A & C Black Ltd, 35 Bedford Row, London WC IR 4JH (01-242-0946
365 A A & C Black Ltd, 35 Bedford Row, London WC IR 4JH (01-242-0946) Academy of Sciences, Frescati, s-10405 Stockholm 50, Sweden Accepting Houses Committee, I Crutched Friars, London EC3 (0 1-481-2120) Access, 7 StMartin's Place, London WC2 (01-839-7090) Acupuncture Association and Register Ltd, 34 Alderney St, London SWIV 4EU (01-834-1012) Advertising Standards Authority, 15-17 Bridgemount St, London WCIE 7AW (01-580--0801) Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service, Head Office, Cleland House, Page St, London SW 1P 4ND (01-222-4383) Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service Regional Offices --Midlands, Alpha Tower, Suffolk St Queensway, Birmingham Bl ITZ (021-643-9911) --North West, Boulton House, 17-21 Charlton St, Manchester Ml 3HY (061-228-3222) --Northern, Westgate House, Westgate Rd, Newcastle-upon-Tyne NEI ITJ (0632-612191) --Scotland, 109 Waterloo St, Glasgow, G2 ?BY (041-221-6832) --South East, Hanway House, Red Lion Sq, London WCIR 4NH (01-405-8454) --South West, 16 Park Place, Clifton, Bristol BS8 IJP (0272-211921) --Wales, 2-4 Park Grove, CardiffCFl 3QY (0222-45231) --Yorkshire and Humberside, City House, Leeds LSI 4JH (0532-38232) Advisory Council on Public Records, Public Record Office, Chancery Lane, London WC2A ILR (01-405-0741) Advisory Welsh Translations Panel, Oxford House, Cardiff(0222-44171) Afghanistan, Embassy of the Republic of, 31 Prince's Gate, London SW7 1QQ (0 1-589-8891) African Violet Society of America, 4988 Schollmeyer Ave, StLouis, Mo 63109, USA Agricultural Credit Corporation Ltd, Agricultural
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