HERITAGE IMPACT STATEMENT 2007 CROOKS/ALEXANDER FARM 5463 DUNDAS STREET WEST CITY OF BURLINGTON, ONTARIO March 2012 Prepared for: Evergreen Community (Burlington) Limited Prepared by: WAYNE MORGAN HERITAGE PLANNER HERITAGE IMPACT STATEMENT CROOKS/ALEXANDER FARM 5463 DUNDAS STREET WEST CITY OF BURLINGTON, ONTARIO March 2012 Prepared for: EVERGREEN COMMUNITY (BURLINGTON) LIMITED Prepared by: Wayne Morgan Heritage Planner 21 Land’s End Sutton West, Ontario, L0E 1R0 Tel: 905-722-5398 e-mail:
[email protected] Heritage Impact Statement Page i Crooks/Alexander Farm, 5463 Dundas Street West City of Burlington, Ontario EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Policy 8.4.1 b of the Burlington Official Plan (OP) requires the preparation of a Heritage Impact Statement (HIS) when there is a potential for adverse impacts on identified cultural heritage resources from proposed development. The property at 5463 Dundas Street West is listed in the City of Burlington‟s heritage inventory as a potential heritage resource. A HIS was issued in January 2008 for the development site, which included properties in Lots 1 and 2 Concession 1 North Dundas Street (NDS). The January 2008 statement excluded consideration of the Crooks/Alexander Farm House and associated landscape because the consultant was advised that the City had agreed to its demolition (Appendix O). Notwithstanding that prior consent, the City has required a HIS for the Crooks/ Alexander Farm House. In accordance with the OP policy and policies 2.6.1 and 2.6.3 of the Provincial Policy Statement issued under the Planning Act, the owner of lands at 5463 Dundas Street West commissioned this HIS to identify, evaluate and assess the heritage values within and near the subject property in light of the proposed development and to recommend mitigation measures to address any adverse heritage impacts.