Athanasius Kircher's: China Illustrata
Athanasius Kircher's China Illustrata ATHANASIUS KIRCHER (I), the compiler of China Monumentis, qua Sacris qua Profanis,... Illustrata..., Amstelodami, I 667, was born in Geisa, near Fulda in Germany, May 2, i602. This fact accounts for the future epithets, " Bucho " (Buchonius, that in the Upper Rhone,-Buchonia,-his birth place), or " Fuldensis" which in later years he habitually used in his titles (after Fulda) (2). KIRCHER entered the Jesuit Order in i6i8, and studied mathe- matics, humanities and oriental languages (Coptic, Hebrew, Syviac) in Fulda, Cologne, and Mainz. From i629 to i63i he lectured at the University of Warzburg on mathematics, from I633 to I635 at Avignon he studied hieroglyphs (3). From France he (I) CARLOS SOMMERVOGEL, S. J., Bibliotheque de la Comipagnie de JeWsus. Nou-velle edition, I0 vols. (Bruxelles-Paris, I890-I909); 5 fascicules Corrections et additions ti la Bibliot~i~que de la Compagnie de Jesus. Supplenent aur De Backer-Sommervogel, par ERNEST M. RIvIERE, S. J., (Toulouse, I9II, 1913, 1914-1917, 1911-1930, 1930). See vol. IV, cols. 1046-1077. Nouvelle biographie gen6rale (Paris, Freres Didot, i855-i866), vol. XXVII, cols. 769-776. Larousse du XXe siecle (Paris, 1928-1933), Vol. IV, p. 249. Der Grosse Herder (Freiburg im Breisgau, 1931-1933), vol. VI, col. 14I6. Enciclopedia Universal Ilustrada Enropeo-Aimericana (Barcelona, I926-I930), vol. XXVIII, part II, p. 3454. Der Grosse Brockhaus (Leipzig, 1928- 1935), vol. X, p. 172. Dictionnaire d'archeologie Chretienne et de liturgie (Paris, 1924-), vol. VIII, part I, cols. 772-805. Lexikon ffir Theologie und Kirche (Freiburg im Breisgau, I930-1938), vol.
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