The changing ethnic profiles of Glasgow and Scotland, and the implications for population health David Walsh September 2017 Acknowledgements Sincere thanks are due to a number of people who have helped with this report and the work that lies behind it. In particular, I would like to thank Duncan Buchanan (ISD Scotland) and Anne Douglas (University of Edinburgh) for their time and patience in various discussions of the SHELS research, as well as for highly useful comments on an earlier draft of the report. I am also extremely grateful to Jackie Erdman (NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde), Colin Fischbacher (ISD Scotland), Gerry McCartney (NHS Health Scotland), Paul Norman (University of Leeds) and Bruce Whyte (GCPH) for additional, and very helpful, comments. Thanks also to Jon Hunter (Scottish Government) for the provision of, and the permission to use, the data reproduced in Figures 8 & 9. Finally, the usual thanks are due to Joe Crossland (GCPH) for invaluable assistance in publishing the report. Contact David Walsh Public Health Programme Manager Glasgow Centre for Population Health Tel: 0141 330 2747 Email:
[email protected] Web: Twitter: @theGCPH 2 Contents Acknowledgements ................................................................................................................................. 2 Contact .................................................................................................................................................... 2 Summary ................................................................................................................................................