“ Dr0pping.Int0 Sea. No Gas. Send Help”
jO NLY TWO DAYS TO HELP INET PRESS RUX AVERAGE DAILY CIRCULATIOX OF THE EVENIXG HERALD for the tnonth of JanOi 1927 4,990 (,'onn- XTWENTY PAGES), MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, JULY 15, 1927. VOL, XLL, NO. 244. Classified Advertising on Page IS PACinC PLANE OUT SOS MR. EDDIE SUGAR NINTHCUTSDEBT. NOW LEMONS’S AID HIS PLANE IN DISTRESS MANCHESTER New York, July 15.— One of the messengers of the Harry R. “DR0PPING.INT0 SEA. Gelwicks Advertising Agency, TO ^GO ON AIR’ TAX RATE, WITH Inc., of 369 Levington avenue, is on his vacation. The other, John Lemons, was asked if he could get a boy to fill in for two F O ^ WEEKS NO GAS. SEND HELP” BUT 30 PRESENT weeks. Lemons said he could. Yesterday lie arirved at the of fice with another boy who he said would like the temporary lU M ieur Music Programs, Disaster Overtakes Snuth’s Attempt to Span Ocean; Last Votes Charter Amendment job. TWO PERSONS DIE , “ Fine,” said the boss. “ What's his name. Lemons?” Short Talks to Advertise Messai^ From Plane Heard at 7:45 (Pacific Coast Empowering Committee to “ Sugar,” answered Lemons. “ Eddie Sugar.” Town; Plaus Are Near IN MILFORD mk Appoint CoOector, Rate Tim e)— Three Steamers Rnsh to Scene, Estimated Completion. Maher, In Slim Meeting. New York Auto Hits Parked About 500 Miles From Hawaii-^AII Seaplanes At U. S. TWELVE KILLED Unless plans already well ad Truck— Couple Killed Al Naval Station Sent Out to Aid In Search— ^Aviators The Ninth school district last vanced should fall through— and night decreased its tax rate from HUNDREDS HURT there appears to be no likelihood most Instantly.
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