Red Bank Register
RED BANK REGISTER VOLUME LXVIL, NO. 18. BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, OCTOBER^, 1944. SECTION ONE—PAGES 1 TO 16;- Morris Woodring Red Bank On The Air Russel Tetley Rumson River Front Candidates Give Franklin E. Eck A new series of broadcasts have Four Fine Properties been scheduled over Station WCAP, Place Changes Hands Now Ensign, USNR Made Fine Record Asbury Park, for the Borough of Receives High Joseph G. McCue of Rumson has Views Here On Franklin E. Eck, son of Mja. Vin- Red Batik, New Jersey, beginning: sold a riverfront property in Rum- cent J.'Eck of Rumson, formerly WhenSheriff Thursday, November 14th, I at 8:30 Scouting AWard son for Mrs. Florence Mastrangel, Election Issues of Buttonwood, Shrewsbury, and Have New Owners p. m, ' The program will bs known executrix of the estate of the late the late Mr, Eck,, Is a member of as Red Bank Community Hour. ' Mr. Wright, to Leo R. Dixon, a the 20th graduating class Midship- Republican Candidate This will bs conducted by Mrs. Silver Beaver New York business executive. Speak at Meeting men's school, Columbia 'university,' Lillian Mayhew of Red Bank, for- The plot; adjacent.- to the resi- Charles E. Sweeney Effects ; Speak* Before Group merly, program director of WBRB. For Distinguished dences belonging to Stanley Jacobs Of League of """.' . There will be two broadcasts each and Howard Marsh, is 135 j feet At East KeansBurg week, Tuesday and Thursday even- Service to Youth", deep, extending from River road to Women Voters Sales'In Three Municipalities ings, featuring news of Red Bank, lhe_Shriewsbury river.
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