Citizens' Committee Demands Resignation 013 Commissioners
1 i OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF 1 MIDDLESEX COUNTY 1 AND ,ii,,idgp is flooded with ., iv,i rirkels ...the bogus W00DBRI0QE WOODBRIDGE TOWNSHIP'S FAMILY NEWSPAPER ,M, so nearly perfect ,„ v will in all probabll- TWENTY-EIGHTH YEAR TOWNSHIP „ n, circulation for WOODBRIDGE,.N. J., FRIDAY MORNING, APRIL <), 19S7. PRICE THREE CENTS i d, come. We join the 1 .,.imitv in congratulating' TOWNSHIP CLERK DUNIGAN GIVES OATH OF OFFICE TO KEATING Fvcati ngt Woodbridge^s SYCKLE TO pninv chief....he deserved ,'i,|i(imtment ...The town- iiimmittee is to be com- OPEN NEW SUNK Citizens' Committee ,1 Welcome to Rev. :,,., McC'orrlston, new pas- ,,i si James' Catholic i. Ho will take over his 60 DAYS hire next Sunday....Prin VIERECK. TO MEET WITH SO Demands Resignation Arthur C. ferry will vu nd Barnegat Bay JERSEY GROUP NEXT .uniincr in a new 27 foot WEEK if now being built for lim Garland, of Menlo WOODBRIDGE.—Part 17 013 Commissioners of the breath-taking aerial, -..iiurday, April 17th will be HK; day In Perth Amboy the "Woodbridge Bank Mys- Donato, Aiud and Urban Refu», Demand* Ai Unwar- ,,..t master General Jim Far- tery," was held this week ranted—Committee Threaten to Ask Townahip Council , will dedicate the new with the "South Jersey Bank- To Abolish Fifth Fire District—P*bli»hed Budget At- ,,,i office on that day... Blab- ing Interests" reporting "No tacked As Incorrect, ,, invitations for the af- . I, H. in the malls ...Avenel further progress" and Frank . ^iMlrann are "het up" be- Van Syckle announcing that GRIEVANCES AIRED AFTER MEETING iivr their "honored ffueit" he has received official per- ui ,url, little time at (fcelr mission to start business in A VENKt.—Resolutions, presented by the Citizens" ..,„• list Satlddy night P»- Woodbridge.
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