
Master List of Terms and Concepts : Topics, Emphasizing the Americas

Early 20th Century- Year 1

Unit 1 - The development of modern nations 1865-1929 (8 Weeks)

“Cross of Gold” Chicago School of Architecture

“Melting Pot” theory Cornelius Vanderbilt

AFL Coxey’s Army

Andrew Carnegie Edward Bellamy

Bland-Allison Act (1878) Emma Lazarus

Boss Tweed Gilded Age

Carry Nation Gold bugs

Gospel of Wealth Railroad Strike of 1877

Haymarket Riot (1886) Robber Barons

Henry George Samuel Gompers

Homestead Strike (1892) Settlement Movement

Horatio Alger Sherman Antitrust Act (1890)

Jacob Riis Sherman Silver Purchase Act (1890)

Jane Addams Silver bugs

Jay Gould Social Darwinism

John D. Rockefeller Social Gospel

Knights of Labor Thomas A. Edison

Louis Sullivan Thomas Nast

Mark Hanna U. S. v. E. C. Knight (1890)

Panic of 1893 William Jennings Bryan

Pendleton Act (1885) William Lloyd Wright

Pullman Strike (1894) Yellow-dog contract Unit 2 - Emergence of the Americas in global affairs 1880-1929 (10 Weeks)

Treaty of Kanagawa Pancho Villa

“Seward’s Folly” John J. Pershing

Alfred Thayer Mahan “Colossus of the North

Jingoism James G. Blaine

Yellow journalism Pan-Americanism

William Randolph Hearst U. S. S. Maine Spanish-American War (1898) Commodore Matthew Perry De Lome Letter Commodore Dewey Remember the Maine, to Hell with Spain! Treaty of Paris (1898) Rough Riders Walter Reed Queen Liliukalani Insular Cases Emilio Aguinaldo Teller Amendment “White Man’s Burden” protectorate

Anti-Imperialist League John Hay, Secretary of State

Platt Amendment Boxer Rebellion

Open Door Policy Teddy Roosevelt’s “Big Stick” policy

Roosevelt Corollary Clayton-Bulwer Treaty

Panama Canal Nationalism Gentleman’s Agreement First Battle of the Somme Treaty of Portsmouth (1905) Militarism “Dollar Diplomacy” Trench warfare Henry Cabot Lodge, Sr. Bosnian Crisis Jones Act (1916) Pacifism Jones Act (1917) Allied Powers “Moral Diplomacy”

Tampico Incident Kaiser Wilhelm II Central Powers Czar Nicholas II Muckrakers

Archduke Franz Ferdinand Square Deal

Prime Minister David Lloyd George Forest Reserve Act

Sarajevo Sedition Act

U-Boat Espionage Act

16th Amendment Panic 1907

17th Amendment Big Four

18th Amendment Red Scare- Palmer Raids

19th Amendment Balkan Peninsula

Triple Alliance Lusitania

Triple Entente Gavrilo Princip

Fourteen Points Sussex Pledge

Versailles Treaty Schlieffen Plan

New Freedom He kept us out of war!

New Nationalism War of Attrition

Socialist Party Zimmermann Note

Russo-Japanese War The War to End all Wars!

Great White Fleet

Unit 3 - The Mexican Revolution 1910-40 (4 Weeks)

President Porfirio Diaz December 4, 1914

Francisco I. Modero March 11, 1917

Pascual Orozco February 5, 1917

Francisco “Pancho” Villa Constitution of 1917

Emiliano Zapata April 10, 1919

Maximo and Aguiles Serdan October 19, 1915

Doroteo Arango Punitive Expedition of 1916-17

Victoriano Huerta Anti-reelectionista Party

Henry Lane Wilson Plan de San Luis Potosi (Oct. 1910)

Venustiano Carranza Maderista Troops

Alvaro Obregon Chuchillo Parado, Chihuahua

General “Jack Black” Zacatecas

Woodrow Wilson Division del Norte

Hidalgo Celayo, Guanajuato

Eulalil Guiterrez Cuidad Juarez

Toribio Ortega Plan of Ayala (Nov. 1911)

Francisco Leon de la Barra The Presidential Succession in 1910

Jose Maria Peno Suarez Obregon’s Reform

General John Purshig

Adolfo de Huerta Guerrero

Elections of 1910 Morelos

November 20, 1910 National Revolutionary Party (PNR)

May 24, 1911 Occupation of Veracruz

June 23, 1913 Unit 4 - The and the Americas 1929-39 (6 weeks)

“Return to Normalcy” Twenty-One Demands

Teapot Dome Scandal Washington Naval Conference

Muscle Shoals 5:5:3:1.75:1.75 naval ratio

Secy. of the Treasury Mellon (tax cuts) Dawes Plan

Election of 1924 Young Plan

Progressive Party Kellogg-Briand Treaty

Federal Farm Board Smoot-Hawley Tariff (1930)

“The Lost Generation” Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC)

Prohibition [Volstead Act] Bonus Army

Fundamentalists “Hoovervilles”

Immigration Acts (1921, 1924) Good Neighbor Policy

Billy Sunday Norris-LaGuardia Act (1932)

Scopes Trial election of 1932

Henry Ford [Model T] 20th & 21st Amendments

The Singer [1st talking movie] bank holiday

Flappers Hundred Days the “New Woman” Emergency Banking Relief Act (1933)

Harlem Renaissance “Relief, Recovery, Reform!”

Langston Hughes Glass-Steagall Banking Reform Act (1933)

Marcus Garvey Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. (FDIC)

Pan-African movement National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA) National Industrial Recovery Administration Charles Lindbergh the “Blue Eagle” (NRA) “Spirit of St. Louis” Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA) Congress of Industrial Organization (CIO) Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) John L. Lewis Federal Emergency Relief Admin. (FERA) Dust Bowl Civil Works Administration (CWA) Oakies Public Works Administration (PWA) John Steinbeck [The Grapes of Wrath] Works Progress Administration (WPA) , Secy. of Labor Harry Hopkins Federal Arts Project Keynesian economics Home Owners’ Loan Corporation (HOLC) [the “Kingfish”] Federal Housing Authority (FHA) “Share the Wealth” Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Father Charles Coughlin Joseph Kennedy, Sr. Election of 1936 Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Social Security Act Rural Electrification Administration (REA) “Court Packing” National Youth Administration (NYA) Chief Justice Indian Reorganization Act (1934) Montevideo Conference - Rio de Janeiro Wagner Act (1935) Conference (1933)

National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) Buenos Aires Conference (1936) - Lima Conference (1938) Fair Labor Standards Act

Unit 5 - The Second World War and the Americas 1933-45 (10 weeks)

Spanish Civil War (1936-1939) Manhattan Project

Francisco Franco J. Robert Oppenheimer

Adolph Hitler Hiroshima

Benito Mussolini Nagasaki

Joseph Stalin V-E Day

Chiang Kai-shek V-J Day

Panay Incident Manzinar

General Tojo Relocation

Lend Lease

Atlantic Charter (1941) Potsdam Conference

Pearl Harbor (12/7/41) Churchill’s “Iron Curtain” speech

War Production Board Bretton Woods Conference

Office of Price Administration (OPA) Dunbarton Oaks Conference genocide UN Charter

Holocaust Nuremberg trials

“Final Solution” Voice of America

D-Day (6/4/44) Marshall Tito

Stalingrad containment

Winston Churchill George F. Kennan

Casablanca Conference (1943) Truman Doctrine

Teheran Conference (1943) Marshall Plan

“unconditional surrender” Berlin Blockade Battle of the Bulge NATO

Warsaw Pact ANZUS

SEATO collective security

CENTO Mao Tse-tung

Unit 6 – 9 Post WWII Political Developments/ Mid-Late 20th Century Topics

Korean War Baby Boom

General Douglas MacArthur Taft-Hartley Act

Gandhi Senator Robert A. Taft

Dien Bien Phu Dixiecrats

Ho Chi Minh Senator Strom Thurmond

Bricker Amendment Henry Wallace

John Foster Dulles Fair Deal mutual assured destruction (M.A.D.) National Security Act (1947, 1949)

Brinksmanship McCarthyism

Nikita Khrushchev Senator Joseph McCarthy

Hungarian Revolt (1956) Alger Hiss

Common Market Julius and Ethel Rosenberg

Organization of American States (OAS) McCarran Internal Security Act (1950)

U-2 Incident 22nd Amendment

Bay of Pigs Ayn Rand [The Fountainhead]

Alliance for Progress McCarran-Walter Immigration Act (1952)

Cuban Missile Crisis Interstate Highway Act

ICBM Dept. of Health, Educ. & (HEW)

G. I. Bill of Rights (1944) St. Lawrence Seaway Jimmy Hoffa Berlin Crisis

CIO merger NATO

Sputnik Dean Acheson

National Defense Education Act (NDEA) Bernard Baruch

“military-industrial complex” Atomic Energy Act desegregation Cold War

“Separate But Equal” United Nations

Thurgood Marshall International Monetary Fund

Rosa Parks - Montgomery, AL bus boycott Nuremburg Trials

Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. International Court of Justice

Little Rock, AR desegregation crisis Election 1948

Civil Rights Act (1957) Strom Thurmond

Civil Rights Act (1960)

Executive Order 9835

Richard Nixon


Immigration and Nationality Act