1814 allies Joseph Dusault July-Aug. 1813 allies R. Clark 264 Sophia Hainer, Grantham 28-1209 Dec. 1813 enemy 265 St. Catherine’s Church, Grantham 28-1213-1221 1813-1814 allies 266 John P. & Magdalene Rattlemiller/Radelmuller, Vaughan/Town of York 29-0022 Apr. & Aug. 1813 enemy May 4, 1813 enemy 267 Henry Bostwick, Woodhouse 29-0027 May 14, 1814 enemy John Bostwick 268 Mary F. Donavan, Malden 29-0036 Sept. 1812 allies Abraham Redgraves 269 Wm. Terryberry, Barton 29-0044 1813-1814 allies 270 Richard Harris, Grantham 29-0051 June 6, 1813 enemy Fred. A. Goring 271 George Ironside, Amherstburgh 29-0059 Oct. 1813 enemy Timothy Murphy 272 Sandwich Church, Sandwich 29-0070 enemy Wm. Hands, ditto James D. Little, ditto 273 Susanna McGregor, Sandwich 29-0083 Sept. 1813 allies Louis Amelim 274 Wm. Hare, Dundas, West Flamborough Jacob & John Huffman, ditto 29-0090 1813-1815 allies 275 John Friesman, Niagara 29-0099 May 18, 1813 allies Sept. 13, 1814 allies 276 James Rogers, Town of Niagara 29-0105 Dec. enemy, 1812-1814 allies 277 James Forsyth, East Flamborough 29-0130 1813-1814 allies 278 David Morden, West Flamborough 29-0135 1813-1815 allies 279 Capt. John Dennison, 3rd York, York 29-0139 enemy, 1814-1815 allies 280 John McLean, Hamilton 29-0145 Oct. 1, 1814 enemy Elias Jones 281 Thos. Bell, Talbot Settlement 29-0158 March 1814 enemy Russell Baldwin 282 Eliz. Andrews, York 29-0166 Apr. 27, 1813 enemy 283 Joseph Snyder, Waterloo 29-0169 Oct. 5, 1813 enemy, 1814 allies Christian Snyder Jr., ditto 284 Jacob Becktel, Waterloo 29-0177-0180 Oct. 5, 1813 enemy John Break, ditto 29-0183-0184 285 Frederick Harnen, Waterloo 29-0181-0182 1814 allies 29-0185 286 Gerhard Wieler, Waterloo 29-0187 Oct. 5, 1813 enemy 287 Henry Warner Sr. & Jr., Waterloo 29-0191 Oct. 5, 1813 enemy 288 Joseph Wismer, Waterloo 29-0201 Oct. 5, 1813 enemy 289 John Mucklehone, Stamford 29-0213 1814 enemy, allies Wm. McClellan Laurence Lemon, Stamford Christopher Burt, ditto 290 Andrew Van Every, West Flamborough John Keagy, ditto 29-0219 Dec. 25 allies Geo. Haines, ditto 291 John Sherich/Shiray, Waterloo 29-0222 Oct. 5, 1813 enemy, Feb. 1813 allies 292 Sam. Betzner, Waterloo 29-0236 Oct. 5, 1813 enemy 293 Philip Bleam, Waterloo 29-0243 Oct. 5, 1813 enemy 294 George Bechtel, Waterloo 29-0250 Oct. 5, 1813 enemy 295 John Bricker, Waterloo 29-0258 Oct. 5, 1813 enemy 296 Henry Lamb, Waterloo 29-0267 Oct. 5, 1813 enemy 297 Christian Richard, Waterloo 29-0274 Oct. 5, 1813 enemy 298 Peter Erb, Waterloo 29-0283 Oct. 5, 1813 enemy 299 Jacob Snyder Sr., Waterloo 29-0291 Oct. 5, 1813 enemy 300 Joseph Ebby, Waterloo 29-0300 Oct. 5, 1813 enemy 301 Abraham Been, Waterloo 29-0309 Oct. 5, 1813 enemy 302 Cornelius Pannebecker, Waterloo 29-0311 Oct. 5, 1813 enemy 303 Geo. Weaver, Beverly 29-0315 1814 allies Philipp Main, ditto 304 Joseph Cornell, Beverly 29-0320 allies Adam Main, ditto 305 James Thomas, Niagara 29-0330 1813 allies 306 Jordan Post, Town of York 29-0334 Apr. 27, 1813 enemy 307 Charles Gesso, Town of Niagara 29-0336 enemy 308 George Fonger, East Flamborough 29-0346 1813-1814 allies 309 Ralph Hunt, Ancaster 29-0352 1814 allies 310 Wm. Parnall, Grantham 29-0358 1813 enemy, 1814 allies Wm. Westover, ditto 311 Geo. Hartsell Sr., Grantham 29-0364 Nov. 1813 enemy Geo. Havens, ditto 312 Wm. Westover, Grantham 29-0369 1813-1814 allies 313 John Cain, Niagara 29-0377 1813-1814 allies 314 Everett Scott, Niagara 29-0386 July 11 & 22, 1814 enemy 315 Capt. James Wright, Marysburg 29-0390 Apr. 12, 1813, 1815 allies 316 Major Slater, Niagara 29-0410 July-Aug. 1813 allies James Thomas 317 Joseph Haines, Niagara 29-0414 1813 allies Levi Haines, ditto Edward Vandelip, ditto 318 John Boise, Niagara 29-0431 allies 319 Jacob Boise, Niagara 29-0435 July 1814 allies James Cushman, ditto 320 Peter & Catherine Ernest, York 29-0445 fall 1814 allies, enemy 321 Sherman Hyde, Townsend 29-0454-0456 Nov. 7, 1814 enemy 29-0457-0458 322 Leonard Clows, Townsend 29-0451-0453 Nov. 7, 1814 enemy 29-0457-0458 323 John Levell, Niagara 29-0459 1813-1814 enemy Charlotte Fuller, ditto 324 Ralph Clench, Niagara 29-0462 1814 allies, 1813 enemy Joseph Haines, ditto Capt. Thos. Butler, ditto 325 Alex. Rogers, Town of Niagara 29-0475 enemy, allies Capt. Alex Hamilton 326 Henry Warren, Bertie 29-0507 Aug. 3, 1813, 1814 enemy Cyrenus Hall, ditto 1812-1814 allies John Baxter, ditto Charles Hill, ditto 327 Wm. Underwood, Oxford 29-0528 Aug. 28, 1814 enemy Abigail Scofield 328 Sam. Andrews/Andruss, Ancaster 29-0539 Oct. 1814 allies Wm. B. Vanevery, ditto 329 Elias Jones, Hamilton 29-0548 1813-1814 allies Thos. Ward, ditto Oct. 1, 1814 enemy John Spencer, ditto John Kelley, Haldimand John Farmer 330 Geo. Forsyth, Town of Niagara 29-0570 allies, 1813-1814 enemy 331 John Coleman, Beverly 29-0588 332 Capt. Jonathan Williams, Woodhouse 29-0590 1814 enemy 333 Arnoch Monette/Moneth, Niagara 29-0598 1813-1814 allies, 1813 enemy Harman Slingerland, ditto 334 Alex. McDonell, Town of York 29-0608 1814 allies Wm. Lee, ditto 335 Grant Powell, Town of York 29-0612 Apr. 27, 1813 enemy John Beckie, ditto 336 David Kribbs, Barton 29-0618 1813-1815 allies 337 Peter Hess, Barton 29-0623 1813-1814 allies 338 Jacob Rymal, Barton 29-0628 Jan. 1813 allies David Kribbs, ditto Peter Hess, ditto 339 Sam. Hess, Barton 29-0634 1813-1814 allies 340 John Bouck/Bouk, Thorold 29-0640 July 13, 1814 enemy Geo. Miller, ditto June 26, 1813 allies 341 Geo. Miller, Thorold 29-0647 July 13, 1814 enemy Sept. 26, 1813 allies 342 Barton Presbyterian Church, Barton 29-0656 1813-1814 allies 343 Joseph Shafer, Barton 29-0662-0663 spring 1814 allies 29-0666-0668 344 Henry Drean, Town of York 29-0664-0665 Oct. 1, 1813 enemy Wm. Chisholm 29-0669-0688 345 John Clement, Niagara Missing 346 Daniel Moore, Stamford 29-0689 July 10, 1814 enemy 347 Mary Adams, Stamford 29-0700 July 10, 1814 enemy 348 Jonathan & Azubah Haiger, Thorold 29-0704 Oct. 6, 1813 allies 349 Joseph & Catherine Robinson, Stamford Ann Bastedo, ditto 29-0706 July 10, 1814 enemy 350 Freeman Burdick, Oxford 29-0715 Aug. 28 & Nov. 5, 1814 enemy 351 Isaac Burdick, Oxford 29-0728 Nov. 5, 1814 enemy 352 Jacob Wood, Oxford 29-0732 Nov. 5, 1814 enemy 353 Willard Sage, Oxford 29-0740 Nov. 5, 1814 enemy Luther Haskins 354 Wm. Buell, Brockville, Elizabethtown Truelove Butler, Elizabethtown 29-0749 allies Richard Carle, ditto John Hause, ditto 355 Stephen Jarvis, York 29-0780 1812-1815 allies 356 John Baldwin, Niagara & York 29-0789 1813 enemy & Apr. 27, 1813 357 Jacob Van Alstine, Grantham 29-0805 Nov. 1813 enemy, July 1814 allies 358 Capt. Geo. Benson Hall & Angelique Hall, Malden 29-0813 1813 enemy, 1814-1815 allies 359 John Heddon, Louth 29-0823 July 1814 allies Wm. Hagerman, Glanford Marg. Gregory Anne Burtch Jesse Thomas 360 Hugh & Jane McPhee, York 29-0834 Aug. 1, 1813 enemy 361 John McKay, Town of Niagara 29-0844 Dec. 10, 1813 enemy James Rogers 362 Jacob Upper, Thorold 29-0849 1813-1814 enemy, 1812-1813 allies 363 Augustus Bates, Nelson 29-0856 1813-1814 allies John Brant 364 John Crawford, Howard 29-0863 1814 enemy John Coll Alex. Wilkinson, Mersea Thos. Bell, ditto 365 Daniel Will, Nelson 29-0880 1813-1815 allies 366 Shubal Park, Stamford 29-0887 1814 allies 367 Eliz. Morden, West Flamborough 29-0892 1813-1815 allies 368 Wm. Nelson, Nelson 29-0900 1813-1814 allies 369 Wm. Kent, Saltfleet 29-0904-0911 1813 allies Isaac Swayze, Niagara 29-0915-0918 Count De Puisey 29-0912-0914 1813-1814 allies 370 Philip Snyder, Gainsborough 29-0919 1815-1815 allies 371 Morris Lawrence, Town of York 29-0927 1813-1814 allies 372 Daniel Nettleton, Prescott 29-0936 1813-1815 allies 373 John Soper, Grantham 29-0956 July 1, 1813 enemy 374 John Pettit, Grantham Missing 375 Nathan Mann, Dover, Woodhouse 29-0963 May 15, 1814 enemy Francis Beaupre, Charlotteville 376 Francis Beaupre, Woodhouse 29-0971 May 15, 1814 enemy 377 Adam Lampman, Dover, Woodhouse 29-0977 allies, May 15, 1814 enemy 378 Henry Medcalf, Woodhouse 29-0985 May 14 & Nov. 8, 1814 enemy 379 Samuel Williams, Woodhouse 29-0995 May 14, 1814 enemy 380 Abraham Dayton, Elizabethtown 29-1000 1812 allies, Nov. 1813 enemy Capt. Reuben Sherwood 381 Peter Buck, Bertie 29-1025 Nov. 1814 allies 382 John Muma, Ancaster 29-1033 1814 allies Sam. Muma, Beverly Abner Everitt, Ancaster 383 Sam. Muma, Beverly 29-1037 1814 allies James Blayney, Ancaster 384 Sgt. Wm. Lowe, Niagara 29-1042 Nov. 1813 enemy Eliz. Eagleston, Town of Niagara 385 Sam. Green, Stoney Creek, Saltfleet 29-1050 1813-1814 allies Augustus Jones Isaac Corman Jeremiah Springsteen Charles Moore Margret London James McDavid 386 Wm. Fleming, Amherstburg 29-1056 enemy, allies John Robinson, ditto Lieut. Thos. Caldwell, 1st Essex 387 David Kikendall, Barton 29-1063 Sept. 1814 allies 388 Richard Springer, Barton 29-1067 Oct. 1814 allies 389 Edward Shaver, Prescott 29-1072 Oct. 27, 1813 allies 390 Adam P. Shaver, Matilda 29-1076 Oct. 1812 allies, Nov. 8, 1813 enemy 391 Paul Cripps, Stamford 29-1085 July 8-24, 1814 enemy 392 John Harris, Grimsby 29-1093 Nov. 1813 enemy Wm. P. Snyder, ditto 393 Adam Green, Stoney Creek, Saltfleet 29-1100 Oct. 14 – Dec. 6, 1813 allies 394 Isaac Corman, Stoney Creek, Saltfleet 29-1104 1813 allies, June 5, 1813 enemy 395 Fred. Hintner/Hinttener, Matilda 29-1109 Nov. 7-8, 1813 enemy, 1812 allies Eliz. & Mary Hintner 396 Conrad Shaver, Matilda 29-1119-1124 Nov. 8, 1813 enemy Eliz. & Marg. Shaver James Lenox 397 Capt. Michael Ault, Matilda 29-1115-1118 Nov. 7, 1813 enemy John Ault 29-1125-1126 398 John P. Shaver, Matilda 29-1127 Nov. 8, 1813 enemy Susana Shaver 399 Philip Shaver, Matilda 29-1131 Aug. 15, 1813 allies Elder Fredrick Cathrine Shaver 400 Jacob P. Shaver, Matilda 29-1139 Nov. 8, 1813 enemy Nancy Parlow 401 Jacob Dulmage, Matilda 29-1143 Nov. 8 1813 enemy Capt. Michael Ault Aurila Dulmage 402 Wm. Franks, Williamsburgh 29-1147 Nov. 10-11, 1813 enemy, allies 403 Peter Fetterly, Williamsburgh 29-1153 Nov. 9-11, 1813 enemy 404 Fred. Keeler, Matilda 29-1158 Nov. 7-8, 1813 enemy Peggy Keeler Catey Crobar 405 Ezekiel Cudney Sr., Niagara 29-1163-1166 allies 29-1176 406 James Cudney, Niagara 29-1167-1175 1813 allies 29-1177 407 Jacob Markle, Williamsburgh 29-1179 Nov. 9-11, 1813 enemy & allies 408 Capt. Geo. Merkley, Williamsburgh 29-1181 Nov. 9-11, 1813 enemy & allies 409 Geo. Brouse, Matilda 29-1191 Nov. 1814 allies Nov. 8, 1813 enemy 410 John & Mary Green, West Flamborough 29-1198 1813-1814 allies 411 Sgt. John Hazleton, 100th Reg., Amherstburg 29-1203 enemy 412 Mjr. Sikes Tousley, 1st Oxford, Oxford 29-1208 Apr. 29 & Aug. 29, 1814 413 Edward Brady, Stoney Creek, Saltfleet 29-1215 June 7, 1813 enemy 414 David Cudney, Niagara 29-1219 1813 allies John Whitmire Daniel Sturges Capt. John D. Servos, 1st Lincoln 415 Robt. McDougal, Detroit Missing 416 Peter Shaver, Matilda 29-1233 Nov. 8, 1813 enemy Looney Sheaver Mary Brouse Nancy Parlou Orilla Dulmage Conrad Shaver 417 David Burkholder, Barton 29-1270 June – July, 1814 allies 418 John Snider, Barton 29-1275 1814-1815 allies 419 John Forsyth, Barton 29-1279 1813-1814 allies 420 Thos. Derickson, Windham 29-1283 Nov. 8, 1814 enemy 421 Peter Thomas, Nelson 29-1289 May 1814 allies Levi Mayhew 422 Geo. Young, Town of Niagara 29-1293 1813 enemy 423 John and James McGregor, Sandwich/Amherstburg 29-1300 1812-1814 allies, enemy Edward Hazels Oct. 3, 1813 Isaac & Ann Dolsen Wm. McCrae, Raleigh Alex. McGregor, Town of Amherstburg 424 Peter Swartz, Saltfleet 29-1398 1813-1814 allies 425 David Hotrum, Barton 29-1404 allies 426 Robt. Jupiter (Coloured), Niagara 29-1410 1813 enemy 427 Ebenezer Jones, Saltfleet 29-1413 allies 428 Rice Honeywell, Prescott 29-1422 allies 429 Michael Cook Sr., Williamsburgh 29-1432-1440 Nov. 9-11, 1813 enemy 430 John Cook, Williamsburgh 30-0022 Nov. 9-11, 1813 enemy Michael Cook, ditto Peter Weaver, ditto 431 Andrew Snyder, Williamsburgh 30-0030 Nov. 9-11, 1813 enemy Peter Weaver, ditto Cornelius Leg, ditto 432 Wm. Hands, Sandwich 30-0037 Aug. 10, 1813 allies, 1813 enemy Jean Baptiste Parre, ditto Jean Baptiste Leduc, ditto 433 Sandwich College, Sandwich 30-0050 1813-1815 enemy & allies William Hand, ditto Abraham Unsworth, ditto 434 Alex. Pringle, Sandwich 30-0058 July 11, 1812 enemy, 1813 allies 435 John Hartford, Cramahe/Haldimand 30-0074 June-Oct., 1813 allies James Richmond 436 Peter Weaver, Williamsburgh 30-0086 Nov. 9-11, 1813 enemy 437 Cornelius Legg, Williamsburgh 30-0093 Nov. 9-11, 1813 enemy Adam Snyder 438 Sam. & David Robertson, Williamsburgh Evea Sipes 30-0098 Nov. 7-8, 1813 enemy 439 Andrew Kinnaly/Kimmerly, Kingston Stauts Sager Jr., Richmond 30-0103 Oct. 20, 1813 enemy Thos. Smith, ditto Schooner Betsy 440 James Schofield, Cornwall 30-0139 Nov. 11-12, 1813 enemy Isaac Sheck Hiram Schofield 441 Hannah Hill, Beaver Dams, Thorold 30-0144 Oct. 11 & 28, 1813 enemy John Angleman, Thorold Jeremiah Hill, ditto Eliz. Weaver, ditto 442 John & Finlay Malcolm, Burford 30-0151 Nov. 7, 1814 enemy Haggae Westbrook Charles Sayles Geo. Winegarden 443 John Malcolm, Burford 30-0155 Nov. 7, 1814 enemy Haggae Westbrook Charles Sayles Geo. Winegarden Wm. Lymburner Wm. Tyler 444 John Malcolm Burford 30-0160 Nov. 7, 1814 enemy Haggae Westbrook Charles Sayles Geo. Winegarden 445 John Malcolm & Finlay Malcolm Jr., Burford Amos Sturges 30-0162 Nov. 7, 1814 enemy 446 John Depew Jr., Barton 30-0177 Nov. 20, 1813 allies Jane & Catharine Depue 447 James Gage, Saltfleet 30-0183 Oct. 1813 – June 1814, allies Asahel Davis, Nelson June 5 & 6, 1813, enemy Augustus Jones Wm. Davis 448 Capt. Thos. Humbertsone, York 30-0199 June 27, 1813 enemy, 1814 allies 449 David McPherson, Niagara 30-0201 1813 allies, 1814 enemy Robert Donaldson Thos. McPherson James Cutney John Bradt 450 Alex. & Marg. McIntosh, Johnston 30-0209 Nov. 1814 allies Alex. Campbell 451 Wm. & John Applegarth, East Flamborough Lieut. Alex. Ferguson 30-0218 1813-1814 allies Jacob & Martin Middagh 452 Capt. Thos. & Theresa McKee, Sandwich Wm. Peck, Raleigh 30-0228 1812-1813 allies, enemy Geo. Ward Thos. Walden, Amherstburgh Wm. Searl Stephen More Augusten Roy Pierre Plante, Sandwich Eliz. McDonel, ditto Antoine & Laurent Reaume, ditto Wm. Wilkinson, ditto 453 Marg. Hernbrow, Sandwich 30-0267 allies, enemy 454 Jean Baptiste Parre, River St. Clair 30-0272 1814 allies, 1813-1814 enemy Wapouse Morass, ditto Joseph Laforge, ditto 455 Chrisostome Pagot/Pajote, Sandwich 30-0282 1813 allies Ignace Coichois/Cocais, ditto Antoine Bondy, ditto 456 Jean Baptiste Leduc, Sandwich 30-0292 Sept. 27, 1813 allies Louis Reaume, ditto Oct. 1813 enemy 457 Richard Beasley, Barton 30-0302 1813-1814 allies Henry Beasley Sept. 6, 1814 enemy 458 John Chisholm, East Flamborough 30-0312 Sept. 6, 1814 enemy Henry Beasley 459 Joseph Southworth, Williamsburgh 30-0318 Nov. 9-11, 1813 enemy Cornelius Leg, ditto Andrew Snyder, ditto 460 Jean Baptiste Baby, Sandwich 30-0324 1812-1813 enemy Pierre Reaume, ditto 461 Thos. Rene Boucher de Boucherville, Amherstburgh Louis Lesperance, Sandwich 30-0337 1813 enemy Jean Baptiste Meloche, ditto 462 Wm. Nelles, Grimsby 30-0374 June 4, 1813 enemy Abraham & Robt. Nelles Sept. 1814 allies John Noalty/Nolty, Grimsby John A. Nelles, ditto 463 Abraham Nelles, Grimsby 30-0389 allies Wm. Nelles, ditto Thos. Topping, ditto John L. Nelles Henry Wm. Nelles, Grimsby 464 Christopher Culp, Clinton 30-0405 May 29, 1813 allies Jonas Culp Francis Postal 465 Jacob Culp, Clinton 30-0409 May 29, 1813 allies Philip Smith Jonas Culp, Clinton 466 Wm. Shearman/Sherman, Barton 30-0417 allies John Aikman Jr., ditto John Land, ditto 467 Qtr. Mstr. Nathaniel Ball, Clinton 30-0422 July 25, 1814 enemy 468 Reuben Dayton, Burford 30-0428 allies Rufus Johnson Hugh Grayham/Graham Wm. Bowen Richard Cockvile Joshua Chapell, Burford John Evens/Evans, ditto Jacob Yeigh 469 Geo. W. Whited/Whitehead, Bertie 30-0439 July 4, 1814 enemy John Putman, ditto Wm. Powell, ditto 470 John Yeigh, Burford 30-0446 Nov. 15, 1814 allies Adam Yeigh, ditto Nov. 5, 1814 enemy James Beach, ditto 471 Geo. Rouse, Burford 30-0452 Nov. 5-6, 1814 enemy Sam. McAlister, ditto Henry Lester, ditto Sam. Miller, ditto 472 Adam Yeigh, Burford 30-0456 Nov. 5, 1814 enemy Reuben Dayton, ditto Jacob Yeigh 473 Levi Lawrence, Burford 30-0459 1813-1814 allies Susan Sage Henry Lister Abner Decow, Burford 474 Sam. Miller, Burford Missing 475 Henry Beamer Sr., Louth 30-0472 May 28, 1813 allies John Clark, Adj. Gen. Militia Christopher & Philip Beamer 476 Noah Force, Burford 30-0479 Nov. 1, 1814 allies Keziah & Sarah Force, ditto 477 Stephen Douglas, Burford 30-0483 Nov. 5, 1814 enemy Wheeler Douglas 478 Fred. Ashbough Sr., Bertie 30-0488 Nov. 1812 & Mar. 1814 allies John Hershey, ditto Mar. 1814 enemy 479 James Tinlin Sr., Town of Niagara 30-0494 Dec. 10, 1813 enemy, 1812-1814 allies 480 Anne & Walter Roe, Sandwich 30-0500 enemy Walter J. Roe, ditto Francis Pratt, ditto 481 Francis Sr. & Isabel Pratt, Sandwich Theodore & Francis Jr. Pratt, ditto 30-0505 1813-1814 enemy Ignas Cockway 482 Francis Pratt Jr., Sandwich 30-0514 1813-1814 enemy Dominique Pratt, ditto 483 Ernestown Presbyterian Church, Ernestown Peter Daly, ditto 30-0519 1815 allies 484 Noah Fairchild, Charlotteville 30-0526 Nov. 8, 1814 enemy Daniel McCall, ditto Jacob Bayard, ditto 485 Ephraim G. Mitchel, Charlotteville 30-0531 Nov. 8, 1814 enemy James Crane, ditto Jacob Bayar, ditto 486 James Crane, Charlotteville 30-0536 Nov. 8, 1814 enemy Jacob Bayar, ditto Sam. Brown, ditto 487 Joseph A. & Eli Keeler, Cramahe 30-0540 1813-1814 allies Ephraim Farrar Reuben Scott Benoni Stitson/Stilson 488 Col. Wm. Fraser, Matilda 30-0553 allies 489 Capt. Peter Drummond, Prescott 30-0558 allies Capt. Thos. Fraser 490 Daniel Showers, Ancaster 30-0574 Oct.-Nov. 1813 allies John Hess, ditto 491 Geo. Ward, Camden 30-0584 Oct. 8, 1813 allies Wm. Crandall, Howard 1813 allies Joseph Preager James Flemming Joshua Cornwell James Burns James Edwards Michael Gordon, Howard Thos. Dowling Wm. & Margaret Ward 492 John Cornwall/Cornell Sr., Ancaster/Amherstburgh John Ronan 30-0624 1813 allies Jean Baptiste Leclaire 1813-1814 enemy Wheeler Cornwall Jacob Quant, Howard 493 Henry Casselman, Williamsburgh 30-0641 Nov. 10-11, 1813 enemy Peter Davis, ditto John Hanes, ditto 494 Sam. Fritz, Louth 30-0650 1813 allies Francis Postele Capt. Wm. H. Merritt 495 Philip Mosher, Augusta 30-0656 1812-1814 allies Thos. Doyle Silas Mosher Wm. Slater 496 Robt. McDougall, Sandwich 30-0664 Sept. 1814 enemy Lambert Parrant 497 Wm. Gage, Ancaster 30-0670 July 1812 allies Capt. Israel Dawdy, ditto 498 Wm. Gage, Stoney Creek, Saltfleet 30-0675 1813 allies Richard Beasley Daniel Lewis, Saltfleet Samuel Nash, ditto 499 Augustus Jones, Saltfleet 30-0686 1813 enemy & allies John Springsteed, ditto Seth White, ditto Abraham Snook, ditto Stephen Jones, ditto 500 Methodist Church, Stoney Creek, Saltfleet August Jones, ditto 30-0700 1813 allies James Gage, ditto 501 John & Mary Palmer, Willoughby 30-0709 allies 502 James & Margaret Oliver, 49th Reg., Niagara Margaret Stevenson 30-0715 May 27, 1813 enemy 503 Mjr. Richard Hatt, Ancaster 30-0720 1813-1815 allies Lieut. Alex. Ferguson, Ind. Dept. 1812-1813 enemy Sam. Dynes, Ancaster Peter Desjardins, ditto James Blaying, ditto Richard Beasley Asahel Davies, Nelson Lieut. John Brant, Ind. Dept., ditto Capt. John Chisholm, 2nd York Wm. Bates Robt. Runchey, Louth 504 Manuel Overfield, Dundas, Ancaster 30-0743 1813-1814 allies Peter Desjardins, Ancaster James Maule, West Flamborough 505 Peter Desjardins, Ancaster/Niagara/Barton/West Flamborough Jesse Lowell 30-0751 1812-1815 allies John Sutton, West Flamborough Peter Jones, Barton John Depew Jr., ditto Jacob Cochenour, West Flamborough Samuel Hess, Barton Wm. Hare, West Flamborough Thos. Strickland, Ancaster Manuel Overfield, Dundas, West Flamborough 506 Israel Dowdy, Dundas , Ancaster 30-0763 1813-1814 allies Joseph House, ditto Lot Tisdale, ditto 507 Capt. Daniel Rapelje, Yarmouth 30-0766 Sept. & Nov. 1814 enemy Geo. Lawrence, ditto Thos. Mathews, Dunwich Wm. H. Lee, Yarmouth Thos. Curtiss, ditto 508 John Smith Jr., Glanford 30-0774 1812-1814 allies Wm. & Samuel Smith, Ancaster John Thomas John Bowman 509 Lieut. Col. Robt. Nichol, Woodhouse Matthew Steel, ditto 30-0778 May 15 & Nov. 8, 1814 enemy Francis Beaupre 510 Moses Clark, Howard 30-0813 1813-1815 enemy Joshua Cornwall, Camahe 511 Dr. John Johnson Lafferty/Lefferty, Willoughby/Stamford Lieut. Charles Anderson, Stamford 30-0819 1812, 1813, July 5, 1814 allies Thos. Dickson 1813-1814 enemy Jerothman Caswell, Chippawa, Stamford James Cummings Crowell Willson Alex. Stewart, Town of Niagara 512 Peter Jones, Barton 30-0855 1812, Sept. 1814 allies Capt. James Durand, 5th Lincoln Charles Depew John Depew, Barton Isaac Lowell, ditto 513 Abraham Snook, Saltfleet 30-0862 1813 allies & enemy Augustus Jones 514 Wm. Tindale Slater, Mountain 30-0870 1813 allies John Slater David Brown Alex Mills Jr. Wm. Wells, Augusta Thos. Parker, Elizabethtown 515 James O’Brien/O’Bryan, West Flamborough James J. Morden, ditto 30-0888 Nov. 1813 allies 516 John Talbot & James O’Brien/O’Bryan, West Flamborough Daniel McDonell 30-0892 1813-1814 allies 517 Harcar Lyons, East Flamborough 30-0897 1813-1815 allies Wm. Hare James Blayney Peter Desjardins 518 Geo. Playter & John Scadding, York 30-0902 spring 1814 allies Lieut. John S. Kitson, Royal Engineers 519 Quetton St. George, Town of York 30-0913 Apr. 27-28, 1813 enemy June 8, 1814 enemy, allies 520 Wm. W. Baldwin, York 30-0929 Quetton St. George’s executor 521 Wm. Dunbar, Queenston, Niagara 30-0934 1814 enemy John McGlashan Peter Thompson, Glanford Charlotte Carmichael, Queenston 522 Thos. Clark, Queenston, Niagara 30-0944 1812-1814 allies, enemy Thos. Dickson, Queenston Robt. Grant, ditto Wm. Wynn, ditto Wm. Dunbar Sam. Street, Stamford Thos. Cummings, Chippawa, Stamford Robt. Grant, Queenston 523 Thos. Clark & Sam. Street, Stamford 30-0980 1813, July, 1814 enemy Thos. Cummings, Chippawa, Stamford James Macklem, ditto John Wilson, Ancaster Robt. Kirkpatrick, Chippawa, Stamford Robt. Nichol John Vrooman, Stamford Lieut. John Smyth, Royal Eng. Jonathan Conklin Nathan Caswell Thos. Dickson Capt. Sam. Romelly, Royal Eng. Jacob Crow Isaac Smith Wm. Crooks, Grimbsby Robt. Randall 524 Sarah Long (Coloured), York 30-1033 allies Ely Playter, 3rd York 525 Joseph Nelles, Mount Pleasant, Townsend Andrew & Wm. Nelles, ditto 30-1041 Oct. 1813 allies 526 Capt. John Haviland, Townsend 30-1048 Aug. 29 & Oct. 24, 1814 enemy Ben. & Sarah Haviland Joseph Pall 527 Capt. John McGregor, River Thames 30-1058 1812-1814 enemy, 1813 allies Angus McDonald Thos. Crow, Raleigh 528 James McGregor, River Thames Missing 529 Jacob Hacket, East Flamborough 30-1070 1813-1814 allies Catherine Dennis, ditto 530 John Wilson, Saltfleet 30-1075 1813 allies Wm. Crooks, Grimsby Russell Crosby, Markham n/a Duncan Cameron 30-1083 enemy 531 John L. Smith, Beverly 30-1086 Sept. 20, 1814 allies Fred. Kintner Capt. Richard D. Fraser, Prov. L. Dragoons Geo. Wallrath 532 Jean Baptiste Gerome/Jerome, River Raisin Robt. Reynolds 30-1097 Jan. 23, 1813 allies Thos. Caldwell Capt. Wm. Elliott, 1st Essex 533 Daniel Stewart, Petit Cote, Sandwich Francis Caldwell 30-1106 1813, 1815 allies, Oct. 1813 enemy Eliz. McDonald, Petit Cote Laurent & Josephte Reaume, Sandwich Abraham Redgrave, ditto 534 Wm. McCrae, River Thames 30-1118 Oct. 4, 1813 allies 535 Wm. Aglor, Stamford 30-1153 July 1814 enemy, Oct. 1813 allies Charles Anderson, ditto 536 Paul Averill, Grand River 30-1162 Oct. 1813, Nov. 1814 allies Sam. Averill, ditto John Beverly, ditto 537 Christian Almost/Almas, Ancaster 30-1167 1813-1815 allies John Almas, ditto 538 Henry Almas, Ancaster 30-1170 1813-1814 allies Geo. Book, ditto Joseph Lawrason, ditto 539 Pierre Antaillia, Sandwich 30-1176 July-Aug. 1812 enemy Sept. 1813 allies 540 Chrisustem Antaillia, River Canard 30-1180 July-Aug. 1812 enemy Sept. 1813 allies 541 Andre Antaillia, River Canard 30-1184 Aug. 1812 enemy Andre Anten Sept. 1813 allies 542 John Arnold, River Thames 30-1192 1812-1813 allies Thos. Talbot Capt. Wm. Shaw 543 Louis/Lewis Arnold, River Thames 30-1197 Sept.-Oct. 1813 allies & enemy Moses Bingham John Arnold 544 Louise Amelin, Amherstburg 30-1206 1813 enemy, 1812-1813 allies Lt. Francis Caldwell, 1st Essex Jean Baptiste Rouleau, Amherstburg 545 Christopher Arnold, River Thames 30-1216 1813-1814 allies & enemy Lieut. Henry Medcalf, 2nd Norfolk Lieut. John McGregor Capt. James L. Basden, 89th Reg. 546 Gustavus Arevison, Amherstburg 30-1239 1812-1813 allies, 1813 enemy Adj. Felix Troughton 547 Thos. Alexander, Stamford 30-1258 July 1814 enemy 548 Hugh & Susannah Alexander, Stamford Edward Hunt 30-1261 1813-1814 enemy Martha & Andrew Rorbach, Stamford Benjamin Willson, ditto 549 Frederick Arnold, River Thames 30-1282 Oct. 5, 1813, Sept. 1814 enemy 550 Ezra & Hannah Barnum, Barton 30-1284 1812-1813 & 1815 allies Capt. John Hall Matthew Lowry Abel Land, Barton 551 James Biggar, Ancaster 30-1298 allies 552 Peter Bowman, Ancaster 30-1305 allies Peter J. Kelley 553 Geo. Book, Ancaster 30-1311 1813-1814 allies Henry Almas, ditto John Book Jr., ditto 554 John Book, Ancaster 30-1315 1813-1814 allies John Kelley, ditto Geo. Book, ditto 555 John Buckborough/Buckberry, Ancaster Philip Will, ditto 30-1323 1813-1815 allies Cornelius Conner, ditto 556 Abraham Baker, West Flamborough 30-1331 1813-1814 allies Thos. Morden 557 Joseph Barteaume Sr., Sandwich 30-1333 1813 enemy 558 Joseph Bouffar, Sandwich 30-1342 allies 559 Gabriel Bondy, Sandwich 30-1346 Sept. 1813 allies, 1812 enemy 560 Jean B. Bouffar, Sandwich 30-1350 1814 enemy, Sept. 1813 allies 561 Pierre Bouffar, Sandwich 30-1354 Sept. 1813 allies 562 Adam Brown, River Canard 30-1356 July 1812, Sept-Oct. 1813 enemy Wm. Donnehue, Malden July 1812 allies Adam Jr. & Sam. Brown Sam. Saunders, Malden 563 Charlotte Brown, River Canard 30-1385 July & Sept. 1813 allies Oct. 1813 & 1814 enemy 564 Laurent Bondy, Sandwich 30-1392 Sept. 1813 & Oct. 1814 enemy 1813 allies 565 Jean Baptiste Brisbois, Malden 30-1396-1401 Sept. 1814 allies, 1814 enemy 566 Gabriel Boissie, Amherstburg 31-0022 Sept. 1813 enemy 567 Pierre Beniteau, Sandwich 31-0024 Sept. 1813 & Jan. 1814 enemy 568 Jacque Beaudoin, Malden 31-0026 1814 enemy, 1813 allies 569 Antoine Bouffar, Sandwich 31-0030 1812-1813 allies, 1813-1814 enemy 570 Jean Baptiste Beniteau, Sandwich 31-0038 1812-1813 enemy 571 Joseph Bartheaume Jr., Sandwich 31-0042 July-Sept. 1812 enemy Louis Vellair Tripolite Janise 572 Antoine Bezere, River Canard 31-0047 Aug. 1813 allies Charles Reneau, Sandwich 573 Simon Bergeson, Sandwich 31-0053 Sept. 1813 allies, Feb. 1814 enemy 574 Jacques Belleperch, Sandwich 31-0057 Oct. 1813 enemy 575 Jacque Bezere, Sandwich 31-0061 1813 & 1815 allies 576 Joseph Blackburn, River Thames 31-0063 1813-1814 allies 577 Robt. Blackburn, River Thames 31-0065 Oct. 1814 allies 578 James Blackburn, River Thames 31-0068 Oct. 1813 allies 579 David Baxter, Bertie 31-0071 July-Nov. 1814 enemy Michael Singer Joseph Harper, Bertie Mathais Haun, ditto 580 Thos. Pettit, Saltfleet 31-0081 enemy, 1812-1813 allies John Beamer John Applegarth 581 Capt. John Baxter, Bertie 31-0096 July-Nov. 1814 enemy Wm. Davis, ditto Aug. 6 & Sept. 28, 1814 allies Catherine Zarez James Brown, Bertie 582 James Baxter, Bertie 31-0105 Oct. 22, 1814 enemy Silas Carter, ditto Wm. Davis, ditto 583 Enos Bunnell, Grand River 31-0110 1813-1814 allies John Gentle Daniel Hawley, Grand River 584 John Byer, Willoughby 31-0120 Sept. 1814 & May 1815 allies July & 1814 enemy 585 Sam. Brown, Charlotteville 31-0130 Nov. 8-9, 1814 enemy James Crane, ditto James Brown, ditto 586 John Barber, Southwold 31-0135 Aug. 16 & Sept. 1814 enemy James Watson, ditto James Best, ditto 587 John Bemer Sr., Townsend 31-0150 Nov. 7, 1814 enemy Jabez Culver/Collver, ditto Philip Bemer, ditto Eliz. Bemer, ditto 588 Martin Boughner, Windham 31-0156 Nov. 8, 1814 enemy Joseph & Alex. Boughner, ditto Peter Boughner, ditto 589 Qtr. Mstr. Sgt. John Bell, Charlotteville Enoch Moore, ditto 31-0163 Nov. 8, 1814 & May 27, 1813 enemy Joseph Reagh, ditto 590 Josiah Brown, St. Davids’s, Niagara 31-0174 enemy, allies David Secord, ditto Richard Woodruff, ditto 591 Stephen Barber, Niagara 31-0197 summer 1814 enemy Thos. Clark Sam. Street 592 Alex. Brown, East Flamborough 31-0202 1813-1815 allies Isaac Walton, ditto Henry Putman, ditto 593 Wm. Bowen, Bertie 31-0207 1814 allies Jacob Wintermute, ditto Henry Putman, ditto 594 Joshua & Mary Bennett, Stamford 31-0214 1813 allies James Bennett Isaac Howey, Stamford Sarah Silverthorn, Mount Pleasant 595 John Bessey Jr., Grantham 31-0221 July 1813 allies Henry Young, ditto James Newkirk, ditto David Bessey 596 David Bessey, Grantham 31-0226 allies James Newkirk, ditto John Bessey Jr., ditto 597 John Bender, Stamford 31-0230 1813-1814 enemy Thos. Bradly, 49th Regt. 1813 & 1815 allies Charles Anderson, Stamford Philip Bender Ezekiel Forsyth, Willoughby Eliz. Shannon, Stamford 598 Wm. Brown, Stamford 31-0243 1814 enemy & allies Mary-Ann Mory, ditto Sgt. John Patterson, 49th Regt. 599 Bender, Stamford 31-0250 1813-1815 allies, 1813-1814 enemy Lanty Shannon Oct. 13, 1813 enemy John Bender, Stamford Philip & Wm. Bender Elijah Johnson, Chippawa, Stamford 600 John Burch, Stamford 31-0274 1814-1815 allies 601 Alex. Ferguson, Louth 31-0281 June 1813 enemy Robt. Runchy, ditto Wm. J. Kerr 602 Jacob Benner, Bertie 31-0285 1814 allies, 1813-1814 enemy John Edsole, ditto Abraham Johnson, ditto Jacob & Philip Benner, ditto Peter Plato, ditto Ben. Troup, ditto 603 Charles Jones, Brockville 31-0300 1812 allies Henry Jones Duncan Carly 604 Henry Jones, Brockville, Elizabethtown James Schofield, Cornwall 31-0308 Nov. 12-13, 1813 enemy 605 Adam Brown, Grantham 31-0319 Oct. 12, 1813 enemy 606 Stephen Brown, Stamford 31-0321 enemy 607 Leuit. Abraham Bowman, Stamford 31-0323 June, 1813 & July 1814 enemy John Freleigh, ditto 1814-1815 allies John & Peter Bowman, ditto 608 Adam & Mary Bowman, Stamford 31-0331 July 1814 enemy Andrew Roback, ditto 1812-1813 allies Mary & Gilbert Bastido, ditto 609 Capt. David & Eliz. Bastido, Stamford Gilbert Bastido, ditto 31-0340 allies & enemy Geo. & Peter Hoover, ditto 610 Geo. Bauman/Bowman, Thorold 31-0353 1813 enemy Fred. Bouke, ditto 611 Fred. Bouk/Bauk, Thorold 31-0357 1814 enemy Thos. Dickson, Queenston, Niagara 612 Christopher Boughner/Buchner, Stamford John Buchner, ditto 31-0361 allies Geo. Marlatt, Thorold 613 David Berger, Bertie 31-0377 enemy John Hershey, ditto 614 Robt. Brooks, Stamford 31-0380 allies, 1814 enemy Isaac & Cooper Brooks, ditto 615 Capt. John Chisholm, East Flamborough Asahel Davis, Nelson 31-0388 1813-1815 allies 616 Geo. Chisholm, East Flamborough 31-0391 1813-1814 allies Geo. King, ditto 617 Daniel Cummings, West Flamborough Isaac Smith, ditto 31-0395 1813-1815 allies 618 Ben. Collard, Niagara 31-0401 Dec. 24, 1813 allies Robt. Lambert, ditto Elijah Collard, ditto 619 Preserved Cooley, Ancaster 31-0405 1813 allies James Wilson, ditto Joseph Berry, ditto 620 Wm. & James Crooks, Niagara 31-0413 allies Geo. Read 621 Elijah Collard, Niagara 31-0416 July 1814 enemy, 1813-1814 allies Ben Collard, ditto Robt. Lambert, ditto 622 Noah Cook, Lundy’s Lane, Stamford 31-0419 Oct. 1 1814 to June 1, 1815 allies 623 Jonathan Coswell, Chippawa, Stamford 31-0425 1812-1814 allies 624 Haggai Cook, Stamford 31-0436 1814 enemy & allies Capt. Robt. Grant, 2nd Lincoln Catharine Durham Thos. Willson, Stamford Louis Durham, ditto 625 Peter Creger/Greagor, Bertie 31-0443 Sept. 1814 allies Conrad Johnson, ditto Wm. Creger, ditto 626 John Clendenning, Grantham 31-0453 1813-1814 allies James & Peter Dittrick, ditto Walter Dittrick 627 Duncan & Eliz. Clow, St. David’s, Niagara David Secord, ditto 31-0460 May 29, 1813 enemy Richard Woodruff, ditto July 17, 1814 enemy 628 Matthew/Mathias Cairns/Carns/Carne, Stamford Andrew Barns, ditto 31-0470 July 10, 1814 enemy James Cooper, ditto Oct. 11, 1814 allies 629 Lieut. Seth & Martha Cook, Stamford Eliz. Lundy, ditto 31-0487 enemy, allies 630 Jonathan Conklin, Stamford 31-0495 July 1814 enemy John Wilson, Bridgewater 1813-1814 allies John Hardy, Stamford Thos. Doan, ditto Thos. Reavely, ditto Robt. Dennison/Denneston, ditto Thos. Millard, ditto 631 Lydia & Joseph Corwin, Stamford 31-0511 July 8 & Oct. 28, 1814 enemy Ben. Corwin, ditto Anna Hosmer 632 Thos. Cummings, Willoughby 31-0518 1812-1815 allies James Cummings July 22-24, 1814 enemy Robt. Kirkpartrick, Stamford Samuel Street, ditto Lieut. Col. Thos. Clark, 2nd Lincoln, ditto Jacob Fight, Rainham Isaac Swayze, Niagara 633 Wm. Crooks, Grimsby 31-0601 allies, June 5, 1813 enemy Robt. & Abraham Nelles, ditto David Cargill, ditto 634 Silas Carter, Bertie 31-0614 1813-1814 enemy, 1813 allies Asa Oliver, ditto James & Wm. Baxter, ditto Amasa Mathers, ditto Zemry Oliver, ditto Joseph Smith, ditto Lieut. Col. Warren, 3rd Lincoln 635 Calvin Cook, Lundy’s Lane, Stamford James Pew, Stamford 31-0627 Oct. 1814 – June 1815 allies Charles Anderson, ditto 636 Noah & Calvin Cook, Crowland 31-0632 Oct. 17, 1814 enemy Richard Yokum, ditto 637 Ezekiel Cudney Jr., Niagara 31-0637 1813 allies Geo. B. Lawrence, ditto Ferris Cudney 638 Aaron Crane, Stamford 31-0643 summer 1813 enemy Qtr. Mstr. Nicholas Belair, 97th Regt. 1813-1815 allies Edward Hunt, Stamford Peter Trumble, Thorold 639 John Collard, Niagara 31-0664 1813 & July 22, 1814 enemy Peter Lampman, ditto Henry Hoshal, Stamford 640 John Cullver, Townsend 31-0677 Nov. 7, 1814 enemy John Heath, ditto Wm. Gillaspy, ditto Darius & John Mark Culver, ditto Timothy Culver 641 John Chambers, West Flamborough 31-0693 1813-1814, Dec. 1814 allies Oren Grant, Ancaster Ebenezer Blair, ditto John McCarter, Nelson Wm. Triller, ditto James J. Morden, West Flamborough Patrick Chambers, ditto 642 Geo. Calvert, Nelson 31-0708 1813-1814 allies Wm. McKay, ditto 643 Jabez Culver/Collver, Windham 31-0712 1814 allies John & Phillip Beamer, Townsend 644 Peter Case, Dundas, West Flamborough Daniel Green 31-0719 1813-1814 allies 645 Simon Crosby, Woodhouse 31-0722 allies, Nov. 1814 enemy 646 Christian Carn, Matilda 31-0726 Nov. 7, 1813 enemy Leaster Semple Fred. Shular 647 Timothy Collver, Townsend 31-0728 Nov. 1813 allies 648 Louis Druilliard, River Canard 31-0730 1812-1813 allies, Feb. 1814 enemy 649 Vitaille Dumouchelle Sr., Sandwich 31-0738 Sept. 1813 allies, 1812-1813 enemy Andrew Peltier, ditto Peter Reaume, ditto 650 Joseph Druilliard, Amherstburg 31-0747 Sept. 29, 1813 & 1814 enemy 651 Wm. Desmond, River Thames 31-0749 Oct. 1813 allies 652 Vincent Dessrucal 31-0751 Jan. 1814 enemy Thos. Dugay, Amherstburg Gabriel Bossis Andrew Deroche 653 Matthew & John Dolson, River Thames Joseph Blackburn, ditto 31-0753 Sept. 30, 1813 allies 1812-1814 enemy 654 Thos. Duchesne, Sandwich 31-0760 Sept. 1813 enemy & allies 655 Pierre Dufour, Sandwich 31-0764 Sept. 1814 enemy 656 Jacob Dolsen, River Thames 31-0767 Oct. 1813 enemy 657 Daniel Dolsen, River Thames 31-0769 Oct. 1813-Sept. 1814 enemy 658 John Day, Grand River 31-0775 allies Solomon Day Crisbos Stroberge 659 Jean Dauphin, River Thames 31-0778 Sept. 1813 enemy & allies 660 Angelic Dragon, River Thames 31-0784 1814 enemy, Oct 1, 1813 allies 661 Isaac Dolsen, River Thames 31-0788 Oct. 2, 1813 allies, May 1814 enemy 662 Francois Dufour, Sandwich 31-0792 Sept. 1813 allies 663 Andre Derousselle, Raleigh 31-0794 Oct. 1813 allies Pierre Labadie, Sandwich 664 Asahel Davis, Nelson 31-0801 Oct. 1813-June 1814 allies Ralph Morden, ditto Wm. Grote Capt. John Chisholm, 2nd York 665 James Askin, Sandwich 31-0805 1813 allies, Sept. 1814 enemy Louis Lesperance, ditto 666 Jean Baptiste Bernard, Amherstburg 31-0817 Sept. 1813 enemy 667 Pierre Girard, Sandwich 31-0821 July-Aug. 1812 enemy, 1812 allies 668 Prideaux Girty, Malden 31-0825 Sept. 16, 1814 enemy Aug.-Sept. 1813 allies 669 Jonathan Hartley, Malden 31-0831 June-July & Sept. 16, 1813 allies 670 Jean Baptiste Le Clair, Amherstburg 31-0839 Sept. 1813 & Jan. 1814 enemy 671 Fred. Strobeck, Delaware 31-0843 allies, 1814 enemy Gideon Tiffany, ditto Bradderk Chappel, ditto Capt. Wm. Caldwell 672 Louis Vizina, Malden 31-0855 enemy 673 Wm. Caldwell, Amherstburg 31-0862 Sept. 27, 1813 enemy Jean Baptiste Leclair Prideaux Girty Antoine Campeau David Kemp Francis Caldwell 674 Robt. Crow, River Thames 31-0905 Sept. 1813 allies 675 Thos. Crow, River Thames 31-0908 Oct. 1813 & 1814 enemy Oct. 1813 allies 676 Joseph Cadet, Maidstone 31-0912 Sept. 1813 allies 677 Charles Senior Campeau, Sandwich 31-0914 Aug. 1812, Oct. 1813 enemy Sept. 1813 allies 678 Pierre Cozavant, Sandwich 31-0922 1813 allies & enemy 679 Jean Baptiste Campeau, Sandwich 31-0928 1813 enemy 680 Loius Campreau, Sandwich/River St. Clair Wm. Jones 31-0933 1812-1815 enemy, Jan. 1813 allies 681 Nathan Caswell, Stamford 31-0945 1814 allies James Cummings 682 Richard Chapin, Willoughby 31-0954 1812-1813 allies James Cummings, ditto George Wilmine, ditto 683 John & Catherine Chisholm, Niagara 31-0960 enemy & allies Isabella McMicking, Stamford Ann Spencer, ditto Geo. Chisholm 684 Wm. Chrysler, River Thames 31-0967 Oct. 1813 allies 685 Jean Baptiste Charboneau, Sandwich Josette Peltier, Town of Sandwich 31-0971 allies & enemy Chrisostome Pajot, ditto 686 Thos. Alex. Clark, Amherstburg 31-0980 Oct. 1813, 1814 enemy John Martin, Sandwich Sept. 1813 allies Adam Brown, River Canard Joseph Douilliard, Amherstburg John Clark, River Canard 687 Charles Cloutier, Sandwich 31-0991 Sept. 29, 1813, 1814 enemy 1813 allies 688 Peter Colerick, Willoughby 31-0995 July 1814 enemy 689 John Conke, Thorold 31-0997 1812-1814 allies Jacob Upper, ditto Oct. 12 & Nov. 3, 1813 enemy John Wilkison, ditto Robt. Wilkerson, ditto 690 Andrew Gage, Barton 31-1004 allies Lewis Horning, ditto John Depew, ditto 691 John Coll, River Thames 31-1017 1814 enemy Ann/Nancy Coll 692 Timothy Desmond, River Thames 31-1019 1812, Oct. 1813, 1814 enemy John Gordon 693 Wm. Davis, Saltfleet 31-1025 1812-1814 allies Geo. Bradshaw June 5, 1813 enemy 694 Joseph Darby, Barton 31-1042 Sept. 1814 allies Benony Cornell 695 Wm. Coll, River Thames 31-1044 1814 enemy 696 Ann Cornwall, River Thames 31-1047 Feb. 1814 allies Aug. & Feb. 1814 enemy 697 Ben. Cornwall, Grand River 31-1051 Oct. 1813 allies Henry Cornwall, ditto Joseph Paul Priscilla Joiner 698 Joshua Cornwall, River Thames 31-1059 Aug. 3 & Oct. 5, 1813 allies Lemuel Sherman Oct. 7, 1813, 1814 enemy Daniel Crow Christopher Arnold 699 Nicholas Cornwall, River Thames 31-1084 Oct. 7, 1813 allies Michael Gordon, Howard Aug. 1814 & Jan. 1815 enemy Mary Budd 700 Joseph Cotte, Sandwich 31-1096 May-June 1813 allies 701 Jean B. Couzineau, River Canard 31-1098 Sept. 1812 allies, 1812 enemy 702 Thos. Cummenford, River Thames 31-1102 June 1814 allies 703 Daniel Dolsen, River Thames 31-1104 Sept. 1813 allies 704 Catherine Dennis, East Flamborough 31-1106 Sept. 1813 & June 1814 allies Jacob Hacket, ditto 705 Wm. B. Knight, River Thames 31-1108 Oct. 1814 enemy 706 Joseph Eberts, River Thames 31-1110 July 1812 & Oct. 1813 allies Wm. Baker, Amherstburg July 1812, 1813 enemy 707 David Deamud, Bertie 31-1118 Sept.-Oct, 1814 enemy 708 Solomon Day, Grand River 31-1123 1813-1814 allies John Day, ditto Gordon Chapin, ditto 709 John Davis, Wyndham 31-1126 enemy Wm. Park, Woodhouse Nathan Mann, ditto 710 Wm. Drake, Woodhouse 31-1131 May 14, 1814 enemy Wm. Park, ditto Jonathan Austin, ditto Francis Beaupre, Vittoria 711 Joseph Durham, Town of Niagara 31-1136 July 1814 enemy, 1813-1814 allies Catherine Field, Niagara Henry Brown, ditto 712 Martin Dorshimer, Stamford 31-1147 July 1814 enemy James Cooper, ditto John Knox, ditto 713 Thos. & Mary Doan, Stamford 31-1156 May 1813 & July 1814 enemy Jonathan Conklin, ditto 714 Jeremiah Durham, Grantham 31-1162 Oct. 1813 & 1814 allies Mary & Catharine Durham, ditto June 1813 enemy Wm. Robertson, Stamford 715 Jacob Dettrick, Grantham 31-1171 allies John Clendennan, ditto James Dettrick, ditto 716 Edward Durham, Stamford 31-1177 July 1814 allies, enemy Lanty Shannon, ditto Haggai Cook, ditto 717 Daniel Dodge, Oxford 31-1184 1813 allies 718 Jacob Darby, Ancaster 31-1190 fall 1814 allies John Kitchen, ditto 719 Wm. Davis, Bertie 31-1193 Oct. 1814 enemy John Baxter, ditto 720 Alex. & Marg. Douglas, Bertie 31-1201 Nov. 28, 1812, 1814 enemy 1813-1814 allies 721 Thos. McCrae, River Thames 31-1212 1812-1813 enemy Wm. McCrae, ditto Oct. 4, 1813 allies 722 David Quick, River Thames 31-1216 Feb. 1814 enemy 723 Joseph Parent, Sandwich 31-1220 1812-1813 allies Mjr. Gen. Henry Procter Jean Baptiste Baby, Sandwich Wm. Hands, ditto 724 Rev. Jean Baptiste Marchand, Sandwich 31-1232 July-Sept. 1814, 1812-1814 enemy 725 Wm. Lacey, Stoney Creek, Saltfleet 31-1248 June 6, 1813 enemy, Oct. 1813 allies Mathias Barber, Saltfleet 726 Edward Brady, Stoney Creek, Saltfleet Sam. Sweazy 31-1252 1812-1813 allies 727 Jean Baptiste Ouillette, Sandwich 31-1257 Sept. 1813 allies, 1813 enemy Joseph Ouillette 728 Laurent Reaume, Sandwich 31-1276 Oct. 1813 enemy, 1813 allies Eliz. Mc Donald, ditto 729 Fred. Ashbough, Barton 31-1271 1813-1814 allies Philip Cline 730 John Hershey, Bertie 31-1273 1813 allies, 1813-1814 enemy 731 Vitaille Demouchelle Jr., Sandwich 31-1279 1813 enemy 732 Joseph Druilliard Jr., Sandwich 31-1281 1812-1814 enemy 733 James Boyle, River Thames 31-1283 Oct. 1813 allies Daniel Crow 734 Wm. Everitt Sr., River Thames 31-1291 1813 enemy, 1812-1813 allies Capt. John Hall John Landon James Fleming Hannah Everitt 735 Wm. Everitt Jr., River Thames 31-1307 1812-1813 allies Richard Jackman, Chatham Ann Everitt 736 Adam Everitt, River Thames 31-1317 Oct. 1813 & May 1815 allies Oct. 1813 enemy 737 Jean Baptiste Ebert, Sandwich 31-1321 Oct. 1813, 1814 enemy Sept. 1813 allies 738 John Eaton, Saltfleet 31-1325-1327 Dec. 1813-Apr. 1814 allies Joseph Jones, ditto 739 Abner Everitt, West Flamborough 32-0022 Sept. 1814 allies 740 John Ellis, Mount Pleasant, Grand River Wm. & John Sturgis, ditto 32-0024 Nov. 6, 1814 enemy Henry Ellis, ditto Jesse Millard, ditto 741 Allan Ellis, Grand River 32-0034 Nov. 6, 1814 enemy 742 Henry Ellis, Grand River 32-0037 Nov. 6, 1814 enemy John Ellis Amos Sturgis 743 Francis Elsworth, Bertie 32-0044 Nov. 10, 1813 & Oct. 2, 1814 enemy Joseph Harper 744 John Edsall, Bertie 32-0059 Oct. 1814 enemy 745 John File, Grand River 32-0071 Oct. 1813 allies James Powers Ben. File 746 Lieut. Ben. Fairchild, Niagara 32-0078 enemy, allies 747 James Forsyth, River Thames 32-0082 Oct. 1813 enemy 748 Charles Durocher, Sandwich 32-0084 Aug. 1813 allies 749 Charles Dufour, River Canard 32-0086 Sept. 1813 allies 750 Peter French, River Thames 32-0089 Oct. 1813 & Feb. 1814 allies 751 Charles Fortier, Amherstburg 32-0094 Oct. 5, 1813 enemy Charles Arthur Smith 752 Michael Fox, Gosfield 32-0102 May 1814 enemy 753 Jonas Fox, Gosfield 32-0104 Aug. 1814 enemy 754 Wm. Forsith/Forsyth, Sandwich 32-0106 Aug. 16, 1812 allies Lieut. Col. Thos. Nichol Aug. & Sept. 1813 allies Feb. 1814 enemy 755 Wm. Forsyth, Stamford 32-0121 Oct. 12-14, 1813, 1814 enemy Edward Dafield, Queenston, Niagara 1813-1815 allies Lieut. Charles Anderson, Prov. Drivers David Davis, Willoughby Hamilton Graham, ditto 756 James Fleming, Aldborough 32-0135-0140 1813-1814 enemy, 1813 allies Capt. John Norton 32-0148-0158 Barbery & Dolley Fleming, Aldborough Dolly Shaw, Chatham n/a Charles Thompson 32-0141-0147 1813-1814 allies 757 John Hanes, Williamsburg 32-0159 Nov. 11, 1814 allies Christian Bouck, ditto Nov. 9-10, 1813 enemy Peter Fetterly, ditto 758 John Fox, Niagara 32-0168 Oct. 1812 allies Thos. Dickson May 1813 enemy 759 Henry Fonger, East Flamborough 32-0175 Oct. 1813-June 1814 allies Wm. Laing 760 Jones Fortner, Beach Woods, Stamford James Fortner, ditto 32-0178 Aug. 1814 allies 761 John Fralick, Stamford 32-0183 July 13, 1814 enemy Adam Fralick, ditto 762 Laurence Furry, Wainfleet 32-0188 Sept. 28, 1814 enemy 763 John Gentle, Sandwich 32-0193 Sept. 1813 allies & enemy Wm. McCrea, Raleigh 836 Stephen Jones Sr. 32-0196 (Misfiled) 764 Francis Goring, Niagara 32-0205 July 1814 allies, June 9, 1813 enemy 765 Samuel Glasgow, Stamford 32-0208 July 7, 1814 allies, enemy Thos. Clark May 27, 1813 allies Capt. James Macklem, 2nd Lincoln Mjr. John Martin, 100th Regt. Eliz. Glasgow, Stamford Jacob Brackbill, Crowland Isaac Smith, Middleton 766 Wm. Garner, Thorold 32-0223 May 27, 1813 enemy 767 Smith Griffin, Grimsby 32-0225 Nov. 1812 allies John Harris, ditto Isaiah Griffin, ditto Philip Shavelier, ditto 768 Thos. Ginac/Giniac Sandwich 32-0232 Oct. 1813, 1814 enemy Jacque Girard, ditto 769 Jean Baptiste Ginac/Giniac, Sandwich Francis Bouffar, ditto 32-0238 Sept. 1813 allies July 1812 & Aug. 1814 enemy 770 Anne Graham, Bertie 32-0246 Sept.-Oct. 1814 enemy & allies James Brown, ditto Abraham Johnson, ditto 771 Joseph Grondin, Malden 32-0255 Sept. 26, 1813 allies Sept. 1813 enemy 772 Peter Goveraux, Malden 32-0261 1813 enemy 773 Julie Galernaux, Malden 32-0264 1814 enemy 774 John Green Jr., Stoney Creek, Saltfleet 32-0267 Nov. 1813 allies 775 James Girty Jr., Gosfield 32-0272 Apr. 26, 1814 enemy 776 Freeman Green, Stoney Creek, Saltfleet Wm. Green, Saltfleet 32-0274 Nov. 6, 1813 allies 777 Marg. Green, West Flamborough 32-0279 Oct. 1814, Jan. 1, 1815 allies David Van Every, ditto Sampson Howell Jr., ditto 778 Michael Gordon, River Thames 32-0281 Aug. 1812 enemy Capt. Wm. Shaw, Kent Militia 779 John Gordon, Howard/River Thames 32-0284 Oct. 6-7, 1813 enemy Pringle Huble Oct. 4, 1813 allies John Coll 780 Charles Grondin, Sandwich 32-0289 Sept. 1813 allies, 1812 enemy Sept. 29, 1813, 1814 enemy 781 Ebenezer Goodhue, Ancaster 32-0295 1814-1815 allies John Kitchen Jr., ditto 782 Michael Groat (Coloured), Nelson 32-0298 fall 1813 allies Ebenezer Guire (Coloured) 783 Thos. Ghent, Nelson 32-0303 Nov. 1813, June 1814 allies Capt. James Morden, 2nd York, ditto Nicholas Kerns Jr. 784 Wm. Green, West Flamborough 32-0305 Sept. 18, 1813 allies John & Daniel Green, ditto 785 John Green Jr., West Flamborough 32-0311 Aug. 10, 1814 allies Jacob Cochenour, ditto 786 Daniel Green, West Flamborough 32-0313 fall 1813-1814 allies Peter Case 787 Ensign Jacob Gander, Willoughby 32-0315 Oct. 17, 1813 & July 8, 1814 enemy John Byers, ditto 1813-1814 allies Ben. Hershey, ditto Capt. Robt. Campbell, 2nd Lincoln Lieut. John McClellan, ditto 788 John Garner Sr., Ancaster/Stamford 32-0335 1813-1815 allies, 1813-1814 enemy Jessy Williams 789 Jacob Crane, Charlotteville 32-0341 enemy, June 1814 allies James Crane, ditto James Brown, ditto 790 Jean Baptiste Boismier, Sandwich 32-0348 Oct. 1812 enemy June-July 1813 allies 791 James Corbin, Niagara 32-0354 July-Aug. 1813 enemy May 1813 allies 792 Alex. Cameron, Niagara 32-0357 May 1813 enemy Catharine Pawling, ditto Andrew Butler, ditto 793 Effy Baker, Malden 32-0364 enemy, 1813 allies 794 Stephen & Lydia Peer, Stamford 32-0372 July 10, 1814 enemy Lydia Barker Sept. 1, 1814-Mar. 1, 1815 allies John Misener, Stamford Susan Skinner, ditto Hugh Haggerty, ditto 795 Leonard Blackburn, River Thames 32-0382 Oct. 1813 allies & enemy Wm. Jones 796 Catherine Hainer, Grantham 32-0387 1813 allies John Clendennan, ditto James Dittrick, ditto 797 Marg. Hainer, Grantham 32-0396 1813 allies Walter Clendenning, ditto Robt. Dittrick, ditto Walter Dittrick John Clendennan 798 Robt. Hodgkinson, Grantham 32-0403 June 25, 1813 allies Cherikee Lawrence Carsen, Clinton 799 Jacob Haines, Grantham 32-0409-0412 1813 enemy Peter Hunsinger 32-0415-0420 John Haines n/a Geo. Hainer, Grantham 32-0413-0414 June 26, 1813 allies John Clendennan Jacob Dittrick 800 Peter Hogeboom, Barton 32-0421 Oct. 1813 enemy Thos. Clark John Wilson, Ancaster Jonathan Conklin, Stamford Cynthia Street, ditto 801 Charles Hibbard/Hibbert, Bertie 32-0431 June 1813 enemy, 1813-1814 allies Andrew Miller, ditto John Laur, ditto 802 Lewis House, Willoughby 32-0442 Oct. 16, 1814 enemy Michael Houx, ditto Oct. 3, 1814 allies Harmonious & Lewis House, ditto 803 Ben. Hardison Sr., Bertie 32-0449 Aug. 1, 1813 enemy John Warren, ditto Nov. 12, 1812 enemy Wm. K. Smith, ditto Nov. 27 allies 804 Ben. Hardison Jr., Bertie 32-0470 Aug. 1, 1813 enemy John Warren, ditto Henry Trout, ditto 805 Ben. Hershey, Willoughby 32-0480 July 7 & Oct., 1814 enemy Aug. 1814 allies 806 Peter Haun, Bertie 32-0484 July-Oct. 1814 enemy Joseph Harper, ditto 1813 allies David Baxter, ditto Jacob Willson, ditto 807 Matthias Haun, Bertie 32-0493 enemy, July-Nov. 1814 allies Joseph Harper, ditto 1812-1813 allies David Baxter, ditto 808 Richard Howey, Burford 32-0510 Nov. 1813 James Bennett, ditto Eliz. Omstead Capt. Thos. Perrin 809 Henry Hoshal, Stamford 32-0516 July 1814 enemy David Clow, ditto Ben. Middaugh, ditto John Cook, Grantham Geo. Shaw, St. David’s, Niagara 810 Capt. John Hardy, Newport, Willoughby/Stamford John Vrooman, Stamford 32-0525 allies Henry Ribbel July 7, 1814 & Oct. 1813 enemy Patience Leech Joseph Oldfield, Stamford Aariah Lundy, ditto Thos. Clark 811 Geo. Hoover, Stamford 32-0553 July 13-14, 1814 enemy Stephen & Wm. Seburn, ditto Peter Hoover, ditto Marg. Medaugh, ditto John Shutterberg, ditto 812 Joseph Hilts, Louth 32-0556 July 16-18, 1814 allies 813 John Heath, Townsend 32-0572 enemy Jacob Clows 814 Wm. Henderson, Charlotteville 32-0574 Nov. 8, 1814 enemy Col. Joseph Ryerson, 1st Norfolk 815 Robt. Henderson, Charlotteville 32-0581 Nov. 8, 1814 enemy John Bell, ditto Wm. Henderson, ditto 816 Ephraim Hopkins, West Flamborough 32-0585 1813-1815 allies 817 Joseph Hopkins, West Flamborough 32-0596 July 20, 1813, 1814 allies Geo. Ironside Clarkson Freeman 818 Samson Howell, Ancaster 32-0607 Aug. 1814 allies Moses H. Howell, ditto 819 David Hager Sr., Clinton 32-0611 enemy David Hager Jr. 820 Daniel Henry, Ancaster 32-0615-0621 allies Christian Henry, ditto 32-0628-0630 820 Peter Haun, Bertie 32-0622-0627 allies John Warren Sgt. Daniel Cassavar Ed. Sheppard 821 Thos. Hammill, Ancaster 32-0631 1813-1814 822 Jacob Hess, Ancaster 32-0637 1813 allies Peter Hess, Barton 823 Daniel Hawley, Grand River 32-0643 Oct. 1813 allies Othniel Phelps, ditto Charles Hawley, ditto n/a Enos Bunnel, Grand River 32-0649 Daniel Hawley, ditto David Phelps, ditto 824 Joseph Heaslett/Heslip, River Thames John Reynolds 32-0650 enemy, Oct. 1813 allies 825 King Hancehaw, Raleigh 32-0663 Oct. 1813 allies 826 Sarah Holmes, River Thames 32-0673 Oct. 5, 1813, Feb. 28, 1814 enemy 827 Robt. Hamilton, Queenston, Niagara 32-0679 allies, enemy W.D. Miller James Macklem, Chippawa, Stamford 828 Abraham Johnson, Bertie 32-0713 1813-1814 enemy Peter Woolever, ditto Henry Hershey, ditto 829 Richard Vanhuser, Bertie 32-0718 1813 enemy, 1814 allies Peter Plato, ditto Francis Foreman, ditto Abraham Johnson, ditto Christopher Woolever, ditto Philip Benner, ditto 830 James Johnston/Johnson, Bertie 32-0730 Aug. 1813 enemy John James Harris, ditto 831 John Johnston Sr., Stamford 32-0748 July 10, 1814 enemy Christopher Birt/Burt, ditto Wm. Johnston, ditto Eliz. Smoke, ditto 832 Wareham Johnson, Stamford 32-0758 July 25, 1814 allies, enemy James Lyons, ditto 833 John Jay, Stamford 32-0775 1814 allies Ann Dunfield/Fields, ditto 1813 & July 12, 1814 enemy Eliz. Sigsby/Sixbe, ditto Eliz. Mecklehone, ditto Mary Ann Wright, ditto Robt. Brooks, ditto 834 Peter Jackson, Grand River 32-0781 Nov. 6, 1814 enemy Adam Heather, ditto 835 Ebenezer Jones Jr., Barton 32-0784 allies Andrew Gage, ditto Stephen Jones, ditto 836 Stephen Jones Sr., Stoney Creek, Saltfleet Reuben Lester 32-0786 1812-1813 allies Seth White 32-0196-0204 (misfiled) Stephen Jones Jr. Edward Brady Philip Jones 837 George Ingles, Barton 32-0802 June & Dec. 1814 allies John Kribs, ditto John Geo. South, ditto 838 Stephen Jones Jr., Saltfleet 32-0804 June 5, 1813 enemy 839 Francis Jubanville, Sandwich 32-0806 allies, enemy 840 Hypolite Janise Jr., Sandwich 32-0810 Sept. 1813 allies, 1813 enemy Alexis Drouillard, ditto 841 Geo. Jacobs, Sandwich 32-0815 Sept. 1813 allies, 1812-1815 enemy 842 Abigail Anger, Bertie 32-0826 June 6, 1814 enemy 843 Ezra Hawley, Grand River 32-0832 1813-1814 allies Isaac Monroe, Ancaster Henry Hawley 844 Christian Hershey, Bertie 32-0835 1814 allies 845 Jacob Killman Sr., Stamford 32-0842 July 1814 enemy 846 Christian Hershey, Willoughby 32-0848 July 7, 1814 enemy 847 Geo. Kirby, Niagara 32-0850 fall 1814 enemy 848 John Kelley, Ancaster 32-0859 1814-1815 allies Geo. & Adam Book, ditto 849 John Knox, Stamford 32-0863 1814-1815 enemy John McKerlie, ditto Martin Dorshimer, ditto Sam. Montgomery, ditto 850 John Kamp, Niagara 32-0875 1813-1814 enemy, July 1813 allies Simon Kemp, ditto 851 John Kitchen Jr., Ancaster 32-0885 1814-1815 allies Jacob Darby, ditto 852 Ben. Lavallee, Sandwich 32-0889 Sept. 1813 allies Oct. 11, 1813, 1814 enemy 853 Mary Sparbeck, Niagara 32-0893 allies 854 Charles Lesperance, Sandwich 32-0897 Oct. 1813 & Dec. 1814 enemy Sept. 1813 allies 855 Pierre Lesperance, Sandwich 32-0903 1812-1813 enemy 856 Julian Labute/La Bute, Sandwich 32-0908 Sept. 1813 allies, Oct. 1813 enemy Pierre Viller de St. Louis, ditto 857 Jean Baptiste Labadie/La Badie, Sandwich 32-0917 Oct. 1813 enemy, Sept. 1813 allies 858 Pierre Labadier, Sandwich 32-0923 Sept. 28, 1813 allies 859 Simon Leduc, Sandwich 32-0926 1813 860 Augustin Langlois, Sandwich 32-0928 Oct. 8, 1813 enemy 861 Nicholas Langlois, Sandwich 32-0930 Oct. 1813 enemy 862 Antonia Langlois, Sandwich 32-0932 Oct. 1813 enemy 863 Wm. Lightford, Town of Harwich, River Thames Wm. Ward 32-0934 Nov. 1814 enemy, Oct. 5, 1813 allies 864 John Lipscomb, River Thames 32-0942 Sept.-Oct. 1813 allies Sgt. John Higgins, 41st Regt. Richard Cochrell 865 Wm. Loake, Bertie 32-0949 1814 allies 866 John Lawr/Laur Sr., Bertie 32-0951 Sept. 1814 enemy, 1814 allies Andrew Miller, ditto Wm. Bowen, ditto 867 Ruben Lambert, St. David’s, Niagara Cornelius & John Lambert, Niagara 32-0960 1813 allies, May 31, 1813 enemy 868 Laurence Lemon, Stamford 32-0970 1814-1815 allies, 1813 enemy Lieut. Charles Anderson, Wagon Master Corp. James Hall, 19th Light Dragoons Qtr. Mstr. Nicholas Belair, 97th Regt. Jacob Killman Jr., Stamford John & Jacob Lemon, ditto 869 Sgt. Mjr. Thos. Lundy, Stamford 32-0988 allies Lanty Shannon, ditto Oct. 13, 1813 & 1814 enemy John Misener, ditto John McMicking, ditto Stephen Brown, ditto Lieut. Col. Thos. Dickson, 2nd Lincoln Capt. James Fitzgibbon 870 Fred. Lampman, Stamford 32-1001 May 27-28, 1813 allies Abraham Lampman, ditto Jacob Garner, ditto John Clow, ditto 871 Wm. Lundy Sr., Stamford 32-1010 1814 enemy, 1814-1815 allies Catharine Lundy, ditto 872 Zebulon Landen, Woodhouse 32-1014 Nov. 8, 1814 enemy Squiers Millard, ditto Geo. Silverthorn, ditto Wm. Culver, ditto Joseph Woolly Sr., Malahide 873 Abraham Lampman, Stamford 32-1022 1813 allies John Upper Sr., ditto Jacob Garner, ditto Lieut. Charles Anderson, Prov. Drivers 874 Jacob Long, East Flamborough 32-1025 1813-1814 allies James Mordan Susanna Flemming 875 Mary Hathaway, Willoughby 32-1029 Oct. 1814 enemy 876 John Jackson, St. David’s, Niagara 32-1031 allies, enemy David Secord, Niagara Duncan Clow, ditto 877 Hugh Haggerty, Stamford 32-1040 1813-1814 enemy, 1814 allies Adj. David Thompson, 2nd Lincoln James Thompson Sr., Stamford Stephen Haggerty, ditto Capt. James Macklem, 2nd Lincoln Capt. John Baxter, 3rd Lincoln, Bertie 878 John Kelly, Thorold 32-1057 1813-1814 allies 879 Peter Lee (Coloured), Town of Niagara Wm. Thompson (Coloured?), Niagara John Delay (Coloured?), ditto 32-1062 May, 1813 enemy, allies James, Humphrey, & Clarissa Waters (Coloured?) 880 John Little, Colchester 32-1071 1814 enemy Wm. Little 881 John La Marsh, Gosfield 32-1076 Aug. 1814 enemy 882 Alexis & Angelique Langlois, Sandwich Antoine Laferte 32-1078 June & Sept. 1813 allies Oct. 1813 & Feb. 1814 enemy 883 Paul Le Duque/Duke, Sandwich 32-1094 Oct. 1813 enemy Dominique Le Duc, ditto 884 Louis Labady, Sandwich 32-1098 Oct. 1813 enemy 885 Alexis Lafferte, Amherstburg 32-1100 Apr. 1814 enemy 886 Abraham Lebar, Nelson 32-1108 Nov. 1813, May 1814 allies 887 Miller Lawrason, West Flamborough 32-1110-1111 1813-1814 allies Thos. Lawrason, ditto 32-1120-1121 Geo. Hains, ditto 888 Lawrence Lawrason, Ancaster 32-1112-1119 1813-1814 allies Thos. & Joseph Lawrason, ditto 889 Wm. Laing, East Flamborough 32-1122 Oct. 1813-June 1814 allies Henry Fonger, ditto 890 Ephraim Land, Barton 32-1125 June 1813-Feb. 18, 1814 allies Daniel McAfee John Aikman 891 Isaac Lowell, Barton 32-1131 fall 1813-May 1814 allies John Depew 892 Wm. Lyons, Niagara 32-1135 July-Aug. 1814 allies John Clark, Louth May 27, Oct., & Nov., 1813 enemy Robt. Hamilton, Niagara John Wilson, ditto Robt. Miller, ditto Mary Hamilton, ditto Robt. Grant, ditto 893 Edward Lafferty, West Flamborough 32-1145 1814 allies 894 Sam. McKerlie, Stamford 32-1149 Oct. 1813 enemy John McKerlie Stephen Brown 895 Ben. Middough, Stamford 32-1155 July 23, 1814 enemy Sam. Boyd, ditto James Middough, ditto 896 John McMicking, Stamford 32-1162 1813 enemy, 1814 enemy & allies John McKerlie, ditto Ben. Thompson, ditto John Lenox/Lennox, ditto 897 Martin McLellan, Niagara 32-1169 1813 enemy John Willson, ditto Andrew Burns, Grantham Stephen Brown, Niagara John McLellan, Stamford Eliz. McLellan/Thompson, Niagara 898 John McIntosh, Lundy’s Lane, Stamford 32-1178 1812-1814 allies 899 Thos. Millard, Stamford 32-1183 July 1814 enemy Sarah Phelps, ditto 900 John McLellan, Stamford 32-1188 1812-1814 allies & enemy Wm. Coan Robt. Denneston Wm. Dickson Sam. Street John & Eliz. Thompson, Niagara Wm. McClellan, Thorold 901 John Misener, Stamford 32-1201 1814-1815 allies 902 Peter May, Grantham 32-1209 1813, July 1814 allies James & Wm. May 903 Sgt. Richard Moon, Bertie 32-1218 allies 904 Andrew Miller, Bertie 32-1225 1813-1814 allies, 1814 enemy Charles Hibbard, ditto John Lawr, ditto 905 , Willoughby 32-1236 July 5 & Oct. 14-16, 1814 enemy Sept. 9 & Dec. 1812, 1814 allies 906 Ben. Merrithew, Grantham 32-1243 allies 907 James Mitchell, Dover, Charlotteville John Bell, Charlotteville 32-1246 1813-1814 enemy Henry Berwick, ditto Wm. Raymond, Bayham Daniel McQueen, Woodhouse 908 John Morningstar, Willoughby 32-1256 Aug. & Oct. 1814 enemy Michael & Harmonius House 1812 & 1814 allies 909 John Misener, Woodhouse 32-1265 Nov. 7-8, 1814 enemy Thos. Marr, ditto Charles Hannan, ditto 910 Sam. McAlister, Burford 32-1271 1814 allies Stephen R. Douglas 911 Thos. Morden, Dundas 32-1275 fall 1813 allies 912 Sam. Morden, Dundas 32-1278 1813-1814 allies Sam Case 913 James J. Morden, West Flamborough Wm. Nevills, ditto 32-1280 1813-1814 allies 914 Moses Morden Jr., West Flamborough Eliz. Morden 32-1282 fall 1813-spring 1814 allies 915 Alex. Markle, West Flamborough 32-1284 1813-1815 allies Abner Everitt Jr. 916 Capt. James Morden, Nelson 32-1287 Nov. 1813-June 1814 allies Nicholas Jr. & Jacob Kerns, ditto Asahel Davis, ditto 917 Ralph Morden, Nelson 32-1290 Nov. 1813-June 1814 allies 918 John W. McIntyre, Ancaster 32-1293 allies Thos. Wilson, ditto 919 Sam. Markle, West Flamborough 32-1303-1309 Oct. 20, 1814 & Sept. 15, 1815 allies Adam Cramer, Barton Wm. Rymal, West Flamborough 920 Barney Markle, Ancaster 33-0022 Nov. 1813, May 1814 allies James Markle, ditto 921 Jean Marie Meloche, Sandwich 33-0026 1813-1814 allies 922 Robt. McCormick, Nelson 33-0028 July 1814 allies John Ryckard, Grantham Edwin Secord, ditto 923 Jean Baptiste Meloche, Sandwich 33-0031 Sept. 1813 allies 924 Andre Marentet, Sandwich 33-0037 Oct. 1813 enemy, 1813 allies Dominique Renan, ditto 925 Thos. Martin, Sandwich 33-0043 Aug.-Sept. 1813 allies 926 Louis & Archange Meloche, Sandwich 33-0045 July-Aug. 1813 allies 927 Joseph Monforton, Sandwich 33-0055 Sept. 12, 1813, 1814-1815 enemy 928 Antoine Meloche, River Canard, Sandwich 33-0057 Sept. 1813 allies, Feb. 1814 enemy 929 Antoine Monass, Sandwich 33-0065 Sept. 1813 allies 930 Dominic Marantete, Sandwich 33-0067 Oct. 10, 1813 enemy 931 Francois Marantete, Sandwich 33-0069 Sept. 1813 allies Oct. 12, 1813 enemy 932 Louis Marie, Sandwich 33-0073 Sept. 1813 allies 933 Jean Baptiste Mireau/Mereaux, River Rusham 33-0075 Sept. 1813 allies, 1813-1814 enemy 934 Toussaint Maisonville, Sandwich 33-0082 1812-1813 allies 935 Angus McDonald, Malden 33-0090 enemy 936 Peter Malot, Mersea 33-0093 Jan. 1814 enemy 937 Alex. MacKenzie, Malden 33-0095 Aug. 1812 allies June 27, 1814 enemy 938 Charles Morin, River Recekam?, Sandwich 33-0101 1813 allies, Oct. 1813 enemy 939 Wm. & Hannah Mickle, Amhersburg/Malden 33-0108 1813 enemy 940 Francois Meloche, Amherstburg 33-0115 Oct. 1814 enemy 941 Joseph Mayeux, Sandwich 33-0119 Oct. 1813, 1814 enemy, 1813 allies Nicholas Parent, ditto 942 Alex. Maisonville, Amherstburg 33-0126 July 1812, 1813 allies Joseph Eberts, Chatham Thos. Caldwell Pierre/Paule Laframboise 943 Jane Miller, River Thames 33-0136 Oct. 1813 allies 944 John Messimore Jr., River Thames 33-0138 Oct. 7, 1813 allies 945 Alex. McKenzie, Amherstburg 33-0140 Oct. 1813 enemy Alex. Maissonville, ditto 946 Allan McDonald, Baldoon, Dover 33-0146 enemy 947 Daniel McPerson, Baldoon, Dover 33-0149 July 1814, Jan. 1815 enemy Aug. 1812, Feb. 1814 allies 948 Angus McDonald, Baldoon, Dover 33-0153 Feb. 1815 enemy, July 1813 allies July 20, 1812 enemy 949 Lauchlin McDougall, Baldoon, Dover 33-0159 July 1812 allies Jan. & Feb. 1815 enemy 950 Hector McDougall, Thames 33-0163 1814 enemy 951 Hector McDonald, Baldoon, Dover 33-0165 Mar. 6 & Sept. 6, 1814 enemy Feb. 1815 enemy 952 John McDonald, Baldoon, Dover 33-0167 Jan. 18 & Mar. 6, 1814 enemy Oct. 1813, Feb. 1815 enemy 953 Arthur McIntosh, Thorold 33-0171 June 1814 allies Isaac J. Van Aletine 954 Jane McKerlie, Stamford 33-0176 1813, July 1814 enemy Nancy Robertson, ditto 955 Solomon Moore, Louth 33-0181 1813, 1814 enemy Solomon Moore Jr., Pelham 956 James Macklem, Chippawa, Stamford Geo. Milmine, ditto 33-0188 allies, July 6, 1814 enemy James Cummings, Willoughby May 30-31 & June 6, 1813 enemy 957 James Newkirk, Grantham 33-0195 1813-1814 allies David & John Jr. Bessey, ditto Mary Merrine, ditto 958 Wm. McCartney, Oxford 33-0200 Oct. 9, 1813 allies David Graham, ditto Wm. Herington, ditto Wm. Teeple, ditto 959 Sgt. Mjr. Wm. Nevills, West Flamborough James J. Morden, ditto 33-0213 Oct. 1813, Oct. 1814 allies 960 Henry Neff, Willoughby 33-0217 Sept. 1814 enemy & allies David Deamud Wm. Bitner, Bertie Harmonus House, Willoughby 961 Israel Olds, Woodhouse 33-0221 enemy Jonathan Austen M.C. 962 Joseph Oldfield, Stamford 33-0228 Oct. 1814 allies 963 Wm. Ousterhout, Louth 33-0232 Nov. 1813 enemy, allies James Bunting, ditto James Clark, ditto Henry, James, & John Osterhout, ditto 964 Francois Ouilliette, Sandwich 33-0240 Oct. 1813, Sept. 1814 enemy 965 Sam. Osborn, River Thames 33-0242 Feb. & Dec. 1814 enemy 966 Isa Oliver, Bertie 33-0247 July-Oct. 1814 enemy Joseph Smith, ditto Silas Carter, ditto 967 Charles Ouillette, Sandwich 33-0252 July 1812, Sept. 1813 enemy 968 Charles Pougette, Amherstburg 33-0254 winter 1813 enemy Antane Pougette, ditto 969 Albert French, Cornwall 33-0258 Nov. 11-13, 1813 enemy Ben. French, ditto Evan Roys, ditto 970 Andrew Ostrander, Stamford 33-0263-0265 July 10, 1814 enemy Matthew & Louis Warner, ditto 33-0268-0270 Jane Ostrander, ditto Lois Warner, ditto 971 Simon Meloche, Petite Cote, Sandwich 33-0266-0267 Aug. & Sept. 1, 1813 allies 33-0271-0273 Oct. 1813, Feb. 1814 enemy Alexis Langlois 33-0274 1813 972 John Putman, Bertie 33-0275 1813 enemy John & Peter Laur, ditto 1812-1814 allies 973 Antoine Pagot, Sandwich 33-0297 July-Aug. 1812 enemy 974 Thos. Otway Page, Bertie 33-0299 Sept. 27 & Oct. 10, 1814 enemy Christian Brandyman, ditto July 1812 allies Joseph Harper, ditto John Warren, ditto 975 Robt. Pew, Stamford 33-0304 Oct. 1813 allies, July 1814 enemy Lieut. Charles Anderson, Wagon Master Wm. Aiglor, Stamford Marg. Pew, ditto 976 Wm. Pew, Stamford 33-0312 1813 allies Lieut. Charles Anderson 977 Wm. Powell, Bertie 33-0319 Nov. 1812, Sept. 1814 allies June 19 & Aug. 3, 1813 enemy 978 Jean Baptiste Petre, Sandwich 33-0325 Oct. 1814 enemy 979 Richard Park, Townsend 33-0332 Nov. 30, 1814 enemy Job Lodor, ditto James Shoff, ditto 980 Edward Parsons, River Thames 33-0337 Oct. 1814 enemy 981 John Peck, River Thames 33-0339 Oct. 1813, 1814 enemy 982 John Quick Jr., Colchester 33-0343-0344 Oct. 1813, Feb. 1814 enemy 983 John Quick, Colchester 33-0341-0342 Sept. 16, 1814 enemy 984 Jacob Peer, West Flamborough 33-0345 Nov. 1813 allies Jacob Dale, ditto 985 Thos. Perrin Sr. & Jr., Mount Pleasant Fred. Yeoward, ditto 33-0347 Nov. 6-7, 1814 enemy David Burtch, ditto Andrew Nelles, ditto John Heather, ditto 986 James Pattens, Ancaster 33-0363 Feb. 1814 enemy David Drake, ditto 987 Elijah Phelps, Queenston, Niagara 33-0365 May 28, 1813 enemy Adam Brown, Grantham 1812-1815 allies Geo. Shaw, Queenston, Niagara Isaac Swayze David Secord, St. David’s, Niagara John Smith, Grantham James Cooper, Niagara 988 Capt. Wm. Park, Woodhouse 33-0386 Nov. 7, 1814 enemy Thos. Bowlby, ditto 989 Silas H. & Clarissa Prior, Barton 33-0391 allies Daniel & Elam Eaton, Burford 990 Francois Petrimoule, Sandwich 33-0401 Oct. 1813 enemy 991 Joseph Pellitte, Sandwich 33-0403 allies 992 Alexis Perant, Sandwich 33-0406 Sept. 1814 enemy 993 Louis Parre, Sandwich 33-0410 allies 994 Edward Page (Coloured), Malden 33-0412 Oct. 1813 enemy Sam. Thomas London & Phoebe Harris (Coloured) 995 John Parker, Dunwich 33-0417 Aug. 16, 1814 enemy Sam. Carrson, ditto Gilman Willson, ditto 996 Thos. Reynolds, Amherstburg 33-0422 enemy Ebenezer Reynolds, Colchester Robt. Reynolds, Amherstburg David Kemp, ditto Denis Delisle, ditto 997 Joseph Renaux, Belle River, Sandwich 33-0433 Oct., Sept. 29, 1813, Oct, Sept. 19, 1814 enemy 998 Edward Ryckman, Barton 33-0442 1813-1814 allies Mary Land John Springer 999 George Ramble, West Flamborough 33-0444 1813 allies Jacob Dale 1000 Donald/Daniel & Jane Rose, Queenston, Niagara Eunice Rose, Stamford 33-0447 June 1813, July 1814 enemy John Knox, ditto 1812, March 1814 allies Peter & Alex. Rose, Niagara John McKerlie, Stamford 1001 Marie Louise Robert, Sandwich 33-0459 Sept. 1813 allies 1002 Francois Roy Jr., Amherstburg 33-0461 1814 enemy 1003 Geo. Rowe, Stamford 33-0463 Oct.-Nov., 1814 allies, enemy 1004 Wm. Rolls/Rowles, Stamford 33-0470 1814 allies Christopher & John Buchner, ditto 1005 Antoine Parent, Sandwich 33-0475 1813 enemy & allies Antoine Jr., Alexis, & Jacques Parent, ditto 1006 John Rickert, Bertie 33-0481 Oct. 1814 enemy Wm. Jarvis, ditto John Edsal, ditto 1007 Ben. Parent, Sandwich 33-0488 Aug. 1813 allies 1008 Robt. Pike, Dover 33-0492 Aug. 1812 allies 1009 Wm. Read, Grantham 33-0494 1813 allies Peter Larraway, ditto 1010 John Rose, Bertie 33-0498 enemy, Aug.-Sept. 1814 allies 1011 Charles Reneaux, River Canard 33-0509 July-Aug. 1812 allies 1012 John Peck, River Thames 33-0511 Sept. 29, 1813 John McGregor 1013 James Powers, Grand River 33-0523 1813-1815 allies Ralph Johnson Ottmiel Phelps John File, Grand River Catherine Johnston, ditto 1014 Antoine Reaume, Sandwich 33-0531 Sept. 1813 allies 1015 Louis Reaume, Sandwich 33-0533 Oct. 1813 enemy, Aug. 1, 1813 allies Capt. Thos. Coleman, Cdn. Light Dragoons J.B. Leduc 1016 John Shipley, River Thames 33-0542 Oct. 1813 allies Oct. 1813, Sept. 1814 enemy 1017 Geo. Sicklesteel, Chatham 33-0546 Oct. 1813 enemy 1018 Pierre St. Louis, Sandwich 33-0548 Sept.-Oct. 1813 allies Capt. Julien Labute, Essex Militia 1019 James Spears, River Thames 33-0554 July 1814 enemy 1020 Geo. Sweener, River Thames 33-0556 July 30 & Sept. 20, 1813 allies Wm. Jones 1021 John Stockwell, Colchester 33-0561 1813-1814 enemy 1022 Wm. Sterling, River Thames 33-0563 Oct. 3, 1813 & Nov. 20 & Jan. 29, 1814 enemy 1023 Louis Villains Jr., Sandwich 33-0565 1813 allies, Oct. 1813-1814 enemy Louis St. Louis Jean Baptiste Sonillisone, Sandwich Joseph Lamarch, ditto 1024 Lemuel Sherman, River Thames 33-0573 Oct. 1813, Mar. 1814 enemy Sept.-Oct. 1813, May 1815 allies Geo. Harkley 33-0580 1813 allies 1025 James Stockwell, Colchester 33-0581 Aug. 31, 1813 allies 1026 Wm. Searl, Amherstburg 33-0583 1813, Feb. 15, 1814, 1815enemy July 24, 1812 allies Jan. 25 & Sept., 1813 allies 1027 Israel Swayze, Thorold 33-0598 July 8, 1814 allies Geo. Marlatt, ditto Sam. Hopkins, ditto Wm. Shaw, ditto 1028 Job & Lydia Skinner, Stamford 33-0607 enemy, allies Haggai Skinner Sr., ditto John Hardey, ditto Noah Cook, Crowland Joseph Oldfield 1029 Daniel Shannon, Stamford 33-0617 1813, July 14, 1814 enemy Wm. Aiglor, ditto John Bender, ditto Catherine Lundy, ditto 1030 Wm. Scarlet, Bertie 33-0621 Oct. 16, 1814 enemy Henry Tael, ditto Conrad Johnson, ditto 1031 Henry Smith, Louth 33-0627 fall 1813 enemy Peter Flumerfelt, ditto Wm. Ousterhout, ditto James & John Smith, ditto 1032 Lanty Shannon, Stamford 33-0633 1814 enemy & allies 1033 Isaac Swayze, Niagara 33-0641 enemy, 1815 allies 1034 Stephen Skinner, Crowland 33-0644 Oct. 14, 1814 enemy Amos Morris, ditto 1035 John Symington, Niagara 33-0650 1813 enemy Wm. & Thos. Dickson, Niagara 1036 Paul Shipman, Grantham 33-0667 June 27, 1813, 1814 allies Frank Powers, ditto 1813 enemy Peter Carson, ditto 1037 Eliz. Skinner, Stamford 33-0677 allies, June 1813 enemy David Skinner Martha Cook 1038 Wm. K. Smith, Grand River 33-0684 allies 1039 Joseph Smith, Blenhiem 33-0690 allies Labbeus Gardner, Burford Rufus Johnson, ditto 1040 Ulrick Strickler, Willoughby 33-0694 July 7, 1814, Oct. enemy 1041 John Seagrist, Willoughby 33-0696 Sept.-Oct. 1814 allies & enemy 1042 Louis & Angelique Peltier, Sandwich Francois Drouilliard, ditto 33-0703 Sept. 30, 1813, Oct. enemy July 1814 allies 1043 Ben. Sutton, Stamford 33-0709 July 11, 1814 allies John Sutton, ditto 1044 Wm. B. Sheldon, Barton 33-0713 Feb. 1814 enemy Albert Ryckman 1045 Wynant Williams, Woodhouse 33-0715 May 14, 1814 enemy Jane & Benjamin Williams Wm. Drake, Woodhouse Wm. Park, ditto 1046 David Smoke, Ancaster 33-0721 Sept. 1813 allies Geo. Rousseaux, ditto 1047 Jacob Springsteed, Saltfleet 33-0724 June 1813, Dec. 1815 allies Surgeon W. Robertson, 41st Regt. Jeremiah Springstead, Saltfleet Wm. Davis Jr., ditto Rachel Springsteed, ditto Bathsheba Harris, ditto 1048 Jean Baptiste Tourneaux, Sandwich 33-0738 July 1812, Oct. 17, 1813 enemy Feb. 12, Mar. 18, Sept. 5, 1814 enemy 1049 John Sturgis, Grand River 33-0745 Nov. 6, 1814 enemy Hiram Martin, ditto 1050 Henry Teal, Bertie 33-0750 Sept. 24 & Oct. 15, 1814 enemy Conrad Johnson, ditto Aug. 11 & Sept. 15, 1814 allies Wm. Creger, ditto 1051 Amos Sturges, Grand River 33-0761 enemy John Ellis 1052 Peter Traxlar, River Thames 33-0764 Oct. 1813 enemy & allies 1053 John Traxlar, River Thames 33-0770 Oct. 1813 enemy 1054 Wm. Sturgis, Grand River 33-0772 Nov. 6, 1814 enemy Henry & John Ellis, ditto 1055 Antoine Trudelle, River Thames 33-0777 Oct. 1813 & Sept. 1814 enemy 1056 Jacob Thomas, River Thames 33-0779 Oct. 1813 enemy Jared Lindsley 1057 Henry Smith, Barton 33-0783 1813-1814 allies John Daniels Jacob Smith, Barton 1058 Amos Smith, Saltfleet 33-0786 fall 1814 allies Jacob Smith Jr. 1059 Wm. Shafer, Ancaster 33-0789 allies Henry Shafer, ditto 1060 Christian Warner, Niagara 33-0795 allies, enemy Elias Smith, ditto Andrew Ostrader, ditto Matthew Warner 1061 Ben. Smith, Ancaster 33-0805 Nov. 1813, Sept. 1814 allies John & David Smith, ditto 1062 Stephen Smith, Ancaster 33-0810 Nov. 1, 1813 allies Capt. Peter Bowman, 5th Lincoln 1063 Wm. Smith, Saltfleet 33-0812 June 4, 1813 enemy Jacob Springstead, ditto 1064 John Smith, Barton 33-0816 Sept. 1813 allies Benjamin Olmsted, Ancaster John Land, Barton Wm. Bates, Nelson 1065 John K. Simons, West Flamborough 33-0832 July 22, 1814 enemy 1066 Louis Trudelle Jr., River Thames 33-0836 Oct. 1813 enemy, 1812-1813 allies Major Peter L. Chambers Lewison & Allexes Trowdell Wm. Rowe Elesse Wilcox John Boyels Daniel Everet Joe & Thos. Richardson Alex. Trudell Francois Ouillete, Dover 1067 John Smith 33-0865 1814 enemy, 1812, 1814 allies Benjamin Meddough Geo. Adams David Secord Josiah Brown Capt. John Chisholm, East Flamborough Roswell Stevens 1068 Jacques Touranjot, Sandwich 33-0871 Sept. 1813 allies 1069 Michael Traxler, River Thames 33-0873 Oct. 1813 allies 1070 Lieut. Col. Wm. Claus, Niagara Wm. Dickson, ditto 33-0875 May 27 & Dec. 13, 1813 enemy James Coffin, ditto John Symington, ditto 1071 Henry L. Smith, Glanford 33-0890 1814-1815 allies Lewis Smith, ditto Jonathan Freeman, ditto 1072 Earl of Selkirk, Baldoon, Dover 33-0896 July 25, 1812, July 13 Angus McDonald & Oct. 28, 1814 enemy John Brown 1073 Eliz. Wright, Town of Niagara Wm. Cook, Niagara 33-0906 May 28, 1813 enemy 1074 Jean B. Valade, Sandwich 33-0910 Sept. 1813 allies 1075 John Sutton, Dundas 33-0912 1813-1815 allies Wm. Hare Harcer Lyons Abner Everitt Jr. Wm. Cummins, Nelson 1076 Wm. Vanderlip, Ancaster 33-0919 allies Isaac Fulker, ditto 1077 Christian Vinecke Sr. & Jr., Willoughby 33-0922 July & Oct. 19 & 21, 1814 enemy Dec. 1813, Oct. 1814 allies 1078 Jacob Kilman Jr., Stamford 33-0926 1813-1814enemy Laurence Lemmons, ditto John Killman 1079 David Van Every, West Flamborough Samson Howell 33-0931 Oct. 1813 & Apr. 1814 allies 1080 Solomon Vrooman, Niagara 33-0935 Sept. 1812 allies, enemy Daniel Field Joseph Johnson Henry Brown, Niagara 1081 Edward Vanderlip, Niagara 33-0941 1813 enemy, allies John Milton June 20 – Nov. 1, 1812 allies John Monro, Niagara Joseph Hains, ditto James Tinlin Jr., Town of Niagara Jane Jones, ditto John Clement Ball, Niagara 1082 Philip Tole, River Thames 33-0954 June 1814 & 1815 allies Oct. 1813, Aug. 1814 enemy 1083 Ben. Vanatta, Grantham 33-0958 June & Oct. 4, 1813 enemy John Rykart, ditto Peter Vanatta, ditto Wm. Riley, ditto Geo. Read, ditto 1084 Crowell Willson, Willoughby 33-0967 July & Oct. 13 & 22, 1814 allies James Cummings, ditto Henry Fitch, ditto Lieut. Abner Owen, 2nd Lincoln Capt. Charles Askin, ditto 1085 John Ten Broeck, Dover, Woodhouse Jonathan Williams, Woodhouse 33-0976 May 15, 1814 enemy Daniel McQueen, ditto 1086 James Thompson, Thorold 33-0984 June, Oct. 1813, Jan. 1814 allies 1813 enemy 1087 John Thomas, Beach Woods, Stamford Wm. McLellan, Thorold 33-0986 1813 allies, 1814 enemy 1088 James & Marg. Thompson Sr., Stamford Geo. Shafer, ditto 33-0993 July 9-10, 1814 enemy John Silverthorn, ditto Nov. 11, 1814 allies Catharine Bald, Thorold John Thompson, Niagara Geo. A. Ball 1089 John Showers, Beverly 33-1006 Nov. 1814 allies Wm. Wedge, ditto 1090 Isaac Smith, West Flamborough 33-1008 1813-1815 allies John Cummins, ditto 1091 Jacob Servos, Grantham 33-1010 June & Oct. 1813 enemy John Clark, Louth Geo. Adams, ditto 1092 John Wilkerson, Thorold 33-1016 Oct. 12, 1813, July 10, 1814 enemy Jacob Upper, ditto John Couke, ditto 1093 Robt. Wilkerson, Thorold 33-1020 Oct. 12, 1813, July 10, 1814 enemy Jacob Upper, ditto John Couke, ditto 1094 Wm. Wynn, Queenston, Niagara 33-1024 June 1813, July 1814 enemy, allies Adam & Henry Brown, ditto Ben. Barton Joseph Wynne 1095 Jesse Thomas, Grantham 33-1042 May 1814 allies Isaac Swayze 1096 Denis Shoff, Townsend 33-1050 enemy John Cowel 1097 Geo. Silverthorn, Woodhouse 33-1055 Nov. 1814 enemy Zebulon Landen, ditto Wm. Silverthorn 1098 John Wesbrook, Grand River 33-1061 Oct.-Nov. 1814 enemy Anthony & Andrew Wesbrook, ditto 1099 John W. Weishuhn, Willoughby 33-1068 July 1-2, 1813, Jan. 10 & Aug., 1814 James A. Weishuhn Allies, 1814 enemy J. William Weishuhn Catharine Weishuhn Seneca Caswell Elijah Johnson, Chippawa, Stamford Eliz. Skinner Edward Defield, Queenston, Niagara 1100 David Secord, Yarmouth 33-1090-1095 allies, Nov. 10, 1814 enemy Wm. Howard, ditto Fred. Eveland, ditto 1101 Garret Schram, Grantham 34- 0022 1812, 1814 allies Wm. Westover, ditto Eliz. Riley, ditto 1102 Arch. Thompson Jr., Niagara/Bertie 34-0026 July 9 & 11-20, 1814 enemy Hugh Rose Ben. Thompson, Stamford Dougal McLachlan, ditto Peter Rose, Niagara James Thompson 1103 John Whittle, Gosfield 34-0037 Feb. 1814 enemy 1104 John Smith (Coloured), Queenston, Niagara Wm. Dunbar 34-0042 1105 Hezekiah Wilcox, River Thames 34-0049 Oct. 1813 enemy Ezekiel Willcox, ditto Oct. 4, 1813 allies 1106 Sam. Street Sr., Willoughby 34-0053 1813-1814 & July 4 & Sept. 22, Sam. Street Jr. 1814 allies James Kerby, Queenston, Niagara 1813-1814 & July 26, 1814 enemy Crowell Willson, Crowland Isaac Swayze, Niagara Thos. Cummings, Chippawa, Stamford Thos. Clark, ditto John Miller Joseph Price Mahetabel Street, Thorold 1107 John G. Seger, Willoughby 34-0080 1813 allies, 1813, Oct. 1814 enemy John Wm. Weishuln, ditto James Cummings 1108 John Wedge, Barton 34-0089 Oct.-Nov. 1813 allies Andrew & Thos. Wedge 1109 Isaac Whiting, Ancaster 34-0093 Oct. 1813 allies Matthew Whiting, Grand River 1110 James Wilkinson, Gosfield 34-0096 July 1814 enemy 1111 John Thompson, St. David’s, Niagara Richard Woodruff 34-0098 Dec. 16, 1813 allies July 19, 1814 enemy 1112 Francis Wilkinson, Mersea 34-0108 Aug. 1814 enemy 1113 Wm. Walker, Townsend 34-0110 Nov. 7, 1814 enemy Isaac Walker 1114 Christopher Kerne, Oxford 34-0115 1813 allies, Nov. 5, 1814 enemy 1115 John Woolman, Niagara 34-0120 1813 allies, July 1814 enemy Naomi Johnston, ditto Ben. Middough, Stamford Barnet & Marg. Ulman/Woolman 1116 Joseph Wigle, Gosfield 34-0126 Aug. 1814 enemy 1117 Richard Yokom/Yokum, Crowland 34-0128 Oct. 17, 1814 enemy 1118 Eleanor Thomas, Grand River 34-0130 allies Wm. K. Smith, ditto 1119 Alex. Wilkinson, Mersea 34-0140 Apr. 25, 1814 enemy 1120 Philip Wilson, Charlotteville 34-0142 Nov. 8, 1814 enemy Alex. & Martin, Boughner, Windham 1121 Capt. John Wilson, Sandwich 34-0149 enemy 1122 John Wigle, Gosfield 34-0151 Feb. 1814 enemy 1123 Henry Woodruff, St. David’s, Niagara David Secord, ditto 34-0153 July 17, 1814 enemy Richard Wooduff, ditto Duncan Claus 1124 John Troup, Bertie 34-0162 Sept. 25-Nov. 1, 1814 enemy Henry Hershey, ditto Aug.-Sept. 1814 allies Ben. Troup, ditto 1125 George Young, Grantham 34-0173 1126 John Young, Town of Niagara 34-0175 Dec. 1813 enemy 1127 Peter & Mary Warner, Niagara 34-0180 July 10, 1814 enemy Edmund Horton, ditto Nicholas Smith Jr., ditto 1128 Peter Young, Colchester 34-0186 May 1814 enemy 1129 Peter Yockham, Willoughby 34-0188 May-June 1812, May 1814 allies Ben. Pickard, Louth Jesse Thomas, Grantham 1130 Jacob Clows, Townsend 34-0193 enemy John Heath Matthew Massaere 1131 James Wilson, Ancaster 34-0195 1813-1814 allies Preserved Cooley, ditto Joseph Barry, ditto 1132 Christian Warner, Niagara 34-0200 1812-1813 allies Andrew Ostrander Jr., Townsend 1133 Patrick Wilson, Stamford 34-0204 1813-1814 enemy Robt. Pew, ditto Veart Vanwyck, ditto Aaron Crane, ditto Philip Bender 1134 Marg. Notsan/Netson/Notson, River Thames John Nutson 34-0208 Oct. 1813 allies 1135 Phoebe Wanner/Warner, Niagara 34-0214 July 1814 enemy John Wright, ditto Christian Wanner/Warner 1136 Christopher Woolever, Bertie 34-0219 enemy, 1814 allies Peter Woolever, ditto Abraham Johnson, ditto Peter Plato, ditto Philip Benner, ditto 1137 Thos. Willson, Stamford 34-0231 July 1814 enemy Thos. Willson Jr., Thorold 1138 James Wintermute, Bertie 34-0235 July 10 & Sept. 25, 1814 enemy James Brown, ditto Wm. Davis, ditto 1139 John Warren, Bertie 34-0242 1813-1814 allies, Sept. 1813 enemy Ben. Hardison Jr., ditto July 3, 1813 enemy Henry Trout, ditto Cyreneus Hall, ditto 1140 John Wright, Stamford 34-0259 July 10, 1814 Edmond Horton, ditto 1141 Abraham Wintermute, Bertie 34-0265 1814 enemy, 1812 & 1814 allies Henry & John Warren, ditto Philip & Peter Wintermute 1142 Christian Zevitz Jr., Wainfleet 34-0276 allies, Sept. 23, 1814 enemy Andrew Macklem, ditto Eliz. Steel, ditto James Thompson 1143 Christian Zavitz Sr., Sugar Loaf, Niagara Capt. John Bostwick, 1st Norfolk 34-0289-0322 Oct. 26-Nov. 20, 1812, 1813 allies John Warren 34-0350-0351 Dec. 1813, Oct. 1814 enemy Ensign John Misener, 2nd Lincoln 34-0366 34-0371-0372 1144 Ben. Wintermute, Bertie 34-0323-0349 Aug. 3 & Nov., 1813, 1814 enemy Henry & John Warren, ditto 34-0352-0365 Mar. 25, 1813, Dec. 20, 1812 allies 34-0367-0370 1812-1814 rent 1145 Robt. Randall, Bridgewater Works, Stamford Harmonius Cryderman 34-0373 Oct. 11-13, 1813 enemy James Baker 1146 Henry Bartley, Trafalgar 34-0379 allies Jessiah & Samuel Bartley, ditto 1147 Mjr. Joseph & Ann Anderson, Cornwall David Sheek, ditto 34-0385 Nov. 11-13, 1813 enemy Jeremiah French, ditto 1148 Jean Baptiste Bouchette, Kingston 34-0392 fall 1813 allies Cecilia Bouchette/Macon Capt. F.B. Spilsburg Mstr. James McKenzie Surgeon Thos. Lewis Purser J. Marks 1149 Christian Burkholder, Barton 34-0413 Oct. 1813 enemy, Moraviantown Wm. Markle 1814-1815 allies Joseph Eby, Block No. 2 1150 James Crowden, Osnabruck 34-0420 Nov. 12, 1813 allies Catherine Cline Nov. 9-10, 1813 enemy 1151 Nath. Baldwin, Gosfield 34-0426 allies, Aug. 1814 enemy Thos. Talbot John Clark John Fullmer, Mersea 1152 Thos. Elliott, Malden 34-0437 enemy 1153 Jacob Eamons, Osnabruck 34-0442 Nov. 12, 1813 allies 1154 John Flanner, Barton? 34-0447 1813 allies Rodophus Flanner 1155 Thos. Smith, Sandwich 34-0460 1812 allies, 1813 enemy Francois Petrimouls, ditto Jean Baptiste Dufour, Petite Cote, Sandwich Jean Baptiste Bouffard, ditto Pierre Dufour, ditto Louis Parre/Parry, ditto Paul Drew, ditto Joseph Duilgard, ditto Angelica C. Smith Tilside Ryley Antoine Plante Antoine Bellerende, West Tilbury Pierre Groux, Sandwich Wm. Wilkinson, ditto Joseph Parry/Parre, ditto Thos. Lidivill J. Baptiste Fere Joseph Gilbeau Charles Arthur Smith 1156 Thos. Fraser, Matilda 34-0587 1813 allies David Slater, Mountain Wm. J. Slater 1157 Thos. Dowlin, Oxford 34-0592 Aug.-Oct. 1814 enemy Andrew Westbrook John Askin Tim. Kilbourn Peter Hagarman Archibald McMellens, Westminster Stella Brown 1158 John Fowler, Burford 34-0603 July 25,1813, 1813-1814 allies Col. Bostwick Nov. 6, 1814 enemy Wm. D. Bowen 1159 Sewall Cutler, Cornwall 34-0626 Nov. 10, 1813 enemy John Hoopler, ditto Wm. Miller, ditto Joseph Stoneburner, ditto Peter Waterbury, ditto Deanah Jacox, ditto David Sheek 1160 Wm. Culver, Woodhouse 34-0635 allies, Nov. 8, 1814 enemy Joseph Woolley, ditto Thos. McLellan, ditto Joseph Culver, ditto Lieut. Col. H. Bostwick Major George C. Salmon, 2nd Norfolk Capt. Wm. Gordon, ditto Wm. Bird Capt. Henry Medcalf Lieut. Col. Jos. Ryerson, 1st Norfolk James Graham 1161 Alex. Burns, Niagara 34-0646 May 1813 Jane Crooks, West Flamborough Alex. Wood, Town of York 1162 Thos. Lewis, Sandwich 34-0655 Mar. 1813 allies Abraham Unsworth, ditto 1163 John Aikman, Barton 34-0659 June 1813 allies Ephraim Land Alex. & John Jr. Aikman 1164 Peter Wintermute, Bertie 34-0669 Aug. 1813, Sept. 1814 enemy Ens. James George, 1st Lincoln 1813-1814 allies Philip Wintermute, Bertie 1165 Moses & B. Brewster Brigham, Delaware Capt. Richard Bullock, 41st Regt. 34-0687 1813-1814 allies Capt. John McGregor Feb. 14, July 16, Oct. 4 1814 enemy Frances Baby Lieut. Col. Stewart Lucinda Brigham Fred. Stroback, Delaware Bradder Chappel, ditto Gideon Tiffany Andrew Westbrook 1166 Capt. Jonathan Nelson, Amherstburg 34-0713 Aug. 1812, Oct. 1813 enemy Robt. Jones, ditto Sept. 1812, Sept. 15-22, 1813 allies Robt. Nelson Mjr. Gen. Jesse Dufour Corp. John Thomson, 41st Regt. 1167 Adam Hutt, Niagara 34-0750 July 1814 allies 1168 Haggai & Eliz. Skinner Sr., Stamford Susannah Skinner, ditto 34-0752 1813, Oct. 1814 allies Thos. Thomas Oct. 1813, July 10, 1814 enemy 1169 Michael Huffman, Bertie 34-0760 July 18 & Oct. 25, 1814 enemy Geo. Huffman, ditto Zachariah Tael, ditto Thos. Baxter, ditto Nathaniel Beach, Humberstone 1170 Jacob Huffman, Ancaster 34-0769 1813-1814 allies Geo. W. Griggs, ditto John Hare, West Flamborough 1171 Michael Beach, Humberstone 34-0772 1814 allies 1172 Peter Plato/Blato, Bertie 34-0781 1813-1814 enemy John Bowen, ditto 1812 & 1814 allies Philip Benner, ditto Cornelius Plato, ditto 1173 Ensign Francis Crooks, Grimbsy 34-0792 1813-1814 allies, 1813 enemy Lieut. Col. Johnson Butler, 4th Lincoln Lieut. Col. Myers, Fort George Lieut. Robt. Land Gabriel Tens Peter McCallum Capt. Wm. Elliott James Millmine, Grimsby Horace Holmer, ditto Freeman Green Capt. Gideon Frisbee, US army Ralf M. Long, Town of Niagara Capt. Wm. Nelles, 4th Lincoln Robt. Nelles, 4th Lincoln 1174 James Maule, West Flamborough 34-0841 Nov. 1814, Jan. 1815 alles Andrew Kitchen, Ancaster 1175 Presbyterian Church, Stamford 34-0843 1814 allies Thos. McMicking 1176 Henry Murney, Town of Kingston 34-0847 Nov. 12, 1812 enemy Geo. Smith, ditto 1812-1814 allies Nicholas Morin, ditto John L. Jackson, ditto Thos. Hardie, ditto Daniel Allen Adkins, Town of Pittsburgh Jacob Vanornem, Kingston David Brass, ditto Thos. Graham, ditto James Ellerbee, ditto Geo. Bender, ditto 1177 Gilbert & Elenor Field, Niagara 34-0883 1812-1813 allies, enemy Col. Robt. Nichol Daniel Field Adam Brown, Queenston, Niagara Thos. Clark 1178 Amos Manwell, Townsend 34-0909 Nov. 7, 1814 enemy John Bray, ditto John Barber, ditto 1179 Nath. Fairchild Jr., Westminster 34-0912 July 18, 1814 enemy 1180 Mary Ann Eliz. Bellinger, Gantham 34-0918 May 20, 1813 enemy, 1814 allies Wm. Powers John Bissell David Cudney 1181 Eleanor Bellnap, East Flamborough 34-0923 1814 allies Eliz. Hacket, ditto Martin Middaugh Jr., ditto 1182 Henry Gallinger, Cornwall 34-0925 Nov. 11-13, 1813 enemy John Pescod Sr., ditto Rich. Boyer, ditto 1183 Grant & Kerby, Queenston, Niagara 34-0929 1812-1814 allies Capt. Robt. Grant, ditto July 22 & 26, 1814 enemy Lieut. Col. Thos. Clark, 2nd Lincoln Sam. Street Robt. Nichol Wm. Crooks, Grimsby James Cummings, Chippawa, Stamford 1184 Paul Glasford, Matilda 34-0965 Nov. 8, 1813 enemy Sarah Grant Mary Sipes 1185 Matthew Gray, Osnabruck 34-0972-0978 Aug. 1812 allies Ensign Henry Stuart, ditto Henry Derning, ditto Levi Bunnoft, ditto Capt. Wm. Morgan 1186 Gabriel Hopkins, East Flamborough 34-0987-998 Nov. 1813, Apr. 1814 allies Geo. Middaugh, ditto Ephraim Hopkins, ditto 1187 Hannah Graham/Haight, Niagara 34-0983-0986 1813 allies, enemy Joseph Haines, ditto David Graham 1188 John Clark, Louth 34-0979-0981 May 27, 1813-1814 enemy Geo. Adams, ditto 34-0999-1008 Wm. Lyons, Queenston, Niagara Marg. Ball 1189 Geo. & Sarah Clark, Town of Niagara Geo. Adams, Louth 34-1009 Dec. 1813 enemy John Clark, ditto 1190 Mary, James Wm. Osgoode, & Jane Clark, Town of Niagara Mjr. Gen. Jacob Ten Broeck, 4th Lincoln John Clark, Louth 34-1017 Dec. 1813 enemy Geo. Adams, ditto Oct.-Dec. 1812 allies Wm. Lyons, ditto 1191 Ozias Buchner, Crowland 34-1026 Oct. 17, 1814 enemy 1192 Aaron Culver, Townsend 34-1028 Nov. 1814 enemy John Heath, ditto John Widener, ditto Wm. Park, Woodhouse Nathan Mann, ditto Ethen Woodruff, ditto David Culver, ditto McFarland Wilson, ditto Wm. Biggar Matthias Steel, Vittoria Thos. Finch, Charlotteville Eliakim Crosby Fred., Andrew, & Emmanuel Steinhoff Timothy Culver Jeremiah Green John Misener Levi Douglass Dennis Shaw 1193 Abraham Hoch/High, Louth 34-1082 July 12-16, 1814 allies 1194 Nath. Hickson/Hixon, Stamford 34-1086 Oct. 13, 1813 enemy 1195 Lewis Haines, Louth 34-1091 Oct. 1813 enemy John Segar, ditto 1196 Lieut. Col. Francis Baby, Sandwich 34-1099 July 12, 1812 enemy Louis Villain, ditto Aug. 17, 1812 allies Pierre Reaume, ditto Oct. 1813 & 1814 enemy Joseph Cigna, ditto Francois Pratt, ditto Jean Baptiste Yournens Mjr. Gen. Henry Procter A.B. Woodward Jeremiah Ford, Detroit Brig. Gen. Wm. Hull Alexis Luc Reaume Charles Janette Jean Baptiste & Paul Goyeau 1197 John Hoople, Osnabruck 34-1128-1132 1813 allies John Woodruff 35-0022 Nov. 10, 1813-Apr. 10, 1814 1198 John Davis, Yarmouth 35-0025 Nov. 10, 1814 enemy John Lee, ditto Jeronimus Rapelje, ditto 1199 Prindle Hubbell, River Thames 35-0030 Oct., Nov. 17 & 23, 1813 enemy Oct. 1813, Nov. 1814 allies 1200 Christian Sansabaugh, Wainfleet 35-0034 July 25, 1814 allies Nathan Caswell, Willoughby James Cummings 1201 Anthony Lamping, Cornwall 35-0046 Nov. 11-13, 1813 enemy 1202 Jeremiah Kettle, Bertie 35-0052 1814 enemy Silas Carter, ditto 1203 James McDonald, Matilda 35-0059 Nov. 8-9, 1813 enemy 1204 Sam. McDonell/McDaniel, Yonge 35-0064 1814 enemy Henry Trickey, ditto James La Rue, ditto 1205 John McPhee, Osnabruck 35-0075 Nov. 9-10, 1813 enemy David Jaycock, ditto Francis Otto, ditto 1206 Jacob Miller, Willoughby 35-0079 1814 enemy, 1812-1814 allies 1207 John Miller, Bertie 35-0089 1813-1814 enemy, 1812, 1815 allies Lewis Palmer, ditto Jacob Miller, ditto John Hardey Capt. Henry Buchner, 3rd Lincoln James Cummings 1208 Wm. Merrill, Yarmouth 35-0103 Nov. 10, 1814 enemy Moses Rice, ditto Fred. Eveland, ditto 1209 Wm. McCay, Yarmouth 35-0106 1813-1814 allies 1210 Geo. Hamilton, Queenston, Niagara 35-0111 enemy, 1812-1815 allies Shubal Park, Wainfleet Thos. Dickson, Queenston, Niagara Thos. Clark Robt. Grant, Queenston, Niagara Jane Kerby, ditto Agnes Robertson, Stamford Lieut. Col. Thos. Deane 1211 Medad Parsons, Dundas 35-0134 1813-1814 allies 1212 John Pescod Sr. & Jr., Cornwall 35-0138 Nov. 11-13, 1813 enemy John Smith, ditto Henry Gallenger, ditto 1213 James Rouse, Amherstburg 35-0143 1812-1813 allies Catherine Tucker, ditto 1214 John Robertson, Stamford 35-0147 enemy, 1812-1814 allies Peter Bastedo, ditto Nancy McKerlie, ditto 1215 Henry Runyons, Cornwall 35-0159 Nov. 11-13, 1813 enemy Jeremiah & Albert French, ditto 1216 Augustin Roy/Rury/Roi, Malden 35-0165 1813 allies 1217 Frederick Scram, West Flamborough 35-0171 1813-1815 allies Eliz. Mismeners/Macmason, ditto David MacManners, ditto 1218 Capt. Geo. Stuart, Osnabruch 35-0179 Nov. 23, 1812, Nov. 16, 1813 1219 Ensign Henry Stuart, Osnabruch 35-0183 Nov. 10-11, 1813 enemy Eliz. Neloner 1220 Capt. Wm. Smith, Amherstburg 35-0187 enemy, July 9-Aug. 24, 1812 allies 1221 Abraham Unsworth, Sandwich 35-0207 1813 allies, Oct. 11, 1813 enemy 1222 Jacob Smoke, Barton 35-0214 1813-1814 1223 Christian Stroud, Augusta 35-0222 Nov. 6, 1813 allies Jacob King Capt. John Kerr, Edwardsburgh Capt. D. Fraser, Prov. Light Dragoons 1224 John Secord Jr., Mount Pleasant, Grand River David Secord, Grand River 35-0233 Nov. 6, 1814 enemy John Ellis, ditto Daniel & John Millard, ditto 1225 Capt. Ira Schofield, Gananoque, Leeds 35-0245 July 2-24, 1812 allies Sept. 21, 1812 enemy 1226 Abigail Spears, Cornwall 35-0255 Nov. 11-13, 1813 enemy A. French, ditto 1227 Wm. Shaw, York 35-0259 allies, Apr. 28-29, 1812 enemy 1228 Wm. Van Every, Niagara 35-0568 1812-1814 allies, 1813 enemy Robt. McKinlay, ditto 1229 James & Mary Smith, Yonge 35-0273 Oct. 16, 1813 allies Mary Graham Nov. 10, 1813 enemy Mathias Link, Onsabruch John Brownall Benoni Polly, Yonge 1230 Jeremiah Tuttle, Prescott 35-0288 allies, Nov. 7-8, 1813 enemy 1231 Asahel Stevens, Cornwall 35-0295 Nov. 10-11, 1813 enemy Sewall Cutter, ditto Nov. 1813 allies Phillip J. Empy, ditto 1232 Robt. Wilkinson, Thorold 35-0303 1813 allies Capt. Geo. Turney, 2nd Lincoln 1233 Elias Teed, Gananoque, Leeds 35-0309 Sept. 26, 1812 allies Thos. F. Howland, ditto Neil McMullan, ditto 1234 John Whitney, Yonge 35-0320 1812-1814 allies Edward Patterson, ditto Peter & Samuel Whitney 1235 Silas Hopkins, East Flamborough 35-0334 June 1814 allies Martin Middagh, ditto 1236 Ephraim Vanorman, Nelson 35-0338 1814 allies 1237 Caleb Hopkins, Nelson 35-0340 1813 allies Levi Mayhew 1238 Sam. Price, Nelson 35-0344 1813-1814 allies Joseph Hopkins Geo. W. Griggs, Ancaster 1239 Peter Ferguson, Barton 35-0347 1812 allies Archibald Ferguson, ditto 1240 Robt. Nixon, Grimsby 35-0349 June 7, 1813 enemy Sept. 1813 allies 1241 Lieut. Col. Robt. Nelles, Grimsby 35-0351 May 1813, July 1814 allies Jacob Nelles, ditto June 4-8, 1813 enemy Wm. Vanatta Sr., ditto Caleb Groat Mjr. Titus G. Simons, 2nd York 1242 John S. Teetzel, Grimsby 35-0359 Oct. 20, 1813 enemy Aug. 1814 allies 1243 Jacob Choate, Oxford 35-0361 enemy Capt. Jecobert Hall, ditto Abraham Carrell/Carl Briton Brown 1244 Nicholas Kern Jr., Nelson 35-0368 Nov. 1813-June 1814 allies Capt. James Morden, ditto Wm. Hamilton, ditto 1245 Nicholas Kern Sr., Nelson 35-0371 Oct. 1813-June 1814 allies Jacob Kerns 1246 Geo. Winegarden, Burford 35-0373 Nov. 7, 1814 enemy Mjr. Wm. D. Bowen, 1st Norfolk 1247 Daniel Hazen, Burford 35-0378 Nov. 7, 1814 enemy John Malcolm, ditto Anthony Wesbrook, ditto 1248 David Crumby, Westminster 35-0384 Nov. 5, 1814 enemy 1249 Ben. Fuller, Burford 35-0387 Nov. 7, 1814 enemy 1250 Geo. Woodly, Burford 35-0389 Nov. 7, 1814 enemy Haggai Westbrook, ditto John Malcolm, ditto 1251 Elijah Hartshorn, Haldimand 35-0394 Nov. 6, 1814 enemy 1252 Wm. Silverthorn, Burford 35-0397 Nov. 5, 1814 enemy Abner Mathews Mjr. Wm. D. Bowen, 1st Norfolk 1253 Harmonius Dingman, Burford 35-0401 Sept. 20, 1812 allies 1254 Wm. & Robt. Lymburner, Burford 35-0405 Nov. 7, 1814 enemy Capt. John & Eliakem Malcolm, ditto 1255 Ben. Keiter, Burford 35-0410 Nov. 7, 1814 enemy 1256 Wm. Owen, Burford 35-0412 1813 & Nov. 5, 1814 allies 1257 Luther Haskins, Oxford 35-0416 July 1 & Dec. 26, 1813 allies Daniel Dodge Nov. 5, 1814 enemy John Young Christopher Hartrough Edward Henrick 1258 Capt. Alexis La Bute/Labute, Sandwich Pierre Ducharme, ditto 35-0423 July-Aug. 1812, Oct. 1813 enemy 1259 Sam. Allen, Burford 35-0430 Mar., June, & Nov. 6, 1814 enemy John Fowler, ditto Henry Lester, ditto Sam. Hull 1260 Alex. Jackson, Grimsby 35-0439 enemy Geo. Morris, Clinton Capt. Wm. Nelles 1261 Sam. Corwin, Clinton 35-0451 June 8, 1813 enemy John Smith, ditto 1262 Paul Marlatt, Clinton 35-0453 1813 allies John Smith, Grimbsy 1263 Henry Beamer, Townsend 35-0455 Nov. 1814 enemy 1264 Sam. Miller, Burford 35-0458 May 18, 1815 allies Geo. Rouse, ditto Resiah Force, ditto Joshua Rouse Martin Sherwood 1265 Alexis Drouilliard, Sandwich 35-0466 Sept. 1813 allies, Oct. 1813 enemy Hypolite Jannis 1266 Charles Sayles, Burford 35-0472 Nov. 7, 1814 enemy Haggai Westbrook 1267 Myrane/Myrana Smith, Burford 35-0475 Nov. 7, 1814 enemy John Malcom, ditto Rufus Comney, ditto 1268 Daniel McIntyre, Grimsby 35-0478 Sept. 1813 allies 1269 Stephen Brown, Stamford 35-0481 1813-1814 allies Sam. McKerlie, ditto July 1814 enemy Capt. Andrew Rorbach, 2nd Lincoln John Willson 1270 Louis Villains, Sandwich 35-0494 Sept. 1813 enemy & allies 1271 Marg. Hembrow, Sandwich 35-0502 1812-1813 allies, enemy John Mears, ditto , Malden Mary Sikes Chrisostome Pajot 1272 Haggai Westbrook, Burford 35-0518 Nov. 7, 1814 enemy 1273 Abraham Marlatt, Clinton 35-0522 June 26, 1813 allies Wm. Havens, ditto 1274 Thos. Dickson, Queenston, Niagara 35-0524 Oct. 13, 1812, 1813-1814 allies Robt. Grant, ditto Oct. 12, 1813 enemy Thos. McCormick, ditto July 11-19, 1814 enemy Jacob Upper, Thorold John Warren, ditto Peter & James Thompson, Stamford 1275 Hannah Secord, St. David’s, Niagara 35-0540 1813-1814 allies July 18, 1814 enemy 1276 John & Hannah Clendennan, Grantham 35-0550 July 21-22, 1814 allies 1277 Rufus Johnston, Grand River/Burford Lebeus Gardiner, Burford 35-0557 Nov. 6, 1814 allies Sam. Allen, ditto 1812-1814 allies Wm. Biggar Jacob Steinhoff Amos B. McKenny Moses Nichol Capt. Daniel Springer, 1st Middlesex Anthony Hollinshead Edward Vanderlip John Reykin Capt. Thos. Coleman Sgt. Thos. Douglas 1278 Milly Allen, Delaware 35-0610 1814 enemy, 1812-1814 allies 1279 Henry & Catherine Bowen, Richmond Andrew & Henry Kimmerly Jr., ditto 35-0614 1814-1815 allies 1280 Jacob Brown, Osnabruck 35-0627 1812-1813 1281 John Clement, Niagara 35-0631 1813-1814 allies & enemy Hannah Crysler, ditto Lewis Clement, ditto John Crysler 1282 Joseph La Trace/Latrace, Osnabruck 35-0639 Nov. 9-12, 1813 enemy 1283 Capt. John McDonell, Prescott 35-0645 Feb. 22, 1813 allies Wm. Fraser 1284 Isabella McNab, Grantham 35-0648 enemy John Fletcher, ditto 1285 Levi Page, Thorold 35-0655 1814 enemy Josiah Brown, St. David’s, Niagara 1286 Finlay Malcolm Jr., Burlington 35-0658 Nov. 8, 1814 allies Ezekiel Foster Sherman Hyde 1287 Henry & Susannah Pickel/Pickle 35-0663 Feb. 1815 allies John Peters John Pickle 1288 Peter Rupert, Osnabruck 35-0673 Nov. 9-10, 1813 enemy 1289 Ebenezer Whiting, Town of Niagara/Woodhouse James Secord, Queenston, Niagara 35-0674 Dec. 10, 1813 enemy Charles & Eliz. Whiting 1290 James D. Secord, St. David’s, Niagara David Secord, ditto 35-0690 June 1, 1813, Sept. 10, 1814 enemy 1291 Joseph Morin (alias Duplis), Sandwich Jacque Belleperch, ditto 35-0694 1813 enemy 1292 Matthias Steel, Woodhouse 35-0701 May 15 & Nov. 18, 1814 enemy James Wattle, ditto Thos. Derickson, ditto 1293 Alex. Lane, Gainsborough 35-0709 July 27, 1814 allies Amos Lane, ditto 1294 Christian Shoup, Willoughby 35-0714 1814-1815 allies Ben. & Martin Shoup, ditto Peter Saylor, ditto 1295 Edward Griffen, Grimsby 35-0723 Nov. 1813 enemy Jacob Miree, ditto Robt. Waddel, ditto 1296 John Bowen, Bertie 35-0728 Sept. 24-Oct. 15, 1814 enemy Joseph Smith, ditto Henry Hershey, ditto Johnson Gillet, ditto 1297 Alex. Allen, Niagara 35-0741 1813 allies 1298 Joseph Smith, Bertie 35-0749 1814 allies, 1813-1814 enemy John Baxter, ditto John Bowen, ditto 1299 John Drake, Raleigh 35-0767 Oct. 4, 1813 enemy Ann Dolsen, ditto Andrew Hamilton, Dover Baptiste Faubere Francis Drake 1300 Gersham Carpenter, Saltfleet 35-0779 Aug. 24, 1814 allies John Lewis, Grimsby 1301 Augusta La Grave/Lagrave, Belle River, Sandwich Antoine Charron, Sandwich 35-0787 1813-1814 allies & enemy Lember & Antoine Labadie, ditto Joseph Reneaux, ditto Ben. La Vallee, ditto Bernandin Louelliem Joachim Reneau Capt. Thos. Coleman James Askin Henry Guiger Louise Cotton Jean Baptiste Amereau, Maidstone Charles & Jacque Charon, ditto Jean Baptiste Labodie Jr. Alexis Seguin 1302 Hugh Graham, Grand River 35-0859 1813 allies Alex. Graham, Burford Jonathan Graham, Dumfries Wm. D. Bowen Rufus & James Johnson 1303 Joseph Cawthra, York 35-0873 Nov. 1814 allies Jonathan Cawthra Reuben J. Kennedy 1304 Duncan Cameron Jr., Brockville 35-0879 1814 enemy 1305 Duncan Cameron Sr., Edwardburgh 35-0881 allies 1306 Thos. Racey, Niagara/Grand River 35-0884 Nov. 7, 1814 enemy John & Mary Fordham, Ancaster Sam. Hatt, ditto Matthew Crooks, ditto 1307 John Keagey, West Flamborough 35-0895 1813 allies Andrew Van Every, ditto Richard Hatt 1308 Leonard Sovereign, Townsend 35-0900 Nov. 7, 1814 enemy Rich. Park, ditto Rufus Downey, ditto 1309 Ben. Shoup, Willoughby 35-0903 Sept. 1814 allies, 1814 enemy 1310 Geo. & Louise Barnhart, Cornwall 35-0908 Nov. 10-12, 1813 enemy John Barnhart Nov. 15-16, 1813 allies 1311 Fred. Fillman, Ancaster 35-0918 1813-1814 allies 1312 Wm. Jones, River St. Clair 35-0923 allies, enemy Henry Berthelet Anselme Petit, River St. Clair Antoine Labadie, Baldoon, Dover Francois X. Cadotte, ditto Louis Leduc, River Rouge 1313 Thos. Talbot, Port Talbot, Dunwich 35-0943 1813-1814 enemy 1314 Capt. Henry Nelles, Grimsby 35-0949 1812 allies Francis Crooks Oct. 1813, July 25, 1814 enemy Wm. Nelles Jr. Nathaniel Bell, Clinton 1315 Alex. Hamilton, Queenston, Niagara 35-0957 1814 allies, July 1814 enemy Wm. Dunbar, Niagara Ann Fennemore, ditto Wm. Chrysler, ditto Henry Warren, Bertie 1316 Michael Hickey, Bertie 35-0985 1317 Mahlon Burwell, Port Talbot, Dunwich Thos. Talbot, ditto 35-0988 1814 enemy Leslie Patterson, ditto Capt. Daniel Springer, 1st Middlesex 1318 David Phelps, Grand River 35-0997 Oct. 1815 allies Othniel Phelps, ditto James Powers, ditto 1319 Abel Land, Barton 35-1006 1813 allies 1320 Henry Near, Bertie 35-1010 May 1813 allies Geo. Huffman, ditto 1321 John Drake, Ancaster 35-1015 Nov. 1814 allies 1322 David Drake, Ancaster 35-1020 Oct. 1813 allies 1323 Nicholas J. Ault, Williamsburg 35-1023 Nov. 10-11, 1813 enemy 1324 Gideon Tiffany, Delaware 35-1032 July 17 & Nov. 2, 1814 enemy Bradder Chappel, ditto 1812-1814 allies Wm. Schram 1325 Wm. Foster, Grimsby 35-1044 June 6, 1813 enemy Lieut. Peter McCollum Nov. 1813 allies 1326 Jarvis Thayer, Dunwich 35-1053-1058 Aug. 16, 1814 enemy Gillman Willson, ditto Jesse Page, ditto 1327 Wm. Labby/Lebby, Westminster 36-0022 Aug. 29, 1814 enemy Henry Shenich, ditto Feb. 30, 1815 allies Asa Townsend, ditto 1328 Eli Playter, York 36-0032 Apr. 29, 1813 enemy Geo. Playter 1329 John & Hannah Barber, Townsend 36-0036 Nov. 7, 1814 enemy 1330 Wm. Wiers, Barton 36-0043 July 1814 enemy 1331 Ethan Woodruff, Woodhouse 36-0046 Nov. 7, 1814 enemy Oliver Grace, Woodhouse Grace Biggar & Co. 1332 Conrad Filman, Ancaster 36-0052 allies 1333 John Filman, Ancaster 36-0056 Feb. 6, 1815 allies Peter Filman 1334 Philip Fox, Gosfield 36-0059 Feb. 1814 enemy 1335 Christopher Arnold, Howard 36-0064 Feb. 1814 enemy Fred Arnold Sam. & John Crawford, Howard 1336 Eliz. Arnold, Howard 36-0071 enemy 1337 Joseph Ebberts, River Thames 36-0073 Dec. 1813 enemy Hugh Alexander 1338 John Serens, Baldoon, Dover 36-0080 Mar. 1814 enemy, Aug. 1813 allies 1339 Wm. Baker, River Thames 36-0086 1813-1814 allies 1340 Sam. Culbertson, River Thames 36-0088 July 1812 & Oct. 1813 enemy Oct. 1813 allies 1341 Mark Sterling, River Thames 36-0092 1812-1814 allies, 1813 enemy 1342 Antoine Carmelle, Sandwich 36-0098 1813-1815 enemy 1343 Ben Jones, River Thames 36-0101 Oct. 1813 allies & enemy Surgeon Wm. Faulkner, 41st Regt. Sept. 20-21, 1813 allies 1344 Joseph Bonhomme, River Thames/Sandwich 36-0110 Oct. 1813 allies 1345 Mylo/Miles Webster, River Thames 36-0112 Oct. 1813 enemy 1346 Eliz. Edwards, River Thames 36-0114 June 1814 allies 1347 Joseph Johnson, River Thames 36-0118 1813-1814 enemy Hinka Burns May 20 & Sept. 20, 1815 allies Henry Quant 1348 John Laird, River Thames 36-0126 Oct. 2, 1813 allies Oct. 4, 1813 enemy 1349 Wm. Bennett, River Thames 36-0130 July-Aug. 1812, Oct. 1813 allies Aug. 1814 enemy 1350 Hypolite Reaume, Sandwich 36-0136 Feb. 1814 allies 1351 Andrew Rose, Ancaster 36-0138 fall 1813 allies 1352 Wm. Van Every, West Flamborough 36-0143 1814-1815 allies 1353 Mickal Van Every, West Flamborough 36-0145 June-Oct. 1814 allies 1354 Joseph Morin/Morrain, Town of Amherstburg Joseph Desou 36-0148 1813 allies Francois Roy 1355 John Askin, Maidstone 36-0154 1814 enemy James Askin, ditto Charles Askin Marg. Moreau alias Duplice Lambert Labadie, Sandwich Louis Barthy 1356 Alexis Gotier/Gotiez, Maidstone 36-0168 1813 enemy & allies Francois Cadet, ditto Jean Baptiste Beaulieu, Sandwich Andrew & Francis Lepage, Town of Sandwich 1357 Timothy Murphy, Sandwich 36-0180 Oct. 1813 enemy, Sept. 1813 allies 1358 Sgt. James Stewart, Baldoon, Dover 36-0186 1812-1815 allies, 1812-1815 enemy 1359 Leonard Scratch, Gosfield 36-0192 1814 enemy 1360 Sgt. Jean B. Constentine, Town of Amherstburg Jean B. Leclair 36-0196 enemy 1361 Pierre Prudehomme, Sandwich 36-0200 Sept. 1813 allies 1362 Geo. Brunner, Gosfield 36-0202 July 1814 enemy 1363 Wm. G. Watson, Sandwich 36-0204 July 12-Aug. 11, 1812 enemy Charles Oilliett, ditto 1364 Wm. Donahough, River Canard 36-0212 Oct. 1813 enemy 1365 Jeremiah Tuttle, Bertie 36-0214 Sept. 25-Oct. 23, 1814 enemy Wm. Loake Sept. 1814 allies 1366 Augustus Bates, Nelson 36-0228 1813-1814 allies Asahel Davis, ditto Lieut. John Brant, Indian Dept. Lieut. James Fraser, ditto John Chisholm, East Flamborough 1367 Martin Alguine, Cornwall 36-0235 Mar. 1815 allies Jacob Eamer 1368 John Julien, River Thames 36-0240 1814 enemy 1369 John Baker, Osnabruck 36-0242 Nov. 10, 1813 enemy Joseph Bockus, ditto winter 1814 allies Wm. Campbell, ditto Mayhew Zepper, ditto 1370 Adam Brown, Thorold 36-0247 May 28, 1813 allies Abraham Brown, ditto Oct. 12, 1813 enemy 1371 Geo. Adams, Grantham 36-0253 1813 allies & enemy Wm. & Elias S. Adams Peter Campbell Barnaby Haines, Grantham/Louth 1372 John Bigger, Saltfleet 36-0262 1813-1814 allies Absalom Summers/Sommers, ditto Joseph Biggar, ditto 1373 David Bouch/Bouck, Williamsburgh 36-0270 Nov. 9-11, 1813 allies & enemy 1374 James Brown, Charlotteville 36-0275 Nov. 8, 1814 enemy 1375 Christian Bouck, Williamsburgh 36-0282 Nov. 9-11, 1813 enemy 1376 John Brown, Charlotteville 36-0291 Nov. 8, 1814 enemy James Brown, ditto James Crane, ditto 1377 John Brass, Gananoque, Leeds 36-0293 Aug. 1814 allies Ira Schofield, Bastard Wm. Jones, ditto Henry A. Delametter 1378 Abraham Canfield, Oxford 36-0317 allies, Nov. 5, 1814 enemy Esther Perry, ditto 1379 Henry Barnhart, Cornwall 36-0323 Nov. 11-13, 1813 enemy 1380 Robt. Clark, Oxford 36-0330 enemy 1381 Antoine Charon, Belle River 36-0334 Aug. 1813 allies 1382 John Chambers, West Flamborough 36-0342 1813-1814 allies James Morden, ditto 1383 John Cook, Williamsburgh 36-0347 Nov. 10-11, 1813 enemy 1384 Michael Cook Sr., Williamsburgh 36-0351 Nov. 10-11, 1813 enemy 1385 John Chrysler, Williamsburgh 36-0355 Nov. 9-11, 1813 enemy Geo. Heart, ditto Lucien Mosely, ditto 1386 Capt. David Curtis, Oxford 36-0364 1812, 1814 allies, 1814 enemy Sikes & Arial Tousley/Towsley, ditto 1387 Ben. Corwin, Stamford 36-0377 1813 allies Thos. Cummings 1388 Abraham Crow, Pelham 36-0387 fall 1813 enemy James McLaughlin John Rogers, Gainsborough 1389 Conrad Dafoe, Osnabrouck 36-0393 winter 1812 allies Godfrey Hay 1390 Wm. Bitner, Willoughby/Bertie 36-0402 1813-1814 allies, 1814 enemy 1391 Charles Dunham, Brockville 36-0415 1813 allies Philip Clement Ephraim Dunham 1392 Luke Carroll, Niagara 36-0422 allies, Oct. 1813 enemy 1393 Barnett Dell Sr., Willoughby 36-0430 July & Oct. 12, 1814 allies Martin Dell Rudolph Sniveley, Crowland 1394 Levi Douglass, Woodhouse 36-0439 Nov. 1814 enemy 1395 Jacob Dale, West Flamborough 36-0445 1813-1814 allies 1396 Geo. Weart, Williamsburgh 36-0449 Nov. 10-11, 1813 allies 1397 Michael Eamer, Cornwall 36-0457 Mar. 1814 allies John McDougall, ditto Philip Meyers, ditto 1398 Lawrence Dingman, Westminster 36-0462 fall 1814 enemy Jeremiah Schram, ditto 1399 Eliz. De Forest, Stamford/Nelson 36-0466 enemy 1400 Philip Empy, Osnabruck 36-0472 allies 1401 Isaac Fuller, Niagara 36-0477 enemy, allies Daniel & Charlotte Fuller 1402 Wm. Empy, Osnabruck 36-0484 allies 1403 James Edwards, River Thames 36-0486 June 1814 allies & enemy 1404 John Dingman, Westminster 36-0492 1813, Aug. 1812 allies 1405 Adam Empy, Osnabruck 36-0499 allies 1406 Philip Fetterly, Williamsburgh 36-0506 Nov. 9-11, 1813 enemy 1407 Jacob Everit, Willoughby 36-0513 1812-1814 allies Lewis House, ditto John Morningstar, ditto 1408 Henry Fitch, Willoughby 36-0520 Oct. 1814 allies Crowell Willson, ditto James Cummings, ditto Henry Dell Jr., ditto 1409 John Gustin, Charlotteville 36-0524 Nov. 9, 1814 enemy John Bell, ditto Matthew Tindale, ditto Israel Wood, ditto 1410 Wm. Francis, Charlotteville 36-0530 enemy Thos. Francis 1411 James Freeman, Woodhouse 36-0537 July 1, 1813 allies Daniel Freeman, ditto Nov. 8, 1814 enemy James Matthews, ditto 1412 Sweet Gardner, Dorchester 36-0543 Aug. 28, 1814 enemy Silvenis Reynolds, ditto Joseph House, ditto Peter Teeple 1413 Paul Huffman, Flamborough 36-0550 1813 allies Wm. Applegarth Daniel O’Reilly, Wagon Master 1414 Wm. & Eliz. Hamilton, Nelson 36-0553 spring 1815 allies 1415 James Hall, Brockville 36-0558 1813-1814 allies 1416 Charles Fisher, Baldoon, Dover 36-0565 July 1812, Oct. 1813, 1814 allies July 25, 1812 enemy 1417 Hannah Griffeth, Beverly 36-0571 1814-1815 allies Enos Skinner, ditto 1418 Godfrey Hay, Osnabruck 36-0575 1812, 1815 allies, 1813 enemy 1419 Ben. Hardison, Bertie 36-0585 enemy Mary Waddel, ditto 1420 James Lundy, Stamford 36-0587 1814 allies 1421 Henry Johnson, Hallowell 36-0591 July 24 & Aug. 31, 1814 allies Silas Hill James Armstrong John Johnson 1422 Geo. Lant, Williamsburgh 36-0597 Nov. 1813 allies Capt. Geo. Markle, ditto Nov. 10-11, 1813 enemy Phillip Fetterly, ditto 1423 Abel Land, Barton 36-0604 June 28, 1812 allies Geo. Hughson, ditto Joseph Birney/Burney, ditto Stephen Land, Saltfleet 1424 Isabella Hill, Town of Niagara 36-0611 Dec. 1813 enemy, allies Mjr. Geo. Hill 1425 Daniel Jones, Elizabethtown 36-0619 allies John Stuart 1426 Cornelius Legg, Williamsburgh 36-0627 Nov. 10-11, 1813 enemy 1427 Isaac Mills, West Flamborough 36-0631 Nov. 1813, July 1814 allies 1428 Hugh McCracken, Williamsburgh 36-0635 winter 1813 allies 1429 Mary & Pierre Labute, Sandwich 36-0639 Oct. 1813 allies Pierre Labadie alias Budewhaw, ditto 1430 Hosea Baker, Yarmouth 36-0645 Nov. 10, 1814 enemy Wm. Wilcox, ditto Matthew House, ditto Garret Oakes 1431 Nathaniel Clendenin, Gainsborough 36-0650 May 27, 1813 enemy, allies Daniel Clendenin, ditto Walter Clendenin Peter Carson, Grantham 1432 Wm. Wilcox, Talbot Rd.,Yarmouth 36-0660 Nov. 10, 1814 enemy Moses Rice, ditto James Stokes, ditto David Secord 1433 Peter Anderson, Stamford 36-0667 July 25, 1814 Wareham Johnson Charles Anderson 1434 Harmanus House, Clinton 36-0674 June 3, 1813 enemy John House, ditto Jan. 1, 1814 allies Marg., Harmanus Jr., & Joseph House, ditto 1435 Wm. H. Lee, Talbot Rd., Yarmouth 36-0679 Sept. 9 & Nov. 10, 1814 enemy Daniel & George Rapelje, ditto Salina Chisholm, ditto 1436 Harmonius House, Willoughby 36-0685 1813-1814 allies Wm. Betner, ditto Sept.-Oct. 1814 enemy Nicholas House, ditto 1437 Abraham Smith, Charlotteville 36-0693 July & Oct., 1814 allies Ephraim C. Mitchell, ditto Francis Legh Walsh, ditto Enoch Moore, ditto 1438 Hiram Martin, Mount Pleasant, Grand River Wm. & John Sturgis, ditto 36-0698 Nov. 6, 1814 enemy Annis Burtch, ditto 1439 Andrew Macklem, Sugarloaf, Wainfleet 36-0709-0710 Sept. 28, 1814 enemy 36-0712 36-0715-0717 ? Laurence Furry, Wainfleet 36-0711 Sept. 29, 1814 enemy Christian Zurtz, ditto 36-0713-0714 Andrew Macklem, ditto 1440 Angus McDougall, Baldoon, Dover 36-0718 1813-1815 enemy July 1813, Nov. 1814 allies 1441 Donald McDonald, Baldoon, Dover 36-0724 Aug. 1812 allies Sept. 6, 1814 enemy 1442 Enoch Moore, Charlotteville 36-0730 Nov. 8, 1814 enemy John Bell, ditto Joseph Reagh, ditto 1443 Wm. McClellan, Stamford 36-0734 July 1814 enemy 1444 John Murray, Stamford 36-0739 Oct. 13, 1814 enemy Philip & John Bender, ditto 1445 Kenneth McKenzie, Little Bear Creek/Baldoon, Dover 36-0744 1813-1815 allies 1446 Hector Manson, Cornwall 36-0748 Nov. 11-13, 1813 enemy 1447 McKenzie Morgan, Osnabruck 36-0753 Nov. 10, 1813 enemy Asahel Stevens 1448 Geo. Minor/Minard, Westminster 36-0760 1812, Oct. 1813 allies Abraham Patrick, ditto John Dingman, ditto 1449 James Newkirk, River Thames 36-0765 Oct. 1813 allies 1812, Oct. 1813, 1814 enemy 1450 David Mandeville, Yarmouth 36-0780 Nov. 10, 1814 enemy Garret Smith, ditto Jeremiah Cranmer, ditto 1451 John Mino, St. David’s, Niagara 36-0785 Dec. 19, 1813 allies Evert & Abraham Scott, Niagara July 1814 enemy 1452 Archibald McNeal, Yarmouth 36-0789 Nov. 10, 1814 enemy Geo. Lawrence, ditto Jeronimus Rapelje, ditto 1453 Wm. & Marg. Miller, Cornwall 36-0794 Nov. 13, 1813 allies John Hoople Jr., ditto Nov. 9-13, 1813 enemy Phillip J. Empey, ditto John Shannon, ditto 1454 Mjr. Wm. Allan, York 36-0810 Apr. 27, 1813 enemy 1455 Sam. Nash, Saltfleet 36-0828 June 6, 1813 allies Adam Green Daniel Lewis Augustus Jones Wm. Davis Jr. John Underhill 1456 Aaron Stringer, Stamford 36-0836 July 1814 allies 1457 Archibald McMillen, Westminster 36-0841 1812-1815 allies John Wills, ditto Sept. 14, Oct. 5, 1814 enemy Peter Hagerman, ditto Capt. John Wilson 1458 Ephraim Reynolds, Yonge 36-0854 Apr. 8, 1813, 1814 allies Sept. 1814 enemy 1459 Ebenezer Reynolds, Colchester 36-0859 July-Sept., 1812 allies 1460 Wm. Richards, Ancaster 36-0869 Nov. 1814 allies 1461 Francois Reaume, Malden 36-0873 1812, Sept. 1813 allies 1462 Silvanus Reynolds, Oxford 36-0880 Aug. 29, 1814 enemy David & Wm. Graham, ditto Sept. 20, 1813, May 10, 1815 allies Willard Sage, ditto Thomas Dowlin, ditto Sweet Gardner Andrew Draper 1463 Geo. Reed, Williamsburgh 36-0893 Nov. 9-11, 1813 allies & enemy 1464 Moses Rice, Yarmouth 36-0901 Nov. 10, 1814 enemy David Secord, ditto Wm. Rice, ditto 1465 Jacob Ross, Osnabruck 36-0906 Nov. 1813 enemy 1466 Deborah Sayles, Westminster 36-0911 1812, 1814 enemy Ezra Griffeth, ditto 1467 Wm. Rogers, Beverly 36-0917 Apr. 1814 allies Thos. & Sam. Hunt, East Flamborough John Cumings/Cummings 1468 Joseph Reagh, Charlotteville 36-0924 Nov. 8, 1814 enemy Enoch Moore, ditto John Bell, ditto 1469 Jacob Stade, Osnabruck 36-0930 allies 1470 Daniel Springer, Delaware 36-0935 1813 allies Gideon Tiffany, ditto 1813, Feb. 1 & Aug. 16, 1814 enemy Tim. Kellamn, ditto Capt. Bella Brewster Brigham, ditto Geo. Leutz/Lutz Mahlon Burwell, Southwold Francis Baby, Sandwich 1471 Lydia Smith, Thorold 36-0953 June 1813 allies Hiram & Israel Swayze, ditto 1472 Robt. Stringer, Crowland 36-0960 Oct. 18-19 & Nov. 6, 1814 allies John & Wm. Stringer, ditto 1473 Jacob Book, Ancaster 36-0967 1813-1814 allies 1474 Jeremiah Schram, Westminster 36-0973 Oct. 10, 1813 allies Thos. Pool, ditto Fall 1814 enemy Wm. Schram, ditto 1475 Joseph & Sarah Smith, Woodhouse 36-0986 Nov. 1814 enemy 1476 Jacob Miller, Ancaster 36-0991 1813-1814 allies 1477 Andrew Snyder, Williamsburgh 36-0997 Nov. 10-11, 1813 enemy 1478 Sam. Shipman, Yonge 36-1002 allies, Sept. 1814 enemy Joel Shipman, ditto Jacob & Rebecca Elliott 1479 Stephen Seaman, Yonge 36-1009 June 1813 allies Caleb Seaman James Smyth 1480 Wm. Biggar, Stamford 36-1017 Sept. 16, 1813 enemy James Biggar July 25, Oct. 1, Nov. 12, 1814 allies 1481 Joseph Southworth, Williamsburgh 36-1022 Nov. 1813 enemy 1482 Henry Shafer, Ancaster 36-1026 winter 1814 allies 1483 Wm. Tolls, Yarmouth 36-1033 Nov. 10, 1814 enemy Geo. Lawrence, ditto Archibald McNeal, ditto 1484 Mayhew Tupper/Tipper, Osnabruck 36-1037 Oct. 1813 enemy 1485 John Upper, Stamford 36-1041 1813 allies Abraham Lampman, ditto Oct. 12, 1813, July 10, 1814 enemy Jacob Upper, Thorold Eliz. & Geo. Upper, Niagara 1486 John Utter, Saltfleet 36-1050 Apr. 9, 1814 allies Henry & David Utter 1487 Henry Trickey, Yonge 36-1054 1813-1814 allies James La Rue, ditto Sam. McDonell, ditto 1488 Jean Baptiste St. Louis Volair, Sandwich Capt. Wm. Smith, 2nd Essex 36-1059 Aug. 16, 1812, Jan. 22, 1813 allies Sept. 1813 enemy 1489 Elijah Vincent, Willoughby 36-1066 1814 allies 1490 Caleb & Marther Seaman Jr., Yonge 36-1071 1813-1814 allies Stephen Seaman, ditto Joseph Buck, ditto James Smith, Elizabethtown 1491 Simeon Washburn, Hallowell 36-1085 1812 enemy James Cummings, ditto Willet Jackson, ditto 1492 John Wright, Oxford 36-1098-1099 1813 allies, Nov. 4, 1814 enemy Calvin Martin Edward Hendrick 1493 Joseph Woolley, Woodhouse 37- 0022 Nov. 8, 1814 enemy 1494 Peter Weaver, Williamsburgh 37-0025 Nov. 10-11, 1813 enemy 1495 Robt. Wilson, Stamford 37-0030 July 8, 1814 enemy Laurence Lemon, ditto 1496 John Wells, Westminster 37-0034 Oct. 7, 1814 enemy Archibald Miller, ditto Sept. 1, 1812, Apr. 2, 1814 allies Peter Hagerman, ditto 1497 Thos. Waugh, Ancaster 37-0041 fall 1814, Jan. 1815 allies 1498 James Young, Carrying Place, Ameliasburgh 37-0045 1813-1815 allies 1499 James Gordon, Niagara 37-0058 May 27, 1813 enemy 1500 John Sparrow, Thurlow 37-0062 July 4, 1812, Dec. 4, 1813 enemy Hugh C. Thomson, Kingston Charles Short, ditto 1501 Adam Fox, Colchester 37-0090 summer 1814 enemy 1502 John Galbreath, Saltfleet 37-0095 1813 allies Benjamin Johnson 1503 John Vankoughnet, Cornwall 37-0099 allies 1504 Marg. Brown, Cornwall 37-0108 1813, Sept. 1814 allies 1505 John Wilson, Thorold 37-0113 June 1814 allies 1506 Peter Woolever, Bertie 37-0115 Sept.-Oct., 1814 enemy Henry Hershey, ditto Abraham Johnson, ditto 1507 John Kelly, Niagara 37-0122 Dec. 1813 enemy Geo. Morris, Clinton 1508 Deborah/Statira Wilson, Niagara 37-0126 allies, enemy Charles Willson, ditto Harriet Doan, Crowland 1509 Henry Weishuhn, Crowland 37-0139 Oct. 1, Nov. 30 allies Nathan Caswell, Willoughby 1813-1814 enemy 1510 Cyrus Soper, Bertie 37-0146 enemy Nicholas & Silas Carter, ditto 1511 Azariah Lundy, Stamford 37-0154 July 1814 enemy Martha Cook 1512 Daniel Shirk, Bertie 37-0159 Sept. 24, 1814 enemy Michael, Joseph, & Lydia Shirk, ditto Sept. 12, 1814 allies Oct. 3 & 10, 1814 enemy 1513 Elias Smith, St. David’s 37-0170 July 12, 1814 enemy David Secord, ditto spring 1813 & 1815 allies Richard Woodruff, ditto James Sculthorp 1514 John Sutton, Stamford 37-0179 July 11, 1814 enemy Ben. Sutton Fred. Smith 1515 Eliz. Tame, Niagara 37-0187 1813 allies John Smith, ditto Thos. Harris, ditto 1516 David Secord, St. David’s, Niagara 37-0192-0199 1812, 1814-1815 allies Josiah Brown, ditto 37-0201-0206 July 20, 1814 enemy John Warren 37-0209-0216 n/a Aaron Page 37-0200 n/a Stephen Secord 37-0207-0208 allies 1517 Ben. Fairfield, Ernestown/Bath, Ernestown John George, ditto 37-0217 Nov. 10, 1812 enemy Peter Davey/Davy, ditto allies 1518 Geo. Keefer, Thorold 37-0233 May 28, 1813 allies Amassa Sheldon Capt. Wm. H. Merritt, Prov. Light Dragoons Stephen Medeough, ditto 1519 Naomi Johnson, Niagara 37-0239 enemy, allies 1520 John Dorshimer, Stamford 37-0242 1814 enemy Jans Cooper, ditto John Knox, ditto 1521 Conrad Dorshimer, Stamford 37-0248 July 1814 enemy, 1814 allies Martin & John Dorshimer, ditto 1522 Wm. Buck, Bertie 37-0259 July 13, 1814 enemy Peter Buck, ditto Jacob Hoffman, ditto 1523 Geo. & Lydia Belts, Willoughby 37-0264 1812-1814 enemy & allies 1524 Anna Cooper, Thorold 37-0272 Oct. 12, 1813 enemy 1525 Christopher Boughner/Buchner Jr., Crowland Joseph Buchner, ditto 37-0275 Oct. 1814 allies 1526 Edward Defield, Stamford 37-0279 Apr. 24-May 19, 1813, 1814 allies Stephen Brown, ditto May 27, 1813 enemy Christopher Buchner, ditto Maryann Wright 1527 Martin Beam, Willoughby 37-0293 Sept. 1814-Mar. 1815 allies Abraham Beam, ditto Sept. 1814 enemy 1528 Jacob Smith, Glanford 37-0301 Apr. 1814 allies 1529 Geo. Lacey, Thorlold 37-0303 allies Jacob Neville 1530 Abraham Montross, Grantham 37-0306 1813 enemy Wm. Wiley 1531 Lieut. Richard D. Fraser, Fort Wellington, Prescott 37-0311 Feb. 22, 1812 allies 1532 Edward Charles Scarlet, River Thames 37-0318 1812-1814 enemy, Oct. 1813 allies 1533 Robt. Thompson, Niagara 37-0322 allies Wm. Wilson Dec. 1813 & July 10, 1814 enemy Daniel Rose John Thompson 1534 Silas Emes, North Gwillimbury 37-0334 1813-1814 allies Joel Draper Lewis Fountain 1535 Charles King, West Flamborough 37-0341 1813-1814 allies 1536 Mary Shaw/Campbell, Queenston, Niagara Wm. Dunbar, Niagara 37-0346 1813 enemy, Dec. 1813 allies Ralph Graham, ditto Ben. Thompson, Stamford 1537 John Binkley, Ancaster 37-0354 1813-1814 allies 1538 John Anderson, West Flamborough 37-0358 1814 allies 1539 Luther Harnden, Haldimand 37-0363 enemy, 1814 allies Constable Wm. McDonald 1540 Ben. Ewing, Haldimand 37-0370 Jan. 24, 1815 allies Richard Hare 1541 Cornelius Bowen, Bertie 37-0378 July 6-Nov, 1814 enemy 1542 Joseph Boughner, Windham 37-0385 Nov. 8-16, 1814 enemy Alex. & Martin Boughner 1543 Wm. Cascadden/Caskaden, Malahide Alex, Caskadden, ditto 37-0395 Nov. 9, 1814 enemy Jesse Turrel, ditto 1544 Harmonius Cryderman, Cornwall 37-0401 allies 1545 Joseph & Susannah Harper, Bertie 37-0407 Sept. 1814 enemy Cornelius Bowen 1546 Simeon Davis, Malahide 37-0413 Nov. 10, 1814 enemy Andrew Davis, ditto Daniel McKenny, ditto 1547 Wm. Hatch, Charlotteville 37-0420 1814-1815 allies Silas Montross 1548 Ben. Baker, Black Creek, Bertie 37-0427 Sept.-Oct. 1814 allies & enemy 1549 Joseph & Eliz. Defields, Talbot Road, Bayham James Gibbons, Bayham 37-0435 Nov. 9, 1814 enemy Jesse Turrel, ditto 1550 Andrus Davis, Yarmouth 37-0442 Nov. 10, 1814 enemy Daniel McKenny, Malahide Wm. Teeple, ditto 1551 Joseph Davis, Malahide 37-0447 Nov. 10, 1814 enemy Daniel McKenney, ditto Andrus Davis, ditto 1552 John Leflar, Saltfleet 37-0454 Dec. 14,1813, Sept. 1814 allies Jacob Smith Windle Butt 1553 Ebenezer Guire/Guyre, Nelson 37-0459 1813-1815 allies Nicholas Kerns, ditto 1554 George Miers/Mayer, Ancaster 37-0465 Wm. Vanderlip, ditto Stephen Pembleton, ditto 1555 Abraham Marsh, Cornwall 37-0470 Nov. 1813 allies 1556 Noah Millard, Mount Pleasant, Grand River Thos. K. Yeoward 37-0476 Nov. 6, 1814 enemy Aug. 21, 1813 allies 1557 Sam. Westover, Grantham 37-0485 allies Lieut. Amos McKenny, Prov. Light Dragoons 1558 James Markle Jr., West Flamborough Christian & Geo. Muma, ditto 37-0489 allies John Castor, ditto Wm. Markle Jr., ditto 1559 Jesse Terrel/Turrel, Malahide 37-0500 Nov. 9, 1814 enemy Wm. & Alex. Caskadden, ditto 1560 Henry Ribble, Stamford 37-0503 July 11, 1814 enemy 1561 Wm. & Mary Bruce, Town of Cornwall 37-0507 allies 1562 Richard Levins/Livings, Oxford 37-0513 Nov. 5, 1814 enemy Luther Haskins, ditto 1563 Robt. C. Wilking, Carrying Place, Ameliasburgh Ben. Young 37-0520 1813-1815 allies Sam. H. Sherwood 1564 Calvin Martin, Oxford 37-0532 1813 allies, Nov. 5, 1814 enemy 1565 Lieut. Col. Joel Stone, Gananoque, Leeds Elias Teed, ditto 37-0542 Sept. 21, 1812 enemy Thos. F. Howland, ditto 1812-1814 allies David Jamieson, ditto 1566 Catharine Jackson, Town of Cornwall 37-0566 1813-1814 allies 1567 Peter Grant, Charlotteville 37-0570 1813 allies 1568 York Episcopal Church, Town of York 37-0574 1813-1814 allies 1569 David Summers, Charlotteville 37-0578 1813-1814 allies 1570 Martha Emes, Williamsburgh 37-0582 1813-1814 allies 1571 Philip Kline/Cline, Ancaster 37-0587 1813 allies 1572 Joseph Merryman/Merriman, South Crosby 37-0591 fall 1813 allies 1573 Neil McNair, Talbot Road, Southwold Mahlon Burwell, Port Talbot, Dunwich Alex. Ross, Southworld 37-0599 Sept. 9, 1814 enemy John Burwell, ditto 1574 Mary Story, Port Talbot, Dunwich 37-0611 Aug. 16, 1814 enemy Leslie Patterson, ditto Stephen Backus, ditto 1575 John Wart, Williamsburgh 37-0615 Jan. 30, 1815 allies Capt. Jacob Weegar, Dundas Militia 1576 Louis Lesperance, Sandwich 37-0621 Oct. 1813 enemy, 1813 allies 1577 Joseph Mann, Talbot Road, Yarmouth James Nevill, Yarmouth 37-0627 fall 1814 enemy John Marlatt, ditto 1578 Sam. Smith, Oxford 37-0633 allies John Smith Jr. Peter House 1579 Alex. Ross, Talbot Road, Southwold 37-0639 Oct. 12, 1813 enemy Neil McNair, Southwold Sept. 9 & Nov. 11, 1814 enemy David Wallace, ditto 1580 Thos. Henley, Port Talbot, Southwold John Parker, ditto 37-0644 Aug. 16, 1814 enemy Sam. Carson, ditto 1581 Geo. Lawrence, Yarmouth 37-0647 Nov. 11, 1814 enemy Mark Chase, ditto Archibald McNeal, ditto 1582 Matthew House, Talbot Road, Yarmouth David Secord, ditto 37-0651 Nov. 10, 1814 enemy Fred Eveland, ditto Abraham House, Yarmouth 1583 Leon Ludington, Oxford 37-0656 Oct. 1814 allies 1584 Thos. Matthews, Port Talbot, Dunwich Gilman Willson, Dunwich 37-0662 Aug.-Sept. 1814 enemy Mark Chase, ditto 1585 James Burwell, Talbot Road, Southwold Mahlon Burwell, ditto 37-0670 Aug. 16, 1814 enemy Neil McNair, ditto 1586 John Rogers, Stamford 37-0675 1813-1814 enemy Charles Anderson Oct. 10, 1813 allies 1587 Archibald Burtch, Oxford 37-0679 May 1815 allies 1588 Stephen Backus, Port Talbot, Dunwich Leslie Patterson, ditto 37-0686 Sept. 16, 1814 enemy Walter Story, ditto 1589 Richard McCurdy, Port Talbot, Dunwich Ben. Willson, ditto 37-0692 Aug. 16, 1814 enemy John Thayer, ditto 1590 John Philpot/Fillpot, Southwold 37-0698 Aug. 16 & Sept., 1814 enemy Daniel & Sam. Mcintier/McIntire, ditto 1591 Sam. & Daniel McIntire, Southwold 37-0707 Aug. 16 & Sept., 1814 enemy John Barber, ditto John Philpot, ditto 1592 Richard Phillips, Burford/Oakland 37-0713 Nov. 6, 1814 enemy, allies Alex. Westbrook 1593 Joseph Pervoost, Dunwich 37-0723 May 20 & Aug. 16, 1814 enemy Mark Chase, ditto Mahlon Burwell Sam. McIntire, Southwold 1594 Leslie Patterson, Port Talbot, Dunwich John Pearce, ditto 37-0728 1813-1814 enemy Walter Story, ditto 1595 Jesse Page, Dunwich 37-0734 Aug. 16, 1814 enemy Gilman Willson, ditto Jarvis Thayer, ditto 1596 John Pearce, Port Talbot, Dunwich 37-0740 Aug. 16, 1814 enemy Leslie Patterson, ditto Walter Storey, ditto 1597 John Marlatt, Yarmouth 37-0745 Nov. 10, 1814 enemy James Nevills, ditto 1598 John Mitchell, Talbot Road, Southwold Dorothy Mitchell, ditto 37-0751 allies, enemy David Wallace, Southwold Peter Dounin, ditto 1599 James Nevill, Yarmouth 37-0758 Nov. 10, 1814 enemy John Marlatt, ditto Wm. H. Lee, ditto 1600 Geo. Hughson, Barton 37-0765 1813-1815 allies 1601 Burford School House, Burford 37-0771 Nov. 7, 1814 enemy 1602 Wm. Brooks, Dunwich 37-0773 Aug. 16, 1814 enemy John Barber, Southwold John Burwell, ditto 1603 Cornelius Ryckman, Louth 37-0779 Oct. 9, 1813 allies Andrew Bradt, ditto Ben. Doan, ditto 1604 Gilman Wilson, Talbot Road, Dunwich Mahlon Burwell, Port Talbot, ditto 37-0784 Aug. 16, 1814 enemy Jesse Page, Dunwich 1605 Joseph Emerson, Cornwall 37-0789 July 1814 allies 1606 David McKirgan, River Thames 37-0797 May 1814 enemy Oct. 3, 1813 allies 1607 John McCarty, Nelson 37-0802 Nov. 1813 allies 1608 John Brown, Baldoon, Dover 37-0806 Oct. 1814 enemy 1609 Christopher Trickey, Lansdowne 37-0810 Sept. 15, 1814 enemy John Trickey fall 1813 allies Daniel McNeil 1610 Daniel McNeal/McNeil, Lansdowne 37-0816 1813-1814 allies John & Christopher Trickey, ditto 1611 John Stiver, St. Catherine’s, Grantham 37-0818 July 25, 1814 allies 1612 Sam. Ryckman, Barton 37-0823 Aug. 1814 allies Simon Bradt, ditto Sam. Marlatt, ditto 1613 John & Jennet Miller, Cornwall 37-0827 1813 allies, Nov. 11-13, 1813 enemy 1614 Herman Fisher, Clinton 37-0836 May 29, 1813 allies Capt. Wm. Nelles, 4th Lincoln 1615 John Strange & Co., Kingston 37-0840 Apr. 2-3, 1814 allies Daniel Purdy Nov. 6 & 14, 1814 enemy Thos. Graham Alex. McDonell, Town of Kingston Henry W. Wilkinson, ditto 1616 John & Anna Biard/Byer/Boyer/Bayer, Willoughby Ben. Shoup, ditto 37-0859 1814 allies Peter Sayler, ditto 1617 Eliz. Derenzy, York 37-0865 Dec. 1813, May 1, 1814 allies Wm. Allan, Town of York 1618 Mary & John Warren, Bertie 37-0872 1813-1814 allies Ben. Hardison, ditto Aug. 6, 1813 enemy John Warren, ditto 1619 Augustus Anger, Bertie 37-0887 1814 allies & enemy Fred. Anger, ditto Charles Hibbert John Lawr, ditto 1620 Peter Bradt, Louth 37-0895 1813 allies David & Aaron Butler Bradt, ditto 1621 Jacob Everingham, Willoughby 37-0904 July 1814 allies Henry Fitch, ditto John Lemon, ditto 1622 Wm. & Jane Martin, Clinton 37-0908 allies 1623 John Brownson, Gananoque, Leeds 37-0910 Jan. 1815 allies Ezekiel Clayeir, Elizabethtown Anan Warner, ditto Sheriff John Stuart 1624 Joseph Pouget, Malden 37-0929 Feb. 1814 enemy, 1812-1813 allies 1625 Alex. Fauxville/Fauvel dit Bigras, River Canard 37-0939 Jan. 1814 enemy 1626 Martin Middaugh Jr., East Flamborough Rachael McCraney, Trafalgar 37-0943 1812-1814 allies 1627 Nath. Griffen, Grimsby 37-0949 Aug. 17, 1814 allies Ezekiel Herrington, ditto 1628 John Misener, Crowland 37-0959 Oct. 1813 enemy Geo. Hilts, ditto Oct. 22, 1814 allies Leonard Misener Jr. 1629 John Depew Sr., Barton 37-0969 1813-1814 allies Ben. Quick, ditto 1630 Wm. & Rachael Lundy, Stamford 37-0975 1813-1814 enemy 1631 Angus McDonell, Cornwall 37-0983 allies 1632 Russell Olmsted, Ancaster 37-0986 1813-1814 allies 1633 Michael Trayler/Traxler, River Thames Hannah Traxler, ditto 37-0991 Oct. 1813 enemy & allies 1634 Ulrick Strickler, Willoughby 37-0997 Sept.-Oct. 1814 allies 1635 Edward Brady, Stoney Creek, Saltfleet 37-1000 1813-1814 allies 1636 Fred. Bouck, Willoughby 37-1005 Nov. 10-11, 1813 allies Jacob Garlaugh, ditto 1637 Geo. Chisholm Sr., West Flamborough Richard Beasley 37-1015 April 1813 allies Geo. Chisholm Jr., East Flamborough 1638 John & Elanor Burch, Stamford 37-1023 Oct. 1813, July 1814 enemy Eliz. McCann, ditto 1639 Jacob Haines, Grantham 37-1029 1814 allies John & Adam Haynes/Hains, ditto Nov. 3, 1813 enemy Daniel O’Reilly, Wagon Master David Secord 1640 John Pettit, Grimsby 37-1043 allies 1641 Fred. Arnold, River Thames 37-1046 1813 allies 1642 Laurent Bondy, Sandwich 37-1053 Sept. 1813 allies 1643 John P. Shaver, Matilda 37-1056 allies 1644 Wm. Nelles, Mount Pleasant, Grand River Andrew & Joseph Nelles, ditto 37-1058 Nov. 6, 1814 enemy 1645 John Felker, Gainsborough 37-1064 enemy 1646 Robt. Cram, Charlotteville 37-1068 Nov. 8, 1814 enemy Ben. Slater, ditto David Cram, ditto 1647 John Carroll Sr., Oxford 37-1075 March 1813 allies James, Wm., & Daniel Carroll, ditto 1648 Geo. Crane, Port Talbot, Dunwich 37-1082 Aug. 16, 1814 enemy Stephen Backus, ditto Walter Story, ditto 1649 John Carl/Carroll, Westminster 37-1095 Aug. 1814 enemy 1650 Aza Townsend, Westminster 37-1100 Nov. 2, 1814 enemy Jeremiah & Wm. Schram, ditto Oct. 19, 1813 allies John Dingman Capt. Wm. Caldwell 1651 Brown & Barden/Borden, Brockville 37-1114 allies 1652 Anselm Foster, Niagara 37-1118 1813-1814 enemy & allies David Secord, ditto Duncan Clow, ditto 1653 Joseph Badgley, Thorold 37-1124-1127 Oct. 1813 allies Caleb Swazy, ditto 1654 Israel Burch, Louth 37-1146-1156 1813-1814 allies David & Peter Bradt, ditto 1655 Antoine Soumander, Sandwich 38-0022 1812 allies 1656 Jean Baptiste Barthe, Pike’s Creek, Sandwich 38-0024 Sept. 1813 allies Oct. 12 1813 enemy 1657 John Scott, Niagara 38-0028 enemy, allies James Durham, ditto Soloman Vrooman, ditto 1658 Seth Downs, Gananoque, Leeds 38-0041 allies Wm. Turner Silas Pearson Jr. Ephraim Webster James Woods Capt. John Howard, 2nd Leeds Capt. Reuben Sherwood 1659 Pierre Lafromboise, Amherstburgh 38-0049 1814 enemy 1660 Antoine Laferte, Sandwich 38-0052 1813 allies 1661 Capt. Wm. Shaw, River Thames 38-0054 1813-1815 enemy John Martin 1812-1813, 1815 allies 1662 Peter Weaver, Grantham 38-0065 Oct. 13, 1813 enemy Baltus Weaver, Thorold Catherine Decow, ditto 1663 Andrew Butler, Niagara 38-0072 enemy John D. Servos 1663 Lieut. Col. Johnson & Susan Butler, Niagara Thos. Butler, Grantham 38-0078 1812-1813 enemy Joseph Walter Butler, Niagara 1664 Joseph Adair, Clinton 38-0089 1813 enemy John Mclean, ditto 1665 Rees Tunis, Ancaster 38-0093 1813-1815 allies Geo. Binkley, ditto 1666 Michael Showers Sr., Ancaster 38-0098 1813-1815 allies 1667 James Martin, Bertie 38-0104 1813-1814 enemy James Graham, ditto Joseph Smith, ditto 1668 John Beemer, Townsend 38-0115 allies 1669 Louis Caderette, Sandwich 38-0118 1813 enemy & allies 1670 Nicholas Lyttle, Colchester 38-0124 Sept. 14, 1814 enemy 1671 Fred. A. Goring, Niagara 38-0126 July 12, 1813, July 17, 1814 allies Hamilton & Caroline Goring, ditto June 6, 1813 enemy Caroline Lambert, ditto 1672 Joseph & Eliz. Price, Willoughby 38-0131 July & Oct. 1814 enemy Peter Colerich, ditto 1812-1815 allies Joseph Pettit, ditto 1673 Frink Powers, Grantham 38-0146 July 1813 enemy David & Michael Grass, ditto 1674 Matthias Cowell, Southwold 38-0150 Sept., Nov. 11, 1814 enemy 1675 Moses Nevill, Southwold 38-0155 Nov. 11, 1814 enemy Wm. Johnston, ditto Matthias Cowell, ditto 1676 Joseph B. Flanagan, Westminster 38-0160 July 21, 1813, May 12, 1815 allies Barnabus & Dorcas Flanagan Nov. 4, 1814 enemy 1677 Joseph L. Odell, Westminster 38-0172 Aug. 1813 allies John Odell 1678 Adolphus Bostwick, Westminster 38-0177 1813 allies Barnabus & Joseph B. Flanagan Nov. 3-4, 1814 enemy 1679 Charles Bondy, Colchester 38-0183 1813-1814 enemy, allies Alexis Laferte 1680 John Alyea, Amherstburg 38-0190 Aug. 1814 allies Cotlip Michael 1681 Charles Morrison, Baldoon, Dover 38-0195 Sept. 1814 enemy 1682 John McKenzie, River Thames 38-0197 Aug. 1812 allies 1683 Nelly/Eleanor Edwards, River Thames 38-0201 1814-1815 allies, Oct. 1814 enemy 1684 Stephen Kasler, River Thames 38-0207 Oct. 3, 1813 allies James Dove Nov., Mar. 2, 1814 enemy Lemuel Sherman 1685 Ephraim Dutcher, Thorold 38-0215 allies, Oct. 13, 1813 enemy Reuben & Henry Dutcher, ditto 1686 Haggai Skinner Sr., Stamford 38-0221 1687 Andrew & Susannah O’Keefe, Elizabethtown David Kilborne 38-0222 allies Jonathan Moore 1688 James & John Bowlby, Woodhouse 38-0245 Nov. 8, 1814 enemy Thos. Marr, ditto Charles Hannan, ditto 1689 Andrew Banghart, West Flamborough 38-0242 1814 allies 1690 David Cowan, Amherstburg 38-0258 enemy 1691 Gordon Buchanan, Colchester 38-0265 Oct. 1813 enemy 1692 John Ferris, Colchester 38-0267 Oct. 1813 enemy 1693 Lyman Thurston, Bayham 38-0269 Nov. 8, 1814 enemy Joseph Defield, ditto John Mabee, ditto 1694 Thos. Nevills, Bayham 38-0278 allies, enemy Silas & Moses Secord, Charlotteville 1695 Jacob Shirk, Humberstone 38-0285 Aug. 1814 allies Philip Wintermute, Bertie Twp. 1696 Abraham Hershey, Bertie 38-0292 1813-1814 enemy & allies 1697 Mary & John Stickle, Stamford 38-0299 1814 enemy Burroughs Dell, Crowland 1698 Wm. B. Lee, Yarmouth 38-0303 Nov. 9, 1814 enemy Wm. Toles, ditto John Lee, ditto 1699 Charles Benedict, Port Talbot, Dunwich John Pearce, ditto 38-0307 Aug. 16, 1814 enemy Walter Story, ditto 1700 Jacob Hoffman, Bertie 38-0317 Sept. 14, 1814 enemy Henry Near, ditto July 30, 1814 allies Michael Beach, ditto Geo. Huffman, ditto 1701 John Bugbee/Buckbee, Pelham 38-0325 fall 1813 allies Peter Bugbee, ditto John Smith, Louth 1702 Obadiah Dennis, Point Abino, Bertie 38-0330 May 28, 1813 allies Ezekiel Dennis Sept. 24-25, 1814 enemy 1703 Sgt. Abner Everitt, Ancaster 38-0341 1813-1815 allies Capt. Israel Dawdy, 5th Lincoln 1704 Isaac Fulker, Ancaster 38-0349 1813 allies 1705 Geo. House Sr., Willoughby 38-0352 July-Nov. 1814 allies John House 1814 enemy 1706 Vallentin Kratz, Louth 38-0360 1813-1814 allies, 1813 enemy Jacob Clouse, Clinton 1707 Ensign Robt. Kirkpatrick, Chippawa, Stamford 38-0365 Dec. 1813, June 1814 allies, enemy 1708 John Ostrander, Thorold 38-0373 June 1813 enemy John Cohoe, ditto Duncan Peterson, ditto 1709 Peter Walker, Woodhouse 38-0379 allies 1710 Edward MacMahon, Town of York 38-0381 Apr. 27, 1813 enemy, allies 1711 John Messmore, River Thames 38-0390 Oct. 1814 enemy 1712 Joseph Emerson, Cornwall 38-0394 1812-1815 allies Harmonas Cryderman Alex. Watson 1713 Robt. Biggar, Saltfleet 38-0402 Apr. 8, 1813 enemy 1714 David Hurtman/Hartman/Harkman, Town of Niagara John Harman, ditto 38-0404 Catharine Winterbottom Peter Wheeler 1715 Albert Ryckman, Barton 38-0416 1813 allies Angus McAfee, ditto Abraham Ryckman, West Flamborough 1716 Rufus Pomeroy, Townsend 38-0429 Nov. 7, 1814 enemy 1717 Ezekiel Foster, Townsend 38-0432 allies 1718 Job Loder, Ancaster 38-0435 allies 1719 John Davis, Townsend 38-0438 allies 1720 Peter Hopkins, Thorold 38-0440 1812-1814 allies, 1813 enemy Ben. Hopkins 1721 John Haynes, Grantham 38-0456 Aug. 9 & 28, 1814 allies, enemy 1722 James Dubois, Haldimand 38-0465 July-Aug., 1814 allies Thos. Barnes, ditto 1723 Jean Baptiste Deneau, Malden 38-0477 1814 enemy Jean Baptiste Leclaire, Amherstburg Gabriel Mallette, ditto 1724 Andrew Smith, Townsend 38-0485 allies 1725 John Fulmer/Fullmer, Mersea 38-0490 Oct. 1813, 1814 enemy Alex. Wilkinson, ditto John Leibeau, ditto Susan Tofflemire, ditto 1726 John Moore Sr., Grimsby 38-0503 1814 allies John House Jr. Clinton 1727 Matthew Fowler, Ancaster Missing 1728 Sam & Sarah Van Wyck, Stamford 38-0508 1814 allies, 1813 enemy Veart Van Wyck, ditto Mary Anne Wright, ditto Agnes Willson, ditto Wareham Johnson 1729 Jean Baptiste Petitviergh, Sandwich 38-0514 1813 allies 1730 Donald McArthur, Town of York 38-0516 1812-1814 enemy Joseph Forsyth & Co. Nov. 11, 1812 enemy Capt. James Richardson Sr., Cramahe 1731 Silas Montross, Charlotteville 38-0547 May 16, 1814 enemy Titus French, ditto 1732 Mary Keeler/Morris, Chippawa, Stamford John Lemon, Stamford 38-0556 July 5, 1814 allies, July 1814 enemy James Kallur, Beverly 1733 Abraham Hansbery, Clinton 38-0569 June 8, 1813 enemy 1734 John Bouman, Thorold 38-0571 1735 John Parlow, Matilda 38-0573 Nov. 7-8, 1813 enemy David Robertson 1736 Thos. Reavely, Stamford 38-0578 July 7, 1814 enemy John Hardy, ditto Jonathan Conklin, ditto 1737 Sam. Swayze, Thorold 38-0583 1813 allies Geo. Marlatt, ditto Thaddeus Davis, Belham 1738 Alex. Grant, Charlotteburgh 38-0595 Nov. 1813 allies John & Murdoch Murchison, ditto 1739 Charles & Ann Rose, Charlotteburgh 38-0599 Nov. 1813 allies Alex. McDonell, ditto John Grant, ditto David Summers 1740 John Murchison, Charlotteburgh 38-0603 winter 1813 allies Alex. Grant, ditto Murdoch Murchison, ditto 1741 John Grant, Charlotteburgh 38-0607 Nov. 1813 allies 1742 Alex. McDonell, Charlotteburgh 38-0609 Feb. 19, 1814 enemy John Grant, ditto Nov. 1813 allies Malcolm MacLauchlin, ditto 1743 Malcolm McLauchlin, Charlotteburgh Alex. McDonell, ditto 38-0615 Nov. 16-30, 1813 allies John Grant, ditto Feb. 11, 1814 enemy Wm. McLauchlin, ditto 1744 Wm. McLauchlin, Charlotteburgh 38-0621 June 1813 allies Malcolm McLauchlin, ditto Alex. McDonell, ditto 1745 Bazaleal Thrasher, Edwardsburgh 38-0625 Dec. 1813 allies Capt. Joel Adams, ditto David Froom, ditto 1746 John & Catharine Fulton, Cornwall 38-0631 Nov. 1813 enemy, allies 1747 John McDonald, Charlotteburgh 38-0637 Nov. 1814 allies Alex. & Angus McDonell, ditto John Grant, ditto 1748 Alex. McDonell, Charlotteburgh 38-0641 1813 allies John Grant, ditto 1749 Peter & Eley Davis, Williamsburgh 38-0643 Nov. 9-11, 1813 enemy, allies 1750 Alex. McNarin, Cornwall 38-0649 Feb. 1813 allies Peter Eamer Jr., ditto Daniel Alguier, ditto 1751 Geo. Lutz, Delaware 38-0659 June 1, 1815 allies Michael & Sarah Saigeon, River Thames Nov. 3, 1814 enemy Mary Webster Bradoc/Benodal Chappel Joseph Cooper 1752 Reuben Sherwood, Brockville 38-0669 winter 1813 allies James Chambers 1753 Daniel & Mary Doan, Louth 38-0677 1815 allies Isreal Doan 1754 Patrick Smyth, Town of Kingston 38-0679 1813-1815 allies 1755 Wm. Alward, Bertie Missing 1756 Charles Barron, Malden 38-0705 Sept. 1813 enemy Francois Roi, Amherstburg 1757 Henry Tashlaw, Raleigh 38-0709 1813-1814 enemy, Oct. 1813 allies 1758 Christopher Hartrough, Oxford 38-0717 1759 David Wight, Cornwall 38-0719 Nov. 11-13, 1813 enemy Joseph Anderson, ditto Albert French, ditto 1760 Hugh & Eunice Rose, Queenston, Niagara Peter Rose, Stamford 38-0730 July 11-24, 1814 enemy, 1814 allies 1761 Ben. Doan, Louth 38-0737 July 1814 allies 1762 James Pitt, Osnabruck 38-0742 Oct. 26, 1813 enemy Mayhew Tupper, ditto Francis Otto 1763 John Durham, Clinton 38-0746 1813 allies Adam & Matthias Simmerman, ditto 1764 Neil Brown, Baldoon 38-0753 Feb. 1815 enemy Laughlin McDougald, Sembra 1765 Alex. Maisonville, Amherstburgh 38-0757 1813 enemy 1766 Henry Longgoner, Cornwall Missing 1767 John Muirhead, Chippawa, Stamford James Macklem 38-0759 July 26, 1814 enemy, allies 1768 Philip C. Empey, Town of Cornwall 38-0770 1813-1815 allies John Anderson, ditto 1769 John Horst, Willoughby 38-0778 July 7, 1814 enemy John & Jacob Miller, ditto 1770 Wm. Snyder, Gainsborough 38-0785 Jan.-Mar. 1815 allies Peter Snyder, ditto 1771 Luncelot Letterman, Niagara Missing 1772 Lawrence Rulesson, Ancaster 38-0790 Nov. 1, 1814 allies John Rulisson 1773 James Dunlop, Niagara 38-0796 Dec. 1813 enemy, allies Isaac Matthews, ditto James Whitter, ditto 1774 Wm. Buck, Bertie 38-0802 allies 1775 Marlow Reily, Niagara 38-0809 1813-1814 enemy & allies 1776 James McClintick, St. David’s, Niagara Joseph Page, Niagara 38-0814 July 10-15, 1814 enemy Evert Scott, ditto 1777 David Smith, Niagara 38-0821 July 18, 1814 enemy, allies David Secord, ditto Richard Woodruff, ditto 1778 Henry Kitchen Sr., Ancaster 38-0828 Oct. 1814 allies Moses & Andrew Kitchen Jr., ditto 1779 Phebe Hernes/Hennis, Saltfleet 38-0834 1813-1814 allies Seth White, ditto John Springsted, ditto Josiah Hernes Augustus Jones, Grand River John Bradshaw, Fredericksburg 1780 John Huntsbury Sr., Louth 38-0846 June 1813 enemy 1781 Caleb Forsyth, Ancaster 38-0851 1813-1814 allies 1782 Asa Weller, Carrying Place, Ameliasburgh 38-0857 1813-1815 allies 1783 Sam. Wismore/Wismer, Clinton 38-0866 June 1813 enemy David Heafer, ditto 1784 David Miller, Mount Pleasant , Grand River Missing, see 26-0748 1785 Daniel Secord, Mount Pleasant, Grand River 38-0870 Nov. 6, 1814 enemy 1786 Augustus Devan, River Thames 38-0873 Oct. 1814 allies Wm. Lightford, Chatham 1787 David Burtch, Mount Pleasant, Grand River Wm. Sturgis, ditto 38-0877 Nov. 9, 1814 enemy Hiram Martin, ditto 1788 Andrew Pearson/Person, Barton 38-0886 June 1813 allies 1789 Cooper Pixley, Oxford 38-0890 Feb. 1815 allies 1790 Henry Damude, Thorold 38-0897 July 1813 allies John Brown, ditto John Robins, ditto Ensign John Applegarth, 2nd York 1791 Garret Stevens, Oxford 38-0905 Aug. 29, 1814 enemy 1792 David Gardiner, Saltfleet 38-0910 July 15, 1812 allies Augustus Jones, ditto Capt. Wm. Lottridge, 5th Lincoln, ditto 1793 Wm. P. Sheaffe, Southwold 38-0917 Nov. 10, 1814 enemy Daniel McCall, Charlotteville Joseph Kitchen, ditto 1794 Nicholas House, Willoughby 38-0923 enemy & allies Rachel House Nicholas House, Clinton Harmonious House, Humberstone 1795 Thos. Pool, Westminster 38-0934 July 1814 enemy, allies Jaremiah Schram, ditto John Dingman, ditto Cathrine Thompson/Pool, ditto 1796 Aaron Kilborn/Kilbourn, Delaware 38-0945 Oct. 15, 1814 enemy Fred. Shoback, ditto Sam. Hungerford, ditto 1797 John Heather, Mount Pleasant, Grand River 38-0950 Nov. 6, 1814 enemy 1798 Barnabus Flanagan, Westminster 38-0955 Aug. 28, 1814 enemy Joseph House, Oxford July 1, 1814 allies Wm. Reynolds, ditto 1799 Capt. David & Mercy Sheek, Cornwall Peter Waterbury, ditto 38-0959 Nov. 10-11, 1813 enemy Peter Eamer Jr., ditto Jeremiah French Joseph Anderson Joseph Stoneburner 1800 Daniel Mixter, Prescott 38-0974 allies Daniel Nettleton Sam. Prosses 1801 John Meek, Delaware 38-0979 Feb. 18, 1814 enemy Joseph Cooper 1802 Jean Baptiste Souliere, Sandwich 38-0986 Oct. 1813, 1814 enemy Sept. 1813 allies 1803 Antoine/Francis & Ann Campeau, Amherstburgh 38-0990 Sept. 1813 enemy 1804 Orasha Lewis, Oxford 38-0996 1813 allies, Nov. 5, 1814 enemy 1805 Wm. Robinson, Townsend 38-1003 Nov. 1814 enemy 1806 Wm. Hodgkinson, Grantham 38-1011 1813 enemy, 1814 allies James Conover, ditto 1807 Stephen Chase, Delaware 38-1018 Oct. 1813 allies 1808 Isaac Edwards, Oxford 38-1022 allies 1809 Eliz. & J.B. Laframbois, Sandwich 38-1027 Sept. 1813 allies Louis Renaud Joseph Morin 1810 Eve Hall, Oxford 38-1039 1811 Francis Foreman, Bertie 38-1041 Aug. 1813, Sept. 1814 enemy Ben. Troup, ditto Aug. 1814 allies Jacob Foreman, ditto 1812 Nicholas Serares, Beverly 38-1054 1812-1814 allies Elias Baker, ditto 1813 Emanuel Sucket, River Thames 38-1058 Sept. 1814 enemy 1814 Wm. Stofflmyer, Mersea 38-1065 enemy Thos. Bell, ditto 1815 Louis Vigneu, River Canard 38-1069 Sept. 1813 allies 1816 David Miers, Ancaster 38-1073 1814 allies Geo. Miers, ditto Stephen Pembleton, ditto 1817 Cornelius Rickman, Louth 38-1081 Nov. 9-Dec. 14 1813 allies 1818 Catherine Reynolds, River Thames 38-1083 Oct. 1813 allies 1819 Wm. Garner, Stamford 38-1085 1813 allies 1820 Stephen Emmett, Grantham 38-1087 1812-1815 allies, 1813 enemy David Emmett, ditto 1821 Gordon Chapel, Burford 38-1092 Sept.-Oct. 1813 allies 1822 Wm. Current Sr., Crowland 38-1095-1099 Oct. 1814 enemy 1823 Capt. John Johnston, St. Mary’s/Sault Ste. Marie 39-0022 July 23, 1814 enemy 1824 Ralph Johnson, Grand River 39-0041 enemy James Powers 1825 John Edward, Malden 39-0046 Sept. 1812, Aug. 1813 allies 1826 Wm. Schram, Westminster 39-0050 Mar. 10, 1814 allies Jeremiah Schram, ditto Thos. Pool, ditto 1827 Arthur Johnston, Crowland 39-0055 Oct. 21, 1814 enemy Henry Weishuhn, Stamford 1828 Mary Clark, Bertie 39-0068 Sept.-Nov. 1814 enemy John Harp, ditto James Martin, ditto 1829 Albert Degarlais, River Thames 39-0076 Oct. 1813 allies 1830 Jacob Bayar, Charlotteville 39-0080 Nov. 8, 1814 enemy Jacob & James Crane, ditto 1831 Henry Hawley, Grand River 39-0085 1813-1814 allies Ezra Hawley 1832 John Young, Oxford 39-0090 Nov. 6, 1814 enemy Luther Haskins 1833 Daniel Lick, Oxford 39-0095 allies, Nov. 5, 1814 enemy Luther Haskins John Young 1834 Sam. Caufield, Oxford 39-0102 Aug. 1813 allies Wm. Reynolds 1835 Nicholas Brink, Oxford 39-0109 Nov. 5, 1814 enemy Luther Haskins, ditto 1836 Adam Konkle, Grimsby 39-0118 July 12, 1813 allies Wm. H. Sheppard 1837 John McGill, Markham 39-0123 July 31, Aug. 1813 enemy 1838 Isaac Van Sickle, Ancaster 39-0128-0132 Sept. 1814 allies Reuben Baker, ditto 39-0135-0136 1839 Laurent Briemier, Sandwich 39-0133-0134 1812-1813 allies 39-0137 1813-1814 enemy 1840 Francois Bertran, Amherstburg 39-0141 Nov. 11, 1814 enemy 1841 Mack Chase, Port Talbot, Dunwich 39-0145 Aug. 16, Sept. 9, 1814 enemy Ben. Willson, ditto Neal McNair, ditto 1842 James Blayney, Dundas, Ancaster 39-0150 1813-1814 allies Solomon Lownsbury Geo. Rapp 1843 John Nolta/Noltey Sr., Grimsby 39-0156 1813 enemy, 1813-1814 allies 1844 Sarah Thomas/Pamerlee, Town of York Thos. Ridout 39-0167 1812-1815 allies 1845 Edward Smith, River Thames 39-0174 Oct. 1813 allies 1846 Wm. Finley, River Thames 39-0182 June 1813 allies, July 1814 enemy 1847 Absolom Burtch, Mount Pleasant, Grand River Fred. Yeoward, ditto 39-0188 Nov. 6, 1814 enemy Wm. Nelles, ditto 1848 James Brown, Bertie 39-0197 Sept. 24, 1814 allies John Baxter, ditto Joseph Smith, ditto 1849 James Dobie, Queenston, Niagara 39-0205 1812 allies 1850 Zebedee/Zebulon Shippey, River Thames 39-0213 1813 enemy 1851 Letitia & John Gage, Saltfleet 39-0219 1813 allies, enemy Wm. Gage, Barton 1852 John White, Amherstburg 39-0226 Oct. 5, 1813 enemy 1853 John Dolsen, Dover 39-0232 1813 enemy & allies James Forsyth, Raleigh 1854 Daniel & Hannah/Mary Ann Norton, Westminster Wm. Norton 39-0246 1813 allies Nathan Burtch Jr. 1855 Benajah Williams, Gainsborough 39-0258 Oct. 12 & Nov. 3, 1813 enemy Jacob Upper, Thorold 1856 Eliakin Weller, Carrying Place, Ameliasburgh Daniel Hendricks 39-0266 1813-1814 allies Ben. Young 1857 Timothy Kilbourn, Delaware 39-0274 1813-1815 allies Ben. Woodhull Nath. Fairchild 1858 Wm. Reynolds, Barton 39-0284 Oct. 1814 allies James Reynolds 1859 Abraham Patrick, Westminster 39-0291 1812-1813 allies John Dingman, ditto Geo. Menone, ditto 1860 Wm. Cook Sr., Crowland 39-0300 1813 enemy Wm. Jr. & Willis Cook, ditto 1861 Gordon Chapin, Grand River 39-0307 Oct. 1813 allies Solomon Day, ditto Matthew Whiting, ditto 1862 Henry Brown, York 39-0315 Apr. 27, 1813 enemy 1863 Edward Sr., Jr., & Susannah Jessup, Prescott Jacob Mills 39-0318 1812-1815 allies 1864 James E. Roach, Town of York 39-0389 1813 allies James Wilson 1865 Wm. Kirby, Stamford 39-0402 June 1813 allies, July 1814 enemy Ensign John Lampman, Incorp. Militia Robert Grant 1866 Rev. Christian Fred. Denkey, River Thames Moravian Mission 39-0414 Oct. 5, 1813 enemy 1867 Antoine Bruilliette, River Thames 39-0419 Aug. 1812 enemy, Oct. 1813 allies 1868 Bazile Lauzon, Sandwich 39-0423 Sept. 1814 enemy 1869 Wm. Bird, Amherstburgh 39-0427 1813 enemy 1870 Jean Baptiste Poirrier, Sandwich 39-0431 1812, Sept. 29, 1813 enemy 1871 Wm. & Angelique Leberry/Leaberry, Amherstburg 39-0436 Oct. 1813, 1814 enemy 1872 Robt. Little, River Huron 39-0446 1812-1813 allies Edward Tucker, ditto John Miller, ditto 1873 Hannah Hagle, Gosfield 39-0452 1812 enemy 1874 Theodore Malott, Mersea 39-0456 Feb. 1813 enemy 1875 Enoch Huntley, Port Talbot, Dunwich 39-0460 Aug. 1814 enemy 1876 Elijah McKenney, Niagara 39-0464 May 1813 enemy Doyle McKenney Aug. 1, 1813 allies 1877 Jacobus Sherick, Westminster 39-0470 1812 allies Thos. Talbot John Wells 1878 Ben. Woodhull, Delaware 39-0481 1813-1814 allies Joseph & Timothy Kilbourn, ditto 1879 Lemuel Yorkham, Crowland 39-0490 Oct. 17, 1814 enemy 1880 Peter Snyder, Gainsborough 39-0494 Dec. 1814-Mar. 1815 allies Wm. Snyder, ditto Nov. 1813 enemy Wm. Fralick, ditto James Martin Cawdell, Town of York 1881 Isaac Camp, Nelson 39-0502 Oct. 10, 1814 allies John Johnston Camp 1882 Eleazar Scott, Town of Oxford 39-0510-0514 Nov. 5, 1814 enemy Abigail Burdick, Oxford 1883 James Cartright, River St. Clair 39-0506-0509 enemy, allies 1884 Stephen Pembleton, Ancaster 39-0515 1814-1815 allies David & Geo. Miers, ditto 1885 Jonathan Hunter, Yonge 39-0521 Apr. 1814 enemy 1886 Susannah Sharp, Ancaster 39-0531 1813 allies Isaiah Sharp, ditto 1887 Jonas Smith, Barton 39-0539 1814 allies 1888 Thaddeus Davis, Thorold 39-0543 May 27, 1813 enemy Peter Ball, Niagara 1813-1814 allies 1889 Rachel Moore, Pelham 39-0552 allies Jeremiah Moore Elijah McKenny 1890 Robt. Colquhoun, Charlottenburgh 39-0558 1812-1814 allies 1891 Ebin Bennitt, Wolfe Island, Ernestown Charles Anderson, Town of Kingston Patrick Smyth, ditto 39-0566 Sept. 20, 1813 allies Truman Bennett 1892 Samuel Hull, Delaware 39-0575 Oct.-Nov. 1813 allies 1893 Wm. Rymal, Ancaster 39-0582 1814-1815 allies 1894 John Flaugh, Barton 39-0592 Feb. 1813 allies Jacob Long Jr., ditto 1895 Henry Hershey, Bertie 39-0602 June 1813, Sept.-Oct. 1814 enemy John Bowen, ditto 1896 Michael Vankoughnet, Cornwall 39-0610 1813-1815 allies 1897 John McCarthy Sr., Beverly 39-0613 1814 allies 1898 Gilles McBean, Cornwall 39-0615 allies 1899 Angus McDougall, Charlottenburgh 39-0621 Feb. 19, 1815 allies John MacDougall Allan MacDonald 1900 Nicholas Barnhart, Town of Cornwall 39-0628 1813-1815 allies 1901 Andrew Steinhoff, Woodhouse 39-0636 Oct. 25, 1814 enemy 1902 William Potts, Woodhouse 39-0642 Nov. 7, 1814 enemy Andrew Steinhoff, ditto John Davis, Windham 1903 Daniel Pruyne, Beverly 39-0647 Nov. 1813 allies 1904 Wm. Binkley, Ancaster 39-0653 1813-1815 allies 1905 Geo. Binkley, Burlington 39-0659 1813-1815 allies 1906 Dr. John & Abigail Moseley, Williamsburg 39-0663 Nov. 10-25, 1813 allies 1907 Capt. Robt. Wilkins, Bay of Quinte 39-0670 allies Sarah Bontar Isaac Hendricks, Carrying Place Isaac Johnson, Murray 1908 Jonathan Miller, Delaware 39-0689 enemy Geo Ward, ditto 1909 Sylvanus Reynolds, Westminster 39-0706 July 1812, 1813 enemy Alexis Trudell, Raleigh James Chamberlain, Dover Augustine Lagrave 1910 James Dobie, Queenston, Niagara 39-0720 1813-1814 allies Wm. Dunbar, ditto 1911 Cornelius Acker, St. David’s, Niagara 39-0723 enemy, allies 1912 Abraham Bowman, Stamford 39-0728 allies 1913 James Blan, Mersea 39-0732 1813 enemy Joseph Burk James Girty, Gosfield 1914 Joseph Bellor, Osnabruck 39-0738 enemy 1915 John Bray, Windham 39-0740 Nov. 8, 1814 enemy 1916 Isaac Bradt, Nelson 39-0746 1813 enemy David & Tice Bradt, Grantham 1917 Francois Beneteau, Sandwich 39-0748 allies 1918 Peter Baker, Williamsburg 39-0755 winter 1813 allies 1919 Missing 1920 Capt. Henry Buchner, Crowland 39-0759 1812-1814 allies Daniel Buchner Oct. 18, 1814 enemy 1921 Angus Cameron, Charlottenburgh 39-0763 1815 allies Wm. Ferguson, ditto 1922 Lieut. John Cameron, Charlottenburgh Richard Grant, ditto 39-0767 1812-1815 allies Alex. Dougharty, ditto 1923 Stephen Cromwell, Elizabethtown 39-0773 Jan. & Nov. 1813 allies 1924 William Carter, Bertie 39-0779 1813 enemy Catherine Steffens, ditto 1925 Philip Cline, Osnabruck 39-0785 enemy 1926 Nathaniel Chapman, Bertie 39-0790 1812-1813 allies, 1813 enemy 1927 Joseph Cooper, Delaware 39-0797 1814 enemy 1928 David Davis, Willoughby 39-0808 fall 1814 allies Henry Fitch, ditto Jacob Everingham, ditto 1929 Baptiste Dayantile, Malden 39-0814 1813-1814 enemy Marg. Martin, ditto Joseph Tovelle, ditto Alex. Tovelle, Sandwich 1930 Martin Dell, Willoughby 39-0826 July 1814 allies Christopher Buchner, ditto 1931 Wm. Disher, Pelham 39-0834 June 23, 1813 allies, 1814 enemy Ensign John Applegarth, 2nd York 1932 James Derrickson, Windham 39-0842 Nov. 1814 enemy Mary Matthews, ditto John Pettit, ditto 1933 John Doan, Yarmouth 39-0848 Sept. 12, 1813 allies 1934 Joseph Desault, Amherstburgh 39-0851 1812-1813 allies, 1813 enemy Joseph Morain, ditto Ignace Cochois, Sandwich 1935 James Edsall Jr., Bertie 39-0854 enemy 1936 Wm. Tish, Bertie 39-0857 Aug. 1813 enemy Cornlius Plato, ditto Henry Putman, ditto 1937 Ralph Falkener Sr., Lancaster 39-0860 May 1813 allies 1938 Wm. Forester, Yonge 39-0864 Sept. 1813 enemy James Brooker, ditto Capt. Randy McDanniel, ditto 1939 Isaac Fulkerson, Ancaster 39-0870 allies 1940 Nathan Griffith, London 39-0872 1814 enemy David Doty 1941 Samuel Heck, Augusta 39-0877 1812-1813 allies 1942 David Hutchinson, Yonge 39-0887 Aug. 1813 allies, Sept. 1813 enemy Wm. Forester, ditto Capt. Randy McDanniel, ditto Amos Stores, ditto Prentess Pettorn 1943 Sam. Hungerford, Delaware 39-0901 1814 allies, enemy 1944 Thos. F. Howland, Gananoque, Leeds 39-0909 1813 allies 1945 John James Harris, Bertie 39-0913 1813 1946 Daniel How, Gananoque, Leeds 39-0916 1813, June 14, 1814 allies 1947 James Hunter Sr., Barton 39-0921 1814 1948 Hyppolite Janis Sr., Sandwich 39-0924 allies, enemy Francois Janis/Janisse, ditto 1949 Wm. Jones, near Dundas 39-0929 1813-1815 allies Capt. Sam. Ryckman, 2nd York 1950 Philip Kribs, Barton 39-0945 allies John Kribs, ditto 1951 Lieut. John Lawrence Jr., Edwardsburgh 39-0948 Nov. 11, 1813 1952 Isaac Leech, Town of Niagara 39-0953 1813-1814 enemy Betsy Day, Stamford Mary Ann Weight, ditto 1953 John P. Loucks, Williamsburgh 39-0957 Nov. 10-11, 1813 enemy 1954 George Lacey 39-0962 1955 Jacob Long Jr., Barton 39-0964 1813-1814 allies John Haugh, ditto 1956 Thos. McClane, Gosfield 39-0971 1813 enemy Catharine Vigenon Thos. Shay 1957 Donald & Flora Macauley, Cornwall 39-0974 allies Neil McLennan, ditto 1958 Alex MacDonell, Cornwall 39-0977 allies 1959 Allan McDonell, Kenyor 39-0988 allies 1960 Farquhar McDonald, Williamsburg 39-0991 Nov. 10-13, 1813 enemy 1961 Hugh Macdonald, Cornwall 39-0994 allies 1962 James McDonell, Lancaster 39-0998 allies Louis Dennison Bomet Roseau 1963 John McDougal, Lancaster 39-1004 fall 1813 allies 1964 Neal McMullen, Leeds 39-1008 1813-1815 allies Lieut. Col. Joel Stone, 2nd Leeds 1965 Eurany & John McNeil, Leeds 39-1013 Sept. 21, 1812 allies Lieut. Col. Joel Stone, 2nd Leeds 1966 Capt. John McDonell, Cornwall 39-1018 Nov. 11, 1813 allies 1967 Donald McPherson, Charlottenburgh Hugh McDonald, ditto 39-1027 1813 allies 1968 Enoch Mallory, Yonge 39-1030 allies 1969 Jeremiah Mallory, Yonge 39-1032 1813-1815 allies Wm. Andrews, ditto Daniel Mallory, ditto 1970 Francois Mantete, Sandwich 39-1038 allies, enemy Ben. Mantete, ditto 1971 John Mucklehone, Stamford 39-1041 1812 allies Qtr. Mstr. Gilbert McMicking 1972 Peter Boughner/Buchner, Crowland 39-1045 allies Philip Buchner 1973 John Weatherhead, Augusta 39-1053 Sept. 11, 1812 enemy Richard Arnolds, ditto 1974 James Matthews, Woodhouse 39-1070 Nov. 8, 1814 enemy Daniel Freeman, ditto fall 1812 allies John Bowlby, ditto 1975 Charles Lozon, Sandwich 39-1082 1813 enemy 1976 Stephen Peer, Stamford 39-1084-1087 June 16, 1813 allies Lydia Peer/Barker, ditto 1977 Joshua Pell, Stamford 40-0023 1812-1815 allies, enemy 1978 Thos. Flinn, Westminster 40-0040 1813 allies 1979 Peter Myers, Charlottenburgh 40-0049 enemy 1980 Missing 1981 Timothy Shay, Colchester 40-0053 spring 1813 enemy 1982 Joel Shipman, Yonge 40-0056 Jan.-Apr. 1814 allies John Purvis 1983 Fred. Smith, Chippawa, Stamford 40-0058 July 11, 1814 enemy John Sutton 1984 Henry Zavitz, Bertie 40-0064 Dec. 1813 allies 1985 Geo. Weasel, Williamsburg 40-0068 1813 enemy, 1813-1814 allies 1986 Wm. Ward, Mosa 40-0071 1813 allies 1987 Anthony Ward, River Thames 40-0074 Oct. 6, 1813 enemy 1988 Toussaint Parent, Sandwich 40-0078 allies, enemy 1989 Harvey Norton, Westminster 40-0080 allies 1990 Jacob Morningstar, Willoughby 40-0086 Aug. & Oct. 1814 allies Joseph Morningstar Sept. & Oct. 1814 enemy Lena & Wm. Atkinson, Bertie 1991 Nicholas Mickle, Humberstone 40-0102 1814 allies 1992 Louis Normandin, Sandwich 40-0107 Aug. 20, 1814 enemy 1993 James Parker, Edwardsburgh 40-0113 allies 1994 Andrew Perrin, Augusta 40-0120 allies Timothy Hodges, ditto 1995 Peter Purvis, Yonge 40-0124 Oct. 23, 1813, May 24, 1814 enemy 1996 Charles Oulette, Sandwich 40-0130 enemy 1997 Joseph Oulette Jr., Sandwich 40-0132 Apr. 1813 Thos. Martin 1998 Henry Near, Humberstone 40-0138 1814 allies 1999 Ruben Mott, Elizabethtown 40-0147-0151 1813 allies Andrew Birdsell, ditto 40-0155 2000 Geo. Ryerson, Charlotteville 40-0152-0154 1813 allies 40-0156 2001 Henry Silmser, Cornwall 40-0162 winter 1814 allies Ben. Eastman, ditto 2002 Prentice P. Stoors, Elizabethtown 40-0165 Apr. 1814 enemy Joel Shipman, Yonge 2003 Jesse Thomas, Grantham 40-0171 Nov. 27, 1813 enemy James Smith, Louth Geo. Thomas 2004 John & Charlotte Wright, West Flamborough Abner Wright, ditto 40-0177 2005 Wm. Morgan Jr., Osnabruck 40-0185 Nov. 9, 1814 allies Finlay Malcolm Jr. Angus McAfee, Burlington Beach, Nelson 2006 John Willson, Crowland 40-0190 July 1814 allies Peter Doan, ditto Isaac J. Vanalstine, Thorold 2007 Isabella Dougharty, Charlottenburgh 40-0199 fall 1813 allies Alex. & John Dougharty, ditto 2008 Geo. Leclerc/Laclare, St. Regis, Lieut. Isaac Laclare, ditto 40-0204 allies 2009 Marg. McDonell, Dover 40-0209 July 1812, Sept. 1814 enemy Isabell Peck, ditto Aug. 12, 1812, Sept. 18, 1813 allies Antoine Broulliette, Tilsbury 2010 Amos Merrit, Grimsby 40-0217 allies Thos. & John Merrit, ditto 2011 Daniel McDoughall, Charlottenburgh 40-0226 allies 2012 Angus McDonell, Cornwall 40-0230 May 1814 allies, Apr. 1813 enemy Harmenus Cryderman, ditto Donald McDonell, ditto 2013 Angus McLachlin, Charlottenburgh 40-0236 1812 allies Qtr. Mstr. John McKenzie, Glengarry Militia 2014 Isabella McGosh, Cornwall 40-0239 allies 2015 Marg. Cameron, Rosborough 40-0243 allies Ronald McDonell, Cornwall Thos. McLeod, ditto 2016 Peter Carter, Cornwall 40-0248 allies 2017 Nancy & Donald McDonell, Cornwall John Dixson Jr., ditto 40-0250 Feb. 1814 allies Angus McGillis, ditto 2018 Donald McDonell, Cornwall 40-0254 allies Donald MacMillen, ditto 2019 Alex. McDonell, Cornwall 40-0256 allies James Scott, ditto 2020 Duncan McMillan, Lochiel 40-0260 Feb.-Mar. 1815 allies John McMillan, ditto 2021 Allen Cameron Sr., Lochiel 40-0265 1815 allies Capt. Donald McMillan, Lancaster 2022 John McDonell, Charlottenburgh 40-0278 allies Allan McDonell, ditto Alex. McDonell, ditto 2023 Archibald McDonell, Cornwall 40-0281 1814 allies 2024 Eve McCuaig, Lancaster 40-0285 winter 1814 allies John McNeil, ditto 2025 John Roy McDonell, Charlottenburgh Donald Roy McDonell, ditto 40-0289 allies 2026 Daniel Edson, Glengarry 40-0291 Feb. 8, 1814 allies Robt. Glassford, ditto 2027 Donald McMillan, Cornwall 40-0293 allies 2028 Marg. & Donald, McDougall, Glengarry Daniel McDougall 40-0295 allies 2029 Wm. McGillis, Lancaster 40-0297 allies Angus McDougall, ditto 2030 Angus McDougal, Lancaster 40-0299 allies 2031 Geo. Stewart, Barton 40-0301 1813-1814 allies 2032 Benjamin Slater, Charlotteville 40-0310 Nov. 9, 1814 enemy, 1814 allies 2033 Andrew Wilson, Charlotteville 40-0317 June 1814 allies Jacob & James Crane, ditto 2034 John Trull, Darlington 40-0322 allies Wm. Smith 2035 Ashley Cooper, Thorold 40-0335 Nov. 1813 enemy 2036 Michael & Mary Depotty, Lancaster 40-0340 2037 Geo. Stargill/Stangette, River Thames 40-0349 1813 allies 2038 John Cummins, West Flamborough 40-0354 May-June 1814 allies 2039 Thos. Hunt, East Flamborough 40-0356 Oct. 1813 allies Sam. Hunt, ditto Wm. Rogers, ditto 2040 Sam. Hunt 40-0359 Jan. 1814, Feb. 1815 allies 2041 Gilbert Harris, Oxford 40-0361 Oct. 5, 1813 enemy James Westbrook, Westminster Capt. Ichabod Hall, Oxford Militia 2042 Elisha Harris, Oxford 40-0369 Oct. 31, 1813 allies James P. & John Harris Sam. Lewis 2043 Charles Pettys, Delaware 40-0373 2044 Surgeon Wm. Holmes, Town of Niagara 40-0382 Dec. 10, 1813 enemy 2045 Private Hugh Ferguson, Prov. Dragoons Peter Laur 40-0396 June 1813 allies Capt. Wm. H. Merritt 2046 James McFarland, Niagara 40-0403 allies 2047 Jacob Choate, Oxford 40-0420 Nov. 5, 1814 enemy 2048 Wm. Powers, Gratham 40-0425 May 27, 1813 enemy 2049 Wm. Shufelt, Dundas Mills, Ancaster Peter Shufelt 40-0434 1814 allies 2050 Charles Ryan, Queenston, Niagara 40-0440 1813 enemy, allies 2051 David Breakenridge, Augusta 40-0445 Feb. 17, 1813 enemy David D. Jones Gideon Van Arnam 2052 Henry Orte, Clinton 40-0451 summer 1813 allies Conrad Miller, ditto 2053 Eleanor Palmer, Fort Erie, Bertie 40-0456 2054 John Pierce, Williamsburgh 40-0461 1814 allies 2055 Sgt. Robt. Hindman, Grantham 40-0470-0479 May 27, 1813 enemy Richard Moon, Niagara July 12, 1813 allies Geo. Fields, ditto

Volumes 3760 Schedule of Payments (index to vouchers) t-1140 pg. 480-534 Vouchers for payments t-1140 pg. 535 to t-1143 3764-3765 Duplicates of 3760-3763 and 3768 t-1143

3766-3767 Alphabetical certificates t-1143 pg. 689-1349 t-1144 pg. 22-431

Name, Location Microfilm t-1143, Page

Lieut. Brockway Ames, London Dist 43-0691 Oct. 15, 1814 allies John Backhouse, Walsingham 43-0694 1814-1815 allies Richard W. Dease, ditto Sam. Cooper, Woodhouse Geo. Bains, Amherstburg 43-0697 Reuben Baker, Ancaster 43-0699 1814 allies Isaac Van Sickle, ditto Richard Baxter, Elizabethtown 43-0701 Feb. 27, 1814 allies Jacob Beam, Clinton 43-0707 May 27, 1813 allies & enemy Mathias Boughner June 5, 1813 allies Francois Beaugrand, River Thames 43-0715 Oct. 1813 allies Francis Beaupre, Charlotteville 43-0717 Jacob Bechtel Jr., Haldimand Co. 43-0719 1812 allies James Ackerman, Adolphustown 43-0722 Mar. 10, 1814 allies Reuben Bedell Phillip & Jacob Benner, Bertie 43-0724 Josiah Bennitt, Barton 43-0725 Oct. 1813-Feb. 1814 allies Geo. Stewart Jr. Charles Depue John Mulholand John Beverley, Ancaster 43-0728 allies Robt. Biggar, Grand River 43-0731 Conrad & Jacob Book, Ancaster 43-0733 John Bostwick , Yarmouth 43-0735 Peter Bautenhymer, Ancaster 43-0737 1814 allies David Crome, Burford 43-0740 Sam. Boyd, Stamford 43-0742 Nath. Bradley, Haldimand 43-0743 Feb. 20, 1814 allies Daniel Massey, ditto Moses & B. Bruster Brigham, Delaware 43-0745 Robt. Nichol, Brock’s Monument 43-0747 Rev. John D. Broeffel, Williamsburgh 43-0749 Nov. 1814 allies Adj. Daniel Myers Ephraim Brown, Barton 43-0751 Oct. 1814 allies Jacob Browne, Osnaburgh 43-0753 Neil Brown, Baldoon, Dover 43-0755 Joseph Brownell Sr. 43-0756 Apr. 10, 1813 allies Joseph Brownall Jr., Cornwall 43-0758 1814 allies Stephen Brownell, ditto Sam. Watheneter, ditto Joseph Bockus, Osnaburg John Brownson, Leeds 43-0764 John Buckler, Pelham 43-0766 John Burch, Stamford 43-0768 James Bunting, Chinguacousy 43-0770 Isaac Burdick, Zorra 43-0772 Sam. Burdick, Louth 43-0774 July 22, 1814 allies David Burger, Bertie 43-0776 1813-1814 allies David Burkholder, Barton 43-0778 John Burnet, Kingston 43-0780 allies Charles Everitt, ditto Matthew Howe, ditto John Burnham 43-0783 Feb. 1814 allies Henry Thompson, Hamilton John Burwell, Southwold 43-0788 James Ackermen 43-0789 allies Ben. Grant 43-0791 allies Capt. B. Caldwell Gershem Carpenter, Saltfleet 43-0797 Christopher Case, West Flamborough 43-0798 Apr. 15 1814 allies Jacob Cochenour Christian Muma Bradder Chappel, Delaware 43-0800 Oct. 1813, Feb. 1814 allies Geo. D. Brigham, ditto June 1, 1815 allies Fred. Stroback, ditto Capt. Wm. Caldwell James Choat, Oxford 43-0805 Oct. 1813 allies John Chesley 43-0807 1813-1814, Mar. 1814 allies Geo. & Sarah Clark, Clinton 43-0811 John Clark, Pelham 43-0813 Dec. 1813 allies Col. Claus 43-0815 Marg. Clement, St. David’s, Niagara 43-0817 1813-1814 allies David Secord, Niagara July 17, 1814 enemy Richard Woodruff, ditto Sam. Clement, Niagara 43-0829 allies Ralph Clench, Niagara 43-0831 Stephen Collins, Town of Cornwall 43-0832 allies Jean B. Compeau, Sandwich 43-0835 Ben. Parent, Sandwich 43-0835 Sam. Cone, Wolfe Island 43-0837 allies Isaac J. Barrett, ditto Alva Bennett, ditto Stanous Daniell, Toronto 43-0840 allies Joseph R. Cooper, Delaware Isaac Corman, Saltfleet 43-0843 Wm. Cotton, Willoughby 43-0844 allies Mary Coucher, Cornwall 43-0846 allies James Covenhoven, Grantham 43-0848 Reuben Crandell, Burford 43-0850 Nov. 1814 allies Jesse Westbrook Abraham Bemer John Baker Jacob Crane, Charlotteville 43-0856 James Crane, Charlotteville 43-0858 James Crawford 43-0860 enemy John Shaw James Crawford, River Thames 43-0862 Aug. 16, 1812 allies July 9, 1814 enemy Daniel Crosthwaite, Barton 43-0866 Allan Curtis, Brockville 43-0867 allies Daniel Curtis, Trafalgar 43-0869 Apr. & Oct. 1814 allies Israel Dawdy, Ancaster 43-0871 Albert Day, Elizabethtown 43-0873 Dec. 1813 allies Nathaniel Randel, ditto Eldad Johns John Debau, St. David’s 43-0880 1812 allies John Debois, Haldimand 43-0883 John DeCou, Thorold 43-0885 Joseph Degeus , Warwick 43-0886 Geo. Sicklesteel, Chatham Henry Dell, Willoughby 43-0888 Feb. & Oct. 1814 allies Sam Dell, Willoughby 43-0890 Feb. 1814 allies Michael Degier, Barton 43-0892 June 1814, Apr. 1815 allies John Kribbs Ben. & Israel Doan, Louth 43-0894 Joseph & Mary Doan, Louth 43-0896 allies Richard Moon Titus Doan, Crowland 43-0898 allies Daniel & Betsy Dodge, Oxford 43-0900 John Dolson, Dover 43-0901 Lemuel Shermain, Camden Joseph Donner, Bertie 43-0903 Oct. 1814 allies John Dougherty 43-0905 Jan. 19, 1814 allies Richard D. Drake, Southwold 43-0907 Bernard Dubeau, Town of Kingston 43-0909 allies Andrew Stark, ditto John Austin, ditto Mud Eater (Native), Malden 43-0912 fall 1813 enemy Charles Dunham, Brockville 43-0916 Charles & Maris Jean Durocher, Sandwich 43-0918 Peter Eamer Jr., Cornwall 43-0921 Feb. 1814 allies Philip Eamer, Cornwall 43-0924 Feb. 1813 allies John Eaton, Saltfleet 43-0927 James Elliott 43-0929 Jacob Elliott 43-0931 Mar. 1814 allies Geo. Elliott David Hutcheson Jr., Yonge Nath. Emerson, Cornwall 43-0935 1813-1815 allies Bernard Emery, East Flamborough 43-0939 1813-1815 allies Andrew Banghart Jonathan Fairfield, Marysburgh 43-0941 Aug. 24, 1814 enemy John Farmer, Ham… 43-0943 enemy John Farming, Willoughby 43-0947 allies John Farmer, Hamilton 43-0949 Oct. 1, 1814 enemy Elias Jones Joseph Ferris, Kingston 43-0958 1812-1814 allies Gilbert Purdy, ditto Peter Wartman, ditto Harman Fisher, Clinton 43-0962 Nath. Fowler 43-0963 Thos. & Wm. Francis, Charlotteville 43-0965 Martin Fultz 43-0967 June 12, 1813 allies John Smith, Barton Moses Fritz, Louth 43-0969 May 28, 1813, July, 1814 allies Joseph Overholt, ditto Ben. Fuller, Southwold 43-0971 Martin Fultz 43-0973 Stoney Creek Church, Saltfleet 43-0974 James Gage, ditto Augustus Jones, ditto Thos. & Jane Gardner, Niagara Dist. 43-0976 Sam. Garnsay, Southwold 43-0979 Hugh Graham, Dumfries 43-0980 Alex. Grant, Charlottenburg 43-0981 John Grant, Charlottenburg 43-0985 Geo. & Mary Grass, Grantham 43-0986 allies, enemy Robt. Gray, Etobicoke 43-0988 1813-1814 allies Wm. Price, ditto Wm. Houtton, ditto John Green, Raleigh 43-0991 Aaron Gregory, Ancaster 43-0993 1813-1814 allies Wheeler Green, Ancaster 43-0995 Oct. 1814 allies Henry Sr. & Wm. Kitchen, ditto Eliz. Gustin, Charlotteville 43-0997 Hager, Thorold 43-0999 allies David & Harriett Hainer, Grantham 43-1001 1813 allies Christopher Harlsough, Oxford 43-1003 Geo. Haley, Augusta 43-1006 1813 allies Thos. Day Geo. Hamilton, Town of Hamilton 43-1008 John Hansel, Thorold 43-1009 May 7-10, 1813 allies Jacob Hansel, Thorold 43-1012 June 24, 1813 allies Catharine Harkman, Town of Niagara 43-1014 allies, enemy Mary Hartney, York Town 43-1017 David Hartshorn, Scarborough 43-1019 1814 allies Nath. Hastings, York 43-1023 Aug. 8 & 27, 1813 allies David Hager Sr., Clinton 43-1025 allies Andrew Hawkin 43-1028 John Heather, Beverly 43-1033 Sam. Hedgers, Nelson 43-1034 1813-1813 allies John Severeign, ditto Wm. Henderson, Charlotteville 43-1036 Andrew Heron, Town of Niagara 43-1038 Phebe Henes, Saltfleet 43-1040 Walter Henry, Dunwich 43-1042 James Hinton, Trafalgar 43-1044 Hillier 43-1046 Peter Hogadone, Charlotteville 43-1053 June 2, 1814 allies Thos. Linch, ditto John Caldwell, ditto James Holden 43-1057 1813 allies David Hotrum, Glanford 43-1059 Augustus House, Stamford 43-1061 Apr. 23 & May 6, 1814 allies Wm. Howard, Yarmouth 43-1063 allies John Howell, Ancaster 43-1066 Nov. 1814 allies Isaac Pearson, ditto Doan Griffin, ditto Sarah Hudson, Charlotteville 43-1068 1813 allies Charles Anderson, Grimsby Capt. Ichabod Hall, Oxford 43-1070 Aug. 27, 1814 enemy Edward Hunt, Stamford 43-1074 1812, 1814, 1815 allies Enoch Huntly, Oxford 43-1076 John Huntsbury, Louth 43-1077 Sarah Ingersoll, Oxford 43-1079 Elias Jane, River Thames 43-1080 Oct. & Dec. 1813, Feb. 1814 allies Peer Van Cortland Secord, Niagara 43-1084 Andrew Johnson 43-1086 May-July 1814 allies Aaron Carnahan Gilbert Orser Ebenezer Jones, Saltfleet 43-1090 Jane Jones, Town of Niagara 43-1098 Stephen Jones, Saltfleet 43-1100 Robt. & Mary Jupiter 43-1101 Wm. Kelly Jr., Sydney 43-1103 Sept. 24, 1814 allies Francis Hogle Clarke Potter Christian Koucher 43-1105 allies John Kribbs, Barton 43-1107 Nov. 1814, Mar. 1815 allies Abraham Lake 43-1110 Nov. 1813 allies Daniel Mexter, Augusta Thos. McCrea John Lambert, Niagara 43-1115 1814 allies Solomon Lane, Buford 43-1117 allies Ben Baily, Blenheim Earl Martin, ditto Robt. Land, Barton 43-1120 1813-1815 allies Augustine Languetenes, River Thames 43-1124 Peter & Mary Lee, Queenston, Niagara 43-1126 Wm. H. Lee, Southwold 43-1127 Cornelius Legg, Williamsburgh 43-1133 Sam. Linscott, Cramahe 43-1135 Feb. 1815 allies Ithamer Lincscott Charles Lord, 43-1142 Nov. 1813 allies Edward Hartley, ditto David Summers, Charlottenburg Herman Lorraway, Grantham 43-1150 Aug. 15, 1812 allies Wm. Lottridge , Saltfleet 43-1153 enemy Capt. Wm. Applegarth, 2nd York Solomon Lownsberry, Ancaster 43-1157 Nov. 14, 1813, Dec. 1814 allies David Harris, ditto Oliver Gahagan, ditto Francois Lozon, Sandwich 43-1159 1813 allies Levi Lendington, Oxford 43-1161 B.G. Lummos, Oxford 43-1163 allies Jabez Lynde, Whitby 43-1165 Apr. 1813 allies Hawkins Lynde, ditto Peter McCollam, Niagara 43-1168 allies John McCarthy, Beverly 43-1170 James McClintock, Pelham 43-1171 John McCoomb, Grantham 43-1173 Oct. 1814 allies Eliz. McDonald, Sandwich 43-1175 Alex. McDonell, Charlottenburg 43-1177 John Robt. McDougall, Sandwich 43-1181 John McGrath, Cramahe 43-1184 Sept. 1, 1814 enemy John McGregor, Barton 43-1189 1813-1814 allies Daniel McIntosh, Town of Johnstown 43-1191 Aug. 30, 1815 allies Sgt. Angus McIntyre, Bertie 43-1193 allies John Hersey Daniel McIntyre, Southwold 43-1195 Elijah McKenny, Malahide 43-1201 Malcolm McLaughlin, Charlottenburg 43-1203 Wm. McLaughlin, Charlottenburg 43-1205 John McLaughlin, Trafalgar 43-1207 May, July, Oct. 1814 allies Henry & Josiah Bartley, ditto Caty McLellan, Willoughby 43-1209 allies James McNabb, Thurlow 43-1211 1813-1814 allies John Taylor, Hope Thos. Harris, ditto Neil McNair, Southwold 43-1218 Finlay Malcolm Jr., Oakland 43-1220 John Mallery 43-1222 allies Joshua Baker Lemuel Mallory, Yonge 43-1225 1813-1814 allies James Cowell Nathan Baxter David Mandeville, Southwold 43-1229 Wm. Mandigo (Coloured), Louth 43-1230 1812 allies, 1813 enemy Jacob Markle, Toronto 43-1232 Wm. Markle, West Flamborough 43-1233 Daniel Martin, Town of Niagara 43-1235 Richard Martin 43-1236 allies Thos. Matheus, Dunwich 43-1238 John & Dorothy May, Grantham 43-1239 May 27, 1813 allies John Maybee, Bayham 43-1241 Nov. 8, 1814 enemy Lyman Thirston, ditto Joseph Defield, ditto Louis & Archange Meloche, Petite Cote 43-1245 Robt. & Rose Mendham, Cornwall 43-1247 allies Wm. Merrill, Yarmouth 43-1252 John Metler/Metlar, Crowland 43-1254 Sept. 1813 allies Adj. David Thompson, 2nd Lincoln Lieut. Col. Thos. Clark, ditto David Miller, Mount Pleasant , Grand River 43-1257 Nov. 6, 1814 enemy Wm. Miller, Grantham 43-1261 July 1814 allies Alex. Douglas, Stamford 43-1265 Nov. 28, 1814 enemy & allies Isaac Mills, West Flamborough 43-1266 John Mino, St. David’s, Niagara 43-1267 Louise Mordor 43-1268 1813 Abraham Montross, Grantham 43-1269 Silas Montross, Charlotteville 43-1271 Nov. 18, 1814-June 18, 1815 allies Robt. Monro, ditto May 16, 1814 enemy John Kern, ditto Wm. & James Morden 43-1282 Jacob Morningstar, Willoughby 43-1284 Ulrick Strickler, ditto John G. Mayer, Ancaster 43-1286 Nov. 1814, May 1815 allies John Muirhead, Stamford 43-1289 John Mulholland, Barton 43-1291 Nov. 1814 allies Agnus Lottridge, ditto Ephraim Munson, Grand River 43-1293 Jan. 1813-Nov. 1814 allies Murdoch Murchison 43-1295 Gardener Myreck, Westminster 43-1296 Henry Near, Ancaster 43-1297 Henry Nelles, Grimsby 43-1299 Wm. Nelson, Saltfleet 43-1300 Moses Nevill, Southwold 43-1302 Barison Geo. Nichels, Oxford 43-1303 Oct. 1814 enemy James O’Bryer, Nissouri 43-1305 Joseph Ogden, Etobicoke 43-1306 allies Little Oliver, Bertie 43-1308 allies Nath. Osburn, Ancaster 43-1310 July 1813, Feb. 1814 allies Barbery Overholt, Bertie 43-1312 1814 allies & enemy Isaac Overholt, Louth 43-1316 1813 allies Jacob Overholt, Clinton 43-1318 allies Etienne Paquet, River Thames 43-1321 Jan. & Mar. 27, 1813 allies Jesse Page, Yarmouth 43-1329 Reuben Page, Yonge 43-1330 Oct. 30, 1814 allies Wm. Parker, Niagara 43-1333 Aug. 1813 allies David Palmer, Blenheim 43-1335 Sept. 20, 1813, Sept. 1814 enemy Enos Burwell Abner Matthews Horatio Fowler John Pearce, Dunwich 43-1338 Edward Peer, Ancaster 43-1339 Nov. 1813, Dec. 1814 allies James Blayney, ditto Solomon Lownsberry, ditto Joseph Pervorst, Dunwich 43-1343 Andrew Pettit, Grimsby 43-1345 1812-1814 allies John S. Pettit, ditto John Pickle, Darlington 43-1347 1813 allies Watermand Spencer, ditto Jeremiah Conett, ditto Jordan Post Jr., York Town 43-1349-1350

Name, Location Microfilm t-1144, Page John Powell, Town of Niagara 44-0022 Peter Plumerfelt, Louth 44-0023 Ben. Purdy, Hamilton 44-0024 Sept.-Oct. 1813 allies James Purdy Laurent Quetton St. George, York 44-0027 David Quick, Southwold 44-0029 Wm. Rickindale, Barton 44-0031 Sept. 1814 allies Wm. Robins, Niagara 44-0033 Charles Rose, Charlottenburg 44-0035 Alex. Ross, Southwold 44-0037 C. Morley 44-0038 Wm. Rymall, Barton 44-0040 1813 allies Union Mill Company Charles Sayles, Oakland 44-0044 St. Catherine’s Church 44-0046 John & Lois Sanders/Saunders, Ancaster 44-0048 Charles Sayles, Oakland 44-0051 Deborah Sayles, Westminster 44-0052 John Scadding, York 44-0053 Ira Schofield, London 44-0055 Fred. Schram, West Flamborough 44-0057 Jeremiah Schram, Westminster 44-0059 Everitt Scott, St. David’s 44-0063 Leonard Scratch, Gosfield 44-0065 Wm. Searle, Amherstburg 44-0067 last will Roswell Seaton 44-0072 1812 allies Lieut. Wm. H. Merritt Abraham Secord, Niagara 44-0077 Elijah Secord 44-0081 Hannah Secord, St. David’s 44-0083 John Secord, Niagara 44-0085 Munnel Succel/Sukel, Harwich 44-0089 Marg. Selemser, Cornwall 44-0091 Dec. 1814 allies Henry Shafer, Ancaster 44-0095 Wm. P. Shaff, Yarmouth 44-0097 Susanah Sharp, Waterloo 44-0098 Barnette Shaver, Ancaster 44-0100 Oct. 1814 allies John H. Wilkins, ditto James Garner, ditto Joseph Shaver, Glanford 44-0102 Geo. Shaw, Niagara 44-0104 Wm. & Eliz. Shaw, Town of York 44-0107 Wm. & Ruth Shaw, Camden 44-0111 David & Mercy Sheek, Cornwall 44-0113 Jacobus Shenick, Westminster 44-0117 Wm. Sherman, Barton 44-0120 Abel Sherrard, Wainfleet 44-0122 July 4, 1814 allies Sam. Shipman, Yonge 44-0124 Wm. Silverthorn, Townsend 44-0125 Mathias Simmerman Sr., Clinton 44-0129 July 1813 allies Ebenezer Skinner, Stamford 44-0131 1813-1814 enemy Haggai & Eliz. Skinner, Stamford 44-0133 David & Eliz. Skinner, Stamford 44-0134 Jephthae Skinner, Beverly 44-0135 Nov. 1813, Dec. 1814 allies Job & Lydia Skinner, Stamford 44-0137 Ben. Slater, Harwick 44-0139 Major Slater, Town of Niagara 44-0141 Asa Slayton 44-0143 June 1813 allies Wm. Tindall Slater, Johnstown Dist. Wm. Wells Elijah Botlum Isaac Stone Abraham Smith, Charlotteville 44-0161 Private Chauncy Smith, Burford 44-0162 , ditto David Smith, Thorold 44-0167 John Smith, Glanford 44-0169 John L. Smith, Beverly 44-0171 John Smith (five claims) 44-0173 John Smith, Westminster 44-0174 John Ludlow Smith, Beverly 44-0176 Justus & Myrane Smith, Burford 44-0177 Peter Smith, Nelson 44-0178 June & Dec. 1813, Apr. 1814 allies John Chambers, ditto Nicholas Karns, ditto Philip Smith, Louth 44-0182 June 1813, 1814 allies Benjamin Dower, ditto Peter Tallman, ditto Sam. Smith, Oxford 44-0190 Sarah Smith, Woodhouse 44-0192 Wm. Smith, Saltfleet 44-0194 John Snider, Barton 44-0196 Livillah Snider/Shaw, Trafalgar 44-0197 Andrew Snyder, Williamsburg 44-0199 Abraham Snook, Saltfleet 44-0202 Geo. South, Barton 44-0204 1814 allies Joseph Shafer, ditto Joseph Southwath, Williamsburg 44-0208 Philip Fetterly, ditto Morris Sovereign, Townsend 44-0210 Phillip Sovereign, Trafalgar 44-0211 Robt. Sovereign, Nelson 44-0212 Wm. & Leonard Sovereign, Trafalgar 44-0213 Jacob & Mary Sparback, Niagara 44-0216 allies (wedding licence) Geo. Ball Lawrence, Niagara Abigail Spears, Cornwall 44-0224 John Spencer, Haldimand 44-0226 Aug. 20, 1814 allies Daniel Springer, Delaware 44-0231 John Springer, Barton 44-0233 July 1814 allies Richard Springer, Barton 44-0235 Jacob Springsteed, Saltfleet 44-0236 Nath. Squire, Westminster 44-0238 May 1, 1815 allies Nun Moe, ditto Sam. Hungerford, ditto Amos Stafford, Chinguacousy 44-0240 Wm. Steel, Humberstone 44-0241 Wm. Sterling, Raleigh 44-0243 Abner Stevens, Oxford 44-0246 allies Geo. Stewart, Barton 44-0248 allies Henry Stewart, Osnabruck 44-0250 Mary Stickle, Town of Kingston 44-0252 allies Matthias Badgely, ditto Robt. Graham, ditto Garret Slingerlandt, Niagara 44-0256 Amos Sturges, Grand River 44-0258 John Stiver, Markham 44-0260 John Stockwell, Colchester 44-0262 Joel Stone, Leeds 44-0264 Fred. Stroback, Chatham 44-0266 Fanny Stocher, Cornwall 44-0268 allies Daniel Stuart, Sandwich 44-0270 (last will) Daniel Sturges, Town of Niagara 44-0272 Wm. Sturges, Grand River 44-0274 Peter Swartz, Glanford 44-0277 Eliz. Tame, Grantham 44-0279 Peter Teeple, Oxford 44-0281 Aug. 30, 1814 enemy Jarvis Thayer, Yarmouth 44-0283 Bazahel Thrusher 44-0285 Lot Tisdale, Ancaster 44-0287 Wm. Tolls, Howard 44-0289 Asa Townsend , London Dist. 44-0291 Henry Trout, Bertie 44-0293 David Turney 44-0296 Sept. 1, 1814 enemy Wm. Underwood, Oxford 44-0298 Isaac Vail 44-0300 July 10 allies Stephen Vail David Van Every, Grantham 44-0307 1813 allies Abraham Van Sickle, Ancaster 44-0309 June 1814, Jan. 15, 1815 allies David Drake Crispus Trobridge Sam. & Sarah Van Wyck, Stamford 44-0312 Henry Waggoner, Town of Cornwall 44-0314 1814 allies Samuel Wait, Haldimand 44-0323 Oct.-Nov. 1812 allies Bays M. Eddy, ditto Eliz. Weaver, Grantham 44-0325 Sept. 1814 allies Oct. 13, 1813 enemy Shim Westfield, Ancaster 44-0327 fall 1813, spring 1815 allies Henry White, Burford 44-0331 Aug. 1813, Apr. 1815 allies Lebeus Gardner, ditto John Evans, ditto Sam. Whitney, Elizabethtown 44-0333 July 1813, Apr. 1814 allies David Whitesell, Saltfleet 44-0335 allies Andrew Whitesell Jr. Wm. Weir/Wier, Haldimand Co. 44-0337 Jonathan Wilcott, York 44-0338 Feb. 1815 allies Jacob & Nancy Wilkerson, Thorold 44-0340 June 27, 1812 allies John & Robt. Wilkerson John Williams, River Thames 44-0343 Oct. 1813 allies John Will, Nelson 44-0346 Nov. 1813, Sept. 1814 allies Gilman Willson, Dunwich 44-0349 Ariel Witt, Grand River 44-0351 Nov. 15-Dec. 10, 1814 allies John G. Staats, ditto Elijah Hartshorn, ditto Joseph Wood 44-0354 allies Peter Woolley, Woodhouse 44-0356 Dec. 14, 1814 allies John & Agness Flenner, Grand River Fred. Young, Ancaster 44-0358 1813-1815 allies Philip Young, Niagara 44-0361 1813 allies Susannah Young, Cross Roads 44-0364 summer 1813 allies Louth & Niagara residents 44-0367 Niagara Dist. & other residents 44-0369 Amherstburgh residents 44-0372 London Dist. residents 44-0374 Niagara Dist. Residents 44-0380 Western Dist. Residents 44-0400 Niagara Twp. Residents 44-0408 Niagara Dist. Residents 44-0410 Western Dist. Residents 44-0413 Niagara Dist. Residents 44-0416 Western Dist. Residents 44-0419 Niagara Dist. Residents 44-0420 Misc. Residents 44-0431-0432

Volumes 3768 Powers of Attorney t-1144 pg. 433- Index to Individuals 441- 4356 Registers of receipts of payments