Australia's Biggest Sponsor ' of Clay Target Shooting
CLAY Tl!fDETi~ii REGISTERED BY AUSTRALIA POST-PUBLICATION No. VBO 0129 .OCTOBER. .- .. 1987 ' 0 .*7* ,.,q'g>; -:. I.' >..>~,. ~ ., AUSTRALIA'S BIGGEST SPONSOR ' OF CLAY TARGET SHOOTING M~roku8000 has a host of top features Adjustable , tr~gger patented lnvector Choke system (5 chokes), separated barrels, and that h~gh A comb preferred by most for skeet, f~eld s~mulatedand trap shoot~ngA superbly balanced gun for fast handl~ng Rec Retall Only Grades 2 3 and 4 on all MIROKU guns have GOLD BIRDS in game scene Ask at your Sports Store 'Send $2 for 16 pages full colour comprehensive gun gurde. Includes handlrng & postage. Fuller Firearms Group Pty. Ltd. PO Box 77, Beaconsf~eld,N SW. 2014 An Australian Owned Company MIRi987 conducted at W.A. Shooting Complex, Whiteman Park, Beechborough Rd, Gnangara, Perth, W.A. EVENT 4 - AUSTRALASIAN SKEET THURSDAY OCTOBER 29 CHAMPIONSHIP - 50T Commencing 9.00am Overall - ACTA Medal, Sash & Trophy Grade Winners - AA.A.6.C. - Medal & Trophy STATE .- 50T TEAMS MATCH Grade Placings - (AA.A.6.C SecondlThird) - Medal EVENT 1 - 1st NATIONAL SKEET DOUBLES LadieslJuniorsNeterans - Medal & Trophy CHAMPIONSHIP - 50T Nominations: Open $20, UJIV: $12 Overall - Silver Australia Badge, Sash & Trophy Graded Optional Sweep $3 Grade Winners - AA.A.B.C. - Medal & Trophy Optional Purse OIA $5 Grade Placings - (M.A.B.C. SecondlThird) - Medal Ladies/Juniors/Veterans - Medal & Trophy SATURDAY OCTOBER 31 Nominations: Open $20, LIJN: $12 Commencing 9.00am Optional Purse OIA $2 EVENT 5 - COMMONWEALTH SKEET CHAMPIONSHIP - lOOT EVENT 2 - CITY OF PERTH SKEET Sponsored by A.C.T.
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