jO NLY TWO DAYS TO HELP INET PRESS RUX AVERAGE DAILY CIRCULATIOX OF THE EVENIXG HERALD for the tnonth of JanOi 1927 4,990 (,'onn- XTWENTY PAGES), MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, JULY 15, 1927. VOL, XLL, NO. 244. Classified Advertising on Page IS PACinC PLANE OUT SOS MR. EDDIE SUGAR NINTHCUTSDEBT. NOW LEMONS’S AID HIS PLANE IN DISTRESS MANCHESTER New York, July 15.— One of the messengers of the Harry R. “DR0PPING.INT0 SEA. Gelwicks Advertising Agency, TO ^GO ON AIR’ TAX RATE, WITH Inc., of 369 Levington avenue, is on his vacation. The other, John Lemons, was asked if he could get a boy to fill in for two F O ^ WEEKS NO GAS. SEND HELP” BUT 30 PRESENT weeks. Lemons said he could. Yesterday lie arirved at the of­ fice with another boy who he said would like the temporary lU M ieur Music Programs, Disaster Overtakes Snuth’s Attempt to Span Ocean; Last Votes Charter Amendment job. TWO PERSONS DIE , “ Fine,” said the boss. “ What's his name. Lemons?” Short Talks to Advertise Messai^ From Plane Heard at 7:45 (Pacific Coast Empowering Committee to “ Sugar,” answered Lemons. “ Eddie Sugar.” Town; Plaus Are Near IN MILFORD mk Appoint CoOector, Rate Tim e)— Three Steamers Rnsh to Scene, Estimated Completion. Maher, In Slim Meeting. New York Auto Hits Parked About 500 Miles From Hawaii-^AII Seaplanes At U. S. TWELVE KILLED Unless plans already well ad­ Truck— Couple Killed Al­ Naval Station Sent Out to Aid In Search— ^Aviators The Ninth school district last vanced should fall through— and night decreased its tax rate from HUNDREDS HURT there appears to be no likelihood most Instantly. Thought to Be Afloat On Rubber Raft. 2 3-4 mills to 2 1-2 mills, paid off that they will— Manchester is on <$> $30,000 of its indebtedness, $20,- the point of receiving a measure of LOG OP SMITH PLANE 000 of which is mandatory,voted to IN S ir a RIOT publicity that will establish It Honolulu, July 15.— "W e are go­ New Haven, Conn., July 15.— FROM TIME OF START make the offices of tax collector and throughout the east as one of the The deadly Milford Turnpike added ing into the sea. Have rubber rate maker appointive by the com­ best known communities in Con­ two more names to its long list of boat. Send help.” San Francisco, Calif., July IJ. mittee rather than elective, and Socialists Revolt In Vienna, necticut. casualties today. Mr. and Mrs. John Thus did the little radio aboard Following Is the log of the at­ made appropriations totaling $108,- Arrangements are in the making Nelson Shreve, of Manursing Is­ the trans-Pacific plane City of Oak-' tempted flight of Ernest Smith for a thirteen weeks broadcasting and Emery Bronte from the Cali­ 845, with but 30 legal voters of the Burn Public Buildings and land early today sputter out in a program, through WTIC, similar to land, Rye, N. Y., were instantly fornia mainland to Honolulu: last frantic S 0 S the news that district present. Officers and com­ the campaign recently conducted by killed when their car plunged Thursday: mittee members with the exception Battle For Hours With Po­ Hartford. It is planned to devote headlong into the rear of a park­ disaster had overtaken the attempt 10:40 a. m. (Coast time)— of tax collector and rate maker a thirty-five minute period, once a ed truck near the Orange town line. of Ernest Smith, air mail pilot, and Left Oakland Municipal Airport. were re-elected with no opposition Latest wireless dispatches from Honolulu state that the plane “ City week on a day yet to be determin­ The fatalities ended a double­ Emory Bronte, his navigator, to fly 12:00 noon— Reported fljlng and but three “ no” votes greeted lice. of Oakland” on its way to Hawaii from the mainland of America is run­ ed, to the broadcasting of music collision in which the truck figur­ from California to Hawaii. at 2,000 feet above fog for 100 the charter amendment. ning out of gas. Above is Ernie Smith (left) and Emory Bronte, his rendered exclusively by Manchester ed. A few minutes before the The message was picked up by miles southwest of San Francis­ Shreve car was wrecked, a machine E. L. G. Hohenthal was named navigator on the trip. musicians. And each of these the liner Calawaii and relayed to co. weekly programs will be preceded driven by Thomas F. Mitchell, 195 the mutual wireless station here. moderator of the meeting and im­ Vienna, July 15.— Conditions 1 p. m.— ^Fliers radio all well. mediately the question arose, by a five minute talk by some lead­ Church street. New Haven, side- The message was sent at 5:15 2 p. m.— Plane radios encoun­ swiped the truck, went off the road “ What constitutes a quorum. perilously close to revolution pre­ er in the town’s activities, describ­ Hawaiian time or 7:45 a. m. P&dflc tering heavy fog. Howell Cheney said that tradition vailed in Vienna today, when So­ ing the characteristics and setting and upset at the foot of an em­ coast time. 3:45 p. m.— Steamer Monoa NOTED REB. LEADER STEAMER IS SUNK forth the advantages of the town, bankment. Mitchell escaped without put the number necessary to open Smith’s Position reports receiving radios from cialists demonstrators, enraged at industrially and as a place of resi­ a scratch. a meeting at 15, but Charles R. At the same time the naval air the acquittal of Fascists charged dence. A truck owned by Purdy G. plane. All well. Hathaway said that seven was legal station picked up a message from 4:00 p. m.— ^Fliers radio fog Foster by Chamber Bleeker, of 412 Herkimer street. with the death of Socialists, ran OF IRELAND DEAD NEAR NANTUCKET the Smith plane giving his latitude heavy, but plane going strong. in the Ninth district. Since there This enterprise is being fostered New York, was west-bound in con­ rampant through the city, burned as 27 and his .longitude as 147.10. 5:00 p. m.— Smith again ra. were ‘3T) present business was con­ by the Chamber of Commerce and trol of Austin J. Kitteridge, of 32 tinued. the ministry of justice, demolished negotiations have been brought to This message read: dlos “all well.’’ Howe street. New Haven, with I “ Please rush help. Have rubber 6:00 p. m.— Smith radios Amendment First a police station and attempted to a promising stage by Secretary Mitchell’s car following. Mitchell “still foggy, bnt going strong. It was voted to proceed to para­ establish their own authoritv. Countess Markievicz, Most Meagre Details Received; George E. Rix of that body. tried to pass the truck but failed to i boat.” The first news that Smith’s gaso­ Thif message gave Its position as graph 6 of the call which was the The mobs attacked police and On Monday night there is to be calculate the distance and was amendment to the district charter troops and there were counter-at­ a meeting here between a commit­ line supply was running lovT and Latitude 35.42 North, Longitude One Sailer Lost, Wireless thrown off the road. that he might not be able to com­ 120.24 West. It was then beUeV' making the office of tax collector tacks. The death list is reported as Adventurous of Any Wom­ tee of the Chamber and Dana S. Left The Car plete hia air voyage, brqjight tlULi- ^649HBiiles out from Sah Fran and rate maker appointive. There high as 12 with several hundred Merriman, director of musical pro­ Kitteridge went ta-Mitchell’s-ai^ was no objection and the motion reported wounded. an In History Passes Away Report ty i Sip. grams of Station WTIC, at whlcb and the two placed the Mitchell car entire facilities of the Islands to his cisco. was made by Howell Cheney, The Wild a ies it Is expected many details w ill be on the road again. Both men be­ assistance. FViday: 12:01— ^The S. S. Lapnrissima complete amendment and . Mr. Cries of “ down with the govern­ agreed on. lieved they were in West Haven Every ship near his position was reported to th<r Federal Tele­ Cheney s reasott^, , as.A^.vanc^ by ment!” were heard, and ministers and started to report t'ae accident notified. All within a radius of 100 New York,' July 15.— The Hol­ graph Company that it had the committee for asking for such were burned in effigy. Dublin' Jp’ly 15.— Countess in that town. Kitteridge left his miles were asked M rush to the beard the call signal of Smith's an amendment will be found later The ministry of justice was burn­ Markievicz, famous woman leader land American liner Veendam was truck beside the road, well off the scene. The liner Calawaii which had BOBBY JONES WINS picked up Smith’s calls was already plane while about 1,300 miles in this report. ed, after the demonstrators had of the Irish Republicans, died early in collision with the Norwegian concrete and with tail light burn­ evacuated it at the urgence of May­ steamer Sagaland today, off Nan­ on its way as were two other ves­ out. The message was too weak 4 ] Thomas Trotter spoke in objec­ today in St. Patrick’s hospital here. ing, he said today. tion saying that he hoped that con­ or Seitz. When the fire brigade en­ tucket, and sank the latter vessel, Hear Crash sels.
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