2 3 Dear Friends,

2017 was a busy and fruitful year for the Museum of the Jewish We are thankful to have the support and friendship of People at Beit Hatfutsot. The Annual Report which follows dedicated individuals and organizations in Israel and around reflects the significant leap forward which the museum has the world, who share our vision and help make the dream of made so far, and continues to make en route to its complete the new Museum of the Jewish People a reality. We continue renewal. From acquisitions of unique and precious artifacts to engage new audiences who take part in the museum’s that enrich the museum’s collection, through an increasing programs and enjoy the wealth of its content - exhibits, number of visitors, to new partnerships around the world – Beit programs and activities, onsite and online, and across Hatfutsot is reinstating its status as a key institution on the the globe. We take pride in connecting Jews of different global Jewish map, which celebrates Jewish life, culture and backgrounds and geographic locations to the extraordinary creativity. story we all share. Come join us on this fascinating and inspiring journey! Alongside these advancements, in 2017 we have created the Andrew H. and Ann R. Tisch Center for Jewish Dialogue. At a time when the unity of the Jewish People is threatened by a growing rift between its diverse groups and factions, we at Beit Hatfutsot recognized the urgent need to address this crisis. Irina Nevzlin, Chair of the Board In a symposium we held in March, first of its kind, a group of thought-leaders, politicians, philanthropists and media professionals from Israel, the USA and Europe, discussed the “Challenges and Promises of the Relationship between Israel & Diaspora Jewry”. We intend to expand these discussions in reaching out to a broader audience, and in allowing for every Jewish voice to be heard. It is imperative to raise awareness to this pressing issue, in order to build bridges and to secure a strong and prosperous future for our people.

Irina Nevzlin, Chair of the Board and H.E. UN Secretary General António Guterres at Beit Hatfutsot

4 5 Dedicated to the Jewish Story

In 2005, the Israeli Knesset passed the Beit Hatfutsot Law The number of Museum visitors is growing, and it that defines Beit Hatfutsot as “the National Center for Jewish demonstrates our relevance — now more than ever before. communities in Israel and around the world.” The Museum is 35,000 schoolchildren; 7,000 soldiers; 6,500 Russian Birthright dedicated to telling the unique and ongoing story of the Jewish participants and many thousands of Israelis and tourists, groups People. We do so through exhibitions, educational programs and families, diplomats and youth movements enjoyed our and community cultural events. This Annual Report presents programs. The Museum’s website had over 1.2 million visits our achievements, programs and exhibitions from 2017, all from more than 900,000 individuals. These online visitors geared toward cultivating a pluralistic and inclusive sense of purchased event tickets, read articles and gained new insight belonging to the Jewish People. Over 200,000 visitors enjoyed into the ongoing story of the Jewish People. our exhibitions in 2017, mainly in the New Wing, which opened in May 2016. In addition to “Hallelujah! Assemble, Pray, Study Our 150,000+ social media followers allow us to interact – Synagogues Past and Present” and “Heroes – Trailblazers of with visitors before, during and after their visits, as well as the Jewish People,” we also witnessed growing interest in the to continue a dialogue with them beyond the Museum walls exhibitions “Forever Young – Bob Dylan at 75” and the thought- via discussions, activities and events centered around Jewish provoking multimedia exhibition “Operation Moses –30 Years identity. We are all part of the story. After.” We also proudly presented “Capturing History: The Photography of Chim,” a retrospective exhibition on the life We all carry memories and traditions. Preparing for Phase II of and work of Chim, one of the greatest photojournalists of the our Renewal Plan, we opened our doors to the general public early twentieth century. by inviting families to donate and/or loan personal and familial artifacts to be used in a worldwide virtual exhibition. Lastly, To commemorate the first anniversary of the passing of in October we closed the previous incarnation of our Core Leonard Cohen, the Museum presented a video exhibit based Exhibition after four decades. We did this in preparation for on his track “You Want it Darker.” This celebration of Cohen’s Phase II of the Renewal Plan, an overhaul which will culminate life integrated excerpts from a 1964 Canadian TV documentary in the opening of the New Museum in 2019 with a brand new with reflections by Israeli musicians. Core Exhibition dedicated to celebrating the Jewish People while exploring its history. If you haven’t visited us yet, please consider this a personal invitation. We will be happy to host you and share our vision and plans.

Dan Tadmor, CEO

Capturing History: The Photography of Chim

6 7 Curatorial Department

Capturing History The Photography of Chim

In 2017-2018 The Museum of the Jewish People at Beit Hatfutsot was proud to present a retrospective exhibition on the life and work of Chim, one of the greatest photojournalists of the first half of the twentieth century. Born Dawid Szymin, later called David Seymour, and known professionally as Chim, he was a pioneer of the golden age in political photojournalism. Co-founder of Magnum Photos with long-time friends Henri Cartier-Bresson and Robert Capa, Chim took portraits of leaders, artists and intellectuals that appeared in the world’s leading magazines. His depictions of the Spanish Civil War, of a Europe devastated by World War Two, and of the first years of the State of Israel helped form the collective memory Helen Sarid and Ben Shneiderman at the Opening Night of the exhibition of the twentieth century. These iconic photographs reflect Chim’s technical expertise and visual intuition, along with the compassion, humanism and optimism that characterize his work. Developed in collaboration with Helen Sarid and Ben Shneiderman, Chim’s niece and nephew, this exhibition provided several opportunities for discussion, educational programs and gallery talks.

American Actor Kirk Douglas during the making of “The Act of Love” France, Capturing History: The Photography of Chim 1952, © David Seymour (CHIM) Estate/Magnum

8 9 Expanded Collection Special Acquisition The Museum opened its doors to the general public by In 2017 the Curating Department received a unique Esther asking families to donate or loan artifacts to be displayed in scroll. It belonged to the Monsingo family of Fez, Morocco who a worldwide virtual exhibition. The public has been invited to were forced to leave Spain following the expulsion edict of search their attics for family heirlooms and other historical 1492. Once in Morocco, the Monsingos produced a long line of items. As a result of this effort, the Museum greatly expanded noteworthy rabbinic scholars, including the Chief Rabbis of Fez its collection through donations received in 2017. and other cities in Morocco. The Museum’s objective is to implement an online platform After being in the Monsingo family for many generations, this through which to share this exhibition with Jewish communities Megillat Esther was acquired by the Mimron family in Israel. across the world, and also to invite communities outside of The scroll continued to be read in synagogue each Purim, and Israel to share their heirlooms via this platform. Communities in 2015 it was read in the synagogue of Rabbi Amar, the Chief across the globe will be able to log in and exchange digital Sephardi Rabbi of . images and related stories as part of the Museum’s theme: “You Are Part of the Story.” After seeing the model of the Fez synagogue in the synagogue exhibition of the New Wing of the Museum, the Mimron family donated this Megillat Esther to the Museum so that its story can be told. This scroll has been analyzed and dated by experts from Israel’s National Library.

Gutwirth-Zucker Prague Haggadah, c. 1707 Megilat (Scroll) Esther circa the expulsion of the Jews from Spain, late 15th century The Alfred H. Moses and Family Synagogue Hall

10 11 Memorable Gifts

In an historic first-ever visit, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi visited Israel in July 2017. PM Modi brought with him ancient Judaica artifacts from The Paradesi Synagogue in Cochin, India as a gift to the Jewish community of Cochin in Israel. The outstanding nature of this gesture is highlighted by the fact that, until today, it was impossible to remove items from this synagogue. In a festive ceremony, the artifacts were given by leaders of the community to Beit Hatfutsot to be displayed in the new Core Exhibition (2019). Standing out amongt these artifacts is the Keter Torah (crown of the Torah) that was donated to the Paradesi Synagogue in the 19th century. “We thank PM Modi, the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the representatives of the Cochin community for putting their faith in the Museum,” said Dr. Orit Shaham Gover, Museum's Chief Curator, “this is a testimony to the significant role the Museum plays in documenting Jewish communities and preserving our heritage and stories.”

In addition, the Museum announced the acquisition of a unique Italian Torah set from the 18th century. The set, which includes a Torah Scroll, Torah Mantle, Silver Finials, Crown and half Crown, was in the possession of the Sacerdoti family for at least six generations. It later was transferred to the Great Synagogue of Modena where it was in use until the mid- 1960’s, and then it was brought to the State of Israel.

This acquisition was made possible thanks to the generous contribution of the Saft family from Fairfield, Connecticut, USA, in memory of Marcia B. Saft Z”L.

Left: Silver Torah case and gold plated Keter Torah from Cochin, India Right: Family admiring the Italian Torah scroll

12 13 I’m Ready My Lord – A Tribute to Leonard Cohen

To mark the first anniversary of the passing of Leonard Cohen, the Museum presented a video exhibit based on the track “You Want it Darker.” This celebration of Cohen’s life integrated excerpts from a 1964 Canadian TV documentary with reflections of Israeli musicians.

Leonard Cohen’s final album, “You Want it Darker,” was released on October 21, 2016. The title track quotes the Kaddish, the mourner’s prayer. Cohen then sings “Hineni, hineni, I’m ready, my Lord.” He died 19 days after the album’s H.E. Amb. Deborah Lyons of Canada and Museum CEO Dan Tadmor release, on November 7, 2016.

The Hebrew word hineni (“here I am” or “behold”) appears over 250 times in the Bible. It is said by nearly all of the Bible’s major characters and is featured in many of its central stories. Most notably, the word is said by, and associated with, God.

Additional vocals for the song “You Want It Darker” were provided by the cantor and choir of Congregation Shaar Hashomayim, Cohen’s childhood synagogue. This special musical collaboration, centering on the word hineni and the Mourner’s Kaddish, is the way that Leonard Cohen chose to say goodbye.

This project was supported by the Government of Canada and Tribute performance by Ari Gorali, Sivan Talmor, Gal Nisman NMC United Entertainment.

I’m Ready My Lord – A Tribute to Leonard Cohen

14 15 The Koret International School for Jewish Peoplehood Educational Programs International Programs To provide Israeli schools with better onsite options, eight structured programs were offered, while retaining the option of My Family Story A grant from The Koret Foundation has enabled growth customizing tailor-made programs on demand. in all areas at the Koret International School for Jewish Over 23,000 students worldwide researched their roots and used their creative skills to design original, artistic installations Peoplehood. We now offer nine programs outside the Museum, Professional Development engaging participants from 30 countries around the world. that captured the essence of their family histories. Top entries In 2017 we trained and engaged more than 15 groups of We provide 14 on-site programs for schools, a wide range of were selected for display in an international exhibition, with educational leaders, including art teachers, army educators and programs for the general public, and four pop-up culture series the winners receiving a free trip to Israel to participate in the law enforcement officers. Additionally, our staff trained 22 new in addition to programs for day camps and Museum members. opening. Museum guides to serve as docents of the New Wing. We now administer more programs in more institutions across more territories than ever before, and enjoy record reach. In Children at The Alfred H. Moses and Family Synagogue Hall 2017 the School staff developed and led dozens of tailor-made IDF programs for synagogue missions, youth movements, educator As part of our continued effort to provide transformative seminars and IDF and security forces. programs for army soldiers and officers, we reached out to NATIV, the IDF unit overseeing new immigrants. On Site Additional Items of Interest • In conjunction with the Ministry of Immigrant Absorption’s Visitor Reach Student Authority, we curated the Home. land art exhibition. 200,000 guests visited the Museum in 2017, an increase of • Through more than 60 annual events, we engaged more 23% from 2016. This includes the following groups that engaged, than 8,000 participants via our Art, Cinema and Culture specifically, in Koret School programs: programs. • Using our Operation Moses exhibition as an axis, we IDF Group visiting the Museum • 25,000 schoolchildren administered a program for 500 police officers to improve • 10,000 soldiers and commanders their knowledge and understanding of the Israeli Ethiopian • 6,500 Russian Birthright youth community. • 11,000 participants in the G2G program (in conjunction • Special educational programs were developed for our with the Israeli Ministry for Social Equality and the Ministry growing Chinese tourist population. of Education) • Using the Heroes children’s exhibition as a platform, we • 17,000 participants in our summer “Heroes Festival” program administered a program for 1,000 children with special • 53 Museum guides and docents speaking 10 languages needs. • 1,000 special needs students from 21 schools

Additionally, through our partnership with MASA, we continue MFS: The winning installations on display at the Museum to work with millennials interested in experiencing a unique internship and exploring one of Israel’s leading cultural and historical institutions. A group from China visiting the exhibition "Heroes: Trailblazers of Jewish People"

16 17 Jewish Lens G2G: “Photos tell stories” In this international competition that engaged over 1,000global “Photos tell Stories” is the outcome of the G2G program, in collaboration with the Ministry of Social Equality. The dis- participants, Jewish teens submitted photographs with an accompanying text that captured the theme of “my connection play was a concluding event of multi generational relationship, featuring photos of senior citizens alongside new photos, to the Jewish People.” which were reenacted by their grandchildren. Dr. Yitzhak Yifat, one of the three paratroopers immortalized at the Western Wall after it was captured during the Six Day War, returned 49 years later with his grandchildren to recreate the iconic photo. Capsule Exhibits In 2017 we developed a slew of curated, ready-made photo displays made available at no charge to Jewish institutions. These exhibits focus on Jewish fashion, the roots of the start- up nation, weddings and Israel’s 70th anniversary. Winning photo: The Birth of Zionism, Sarah Vero BBYO, Budapest, Hungary

Treasuring Communities — Хранители Through an annual research project, students at the Former Soviet Union help update their community’s entry in the Beit Hatfutsot online databases.

Leadership Seminar Over 800 educators, school professionals and community leaders in Toronto came together for a joint experience of professional development and Jewish Peoplehood led by the Museum of the Jewish People and the UJA Federation of Greater Toronto. Capsule Fashion Exhibit in Bologna, Italia

G2G: Generation to Generation G2G has been instituted at over 400 schools throughout Yitzhak Yifat, the man in the middle of David Dr. Yifat recreated the original photo with his three grandchildren, 2017 Israel, reaching 10,000 participants annually. It addresses Rubinger’s famous photograph of Israeli intergenerational relations and tolerance, ageism in the paratroopers standing next to the Western Wall after capturing east Jerusalem. community, and Jewish peoplehood. The partners meet Photograph: David Rubinger regularly in a school or community setting, where the students introduce new hi-tech abilities while learning the life stories of the adults – becoming familiar with their background, values Building on its success in Israel, this valuable program is now available to English, Russian and Spanish speaking and heritage. Each pair together documents a chapter in the communities, with the power to connect generations within the Jewish People. fascinating story of the Jewish people, which is then posted online as part of the Beit Hatfutsot – The Museum of the Jewish People’s worldwide story collection. Museum’s educational team at the Leadership Seminar in Toronto, Canada

18 19 Museum to Go Superheroes and the Jewish People Replicas of Beit Hatfutsot’s best collections are re-formatted Our younger visitors and schoolchildren enjoy not only the into an interactive educational mobile museum kit, to be Heroes exhibition but also the Jewish Superheroes workshop. enjoyed by the whole community. It is an educational toolkit It inspires young people through epic stories of great Jewish that incorporates images from the Beit Hatfutsot collection and leaders while presenting Jewish values in a fresh, accessible and encourages discussion and engagement utilizing the pillars of exciting way. The objective of the program is for students to Jewish Peoplehood. learn what Jewish heroes can teach us about life.


Victor Perez (1911 – 1945) Scientists & Economists A Tunisian boxer who became the World Flyweight Champion and was the youngest world champion in boxing history. In World War II he was sent to Auschwitz where he died on the death march that left the camp on January 18, 1945. Over the course of his career he participated in over 130 fights and won them all, including one against

a German kapo heavyweight.


Ada Yonath (b. 1939) A crystallographer and winner of the Nobel Prize. She was a of the American and European Academies of Science and Arts and headed a Max-Planck Institute Research Unit in Hamburg. In 2009 Yonat won the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in recognition of her researchmember on the ribosome, the particle responsible for creating protein in a cell.

Sigmund Freud (1856 – 1939)understand

A doctor and the founding father of psychoanalysis. Freud tried to the activity of the psyche and its influence on the human body and behavior. He laid the groundwork for studying man through therapy and psychotherapeutic discourse. He dealt extensively in significance. Jewish culture and its psychoanalytic

"Museum To Go" toolkit Heroes Workshop

20 21 Databases Department the ongoing story of the Jewish People as documented and preserved by Beit Hatfutsot. Encouraging people of all walks of life and ages to build and record their family trees with the Museum is a major task of the Databases Department. Expert As of spring 2017, the Databases Department of the Museum advice is provided freely as to best practices for conducting of the Jewish People at Beit Hatfutsot transitioned to a successful genealogical inquiries, as is the technical support new software. This major development — the first since required for operating genealogy software. 2007 — required the development of a state-of-the-art management platform and the migration of huge quantities of Our film collection was greatly enriched in 2017 as well, with data. Developed and adapted by Israeli company ClearMash new important acquisitions including five rare items depicting specifically to meet the needs of the Databases Department, Jewish life in 1960s Moscow; a newly produced documentary this new management platform enables advanced methods of about the former Jewish community of Pitigliano, Italy; life innovative knowledge discovery, an upgraded user experience, in a Jewish neighborhood in the Republic of Georgia; and and vastly improved options for large data management. The archival material from the Jewish community of 1930s Gombin, migration to this new software involved moving more than Poland, to mention a few examples from the 82 new titles. The 30,000,000 records, including many thousands of multimedia files. Databases Department also continued digitizing existing film collections donated to Beit Hatfutsot in previous years. In 2017 tens of thousands of new items were added to the Museum’s databases, including thousands of photographs In 2017 the Databases Department was instrumental in depicting both historical and contemporary Jewish life in the advancing the Capsule Exhibition project. All of these Ukraine, Scotland, Brazil, Latvia, Romania, Morocco, USA, exhibitions are based on items from the Museum’s databases, Portugal, France, India, Israel, Greece, the Czech Republic, and were designed by staff members of the Databases Moldova, Argentina, Bulgaria and Poland. These photographs Department. portray various aspects of Jewish heritage, including images of ancient and modern synagogues, community buildings Additional content that enriched and improved Beit Hatfutsot and Jewish cemeteries, as well as photos from family albums, in 2017 includes the Memi De-Shalit Jewish Family Database, Family tree of Rashi (Rabbi Shlomo Yitzhaki), Rashi Center, Troyes, France. The Oster Visual Documentation Center, courtesy of Delphine Yague, France images of current community activities, Jewish educational the Jewish Communities Database, and the Biographies activities and different Jewish celebratory traditions. Some of Collection. the photographs acquired in 2017 were contributed by Jewish communities abroad as part of a major project conducted by the Databases Department with the aim of updating and enriching the Museum’s materials relating to contemporary Jewish communities. Other photographs originated from private collections and were donated by individuals who wished to document their respective family histories.

Other 2017 acquisitions included hundreds of new family trees documenting some 300,000 individuals from Jewish families all over the world. Adding a family tree to the database of the The Jewish cemetery in Vadul-Rascov, Moldova, Matanel kindergarten, Lodz, Poland. Ten Yad Purim, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 2016. Douglas E. Goldman Jewish Genealogy Center at Beit Hatfutsot 2016. Photo Christian Hermann. The Oster Visual Documentation Center, courtesy The Oster Visual Documentation Center, courtesy The Oster Visual Documentation Center, courtesy of Yehoshua Ellis of CONIB - Confederação Israelita do Brasil enables each and every Jewish family to become part of of Christian Hermann, Germany

22 23 Online Department the Russian speaking public.

• BH Challenge, the popular app for families and children visiting the Museum, has been expanded. Participants will For the Online Department, 2017 was a year of unprecedented now be able to play, discover and learn not only while in activity and development, a year spent producing digital the synagogue gallery, but also throughout the Museum products that connect people through innovation. The via challenging, engaging interactions with the Museum at highlights of what was achieved in-house by the Online team large. this year include: • In 2017 the Online Department developed and improved • The Museum’s website had over 1.2 million visits from the Museum’s official website. The number of visitors grew more than 900,000 individuals. These online visitors dramatically, with more and more individuals investigating purchased tickets, read articles and gained new insight into the origins of their family names as well as viewing the ongoing story of the Jewish People. photographs and discovering new relatives in their family trees. • The Beit Hatfutsot blog is now syndicated by the Israeli daily newspaper “Ha’aretz,” resulting in wide exposure to • In the coming months, an advanced and updated version of new audiences who have access to both the BH website the Museum’s database will be launched, shifting from its and the Museum. current beta incarnation and going live for the general public. • The Museum has more than 150,000 Facebook followers, and Twitter numbers are growing steadily. These social media profiles allow us to interact with visitors before, during and after their visit, as well as to continue a dialogue with them outside the Museum walls through discussions, activities and events centered around Jewish identity.

• The Online team worked extensively on creating the Leon Charney Digital Archive, which launches in 2018.

• A new Online Giving feature was integrated into the BH website, allowing for direct, user-friendly donations to the Museum without relying on external services.

• We launched Nobel Luminaries, a project that amasses information and media celebrating Jewish Nobel laureates throughout history. This project was established thanks to the family of Dr. Eli Ben-Gal, one of Beit Hatfutsot’s founders.

• The infrastructure to translate the BH website into Russian is now in place, and in 2018 the website will be available to Visit us at http://www.bh.org.il/category/blog-items/

24 25 External Relations Department Throughout the year, VIP missions were personally met by The External Relations Department made serious inroads into CEO Dan Tadmor and enjoyed a unique tour that not only the Australian market this year, including hosting prestigious, highlighted current exhibitions, but also incorporated the high-powered missions from AIJAC, Austrade, the Australian Led by its new director, Adi Akunis, the External Relations Museum’s vision for global programming. Israel Chamber of Commerce, the Australian Landing Pad Department advanced efforts to actively promote — both and the Australian Embassy. Outreach efforts were made to In addition, the External Relations Department initiated and in Israel and around the world — the New Museum of the Jewish schools across Australia, inviting them to participate presented opportunities to promote the Museum offsite. Jewish People at Beit Hatfutsot. The Museum, which has been in the Museum’s 2018-2019 “My Family Story” competition; Such was the case when Museum representatives were undergoing a major Renewal Plan, has a New Wing (opened several new schools agreed to participate. Dedicated efforts invited to the Knesset Committee on Aliyah, Absorption and 2016) with state-of-the-art features. This revitalized dynamic targeting specific Jewish communities have proven beneficial Diaspora and to the President’s home. In both instances, the created opportunities for raising additional funds in 2017. The and successful and can be replicated with other communities event included a mini display featuring images and videos Main Core Exhibition closed in 2017 in order to undergo a around the world in the future . from the highly successful “Operation Moses: 30 Years After” major renovation/renewal, and is slated to reopen in 2019. This Mike Diamond, founder of Toronto's Israel Engagement Committee greets has enabled novel legacy opportunities, including the naming of exhibition. By reaching out to municipalities and youth centers, In addition to efforts to develop new relationships, the External UJA mission at the Museum galleries, halls and other venues throughout the Museum. Beit Hatfutsot was also able to feature this display at various community events across Israel. Relations Department continues to cultivate and nurture The role of the External Relations Department is twofold: existing relationships withEuropean funders, organizations One of the highlights of 2017 was hosting the annual Firstly, raising the Museum’s visibility by coordinating special and individuals. Over 20 ambassadors, cultural attachés and conference of Yerusalem, a forum of Israeli NGOs dedicated visits, producing promotional materials, engaging in strategic diplomats visited the Museum in 2017. One of the highlights to conveying the narrative of Ethiopian Jewry in Israeli society. community outreach and hosting missions; and secondly, was a visit from AJC’s Young Diplomats, during which the Over 350 participants from a wide range of backgrounds took serving as the central team for fundraising efforts for the Museum welcomed participants from Australia, Canada, Chile, part in this initiative. Beit Hatfutsot took the lead not only in Museum, both in Israel and abroad. To that end, the External Colombia, Costa Rica, Croatia, Egypt, El Salvador, the EU, planning and in overseeing the advisory board, but also fulfilled Relations Department works closely with the Israel Friends of Finland, Italy, Japan, Lithuania, Jordan, Norway, the Philippines, its mission to bring different partners together, discovering how Beit Hatfutsot as well as Beit Hatfutsot of America. Poland, Romania, Sweden, Thailand, the UK and the US. we are all part of the story. Holding a variety of positions at their various consulates, these diplomats, ages 25-45, saw this event as an opportunity to learn Opening up to new local and international markets, the more about the Jewish People. Outreach External Relations Department is leading in efforts to engage with the both in Israel and internationally. In 2017 the External Relations Department coordinated Russian community This includes ensuring that the Museum website will soon The Museum was also represented at the annual conference unique itineraries and cultivated relationships with keyJewish be available in Russian and that guided tours are offered in of Jewish Federations of North American (GA), held in Los organizations including the Jewish Federations of North Russian, as well as increasing the number of standard offerings Angeles. Having participated in the GA in Jerusalem in 2013, the L-R: Rochelle Reichart (Toronto), Rachel Kaplan (Beit Hatfutsot) and Redai America, Keren HaYesod, the JNF and others. Reaching out Tessma, guest speaker at the Centennial MIssion and tailored visits available to this important community group. Museum explored various opportunities to share knowledge to partner agencies and institutions allows us to increase our and experience that might benefit participants in the 2018 GA, contacts base and deepen relationships with existing contacts. which will be held in Tel Aviv for the first time. Amongst the leading missions that the Museum hosted in The inaugural Hodesh Aliyah (Aliyah Month) organized by the 2017 were the UJA Toronto Centennial Mission, the UJA NY Tel Aviv Yafo Municipality was a huge success with hundreds of This year concerted efforts were made to raise funds for the Centennial Mission, the JNF France Leadership, AJC’s Project new immigrants coming to the Museum on Olim Day, and with Fundraising Capital Campaign to ensure the success of Phase II of the Interchange, the Social Progress Israel Mission (Detroit) and over 100,000 people responding to the event via social media. Renewal of the Museum of the Jewish People. In parallel, many more. Each mission enjoyed a personalized program that In addition, the Museum was the key presenter at the highlight In 2017 cooperation deepened with Beit Hatfutsot of America ongoing funding efforts — including individual grants and was tailored to the individual organization’s background and event of the Holon municipality, saluting the community of new in coordinating grants, donations, and funding for the outstanding gifts — are developed primarily by the External interests. immigrants in that city. Museum’s plans and programs. Relations team.

26 27 Two noteworthy donations received in 2017 enabled the Museum to sponsor transportation for 2,500 schoolchildren including 1,000 young people with special needs — and pre- IDF Mechinot (gap year) students, facilitating a transformative day of Jewish Peoplehood at Beit Hatfutsot. The support of The Baron de Hirsch Fund and The Slomo and Cindy Silvian Foundation. demonstrates not only a fertile partnership between these funders and the Museum, but also the faith these organizations have in the work the Museum does and in its importance to youth of all backgrounds.

In response to the Museum’s growing popularity, a new Online Giving feature was integrated into the BH website. This page not only promotes online donations, but also provides information regarding bequest and dedication opportunities as well as opportunities to donate collectors’ items to the Museum.

Looking ahead to 2019 and the opening of the New Museum of the Jewish People, the External Relations Department has Holon Municipality Aliyah celebrations featuring Museum's display also been exploring innovative opportunities to honor and acknowledge founders, supporters and friends of the Museum. The External Relations Department works closely with both the CEO and the Curatorial Department to ensure that the New Museum will celebrate its past while looking ahead to the future.

Lois and Larry Frank at JCPA visit to the Museum MK Dr. Avraham Neguise, CEO Dan Tadmor at the Knesset

28 29 Israel Friends of Beit Hatfutsot members of the Jewish community, senior businessmen and government officials.

Working to promote the cultural, educational and community projects of The Museum of the Jewish People, the Israel Friends Documentary Screening of Beit Hatfutsot plays an instrumental role in developing many In mid-2017 the Israel Friends of Beit Hatfutsot organized of the initiatives of the Museum. a major fundraising event, screening the documentary film The IFBI raises resources for temporary exhibitions and “Photo Farag.” The evening included a visit to the special promotes educational projects in Israel and abroad for the exhibition “Capturing History: Chim.” Over 200 friends, Koret School of Jewish Peoplehood Studies at Beit Hatfutsot. supporters and guests were in attendance. It also works to promote critical connections between the younger generations and their roots by offering guided tours Perry Farag greeted by Adi Akunis, Hanna Pri Zan of the Museum’s various exhibitions to thousands of young A Festive Reception in Vienna people, new immigrants, families from the periphery, soldiers and IDF officers. The IFBI also helps finance activities for Israel’s Ambassador to Austria, Mrs. Talia Lador Fraser, held a enrichment seminars and workshops. reception in Vienna, attended by dignitaries from the Jewish community. In addition to the ceremonial lighting of Hanukkah On an ongoing basis, the Israel Friends of Beit Hatfutsot candles, the event also marked the 40th anniversary of Beit organizes events for its Circle of Friends in order to raise Hatfutsot. funds for projects that bring Jews together while sharing the rich culture and unique and ongoing story of the Jewish People. The Ambassador noted that the Museum uniquely presents the ongoing story of the Jewish People with an emphasis on cultural wealth and the pluralistic expressions of all streams of Judaism. In attendance were Dan Tadmor, CEO of Beit Israel Friends of Beit Hatfutsot visit Italy Hatfutsot; Adi Akunis, CEO of the IFBH; Enia Kupfer Zeevi, Director of the European Desk; Hanna Pri-Zan, Chair of the Israel Friends in Italy Israel Friends visiting the synagogue in Florence The Italian Ambassador to Israel, Francesco Maria Talo, hosted Israel Friends of Beit Hatfutsot; and Johanna Nittenberg, a delegation of the Israel Friends of Beit Hatfutsot prior to Director of the Vienna Friends of the Museum. the group’s visit to Rome and Florence. The ambassador emphasized his personal affection for Beit Hatfutsot and the importance he attaches to partnership with the Museum.

The delegation learned about the Jewish community in Italy — one of the oldest in the world; it has existed for over two millennia — and helped strengthen the Italian Jewish community’s ties to Beit Hatfutsot. The Israeli Ambassador to Italy, Mr. Ofer Sachs, held a reception attended by Hanna Pri-Zan, Chair of the Israel Friends of Beit Hatfutsot, Adi Akunis, CEO of the IFBH, and Enia Zeevi Kupfer, Director of the L-R: Amb. of Israel in Austria, Ms. Talya Lador-Fresher, Hanna Pri Zan, Dr. L-R: Irina Nevzlin, Tania Greenberg, Leonid Nevzlin, Att. Zion Amir European Desk at the Museum. Also in attendance were leading Joanna Nittenberg, Dan Tadmor, Enia Kupfer Zeevi, Adi Akunis

30 31 Events and Convention Center on the Jewish communities from Italy, Romania, Lithuania and Poland, with over 600 individuals in attendance. The organization of Jews from Salonika and Greece held its annual th The Museum has prioritized the development of a wide meeting at the Museum. On the 50 anniversary of range of cultural activities for diverse audiences and the the Six Day War and the emigration of Libya’s last Jews to Italy establishment of a prestigious and familiar meeting place for and Israel, a conference was held at the Museum. attendees from Israel and abroad. More than ever before, families chose The Museum of the Jewish People as their venue for family events including B’nai The Convention and Events Center creates and administers Mitzvahs and other celebrations. exciting cultural experiences for audiences of 100 or more. The unique added value of holding an event at Beit Hatfutsot is the Over 248 events were held at the Museum in 2017, including utilization of content from the Museum’s exhibitions and 40 in-house functions: A lecture by Haim Ghiuzeli, Director of the Databases Department facilities, something that no other venue can offer. • The most prestigious was the visit by the Secretary- General of the United Nations in August 2017. He held The Department provides professional production services his final address at the Museum, concluding his visit to the to diverse audiences, with an emphasis on accompanying State of Israel. and adapting available content to each individual event, coordinating among the various professional and expert bodies • The Institute for National Security held its annual function at of the Museum. Beit Hatfutsot, combining it with tours of the New Wing.

The Museum offers two auditoriums with 220 and 120 seats • Key institutions included the Weizmann Institute of respectively, an expansive lobby, a balcony overlooking Science — which hosted a contingent of scientists from the Campus, classrooms and a gallery across the globe – and the Board of Governors of the Jewish Agency. The American Jewish Committee and the space for receptions and celebrations. Shlomi Shaban and Boaz Cohen, a Tribute to Bob Dylan Conference of Presidents held their gala events at the There was a dramatic increase in the number of events held in Museum. The Alpha Forum of Senior Managers planned 2017. With the inauguration of the New Wing of the Museum and implemented their economic gathering in collaboration and the opening of four state-of-the-art exhibition galleries, with the Museum. various events were held in conjunction to the Museum’s content. • Two special film screenings — “Two Zions – The Living Numerous cultural opportunities such as concerts, lectures, Legacy of the Queen of Sheba and King Solomon,” which performances, book launches and projects, film screenings focuses on Jerusalem and Axum, and a documentary on discussions with writers and intellectuals were offered on a Melville Edelstein from South Africa were held at Beit regular basis in addition to gallery talks. Hatfutsot.

Beit Hatfutsot is the natural home for Jewish • Concerts, workshops and a seminar on Jewish music were cultural events that express Jewish creativity from across the held at the Museum. globe. 2017 in-house functions included a community series Days of Jewish Music The Upper Galilee Choir, Days of Jewish Music

32 33 Beit Hatfutsot of America & American Friends of Beit Hatfutsot hosted a luncheon for board members and the Beit Hatfutsot the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Eyewitness to History: Michael “Miki” Goldman team. Building on the success of the Curating Your Family Story Organizations; Shula Bahat, CEO, Beit Hatfutsot of America; Gilead in Conversation with Eli Rosenbaum program at the Breman Museum, the discussions centered Daniel Pincus, AFBH President; benefactors Sofia and Mike around ways to collaborate further as we build an enhanced Segal; Patrick Gallagher, designer of the New Museum of the Miki Goldmann Gilead, a Holocaust survivor and Israeli police officer, was a key member of Bureau-06, a special Beit Hatfutsot of America is the programmatic and institution- partnership with the Atlanta Jewish community and look to that Jewish People; Hanna Pri-Zan, President, Israeli Friends of Beit unit of the Israeli Police that conducted the Eichmann Trial building arm of Beit Hatfutsot in North America, conveying partnership as a model for other communities. Hatfutsot; and Gloria Golan, Director of AFBH. investigation. He also served as a top aide to Attorney General the Museum’s vision and mission and disseminating Beit Gideon Hausner. Eli Rosenbaum, Director of Human Rights Hatfutsot content while establishing strategic relations with During the official program, Irina Nevzlin offered greetings Enforcement Strategy and Policy at the US Department of partner institutions and organizations. The American Friends Frank Family Evening Honoring Beit Hatfutsot to Bruce Ratner, Chairman, and Michael Glickman, CEO and Justice, directed the DOJ Office of Special Investigations, the of Beit Hatfutsot (AFBH) is a not-for-profit 501(c)3 organization President of The Museum of Jewish Heritage and stressed the Also in Atlanta, guests gathered at the home of Lois, Larry, and unit that was responsible for identifying, denaturalizing and representing the interests of Beit Hatfutsot as a resource importance of the partnership between the two enterprises. Sherry Frank in to learn about the reinvigorated and renewed deporting Nazi war criminals. development vehicle. It provides support to the ongoing and “Beit Hatfutsot is proud of its role in convincing the Mossad to Beit Hatfutsot. Dan Tadmor, CEO of the Museum, and Shula prospective programs and exhibits of the Museum. unveil the details behind the capture and trial of Eichmann, a Miki Goldmann warned that the fanatic and murderous Nazi Bahat, CEO of Beit Hatfutsot of America, were guest speakers. story that was fundamental and defining in the history of the fascist ideology, which resulted in the deaths of 55 million Curating Your Family Story Atlanta leaders in attendance at these events included Elaine State of Israel and Jews everywhere.” She added that “there people in WWII, is still alive and active throughout the world. and Miles Alexander; Michael Rosenzweig; Jana and Craig are many hidden Jewish stories and our mutual mission is Often known by different names, it continues to fuel hatred Thanks to a generous grant from the Covenant Foundation, Frankel, Board Chair of the Breman; Staci Brill; Jarvin Levison to uncover them and give Jewish people around the world and destruction based on ethnicity, origin, religion or skin Beit Hatfutsot of America has been able to offer Curating Your and Bart Cohen; Dr. Barbara Williams and Andreas Weil. Dr. Arik reasons to be proud of our many successes throughout history color. He stressed that if we want to survive, only one hope Family Story, a new iteration of My Family Story, Beit Hatfutsot’s Rosenbaum of Israel’s EcoOcean was also in attendance. and in modern times.” remains for humankind: to be free from such murderous flagship experiential educational program, to select museums ideologies. We must assure future generations of our ability to and JCCs. The pilot program in Atlanta’s William Breman Jewish coexist, to respect the lives of each and every human being, Heritage Museum was a huge success. Ghila Sanders, the Operation Finale: The Capture and Trial of Adolf as we are all born in the divine image. He received a standing Museum’s Interim Executive Director, said of this endeavor, Eichmann U.S. Tour ovation in recognition of the historic significance of his rare and “This is an opportunity to bring in families from different parts memorable experience. of the Jewish community, including the unaffiliated. They’re Created by Beit Hatfutsot’s Chief Curator, Dr. Orit Shaham all part of the mosaic Beit Hatfutsot is putting together.” The Gover, in collaboration with Mossad archivist Avner Avraham, program has expanded to other locations in the United States, and produced by Patrick Gallagher and Associates in th th including the Stroum JCC in Seattle and the Contemporary partnership with Cleveland’s Maltz Museum of Jewish Heritage, Israel’s 70 Anniversary and Beit Hatfutsot’s 40 Jewish Museum in San Francisco. Naomi Silverman from this seminal exhibition was on view at The Museum of Jewish Anniversary Celebration Heritage — A Living Memorial to the Holocaust in New York San Jose, California won first prize in the 22nd annual My Friends of Israel and of Beit Hatfutsot gathered in January for a from July 2017 through January 2018. Family Story International Jewish Heritage Competition, with memorable event celebrating Israel’s 70th and Beit Hatfutsot’s participants hailing from North America, Australia and South Beit Hatfutsot of America sponsored several major events at 40th anniversaries. The evening was held in conjunction with Africa. The Museum of Jewish Heritage in conjunction with the exhibit, “Operation Finale: The Capture and Trial of Adolf Eichmann.” and was prominently represented at its 20th anniversary The keynote speaker was Efraim Halevy, the ninth Director of The William Breman Jewish Heritage Museum & celebration featuring a special viewing of the exhibition. the Mossad and the fourth National Security Advisor of the Atlanta Jewish Federation Luncheon Representatives from Beit Hatfutsot in attendance at the State of Israel. In his address, “Statesmanship at the Crossroads anniversary celebration included Beit Hatfutsot’s Chair, Irina of Existential Dilemmas,” he highlighted the behind-the-scenes Eric Robbins, CEO of the Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta, Nevzlin; CEO Dan Tadmor; Chief Curator Dr. Orit Shaham Gover; considerations that led to the capture of Adolf Eichmann and to and Aaron Berger, Executive Director of the Breman Museum, the AFBH Past President and Chair Stephen M. Greenberg; L-R: Beni Pri Zan, Minister Ofir Akunis, Avner Avraham, Hanna Pri-Zan bringing him to justice in Israel.

34 35 Mr. Halevy revealed, for the first time publicly, how that This special screening was attended by a select group of decision impacted the Cold War, Israel’s long-lasting relations leaders in New York, many originally from the UK, who recalled with key foreign countries and strategic parameters in the with fondness their own vacations at this hotel. Among the Middle East, as well as its implications today. In his remarks he participants were Felice Axelrod, Bonnie and Clive Chajet, Tzili stressed the indelible link between Israel and world Jewry, and Charney, Susie and Kevin Davis, Hanna and Avi Fogel, Diana that neither can flourish without the continued existence of the and Jay Goldin, Rochelle and David Hirsch, Stephanie Hirsch, Gordian knot binding them. Over the course of Halevy’s career, Michael and Lynn Jesselson, Jane Wolfson Lebell and Dr. Don he explained, countless accomplishments in Jewish-Israeli Lebell, Fern Schad Moses, Mimi Perlman, Miquette Schrader strategy were achieved through the efforts of Israel in tandem and Shirly and Jacob Tambor. with the Jewish People. “Israel has freed us from the Galut The film will premier at Beit Hatfutsot in Israel in May 2018 syndrome. Every Jew, wherever he or she is, has a virtual single and will be screened in the US in cooperation with British share in Israel. That is why Beit Hatfutsot represents worldwide diplomatic representatives across the country. Senator Joseph and Hadassah Lieberman Jewish unity, and that is why it is not only the Museum of the Jewish People, but also the Museum of every Jew, and it speaks to each and every one of us. We must never forget this primary aspect of our historic bond — we are and shall remain inseparable.” The exhibit will travel to additional cities and venues, including the Florida Holocaust Museum in St. Petersburg, Florida; the Holocaust Education and Documentation Center in Dania Beach, Florida; the Holocaust Museum in Houston Texas; the WWII Museum in New Orleans, Louisiana; and The William Breman Jewish Heritage Museum in Atlanta, Georgia.

L-R: Malcolm Hoenlein, Consul Amir Saagie, Andrew Gross, Shahram L-R: Zalman Mlotek, Sarit Kaminer, Tamar Hirschl and Tzili Charney Yagoubzaeh, Robert Kahen, Consul General Dani Dayan

The Green Park – Documentary Film Screening in New York Sofia and Mike Segal hosted a private screening of The Green Park featuring London based producer, philanthropist and activist Marsha Lee. The film is her heartfelt tribute to the iconic hotel and to a bygone era and the roots of the Anglo- Jewish community. For over 40 years, the Green Park Hotel beckoned waves of Jewish immigrants to its idyllic seaside location on England’s southern coast. The story of the hotel is told against the backdrop of defining historic milestones, the calamity of the Shoah, the victory of the allies in WWII and the triumph of the Six Day War. L-R: Irina Nevzlin, Dan Tadmor, Irene Pletka Efraim Halevy delivering his remarks at Museum’s annual gala L-R: Daniel Pincus, Becky Sweren and Cheryl Fishbein

36 37 Markting & PR tourism, we expanded our marketing efforts. The Visitor Distribution Museum worked with a marketing specialist in North America who now represents Beit Hatfutsot in dealings with organizations and commercial entities, including Trends participation in the biennial conferences of the Reform and Conservative Movements. • Total visitors to the Museum: 200,000 • Participation in the Jewish media conference • 62,500 private Israeli visitors • 25,000 students • Growth trend maintained since the launch of the New • Renewal of the building’s logo Wing of the Museum, with an increase of 23% in the num- • 33,500 group visitors (excluding schools) • 30,000 tourists (15,000 private; 15,000 in groups) ber of Y2Y visitors compared to 2016 • 39,000 visitors via events and conferences • 10,000 soldiers • Expanded marketing and advertising efforts led to a 46% increase in the number of foreign visitors Y2Y compared to 2016 • Beit Hatfutsot heavily invested in summer activity, welcoming 50,000 visitors during the summer months. • The Museum welcomed 10,000 soldiers in addition to hosting command courses, IDF events and new immigrants in the conversion process program

Highlights • Cooperation with AKIM, the Israeli national organization for people with intellectual disabilities and their families. This partnership included exposure to and training of dedicated instructors, a successful pilot and the arrival of approxi- mately 10 AKIM groups in 2017. Beit Hatfutsot is now on AKIM’s list of four recommended Museums. • Encouraging the arrival of immigrants via Aliyah Day and external events • Maccabiah – Cooperation with commercial bodies and a special offer for the families of the participants Replacement of the building’s logo (advertisement attached) • In light of our focus on Jewish and non-Jewish incoming

38 39 Audited Financials

USD REVENUE Admission 1,117,143 Government 3,061,429 Programs 301,714 Shop Sales 326,857 Other 1,299,143 Earned Income Subtotal 6,106,286 Contributions and Grants 2,108,571 TOTAL REVENUE 8,214,857

EXPENSES Programs 4,352,857 Building 1,785,429 Marketing & Communications 648,857 Administration 902,571 Shop 173,429 Fundraising and Membership 351,714 TOTAL EXPENSES 8,214,857

Museum Shop $1= 3.5NIS (2017)

40 41 In Memoriam

The Museum of the Jewish People at Beit Hatfutsot &The American Friends of Beit Hatfutsot mourn the loss of devoted friends whose pioneering spirit, unwavering support of Israel, and trust in our people's future will be missed by so many.

Harvey Krueger Irwin Hochberg Karl Katz (on the left, with Jacqueline Kennedy Onasis during a visit to Beit Hatfutsot, 1978) April 16, 1930 – April 23, 2017 July 26, 1928- October 11, 2017 October 22, 1929 - November 8, 2017

Honorary Fellow of Beit Hatfutsot and past President of the A passionate board member and a beloved and outstanding Karl Katz was one of Beit Hatfutsot’s planners. A visionary, he American Friends of Beit Hatfutsot, a devoted friend and leader. Irwin led an exemplary life dedicated to his family, the left his mark on the Museum of the Jewish People and on benefactor of the Museum and an enthusiastic supporter of State of Israel, the Jewish People, Beit Hatfutsot and many countless other Jewish museums and institutions. the Museum’s educational and cultural activities, especially in other organizations working on behalf of Israel. the field of genealogy and documenting family history.

42 43 Original Core Exhibition

Beit Hatfutsot opened in 1978 thanks to the vision of , President of the World Jewish Congress 1954-1977, to present and display the unique and ongoing 4,000-years-old story of the Jewish People – past, present and future.

The Core Exhibition used murals, reconstructions, dioramas, audio-visual displays, documentary films and interactive multi- media presentations to convey the panorama of the Jewish People.

The exhibition was divided into six thematic sections: Family, Community, Faith, Culture, Among the Nations and Return. In

the center of the originallCore Exhibition, a Memorial Column Violinist Yehudi Menuhin at Beit Hatfutsot, 1982 Visitors waiting to enter Beit Hatfutsot, 1978 was displayed, in memory of Jewish victims throughout history.

For over four decades, The Museum of the Jewish People at Beit Hatfutsot has been playing an integral role in strengthening Jewish identity and perpetuating Jewish heritage worldwide. Visiting the original Core Exhibition provided visitors of all backgrounds a meaningful, comprehensive experience.

In October 2017, as part of the Museum’s Renewal Plan, the original Core Exhibition was retired to make way for a new vision.

The New Core Exhibition will open to the public in 2019 and will continue to serve the mission of telling the unique and ongoing story of the Jewish People.

Pianist Arthur Rubinstein at Beit Hatfutsot, 1978 Original Core Exhibition sculptures: The Torah Scribe (Sofer Stam), Shabbat Dinner, Bar Mitzvah

44 45 Personification of Autumn, mosaic detail, synagogue in Hammat Tiberias, 4th century, replica, original Core Exhibition Samuel Ha-Nagid, wall painting (detail), original Core Exhibition

46 47 Enlarged relief of Titus Arch (detail) at the entrance to the original Core Exhibition Welcome to The Museum of the Jewish People at Beit Hatfutsot

48 49 Officers and Board Members

American Friends of Beit Hatfutsot – Board of Directors Board of Directors Board of Governors Israel Friends of Beit Hatfutsot – Board of Directors Daniel Pincus, President Irina Nevzlin, Chair Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman, Honorary Chair Hanna Pri Zan, Chairman Sam E. Bloch, Honorary Chairman Maj. Gen. (res.) Eitan Ben-Eliahu, Chairman Ruth Shamir Popkin, Rita Spiegel, Vice Presidents Prof. Yael Darr, Representative of the Tel Aviv University Amb. Alfred H. Moses, Chairman Stephen M. Greenberg*, Treasurer Marco Bejarano Elissa Blaser, Secretary Rabbi Lior Gabay, Representative of the Public Tal Birenfeld Mr. Eyal Gabbai, Representative of the Public Joel Aaronson Moshe Gal Mr. Yaakov Haguel, Representative of the World Zionist Organization Jonathan Kolber Gisele Ben Dor Rabbi Elie Abadie Murray Greenfield Mr. Moshe Leshem, Representative of the World Jewish Congress Harvey M. Krueger David Ellman Eli Alroy Shira Hantman Amb. Alfred Moses, Representative of the Public Amihaz Lustig Tanaz Eshaghian Prof. Israel Bartal Gabi Hayek Mr. Gil Omer, Representative of the Public Jack Mahfar Dr. Aaron Feingold* Yossi Beilin Ronit Hershkovitz Amb. Avi Pazner, Representative of the Public Sabby Mionis Dr. Cheryl Fishbein* Gisele Ben-Dor Doron Kochavi Amb. Ron Prosor, Representative of the Public Leonid Nevzlin** Irwin Hochberg Ronen Bergman Dan Lahat Prof. Ziv Reich, Representative of the State of Israel Amb. Avi Pazner Alex Indich Sam E. Bloch Eliyahu Levin Prof. Raanan Rein, Representative of the Tel Aviv University Chemi Peres Milton and Tamar Maltz Dr. Erica Brown Hanna Levit Adv. Moshe Shimoni, Representative of the World Jewish Congress Daniel Pincus Amb. Alfred H. Moses Ram Caspi Edna Maor Dr. Ruth Shamir Popkin, Representative of the Public Amb. Itamar Rabinovich Carlyn Ring Uri Dori Motty Meir Mr. Rani Trainin, Representative of the Jewish Agency Leon Recanati Sofia Segal Moshe Edery Etty Propper Prof. Uriel Reichman Nina Weiner David Ellman Motty Reif Gabi Safdie Norman Weisfeld Ami Federmann Elli Streit Ami Sagy *Past President Dr. Cheryl Fishbein Avner Shalev Ruth Shamir Popkin Aharon Frenkel Hedva Sharon Dr. Ruth Shamir Popkin Shula Bahat Jeffrey Goldberg Shmuel Shenhar Amb. CEO, Beit Hatfutsot of America Stephen M. Greenberg Rabbi Rene Sirat Enia Zeevi Kupfer Amos & Shosh Hadar Adi Akunis Rita Spiegel Gloria Golan Zeev Holtzman CEO Nina Weiner Executive Director, Ron Huldai Gad Zeevi American Friends of Beit Hatfutsot Shahab Karmely ** Founding Chair

50 51 Editor: Racheli Kaplan Graphic Design: Neta Harel Language Editing:Sivan Butler-Rotholz Translation:Joel Rabinowitz, Jay Katz

The Museum of the Jewish People at Beit Hatfutsot Tel Aviv University Campus POB 39359 Tel Aviv 6139202, Israel T +972-3-745-7888 | F +972-3-745-7891

For more information and to coordinate your visit please contact Racheli Kaplan [email protected] | www.bh.org.il

Beit Hatfutsot of America & American Friends of BH 633 Third Avenue, 21st floor New York, NY 10017, USA T +1-212-339-6034 F +1-212-318-6176 [email protected] | www.bh.org.il

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