,'9' No.2 MINUTES OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL FIRST SESSION OF THE FORTY-EIGHTH PARLIAMENT WEDNESDAY, 2 MAY, 1984 1. The House met pursuant to adjournment. The President took the Chair. Members present- The Honourable John Richard J ohnsan, President The Honourable Franca Arena, A.M., The Honoun:ble Norman Leo King, The Honourable George Brenner, The Honourable Elisabeth Kirkby, The Honourable Richard Thomas Marshall The Honourable Delcia Ivy Kite, Bull, The Honourable William Lloyd Lange, The Honourable Francesco Calabro, The Honourable Finlay Melrose MacDiarmid, The Honourable James Alexander Cameron, O.B.E., LL.M.(Hons), The Honourable John Cyril J ames Matthews, The Honourable Virginia Anne Chadwick, The Honourable John Joseph Morris. B.A., Dip.Ed., The Reverend the Honourable Frederick The Honourable John James Doohan, a.B.E., John Nile, E.D., L.Th., The Honourable Ronald David Dyer, The Honourable Peter Sydney Maitland The Honourable Keith James Enderbury, Philips, LL.B., The Honourable Beryl Alice Evans, B.Ee., The Honourable Edward Phillip Pickering, The Honourable Marie Claire Fisher, B.A., B.Se.(ebern.Eng), M.Aus.I.M.M., Dip.Ed., Litt.B., F.A.I.E., The Honourable Henry Bernard French, The Honourable Kenneth Warren Reed. The Honourable John Davis Garland, The Honourable James Miltiadis Samios, The Honourable Deirdre Mary Grusovin, M.B.E., B.A., LL.B., The Honourable Jack Rowland Hallam, The Honourable Robert Baron Rowland The Honourable Frederick Charles Smith, Hankinson, Th"e Honourable Sir Adrian Solomons, B.A., The Honourable John Planta Hannaford, " LL.B., LL.B., The. Honourable Elizabeth Ann Symonds, The Honourable Clive Healey, The Honourable Joe Slater Thompson, A.M., The Honourable Gordon Raymond Ibbett, Th~ Honourable Barrie John Unsworth, The Honourable Dorothy May Isaksen, The Honourable Bryan Henry Vaughan, The Honourable Judith Helen Jakins, LL.B., The Honourable John Hughes Jobling, Ph.C., M.P.S., The Honourable Peter Francis Watkins, The Honourable James Kaldis, The Honourable Max Frederick Willis, The Honourable Richard Weir Killen, R.F.Dc; E.D., LL.B. P 35241L 10 MINUTES OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL (2 May, 1984) 2. PRAYER. 3. PRESENTATION OF PRESIDENT TO HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNoR.-The House proceeded to Government House to present their President to His Excellency the Governor. And having returned- The President reported that the Council had been to Government House, where he informed the Governor that, immediately after the Opening of Parlia­ ment yesterday, the Legislative Council, in the exercise of their lawful right, had proceeded to the election of their President, that the choice had fallen upon him, and that he presented himself to His Excellency as their President, where­ upon His Excellency was pleased to offer his congratulations. Mr Unsworth and other Honourable Members having congratulated the .President- The President then repeated his grateful thanks for the honour the House had been pleased to confer on him. (At this stage a photograph was taken of the House in session.) 4. ASSENT TO BILLS.-The President reported the receipt of Messages from His Excellency the Governor, intimating Assent to the following Bills of last Session: Act No. 5 March, 1984 1984 Artificial Conception 3 Baptist Churches of New South Wales Property Trust 4 Baptist Union Incorporation (Amendment) 5 Children (Equality of Status) Amendment .. 6 5. CONFIRMATION OF ACTs.-The President informed the House that a communication had been received from the Official Secretary to His Excellency the Governor intimating that His Excellency had been advised by the Secretary of State, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, London, that, pursuant to section 735 of the Merchant Shipping Act, 1894 (Imperial), Her Majesty the Queen in Council had confirmed, on 14 March, 1984, the Navigation (Commercial Vessels) Amendment Act, 1983, the Commercial Vessels (Amendment) Act, 1983, and the Navigation and Other Acts (Validation) Act, 1983, which previously had been assented to by the Governor. 11 MINUTES OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL (2 May, 1984) 6. VACANT SEAT IN THE LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL-RESIGNATION OF THE HONOURABLE DAVID PAUL LANDA, LL.B., M.L.C.-The President reported and read the following communication from His Excellency the Governor: Government House, Sydney, 3 March, 1984. The Honourable The President of the Legislative Council of New South Wales. Sir, I have the honour to inform you that I have received a letter from the Honourable David Paul Landa tendering his resignation as a Member of the Legislative Council of New South Wales. I accepted his resignation, with effect from 3rd March, 1984. I have acknowledged receipt of the letter from lVIT Landa and have informed him that you have been advised of his resignation. I have the honour to be, Sir, Your obedient servant, J. A. ROWLAND, Governor. The President announced to the House that he. had acknowledged His Excel­ lency's communication and that an entry regarding the resignation of the Honourable David Paul Landa on 3 March, 1984, had been made in the Register of Members of the Legislative Council. 7. MINISTERIAL STATEMENT-NEW ADMINISTRATION.-Mr Unsworth informed the House that on 5 April, 1984, His Excellency the Governor had accepted the resignation of the Honourable Neville Kenneth Wran, Q.C., M.P., as Premier and Minister for the Arts, and as a Member of the Executive Council, which action involved the resignation of his colleagues from their respective offices and as Members of the Executive Council. On the same date His Excellency had appointed the following persons as Members of the Executive Council and to the offices set out after their respective names: The._ Honourable Neville Kenneth Wran, Q.C., M.P., Premier and Minister . for the Arts; The Honourable Ronald Joseph Mulock, LL.B., M.P., Deputy Premier and Minister for Health; The Honourable Francis John Walker, Q.C., M.P., Minister for Youth and Community Services and Minister for Housing; The Honourable Laurence John Brereton, M.P., Minister for Public Works and Ports and Minister for Roads; The Honourable David Paul Landa, LL.B., M.P., Attorney General; The Honourable Patrick Darcy Hills, M.P., Minister for Industrial Relations; 12 MINUTES OF, THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. (" May, 1984) The Honourable Peter Thomas Anderso~ M.P., Minister for Police and Emergency Services; The Honourable Kenneth George Booth, M.P., Treasurer; The Honourable Terence William Sheahan, B.A., LL.B., M.P", Minister for Planning and Environment; The Honourable Barrie John Unsworth, M.L.C., Minister for Transport and Vice-President of the Executive Council; The Honourable Jack Rowland Hallam, M.L.C., Minister for Agriculture and Fisheries; The Honourable Rodney Mark Cavalier, M.P., Minister f-or Education; The Honourable Peter Francis Cox, M.P., Minister for Mineral Resources and Energy; The Honourable Kevin James Stewart, M.P., Minister for Local Government; The Honourable Eric Lance Bedford, B.A., M.P., Minister for Industry and Decentr~lisation, and Minister for Small Business and Technology; The Honourable Michael Arthur Cleary, M.P., Minister for Sport and Recreation and Minister for Tourism; The Honourable George Paciullo, M.P., Minister for Consumer Affairs and Minister for Aboriginal Affairs; The Honourable Janice Ann Crosio, M.P., Minister for Natural Resources; The Honourable Robert John Debus, B.A., IL.B., M.P., Minister for Employment and Minister for Finance; The Honourable John'Edward Akister, M.P., Minister for Corrective Services. 8. LEADER AND DEPUTY LEADER OF THE GOVERNMENT AND GOVERNMENT Wmp.­ Mr Unsworth informed the House that on 4 April, 1984, he was elected Leader of the Government in the Legislative Council, the Honourable Jack Rowland Hallam was elected Deputy Leader and the Honourable Henry Bernard French was elected Govern~ent Whip. Mr Pickering and Mr Smith offered congratulations. 9. LEADER AND DEPUTY LEADER OF THE OPPOSITION AND OPPOSITION WHIP.-Mr Pickering informed the House that on 3 April, 1984, he was elected Leader of the Opposition, the Honourable 'Virginia Anne Chadwick was elected Opposition Whip and lbat the Honourable Robert Baron Rowland Smith would continue in the position of Deputy:Leader of the Opposition. Mr Unsworth offered congratulations to which Mr Pickering responded. 10. DEATH OF FORMER MEMBERS-THE 'HONOURABLE Wn.i:.IAM ROBERT COULTER AND THE HONOURABLE LINDSAY ANNAN NORTH.-The President informed the House of the death on 3 April" 1984; . of the Honourable William Robert Coulter and on 27 April, 1984, of the Honourable Linds~y Anp.an North, 13 MINUTES OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE LEGlSEATIVE C01!JNCIL (2 May, 1984) former Members of the Legislative Council, and that, on' behalf of -the House, he had extended to their families the deep sympathy of the Legislative Council in the loss sustained. Members and Officers of the House stood as a mark of respect. 11. COUNCIL OF MAcQUARIE UNIVERSITy-RESIGNATION OF' LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVE.-The President reported the receipt of a communication from the Registrar of Macquarie University intimating that on 9 March, 1984, the Honourable Joe Slatcr Thompson, A.M., M.L.C., resigned as Legislative Council representative on the Council of Macquaric University. 12. Pro Forma BILL-LAW OF EVIDENCE BILL.-Mr Unsworth having presented a Bill and moved, That this Bill be now read a first time- Question put and passed. And Bill. intituled, ~<A Bill to amend the Law of Evidence", read a first time. 13. CHAIRMAN OF CoMMI'ITEEs-SUSPENSION OF STANDING ORDERs.-Mr Unsworth moved, as a matter of necessity and without previous Notice, That so much of the Standing Orders be suspended as would preclude the appointment of a Chairman of Committees of the Whole House forthwith. And no objection being taken- Question put and passed. 14. CHAIRMAN OF CoMMIITEES.-Mr French moved, That the Honourable Clive Healey be Chairman of Committees of the Whole House.
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