The Glorious
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TheGlorious Quran Word-for-Word Translation tofacilitatelearningof Quranic Arabic Volume-3 Juz 21 -30 Compiledby: Dr.ShehnazShaikh M.B.B.S.,M.D. Ms.KausarKhatri B.Com.,B.Ed. In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful PREFACE Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds, Who has said in His Noble Book, —(This is) a blessed Book which We have revealed to you, that they may ponder over its erses and those of understanding would be reminded.“ [Al-Quran 38:29]; —Then do they not ponder upon the Quran, or are there locks upon their hearts.“ [Al-Quran 47:24]. $And to recite the Quran, and whoever is guided is only guided for (the benefit of) his own soul.% [Al-Quran 27:92]. And may peace and blessin s of Allah be upon the Prophet, Muhammad (SAWS), ,ho said: —The best among you is he who learns the Quran and then teaches it (to others).“ [-u.hari]. Obligations of the Quran on every Muslim -ased on the Quran and /adith, it can be said that e0ery Muslim has the follo,in obli ations to,ards the Quran 1o belie0e in the Quran; 1o read it and recite it daily; 1o understand its commandments; 1o act upon its teachin s; and 1o con0ey its teachin s to others 2t is ob0ious that most of these obli ations cannot be fully dischar ed unless the understandin of the Quran is ac3uired4 When those ,ho ,ere i0en the boo. of Allah could no lon er pro0e themsel0es to be its ,orthy bearers, they ,ere described as don.eys laden ,ith boo.s. Allah (SWT) says, $1he li.eness of those ,ho ,ere entrusted ,ith the 1aurat then they did not bore it (i.e., failed in the obli ations), is li.e the don.ey ,ho carries 0olumes (of boo.s but understands nothing from them).% [Al-Quran 52:5]. 7n the 8ay of 9ud ment our belo0ed Prophet (SAWS) ,ill say: $And the Messenger will say, (O my Lord+ Indeed, my people treated this Quran as a forsaken thing.,% [Al-Quran 25:30]. Most of us de0ote a precious part of our li0es to build our careers. We study a number of boo.s, most of them in detail, in our schools, colle es, and uni0ersities. All these hardships are made to achie0e the ,orldly ains. 8o ,e de0ote at least a small percenta e of our lifetime to the study of the Quran, ,hich contains true uidance for achie0in the success in this life and in the eternal life hereafter; We ,ant ne,spaper as soon as ,e et up in the mornin and ,e read boo.s and ma azines of our fancy. 2t is indeed 0ery sad that ,e ha0e plenty of time at our disposal for e0erythin except for studyin the Quran. 7nly if ,e could re ularly recite the Quran ,ith understandin , it ,ould not only stren then our faith but re0olutionize our true relationship ,ith Allah. Importance of nderstanding the "uran via the Arabic Text 1he Quran is re0ealed in Arabic. 2t is neither prose nor poetry but a uni3ue combination of both. 2t is simply inimitable and untranslatable. /o,e0er, in spite of the limitations of translation, a sincere reader of the Quran ,ill not be depri0ed of uidance. 1he messa e of the Quran is so po,erful that it ,ill ha0e its due effect on the reader e0en if one reads the ”translation? only. -ut to feel the real charm of its ori inality by one's heart, mind, and reason, and ultimately by the soul, one should understand the Quran 0ia the Arabic text. We are lin.ed ,ith the Quran throu h one or all of the follo,in sources: one's o,n recitation, listenin to it in indi0idualAcon re ational prayers, and audio and 0ideo channels. /o,e0er, it is essential that ,e understand the full messa e of our Creator. Easy to learn 2t may be emphasized here that there are around 80,000 ,ords in the Quran but the actual ,ords are only around 2000444 1his could also be termed as one of the many miracles of the Quran. Accordin ly, if a reader decides to learn only 10 ne, ,ords e0eryday, he can understand the basic messa e of the Quran ,ithin a period of se0en months4 So it is indeed 0ery easy to understand the Quran, pro0ided one is ,illin to learn it. $And We have certainly made the Quran easy to understand and remember, so is there any who will remember (or receive admonition)-% [Al-Quran 54:17, 22, 32, 40]. See the 0ideo of a student of Al-Muminah School, Mumbai, 2ndia, titled —E0en children can learn the Quran ,ord-for-,ord“ at http:AA,,,.youtube.comA,atch;0EFL7 H-b1C-c ii 1his present ,or. may not be termed as an addition to the existin translations, but an attempt to e3uip the reader to understand the re0elation directly from the text; thus it ,ill 2nsha-Allah be a 0ery useful tool for those ,ho are ,illin to study the Quran and try to understand it. A be inner can bear in mind the meanin s of each Arabic ,ord pro0ided ri ht belo, it. Since many ,ords are repeated in the Quran, the student ,ill find for himself that ,ithin a fe, months of re ular study, he is indeed able to understand the Quran throu h the text itself. 2t may also be pointed out that a be inner does not ha0e to, in the start itself, be ,orried about learnin extensi0e rammar or ho, to spea. the Arabic lan ua e. 2n fact, one has to de0elop 0ocabulary before learnin rammar for the follo,in reasons: A child first learns ,ords and then starts them to ether. We spea. our mother ton ue fluently ,ithout e0er learnin the rammatical rules. 1hat is to say, ,e learn it by repeatedly listenin to the ,ords. Learnin extensi0e rammar before impro0in 0ocabulary is li.e puttin the cart before the horse. 7r it is li.e learnin different styles of s,immin by mo0in hands in the air inside a s,immin pool ,ithout ,ater. 7ne has to fill the s,immin pool ,ith ,ater (i.e., increase 0ocabulary) and then learn to s,im (i.e., to connect the ,ords ,ith rammatical rules). Importance of daily recitation $Indeed, those who recite the Book of Allah, and establish prayer, and spend out of what We have provided them secretly and openly, they hope for a transaction (profit) that will never perish.% [Al-Quran 35:29]. We should therefore ma.e it bindin upon oursel0es, amon others, to recite the Quran e0eryday alon ,ith an effort to understand it 0ia the Arabic text. 2f ,e recite one 9u'z (para) e0eryday, ,e can complete the Quran once e0ery month. 1his ,ill not only stren then our faith but also re0olutionize our relationship ,ith Allah. Some features of this work: E0en thou h there are many translations of the meanin s of the Quran, they do not help the reader in the Arabic ,ords to their meanin s. 1he only purpose of this ,ord-for-,ord translation is to facilitate learnin the lan ua e of the Quran. E0en thou h a fe, ,ord-for-,ord translations exist but the format of the present ,or. is different from them. 1he meanin of each ,ord is i0en ri ht belo, it. 1he translation pro0ided in the left column is .ept close to the Arabic and not literal. 1he obIecti0e of the ,hole exercise is to enable the reader understand directly from Arabic. Last, but not the least, the layout is such that it can also be used for re ular recitation enablin constant re0ision. iii Also, please note: 1he s3uare brac.ets [ ] is placed on such ,ords ,hich are necessary in Arabic sentence structure but are not used in the En lish sentence structure. For example, loo. at )the* belo,: 4 (of) [the] Judgment. (of the) Day (The) Master Parentheses ( ) are placed on those ,ords ,hich are not there explicitly in the Arabic text but the structure of the complete Arabic sentence con0eys the meanin s ,hich include those ,ords. For example, loo. at (is, belo,: (is) the Book, That 1 Alif Laam Meem 2n translatin the ,ords, e0ery effort is made to choose the En lish ,ord from the existin authentic Quran translations. Amon others, ,e ha0e benefited from the translations of Saheeh 2nternational, Abdullah Husuf Ali, Pic.thall,, Muhammad Mohar Ali, Muhammad Asad, Muhammad 1a3i-ud-din Al-/ilali and Muhammad Muhsin Khan extensi0ely. 1he compilers ,ill be rateful to those ,ho can spare some time and communicate the errors, if any, to them. 2nsha- Allah, they ,ill be corrected in future editions of this ,or.. Acknowledgements Fp to the fourth 9uz (para) Shai.h Abdul Lhafoor Pare.h and up to the first 9uz (para) and a part of second 9uz (para) 8r. Abdulazeez Abdulraheem and Mr. Mohammad Abdulazeez Saadi ,ere extensi0ely in0ol0ed in this ,or.. /o,e0er, after that they could not continue because of their busy schedules. 8r. Abdul-Moiz, raduate 9amia Nizamia, Ph.8., 7smania Fni0ersity, /yderabad; Lecturer, 8epartment of Arabic, 8elhi Fni0ersity has re0ie,ed this ,or.. A number of other people ha0e helped in accomplishin this hu e tas.. We are indebted to them for all their help. May Allah re,ard them abundantly, 8r. Mohammed Nafi3ul A,al (Ph.8.) and Mr.