20/21 Interim Report 3 Reg No
OCTOBER–DECEMBER 2020 EMBRACER GROUP AB (PUBL) 20/21 INTERIM REPORT 3 REG NO. 556582-6558 OPERATIONAL EBIT INCREASED 100% TO SEK 603 MILLION THIRD QUARTER, OCTOBER–DECEMBER 2020 (COMPARED TO OCTOBER–DECEMBER 2019) > Net sales increased by 44% to SEK 2,168.1 million (1,508.5). Net sales of the Games busi- ness area increased by 62% to SEK 1,355.6 million (835.7). THQ Nordic SEK 379.8 million (333.0), Deep Silver SEK 496.9 million (466.6), Coffee Stain SEK 99.2 million (36.1), Saber Interactive SEK 307.0 million (-) and DECA Games SEK 72.7 million (-). > Net sales of Partner Publishing/Film business area increased by 21% to SEK 812.5 million (672.9). > EBITDA increased by 70% to SEK 878.7 million (518.4), corresponding to an EBITDA margin of 41%. > Operational EBIT increased by 100% to SEK 603.1 million (302.1) corresponding to an Operational EBIT margin of 28% (20%). > Cash flow from operating activities amounted to SEK 840.4 million (239.5). Investments in intangible assets amounted to SEK –557.7 million (–419.0). Free Cash Flow amounted to SEK 309.1 million (–207.3). > Adjusted earnings per share was SEK 1.06 (0.68). > Organic growth in constant currency for the Games Business Area amounted to 21% in the quarter. > Total game development projects increased 56% to 150 (96). Total headcount increased 93% to 5,730 (2,970) where total game developers increased 92% to 4,325 (2,258). Oct–Dec Oct–Dec Apr–Dec Apr–Dec Apr 2019– Key performance indicators, Group 2020 2019 2020 2019 Mar 2020 Net sales, SEK m 2,168.1 1,508.5 6,620.0 3,910.3 5,249.4
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