The American Musical MUS 379K (Unique Number: 21340) T D 357T (Unique Number: 25425) Spring 2018 T/Th, 2:00-3:30pm MRH 2.610 Professor: Hannah Lewis Office: MRH 3.738 E-mail:
[email protected] Office Hours: Thurs. 9:30-10:30 (please notify me in advance), or by appointment COURSE DESCRIPTION: For much of the 20th century, musicals stood at the center of American culture, producing tunes and tales that became the hits of their day. They commented on the ever-shifting social and political landscape, while pushing musical, dramatic, and choreographic boundaries, all within the confines of a commercial industry. This course explores the musical artistry and cultural resonances of several iconic shows, as rendered on stage and screen. Focusing on seven musicals – Show Boat (1927), Oklahoma (1943), Singin’ in the Rain (1952), West Side Story (1957), A Chorus Line (1975), Into the Woods (1987), and Hamilton (2015) – we will examine musical styles alongside broad cultural themes associated with the musical, including artistic collaboration, race and representation, gender, immigration, the role of dance, and adaptation or translation across media. We will additionally take advantage of UT’s resources on campus, by attending the touring Broadway production of School of Rock at Texas Performing Arts and meeting with company members, and by exploring the archival collections at the Harry Ransom Center on two separate occasions. This course is not intended to be a comprehensive survey, but rather a window into the musical’s power to reflect and shape any given historical moment and to push artistic boundaries.