Taqeeb Taqarrub Etc Translations Bt August 2014.Pages
“Ta’qeeb” doa (short version) // Doa to be prayed “following” farizat namaaz: Subhana Rabbika Glory to your lord, the Mighty Lord, free from the things they ascribe to Him, and salaams to the prophets. All praise to Allah, Lord of the Worlds. Blessed is Allah, best of creators. There is no strength and no might save from Allah, Elevated, Great. Lord, accept our prayers and supplicaAons, O Lord, O Mawla, you are All hearing, All knowing. Do not throw them back at our faces, O God of the worlds, O Best of helpers. Be merciful, O merciful one. “Taqarrub” Doa / Doa of “Coming Close” to Allah through his awliya the Panjetan Paak and Imams Allah, I seek to come close to you through you, and through Mawlana Mohammad Mustafa, your Prophet, and Mawlana Ali Murtaza, foundaAon of the imamate, his wasi, and your wali, and Mawlatuna Fatema Zahra, your Prophet’s daughter, and Mawlana Hasan and Mawlana Husain, Imams and grandsons of your Prophet; and Mawlana Ali ibn al-Husain Zain ul Aabedeen, and Mawlana Mohammad ul Baqir , and Mawlana Ja’far us Sadiq, and Mawlana Ismail, and Mawlana Mohammad al-Shakir, seventh of the MuAmmeen (first seven imams, first ‘saatra’); Copyright FatemiDawat.com and through the three pure concealed Imams, commanders of the faithful, Amir ul Mumineen, Mawlana Abdullah, Mawlana Ahmad, and Mawlana Husain; and through the Imams in their line, descended from their loins, lords of zuhoor, essences of the eons, Mawlana Mahdi, Mawlana Qa’im, Mawlana Mansur, Mawlana Moiz, Mawlana Aziz, Mawlana Hakim, Mawlana Zahir, Mawlana Mustansir, Mawlana Mustali, and Mawlana Amir; and through the seventh of the Ashhaad (third ‘saatra’), Ka’ba for those who bow down in ruku’ and sajda, Mawlana Imam Tayyeb Abi l-Qasim Amir ul Mumineen.
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