8, 194() --.:::

• r Portly Clou/y 1CS Whip ~h:: ~i::I::':UI... I IOWA-Partly cloudy today IUId Learue Pennant. :-l I4morrow; warmer j ill eut See story on Pa'ie 4. portion toci..,. " 2, JI _ I ne

)-year,old [I·S. Virgil it of the 'd CIt her , Monday I from a I

be h el d )t Rolfe h r. Mrs: .f the new How Italians Push Across E s ident ot 'f ' * *1*· u*. * t* t A** *. A* t* -: Steadily Increasing Force Of 11 be bur • Ber ln nln S a XlSC lOn Nazi Attacker Leave Heavy •eside At. • who died en in the gil Jr., 9, After Ribbentrop's ·Visit ,::a;::::::~e:o:~~::n • British Fly~rs Retaliated With Attacks On Ydungesl ry serious Spain, Egypt Senate Seeks to Aid Draftees French,BelgianCoats ,ncher has LONDON, Sept. 19 (Thursday) (AP)-Thundering toni ving home Seen Involved of high explosives showered on battered London and BUb­ a time. By Easing Financial Burdens urbs last night and early today from a teadily increasing force of nazi attackers who Jeft heavy damage and a mount; In Parley ing list of casualties in the empire capital. Textbooks Attacked as Red Defended More planes took part in the raid-the 12th overnight at­ Rome Commentators Gives F.D.R. tack since Germany began her "all out" assaults on London By Professor in Georgia Hearing -than it! the Tuesday-Wedne day overnight raid which Say U.S. Destroyer Right to Adjust caused heavy ca ualties. Deal to Be Discussed But while the Germans dumped their bomb on London, ATLANTA, Sept. 18 (AP)-.subsequently was removed from 1 British bombers were vi iting destruction on German bases ' his highway job. BY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Georgia board of education Allowances on the nazi·held French and Belgian coast in violent attacks today asked its textbook commit­ Tempers flared at the lengthy against "invasion ports." -BERLIN, Sept. 18-All informed tee to re-examine certain books hearing. Cries of "throw him TRANS',"'" \ WASHINGTON, Sept. 13 (AP) The German boroners caused great dest.ruction in the slums JOR.OAN \ circles in Germany stressed to­ used in elementary and high out" greeted a Georgla Tech pro­ night that Joachim von Ribben­ schools after a hearing at which lessor who arose to delend the -Seeking to ease the fi nancial of east London in the early phases of the raids. Now they ) burdens of men drafted for mili­ have turned their attention to the fa ihonable sector of the II, inlllllltd -._ .... --- trop's forthcoming conversations a Columbia university professor Columbia professor. in Rome will result in axis "ac­ tary training, the senate wrote in­ capital as well, subjecting them to heavy bombing. ,cook foNs defended books he wrote against Kelly shouted accusations at to the excess tax bill today broad tion-not words," and it was charges they were tinged with Dr. Rugg in a speech on the floor In the late t puni hing attack, coughing men and women )lIt IC'MIr hinted that Spain and Egypt are authority for the president to es­ communistic teachings, at the hearing, At one poInt Dr. tablt,h allowances for dependents. ~ tumbl ed from fa hionable the primary subjects for consid­ The board ordered that further Rugg replied: "I am willing to apa.rtments after direct hitl eration. distribution ot the books be dis­ waive my legal rights thus lar, He al 0 would be empowered to Tinles Abandons establish an insurance system were scored by incendia.ry Foreign Miriister Ribbentrop continued until the textbook com­ but If Captain Kelly says again in tor the men and make modlficlltions bombs in ce ntral London. left today to consult Benito Mus­ mittee makes a report. public what he has just said now, F.D.R. upport; in the present social security reg­ Bill bombs were hurled at the solini and other leaders of fas­ Charges against the books were he ,will render himself liable to ulations for their benefit. metropolis from the north rim to cist Italy, and it was learned to­ brought by Jack Kelly, a state legal prosecution." Turns to Willkie night that on his return he agam high way patrol officer, aod a The Columbia professor told It acted while the war depart­ the south, ea t and west. will see Ramon Serrano Suner, member of the state defense corps. the board he was not a commun­ ment, waiting for President Roose­ NEW YORK, Sept. 18 (AP)- The shoppin, area, lon, the velt to sign executive orders es­ Berlin's highly-placed Spa'nish vis­ Later other persons protested ist, had never been affiliated witli The New York Times tonight IIn- home of many the world's lam­ tabli:shing the machinery, rules ot itor. This fact was taken in pol­ against use of books written in the communist party, that he was nounced its support of Wendell ous fashion stores, was hit allain itical circles as lending added and regulations for conscription, L. Will"ie lor lhe prt:sldency, the whole or in part by Dr, Harold not a socialist and had never been reported that numero\.lS states significance to Spain's place in Rugg, Columbia professor: Kelly associated with socialist groups. first time it has back dill' pub- and again by high exploslv pro- what Germans call the coming were announcing progress on pre­ lIcan presidential candldat since jecUles. parations lor their part in the scheme of things. 1908. The plate IIlass In the window. draft. The British base at Marsah Mat- mand. Soli urn, on the EgYPtia~ Cautiously, some inspired com- In a three-column editorial, the of one department store which mentators argued in talkinjr with Many governors, It was said. ruh, on the Egyptian coast (see side of the Libyan frontier, is now foreign ' correspondents that the have been selecting men tor the times, which describes itself as was not touched heretolore was map) , is the objective of Italian occupied by Italian forces. ' War Anglo-American trade of destroy­ local dra ft boards and a rranllng independent-democratic, said: smashed by a bomb exploding in troops now marching across Egypt planes of the type that are p~r- ers for defense bases will also be tor regular election offlcial$ to "We give our own support to the street In front of the store. Down 1rom b4ses in Libya, accol'ding to ticipating in (he drive are P IC- considered duririg the Rome talks. handle the gigantic task of r g\s­ Mr. Willkie primarily fol' these Two Ralden reports from the Italian high com- tured above. The German press, which 'at an tering 16,500,000 eligibJe y ',InJ reason : because we believe that London's anti-alrcrart lIun b~~ _ _A·--.. __ ...... r==-- ___---_ - obvious hint from above has con- Successor's Work < men on Oct. 16. )) Is better equlppPd thl\n 'Mr, l'l'Ile brought down at least two of I The provisions adopted by the Roosevelt to provide this country the faiders-one of them a Jun­ ·C RehabI·litatI·on VI-tal sistently n:inimized the sig nlf~- Will Be to Euse Free. Movie. senate were purposely vague, so with an adequate defense; because ker 88, Germany's latest type III ECOnOmI cance of thiS matter, made no dl- we believe he is a practical IIb- bombing plone. I rect reference to the United Existing Strain that senate and house conferees 'Highlights of Iowa' may work out more explicit lan­ eral who understands the need of The raiders violently trated the increa:sed production; because we I center 01 London, dropplnlf fat, As Defense, Willkie Declares States, h?:oev:;~e Egypt' WASHINGTON, Sept. IS (AP) gllage later on. They were adopt­ To Be Shown ed as a substitute for an amend­ believe that the fiscal policies of blazing oil bombs in an effort to Egypt now has been invaded by -Japan's ambassador to the Unit­ Mr. Roosevelt hove failed disns- set lires In the city to guide 1I\em Italian armies in what the Ger­ ment by Senator Vandenberg (R­ ed States, Kensuke Horinouchl, is Movies of the University of Mlch) de igned to continue, old trously; because we believe that to their targets, Nom.iuee Tells Crowd man press has been calling a at a time when the traditional Flame bombs showered ov l' the Hoover Urges battle for the liberation of the going home this month with a re­ Iowa, "Highlights 01 Iowa," will age pension and unemployment Arms Aren't Enough be shown In Macbride auditorium credits tOl' draftees and national safeguards ot democracy are fail- central area 01 London. Egyptians from the British. It port that scarcely could inspire ing everywhere it is particularly A tremendous explo Ion jarred U. S. to Defend seems logical that German troops for all students this evening at 8 guardsmen called into active ser- For U.. in Crisis optimism for his successor's o'clock. A repeat showing of the important to honor and preserve a buildin, In central London; a might be used to help Italy in vice. Economic Polic.v chances to ease the present strain movie will take place at 9 o'clock. The outlay fot' dependents is ex­ the American tradition again trow ot hou s In nOI·th London PHOENIX, Ariz., Sept. 18 (AP) this push. vesting the enormous powers of was demOlished; and a heavy in this wee l{ sent Ramon in American-Japanese relations, No tickets are needed for ad· pected to be comparatively small - Rehabilitation of domestic econ- Spa , the presidency in the honds of any bomb fell near a shopping center, PHILADELPH1A, Sept. 18 (AP) Serrano Suner, key minister and Horinouchi, recalled in the re- mission. The movie in color pic­ at the start inasmuch as the gen­ omy is as vital as building a eral policy is not to dratt men man for thr e con utive term throwing debris hIgh into th air. -Former President Hoover de- brother-in-law of Generalissimo ce nt diplomatic shakeup by the tures the university's campus, im of o![lce." Through a storm ot steel thrown equipment, its activities and its with dependent relatives at pres­ strong national defense, Wendell elared tonight that entrance of the Franci~o Franco, to Berlin, and IK 0 n 0 y e government. plans to up by the anti-aircra.ft batteries, L. Willkie declared today during services. ent, but to place them in a de­ the attack was pr ed home with United States into the European now, mfo~'Illed sources ~ay, t~e . leave W.:shington September 23 fer~ed clas ification. However, a brief stop on an airplane flight .. probiem IS where to fit S,am . . Increasing violence In the flCth war would put thiS nalion under into the axis scheme of things. 1 and sail from San FranCISco Sept. they may be drafted later. from Albuquerque, N.M., to Los I hour of the raid. Explosive bombs a "totalitarian dictatorship" and That Spain will want something 28. Plans Move to Have Meanwhile, President Roosevelt fell steadJly in the heart of the Angeles. prepared to sign tomorrow the Thll republican presidential destroy any hope of "maintained in return for her cooperation is I Mentioned but not yet named city. free economy in the world for a accepted, and most frequently to succeed him is Yoshilluke Aika· Legion Form Home first of a series of executive or­ British AU.de nominee told a crowd estimated ders governing the administration generation." mentioned is the gl'e~t frt,nch is; wq, ,a widely-kno)V1l jndulltrialist Defense Corps Here Across the Engli h Channel, the by Police Captain E. W. Titel at 01 the draft, and the enrollment, British bombers beat furiously at 15,000 tho t he possessed the ex­ After any "so-called peace," he land colony of Madagascar, il) the ' sometimes called the Henry Forc;l said in an address prepared for an Indian ocean. of Japan. <;lassiIication and selection of con­ the nazi-held French and Belgian perience to bring about a re­ l BOSTON, Sept. 18 (AP) - A scripts. economic symposium at the Uni- One usually reliable source in- lOne of the immediate tasks of coasts In the heaviest of all their vitalized economic situation. move to have the 22nd national versity of Pennsylvania's bicen- dicated the Rome conference the new ambassador, say reports long series ot assaults on German "We must build a force of air­ convention of the American Le· tennial celebration, "the idea of might develop II secret treaty or Crom Japan, is to try to loosen the glon which opens here on Mon ­ bases, lind the red in London's planes and armament so storng the fl'ee states combining against even a public pronouncement of restricted flow of oil and scrap day, take steps to form a home Fascists Try skies was malched by the flames that no dictator will dare to the totalitarian ]lations in trade Spanish adherence to the axis- iron, impol·tant Japanese impOl·ts. defense corps was announced to­ of bursting shells and explosives strik e," Wilkie said. "But that is nonsense. The world has to although Spain is unable to do But probably before Horinouchi da:y by Chester Grant, commander 'Mopping Up' which leaped rugh in the air on will not be adequate to carry live." very much in a mjJitary 01' eco- leaves, even tighter restrictions of the Massachusetts department. the other side of the water. America through this trying jIoover predicted the British nomic manner. will be laid upon these American At its recent state convention, lime. We must rehabilitate our empire eventually will triumph Interlude exports under the defense con- the Massachusetts department vot­ Italian Soldiers Move domestic economy, "in its heroic defense" and assert- This diplomatic interlude had servatlon program. ed to present a resolution to the It there were a choice between ed that it is time the United no effect, it seemed, on Germany's Mild-mannered, amiable HOl'i­ national body calling for the vol­ Forward A~ainst British Legislation On the building of national defense States begins to think about "eco- pursuit of her British enemy. The nouchi , a career diplomat, has untary enlistment in such a corps Mechanized Forces and dom stic economic revitaliza­ nomic defenses" against what is high command listed as targets of seen relations between his coun· 01 men from 18 to 21 and more Marketing Seen tion , Will1{ie said he would place to come after the conflict ends. day and night bombardment the try and the United States steadily than 35, ages that would not con­ ROM E, Sept. 18 (AP) - The hIs faith in the latter. grent Thames-side docks of Lon- deteriornte in the year and ten flict with the federal draft law. fast-striking army 01 Marshal ." ", He s'sserted that if the rulers ot don, its water and gas works, rail- months since he took up his post Rodolfo Graziani spread south­ Aid to Projects Europe "could look across the way stations and airdromes, and I' here. Oft .for Calltornla ward from Its new Egyptian base ocean and see a great people at Gandhi Seeks nazi air-men were quoted by His personal relations with WASHINGTON, (AP) - Henry lit Sidi Barrani today in an effort I work," they never would attack other sources as declaring that, state department officials have A, Wallace, democratic vice-presi­ to mop up strong armored forces WASHINGTON, Sept. 18 (AP) the Uoited States. entire blocks in eastern London been pleasant. But the policies dential nominee, said yesterday he which the British have planted in -Legislation whicb sponsors sald Permission To had been leveled by bombs. and actions of his government would leave Washington shortly to desert Ravinesto conduct a "guer­ would simplify operation of fed~ One stretch of subway, the have aroused concern, sU'Splcion speak in Call1ornia, beginning rilla warfare on wheels." eral marketing programs Wal ap­ Preach Peace aviators reported, is only a smok- and sometimes stern opposition about September 24 or 25, He did Whjle the Italian blackshirts proved today by the senate and See .; Collapse ing, yawning, crater. . here. not give details of the trip. and native soldiers, attended by sent to tbe house. water carrIers, headed. o.n toward I Senatol'l Gillette (0-18.) and BOMBAY. Sept. 18 (AP)-Mo­ the Suez Canal, the fascist press Schwellenbach (D-Wasb.) WOD Of Freedom handas K, Gandhi, once more un- extolled the "valor" of dusky Lib­ speedy action on 14 compllcated di sputed leader of India's main yan warriors who, it was said, amendments to the alf]icultural OMAHA, Sept. 18 (AP)- Dr. Ar- nationalist movement, has taken G. O. P. Primary Vote High performed a march of 10 mUes marketinl allJ'ftment act of 1m thur Bunce, associated professor over the delicate task of directing through the stifling heat and du:st after explain/ill they were non­ of economics at Iowa State col- non-violent anti-war propaganda, of a desert storm to capture Sidi controvenl.al and would facilitate lege, declared here tonight that but under a pledge that it shall BY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS :ar ahead of the primary vote in R00!iCvelt 53 congressional and Barrani in a surprise attack. adminiStration by the .eeretat'J at the present European war "rep- not embarrass Bl'ltain, Republicans polled more votes 1936, the last presidential election legislative offices to 40 for those This taste of victory whetted agriculture. year. The republican. nominee­ teeents the end of an era of tree- This wisp of a man, to be 71 thnn the combined total of pro­ opposing a third term for the interest In the expected arrival Several of the amendments Gov. JuliUS P . Heil-probably will tomorrow of German Foreign Min­ clom a collapse of social philoso- years old Oct. 2, lett for Wardha gressive and democratic candi­ president. One nomination went t'l would allow use of varyinl bull Phy 'that does not 'vork." today after i~suing ",!structlons 1~r be opposed in November by Or­ ister Joachim von Ribbentrop, dates in Tuesday's gubernatorial land S, Loomis, progressiVe, and. an independent. periods in determininlf quotas and .( He told members of the lnsti-. oomplete dlsclpllne among hIS who, some quarters believed prices under the marketing ai[ee­ primary in Wisconsin, while a Francis E, McGovern, democrat. lute of Government nt Omaha millions of followers pending an Connecticut republicans, meet­ would seek to coordinate Italy's ments. The original act pre­ new deal faction of the American The latter two had comfortable inc in cqnvention Wednesday, se­ blows at the British water "life­ univel'8ity that the war is inli- interview with the British vlce­ scribed the pre-war perlod 01 nltely more lhan a conflict be- roy, Lord Linllthlfow. labor party led so-called "left­ leads with most of the precincts lecU!d Paul, -L. Cornell, a pre­ line" with Germany's hammering wing" candidates in 53 .of 94 legis­ counted. para tory . school owner, as their at London. 1909-1914 for this purpose but tween two powers, predicting that GandhI w,ul see~ permission to the agriculture department foUDd the world will never be the same preach passIVe resistance to Brit· latIve and congressional contests The New York voting not only candidate for Ute senate. He will Il Giornale D'ItaJia declared Following the portentous visit to 18 It was betor the w r started. aln and non-participation In the in New York. brought a new deal test of oppose Senator Francis T. Malo­ still-neutral Egypt would have to Berlin of Ramon Ser;rano Suner, that data otten were unobtaJn­ able. He added that he could see ltO war. In Massachusetts, a bitter demo­ strength in the American labor ney, democrat, in November, For accept a "new order" from Italy, top, Spanish minister of the in­ ImmedIate collllpse In the morale The all-India congress (nation- cra tic 11gh t for the governorship party, but it also saw an unsuc­ governor, the republicans named similar to the German domina­ terior, it appeared that Spain Gillette told the senate that two ot the German people, a list party) committee pledged nomination ended in victory tor cessful attempt of John J. O'Con­ Raymond E. BaldWin, the incum­ tion over east and central western might participate more' actively controveralal amendments ~ that organizatIon Monday not to Attorney General Paul A. Dever nor, anti-Roosevelt democrat, to bent. Europe. in the Rome-Berlin axis with the been eliminated from the 1e1is~ embarrass Britain in her struggle over Fra.ncls E. Kelly. Dever will win nomination lor cOlliress on Wisconsin republicans nominat­ This is true, the paper said, re­ goal of gaining British Gibraltar, lation. Double Duty with Germany, but at the same oppose Gov. Leverett Saltonstall both republican and democratic ed Fred R Clausen, a farm ma­ gardless of the results of British Portugal and French possessions The first of these involved op­ WACO, Tex., (AP)- Lois Bai­ time to preach alfainst war, The in the November Ifeneral election, tickets. He was defeated in both cbtnery manufacturer, for sena­ pressure to get Egypt to declare In North Africa, Suner indicated eration of a federal marketiDC ley didn·t feel well on registration committee withdrew a conditional Incomplete Wisconsin returns contests. tor, and the democrats chose war under their military alliance. that Spain would be interested in program in the California citrus day at Baylor university, Louise offer of cooperatlon with Britain showed that the two republican In tbe labor patty voting, James E. Finnegan, an~i-third With her forces already 60 gaining these territories, shown industry. The second Wal QP­ l!alley, h r twin sister, came to and Invited Gal'ldhl, who had dis­ candidates for governor already enough returns had beeh tabulat­ termer and former attorney gen­ miles inside Egyptian territory at In the above map. The Spanish polled by canners of fruits an4 the rescfie. Louise went throuih Qlfreed with the offer, to resume had polled a total well In excess ed to decide 94 of the 131 con­ l!ral. Senator Robert M. LaFol­ Sidi Barrani, heat, lack of water official also said Spain would like vegetables. It would have autb~ the Jines twice- once 101' herseU the Ie dership "In any action of the party's complete official tests. These returns ,ave candI­ lette was unopposed for renomina­ and British resistance were the to reassert her "cultural" inllu­ oriaed federal marketm, aaree­ arid once for Loia. that should ba taken." count in the 1~S8 primary ahd dates f a v 0 r a b I. to Preeldent tion on ihe pr0tresslve ticket. main concern ot Italian strateJ(ists. ence .in Latin Ame.. ca. menta in these induatrJeL . .' ,

PAGE TWO THE DAILY IOWAN, IOWA crry THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1940 Churchill Reviews Anzacs Despite Air Raid A ~te on Fraternities----- 'NEWS BftnNQ,~ What Will Iowa's Affiliated Men, and Their Prospective Pledges, Have' Mind as This Rush Week Begins? THE NEW s "",." • Today mark ' lhe opcn' 'of rus~ week for must practice, constantly, those ideals-­ Iowa's fratel'pities. There are some 1,500 loyalt!J, intcgrity wnd brotherhood. By PAUL MALLON. hew student on this campUS today, many ALong that road will be fou.nd the type of man this university, state and nalion needs (DlItributed b, Kinl Featur.. • speaker of the party, but he wor­ of them potential pledges of Iowa's affili­ loday. jl.ted groups. S,Ddlcale. IDe., reproductloD La ried considerably over the ('ffort whole or La part .trlctl)o PN­ and his attempt was not up to his • JJet's pause for a momerlt to consider this hiblteIL) I Liv'ing Up to J:rinciplBS standard. phase of university life, perli(1ps to clarify ~ Those who .pledge fraternities must do 6 few details, for the benefit of pro peetive so with the objective of worlring for them, How Bankhead Lost FLOOR LEADERSHIP- MO t of Mr. Roosevelt's friends haternity men on the campu Al D for fra­ whole.heartedLy, and for the principles for The V.P. Nomination in the house immediately favored ternities themselves. which they stand. WASHINGTON, Sept. 17 - Ins John McCormack for the leader­ ~ There are tho who muunllze thc value In that direction lies the most desirable and ou.t:s of President Roosevelt's ship. The Massachusetts represen­ .,f fraternity life. They point to inefficient of tit type of lives one may lead . inside encounter with Speaket· tative was the outstanding floor jnanagement, run-down houses, th devil-may­ Bankhead at Chicago have never debater among the co ntestants, an cal'e attitude of fraternity men. And, as been told. The southern gentle­ exceptionally able lawyer and a This should not be interpreted as an in­ man, who was only incidentaUy fair-minded party man who re­ bften as not probably, they are right. clictment of Iowa fraternitie. It j n't that. an eminent statesman, kept his sisted the new deal only upon such . But it is our deep conviction that no Am­ counsel and there has been no flagrant reform proposals as the On erican today, and no group of Americans, need for Mr. Roosevelt to speak. undistributed profits tax and the the Way Oltt, third basket. '1'hey insist that fraternities are on the 'can afford N(1)T to live ' up to the highest But you will recall it was Bank­ principles for which they can' stand. head who openly resisted the -- Thougb a widespread German air Istands beside an road and ILater he Joined the ~'ay out. Only fraternities themselves can president's direction of the nomi­ WlLLKlE SET- raid is in progress, Prime Minis- reviews a detachment o! troops their camp singing. 'tlisprove that-by promoting good managc­ Fraternities are in a position to fulfill abundantly their stated objectives. It lies nation of Henry WaUace as vice­ The talk about Willkie being at I tel' Winston Churchill calmly from Australia and New Zealand. m ent, clean houses and a serious attitude presidential candidate, and staged odds with his party leaders will 'oncerning college and fraternity life. within the power o( fraternities, here and the night rebellion. The cover be blanketed shortly when they , ed it somewhat later as an after­ : There are others who rcgard fraternities across the nation, to enhance immeasurably may now be removed from that take the stump in droves for him. I the value of their men to today's world, be­ Vandenberg Taft Dewey and all thOUght, and found a heavy gold 'RS hotbeds of iniquity. Theil' opinions are episode: cause fraternities stand for the ideals this The gentleman from Alabama without ex~eptio~ have been as- cigareL case, mounted with plati­ lormed from the incomplete picture pre­ signed eminent campaigning roles. num and precious stones, and in- WSUI T>ented by j 'olaL d event· that pop up here world needs mo t. was logically in line for the presi­ And tha.t is a challenge worth accepting. dency this time. Last spring his WiUkie's unusual personality scribed to "Singapore Joe." Every­ Rl1d there the nation over. home delegation was lined up for was a prime cause of the initial one in Hollywood knows Singa­ l"raternities at Iowa can couuLeract that, him that way, in the general be­ misunderstanding. He is an ar­ too. 'fhey have at th ir disposal two splen­ llel that Mr. Roosevelt would not gum entative type, and enjoys out- pore Joe. • did inter-group organizations-the intorfra­ • C.onscientious Draft Ol/kials be a candidate for a third term. spoken verbal disagreements. The • • • At 880 on Your Radio tel'l1ity council and court. 'I.'hey should be "In art. effort to minimize discriminations In later months when it appeared leaders did not know him well Singapore Joe runs the show­ utilized to the fulln,e. s of their enormous !Lnd favoritism and to win public support for likely Mr. Roosevelt WOUld try it, enough to realize he was not a n­ place or the Straits Settlements­ TODAY'S PROGRAM house of the air. tagonistic when he dillered with the Capitol Theater. It's a mag­ 8-Morning chapel, the Rev. II :30-Melody time. potentiali ties. conscription, the projected rules call for the Bankhead withdrew to the vice­ preSidential stakes. them. They have found out now nificent building, with shops and Richard E. McEvoy. 1l:50-Farm Clashes. entir draft proce s-locaJ, tate and federal Nothing was said to him about that the vehemence of his argu­ bar.s, besides movie facilities, and 8:15-Musical miniatures. 12-Rhythm rambles. I( (raterm'tiBs C(Imnot d£spl'ove tlte be­ -to be opened to the full light of public any other candidate enjoying ment has no personal implications. to hear Joe tell about it is to re­ 8:30-Dally Iowan of the Air. 12:30-Service reports. Even his closest campaign asso­ l-iefs of the aforementioned "a1~ti" scrutiny. " White House favor. To the last he solve to see a movie there some 8:40-Morning melodies. 12:50-Radio features. ciate, Joe Martin, house floor lead­ day. It has 1,600 seats, with two 8:50-Service report. 5:45-0rgan melodies. gI'OIW~, they'n lying dOWt~ Ot~ the job disbel,ieved the talk which Mr. If that project, reported from Wash ington Roosevelt's manager, Harry Hop. er, once reoently had to be assur­ arm rests for each seat, and plen­ 9-111ustrated musleal chats. 5:50-Dally Iowa. of the AJr. (lnd b1'inging about their own 6v6nt '~al ed of this. ty of leg room. 9:50 - Program calendar and 6-Dinner hour program. destruction. yesterday by 'I.'he Associated Prcss, is faith­ kins, spread at Chicago regarding fully carried out, this problem of conscrip­ the president's preference fbr \ No further organization troubles It has a movable ceiling (for weather teport. 7-Children's hour. Wallace. W hen the Hopkins' a\e now anticipated. warm nights), besides air condi­ IO--Your World of Vision. 7:15-The great west. tion will be a lot easier on the nation. tioning; it has attendants who 10:15-Yesterday' musical ip- 7:30-Sports1ime. 'l'he Highest in Idealism • And selecti ve service officials observe, too, people went to him there, he re­ plied that he could never face his serve drinks, and convenient bars vorites. 7:45-Evenlnll musicale. J;'I'a'i,ernal groups are one of the nation's th!Lt "the future of selective service depends people in Alabama if he retreat­ for the intermissions. Attendants 10:30-The oook shelt. 8-Science news of the week. oldest institution. 'l'hey sprang into being on the reaction of the boys to their life in ed and accepted the nomination take your car to the parking lot II-Concert hall selections. 8;15-Album of art! ts. when Amet'ica wa comparatively young. camp and what they write home about it." of a "northern, republican" (mean­ (free) and clean it for you (free, 1l:15-The little red school- 8:45-Daily Iowan of the Air. 'J'h ey knit yOUllg men of an earlier day into Such conscientiousness in thi case will ing Wallace, of course.) too). From any seat you get a cumpact, interest-I:!haring groups, principal­ save a good deal of worry and ill-will. When all other means of per­ clear, unobstructed, undistorted Gotta. Ride Through Town Woman Leaves Fortune lyon young collegc campuses. suasion failed., Mr. Roosevelt him­ view of the screen. Or Else Break The Law To Swl VII tare 'fhey were founded upon l)l'inciplcs of selt called. Bankhead on the tele­ Principal effect of the war, to HELENA, Mont. (AP)-In a G ~ ElF ENS E E, Switzerland' loyltlty, integrity and brothel·hood. 'fhe phone. The speaker later told his date, has been to increase the state :famed for rough and fancy . (AP)-The municipal council here ideals of fraternitie 81'e the highest ideals A Man About ft:lends tnat the president had not European population, us u a 11 y riding, attorneys recently discov- has viewed with alarm statistics specitically asked him to with­ about 12,000 but now, thanks to ered among Helena city ordinances showing that one out of every one may find. draw from the race but had talked soldiery. much greater. that: seven inhabitants married a :l'or- · In the ehaders of Iowa's social and pro­ MANHATTAN along lengthly in such a way as to Have You Met I~ this cosmopolitan cen.ter, the It is against the law to leave a eigner and moved away. frs ional fraternities are to be found the invite it. Mr. Bankhead declined Singapore Joe? p aYI~g customers (exc~udmg the horse untied within the city lim- Now they ar less alarmed. ieLeals and purpO$CS of those groups. 'fhey to accept the invitation. He press­ Gel man s now ~n mter~ent I Its, or to tie one to a fence, a lamp Regula Walder Albertus, born in ~ dcviate only minutely from what werc set ed his · candidacy through to its BY ROBBIN COONS camps) pres ~nt ~ closs-sectlon of I post or anything but a hitching Greidensee 95 years ago, died in down as the earliest purposes of Ame1'iean Even New Yorkers Have to A.sk inevitable defeat. HOLLYWOOD-If you havenl world taste III films-and Tarzan s t met Singapore Joe, it's time. (J.ohnny Weissmue.ller's, no sub- pOBut there aren't any California and left 131,500 Swis$ 'fratemal group. They stand, all of them, Questions A.boUt New York t t t t d) H N 1 hitching francs (roughly $30,000) to her for )oyalty, integrity and brotherhood. F. D. R.'S ROLE- Singapore Joe Fisher is a show­ StU es accep e IS ero o. . posts left in Helena native vI'llage (pop. 1,000). The last Tarzan epic took in . And that is rightly so. By ' HAROLD HAMIL Many leading dem ratlc poli­ man extraordinary, a world tra­ tlc1ans, without a iuH knQW~~die veler, a cultured and genial ra­ $30,000 in seven days, whereas (11 tmn pZa.ntecZ Midwesterner pinch hit - Junior now wants to know if of. the facts, have been inclined to conteur, an ex-officio salesman o[ "Gone Wi~h The Wind" hit onI,y this Trojan horse he has been Cop Were There Flm ting jOt_. vf1.cationing G 'J'11,cker) 'l'he Job of F1'ate"nities Borge blame the president for letting the charms of Singapore and all -$40 ,000 in 21 days. Deanna Dur­ reading about actually neighs COLUMBUS, Ind. (AP)-"rn­ But lhose high principles must extend be­ NEW YORK-'l'llis is about a fellow who a good friend go out publicly on Malaya. bin's popularity grows [rom pic­ with a foreign accent. vestign1e a wreck on Jackson a ftail limb to say the least. Yet He popped into town the other ture to picture, and Jeanette Mac­ youd rush week. 'I.'1Iose ideals are yeal'­ found out it's no sin to admit you can't find street," said a radio message from the president unquestionably knew day, one one of his periodic visits, Donald is a high favorite. headquarters to Policemen Mar­ .round r sponsibiLities. They should be year­ your way around New York. Bankhead's health would not per­ looking natty and neat in one of • • • these were checked and no mes­ . rotlnd a ·sets. sages recorded! tin Schneider and Cuba McKay in A transplanted Midwesterner, he had been mit him to do the active cam­ those white tropical suits which The audience, preponderantly a squad car. 'l'hey didn't have to wore It's up to Iowa's fraternity men to make paigning required of a vice-presi­ somehow (unlike most in these native. craves action first, scorns (Note to Exhibitor : Singapore hePe exaetly. th['~e weeks. Joe's Capitol operates sans double go far 10 investigate, because they white 'th m that. Fraternitie can contribute great­ dential candidate, although he was parts) kept its neatness and its superimposed titles and "dubbed" were brUJ'ed in the wreck. An­ 'ly to the worthwhilene. of Jiving through As· the subway clattered along, he looked too courteous to say so. whiteness. dialogue, follows English dialogue features, sans giveaways, sans easily through watching the lotteries-and cleans up. And it's other automobile had just hit ,tlie simple expedient of practicing, every neither to the rigbt nor to the left. He fan­ When Bankhead first was elect­ It was the fabulous Sultan of theirs. Johore, Malayan ruler, who dub­ film's action. not the only house around.) ;day, their stated principles. cied his pose was one he had observed most ed speaker, his brother John, the 'rhcy cannot afford to do ) s than that. senator, telephoned leading house bed him "Singapore Joe." His "And how they can smell a seasoned subway travelers assume. Highness, once a visitor in Hol­ good picture!" beams Singapore ;Neither can the rest of us. democrats urging them not to The Lrain rolled to a stop, and in the brief make the choioe as Bankhead's lywood, did the dubbing charac­ Joe. "And how the word spreads!" Those principles can't be operative In a OFFICIAL DAILY BL1.LETIN fri~nd Just how this word-of-mouth interval of quiet the man next to him held physician did not believe his heart teristically. To a who for .dormitory of 200 college men. 'l'he uuit is years had been known simply as carries weight he illustrates by lIem8 In th. UN'Vt;miITY ('j\ ' ,F, ')1\1\ an> ""b .... ultd In tilt could stand the strain two days. 8umllltr b •• ~lo" om.· •. W-II 'Ko t 11011. lL III' ro, th 01), EUIo too large. But they can and should be in a out a Sunday magazine section. The speaker himself three times Mr. Joe Fisher, His Highness pre­ the story of a hotel employe who NOTlC";~ 1\" d."",\led witll 1I...... "1'''•• ,1Ito. of The Dall,. ,., .... .rr!Lll'J·nity of from 25 to 40 members. "Wonderful picture," he said, pointing to rejected the appeals of the presi­ sented (wrapped in old newspa­ had trouble at his job-and six O~ mRY h" pl ••• . .. In t h. bo][ LOro' 'd.d ro. thtl. depoill Ie • .,. lie of Th. 1.. 11,. Iowan. ( ~:'oIER H. "OTICE!'I mllll' 1Ifl ., TIl. 'l'hey mu t be if fraternities are .to provc a col l'od cover portrait. dent and Farley that he be key­ pers) a package which he said houls later, over a territory of 700 O"lIy lo""n h 1:30 I'. m. tho ""1 ,••• ".dln« flrot publleatloa; :their inc timable worth. The newcomer finally mumbled agree­ noter of the convention, and ac­ contained a supply of biscuits. Mr. miles, "sympathy strikes" were nolle•• will !loOT h. " •••pl.d Lt I I "I"." ... and mu , be ':.~D cepted reluctantly in the end. He Joe Fisher suspected a gag, toss­ brewing. All lhis, minus telephone OR L1WJBLl' WHITTt; flO" ~ w" 1':0 by .. _lIIIn 1111 _" ment. 'l'he train got under way and the Vol. xn, No. 705 Thursday, eptember 19, l ..t noise was excu e enough to break off the was . certainly the outstanding ed the package into his car, open- or telegraph communication, for A Little Hard Work Mnversation. And then the transplanted '('hese thing are the r ponsibiLiti s of University Calendar Midwesterner mused: Friday, September 20 Ml)ndAy, eptember 23 :,tho, e who now are membcrs of Iowa's frl1- "Who am 1 to be indifferent tow!Lrd any­ -NOT DEALING WlTli' A iiJ'''GENTLEMAN'' THIS TIME! 1:30 p.m.-Registration begins. 'ternitics, and of those who soon will be. one with a desire to talk' It wasn't that way 9:30 a.m.-Freshman week be­ : It is our conviction that we mu t work gins. Wednesday, eptember ZS back home." 5:00. p.m.-Registration clO6eS. ' without r .t to pre. ene the desirable insti­ He reaJjzed how his response to thi kindly 9:00 p.m.- Pledgc Prom, Iowa Thursday, eplember 26 :1u tion8 of campus life; if there !Lre institu­ gentleman bad been the very thing which: ill Union. ':t5 a.m.-Induction ceremony. 'tiOllR hel'e not worth working for, by all New York people had bothered him no end. Sunday, eptember 22 8:00 a,m.-Instruction begins. :mC8nR let them die. The train was slowing down again. The 3;30 p.m.- V 'per Scrvice: Ad- That fraternities are an Iowa institution tran planted Midwesterner looked at the dress by Dr. E. E. Harper; Fine (F 0 r Information relll'tlll :worth \vol'king for there can be no doubt. But date beyond this KhecluJe,".w; magazine covel'. Yes, it wa a good picture. ArLl Campus (Art Auditorium.in ervatlon In tbe SUmBler s.-.. :it's up to fratcrnity men to prove it. He expressed the 'opinion a couple of' times, ca$e of rain). . Oftlce, W-9 EM, HaU). in an e(fort to show appreeiation of 8 fellow · 'rhe old members and potentill) new mom­ passenger's efforts to be friendly. General ' Notices , bel's of Iowa's fraternities have individual Music Room chedule library annex wiU be open the ;'responsibili ties. . .' . 'rile older man shi~ted the convcrsation.- j:tequests- wiU be played at lhe following hours: J. l"ratet'rlities must make their phase of "Do JOu know if we have passed that following Urnes, except on Satur­ Monday through Friday, 8:. ;'campus li fe mcan what it should mean. They days from 1 to 2 p.m. and on Tue - a.m. to 12 noon; 1 to 15 P.1IIo; , junction out here'" he asked. . .' 'Phe neWcomer never had heard of the days from 2 to 3 p.m. when ;I Saturday, 8:30 a.m. to 12 noon; planned program will be present­ Special hours {(lr departmenilt junction, but wouldn't admit it. ed. libraries will be posted 0l'I .. "Well , it doesn't make much. diffet:encc. Monday, Sept. 16- 10 to 12 n.m. doors. I can always ride back." and 2 to 4 p.m. 9-RACE V AN WORMlit "You're new in New York'" queried the: Tue day, Sept. 17-10 to 12 a.m., Published every morning except Monday Midwesterner. 2 to 3 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. nlver Ity Veapcrs ::by Student Publications Incorporated at "Oh, no, I 've lived hete 52 years. I just Wednesday, Sept. 18- 10 to 12 Prof. Earl E. HIlJ' per, director :1126-130 Iowa avenue, Iowa City, Iowa. don't keep my bearings like , I should. I a.m. and 3 to 5 p.m. of lhe school of fine nrtz, will Thursday, Sept. 19--10 to 12 speak ut the opening unlverlliliJ meant to ask about where to got off. You '"e a.m., I to 3 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. v spers of th n w academIc Jell :: Board of Trustees: Frank L. Mott, Odis K. got to ask ~our way around New York. I Friday, Sopt. 20-10 to 12 a.m. Sunday at 3:30 p. m. The meelln, : ~atton, Ewen M. MacEwen, Kirk H. Porter, ask quektions almost every time I leave home nnd 1 to 3 p.m. will b h Id on th ast approacb ,'])onald Dodge, Deming Smith, William -cven after 52 years. Say, what Vart of Saturday, Sept. 21-10 to 12 to the fin arts building, or it till :;80ner, Irene Frederickson, Robert Kadgihn. the outh are you from ," a.m., and 1 to 2 p.m. and 3 to 5 weather is unfavorable, In the till r' , ... p.m. arts lounge. Professor Rarper'l Fred M. Pownall, Publisher 'rhat was a comedowh for a New Yorker of subject will be "Life on the C_ ., Employment pus." Th meeting ha been pi ... ., Loren L. Hickerson, Editor tlJee weeks. Hadn't he got to wher.e he ned for fr shmen, but eU are ill· d Morty Tonken, Managing Editor could walk through Times Square without Men and women, students or , non-students'l Inclusive ot those vited. .. being singled out by the "rubberneck" bus having

uota Limited Jl esper8 Speaker; ~ 113 Sorority Houses Will Have Prof. Wendell Johnson of the tion was reported before the Ames Indiana State Teachers colleie Ph.D. de&rees in speech pathology Q S nd y psychology and speech pathology S pee c h Correction association will be the organiution's secre- at the university here. e · 50 S d u a T P t E h f R h departments here was elected for . b M II G W t t B th . d th . To tu ent wo ar leS ac or u ees a fOUl'-year term to the council meetmg y arce a ray, a er- ary. 0 men recetve ell' of the American Speech Correc- 100 high school teacher, who re- ~ ______..... • tion association at Pennsylvania ceived her M.A. degree in peecn F~r Training Luncheon Invitation Iin each house as its preferred State college early this month. pathology here. MAN KDl,ING Had You Thought I WilJ Be Issued party from 7 to 9 o'clock tonight. At the September meeting of F amUy of Stutterers Ehner , l .lundquist Rushees will remain at the party the speech association, Professor This study dealt with a "stut- APE? Aboul HatJing 1 At 9 Thi Morning for the entire two hours. I Johnson reported a study of the tering family." The family was Will Give Instruction Invitations for prj!ferred parties ons~ t o~ stuttering, evidence frOl? traced for five generations. Three Two parties will be given for will be issued and replied to be- which mdlcates that stuttering IS generatiOns ago part of the family HAl HAl HAl MILK In An Ground Work rushees today by each o[ the 13 tween 3 and 4 o'clock this after- a form of learned behavior. went to Kansas and the rest re- I Applications for the civil aero­ SOl'ority hou es on the university noon in the Pan-hellenic office in Overly anxious parents seem to mained in Iowa. Of chief interest Delivered to nautics trainIng course are now campus. Iowa Union. be especially prone to be overly is the fact that there are almost avail able with a 50-student quota From 11 to t o'clock this noon Each rushee will go to Iowa critical of the hesitant speech of no stutterers in the Kansas Your Room lor primary flight training desig­ each sorority will entertain at ~ . Union after the preferred parties the child who is just learning to branch, while the Iowa branch of HA!HA! na ted tor the University of Iowa. luncheon. Rushees may go to two at 9 o'clock tonight to till out and talk and by their criticisms and the family is heavily loaded with or Applications for the work are houses during this time, visiting file a preference card. She will their efforts to "help" the child stutterers. being received at all times in one house from 11 'to 12 noon and name the 13 sOI'orities ot her the-y tend to make him more self- Not Hereditary Your Apartnumt? roo m 4. engineering building, another from 12 to 1 o'clock. choice in order of preference. conscious about speaking, accord- The results do not seem to in- Invitations for these luncheons Cards must be filed with the rush- ing to the local professor. dicate that the stuttering in thIS THE APE Irom Elmer C. Lundquist, instruc­ Pholle 2101 tor in aeronautical ngineel'ing. will be issued and replied to in ing attorney by 10 o'clock. Stutterlnr family is hereditary, but that the In order for stud n ts to Qe Iowa Union from 8:30 to 9 o'clock I Invitations to pledge will be The study indicated practically Iowa branch of the family has eligible, they must have reached this morning. given at 5 p. m. tomorrow in the no difference between stuttering become acutely "stuttering con­ ervice W ill Be A formal dinner will be given Pan-hellenic office in Iowa Union. children and non-stuttering chil- scious," and has developed a (am­ WORLD \heir 19th, but not their 26th dren as to general development ily attitude that tends to make Started at Once birthday, on or before OcL I, and Prof. Earl E. Hal'per, director of and health. • for stuttering in the children. must be citizcns of [he United the school of fine arts, will speak He also reported before the Miss Gray is the director of speech PREMIER Stales. at the opening university vespers Iowa Administration Meeting American Psychological associa- correction in the West Waterloo They must not have received a of the new academic year Sunday tion at the Pennsylvania State public high school. certificate lor private pilot, and at 3:30 p.m. The meeting will college meeting 01 that group a Professor Johnson also partlci­ IOWA CITY Sidwell's must have completed at least one be held on the east approach to To Be Held Here on Oct. 3,4 study of the handedness ot stut- pated in a panel discussion on re- lu\J year or college work. All the fine arts building, or it weath­ terers and non-stutterers. Using medial education on the American See It-II You Dare ! Hy- core Milk applicants must receive their er is unfavorable, in the fine arts improved methods of measure- Psychology association program. parents' consent before being en- lounge. Professor Harper's sub­ Four Visiting Speakers foreign policy and the Pacific. Charles H. Judd, former head ment, he found no significant dif- PrOf. Herbert Kaepp-Baker ot r;~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ rolleel in the program. ject will be "Life on the Campus." Will Give Educational ferences as to handedness between Pennsylvania State college will The fees, paY3blc to the uni- The meeting as been planned of the University of Chicjlgo's I education department, will speak the two groups. act as vice-president ot the versity, are as follows: $6 medi- for freshmen, but all are invited. Talks at Annual Meet Another study of stuttering done American Speech Correction as­ cal examination fee, $9 insurance - twice. Demonstrations of types of I Education dUring a critical per­ work of the university experi­ under Professor Johnson's direc- sociation. Prof. D. W. Norris of lee, and $10 laboratory fee. W ., CI b Books are furnished by the oman s u iod in American life will be dis- mental schools will form a promi­ CAA. Transportation expenses cussed during the University of nent part of the program. to and from the Iowa City ait- M T d Iowa's 27th annual administra- port must be borne by the stu- eets 0 av tion and supervision conference Neatness Counts! COMFORT, • , all the dent. 01 here Oct. 3 and 4, Dean Paul C. '"XUry you'd expect fram Ground school work will be Packer of the college of educa­ Today given by LtlOdqulst, and will con­ tion announced yesterday. Have Your Clothes longer wheelba.e, wid., sist of meteorology, navigation Se1ections from Play Six Org'anizations .\Jr. Every high school in Iowa will Cleaned Today and aircra [t opera Lion. To Be Given at Home be invited to send representa­ Will Meet .eats and n.w soft rid •• Flight instruction will be given tives and the total attendance of :...... ------..--; the Iowa City municipal air­ Of Mrs. C. Bowm.an DIAL FOR SERVICE S.e the 19-4. Ford. at superintendents, principals and LENA T. RING . . . 4161 port under the direction of Paul On display Shaw, and will involve 35 to 50 Selections from "A Mid-sum- other school executives is ex­ · .. Circle will me t at 8 o'clock • hours of instruction. mel' Night's Dream" will be giv- pected to approach 400. in the 1. O. O. F. hall tonight. Sept. 27th. week. Work under the Civil Aeronau­ en at the first meeting of the Disttnguished Speakers • • • tics Authority program is admin­ drama department of ' the Iowa Appointment 01 four distin- DRAMA ... City Woman's club at 2:30 this guished. visiting speakers from KELLEY istered by a committee composed · .. department of the Iowa City of Dean F. M. Dawson, Prof. G. afternoon. The event will be a different sections of the nation Woman's club will meet 'in the Cleaners and Launderers garden party at the home of Mrs. also was announced by Dean home of Mrs. C. A. Bowman, 319 W. Stewart, Prof. J. H. Allen, A. 124 S. Gilbert O. LeU, Prof. S. L. Miller, and C. A. &wman, 319 Hutchinson. Packer. Members of the univer- Hutchinson, at 2:30. Presenting the selections on the sity's faculty also will, appear. Prof. H. O. Croft. ; From StanIord university of • • • program will be Mrs. 'Harold H. ST. P ATRICK'S . . . McCarty. Mrs. RoY !C. Fllckinger California will come Paul R. May nte Weber, Hanna-, who will talk on utilizing · . . church women will sponsor a will also give poetry selections. ..I card party at 1:15 in tl}e audi­ Included on the program will be community resources 10 a soc., E r nes t Hotz studies program. torium of the school. dances by Rose Mary Harmeier. An attorney of South Bend, • • • Wed YesterdwJ Mrs. Ger~ld Buxton will be her Ind., Samuel B. Pettingill, will LOYAL HELPERS •.• accompamst. take his place among the educa- · . '. class of the Christian church At 2 p.m. yesterday Mayme Mrs. Edwin ObE;rg is head of tors. He is the author of several will meet in the hom~ of Mrs. I Eulalia Reid, 112 Bloomington. at 'Porget It! Weber, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. the social committee for the books. Albert Weber of Riverside, and meeting, and she will be assisted I Swarthmore College 2 o'cloek. Ernest Hotz, son of Mr. and Mrs. by Mrs. Basil Carlson. Mrs. Third Visiting speaker is Troyer • • • ZION LUTHERAN .•• Rush W eek is an extenil«l ,wirl of excitement Edgar Hotz of Iowa City, were S. Anderson of Swarthmore col- · . . Ladies Aid society will en­ married in the home of the Rev. and the maid-of-honor chose a lege of Pennsylvania who will teJ·tain at II silver tea 3t 2:30 in but we're counting on you to come through will.. Ilion T. Jones, 609 S. Summit. dress of dusty-rose colored lace. discuss the future of American the church parlors. Ella Weber, a sister of the After a short wedding trip the • • • flying colors. These Iowa City Businessmen bride, was her maid-ot-honor, and couple will be at home on Mr. Robert Inness is chairman of the PAST NOBLE ... stand ready to assist you with their service" Leo HOlZ, brother of the bride- Hotz' farm near Iowa City. department and Mrs. E. J. An­ · .. grands of Carnation Rebekah groom, was best man. The bride The bride attended the River- thony is secretary and treasurer. lodge No. 376 will meet in the wore a street-length dress of side schools and Mr. Hotz at- Mrs. David Braverman is chair- home of Mrs. Chris Rayner, 417 white lace and white accessories, tended the Lone Tree schools. I man of the program committee, E. Church, at 8 o'clock tonight. --~------~------~------T he Daily Iowan Goes to a R ushing Party RUSHEES-- RUSHEES- RU fl EES- We are located In a convenient Stop place for you. You will find It you call a YELLOW to take our attractive shop with experI­ you Crom house to hou e durlna and enced operators just qcross the sb'eet Crom the Jefferson Hotel. rllsh w ek. you will b liS UI'ed Snack of prompt s rviee. Come on over and see our Between Parties Smart New Fall Styles Dial 3[31 at the Dial 4940 YlJ:LLOW- lI E KER DIL GRILL MARY E LLEN'S BEAUTY SALON AB ('0. 10 S. Dubuque 102y'! S, Dubuque Hot I JeUerson Bldi.

RUSHEES-- EAT GOOD AMPUS n EAU'ry HOP DOUGHNUTS ALWAYS elVES YOU SKILL­ '{our future Sorority Sisters wlll Stop on the way home and get some doughnuts that everybody FUL EXPERT BEAUTY tell you Reich's is the place to likes. Plain, Frosted and Sugared. SERVICE go, as that is where the crowd I Lunches Ice Cream goes. Shamp 0 and FineerwDve ... 60c DAINTY MAID We U Soft Water See You At DONUT SHOP DIAL 2564 REICH'S CAFE 126 N . Dubuque St. ' 21 S. Dubuque St. Dial 9948 Overlooking the ampus 24-Hour Service 24 ~ S. linton

RUSHEES-- RUSHEES- , RUSHEES- Use our dependable cab service When rushing around this busy in finding your way around town during rush week. Eat in comlort during these hot, week, drop in with your friends rushing days. We are atr·con­ lor refreshments. We assure you of prompt. courte­ ditioned now, ous service at the lowest rates. Ice Cream :-: Cold Drinks 1 to 15 passengers for 25(: Good, Quallty Food Sundaes :-: Sodas Dial 2345 CAPITOL CAFE KARMELKORN SHOP HAWKEYE CAB CO, Hotel Je[ferson BId ,. (Next to Bremer's) 128 ";' S. Dubuque st. Dia1 5880

Modern Mechanized RUSHEl:S AND ACTIVES Motor Clinic At THESE Your appearance is especially im­ portant duri ng rush week. 'ren mlnut s to go befol'e the tirst Eileen F.lynn, A2 of Perry, sor­ two parties in the two hours' time. cal "bull session" is HOMK OIL CO. t> • • repre:uril t~1 ARE Keep it up always by sendlnJ rushee comes! And the scene in ority rushing chairman. They wJ1l in the final picture as sorority your clothes to LEVORA'S for "Goodbye! So glad you could members meet immediately after 630 Iowa Ave. Dial 3365 a typicaJ sorority house right be­ conduct the guests around the regular cleanings. come!" ] n the tint picture be­ the rushing party to discuss the PLEDGES fore a rushing party EtaJ'!s is one "DOC MILE" LOW CASH PRICES 0/ levered Ilcitvity. Pictured in house and introduce other Delta low, active members E ileen Coch­ rushees. Seen, left to right, are Small Station 2 plain dresses for $1 the first seen above, putting the Delta Delta members. In this enour, A3 of Iowa City, J ean Miss Glynn ; Lorraine Hill, A4 of OF GOODWILL Expert Service final to uches on the table, are way the rushees meet other rush­ Ludwig, A4 of Ottawa, Ill., and Ogden ; Miss Davis; P at Hills. A4 Big Service Across from Campus three Delta D Us Delta sorority ees as well as sorority women. Kathleen Davis, A2 of Des Moines, of Delano, Minn.; Mary Ellen Nationally Advertised Products FROM TH~ LEV ORA'S VARSITY members. left to right, Mary This year rushees are required say goodbye to two rushees. In­ Walpole, C4 of Sloan; Mary Eliza­ Only CLEANERS Ka therine Hurn. J 4 of Algona; to spend one and one-half nours t o r m a I parties such as the beth Gillen, A2 of Des Moines; lOW A' CITY MERCHANTS Enroll Now 23 E. Washington Dorothy Brottl A4 of Marquette, at each party, or the duration of "brunch"-a t erm for a combined Betty Ivie, A2 of Iowa City; Dial 4153 Mich ., and Jane Byers, A2 of the event. The luncheons today breakfast and lunch-are usually standing, Marian Payne, A4 of - - Fond a. In th second picture are the only parties at which the planned by the sororities as mem­ Des Moines; J ean Opstad, AS ot - ,. rUlhees ore welcomed at the .root rushees are not required to re­ bers try to meet future .pledges Iowa City. and Elinor Goodwin,, ' of the stairs by Miss Hum and LY'I'I.' .. ma in the full time but may '0 to In a natul'al atmosphere. A typl~ A2 of Iowa City. _:1 •


Cincinnati----______Reds Wilt Nationaln ______League Again --=- Lead Conquer Phi1s Pressbox Boh Feller Wins 'Nulllber 26 As Cleveland Regains In 13 Inning; BY RAY BLOSSER Hudson, 2 to 1, for his 26th vic- Chase, never happier than when It turned out thOISe tallies were innings Sunday, when he hurled a and the last Wa shington threat. Pickup~ CLEVELAND, Sept. 18 (AP)­ tory of the year. he is slamming the whammle on all Allen needed for his ninth two-hitter against Philadelphia. The Indians won the gam on Dodger Lose Old Johnny Allen and youthful In the last part of the contest Cleveland, had only himself to win of the year. The only Wash- The young Iowa farm boy res- Roy Weatherly's sixth inning ho- Bob Feller thl'ew a spell over the Feller looked as tired as a tavern blame for dropping the opener. ington run was scored in the I k' Nt' t th . ht fl ld t d Br Washington Senators today. The juke box on Sunday morning, but The Indians filled the base.> with fourth when speedy George Case ponded nob 7' eepl~g th~ a s mer 111 0 e ng e san s, JohmlY Vand r Meer OSCAR thus swept a weathered an eighth-inning threat one out in the second inning on beat out a bunt, went to third on subdued unlll the eighth mnlng. followed in the seventh by another HAHGHAVE doubleheader and drove back in­ by Washington put his club a half singles by Beau Bell and F rankie Buddy Lewis' Single and scored as With Cieveland leading, 2 to 0, run which was partly a gift. One Pitches, Bats Reds to first place ahead of the Detroit game ahead of the Tigers, who Pytlak and a walk to Ray Mack. Gerald Walker grounded into a Jimmy Pofahl then Singled to cen- man was out as Mack sent a deep Past 4-3 Victory Tigers. broke even In their twin bill with At that poinl, Chase virtually twin ki1ling via second and first tel' and Rick Ferrell earned a fly to Walker. The outfielder mis- Allen allowed the Senators six the Athletics. donned an Indian uniform and base. walk. Hudson flied out but Case PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 18 (AP) I There was once some worry judged it, finally got his glove on hits in the firs t game as he bested O$car Vitt's Indians, who had before the frame was over he had Manager Oscar Vitt had intend- walked on four pitches. Feller was - Cincinnati won its second about tht! fact that Iowa's Capt. dropped their previous two starts, walked in Cleveland's three r uns. ed to use Feller to open the cru- tiring, taking a long time between the ball, but it tell safely for a southpaw Kendall Chase for a 3 straight Nati()nal league cham­ Mike Enich might never get tFie to 1 triumph, and Feller, jerked gathered in the Wigwam before The passes were drawn by AJ- cial two game series Friday, at each pitch, but still had enough two-bagger. Mack took third on recognition he deserved. The from the dugout with only two today's hostilities for a pep ses- len, Ben Chapman and Lou Bou- Deb-oit, but changed his mind left. Pofahl scored on Lewis' fly Hemsley's grounder and Feller pionship tpday by coming [rom tackle who Coach Eddie Anderson days' rest, gave up only five bin­ sion which did the Tribe cause dreau before Hal Trosky ended the even though the 21 - year - old to Be]] in right field, then Walker drove in the run that won the behin~ to beat the Phillies, 4 to classed as "The Best in The Coun­ gles in. the nightcap and beat Sid no harm. session with a high fly to center. speedballer had gone nine tough grounded out to end the inning game with a single to 1·ight. 3, in a l3-inning battle. try" is given tackle post on Fran­ ---- The Reds with 13 games left to cis Wallace's "Pigskin Preview" , '" . ,. play, now hold a 12-game le~d all-American team in the current over the second place Brooklyn issue of the Saturday Evening Dodgers, who lost to the St. Louis Post. ~D.ft Cardinals. Cincinnati has won Ua Athletics I{nock Tigers games and lost 47. Brooklyn, with * * • 10 games to pLay, has won 83 and Which meaD'J that the experts lost 6l. have discovered Enlch's all­ Vander Mecr Wins around ablllty and are admitting Southpaw , It. Once a lineman Is noticed he Out of First With Split recently recalled from the Amer­ rets rated on his abiHty and Is ican association, pitched and bat· not apt to get squeeled out of the ------_._------.------. SPORTS ted the Reds to victory aIth.i,lgh all-star combinAtions except on he did not hurl the final in ning. First up in the 13th, Vander straflht * • Drop 1st, 14-0; Meer slammed one of Hugh Mul. ablllty~ I Darl~~~s and. ~ ~nl(s ~~~t Sox cahy's offerings to left for a two. By "Squeezed Out" I mean the j - M-AJOR LEAGUE '/ Hawl{s Work on Aerial Game; bagger. H w nt to third on Ed· fate that often happens to a back­ Chicago Wins Opener, 6·3; Nightcap Called Win 2nd, 13·6 die Joost's sacrifice, held third field man who plays consistently ~_S-T--AN--D--IN_~--s-... I,Hot Weather Bothers Squad while Mike McCormick beat out good ball all season, only to have With New York Ahead, 9 to 8 a hit to short, then scored on Ivai Mackmen Count Nine NaUonal League Goodman's fly to deep left. his place stolen by somebody who W L Pctg. GB has a big day in one ot the b'lg CHICAGO, Sept. 11'. (AP)-.their own in the sixth to win. Times In Last Inning 'II replaced Vander Cincinnati ...... 93 47 .664 I Co h Sb Meer for the Phi/s' 13th and re- games. But a lineman isn't go- Darkness descended upon Comis- In the nightcap the Yankees Cards Crush owa ac es Of Nightcap To Win Brooklyn ...... 83 61 .576 12· tressing Speed tired the tailenders in one, two, Ing to get so many of the head- ' key pal'k today just in time to opened up with four runs in the St. Louis ...... 75 65 .536 18 Do d ger H In SiD'nal Drl'lls three order. lines, not on the strength of a help the edge first inning and Chicago came By DALE STAFFORD Pittsburgh ..... 73 68 .518 20lh opes -e McKechnie Happy couple of plays at ~east. It's a. out the Chicago White Sox 9 to right back with five in its balf. DETROIT, Sept. 18 (AP}-For Chicago ...... 70 73 .490 24¥.o With 14·7 Win "I'm glad il's all over," declared matter of work over quite a pe- The Sox got three more on five New York ...... 66 75 .468 27 YJ Iowa's grid squad went through Manager Bill McKechnie in the riod of time that b rings your 8 in eight innings in the second hits in the fourth and the game the second straight day the ce I - Boslon ...... 61 82 .427 331{, BROOKLYN, Sept. 18 (AP)- two long sessions on pass defense clubhouse after the game as his tackle or guard his recognition. game of a doubleheader after the appeared decided. lar-dwelling Philadelphia Ath- Philadelphia .... 46 96 .324 48 and offen e yesterday, with the men . I pped each other on the • * .. Sox had elated a rabid crowd of But in the seventh George Sel- letics rose up to knock a team out -Brooklyn no longer has a The St. Louis Cardinals crushed back and shouted in delight. 37 ,331 south siders by copping the ki rk homered with two on and in of the American league lead. mathematical chance to beat Cin- the Dodgers 14 to 7 un.der a 17- work proving that lhe aerial game "We now can go ahead and pre- All of which Is golne to be In opener 6 to 3. the eighth Joe DiMaggio, out of A's Rally In 9th cinnati. hit bombardment today and isn·t "What It Used To Be." Ipare fOl' the world series, some­ Enlch's favor, for the consistency Chicago needed a double vic- action with a leg injury, led off The A's, who shoved Cleveland Yesterday's Results Clearly showing the effects of thing we were unable to do last with which "Iron Mike" per­ mathematically eliminaled Brook- T sd ' I g s ss' ns u del' a tory ·today to move over the with a pinch double, Mike Char­ down to second place yesterday, St. Louis 14 ; Brooklyn 7 ue ay s on e 10 n Iyear. We'll take it easy for a d~y forms Is amazlnc. He played all champs into third place and for tak delivered a pinch single for exploded a nine-run rally in the Cincinnati 4; Philadelphia 3 lyn from the National league pen- boiling sun, the Hawkeyes were or two and then start getting but 10 minutes of Iowa's seven awhile it looked as though the Sox one run and Charley Keller doub­ final inning of the second game Boston 4; Pittsburgh 1 nant when Cincinnati conquered sluggish and spiritless in the I ready." major games In 1939, leadlnl all would make it. Both games were led for another. today to gain a 13 to 6 victory I Chicago 6; New York 4 the Phillies. morning, but speeded up during It took until September 28, Big Ten players In total minutes ding-dong battles all the way. Then the game was called be- and a split with the ---- the afternoon workout. In gen- lhree days before the end of the played, ahead of even Nile Jtl~­ Johnny Mize contributed four 1 th I t b The Yanks were held to six hits cause of darkness afier a double in a double header played before American League era e p ayers seem 0 e season, for the Reds to clinch nick and Minnesota's Win Peder­ in the first game by Lefty Thorn- play helped snuff out the Sox in 12,757 fans. W L Pcig. GB singles and batted in six runs as rounding into condition, with a their 1939 lIag by 3 1-2 games sen. Not only that, but Enlch Is ton Lee, but mixed fiv~ of them short order. Clint Brown, who Coupled with Cleveland's double Cleveland ...... 84 61 .579 the Redbirds mauled four Dodger corresponding increase in the over the Cardinals. This year almost uneanny In his abillty to with two errors for all their runs relieved Ed Smith after DiMag­ win over Wash ington, the night- Detroit ...... 83 61 .576 . '1"~ pitchers. 's peed called for by the Eddie ' they went into the lead on July in the fourth and fifth frames. gio's hit, was the losing pitcher diagnose plays, never Is caueht cap loss dropped Detroit a half- New York ...... 79 64 .552 4 Lon Warneke started for the Anderson style of football. There 7 and w re never ousted. flat-tooted and, in most I"ames, This made it necessary for the and Steve Sundra got credit for game behind the Indians in the Chicago ...... 79 66 .545 5 has, thus far, been a constant With Bueky Walter " Paul Der- makes a terrifically hllh per­ Sox to stage a four-run rally of the victory. wild late ~eptember pennant Boston ...... 75 68 .524 8 Cardinals, but lasted only lhree step-up in the speed of drills. ringer and Junior Thompson centage of the ta.ckles. scramble. St. Louis ...... 62 83 .428 22 innings during which he gave up Of the passers used in yester- chalking up 54 \'ictories between * * * Tigers Take Opener Washington ...... 60 84 .417 23 1{, five runs. Babe Phelps jolted day's drills, Jim Youel appeared them the Red: w re never worse Little Hawl{s in Stiff Drills The Tigers won the first game, Philadelphia .... 53 88 .376 29 him with a homer with the bases the most consistent in hitting rus than third this year. They haven't In other words, barring injuries, 14 to 0, as Tommy Bri(fges and Yesterday's Results loaded in the first inning. Carl mark, with Bill Parker, sopho- lost more than lhree games in a Enich is on his way to the top in Tom Seats pitched shutout ball Chicago 6-8; New York 3-9 Doyle took charge in the fourth more end, his most rej/ular tar- row and mcluding today's, have football's hall of fame. A mem­ For Game With Wilson High and Hank Greenberg belted two Detroit 14-6; Philadelphia 0-13 and got credit for the victory, al­ get. Anderson concentrated on won 38 games by one run. ber of one of the midwest's prob­ of the three homers he hit dur- Cleveland 3-2; Washington 1-1 though he too pitched a home run two teams during the P

Brunton's for Permanents-ma­ Chine or machineless - Zotas - ·OVER Realistic - J amal and Rilling Kooler Waves. Experienced op­ erators. Soft water used. Dial 4550. Brunton's for Beauty 7,300 next to Englert Theater. . I BRICK BRADFORD CAMPUS BEAUTY SHOP STUDENTS HEY, BO SS- I - I'M SORRY - WHATCHA Shampoo - Finger Wave GOT YOUR G-GUN 60c OVT H OR·? DIAL 2564 NEED, I ROOMS 24* S. CUnton LIST YpURS TRANSPORTATION IN THE TAXI? I REM EMBER ..• "The t hinking fellow calls a Yellow." Daily YELLOW CAB CO. (Only Medium that Contacts the Student Markel) Dial. 3131 . Dial . Dial 4191

come Capt. and Mrs. Joseph T. I Mr . Burdick Zak' and their two sons. They Willi' . Among live at 223 S. J ohnson. Iowa City • • • To Give Talk • ,I ~ , Lieut. and Mrs . Dwight D. Bon­ People ham of Omaha" Neb., will li ve at 506 7th avenue. Jill peak For Art Snyder, Cedar Rapids Ga­ • • • 'Woman's Iub General zette reporter, spent yesterday in Lieut. and Mrs. Francis A. No­ Meeting Tomorrow Iowa City visiting friends. lan and son have recently moved , I I _ ____ • • • here from Wilton, Minn. They will Mr. and Mrs. Earl English, 602 live in the Burlington apartments. Mrs. H. J . Burdick of Cedar N. Dubuque, have returned from • • • 1M WARNING yOu,··· .. 'alis will b th guest speaker at a l isbilll trip in northern Minne­ Dr. L. R. McGreevey, 416 E. WHEN MRS. PUFl=LE COMES lIIe generul meeting or the Iowa sota. Mr. English has spent the Market, has left t or a week's ' va­ HOM£ AN' SEES YOU lOOK W/i,..TCAA summer in Oklahoma City, Okla., THOSE SHEETS .... 1010 ~1RT'5 CIty Woman's club tomor ro w at 2 cation in'northern Iowa and south­ ROA~IN' 7 working on the copy desk of the 'em Minnesota. OUT OF THE HOUS!; TO SiNO p. m. In lhe club rooms. The gar­ AS ouT , C/ ...... l"---""-'"' Daily Oklahoman. UP IN THAT BA~,SH£' LL lien department will sponsor the .. START WITH TN!; E.'RS . . TO UNRAVEL. VOU! !ll'ogram. Mrs. Lu"Ua Bartley of Aledo, PTA Group Mrs. B~td i ck , who decorates and 111. , is spending the- week in the, • design s gourds for commercia l use home of her son and daughter-In- Of St. Uary's .nd art appr ciatlon, wlli dl cuss law, Mr. and Mrs. WIHiam Bart- !1~ the "Uses and ornam ntalion of ley, 124 Fers~n. .. .. Meets F,ril[.ay lourds li nd the commercial side of • gourd hob bJllst's IIle." New otficers in the R. O. T. C' I IllustrA ting her talk with speci­ department ot the UfIJverslty here The tirst meeting of the year llIens and pictur S, Mr . Burdi ck and' theJrfamilies h1Ive recently will be held by the Parent-Teach~ ~ I II present h I' material in the moved to Iowa Oity In ptepal'lltlbn er association of st. Mary's school lIIanner of class r oom information for the 'fall term. Capt. Kenneth at 7:90 p.m. tomorrow in the rather than in lecture form. J. Cram.!e of Minneapo~ MinD" achool 'auditorhun• . ' Tea will be served and !J dis­ has moved to 414 N. Gilbert, "Religion in the Home" will be blay of autumn fl o we~ will be where hI!' will make his home. one of the subjects under consid- tiven with th talk. Mrs. AlvIn • ' .. • eration in the. discUssion 1P'0ups !tyan il chairman of department Capt. and Mrs. Gerald H. Hoff- follow In. tile bwllnen ~ting. 11\ char,e. man, now living at 255 K6ser.. re-j 'IWh.el'l. ,Your Chila Refuses to 110 l, On the committE' P HI' Mrs. VI''''' rsntly moveO to lown Oity fl'um Ent'l will be the other subject. ----""- :.v. Bnl , Mrs. ClarenC'c E. Dc('k, RI. Louis, Mo. '. Mr8. Bruce liJ. Mahan . will pre-. ~rs . A. A, Welt and Mrs. J. J . .. • • side at the meetina. Meetings will \/IItdiek, From Milwaukee, Wl.II., have be lIIQutbl¥. I j 'I • " PAGE SIX THE DAILY IOWAN, IOWA CITY, IOWA THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 19.1940' County Red Cross pre-r glsil'atioll mcctings MondaY uate !) tud nts are obtainable il1 7 Filed Infol'lllatiolls Returned DeUIOCral to IIave Rally In at 8 a. Ill. in Ille l1uciitul'LLlIll or th' the officc uJ til!' gruuulIle collcgc, To Help Refugees electrical engineer' lng building and room J J 6, Univcr'xity ha ll. stu. pharmacy - botany building, res- dents should consult the head or' ------,------. - Community Building Tuesday pectively. their major depol'tment and dean Members of the Johnson Coun- Reglstr'alion materials for grad- of the irlldullt college. ty Red Cross will begin work on Two Charged 60 Physicians county democratic candidates will Mixer John K. VaJelltine, be introduced and w ill glve short their fifth quota of supplies to be !'!II ______.. WithH~ving Taking Course Candidate for Governor, ial~ at the rally, sent abroad 101' war refugees. Tonight To Be Main Speaker Valentine was elected to the An all-day meeting will be held Let Freshman, Transfer Iowa senate in 1932 and served as today from 8 o'clock this morning Illegal Devices On Child Care A democratic rally will be held a member and chairman of the to 4:30 in the American Legion Students to Meet in Iowa City next Tuesday at 8 Iowa state board of assessment rooms in the community building. MAHER BROS. At Women's Gym p. m. in the Iowa City community and review from July I, 1935, to Coffee will be served at the 1')ot­ Charges of Operating Postgraduate Meet Sept. 1, 1936. In November, 1936, Motor Vehicles While At University Hospitals building wiih John K. Valentine, he was elected lieutenant gover­ luck luncheon at noon. MOVE, YOUR All freshman and transfer stu­ democratic candidate for gover- nor 01 Iowa. Intoxicated Face Five dents are invited to attend a mixer Will Finish Today nor of Iowa, as principal speaker, party from 8 to 10 o'clock tonight it was announced yesterday by The candidate was born in Os­ TRUNKS Seven of 14 county attorney's in the women's gymnasium. Nearly 60 physicians from the Atty. William J. Jackson, John- kaloosa on Feb. 5, .1904, and grad­ son county democratic chairman. uated from the ymversity of Io:va Registration Informations' filed in district court Badminton, volley ball, deck state are in Iowa City this week attending a postgraduate course Mr J ackson said that in addi-' college of law In 1929. Followmg last Saturday have been returned. tennis, aerial darts, shuffleboard, tlon 'to Valentine's ad'dress all his graduation he went into law Materials for Students Dial card games, box hockey, and table on the care of the newborn child, ______' _ practice with his father', H. E. Of those returned, two defendants which convened Tuesday in Uni- AvaiJahle games will be offered to guests. Valentine, at Centerville. are charged with illegal posses­ There will be social dancing and versity hospitals. and Mrs. Leonard Henik, all of sion of gambling devices and five folk dancing will be a leature of Presiding at today's sessions Mt. Vernon, and four brothers, Regi~tratlon materiuls lor all 9696 are charged with operation of a the evening. will be Dr. Irvine McQuarrie of James and Anton, both of West What became of that kid who liberal arts and commerce stu- motor vehicle while intoxicated. Prof. Miriam Taylor of the the University of Minnesota. The Branch, J oseph of Cedar Rapids knew all the answers in school? dents may now be obtained in the women's physical education de­ course will be concluded today. and Frank of Buchanan. One Oh, he was on a radio quiz pro- south enirance of Macbride hall. Furnitllre Moving Four of the defendants have post­ partment is the faculty member in Dr. E. D. Plass, head of the ob- daughter and his parents preced- gram last ni ght - and flopped Engineering and ph arm a c y ed bonds. charge of the event. stetrics department, is in charge ed him in death. terribly. freshmen obtain materials at the Drivers charged with operation Women majoring in physical of the course. ======;======:::======~======01 a motor vehicle while intoxi­ education will asslst in directing Presiding at yesterday's meet- 1~--~--IIIi------IIIll!------"----.I------'" ______cated are John Adams, William E. games. ing were Dr. H. E. Farnsworth of Baker, Richard Verry, E. K. Mar­ The play night is a feature of Storm Lake and Dr. Howard Weis tens and G. H. Olney. Olney is be­ the program planned for fresh­ of Da venport. ing held in county jail and each men and transfer students this Local hospital men who have of the other four posted $500 week. New arrivals will be en­ participated in the postgraduate bonds by order oJ: Judge Harold tertained at various events to­ course as speakers include Dr. J. D. Evans. night. D. Boyd of the pediatrics depart­ The charges of illegal posses­ ment, Dr. H. Dabney Kerr of the sion of gambling devices were flI­ radiology department; Dr. William ed against Charles Gillam and ,Fowler of the internal medicine Fred Schmidi, ooth of Oxford, as G. J. Novy department, Dr. T. L. Waring and a result of raids conducted by T. J. Greteman of the orthopedic Sensational! state agents at Oxford on Aug. 20. surgery department and Dr. K. M'I Funeral Rites' Brinkhouse and ' Dr. . P. Smith I These defendants each posted bond yesterday also. of the pathology department. According to the county attor­ Tomorrow SLIPSALE ney's informatiotls, all of the cases of operating a moto/' vehicle while Hurry! Choose from six smart styles intoxicated occurred during July Funeral services will be held John Slach, 44,1· tomorrow at 2 p. m. at the F. A. - tailored and lace trimmed. Of and August with the exception of rayon satin in one which was on Sept. 1. Brosh funeral home in Solon for George John Novy, ll-year-old Funeral Rites tea rose only. son of Mr. and Mrs. George Zeit­ All sizes to 44. hamel, 505 Kimball road, who died early yesterday morning at Mercy Tomorrow Hearings On hospital following an operation. He had been a patient at the hos­ Funeral services will be he\d Injunctions Set pital for the past six weeks. tomorrow at 10:30 a. m. at the $1.29 Quality Slips Born in Solon on March 29, Oathout (uneral home for John 1929, he was a member of the Slach, 44, who died at a local hos­ Sleek rayon crepe in tailored or For Today Solon C. S. A. lodge. pital Tuesday night following an . . . ~ , . ,. Survivors include his parents illness of several months. He re­ k~~~s tr~~~~d 4!ty~~~: ...... $1 and his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. sided six miles southwest of Iowa Vesl.el'mal'k Seeks John Drahos and Mr. and Mr.3. City. John Novy, all of Sheldon. Born in P lato on July 9, 1896, Permanent Injunctions The Rev. Nei Swanson will of­ he was a resident of Johnson Sale! Cotton Slips ficiate at the services and burial Against Operators county since 1937. He lived in Pla­ Built-up shoulders. Deep hems, will be in the Oakland cemetery. to for 31 years. On March 9, 1920, Royal Purple Durable, high count muslin. Hose he was married to Verna Herr of 201: Hearings on County Attorney Sizes 34 to 44 ...... ';7 ~ Harold W. Vestermark's applica­ West Liberty. He was a member tions for permanent injunctions 'Grandlury of the Iowa City Moose lodge. These are those flattering, dur­ against several Johnson county Survivors include his widow, able, ringfree, high twist sheers tavern opera tors accused of vio­ two sons, Kenneth and Wayne, Rayon Panties you like 0 well! And you ave lating . the Iowa liquor law will Returns Two both ai home; three sisters, Mrs. 20c on every pair! Full fash­ John Worral, Mrs. George Henik be held in district court at 9 Good quality rayon assorted styles. 3 Thread ioned; every pair perfect! ew­ ' o'clock this morning. Time was' e t Fall shade . Regularly 79c­ set yesterday by Judge James P. Indictments ron; Paul Kral, Oxford; G. E. ~~;o~~"... , ~~~:.~: . :~~~~~:._ ... 18e 4 Thread Buy Now! Gaffney. Mathews, Fremont; Joe W. Mel­ Tliull Twist Mr. Vestermark on Aug. 31 fi]- Two indictments were returned lecker, Liberty, and Ed Rhine­ Sale on P. J.'I and Gowns l. ius ed applications for temporary and yesterday in the final report of hard, Big Grove. Sl.ock up now! Join ears' Royal Purple Hosiery Club. Come in permanent injunctions against six the grand jury for the September 8~~ 10 lO~~ and ask about it! tavern operators accused of sell- term of Johnson county district ing beer without a permit and court. selling intoxicating liquor by the Defendants named in the indict- I ATIENTION drink. On' Sept. 4, temporary in- ments are Alvin T. Bales, charged I junctions were issued by the court with larceny of a motor vehicle, I STUDENTS Manalive! Look at These . Values! against three of the tavel'n opera- and Alberta Dodd, negress, charg­ We have everything to beau­ tors and hearings on the other ed with assault with intent to in­ tify your room. Dresser Lamps applJcations were postponed until flict great bodily injury. Both are -Study Lamps, PictuL'es, book the September term of court con- in custody. ends, Ash Trays and gadgets TRU-POINT vened. The grand jury yesterday in- of a 11 kinds. Dress Shirts TemllOrary Injunctions spected the county jail and the -Or a Zenith Radio­ Temporary injunctions were i8-' county home. Both were report­ ($12.85 and up) $1.65 Values To Go at sued on Sept. 4, against Ernest ed to be in good condition. Tru-Point seamless, fused collars J. and Edna r. Smith, proprietors Members of the grand jury JACKSON'S with precision tailoring and San­ of a tavern and filling station four were A. H. Svoboda ot Monroe 108 S. Dubuque Dial 5165 forized shrinking make these a miles east of Iowa City on high- township, .foreman; A. S. Bane of I' iI______real .. buy.... Whites, plain colors, way No.6; George Alberhasky, Penn township, Henry Durst, Sha- newest patterns. operator of the Sunset club locat- ======ed north of Iowa City, and Victor and Marge Oliva, operators of the Flannel Pajam.a.1f Rivera tavern south of Iowa City Men's Royalton flan­ on highway 218. ATTE.NTION nelette pajamas. Mil­ , . Permanent injunctions will be itary, coat or middy so ught against these operators as style. well as against Arthur C., Nellie S. V.I. Students B., Merle and Dorothy Stimmel, SANDY operators of the Village tavern New Fall Ties neal' the west Iowa City city lim­ - APpro~ed""'I'-. ·!·~·r:.·;,!·,!·$;·~·;;·~~~;;'~;~~-"E~Y"':-·st"'r·~~in"-- its; Don and Helen Alberhasky, Study J. Causes Bodily Newest fall patterns. All NEVIN operators of the Green Gables Lamp Fatigue north of Iowa City, .and Lee and ~O~~r li.~~.~ : ...... $1 Marie Schneider of Cosgrove. The injunctions are asked on the basis of information secured Sale! Men'. SHOE by' special agents working out of the county attorney's office for Shirts and-Shorts Rayon If you've been paying around 5.00 two weeks preceding the filing of Dress Sox for your sho s, you'll r cognize the applications. Choice of broad- Sandy Nevin as the very type cloth shortll. inzzc: Cotton and rayon you've been wearing! Fine calf fancy patterns or dress §ocks in so uppers-oak bend leather sole­ • combed cotton EA. assorted color­ grain leather' insole-Ieath r quar­ shorts and shirts. ings. Sizes to to 12. 8!· ter lining - and rubber or leather parr heels.

This new I. E. S. Phono-Radio Be~r Sight Lamp Table Model gives every 8tudent Combination Radio­ 'perfect light lor Phono reeding and other New lO-Tube Au&oma&lc Combination close tasks. It Is RECORD CHANGER guaranteed to do 80 by the Ulumtnatlng 19'5 5.Tube Eogiueen Socl ty ,2.50 Down Commentator of Alpert" ... $S Munth ONLY (Usual Carryln&, 89'~~(Usual Carr,11l6 Char&,e) Chu&,e) A magnificent radio and Compact - in­ SOC expensl ve f 0 I' electric phonograph cpm ~ d 0 ubi enjoy­ 7 Tube tflclency. Bul1t· DOWN bined! Nine push buttons. ment. Many out­ In "radlonE't"- 4 PUllh but­ Tone control. See it! Hear standing features tOns. It's "top" wlttl Am­ , Including bull t­ ericans vcrywhere. it! In-aerial. Buy )'our record. at 8earl, Iowa City'S New"t and Mott Co.,.p)e&e, 8toek ' 1)1 Columbia. Vocallon and Okeh. Cla.leal and POllular Recordln,8

Iowa City Light Iowa City Light &Power Co. & Power Co. 211 E. Wahington Street HEAT WITH GAS