j ly appointed and up-to-date bakery bakery up-to-date and appointed ly O RN—uglw wt or with RENT—Bungalow, FOR in baking pies and pastry and sweet and pastry and pies baking in prices. birth­ and wedding making in tist who Tiringer, Mr. street. 1003 F at fee t te ulc t attractive at public the to offered equip­ is bakeshop His cakes. day eliminate the dangerous condition condition dangerous the eliminate custom by the quality of his goods create goods his to of quality policy the his by custom is it and ery machin­ modern most the with ped ar­ an is and bread, white and rye specialist a is Brooklyn, from hails hr b wdnn i ad improv­ and it widening by there railroad Branch Long and York et aeu ws lw i, arid in, blown was avenue Tenth n te bridge. the ing we Frt n Tid vne. A avenues. Third and First tween h otr oe’ safety. poles’ outer the rde ad re ta cmay to company that New order and the bridge, at channel the inspect h rvr a lse it huge into lashed was river The moor­ their from torn and up gled with soaked rain. display window the and street F at store Department been ripped, and the damage could could damage the and ripped, been which , boat the of edge sea The eusig h Wr eatet to Department resolution War a the requesting passed evening, day r Woly nomd h Coast the informed Woolley Mr. on above. feet sand several now the is beach the into dipped formerly the of inrush the dam help to spot ns bt oe ee eotd lost. reported were none but ings, be­ avenue Ocean on feet five and are standing, but there is fear for for fear is there but standing, are the and landing the and tide, damage. worst its did storm the waist. the to soaked homes their huge plate glass window in Lewis’ Lewis’ in window glass plate huge o b etmtd Te hr poles shore The estimated. be not had nets fishing his that Advertiser away. swept being from boardwalk to sand the out gouged waves The to returned sightseerers and of wash, scores terrific the against less fury its in magnificent was sea waves.The the by avenue Ocean across a depth of several feet, and threw if threw and feet, several of depth a the ar- slickers, to and Raincoats hundreds beach. attracted and on swept were driftwood of piles south avenue Ninth from and walk, navigate to them enable to walks pedestrians and useless, were las SS CIN N R R, BRIDGE R., R. ON' ACTIONASKS o I Belmar «* In Boy f as f ad ee uhd o the to rushed of were Hundreds sand of bags roadway. the over use­ proved boots rubber and tics and roadway logs Huge the in deep. inches several spume salt a left side­ the of grip good a take to had n, eetet aeu ad Ocean, and avenue Seventeenth ing, all. at a in autoist friendly a by flood or pedestrians persons, for respect o 3, o 60 No. 38, VoL r|x ite etr uk hn e Umbrel­ he. than luck belter little to had avenue Ocean the mayor of out bumped thebe Even autoists. wn o gl proportions. gale of wind a avenue littered with broken branch branch broken and with street littered avenue every and sections, eral es. The gale in its fury had no no had fury its in gale The es. a. re wr uroe i sev­ in uprooted were Trees all busy day. concerns towing the kept n nitn dwpu, ahd by lashed face the to downpour, during insistent awoke an citizens up and crept ago.night years storm two The of havoc the since EMR S HIT ISHARDpotlCE BELMAR *“ asbe et, n sald autos stalled and depth, passable A+- +4 4' F 44 =44*44 44 4+ + 4 northeaster worst the by struck Joseph Mayer, Commonwealth Commonwealth Mayer, a’ Joseph located Station; Gas without oe, t Ae ad Railroad. and Ave. 9th Hotel, ihh v. n Rira. Apply Railroad. and Ave. Eighth ord iigr pnd new­ a opened Tiringer Konrad STREET F ON BAKERY NEW h Bruh omsin Tues­ Commission, Borough The ot a te ah cu wr tan­ were club yacht the at Boats Sand was piled to a depth of four four of depth a to piled was Sand h oen wp oe te board­ the over swept ocean The t ole’ fsig ot land­ boat fishing Woolley’s At tet wr fodd o n im­ an to flooded were Streets ensa mrig Bla was Belmar morning, Wednesday rts Hsn 64 Sre, BeShaittr, Street, 6©4 F J. N. HcsxneFratwsJ eehn Bla 928 Belmar Telephone Wind o f Gale Force Sweeps Over Borough Borough Over Sweeps Force Gale f o Wind YTRII TR ™™ TERRIFIC BY STORM HOMA R HARDY D R A H R. AS M O TH asn Hvc Generally. Havoc Raising Private Ant© Ambulance Service Ambulance Ant© Private FUNERAL DIRECTOR FUNERAL iesd ner e in M m E Licensed ae, Proprietor. Mayer, . ® e j ) l S , ehn, 92 S, Bla, . J. N. Belmar, St,, B 1902 Terhune, Advertiser. ntd Wie r al r C A. C. Dr. call or Write money and Time inated. elim non-essentials methods; saving you. advance • waves. vne n Rira. oeh E Joseph Railroad. and Avenue Shorthand and Typewriting will will Typewriting and Shorthand n ivts h coeain f read­ of cooperation the invites and publication, for etc., inter­ notes, club personal est, and social of items Palestine. r i ti faue f h Coast The of feature this in ers and Europe to trip a made recently ht n sal trkee o F on storekeeper small one that allow­ is masses in parking where en ahn lt j te al He fall. the jn late was bathing he seen old, years 65 re­ was Satz Altho HeMr. avenue. 1101 Ocean at years. sided many summer for local resident a was Satz Mr- New­ ark. in recently died Satz, who I). el cae a midnight. at ceased denly greeted and daughter, and wife his friend call old the forgotten almost this was for persistent So de­ great into in mand. were brought candles and was use device lighti*g help to torches electric using ed, ehncl eie te tr sud­ storm the device, mechanical right. guessed “How with entered who everyone current. the off cut fo decided pany al ti we o te et o M. of death the of week this early ay” ie ie ot f e he ten of out times Nine many?” of assistance the in called street conceiva(ble Every evening- sum­ amer of dusk the at flies giving tire of aud effect cars their out pick street's many com­ the emergency so were safety athat as in and necessary. about down lashing torn was were this Wires that ledged acknow­ mustbe it company power et u ad tyd u fr the for out stayed and out went the of sections different in out and et f h ngt I jsie o the to justice In night. the of rest borough the in and light electric entirely every struggle the current up intervals. the gave sharp, short o’clock, and nine At long at city in dancing afternoon, Ihe in early 7 and 3 o’clock. between conditions storm washouts for lookout sharp a keep rprd o oe ih h heavy the with cope be to to and prepared obstructions, other and of stretch no democratic. by imagination, was, wind that piece-meal, wind, the up to giving candidates been had which avenue, ee ie isrcin a no to noon at instructions given were coast the along operating roadmen, l dy ws on o hes and shreds, to torn was day, all cam­ Republican flown newly The rivers. temporary the under streets ag bne a F tet n Ninth and street F at banner paign the litfwed lumber and foliage feet”. their literally off was “taken Everyone coverings. ad epc nihr o e’ or men’s to neither respect paid no fr wre hn vr and ever, than worse fury a into an for and noontime, about oe’ udruhns o tyheir or underpu|hings, women’s elements their by whipped and evening forces two rejoined the roisterers but Boreas,, and Pluvius Sol Old though as looked it hour ol gt h bte o Jupiter of better the get would r yu miiu? cus in course A ambitious? you Are h Cmowat'Htl Ninth Hotel, Commonwealth' The UMR EIET PASSES RESIDENT SUMMER Word was received at this office office this at received was Word The Editor will he glad lo receive receive lo glad he will Editor The uoss lte aot h streets, the about flitted Autoists s huh wthd f b some by off switched though As lcrc ihs ea tangoing began lights Electric nier, odcos n rail­ and conductors Engineers, oe re cm dw ad more and down came trees More hr ws sih abatement slight a was There ED N OR NEWS YOUR IN SEND Go Pae o Stop To Plate Good A pn I^r.yNight Open and WY N EAK • NEWARK INAWAY Instruction BELMAR, NEW JERSEY * DVLPN ad PRINTING and DEVELOPING t i sain s okn oetm on overtime working is station His of advantage take to eager are ists hs account. this wait. two-month’s on a improvement slight a or month, been has than faster much through re o wiig res ihn a within orders waiting on eries months. recent in case the coming are cars Commissioner that avenue Tenth on headquarters from Joeck’s D. Thomas out handed locomotion of means popular this Commissioner Dill’s free safety test. safety free Dill’s Commissioner just news good the in rejoice will of users of number untold the and Tuesday, suffering from a possible possible a from suffering Tuesday, ramn b D. ail Traverso. after Daniel Dr. ambulance, by treatment squad aid the infirst hospital the to removed was kl fatr, h rsl o a fall a of result the fracture, skull on Hospital, Lake Spring to was taken avenue, F Thirteenth at and store, street butcher Yalfe’s Morris ot Cut’ asse valuation assessed County’s mouth riig t og rnh t 3:11. at Branch Long at arriving ae nw bfr Tedy Mon­ Tuesday. before known made o nrae 15 percent. increase to proposed $194,808,165, is is it which be not The will hearing the county. of the result of officials eral Wil Senator by yesterday, Trenton, assessment in increase on hearing im . tvn a cusl ad sev­ and counsel, as Stevens A. in liam Board State the before values og rnh t 02, n N. 814, No. and 10:28, at Branch Long r Lau ws ersne a the at represented was League ers evn Tetn t 25 P M and M. P. 12:53 at Trenton leaving Tren­ 802, leaving No. 10:03; at ton Tues­ Trenton, to representative a n h sre. h ijrd man injured The street. the in o a 82 A M ad riig at arriving and M. A. 8:28 at ton <*t arriving Tren­ at and M. A. 7:55 at Trenton at arrives and M., A. 801. No. are: withdraw to proposes change. proposed the against :7 N. 0, evn Ln Branch Long leaving 807, No. 7:47; 5:30 at Branch Long leaves which influence, its use and 23, Oct- day, is who road, River of Heroy bert these of bodies governing The opposi­ strenuous roused has ton ed f h opsto hr, o send to here, opposition the of head Her­ by asked been has others with request. for the opposing to in appealed help been have places affected. municipalities the in tion Stale the to application pany’s fire departments and the widows widows the and departments fire ihrwl f or ris operat­ trains four of withdrawal ad elepartments.”said or o Pbi Uiiis o thei for Utilities Public of Board n cide ad oe dependent the of sole members deceased of parents and children and fire and policemen retired such for n bten og rnh n Tren and Branch Long between ing l plc ofcr hvn supervi­ having officers police all dependents.. their and men e ad ebr o te oie and police the of members and men upon pension a for and traffic roads, county of the regulation op sion including state, this of mu­ nicipalities in departments fire and police referen­ the legalize dum. to necessary ment of policemen and firemen of of firemen and policemen of ment o esos o plcmn n fire­ and policemen for pensions to the at referendum a for Belmar f h aoto o a at relative act an of adoption the of furtherance in election general next ing the Board of Commissioners of of Commissioners of Board the ing SESET ERN OPENS ASSESSMENT HEARING r Jek lo eot ta auto­ that reports also Joeck Mr. r Jek a md egt deliv­ eight made has Joeck Mr. automobiles Ford of Purchasers ofl es o Atit With Autoists For News Joyful uh ealhn, sitn in assistant MeHallahand, Hugh h Mnot Cut Taxpay­ County Monmouth The The trains the railroad company company railroad the trains The along Commission, Belmar The h Pnslai Rira Com­ Railroad Pennsylvania The RTS P R R TAN CUT TRAIN R. R. P. PROTEST or ude sgaue ‘are ‘ signatures hundred Four h at rvds fr h retire­ the “for provides act The eiin s en cruae ask­ circulated being is petition A AL A POE FATAL PROVE MAY FALL 0 F TET hn 10 ’EMR N. ’BELMAR Phene 1705 STREET F 807 S RFRNU ON REFERENDUM ASK OD AE COMING ARE FORDS ml Pocketbooks Small PENSIONS N N I H S . T . R itr Fae Md T Order To Made Frames Picture TAE KN' RADIOS KENT' ATWATER OE N B PREMISES TBE ON ©ONE ai Rpiig Specialty a Repairing Radio 4 or Service Hour 24 RDY SPEBR 1 1928 21 SEPTEMBERFRIDAY, O SL—oe lctd t 205 at located SALE—Home, FOR ae omsinr ae Fury. James Commissioner late r n crtkr Etmts arr Estimates caretaker. and er clean­ house professional Heckman, usa’ meig t sced the succeed to meeting, Tuesday’s by chosen unanimously was Park, hefly ie. 8h v.. near Ave... 18th given. cheerfully h cmisoes f ht iy at city, that of commissioners the president former a and builder, and —od erc. hn 1412. Phone Terrace. r—wood B f h Kwns lb f Asbury. of Club Kiwanis the of okd n itbrh n Cleve­ and Pittsburgh in worked lb o te country. the of clubs Exchangeite, the of number tion fea­ is Department Fire Belmar of uooie uies ic 1901, and since business automobile for Newman Mr. represented Lake, h ofca ogn f h Exchange the of organ official the conven­ the in article an in tured land. he borough this to coming before Park. Asbury of ation the to activities his transferred has ih yas H hs en n the in been has He years. eight Newman, H. for.O. salesman head ay Ms E Michelson. secre­ E. Mrs. tary, financial Goldstein; J. Mrs. treasurer, Zager; M. Mrs. president, omuh usnEsx Corpor­ Hudson-Essex Monmouth President, Mrs. A. S. Rosen; vice vice Rosen; S. A. Mrs. President, activities. summer the on made vne Tedy vnn, t 8:'30. at evening, Tuesday avenue, il e imse, n reports and dismissed, matters Business be will present. be to urged are all and members, to ance Eleventh on institute the at ing luncheon. next pur­ week’s at to prize the donate chosen and chase being was by Williams N. honored I. presided. club, proper through coal of use ical the in Wednesday, Club, wanis y uig h sme season. summer the during ly ice il od t rglr meet­ regular its hold will Circle furnace. the of care econom­ the explained DuemlerMr. Grill. Legion American the at speaker and honor of guest etd wl b sae exhibits. state be will pected, oiin il e odce annual­ conducted be will position xt fo ec bidn. h rle maue. oain t the to Donations measures. relief The building. each from exits ol evc o Nw ok was York New of Service Coal es t pooes ok o, h ex­ the for, look promoters its cess on Ocean avenue and three side Cross has been put in charge of of treas the to charge sent be in may fund put ( local booths been 550 has contain Cross will side buildings three and avenue Ocean on eky ucen f h Bla Ki- Belmar the of luncheon weekly ec, eea o wih i i ex­ is it which, com- of and several industry merce, of exhibits for xedn 0 fe bc. o h pol o te ntd States United the of people the to Florida, in darn­ age back. 300 feet terriffic extending done each and buildings, Rico Porto one-story two erect ing contemplate who promoters, facing facing o a e Jre Sae Industrial State Jersey New a for Commerce is being sought by the hurricane,) (which has devastated devastated has (which hurricane,) the by sought being is Commerce OMNT CRL MEETING CIRCLE COMMUNITY us wih t s rpsd o run to proposed July from is it which nues, ave­ Ocean and First at Exposition omsin n te hme o mr o te ufrr truh the through sufferers the for , mar of Chamber the and Commission Belmar M ay Be Home Home Be ay M Belmar P L AIN N D U S T R I A L Have your home cleaned by Louis by cleaned home your Have orh vne tev rooms twelve Avenue; Fourth n al ovnecs Lt 50x150 Lot conveniences. alland contractor Brooks, Whitfield J. William M. Schuyler, formerly formerly Schuyler, M. William h Frt i ad aey Squad Safety and Aid First The ON ABR SLS FORCE ASBURYJOINS SALES r Shye, h lvs n Spring in lives who Schuyler, Mr. The offices of the circle are: are: circle the of offices The hs etn i o get impora- great of is meeting This h Hbe Lde’ Community Ladies’ Hebrew The . . ume o te nhaie\e bevd rm udw, Sun- sundown, from observed \be Anthracite the of Duemler F. A. r Wtis peiet f the of president Watkins, Dr. n tl o “o t Ke Ht , Hot” Keep to “How on talk a In f h poet et wt te suc­ the with meets project the If h coeain f h Borough the of cooperation The ettv pas ae en made been have plans Tentative h pas al o to nrne fr i, n te mrcn Red American the and aid, for entrances two for call plans ihe ROS UCES FURY SUCCEEDSBROOKS o f Big Exposition Exposition Big f o AEY QA’ FAME SQUAD’S SAFETY O T KE HOT KEEP TO HOW 68 et n ca aeu ad rsdn Coig hs appealed has Coolidge President and avenue Ocean on feet et Year. Next oe Cleaned Homes 1 o etme 3 1929. 3, September to SPREADS E X H I B IH T E R E *44*44*4 v r 4 uvril f e Bn ad Or­ and- Bank Red of Mulverhill ir ad rnh Morocco. French and giers rnia sekr a a clambake a at speakers principal iie Gec, tl, oai, Al­ Romania, Italy, Greece, visited ittr oi Slesen presided. Silverstein Louis Dictator degree rites. initiation his the performed team and ceremonies. Ringkamp the Henry after held dinner the were Qpdyke George ganizer P. John of Secretary State Order evening. Loyal the into tiated od s president. is road River of Herbermann Henry which steamship The engineer. cadet os a te lb os, Tuesday house, club the at Moose og rie O hs at oae he voyage, last his On cruise. long of Line Export American the of one ports. Mediterranean and Sea Black other and Russia, Odesso, for a E Dnl Senrs movement Sterner’s Donald E. man rsne wt a os emblem Moose a with presented edy oji te . . so sailing Osso, S. S. the join to terday yes­ avenue,left 609 Eighth of Note ay improvement- sary Rail­ Branch Long the and order Y’ork and New span the inspect to reso­ a passed council The bridge. d h Tab uglw n Thir on bungalow Traub the ed l sn f r ad r. . . Van W. G. Mrs. and Mr. of son old od opn t mk te neces­ the make to company road war of secretary the railroad urging lution River Shark the at nel enh vne bten ad O RN—unse Ros for Rooms RENT—Furnished :FOR F and E between avenue, teenth hers. mem new obtaining in efforts his of recognition in Opdyfce Mr- by ring t $15,000.at okn o h wdnn o'h chan of'the widening the to looking tet. r Ere i a ate in partner a is Earner Mr. streets. ucae. h poet ws held was property The of purchaser. Bernz Otto feet. 100x150 plot consist­ avenue, Fourth 107 at erty day evening, endorsed Assembly- Assembly- endorsed evening, day hs oog ad eak s the is Newark and borough andthis house eleven-room an of ing prop­ the Girt, Sea of Naylor, Mrs. ry a hl a $ at prop­ held The was erly 50x150. lot a on stands ten- the avenue, 210 Eleventh at sold house room week, this avenue, ogvns ae offered. for are petitions forgiveness and or­ Hebrew, the thodox by confessed are year past synagogue. the and fasting, absolute by strictly cmd wl rsd i hr new house The her Mrs, around. in year the reside home borough. will this Schmidt of Schmidt, Mrs.L.to Hamburg, V. A. by owned rw i pae ad eiain at meditation and prayer in brews h dy il e pn b te He­ the by spent be will day the Monday evening. sundown, till evening day festival of the Hebrew year, will will year, Hebrew the of festival AlrijpementJ”, will fie observed observed fie will AlrijpementJ”, ahe o te is Ntoa Bank, National First the of of cashier Auxiliary Belmar the of iirer h Rd rs, di F Lmn jr. Lyman, F. Edwin Cross, Red the a o Fsig n Pae Wl Re Will Prayer and Fasting of Day n Baly Beach- Bradley and o s hl o te iies f Bel of citizens the of help chapter, ask County to Monmouth the of use b H C Rh, chairman Rehm, C. H. re­ been by hasquested unit, Cross Red local . Yom Kipper, or the “Day of of “Day the or Kipper, Yom . STORM SUFFERERS RPRIS HNE HANDS CHANGE PROPERTIES the Warner Drug stores of this boro boro this of stores Drug Warner the ite nw ebr wr ini­ were members new Fifteen This is Cadet VanNote’s second second VanNote’s Cadet is This on Vnoe ae te rp as trip the makes VanNote Young uet . aNt, nineteen-year VanNote, H. Hubert arla Pt Cmig was Cummings Pete Patrolman h Suh emr oni, Mon­ Council, Belmar South The r ad r. . anr ae rent have Earner Mrs. S. andMr. OS IIIT FIFTEEN INITIATE MOOSE Mr. Silverstein has also sold, for for sold, also has Silverstein Mr. oi Slesen f 0 Ninth 706 of Silverstein Louis h sn cmitd uig the during committed sins The o Kpe, h ms solemn most the Kipper, Yom . . ilas cara o the of chairman Williams, N. 1. AT CHANNEL WIDENED WANT ET RU BUNGALOW TRAUB RENT O KPE SUNDAY KIPPER YOM EVSFR RUSSIA LEAVESfFOR bevd y Hebrews By Observed Belmar’s Quota to Red Cross R elief elief R Cross Red to Quota Belmar’s NEED YOUR HELP YOUR NEED Committee Is Only $300. Only Is Committee 10 , 000 . -1 eli Bidn, it avenue. Ninth Building, berlain iee arvd Vr ltl dam­ little Very arrived. firemen eun o h Cat detsr of­ Advertiser fice. Coast the to Return between Saturday, ring, lady’s g ws done. was age New at Inn LeDeauville the at fire slight a to night, the Wednesday of storm, height the during out called vne n D tet n te Cham­ the and street D and avenue O RN—tr, utbe o the for suitable RENT—Store, FOR the when control under was cir­ cuit, short said a is by caused been which have blaze,to The Bedford. will be the last night the pavilion pavilion the night last the be will supply will orchestra Erving’s tomorrow chie public, the to open be idr f daod ot rm a from lost diamond a of finder following Saturday The Ar­ music. the dancing. for 8:30 at evening emd tial t gv a little a estimate. their in give leeway to atvisable deemed order in figure a state to had sion O RN—or om Bungalow, Room RENT—Four FOR il e pn hs season. this open be will h fgr qoe bt h Commis­ the but quoted figure reach the to expected not are work the OTCids vrJhsn Bicy­ Iver-Johnson LOST—Child’s o e te tt gat ad t is it and grant, state the get to and state the by born be will ment Wth o them! for Watch I each Advertiser, Coast The | in | week. •published be will BELMARborough | the in IN WHO WHO’S [ remitted to the borough. Bids for for Bids borough. the to remitted improving and repairing $40,000 for prepar­ the authorized evening, day Inlet. Half the cost of the improve­ the of cost the Half Inlet. River Shark at jetty shore souththe appropriating ordinance an ef ation Peter Officer weeks. two of cation member each Monday last ginning force the and duties their of lieved special the that evening Tuesday f h fre il e rne a va­ a granted be will force Be­ the of quota. normal its at back is re­ been have officers police sumer meeting, commission the at ported er. vrbd welcome. Everybody heard. county, Prominent church. Baptist umns a te is t leave. to first the was Cummings tt, n ntoa sekr wl be will speakers national andstate, ody vnn a te t Olive Mt. the at evening Monday ie l yu can. you all Give $100,000,000. ooe cu wl hl a al next rally a hold will club Colored 1.000 n te oa ls i (siae at (estimated away, is swept loss is total the crop and coffee percent ihe seventy-five of destroyed; is 0.0 hmls. n lrd, the than more 40Q and Florida, estimate is dead In 706.000 homeless. cribe. The dead in Porto Rico Rico Porto at estimated in are dead alone The des­ cribe. scarcely can words that dition doing, so By promptly. in sent be oos r hlig leit a con­ a alleviate helping are donors the Red Cross asks that donations donations that asks Cross Red the avenue. Ninth and street F * 4 H 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 h Bla Fr Dprmn was Department Fire Belmar The winter months. Equipped for for Equipped months. winter rwr o $0 s fee the offered is $50 of reward A enh v, Belmar, Ave, teenth AIIN PN SATURDAY OPEN, PAVILION o egr 90 Street. C 900 Berger, to Yaffe, H. Apply Street. F 1308 House. Oyster Apply Mrs. A. Rouse, 318 Fifth- Fifth- 318 Rouse, A. Mrs. Apply The Fifth Avenue pavilion will will pavilion Avenue Fifth The l; utbe ead o return for reward suitable cle; furnished; improvements; yearly; yearly; improvements; furnished; ih hueepn o sleepers. or housekeeping light 5 ar Ae, etn City. Neptune Ave., Laird 75 h Bruh omsin Tues­ Commission, Borough The omsinr hms iln re­ Dillon Thomas Commissioner The South Belmar Republican Republican Belmar South The h sfees r cyn fr help- for crying are sufferers The Fifty per cent of the tobacco crop crop tobacco the of cent per Fifty h ne fr i i ugn and urgent is aid for need The Sketches of prominent people people prominent of Sketches IE T E BEDFORD NEW AT FIRE trcin eeyhr. i everywhere. attractions X Jeraej the along resort finest Coast. Spread the new* erfiti, new* the Spread Coast. the ead B Belmar make Let’s OIE OC BC TO BACK FORCE POLICE injured. Be a boos#**. Don't, knock.*" knock.*" Don't, boos#**. a Be O MRV JETTY IMPROVE TO RN RALLYGRAND 5 REWARD $50 ige oy or Cent! Four Copy Single NORMAL 1 , 000

with , 10 th THE COAST ADVERTISER, BELMAR, N. J, BACHELORS DEFEND * s 4* 4* UNMARRIED STATE 4* 4* 4* 4* Advertisers’ Business Guide 4* 4* 4* 4* Replies of Baltimore Men to 4* The Jewelry And Real Estate 4* 4* 4* German Statistics. 4* 4* 4* Office of 4* Baltimore, Md.—Defending their Phone 210 4* 4* 4* “single blessedness,’’ Baltimore bach­ 4* elors both differ and agree with the We Design 4* 4* 4* 4* German statistical bureau, which, ac­ 4* 4* cording to Berlin cables, has uncov­ W. E. Hefter 4* 4* ered by scientific evidence that mar­ and Build 4* 4* ried men live longer than bachelors, PLUMBING - HEATING 4* L. J. Leader 4* but bachelors, widowers, and divorced 4* 4* HE* men take first prize for good conduct. Complete 4* “ Married men do not live longer,’’ * 4* SAME PRESCRIPTION (N ot to Bank) 4* Is Now Located At 4* said Philip B. Perlman, former city 4* 4* solicitor. “As has been said by an 4* authority on the subject, it only seems HE WROTE IN 1892 9th A m BELMAR. N. J. To Suit You 4* 4* 4* 4* longer. It is, however, very true that 4* we bachelors are more virtuous and All Work Guaranteed 4* 4* When Dr. Caldwell started to practice 4* therefore we should have the first medicine, back in 1875, the needs for a 4* prize. I; 4* 703 10. Ave. Belmar 4* laxative were not as great as today. 4* 4* “It is this virtue and goodness that People lived normal lives, ate plain, 4* 4* makes our lives pass so quickly and wholesome food, and got plenty of fresh 4* seems to make them shorter. The air. But even that early there were 4* 4* BICYCLES 4* statistical bureau is absolutely incor­ drastic physics and purges for the relief 4* of constipation which Dr. Caldwell did 4* rect on its first results and absolutely 4* 4* not believe were good for human beings. Repairs and Supplies correct when it refers to our good The prescription for constipation that 4*4*4*4*4*4*4*4*4*4* 4*4* 4* 4*4*4*4,4*4* 4*4* 4*4*4*4* 4*4* 4* 4* 4*4* 4*4*4* 4* 4*4*'4*4*4 conduct.” he used early in his practice, and which “ Feminist Propaganda.” he put in drug stores in 1892 under the name of Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin, Baby Coach Wheels William H. Chaffe, permanent chair­ is a liquid vegetable remedy, intended v man of the Bal des Arts and one of 4* 4* for women, children and elderly people, and TSrea H. A. SMITH 4* 4* the best known bachelors in Balti­ and they need just such a mild, safe 4* BILLY WATSON, Realtor 4* more, said a part of the German con­ bowel stimulant. 4* 4* clusions are nothing else but feminist This prescription has proven its worth Base Ball Goods Designer and Builder 4* BROADWAY and CHURCH STREET 4* propaganda. and is now the largest selling liquid laxative. It has won the confidence of 4* WATSON BUILDING PATERSON, N. J. 4* “ The whole trouble is the girls can’t Phone 323 JX 4* 4* people who needed it to get relief from find us,” he explained. “ We bach­ headaches, biliousness, flatulence, indi­ 4* Specializes in Factories, Mills, Large Industrial Opp. PabBo School 1701 A Street 4* elors are too cute for them. Because gestion, loss of appetite and sleep, bad Tracts, Long Term Leases. we elude them and stay by our unas­ breath, dyspepsia, colds, fevers. At your 4* 4* 1108 F street BELMAR 4* 4* sailed firesides and they can’t locate druggist, or write “ Syrup Pepsin,” Belmar, New Jersey 4* W ork Handled in Confidence Until Completed 4* us they think we are six feet under. Dept. BB, Monticello, Illinois, for free 4* trial bottle. Paterson and vicinity offers great opportunities both “The girls are trying to make those 4* t German statisticians believe we die 4* to corporations seeking Industrial locations and to per­ 4* young as a means of making us come Slices 4* sons looking for sound investments. 4* 4* 4* out of our hiding places and prove Says—Golfing is pie for me. we don’t.” Which—I notice you always get 4* Phone Sherwood 6604 4* 0. H. Newman 4* “ Ready to Die." plenty of slices.—Vancouver Province. N ash a n d HUDSON and ESSEX 4* Also some very good Oceanfront Property in Belmar | “There can be no doubt about our 4* 4* good conduct. I am very glad some­ 4* Summer Residence 4* C h e v r o l e t 4* 4* body has found that out. They say Foil Line of Supplies 4* 311 Fifth Ave. Belmar, N. J. 4* the bird flies high when it escapes 4* JL from a cage. We have no cages to Cars and Trucks E X I D E escape from and, therefore, our con­ Machine Shop Battery Service duct is always according to Hoyle or 708 F Street BELMAR ,l*4*4,4*4*4*4*4*4'4,4,4*4*4*4*4*4*4*4*4*4*4*4*4*4,4*4*4*4*4*4,4,4*4*4*4*4*4*4*4 Emily Post.” 4* 4* Frederick R. Huber, municipal di­ BELMAR AUTO CO. Phone 513 4* Phone 2735 Res.: 211 Twelfth Ave. 4* rector of music and one of the city’s F St., cor. 8th Ave., Belmar 4* 4* “eligible bachelors,” said he is “ ready 4* 4* to die right now.” 4* t “ If good conduct of bachelors is a 4* criterion,” he added, “then all bach­ 4* 4* ixj .my rrrmm “ *■ ^ 4* The Belmar Express 4* elors are ready for the undertaker. 4* 4* The good die young, you know. I Phone 14 4* 4* don’t know anything about married Harry E. Bennett. Prop. Exclusive Agency for 4* 4* men living longer or why, because 4* 4* I’ve never had the marrying habit.” COLUMBIA AND MINERVA 4* 4* Central Market 4* Regular Motor Service 4* J. Wallace Bryan, attorney, was YARNS 4* 4* skeptical about the German deduc­ Herman F. Lazaraus, Pr op 4* 4* tions. D. M. C. COTTON 4* To All Cities 4* “If I remarked about them,” he City Dressed Beef ALSATIAN EMBROIDERY 4* 4* said, “I might give away my friends Lamb, Veal and Pork 4* 4* or myself. I think discretion is the Fresh dressed poultry 4* 4* a specialty. Telephone 539-W 4* better part of bachelorhood right 4* Local and Long Baggage Agents now.” Distance Moving 908 F Street BELMAR t N. Y. Transfer Co. Other well-known bachelors did not EMBROIDERY STAMPING hesitate to give their private opinions, r^jjjiyAffrrrrr‘ *'“ rr*’‘^*rrrfffirsi | '4*4*4*4*4*4*4*4*4*4*4*4*4*4*4*4*4*4*4*4*4*4*4*4*4*4*4*4*4*4*4*4*4,4*4*4*4*4*4,1 but, as one remarked, “ We bachelors never are understood, and, no matter When y o u r HAND-KNITTED SWEATERS £4*4*4*4,4*4*4*4*4*4*4*4*4,4*4*4*4*4*4*4*4*4*4*4*4*4*4,4*4*4*4*4*4*4*4*4,4-4,4 what we say or do, we get in bad.” #06 F St. Belmar, N. J. Syndicate to Dig for Children Ciy S. Dresden l ssatsB^assssifaassS 4*! MULLEN’S BAKERY Pirate Gold in Florida 4* Jacksonville, Fla.—Gold, precious f o r I t Ladle's and Gent’s ^ The Largest and Oldest Bakery In Belmar stones, pirate loot, perhaps the money Baby has little upsets at times. All the United States paid for the Louisi­ your care cannot prevent them. But yon ana territory—that is what a treasure­ can be prepared. Then you can do what TAILOR % OUR TWO BIG SPECIALS hunting syndicate of Jacksonville any experienced nurse would do—what PHONE 443 business men hope to find in a big REAL HOME-MADE BREAD most physicians would tell you to do— EIGHTH AVENUE AND F STREET iron chest which they say they have give a few drops of plain Castoria. No BELMAR, N. J. AND COFFEE CAKE ! located in the quicksands of the Su- sooner done than Baby is soothed; re­ wanee river. lief is just a matter of moments. Yet Once, they say, they lifted the con­ 1003 F STREET BELMAR, N. J. you have eased your child without use centrated essence of wealth to within of a single doubtful drug; Castoria is a few feet of the surface, only to see vegetable. So it’s safe to use as often It drop back. But they saw that it as an infant has any little pain you WARNER’S was about 3% by 2% by 5% feet and cannot pat away. And it’s always very heavy. ready for the crueler pangs of colic, or "Your Prescription Druggist” v They are quite sure it contains the * Phone 868 We Deliver 4* constipation or diarrhea; effective, too, 4* WHEN YOU WANT 4* loot of pirates who once used the for older children. Twenty.flve million 10th AVE. and F ST. 4* 4* Florida coves. It is supposed they bottles were bought last year. Belmar, N, J. THE VERY BEST GOODS 4* buried the chest In the sand, not t 4* knowing it was quicksand, and only Phone Bel. 1269 at the 4* 5 ^ CLEAN 4* 4* modern engineering machinery can mtlcY c /t eA-A- 4*. 4* get it back. There is also a theory LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES 4* that the $15,000,000 paid France for 2nd Ave. and Main St. 1 COME TO OUR STORE CASTORI A Bradley Beach, N. J. Egg, Stove, Nut 4* 4* Louisiana never reached Paris. It is 4* Satisfaction Guaranteed 4* thought this treasure may be con­ Tlione A. P. 5030 4* 4* tained in the chest. Some Motorists 4* 4* The treasure was located two years “I’ve bought a larger car.” $14 per ton 4* King’s Grocery Store ago by a river man known here only “ What's the reason ?” 4* TRY OUR 39c COFFEE—YOU WILL BE SURPRISED t Prescriptions left with us to !• as Uncle Tom. He went broke try­ “I can get more accessories on It 1” t ing. Then the Hoover Lease Develop­ he compounded are put up Pea, $11 per ton ment company was formed and went only by registered pharma­ to work. It is digging about 25 miles cists, formerly of Petty’s Pre­ from the mouth of the river at a place FARMER’S WIFE scription Dep’t., Newark, N. J., Buckwheat, $8 called Old Town. The nearest village, assuring you utmost accuracy Chiefland, is 14 miles away. and care. GETS STRENGTH We solicit your patronage. Soft, $8 per ton Reindeer Herd on Long B y Talking Lydia E. Pinkhnni'a WARNERS Trek to New Pasture “ Nothing But the Best” MONMOUTH Edmonton, Alberta.—Eleven thou­ Vegetable Compovind TT is no use ad- sand, six hundred reindeer are going on a long trek from their Yukon range Schoolfleld, Va.—“ My mother had Coal & Supply Co., Inc to Jeeding grounds on the shore of taken Lydia E. l’ lnlrimm'n Veuetaiile 16th AVE. AND RAILROAD Hudson bay. Compound ami I Phone 706 BELMAR, N- J. * vertising unless The herd was gathered 30 years ago decided to take It with 1,240 animals as its nucleus. for my own trou­ GIRLS WANTED Natural increase accounts for the ex­ bles and f o u ii d great relief. I was you have the goods pansion in numbers and also for the hardly able to stand movement to new fields for grazing. on my feet some­ We offer you clean, The shortest and easiest route across W e W a n t Y o n times and now I steady employment and no use having couniry ill be sought. Even so, the feel better than I journey Is expected to consume 18 have for several making Pajamas. You to keep in mind the months. Progress of ten miles daily years. I credit tha need not be experienced. fact that in addition to is planned, with long halts whenever Lydia E. Pinkhatn’a W(j will pay you good the goods unless V e g e t a b l e Com­ wages while learning the printing this news­ necessary for rest and grazing. A pound with my complete stop will be made during the present good health. I have taken five trade, which will enable paper we do job work you advertise breeding seasons. bottles of it and I am now able to do you lo earn $20 to $25 of any kind. When all my housework and sowing, feed a yreek. my chickens, milk the cow and tend Quit the Job the pigs, and feel fine.”—Mas. J. O. in need of anything Utrecht, Holland.—A spinster here Bradley, Doe 249, Schoolfleld, Vir­ Valeo Mfg. Co. in this line be sure has eight pet cats which have three ginia, meals a day with her. She kisses First Ave. near Railroad them ail good-night. A maid, ordered ASBURY PARK To S ee U s to do the same, threw up her job, and REMOLA BLEACH curesWonderful eCLoma. nnJ Priceearn. Mukrn#1.26. your Free akin booklet beautiful, Freckle «|on the mistress had her in court for quit­ Ointment remove* i rack Ion Used OV,r forty years *1.26 and 6Bo. Ask your dealer or writo ting without notice. The maid won. QOr. C. H. Berty Co.,2»/3 Mlchli.n *«.., chicu. THE COAST ADVERTISER, BELMAR. N. J.

+ * $ Theodore H. MORTGAGE MONEY

.*3* tr $


BESiDEMca* ta n b a x

Telephone Belmar 57% Any Hoar, Day or Night E . B . B i g e l o w

Telephone Belmar 709-R

Tenth Ave., Opp. R.R. Depot Belmar, N. J. M O T H E R ? Fletcher’s Castoria is a harmless Substitute for BAKED GOODS Castor Oil, Paregoric, Teething Drops and Soothing Syrups, prepared to relieve Infants in arms and Childrea all ages of FRESH DAILY Constipation Wind Colic It is a real pleasure to come here shopping for Flatulency To Sweeten Stomach Diarrhea Regulate Bowels baked goods, for you have the assurance that WALLPAPER Aids in the assimilation of Food, promoting Cheerfulness, Rest, and they are always fresh and of the finest quality. Natural Sleep without Opiates ______. To avoid imitations, always look for the signature of and PAINTS ~ roven l?rf!ctlons on each package. Physicians everywhere recommend it j BELMARBAKERY A. MENZLER, Proprietor ■mMIIUIIHIIHHIIIIUIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlimnillllUlllinillllililiiiHIIHIIIHIMH! 809 F STREET BELMAR, N. f We Carry the Latest Paterns in Wall Paper Established 1905 Telephone Connection 5 Best Quality and low prices E. HABERST1CK & SON f Successors to WM. ALLSPACH y r Phone 1124-W Masury Paints and Varnishes J mST" Sanitary Plumber Gas Stoves ____ LEON T. ABBOTT We Sell Wholesale and Retail 1004 F Street, bet. 10th and 11th Aves. B E L M A R , N . J . PLUMBING AND HEATING CONTRACTOR We also Specialize in Paperhanging and Painting iHinillllllHIIHHIIIIIIHItHnilHIIHMIHIimilllllHHlllllnm nm ini.. Estimates Given ;

415 13t3* AVENUE BELMAR, N. J. Guarantee Painting Co. f PLUMBING & HEATING 706 NINTH AVENUE BELMAR, N. J. ? We Specialize on Repair Work Electric Water Pumps and Repairs JOS. G. STEWARD Schrnft’s Chocolates PHONE 620-R BELMAR 1106 F ST. 24 Hour Battery Service Free Crankcase Service RIVOLI SUGAR BOWL SUNOCO GAS Phone Belmar 601-W FRAMES MADE TO ORDER MOSQUITO FRAMES 902 F Street Belmar, N J. FOR ABSOLUTE FREEDOM FROM KNOCKS STORM SASH SHUTTERS Plans Arranged and Estimates Offered AND CARBON TROUBLE

The Ideal Combination is PETER MACLEARIE & SON BLUE SUNOCO MOTOR FUEL AND CARPENTERS and BUILDERS SUNOCO, THE DISTILLED MOTOR OIL ALTERATIONS and REPAIRS Residence and Workshop, A Street Belmar, N. J. HONGE AND DUBOIS You save 3c to 5c per gallon Bet. 18th and 19th Aves. Blue Sunoco sells at regular gas prices Realtors - Insurance - Mortgage Loans RADIO AND CAR BATTERY SERVICE 706 Tenth Avenue, Batteries called for and delivered FREE BE SATISFIED Are you always satisfied that you are getting Belmar, N. J. ALCOHOL FOR YOUR RADIATOR the value you should for your money in— FURNITURE AND HOUSEFURNISHINGS Phone 503 Look over our large stook and let us quote ABDILL’ S SERVICE STATION priees before you buy elsewhere. Phone Belmar 2691-W M. MANNER 6th AVE. and RIVER ROAD BELMAR, N. J. 703 and 705 F Street, Belmar, N. J. FOUNDATIONS


THE BICYCLE OF ARE RIGHT HERE IN THE ADVER- SUPERIORITY FRANK P.ERBE TISING COLUMNS OF THIS PAPER For real riding qualities this bicycle excels all others be­ SPRING LAKE FLORIST cause it is manufactured with IF WHAT YOU*RE SELLING regard to smooth, flexible, run­ TREES SHRUBS HEDGE PLANTS, Etc. HAS MERIT, ADVERTISE IT ning equipment, and strong, BEODING PLANTS CUT FLOWERS, Eta. sturdy frame work plus beau­ Funeral Designs Wedding Decorations ty of design. Every compon­ AN AD. WILL SELL IT FOR YOU ent part of these bicycles on 307 Ludlow Avenue, near Third SPRING LAKE, N. J. sale here is made of the best Telephone 59 materials obtainable.


THE COAST ADVERTISER, BELMAR, NEW JERSEY FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1928 SOME IMPRESSIONS GATHERED sa— " ■■■...... " " — . ■ . 1 ■■■« AIR MAIL TO GERMANY war have rot restored full employ DURING THE PAST SEASON «wro than statistic#. It moan# high or meat. standard# of living—morn job# mafco THE COAST ADVERTISER AT YACHT CLUB Local residents will be given the PROSPERITY NO There have boon assertions of wide naoro wage#: opportunity of witnessing the initial unemployment at the present time. Ono of th# largo opportunities for . LOUIS BARR The place—The Belmar Yacht There was a temporary dip of employ­ the further improvement of labor Iloa flights of the German airship, Graf f; Owner and Publisher Club; time—on and after July 4th, ACCIDENT-HOOVER ment last winter. From this we are in the further Improvement of agri­ i J. CHARLES TURNER Zeppelin, which will carry the first 1928; characters—members of the now rapidly recovering- It# causes culture. Some of it# molt important official air mail from this country Editor club, many of whom you surely were local and temporary. An ac­ branches have lagged behind industry to Germany. Two or three flights know. It was Planned and Worked Out curate survey of tbo Department of in its advance since the war. Labor showed that even including the • Publication Offiie and Plant will be made this month, and in Oc­ on Shrewd Party Policies National Efficiency The clubhouse lighted up like a usual winter seasonal unemployment, ^ 704 Ninth Avenue, Belmar, N. J, tober from Lakehurst to Frieddich- American labor has been the first mansion; sailboats barely moving Over Period of Years. about 1,890,000 employees were out hafen and return. The exact dates labor body in the world that has had Telephone 2083-W over still water; crowds thrilled by of work a# contrasted with five to six of the flights will be fixed accord­ the speed of the outboard motor- million In 1921. During the past two the intelligence and courage to realize and express the fact that increased Entered as second-class matter at ing to conditions. boats; swimmers using the dock for CHANGE MIGHT UPSET IT months there has been a higher rec­ the Post Office at Belmar, N. J., The Postoffice Department does ord of production and consumption of wages and salaries must in the long dives; stretches of oil from the mo­ run be based upon a sharing of labor under the Act of Congress. not guarantee dispatch by this goods than during corresponding torboats. causing color variations Candidate in New Jersey Labor in the savings made through indus­ months of any previous year. method', but anyone wishing to take trial and commercial efficiency. Wages Subscription Rates on the water; boats being pulled Speech Quotes Statistics to Back There are two industries whieh Single Copy ...... 04 the risk may send mail addressed in that industry will rise, prices de- back after unsuccessful cruises; the Up His Statements. have only partially recovered to our Three Months ...... 40 to any European country at the fol­ orease, consumption increase at homo ramp loaded with hulls; kids with general industrial prosperity. They Six Months ...... 75 and in our foreign markets, the de­ lowing rates: Letters weighing not are the bituminous coal and textile One Year ...... $1.50 wet feet skipping* through the club , NEWARK.—-In his address here on mand for labor is enlarged and our. more than one ounce, $1; postcards, industries. Here the difficulties of house; motor parts all around the Labor Problems Herbert Hoover ern standards of living improve. 51 i cents. Mail addressed for the recovery from over-expansion during In ordering the change of sub­ boathouse. phatically declared that this country's Eight years ago I caused a nation­ the war have been increased by a du­ scription address, please give the return flights will be accepted at Cliff Miller running up and down prosperity during the last seven years wide investigation to be undertaken old as well as th j new address. plication of part of both industries in New York. has been the result of carefully con of the whole subject. I felt that it the stairs, Saturday nights; Sally the Southern States. They have also News Items of Local and Personal Farrier trying to start her motor si-dered Republican governmental poli was in the interest of our country to Interest Invited FIREMEN’S FUND $629,315 been affected by changes in use of know what opportunities wa had to on the first pull; George Kaegi, Jr., ciea. textiles on one hand and by tbe in­ I ------. Mr. Hoover warned that a shift of improve our methods. It developed crease of electricity on the other. We exercising his favorite pipe; Ray government at this time, owing to the that there were great opportunities PAVILION PRIVILEGES } William R. O’Brien of this boro, have a duty to continue effort to their Koenig reading last month’s maga­ fundamental differences in the avowed for increased efficiency in our whole ______j secretary of the Monmouth County full recovery by every assistance that zines; Gus Schuck on the porch principles of government In the two industrial machine. We have the the Government can afford. This will A rumor that the Hebrew Insti- j Firemen’s Association, reported at parties might seriously interrupt the highest ingenuity and efficiency, in thinking about his golf games; be carried forward diligently. tute paid $100 for the use .of the pa-: the session, held in Freehold. Mon- effectiveness of the policies to which the operation of our individual indus­ Henry Stines trying to clean out the Despite these rare exceptions, the vilion for its benefit was spiked by | day, that $629,315 had been collect- he largely attributes prosperity. tries, of any nation. Yet there were barrel of the starting canon; Inez averages of real wages are higher to­ Mayor Joseph Mayer at the com- j ed during the year from the 398 lo- “ Our3 is the only country,” he said, great wastes which were not the fault Davies tickling the ivories. day than ever before. And the ardu­ mission meeting, Tuesday evening, j cals. Six relief claims have been ‘‘of which anything like such prosperi­ of individuals, employers or em­ I-edyard Avery looking around ous hours of labor have decreased. ployees. These wastes were due to The borough received no fee for! paid since the last meeting, ty is true. Where other countries have for something to alter; Bar Steven­ Tariff seasoaal unemployment and to un­ either the Hebrew affair or the pa- The association endorsed the barely succeeded in struggling back son adding accessories to his craft; j to pre-war bases, we have managed to The first of our policies which have employment during depressions; to trolmen’s benefit. If the Hebrew I plan of the State Relief Association Bob Baldwin in wet clothes; Elea­ improve our situation far beyond that, given security and expansion of em­ speculation and over-production dur­ that $300 a year pensions be paid Institute paid anything for the: nor Howie eating hamburgers; I and in such a way as to reflect that ployment has been the enactment of ing booms; to labor turnover and la­ needy firemen, who have no other the protective tariff. The protective bor conflicts; to intermittent failure privilege, as certain persons per­ George Bergen eying the “ Baby j improvement in\o conditions sur­ tneans of support. tariff ha3 been a fundamental policy of transportation, of supplies, of fuel, sist in claiming they did, the com­ Seals” ; Jerry Buckenham trying to rounding our humblest homes.” Mr. Hoover said, in part: of the Republican Party ever since of power and credit to synchronize missioners and the public would | start motors for others; Phil Wag­ with demand; to lack of simplification like to know who got it- The boro HERIFF’S SALE.—By virtue of a Real wages and standards of living the party was founded. Against it the S ner promenading throughout the of our labor have improved more dur­ Democratic Party has battled for and standardization in many of our treasury certainly did not. writ of fi. fa. to me directed, issued out of the Court of Chancery building. ing the past seven and a half years of these same seventy years. Two commonly used commodities; to loss­ Mayor Mayer stated that the com­ of the State of New Jersey, wdl be Charley Markus watching mem-1 Republican rule than during any simi­ months ago their platform hinted that es in our processes and materials and scores of other directions. They all mission had considered the ques­ exposed to sale at public vendue on hers throw ashes on the floor; j lar period in the history of this or of they thought we might be right. How­ Monday, the Fifteenth Day of Octo­ combined to represent a huge deduc­ tion of charging a nominal fee for Doc Crouthers provoking members any other country. ever, they declared for a tariff that ber, 1928, between the hours of li would maintain effective competition. tion from the goods and services and the pavilion but it was not definite­ at meetings; Clarence Stines work­ When I speak of wages I refer both o’clock, and 5 o’clock (at 1 o’clock to those who work at the bench and That must mean a tariff which will employment we might all enjoy If we ly settled when these two affairs eastern standard time), in the af ing on his yacht; Bert Oliner won­ those who work at the desk. Nor maintain effective competition of for­ could eliminate these wastes. were run. f lernoon of said day, at the Court dering how he happened to win : House, in the Borough of Freehold is this addressed to men alone. More eign against American goods. That Co-operation In future, a nominal fee will j cups for racing; Adelaide Howie than ten million women march to is not protection. That this- is the be charged all organizations other I County of Monmouth, New berseyi We adopted a new policy in gov-, to satisfy a decree of said court stimulating interest in the swim­ work every morning side by -side with meaning is horns, out by references to ernmeut. That was, that the Secre­ than civic for its use, This has amounting to approximately $3,- ming races; Fred Taeger busy with the men. I include also the woman the Underwood Tariff of the last Dem­ tary of Commerce should co-operat# been decided upon in view of the 025.00. the Junior’s raffle; Bob Howie in who stays at home. She is a partner j ocratic Administration as the ideal. with industry in organization against The re-enaotment of that tariff would fact that the borough loses money All that certain lot, tract or par­ conference. in the job and tbe wages. such waste, not by law or regulation, by granting the free use of the build j cel of land and premises, herein­ The very foundation of economic let in a flood of foreign goods, destroy but by purely voluntary action. Wo after particularly described, situ­ Ed Bahstede pepping up the gang I employment and lower wages and de­ ing. The fee will cover expenses. progress to our industrial, and busi- j have had magnificent co-operation ate, lying and being in the Borough on Saturday nights; Nat Markus | ness employees is full and stable em­ moralize our farmers. from the leaders and the employees of of Neptune City, in the County ol monkeying with Hie radio; Ed j ployment. A continued surplus of un- ! Immigration American business. QUIZZING THE CANDIDATES Monmouth and State of New Jer­ employed workers means decreasing Broeg’e talking tennis; Bill Con­ The Republicau Administration im­ The Department of Labor should be About now the candidates for of­ sey, and known as Lot Number leu wages, increasing hours and fear for (No. 10) Block Twenty-eight (28) nelly manipulating the piano; Morg posed restrictions upon immigration authorized to undertake the collection the future. To protect labor, to main­ fices big and little are receiving on the Map designated “ Mdp oi Davies wondering how much work j largely to protect the American work­ of regular statistics upon seasonal and tain its prosperity, to abolish pover­ questions from organizations and Shark River Islands, Monmouth an assistant secretary should do; 1 man. With the bars of immigration other unemployment. We must have ty, we must so organize our economic i this fundamental information for fur­ individuals who want to know just County, New Jersey”, dated heb- j Bobby Lane starling motors that j down the flow of those seeking relief ruary 1, 1926, made by Sincerbeaus system as to provide a job for all who ther attack upon this problem, from what they think about various ques ! others can’t; Charley Helmstetter from the poverty of Europe would and Moore, Civil Engineers, Asbury hare the will to work. Full employ- j create a horde of job hunters around the further solution of which will tions. There are a great number Park, N. J-, and filed in the Office thrilling the public. ment depends upon vigorous co-opera- come greater stability and prosperity. of people and organizations whose svery employment office and industrial of the Clerk of Monnfouth County tion by the Government. gate in the United States. The pres­ We have gained enormously in effl minds are concentrated on one is­ Beginning at a point on the easterly Labor in its collective efforts has ciency in our whole economic machin­ line of Sterner Avenue, as shown sure of this flood would break oar sue or line of issues. They want to contributed greatly to the mainte- i wages toward the levels of Europe. ery in the past seven years. I can­ on the aforesaid map, said begin­ DEMOCRATIC MEETING nance of proper wages and to im­ not taka the time to recite to you the know what the candidate thinks ning point being distant two hunf No one places a higher worth upon about that one thing, and they are proved conditions of labor. But col­ the foreign-born citizen than I do. He extraordinary evidence of this. I hesi­ died thirty-six and fifty-one hun lective bargaining cannot overcome tate to express it statistically lest I indifferent to what ,he thinks on dredths feet on a course bearing State and county candidates will brings many elements of great value north forty-four degrees thirty-six j attend the dinner dance of the Mon- tbe forces that make for unemploy­ in our cultural development. We wel­ appear to exaggerate. Taken as a anything else. They will often vote ment. I, for one, am willing to trust minutes east, from the point of ii$ ! mouth County Democratic organi- come his help in buildiug our new whole we have swelled our production for a poorly qualified person, sim­ the proved ability of employees to on a quantity basis by nearly 30 per tersection of the said easterly line | zation at Sea Girt Inn, Wednesday, , civilization. The immigration laws ply because he happens to agree of Steiner Avenue with the north­ take care of their rights it there is j should be amended to remedy tbe cent. Parallel with it Wages have j with them on the one point to which erly line of Boston Road; thence Sept. 26. United States Senator Ed- j employment to be bad. And our work­ hardships to families. I have urged risen and the prices of manufactured their interest is attached- running (1) along the said easterly ' ward I. Edwards, Motor Vehicle ers as citizens at tbe ballot box hare before that this be done. In my Ac­ goods have fallen. When people are elected to o f - ' line of Steiner Afenue, north forty- j Commissioner William L. Dill and a large part in the determination of ceptance Speech I stated my opposi­ We see a great expansion in the four degrees thirty-six minutes easl these economic policies. The problem lice, they must please the mass of Governor A. Harry Moore are tion to any increase in immigration. automobile industry, in telephones forty-five feet to a point; thence (2J of insuring full work all the time is a and electric lights. In seven years the people. If they set out just to among the- scheduled speakers. The restriction upon immigration is south forty-five degrees twenty problem of national concern. a boon not only to those of my hear­ we have seen the radio industry please the one-idea people, they four minutes east, one hundred and This affair will be the opening of i Keeping in Tune ers who were born on American soil emerge from a few hundred thousand will give a very one-sided adminis­ thirty feet to a point; thence (3) ! the Democratic campaign in Mon- but to those who have come from the to hundreds of millions in its product. south forty four degrees thirty six Behind every job is a vast, intri­ tration. We need people who have 1 mouth and will be followed by < old countries, for every one would suf- ! We have seen the aeroplane industry minutes west, forty-five feet to s nightly mass meetings throughout cate and delicately adjusted system all-round qualifications, rather than point; thence (4- north forty-five fer equally by the lowering of onr | develop from almost nothing seven j the country. of interlocked industries dependent wages and standards of living. years ago, to a most potent industry crusaders who go into office with degrees twenty-four minutes west, upon skilled leadership and upon find­ Arrangements are being made to We are exporting more goods abroad I today. Due to increased efficiency the purpose to settle some one prob­ one hundred and thirty feet to the ing a market for tlieir products at place of beginning. j broadcast the affair over radio sta- than ever in our history. We are hundreds of thousands of men and lem alone. home or in foreign lands. Close down women have been transferred from Seized as the property of Theo­ ' tion WCAP of Asbury Park. gradually lowering the cost of living j dore I). Leigh, et als., taken in exe­ a New Jersey factory because of in- j by greater efficiency. the factories to our expanding insur­ BELMAR BEACH’S RECORD cution at the suit of The Ilarlackan Several hundred women will at- adequate transportation or inadequate 1 There is no measure on our statute ! ance and banking to take care of en­ Co., and to be sold by ! tend the tri-county Democratic wo- tariff and its effect is felt by the New books today that represents a more I larged savings, other hundreds of Jersey truck farmer? Cease export­ The safety of Belmar’s bathing HARRY N. JOHNSON, Sheriff ; men’s conference at the Berkeley- fundamental, sound and important thousands have been transferred to Dated Sept. 14, 1928. ing automobiles to South America or beach is brought to light with the ! Cartaret hotel, Asbury Park, Satur- . 3tep in true progress than does this our filling stations, our garages, our Geran, Matlick and Lautman, Europe, and automobile workers are new charter of American labor. It ! hotels and our restaurants. closing of the season by the fact Solicitors. | day, Sept. 22. John R. Phillips, Jr., thrown out of employment in Michi­ j candidate for congress from the is the necessary and natural com­ Employer and Employee that not one case of drowning was gan. The suffering does not stop j panion piece of a protective tariff. In reported. Taking into account the | third district, which includes, Mon- there. It only begins. The steel mills the one instance we protect the I have already stated the position record-breaking crowds that have I mouth, Middlesex and Ocean coun­ slacken in Pennsylvania and Indiana, j American workers from the goods of of the Republican Party in positivo visited the beach during the past Filter Your Own ties, will be a^speaker. The mines employ fewer workers at foreign factories, made under their support of free collective bargaining,. Demolratic leaders report that ; Lake Superior. And every farmer in lower standards of living. Iu the I have stated that it is necessary to season, this is particularly gratify­ the United States suffers from the impose restrictions on the excessive Gasoline elaborate preparations have been j other case, we prevent the excess la­ ing. Two deaths from heart failure diminished purchasing power. use of injunctions. It i3 my desire made for the campaign in Mon-; bor flooding through our doors to re­ are reported to have occurred on The modern relationships of govern­ duce the American wage. and the desire of every good citizen — as you drive mouth county, and that every voting j to ameliorate the cause of industrial the beach, but not through bathing. ment aad industry are a tangled mass ; Foreign Trade The first aid squad succeeded in district will be thoroughly canvass- j of economic and social problems. conflict, to build toward that true co­ ed in a drive to get out the vote. They are neither abstract proposi­ We set out upon a definitely organ­ operation which must be the founda­ surviving all other cases of persons ized campaign to build up the export tion of common action for the common taken exhausted from the surf. tions nor statistics. They are human. The Republican Party has perform- | of the products of American labor and . welfare. The first requisite to less THIRD GAME OF SERIES ed unparallelled service to the em- j of the American farm. We reorganized conflict Is full employment. By full When trade is rushing, it is us­ ployees fti our commerce and industry the Department of Commerce for the ; employment we are steadily reducing ually because someone in behind is throughout its history and notably 1 promotion of American trade abroad conflict and loss. pushing it with advertising. Baseball fans from this boro and during the past seven and a hair : on a greater scale than had ever been ' He would be a rash man who wduld achieved or ever attempted by any Your home town gives you many vicinity will go to Bradley Beach, I years. Continuous employment and state that we are finally entering the government anywhere in the world. industrial millenium, but there is a benefits, a chance to earn a living, tomorrow afternoon to see the lo- j prosperity of labor depend upon the cal ball club play the Bradley continuance of those policies. The We mobilized our manufacturers and great ray of hope that America is useful public institutions, etc, If exporters; cooperated with them in Republican Party recognizes this re­ finding herself on the road to a solu­ Beach -nine in the third game of laying out and executing strategic is well to make a return for the sponsibility. Proof of this rests upon tion of the greatest of all her prob­ the series. The Bradley nine has plans to expand our foreign trade in same, by patronizing the home Let Us Put An its actual record of accomplishment. lems. That problem is to adjust our stores on which the town largely won the first two games by close all directions. That this great part i economic system to our social ideals. scores, the game last Saturday go­ Unemployment in 1921 played by the government is no hy­ depends. ALEMITE It Is idle to argue that there are no ing ten innings. Belmar will try When we assumed direction of the pothetical assertion is amply evi­ longer any conflicts of interest be­ to come back tomorrow, and will Government in 1921 there were five denced by the fact that the daily ap- i tween employee and employer. But AUTO 1ST GETS THIRTY DAYS Q a s c o l a l o r to six million unemployed upon our plications for assistance by exporters I there are wide areas of activity In have a new twirler to work against to the Department have steadily in­ the hard hitting Bredley crew, with streets. Wages and salaries were fall­ whieh their interest should coincide, Refusing to pay a fine of $200 im- ( On Your Car TODAY ing and hours of labor increasing, j creased from 500 daily in 1922 to an and it is the part of statesmanship to posed on him by Justice of the { Egbert behind the bat. The game Anxiety for daily bread haunted near­ average of 10,000 a day in 192S. In the organize and increase this identity of It will remove all dirt and Peace Cassidy in Pt. Pleasant, Fri­ will start at 3:15, with Grace and ly a quarter of our 23,000,000 families. ! last year before the war our total I interest .in order to limit the area of water from your gasoline and exports were a little under $2,500,000,- day, on a charge of driving an au­ Devlin doing the umpiring. The Republican Administration at conflict. Conflict diminishes and com­ prevent carburetor troubles. 000. In 1922 the first year of the Re- j mon purpose flourishes only in pros­ tomobile while intoxicated, William A large crowd is expected to turn once undertook to find relief to this I T ry it 3 0 Day* at our Risk situation. At once a nation-wide em- I publican Administration they were $3,- ' perity and in an encouraging atmos­ Whittington of this borough was out to witness this big game. Last 750,000,000. During the year 1927 our j Saturday, one of the largest crowds ployment conference was called. It i phere of sound governmental policies. sent to the Ocean County jail to exports were $4,750,000,000. At such a time as this a change in of the season witnessed the game. was made up of representatives of j serve a thirty days sentence. Whit­ Dealer’s Name and! both employers and employees. I had j Now I want to clearly show what \ national policies involves not—as tington was arrested after flatten­ Bradley will rely on either Pax- the honor to be chairman of that con ] this means. It was not due to world i some may lightly think—only a choice Address recovery. If we make a survey of the ing his two front tires against the on or Lauer to do the pitching, ference. We set up a program for ! between different roads by either of with Dane, a product of the New world’s trade today, we shall find curb in trying to negotiate a com­ systematic organization of business to I which we may go forward, but a ques­ York Yankees in back of the bat. restore employment. that the export trade of all countries tion also as to whether we may not plete turn in McLean avenue. Within a year we restored these fivt I is only 10 per cent above pre-war, be taking the wrong road and moving BumsteadsWormSyrup | The fourth game will he played | while ours is 5S per cent. in Belmar, Sat., Sept. 29th, and! million workers to employment. Bn: ! backward. The measure of our na­ ENTERTAIN GOVERNOR HERE "To children un anjceJ of mercy.” Where we did more, we produced a funda More than two million families in tional prosperity, of our stability, af directions* arc followed. IT NKVKK j also the fifth and last game of the! Governor A. Harry Moore and JTAII.S. scarcity and enormous* mental program which made this re the United States earn their living our hope of further progress at this cost of SANTONIN, it contains fall dose. season on Sal. October 6. stored employment secure on founda today producing goods for export, and time, is the measure of what we may Mrs. Moore were guests of honor at Stood sixty years’ test. Sold everywhere another million families earn theit a dinner given by Mr. and Mrs. T. or by mail. 0O« a bottle. % tions of prosperity. As a result wages | risk through a change in present Est. C. A. Ndorhees. M D ^ ’'adolqhia Belmar Fishing Club building living in the manufacture of raw ma Clifton Jenkins of Spring Lake, on and standards of living have during I policies. More than once in our na­ What many towns needs is not Bids will he received up to Sept the past six and a half years risen to terials which we import in exchange tional history a change in policies in Saturday evening, at LeDeauviljle for our exports. This increase in ex so much new industries coming in, 1, 1928. Building to be removed steadily higher levels. None of the. a time of advancement. has Sreeu not later than Oct. 1st. Apply to ports has brought a living to five hun jinn, this borough. Covers were laid ns more home town loyalty to keep larger countries engaged in the great quickly followed by a turn toward for forty guests. E. B. Bigelow, Sec’y., 800 10th Ave­ dred thousand families. This means disaster. (lie old money from going out. nue, Belmar, N. J. t ... , ■■ > If r ______£__ _ • J ■ ;•


r FOR PRESIDENT £ Phone 2145 (Strunk Natirea

HARRY PFLUG Mrst Piras&ryteriam Charefr. l|!f Niath wreaue and E street; Rev, 41 Pa«£ Newtek Poling, Minister. ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY GIVEN t Sunday services: DESIGNER AND BUILDER Sunday school'at 9:45 a, m. Morning worship at 11:09 a, m , Specializing I d. Alteration W ork m Evenrag Worship at 7:30 p ,-» . Cliristiaa Endeavor meeting, at ’ o’clock, Wednesday evening. 607 Twelfth Avenue Belmar, N. I. * ...First M. E. Church Methodist Episcopal Seveatk avenue and ©> street. M 1 1 * ■h -******4^**'»*'H t ***++*+*++*****+*< .Rev. Henry B. White, Minister, Sunday services: 9:45 A. M.—Sunday school. | Protect Y oht Income 11:00 A. M.—Public worship. 4> - - . T e l e p h o n e 6:99 P'. M.—Epworth League ser­ vice, Against Fire T a lk in g 1st ©Sfeau 7:30 P-. M.—Public worship. Prayer meeting on Wednesday If your income is dependent on the uninterrupted DifSieinlA ~ evening at 7:30. $ use of any building, you can Insure yourself against the Gov. Alfred E. Smith loss of earnings that would cease for a period of weeks ~''U1 —— ------_--- St. Rose’s Rectory or months as the result of fire. Unless yow Inave am Summer schedule at St. Rose’s church: Business Interruption Insurance is as important to REPUBLICANS ABE ’E x t e n s i o n Mass—Sundays, at 6, S, 9, 10, and your safety as Fire Insurance on the property iteelf. T e l e p h o n e II o'clock; week-days, at 7 o’clock. Let us explain it to you. SUPPORTING S i l l Confessions—From 4 to 5:30, and as m any do — im dike 7:30 to 8:0(1. l»ed«?oow m o r d k e HaaSl Rev, Wm. J. McConnell. LL„ D„ Many Prominent Men Thrcugh- » w here yorn’M Ika^e Pastor. out Nation Break Life-Long peace. And pravmey. Party Ties. Calvary Baptist CMarch THOMAS D. JOECK M o r e anmsll iran©a?© Thirteenth avenue and E street; Hundreds of life long Republicans, people are Trealla- Rev. Allen N. Nettleman, Minister, f REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE niany of them of national prominence, are swelling each day the vast army of ttng tlkaut e v e n o®i© esc* Sunday services: Sunday school at 9:45 A. 'M, X 708 Ninth Avenue Beteiar, N. J, ] | voters who believe that it is the duty te m s u o jn i am ©a?© Sttnaaii of every thinking American to support Morning Worship at 11:69 A, W, T. f ...... , , , , , ' Governor Smith. dom bles tflk© valm© off Evening Wroship at 7:30 P. M. Among the most recent of leading dike s®rv5®ife w In511© ad d * First Baptist Church Republicans who have publicly re­ Snug Intjlle 4© 4Jk© e©sik Ninth avenue, between C and 10 pudiated the Republican candidate is Rudolph Sprockets, widely known streets. Rev. P. T. Morris, 0. D., PHONE BELMAR 1000 • ? banker and business man of San A foFor r Details Just CallCalf. i, Pastor. Sunday serices: irancisco, owner of huge sugar plan­ y The Business Office v Morning worship at 11:00 o’clock- tations in Hawaii, and formerly a Sunday school at 2:30 P, M„ close friend and adviser of President NEW; JERSEY BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY Evening service at 8:99 o’clock. Roosevelt. A N«u Icrsey tmitilubon Sacked 'ey National ItaouKcs Young People’s meeting each Fri< s t e r n e r ! Another influential Republican to HAAAAAAAAAAAAAA a declare for Smith is Spencer Penrose day evening at 8:00 o'clock. of Colorado, mining engineer and 1928 SPRING PRICES brother of the late'Senator Boise Pen­ Mt, Olive Baptist Church rose, -Republican leader In Pennsyl­ vania. Seventeenth ‘avenue and F street, EGG COAL, $14 Per Ton STOVE COAL $14 Per Ton Rev. J, I. Davis, Pastor. Sunday! NUT COAL, $14 Per Ton PEA COAL, $11 Per To® Prominent Financial Figure* services; These Prices Will Advance One Republican of considerable con­ Fall Bargains I Morning worship at 11:00 o’clock, sequence who has just declared for Sunday school at 12:15 o’clock, Governor Smith is W, B, Hibbs of WINTER AND SUMMER BUNGALOWS ? 12th-]& R. R. kits. Biter, N. J. Virginia, president of W. B. Hibbs and Eveniqg service at 3:00 o’clock. Co., bankers, of Washington, D. C. Inlet Terrace Section—New up-to-date house; all fj Prayer meeting, Wednesday even Two prominent New Jersey Repub­ improvements; garage. Must sell $9,000.00, Terms. % ing, at 8:0.9' o’clock licans, John J, Stamler, president of the Broad and Market National Bank Bungalow, South Belmar—5 rooms; '$2,800.00 Also t, Episcopal Church and Trust Co., of Newark, and Uzal winter homes For Rent ■ H, McCarter, president of the Fidelity Fifth avenue and B street. John Union Trust Co., of Newark, au JOHN B. KIERAW t j Christfietd Donnell, minister. Sun» nounced last week that they will, sup ! day services: port Governor Smith. 711 Tenth Ave: Phone 11)14 Bilmar, N. J. * 8:§0 a. m., Holy Communiott- Another Republican banker to join Economy Week 10:30 a. m., Morning prayer and the campaign to elect the Democratic candidate is De Laricey Kounts, Chair­ se«mati„ man of the Board of Devoe and Raynolds Co., of New York, Western Farm Leader* Frank W, Murphy, chairman of the Specials Legislative Committee of the Corn Belt Federation of Farm Organiza tions, and a member of the Minnesota delegation to the Republican Conven­ Nothing New tion, has renounced allegiance to his party and repudiated Hoover as “an See Our Window Displays enemy of the farmer." Other farm leaders to bolt the Re publican party ware Governor Adam T o L e a r n McMullen, Republican Executive ot 4* Nebraska, and L, F. Shuttleworth, ot (Wonderful Values fndianapolis, former head of the pur­ chasing committee of the Indiana Fed eration ot Farm Bureau*. You shift gears in a Graham-

“YOUTH ENDANGERED Paige equipped with four speeds

PHILADELPHIA.—James F. Lucas, forward (Two High Speeds) ex­ vfce president qf the Lucas Paint and Taylor’s Department Store Brush Company of Philadelphia, a actly as you do with a standard Paul C. Taylor, Proprietor well-known Republican for fifty years, three speed transmission. You Phone 511 has announced that he is “opposed to hypocrisy” and, accordingly, opposed have nothing new to learn — 9th Ave. i t F St. Belmar, N. J. | to the election ot Herbert Hoover. He added: except the fine new perform­ “I shall vote for Governor Smith be cause I believe his election would end ance this transmission provides. conditions which are endangering the future of the younger generation.” Five chassis — sixes and eights — W e invite you to drive one. prices ranging from $860 to $2485. Gar illustrated is Model 629, five- IF YOU WANT DANIELS REBUKES STRAT0 N passenger Sedan, with 4-speed transmission (standard gear shift), RALEIGH, N. C.—Rebuking Dr. $1985. All prices f. o. h Detroit. John Roach Straton for expressing 7r the belief that “ my old friend First Class Workmanship Josephus Daniels, would bolt the I Democratic party, the former Sec- 4* - rotary of the Navy has again empha­ tically declared, in a letter to the New York pastor, that he will support Gov­ SEE ernor Smith. Mr. Daniels wrote: “ I believe I can serve the cause of •r prohibition and temperance better by + remaining in my party than by sup­ porting Mr. Hoover, who sat in the Cabinet with Harding with all the cor FRANK BRIDEN ruption and with Coolidge with' all the favoritism—the two administrations, which, by flagrant failure to enforce the law or to give it legal and moral support, have done more to harm pro i Painter & Decorator hibition than its open foes."

W. C. T. U. WORKER FOR SMITH SHERMAN & BERGER SALES & SERVICE KNOXVILLE, T a n n .—Mrs. Lucy SHOP— 702 Seventh Avenue "" ^ Raed, member of the W. C. T. U. for Ninth Ave., near F St., BELMAR, N. J, thirty years and an active prohibition RESIDENCE—512 Seventh Avenue ^ worker, is an ardent supporter of Gov­ ernor Smith. As a genuine Dry she *4* dislikes the illegal “ wetness” of the BELMAR. N. J. J Republican party, she says; and she adds that Governor Smith -“is honest $ | and will enforce the la wo.” £AAMAM-AAI££ («M»



MR. L. MALTZMAN, of Belmar, N. J., has ordered us to sell his entire stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, Ladies’ Dresses and Shoes. Furnishings for entire family will be placed on public sale in order to close out and clean out every dollar’s worth of merchandise to the bare walls.

Sale D A t Starts ■ riday, S ep t 2|st 9 A . M

EVERY PAIR OF OUR MEN’S DRESS OXFORD EVERY PAIR OF SHOES IN THIS STOCK MEN’S $1.00 SILK TIES to go at .... 2 for $1.00 AND DRESS HIGH SHOES, sold before for $6 REDUCED TO HALF PRICE. 11 $7 and $8, Selling Out Price ...... $2.95 ONE LOT OF CHILDREN’S PATENED SAN­ DALS. sold before for $1,35; now .... 50c pair LADIES’ AND MEN’S BED ROOM SLIPPERS, ARROW BRAND AND IDE BRAND COLLARS N o w ...... 49c to go a t ...... 50c a doz. MEN’S DRESS SHlkl'S, such as Rayon and English Broadcloth; Our P r ic e ...... $1.50 EVERY PAIR OF MEN’S WORK AND DRESS ONE LOT OF HIGH GRADE MEN’S MADRAS PANTS CUT IN HALF. COME IN AND COME IN AND BUY YOURSELF A BATHING DRESS SHIRTS; while they last...... 95c BE CONVINCED. SUIT FOR NEXT SUMMER AT THESE GIVE­ AWAY PRICES .... 49c, 59c and 69c LADIES’ FULL FASHIONED AND MOCK MEN’S BOW TIES; 50c sellers. Our Price 2Sc FASHIONED STOCKINGS to go at . . . 59c pair BOY’S WASH SUITS AND SCHOOL SUITS At 69c and 79c LADIES’ ONE STRAP PUMPS, made by the LITTLE OXFORDS OR SHOES for the school Triangle Brand; sold for $4 and $5 a pair. boy, sold before the sale for $4 and $5; ONE LOT OF LADIES’ HOME AND STREET Our P r ic e ...... $1.95 Selling Out Price . . . . $1. 95 DRESSES, reduced t o ___ 79c and 95c l i

This store must positively be closed by October 1, 1928 so come early and don’t wait until the last day. 1 0 0 4 S tre e t BELMAR, NEW JERSEY I p FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1928 THE COAST ADVERTISER, BELMAR, NEW JERSEY

NEW BILLS NEXT JULY v FLIVERS TO PACIFIC 4 Bankroll Toters Can Carry More 4 Money In Less Space Mortal and Personal Leslie Jahn Makes 300 Miles a Day 4* On Trip To Coast 4 4* July 1, 1929. those fortunate 4* enough to be able to carry a bank­ Herman Kristman, son of Mr. and Jay Pridham, former adjutant of I’or the fifth time, Leslie E. Jahn, 4* Rivoli Tnealre Mrs. I. Kristman of 13th avenue, 20-year-old son of Richard Jahn, Jr. 4 roll, will be glad to know that the Herbert Worthington White Post, has returned to New Orl'.ans, f a.. No. 151, American Legion, and for the electrician, of 1004 F street, has 4 bulge in their pockets will be con­ 4- where he will resume liis studies at the last five years a resident of crossed the continent from Belmar F STREET BELMAR, N. J. siderably reduced. This is the ten­ Florida, returned to that state on to Los Angeles in a Flivver. He t tative date for the issue of the new the University of Tulane. had as his companion, Maurice 4* Wednesday after a short visit to 4 Program for N e x t W eek sized paper currency. August Menzler, proprietor of the his home town. Beckett of Spring Lake. Both the 4 One billion bills will be turned Belmar Bakery and the Molly youths are students at Compton col 4 out from the treasury in denomina­ Pitcher restaurant, is now vacation Louis Silverstein of 706 Ninth lege, near the Pacific coast city. 4* 4* tions of $1, $2, $5, $10, $20, $50, >100 avenue is now' making his rounds Mr. and Mrs. Jahn and Mr. and Mrs. A. Monday, September 24th— $500, $1,000. $5,000 and $10,000. The j ing in Canada. in his new Dodge coach. Louis VanNote of Spring Lake ac­ 4* 4* RALPH LEWIS, THELMA HILL with Star Cast size of the new bills will be 6 5-16 j Mr. and Mrs. Henry 1‘earlinari companied the boys as far as 4* in “ CROOKS CAN’T WIN” by 2 11-16 inches, or .about one j spent the week end at Atlantic. City. Miss Dorothy Weinstein, daugh­ Coatesville, Pa. Educational Comedy third smaller than the present bills, j ter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wein- f Young Mr. Jahn reports that they | Pa the Review which are 7 716 by 3 1-8 inches, i Mrs. Fayette S. Simonson of 305 stein of Sixteenth avenue, has en­ made an average of 300 miles daily, 4- The plebian “ buck” wilt comprise Third avenue entertained at a tered Rutgers College, where she hitting the 670 mark the first two t Tuesday, September 25th— approximately 53 percent of the bridge party in their home, Monday will take a course for graduation days on the road. 4- POLA NEGRI and CLIVE BROOKS whole issue. afternoon, for the benefit of the Besides attending his college lec­ in “ RAREED WIRE East Side Day Nursery of Newark. t The portraits on the bills in the as a teacher. tures, young Jahn will devote part Comedy, “Newly-weds’ Happy Days” order named will be: Washington, Miss Essie Michelson, daughter of his time as a cartoonist and t sports writer for the Los Angeles 4* Jefferson, Lincoln, Hamilton, Jack- Mr. and Mrs. Fayette S. Simonson of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Michelson Wednesday, September 26th— t son, Grant, Franklin, McKinley, of 305 Third avenue entertained at of Ninth avenue, has entered Brow'n Times, and probably show' the 4 4 WILLIAM BOYD and ALBERTA VAUGHN I Cleveland, Madison and Chase. Each a party of bridge in their home on I niversity in Providence, R. I. Mrs. Filmdomites a few new strokes in 4 4* will bear the signature of the sec­ Monday afternoon for the benefit Michelson accompanied her daugh­ tennis. , and ALAN HALE retary of the treasury. of the East Side Day Nursery of ter to Providence. in “THE SKYSCRAPER” t 4 Comedy, “Indoor Golf” Newark. FIRST M. E. CHURCH 4 t MARRIED IN NEW YORK WAR MOTHERS MEET HERE 4 Fox News 4 Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kleinkauf The musical program at the First 4 4* 4 Thursday, September 27th— 4 Miss Julia E. Strong, daughter of of 1303 E street have left for West The Edith Kermit Roosevelt M. E. church, Sunday, will be as 4* Mr. and Mrs. George H. Strong of Palm Beach, where they own sev­ Chapter War Mothers of Jersey follows: HELENE COSTELLO and JAMES MURRAY 4 Ninth avenue, and Richard A. Tro- eral properties. City, held a luncheon and dinner Morning service: Prelude, “ Medi­ 4 in “ OLD KENTUCKY” 4 4 Comedy, “ Geoirge, False Alarm” ger, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Rich­ reception on Wednesday afternoon tation” , Strang; processional; an­ 4 ard Troger of Twelfth avenue w'ere MAKES BIG CATCH at Bender’s Central Hotel, Eleventh them. “Still, Still With Thee”, 4 Universal News married, Monday, at the Harlem avenue, this borough. The program Baines; offertory, “ Negro Spirit­ 4 Friday, September 28th—■ One of the biggest catches of the ual”, DeMarbelle; solo, “ Hold Thou 4 Presbyterian Church. New York. for the eohiing season w'as discuss­ COL. TIi\J McCOY and CLAIRE WINDSOR season was hauled in by William My Hand”, Briggs; recessional; They obtained a marriage license at ed. Among those present w'ere: in “THE FRONTIERSMAN” the City Hall. Mr. Troger is in the G Lauffer of 606 R ver road. Sun­ Mrs. Davenport, state president of postlude, “New' Crusade”, Geibel. 4 automobile business in Asbury day afternoon. Mr. Lauffer hooked New' Jersey; Mrs. Watson, president Evening service: Prelude, Vesper 4* 4 Saturday, September 29th— Park. .i 1/ 1-2 pound stripe! bass nea, (he of the chapter, and Mesdames Ja­ Song” , Schuler; processional; an­ 4 ALL STAR CAST in rifle targets at Sea Girt. cobson. Spahn, Hayden. Heinrich, them, “ Draw Me to Thee”, Nevin; 4 CARPENTERS’ UNION SUPPER Dorner, Hinte. Mullen, Kiesewetter, offertory, “ Salut D’Amour”, Elgar; 4 “THE RACKET” % W. F. Martin of the Belmar 4 Metro News Klinginstein, Burke, Vogelsang, solo, “Teach Me to Pray”, Jewitt; 4* The Ladies Auxiliary of the Car­ Diner on F street leaves, tomorrow Weiss, (Egbert, Roth), LerOcke, recessional; postlude, “March Mili- 4 penters’ Union, Local 187. will hold for a ten day sojourn among the Steiner, Haas, Freese, Cassidy, Bor taris”. Geibel. 4 a “hot dog roast” and entertainment home town folk in East Orange. den, Beons, Hand and Becker. 4- in the library rooms, next Wednes­ day evening, at 8 o’clock. An en­ •*44*4444444 44444444444444444444444444444444444444444444* 4 4 tertainment in w'hich the men will 4 4 4 4 assist, will follow. 4 4 4* 4 4 4* 4 4 4 4 Palace Theatre 4 4 THE BELMAR REVISED 4 4 • 4 4 4 MAIN STREET, BRADLEY BEACH, N. J. FIRE ALARMS 4 4 4 4 4 4 15— 14th Ave. and F St. 4 4 4 16— 6th Ave. and F St. 4 4 Thur., Fri. and Saf. v 4 SHOWING 4 . .£•< 4 17— 8th Ave. and F SI. 4 18— 10th Ave. and F St. 4 Of The New Shapes in Soft and Stiff 4 4 Sept. 20th, 21st & 22nd .4 19— 12th Ave. and F St. 4* 4 4 23—3rd Ave. and A St. 4 4 ■4 4 4 4 25—5th Ave. and A St. 4 4 27—2nd Ave. and B St. 4 4 4 4 29—5th Ave. and E St. 4* 4 4 31—13th Ave. and D St. 4* 4 4 4 4 34—7th Ave. and D St. 4 4 4 * 36—10th Ave. and C St. HATS 4* 4 4 4 V a u d e v i l l e 41—14th Ave. and A St. 4 4 4 44— 8th Ave. and A St, 4* 4 4 45— 11th Ave. and A St. 4 4 4 4 5 B ig Time A c ts 5 4* 47—18th Ave. and A St. 4 4 4! 53-—Oakw'ood Rd. and River. We are Featuring the 4 4 4 4 55—12th Ave. and R. R. 4 4 4 57—L St. and Railroad. 4* 4 4 A. 4 4 59—9th Ave. and Railroad. 4 4 2- 2-2—Goodwill Hose Co. •«* 4 All Star Cast 4 P o p u la r 4 4 3- 3-3—Union Fire Co. 4* 4 IN 1 long, 2 short—First Aid. 4 4 Telephone Belmar 1700. 4 f 4 4 4 4* t 4 4 “ LINGERIE” 4 HERIFF’S SALE.—By virtue off I 4* 4 t 4 S a w'rit of fi. fa. to me directed, j •£• 4 4 4 issued out of the Monmouth Circuit j «§. 4* 4 4 Court of the State of New Jersey, | 4 4 4 Matinee 20 & 35 Evening 20 & 50 Cents 4 4* A. A. will be exposed to sale at public 4 STETSON 444444444444444444444444444444444444444*?. 4 vendue on Monday, the 1st Day ot ! 4 ^444444444444*444444444444444444444444444 October, 1928, between the hours ot 4 4 12 o’clock and 5 o’clock (at 1 o’clock i 4 4* eastern standard time), in the after ; 4 4 4 noon of said day, at the Court House *1* ■4* 4 4* 4 E. S. Morrison Company in the Borough of Freehold, county j 4* of Monmouth, New' Jersey, to satis- j J* f 4* 4 fy a judgment of said court amount- ! T 4 4 ing to approximately $669.00. T 4 *'£• PRICES 4 4 All the defendant’s right, title and T 4* 4 interest in and to the following: T 4* REALTORS 4 ALL that certain tract or parcel X 4 4 4 4 4 of land and premises, situate, lying FROM 4 4 4 and being in the Township of Nep- .j. 4 4 Telephone 1206 Belmar tune, County of Monmouth, and 4 4 4 709 F STREET 4 State of New' Jersey, designated as .f. 4 4 BELMAR, N. J. lots Nos. 34 and 35 in Block 7 sec- *4 4 A. tion A on tract known as Shark 4 4 t River Hills, as shown on map made 4 $8. 50 4 by Sincerbeauz and Moore, May, 4 4 ^,444444444444444444444444444444444444444 1924. 4 4 T Beginning at a point in the south­ 4 -s* 4 TO 4 <• 4 erly line of Riverside Drive distant 4 4 200 feet and sixty-one one hun­ 4- 4 J l Good Place to Eat dredths of a foot westerly from the 4 * point formed by the intersection of I 4 ■ 4 the southerly line of Riverside 4 4 Drive with the westerly line of I $10.00 4 4* Mnllip Pitrlfrr Iratauraot 4 Holly Path, said point being the 4 4 morthw'esterly corner of lot No. 36, I 4 4 I 4* 4 4 325 feet more or less, t0 the high 4* I water mark of Shark River; thence 4 4 (2) westerly and southwesterly 4* 4 I along the high water mark of Shark 4 803 F Street Belmar, N. J, 4 4 4 River, 131 feet, more or less, to the 4* 4 •southeasterly corner of lot No. 33, 4 4 4 •4444444444444444444444444444444444444 thence (3) northerly along the east 4 4 erlv line of lot No. 33, 364 feet, more 4* EMERSON Prices: $5. and $6. 4 ^ 4 4 .4^.4444444444444444444444444444444444 or less, to a point in the southerly 4* line of Riverside Drive, thence (4) $ 4 northeasterly and easterly along i DUNHILL Prices: $3.50 and $4. 4 4 the' southerly line of Riverside 4 4 4 Drive, 110 feet and thirteen hun­ 4 4 dredths of a foot to the point and 4 I Bird- Schweiters 4 place of beginning. 4 4 4 4 Seized as the property of Eliza- j SA. 4 4 4 beth M. Hill, taken in execution al i X 4 4 the suit of Charles MtrMiMMMMMM j £ 4 Electrical Contractors the suit of Charles Morrissey and Lj. 4 4 4 Samuel Walker, trading ’ as Mor ) 4 4 4 4 4 rissey and Walker Construction WM.H.HURLEY? f MEIN'S & B O Y S ’ OUTFITTER^ ML 4 4 606 McCabe Ave. Bradley Beach, N. J. 4 Company and to be sold by •§• 4 4 HARRY N. JOHNSON, Sheriff. 4 4 4 Dated August 30, 1928. i 4 4 4 Phones: Office: 6678 Res,:Spring Lake 1617 Karkus and Karkus, Attorneys, 4 ' 907-909 F. ST. BELMAR, 4 4 **<£* 4 4 4 *444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444*444444444*4*S ^4444444444444444*444*444444444444'4>4444'j| /. , ... ( , is S a a filH k THE COAST ADVERTISER, BELMAR, N. J.

in a bow at one side. A skull-cap ©OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO BASEBALL’S BIG Ornate Touch Is model of the new felt in cafe au lait is stitched in ridges with an upward Any Woman Can SIX ARE GOLIATHS Feature of Hats movement in front, where a brown novelty feather is fastened flat across The the crown. lookSfyiish Ruth, Fothergill, Heilman, MONARCH Brims, Fancy Trim Bring A hat of fine quality and color la QUALITY FOOD PRODUCTS MAE MARTIN Hogan, Buckeye, Elliott. Headgear Into Keep­ made after the new Agnes poke all ooooooo ooooooo set the standard. I f you paid modern way in one shade of beige with no trim­ • dollar a pound you could not Lump the six of them together and buy better food product* than ing With Costume. ming other than a large star-like flow­ those you find packed under er of the material appliqued at one they will weigh 1,280 pounds. They the Monarch label. Millinery has at last returned to a side. Two colors, burnt orange and are the Goliaths of the diamond, the Reid. Murdoch 6C Co. to make more feminine style of design. The nut brown velvet, are combined in a fat boys of baseball. Established 1853 return has been promised and antic­ skullcap that is stitched to form a First comes whose 210 General Office*. ipated year after year, but the mode point In front, widening toward the pounds are strung out over 6 feet, 2 Chicago. 111. jelly, use that came in with radical fashions in back, where a row of flat novelty feath­ inches of height. When you see Babe general, observes a fashion writer in ers is sewn across the edge. waddle out to his position you wonder the New York Times, has been held to Introduces Geometries. how he manages to field and run the tenaciously and any departures from bases. The secret lies in his legs, Since the couturiers of Paris have it have proved to be but passing which are modeled after those of a added lingerie, jewelry, other acces­ peX el phases. No type of hat has ever riv­ greyhound. Most of Ruth’s bulk is Most stylish-looking women are just aled the vogue of the cloche, which sories and perfume to their wares, concentrated above the belt; it lies "good managers.” They know simple came with the “pencil” silhouette and some have begun including millinery in his arms and shoulders which pro­ ways to make last season’s things con­ and get this low waistline. This plain, matter-of- and are designing hats for the ensem­ vide the propelling power for his home bles that are now so fashionable. J. form to this season’s styles. fact compromise between a toque and runs. The Babe’s pudgy face height­ Thousands o f them have learned a poke, which all 1 it completely con­ Suzanne Talbot has long been making ens the impression that he is fat, but how easily they can transform a dress, ceals the coiffure, still carries on hats to go with her frocks and suits in reality be is the fastest big man in or blouse, or coat by the quick magic notwithstanding the eloquent appeals baseball. of home tinting or dyeing. Anyone can of artists and of the needleworkers, Roy Fothergill isn’t big; he’a Im­ do this successfully with true, fadeless flower and feather workers, but since mense. “ Fatty” is his nickname and Diamond Dyes. The “know-how” is in it will not be relinquished milliners he deserves it. Every March Fother­ the dyes. They don’t streak or spot are giving it a softer and more decora­ gill is faced with the problem of los­ tive aspe^' for the fall and winter. like inferior dyes. New, fashionable ing 30 pounds. Usually he goes to tints appear like magic right over the This is to be seen in a large and Hot Springs, Ark., boils off about 15 out-of-style or faded colors. Only Dia­ varied collection of new hats, which pounds, and depends on spring train­ mond Dyes produce perfect results. are fine ir quality of fabric and work­ ing to take off the rest of his excess Insist on them and save disappoint­ manship and especially beautiful in weight. Despite his fatness, Fother­ ment. the use of colors, which are empha­ gill is a terrific hitter. His, normal sized in . 11 ot this season’s millinery. My new 64-page illustrated* book, weight is about 200 pounds. "Color Craft,” gives hundreds of They are built close to the face, but When Shanty Hogan reported to money-saving hints for renewing in varying shapes * create individual the New York Giants after he had clothes and draperies. It’s Free. Write Traffic Officer styles. The uncompromising, severely been obtained in the trade which sent for it now, to Mae Martin, Dept. E-143, never this cut edge has been gradually fitted with Rogers Hornsby to Boston, they If every car owner used Diamond Dyes, Burlington, Vermont. curves and folds and with diversified couldn’t find a belt big enough for Champion Spark Plugs treatments evolved into a brim of one him. McGraw finally handed Hogan there would be fewer sort and another. In even the slight­ a trunk strap and told him to make traffic jams due to cars est of these the outline is made to a belt out of it. Hogan is one of the show the hair, and the original cloche heaviest men who ever donned a mask stalling. thus becomes a flattering headdress. and mitt. His 220 pounds make it nec­ In the simplest tailored models the FOR INDIGESTION essary for him to hit a triple if he Champion is the better spark plug brim is cut close to the crown at the wants to get to second base. because it has an exclusive silli- back and widens with the drooping But the mammoth of them all is manite insulator spe­ line toward the front. Some of these Garland Buckeye, the pitcher who was cially treated to with, shapes have a brim that is sufficiently released by the Giants to Toledo of stand the much higher wide to provide a shade for the eyes the American association the other temperatures of the and which broadens at the sides In a day. Buckeye did a “ Sam Vick.” In modem high-compres- manner that suits almost every type other words, he ate himself out of the sion engine. Also a new patented solid of face and coiffure. major leagues. Sam Vick was the gasket-seal that remains Many clever ways of shaping this first ball player to do that and when JELLY failure is a thing of the absolutely gas-tight little brim are shown in the latest he passed, all he left in the big leagues past. Pexel is here. It’s a 100% under high compres­ styles, each with but a slight varia­ was a handy phrase which has been pure-fruit product that always sion. Special analysis tion, and all with utmost simplicity. used ever since. Buckeye weighs 235 electrodes which assure makes jelly jell. Absolutely The one apparent requisite Is that the pounds. a fixed spark-gap under colorless, tasteless, odorless. hat shall have something in the way Like Ruth, Harry Heilmann of the all driving conditions. Pexel makes any jelly jell of trimming. The utterly bald dome Detroit Tigers is over the 200-pound of felt that passed for millinery two mark, but it is chiefly muscle and by the time it is cold. With it, seasons ago is not among the exhibi­ Felt Pattenned in Off-the-Face Fash­ No More Distress bone. Heilmann, who has seen many h a m p i o n ion. An Extreme Design in Turban C jelly is ready for the glasses as tions of this autumn. baseball summers dawn and die, is Style Offered by Reboux. Gas, Sourness, Heartburn S p a r k p lu g s soon as it comes to full boil. one of the most dangerous of the long Tam in Several Models. Sick Headache, Dizziness Toledo, Ohio (SI ■Thus Pexel saves fruit, sugar, and was one of the first to bring the line of dangerous hitters that have In one exclusive collection chosen after eatinjj or drinking Dependable fo r Every Engine flavor, time and fuel. Right with expert discrimination by a New beret into conventional company. worked for the Tigers. His 205 pounds send many a ball rattling against the here it repays, from one to York house are examples of exquisite Among her new ensembles for fall, in 2 5 c and 75c Package* which she introduces geometries, are Sold Everywhere fence. {three times, the 30c it costs. workmanship on original designs. In NEW YORK SHOPS AND tailored suits made of several shades Brooklyn contributes Jumbo Elliott, this the tam Is shown in several mod­ AMUSEMENT PLACES Get Pexel at your grocer’s. els of different colors and arrange­ or colors, carried from bottom to top, who Is 200 pounds of good pitching A recipe booklet with complete ment of trimming. One that will have which are finished with tarns made of material. Last year he was one of THEATERS the most effective men on Wilbert recipes, accurate tables in each grateful response for all-around wear the same material. One of the smart­ est models from her studio also is Robinson’s high-powered staff. KV-IIR O Y AL ! HOtn St.,7;45 w Mts - ot B’way. Wed & Evs. Sat# package. 30c. The Pexel Com­ is a black tam fitting close about the face and with mushroom crown. One made of black, white and metal gray, •‘Kayo,’* “K. O.** Is Guaranteed to remove JACK LINDER Presents pany, Chicago, 111. and the hat to go with it has a ban­ CORNS, CALLOUSES, WARTS, or money side is drawn far down over the ear refunded. Send 35c to KAYO DRUG CO., Gene Sarazen Gives Tip and is finished with a large chon of deau of black and white tassel on the 2190 8th Avenue, New York City. M A E WEST tip of the crown. As an accessory to to British Golf Stars satin ribbon in three shades of rose, AGENTS WANTED—To sell our leader "Diamond Li!” folded and plaited in stiff rows. this distinctive outfit, by the way, Tal­ Assortment o f Christmas Greeting Cards While eminent American profes­ Another black tam has a crown of bot shows a scarf of black fox. and Folders all steel engraved and lith­ sional golfers were in England in quest similar shape, on one side of which The most extreme conceit in milli­ ographed in colors. 100% Profit for you. of the open championship—which, as JOE COOK S ? ? nery brought out this season has been Costs you 50c; sells for $1. Sample box are sewn two pompons of purple silk. all know, Walter Hagen won—some JEO. p n 14 AM Tbea.. B'way ft 43d. Even This type of hat, which is an adapta­ designed by Talbot, a medieval cap­ including postage 65c; Mounted sam­ of the most serious critics of golf M. O U llM IV 8 30 Mars. Today & Sat. shaped bonnet that is drawn over the ple, including postage 90c. tion of the Parisian student’s beret, on the other side went to school; that CHANIN A£4-L Q f W. of | Evening* at 8:25 head, tied with long strings under the I. ROBBINS & SON is to say, they went to the shore hotel T 'U in w l i B’way I Mts. Wed. & Sat. chin and gathered into a stiff little 203 Market Street - Pittsburgh, Pa. at Sandwich where the Americans Schwab and Mandel’s Musical Comedy Smash brush tail at the back. were staying and sat at the feet of G O O D N E W S As viewed by Mme. Zayda Ben GIRLS AND BOYS the masters of the game. Earn extra Christmas money by selling With GEORGE OLSEN’S MUSIC Youselff, director of the recent pag­ the new Tri-Tone Christmas Seals. One of these American masters Friends and neighbors will' buy them SHOPS eant of the Retail Millinery association, readily. No effort—a spare-time pleasure stated that he does not know how with good profit to you. Thousands of the cloche has been a sort of artistic boys and girls are doing It now. Pack­ much the English learned, but that life-saver through radical changes. In ages of 24 seals sell for 10 cents. You certainly they got a lot of informa­ Shop keep half. We sell to you In cartons of Grand Central Dog its many variants in design and color, 50 packages. Write today. Send no money, tion. 200 E. 41st St.. N. Y. Vand. 1653 she says, it goes well with the best TRI-TONE STAMP COMPANY Gene Sarazen made a tremendous Dept. B, 43 Exchange St., Portland. Me. All breeds of dogs—Most reasonable prices modes of the season. It will be seen hit with a very sage remark, which Shipped to any part of country widely this fall, she believes, in the spread throughout England in the Write for Information new millinery fabrics, the felts, ve­ Blazing the Trail short time that elapsed between the lours, velvet and the hairy cloths. In his forthcoming aerial expedi­ close of the open and the sailing of Announcing the Opening tion to the South pole, Captain Wil­ the Yankee mercenaries for home. OF OUR NEW SHOP A high light of the recent pageant Distinctive linens, was an evening hat, inspired by her. kins will make use of flame-throwers, “The difference between English and hand embroidered, such as were employed during the in native designs The idea was born Tt Paris, last year, American golf,” said Sarazen, “ is and colors, from when some of the most advanced war, to melt the masses of ice. this: When a player comes to the the workshops o t the Near East couturiers introduced a toque of tulle In this way he will make a tract front in your coivntry the first ques­ Relief in Syria or other sheer stuff to match the ha^r from which the airplane can rise, thus tion you ask is ‘How far can he and Greece : h a n d b a g s and or to reflect faintly a tint in the gown. overcoming one of the greatest diffi­ drive?’ The first thing we want to other small novel­ culties of Polar flight. know about a new American star is ties; Kutahia Potter* **■ For example—with Pexel Feathers, tip ends of ostrich ai d fancy from Palestine. Oriental fowl feathers were dyed in delicate ‘What kind of a putter is he?” ’ Rugs and Persian Prints. Prices 4 Vi cups strawberry juice and 8 tints and made into fitted turbans, a That was all Gene said, but evi­ very reasonable. Catalogue sent on re­ cups sugar make 11 glasses jelly. Worth Knowing quest. fashion that is being reproduced this Wife—I do believe Mrs. Brown Is dently he had said all that was neces­ NEAR EAST INDUSTRIES 4 Vi cups raspberry juice and 8 cups 46 East 46th Street, Dept. A season over here in a much greater offended at something. She hasn't sary. The English decided, by jove, (ROOSEVELT HOTEL) 6ugar make 11 glasses jelly. range of colors. The hat shown at been over for several days. that he had hit the nail on the head, A SHOP OF UNIQUE GIFTS 6 cups currant juice and 10 cups the exhibition, which is being made Husband—Find out what it is when and it would not be at all surprising EDUCATIONAL sugar make 14 glasses of jelly. by several designers here, is so tiny she does come, and we’ll try it on her if the long game as a compelling sub­ 4 Vi cups grape juke and 7 cups and so flexible that it can be tucked again.—Stray stories. ject of conversation and practical dem­ LEARN ELECTRICITY sugar make 10 glasses jelly. into a purse or pocket and put on or onstration in England gave way to the By actual practice and fit yourself foF delicate art of putting. big pay jobs In the electrical field. You| taken off on occasion. It is made of Another Nervous Bride can learn electrical drafting, estimating luxurious velvet, metallic brocade or and contracting, signal and communica­ Mildred (despondently)—! am to tion systems, installation, operation and tissue, with paillettes or crystal em­ maintenance of all types of electrical marry Jack next week and I am not Girl Golf Champion broidery. All of these reflect the ele­ machinery, armature winding, etc., bjr at all sure that I really love him. working on real machinery in America s gance of an evening hat offered within foremost and oldest institution for tech­ Madelyn—How positively thrilling. nical training. No books used. Writs or More to the Point the past year by I . Mounier, a skull call for our free catalogue. shape completely covered with crushed NEW YORK ELECTRICAL SCHOOL Ti.e Barber (conversationally)— 39 West 17th St.. \ew York Married? grapes and leaves in slightly toned- Medium Brim, Beige Felt, Trimmed down colors. CONSTIPATION The Flapper (absently)—Shingle. With Brown Plush. Velours Toque His Wish Fulfilled Embroidered With Brilliants. RELIEVED With Cassowary Feathers Around When William C. Brunner, seventy- Another outstanding accomplish­ Bandeau. . . . QUICKLY one, of San Francisco, for many years ment i the dressy type of hat is that, Carter’s Little Liver Pills oriental agent for the old Pacific Mail will be seen this season In different large or small, embroidered with bril­ Purely Vegetable Laxative Steamship company, knew he had but materials and colots and trimmed in liants. This has been inspired by the move the bowels free from pain and unpleasant after a short time to live he prayed that various ways. Dark tarns with a touch vogue of black in gowns, especially effects. They relieve the system of constipa­ he might last long enough to see a velvet, among women of fashion. The tion poisons which cause that dull and aching of brilliant color in a large rosette of feeling. Remember they are a doctor's pre­ history of Pacific coast shipping pub­ ribbon, ehou of velvet, silk tassel or hats are designed to offer a flattering scription and can be taken by the entire family. lished. One day recently James King fancy feather promise to have a vogue contrast to the gown. They are not All Druggists 25c and 75c Red Packages. Steele, of the Nippon Yusen Kaisha, for autumn and winter. all of the skull shape, but come also C A R TE R ’S EMi PILLS just back from New York, brought The season is opulent in fabrics in medium and large-brimmed sizes. word that a large publishing house for millinery. Felt, particularly, is They reverse the conventional order would print the volume. “ I can die still fashionable. One model is made of of con rasts in a costume, but quite happy,” said Brunner. Two hours la­ a new kind called soliel and in a in keeping with our period. ter he was dead. BRISTOL style that shows the hair is cut close Apart from the crystal hats, all of 129 WEST 4 8 - STREET to the head in front and has the crown the elaborate styles are presented in stitched in creases that radiate toward a variety of colors. These include For B ilious Attacks «n N E W YORK Torpid Liver • • • • • each side, simulating a bow across the gay flower and fruit shades and the Comfort • Cleanliness front. The back is long and two small rich, more quiet tones, among which Sick Headache are tortoise brown, Napoleon, Nattier, Convenience silk pompons in tan and scarlet are Miss Clara Woolridge of Little Rock, attached to the brim over one ear. king, flag and water blue, Spanish Ark., seventeen-year-old winner of the Food o f Excellence BOOTH-OVERTON A new version of the tam shape in vine and all of the wine shades, gray, Arkansas Womens’ Golf championship. beige has a mushroom crown with a tending to oxford and gunmetal, and She defeated thirteen-year-old Ariel ROOMS WITH BATH AT cluster of tucks at one side toward green in the bluish tones. Vilas in the final round. Miss Vilas $3 SINGLE and $5 DOUBLE!! L A X M 'I i v E R the back, and a brown satin ribbon, Gray is regarded by designers as entered the finals by defeating her Ownership - Management drawn through slits along the turn of the high fashion note of the season, mother, Mrs. Jack Vilas, in the semi­ TABLETS T. ELLIOTT TOLSON the crown to form large spots, is tied and is used more generally in felt final rou’ d. SOLD BY DRUGGISTS ‘ ■ 4 THE COAST ADVERTISER, BELMAR, N. J,

And ice cream parlor; Sidney Center, New LIBYAN DESERr MAY York; established 50 years; doing profitable business; together with 10 room dwelling; I ARE YOU I $ 10, 000. T ❖ BE A GARDEN LAND FLOUR AND FEED MILL foi lnnnr.miimi/M ❖ Erin, N. Y.; established 13 years; capacity 25 barrels dally; together with 2 acres * ^SUPERSTITIOUS land; price $5,000. * fr * GROCERY AND MEAT MARKET ❖ Newly Discovered Sources Finest equipment; within short distance of ❖ ??? Saratoga Springs; doing $30,000 yearly; * • • • of Water Give Hope. ow ner retiring; will sacrifice; $5,000. f GROCERY AND MEAT MARKET ❖ Near Utica, N. Y.; established 50 years; do- *> By FRANK ELLIS, JR. lng $65,000 yearly; fully stocked; owner re­ Washington.—Parts of the Libyan tiring; will sacrifice $10,000; real bargain; ’ 4* 4* 4* *V* *;* »J* *:* *1' *i* 'I* 4* 4* 4* *v* 4* *v* *t* *’* •’* desert, one of the world’s most arid stock on hand will invoice this amount. _ , , BAKERY areas, may bloom forth in colorful Wholesale and retail; near Albany; fully Legends of Rings equipped; doing $22,000 yearly; low rent; gardens, productive grain fields and profitable business. TT has been believed from eariest orchards of luscious fruits, according _ SAW M ILL Stony Creek, New York; established 23 years; times that rings, enriched with cer to reports from Egypt that recent sur­ includes 7 room dwelling and garage; 10 acres tain precious stones of occult virtue veys have disclosed many c,ources of , A New Extermlsaatcr tfest is timber land; exceptional bargain; $11,000. MILL were supposed to influence the actions water in regions hitherto believed . _W©2a^eff£aillyESSectave yet Safe t® Use! Manufacturing beaded, plain dowels, handles, and character of individuals, and dry. K-R-O is relatively harm- Many letters testify to the great merit of novelty turnings; Verriiont; excellent rail­ ^ , lesj to human beings, live- ic .O ' *' I fed K-R-O to three rats, two of my road facilities; completely equipped; long many are the superstitions to the won Students of geography will receive eiock, Gogs, cats, poultry, yet is guaranteed wife's hens and the neighbor’s cat. The rats established; Includes 360 acres wooded to Jail rats and mice every time. died, and the hens and cat suffered no ill effects. m ountain land; $25,000 derful effects produced . by these the report with a question mark for K-R-O is one of the best Rat Exterminators I i „ Avoid Dangerous Poisons have ever seen.—Fred V. Bors, Wilber, Nebr.” RESORT HOTEL MOST people kno^. this absolute charms. Solomon’s ring gave him di i K-R-O does not contain arsenic, phosphor­ Adirondacks; established 25 years; 56 rooms, there are many other undeveloped beautifully furnished; mostly with private antidote for pain, but are you careful vine powers by which he acquired in ous, barium carbonate or any other deadly SOLD ON MONET-SACK CUARAN- dry spots on the map which appear poison. Its active ingredient is squill as rec­ baths; covering 19 acres land; thousand feet to say Bayer when you buy it? And “ EE. 75c at your druggist or direct from us lake frontage; $25,000 cash required. credible knowledge und triumphed less impregnable to agricultural de­ ommended by the U . s . Dept, of- Agricul­ at $ 1.00 delivered. Large size (four times as do you always give a glance to see ture m their latest bulletin on “ Rat Control." BEAD,TV PARLOR over all obstacles. The wedding ring velopment, says a bulletin of the Na­ much) $2.00. K-R-O Co., Springfield, Ohio. Barber shop; Schenectady, N. T.; up-to-date Bayer on the box—and the word equipm ent; doin g $300 w eekly business; of Joseph and the Virgin Mary was tional Geographic society. owner going abroad; will sacrifice. genuine printed in red? It isn’t the an object of adoration. FOR FURTHER DETAILS WRITE genuine Bayer Aspirin without it I A A map-minded person might de­ EMPIRE BROKERS. INC. Legends in connection with rings scribe th. Libyan desert as “ the larg­ 152 West 42nd Street - - New York. drugstore always has Bayer, with the were introduced from Asia and proven directions tucked in every box; est blank area on the map of north Oil Royalties Carry a Perpetual Mineral right Greece. The power of invisibility was m lands. I can secure royalties which will Africa with a cartographer’s smallest KILLS-RATS-ONLY return investment in about 5 years; all profit accredited to a ring worn by an an marks indicating a few oases.” It is thereafter; write for information of invest­ cient king. Rings once constituted shut off from the Mediterranean by a ment plan. Borjes, Flatiron Bldg., New York. the principal means for the preven narrow populated strip which itself INVENTIONS FOR SALE—Garden Tool, tion or cure of cramp. They were con­ sizzles in the hot African sun. On the Garment, Direction Indicator, Key Protec­ m & L . ^ sidered more effective if formed out tor, Steam Separator, Iron Rest, Screw east the fertile Nile valley lends the Cuticura Does Much Driver Handle, Combination Self Rocking Cradle and Baby Coach, Churn and Freezer, Libyan owners moral support by Bedstead Attachment, Game Apparatus, Anti- SlippingSandal, Reverse Signal Circuit Closer, an showing what might be done with For Hair And Skin Shingle Construction, Wrench, Miners Picks, their sanj-swept land, but on the Violin, Stirrup, Steel Wool Holder, Crank For promoting and maintaining beauty Handle, Stove Pipe Cleaner, Receptacle, Well west, the arid expanse of the great of skin and hair Cuticura Soap and Drilling Machine, Combined Kitchen Sink Sahara, of which he Libyan desert Ointment are unexcelled. The Soap is and ice Cream Freezer, Mirror Anti-Glare Shield, Snow Remoyer, Udder Protector, is really a part, swings the pendulum pure and cleansing, ideal for every-day Braking Device. Saddle Seat, Lock Tjte Jar Aspirin Is use, while the Ointment is soothing Grips, Drill Attachment, Waste Peanut Har­ the trade mart: of of sentiment from optimism to the vesting Machine, Disk Harrow. Hay Track, Bayer Manufacture — extreme of pessimism. The southern and healing to irritations which, if Window Shade Support, Automatic Pneu­ of Monoacetlcacidester of Sallcyllcacld neglected, might become serious. matic Lubricator, Shoe Stitcher Attachment, extremity of the desert penetrates a Radio Transmission and Reception, Weed short distance over the border of Soap 25e. Ointment 25 and 50e. Talcum 25e. Sold Eradicator, Safety Clamp, Tractor Hitch, Rat Wore “ Corset” everywhere. Sample each free. Address: “ Cuticura Refillable Dry Ceil Battery, Battery Casing, Darfur state, Anglo-Egyptian Sudan. Laboratories, Dept. B4, Malden, Mass.” Ironing Machine, Tide Motor, Hockey Game A rat caught at Hastings, Neb., ap­ StJSk Cuticura Shaving Stick 2 Sc. v Therapeutic Globe, Air Driven Electric Gen­ Libya is largely peopled by the erator, Wrecking Bar, Dishwashing Ma­ peared to be wearing a sort of girdle chine, File for facing up Slidevalve Faces Senussi sect, a sort of reform ele­ on Steam Engines, Shoe Heel. Pen Holder, or corset. Examination showed that ment of Mohammedanism. Jealous of Take Your Choice To Help Tuberculosis Welt Stitcher, Pneumatic Sander, Barrel the rat while small had crawled into Rack, Storm Hose, Dirigible Headlights, their pow’er in the desert region, they Mrs. Belle de Rivera, who founded An international university in the rime Controlled Switch, Back Water Stop, a marrow bone and had been unable repel attempts of strangers whom Ihe City Federation of Women’s clubs, Swiss Alps is being urged to aid stu­ Bracket, Floor Treating Machine, Sanitary to shake It off. The hole in the bone Milk Container, Grain Loader. Tire Chain they believe enter their domain only Baid in New York the other-day: dents who are trying to complete their Lock, Door, Pin Cushion and Thimble Hold­ was not much over an inch in diam­ er, Aeronautical Toy. Cab Signal, Smoking for predatory purposes. Even un­ “Pro-administration papers give our education while they fight tuberculosis. Pipe, Railway Track Crossing Structure, eter, so that as the rat grew, Its known Moslems ar.e carefully watched unemployment figures as very small There are said to be in Europe 15,000 Battery Terminal, Blower Brush, Folding waistline could not develop. It had Seat, Jingling Ball, Bathing Appliance, an point for caravans. Here camels and men may be hired. and Willys-Knight cars than in August, 1927— i f t i p p e t Soldiers Must Save With camels and perhaps an Ara­ a gi in of more than two-thirds! All Peruvian soldiers are required bian horse or two for transportation; -4-cylinder 4 by a new decree of the war ministry and with <’ tes, rice, rancid goats’ Experienced motorists are quick to appreciate SEDAN * to maintain a savings account, into milk butter, skins of water and a few other necessities, many caravans which each puts S.50, the equivalent the superiority of the Whippet Four, with its Tonring $455; Roadster610 (2-pass.) $485. Roadster of 20 cents United States currency, whether your visitor will be a man oi start f ”r the interior. Tea is one of (with rumble seat) *525; Coupe *535; Cabriolet the favorite beverages of the Bedouin many engineering advantages never before Coupe (with collapsible top) *595; Coach $535. All weekly. This is one-fifth their pay. woman. Willys-Overfand prices f. o. b. Toledo, Ohio, and Cadets must deposit half this amount. A woman whose skirt turns up in on a monotonous desert journey. It brought to the light car field ;-th e Whippet Six, ■pecincations subject to change without notice. is a black brew made of a handful of Willys-Overland, In c, Toledo, Ohio, All money saved is turned over to the the back has a widower as a suitor. the world’s lowest priced Six, with 7-bearing soldier when he quits the service. Pin a four-leafed clover over the tea and a like amount of sugar. After door, and the first man to enter that boiling the concoction is bitter sweet crankshaft and other costly car features;—and Over—and Over door will become your husband. and all but unpalatable to the stran the Willys-Knight Six, which now, at the lowest Count nine stars on nine nights in ger, but it imbues the drinker with There’s nothing a man likes better succession, and the first young gentle remarkable vitality which is needed prices in history, brings the unmatehable than having a woman make over him. man with whom you shake hands will when the hot plains and mountains of Smoothness, silence, power and operating econ­ and nothing he hates more than hav­ be your husband. sand of the desert are encountered ing one try to make him over.—Cin If a servant girl falls upstairs she day by day. omy of the patented double sleeve-valve engine einnati Enquirer. will have a new beau. / within easy reach of thousands of new buyers. If you would have the admiration of Drawing It Fine the opposite sex, carry the heart of Circus Gossip Camden, N. J.— Swimmers may Ticket Seller—What’s the excite­ an owl in your pocket legally splash in private lakes so long ment over in the sideshow? (© , 1928, W estern Newspaper Union.) as they don’t touch bottom, says the Tent Man—The fat woman Is lost. state Supreme court. Touching upon Raising Snakes the private property would represent SIX SEDAN The National Zoological Park says- trespass. WORLD’S LOWEST -PRICED SIX made H A N F O R D ’S “ Sr* that it is a difficult matter to raise ||fh ip p e tWITH 7-BEARING CRANKSHAFT T ou rin g *615; R oadster *685; Coach $695; Balsam of Myrrh any species of young snakes. Tiieii Cat Comes Back Coupe *695. food should consist of meal wornu * © IT MUST BE GOOD Kingston, S. C.—Penelope, a cat 77 and earth worms, grasshoppers ano Try it for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, etc. came back. William Warlen took hei WILLYS-OVERLAND, INC. such small insects. A pan of milk for an 80-inile ride and dropped het All dealer* are authorized to refund your money for tLo TOLEDO, OHIO Into which a raw egg has been beaten from his car. A few days later she fbould be kept in the cage. mewed greetings at his door. THE COAST ADVERTISER, BELMAR, .NEW' JERSEY FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1928

1 WILLS PROBATED AT *T' •%* FREEHOLD 4 4 - i «|l 4 W. H. Cooper of River road left 4 jit 4 M all his estate to his wife, H. Annie Who’s Who in Belmar 4 Barton’s Cooper. His will was executed Belmar 4 two years ago last December.. Ben­ 4*, Men’s I jamin B. Cooper and George Hey- 4* «; ' Dr. Slanley D. Palmateer has f Dr. Palmateer is a member of 4* 4 niger were appointed executors of 4 Shop the will. been practising dentistry in the ; Ocean Lodge No. 89, F. and A. M., j same office in the Chamberlain 4* Several cash bequests were made I ,lf Belmar; Goodwin Chapter, No. 4 Street Belmar Building, at 704 Ninth avenue, for j 36, Royal Arch Masons of Manas- 4* in the will of Mrs. Mary Laughlin SALES & SERVICE of Wall township. Her niece, Lucy seventeen years. He was horn in quan; Corson Commandery, Knights Ocean Grove, and resided in this P. Burr, received $3,000; her ne­ i boro several years. His home is phew, Harry C. Hyer, $500; the I now in Neptune City. Thomas D. Joeck, Prop. Wall Methodist church $500, the Belmar Baptist church $500, and l)r. Palmateer was educated at Asbury Park public school anrl the Belmar National bank $300, which is to he used in caring for graduated from high' school there. He afterward attended Philadel­ 4 Mrs. Laughlin’s burial plot in Glen 4* phia Dental College, from which dola cemetery. The rest of the es­ f institution he graduated with the AUTHORIZED + tate was divided into three shares. One share went to the three chil­ degree of D. D. S. in 1909. Following a year and a half as­ dren of Mrs. Laughlin’s dead broth­ er, John H. Pearce, one share to sociation with Dr. Charles Van 4 her brother, William B. Pearce, and Winkle, in Asbury Park, Dr. Pal­ *r mateer came to this borough and 4 one share to her sister, Agnes Hyer. 4* MALLORY j established his office at the Ninth THE UNIVERSAL CAR 4 GRAMMAR SCHOOL NOTES avenue address. 4 HATS Dr. Palmateer ran for council­ 4 "Cravenette” man of Belmar in 1920, but was 4 A harmonica band of fifty per­ formers has been inaugurated un­ defeated. AGENCY He was appointed to the advisory 4 $6. to $10. der the tuition of Miss Lillian Phil­ 4* lips, music teacher of the school. council of Trinity Chapter, Order 4* Others The hand played for the first time | of DeMolay of Ocean Grove, last at assembly, Friday. year, and has been secretary of the * $3.95 & $5. A boys’ glee club has been form­ Sitting Bull Tribe of Redmen in % ed and began rehearsals this week- Neptune City for ten years. 70810th Ave. Belmar 4* E do m ore A girls’ glee club was organized, During the W orld War, Dr. Pal­ mateer' was commissioned a 1st I than merely . yesterday. The roster of neither 4* W club is yet completed. lieutenant in the Dental Corps, and S. D. PALMATEER, D. D. S. Telephone Belmar 1392 4* hat a man. We style served throughout its period. He Templar of Asbury Park; Loyal 4* bis head, and flatter is a past commander of Herbert- Order of Moose and' of the B. P. £>444444444444444444444444444444444444444 Worthington-White Post, No. 151, O. E., No. 128, of Asbury Park- his face, and intensi­ American Legion of Belmar. fy his individuality. C.OG.00 Sunday ft) I Round 3*44444444444444444444444444444*4444444444 Trip Excursion 4 4 4 4 W ashington 4 or * TlRIJiGER BAKERY 4 4 KONRAD T HR UNGER 4 Baltimore PROP. 4 4 Sunday, Sept! 30th SPECIAL TRAIN Leave Belmar - 11:35 p. ®. Saturday Night, September 29 Specializing in Colorful » and color-last Returning shirts in the richest materials Leave Washington, 4:30 P. M- and most exclusive pattern- Baltimore (Penn. Sta.) Fancy Cakes, Sweet Rye and designs of i *>1.8-192.9. 5:40 P. M. Pies and Pastry White Bread Pennsylvania Railroad "Look At Your Hat— Take Milk on Everyone Else Does ! ” Wedding and Birthday Cakes J Y our Picnic Baked in a Sanitary Shop L I S T E R I N E l D A Y in the country, fresh ■ T H R O A T _ With up-to-date Machinery A air, sunshine (we’re going to TABLETS have some now), relaxation and t lunch on the grass. Take milk 4 enough for everybody. Keep it 4 cold in vacuum bottles. It goes 1003 F STREET BELMAR. N. J. 4 4 to the spot with a soothing thrill 4 that makes your nerves say 1444444444444444444444444444444444444444 “ thank you.” Whatever else you A take be sure that there is plenty of BJj’.U.-SW

*r 4 4 Sealect Qrade A 4 Phone 422 Belmar 4' 4 4 4' A FAIR. RETURN 4 m m It by 4 A firebug can easily start a mighty tetwi HwHalC^SibLMli,US.A. SHEFFIELD 4 big blaze, but has anyone ever 4 heard of a lightning bug that caused ARMS CO.. INC. BIBLE’S4 much thunder? 4 4' A lot of people in business are 44444444444444*; 3 4 “ long” on promises and “short” on 4 performance, but you’ll always find | AUTO LAUNDRY 4 200 FEET ON THE OCEAN FRONT 4 that _ our auto laundry service is t DPT T4J feP XJ J S50 F E E T O N FOURTH AVENUE 4 11th AVE. & RIVER RDAD evfen better than we claim it to be. 4 4 Modern equipment enables us to do WONDERFUL SPOT FOR AN APARTMENT HOTEL! 4 4' 4 the best of work. We clean by For Sale 4 4 2, 3, 4 Room Suites. Best Bathing Spot On Coast 4 pressure methods, using a very fine 4 4' 4 4 spray so all dirt is removed Apply "Within or 4 4' 4 CARS WSHEB 4 without injury to even the fines! Address BILLY WATSON (Watson Bldg.), 7 Church St. 4 4 4 paint job. / PATERSON, N. J. 4' 4' BY THE NEW HIGH PRESSURE METHOD^ 4 4' 4 Greasing, Lubricating A Bargain FOR $ALE— Brand Nexv Up to Date House— 19th and 4, 4' Cars washed, $1.5® and $2.60—Alemiting, $1 ancTffl.50 4' Repairing Surf Avenues, Belmar, N. J. (See It) f 4 4 4 4 4 4 Cats washed while you wait—Year round service 4 Bergen’s Garage 444444445*44444444444444ti 4 Phone Belmar 501. 4' 4 4 FREE CRANKCASE SERVICE U. S. Tires and Tubes 4 “F” STREET BELMAR, N. J. 4' 4 A Th e Fi r s t N a t i o n a l B a n k ---- tt I " > t Jtzz* J c ; J___✓ A . R L 444444444444444444444444444444444444444*1 Sunday T’ 4 .75 4 4 4 4 1ROUND 4 4 TKKf Emion 4 “G” Beauty Shoppe 4 4 4 4 4 New Y o rk 4 4 4 1005 F St, Belmar, N. J. 4 SUNDAYr HOW TO ACCUMULATE 4 4 , SEPTEMBER 23 4 4 Thetre is no secret about accumulating money , 4 Phone 1817 4 Excursion Train Even a small amount, set aside each week and 4 4 Direct to Pennsylvania Station 4 JESSSE GALLIJCCIO, Prop. Seventh Ave. and 32nd St. deposited promptly with this Bank will soon, grow 4 to a good size fund at compound interest, 4 Mr. Galluctib will offer to the ladies of Belmar' a 4 Daylight Saving Time 4 4 4 most complete beauty culture service on phases of- 4 Lv. Belmar 8:58 A . M. 4% Interest Paid on Savings Accounts, 4 beauty culture, including hair, skin and scalp service, 4 4 4 Returning, leaves New York, 4 superflous hair treatment, French packs, marcel waving, 4 Pannsylvania Station, 5.20 P. 4' 4 M., Newark (Market Street! 4 ’ shampooing and permanent waving. 4 5.43 P, M, 4 4 4' Pennsylvania Railroad