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FULL ISSUE (48 Pp., 2.6 MB PDF) • Vol. 24, No.3 nternattona July 2000 ettn• A Farewell Letter to the Editor o Gerald H. Anderson, our retiring editor, on the occa­ 300.) The present constituency, with subscribers in 130 countries T sion of the final issue of the INTERNATIONAL BULLETIN around the world-half the circulation is found outside the produced under his editorial hand: United States-represents a solid core of people committed to the serious study of the world Christian mission. This is your ninety-fifth issue. The masthead of the inaugu­ All of us-your colleagues on the staff of the Overseas ral issue, January 1977, occupied a mere half column. You were Ministries Study Center, the Contributing Editors, and the read­ listed as Editor, and Norman A. Horner was Associate Editor. The journaldid notyethave a panelof ContributingEditors. That ers of the IBMR-owe to you our thanks and admiration for this changed four years later. In the January 1981 issue you an­ finest of all missiological journals. As we move into a new chapter, we are reassured by your willingness to be listed on the nounced a name change-from Occasional Bulletin ofMissionary masthead as Senior Contributing Editor. We wish you every Research to INTERNATIONAL BULLETIN OF MISSIONARY RESEARCH-and blessing as you continue to serve in the ministry of mission the appointment of "a distinguished international panel of con­ advocate, mission scholar, and loyal follower of the Lord of tributing editors." Nine names were listed, including R. Pierce Beaver and Lesslie Newbigin, both no longer with us. Norman mission. Horner likewise is no longer with us. James M. Phillips took his By the way, don't forget the first article assignment made by the new editor: Your "My Pilgrimage in Mission." When can we place in 1983.Today, on page 3 of this issue, we find twenty-four expect it? Contributing Editors. Among them twelve nations are repre­ sented; each of the major ecclesiastical traditions is also repre­ sented. Beginning in July 1997, Jonathan J. Bonk has been listed as Associate Editor; Robert T. Coote was added to the masthead On Page about a decade ago as Assistant Editor. To these two will fall the 98 Finger on the Pulse: Fifty Years of Missionary planning and preparation of the October 2000 IBMR. We would Research be in shockat the thoughtof it, exceptfor yourhaving marked out Robert T. Coote the path so clearly. 102 Noteworthy There are a handful of feature articles in the file, waiting for 105 Eusebius Tries Again: Reconceiving the Study a final copy editing; their authors are eager for them to see the of Christian History light of day. You have more than a score of book reviews edited Andrew F. Walls and ready to go; they await space in coming issues. You have set 111 Evangelicalism, Islam, and Millennial the pattern for "Noteworthy," "Dissertation Notices," "Book Expectation in the Nineteenth Century Notes," and "Fifteen Outstanding Books for Mission Studies"­ Andrew N. Porter you have personally prepared all these features over the last 119 My Pilgrimage in Mission twenty-four years. Dean S. Gilliland Year after year, Ruth Taylor, working out of her office in South Portland, Maine, secures high-quality, mission-related 123 The Legacy of Karl Friedrich August Giitzlaff advertising for each issue. Harry Hochman and his successor, Jessie G. Lutz daughterSuzanne, of Hochman Associates, New York, continue 128 The Legacy of George Sherwood Eddy to guide the IBMR's annual promotional efforts, which keep Brian Stanley circulation at a steady level above 6,000. (This journal began as 132 Book Reviews the continuation of the old Occasional Bulletinfrom theMissionary 142 Dissertation Notices Research Library, when its subscriber base had dropped below 144 Book Notes of issionaryResearch Finger on the Pulse: Fifty Years of Missionary Research Robert T. Coote or fifty years the editors of the Occasional Bulletin (now ended in 1933-34, another financial crisis ensued. The MRL F INTERNATIONAL BULLETIN) have endeavored to monitor the committeeinvited Beaver to come as directorin 1948,justin time pulse of global Christian missions. Though attempted from the for still another fiscal low point. The situation gradually eased as limited vantage point of Protestant North America, the task was the Foreign Missions Conference (later Division of Foreign Mis­ no less daunting. Having just completed a review of this half­ sions, and then Division of Overseas Ministries of the National centuryas seenin the BULLETIN'S pages, Ihavecomeawaysobered Council of Churches) increased its support incrementally over by the pace and perplexities of the world Christian mission. several years until it provided about 40 percent of total income. A generation of leaders now passed, Robert Pierce Beaver Book accessions and compilationof topicalbibliographies,analy­ foremost among them, developed the standards and scope of the sis of missionary and church statistics, and research on topics Occasional Bulletin from the Missionary Research Library (its full requested by mission executives proceeded apace. And Beaver title; henceforth OB),settingpatterns thatcontinueto be reflected made plans to revive the old Bulletin. in the INTERNATIONAL BULLETIN OF MISSIONARY RESEARCH (IBMR). Before his arrival at the MRL, Beaver had spent five years in The editors, it seems, covered everything, from the proceedings Chinaas a missionarywiththe Evangelicaland Reformed Church of the World Council of Churches and its Commission on World (the last seven months in an internment camp in Hong Kong); Mission and Evangelism to the international profile of the World then he taught for four years at Lancaster (Pennsylvania) Theo­ Evangelical Fellowship; from an introduction to the biblical logical Seminary. Two years into his work at the MRL he deliv­ subjects of non-Western artists to the spread of Christian study ered the first issue of the Occasional Bulletinfrom the Missionary centers in Asia and elsewhere, from comprehensive regional Research Library; it was dated March 13, 1950. surveys to exhaustive treatments of missionary anthropology "Occasional" permitted flexibility to respond to events and and other specialist fields, from discussions of the Bible in trends in a timely manner. The masthead of the OB promised ten mission and the principles of translation to annual lists of gradu­ to sixteen issues a year. Over the first decade of the OB (1950-55 ate theses in world mission. From 1950 all this and more was with Beaver as director of the MRL and editor of the OB, and covered in mimeographed format, along with regular reporting 1956-61 withFrankWilson Price as director/ editor), the average and analysis of the statistical data thatenabled Protestantleaders number of issues was slightly more than thirteen; never were andsupportersof the Christianworldmissionto keeptabs on the there fewer than ten issues in a calendar year.' Issues ran as few North American missionary community. as seven or eight pages and as many as forty to sixty. Beginning The OB was a product of a larger undertaking: the Mission­ around 1959, Book Notes, which had a circulation of about 800, ary Research Library (popularly known as the MRL), located in was merged with the OB, thus pegging the circulation of the OB New York City, fruit of the strategic vision of John R. Mott.' at about 800. The $1-per-year cost to subscribers increased to $2 Charles H. Fahs, who edited the World Missionary Atlas of 1925, in 1960, $3 in January 1964, and finally to $4 in December 1973. was director of the library from its founding in 1914 until 1947, By the end of Beaver's stewardship of MRL, he could write, when Beaver was appointed. Beginning in 1928, Fahs produced "It is a safe assertion to make that no other religious agency in the the Bulletin from the Missionary Research Library, a bimonthly or United States and Canada, excepting the American BibleSociety, quarterly publication of about a dozen pages, using it to report receives a greater degree of interdenominational assistance or holdings and accessions to the library and to present reports and ministers to a wider range of churches and religious groups. It is data for the use of U.s. and Canadian mission societies. In supportedfinanciallyby eighty-fiveboardsandagencies through addition a monthly compilation called Book Notes, presenting the General Services budget of the Division of Foreign Missions thematic bibliographies, was distributed to several hundred and receives contributions from sixteenotherboardsunaffiliated mission headquarters and seminaries, guiding the building of or affiliated with the Evangelical Foreign Missions Association mission libraries across the land. In later years, under the direc­ or the InterdenominationalForeignMissionAssociationof North tion of Beaver and his successors, master lists of basic titles (333 America." The MRL's users included mission and denomina­ book titles in 1960) were produced by the MRL.2 tional executives, missionaries on the field and on furlough, The depression of the 1930s cut short the Bulletin and threat­ professors of mission, students, anthropologists, historians, and ened the existence of the library itself. As Beaver reported years experts on international affairs. Some 2,000 inquiries and re­ later, theMRLwentfrom crisis to crisis, always undersupported. quests, from about forty countries, were received by the director One crisis was met in 1929, when Union Theological Seminary, each year.' NewYork, agreed to house the library as a special collection and to join with the Foreign Missions Conference of the Federal Anything but Parochial Council of Churches in underwriting its expenses. John D. Rockefeller,[r., whose seed moneyhad madepossible the found­ Volume 1,number 1of the OB carried one and only one piece,' an ing of the MRL in 1914, made a grant of $10,000per year for five article by a reputedly non-Christian reporter based in Shanghai: years. As might be expected, when the Rockefeller largesse "Report on Protestant Mission [in China]." To read it fifty years lateris to appreciateits objectivity, bothin substanceand tone.
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