The Kentucky Review Volume 4 Number 1 This issue is devoted to a catalog of an Article 8 exhibition from the W. Hugh Peal Collection in the University of Kentucky Libraries. 1982 Catalog of the Peal Exhibition: Robert Southey John Spalding Gatton University of Kentucky Follow this and additional works at: Part of the English Language and Literature Commons Right click to open a feedback form in a new tab to let us know how this document benefits you. Recommended Citation Gatton, John Spalding (1982) "Catalog of the Peal Exhibition: Robert Southey," The Kentucky Review: Vol. 4 : No. 1 , Article 8. Available at: This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University of Kentucky Libraries at UKnowledge. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Kentucky Review by an authorized editor of UKnowledge. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. Robert Southey An intimate of Coleridge and Wordsworth, and their neighbor at Keswick, Robert Southey (1774-1843) merits the title of "Lake mb. Poet," but being also prolix and prolific, he remains forever saddled l- with the Byronic rhyming epithet of "mouthey"; never collected, his writings would fill upwards of one hundred volumes. His longer poems, though little read today, earned the admiration of uch contemporaries as diverse as Scott, Shelley, and Macaulay. His prose, which evidences an unexpected simplicity and frankness, ater impressed even Byron as "perfect." ge Born in Bristol, Southey attended London's Westminster School, where he roomed with Charles Watkin Williams Wynn, a lifelong friend and a future Member of Parliament.