1939-04-09 [P E-3]
» ■ ■-- —.. ■ .— ..... .... .. .- — .. .... —■ — 1-—...— ■ — A — — -- — .. ————— Red Sox, Cubs Rated Navy Downs Harvard Sports Program Tigers, in Great Year, For Local Fans Second Finishers On at TODAY. Break World Diamond, 9-5; Baseball. Eight Washington vs. Boston Bees, In Flag Chases Lacrosse, 14-0 Orlando, Fla. Swimming Marks TOMORROW. Baseball. Placed Pull Two Nats, Sixth, Seen Middies Stick Washington vs. Boston Bees, Runnersup in League, Ga. Troublesome; Giants Rallies as Bruckel Savannah, Prominent in Other Yale at Georgetown, 3. Are Uncertain Lot Commands on Slab Maryland vs. V. M. I., Lexing- Big Competitions ton, Va. Press. By DILLON GRAHAM, By the* Associated TUESDAY. PRINCETON, N. J.. April 8 — Associated Press Feature Service Sports ANNAPOLIS, April 8—Navy loosed Baseball. Princeton swimmers broke or tied Writer. in the third and 17 bombardments Washington vs. Boston Bees, records, 8 of them world marks, NEW YORK. April 7.—After a fourth innings today to take a 9-5 Charlotte, N. C. during the 1938-39 season, a check- tour of baseball's spring training decision from the Harvard baseball Pittsburgh at Georgetown, 3. up shows. Swimming to second Palmetto which I behind the stellar of in the Eastern belt, during gath- team flinging Maryland vs. Washington and place Intercollegiate ered a handful of sandspurs. a sun- Jerry Bruckel. Lee, Lexington, Va. League, third in the national col- an and burned face and occasional curt Bruckel weakened in the ninth to Washington-Lee at Bethesda- legiates fifth in the national A. I'm sold on Harvard runs but A. U. the nod from the managers. let tljree across, Chevy Chase, 3:30.
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