444444444444444H 4* r|x Be a boos#**. Don't, knock.*" Let’s make Belmar B ead the f Boy In Belmar finest resort along the Jeraej X Coast. Spread the new* erf iti, attractions everywhere. i «* , S l ) j e ® . VoL 38, No. 60 BELMAR, NEW JERSEY FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 21 1928 Single Copy Four Cent! BELMAR IS HIT HARDpotlCE *“ PLAN INDUSTRIAL STORM SUFFERERS EXHIBIT HERE BY TERRIFIC STORM ASK REFERENDUM ™™ON NEED YOUR HELP PENSIONS Belmar May Be Home of Big Exposition Wind of Gale Force Sweeps Over Borough A petition is being circulated ask­ Belmar’s Quota to Red Cross Relief Raising Havoc Generally. ing the Board of Commissioners of Next Year. Belmar for a referendum at the Committee Is Only $300. Tentative plans have been made Wednesday morning, Belmar was • waves. next general election in furtherance of the adoption of an act relative for a New Jersey State Industrial struck by the worst northeaster 1. N. Williams, chairman of the F street and Ninth avenue. There was a slight abatement to pensions for policemen and fire­ Exposition at First and Ocean ave­ local Red Cross unit, has been re­ since the havoc of two years ago. The need for aid is urgent and about noontime, and for an men and their dependents.. nues, which it is proposed to run The storm crept up during the quested by H. C. Rehm, chairman the Red Cross asks that donations hour it looked as though Old Sol Four hundred signatures ‘ are from July 1 to September 3, 1929. night and citizens awoke to face of the Monmouth County chapter, be sent in promptly. By so doing, necessary to legalize the referen­ The cooperation of the Borough an insistent downpour, lashed by would get the better of Jupiter to ask help of the citizens of Bel donors are helping alleviate a con­ dum. Commission and the Chamber of , mar for the sufferers through the a wind of gale proportions. Pluvius and Boreas,, but the two dition that words can scarcely des­ The act provides “for the retire­ Commerce is being sought by the hurricane,) (which has devastated Streets were flooded to an im­ roisterers rejoined forces and by cribe. The dead in Porto Rico ment of policemen and firemen of promoters, who contemplate erect Porto Rico and done terriffic darn­ passable depth, and stalled autos alone are estimated at 1,000, with evening whipped their elements police and fire departments in mu­ ing two one-story buildings, each age in Florida, kept the towing concerns busy all 706.000 homeless. In Florida, the into a fury worse than ever, and nicipalities of this state, including facing 68 feet on Ocean avenue and President Coolidge has appealed day. Trees were uprooted in sev­ estimate is 40Q dead and more than paid respect neither to men’s or all police officers having supervi­ extending 300 feet back. to the people of the United States eral sections, and every street and 1.000 injured. women’s underpu|hings, or tyheir sion op regulation of traffic upon ihe plans call for two entrances for aid, and the American Red avenue littered with broken branch Fifty per cent of the tobacco crop coverings. Everyone was literally the county roads, and for a pension on Ocean avenue and three side Cross has been put in charge of es. The gale in its fury had no is destroyed; seventy-five percent “taken off their feet”. for such retired policemen and fire exits from each building. The relief measures. Donations to the respect for persons, pedestrians or of ihe coffee crop is swept away, More trees came down and more men and members of the police and buildings will contain 550 booths ( local fund may be sent to the treas autoists. Even the mayor had to and the total loss is (estimated at foliage and lumber litfwed the fire departments and the widows for exhibits of industry and com- iirer of the Belmar Auxiliary of be bumped out of the Ocean avenue $100,000,000. streets under the temporary rivers. and children and sole dependent merce, several of which, it is ex­ the Red Cross, Edwin F. Lyman, jr. flood by a friendly autoist in a The sufferers are crying for help- The newly flown Republican cam­ parents of deceased members of the pected, will be state exhibits. cashier of the First National Bank, Give all you can. little belter luck than he. Umbrel­ paign banner at F street and Ninth said elepartments.” If the project meets with the suc­ las were useless, and pedestrians avenue, which had been giving up cess its promoters look for, the ex­ YOM KIPPER SUNDAY PROTEST P. R. R. TRAIN CUT GRAND RALLY had to take a good grip of the side­ candidates to the wind, piece-meal, position will be conducted annual­ walks to enable them to navigate all day, was torn to shreds, and Day of Fasting and Prayer Will Re ly during the summer season. The South Belmar Republican at all. that wind was, by no stretch of The Pennsylvania Railroad Com­ Observed By Hebrews pany’s application to the Stale Colored club will hold a rally next The ocean swept over the board­ imagination, democratic. HOW TO KEEP HOT Yom Kipper, the most solemn walk, and from Ninth avenue south Engineers, conductors and rail­ Board of Public Utilities for the i festival of the Hebrew year, will Monday evening at the Mt. Olive left a salt spume in the roadway roadmen, operating along the coast withdrawal of four trains operat­ A. F. Duemler of the Anthracite \be observed from sundown, Sun- Baptist church. Prominent county, ing between Long Branch and Tren several inches deep. Huge logs and were given instructions at noon to Coal Service of New York was day evening till sundown, Monday state, and national speakers will be ton has roused strenuous opposi­ piles of driftwood were swept on keep a sharp lookout for washouts guest of honor and speaker at the evening. tion in the municipalities affected. heard. Everybody welcome. across Ocean avenue by the waves. and other obstructions, and to be weekly luncheon of the Belmar Ki- . Yom Kipper, or the “Day of The governing bodies of these The sea was magnificent in its fury prepared to cope with the heavy wanis Club, Wednesday, in the AlrijpementJ”, will fie observed places have been appealed to for POLICE FORCE BACK TO and attracted hundreds to the storm conditions between 3 and 7 American Legion Grill. strictly by absolute fasting, and help in opposing the request. NORMAL beach. Raincoats and slickers, ar- o’clock. In a talk on “How to Keep Hot” , the day will be spent by the He­ The Belmar Commission, along tics and rubber boots proved use­ Electric lights began tangoing Mr. Duemler explained the econom­ brews in prayer and meditation at with others has been asked by Her­ Commissioner Thomas Dillon re­ less against the terrific wash, and early in Ihe afternoon, dancing in ical use of coal through proper the synagogue. bert Heroy of River road, who is ported at the commission meeting, scores of sightseerers returned to and out in different sections of the care of the furnace. The sins committed during the head of the opposition here, to send their homes soaked to the waist. city at long and short intervals. Dr. Watkins, president of the past year are confessed by the or­ Tuesday evening that the special a representative to Trenton, Tues­ At Woolley’s fishing boat land­ At nine o’clock, sharp, the current club, presided. I. N. Williams was thodox Hebrew, and petitions for sumer police officers have been re­ day, Oct- 23, and use its influence, ing, Seventeenth avenue and Ocean, gave up the struggle entirely and honored by being chosen to pur­ forgiveness are offered. lieved of their duties and the force against the proposed change. the storm did its worst damage. every electric light in the borough chase and donate the prize at next is back at its normal quota. Be­ The trains the railroad company The waves gouged out the sand to went out and stayed out for the week’s luncheon. PROPERTIES CHANGE HANDS ginning last Monday each member a depth of several feet, and threw if rest of the night. In justice to the proposes to withdraw are: No. 801. of the force will be granted a va­ which leaves Long Branch at 5:30 over the roadway. Hundreds of power company it must be acknow­ COMMUNITY CIRCLE MEETING Louis Silverstein of 706 Ninth cation of two weeks. Officer Peter bags of sand were rushed to the ledged that this was necessary. A. M., and arrives at Trenton at avenue, this week, sold the ten- Cummings was the first to leave. 7:47; No. 807, leaving Long Branch spot to help dam the inrush of the room house at 210 Eleventh avenue, Wires were torn down and were at 7:55 A. M. and arriving <*t Tren­ The Hebrew Ladies’ Community tide, and save the landing and the owned by A. V. Hamburg, to Mrs. L. TO IMPROVE JETTY lashing about in so many street's ton at 10:03; No. 802, leaving Tren­ Circle will hold its regular meet­ boardwalk from being swept away. that as a safety emergency the com­ Schmidt, of this borough. Mrs, ton at 8:28 A. M. and arriving at ing at the institute on Eleventh The sea edge of the boat run, which pany decided fo cut off the current. Schmidt will reside in her new The Borough Commission, Tues­ Long Branch at 10:28, and No.
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