Red Bank Schools (Sports Department Morris H

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Red Bank Schools (Sports Department Morris H All ttio NEWS of BED DAN K and Sunonndlns Towns Told Fearlessly OBII Without DIM Sutton. Estate Red Bank Schools (Sports Department Morris H. Jacks Beautification DONATES PICTURES Litigation Was Invited To U. of P. Has New Manage: Buys Stores On James Humphreys of Keyport has Of Route 36 Put resigned his position as a physical Started In 1931 Next Saturday oducation Instructor at Keyport hlgl Monmouth Street OffJJntii Fall school to becomo manager of th Harry H. Sutton at That Time Seven Monmouth County Sec sporting goods department or Tel Member of Carlton Operating ley's store, a position formerly heli Commissioner Sterner Say» the Took Action to Have Mrs. ondary Schools Espebted to by Arthur Thompson of Madison ave Company Purchases Four Reason for This Action is That Attend Engineering and Fine nue. Mr. Thompson.has resigned t Mary Wooster .Sutton Re- becomo manager of tho Chicago Buildings Near Town Hall at the Low Bidder Failed to Pre- moved M Executrix of Eitate. Arts Day. .' branch of tho Winner Manufactur- on Investment Gift, sent Proper Check. ing company and will begin his ne Students In oovon Monmouth coun- duties May 1. Tho Register has been Informed Morris H.' Jacks b.asT~purchased The New Jersey stato highway de- that In last wcoli'n account of tho liti- ty secondary schools, with their par- In 1931 Mr. Humphreys graduate! from tha Georglanna Throckmorton portment has Issued tho following gation aver tho estato of William J. ents anA teachers, have beon Invited from Rutgers college, where hi estate four adjoining storCQ on the statement: ... Rainbow Ball Public to Be Guests of Li- Sutton mention was cot mads of var- to visit the University of Pennsyl- played basketball and lacrosse. Hi north sldo of Monmouth street as vania this Saturday, April ,17, when was an All-Amerlcan lacrosse playe: Due to tho failure of the lowbld- ious facts relating to tho case. Har^ an investment for his son, Arthur der to present a certified check of ry H. Sutton. atatea that because tho annual Engineering and Fine in 1033 and 1934, Ho Is a membo: J., who Is cloven years of age, and At Elks' Club brary Board From 2 Un« Arty day will bo hold on the campus. of Bota Theta PI fraternity. Before tho amount required by law, Stato theao facts wore not presented and his daughter, Ruth Marian, who Is Highway Commissioner E. Donald because) of some erroneous ;»tate- 'Among the' Monmouth county sec- entering Bulgers ho attended Pecks six and one-half years of ago. Mr. Robert Hayward Chairman of til 9 today at West ondary schools whose students, their kill Military academy. Sterner Monday rejected all pro- monts ho has not rocolved a fair deal. Jacks, who Is a member of the Carl- posals, for landscaping on Route 36, 18 th Annual Event Saturday Tho Register has no Interest In tho parents and teachers, have. been in- ton Operating company, states that Front Street Building. • vited to attend are tho Red Bank between Keyport and -Kcansburg. Night—Proceed* for Care of caso other than printing tho newa he has arranged for tho property Tho figures presented were: Wel- and the following resume Is given In Senior high school, Rod Bank Cath- and' the Income from it to be held Sick and Unemployed. ollo high school,. Asbury Park high Ancient. Barn dpn Contracting Company, Westfleld, the Interest of fairness. In trust until his two children reach 12,732; Albert G. Thompson, Trenton, school. Freehold high school, Long 21 years of age. Branch high school, Manasquan high $3,235 and Donald Moore of East Or- Tho 18th annual ball of New Jer- Patrons May Return Mrs, Mary Wooster Sutton, the school and- Neptuno township high In Middletown . Tho sale was mado by the Milton ange, $3,310. sey chapter, Rainbow Division Vet- second wife of William J. Sutotn, was school at Ocean Qrovc. Berk agency. The stores aro diag- Trie published advertisements, in erans, will bo held Saturday night executrix of her husband's will, In onally opposite tbe town hall and at the Red Bank Elks' club. Robert Sponsored by the Towne Scientific Razed By Fire accordance with tho stato law, stip- ,f All Books Tomorrow 1031 Harry H. Sutton, who was the aro numbered 64, 56, 68 and SO. Tho ulated that tho;ccr.yjlfid.cjieck^niust Hayward.. Is -chairman and parfo opjmr)l.,j.hij Wooro School of Eleotrl- land Is 50xlB5 feetr The-property-was WHITFIELD tho proceeds will go to the welfare iHUifcaJiMSS caT Engineering,—and tho School of bo not—less-ttran—$500r The check wifoi took action" to havo Mrs. But- Buildings on Martin Murphy'; held at $20,000, but it Is said to havo of the low bidder was. for J300, In- commltteo for tho care of sick and ton removed as executrix,, claiming Flno Arts at the university, tho En- been sold for less than that amount unemployed members of the chaptc gineering and Fine' Arts day pro- stead of tho {500.' The new Eisner Memorial library that she had wasted and misman- Farm Wiped Out—Car Owned The Stores are occupied by Charles Tho funds for tho Improvement Photographic in this section. on West Front street, donated to Red aged tho funds of tho Estate and that gram will begin at noon and con- R. r>. Foicwell, photographer, the City tlnuo until 10 o'clock at night by Mr. Murphy's Daughter were provided by the Federal gov- The chapter's first ball was held In Bank by Raymond, Lester and Mon- < the was not entitled to fill the posi- Dry Cleanors, the Fashion .Beauty ernment under the WPA grant>made Gallery To Be tho old St. James' hall on Monmouth roe Eisner In memory'of their par- tion because she had moved out'of In the, departments of civil, me- Saved. Salon and the Silver Bell Shoe Re- ents, the late Mr. and Mrs. fllgmund chanical, and chemical engineering in to New Jersey In 1935 to lessen un- streot in 1920 and'the annual affai • the stato to Waterbury, Connecticut, pair Shop. employment. The regulations of the was tho first public ball held at th Eisner, will be opened today from 2 without posting bonds as required by tho Towno school various types of An ancient barn owned by Martin to 9 o'clock for Inspection and every apparatus will bo operated for the The property was formerly owned U. S. Bureau of Roads required that In New Library Molly^ Pitcher hotel. • law. B. Murphy at tho Intersection of by tho Wagnor Meat Market, Mrs. 10 per cent of tho road money ad- Most of tho chapter member day thereafter with the exception of Mr..Button claimed that Mrs. But- benefit of the vlaltors;Vork In metal Main street and Harmony road in Sundays and holidays from 11 a, m. ojid wood, will bo demonstrated, and Georglanna Throckmorton was tho vanced to New Jersey by tho Fed- Howard Whilfield Offers a Valu served with tho former Red Bank ton in filing hoi accounts as execu- Middletown township, about midway widow of John S. Throckmorton of eral government bo devoted to high- Ambulance company, which before to 0 p. m. for the circulation of books. trix listed us an asset nor personal tests of brick, concrete, steel 'and botween Port Monmouth and' New Persons having books out will havo timber will bo conducted, Shrewsbury avenue, who was one of way beautification. able Gift for Public Use—He tho World war was known as the note for $0,200 and that she had Monmouth, was destroyed by fire of tho chief owners of the- Merchants First Now Jersey Ambulance Com. an opportunity to return them to-" Tho Harrison Laboratory of Chem- Because of tho advanced season, Will Also Give His Curios and morrow. •• '. * wrongfully charged against tho Ba- unknown origin Monday night, Tho steamboat company. The sale was Commissioner Storner asserted that iany of tho National Guard. Th tata various items aggregating $3,- istry, also a part of tho Towno blaze was dlscovored about 8 o'clock arranged through his son and one of company was organized by the lat school, will offer demonstrations of it may not now bo feasible to read- Art Treasures. The building, which will be used/ 487.02. Tho following order remov- and was fought by tho Port Mon- his heirs, James S. THrockmorton, ertisc at this time. Tho receipt o Major Peter P. Rafferty on January aa a combined library and art gal- ing tiro. Sutton was made by Judge tho processes and principles of inor- mouth, East Kcansburg and Bclford president of the Citizens and Na- new estimates will bo postponed un- Howard Whitdeld has offered to 12, 1915 and on June 19, 1910, it left lery, is one of the most beautiful Harry Truax July 28, 1031: ganic, organic and physical chora- hoso companies. Tho flames wen tional Trust Company bank of Cald- tho Red .Bank armory for Sea Girt 18try. Including tho preparation and til fall. donate his pictorial gallery for place- buildings of Its kind m the state. Its Harry H. Button, one of the next under too much headway to b wcll. Tho work was planned by Commis- to be mustered into federal service. was formerly used as a residence by. reaction of Important compounds, stopped, but thanks to the good work ment In the new ISIgncr memorial of kin and residuary legatees of Wil- sioner Sterner as a further step in library in a room dedicated to the The company was ordered to the Mr.
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